Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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the aualonco volunteered another volley 01
J'crtlnmit rartu on Tin.
Soon nftor someone shouted "tin" and tbo
speaker save him tha required information.
Hosnldthntthera wora now thirty-seven tin
pinto fnctonos In this country representing
an investment of M.000,000. Insldo of three
Vcttrt wo would produce moro thnnonehalf
of th6 tin pisto used In tlio United States.
"Ana don't ' .YOU think , " ho continued ,
, "that whtn CO.OOO men nro employed In Iho
tltf pinto Industry , there will be n demand
fof another pound of pork nnd another
Innhol of wheat Iron ) the farmers of No-
7h concluding. Mnjor MclClnloy said :
"I hope that the convention thnt mot In
your capital city vcstcrday nnd today hai
organized victory. What I nm talking about
nnd the principles that I present are repre
sented by Benjamin Harrison , our candidate
for president , and Lorenzo Crounie , whom
wo all hope to see the next governor of
At the name of Harrison the audience
cheered tumultuously and at the allusion to
Iho republican candidate for governor of
jsohrasira tno enthusiasm was intensified ,
liats ware flung In the air and the cheers
died away 'only to bo renewed -again and
In the midst of the demonstration Gov
ernor Mc.Klnloy was escorted to hU carriage
nnd the vast nudlcnco pradually dispersed.
lloston Wlm rrinn llrmtklyii After n Florco
Buocy-i.T.V , N. Y. , Atig. 5.-H required
twelve innlngn to dootdo the game today.
Attendance , 2,800. Hi-oro :
Notion . 0 00000000002-2
HrooKlyn. . . . OOOOPOUOOOOO-0
Illtn : Itostnn , II ; 11 rnoblyn , 0. Krror * : Ho §
ton. 4 ! Ilruoklyn , 1. Kurnnd run * : Iloston , I
Ilaltorlcai Nichols ami Kollyi Haddock and
< . ! . Dully.
ST. Loui , Mo. , A.IR. 5. The Drowni do-
feu ted Chicago today. Attendance /WO.
Weather clear. Seoro :
Ht. Louis . . . . . n
Uhlcugo . 0 00000003 2
lilts : HMouK 10 : Chlcazo. a Error ; : St.
Louis , : i : Olilonpro , 0. Karncil runs : St. Iiouls.
r > ; Chicago. 2. Batteries : lluwko and lluck-
luj'i Luliy and Sen river.
PmiAi > KU'iliA , Pa. , Aug. 5. Washington
made its hits count ; Philadelphia did not.
Attendance' , 1,000 , bcorc :
Philadelphia . , 000020002 i
Washington . \.i 0 00000000 0
lilts : Washington , 7 ; Philadelphia , 7
Krrora : Wnihliiaton , 2 : IMilludoluhln. 3
Earned runs : Washington , 2. itnttorlcs :
Klllcn and Horser : Woyhtni ; and Clements.
NKW YORK , Aug. 5. It was a case of tor-
rlblo batting today. The Orioles did It and
won as they pleased. Italn ; attendance , 777.
Score :
Now York . 0 5
Ilaltlmoro . 0400(1220 ( ' -14
lilts : New York. 8 : Ilattlmmc. 11. Errors :
New York , 4 : Ilaltlmoro a. Knruod runs :
Now York. 2j llultlinoro , 8. .Uatterlei : Km ; ? .
Gn\no \ mill Doyle : Stevens , vldkory and Gun-
.StiimllttK of the Teams.
w. t P.O. w. t. P.C.
. 13 6 73.2 Cincinnati . 9 0 la.O
llnnton . 15 'I ( f.l WnshlnKton. . . . 8 II 47.1
IrYorlc . 11 0 114.7 I'lltslMirir . 7 10 41.2
llrdoklym . ID 8 S.Vii Clilcaiti . 7 11 38.U
llultlmoro . 19 8 f5.ll Louisville . li 13 3l.ll
mimdclphlft. . . U U 500 HI. Louis , . 4 14 3l.ll.Z
A r.ot of.S wilt KlyiTB.
The Bemis Park Gun club held Its weekly
shoot yesterday afternoon , nnd notwith
standing the fact that the mercury was
belling out of the top of the tuho , there was
a largo attendance and the usual line sport
and enthusiasm.
'The grounds have been greatly Improved
slnco tbo previous shoot. A substantial
board flooring has been put down over alt
the space from Iho shooting shod to tha
traps , ana a broad plank walk laid from tb o
motor station to the stand. Another week
will witness still greater Improvement- ! ,
with a commodious club hnuio , with bath
nnd Individual lockers , the rluu being deter
mined to pos oss tbo best shooting grounds
in or about puinhii. "
Tbo. condition of yesterday's shoot wns
fifteen live birds to n man'thirty yards rise ,
Jolghty boundary , from live' unknown traps ,
modified English rules , The birds wuro nn
exceptionally fine lot ; , hardy. , nnd swift of
wHg } , and , as a conscquqnc.o , the general
nvorngo did not reach 1U customary'ftltitiido ,
Colonel "Stocky" HotU leildlug tho'van with
twelve kills.
The respective scores are appended , the
- 11 a uro 1 denoting a kill with tlm first barrel ,
the Ueurn 3 when both barrels were used
nnd the 0 for a miss :
J.OOinls. . . . . { HI" ! 10.200 20202 0
McUoilKiill. . . . . . 12012 KOIO 11210-10
Cull.rullh 1-002 00111 11,01 0
llllllco 11111) ) 2)102 ) 11021 11
Hot ! 12211 21211 10101 12
Hucd 011111. M020 10111 0
Kclnhurt 01122 lain 110J1-10
.1 , J. Dicker 22.0J 10112 03201 10
Jvli > DIoKoy 10100 11112 21)011 ) 10
Mel'nrliine. li2IO 01022 22011 10
I limits , 01(00 ( OHIO 11113 8
B.illHtinry 22211 UOIl OluOO-10
( itllbhuck 21212 10101 11011-12
fniead 12211 102J3 1110) ) It
Duinont 11001 01111 12J1I-11
1'otcrs 1110) 10120 1J022 0
lirown 2J10I 001UO 120U2 8
DiiviMiport' * Show Ovrr.
DvvnM-oiiT. la. , Aug. 5. ISpecinl Tclo-
cram to Tun BKE.J The Davenport Mlle
Track club's rncos closed tea ay. The ovcnt
was tlio pace between Manager and Guy.
Summary :
I'our-yonr-old trot. purse J.Y > 0 : Canary Illrd
won In thicostralulit hunts. Madoru second ,
KUIIIOIIU third , Hampton Moid distanced.
Tlmo : 2:29 : > , ' . 2m. : :'t ,
Second race , spocliil pace , purse $ . ' .500 : Guy
won tbreu straluht boats , Manager second.
