Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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l ty Cnrrlorlonny pattof the City
lift Fi'iinNPsJ HinlneM Otflco j ! ° tl
IELElnoNEhlMRht Editor No 23
N Y. Plumbing Co.
Council Uluffs Lumber Co. ,
Regular montlnfc council No. 1 , Commor-
clnl Pilqrims of America , tonight At Arcanum
bnll. A full meeting Is desired. O. C. WUo ,
W. P.
The t'ottawattamlo democratic association
will opnn a reading room about Augutt 15 In
Its headquarter * on Pearl street , nnd will
keep It open until nftor the close of tbo fall
The LadicV auxiliary. No. 17 , U. L. A"
will serve Ice cream and cauo In the Else-
man building Saturday , August 0 , nfternoou
und evening.
Articles of adoption were filed yostordnv
with the county recorder by which a siniill
boy. who wan loft ut the Christian homosomo
time ngo , U adopted by Patrick Hyan.
Tbo regular mooting of Ktchotah conncll ,
No. : ) , Uogroo of Pocahontas , will bo bold
this evening In thn wigwam of the Rod Men ,
corner of Broadway and Main street , at 8
The annual encampment of the Iowa Na
tional Uuard will bu bold at Crcaton during
the blun grass milnro. Jftio Doagc Light
Guard of thin city will attend. New unl-
foriuf Imva been ordered fur the occasion ,
nnd will arrlva in a sbort time.
Governor McKlnloy , who was ongaced to
speak at the driving park Thursday after
noon for $500 , refused to tnlto any money
from the ChautaUqua management , nnd the
treasury of that enterprise U consequently
ahead by the ontlro sum of the gain receipts.
For sovo.'nl days past some boys huvo boon
flrlnp off an air gun at random in the alley
In the roar of the opcia houso. Yesterday
afternoon whllo Mrs. C. S Huhbnrd win
walking In her back yard n bullet pierceil
hpr hat nnd narrowly mused hitting her and
liurtlnc horsovcrelv.
The Catholics will glvo a bazaar for the
r licneilt of St. Peter's Catholic church dur-
< > ng the last week of October. The work of
proparaMon Is In the bunds of the following
olllccri : President , H. Teller ; vice pros- !
tlont , Mrs. P. Wols : ndvlsorv committee ,
Mrs. J. Noumayr and lr . P. Beck.
Mayor Liwronco has notified Secretary
Atkinson of the Stnlo railway cnmmisslon
that the people of Council l ! luffs want a
Epccdy bearing of the case.s which have boon
commenced In the courts to compel the rail
roads contorlnit in the city to build bettor do-
pots. Tbo policy of the administration from
now on Is to bring the railroads to time as
coon as possible.
liarto S. Wr.eks , national commander of
the Sons of Veterans , passed through the
city yesterday on his woy from Now York to
Helena , Mont. , whcro ho 1s to attend the na
tional encampment of the order. The mem
bers of the local camp , Sons of Veterans ,
marched to the Northwostoru depot In full
uniform , accompanied by a martini band , to
moot him. Thov rod's a.t far ni the transfer
with him. Mr. Weeks will probably stop
hero on his way homo.
John liurch was arrested 'Thursday nlcht
on a charge of drunkenness nnd vagrancy ,
mm was put In the city Jail along with the
rest of his kind. AH soon as bo sobered
enough to know what had happened to him
bo bccnmo very loud and nlnmvo , until ho
had to bo shut up in the steel coll. This had
no affect upon him , and It was not until the
other prisoners took n band nnd dumped sev-
crnl palls of water through the bars Into his
roll that ho cooled down. Ho was fined
f 10.70 in police court yesterday morning.
Judge Decmor has rendered a decision | ln
tbo case of Leonard Everett against ttio
supervisors of Pottuwattainio county and
others. The defendants lllod a motion to
remove the case to another court on tbo
ground that a case of tbo kind could not bo
brought In the district court. This motion
is sustained bv the court , and in addition to
the oraor for romovnl bo alvoa ouch of tbo
defendants excepting tbo Doard of super
visors t-0 attornoy's foes on account of tbo
case having boon brought lu the wrong
court ,
Mary Cooley , a foreigner whoso only no
compllshmcntso far as the English language
is concerned Is In tbo line of profanity , was
nrrosted yoitcrday morning for the third
time in loss than two weeks for pcddllnc
without a license. As she was discharged
upon both the former occasions she was
somewhat Independent when she wan nailed
by Ofllcor Claar. While ho was holding her
for the patrol wagon she so far forgot the re
quirements of etiquette as to pucker up her
ruby lips and spit In bis face. She will have
a trial before Judco McCico this morulng on
tbo charge of paddling without a license , and
when this is decided the officer will give nor
another whirl on tbo charxo of assault. Ho
cays bo means to prosccuto her on every
charge Known to the codo.
i The Pottawuttaraio county toachors1 insti
tute , which has boon In session for tbo past
two weeks , closed yostordav afternoon.
The last three days wcro soont
in examinations. Among these who
attended the Institute were a num
ber of the High school pupils who nro two or
three years yet from the und of their course.
All during tbo Institute thuy have been nt
the head of i heir classes , and when It came
to examinations they stood alongside the
teachers of from flvot o fifteen years experi
ence unit answered the questions in a highly
creditable way. Prof. Sawyer was highly
gratified at the showing they maao. as it ro
ll ecta credit on the schools of tbo city as well
as on the pupils themselves.
Porkins. the great Tluvorly banjo apo-
clulist , at Mtumwa this wcok.
IOHII Stuto Ilillid ,
Saturday , August 0 , Full-mount park ,
8 p. in. ; LaUo Munawa , 7p. m.
Mrs. A. J. Dyer is reported dangerously
MIHB Ida Lutz loft last evening for the
Mra M. M. Tlnloy and d-iughtor , Miss
Mary , leave this evening for Denver.
Judco W , U. Juinot returned yesterday
from Chicago.
Miss Clark of Dos Moluos Is visiting Miss
Nellie Dodge.
Miss Jessie Gilbert Is visiting friends In
Stanborr.v , Mo.
Frank Levine loft last ovonlng lor a trip
to Portland , Oro.
Chief Nlchuls'on of the fire department
Icnvcj tonight for Chicago.
Mrs. C. H. Ervln of Perry , la. , Is visiting
her parents , Mr. and Mrs. I' . L. Coady.
Miss Hall nf Omaha Is In the city , a guest
of Miss Hunlliigton nnd tbo Mlnsos Paco.
Luke Million loft last evening for a visit
to Portland , Salt Lake City and otbor woit-
crn points.
Miss Lizzie Coady of La C rosso , WIs. , Is
the guest ul horcnusliis , the Misses Coady ,
nt 1703 Sixth nvonuo.
Mrs.V. . T. H. Tipping , who has boon
visiting her ulstor. Mrs. J. U. Carrothors , for
bo past two months , itnrtod Wednesday for
cr homo In Albany , N. V ,
F. M. Compton has rncelvod his comtnls.
slon from Colonel C. V. Mount of the Third
Juwa reglmout as battalion sorgoant-mnjor
of tbo roKiinoni , his commission to duto from
April SO , ISO , ' .
