Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Stonehill's Old Stand , 116 and 118 S. 16th St.
This New Grocery Store will contain everything pertaining to a first class grocery house , and being located in the very center of
the retail trade , we trust you will call in and inspect our stock.
We have purchased a bankrupt supply of FL.OUR , consisting of Pillabury's Best XXXX , Woshburn's Superlative , Sleepy Eye Cream , and the well known brand
Minneapolis High Grade Patent , and other brands of Flour too numerous to mention. These will be sold from 6Oc per sack up to $1.26. Should theBFlour not suit-we
will take back the goods and refund you the money. We also purchased four car loads of Soap , slightly damaged by fire , [ soap factory burned in lown ] , which will
be sold 7 , 8 and 12 bars for 26c , and SO bars for $1.OO.
30 Ibs. Granulated Sugar for - $1.00 OF THIS
1 Ib. Tea worth. 75c for .50
1 Ib. Pure Spices , your choice , .40 2.00
1 Ib. Baking Powder , warranted , .10
Ml v Total - - $2.00 If BouQht at Our Opening
For 15c you get a Tea worth 25c Broken Java lie , 15cand 20c
Pure Rio I6j c worth 2Oc
For 25c you get a Tea worth 40c .No. 1 Rio I8c worth , 22c
For 40c you get a Tea worth 6Oc 3 X Rio 20c worth : . . -25c
Golden 24c worth 30c
For 50c you get a Tea worth - . 80c Combination 25c worth * 35c
Mocha and Java 30c worth 40c
We keep all grades lay in your supply for the year. Don't Miss These Bargains.
3 packages Quaker Oats for 25c. 4 packages Corn Starch25c. . 2Oc bottle Catsup for lOc.
3 packages Quail Oats for 25c. 4 packages Gloss Starch,125c. 25c bottle Catsup for 15c.
2 packages California Breakfast Food , 25c. 5 packages Baking Pov desr ; 25c. 15c bottle Olives for lOc ,
1 package Corn Gritz , ( Quail Brand ) lOc. Toilet Soap , 2c , 3c , 5c and /lOc / and upward. 35c bottle Olives for 25c.
/ ) packages Soda , ( any brand you wish ) 25c. Lemon Extract 5c and upward to the very best. 1 package Bird Seed , 5c &c. , &c.
tit tin
These are but a Few of the Many Bargains. 31 nit- . l ! Lemonade Free to Our Customers All Day. No 2c Fake ,
I ! - 116 and 118
I G.
Stonehill's Old Stand. . -A , South 16th Street.
Ohio's Governor Is Handsomely Enter
tained on Short Notice.
In Ills Address of Twenty Mliiutoi Ho
Couvlncrs the CltlzuiiN of Tlmt Lo
cality of Ills Claim to Uln-
tlnctlon us nil Orator.
HABTIXOS , Nob. , Aug. 0. [ Special Talo-
prum to THE BEK. ] Hastings had the unex
pected pleasure of entertaining for a wbllo
this afternoon Hon. William McKinley , jr. ,
xvbo was traveling by tbo Burlington to
Denver. Efforts bad been made some tlmo
ago to have tbo Distinguished Ohloan speak
in Hastings prior to his departure for tno
cast , but ns his available tlmo was engaged
the endeavors made were of no avail. This
uftornoon at:50a ! ) : "rush" Wojtoru Uulon
message to James N. Clarke , prosuiont of
the Hastings Republican club , convoyed tbo
Information that Major MclCluloy would nr-
rlvo in the city at 4:05 : und that ho would
speak at that tlmo.
Bills were gotten out in an Incredibly
short tima nnd the news spread rapidly from
mouth to mouth. Wbllo , of course , thous
ands Who would hnvo been pleased to boar
the major know nothing of his passage
through the city , ut least " ,000 parsons
gutborod at the depot In tea or liftoon
jnlnutes to glvo him u western welcome.
A cnrrlngo wus provided and to It the gov
ernor was escorted wbon the train arrived.
liasUties bolng a division station a stop of
twenty minutes was mado. The carnage
was driven u little north Ho a shady plauo
under the trees.