" * ' " '
1 - , : . 'Thirteen starter * :
Diirou lliown won In KlxtU hetit. Prank Quirk
OL'ond , Kbony .Splnl ; third , U.tptaln llowmiin
fourth. Tlnio : 2:25.2M : : i. 2:2 : ! . { , 2:27 : , 2:2U4 : ; ,
2iO. : :
0. W. Williams says tonight Allorton Is
bettor and ho hopes confidently to have him
up to meet Nnnoy Hanks nt Independence
next month. Hu is very sere and rests
little but is gaining , though it will bo a weak
before ho can bo shipped.
limit-lit lor Tommy Uyan.
Preparations uro being made for a crand
bonellt to bo tendered to Tommy Uyan , the
ircntlcnianly young pugilist who so success
fully polished off Jack Wllkes last Saturday
night , which will. If ull plans do not nils-
carry , bo givim at tha Omaha Athlutiu cluu
rooms one w ok from Monday night , tlio 15th.
The card tlm will bo offered is n rattling
good ono , and will embrace six-round go
between Uyan , tbo houollularr , and Puddy
Bronnan , the Gotham heavyweight ; and
( ottos bntwcou MlkoBodon. the Philadel
phia trlul horse , nnd AriloFlint of St. Louis ;
Aaron Shurroy and Major Horn ; Danny
Daly and Ted Gallagher , nnd Jimmy Lind
say and Sam Stevenson , In addition to thoao
attractions , there will bo other bouts of lessor
or greater note.
l.yiniH * l.imt Day ,
LYOMH , .Neb. , Aug. 6. "Special Telegram
to TnK BKK. ] Tha last day's races at tbo
Everett Driving park were fairly attended.
The weather ' was warm and the track was In
oxccllo'pt condition. f , ,
JlqsstiiWtrnltliiz , pursnUOQt Il > cs Voi > In
, A II Onecond , Kuowood
UliiBs' ' ; i:00 : , ( rotting , imrso 7500 : Can Wood-
wnrd Tr < ) li3nthreestriileht lioatH. I'hll Msec-
Aliuont Wnjonor.
.Jluiinliiii"ilire ' ) -iiuirtcr ot a mlle trlclc :
rtiyt'oxwon. Tlmo : 1:20. :
mm by Drfiinlf.
. Aug. 5. [ Soooial Telegram
iv very Intoresllng game of
lil\ hero today between the Win-
I Boenu-rtlubs , At the end of thn
. scvi'utb lnnlifg'ho { ecoro itocd 10 to 10'In
"ftivor of Uio Uooiaer club , Wisuer refusing to
, , -ttfulnf.r lluttint by I'lre.
, "T3Ni > QXi "uir , f > . The steamer Australia ,
f fortutirly-ttio solon'dld Anchor llnor
und New Vorlt , wtillu
" ortlicnd Uoclt near UUtol , toou
. 'I'lio ' Uro raged till late in the
udcruooD. ' The sUiuuiur U well uitfh gutlod ,
b '
Qa .nicgunV of no quorum tuoro was uo
ludutlDK ol the Heal ICstutoOwiiornuxcbango
ywterOsy aftaruoon. *
A coujpie of itepa In the renr'of P , i'entlo
ttut'B boute , U'OIC Intril eti-fot , calletl out the
Dro dopartroonl yesterday afternoon. Child-
iflo playluK with umlctui W the cuuuo. No
Schiaparolll , the FamonsMiltm Astronomer ,
Tolls of His Observations.
No I'njltlvn Anierttoti Tlmt Unman Itclngi
1,1 vn There , but KrPrytlilng 1'olnt * to
the Conclusion Thnt Anlmnl
1,1 fo
Nsw YOIIK , Aug. 5 , A Milan cable to the
World says : SchlapftrollI , the Illustrious
astronomer , whoso fume 1s so giorlpusly vin
dicated by the Lion telescope , wai neon hero.
Ho has known of the progress of the obser
vations by the Link astronomers , with whom
tiu has boon In corruspondunco , and ex
pressed great admiration for the American
enterprise which had'brought their splendid
observatory into oxiatonca at so great a cost.
Astronomers lii Milan have always ex
pressed their confidence In any statement re
garding the science of astronomy which
Prof , iachiaparelll might imiKO , and It Is n
gratification to him to know that the Lick
tolosoojiO has confirmed the existence of his
famous * duplicated lines on Mars. Of this
planet lifl'has made a special study , having
ovotcd to the xvork the greater part of his
nctlvo | ifo. In the long course of observations
ho made previous to issuing his famous mitb
of Mar * thirteen years ago , Prof. Schlapur-
clll used an eight-inch glass. Astronomers
subsequently , In various parts of the earth ,
fulled to verify his lines , oven with glasses
as largo as twenty-six Inches , but it seems
from reports received here about the work
of Iho Lick tolesuope that his keen gray eyes
must huvo marvelous penetration and reaching -
ing power. '
The MIIP * Very Clear.
In talking about the subject Prof. Sohta-
parclli said tnat the great lines dividing the
continents ofMars , had always appeared to
him verv clear.
"I saw a parallel duplication with almost
forty lines , " said ho , "in 1 S2 , and the num
ber incronscd with suci-osslvo observations ,
without the duplication , however , being
always visible. The Identical direction of
the Hnosi proved their connection with the
soil. Tno varying visibility of their duplica
tion arose from different atmospheric condi
tions nt times of opposition. "
"Your report of the canals on Mars was
not accepted at once , bowovor , was III"
"Tho denial of the existence of the dupli
cation , " replied the pruat astronomer ,
"always seemed to mo absolutely unreason
able , for the markings wore clearly soon by
tour astronomers , -Tnoso were myself and
Colcrla at the main observatory , Prlotin at
the Nico.obaorvntbry , nud Schuberlo nt the
California observatory. Three of these ob
served the lilies on M'on during the planetary
opposition , ' Two of them did not perceive
their duplication. The third , Scbaborio ,
vcrilltid several eaes which ho noticed ut.
the same time as the Milan observatory. "
A DiHcrciiiio In Tolpiropox.
Prof. Schlaparelli was asked what was the
probable cause of this failure by other as
tronomers in soiuu crucs to too what ho had
"Tlioro might , " ho said , "ba two causes
for the diversity ot obiorvatlon. The llrst
of these is the different achromatism of the
telescopes. The visibility of cartain star- ,
depends upon the suitability of tbo instru
ments rolleuting certain colored rays. Sev
eral of ttio Milanese telescope makers have
devoted special attention to thn refraction ol
red rays , und l think they make the bc&t in-
struinonts for observing Mats , whoso rays
uro a red of great intensity. The second
cause for the variability of .observations is
habit. Theeye , 1 think , should bo habitu
ated to the observation of certain stars. It
wa < only nfter fourteen yours * work In ob
serving Mars that I sa\v the details of the
imago with uny clearness , nnd nftur thnt
further details appeared.- The California
astronomers , who appear to be doing such
excellent work with their fine Instrument ,
eouUl thu probably boonubled to see next
year ninny thtugs not apparent now. "
Tno oniiuuut ( utror.omor was then asked
In regard to tbo theory that Mars wan capa
ble ot sustaining anlmnl or ovou human life ,
and smiled at the quettlon.
