Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Omaha's Oitizsni Mot Him and Give Him
a Cordial Wolcjmo.
% . .
Our CUT' * UUtliiRiilKlircl Hunt llntl Jfot
1'ullril tii Notice It Sorcnnilcil by the
Hccniul Inrnntry lluuil Ho
Makes u 1'cxv llcmurks.
It 1 not every duy that Omaha hns De
cision to oxtonil \vclconio to us tllstln-
pulshca u Ruost us ( Jovornor McKinley of
Ohio , nnd the greeting which .ho Rroat nil-
vociUo of protection recohad from Omuha's
citizens jroUortlny xvas ono thut coula not
( nil to lisavo in his hourt ploninnt momortoi
of n truly western wolcomo. It was not
nlotio the Kraut , orator and dUtlnRiiUhcd
ttnti-sTiun who > vos greeted , for sorao of thu
citizens of Omnhii had known Major Ale-
Klulcy OB n friend , nnd with tholr rospoot
for his acliIovotniMits us a stalos-
in nn was mingled a.gonorous portion of es
teem for the man.
* ' , The McICitilo/ party arrived In Omaha nt
noon yesterday in their special nalaco cur
Nemuha , which was attached to the Uonvor
oxpMSs , over the Burlington routo. The
pirty consisted of Major McKinley nnd MM.
McICinlcy , Mr. and Mrs. Bawsolnnd Samuel
S. Suxto'n. They were mot nt the ilopot by
n delegation from Council UlulTa , nmonir
i whom'uoro Judge IlceJV. . P. Supp , Frnnk
Sloan , . C. M. Curl nml Scott Ulco. Oonoral
J. O. Cowin , Judco U. H. Soott nnd ottior
proiiiliiciit citizens of Omaha were also
among Ilia crowd that had congregated to
wclroma thu dlstlnguUbcd guests.
Governor AH'Klnlcy shook hands honrtlly
all around nnd introduced the members of his
parly , ultor which carriages \tcro taken nnd ,
Governor McKinley was taken to Council
Bluffs , \vhci o tie was to speak during the
oftcnibon. The ladles of the party were
somewhat fatigued by the trip and decided
not to accompany the governor to Council
liluiTs. They were cscorled to the Mlllurd
holcl by ( Jcneuil nod Mrs. Cowin nnd Judge
Later In the afternoon the co.-nmltteo , con-
MstliiK of Ucnorul Cowin , Judge Scott ,
Mayor Homls , lion. W. J. Connell , L. M.
Bcnnot , Charles .1. Green and C. P. U'olluf ,
loft the hotel in carrlaces nnd returned from
Council UlulTs with Major McKlnley soon
after 5 o'clock.
i.i8ly ; ! Kccngulzoil.
The fenturof of Mujor McICInloy are fa
miliar to nearly evcvyona and bo was in
stantly recognized ns ho entered thn rotunda
of the holcl.Vith his 1'rinco Aloort coat
buttoned closely around his somewhat portly
figure , his gr.iy trousers nnd straw bat , be
might have been mistaken for an Independ
ent leader had not bis Napoleonic conn to
il unco suggested a' higher class of Intelli
Soon after" o'clock the Second Infantry
baad arrived from Fort Omnha and were
bumptuou.sly tegiilcd by Landlord Swobc.
Am o'clock the Hand was sealed in tins ro
tunda. 'J ho Icadci'B baton tapped slightly ,
rose nnd foil , und xvith the Impulse of the
second RlroUo the city's cucsts were
grectod with such a buri > i of harmony us
only Undo Sam's band can produce. The
inuslcof twenty Instruments Illlcd the buildIng -
Ing and in n fuw seconds it was crowded to
the doors by poonlo who hoped to catch n
cllmpso of the statesman in whoso honor the
melody rose anil foil ,
\Vhou thu last no to had subsided there was
tin ontlinsiustlc chipping of hands and then
homo ono shouted "McKinloy. " A hundred
voices echoed the cry , und ns if In response
to the call .it that moment fionornl Cowin
appeared on the stairway leading ttio Illus
trious republican by the arm. "Ladies and
gentlemen , " said General Cowin. "I "am
pleased to present to you Governor McKinley
loy of Ohio whom wo all know. "
The clcss dome of the rotunda fairly quiv
ered with tbo applause which profited
Major McKinley , as ho turned the corner of
tbo stairway nml faced the crowd boforu
him. After the cheers had su willed tbo
governor said :
.MiijiuMcKlnlry Mukes aSluirt Tulk.
"I am very glad to meet and greet you
Iicro tonight. lam glad to meet 'lio people
of the city of Omaha , the greatest city of
Nouras.Ua , and which , if It makes the uro-
Rieis during the next ten years Unit It has In
tbo decade Just passed , will bccomo the
greatest city of the wait. I am pleased tu
uoto the evidences of prosperity which have
prcetcd mo on ovcr.v baud during my trip
through your Mate. I um much obliged to
oil fur the compliment of this cull , and shall
hope to sco you nil uialn tomorrow night. "
The band continued to entertain the crowd
. in the corridors whllo Governor McKinley
and members of Ilia reception committee hold
an informal leccotlon upstairs.
OlilimiiH to Mei-t the Governor.