A Inrjjo party of niunlltPs loft last ovonlng
over tbo Union Puclno for Denver. These
composing tbo parly were : John Unlnl ,
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Jennlng * , Mrs. H. U ,
Suokelt and Miss Nulllo SicKott , Mr. nnd
MM. UcorgoV. \ . Llpe , Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J.
Jameson. Mr. ud Mrs. Uorlnnd , Mrs. W. C.
Kstop. Mr , and Mrs.V. \ . O. Win and HOII ,
Dr. T. H. Lncoy , MM. J. II , Atkins , Mrn
Ctcorgo I'holps nna son , MM , J. D. Crock
\vcll uud C. L. Croukwoll.
low 11 Ntuto lluiul ,
S'ttunlay , August ( I , F.ilrinrmnt park ,
3 p. in. ; Lulio Maiiawn , 7 p. ,111.
3.000 yards Hunga ! tUsuo , the lightest
niul prettiest fabric known , worth ICe ,
( luring Hostou Store Biilo for 8o } , In dark
colors only ,
w *
Perkins , the groiit'llnvorly biuijo spo-
cltillst , at Mumiwu tula week.
Members of the Mcirrie < l Indies' Social
t Society Disagree.
* * *
One Klemont of the Orjiiiiilntloii Asiert
Tlmt the limtltutlon IIa Keen a
MoneyninkhiK Hclieino Wher
the 1'oor ( Join In ,
" There has been a division In the ranks of
tbo Married Ladies' Social society lately ,
nnd the Indies who belonged to that , flourish , -
Ins organization nro no.v dolnz buslnojs nt
two stands within n stone's throw of ono an
other. The organization was started over n
year ago for the purpose of dlspanslng char
ity to the worthy poor of the city , and an exchange -
change was ttartod a an adjunct to the so
ciety , for the sale of cakns , brand eta. , with
the understanding that the proceeds of the
sales were to bo distributed among the
poor. Ileforo tboro were any proceeds , bow-
over , the ladle * wao oolong to the society
and who made the articles that were to bo
old received pay nt tholr own fl uros for
the time , labor and materials that Uud boon
used. As u oontoquonco the oxchaago never
paldoxponsos , And although considerable as- ,
slstnnco was given tbo poor In other ways ,
and although the public was urged from
time to time to patronize tbo cxchanco for
the bonollt of the worthy poor , the worthy
poor novcr reaped nny benefit from the ex
change Itself , and no ono protltcd by the
Bchumo excepting the ladioi themselves.
Of late them hai boon considerabto ill
feeling nmong the ladles , which , it Is said ,
arose from u feeling on the part of seine of
thorn that " It was net quite right for the ox-
chango" bo hold up before tno
public m n chnritnblo concern , when ,
in fact , the schema was in the
main n money-making ono. A division was
then ngreod upon and the original society
moved n few doors up the street to 817
Broadway and hung out Its slunglo. The
other 1'idioi romatnod nt 327 Uroadway , nnd
entered Into an ncroomont with the ugont of
a sowing machine uompiny nt that number
to furnish u clerk nnd the necessary room ,
nnd In fact , to carry on the business of the
exchange , for 15 pur cent of the saios. The
ladles expect to carry on benevolent work as
usual , but under a different tiamo and with
out nny connection with tbo Ladles Kx-
chung or tbo Married Ladles society.
Commencing Today Suturduy Cut This
And brlnp it with you to the great
bankrupt sale of boots , shoes and slip
pers , 621 Broadway , Council Blufls ,
. ( old Foster building , Everett block ) .
Beginning Saturday , Aucust 0 , and con
tinuing , wo will olTcr the entire
stock of the Chicago Shoo Store com
pany of St. Paul at less than , cost to
Every dollar's worth must bo sold.
Cnll'niul bo convinced that this is a
chance of a lifetime.
Ladies' kid button , 7oc , worth $1.50.
Ladies' kid button , 9Sc , worth $2.00.
L-xdios'dongola button , 31.23 , worth
L-idlcs' oxford ties , 0c ! ) , worth SI.25.
L'idles' kid oxford ties. 85c , worth
Ladles' "Burt" French dongola but
ton , $3.00 , worth $0.00.
lion's work shoos , 75c.
Men's dress shoes , 81.25 , worth $2.50.
Men's calf shoos , $1.60 , worth $3.00.
Boys' school shoes , 7oc.
And many other bargains too numer
ous to mention nt the great bankrupt
shoo atlo : , 521 Broadway , Council Blufl'a.
I < nvi Stiitu Hand Saturday.
This wonderful musical organization ,
forty pieces , under the leadership of
Prof. Phinnoy , will give two free open
air concerts , Saturday , Aug. 0. In the
afternoon they will play in Falrmount
park and in the ovonlng from 7 to 11
o'clock at Miuuuva.
The Boston Store clearing sale ends
Monday , August 8. Now Is the time to
secure bargains in all dry goods.
Hurled Alive.
Frank Guannollu was called to Htnton
station , ton miles U3lo\v Council Blufffl ,
yesterday uftornoon by a telegram announc
ing that ono of the men working for him on
hU gravel bad boon killed by a land
slide. Ho loft at once for tbo place , and
found that the rorort was true , The man
had boon worKlng on the t > ldo of the bank
and had boon warned of tbo coining danger
by ouo of bis follow workman a few seconds
before tbo landslide occurred. He failed to
heed tbo warning and the lirst of tbo
slldo caught him and hurled htm
headlong to the unso of tbo
Dluff , fully tnlrty foot below ,
and tbo rest covered him up to a doptb of
ever ton feet. The accident took place about
11:30 : a. m. , but It was -1 o'clock before his
body was oxhumod. The tuimo of tbo un
fortunate young man could not bo learned
last ovonlng. Una of his follow workman
broairht the news to the city last evening ,
butalthough ho bad boon worKlng by tbo
sldoof the man for several weeks ho could
not think of hU Just name. His llrst nnmo
was John , and ho was - ' ( ! yean of ago. Ho
was to have boon married shortly to a young
lady of Paclllc Junction , wboro bis homo
was. Ho also had n mother , two sisters and
a brother at Pacitla Junction. The coroner
of Mills county is to bold an inquest this
50 dozan cants' outing flannel shirts
that sold for 2oc at the Boston Store Halo
for llc. )
Inwu Ktiitii llnnil.
Saturday , August 0 , Falrmount park ,
3 p. m. ; Lake Manawa , 7 p. in.
SOolmil $1.00 misses' straw hats during
the Boston Store Bale for loc and 23c. A
chance lilto this never was oll'crod before -
fore in thu hat lino.
Perkins , the great Ilavorly banjo spe
cialist , at Manawa this week.
All our light stripus , plaids , chocks
und mixed cheviots ( all wool ) that sold
for 60o and 58c during Biilo for 33o , Beaten -
ton storo.
Trains leave Manawa dally at 8 a ndlO
n. m , , 115m. , and 1 , 2 , 20 : ! ! , 3,3:30,4 : ,
4:80 : , 5 , 6:30 : , 0 , 0:30. : 7. 7:30 : , 8 , 8:30 : , 0 ,
9:30 : , 10 , 10KO : , 11 and ll : > 5p. in. The
11:55 : train will make connection with
the liiBtoluotrlo motor cur for Omaha.