Mr. Clarke introduced tbo speaker , taylng
that a somewhat unexpected honor was con
ferred upon him. When Major McICinloy
arose to respond n chout of upplauso greeted
him. Ho said that It wus unexpected on bis
jmrtnlso. Ho congratulated the iiuillonco
upon the marvelous growth of tbo west. Ho
did not suppose that It wnx possible that it
bad made BO much progress.
Not Mute , but mi Kinplro.
In traveling tbiougb the Blato bo bad
fo'ina ' that It was not only a state , but un
ompiie. Ho also wished to congratulate the
citizens upon the growth of Hastings. Ten
years ago It hud a population of loss than
! IUOO , ; now it was moro than 11,000 , u truly
wonderful growth.
"If there uro no Beatrice people within the
sound of my voice , " said Governor McKinley
loy , "I would say that In my opinion Hustings
is the third city In tbo state. I have boon in
Doutrlco und I have been In Hastings and it
Is certainly bard to toll which Is tno tblra
city. " Ho said that Qlndstono , fourteen
year * ago , writing In the North American Re
view , said that England unu America
mother And daughter were the two greatest
nations upon thu oartb. At some not distant
day bo ox peeled that tbo daughter moro or
loss fnlr would bo greater than the mother.
"And 1 will venture the assertion , " contin
ued the speaker , "that the daughter Is greater
nnd fulror tbuu the mother. This 05,000,000
of puoplo , comprising 5 pur cent of the popu
lation of tbo globe , spend moro raoqoy than
any other equal number of people because
they huvo moro to spend , nro greater con
sumer J und have bntturwagoa than any other
( tt.000,000. Wo use ' . ' 0 per cent of all tbo cot
ton produced , 0 pur cent ot the wool , 50 per
cent of the tin and HO per cent of the sugar. "
Hero some ono wanted to know what tbo
republican patty was doing for Homestead.
Tbo answer cumo nulcklv that protective
tariff and frco trudo baa nothing to do with
the strikes.
"England with her free trade has two
strikes to our ouo , " said bo. ' Thu pcoplo
wbo hnvo Improved tbo couutry , who made
the roads , the atroot * , the school bouses and
college * and who were taxed to support and
maintain them , uro under the protection of
tbo federal government , which bis the
power to go lu every house In the land and
tuUo r ry fair sou to tight and , If may l ,
die for the defense of that government
ana vet tbo arm of tbo federal government
Is not strong enough to roaoh tbo foreigner
who seeks to enter our markets. Wo ulono
In the United States have the right to enjoy
tbo privileges which have been wrought
for us ourselves. "
Governor MrlCinloy's Hpccch was frequently
quently interrupted "witb applause and
laughter , and n' , Its termination bo agalu
boarded the train for Denver.
> 'i'l > rn ] [ a' Next ( iovcrnor Heine Ovor-
Wlioliuotl With llrprcsslons of Confidence.
WASHINGTON , D. C , Aug. 0. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : BEG. ] Judge Crounso baa
been overwhelmed with telegrams of con
gratulation today from all parts of the coun
try. It was not generally known before the
closing of the department yesterday that bo
bud received tbo nomination , but this morn-
Inc every ono know it and bis ofllco was
bosiogca with visitors who wished to con
gratulate him.
JudL'O Crounso said this afternoon that ho
bud not been able yet to make any delinlto
plans for the future , but that ho would
resign probably September 1.
Following nro some of the telegrams ho
has received :
Pun Francisco , Cal. I cnnsrutulato on your
nomination. I'reueh turltf and win.
II. It. lliiowv ,
Uncolii , Nob. On fourth ballot , llrst today ,
Crounsu 110 , On Majors' motion , made un.iul-
IIIOUH. Accept congratulations.
Lincoln. Nob. Accept congratulations. Wo
will curry Nebraska whoopiiiK' .
r. r. iin.Tov.
Omalia Wo extend hearty congratulations
on nomination , iloio's to success In Novum-
bur. McUAUUK linos.