"Somn persons , " said ho , "havoatlrlbutod
to mo the idea of Hndlng in the duplication
of the lines ot Mars , proof that 'ho planet
was Inhabited , ana this they thought was
based upon the supposition that tbo lines
were the vvorK of reasoning beings , 1 Dover
ualil unythlng of the kind. Natural forces
may have hollowed kout these deep canals ,
llfty to 100 kilometers , or 104,000 to 3'3,000
feet loup. Why they arc doubled It is Im
possible to say and xvould bo idle in an
astronomer to sot up an hypothesis for dis
cussion.- ' Nature everywhere causes pheno
mena , w'filch are at present little understood.
It would still' require long and laborious
observations baforo wo could Know definitely
from what could bo seen that Mars was sus
taining Ufa. "
"Do you not , however , bollevo that Mars
now is inhabited ; if not by human beings ,
then by some lower order of the uuimal king
dom ? "
llullnviti Mars U Hiililtnblo.
"I am convinced of the habiubillty of thn
the planet , " rep > ! cd Scamparelll , "but my
conviction upon that point Is based upon
many other things than simple observations.
The conditions which prevail in Mars scorn
to apnroxlmuto moro cloaoly those of tbo
earth than Is tlio case with uay other
heavenlybodies. It would indued bo strange
If n clobtrlilo ours in many of its Important ,
features should oKltt without Hfo oi some
kind , nnd especially wbon wo know that
such Hfo would bo Imfos iblo on the earth
wore such conditions absent. Thus , natural
ists nnd philosophers would say that It Is
much easier to show that animal life exist ;
on Mars than that it does not. The ourden
of proof therefore rests upon these who deny
such existence. "
During the present opposition of Mars ,
Prof. HchlapiirelH has boon nightly on the
scene or bu labors watching the planet
through his now famous Instrument and
limiting such additions to his map as bo is
enabled to determine. Ills theory ls widely
known bore among the common 'people , who
regard him with a reverential awe ,
Unlavoriiblt ! fur OlpHtrvutfimi.
LONDOX , Autr. 5. In the course of an in
terview by an * Asspclatod Press represonta-
tlvo wild the nnror.omor in cbnrgo of the
observatory nt Greenwich , "tbo latter said
that the planet Mars has boon regularly ob
served , but sp far the weather had boon too
unfavorable for obtaining results of valuo.
r.tvf , ir.iNTA I'Aiinu.v.
Aduun County' * Kx-Trennurer Kxpccts lix-
voiitlvu C'luinoiipy.
lUsTisas , Mob. , Aug. C. . [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB Bni ! . | Charles II. Paul today
( rave notice by publication of his Intention to
petition Uovernor James E. Boyd on the 20th
of this month for u pardon , ho having boon
convicted at the IiUt term of court of tbo oni-
bez/loiiient 6f $7fiO of publlo monoy.
Invfjtlgutlui : thu ColnMurdor.
IlASTlxiiB , Neb. , Aujr. 5. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun Bui-.J The coroner's jury
which Is investigating the cause of the donth
of D , S. Cole mot this evening according to
adjournment. As before , tbo mooting was
secret. A ' number of former witnesses wore
recalled , 'Ana In addition several of Colo's
uolghbora p.nd former business associates.
At a late hour after Chris Collins , a tiroot
car driver , waa recalled , all other witnesses
wore lUtiutuecl unlit Wednesday evening
at 7 u. in.
It U ullegod'that loifera liovo been discovered -
ored that will show thai morg tu'an ono
woman is implicated. Tho'qunrtet who Imvo
been working on the case nro divided as to
whether the revolver laken from ftlr . Mason
had bean tired ' laluly or us to whether It wis
oiled , us w'a claimed , eoir.u time ngo , arid
are still on the jook put , ( or now clews In this
direction. In aUditlpir , tbo imuo ) number of
amateur dolectlVo > .ord bresont and nt'work.
lluliron J.udlcs Will Alftit.
HEIIHOX , Nob. , Aug. 5.-Spooial [ to TUB
BKB.I Auguul 1 a meeting wtar palled by
Mrs. J. II. Lynch , a member of the auxiliary
board ot commissioner * to the Columbian
exposition for NnbrasUo , for the purpose of
doing something worthy of a placa In the ox-
position. Twenty-four ladles responded to
the call. A club was formed and named the
Columbian Nccdlo Club of tlobron In honor ot
the men of the Columbian club , who kindly
tendered the ladles the tiso of their commo
dious club roonu in which to hold their
Knrnuln to Denver.
BnATiticn , Nob. , Aug. 5. [ Special Tolo-
grara to Tun BHR. | Mount Herman com *
tnandory No. 7 , Knights Templar , loft hero
this afternoon , 100 strong , for Denver by
special train over the Burlington ns special
ctcort to Ornnd Commander E. O. Salisbury.
Many sir knights were accompanied by
their wives and families and other friends ,
making up nnartv ot ever tlOt ) from this city.
Too commandory was also nccorupanioJ by
thu Occldontal band of Dawltt.
Nowinnn OroTo'x Hot Wind ,
NKWMIN Uitovc , Neb. , Aiiif. C , [ Special to
Tun Bun , ] This morning at 7i0 ! ! n hot wind
struck this place , raising the tomponuuro
within Hvo minutes from 80 = to 0.1 = , and
continuing for about ono hour. Before the
nave reached hero It was . cloudy and cool.
The oldnst inhabitant never experienced any
thing like it before. This wind nt the tlmo
was blowing a gala from the northwest.
Jiiillnnola lloliM the County Hont.
iMiiuxot.A , Nob.f Aug. 5. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Bnn.j Indlanola Is still the
county scat of Had Willow county. Tha of
ficial vote ot Monday's elections gives Indi-
anola three and ono-flfth votoa majority ,
McCook was determined to win the .light. .
Tlllllor-Wost. *
Youic , Nob. , Aug. B. [ Special to Tun
BEK.J Last night , at the rcsidonco ot the
brldo's parents , Miss Nolllo West and Hurry
Miller were married. The young couple left
on tbo evening train for Denver.
Hurt Whllu .StucKlng Ituy.
Fowtnu , Nob. , Aug. 5. [ Special to THE
BUK. ] Eu Patrick had his right hand badly
mangled while stacking liny Wudnosduy.
His arm was caught in tho. safe carrying the
Fort Dodge StrlUors Ioio Tliolr Tj'lght An
Injunction Did It.