Doiiiocratlo rrlnmrU'ii.
This ovonlng thu democrats of Kane town-
fthlp will moot in tbo various wards to nomi
nate candidates to thu county convention ,
which Is to bo hold nuxt Thursday , to icloct
delegates to tbo state , congressional and
Judicial conventions. The delegates will bo
selected by thu primary iy tom. The follow
ing Judges , clerki nnd places ol holding the
pi Imarlcs huvo'boon chosun by the ward
commlltcomcn :
First \Vurd Whcolul & Herald's. Judges ,
Vic Junnlug * and James Wlckham ; olurks ,
S. P. Uourur and C. 1) . Walton.
Second Ward Amv's tin shop on llrvant
treot. Judges. A. T. Whltllosoy utid T. B.
'C.isnilv ; cltTUs , J. H. Mkhuu and Herman
Third Wark-N. Bobun'8 ofllco , 0 Main
ttroot. JuUjri- > > , Nrod ijpotmau and W. H ,
Thomas ; clerks , L. Xurmuuhlou and Charles
Fourth Wurd South court room. Judgcti ,
K. U. Amy und itoburt Jnpnou ; clerks. Lee
Bwuuringon nnd K , L , ICtnyro.
Fifth Ward Snlold ' store , Judgei , W.
W , COUCH und M. Calli ghan ; clerk * , W. 1) .
Hardln und N. O'llrlou.
Sixth Ward John Coylu'g pluco , Droad-
way , uoar coruur of Twentieth utrcct. .
Judges. John Mlkosolt and P. D. Ourko ;
clerks , \VI o Payne nnd W. D. Fisher.
The polling plnco in each ward will bo
open from G to 8 p. m. After the primaries
quite a number of democrato will go to
Parka' mill , In Garner townnhlp , to organlzo
n club.
Inhibition !
At Mnnawa beach , west of hotel , Sun
day afternoon.
100 dozen gents' outing flannel shirts
worth 60o each , at the Boston Store
clearing sale for 29c.
ICOpooplo In tins city use gas stoves
ThoOasCo. puU 'em in at cost.
Iowa Slnto
Saturday , August 0 , Falrmount park ,
3 p. in. ; Lake Manawa , 7 p. m.
100 dozen gents' fancy stripe and
plain balbi-iggan shirts and drawers ,
worth 7oo and $1 , during the great sale
for 6Sc. Boston Storo.
600 yards Chnvlot shirting , worth 7c ,
for 4c , at the Boston Store clearing
sale. .
. Iowa Stuto llnnil.
Saturday , August 0 , Fairmount park ,
3 p. in. ; Lake Manawa , 7 p. m.
Perkins , the great Havorly banjo spo-
clalibt , at Manawa this wcok.
Gcorgo Davis , drugs ana paints.
Summer suits for gentlemen ; cool ,
comfortable and cheap. Roltor , the
tailor , 310 Broadway.
Perkins , the groal Ilavorly banjo spe
cialist , at Manawa this wook.
iH fur the Kncninpmcnt.
The dopartmsnt oommnniorof the Grand
Army for Iowa has Issued a circular to the
posts throughout the state giving InforniiT-
lion with reference to the national encamp
ment at Washington and the most desirable
way of gutting thoro. All tbo railroads
terminating nt the Missouri river will start
special trains on the morning of September
17 from Council Bluffs and Sioux City , nnd
these will bo known as Grand Army trains.
Ono of the department commander's staff
ofllcors will bu in charge of each of tnoso
trains , nnd they will arrive at Chicago early
on the morning of the ISth. There a tem
porary headquarters will bo sot up at the
Urnnd Control passenger station at the
corner of Fifth avenue und Harrison street ,
the passenger station of the Baltimore &
A band of music will accompany the Iowa
contingent to Washington mm It Is the In
tention of these In ohargo to make a showing
of which the state may bo proud. Every
comrade who expects to tnKo part In the
parade will bo expected to provide himself
with a regulation uniform. Railway tloitets
will bo sold good going September 13 to 20
nnd returning unt'.l October 10.
Iowa Stnlo Itnml.
Saturday , August 0 , Fairmount park ,
3 p. in. ; Like Manawa , 7 p. in.
Wanted Iron molders at the Ogden
Iron works , Council Bluffs. Good wages.
Cc and 6c } bleached inualiu for 5c at
the Boston Store salo.
Perkins , the great Havorly banjo spe
cialist , at this wook.
Porkins. the great Havorly banjo spe
cialist , at Manawa this wook.
Jowa State Hnnit.
Saturday , August 0 , F.iirmountpark ,
3 p. m. ; Lake Manawa , 7 p. m.
Books by popular authors , 2,000 12mos ,
during sale for llic , worth lOc and 2oc.
Boston Storo.
Pasturage for horses and cattle on the
Chaulauqiia grounds. Inquire of A. S.
Hazelton , 240 Murriam block , or Charles
Copeland , on the grounds.
I own State Hand.
Saturday , August 0 , Fairmounl park ,
3 p. m. ; Lake Manawa , 7 p. m.
6,000 yards of remnants In unbleached
muslins for 6c a yard , worth 8c , at The
Boston Store clearing salo.
JVoplu'H I'arty Club.
A mooting was held In Masonlo temple last
evening by the members of the people's
party for the purpojo of organizing n club.
About 100 were present. The room was
hung with banners bearing engravings
whoso moaningtwas moro or less vague , and
the motto of the party iiuug clear across tbo
south sldo of the room. The mooting was
culled to ardor oy A. J. McCluron , and City
Treasurer Kinnohan was appointed chair
man. 1'aul Vundcrvoort , who was to have
boon the main attraction , dlsappolntod the
leaders , as ho had boon called
into Kansas nnd failed to make
connections on bis return. The
cap was tilled by Messrs. Rogers nnd KcUoy
of Omaha and E. P. Brown of Neola , who
kept the uudienco moro or loss interested
until after 10 o'clock. Along toward the
last tbo audience began to drop away and
when the lime for the forming of the organi
zation arrived hardly twcnty-llvo were pros-
ont. C. L. Glllott was elected presidonl of
the club and C. C. Chamborlln secretary ,
after which the mooting irljournod subject to
call of the president. At tbo next mooting
tbo otbor onlccrs will bo elected.
200 pieces best indigo blue calico for
6u a yard at the Boston Store clearing
sale. _
10,000 yards dark and light challlos ,
worth 7c , during the Boston Store sale
for 4c. _
All shooting and pillow case muslins
at cost price during the Boston Store
clearing Bale.
25 pieces turkey rod table linen ,
fo 'inor price : ! 15u , now for 23c } , at the
Boston Store clearing salo.
Newton Olopp. nt Tuzowcll , Tonn. , shot and
killed U. Cloud In u row ever polities.
The national convention of democratic
cluba will bu New York on October 4.
A larao purtof thostuto of Minnesota lias
boon visited by u destuictlvo bull und wind
Thu boiulqnurlurs of thn International
Union of 1'alnliira mid Decorators huvo uuon
changed from llultliiioru to St. Louis.
