THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 8ATUHDAY , AUGUST 0 , Ii392. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE : - NO. 12 PEARL STREET. I cihiml lj Carrier to nny part of tlio City 11.V. . TILTON , - MANAGER. J Hm'ncsi Office , No 4.1 Mght Ejtor , NoX ) MKXTION , JC Y. Plumbing Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , Regular mooting council No. 1 , Commer cial Pilstntni of America , tonight r t Arcanum hnll. A full mooting U desired. O. 0. Wlso , W. P. The Pottawnttnmlo democratic nssoclfttion will open n rcudlnc room nbout Augufct IB In UK headquarters on Pearl street , end xvlll ) < cep IV open until after the close of the lull c'rimpiilRn , The Ladies' auxiliary. No. 17. U. L. AM Will orvo Ice cream nnd cnKo In the h.lsu- TOO" building Saturday , August 0 , afternoon tnd ovcnltiR. Articles of nduptlon were filed yesterday with the county recorder by which n small boy. who was loft ut thoClirUtlan homesomo time HRO , Is odoptod by PatricK llynn. The regular mooting of Ktcliotah council. No. it , Docrcoof Pocnhontns. will bo hold tins ovcnlnt' In thn wigwam of the Ued Mon. corner of Broadway and Main street , at 3 o'clock. ' The annual encampment of the Iowa Na tional Ounrd will bo hold at Crouton during the blue Krnss pnlaco. The Dortce Llzbt OiiardolftCls city will attend. New uni forms have ooon ordered for tuo occasion , nnd will arrive tn short tfmo. Governor McKlnloy , who was engaged to speak nt the drlvlcK park Thursday after noon for $500 , iofuscd to tnko nny money fiom the Chnutauqua management , and the treasury of that enterprise is consequently nhcnd by the ontlro sum of the gate receipts. For sovo-nl days pastsomn boys have boon firing off nn nlr gun nt random in the aQey In lift i-'cal-of tliii opera house. YosU-rUuy afternoon whllo Mrs. C. S Hubbard was walking In her back yard n bullet pierced her bat mid narrovvly missed hitting bor nnd burtlng her severe ! v. The Catholics will plvo n bazaar for the bcnellt of St. Peter's Catholic church dur ing the last week of October. The work of proparaMon is In the hands of the following officers : President , U. Teller ; vice provi dent , Mrs. P. Wels ; advisory committee , Mrs. J. Neumayr nnd Mm. P. Beck. .J . Mayor Lawrence has notified Secretary AtKlnson of the State railway commission that tbo people of Council illuffs want a pccdy bearing of the cases which have been commenced In the courts to compel the rail roads cmitcrlnc In too city to build bettor do- pots. Tno policy of the administration from now on is to brine the railroads to time as teen ns possible. llnrtoS. Weeks , national commander of the Sons of Veterans , patsoa through the city yesterday on his wny from Now York to Helena , Mont. , whcro ho Is to attend the na tional encampment of the order. The mem bers of the local camp , Sons of Veterans , marched to the Northwestern depot in full Uniform , accompanied by n raurtial band , to meet him. Thev rode OR far as the transfer with him. Mr. Weeks will probably f-top hero on his way home. John liurch arrested Thursday nlcht on n charge of drunkenness nnd viiprancy , nna was put In the city jail along with the rest of his kind. As soon ns ho sobered enough to know what had happened to him ha bccamo very loud nnd abusive , until tin had to bo shut up in ttio steel cell. This had no ofTucl upon him , and it was not until Iho other prisoners took n hnnd nnd dumped sev eral palls of water through thd bars Into his cell that ho cooled down , tlo was lined (10.70 in police court yesterday morning. Judge Deeinor has rondorad a decision | in the case of Lconurd Everett against tlio supervisors of Pottuwattamio county and others. The defendants llloj a motion to remove tbo case to another court on the ground that a case of the kind could not bo brought In the district court. This motion Is sustained bv the court , and In addition to the oraor for removal ho irlvos each of the defendants excepting tbo board of super visors $ -0 attorney's foes on account of the casa having bcon brought In the wrong court. court.Mary Mary Cooley , a foreigner whoso only no complishmcnt so far as the English language Is concerned is In the line of protanlty , was nrrostcd yesterday morning for the third tlmo in loss than two weeks for pcddllnc without a license. As she was discharged upon- both the former occasions she was somewhat Independent when she WBB nailed by OQIcor Claur. Whllo ho was holding her for the patrol wagon she so for forgot the re quirements of etiquette as to pucker up her ruby lips and snit In his face. She will hove a trial before Judco Mcdco this morulng on the chargu of piddling without a license , nnd when this Is decided the oflicor will glvo her another whirl on the char o of assault. Ho eays ho means to prosecute her on ovcry chnrgo Known to the codo. The Pottawattamto county tenchnrs" insti tute , which has been in .session for the past two weeks , cloied yesterday afternoon. Tlio last three days wcro spoilt In examinations. Among tlioso wbo attended the institute wcro n num ber of the nigh school pupils who are twu or three years .rot from tlio end of their course , All dnrlnu the institute they have been a' ' tha head of their classes , nnd when It cumo to examinations they stood alongside th teachers of from llvot o tiftocn ytiars ox peri cnco and answered the questions in a highly credllablo way. Prof. Sawyer was highly gratified at thb showing thuv tnnuo. as It ro- llects credit on the schools of the city as well ns on the pupils themselves. Parkins , the gront Ilavorly banjo upo- ciulist , nt Miuuuvu this wook. IOMU State Iliiinl. Siilurday , August 0 , Ftiirraount park , fl p. m. ; Lake Munuwu , 7 p. in , f'.iu.taii.irns. Mrs. A. J. Dyer is reported dangerously 111. 