All nntlvo Ohioans now residing In Omaha
arc Invited to meet ut the Millard hotel today
at 11 : UO for the purpose of mooting Governor
In case the weather continues favorable
and warm the grout McKluley meeting will
bo hold on Ihe High school campus this even
ing Instead of Exposition bull. Governor
McKlnley has consented to spunk In the open
air ; In fact , ho prefers to speak in the open
air rather than lu a hull If the \\calhcr con
tinues wariu.
Warder * ttlll ( Ireot the Major.
The mombsrs of the Eighth Ward Uopub-
Hcun club arc requested to moot at i ts plat
form on Twenty-fourth audCumlngs street ,
at 111 o'clock , n. m. , today , Friday fore
noon. Wo will bolHt the ( lag and salute-
Mr. McKinley who will pass by our club
rooms at that time.
UrJXJuux CibTiiuuo , Secretary
Sixth WimliirH U'lll Hear Him.
Tho.Slxth Ward Republican club will meet
at the club rooms nt Twenty-sixth and Lake
troots on Friday evening nnd proceed In a
body to tbo. rally at iba High school ground * ; ,
smr i'iiitioinc.ti.8.
Tha Hfth and lust volume of the "Memoirs
of the Prince du Tnlloyrund , edited , with n
preface and notes , by the Uuu do Brogllo of
the French acudomy , " translated by MM.
An pis Hull , with on Introduction by Hon.
\Vhitclaw Held , recently American minister
tu 1'tlrls , Ims lust been issued , This volume
begins uith Tnlloyrnud's return to Loudou
and gives u brief roiumu of tbo general potl-
t ii n of affairs in Eutopo us It appeared to him.
There art ) uUo letter from the dillorcn
mmnbors of tha French cabinet under Mar
tha ) Soult In which permission Is nskod to
drlvojthq Dutch out of AlUworp n > id then
pinto the clludol In the bunds of tbo Hoi-
glanc , but HusKla and Prussia objoct. Wo
uro also told about thu Countess do Flauaui's
Intrigues against Talluyrand , the nrrnal of
thu Duchess du llerrv at Nniilus and the at
tempt on tbo llfo of Louis Pbillippa.
Some of thu other lilstorio Incluunls touched
upou are Ilio rapltulutlon of Antwerp , Genera -
era I 1'ozzo'b bocrot mUtiloii.tliosciidlnguI the
Knglldh bijtindron to Uio Mudlturranean. the
I'ranUfoit riot and the proclaiming of Dona
Mat la at Lisbon. U would tuko a small
volume itbclf merely to mention the numer
ous pxclllntr historical pcono * and episodes
that are described in tliU important und in-
turcsting norrcspoudcnci ; , Tvpo raphlcully
the wurk U almost pu-foct. I'ublisbed bv
G. 1 * . Putnam's ' Sons , i.7 West Twcuty-thlrd
it-uel , Now York.
Hlohard Henry bavugo has written n
Btfoni ; und fascliiatluply intcroitlng book
under the title of "Tho LHtlo Lady of
LuKunltas. a Franco-California Uomunco. "
A the writer remarks In the profnco to ttU
beck : "Forty-two yoara have pasied tlnco
Callfornln > ROldon stnrjlr t glittered In thu
( lug of the United State * , llsohcquorcd bib-
lory virtually ocgini with the rush for gold
luISMO , " The hlitory of California Is u
most romantic ouo ana ttio author at this
book has cleverly used the oxoitlnir BCOIIOS
iml wild eiicois that marked Its oarllor duyg
to wcavo Into a Btorv that U both instructlvo
and ontorlttlninfr. Puullshed bytuoAinerl-
cun News company , Now York.
Uluncho Fonrlng has written another book
to which she hiu ) rlvon thu title of "In thu
.City by the Lako. " It In compotcd of tivo
blauk vouo uurralivo POOIUJ , "I'lio Suudow , "
and its sequel , The bliwo Girl. " The tnlo
of on on ts kimplo butchnrmlncly told , though
the last seems to bo the moro eloquent and
powerful .of the two. It U tbo old story ,
evrr now , of true love set over ngalnst
paternal pride. Hut In the development f
the plot the author has found scope for the
cxprosston iti the most natural mannorof tbo
best and grentost truths , and for strikingly
good portraiture of character , whllo mining
the pool's gold oven from the mod patslon
nnd uproar of city llfo. Published by faourlo
& Gorton , Chicago.
"A Golden Pllgrmno" ! is the tltlo of n
rondablo story by the Murqulso
It has a well conceived plot , some strong sit
uations and is altogether nn entertaining
nnd interesting novel , Published by Lund
& Lcc , Chicago.
Marie Corclll , the authoress of ' 'Vendetta , "
' My Wonderful \Vlfo , " etc. , has written
another attractive and fascinating story
under the nama of "Tholnm/1 It is qulto
different from her other productions , but has
merits of no mnun order. Published by
Lovoll , Coiyell & Co.43 , 45 nnd 47 East
Tenth street , Now Yon : .
Under the tltlo of "Tho Average Woman , "
thu United Statoi Ucolc combatiy of New
York , has lust published an entertaining
volume containing bcalaos the story after
which the book is named , throe other stories
Wolcott Balestior " " "A
by , namely ; "Heffoy.
