Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Decision Reached by the Union Pacific
Men Late Last Night ,
" " " " *
Ho Knilorneil MiumRcr IMrkliunn' * I'oMtlon
nil the Mi-n TnUo llrrUlvo Action
Serums Turn of tlio Situation
Noon Tailiiy the Time.
Tbcro nro flying rumor * that the Union 1'n-
clllo telegraph opsratoH will ttrlkii If not
granted the Increased scnlo of wapoa de
manded , but interview * with loaders In the
Order of Kiillwuy Tulcgranhers foreo the con
clusion that there Is no probability of such a
disturbance. Exoltnblo tnon hero nod there
tallc strike , perhaps , but the ro ponslbw rep-
rosontntlcoj of the organization admit that
the railway ofllumls have traatod tnom with
marked courtesy and made Important con
cessions. They are hopeful of n further concession -
cession in the matter of wades and deprecate
the talk of strlno us uncalled for. It was
expected yesterday tuut a response would
bo received from General Manapor Clark In
tlmo to bold another conference.
"I do not think there Is any dansjor of a
strtko , " said Superintendent iCorly of the
Union PnclflctoloijraphdopartmoiU yesterday
morning , "tho companv has granted changes
In the system of worltlnc operators that will
make u substantial increase In the remunera
tion of the force , and wnon the boys como to
rnnlto n careful comparison witn tno salaries
paid on other roads I believe they will con
clude they nro treated fnlrly ,
"Tlio grievance committee submitted n
schedule that would nave raised the pay of
every operator on the system , regardless of
what bo Is Rotting at the present tttno. The
aggregate Increase for the year would hnvo
run up to nearly $ -00,000. TUoii they revised
their trheaulo , and now they are us In UK ad
vances aggregating over 00,000. As n mat
ter of fact our operator. are receiving better
wages , all thing * conaldorcd , than tboso of
nnv road In the United States , with
but two exceptions. Those are the
Denver & Hlo Orando and the Southern
Pacific , two roads that are cumin ? enouch
to pay dividends. Our scale ls higher oven
than 'that of the Santu i'o , whoso operators
had to force their bchodule out of that com
"The standard rate for peed operators on
our line is (75 a month , and tno managers got
ns high as $105. The average for the whole
Bvstom , even Including the lowest , Is over
( CO a month.
' Thu Union Pacific Is not opposed to or-
canlzca labor , and the operators will bo
treated with fairness. On thu other railway
systems their order has had to llpht for roc-
Offtltlon , while our company has conceded
their right to organize and present grievances.
The officers of the order hnvo held passes
over our system for two years , and our
odlccrs nro disposed to malco every conces
sion that is reasonable and just to the stock
owners. The road has not earned n dividend
unco 13Si. :
"Tho di-mands of the telegraphers outsldo
the matter of wages huvo virtually been con
ceded. Wa huvo agreed to a sot of rules for
the regulation of the service. Perhaps the
most Important Is that concerning over tlmo.
Heretofore it has been customary to cull on
operators whenever needed. Under the now
rule In offices having ono or two men twelve
houti will constitute a day's work , and In
the larger offices It will bo ten
hours. Tlio men will hereafter receive
pay for all tlmo in excess of regular hours ,
and if called out in tlio uight they will bo
paid whether usud or MIDI. Tbts item of
overtime will inuko a considerable Increase
In the cost of the sorvlco and in the remuner
ation of the men. Another rule provides ,
that , other things being equal , promotions
hall bo governed bv length of service.
' Wo arn willing to raise the minimum of
the Rcalo to that of the Santu Fo schedule ,
winch Is 15 u month , Lmi it would probably
result In tlio closing of a number of nfilccs ,
Wo huvo three places paying S3 ! ) and about
twontv payinu 15. Thuso are located on
branches which are not ranting expenses ,
lines that tbo company would "gladly
abandon If it were not under tin obliga
tion to keep them open for the
benefit of the people who have sattlo < l alone
thorn. Tlio telegraph business Is so small
that there is no profit in mnlntalng the
offices even at the present rate of wages.
Mr. DicKcnson has also offered to hoar and
Investigate Individual complaints of In
equalities , but the llnnncos of tno company
will not penult a general ndvancu in
wages. "
Unlrni Their llriniiiuU Are flruntril thu
TvlcRriplu-rH Oult.
The differences between the Union Pacltlo
and Its telegraph operators came to a sudden
and ttireatcnlng Usuu last night. When As
ilstunl General Manager Dickinson refused
to < rant the Increase of watrus demanded the
, grievance committee asked that it bo re
[ erred to President Clark , who has boon In
Idaho with Jay Gould for summer recrea
tion. Mr. Ularh's rotponso was received
festorday , and the committee hud another
conference with Mr. Dickinson.