Onurlus Daly nf Detroit , Mich. , shot bis wlfo
and stepdaughter In u family row , und norl-
ously woundud a pullcumnn who utiomptod to
arrest them ,
AdvluuH troni Oiiniiliisica state that the rov-
onuuciittor Oorwin hus captured thu llrltlHh
BOhuonuiWlnlfrud , und on board of her wus
found every uvldunou of poaching.
Tbo National Dental assocUtlon , In sei > slon
nt HnlTuIo , N , V. . lius passed resolutions cen-
miring ihoeunsns olllcu for nl.icing them In
thu sumo cuteory with nianufuetururs.
The ruportud oxpodltlan which sailed from
Key West with tlio Intuntlon of Invudlni ;
Oulm , and setting up u revolutionary govern
ment Is icguniud by olllulals at u , grand hoax.
Mexico lias been disturbed by slight shocks
of eurlbiiiiiko | recently.
Ono hundred deaths urn reported to have
ocourod at Aritontoull , a suburb of i'url * .
Water from an uhxiuloned neal mlno near
Duwubury , KiiKlunil , Hooded ( in adjacent mlno ,
drown I lu nix mlnora.
Tliu popu bun Uiuud u letter to tbo bishops
of Italy , declaring tlio nrtaoT the l''rcemu end
of Italy to liuiubvuralvo to rullulun.
Klchtoun Indium , omployus of H CKiinlnu' os.
tnhlUhmunt on u rlvnr Intut nour Victoria. II ,
U. . wuro Urownod on tbo l"Uih of last month ,
Yellow fever line bruxun out In nitny places
la Central America unil hue buim ratifnu with
virulent fury. Many deathi bltvu bouu ro-
Thousands of OmnhaiPeoplo Welcome Gov
ernor MoKlnlsy to the Olty ,
Every Stntlon of Llft Itcprcnented In tlio
Throng Tlnib' ( littlicrcd nt tlio High
School tlrVin'nili to Upon the
Tbo opening tno campaign was tired
by Governor McKlnloy of Ohio at the High
school grounds Friday ovontugand Its Intona
tions were suob as will hardly cease to ro-
vurborato ever the battle ground of Ne
braska until the last ballot Is countad nnd
the pending struggle for political supremacy
is nt an cud. It was at once ono of the largest
nnd most enthusiastic mass meetings cvor
bold In Nebraska.
A beautiful moonlit night , Inspiring
music , a speaker of moro tbna national
prostlgn and an nudlouco such as was novcr
before seen at a political mooting In Omutin
combined to do honor to tbo city and to its
distinguished guest.
Thu uudienco itself was an Inspiration nnd
* nn ovation. No orator could look ovnr Mien
a concourse as gathered to hear Major Ale-
Klnloy Friday night without A thought bf
prldo. A largo platform hudjbeon constructed
at the southeast corner of tbo Hieh school
building nnd nround it fully 25,000 , people
listened to the great advocate of protection ,
Came In ( front Thrones.
The exorcises had been advertised to bogln
nt 7:30 : o'cloefr , nnd long before that hour the
600 chairs in front of the stand were occu
pied. Tbo people lined the siiiownliis nnd
from each sldo of tbo grounds a continual
stream of pushing , Jostling humanity was
elbowing Its way toward the building.
Long before dark tbo vacant space scorned
nearly full nnd still thousands wcro wedging
tbolr wav into the human mass. At 8 o'clock
he entire south slopn was nn eddying ,
kaleidoscopic sea of faces , and they wcro
fa cos into which any orator might bo proud
to look.
All's Wore Thure.
The olcctric lichts that had been hung
ever the speakers' ' platform cast tbolr shlm-
raorlng radlanco notalono unon tbo rugged
countcnnnccsof the mechanic , the artisan
and the laborer but revealed the flower of
the social and business circles of the Gate
Cltv. There were represented the profes
sional man , tbo banker , the aucccijful mer
chant and the leader of.socloty. It wni such
nn audience as only n similar occasion could
produce , wlrero employer nnd the employed ,
the wealthy man of.lolsuro and the laborer
who tolled throuch.tho hot summer days to
corn broud lor bis wlro and Httlo ones mot
to hear that which was of equal Importance
to them all.
And they brought tbolr wives with thorn ,
for mingled with the mascullno array woru
hundreds of dainty summer costumes
crowned by fair fucos that watched as Intently -
tontly for the arrival of the speaker as though ,
their Interest carried n ballot with tt.
It was a romurUabl.v orderly crowd , too ,
nnd the proceedings were uninterrupted save
by the rumble of tbo cable trains nnd the up-
plauso that rose and fell under tbo spell of
tbo speaker's magnetic uttcinnces.
At the right jqf the platform a hundred
carriages were grouped. They were nearly
all occupied by laaie.-v , : and s'pcelal interest
centered around ; thu ono In which bat Mrs.
McKlnley in company with Mrs. General
Along with UoTornor McKinlcy.
At 8 o'clock tfio Second Infantry band
took seats on tho0jlajforra and Its Inspiring
muslo entertained , the , crowd , which was be
coming somowbatjmpaticnt for tbo arrival
of Major McICTnloy. .A ' few minutes
nftorwurds the " governor appeared and
was greeted with n'alvo of cheers
as he proceod6 < r to 'tho platform"
HR was accompanied by Mayor George P.
IJemls. Edward RimftvAter , Hon. W. J. Con-
neil , Judge C. H. Scott , Andrew Ilosowater ,
Thomas SwobeP. L. PorrinoRalph BrecUin-
bridge , Charles J. Green , and others ,
nnd Hov. J. G. Tttto of Hastings , the repub
lican candidate for lieutenant governor , was
also recognized in the crowd and oscortcd tea
a seat on tbo platform.
It was some time before the opplauso oc
casioned by the presence of tin orator of the
evening had subsided , and then Charles J.
Green stepped vO tb ; front of tbo platform.
Ho said :
"Follow citizens , I have the honor of In
troducing to you Ohio's distinguished states
man unci governor , William MciClDloy. "
, Greeted witli Clioorx.
Then the cheers broiio out again ana Gov
ernor McKinley uas enthusiastically wel
comed as ho stopped forward. The moment
ho began to speak the most Intense stlonco
wus preserved nnd excepting when the
logical points of bis audross elicited tbo
audible approbation of the audicnco the
speaker wus heard with the most earnest at
Governor Mcldnloy'u address was such as
wus expected from the man who more than
any other bad reason to bo familiar with tbo
principles of the great republican doctrine
of protection , It was a concise nnd effective
presentation of tbo differences between the
two great political parties on this important
question. The speaker disdained to use the
Indies of buncombe und sophistry so often
nffociod by stump speakers. Ho roiled on a
plain statement of indisputable facts nnd
the loglo of bis arguments was irresistible.
Ho dealt with the subject not as n politician
but with the genius of a statesman. His
reasoning was that of a master of the ques
tion who saw lu it first of all tbo ben cuts to
accrue to the musses of the pooplo. Ho did
not generalize to any extent upon superficial
applications , but considered the tan ft ques
tion in lU broadest sense , and bin arguments
most cffcctuallr demolished tbo puny ef
forts of tbo opponents of the protective
Kxpliilnlni ; the Dlll'orcnens.