POUT Dopai : , la. , Aug. 5. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Br.K.1 The toamstors1 strlko
was ended tonight wbon Shorill Adams
served temporary writs of Injunction re
straining all the strikers from trespassing
'on the excavation for the PortDadgo Grocery
company's building. The mnn wisely de
cided to withdraw their forces. All last
night the garrison of the excavation , which
has become known as "Fort Fisher , " held
the fort. A crowd of sympathizers stayed
with then , , Among the lattorweto A. Howo.
n wholesale fruit merchant , nnd William
Fisher , a grocer. These men undertook tbo
raising otnonoy to pay the strikers for all
their time in holding possession of the cellar ,
and all day today tbu garrison was at Its
post. No extra efforts were made to oust
them. The property owners wore- quietly at
work , in a dilTerunt way ,
A petition tor an injunction wits filed before -
fore Jud c Weaver atEldora and promptly
granted. The writs nrrlvud this evening
nnd wore served at 0 o'clock. For a tlmo it
looked as though there would be resistance
from the men but finally , with many loud
murmuiitigs of discontent , they gniau [ > thq
light and peaceably evacuated.
The owners of the property nro
two of the wealthiest nnd most
public spirited men in the city. It is gen
erally understood thnt they will now mal < o
the concessions of tbolr own accord that the
man undertook to got by force. In any event
tno men are sure of their nay under the mer
chants' hen provision of the statute.
XKJlll.ltiK.l'H XK\r \ 7.1.VJE.
Norfolk nnct Ynnktoit Will Ho Connected
Ileloro Next Yciir.
YAXRTOX , S. D. , Aug. 5 , [ Special Te'o-
gnun to TUB Bnn. ] The contract for grad
ing the Ynnkton & Norfolk railroad from
Wausa , Nub. , to frorfolk , n distance of
thirty-two miles has boon awarded to William
Lurson. Ho will beginwork with a force of
200 teams at the Norfolk end ot the line next
weak. Grading on.tho'Hno from Wuua , to'
Ynnkton will bollnlsn'od within two weeks
and track'luylng-xvill begin before September
1. Ttio road'will bo completed uuatiu oper
ation by November 1. ,
The harvest of ono of the heaviest and bos * ,
.crop. of small grain , particularly wheat , over
raised In Yankton county is well under way
and the entire county is ringing with the
clatter of soif-blnders. There us no dearth
of harvest help In this county for tbo reason
that farmers provided themselves with as
sistance early. Wheat will thrush thirty
bushels to the aero the county ever , while
oats will bo about us heavy in proportion.
The potutoo crop will probably bo short ; but
corn is ripening rapidly and will bo out of
the way of frost early.
South D.lltotn Ciittlunioti Al'irmod.
Uvrn > CITY , S. D. , Aug. 5. .Several cattle
have died at Brennan , on the Elkhorn four
miles south of hero , of a dlscaso supposed
to bo Texas fever. Bronnan is the shipping
point for the Belle Fournbo and Clioyonno
ranges and great anxiety la felt among
Btockmen ,
srj.Ys.i CHOPS.
As Hnrvcat rrogrcusos It Is Shown They
Will I'.xceecl the KHtlmutcH.
TOPKKA , Kan. , Aug. 5. Tbo monthly re
port of the State Board of Agriculture will
bo completed this avcnlng. Secretary Mohlor
stated this morning that tlio correspondents'
reports were very favorable. An increased
acreage is shown in tbo three loading crops
of the state wheat , corn and oats.
The Increase In winter wheat is C.SS per
cent , spring wheat 10.1 per cent , making tno
actual wheat acreago-lll3Cl. ( !
The Increased acreage in corn is 7.4 ; making
the ncreaco 5,5'J4,807.
The oats acreage is 1G1.'I,707 , an increase
of ovor-t per cent.
Tbo reports from threshers direct show
Iho wheat yield has been creator than tbo
estimator submitted last month , but Iho ru-
turns uro not sufllcleutly complete to permit
of an accurate estimate , >
Tha corn has beon'grentlv injured by
drufitb , especially in tto | central corn belt ,
and In the southern and southwestern parts
of the state. The corn throughout the
eastern part of the Btiito is In first class con
dition. ' Corn Is later , { .ban usuuLuud good
cro'p conditions from' now"on"may raalto a
comparatively good crop whore- almost a
total failure Is now feared. ' ' *
Two Viiueo lloyg Killed mid a Third
\Vniiiiil itliy Dlitu-utlves.
BIIISTOI. , Toon. , Aug. C. Two year * ago
Henry , Heoco and James Van'co , brothers , of
Tasawoll county , Virginia , murdered Buck
Lawn and fled to West Virginia. About
three weeks ao they murdered Deputy
Sheriff Thomp on of Fayotto county , West
Virginia , wharo bo was attempting to arrest
them. Last Friday tnoy were overtaken by
detectives FclU and Howory of Baldwin ,
who demanded their surrender , ThoA'unco
brothers opened lira on the olllcors. The
ofllcers returned the lire , and Foltz brought
down Keoce and JIni. Henry then surren
dered and was taken back to Fayotte county ,
where tbo detectives bollpVo ho has by this
tlmo been lynched by u mob. Hooco Vance
was killed , but Jim. being only slightly Itf-
jurod , escaped. The Vnnces were young men ,
very tough , cousins of the famous Iluttloldj
of the Hatllcld-McCoy feud.
j.v.t Q axcfsu w.yra
One of tbo most pbarimng women on the
American stage is Huttlo Bernard Chaso.
Sbo ban flue talent and though very ypupg
has already been remarkably successful. Sbo
will make her nppouranca shortly In an "UP-
to-doto" play , entitled "Uncle's Darling , "
Introducing many specialties , now scenery ,
thrilling situations , humorouscllmuxos , sing
ing and dancing. There will also ba Intro
duced some noted animals , prominent among
them being n team Of reindeer that are
broken to drlvo in hurnros ; tnoy are splen
did anlmaU and surpaw the true deorln sUe
and strength , being o * tall as the shoulders of
a hone , and unite great swiftness to pa-
tiouco , ' endurance and fatigue. Jt IB sold that
they aru able to run thirty miles in on hour.
They weigh upout 700 pound * caob and are
valued up In the thousands. In addition to
the reindeer eomo line dogs will bo Intro
duced and altogether n most interesting en
tertainment may bo expected. Comes to the
Furnam Street theater for ono week com
mencing Sunday tnatlaoo , August 7.
Thora Hns BocnjftiPlstinct Improvement in
the Bw nesa- Outlook ,
Cotton Jlllls AqtlM" ! " < Solil lor Wrplts
Ahrnil-A ProwUlng Outlook llii liie i
Fnlluros fqr itlio WVck Clear.
ing lloiij > o HtntmneiiU.
New YOHK , Aug. 5.-U. Q. Dun & Go's ,
weekly review of trade says : In every
respect the business outlook distinctly Im
proves , the heavy sules of American stocks
by foreign holders continue nnd draw large
amounts of gold from the country , Indicating
foreign distrust of American finances ,
At Boston trade Is fairly notlvo , especially
in boots mid hoos.
