Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Strongest Trading for Many Weeks was
Witnessed Yesterday ,
Talks of Hut UViillior In Knnsan IJiilrltly
Jtalneil the Cry of DaiiuiRO to Corn
unit 1'rlcpM Went Up Ultli
CmoAno. 111. , Atis. ' . The broadest nnd
strongiitt trading for manwouks was wit
nessed today on tnu Hoard of Trade. Corn
and outs were excited , general news developIng -
Ing n gcnutno scare. Who it wont up 111 svm-
D thy , closing &o higher than last night. Corn
calnod 1'IC , o its Hio and pork VOo.
The corn trailo had a lively day. The
mnrkct started norvou * and prices up itu or
moreover night on thu hot weather and hot
winds talk on tlio outb last night and this
moinliiR. Homo points tn Kansas had n tem
perature of about 100 ° for 11 llttlotlmu yester
day and the dispatches quickly raised tbo
cry of damage to corn. Kansas C'lty messages
this morning HI Id the situation was grow liu
dally wors * . Olhcrstorli-s were to the elfcct
that corn was heading In many sections while
only three feet hUli. On the early ndvnneo
tlinio was free rc.illrltu , and a drop ot ? c
from tlio liu t prices all around ,
The 1'rko Current comment was bearish ,
eayIiii that the in crago wai well maintained ,
and the prospect conoi ally encouraging. Iho
receipts ucrcqtllto llhoral at IIV ) cars , while
the cat mute for 1'rlday was light at Vi.'t. It
was about indday that a batch of ficsh dis
patches from AtcliNun. Wichita , hoavenworth
and othoi points were circulated saying that
with thu best of weather the crop would bo
from half to thlco-fourths of an uvutage.
'J he trade was larno y short and there was a
fluiry Instantcr. I'loin tbo lonoit point of
thoiiayprl cs were advanced about iio nil
nrotind In a tow minutes. 1'icvloiis to this
thciu mis ( .OHIO selling credited to Dryant
iho uuvliu was led by Hattlult-rrazler and
When the late advance htattcd. thcro was a
pcneial si-rambio by Hhorts The bull fever
was not allayed during the remainder ot tlio
session , the close bolug ut HO from Iho top for
A heavy bus ness was transacted In oats
The advancing tendency so conspicuous
ycHtor.lny WMH continued nlth Increased foioo.
Tim cause of the activity and advance was
the liberal local outsldo buying parties
who handled liuzu quantities belns heavy
buyers. Their puichases were based on the
continued unfavora lo tone of Iho crop do-
ntirtmi'iits which nro comlLg from this stito ,
jowa and In f.iet nil the Hiirpitisouts states.
Hie threshing roll rns are disappointing , the
yield pel ccro being-M toil'i liu.iind the nulglit
tt ) to " . 'ilbs. per bu. The olTcrlngs were not
largo mi.I the demand uoo.l , so that the prices
were kept on the upward ooinso the greater
part of the day. Opening trades were at S5o
ndvanio and prices advanced fronl ' 40 to ? c
n ore , then icceded ! { c , but advanced Ic ,
yielded slightly and closed steady.
Inheatii llrmei feeling wus cntnbllshod.
nnd uafi fairly aetlvo and then dull , followed
by some activity. A strong feeling was estab
lished at thu opening on higher rubles , llriner
domestic murKoU , the Improvement In the
local market for corn nnd oats , inoro liberal
exports ut the seaboard , reported hot winds in
Kansas , and n greater disposition by Iho looal
o owd to buy them to sell. After the explia-
tlon of the Hist hour a reaction sot in on esti
mated heavy leccipts for tomorrow and iho
maikot ruled lower. It subsequently ad
vanced In sympilhy with the Increased
ftrenalli In corn , oats and provisionTlio
opening suit" , exhibited nn Improvement of
J.o i er jestcrdiiy'H e oslng price , ad
vanced a shiide. and then foil oil about Vie ,
lluctuated wlllilu a Ilihltod range uud then
ud\uniod ] c. closing llrm
Thosltiinllon In piovlslons Is n surpn o to
many ulu ) regained the advance which
started In a fet , weeks ago us a ti-mporaiy
nlfalr. ' 1 ho shipments of mcalB , the icduc-
tlon of stocks , the decrease In the movement
of hogs , nil continue beyond expectations. In
addition to these Influences thu maikot had
help today trom very decided l.uyliiR by
blioits nddltlonul buying by the big holders ,
who v\cro bulling thu market and fiom the
grain maillots which were excite I nnU higher.