Lincoln , Nob. Von have boon nominated
for governor , ConKr.iiiilatlons to vonrsulf und
Nobr.islta republicans. JAM us W. DAWKS
United HUUua Somite. Slncoro congratula
tions A. S. I'Aiiuocic.
lilncnln. Nob. Congratulations. Any com
mand will ho honored by mo. U. U fluiuu
Now York Oily. Congratulations ,
W. J. Ti.NdUE.
Lincoln , Nob. Accept concr itulations.
Hnlimdld ticket. Sucuuss ahead. Leuvu for
Washington Immediately. R. K. VAI.KNTINK.
.lorsuy Ulty , N. J. Just learned of your
nomination and oxtenu my heartiest con
gratulations. O. M. CJAHTEK.
Uhlcau'o. Ill , Accept sincere congratu
lations. Command my services at limy tlmo
during cainpiilen. UKOKHK W. DOIISKV.
Sun 1'raiiclsco. Accept my most heartfelt
congratulations on your nomination.
Tbcso are oulv a few of the messages
which Judge Crounso has rocolvod.
AUuniH County l'roill ) > UloilUt * .
JIIMATA , Nob. , Aug. 0. [ Special to TUB
BEE.J Adnms county prohibitionists met
yesterday. E. A. Wuldroa called the con
vention to order about 3 o'clock in tbo after-
nocu. They elected delegates to state and
congressional cnnvoiUlgns and than pro
ceeded to place lu nomination the state and
county oftlcors. C. U Jones of Hastings was
chosen for senator , and after an hour's de
buting and wrangling ever Indorsing the re
publican nominee for representative , tbo
motion was lost and Robert Ash ohotcn for
representative. K , T. Cassol was appointed
a committee to meet a com mil too from \Vob-
stor county and nomlnato a flout ropro-
Bcntutivi' . The county ultornoy was loft to
the central committee. After much dobuto
the following resolutions wore tabled :
Thill foreigners shall be residents of the
Ui.ltod titiitu * twunty-ono yours before ul-
lowud the rluht of aulfruKu , thnt nil furulirii-
u bo tuxud * luo us u protection to our labor ,
and that the syntem of I'lnkorloii guards bo
condumned und suppruvtud by law.
Koiolutlons were adopted ou the death of
D. S. Cole of Hustings. The attendance was
the smallest for several year * , but tbo en
thusiasm was great In proportion to num
bers , lu tbo mutter of stale reprosoutativo
several of tbo loading members of the con
vention argued that tbo republican nominee
was good enough for thorn.
llctolvei ! with ( IrtHt Kntliuatium.
AiKtNtox , Neb , , Aug. 0 , [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] Joseph Hartley , "our
Joe , " republican nominee for utato treasurer ,
came homo tonight from tbo convention.
Tbo ontlro population of Holt county for
mlles arouud were ut the train with tbo ccr-
tiot band to welcome him * homo. Democrat *
and Independent * without Toservo mot with
republicans In congratulating Mr. Hartley on
his success. Ho was taken In churgo by
Milton Doollttlo nnd A. L. Morse , two of the
democratic wheel horses of llolfcounty , and
driven to the cltv bull where an Informal re
ception was hold. The town is druped in
holiday attire and brilliantly Illuminated in
honor of tbo occasion. The pcoplo nro well
plcasrd with the ontlro ticket and will roll
up a big republican gain in Holt , county.
JIuttera of Importance Discussed. nnU DU-
pOHUll Of I.UHt Nlgllt.
When the council convened la&t night , the
first thing that it did was to co Into com-
mtttco of tbo whole , with Mr. CnafTeo in the
chair. Then the members trlod to llguro out
who were the lowest bidders on Venetian
blinds for the windows of the city hall. This
was something that they could not da To
soltlo tbo matter the comptroller was in
structed to readvortlso ono week for new
bids. Tboso bids will compel tbo bidders
to state the price per square foot for Vene
tian blinds of quarter sawed ouk , with .two-
Inch blat3 , to match interior finish.
Iho protest against the further onlarca-
montof Prospect Hill cemetery was another
matter that was 'n thu bunds of tbo coimnit-
tco of the wbolo. This was called up nnd
was discussed at length. The city ntlornoy
was instructed to draft and present to the
council an ordinance preventing the further
enlargement of the boundaries ot tno come-
to ry.