At Hartford wool is freely bought by
At Pnlladelpnla receipts of wool are largo
nnd prices firm. Trade In paints nnd glass
is moderate , in liquors and ouonilcals aotivo
nnd in tobacco dull.
At Baltimore the fall trade opens
At Cincinnati trade la qulot , but wholesale -
sale drug sales exceed last year's.
At Cleveland tnltlo Is good in groceries ,
shoes , hardware and structural Iron , nnd
orders for iron are largo and dry goods fairly
At Detroit crops look well.
Business at Chicago exceeds last year's ,
collections nro fairly satisfactory , money
tends to stiffen and fair crops and" larijo busi
ness arc expected.
Business is good at .Milwaukee , Improving
In nil lines.
St. Paul reports encouraging crop pros-
Minneapolis reports a material Increase In
all lines of trade and very good business , in
lumber with stiffening prices.
Djluth reports shipments of iron ore
greater than last year , and largo recoluts of
s Ktcollont nt Oinnlin.
Business is excellent at Omaha and satis
factory at ICanans City.
At St. Louis business Is strong and re
ceipts of wheat heavy.
Business is good at Denver.
At Louisville tradu improves.
At 'Little Hock business Is quiet , but at
Savamah well sustained.
At i > ow Orleans money Is in Improved de
mand , cotton steady mid sugar , firm.
It Is within the mark to say that the vol
ume of traoo in July , n's indicated by clour-
Ing house exchanges. Is fully 15 p'cr cunt.
larger than last year nnd greater than in
any previous year lilsplto of n decline of 5
per cent in prices ilnco a year ago. Imports
ore or.ormous , exceeding last year's over 10
per cent the past nioqtn , which is proof of activity in'dot'uostlis manufactures and
Pig iron Is , iOh" ' the whole , no weaker ,
though Bessomtir hosi sold at Pittsburg for
$13.00 nnd southern soles nt Chicaco have
depressed gray for ' o f.o § 12 , equal to $3.15 at
Birmingham. Thp'.dpmand for bar Is more
active and plato , sliopt nnd structural mills
nro crowded with orders.
Sales of wool incrd < Uod largely and for tbo
year at three citlot points nro 174,000,000
pounds against N3,00i,000 ) last year to dato.
.Sold lb WcoliH Ahriiil.
Cotton mills are Sold ahead four to eight
weeks nnd print Cloths nro strong at ! J > {
cents. No change i * > eon in copper , but tin
has beau liftud by .speculation tlnd lead is
dull at 4.1 cent % , ( Speculation has madn
higher prices for broadslulls , half a cent
for wheat in splto off receipts at the west ex
ceeding. 1,000.000 nus'hoU ppr day , with orf-
ports of SUO.'UOO hashcN iii'three days ? Corn
bus been advanced neurly 5 ceuia on small
sales nndloats 4'ftdnts ort'1westei'h reports
favoring shorter sstimstcs. Cqttan ba do-
dcclinod oiio-eighth of a cent on sales of 590-
COQ balc/i / Vor , the wcolrj receipts being moro
favorable. Cdffco Is ono'-Qlghlh. , of u cent ,
stronger and oil throe-eighths of u cent
The business failures oTurrlng through
out the country during the last seven days
days number 181 as coinpared xvith u total
of 1U3 last week. For the corresponding
week of last year the figures \yoro 23 i.
Onmlia Still Sliowti u I'urccntngo of Unin
HrjiortH friim , Other CltloH.
NEW Y.OUK , Aug.'C. Tno following statement -
mont , compiled by Bradstreot's , gives the
bank clearings for tbo week ended August 4 ,
1S92 , and the percentage of increase or decrease -
crease , ai compared , with Iho corresponding
wool ; of 1391.
Msntreat IX.
llnllfnx 3.2
I'rrsrnt Sltimtlnii IK liicudmio | and Houiu-
I'lTTHiiuiio , Pa.j AugJ D. Mr. II. C. FrlcK ,
chairman ot the Caruejdt ) Stool company ,
surprised liU frlonds and acquaintances
shortly uftor 10 o'clock this mprnmp by op-
poarlnc at the company's olrlco' ana entering
ntiiln on his dutoj | winch were Interrupted
thirteen days HRO by the attack made on him
by tbo would'bo atsasiln , Alex Bergman.
Mr , FrlcU looks remarkably v/ell. Thcro
wai no vUiblo ovldoacq.ot the assault on Mr.
FrlcU except a patch of court piaster on bis
nouK cavorlOK the two bullet hplos.
At CarnoRlo'ii mills nbtolutolv no cbango
In the situation could tie uotlcoa today. The
ofUclals have abandoned tbo eonorul resump
tion of work for n day or two.
'Iho borough of Duquosno was extremely
qulot todny. Tno militia pntrollQci the np-
pronolics to the Ateol works nil tiny , but no
nttompt to do nioro than work on the repairs
wns nuulo ntid tBo putrollors prosorvdd excellent -
collont order. The mnnngcra of thd Du-
quostio strlko seem to bo doubtful of tlio re
sult , bocauita they cannut keep the mon In
Secretary Lfv-oy ) ) today mndo Information
ngninst ICilwnrd Uurko anil ono other man on
the chnrso of murder. .1 nines Uurdco Is now
In jnil , hnvltiR been nrrostod yesterday on the
chnrRO of unlawful ntsomblago nnd nggrn-
vntctl riot.
At tlio Homestead stool works this ovoulnp
Suporlntondont Potter stated thnt thrco of
the old men hnd applied for reinstatement.
Two export Workmen quit.
'Jho contributions today amounted to
Sl,490 , of which Sl.lur cnmo from Younscs-
town. .
The committee , by rcquoit , will send n
subeommluoo up the MonoDRahcla throURh
the oonl rofllons. Similar committees will
canvass tno pastern cltlos to secure support
for the strikers nnd work up sentiment
nRulnst the use of CaruoRlo mntcrlal.
Thn ttOpus were paid oft today.
MannRcr Henry J. Sayors slept poncofully
last nlRht. His now piny , "Cupld'i Chariot , "
had Its premier at the Boyd last evening nnd
made nn undonlublo hit. The ploco is of the
farce vnrloty class , but It is of u dUtlnotly
higher order than thoavorugoof tbatspoclos.
There Is In It leas of tlio slum ban and moro
acting' . Iho company Is strong in singers
and much of the music Is of a bolter quality
thnn usual lu such plays. The notion of the
plav Is' woven nronnd n blovclo race , nn ex
citing feature which Is produced bv nn In-
ROIIJOUS mochanlcul arrangement nnil special
scenery. This also nffordsnn opportunltv for
Prof. Unrher , ono of the linot trick rldora In
the country , to glvo n rmnarkublo exhibition
of fancy work on tbo wheel , nnd the Powers
brothers Introduce u laughable btirlcaquo on
the bicycle.