111.Ml Ml * . * Ida Lutz loft last evening for the TVOSt. TVOSt.Mrs. Mrs. M. M. Tlnloy and daughter , Miss Mary , leave tills evening for-Denvor. Judpo W. C. Jutne.i returned yesterday from Chicago. Mlsi Chirk ot Das Molnos Is visiting Miss Nellie Dodpe. Miss Jessie Gilbert 1s visiting friends In Btnnberry , Mo. Frnnlt Levine loft last evening for a trip to Portland , Oro. Chief Nicholson of the flro department loaviM tonight for Chicago. Mrs. O. II. Errln of Perry. la. , Is visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Coady. Miss Dull of Omuha U In tbo city , a guest of Miss Hunting-ton and the Misses 1'uco. Lnko Million loft last ovenlni ; for u visit to Portland , Bait LaUo City and otbor west ern points. Miss Llizlo Coady of La Crone , Wls. , U the cues i ot her cnuslus , the Misses Coady , nt 1703 tilxtli avenue. * Mrs. W. T. II. Tipping , who has boon visiting her sister. Mrs. J. it. Carrothors , for bo past two months , started Wednesday for cr homo In Albany , N. V. P. M. Coin nt on has rncelvod his commis sion from Colonel C. V. Mount of the Third Imva rcitlment ns battalion sergeant-major of the roRirnoni , his commission to data from April SO. 1IW. ) A largo party of Rluniltrs loft last evening over tbo Union Pndtlo for Denver. Those composing the parly worn : John Balrd , Mr. and Mm. Vic Jennings , Mrs. II. It. Snckelt and Mis * Nellie S.icltolt , Mr. and Mn > . CioorcoV. . Llpo , Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jnmckon. Mr. and Mr * . Dorlund , Mrs , W. C , Kilop , Air , umlMra.V. . O. Wlrt and son , Ur , T , 1) . Liicoy , Mn. J. O. Atkins , Mrs. UcorKO Pheljii ana ana , Mrs , J. D. Oracle- well and C. L. Crockwcll. Iu\r HlHtu lluiul. Siturdny ; , AugUBt 0 , Pulrinnunt park , S p. m. ; Liiko Mnnuwu , 7 p. ui. a.COOyurds HunRnl tUsuo , the lightest nnd prottloBt fabric known , worth 16o , during Boston Btoro ssilo for 81 u. in aark colors only. PorUlns , the grout Haverly btinjo Bpo- clullst , ut MUUIUYU tula wcolc. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Members of tlio Married Liiies1 Social Societj Disagree. HOW THE EXCHANGE WAS OPERATED Olio IClemnnt of the OrRnnlr.ttlnti Amcrt Tlutt tlio liKtltutlon tins Hoen n Money making Scliomo Whor * the 1'oor Como In. Tboro has bron a division In tbo ranks of the Marrtod Lidlos' ' Sooial soutoty lately , and tholadlos wlio balongod to that llourlsn - Inir organization nro no.v dolair buihioas nt two stands within a stono's throw of ono an other. The organization was startoJ ovoi' n year ago for the purpojo of dlspsnilug char ity to the worthy poor of the city , nnd an ox- tintigo WAS dtartod us an adjunct to the so- loty , for the xnlo of cikij , broad ots. , with , houndo tdndlng that the prooaods of the ales were to ba dUtrlbutcd among the ioor. Before there wsra any procosds , how- vcr , the ladlm w'ao bjlongai to tha soslaty nd who m.iilo tha nrttclai that W3ra to bo old received p y nt thalr own fl < uros for ho tlmo , labor and mitorlals that bid baon ; < od. As a consequonea the exchange never laid oxpansoj , and although oonsldorablo av Istnnca was given the poor in ether ways , nnd nlthoueh the public was urged from o to tlmo to patronlzo the oxctituiijo for benefit of the worthy poor , tbo woPlhy poor never ronpud miy bonollt from the ox- chungo lisoU , and no ono proiltad by the oxcoptlns the ladioi themsolvoj , Of late thorn has boon considerable til . 'oollng among tbo ladles , which , it is said , arose from a feeling on thn part of sotno of thorn that It wus net qulto right for the ex change to bo hold up bsforo tno public as n chirltablo concern , when , in fact , tlio schorao in tbo main a money-making one. A division was then agreed upon nnd the original society moved n few doors up the street to ! J17 lirondwny and hung out its .shtnglP. ' The ether Itidtos remained at 3iT Broadway , null entered into an ii roomont with the ugont of n sowing machine company at that number to funijib. u 9lork nnd the necessary room , nnd in fact , to carry on the business of the cxchango , for 13 par cent of the sales. The ladles xpct to carry on benevolent work as usual , but under u different name nnd with out any connection with the Ladles Ex- chung or tbo Married Ladies society. OltKAT UANKKUI'T SIIOK SALK. CommcncliiK Todity Saturday Cut Till * Out And brlnp it with you to the great bankrupt BIV'O of boots , shoes and nllp- pora , 5 1 B-oidwiy : : ; , Council Blulls , , old Foster building , Everett block ) . Beginning Saturday , August 0 , and con tinuing , wo will offer the outiro stock of the Chicago Shoo Store company - ! pany of St. Paul at loss than cost to nanufncturo. Every dollar's worth must bo sold. Call anil bo-convinced that thia is a chance of a Hfotiino. L-idios' kid button , 7oc , worth $1.50. Lauios' Icld button , OSc , worth $2.00. L'idlos'dongola button , $1.23 , worth oO. L'ltlies' oxford tics , 09o , worth $1.2.5. L idles' kid oxford ties , 8oc , worth $ i..m Ladies' "Burt" French dongola but ton , 3.00 , wo th $0.00. Men's work shoes , 7oc. * Mon's dress shoes , $1.25 , worth $2.50. Mon's calf shoos , $1.50 , worth $3.00. Boys' school shoes , 7oc. And many other bargains too numor- OUP to n.ontion ut the great binkrupt shoo bale , 521 Broadway , Council BLuffs. Iowa Stnto ll.ind Siittircliiy. This wonderful musical organization , forty pieces , under the leadership of Prof. Phlnnoy. will give two free open air concerts , Saturday , Aug. 0. In the afternoon they will play in Falrmount park and in tlio evening from 7 to 11 o'clock at Manawa. The Boston Store clearing salp ends Monday , August 8. Now is the tlmo to secure bargains in all dry goods. Hurled Alive. 