The incssugo was read to the tulcgraphcrs
Htul the situation was discussed for two
hours. Mr. Chirk took thu sumo position us
Mr. Dickinson , explaining mat , tbo road
wna npt.ennilng enough to warrant any Sti-
CrCa'so In operating expenses , assuring
the men of nib kindliest feelings for them
ntid asking thorn to uccopt the concessions
nlrnnrtv nfrnpd. Thu rnnalilurntlmi of Mm
letter and the arcuniont which followed re-
lulled In no advantage for either side , and
the committee retired to their rooms ut the
Sorvttl ulth I'ormul Notice.
Lost evening ( Jruud Chlof Ramsey of the
Order of Hallway Telegraphers notified Mr.
Dickinson that the operators hud decided on
an ultimatum. Tucy gave him notlco that If
the Joimimls of tlio telegraphers were not
eruntod by noon today u con oral strike nil
over the system would bo ordered , to taito
effect ut once. Mr. Dickinson hnct no au
thority to glvo thu increase demanded.
and after consultation with Mr. Chirk by
wlro the matter was referred to thu hnunl of
directors , whose headquarters nro In Uoston.
'Yes , " said Mr. Diclc'.nson In rujtonso to
rcpor'.oriul Inquiry last night , "It Is
true that the operators threaten
to etrlko. They hod the pins sot
for n strike tonight , but concluded
lo postpone u till tomorrow. Tno matter at
Issue now Is thu vculo of wai-oi. The tolo -
raphors demand that the minimum shall bo
( i'J a mouth on all divisions.Va arc will *
ing to accede fl5. The matter has been
referred to the board of directors , who
muy consider it tomorrow inornliiir. "
"Thoro is something In it. " said Chlof
Hiunsov when asked os to thu truth of the
rumor"but ho was verv ovnslvo when It
came lo giving dollnltu Inform itlou. " 1'tio
company ban ccnoedodlho rules tveVuiit mid
the only thing ut Issue is that of wages.
There Is only a difference of $ JWIO or $3 ( XX )
between u , and I think the company will
prunt that by tomorrow. "
When asked who would order the strlko
1C It nero determined upon , ho suddenly
know ver.v llulc. lie ' 'guessed" the mom-
bora of thu committee would notify their
constituents of thu failuru of their mlsiion to
Oituhu ) and thu toloKrnphora might quit , It
wiu huggcitct that that wnuuhnphazuru way
ot doing bu ltio and mlvhi result In
the men on ono division going out while
oilier * continued at work. Ho thought ihoro
wm no dtUKOr of u luck of concerted and
unanimous action , but ho immediately took
in absorbing Interest In the atalnod ( 'lass of
thu Milliard rotunda and did not hoar the ro-
lucst for on explanation of this wonderful
p ycblo power of the UulonPaolllu operator.
Somebody , porhapt an ItUumauhas called
the phoatant "tho sacred Ibis of Uroat
Hrltaln. " It Is certainly all but worshiped
In tba United Ktnirdotu and in next Sunday's
liKi : Kdgar U Wuboman 1ms u most outer-
Ulnlng loiter on tbo subject.
Mr . Wlnslow's Soothing By rip for chil
dren teething produces natural quiet sloop.
Ji c uti boltlu.
Important and Exacting Pacts Why The
Boit3fl Store Must Oloso Out
no DlfTorcnco How Murh nr lloxv
l.lttlo Or Ulnit Viiluo Or U lint
It lirhiRd-lt'g All Got
to Go.
Wo hnvo concluded n deal in Now
York , for particulars of which BOO Sun
day's papers , which will immediately
necessitate cvory inch of room not only
of every lloor of our own immense build
ing , but which also obliges us to cut
through the walls and occupy the on
tlro second floor of the Stonohill build
Wo nro also obi Iced'to mnko every
possible arrangement to roduca all the
stock wo have on hand at present und
clean out every inch und bit of summer
goods no mutter how big the loss or
mcrilico may bo.
To do all this wo make the following
'earful ' reductions :
\Vo will close out today Stonohill'B
entire remaining men's 6Uo gnuzo and
Iwlbriggan underwear that ho sold for
50c at ICc.
Every plcco of Stonohill's mon's flno
stimtnor undorwo'ir that ho sold for Too
will bo closed out for 2oe. These are
flno French ncoki'd btilbriggan and
other regular high grade 75o under
Stonohill's ontlro stock of fine French
flannel and fancy "ilk strined summer
shirts , imported nhoviot shirts , Norfolk
Ilitnnol shirtsot3.nll of which ho Bold for
' 2.00 will bo clojed out today at 76c.
Stonohill's ontlro line of ladles' 39c
fast black , lisle thread vesta go at 9o
Stonohill's entire lot of ladies' 30o
derby ribbed unblonctied underwear will
bo closed at lc ) each.
Stonehill's entire lot of ladles' lancy
high colored Halo thread , silk stitched ,
dofby ribbed underwear worth 75c will
bo closed at 12Jc today.
Last clmnco at
Stonchill's entire lot of Indies' 25c fast
black , fancy colored and boot pattern
hose go at lOc a pair.
Today wo close out Stonchill's en
tire line of finest 18-inch point d'Irolando
laces that ho sold for $1.00 , at 25o a
Stonohill's black pure silk chantilly
lace go at lOc , 15c , lOc ; worth up to .