Theio VVIIB an advance from last nlKht'f best
pnvcs of about . ' ! to in piult , U'iSc In lard and
J.TiO In rltH. Thocloio was at u shido from
the top.
Freights were firm with u fair demand at
2Uc for wheat and -e for corn to HulTalo.
Ustlmutud receipts for tomorrow arc :
Wheat , S7' cars : corn , 273 earn ; oats , 101 curs ;
IIO.IH , 1.1.0JO head.
The leading futures rained ns follows :
Cash quotations were IIH follows :
Ki.oim Klrm. pr cosunuhaiu > jd : vv Inter uat-
cnls. $4,40 ; winter $ .l. ( > u.IU ; spring
straits , U'DI.Mi ; bakers. * J.W ) ® ' . „ ' .
WIIKAI Na U'SIIIMI.7bic : No. a sprln , ' , 7i ®
745o ! ; No.'J red. 7S'/ic.
( Jon.v Higher ; No. 2. Mijc : No , 3 yellow ,
40iu ! ; iNo. : i e. sli. 4lie ; No. 4.44@4io. ;
OAT < No 2. : UL' ) : No. 2 white ,
No. U while. : iiiJ4c. |
IlYK No. : ' . Wie.
llAiiitv--No. ; 2 , C-'o ; No. 3 , no sales ; No. 4 , f.
o. h. , 4X- .
Tl.AX S-EED No. I. ( I.C3V ( .
TtJlOTHV bhhli I'rlino. $1 3\
I'oitK Mes . per bbl. , il'l.W lard , per ICO 11)9.
t'.Vi ; sboit libs sides ( loose ) . * 7.H-/ : > : dry
Billed shonldeis ( lioxod ) , * ; short clear
tides ( boxed ) , K05Q8.10.
WIIISKV Distillers' llnUhod goods , per gal. ,
bucAiis Cut loaf , 4 a-'c ; ; grannliitoil , 140 ;
Itnntlard A , 4 ' .e.
Receipts und slilpments today were ns fol
lows :
No Yurl < Markets ,
NnvvVntiK , Aug. 4. KMIUII Hocolpts. 10,0)0 )
Dkgs. : ox ports , I.AOO bbls. . tl.50Us.ickH ; molor-
atu Uumtiuil , Kunurally easier : Bales. 22.IUO
bbl .
COIINMHAI , Dull , steady ,
WIIKAT Kccelpts , 1U7 , UO hu. ; exports , HJI-
OObu. ; Hrflcs , 1.275.UUO bu. of futures ; 78.UJO
bu. of spot , bpot market dull ; No. 2 red ,
Hki&NWo In store and elevator ; KPiQ64'o
kllout : MliV'iiO ! f. o. b. ; No. U red , Hi ) 140 :
ungraded red , 72QHIo ; No. 1 northern. FU'i ©
B7.o ; No. 1 hard.tilUo ; No. 2 northern. HJO-lOo ;
No. 2 Uhlcuuo , t-UUe ; No. 2 Milwaukee , M' o ;
No. II spring. MKc. Oplloim opened llrm at ij
46 ,0 ndvaiico on bolter I'rench cables , ttiu
liberal clearances , bad tli-eslilng at tbo west
null the strength In corn , declined UWiO on
furolgn colling und local realizing , advanced
KUtyellh the west nnd shorts coverliu ,
cloned llrm. Udiii over yomordavi No. 2 rod.
BJ l-lUUbl'/o , . cloelnjrnt tui c ; Heptember. K. ) ' ,
tto4Se. uloslni ut H4'io ; oclobor , WiiUBJ'iC ,
closing at H'i'io ; Docembor. H' uSSSe. clos
ing nt to'.e ; May ( IMXti , U.'fittO.Ki. ' , closing at
hvi : Siondy and quiet ; sales , 21XX ( ) bn , viost-
cin. T.'le delivered.
ItAiti iv : MALT Quiet.
t'onvIteeelntK. . 18.000 bu , ; uvporU , 51,00)
bii.-sales , . 'i.'J.lSWIbn. ur futures anil 21,000 bu.
of Hput. bpot marker higher , scnrfoniidiiilet | ;
Nu. 2 , U u In elevator : do nlloat ; ungraded
mixed , ft"li-Vic , Option * advanced lisiciio
on boiler ciiblen , hot winds In Kansas , nhort
covering and following the west ; Atiirustft' ©
blhu ' ' , oloslni : ut 5740 ; beptembor , MVilQAUUc ,
I Oclohor , tiSWHWine , oluslni ; at
OATB ItccolpU. SVOOObu , : exports , 11,000 bu I
iali-B , IWJ.lXX ) bu. of futures ; luOM ( un. of spot.