Mm Alice Evans , the soubrette of the
company , U pretty and potlto , and BOHR and
danced her way Into tlio Rood graces of tno
audience from the rise of the curtain. She
Introduced a whirlwind dnnco , n vnrloty of
the serpentine. Mr. Uhnrlos Sttno , an actor
masquerading as ti Now York society leader ,
and Mr. James Powers , a facetious tramp ,
presented two strong comedy parts that won
many rounds of applause , Mr. Stlno receiv
ing numerous oneoros. Mr. A.-J. Powers
as Brldcot and Mr. Will Power * as the
dudlsh English lord presented acceptable
characterizations nnd added to the general
merriment , Mr. C. B. Ward has n volco of
rare quality nnd his ballad sinning Is sure
to make him a favorite. Mr. OoorRo
Smith has a tnafulUcont ( bass , but bis
selections did not show It nt Its bet for a
popular entertainment. Misi Mvra
played the oM mold with becoming kitton-
isbnoss , nnd Misses Broutrhton , Jewell ,
Urooly mid Barret made nn attractive bouquet
of .summer girls who wou their full share of
AmoiiR the features wns the "four widow"
act , which has made such n hit In
"Miss Helyutt" mul "A Trip to Chinatown. "
Last night's ontortninmcnt went remarkably
well fern first performance. Tbo piny caught
the favor of the audience , which , by the
way , had n largo contingent of the Oman a
wheelmen , and if the laughter nnd applause
whluh greeted It last night nro to bo nc-
copted as a guldo it secmi bound to bo a
great success. Of course , many things will
bo changed nnd Improved , but the ground
work aud the bicycle flavor are there , only
needing the ipolUhing which clover people
nro sure to glvo such n piny ,
.Minority nnil Minority deports Huvo llcou
WASHINGTON- . C. , Aug. 5. Chairman
Boatnor of the house commltto invonlgaling
the charges of drunkenness in the house ,
mndo by Watson , has llnlshed his ronort. It
is npprovod by three democrats nnd partially
by Grout , republican , of Vermont. The re
port says that thruo or four moinl > or have
appeared on the floor moio or less under the
influence of liquor , but none In tha condition
charged. Thu committee will report a reso
lution declaring Watson's charges nn untrue
aud unwarranted assault on , tbo honor and
dignity of the house and has its unqualified
disapproval. Grout will present u minority
report allowing Watbon to retract his state
Representative Simpson , farmers nlllnnco ,
submitted a minority report dissenting from
the vlows of the majority and exonerating
Watson. Ho quoted from the testimony of
alliance members nnd others before the com
mitted in support of his ( Simpson's ) conton-
tention that , Wntson's charges had founda
tion in fact.
\ril.lT \ A CH.IXUK J'lHt TltAIX
Sixty Mllliuim in fiolil Hurrying Arrant the
Continent , < iuiiriloit by I'ustitl Clorlm.
S x FKASCISCO' , Cal. , Aug. 5. Sixty mil
lion dollars in gold has boon shipped by rail
to Washlticton City from the local sun-
treasury. It made Hvo carloads. The ob
ject of the removal Is tbo undislrabllity of
keeping such n Inrgo sum it a seaport town.
The shipment is guarded by postal clerks
armed with Winchesters.
Mr * . IIurrUon'H Condition.
D. C. , Aug. 5. At the
whlto house It Is uald that the desire of the
president to leave for Loon lake us soon as
possible does not mean that any alarming
uows has boon received relative to Mrs.
Harrison's condition , tier physical condi
tion Is improving to a gratifying degree.
She U still nervous und weak , bowovor , and
is anxious to have the president with her.
SAIUXAC , N. Y. , Aug. fl. Tno report that
Mrs. Harrison is foiling is groatlv exagger
ated. Mrs. Harrison was out for a drive
yesterday and today.
Movement * of Ocean Stc.imurH. '
At Hamburg Arrived Fuorst Bismarck
from Now York.
At Brow Head Passed City of Chester
fiom New York.
At Now York Arrived City of Berlin
from Liverpool ; Glonpora from South Amer
ican and West Indian ports ; Chilian from
South American ports.
i'iim i , PA it.HI it.trn&
Mr. and Mrs. M.-O. Maul lenvo today for
Denver , to bo gene about , n week.
Hov. T. K. Ci-atnblot , par.tor of tbo First
Christian church , returned from bis summer
vacation ycsUirday and will preach on next
Sunday as usual.
After leaving ilia High school grounds last
night Governor Mc'Clntoy made a call at
Tin : BII : : olllce , and spent some time looking
about the establishment.
W. H. Green , formerly a well known real
estateilouler , U In thn city. Mr. Green Is
HOW gnnurul manager of the Omaha and
South Omaha Texas land company , the chinf
owners of which are O. M , Carter and C. S.
Montgomery of this city. The company
owns an addition of 17,000 ucros to Houston ,
Known ns Houston Heights , which Is being
Improved and will bo put upon tbo tnarxot
soon as the cholco part of lhi > city. The
company laid put Iti grounds , graded the
.street * , laid JUa miles or paving , constructed
Its own electric lighting und street railway
plants , built the blvgost cotton mill In the
south , tins a hotel of mammoth proportions
under way , and has completed all the Im
provements of a publiu natuio bofora n lot
was olforod for bale. Mr. Green Is enthusi
astic ever tbo future of Texas , und Houston
Heights In particular. Ho will return to
Texas in a few days to look after the Im
provements now in progress.
NKW YOIIK. Aug. 5. [ Special Tclogram to
Tin ; Bun.I Otuuhapoojtlebore aroC. C. Coo ,
I tlio Windsor , and M. H. Bliss , at tbo
Poor Emma Gnrtlor Fouml Dead in a
Fortune Toller's Homo.
I'ltlfiil Slnr.T o I Con II ill 111Voniniihool nnd
n .Miiii'n Avitrlcto nnil Crlinn 1'oul
1'liiy Hunppctnil , lull no lu-
quest Wilt l > o Held.
Mrs. Crosby , nooEmma Curlier , ngodlO ,
died ycitoiday morinnj ; at the , nMldenco of
Mrs. Dubach , on South Flttooiith sti-oot , of
This is the substance of the ofllcliU report ,
but behind it Is a pitiful story of confiding
womanhood on ono hand and nvarlcu and
crime on the other.
A few wooit ago Tim U.CR told oi Emma
Ourtlor's experience with Corporal Crosby.
She bad como to Omaha not long bcfora
from Switzerland nnd was employed In the
north part of the city as n domestic. Wnllo
there she met Corporal Crosby of the Second
infantry and fell In love with him. During
ono of his visits she told him
that there was 4 a legacy of $ . " > , OOU
coming to nor In n year or
two and with ' .his inducement ho nskcd her
to mmry him. She wrote home to Switzer
land for her mother's consent and in duo
time It cnmo in n letter which convoyed the
old mother's blowing nnd f. > 00 to assist thu
couplu In suiting up housekeeping.