75c.Stonohill's j
Stonohill's entire line of finest cream I
ohtintllly luces will bo forced out today
at lee , lOe and 2oc. They are worth up
to SOc a yard. |
Stonohill's entire stock of flno hemstitched j
stitched and embroidered skirtings , full
skirting width , will bo rushed out at
80c a yard. They're worth $1.00.
Today wo must close out the entire -
tire lot yf about 000 dozen beautiful
hnnddrawn hand embroidered handker
chiefs , in flno mull , pure linen and fine
sheer linen , which Stonchlll sold for
75c , our price today , 12jo each.
All Dr. Hoffman's 75c health corsets
with clusticsidcs go at 2 ! > c.
All Dr. Warner's cold wave summer
corsets worth $1.00 go at 50c.
All Dr. Warner's $1.25 Coralino cor
sets go at G'Jc.
Wo will Hweep out Stonohill's entire
line of children's lace caps which ho
sold up to $1.00 at 7c , 12o and 19c ouch.
Lnst chance nt Stonehill's
Today wo will make the greatest"
reduction in fi'no shirt waists made this
year. All Stonohill's best quality"
French sateens in dark grounds , in- i
cludinc stripes , nolka spots , , ring I
spots , flour do lis and how knots , also
all of his finest quality percale and linen
lawns inmimorousdcsigiis These shirt
waists are mudo in the most approved
mannernnd would pay anybody to put
them away for future use if they are
already supplied. Our price for these
beautiful waists , ns long as they last ,
will ba 50c each.
These garments have always boon sold
at from $1.00 to $2,00 each. Not more
than two to any customer.
Ladles' silk waists in plain chintib , in
all colors and pollen dots nnd stripes ,
all now and stylish , that ho sold for $3.08 ,
$1.08 nnd ? G.50 , go today and Monday
tit $2.08 each.
N. W , cor. Kith and Douglas.
llecord of tlio rolluo Doing * lur the Month
of .Inly.
The report of the woric done oy the pallco
department during the month of July , Just
r-mnniotcd bv Jullur * IIuvov nnd liobout.
shows the total number of arrests made dur
ing the month to . huvo boon 601.
The victim were of ull sorts of
occupations and lack of occupation.
There were two actora , six attorneys ,
live school girls , tweniy-seveu school ooys
und one thief among them.
As to nationality thorn were of Americans ,
271) ) ; Arabs , 1 ; Bohemians , IS ; Danes , 8 ;
KnglUh , It ; FrDDcn , 4 ; Carman , ai ) ; Hebrews ,
1U ; Irish , 00 ; Italian , U ; Poles , 4 ; Uusslans ,
1 ; Swedes , 'J2 ; Scotch , 5 ; Welsh , 1 , and 07
were colored.
Of these iiOli were convicted and 270 dis
missed. Thirty-three were under 10 years
of nt'o.
Twouty accidents were reported to head
quarters during tha month , six dead bodies
were found and seta to the morgue , eleven
destitute poi-jons were cared for , twonty-tivo
lire alarms wore sent In , nuio lodgers were
nccomm"diUod , eleven lost children were
picked up und twenty-six sick and Injured
por.oiiB rode in the outrol wagon.
During the thirty duys the wagon re
sponded in ull to : ilii calls.
The total value of the propirtv reported
stolen wus f..lH'.Ui" ' , and of that recovered
fl.O.VJ. The amount found In the pockets of
the prisoners was fl.U'JI.'JO.
InTlmuor 1'u.ivo 1'rop.tro for U'ur ,
Have you ever thought what you would do
In case you or some of your faintly wus taken
with a govern attack of collc.cboloru morbus ,
dysentery or dlurrbujn. In such cases it Is
not unusual for fatal results to follow uoforo
mudlchio can bo procured or n physician
summoned. There U nothing that will give
permanent relief so quickly as Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera and Dlnrr'ntu.i romody. It
never fails evou In tha most severe uasos
cither for children or udulu. Why not keep
It ut hand I " 3 uuu Stl-cuut bollloa for stile by
UruggUU , ,
Tcday the Boston Store Soils Men's nml
Ladies' ' Shoes by the Clock.
Study tlio Tlmo Table Cnrrrutly Tlicso
1'rlcot Are ( loot ! for Ilmtrn Ailvortlncd
Only Tlmo'g Worth BOo to 93.00
n Mluutn Tuiuurrow.
The Boston Store will glvo awny to
day the following lots of shoo , dur
ing the hours mlvortlsod , nt the iiricos
xvo tulvortiso bolow. ' . .
60 pulrs child's shoos , 7c n pair.
CO pairs ladles' ' serge buskins , Oc.
CO pairs inon's shoos , in congress or
Inco , worth $4.50 , for $2.75 u pair.
CO child's oxford tio's , worth $1.00 , for
1'Jc. '
CO pairs Indioa' 81.00 oxford tlos,69c.
CO pair Indies fino$2.00donpohv button
shoos 81.11.5.