Kpot markol higher a nil falrlv native ; options
fairly nctlvo and .tronger ; August , 38 < iiw'te : ,
uloslnir at ilsjc } ; September. ; i < t-W.o , ololiu
ntas'.e ; Ootober , HssfijKUl'ic , cloning at Uy'.a1
pot No. 2 , white. 4u&,0iic : mixed western , 'M
ItviUo : whlto western , aHi4IHe : ; No. 2. Uhleugo.
jumjaui.t ; .
n AV Quiet hut II rni | Bhlpplng , O O'Oo ; vood
toebolce. 7.ViW5e.
Iliirn Qiilut but steady ) state , common to
choice. S&iio.
huiAliHaw. . fair and quiet ! laloi. CO )
hlids. iniiNcovailo. HU test , nt i 11-lCc ; refined ,
kti'udy and In fair ( leniaiid ,
MIIIAMU. > 1'orolKii , nominal ; New Orleans ,
to my , niilet.
4 tCK I'lrni ; falrdcmiind : domcstlo , fair to
extrj , 4)tCr&ilttc ; Jiipmi.fl ! 5 ! ic.
Hues I'nvelilod. qnlel ; western prime , 17 ®
I8e : roiullitx. , V. . ' pkis.
llinn < Qulut. hluiidy.
Plioviitii H-Pork , dull , but utonilyt old
ineki. tl..7 U2A. Out nieniji , dull , steady :
middle * , stondyi dull , I. aid , iigiilii higher ,
nulet t western stanm cloned at (7.tU | kales.
Wi tkrccs tit l7.7Mi7KJJil outlou ialc , 7W
tierces ; September t7.30rtT.8l. oloslnz nt 17.80 ;
50u tierces October. 17. SJ. closing ut$7.87.
IlUTTBii Light receipts ; firm : creamery , 17
nctlvo , flrmorj part skltns.
IIION Dull , wonki American , $1160 ®
copfKii-sio.idv : likn , $ n..irit.r > .i.
I.iu : ) hnilcrj domestic , | lVVfM ! ID.
Ti.v-Slo.ulyi itr.UtsS.Jj.Sjffi70.7J.
ft , 1. mils Mnrkot * .
ST. Lotus , Mo. , An * . 4. Ki.ouu ntcccdlnfjly
dull unil unchanged : patents , J17VI OJ ; extra.
funcy. $ i 503X00 ; funoy , $1.1533.2.1 : choice ,
IMOiWfiJ ! family. li'.lxaj.TO.
WIIKAT- Opened U < (4 , o higher , but with llt-
tlo llfo to tlio nmrkut. 1'rleos onsed olT 9 c ,
but export Diiyhu uiul corn's strctuth set tlio
tluu thu other way mid the oliiso wus Minna
uticl VSIc iiii | No. 2 red. c.isli. lower. 73 Jc :
August , 73W74C. closln. nt THfolililt Sep
tember. 74JU7 ( : > ' , { c. closing nt 7fiKifiJo { bid !
December. 74fl > ii > c. closlm- 70Mo bid ,
COIIN Was bulled on hot winds In Kansas
advancing ISo ; No. 2 , cash , lilincr , 47 < fo
August. 47'lL , nominal : Boptctnbor , 40K'ai7'iO '
olinliitf nt 47'iu asked.
OATS-NO. 2. cash.310 bid ! August , niWBUe ,
closing nt .f-'Uu bid ; bclituinbor. 3UJfJ.'c ,
clnsli K iit Me. ,
HVK Ha. " unchanged : August and Septem
ber , eec ,
IIAHI.KV No market. '
IliiAN Advancing ; Wo nt mill ,
llAV Doinniid iictlvo. prices flrm nn1 un
changed ; tltnotliy , tlO.004il4.OOj prnlrlc , tO.5 ! ) ®
8.UO.IlUTTRtt rirni imd ntirhnngod : creamery ,
fancy , aia.'lc : dulry. tiuicy , IfliiliC.
Kous Illithcrnt liiHc.
liliAD rirnior nt UU,1. ,
CoiiNMiiAri- idy ut $ ! .M { & J.OJ.
lllOX O inilS TlIN 11,10.
\VlllHKV JI.1U.
I'IIOVISIONS Strons. lilihor. with peed do-
innnd mill only few round lots olTurlng. 1'ork
Slnndnrd mess. Jobblnz , $12.75. Lard 17.ii >
© 7.-U Diy Suit Mo.its Hiouldors , J7.21 ; lonirs
mill shoulders p'ickcd , 8J.7.1 : Ion's nnd rlln.