In his introduction Major McICInloy said
that ho did not coma to appeal to the preju
dices of his audicnco nor to oxdto tholr pas
sions , but to present simply aud frankly the
dlffuranco butwoon tbo two great political
parties of thu country on the tariff question.
Ho defined this existing difference in a man
ner that In a few sentences inudo clear the
theories of each party. Tno democratic party
stood for a tariff for revenue , whllo tbo re
publican party maintained ono for protoittlon
to American Industries mid American labor
as well. The democratic doctrine Imposed n
tariff on articles which could not bo ptoduccd
In this country , \vhilo the republican prhici-
plu was exactly opposite. The protective
tariff , whllo raising revenue , discriminated
in furor of tbo domestic producer nd
against tbo foreignproducer.
I'ractlcul I'rotontioii Illustrated.
Lifting the oartnen'Jpltchcr that stood on
tbutublo beside him' ' . Major MoIClnloy said ;
"We put u tariff of 35 per cent on that
pitchor. That tiirlft mis a tendency to dit-
courage foreign importations and to encour
age domestic manufacture. It was put thcro
for that purpoic. 'I know it , for I put it
tharo myself. " s
At this point -Iho ispeauor was forced to
stop before the barrlonuo of appUuso that
followed. As sooH-us liulut was restored bo
continued ! ' '
"I out It tbora'lh 163 ! ) and it bus fulfilled
Its purpose. Weribiv Tmvo tbo Dncst , pottery
works anywnore * In' ' the wurld and this
pitcher is cboaper'tbun It ever was before. "
Major McKlnlev dwelt at some length upon
the bonollls that ttio protective tariff brought
to farmers , und lii'Uio ' midst of n sentence
someona In the roar of tbo audience lm r-
runtid by n question la-which only the word
"England" wus nudlblo.
"I can't ' qulto boar you , ray friend , " replied -
plied the governor , "but you are evidently a
democrat bccuuio you are talking of Eng
land , " und tbo interlocutor subsided , wbllu
the nudlouco volunteered another volley ol
I'ortlnent KuoU on Tin.
Soon after someone shouted "tin" and the
speaker uavo him the required Information.
Ho said that there were now thirty-seven tinplate
plato factories In this country representing
an investment of $3,000,000 , Insldo of three
years wo would product ) morq than one-half
of tbo tin pluUi used la tbo Uoltod State * .
"Aud don't you think , " bo continued ,
'that when 50,000 incu are employed lu tbo
tin pUto Industry , there will bo n demand
for another pound of pork nnd mother
bushel of wheat from the farmers of Ne
braska ! "
In concluding. Major McKlnloy said !
"I hope that the convention that mot in
your capital city yesterday nnd today has
organized victory. What I am talking about
nnd the principles that I present nro repre
sented by Donjaraln Harrison , our candidate
for president , and Lorenzo Crounso , whom
wo all hope to sco tbo next governor of
Nebraska. "
At the name of Harrison the nudionco
cheered tumultuoutly nnd nt the allusion to
the republican candidate for governor of
Mobraslra the enthusiasm was intensified ,
bats wcro Hung in the nlr and the cheers
died away only to bo renewed Again nnd
In the midst of the demonstration Gov
ernor McKlnloy was escorted to hU carriage
and tbo vast nudionco gradunllv dispersed.
Governor McKlnloy and pa'rty departed
this morning on the Uurllncton trAln for
Denver. The great , protectionist wn& de
lighted with his sojourn In Nebraska.
Nl'AICKS Of bl'tlltT.
A Lot of Swllt 1'M.MTK.
The Bonus Park Gun club hold Its wcolclv
shoot ycotorday afternoon , nnd notwith
standing the fact that the mercury was
boiling out of the top of the tube , there was
a largo attendance and tho.usual line sport
nnd enthusiasm.
The grounds have been greatly improved
slnco the previous shoot. A substantial
board flooring has boon put down ever all
the space from the ohooting shod to thn
traps , mid n broad plank walk laid from th o
motor station to the stand. Another week
will witness still greater Improvement * ,
with n commodious club house , with bath
nnd Individual lockers , thonlub being deter
mined to possess the best uhootlng grounds
in or about Omnhu.
The condition of yesterday's shoot was
fifteen llvo birds to n man , thirty yards rise ,
eighty boundary , from llvo unknown traps ,
.moJilicd English rules , The birds were nn
exceptionally line lot , hardy nnd swift of
wing , und us a consequence thu general
average did not roach Its customary altitude ,
Colonel "Stocky" Hotb loading the van with
twelve kills ,
The respective scores are appended , the
figure 1 denoting a kill with the llrst barrel ,
thollguro" when both barrels were used
and theO fora miss :
l > ooinls. . . HIM lO.'OO S020J-0
MoDuuguU KMIL' 1010 1I2IO-1D
Oalhralth 1V002 UUtll 11101 0
jlliiko 11110 2H02 11021 11
Hull ; 12211 21211 10101 12
Heed nun imw 10111 n
Uelnlmrt 0112. ! Hill 1IOJU 10
,1. J. lleloy ) , . . . W.OJ 10112 0)201 10
Lyln Dlckuy lulX ( ) J11I2 20011 10
McKiirluno 1 CIO OI02J 22011 10
HitwKs 01100 OHIO 11113 8
Silishtiry 22211 KO ! 01000 10
Chtlbhuuk 21212 10101 11011 12
Snieiul 12211 10.M2 1I10J 11
Ihimont 11001 01111 12011 11
Peters 1110) 10120 10022 0
UlUWU 2J10I 00101) ) 12002 B
Davcnport't Show O\cr.
DiVExroirr , In. , Aug. 5. ( Special Tele
gram to THE DRE.J The Davenport Milo
Track club's races closed today. The ovcnt
was the pace between Manager and ( .iuy.
Summary :
I'"oiir-yoir-old trot , purse ? 50a : Canary H'rd
won In three straight heats. Madura second ,
Kumonu third , Hampton Maid distanced.
Time : 2:2J'i : , 2:30. : 2:2jy. :
Second race , special pace , purse 82.500 : Guy
won three straight heats , Manager second.
Time : 2l3jj , stiay. 2:12tf. :
Third rare , 2:4J : trot. Thirteen starters :
li.u-on llronn won In Mxth heat , Frank Quirk
second , Kbony tiptnk third , Captain Ilownmn
fourth. Time : 8:85 : , 2SBM. : 22GJJ ; , 2:27. : 2:20' : ' ; ,
2IO. : !
C. W. Williams says tonight Allorton is
bolter nnd bo hopes conlldcutly to have him
up to moot Nanny Hanks nt Independence
next month. Ho Is vary sere and rests
Httlo but is gaining , though U will bo a wcok
before bo can bo shipped.
llonollt fur Tommy Itynn.
Preparations nro being made for a grand
benefit to bo tendered to Tommy Ryan , the
gentlemanly young pugilist who so success
fully polished off Jack Wllkes last Saturday
night , which will , if all plans do not mis
carry , bo given at the Omaha Athletic club
rooms ono wcok from Monday night , the 15th.