1'Tank Guannella wus called to Hinton station , ton miles below Council Bluffs , yesterday afternoon by a telegram announc ing that ono of tha men working for him on his gravel bank had boon killed by a land slide. He loft nt once for tbo place , and found that the rorort was true. Tbo man had boun wonting on the sldo of tbo bank nnd hnd bcon warned of the coming danger by ono of his follow workmen it few seconds bcforo tlio landslide occurred. He failed to head tbo warning and tbo of the slide caucht him and burled him headlong to the base of the bluff. fully thirty foot below , and tbo rest covered him up ton depth of over ton feet. Tlio accident took place about ll'M : a. in. , but it was 4 o'clock before his body was cxbumod. The nnrno of the unfortunate - fortunate young man could not be learned last overling. Ono of his follow workmen biouL-bt the newa to tbo city last ovouiag , butnlthough ho bad been working by the side of the man for several weeks ho could not think of his last nuiiie. His llrst nauio was John , and ho was liO years of ago. Ho was to hnvo been mariied shortly to a young lady of Pacillo Junction , where bis homo wan. Ho also bad n mother , two sisters and a brother at Pacific Junction. Tbo coronoi' of Mills county Is to bold an inquest this morning , SO.dozon gents' outing flannel shirts that sold for -oo at the Boston Store sale for 1'Jc. lowu Stnto Hand. Saturday , August 0 , Falrmount park , 3 p. m. ; Lake Manawa , 7 p. m. COo and $1.00 misses' straw hats during the Boston Store sale for loc and 2ou. A chance like this never was offered be fore In the hat lino. Perkins , the great Ilavorly banjo spe cialist , at Manawa this week. All our light stnpoa , plaids , chocks nnd mixed chovloti ( all wool ) that sold for COo and 58o during sale for 3tlc , Beaten - ton store. Trains leave Manawa dally at 8 a ndlO n. IIL , 12m. , and 1 , 2 , 2:30 : , 3,3:30 : , 1 , 1:30 : , 5 , 6:30 : , 0 , 0:30. : 7. 7:30 : , 8 , 8:30 : , 0. 9:80 : , 10 , 10:30. : Hand 11 : Jo p. m. The 11:55 : train will make connection with Iho last electric motor cur for Omaha , Demornitlo I'rlnmrli'i. This evening the democrats of Kane town nblp will meet in the various wards to nomi nate candidates to tbo county convention , which Is to bo hold next Thursday , to lolvc delegate * to the state , congrctbionql and judicial conventions. The aclogatcn will bo selected by the primary ij-fitoin. The follow lug ] udgos , clerk * and places at holding the pi linarie * Iuvo been chosan by the wan comuilttcomcn : FlritVardWheelel & Herald's. Judeos , Vlo Jonntugi nnd Jumos Wickhatn ; clerks , S. I ) . Konrcr nnd C. U. Walters. Second Ward Amv's tin shop on Bryant itrcot. Judges. A. T. Whlttlesoy and T. E. Cufcudy ; clerks , J. II , Mlthuu and Herman Scburx. Third Wark N. Sohurz' onioo , 0 Main treet. Judgot , Nrod Spottmn and W. II. Thomas ; clerks , L. Zurmuohlon and Charlus fox. fox.Fourth Fourth Ward South court room. Judecs It. t ) . Amy and liobert Jnpron ; clerks. Lee tiwcarlngen and K , L , Ktnyre. Fifth War * Snlolds1 atoro. Judge * . W W. Cones and M. Callagban ; clerks , W. D Hurdln und N. O'Dricu. Sixth Word John Coylu'a placp , Broad way , uoar corner of Tweailolti street Judges. John Mlkosell nnd P. D. Qurko ; clerk tViso Payne nnd W. B. Fisnor. The polling pinco In each ward will bo open from B to 8 p. ra. After the prlmarlo * uita a number of democrats will co to 'arks' mill , tn Garner township , to organize a club. Swlmmlni ? Kxtilliltlnns Vi Manawa beach , west of hotel , Sun day afternoon. _ 100 dozen gents' outing flannel shirts worth SOo each , at the Bjaton Sloro clearing sale for 20c. 150)30p1o | In this city use gvs stoves [ 'ho O.tsCo. puts 'om In ut coat. Imru Stittu Hand. Saturday , Ausnat 0 ' , Falrmount park , I p. in. ' , L'iko Muntiu'a , 7 p. m. 10ft dozen gonts' fancy strlpo and ilnln balbi-lggan shirts and drawers , vorth 7oc and $1 , during the great sale or 53c. Boston Storo. 50.1 yards Chnvlot shirting , worth 7c , 'orHe , at the Boston Store clearing salo. low.i Stnto Itunil. Saturday , August 0 , F.ilrmount park , 3 p. in. ' , L iko Manawa , 7 p. m. Parkins , the great Ilavorly b.uijo spe cialist , at Manaw.i thla week. Gcorgo Davis , drugs anil paints. Summer suits for gentlemen ; cool , comfortable and cheap. Koltor , the ullor , 310 Broadway. Perkins , the great Havorly banjo spe cialist , at Manawa this week. I'ropanitlnttft fur the The dopartmant cammanlor of the Grand Army for Iowa has issued n circular to the posts throughout the state giving informa- ion with reference to tbo national oucninp- nont at Washington and tbo molt ddjlramo ivay of gotttng thoro. All the railroads , orminatlng nt thT Missouri rlvor will start special trains on the morning of Sjptombor 17 from Council Bluff i and Sioux City , nnd those will bo known as Grand Army lifalii ? . Dno of ttio dcpartmont commander's staff onicew will bo m charge of each of these rains , and they will arrlvo nt Chicago early on the morning of the ISth. There a tem porary headquarters will bo sot up at tbo Jrand Central passenger station at the corner of Fifth avenue and Harrison street , the passenger station of tbo Baltimore & Ohio. A band of music