CO pair ladies $3.00 dongoln , button
shoes , nil si7.os , $1.59.
CO pair 35c carpet sllppurs 19c.
CO pair ladies $1 CO bootees $1.CO.
50 pair ladies $5.00 button lint ) shoos
CO pair Indies' line $1.00 limid turned
hnportod French kid shoos , in oporaor
snuaro toe , plain or patent tipped ( now
style ) $2.50.
60 pair ladios' flno Cincinnati hand
made , $7.00 cloth top , hand turn , patent
onainol , quartnrod tipped and. trimmed ,
very line dongoln. button shoos , at $3,75
a Ditir.
60 pair men's $ U.OO custom made calf
welt congress and Inco shoos , any style
too , any width , B to EE.for $3.75 n pair.
50 pair ladles' $3.75 Prince Albert low
shoes at $2.2-3 a
50 pair fancy suede ono strap sandals ,
worth $4.50 , for SI.75 a pair.
CO pair laities' line $3.00 donpola ono
strap sandals at $1.60 a , pair.
60 pairs men's flno calf $5.00 "Blu
chers" ( now style lace shoes ) $3.00 a
100 pair cronuino Ilarrlsburp $3.00
dongolu button shoos for ladles , $1.59
a pair.
100 pair ladies' fancy oxford tics ,
worth from $3.00 to $5.00 u pair , at $1.CO ,
$1.76 and $2.25.
100 pairs mon's calf lace and congress
shoos , $1.60 a pair.
60 pair mon's real kangaroo shoos ,
lace or congress , actual value $7.00 ;
choice during that tlmo only $3.50 a pair.
60 pairs ladies' button shoes ( Omaha
shoos ) worth $3.50 , for $2.00.
50 pairs infants' fancy shoos , sizes 2 to
5 , worth $1.50 , for 83c.
60 pairs ladles'$5.00 hand turn French
dongoln button shoos , $3.00 n pair.
Romombof these prices are for the
hours wo ndvortido only , and ono second
P'ist the hour the shoo will cost you its
full price.
The greatest shoodoak-rs in Omaha ,
N. W. corner 10th and Douglas.
ON Till : UlilUUTS.
Ill the Heart of tlio Itocklos.
Glorious Colorado. ,
On the occasion of " the Templar cpn-
olavo at Denver the "Union Pacific will
soil tickets from Aug. 8 to 7 inclusive at
$12.00 for the round trip ; tickets good
returning until October 10.
Hero is a chance for a summer outing
which ts not otl'ered every day. The
Colorado cool retreats are not equalled
on this continent
HAimv P. DEUHL ,
City ticket agent , 1302 Farnam st
TIlO IMVlHt It'.ltOH Vot.
Between August 3rd and 7th the Rock
Island roatowill sell round trip tickets
to Donvnr and return for $12.00. Two
vcstibulea limited express trains daily
with dining cars attached , from Omaha
to Denver , Colorado Springs and
Poublo. Ticket olllco , 1002 Farnam
street. Charles Kennedy , general'
northwestern passenger agent.
Hitnk Deposits.
The deposits in the Omaha banks as
shown by their last published reports
aggregate nearly $25,000,000. The Go-
man Savings bank was the last bank or
ganized in the city. They have already
passed ten of the older established bunks
in the line of deposits. This , shows a
splendid growth , indeed which wo are
pleased to note.
Fresh milch cows , steers and heifers
springers. Dr. JelTrlos , Grace & 7th Sts
ISl-l.OO [ and Hoturn.
Via the Lake Shore route ( L. S. & M.
S. Ry. ) , tickets on sale August 13 and
14. Good for return until September
15. B. P. Humphrey , 727 Main St. , Kan
sas City. C. K. Wilbor , west pass , agt. ,
Nebraska Cora In
In next Sunday's DEK frank G. Carpenter ,
tbo famous correspondent , relates what was
done with the corn sent from Nebraska and
her stato3to the fatmno-stricUon rojloai ot
Worm ) Thau > i Lockout.
The statement of Mr. J , Sterling of Wick-
llffo , Ky. , will no of spoelal-'lntorost to me
chanics , many of whom have had a similar
"I um u cooper by trade , and for many
years worked In Chicago. About twelve
months ouo I had .an attnctc ' of dlurrhcua ,
which became chronic. I was treated by
two prominent physicians of Chicago , but'
from them received no permanent bonotlt I
then wont to Texas whoru I wui again
treated 'by a loudltig physician with results
similar to these I had previously experi
enced. In May I came to WicklilTo , Ky. , in
a very dobllltutud condition , consequent
upon lull lung continued troublu. I wont tea
a drug store for relief. Cliambarlaln's Uollc ,
Cholera and Diurrhuu Uoincdy was rooom-
mcndoJ. Tnu first doio relieved me , and
luo'.Ti-cont bottles cured me. I 'consider
myself well today. "
Mr , Sterling Is U' ) years of ago and a very
nice old gontloniMti , and reliable In all mat-
terd. Hecamo nero In a vury low state of
health , but now say * ho focU perfectly well
und buoyant and has had no symptoms of
diarrhoea for thrco or four wooks. Cham
berlain's Colic , Cholera and Dlarrhun Hom-
edy is Very popular hero. ( jV. . Snivel , i ,
druggist , vvlckllffo , Ky.