The city electrician ordinance was disposed
of bv tbo npnoiutmont of a committee of
three , of which the city ongincor shall up u
member , 10 draft un-ordinance , together witb
rules nnd regulations , to bo reported buck to
tbo council within two wooks.
The hydrant nnd tbo buck ordinances were
reported back to tbo council , to bo considered
In regular session next Tuesday night.
When the committee arose and the council
got back into regular session George W.
Powers asked to bo allowed to conduct a
cigar store in tno rotunua of tbo city hall.
His application was referred.
President Davis was glvon permission to
absent himself from the city for onp wook.
An ordinance looking to tbo paving of
Seventeenth street , from Farnam to Harnoy ,
with Trinidad shoot asphuitum , wus road
twice and re/erred. /
Hurt Altiuun I.OM > III * 1,1 In Whllci Untiling
lu That Hody of Wntnr.
Bert Altmnn , u compositor in the ofllco ol
the South Omaha Dally Stockman , was
drowuod while bathing in Cut Off lake near
Swift's ice luuso last ovenlnc. Mr. Altman
wont out to the lake early In the ovonlng in
company with some friends , and tbo party
wont In bathing opposite Courtland Boach.
It was after dark when Altman , wbo was
swimming about fifty feet from the shore ,
wai seen to throw up bis arras and sink.
Nothing was thought of the incident for a
moment , but when ho failed to coma to the
surface his friends hastened to aid him. But
It was too Ute , und they were uuablo oven
to lind bis body.
Altman was about SO years old and had
boon a resident of South Oaiuba for about
four yea's. Ho wus a young man of ex
emplary habits and deservedly popular witb
u largo rlrolo of friends. Ho was a member
of the First Methodist church and took an
aolivo part lu tbo work of the young people's
societies. Ho also belonged to Typographi
cal union No.OU of South Omaha , Ho has
no relatives ) n the city , but bis parents rc-
sldolnTacomu , Wush.
Arrontuit tlm Town Hoard.
WKST Bui'Biuoii , WIs , , Aug. 0. Warrant *
were Unuod by Justice Joseph French this
morulnc for tbo arrest of tbo ontlro town
board of Superior on a charge of embezzle
ment , The members of tbo board are John
Walker , Martin Kornstod and Franic Des
mend , and all llvo ut South Kaugo. Tbo
warrants churgo thnt on May UO , Ib'Jl , tbo
above mentioned mombura , then constituting
tbo town board , appropriated MOO to tboir
own uvo uud nlio other smaller sums at vari
ous subsequent times. Last yeur's tax wus
170,000 , wblcb wus collected , aud uono of it
U now vUlblo , and ibero are no town im-
provotuouu toihovr where It lias gone.
Two Desperate Thieves Overpower a Motorman -
man at Lincoln.
After Holng Itelloied of Ilia dull the Com
pany' * Guiiriliiiu Is Unceremoniously
Thrown from the .Moving Car
Capital City Gos lp.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Aug. 0. [ Special to THE
BEH.J Oao of the most daring robberies
ever porpotrntod la Llncola occurred shortly
before midnight last night. Michael Kciloy ,
a raotonuan on the Lincoln street railway ,
was overpowered by two man and after a
dcspc-ruta struggle rob bed of $33 in casu and
a numocr ot minor articles. Ho was In
cbargo of car No. IMS und was making bis
last trip for the night. Ills car runs on ttio
Union college line and lifter leaving the
corner of Sunnier and Twonty-aovouth
streets he bad ontlra charge of the car.
After leaving Union college with the
empty car ho started In to clean the commu
tater while tbo car was running alone a level
piece of truck , lu order to do so bo wont
down on his Knees and raised up tbo trap
Moor In the bottom of tbo car. It was wbllo
In this position that two unknown men
sprang on tbo car and assaulted him. lie
fought desperately , bis clothing belug nearly
.torn from bis tioiiy in tbo struggle. The
men roobed him of the money and then
throw him from the car. Ho followed un
bU car and came up to It a balf mlle further
on. The trolley had slipped from the wire ,
thus bringing tbo car to a standstill. Tbo
police have been unable to find any men
answering to the description of the robbers
given by ICclloy.