will accompany the Iowa contingent to Washington nna it is the In tention of those lu ohargo to make a showln g of which the state may bo proud. Every comrade who expects to take part In the parade will bo expected to provide blmsolf with a regulation ' uniform. Hallway tlcKots u 111 bo sold good c.iinir September 13 to20 and returning until October 10. lotvii Stiita H.inil. Saturday , August 0 , Fan-mount park , J p. in. ; L'iko Alanawn , 7 p. in. Wanted Iron in iidors at the Ogden Iron works , Council Bluffs. Good wages. Oc and 0c } bleached muslin for oo at the Boston Store sale Perkins , the great Huvorly banjo spo- cialldt , nt iMunaA-a this week. Perkins , the great Haverly banjo spe cialist , at Manawa this lu\va Statq Hnnd. Saturday , August 0 , F.ilrmjunt park , 3 j ) . m. ; Lake Manawa , 7 pT in. BooUsbv popular authors , 2,000 12mos , during ale for llje , worth IDo and 2oc. Boston Storo. _ Pnsturago for horses and cattle on the Chautauqna grounds. Inquire of A. S. Iluzclton , 240 Morriiun block , or Charles Copeland , on the grounds , low. i Stnto lliind. Saturday , August C , Falrmount park , 8 p. ra. ; Lake Manawa , 7 p. in. 5,000 yards of remnants In unbleached muslins for 5c a yard , worth Sc , at The Boston Store clearing salo. rooplc'n I'arty Club. A mooting was held In Masonic temple last ovGtiinc by the members of tno people's party for the purnoso of organizing a club. About 100 were present. The room was hung wltn banners bearing engravings whose moaning was moro or loss vaeuo , and tno motto of the parly hung clear across the south side of the room. The meeting was called to order by A. J. McClaron , und City Treasurer Klnnohan was appointed chair man. Paul Vandcrvoorf , who was to have boon tbo main attraction , disappointed the leaders , as ho had been called into Kansas and fulled to make connections on bis return. The gap was tilled by Messrs. Hogers and KcUoy of Omaha and 10. P. Brown of Noola , who kept tbo iiudiouco more or less Interested until nflor ID o'clock. Along toward tbo last tbo audicnco becan to drop away and when the tlmo for the forming of the organi zation arrived hardly twenty-livo were pres ent. C. L. Glllott was eluded president of tbo club and C. C. Chamborlln secretary , after which the meeting n-ljourned subject to call of tbo president. At the next meeting the otbor onlccrs will Do elected , 200 pieces best indigo blue calico for 6c a yard nt the Boston Store clearing salo. 10,000 yards dark and light challios , worth 7c , during the Boston Store aalo for 4c. _ All shooting nnd pillow case muslins at cost price during the Boston Store clearing Bale. 25 plot-OS turkey rod' table llnon , fo mor price 33u , now for 23jo , at the Boston Store clearing salo. Domicile. Newton Clopp. at Tuzowoll , Tonn. , shot and killed U. Cloud In u row over politics. The national convention of democratic uluba will bo hold nt New York on ( Jctobur 1 , A largo part of the stiito of Minnesota has boon visited by a dostiuctlvo hail und wind bio rni. The hoiiliuarturs | nt the International Union oC I'll I liters und Docor.itom bnvo been ohiiiiKod from llultlinuro toBt. I.onls. Oiinrli'8 Daly of Detroit , Mich. . Miot his wife and hiuiiditnglitur In u family low , and surl- oiikly uundud a iiollcuman who utteniptod to n r rest thuin , Advices from Onnalnsua state that the rev enue cutter Ciiwin has o.iiturod | the HrllUli bohoouor Winifred , and nn board of her was found every ovldunoo of poaohlng , Tlio National Dental asuncliitlon , In session nt llutr.ilo , N. Y , . bus pussuil resolutions cen- biirlni ; Iho census olllco fur pUcln them In thu biinio cutuKury with munufucturors. Tbo reported expedition which sallud from Key \Vest with tbo Intention of Invading ( Jium. mid bottliu up a revolutionary uovorn- inunt U ruganiod by oMIolaU as u grand honx. Mcx'ro ' has boon ( IlKturbud by slight shook * of uuribqnuUo recently. Ouo hundred deaths arn reported tohuvo ovoured ut Ar enluull , u miburuof 1'urln. Wutor from un abandoned "oul iiilnonoir Duuubury. Kunluiid , Hooded uiiudjauent mlno , drunnlnx six miner * . The | IODU hus Imurd u letter to the bishops of Ituly , dcclurlng the nrUof thu l-'reumu.onti of Ituly to botmlivcTHlve to ruliRloiu KlRlitoun Indians , emuloyus of a cnnnliiK es- tabijjhiuuiit on u r.ver Inlut near Vlvtnrla , 11. U. . wore.drownod on the "Oth of u month , Vullow fevoi-lius broxcu out In many plucos In Central America und him been ratrliiK with virulent fury. Muuy deaths havii beuu ru ported. The "No. 0" Wheeler ft Wilson makes a ' perfect stitch with ull kinds of lureud on all claisot of material. It U always ruuuy. bold by Goo. W. Lancaster & Co. , OU S. 10th street. GET YOUR TOMAND ; MARCH Political Emblems 'flift ' Toll the Faith of the Wertftra. WHAT THE PASSING SHOW COSTS. Tlio Ilutton n lUtlill < ( lTO renluro of the Ca nip ilRii I p ltii \ \ n1'rlco \ * . Catch. In ? Styles < tr Uniforms for Marching " Clubs. The manufacture of presidential badges has become a great Industry In the east. Thousands ot hands nro om * ployed In designing , making nnd soiling horn. About the nominating convention * nro arranging their pro- crania the badge makers cotnmonco to lay their pi tins and fool the public pulse as to the most seductive design to catch Its every fickle nnd varying fancy. There is big money in a taking do sign.This This is going to bo a button campaign writes iv Now York correspondent. The beat sailing buttons of four yours ago were mrrJo of woven silk. These were the emblem of the American Hag. Mil lions of