Itohlietl unit Dmortocl.
They wore married nud on the second mornIng -
Ing afterwards thu corporal kissed her KOOU-
bye saying he was going to tlio fort and has
not slnco boon hoard from. The $ . " > 00 wliicn
Emma had in hnr trunk wont with him ana
the deceived girl reported the matter to the
police. Letters were found In Crosby's
trunk Indicating that bo had a wife living in
Illinois , another in Wisconsin and
was engaged to bo married to two girls in
Iowa. Detectives huvo boon looking for him
over slnco to answer to the charges of do-
sertlon from tho'army , grand larceny and
Yesterday morning his latest victim and the
principal witness nenlast him died in thn
house of Mrs , Dubach , over wnoso door on
Fifteen tli street bettveun liarnoy and Howard
hangs a triangular lantern on which
Is printed in English Uud Gorman "Fortune
Toiler. "
Fourteen days ago the ulrl was taken to
the bouso by an engineer , whoso namu could
not bo obtained , who told the proprietress
thnt ho would bo responsible for her board
"until her money arrived. " Mrs. Dubach
says thnt the girl had bcnn stopping
with another Itidy somewhere In the
city she did itot know just wuoro nud hml
been turned out on the street because she
could not pay her board undthutUio oninucer
inKircsted himself as a more mattur of cour
I Monday evening a reputable phy.ilohtn
wboo connection with the case is perfectly
Innocent , was called in by Mrs. Dubach. Ho
found the girl in the pains of childmrlh
and administered opiates. The next morn
ing ho called nnd found that she
had been delivered of a four months' child.
Numerous circumstances that the
miscarriage was the result of n criminal
operation , though the girl claimed that she
hut ) been horseback riding and hurt herself.
On Tuesday night peritonitis sot in and
yesterday morning early the unlortunato girl
died in splto of the efforts of two othur phy
sicians who had been called In to assist in
the caso.
l.ctUTs from a I'rlvml ,
Evidently tbo first physician hai his Ideas
of foul pl < iy , sluco he told Mr * . Dubjuu to re
port the case to the coroner. Sun did so and
tunlcd over to hlrn throaletters written from
Fort Omaha , hoadquarlurs of the Second in
fantry nnd siencd in ono ca o "Don , " and in
the other "Stafford. " though alLnro written
by the sumo pen mini. Thuaqaiu dated July
lii , 23 and 30 , after the date of bur marnajro
with Crosby , and coiltaiu the most extrava
gant expressions of love and cntroutio * for
an interview. She was evidently in com
munication with him , but refused a personal
Interview. The writer is u good penman
and uses good English. Ho refers repeat
* odlv to the clouds which huvo darkened her
young hfo and In ono of the letters
says ho has boon anxious over sluco she
'phoned him that she WOK going to"seosomo-
o'ne. " That ho was not the cause of the girl's '
trouble lu the Hrst place Is evident from a
passufo in which ho says' :
'Why you should havu such trouble como
to you in your young , sweet Hfo in more than
I can comprehend. Ono thing is sure , should
I over meet the ono who ruined your Hfo no
will pay the penalty , "
In another place ho supposes that she tins
"scon some one , " qqd has found relief'phys
ically and mentally.
In his last letter ho nshs : "How did you
feel whou you camn to got up nnd what did
yourdoctross say ? Did she buspoct any
thing ? "
Coroner Maul Interviewed Mrs. Dubnch ,
tlio physician and others , and road the letters -
tors , and announced that no inquest would
bo hold.
'It ' would amount to nothing , anyhow , "
ho exclaimed. "I had an inquest and a post
mortem examination on the body of Idu
Ebright , and Hint was all there was of It.
The county attorney prosecuted no ono , and
it was a good deal clearer case than this
ono. "
The body was taUon to the morgue nnd a
notice sent to un undo named Charloi Slot-el ,
who Is connected with the Windsor hotel In
Denver in some capacity , and there'cuda the
story of poor Emma ( Junior.
Ili'ilHim'n Toirn Hull.
The Benson city hall has boon completed
nnd presented to the residents of the addi
tion by Mr. E. A. Donson. It Is a handsome
little building , which will aout about * 300 ,
with a good dancing floor nnd well ar
ranged stage and dressing rooms. Ji is
completely furnished with chairs , curtains ,
llghtlni ; llxturos and the like and wfll prove
a convenience whluh will bo heartily appre
ciated by the residents of thu suburb. The
management Is in thu hands of a board of
trustees consisting of E. H. Cone , Gcorgo
Stioll , W. P. Coo , I. WauWnpaugli and
Charles J. Johnson.
Too building Is to ba formally prusontud
and dedicated this evening. A fine
literary nnd musical program has upon pre
pared for tbo occasion and ovorjono In
terested Is Invited. '
DoVVltt's Sarsaparllla destroys suah pol
sons us scrofula , skin ilUoasos , eczema , rheu
matism. Its timely usp savoi many lives ,
WK-t I'll Kit FUltKUAX 2'S.
Ot'i'icc oi' WHATIIBH HUKKA.U , I
OMAHA , Aug. fi. f
Tto weather contliiuoi hot und dry west
of the Mississippi. The temperature in
southern Nebraska , Kansas and Missouri
ranged in the nineties ut 7 p. ni. , while in
Colorado and Now Mexico It was in the
seventies , The existing conditions do not
Indicate any decided ohango in this section
for tno next twenty-four hours.
l.oi'iil l''ur c'u i 1 I'nr Unnturn Nuhrimkii ,
Oinuliti unit Vlulnlty Uunnrnlly lulr
\votttliort Mtuiloimry tumporuturo iltirlug
WAHiiiNUin.v , U. C. , Aug. 5. Forecast for
Saturday : For Nebraska and Iowa Light
showers ; cooler ; northeast winds , becoming
For tbu Dakotas Pair , except showers In
southern South DuUOU ; warmer , bouth
25QZS.FOR25 ?
Jlfr. A , I ) , Zcoiuml
Of Utle.i , N. Y. , sufTered severely from
and KIdney troubles , causing great pair } ami
Thn-f Tirnrl FonlinnOthcrn'0lllclmy >
i nUL i iiuu i uuiiii failed to do him
any Rood , but so successful nnd satisfactory
was Hood's S.irsnparllla thnt 1m has tnke.u no
other mcdlclno and Is now well. Tlio best
known Miinrr nml ilrrr
happily combined with tonics nnd alteratives lu
Hood's Sarsapariila
that It Is an unequalled remedy for all trouble *
with these important orpini , overcomes That
Tired Keeling nnd mitUm the M-cult ntrong.