In next Sunday's 11 KI : will appear an In
tensely Interesting letter on English pheasant
shooting from the lacilu pen of Edgar L.
Waliemun. l ovora of sport should not fall
to read this letter.
Powder :
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
Chnlrtnnn Illrhltku or WnntH to Try Tlili
rnvlnj-pn I'ncillo Strrrt.
Tbo people rtEi lnR on Prtcldo street between -
twoon Thtrtytnoy-ond nnrt Thlrty-thlrd
streets will bo before the council nt Its next
mooting with a < r > tltIon to macadamize 130
feet of Pacilloiiireot , from Thlrty-socotul
street to the nllojt west , nt tliolr own expense.
Clinlrinan Dlrii ntisor of the Bond of Pub *
llo Works , whotnvns property nloup the line
of the stroiU , Ir at the opinion that macadam -
dam will bocomo'tho pavement for all of the
driving at roots , ' 'fhls morninc ho snld that
ho had thoroughly tnvostlgatod the subject
both In this country and In Germany nnd
was Raltsflod thub ihncnJum would soon bo
popular In Omaha.
In speaking of the cost the cholrmnn sntd
nit six Inches of broken iitono could bo laid
nt - " > cents notsqunro vnrd , four inches of
crnvol nt 15 cents nnd the putting on of the
material would roit 10 cents , mnKlnc n total
of 60 cents par squnroynrd. The chairman
sold that if the macadam was properly
tumped and rolled It would m/iko / n street ns
hard and solid ns stono. Ho thoucht that
mac.idum would bo the proper thin r for Sbor-
man nvonuo. On thntstrootthoro was n cou-
crete bnse nnd if the tnncadnm was inld on
top of this Bhcrmnu nvcnuo could ba made
the llnost driving strool In the city nnd nt a
trifling cost.
DoWltt's Snrsnpnrilia is rollanlo.
It'n Good rolltlo * .
IlnrrlBon COPS to the mountains. So
do thousands of our western people , who
find n moat dolichtful Y"0111'11 ' amid
their grtvnlto ponks , their wild gorpos ,
thoif primeval forests , their silvery
lakes nnd sparkling cascades.
Clovoliuul goes to the seaside. So do
thousands of our western people , who
revel in the salt air and the briny baths ,
in the sandy benches nnd rock-bound
const , in the fishing- and the sailing nnd
other oharmsof the rolling eon.
They first send to O. W. Rupglos , G.
' . &T.Agt. , Chicago , for the Michi
gan Central's beautiful bird's-eye map
summer tourist folder , nnd then buy
their tickets to the St. Lawrence , the
Adirondnitks , the White , mountains , the
Now-England coast , or wherever their
chosen resort may bo , by the Michigan
Central , "Tho Niagara Falls Route. "
Vanilla Of perfect purity.
Lemon Of erroat
Almond Economy In their usa
Rose etc.
Flavor as delicately
and dellclously as the froah fruit.
" 8ANATIVO , " tht
Wonderful Hppnlsh
Itemedla Fold vt 1th B
Written Cuarnntoo
IT cure all Nmous Ills-
casci ( uoh uVcnk
Memory , Ixiss of nrnla
I'QWor , llcailachc.
\ViYkcfulne , Lost Man
hVxxl , Nervousness , Jja-
ilttide , all drain ) ani
Before & After UsO. I6ti of power of the
PbotoBraplied train llfc. Generative Orcnns In
. ciUicr eer , cnu edif \
orer.DKertlon.ijouthriillndiscrctlonn.or the ejcnilve
ase of tobacco , opium , or mlmulttiits , which ultliimtely
Ifitdtii Inllnnlty , CuiKUinptlou nnd Imnnltv. 1'ut up
In cimvcnleiit form to cnrrv In tlic vent potlitt. 1'ilce
ft n imckncc , or 0 for $5. With c\cij'fioidcr wenltea
written Runrnnteo to cure or refunil the
nionor. Sfnt by innll to nny nddrera. Circular free
In plain envelope. Mention this paper. AdJiess ,
HAOHID CHEMICAL CO. . Ilronch Olfice foi U. S. A
MS Denrboni Slr.-rt , CIIKJAGO , II.I , .
Knho & Co. , Co.r 15tn & Doutilas Ets.
.A. Fuller & Co. . Cor' 1IU ) & DouKlss Sta.