them were sold all over the country ut 10 emits aplcco. Millions moro were bent out until the supply ex ceeded thg dojrmnd and the buttons were retailed nt 1 cent oach. The newest design in a button is a hnt grandfather's hat stamped out of white metal. It U made of throe parts the hat or fttco proper , the shank and I he baofc. Another now idea is a black silk but ton with the Union Hag In the center and the names of Harrison and Hold at the top and bottom. A now button p\- paredfor [ the republican party has this inscription : "Protection , reciprocity and honest money. One dollar in nhundroicodtp. " This button is made of American tin In the center of the face is a finely en graved map of the states , also the army and navy Hags. Another button is of white silk , with the woven monogram of II. and R. in rod silk in the center , round which is a wreath of rod , white and blue silk. There is the Cleveland horseshoe button made of rod woven ailit , with a blue horseshoe in the contor. The nnmo Cleveland is woven across the face with white silk. There are few ribbon badges for this campaign. Ribbons'do not take with the general public ; they are used more by clubb in parade or1 at meetings. All these buttons and emblems can bo made tit the rate of 2oJO ( , ) a day. Everything is ready for the demand. In the campaign of 1883 ono flrm sold 1,000,000 of buttons at from 1 cent to 25 cents each , and this year will do butler than four years ago. The Republican ( League of the United States , which had its convention at Rochester , adopted n button of Its own. It is made of brnbS'nnd white enamel , on the face of which Is nn American Hag and the letters "R L. U. S. " Those re tail at 25e , und are made in u factory at Bridgeport , Conn. If a design once j > ut on the market docs not'provo a success it Is sold at a low price , but , if , instead , it should prove n success , it is sold at the stand ard price of'lOc. The hat button is selling at 15c. A horse shoo shaped button with Cleve land's photograph is selling at 15c. Manufacturers are glad to avail thom- selvesrof the enterprise of thn street fakir to put their goods on the street , as it keeps them before tbo public and sometimes crowds other buttons out of the market. This season the factories nt Mont- clair , N. J. , and Plnntsvillo , Conn. , are competing with the city factories. The profit on buttons is largo ; they pay the street man 100 per cent and the jobber 25 per cent A great many jobbers had buttons loft from the last campaign. These will reap a harvest from them if they are "a go. " CuiiipilKii Uniform0. . The New York Telegram estimates that the various political parties a o about to spend 85,000,000 for regalia , uniforms nnd ether outward indications of the faith that is In them. The uni forms will average $5 a piece , thus pln'c- ing the number of men who will parade through the streets and shout them selves hearse at the respectable figure of 1,000,000. The moralist can adduce an eloquent p.inygorio on this , for while such un army of private citizens will go down in their pockets nnd pay for their trappings , and night after night ren dezvous and shout with no other reward than the sense of indulging their rights ns members of our republic , the country is in n stable condition. The unfTorms promise to bo much moro elaborate this fall than at any time previously In the history of such organ izations. While the old fashioned "wide awakes , " the capo , cap and torch will abound where the purses are more lim ited than the political fervor of the members , moro gorgeous nttd expensive will bo the marches than hitherto , nnd tailors , accoutrement makers and others arc now vleing with each otnor for con tracts to equip these clubs. So far as observable there will bo nothing distinctive about the uniforms which the democrats and republicans are to strut in. A few "grandfather's" hats are kept in stock by the Now York donlers , but they did not find favor with republicans ! to any. great , extent last election and will hardly do BO this. The hat is looked upon as n caricature. The dealers are very shrewd in refus ing to encourage any distinctlveness , for what now is shown the democrat us the proper thing is likewise 'ollorcd to the republican , tie | people's party man or the , and vice versa , They eater to patriotism , however , to the extent of utilizing as far as possible the national colors , red , whlto nnd blue , though it must ho confessed that ono of the handsomest uniforms now offered by the trade is n ' copy of the correct Hungarian ollleor'a regimentals , though the outfit is described as u cavalry uni form. The capo , cap-and torch will still bens ns popular In Huhio sections as It was when , in 1850.It wus the symbolical dross of the "Wido-A wakes , " from whom it took its name , but its field of popu larity Is being relegated lo these sec tions where the arrival of the Itinerant circuH IB an epocii. In the larger cities full uniforms will bo thu thing. The recommending feat ure about the "Wideawake" outfit is its cheapness , us 70 cents will purchase the requisite paraphernalia per man. They nro shown in five sizes und colors : not including gold and silver , which is atTocted by the more opulent rustic or ganizations , oltttor separately or com bined , us they are bl-motallltils , or sin gle standard men. Leggings are added to almost every campaign uniform , so uljo uro tlio cam palgn shirts , which -ire' to bo exten sively worn thin year , * yith the Initials of the favorite presidential