Common Story" und "Cuptalu , Mv Captain , "
The book nlno contains a very touching
.sketch of Wolcott Buleuler , from tui facllo
pun of Henry Jamos. All these stories nro
entertainingly written and a further , If
somewhat inel.mcholy , interest attaches to
them from the fact that tbo author pissed to
the great beyond In bis thirtieth year. As
Henry James puts It : "He had "just Bad
tlmo to begin , nnd that Is exactly what
mukes the exceeding pity of his early end. "
Ono of Helen Mather's inter productions Is
"T'other Dear Charmer , " nnd it fully main
tains thu reputation of the gifted authoress
as nn accomplished novelist. Published bv
Lovoll , Coryoll & Co. , 4U , 45 and 47 East
Tenth sticet. Now York.
Rltft's Intnst navel "Tho Man in Posses
sion" Is very readable and nttnictlvo. It is
not asiory of dcsporuto deeds but is novor-
ihcloss Intensely interesting. Published by
Hovemion company , 17 ntid ID Wavorly
place , Now York.
Wo have received the twenty-fourth volume -
umo of "Thu American State Iopotts , con
taining thu cases of Gmioral Vnluo ami Au
thority suoscqucnt to these contained in the
'American Decisions' and the 'American Uo-
ports , ' dcciucd in the Courts of LaU Hcsort
of the Several States , " selected , reported
und annotated by A. C. Freeman und the as
sociate editors of the "American Decisions. "
This volume ts fully up to the standard of
excellence of the previous volumes both as
regards arrangement nnd typography. Pub
lished by Batierofl-WhUnoj company , San
Francisco , Cnl.
"Thn Noulohka , a Story of West nnd
East , " by Hudyard Kluling and Wolcott
linlcsticr is , ai might bo expected , coming
from such n source , u masterpiece In the way
of llction. It hns n strong plot and is full of
llvelv scenes und well worked out situations.
Published uy Macmlllan & Co. , Now York.
It is almost Inconceivable to on American
how universally the "sportsman" crazn pre
vails In England , Ireland acd Scotland. In
next , Sunday's UIL' : , Eduar L. Wakoman ,
the well known correspondent , paints a most
attractive picture of the pleasure to bo de-
rivuj from hunting in the United Kingdom.
.vo c/vLir jo 'tin : Muitnuitme.
C.IUHO ot the Cole 'Irngcdy still it Mys
HASTINGS , Neb. , Aug. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB HE : : . ] Iho circumstances sur
rounding the deatn of D. S. Cole are ns mys
terious as over , and' from the indications the
murder will bo u fruitful source of specula
tion for mnny uuy.s to come. The authorities
are inclined to regard it in Ibis light and say
that whllo they themselves are well satisfied
as to the perpetrator of the crime , it Is
doubtful if a conviction could bo ootained
from thn evidence now cu bund. It Is gen
erally unuersiood that a detective arrived
this morning und Immediately began work.
The ofllccrs are acting on the theory that
thu fatal shot was fired by some ono behind
thu door through which Cole entered the
shanty. Mrs. Mason , "vho Is generally
believed to Uiuw something of thu
case , is of prepossessing appearance * , small in
stature with clear , blue oyos. Although she
apparently has plenty of pluck and nurvc.
she h aoout the last person whom one would
suspect of committing so foul a deed. She
persists in her statements that sno never
bad any ttoublo with her husband ; that sue
never had been on terms of intimacy with
Cole or that sue ever had uecn in bis ofllce.
She also denies thut she had a cartridge In
her revolver for several years.
She adds to her interview of yesterday
that her sister's lamily wcro adverse to tor
meeting her husband much unless they were
to live together permanently.
Colo's papers were ransacked and a num
ber of letteis found which it U said are such
that they cuuso surprise that Cole kept them.
The key * to the ofllco cannot bo found. The
police are fur from Inactive , but they have
thu disadvantage of on absolutely blind case
to work upon. _
Close of I'liwiico '
City's IttMinlun.
PAWXISI : Cirr , Neb. , Aug. 4. [ Special
Tclogruin to TUB BUB. ] This last day of the
reunion was a grand success. Fully 2,000
people were present to witness the sham
battle , which came off at 0 p , m. Tbo prin
cipal address today was made by Mrs. Wli-
klns , national suuior vice president of tbo
Woman's Ucllof Corps. Ono of the princi
pal features of the reunion Das
been the drill by the Pawnco
City Young Ladies Flag brigade. At
U p. m. the grand paruilu through the city
took plnco. The business bouses wcro decor
ated in honor of tbo event and tbo camp dec
orations were in harmony with such patri
otic occasions. All visitors were well pleased
with the entertainment accorded them by
the veterans of Pnxvnco. thu Woman's He"-
lief Corps und Sons of Veterans. In this
connection great credit Is duo for the success
of the reunion to Captains Murdock and Ful
ler , Jacob North , Eu Wood , C. II. Hare and
a score of other veterans.
WurniH In the Miuiir limit Crop.
GIIANII l3tAxi > , Nob. , Aug. 4. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : UKU.J It hit * boon discov
ered tout un unknown worm has boon among
Nebraska sugar boots , t'rof , Maxwell of the
Schuyler experiment station was in the city
today and examined some of Grutiir Island
Ik-Ids. It is slated that the worm has aguiu
disappeared hero , and that there Is scarcely
any damage done to the crop. Prof. Max
well will make an otllclal report on the sub
ject in a few wcuks.