Death of n I'loncer.
In tbo death of D. L. Pockham , which oc
curred lust night at bis home at 1117 L
street lu this city , Lincoln loses one of Its
curliest pioneers. Mr. Pockbam bad been a
resident of Nebraska slnco 1600 nnd bad
moved to Lincoln Immediately after tbo had been located hero by the state
capital commission In 1807. Ho ercotud ono
of tno llrst business plocoB&in the embryo
city nnd commenced bu < ) no-is us a contractor ,
and has erected many of ttolnrgost and lln-
est blocks in Lincoln. Ho , has long bean a
sufferer from un abscosUla the rnglon of the
heart and bis death WIBpjUnloss. \ . Ho win
55 yours old and loft a WU6 and tbreo chil
dren to mourn their loss : .
Lincoln In'lt'rlbr.
An occontrlo gasoilnoVu Vo called the lira
department to HiO : M strait at 10:80 : thin fore
noon. Tbo blaze was quokijr ( extinguished
and tbo damage will noUoxcood fs5.
Governor McKinley 'udSfced ' through tbo
city today onrouta to Dinvurj
Tbo blayclo exports havaorganUoJ a wheel
club and it Is hoped thufatjcast UOO wheelmen -
men will bruomo members. ' n
Jossu Cloud today conimstlcod u suit for dl-
vorco from bli wlfo , to , wb.oui ho lias boon
married for ever thlrty-sovon yearn. In his
petition bo alleges tbrtUVho tried to poison
him by drugging bis food. a\ \
East Lincoln bus organized a Musonlu
ledge wltu u full complement of oflluers and
mom bora. '
I.onc 1'lnu't Chniitntifiun.
LONO PINK , NoU , Aug. 0. [ Special to Tun
HiiB. ] Tbo closing of tbo sixth annual sns-
Blon of tbo Long I'lno Chautauqua was cele
brated bv a grand JIual concert given under
the direction ot Mrs. J. 1C Koltbloy of
Wooplng Water academy. A program con
sisting of vocal and Instrumental music ana
rooitatlons was carried out witb credit to
tbo dlrocaor and performers , Thus cloieu
the most successful atiombly yet bold unou
the local Cbautauqua grounds. It has bean
a uraud success botb us to tbo enjoyment of
all wbo attended und the financial results.
Tbo management finds that after paying all
the expenses ot the session there remains u
neat prollt. Now that tbo Chnutauqua lias
been placed upon a paying basis , no longer is
there any doubt as to Its permanency. Those
who now own lots will "proceed at once to
build summer cottages , some ofvhlch will
Do constructed this se.ison , and Instead of
camping oulv a few ilavs during the Chau- will llvo duilng the hot months on
the grounds , where every place Is delight
fully cool.
Aluch credit Is ctuo the president , Kov.
George Hlndley , for the successful outcome
of tbo session , and all the friends of tbo
Chautauqua will DO pleased to know that ho
has been ro-olectod to the ofllco which bo
has bold during tbo year.
Mo Clew to Colii'a Murderer.
HASTINGS , Nob. , Aug. 0. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BUB. | Tboro nro practically no
now developments In the investigation of
the murder of D. S. Cole. The report that
more than one woniau would possibly bo Im
plicated is confirmed but still it is doubtful
if onougb evidence can bo obtained to war
rant arrests. Tbo adjournment of the core
ner's Jury until Wednesday evening la to
give the oOIccrs ana half u dozer detectives
inoro time to work upon tbo case and to ob
tain more positive evidence. It is qullo gen
erally bnllovcd hero that no ouo will over
suffer punishment for the crlmo.
The funeral will bo bold at 1:30 : tomurrow.
Fon'mnn Muliomiy's Hotly round.
BKATUICK , Nob. , Aug. G. ( Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : BIE. | The body of Thomas
Mabouoy , foreman of tbo B. & M. , wbo wus
drowned in the Blue while bathing last
.night , was recovered at noon at about liftoon
foot from whore the party of swimmers had
gene into the water. It is presumed bo bud
started to return and was taken witb cramps.