FOIl despair and death , wlillo but one In umlll-
lou It prepared for the dread call. Are you
that ono ; If not , ynur earthly welfare do-
mandi that you adopt promijt amletTcctlvo ineas-
urna to prevent the approach of illeoaee. or to
eraillcatn the malady ivhlch now allllcti you.
llavo you
In any nhape. ' form , manner1 or doirfeT Is life
teadured u weary burden uy any attllitlun mch aa
Tlioro U liouo/tharo li help , there IB speedy
and permanent cure for 1011 iroin any or allot
these ll . In the wouclerim umltty , tlm nmrvc-lom
tktll und the ui.aijproachabls uethudi of thuit
Klnu-b of B
. Jl < J3T't' & .
\Vli \ . in th trsulinnit and cum of ttiln class of die-
ma. know no iu < h wcira "fall. "
"Jna 4 cii. foi tuelr liind uui ly Illiutrateil and
" ' b'U'4' ' '
South Hth St , N. H Corner Mth nd
Douglas Sis. , Oiuubti , NoU
iVnTiil Suffering Driven Almost fnsntio
by Doctors TrJcil Cutlciirn
Itcllcf Immediate Entire
ly Cured in 4 Months.
1 Buffered with tno arcndru rcicma for over rlx
months , ihirln * which time I hml ( Ontultcd thrco
doctor * , ninl tlili tormenting ikln (1l cn o hml iirown
worno nmt vror o on mo In
tplto of nil trout-
incut , Mr comlltlon wn
imbenrslilo. Sly le were
swollen , my nrms were rnw ,
my fnco nmt nock full of
eruption , which tnmlo mo
tcrntch until my whiskers
wcra ronkoil nml puMcil
with tlio tlcUy niild. I
could hnnlly bcnr my cloth *
_ IriK. When night ctuno 1
nfrnlil to go to bed , no sleep would coma tore *
ere me , hut ths Itching Would lncron c. Durlnu
Iny ttnio I hml no rent , 1 wni nil broken up , mirrous
tothitlilaliunclcurco.iiiiil ncnrly driven to ilcsp.ilr.
Atthnttlmu I rand nbuut the ri'TlctWA UUMUIH : ,
Intended to try thoni nnd dropped the doctors. After
npplyhiK ctmct'iu 1 lind tlio llrst nltihl'i re t for
anilciTTirttKA IIKMULVKXT. with proper Jndxnipnt ,
mjr condition Improved slowly tint Min'ly cluy by ihiy ,
until iiftor throoor four months' of thoni I win
enroll , Onr minister , Itcv. .1.1 , . I'ommlt , In Mniulnn ,
known HID mid known how I iMiiroml , Any nno may
wrlto to hint and he will certify to ilia Irtilh otthls
IS. It , STKINimilKCK , Mumlnn , North Unkotn.
Cuticura Resolvent
The now blood nnrt skin purlllor nnd Rrentcst of
ntimor remedies , Internnlly , cli'iinses the blood
of nil linpurities lind poisonous elements , wlillo
JOTfcuitA , the Crent skin euro , nml UtmctniA
SOAP , an exmnslto skin purltlcr ntid boautlllsr ,
externally , clonr tno skin of every trnco of dis
Sold ovcrywhoro. I'rlco , Ctmouru , 50c ; Rn.ii1
2Bo ! Kiifloi.viiNT.tM. I'ruparcd by tlio 1'ottor
Drug and Chcmlcnl Corporation , lloston ,
| 2T"How to Cnro Skin DlRenBis , " ( H paces.
M ) illustration * , mid testimonials , miitlud free <
. blackheads , rod , rouK'i ' , cliapun
and oily skin cured by CuriouitA SOAP.
Hack Ache , Kidney I'alns , and \Vcak-
ni'ss. soreness. I.nmenoss , Strains , anil
I'nln HKi.iuvEin.v ONIJ MINUTB ! > y the
Parched Rolled Oats ,
Unequalled in Flavor.
Corn Gritz ,
Sold only in 2 } pound packages.
Velvet Meal ,
For inn 111 us nnd gems.
Sold by nil t'irsl-Chss ( S
DR. J. E , Mc&REW
IsiiiisiirmtEsud1 in the troitinontot ; all forms of
PRIVATE XIISEASKS , unit all illsor.lori
and dobllltles of youth an.I nuinluiol. tTyoara'
oxpcrlcnco. Ills rosonrcoa niitl f.icIlltkH nro
practically unlimited. The Doctor Is rerom-
inomlod by thu pro-is , anil endorsed In the
strongest tcinns by thu pcoiilo for f-ilr trint-
inont and hunost profoasinn U advtco , Tha
most powerful remedies known to modern
science for the succos ul tre.itinent of the
followlns diseases :
QONOBIIHOKA Iiiuneali'to relief. A com.
ploto cure without the loss of uu hour's tlmo
from linslnoHs.
GLEEl'Oiioof the most comptoto .in 1 suc
cessful truatmonts for Kleot anJ a > l aiiiunn ?
discharges vet known lo the mo.licit profoi-
slnn. Tlio results iiro truly wonderful.
STRTCTDIIE Uro itest Idiown ro'noJy for
the trontmctit of Htrlouirc. without p tin , cut-
tint ; , or d.lntln'A moatromark ihlu ro nedy.