ItocoturtMl u Child' * Doily.
PiaTTSMouTii , Nob. , Aug 4. [ Special to
TIIK BKF. | Tbo body or Henry McCurty ,
the boy drowned at this point a few days
ago , has been recovered ut Brownvlllo. The
remains will bo brought to this city toalgbt
and burled directly from the train ,
Will .Snjiply Home Trade.
UitAXn loUNP , NOD. , Aug. -Special [ to
TIIK BEK.I A wholesale harnesj business is
the latest enterprise. Eleven mun will oo
put to work to supply tbo retail trudo of
central Nebraska.
Every British nubloman's estate is to a
greater or less degree a phuasuntry , and the
Increase nnd protection of this onu game bird
are paramount to all othcrdutins or pleasures
In the United Kingdom. See Edgar L. Wake-
man's bright uud breezy letter in nextSuu-
day's UKU.
_ _
The English pheasant is the most splendid
bird that readies the EiiL'lUh market. Edgar
L. Wulieumn , who gives a graphic account of
Its habits and haunts in nuxtjSunday's BKK ,
vnys that this bird is our turkov , partridge
and quail in ouo ample mid dellclom frame
Sold for u
Aug. 4 , What remains of the
wreck of the In man line steamer City of Chicago
cage , which ran nsbora some tuna ago near
the old Head of Klnsalo , lias been told pri
vately for l' & , after u publlo auction had
failed to elicit a higher bid than i'JO.
' o
All trualovcru of sport nhould read Edgar
L. Wttkeinan'h letter In next Sunday's Biiu
oa "KuglUh Pheasant Shooting. " Tuoro Is
not u dry Hue In lu
Architect BoindorfT and Mayor Bemis Hav
ing a Lot of Fun ,
The Mnyor. Snys Ho Won't Advortlio the
Architect Who , Hacked by the Conn.
ell , Snyn His Sign Must
Stny ns Ho Tut It.
If Indications count for anything , a cloth
sign may play nn Important part in the com
pletion of thu city hall.
A few yards of muslin Is a small thing
to fight over , but nevertheless the
mayor and the architect of the now
city hall have locked horns over this very
thing and they both duclaro that the struggle
which is to follow shall prove to the world
that there is a survival of the llttost.
Some days ago the architect of the build
ing suspended a banner above the stairs nt
the first Inudtn ? in the court , nnd patntoa
upun thu hannor , in letters of dead
blackwuro the words !
Not many days thereafter tbo city officials
moved into thu building nnd ai thu mayor
passed through the portals ho noticed this
sign. Ho did not admlra It and at once
issued a mandate that the cloth should go.
It went nnd then followed a series of
letters written to the council by tbo mayor
and the architect.
These letters were as bitter as the double
distilled essence of wormwood. The mayor
wrote thut the nrcbltcct was too slow nnd
that the building would not bo completed
before the end of the present century.
In reply the architect penned
n caustic ooistlo to show that the tnavor did
not know whereof ho spoke , nnd that tbo
building WASgetting along at a rapid rate.
These letters wont to the Hies and nro now
safely kept In the vaults of-tho city clerk's
OfllCI } .
This , together with the cloth sign
episode , widened the breach be
tween the two gentlemen , nnd on
last Tuesday night the architect scored u
signal victory , for by resolution ho was
authorized to suspend another sign , calling
attention to the fact that bo , and ho alone ,
was the architect of the building.
Armed with authority , early Wednesday
morning Mr. Boindoif called upon a painter"
wno duplicated the Irst sign. When
it was finished , it was sent up to the city
hall and suspended between the two columns
nbovc the ( irst landing. Mr. Bolndorf viewed
the work of art and then smiled out loud.
Ho felt sutulled that ho had a horse on the
mayor and with that feeling ot satisfaction
ho hid behind a pilaster to bide bis time and
watch the ma\or ivailc under tbo bated rng.
Ho did not have long to wait , for the mayor
came early , nnd as ho entered the rotunda
his eye caught sight of the inscription upon
the banner. Then it was that ho swore by
all that was red headed that the sign should
go.Mr. . Bcindorff was happy all day , but last
night , his Joy gave way to grief.
fun mayor had not said n word , but bright
and early this morning the sign was no
Men who paid on early visit to the build
ing noticed the absence of sometuing and
when Mr. Beindorf reached the building bo
likowUo noticed nn absence of somcthingnud
the something was his cherished sign , when
the mayor came ho smiled and tripped along
over th'o marble stairs.
The spectators and tbo loungers In the ro
tunda thought the war clouds wdnld burst ,
but they wcro distppoinlcd. However they
may not bo , lor Iho quiet that now hovers
over the scene is not likely to bo of loug du
Mr. Bcindorff admits tnat tha mayor has
era lu a knockout blow , but ho affirms that
his banner shall wave , though the heavens
fall. He said that until formerly accepted
t'jo building was bis , and that he had u righ t
to display his business card ; that the mayor
had It tn for him nud was opposed to
letting him have a little credit for
drawing the plans of the building. Ho had
tbo council at his back and would bavo a
sign In that rotunda if ho hud to suspend it
from the irou rods of the roof.
Mayor Bcmis was inclined to take the mat-
tea good huinorcdly. Ho ordered tbo first
sign dovn , but did not know what
had become of the second one.