An Inquest was hold this afternoon , tbo
vordlct being that death was caused from
drownlnc. The body when recovered was
drawn out of shape. Maboney's parents at
Cedar Kaplds have boon notified of the acci
Krnniay'ft Cotton Mill Product.
KKAHNBV , Nob. , Aug. ( ! . fSooclal Tele
gram to Till ! Bui ! . | ICoarnoy made shooting
Is tbo name of a now brand of goods placed
upon tbo homo market for the llrst tlmo to
day. Tbo clotb Is tbo product of tbo Kear
ney cotton mill and Is line as any lu the
Klckfd liy n Culf.
EMvilOHX , Nob. , Aug. 0 , [ Special Tele
gram to TUG BHIS , | Bryan , a son of William
Hopper , n farmer Hvlnc ono mlle south of
this place , was kicked lu the abdomen by a
calf today ana seriously , if not futally , in
Injured on I tin Union I'liclHc.
GiiAND IsiANi ) , Nab. , Aug. 0 , | Special to
Tim BKK.I A Union Paclllo employe named
Bum Elliott was Knocked down by a freight
engine lost nlcbt and sustained a broken
wrist and dislocated shoulder.
Klovutorund Flouring1 Mill Iliirnuil.
WILCOX , Nob. , Aug. U. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Br.i : . ] U. U. Potter's steam flouring
mill and elevator , valued at 818,000 , burned
today at noon. Insurance $7,500.
kOUTJl OJl.tllA ,
1'lvo Accidents Ywntunluy Homo of 7hem
of u Horlou * Nature.
J. W. Uubcl mot with an accident yester
day afternoon wblcb may cost him bis life.
Uubcl is u carpenter and is employed upon
ono of Swift's now buildings now In course
of erection. Ho wus working upon a scaf
fold about fifteen feet above the ground , and
by a mlsstop lost bU footing and foil. Tbo
ontlro right sldo of his body was badly
bruised. The attending physician has not
boon able to determine whether lutornal In
juries wora sustained , Hubol is a married
inuu und resides in tbo Eggors block ou
Twenty-fourth and N streets.
At 010 : ! yesterday morning Mrs. Catherine
Bchloefer was thrown from a moving motor
tralu at Twenty-fourth and J stroeti and
badly Injuroa about tbo face and head and
loft sbouldor. Bbo attempted to alight from
tbo train wblto it was ttlll In motion. Mr * .
Schlcofor Is an Arabian woman , and rosldo *
at 1U01 South Twelfth stroat , Omaha.
A heavy ploao of timber foil from tbo soo-
end story of the now Plvouka block yostor-
duy morning and struck Fran I : Bernard , n
laborer there , upon the head , Inlllctlng a bad
At Hammond's packinghouse II. Karoakn ,
an employe , had his loft font badly crushed
by nlioavv timber falling upon the momoer.
W. M. Knouso ullghtod from a motor truin
lust night about 'J o'clock and was thrown
to the pavement. Ho was badly cut ana
bruised about the body. The train was run
ning at full spood. The accident occurred at
Tivonty-fourtb and J streets.
itcllgiotifi sunicuH.
United Presbyterian Church Twenty-
third and 1C streets. Uov. J. F. Ross , pastor.
Sabbath school ut 10 a. in. ; preaching at 11
a.m. Subject : "Tbo Philosophy ol Tomptn-
lion. " Young peoples mooting at 7:45. The
evening services will bo hold at 8 o'clock ,
and Kov. John M. Ross of Plttsburg , Pa. ,
will preach.
St. Martin's Free Church Twenty-third
street between F1 and U streets. Rov. Canon
Wbltmarsh , rector. Holy communion 10 a.
m. Evening prayer and sermon 5 p. m.
MotboUist. Episcopal Church Corner
Twenty-third nnd N stroot. Rov. C. N.
Dawson , pastor. Sunday school15 ! ) : a. m.
Preaching 11 a. m. nnd 7:30 : p. m. Class
mooting 1'J in.
First Presbyterian Church Corner
Twonty-llfth und J streets. Rov. Robert L.