SYPHILIS No trnatmonc for this torrlulo
blood disease has over hoen inorosii--eussful ,
nor hud stronger ondorsoriicnls. In the ll lit.
of modern su/onco / this dliu.iso U positively
curable nnd every trace of tlio poison entlroly
removed from the hlooJ.
LOST MANHOOD , nnd ambition , norvom-
ness , timidity , despondency und nil woaknosi
und disorders ot youth or manhood. Uullot
ohtalni'd at once.
SKIN DISEASES , and all dlsoasoi of tha
Btomadi , blood , liver , kidneys und bliuldor
nro treated su cucssfully with thu uro.Uic
known remedies for the uNuisii.
Write for circulars und d.ioHlotilHt , frj3.
1-Itli ttnil I'ifiniin f > tn. ainiihu Mo'i
Onlike the Gufch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
arc used in tha
preparation of
Breakfast Cocoa ,
ivhtcfi is absolutely pure
and soluble ,
It has more than three times the strength
of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , and is far more economical ,
totting lest than one cent n cup. It
is delicious , nourUhing , aud EASILT
DIOKSTKD. _ _ _ _ _
Sold by Grocoro ovorywhore.
W , Baker & Co , , Dorchester , Mass ,
\ \ m\ \ &
Jl 'AntSTmcnY
t , FiwUit aud.rinnl IM Ihf World ,
h Lurc .
* °
iT , jynlfr i.coinoa .lon unciivIleU. .
' ' ' '
rate oulcj c tlornit'J ; and from tha principle
Kicurslon ticket. aralUWy to l turn by I'1,1" ' ' RS
tuniwiu * Clrdo * North of Inland or N pl ; ft " '
Liin > ttl ! s r Orlin hi is Ansist t tCTHt
W nr of our local ArenUor to
' .tiM JUtOl'UVll * . VUlc j(0 |
They're hard to digest. Not only the nut tluit our amiable
Italian friend doses out as the "dag-os" bye at a dime a cup -with
a couple of fingers in it the ancient minstrel joke with whiskers
on it the average fisli story aid the campaign lie are chest
nuts ; but there's such a thing as chestnuts accumulating .in a
store so we've heard. We never let goods stay long enough to
become chestnuts ,
We find on hand toda a few odds and ends in different parts
of the house. They're all right _ this _ season. Next season they'd
be chestnuts. We won't have 'em " "
next season , This is the "why"
of it.
A lew Coats and Vests , ( ttIVfflRor yesterday $1.50 , today 50c
A few Sateen Coats and Vests , , / * ! ! „ . . .yesterday $1.90 , today $1.25
A few Trench Flannel Coats and Vests , yesterday $6 00 , today $275
A lot of Light Derby Hats , . , ; } „ . . . . .yesterday $2 and $2.50 , today $
A few Fine Negligee Shirts , „ „ ' } „ , yestetday $3 , today $1.75
A few Silk Mixed Shirts , . , ! $ , , yesterday $4.00 , today $2.00
A few Low Shoes , ' . " .SSlf . yesterday $1.50 , today $1.15
A few Wash Ties , some puffs , 'some knot , yesterday 20c- , today lOc
A few Boys' Blouse Suits yesterday $1,50 , today 75a
A few Men's Suits odd sizes very much reduced by the heat.
A sort of a Close Lane today.
During July and August we close at 6:3O : p. m.
Saturdays , 1O p. m.
1316 Dougjas Street , Omaha , Neb.
The eminent uporlillit In norvoni . , chronic , private , blool , ikln and nnnarr dliontei. A repmlnr ncj
reelttcrod graduate In miMclne. n. diplomas nnd cvrililcntca nhow. li gull trentlnv with the greatest
ralnrrh , , ( peruiHlorrlious , , lost . . mitnliooil.iemltial . . woixkiuij. night lomei , Imp'Honcr.DbllK. ' . stricture , now
orrhucn uleet Tnrlcucelo.ctc. No mercury ute.l. Nuw Iroatnient forlosi ofltal power , Partial uuxbli t
vhltrnomn ; be tronio 1 at liumoij \ oorrcspontlunco. Mo.iklna or In.u-amenli ant br mail oroxprosj
curoly . piickecl , no iij rkn to Indlcatu coiitonu or.endcr. Ono personal lulcrrluw preierrod. Coniuliulo *
Ireo. Corruipomtonco . . . itrlctlT . prlnuo. Muok . ( Alj t rl t o ( Lara ) loot tr . Ol2oo hounVB. n. to m. i
Bunduj. 10 a. U m. Suml imuip lur rcoir.
Oldest MlllUry School in Mo. We challenged nil the leading Military Scliooln In the State to
compctlllva drill lait ic ion , nnd they declined i > " t us. Inf.ititry , Artillery nnd Cavalry Drill.