aspirants wrought into the bnsom. The body ( f thn favorite shirt is of striped red anil whlto. whllo the collar is ot blue , with whlto stars. These shirts soil for about a dollar apluco less the discounts. They nro shown in about fifteen dllToront design * . Ono of the neatest Is probably that with a blue body , and a shield of white and red stripes for the bosom. Wrought on the bosom is the monogram of the Ini tials of the nominees of the party. Military uniforming is followed out In a general wny In preparing the cos tumes , white entering into the foot paradors' uniforms , while red nnd yel low trimmings iteuro In the mounted campaigners' equipments. The sappers and minors are distinguished by their shakos , axes and aprons. The conti nental uniform , which is susceptible ot such varied treatment , will bo us popu lar as ever. The Distinguishing colors will bo buff and blue and whlto , with whlto breeches nnd loggings. The marine will bo another generally affected costume whlto blouses , dnric blue trimmings , regulation caps and thu wide-bottomed trousers. Every parade must have its center of interest. What Iho elephant Is to the country circus the xouiivo is to the bedecked - docked parade militant. The micon- vontionnlity of the nttlro , tho1 bravo- like swing that the easily swathed limbs delight In , make the wearer of tno fez a pot with the sightseers. The mrst striking of the "cavalry" uniforms is the Hungarian with its scarlet - lot or blue fur trimmed jacket , cloak pendant , helmet like nn elongated fez and glossy black leggings. Gold braid enters into the designing of this uni form most liberally. The Hungarian hat is sometimes abandoned and a hoi- mot .with it torch allixed to its spllco substituted for it. A lunccr uniform is another peculiarly Attractive ono. Frock coats of whlto or blue preferred , scarlet trousers , boot leggings , with torches on the hohncts conslltijto the distinguishing features of the uniform. Oij the lower tips ether torches are ultlxad. The invincible , mndo of waterproof campaign cloth Is jusj , the thing for torchlight procosssShj' Caps , "also waterproof , match the coat. Fatigue and cav.ilry jackets , in dllToront shades of blue and red respectively , are in de mand where the regular uniform is not desirable. In accoutrements there Is a bran ne > w thing. It is the pistol walking stick. It gives forth a louu click like these toy telegraph sounders which wore popular with small boyssoveral yoarH ago. Besides this there will bo the gun torch , spear torch , the ax torch and lanterns galoro. The tin horn will , of course , figure In the campaign ns It does in everything else which oilers the slightest pretext for the bringing out of this irrepressible toy. lHLK < } ATJii > I'ltESIUfT. J'rnhlbltlonl ts of thu I'lrnt Cunuregiiluiiiil District lu Convention. TncuMSKH , Nob. , Auir. 5. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Hen. | Tao prohibition conven tion of tbo First congressional district met In Iho courthouse today. It was decided that the delegate ? present cast the full vote of their respective- delegations , but us the com mittee nn credential1) ) found but four teen delegates present out of 15tho convention resolved itself into a mass mcetlnc and allowed ull the prohibitionists present to tatca part. H. W. Maxwell of Lincoln was nominated for congressman nnd S. S. Stewart of Pawnee for presidential elector. Uov. Brooks of Pawnee was elected chairman of the district central committed. WcHtorn I'oimiong. D. C. , Aug. 5. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bcu. ] The following list of pensions granted is reported by T.IE Dae and Examiner Bureau of Claims : Nebraska : Original Arthur T. ICtnff , Clark E. Whlpple , William H. Siclthson. Additional Robert H. Gllmoro , Resell Fen- ner , William P. Altemus. Reissue Bar tholomew J. Van Vulkonburcb , Michael C. Hldor. Reissue and increase Ira Sinitb. Original widows , etc. Minor of John L. Qross , Juno Eamcs , Margaret E. Kacklcy , Elizabeth ICauffman. Iowa : Original Daniel W. SarRont , Jacob Bennett , Jacob Bunn , Aaron S. John son , Sumner T. Robinson , Samuel Manor , John H. Slinmerinan. Peter Engcldinger , Samuel A. Pitch , William H. Murphy , Matthias Brustkorn , John O. Seller. Ad ditional Moses Globs , Maryland J. Shop- hcrdsou , William W. Brauscom. Increase William U. Woouward , Benjamin S. Vlelm ? , James Alison , Richard M. . Anthony , John Dillor , Isaac Lowzador , James M. Powell. Rcissuu and Increase-Citmilln' } L. Burnett , deceased. Original widow Emily J. Bur nett. nett.South South Dikotu : Orlglnnl Stephen Nyc , Gcorgo If rug. Additional William R. Terrell. Mrs. L. H. P.uton , Hoakford , III. , writes : ' From personal oxpcrionco I can roeoir.mon J OoWItl's Sarsaparilla , a euro far impure blood and general dobillty. " President Harrison IJnrouto to Loon I.uko. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. C. The presi dent , accompanied by Mrs. _ _ Tibbotts , bis stenographer and servants , loft Washington for boon lake on a special tram over tbo Pennsylvania road at 11:39 : p. ra. From Jer- ccy City his route will DO over tUa West Shore und Delaware & Hudson roads. W. C. ESTEP , Funeral Director , Embalmar 14 N. Main Street , COUNCIL , BLUFFS. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council HIu.Ii Capltilntco'f ftSOOO ) burpluatinJ Profits SOuuJ NctOupltal anl Surplus. . VXVO.OIH ) llrocturJ. . u. tn njuji'ji , n. U d'laore , f. ) Glraionl . K. Ilirt , I. A. MHIir , J. V , illiuiau indCtiarlai It Hanain. Tr.ins lot general built- In biiainoi-i. Largest c.ipltil uaUsurpluiof any banlcln ioutlnvoitorn lo\v.u INTBBB3T OM TIM3 I iilliil MulCB Ala i nil ul'i Mile. In the Circuit Court of the United Suites for the District nt NebruHlc i. The First N.itlonnl Hunk of I'luttsmirk'b , Now York , vs. .Mutual 'Iriist cuiiiininy tind the Nobnisk.i Mortguuo unit Iiivostinentconipiiny , No. ii'JflO. ' 1'ubllu notice la horohy ulvon that In pur suance with und by vlrtuu of u writ of vtnlil expunas Ibauud out of ubuvo naniuil court In ubovo entitloil omisf , und huurlnx ( Into of July ' . ' 0 , 1F9J , I. llnul 1 > . Hlaiu-litor. United tftatea murshiil for thu DUtrlet of Nebraska , will , on tbo second cluy of Huptumhcr , A. 1) ) . Wfi. lit the hour of cloven o'clock In tbo fore noon of tutlddity , ut thu north door of the United BtiUoH court hoiue unU jiostolllco hulldlriK In tbp Olty of Onuiha , DOUIMIK county , Htutoutid District of Nubnihku , HOll ut publio iiuctlun the liiw directs , to the iilKhoit und beat Didder , the following duHorjbea prouurty. to-wlt : Lots 15 und IBln blooU 8 lu SlcC'orinlcU' * see end uddltlon to the elty of Oinuhai Iot4 , hlouk 4 , Uiiniilngliiini cV llieiinuu'ii uddltlon to the clt/of Oinulm : lot II , block 6. Auburn Mill subdivision nf litonk 0 , UiinnliiKhain " & llren- niin'Hndilillon ti Omnhui lots I , : ' , M und H , bloe-Kfi , InJetlKr'i ! uddltlon ; louo IUK ! 7 und lot IX block : i. Uvobiuuo I'luuu uddlllon ; lot 4 In lluiison nubdlvliitoQ of loU 0 und " 7 , ibloek bu ; lot 87. h'ook ID. AlbrlKlil'o unnox addition , und loll ) , Llook ii7. Albrl.'bt'n clioluo addition , ull In tbu elty of Houth Oiniibi : , ulloflhu ubovo uiop.'rty beini locnted In Douxlus county. t tu und district of Nobniskii. und buying been heretofore lovlotl upon by virtue of a writ of execution Usuud nut of nnlil court In laid entitled cause lon.itlHfv u jiiiluinont of mild court obtained ut lu November term. IhUl. In favor of thu 1'lri.t Ntitlonnl hank ef 1'lutUhurKh , Now Vork , und upi nit the Mutual Truut ooiiipany und thu NeUruiku MoitiiKe and InvoMmunt vuinpaiiy. IIHAI ) I ) . BIjAUOUTEU , United Btutus Marblml. DUtrlot ot Nebraska , i'rilchutt , Attorney for I'liilntlir. July M , AUK. ( ai. 18,2) , bopt. 1. Omaha Mefal IZTSMTUTB. 1 Eye & Ear INFIRMARY FOR THE TREATMENT H88HOF ALL- CtiroDica'JlSwilDisw ' ] ] Dent fncll.tles , nppar.itus nmi Uo noun for Huuco-.sful tro ilmout of ivorv for n ot dlioiuo romilrln ! n.o.llo.iror surtloil tro.-Ument. M beds for ptitlenK boml nnl attondinja. , „ Host uurdinoJntion * ! In the west ; for clrjul.iM . on doformlto : an ! brace * , truism , olub foot , o.irv ituros of lotni , ulluR. tumor * , c nicer , u.uirrh , broaohllK In * hiilHUon.q ootrlJlty. p ir.-ilyili. vullousy , klJ- nov. b.11 Idor. oyo. our , skin un 1 b'.ool nnl .il' nip'A'\P0hp"wn'jf ' ' \ ! | P ' A s i > n o t A h p < r. Ut jYUillui'l lloolcon Olio iio ot Women KKKK. Wo hiivolutolv ml led v lyln { Indoplrtmont fur women during conlliiunioat. strictly t > r v ito. ) Onlv Kallablo lu * stltutomnklnz ix Hjioal ilty o. l lUVATKDfsaASK3 All Hood Ulse issa sueco ifully troitol. Synhllltlo rolson removed fro n thu syitoni without mnroury. Now ilmtor.itlva * ment for Ixm of VITAN I'O\VIC1L I'er4oii4 tin * able to m nmv bo tro itc.l at home by corrosimn once. All cominiinlcJivtloiH con If- dontlil : , Mo.I clnea or ln lriliiu < nti sent L > y inn I oroxpnus sccaruly p ickoil , no m ir < s to Ind.catocontuntsur soniler. Ono pcHontt In- tcrv-i'w pruforro I. C.ill nn.l ronsult in or son 1 history of your otiso , und we will send In pliilu wrauuer , our Tf ) MFH . I'll BE ! Uuo-i I'rlvxtr IU wc.n , tpe0vi | , or Xufvoiu ln- cnBos , Impoljonoy. SyphllU , Uleutunl Vurloo- cole , with quo-it on ll < t. Ilr.lics , Appllnnooi fur Djfprtnltlos St Truiat On.iy miuufjistyry : Intho Westof It A TllSIt IKS A .V1) U Sf AV. Omaha Medical anJ InsttUti , 26th mid Broalway , Oojnoll Bltili Ton mlnutoV rlla from oonteriiC Omitii on C"mulia " uiul Oouncil Hlulf > oloolrlo motirllna. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS. WANTKD Young iniin to work In town nnil on farm us rciinlruil , Apply to Leon ard Everett , olllco. 1'unrl street. No. in. WANTED A uoll ills.ur todls lor 5 wells und tuko bis pay In hones. Apply to Leonard Everett , 1'oarl street , Counull limits , lu. lu.IJHJU IJHJU SAliE I'lvo Huros of Riiritun ground JU near tbo city. Will take un iiiiliicnin- bcrud ulty lot In purt pnyment nnd ilvoIU years tlmo for the p.ivmont of the bnlnncjut s our cent Interest. Apply to Li'onurd Ever ett. 10 1'u.irl streut. Udiinull Hlnns , li : , GOODbuy nunlct to do chores nnd euro for team. Apply at once , Jttcob Slins , Sbii nrt block. WANTED Hy u yoiuiB lady , fnrn shed room with DO in ) , Honth of llroiiihvay und cast of Ninth struut. A 6 * . lluo ulltcu. ly.OK HAI.i ; Hotel. SI rooms. Inuutud In - Lboutbern Nub. , doln : n Uirlvlnj : bus ness , $ . ' , r-uu buys build UK und fnriiituro Will tr.ido for nidso. i : . 11. siHiifo. I710U SALIC Iliiidwuro siook In central Nob. JU Will InMilcu J1.MJ. E. A. Sboiife. 1/Olt SALi : Uholeui-t furin In l'ottawutti- : JL'm.u Co. . 4III uuresvoil loc.itud and Im- provol. _ 1'tluu ilJun aero. E. 11. Sboiifu. ij AKVTnnd elty lo nis at lowest ratui. -L' ustuto for i.ilo. Dwolliiii ; un I business ront'ils. Aionoy lo mud fur Investors. "J > I'e.irl streot. I.ousi < e ft Towlo. " 171OK RUN L' The Iwollni ; on b'lrst avunao J- and Kk'blb street fornurly occupied by M. E. rfmltli : II rooim. 