HOOD'8 PlLLS euro llablttml Constlpntlon liy
restoring porlitulUc action ot the alimentary canal.
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics.
Cures Charing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
A W niton auanmtea
to Cure Every C uo or
Mousy Hofundad.
Cur euro U permanent and not 11 patchl.iff vpCuioi
ttcotml Boven jrtun HBO liore noror ictm a irmptom
ilncv. Ilj-dejcrlblnu oaio fully wo cat trout joe br
mall , and no Rlra th § s mo ntrong guartnM * la cum
) t refund all moizor * These who prefer to ooma hora
forlr tmentcnn ilo sonnlwo will p f ratlroadfaia
both wtji and liolol uil ; irhllo lioro , If " fall to ear *
Wo ch lloTiiothD | worl.l fors cai3 thftt oar Majrlo
Hcmfdr will not euro , wrltofot ? cltloular anil gel
; hc Tldence. In our sr.von ycnrs pmotlcfl with thi
WMlc Ueme.iy U 1m * hrcn inostcllfflcuK to orfireoma
, 'ho prejudices npnlnst locnllcd tpoclOcs. But unJer
ourBtronc ( tuirrnlcn tliousnnds nro trrlng It anil ua
Inccured. WoitunraiiU'o to euro or ratunO , ( TOrf
dollarand M\rulmre n ronutttl'jn ' ' .0protaot , alia
nnancUl bhcHns orl.'i7J.a ) lt IB ricrfoctlr iofa to nil
nlio trlli trr tlio ( rrtitmcnt , llcrctofor * rcn Kara
puttlnKuy mid pnylnK out your munor for dlirorant
trciiiuionu. arid ulthauiih jroii uro not jet ourol no
ono ha * p ld buok jour monor. Wo will poiltlvolr
cure you , Oltlehronle , doopsented caieii onredlatJJ
tolMdayn. Invojtl nte our flnanclnl tandlnqr'our
reputation ns bushiest men. Wrllu ui tot namai anJ
atldn'tieiof tboiiMva hitvii cur oil who bnro elrea
permliBlonto refer to theni. It co u yonionly post
ego to do tliln. If your symp oma are lore tbroat ,
mucoui patcbci In mouth , ri ) jmatlsm In bonoi onJ
Jolnla , lialr fnllliiK out , eruptions on anf part of .the .
bodyfetllnzof iiuneml dopiculon , pnlni Im ticaJot
bi/ncs. You bavono time to waste. Tttost wbo art
consUntlf Uklnii mercurr nnd potnsn , ahould illv
continue It. Constant use of these drug" will surolr
brine soroi and catlnz l" rsIn the enJ. Don't fall to
n rite. All corri-kpondonca sent scaled In plain ua-
volopo. Wo Invlto ttio most rlKl.l lavestlKBtlou uJ
i-lll do all lu our poirorto aUyoulBlU Addrait ,
COOK RKMKDY CO. . Omnho. Neb
Weakness ,
Catarrh or
HIiciiiuatssQ ) ,
Chronic ,
Nervous or
Diseases ,
r. Searles & Searies
Consultation Free.
AcknonlPdiroil to ho tlio must nuccinf ill iipeclnlUt In
nil run-Air , lii.oon , NKHVOIN , suix ANII uiux-
( ionurrliiKilii from : i tu 0 < lny.i. Sriilillls cured
without .Mi'rcnry. All HtiiKit9 forllfo.
riTltliri'UKK pcrniniioiitly cured , roinovnl com-
lilctB , without uutlnit. cjiiHtlmir dlluliitlon. < : uro
nitccicil nl IIONIO hy patlunt without n moment'
pnlu or nnnoynnco.
vrlthont p.iln iir dt'teiillnii from tniHlnosM ,
11VIHOCI'II ) : ANO VAKIUUL'IIMf poriiniiontly
nnd BiiiTtMttiilly euro I. .Mvtlioil nun mid unfiilllnK.
( VITAI.ITV WKAKr , Mmluaouy too close npplU
ration to huilni'iiB omtmlr ; jvuru luo.'ifvl ntraln
orKrlnfi HK.VUAIj KXCKS.4KS In mldillu llfo. or
Ironi the ( UtoiHs uf youthful follloi. ' ' & $
YOIJMJ nnd MIDDI.i : ACDI ) ; luck of vim. vl or ,
nnd Btronxtli , with o < iial ornuns Impnlreil mid
wpiifconorieil prematurely In nppruauhlnvolil u < u ,
All Tlulil rcndllr tu our nanr treatment Mr lout nt
vital power. C.i 1 1 on or nldrnss with iitninp for
, fro ? hook mul rcci'lpli
Noxttu I'mtOIIIco.
Extract of Beef ,
Do you want ucopy ol
Duo'To * ? See that It. .
is mudo frow Iho Oui ,
ulnu Incoiiiparnbly. .
the buyt. 1'uro ,
tablo.rofroaliin .
boltulB clourly-
the Baron Lol-
n blue on ouuh
iibol , tliua.
To tiioownoMof till loli and purcn'of lots
nnil real ustuto tiloi.j , ' 10th street from Unit to
California stroul ,
Von lire heieliy notlllnd that tliu iindor-
Hlisnod , tlni'o dUlnloroilud fruolilildurmif tlio
clt/of Omuhii. liuvu Ijooii ( lulyiipiotntuil by
tin ) iimyor , wllli the approval at iliii-otty
council of suld olty. loamosa tliu flimmjo , K >
thuoiviiuriiiHD'Jotlviily of tliu property uf-
feotoil by oliiuiulir- the uradu of * .il < j ptrpvt ,
cloclureil nui'iiH-iiirv by urilliiunuti mini nor ISO ,
pnhsuil Juiy Sl t , IS1 * . ' , aprirrtvud July Bird ; JWJ.
Vim nm further notlllod , thut Imvtiitf no-
uuptod si.ld appointment , mid duly imullflod
iiu rc-iiuircij liy law " wlll > < > thu liltli day of
AiiKUnt. A. . , 1 ! B , ut the hour of 10 o'clock In
tliu loronoon , nt tlio ullluu of Uhrlvur
U'lion.tlioo. 1I0.1 Karnam Htio t. within the
uorponilo limits of ald vlty , muut forthu pur-
polo or conuldurliu ititd mnklni ; the UHSUM-
inent of iluina''o to tlm ( ivvnuru rcHpuutlvely of
n'lld ' pruunrly. alfeutud by isulcl chuiiitu ut
uriidi' . tnuliiK intuconsldorutlon imoolul bone-
Ill . If any ,
Vou are notified toboprou'nt ill tlio tlmo
und uluoo uforuMiild and inuko any objection *
tnor tututiipiitiuonat > rnl > iK uld a io sinunt
of ilnujuKus ua you liuiy coiuldor proper.
' '
1U1. OIH80N ,
Committee of Appralnori.
Oiuaho. JulylBlbirwi JyJJdlJ