All inudern ccinvi-nicnccs. Uxleiisivu iiniruvcmtnt9 | now being made. Uoaru , Tuition anil Wa li-
ing ? 'bo , per testion.
ff Dr. JAMES A Quxnt.rji , of WnBhlncton and Ijcntlnlvpnlly. V . , ay : "No olhor Acnditniyla
the rnllri' country hnu muiluhcru u moiuiiilmlrutilu rtconl 113 hliowu by the succi'UH uf the ttuilenta
nrepnrcil hy It lor thin Inelltiitlon.four ut wliom liuvuln Hi * nust four years takvn ( ouracliolarahlpB ,
four mi'tlaiu und three dc rec . " f
Voi'illustratcd catalogue anil full Information address UAJOR S. SELLERS , Leilnglon , Mo.
.Mln * Hiiunrd'M liOAKDI-VC AND IJAV
Ii for ulrU Hpjclnl tinljnts uJmltto4
4Htli Struct. Xc\v Vorlf.
fcuoclal , colli'KliIo. unlvonlly prcpuintury
post-nrniltinto coiirnca. Kino niiixlriil dciiartment.
UmiBUHl facllltlcn for vlnltlnu the World's Milr for
etinly with cnnipolnnt leaclmrs. For circular ndtf.
MRS. 1. M. WIISOH , I'rln.MUW Drexul Ulvd. .
irl's Higher Scliodi
4rjnnd < 8l noarborn Ave. UlilCAiTi ) . It.i. .
Buvonteonth ynur licKln Hcpt , H. JUmriilnK and
Iuy School for Vouni ; I.iuIli'H unit Cl.lldrun.
. KKIIKCCA s. nice. A. si. ( prnt.ntti. | |
aMAUY ! ; . iiuLpy. A. M. ( l "PCII"
( IIIllieillMl IUI.I , ( IIICAI.U.U liraiuhcgorMuiitc.Klo-
cutlunIM rle. KOI lyliKlrmloi * . Normal Uepai Uncut
rorlFucliiT * . Uiiniri'a ' nilnil > niitnci' . PalUcinilir lm
kcit.7. | bundlurcuUloRuu. J. J. IUllbTAI.I f , Ulrtcler.
ll I IIUC'ArlONI'l
OMBN. aarrtbwlonhcil. 6lh A1 MlCejr. iton
illoi ! . A. II. , 1'nMeui , Leilugton , il
Unlvcrnlty-uroimr.itory. ( Kstubllshpd 18TI1J
( ; nic.v < i ( ) . ILLINOIS. Voiiir , ' I/iilloi :
C'hlldron. Kor further nurtleiilurs nddrpMund
TiiBUiuiNa bciioousVni'rulroAvB.Chloii o
lle t Instruction In nil ilrrmrt-
inent" ot llii l-alhtnily , Hiio
Ait , itc. : Kfilii nllriicNuru lul
year. AdJreai E. F. JlULLAItK , Bu.l. | Jatlnouvlllc. 111.
Un nrp i lK | UlpinfntiiCaroful Moral Mid
Hoclul trulninui 1'ti.purL' ' * fur lluilness n < J
for un juilH-Be. tclrntlllnBchoul r Unl rr
Ityi licw 0 iiina liuni Wooil-worklnir and
flUrr llillll IllKhMt tectlmonUln lOlh
ln tr i.leataloeuc ,
.eur < aalOtallo ( < .i
M lor CH'Hilirl
n < l lu Itrd u < l ,
* liUUu rll.Uo , 'lut-e
lt'-ni tui lotluif Hi At f ru/ i n , or ftu4 4c.
In > uiup < lur t'ttllciiU'i , lc itluoUilf iu4
"Itrllrf for l illu , " ( > ' < " " . < ! rrluru
Mull 1O 4IUO T * tlu'bUllo * fuytf ,
BOYD'S NowThcalre. or . TUB
ThofoolllgUtBoniatlonof thoaxo.
A piny for tha ninoipoith contnry plur Konrl
Introducing 11 tiloyclo nuu hure nllh nil thorjiU n
of an mitdnor ovoiit. I'ruoontoJ tir the
mimleal coinodjroriianUiitlon In America.
No iv fur llyon and Ear' .
NoUilii ; , ' liroail lint tlio Kmllon.
Notlilutr LUII I but the
Iloxnlioi'U open Thurndny luorntnn nt iinual prlcea.
P41ML 8LT14S
1-IoLUo Boi'iiarcl Ohaso ,
In n Orand Hcenlo I'rodutlnn.
IntrodiioliiK n tuentiitorlo of trained uulinuli
Mutlnnes Wednesday und t-nturd&y ,
Elastic Stockings
Varicose Veins
Swellings , oil
sizes. Abdo
minal Supporters
ters , Deformit
Braces , Medi
cinal Supplies.
114 S.lblb St. , Next lo 1'ostOdice '
KIII l.dllliin l'ostjaia | lor'&ela. < or umi > )
Wliy It KnlU Olf , TnriiH drny. nnd the renic
y 1'ruf. IIAKLLY i'AUKKll , V. It. A. H ,
1) . A , I.ONO CO. ,
1013 Arch Htrcot. I'hllftdolphla. Pa.
Jlrcry oo ljouldi adiuiillttl tuglu