Ono thing was certain that Mr.
BoindorfT wus not entitled to any great
amount of credit. If uuv person wus en
titled to the glory It was Mr. Fowler , Mr.
Boiocdorff's ' former partner , as ho was the
main man in preparing the plans for the
building. The young man was too fresh , the
mayor thought , ana his letters to the council
were insulting.
' In speaking upon upon the suhjoot ot
slcns1 said tbo mayor , "why don't wo have
this ono ever the doorway in' the rotunda , or
suspended from the neck of ono of the
watch dogs.of the tower :
Doa er In -
"Or we might have thU :
Lime and Cement.
"Wo mllit ( , fo a stop beyond this ant ]
susnoud tUi sign , " continue ! ' . Ills honor
Richard lloo ,
Hoard , 91 per week.
"It would bo Just as appropriate , for all of
these parties furnished something for the
building , or for the men who nave boon em
ployed upon the structure. "
I'ho mayor said that ho did not propose
that the cltv hall should bo used as a bill
board , nor did ho propose to have the inte
rior for a museum , with signs calling atten
tion to the curious things thut the building
City Attorney Council said that tbo mayor
was on the Ha lit track and that
the council had no more authority
to grant Mr. Boindorff bill board privileges
than it bad to grant him authority to bang
sizns In the court house or other buildings
in the city.
Nnggotl Nugfotl ( Nu.fnU Bur Blif
N uggol baking powder. 3oz. . 25 cents.
Siitud Ilielr I.Uun.
Frank G. Carpenter , TIIK BRB'S correspondent
pendent in Russia , says tbo American food
has saved the lives of thousands. In next
Sunday's Bii : will bo found a detailed ac
count of tbo famine situation.
AMVl > K3lKXTtl.
"Cupid's Chariot , " which will bo made
known ut Boyd's theater this evening ,
1s being rapidly whipped into shape for its
initial production , a dress rehearsal last the thoutoralIorJiiig a few friends
of the management an opportunity to gauge
Us merits. While there wore many crudities
apparent and hitches bohbod up serenely to
omburuss the stage manager and players ,
necessitating ropatltlons of sconcu.ontrances ,
exits and music cues , tbo now farce-comedy
gave evidence of having superior merit , and
twenty-four hours will make a vast difference
In the go ot the production , The evolution
of tbo farce-comedy is a fruitful theme for
dramatic writers , but it Is almost a hopeless
task for the reviewer to toll of
the trials nnd ( fttmrtnchcs thut prccedn
too Initial potfarrannco of n new
cnndldnto for mibUofepprovnl ana patronage.
People must be molded to the parts far which
thnv nro cast , andb the "renowned nrtlst"
nnd "clover soubratle" nro taught the bust ,
ness of the oart tnaho llttlo children are In
structed In the klnterfrarton , how to string
bends in alternatingcolors. . Of course the
public can know naftftinir of tbo wearying ro-
tacriils , all they set da the rounded , perfected
performance nnd ithoy go nwnr from the
theater tlllod wlthjdallght ever ilio antics of
the low comedian , ! the sprlgbllliiess nnd
vivacity of the soutmotto , and Iho grace of
the dancers. Hut IB is well that they cannot
penetrate the past lot some of the "footllght
favorites" would. appear sadly deficient
could the pfople's limo light bo turned full
on nt n roh'Jimnl , of n new piny. Manager
Sayers , who gave "Tuxedo" such nn nustil.
clnus beginning In Om.iha last year. wn In
the bouso last night , and whllo ho
I saw Imperfections in the porformanaj. there
J wcro none thut will not easily bo
{ remedied on Its production tonight ,
i The storv of thu piny has been ptvon n
number of times In these columns. Around
n bicyclu rnco a love story has been wrlttun ,
nnd thU race bids fair to prove as successful
ns the horse rnco In the "Uouhty Fair. " It
Is the nemo of realism andthothousands who
Imvn witnessed roat bisyclo rncos In tbo Coli
seum will Und It very easy to imnglno thut
they are Interested spectators nt n road rnco ,
with nil thuir sympathies In favor of thu
pretty soubrette , Miss Allco Evnns. who
takes her lover's pluco in the rnco nnd wins
it by n whcol. Tnoro Is cxcollont singing ,
graceful dancing hy n qunrtotto of pretty
( Iris nnd Miss Evans rmtkcs n genuine hit In
the sorpontluo dnnco , u novelty In the west.
Mr. Chnrlus Stoln hns n very hnppv pnrtMr.
Ward sings the "old songs" doilgiitlully nnd
promises to dim the lustra of his former as-
soclntu's fnnio , Unymon Moore of "Tuxedo. "
"Cnpld's Chariot" has the merit of novelty
nbout it nnd Its initial performance this
evening at Boyd's will bo watched with in
Nugsrotl Nuggoil NuggctI Buy Big-
Nuuto baking powder. U3 oz. 'Jo cents.
ririistirn for tlio O. A. It. Alt Alone tlio I.lnr.
Prom Ghlcngo the Ponnsylvnnia lines
loud direct to the National Capital , af
fording every dcslrnblofacility for rnpi'l
transportation of Grand Army of the
Republic veteran * and others to Wash
ington in September. Train service
characteristic of the standard railway of
America. Doliphlful scenery all along
the lino. Side trip to historic Gettys
burg if desired. Low rates. Address
George Jenkins , Traveling Passenger
Agent , Duouquo , la.