Wheolor. pastor. Sunday school , 10 a.m. ;
services , Jl a. m. nnd 7:1)0 : ) p. in. ; Young
People's Society Christian Endeavor , 0:15.
St. Agnes' Church Tvvciity-socoiid and Q
streets. Rov. Father Mo'rtarty , pastor ;
Father Muu'an , llrst assistant ; Father
Hickio , second assistant. First mass , 8 u.
m. ; second mass , 10:15 : u. in.
St. Bildgot's Twcntv-slxth near 13 stroot.
Pastors sumo a * St. Agnes' church. Mass ,
'J u. m.
First Christian Church 1C street , between
Twenty-second und Twenty-third streets.
Elder Marion Boles , pastor. Sunday school
ut 10 a. in. Preaching 11 a.m. and 8 p. m.
Young People's Socloty of Christian En
deavor 7 p. in.
Afro-Ameilcan Christian Church Al
bright , Rov. Williams , pastor.
Baptist Church Twenty-seventh , between
M and N streets , Rov. J. C. Stephenson ,
pastor. Sunday school 12 in. Services 11
n. m. and 7IU : ! p. rn.
Gorman Lulhorn Church Twenty-ninth
and S strcots. Preaching 10 u. in.
Want .Horn Strniliimiint.
Appearance ) Indieito that there are sovnral
property owners on Twenty-fourth street
who nro aatisllod with tbo stradamant as
phalt laid on that thoroughfare and are
anxious for nioro of it. The west
Inilf of tbo street from J north
to A strooi has not ooon paved , the city
stopping tbo company ut J street last winter ,
nnd has not slnco permitted any more paving
to bo done. A petition u being quietly clr-
uulutcd among the property owner * asking
( bo council to permit the Siradamant
company to finish tbo stroot.
A petition protesting against permitting
the company to proceed will also bo laid bo-
fora the council and that boJy will again
tussle with tbo Twenty-fourth strooi paving
, problem ,
Myxturloutly Hurt.
Ernest ICnudson , an American .District
Tolograpb messenger , mot with a peculiar
accident yesterday morning. Ho was passIng -
Ing down tbo alloy from N strooi , between
Twouty-alxlh and Twonty-savontb mrootj ,
and was knocked Insensible by being struck
back of tbo right oar with a Hin ll nubble or
hot. Ho was picked up nnd taken to bis
homo at Twenty-seventh and J streets. Ho
did not BOO any ponon near und does pot
buvo any Idea from whence came the tulssilo
that hit him. A stray shot from an uir gun
is supposed to bo tbo cnuio.
Note * und 1'crioiml * .
Mrs. D. G. May and sister returned yostort
day from their Colorado trip.
A loolal dance wan given at Ptvonka'a ball
last ovonlng and was well attended ,
Born A eon , to Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Mo-
Mabon , Twentieth and Missouri uvonuo.
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Mayflold will leave for
D two week * outing uV Colorado Sprluga uud
other Colorado resorts.
darrott Hulst of Rapid City , B D. , wai
visiting Dr. W. II. Biggins yesterday. Mr.
Hulst Is enrouto hocio from an E-iropunn
Mike Burke , charged with stealing J. E. .
McBrldo's watch , was discharged by Judge
Fowler yoitorday morning.
The South Otmvhu bull club and Ibo Models
of Council Blurts will play bull ut Sports
man's park this attornoon nt a o'clock.
The Infant child of Mr. und Mrs. Frank
Hiirloy , Twenty-seventh nnd Hammond
strouts , was burled yesterday afternoon la
8r , Mary's comotory.
The recora was broken by the police force.
last ovonlng nnd tbo first arrest since
Wednesday was mado. Tno party nr rested
was a small negro boy and ho was charged
with lighting. o
Win. Smolsor , who came bore as a delegate
from Nemuha county to attend the people's
party convention nna has since boon ser
iously ill , is recovering nnd will bo able to
return homo within a few days.
The 9-yoar-old daughter of John Hubert ,
who resides at Nineteenth nnd O streets , i
reported missing. Mrs. Hubert sent tbo
child to do some trading yesterday morning
and her disappearance dates from that time.
Another Itrcoril llntulcnr.