The card tlm will bo offered Is n rattling
good ono , and will embrace a six-round go
between Hyan , the beneficiary , nnd Paddy
Bronnan , the Gotham heavyweight ; and
sottos bntwcon Mlko Bodou , the Philadel
phia trial horse , and Arlio Flint of St. Louis ;
Aaron Shurrov and Major Horn ; Danny
Daly nndTod Gallagher , nnd Jimmy Lind
say and Sam Stevenson. In addition t.o thcso
attractions , there will be other bouts of lessor
or greater note.
J.ust Day.
Hob , , Aug. D. [ Special Tologrnra
to Titc BnK. ] The last day's races nt the
Everett Driving park were fairly attended.
The weather was warm and the track was In
excellent condition.
Class _ ' : ; n. trottini , purse $ ' > 01 : Ihos won In
three btr.iisht hoate , A 11 O second , Kltouood
third Time : 2:20. :
Class a:00 : , trotting , purse MOD : Cora Wood
ward won In three straight houts , I'hll M sec
ond. Jmlns Me.Nntt third. Time : 2ai : > j.
Exhibition trottln. , : Almont Wagoner.
Time : 2:21 : % .
Hiinnlnc , thrcn-quartcrs of a mile trick :
Oroy Ko won. Time : 1:20.
Von hy Deliiult ,
Biir.Mcit , Neb , Aug. 5. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEE. ] A very interesting game of
ball was played hero today between the Win
ner nnd Boomer clubs. At tbo end of tbo
seventh inning the score stood 10 to 10 in
favor of the Bcomor club , Winner refusing to
pluy any longer.
As IlnrvoBt I'rogrenNc-H It If ) Shown They
\VI1I Kxconil the UMtlm.itcH.
Toi'KKA , Kan. , Aug. 0. The monthly re
port of tbo State Board of Agriculture tvill
bo completed this evening. Secretary Moblor
stated this morning that tbo correspondents'
reports were very favorable. An increased
acreage is shown In tbo three 'lending crops
of the state wheat , corn and oats.
The Increase in winter wheat is O.IIS per
cent , spring wheat 10.4 per cent , making tno
actual wheat acreage 4 , 118,001.
The Increased ncroagoincorn is 7.4 , making
tbo acreage 5..VJ 1,807.
The oats acreage Is 1,013,707 , nn Increase
of ever Si per cent.
Tbo reports from threshers alrcct show
tbo wheat yield has been greater than the
estimate * submitted last month , but tbo re
turn $ arc not sufficiently complete to permit
of an'uccurato estimate.
The corn has been grcntlv Injured by
drouth , especially in the central corn belt ,
and In the southern and southwestern pnrls
of the stato. The corn throughout tbo
eastern part of the stuto in in lirst class con
dition. Corn Is later than usual and good
crop conditions from now on may make a
comparatively good crop where almost a
total failure is now feared ,
Manager Henry J. Savors slept peacefully
last night. Ills now play , "Cupid's Chariot , "
had its promlor at the Boyd lust evening and
made an undeniable bit. The piece is of the
farce variety class , but it u of a distinctly
higher order than thouvorapuof that species ,
There Is In It leis of the slum bang and moro
acting. Thn company Is strong in elnitors
and much of the music U of u oottor quality
than usual lu such plays. The action of thu
plav U woven around a blcyclo race , nn exciting -
citing feature which Is produced by un In
genious mechanical arrangement and spoclnl
scenorv. Tills also affords an opportunity for
Prof. Barber , ono of ths llno't trick riders in
the country , to glvo u remarkable exhibition
of fancy work on tbo wheel , and tbo Powers
brothers Introduce u laughable burloique ou
the bicycle.
Miss Allco Evans , the soubrette of the
company , Is pretty und petlto , and sang nnd
danced her way into tno good graces of the
audience from the rise of the curtain. She
Introduced a whirlwind dunce , u variety of
the serpentine. Mr , Charles Stlno , an actor
inutquuradlng as u Now York noctoty leader ,
and Mr. Jamus Powers , u facetious tramp ,
presented two strong comedy parts that won
many rounds of appluuso , Mr. Stlno receiv
ing numerous onooros. Mr. A. J , Powers
an lirldeet and Mr. Will Power * us the
dudlsb Engllih lord presented acceptable
characterizations nnd added to tbo general
merriment. Mr. C. B. Wurd has n volco of
ruro quality and his ballad bin ping is sure
to make him n favorite. Mr. George
Smith has a inagulllcont bass , but bU
kuUotlons did not vhuw It nt It' boil for a
populurentertainment. Mm * Myru Brooks
plnyod the old mntd with becoming kittenIshness -
Ishnoss , and Mtisos Broughton , Juwoll ,
Urnnly nnd llftrrotmndonn attractive bouquet
of summer girls who won tholr full share of
commendation ,
Among the features was the "four widow"
net , which has made such n great hit in
"MUs Holyott" niul "A Trip to Chinatown. "
Last night's entertainment went remarkably
well fora first performance. The play caught
the favor of the audience , which , by the
ivnr , hnd n largo contingent of thoOmana
wheelmen , nnd if the laughter nnd iinplnuio
which grootud It last night nro to bo ac
cepted ns a guldo It soomi bound to bo n
great success. Of course , many things will
bo changed nnd Improved , but the ground *
work nnd the bloyclo flavor nro there , only
needing the polUblng which clover people
nro sura to glvo such n piny ,
In vent lentlni ; thn Coin Mitrdrr.
HASTINGS , Nob. , Auvt. fi. [ Spoclnl Tele-
prnm to TUB Bnu.J The coroner's Jury
which Is mvaulgntlngtho cnuso of the death
of D. S. Cole met this evening according to
adjournment. As before , the mooting wns
secret. A number of former witnesses were
recalled , ana In nddltlon several of Colo's
nolghbors p.nd former business associates.
At n late hour after Chris Collins , u tlroot
car driver , wns recalled , all other witnesses
wcro dismissed until Wednesday evening
at 7 p. in.
It Is alleged that letters hnvo boon discov
ered that will show that , moro than one
woman is implicated. The quartet who hnvo
been working ou the case uro divided as to
whether the revolver taken from Mrs. Mnson
hud boon ilred lately or ns to whether It wrs
oltod , ni wns claimed , some tuna ngo , nnd
are still on the look out for now clews in this
direction. In nddltlon , the usual number of
umntour detectives nro present nnd nt work.
3lo\rnimtK of Ocimn Stranu'ru.
At Hamburg Arrived Fuorst Bismarck
from Now York.
At Brow Head Passed City of Chester
from New York.
At Now York Arrived City of Berlin
from Liverpool ; Glongoru from South Amer
ican and West Indian portcj Chilian from
South American ports.
Omaha has five public parks.
Omnhu has slxtv-livo inllos of paved
Omaha has ninety-two miles of sowers.
There uro sixty public schools , employing
203 teachers.
There uro twenty-two church nnd private
schools , employing 15J to.tchntvs.
The school conius shows ever 3J,03I ) chil
dren of school ago.
Omaha U n citv of churcbos , having ll.'i
houses of religious worship.
Tboro uro sixty-tiro hotels.
Tboro are thirteen trunk lines of railway ,
covering 83,233 miles of road operated from
Omaha. Ono hundred and thirty p.issongor
trains arrive dnllv.
wiuuuu iius uiu nir uai , umiu'.er in tno
Omaha bus tbo largest llnsooJ oil works in
the United States.