Story of it Uliimonil Lost and round nt
Ilike Alnimun.
It Is not every day that ono can drop a
valuable diamond at n crowded resort and go
back the next day nnd pick It up , but that
was Just the good luck that attended n Indy
from this oily who wont to Lake Munnwa
Mrs. C. C. Sherwood of 313 South Twenty-
sixth street vhitcd the lake In company with
her guest , Mrs. Showers of St. Louis.
On their return Mrs. Showers missed
n valuable diamond onrrlng ana
gnvo it up for lost. Ycstordny
Mrs. Sherwood suggested that tboy no ever
to Mamuva and sue if they coulu hoar any
thing of Iho missioirowel. , ] A few minutes
after they urrlved.Mrs. Showers noticed the
sunlight ri'llectlng ; from some bright , object
on thu bcacn , and It proved to bo tbo lost
diamond half Unbaudod in tbo sand but
plainly visible.
How the Jewel remained there for twenty-
four hours without being seen and apuro-
prnitod by some ono is n mystery which Iho
owner will never try to solve.
UeWitt's Sarsapanlla is rollanlo.
It'x Uooil rcilillcH.
Harrison coos to tho'mountnins. So
do thousands of our western people , who
find a moat deliirhtful vacation "mid
their granite peaUs thcir , wild gorges ,
their primeval'iforosts.thoir silvery
lakes and sparkling cascades.
Cleveland gdcs to the seaside. So do
thousands of our western people , who
revel in the salt air and the briny baths ,
in the sandy benches and rock-bound
coast , in the fishing and the sailing and
ether charms of the rolling be.i.
They first send to O. W. Kuorglcs , G.
P. & T. Agt. , Chicago , for the Michi
gan Central's beautiful bird's-eye map
bummer tourist folder , and then buy
their tickets to the St. Lawrence , the
Adirondacks , the White mountains , the
Now England const , or wherever their
choBon resort may be , by the Michigan
Central , "Tho Niagara Falls Route.'Y
Tno portublo folding canvas boat , twelve
foot lonn , used in the rescue scone of
"Uncle's Darling , " weighs only twenty-bro
pounds , and is capable of carrying 000 pounds
in four inches of water. It Is a murvolous
piece of mechanism , that can bo carried in u
shawl strap , und was expressly made for
Miss Hottlo Bernard Chase by the renowned
boat manufacturer , N. A. Osgood of Battle
Creek , Mioh.
Uoincmber , Holtio Bernard Chase will
positively appear ar every performance and
will always introduce her irroat singing and
banjo specialties nnd wonderful dances at
Furnnm street theater , ono week , commenc
ing Sunday matinee.
DeWltt'sSirsanirlUacidansas tha U103.1
City Hall Frescoing.
The mayor has not yet said what ho would
do with Henry Loum inn's ' contract for the
fresco work on the interior ot the council
chamber of the city hall , though ho has said
that In his opinion It would bo bettor to wait
for a time and give the building a ohnnoo to
settle oaforo making tbo oxuondlturo.
Whether or not ho will veto tbo contract , ho
refuses to Htutc , though It is known that
there has boon certain prelsura brought to
have him withhold bis approval.
Lnn't I'nnlxli Him.
Ernest Hinsom , a boy under the age of 10 ,
is under arrest for Jumping on nud off the
street cars. For this offense the sapient city
fathers of Omaha some time ugo provided ,
by ordinuncou considerable lino. But Ernest
lias no need to fear auvthlng moro serious
than n discharge slnco ho Is guilty ot neither
murder nor treason , the only two crimes for
which a noy under 115 can bo punished In the
state of Nebraska , the city ordinance to tbo
contrary notwithstanding.
HtarvliiL" to Driith.
Everybody is interested in learning all tha
details regarding'tuQ horrible famine In Hus-
sla. in next Sunday's BEE Frank O. Car
penter gives a gi'wtbio description of the
scenes of horrorion.tno banks of tha Vol if u.
Horror * o ! Uliulorn ,
All the horrors ofi cholera now threatan
the half-starved millions of HusaU. Frank
G. Carpenter , lanoxt , Sunday's BUB , gives
an account of the situation la bis own
graphic stylo. _
Ki High School.
Governor MelCmloy , the champion' pro-
tectiou , will spook , at tbo Higu school
grounds this nvcujnp if ilio weather con
tinues good. Lot everybody come. There is
plenty of room for 50,000 people on the Hlfh
bchool campus.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Tips is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem eflbctually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevcra and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever produced - >
duced , pleasing to the taste andtac-
ccptablo to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
many cxccllentquali ties co mmendit
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in _ 75o
bottles by all leading druggists.
Any reliable druggist wbo may not
have it on hand will procure it
promptly for any ono who wishes
to try it. Manufactured only by the
, KY. NEW YORK , N. Y.
Hobb's Are the Dost on Earth.
Act gently yet prompt
' ly on the MVK1I , It III-
DR. HOBB'S JiElS anil IIOHELS , dis
pelling Headaches , Fov-
cis and Colds , thoroughly -
LITTLE ly cleansing the system
of disease , and cures
Vegetable habitual constipation
They nro sugar coated ,
donntgrlpp , very sinnIL
easy to take , nnd purely
vegetable. 45 pills In each ,
vial. Pcrfict digestion
follows their use. They
absolutely euro sick lirnd-
aclic. and nro recommend-
ca leading rslclans. ! Far sale by leading
drupirfBts orsentbyinuB5cl : ; . n Unl. Address
HOBB'S ' MEDICINE CO , , Props , San Francisco or Chiceio.