'J bitb rooms und all modern liiipr.ivonijnts ; nojl st.iblo and out i rent } > i per month. K. 11. Sliu.tfo IP YOU have ylhln ? fo r sile or trade sse _ E. II. She tfe. Itrn' and .Mnln strant. IjiORKKN l'-l ) elllnIn ull pins ut tlio -L city. K , II. hbeife. : llro.idw.iy anil Muln. TXT ANTED istarn Nobrailcn litniU In ox- fi chiniu : for Council Uluir * property , li 1L Shnafe. llr. ) : 'w ' iv and M il-i rniiK luuuKsi1 IIAKCJAIN Double ro < i- -L donee lot. No. in outli Flrit striot , Bn feet front ; host lee itlon und best bar-iitl n In the city If t.ilten at otioo. Day & lion. ' > ) I'ourl street. FOK SALH On sniall payments , fruit unU Kurd en Inn 1 noir Council HlutN R II. Ehoafc. llroadwiy nn.l.Maln street. _ FOR SALE Albion Holier mills on Itoonu river. Nub. ; llnust water power In the state developing li" borne power wiitor entire yo ir : dully capacity , IHO b'irrjis : iiiauh'nury and nppnrtcniinces complete In every dut ill.Goo 1 frame residence ; 8 acres of luirJ. title perfect ; price , il.VHO ; will tuko unlinprovo 1 omtorn Nebraska land. K. II. She.ifo. SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNOII , nijUi-Ts. sTljR-Ionn fnrnii In t'ottnwnttntnla tnul adjoining counties K , 11 , bbo.ite. fTOIt SAI.F. Hotels and roUnurunt * : In town - - ' nut ! Nrtbrnnkv dolnic prottUblu tnuliioM mill welt ioc'utod : will tnko land In part Undoi wrlto for details , R. II. Sho.ifo. II1OUPAI.K A flnt clam atook of R0nor 7 * - wcrch indl a with Roolwlli ; price H.OOJI- will tuko if oed land inoxulmnte. 1II. . Shoiifo. TJIOU SAt.B Stook of mlllliicrv iinrl notions , A' with xtoro nnil fixtures ; prluo II.&M ; will rail o for litiul. K. II. Hbeafo. SAliK 80 aoroiof eel 1-ind ntid novf' Jcott.iao. . with fmiracrot Intul In Wnrnerj * . vlllp , Noli. : nil modern Itnnrovoinants ! will uxchatuo for n pleasant cotu-ju free of In- rtimbranco In Oounoll lIlulT-i or Omaha. K. II. Shoafe. _ l/lOll SAtK Onoof the nrlJlitin n 1 mosd. - ilralrablo hoinoi In the city , on Uh ave I nindum in nil rospoetn. Must soil , nnd will sacrifice. AilQrois L 10. lluo olllca. _ ranch In Ohurrv Oo. " Nob. Oooil liny lat.d , splendid rungo for out tip. Men coltngo , RUble and out build * IIIKS In uood roi. | lr , plontwntor. . Host Innil In tliu eoiuily : will soil oliosp. Wrlto for Ue- tullft _ i ; . II. Shnafo. _ tOH JAM : UK I'ltADE-llcUiurint Jsuloon ut Mfinawai good bu liuHS nt so isons ; court build ln { nnd Improvemonti. snap for allvoman. R II. Slip i fa JOST A Columbia li cyolo. A reward will oo t ) ud for Us return to J. R P. .Mcdco. FOU SAI.13 Qnod B-rnom \\clllnK near U. I * , transfer. 1'rlco lion ) . Will tuKo honor mill oiittlo In part uay. R II. Shuafe. FOK SALiK-Orenmory. well lovntrd In No- hraMkn , ilolni * Bond l > ulnc s. Will tuka" partner nr Bull ontlro business ut a barsnln P. U. SliOiifo. vv 7 ANTED Hardware lock In south- western lowix for spot c.iHb , K , TTIOH SALE Improved 40)-nvro stook farm' JU In western town , 111 ; 180-ncro furin. acres. } 'i > . Johnston ft Vttn Patten. K. W.PilWM , ft D. The Coed Samaritan. 20 Tears' Experience. XUGAnr.H OF niBEASItS OF MEN AN- > > VO.MKN. rilOPIUKTOll Ol' TU % IVOKLD'S IIRIinAli DISl'KN- SAilV OF .M I treat ihe following Diteases : Catarrh of the Head , Throat , and I.nnga elon , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness , niabcte-.Brlghfg DI-CMC , EUVltus1 Sance. HrieuAiitlsra , I'arolyals. Whlto Swelling , Bcrofula , Fever Sores , Cnncors , Tumors and Fistula In ano removed without the knlfo or drnwine : a drop of blood Woman with bi-r delicate orpans ro- Blored to health. Dropsy cunxl without tapplnff. Special Attention given to private and Venereal Diseased of all kinds. SOO to SSOO forfeit for any Venereal Dis ease i cannot euro without moroury. Tape Worms removed In two or three hours , or no , pay. lUinorrholds or Piles cured. THOSE WHO AUK AFFMCTED Wllleavo life and hundreds of dollars by calling on or using DR. G. W. PANGLE'S ' HERBAL MEDICINES.1 Tlio only Phyilclan wlio can toll what all * a porhon without asking a question * AH correspondence strictly confidential. MedlobH sent by express. Address all letters to G , W , Pangle , M , D 558 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa Every MAN can bo STUONO and VIGOROUS BE K MAN OROUS ill all reipecli _ by u lnK SPANISH N1SRVINU , the great Spunlnh Remedy. YOUNO M1IN OR O&U suffrrinu from N1UIVOU3 niiBILITY , IO8T or 1'AII/INO MANHOODnlRhilyeiriltilunsconvulsions , neivoui protliaioncausid ! by Ibciise ot opium , lobacco or alcohol , wakefulness - fulness , iniiiiial Jefircsslon , lose of power in cnbcr > ex , tpcnnalor- CCPnOKK AND AFTEK Ubl , rbcuacaufed bysellabuse and over mdulRencoor any perKonal weak ness can bo restored lo pel feet health anil the NO11LB VITALITY OP STRONG M1JN. Wo Eivs a written Rii Vnntee with C boxes lo euro any case or refund the monry. Ji a box- boios $3 ForSAla In OonliA. by Snow Lund' & Co. THE SOUTHWICK A12 Too a Day Machine for a 10 TOD a Day Price. - OUR WARRANTY GOES WITH EACH HACH1.IE , The FOIlTlIWrOlC HALING I'HKSS Is n two-horse , full-circlo machine , It has the largczt feed opunliiK o : uny Ooritlnuous-liullnK. Double-Stroke 1'ress In tha world. Bales Tight. Draft Light. Capacity , Construction , Durability-All the Best. Sandwich Manufacturing Bo , ; Twin Oity Steam Dye Works O A. BUIIOICDHA. OK , 1 DYEING , CLEANING AND RE FINISHING OP GOODS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Omnhr. Olllco , 1621 Fnriiiun SU ; Tolopliono 1621. Council Hlullu Oflluo uncl World Cor. Ave. A and 20 th St. ; Tuloiihuno 310. Bond for circulars untl price * *