Omaha Is the third largest packing center
In the world. Last year the stock receipts
wcro : Cattle , ii , US,7U3 ; bogs , 7,10'JSU3 ;
sheep , 7S3.SH3.
Omaha has the largest distillery in the
world and three of the largest breweries lu
the United States.
Omahu has the largest white lead works
in the world ,
Asida from the packing houses Omaha has
100 manufacturing enterprises with a com
bined capital of $ S,93S.oaj. Last year thulr
products amounted to $31,000,0 , ) ! ) .
The principal abops of the Union Pnclfio
railway nro located In Oinnhh. ' They cover
fifty acres of ground and represent an out
lay of . ' .500,000. Thov furnish employment
to 1,200 skilled mechanics and 20J day labor
During tbo year ISfll the real estate trans
fers amounted to ? ISU.9S2I.
Tbo actual real ostatovaluation U $2.)0OjJ-
000 , whllo the assessment for taxation is
based on aono-tontb valuation.
Omaha has twenty baulcs , of which nlno
naMonil , eight saving ail ttirjiir )
ate banks.
During Ib91 the clearings were $221,123-
( 05.The
The poUoftlco receipts for the year were
$ i04riS. ' . " ) . This department govo employ
ment to forty-six clerks nnd sixty-six car
Omaha has ono of tbo most complete water
works systems In the world. The plant cost
$7,000,000 ana has 170 miles of mains. The
pumping capacity is 85.000,000 gallons dally.
There are nlnoty-flvo miles of street , rail
way , mainly electric. The system employs
COO men nnd operates 275 caw. The monthly
pny ooll Is $10,000.
Population In 18M ( 1,8(11 (
Population In l ii ) lo.S.I ( )
I'opuliitlon In IKSJ ; ti , . " > 18
i'opuhUlon In lhS. " > (11bill (
I'opiiliit.ou in tb'JJ 14'.4' > 2
WANT15D YOIIIII : man to wink In town
und on farm us ruiinlrod. A ] > ply to l < oon-
urd Evorott. ollleu. 1'oarl stioel , .No. Ili.
WANTED-A well dl-er ( to dls 4 or.1 Molls
und tuUo his p.iy In hoi-es. Apply to
I.eouaid Everett , 1'eurl sticet , Uouncll lliullH ,
FOR SALE-Klvo ncros of Burden
near the city. Will tuko an nnlnciim-
borud olty lot In part payment ivml nivo U
years time for Iho pavmuntof the bulniiojut
S nercont Interest. Apply to Leonard Ever
ett , 1C 1'oarl Htrtiol , Oonimll Dlunlu. .
WANTED-lly a youiiK lady , furnished
loom with Uo.irJ , south of Ilroud way und
euatot Mlnth bUeel. A 07. lleo olllce.
OK SALE Hotel , -'J rooms , located in
southern N'ob , , dolnz 11 thriving business.
J..MU IIIIVH building und furniture , Will trade
for incite. E. H , Hlioafc.
I710U S AMC Iliirdnuro stock In central Nob.
JU Will : Invoice .J.MX ) . I ] , A. Sheufu.
I poll SALH Choicest furm In 1'ottitwnttu-
liilqCo. , 4 111 acres well located und 1m-
proveil. 1'Hcu $ IJ un acre. E. H. Shoafo.
| j"\AH\f \ and city lo nfs ut lowest rutui.
-L estate for salo.ut
Dwelling unU Imslness ront'ils.
Jionoy loaned for local Investors.
' . ' .Ij I'ourl strertt. I.OUKUO fc Towlo.
II1 YOU have anything Tor s lie or trade HUO
Ull. She ifo , llroadwiiy und .Main Hlrnnl.
IjiUH KEN 1' Dwolllir.'x In till pirts of thu
- * - ' city. 11 II. Mioafe. llro.ulw.iy und .Main.
lamU In ox-
> chaired for Council Illulfi | iroiorty. | 15.11
Bhoafu. Hrot'iwuy und M tin atraat. _
rpui : niuisL' : IIAUIJAI.N-DOIIIJIO nni-
-Ldenue lot. No. IM fcouth FlrU strjet , HI )
trot front ; host looiitlon und host , haril : n In
the olty If taken ut once. Day , t lloii. : tJ
IJ OH SAIdJ On Hiiiull payments , fruit und
-L' K'anlon luirl near Council Illuiri E. U.
Bheafo. Hroadwny unil Muln stroot. _
FOR P7\llB Albion Holier mills on lloono
river. Nub. ; llnust water power In the stuto
developing li'i horse power wutur ontlro ;
dully capacity , I DO hurroln ; machinery ami
iippiirtcniinccs compleleln ovcry detail , ( } ii : > I
frame resilience ; H acres of land , title ucrfojt ;
rice , t'J < , 'l M ; will liiko iinlmprovol eastern
land. K. U. Hh afo. _
HAM' fowa farms In I'ottiiw.ittumlo
und iidJolnliiK counties. 11 II. Hho.ifo ,
OIt HAIyP. Hotels und restaurants In Iowa
und Nebraska , doliu iirollt.ihlo
und well looated ; will take I mil In purt trade ;
vrltofordoUIU. E II. Hlieifo.
I71UH HAIjC S ) norm of ooil lund unl now
A-1 cottage , with fonruoros limit In Wurnar > i-
vlllu , Nub. ; ull modern Imiinivemonts ; will
e.xchanxo for u plouiunt collide free of In-
oiimbninco In Uounull Illuiri or Oiualia.
11 II. tihoufo.
riALll Ono of tlm iirUhtosl an I most
-L dcslr.ihlo honien In thu city , on Uh uvu ;
modern in ull renpot'ti. Must soil , und will
Hiicrlllco. AdilriiiH li 111 , lleo ollU'o ,
tooit hAl.lC-HI-aero runuli In ( JhorrCo. ! .
J- Null , OooU buy luiid , splundld ran 40 for
cattle. Mcu cottage , atahlu und out , bulld-
InK" In oooil rop.ilr , plenty witur , llusl Ian : !
In thu county : will null cheap. Write for do-
tullH. E. II. sluiafe.
L08T-A Columbia b'oyoln. A rnivurit will
uo u ud for lu return to J. li I1' , McOoe ,
Foil SAMS Hood (1-room duullliiK nrur II ,
1' , transfer. I'rleo J,0'0. ' Will tuko homo *
nnd oattlo In part nay. II II , Uhuufo.
TTIOH BALE-Oruumory , wull located In No-
JL branku. doliiK food biiKlnuxH , Will take
iiurtnur or bull entire bu lnuii > i ut a bargain
1C. II. Hhiiufu.
\\7ANTED llurilwiiri ) itouk In houth-
T T western Iowa for pQt m h. IX 11. Hlioufo
TT1OU BALE Improved 4il.nuri ) ) Mtock furm
JL' in wcHtern low.i , 12) ) ; IfU-uitro furm , tMr.'U \ -
ucrcii , ( .U JohiiBton & Yuu 1'aHeu.