Knhn & Co. , Cn.r 13th & DouiMts Sts.
J .A. Fuller i Co. , Cm. Mill A DougltttSU.
A u Fester & Co. . Cuuucll tilutli. In
reading this that
IB tbo only reliable euro for tbo tired feeling pecu
liar to women suffering with weak heart ? , pain In
Bide , shoulder and nrm , weak and hungry epells ,
Irregular pulse , fnlntfng , eiiiotlicrln < ; . Thoup.inda
teRttly to ( heir permanent cure. ELEGANT BOOK
Fur ialo by ICuhn & . Oo. . Kith .t lieu :
FOR despair and deatb , tvlilU but one la a mill
ion la prepared f r itie ilrcail call. Arojuu
that uno. ' If not , y ur earth > wclfaru de
mands that you adopt prom.t ) anil elfoctlvo meas
ure * t provcul Hie approach ot dleeise. or to
( radicate tuo malady \fblcU DOW amicti > ou.
Have you
PI'.IV\TE ' . \
In any share , form , manner or < ! ojree7 In Ufa
rendered a weary burden by any ailllctlou each as
Tlior li hope , there la liclp , thcro Is uprcdy
and permanent care fur > oii from uny or allot
tuuse 111) , In the wonderful ability , the uidrvrloiii
iklll anil the ui approachable laethuda of then
( D
1 > HM.
Who , iii tha treatment an > l ctirn or thU cluca ol ills-
UJ 3 , know no muli wonl m " ( all. "
M-tul * cu. roi their luniHoniol ) ' IlliutrateJ and
liUlily viluai.le nut bi ok or r.'O | i -c .
i iiutultatloii Ires. Cull iipa'i or uildreii , with
" " "
South Mth SL , N. II Corner llth nnd
Douglas Sis. . Oiniiliii. Nob.
kIPAfJG VAUULfS reunite ?
lh i'jitB ijtllrur anil iMvrU , imrl'V
Ir lli liliiHj. tiuwitu end ill ( uuli J
ijjp lii t lunllclui ! ku jvi u fur blliub ' 2
/ " L _ < y' ft/aim ci'iiiilnotion , d > < | ii.'lv Ivul , ,
i IdiBfe'tyliV ' 'ire tt. . h nJ i Ls. | iemtl.urnIbu r
A p [ Jt , iU i4 | ill > , UK'iiliJ ilf | ir > loj , luilurul
V V V uls llin , | "lu'nl"i. i llow p.uiilf-
* J3nbtia frerraMCAfcrfiultin ijoui
* l.a rnro bloc 1 , or c r&iluro ly tuo toiiuu li , II t T or li '
i > luici loiH-itorui i.clrpr ) < : u.rrLiiirtlouii 1'trutkl
* ilrfu tonri e&vln riuebiiu-ntcu'ijtaklnvmoufur ?
uhtneJ. * mall , . ?
* Irir l' } croo. I
J .ICIl'A a lMt UfCAI.Oqltfprui 8t..Mi < wy rk.i
Is romrsrknbto nmots : whlsklan for Ita
Purity , Htoh Quality , Smoothness and
GollcloUri Botuiuot.
Sold only at High-class Drinltmg
Places and Drug Stores. If your
Dealer does not keep it in stock.
Write to
Street Omaha Neb.
1316 Douglas , , .
Tht eminent upeclitllit In nervous , chronic , prlrnlo , blooJ , iklnand nnnnrr dtienMi. A romlar n <
rcKtstcrod graduate In iiioilelno , ns diplomas tintl cornilcjiU's nhnir. U mil tre tlnif < rltli tbo greatest luccou
mtnrrh , ipcrmntorrhoca , luii mnnhool , < omlnal woixknatv nluht lomci , linpotoncjr. irphllK itrlcturo , toil
orrhuen , Kleut , rnrlrocc'io.cte. No mercury useil. Nuir tri'Hlmonl forlosi ofltnl IIOWIT , Purtlei uiinbl * tl
visit ino nmy bo irnlo 1 t homu l > r eorrt' iioiulunci ! . Mu'lUlne or tnstrumpnn sent b ; mall oruipran >
cureljrpnckoil. nu inmrki totndlsatu content ) oriPiidor. HMO personal totiuTlow prclotfoil. Contultatloi
-jo. t orrospondoiii-e itrlctly prlvnto. lloo't ( MyalerUi of 1AM 'ant Ir - OOlou houri U . m. to II f. m i2ui. 9uud Hump lor reoir.
For the higher ami i.mrral Kduciitlon of clrll
and youue women , hprclnltlei : llilllc. Art , Elo.
cullen , 1'hjilcol Training , bleam lirat , Com
I anil lint water , liath rnomi. tr. . on encli floor.
24th Snilnii britliil SffI.Htli. 1M2. ForCatalogu *
MISSOURI. address AIICIIIltAl.U A. JO.MJS , 1'rot.
Superior ailrantafM for dne tlBt
VounE , aill ( . , _ Cour. ofetudrlhor.