Nuw YOIIIC , Aug. 0. Thn graceful steamer
Vonozoula , of the Rod D line , arrived today
with n record of the fastest trip between
South America and Now York , having made
the run from La Guayra , Venezuela , lu flvo
days und cloven hour'n. This looord HUS an
avorugo or 14 knots un hour.
Kiitteen nf flee Wwt nrltus wulfrtMlitMltjtu'u
cent * ; c tch a lilttlonnl line ten cent * .
IjfcOX Jomno I'.llrahoth , holovcd daii li-
tur of Mrs. ChrUtlna oirlsnn. at thu resi
dence. 12.17 North Twentieth struct , AuituHt
ti , 18'Ji Funeral Siindiiy , August 7 , at a
p. m , Intel inunt at L'orost li iwn mmiotury.
1 rlunda InvlloU.
ICcnil Ono Solid Sore. Itohlnu Aivful.
IIuil to Tin II IH IlandH to C'rndlo.
Curoil by Ctitlourn.
Our llttlubojr brokuout on till lioil trlt'i n hnJ
furni ( if ec7un B , wliun In ) win four monllii old Wo
trlud tlirouitoclorii , hut tliuy did nut liolji him Wo
tlitmimil jrour tlirco utlcuri Itiiulln ailurtj
licm lOuvvn vrtckH uxuclly nuordlnK toillruo
tlom , ha buxiiu to utoiidlly
linprovo , iniil nftor tlio uau
of Ilium fur ituvuu iiiontlii
lilHlioml wii entlrolwcill
\Mion wu lii-itun uiltiu It lili
liund rn * u nnllil ur from
the crown to lili oyelrown
It wuiulnonll ever till tia
rnoitotlilj fniu ml mimll
| ilii.i ! on illiruront piirU of
. _ . . , lili loiljr , Tliaro were > lz
> i X tyf Jfj Ictn wcuk I hut wo had to
) S l'l tlud to thu
rf" " * " " kauV ' liuniU
rndlu nnd hold thuin wliun ho w t tiiken ul awl I > < 1
tokuu | > mlttCMiitloJonhl > liunJ to kuap ld ttnxot-
null * out of tbo un > , u ho would .emtoli If liu coulil
In iiur wityuut lili hands luuiu , Wo know your Uutl-
cum llcmudluicuroJ Wm. Wo foul tmta In rocum.
mumllnKtlit'iii tool'iem '
fiKO. II. nucl JANKITA IIAUllld , Wdbltir , In I
Cuticura Resolvent
Thu now Illodil and Hkln I'urlilur. nnl urutlixt nf
Jlumur Itomoilloi. cleunxii lliv bluuJ of uli I'lipurl *
tloiiuid pulkuiiunn I'k'inunttami tlmi ruiuovvi tin
rnuio , wiiliu Cl'ncUIH. Hiu KrJit mill ourj , unit
CliriciMiA KOAI * . un uxciultltu ( kill buuu irtur. cl ar
the kln und ic'ttlp. mil roitoro th luilr Tnui tliu
CIITICIIUA lUiiKDIKH , cum every
liiirnlru. ly , I'lnri'lr. nml blouhy Kklu , Kcnlp , HIII |
III. . < nl itlk uii . from | iluiitu | to ciofuui , IrumlU'
funcr to ago , nliun thu Ixiat | ili/sUliin full.
b'oldovorywhere. 1'rlro. COTlCUHA'iOc.t8oAt
Me. : Ki'.Hiu.vKNr. tl. I'ruptrud by ihe I'OTTKU
1)111)0 ) ANDUllKillOAI , UOIII'OlliTIOM. llJIIOII
'Send for "How to Uiiro BUIn UUowm. " 04
i , 51) Illustration * , und 10U tebtlmonliilH.
purltlul unit biiutlllol
Itjr CUTICUUA HOAl' . Ab ulutjly | mrJ ,
Of funmloB Instaiitiy relloveil by
that new , nluitant , und Infitlllblu
Antldtoe to I'aln. InflUtiiiiiatlon.iind
* \Vealneua , tbo OUTIUUUA Awi-1'Aii