Thoator-polujr people all ever thd
southern and western states will rooog-
nlzo the well known fnco of Oypsio Bar'
low , the bright Httlo nalrosa who foi1
several years lins boon lending lady of
that popular company Barlow's Metro-1
poUtans. While playing an ongngo *
mont recently at the Wonderland
theater. In this oily , she made the fol
lowing brief hliiioinonl ir. response loan
Inquiry regarding a thront and oar
troubles for whii'h she had lately ro-
eolvod medical treatment !
"IVopIo In our p nfi'M loii iiro u llttlo nciiM-
tlvu about mnUlii ) ; imlillo nny ailments thov
may hiivu. lint I 'iniLry wllllnit lu lull you of
my ea tf. Thu II.\OOSSVM ! mo nf my vnlco upon
HID htuu-o , tictliei with a eitnrilinl iroulilo.
tiioiiKht o" n vuronoss nnd Irilliitlon nf
tlio tint , Kioatly niinnyfd me.
For two \ .ir this muilo my voloo
ill tlmu < liullstliH'l unil v.rii. ; ! In lon-
drrlnc sli-ni oone , I'sprclully , 1 would
often clioUn up unil my vu'co unulil liro.ik. I
iilwaysfell nn iinnoyltii ; fiillnots In my Iliroiit
nnd no-o , unit Inul to constantly hi\sk ; nnd
"llowocor. I wilt rnO'it uonlo'l ' iiliout n ci :
tnrrhiil ilonfiii1- " that thu'iiti'iiuil to Inciipuci-
tutu mo for thu taico , for , to an ncttt'ss iicnto
hrarlns Is almost us Importiint : is a clear
voice. AcLMimpiiiiyiiit ; the duUni's * of hearing
I i < xcrlunved | uon-it nit roailn In mv curs
; is If L stood Just outside : > noisy mill. Al-
thoiiKh ii'llovnd of It now 1 nuxur will for'ut
that stondv. o\on lour. It win Inlonsoly itls-
"U Is due Drs. Copelnnd nnd Shepard to nay
that they treated my ease with much skill nna
judgment. K\ory symptom I huvo named In
Kioatly Improved or entirely XOHO. Hy in I 111
and cuiitlo tientn'tmt they fnivo restored my
vocal power mil lii'tirlng und In every way
their niumiKumonl of my cu-to has beoniuo-
vcssful fiotn the start. "
HOOMS Hit AND 313 ,
New York Life Building1 , x r
\v . II. COPE LAND , M. n.
C. H. SH12PA11D , .M. D.
Kl'JXIAI/flKSs Catarrh. Aotliiim , Ilronchl-
ItlH , Nervous Discuses. Illood Dlsuuses , Hlicii-
mutlKin. Coiisuiiiutlon. und all chronic atTce-
tlonH of tlio Thro it , Lungs , Htomaoh , Llvei
and Kidneys.
Ullicn hours : Ololl am. . " to r > p-m. , 7 to t
p. in. Sunday. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Catarrh und nil chronic disease ]
treated successfully hy mall. Be net to In
Htampa for question circulars. Address nil
liHtirs : to ' . 'opohind Medical Institute , Now
York Life llullillne , Omahu , Neb.
Of Cnimull llluji
CapItaHtco'c . , . { ? /.70O 3
burplusunJ Profits . . HUOUJ
NotOaultal nn 1 Surplus
Dlri-otori-I. I ) K 1 nun H'i i. K. \ > niujirt , f.i
Olcftioii , 10. K. H irt , I. A. . Mill > r. . I. V. 'tlaj'ian
nndClmrloj It Ilnnmn. Tr.ins bink-
liiKbiisino-i-i. J.ur oit e.iplLil unJ surplus u (
uny bunk In z'outliwustoin low.u
; ING.
Hot1 led | nope ; ils will Lo ric-olvol ( bv the soo-
rtslury of thu Bo ml of IJIuuatliin until 8
o'e ook p. m. Kutiirduy , Aiuust Otli , IK'J ! . for
the construction of a two-story , eight-room
building on thu S.irntoja sehoul site. In 110-
coid.inco with plans nnd NpacKleutlona on tile
In the olllco of .lull n Latensur. urchltuot , room , .
( > < ) > Merchants iN'allonal Hank biillillng ,
Suiiaiuto lilds will ho lojclvud for carpenter
uork , Incliidliit ; ult work unilor carpenter
Hpeclllcallons. unil for mason woik , Ineludliu
eveavatlnu' , eoncictluu' und cut Htono work.
Illds for heating with hot air or alo.iiu will
bo rorutvnd.
Kach bid mnstbouocompanlnJ by ucortHloa
The boaid rusurves the rlpht to reject uny or
Hy order of the llouid of Kdiiciitlon
atldiOt Heeiutury.
i Saftil D
I.'cst fnollitlps , npparatni utid Ho no Ini
lorsuccmsfu troitmenldf ivjrvforn
of dlsuiiso ruiiulrln : n.o'Ilo il or '
nurlo il troatiiiunt ,
tt bed a for patients , ho ird mil attonJun-jv
llent ac.-omuJntioiH . In the woit.
Write for clrJiil.irs on iloforinltiiH ixnl
braces , tnmos , club foul. onrv.itnrcH nt snlin ) ,
iillu * . tumors , c uioar , oat irrh. hronoliltls. In- .
hiiliulon.uiuclrk-ll.y , pirulysls , onlloniy , kid-
nuv. biuddur , oya. oar , tklit un I bleu I uiitl ull
LIlobAobO Ut W Hojkoii DUuaioj at
Women l''KUIC , Wo huvoliitoly ud led i lyliu *
In tlop trtmont fur women ilurlnif conllnumunt.
Mrlaily pr.v.itu.l Onlv Uallubla Mudlual lu *
ktltutomnKlnif il Kj ) jilty | D.
All Hood Dlsu.isei stiecu-nfuHy troitiL
Hyphllltlu I'nlsoa lemovud tram thu nyt\uin \
without iiiiirunry. Nuw Itosloratlvu '
menl , for IXJHI of > 'I1'AII'OWtflt. . I'oMouf un.
uhlo to vlxit u mav | > o tru it oil ut homo hy
correapon lunuu. All commiinlealloiH conn.
( liinUal Mo.l clues of Instrii imnH bent by
mult nroxpruis , souuroly puokud , no m ir.ot to
Indlciitiivontuiitiior neniJur. Unu pursoiul In-
turv ow prufurro I. Cull und consult iisor unil
hlntoryof your onto , ami wo will Hond In plain
wruiiuur , our
RnnK TO MEN , ' ' "Kp1 , Uwm ITlvato.
huuolul or Norvoiu Du-
oaBuu.ImpotunDy , ByphilU , OluututU Vurluo-
i ulu , wilh quest on IUU , , Appllanco' * for Dufonultloj A Trusoi.
Only miiniifiiolory In thu Wmt of IHf.tfiilil. (
JTV Ari'l.l.l.-ttlK-i , I'ltUatiilt , ULKUfltUl IKH AN 1 > JIKI.iy.
Omaha Medical anil Surgical Inslitute ,
26th nnd Broaawfty , Oounoll Bluffi
, Ton mlnntm' tUo fn > m oontor of Om th k 01
Ouiuhft und Uouuoll Ulutfi uloatrlu " ' - '