' ouch , ilnslcal anil Art ilepirlmentpi highest order toiichrmof thelicBt American
and culture ; lir u iviul beautiful grounds ; new buildings , rooms well
lentilRted , HghUtl by c.t < Opens l > optembr 7lh For catalogue mhlress
Itc * . T. W. UAICUKTT , I > rvis. COLUMIIIA , MO ,
NEW J. W iBli , 11. S. , A. M. . Cornwall Oo ,
ffir. Trcpirnloi-v , Cullerlate , Miirlc mi < l Tine Art
rutiivf * . Htufoi-WflKjli'V ficn.lfni lllii'lrntiilualiiluvuu
11 11. 1IULLAUU. A. M , 1'ilu. Juckbulitlllu , IlL
"H OLLINS era@TBTUir !
t VA.
Vniuitf I. mill N. O [ ni Sept. H , 1802 Stliypnr.
27 Olhcera nnd Teachen. l'icimriilnrCiillfululr ,
I'lilldMii'lilnil. and l.llrmry lleiuirlmi'iilM.
< ! ( iMNcr > iilorv CdnrKChi . .Ililili'rinnd Kliirn-
tlfin.Si | < Mi | . Itaiutlftill7cuuatud In Valley of Virxinis ,
tin N. AW 11. It. neiir lUianoke Climitniinpic lled Klo
caut Equipment. Write lur ilhistratud cataluKuu to
C11AS.I. . COUKL , Supl. , llolllnn , Vii ,
Clamiol , Lltcrarr , Eclentlflc Conr f of atnilgr. In.
fnntrr and Artlltrry drill AIH | netnal Ca\alr7.
< lilr t MIIKiirr Molinul In nn. Cntalninir.
Hnjur M. ttifI.L.Ull ! > . SI. A. . I.cxluctun , Ho.
! L HALL ,
Seminary for Youny Latllos. Omaha ,
Bishop Worthington , Visitor.
Rev Robert Dohcrty , S. T. D. Rector
Pall Terra Biglns Wodnaeday , Sept
For CataloRuo and iiartlculnrs , ( ipply to
tlio rector.
Parched Rolled Oats ,
Unequalled in Flavor.
Corn Gritz ,
Sold only In 2 } pound packiixoi
Velvet Meal ,
For in u 111 ii8 nnd gonvt.
Till ? Dlliul lij 111 Mil liM !
Sold by nil I'lrsl-CI MB ( Jr.icniM.
Or die r.liiunr llnlilt B' < IIUoly
by iiiluilnUlrrlim Dr.
It oen b irlven lu n cup ol oollce 01 tea , or In food ,
without tile Knowlr dpo of luo patient. It 1 * absolutely
bormleiii , und mil effect a permanent and speedy
euro , whether the pnnont l a uiodcrato drinker or
an alooliollo wreck. It lia beoncl\en In ihoiisuncls
of osecr. iind In every Instinrea perfect curohmfol.
lowed , llnrtir I'ull * . Tbotyilimouofilinprriiiiaied
rvllh ( ha Cproinp , 't brcomri an utter liuposilblllty
tor the liquor apnelllo lo eilst.
tlllUir.t H'hftriV CO. . I'rop'rs. rinrlniiotl. C.
4d-li.ii/o l-ooK ol uartlciilara trie. J'o ' t had of
Kulm.V Co. . ! 3ihuial' < niiIn : Bu. . Jftli unil
I um IIBIK. ) Who I'H.ili ! . Illnku. llrucii , t Ca
null Hleliii ; linen Dtu t'a.Omulm , NuU ,
Pure White Lead
is the Best Paint.
Care is necessary though , to
obtain strictly pure , as the
market is flooded with so-
called Pure White Leads that
in reality contain but very little
white lead.
The following analyses of
two of these misleading brands
show the exact proportion of
genuine white lead they con
tain. The analyses describe
the labels and brands on the
packages and give the con
tents as follows : . .
' * v
IJran !
Misleading < §
"C. F. Lawson & Co. Strictly Pure WhttK
Lead. " lied label , with brush , on which In
rrintcd , "Guaranteed to be atrlctly pure.
Ko.-feitcd if adulterated. "
Materials Proportions Analyzed by
Bnrytes j3io per cent. J. Fleblng ,
Oxide oT Zinc per cent , Milwaukee. ]
White Lead 23,63 per cent.
Calcium Car
bonate 3o per cent.
"Masury's Railroad White Lead. " Whit *
label , marked "RallroaJ White Lend. 25 ;
pure ; John W. Masury & Son , New York
and Chicago , warranted superior. "
Materials Proportions Analyzed by
Oxide of ZInk 35.70 per cent. Ledonx & Co , ,
Uarytes 41-30 per cent. New York.
We have a book which gives
the'analyses of a large number
of misleading brands. Ifyouare
going to paint it will pay you
to send for it.
In Painting
use strictly pure White Lead
( see that you get cither
" " " "
"Southern "Collier
, , or
" Red Seal" ) , tint it with the
National Lead Co.'s
Pure White Lead '
Tinting Colors ,
and you will have the best
paint that it is possible to put
on a building.
For sale by the belt dealers In paints every *
St. Louis Branch ,
Clark Avenue nnd Tenth Street ,
St. Louis , Mo.