K7.1 ; shorts , fl'.O.i. ' Hums Mignr cured , lli ! ®
' ' *
KKGT.ti'TS Klour. 3,000 bbls. : who it. 17.1.000
bit ; com , : i. , OJbti. : oals. 31,000 bu. ; rye , 1,03d
bit , ; , none.
HlllI'MnxrM-ntmr. 8.003 bbls. ! who it. 8,001
bit. ; com. 10,000 bu. ; oats , .VJJU bu. ; rvu and
barley , none.
.Minneapolis I'lour Output.
MINNKAIMIMS , Minn. , An ? . 4. The North
western Mlllur s.iys : As a result of ac
cidents , canning two mills to stand line tlio
closing b.ilf of last week , nnd others to lese
inoro or lo3 tlino , the flour output foil short
of what It was expected to bu. The wcok s
production was IlU.fll.l bbls averaging iH.l'.S '
bbls. ilally ncnliiHt 1113,070 bbls. tbo previous
week , 174.470 bulk. for tlio corresponding time
In IS'JI , nnd HG.470 bhls. In IhlW. For tlio saino
reason that existed Inbt wcok , the output for
this WCOK will lKo y Miow a doi prase. Klour
continues lti.ic.tlvu and u trlllo cheaper , prices
are easier. I'oruvvuulc b.iuk tha fresh sales
have lucked n goon deal of cniinllu ; the
nrinufactuio However. most firms have
orders ulio id and they could sell much inoro
wore they willing to accept present prices for
September mill Uutober delivery.
The dun.cstlc dcninnd Is of u consumptive
oli.inictor and not very lar o. Ono heavy
concern hero , nowovor. s.iys that though run
ning Us mills full capucltv all the tlnio It U
comparatively short of patent nnd would bo
Kind to pet mi accumulation at HulTalo nnd
ether distributing points. About 2.1,0)0 bbls.
of bakers have been held In Minneapolis by
ono llrrn , but somu I8.IJOJ bbU. of this bavo
l.ocn shipped thu p ist wcok. I oroUiiors np-
pcnr to Uo inoro responsive to any strength
shown In than Americans nrc , nnd the
expert tr.ido Is. If anything , rather better
than domohtlc. Homo minors say that they
experience a vorv coed ncm.ind for both
pitcnt unil bakers , but. others h.ivo trouble
nlKiiit Retting rid of the latter , iiua bolng will
ing to pile It up. Keep their output reduced.
Thodlrect exports last wcolc were 7V > iO buls.
7iiIU > bbls. the preceding wuok.
Oinnliii I'ruilucu .Murlict.
R U.illfornln , ? 1C1.C > ; southern Il
linois , fM(37'ic ( per bnskct ,
I K < IONS t7. . " > litS. " > 0.
U IANOKS Ualifornl.i , out of tunrkot ; im-
poited. * 7.M.
lllACICIIKHUti : < HU0.
1'nnis U.ilifornl.i , $ J.riO'i.03.
. . . .
UAiiiiAni : Homo xrown , OTi53 > 7. > c per doz. W.ilormoioiii."lit. . ! Jo.
Ninv AiM'i.ES I'oroun-thlrd bu. box , 7j33c.
\V\ lti\N3 llult hit. b.iskot , TJU
I'E tu It.irtlott. * , ' .7 : r.l.-"i.
HuiTEti I'ucUnji btooK , rJ ® Uo ; small lots
select daliy. UfCi'ic.
1'our.THV Spring cblcKoiis. J..00n.OJ as to
sue ; old fou Is. btMo.
UA.NTAi.oui'Ld 1'ercr.ito , 81.3 ; jorns , 7Jo. per
UAMKOIIMA GRAPCS Per case , $ i50 ,
CucuMiiKU'i I'ordoz. , .VJ3.
Dins-rirm at lilc.
N KW POTATO J8 ti23 porbbl ; In sacks , IJJo
per Ib.
UMONB-Porbbl. WJ.ViW 30.
lca Id-ijt. boxes , i-00.
OI1 .Murkct.
steady : it "il'ic , beunmo dull nnd rein lined aa.
cloilng steady at ! > I7 'o. Poiiiisylvuiilu Oil
bpot sales , ICi.OOJ bbls ; opening jl'ie , hlRhost
51'ie. lowest SlJio , closing ntSI'So. August op
tion sales. 10,0 u bbls. ; opening Sl.'ic. blcliust
"I'jf , lowost.'ifa'c , closing iit.'ilJsC. Lima Oil-
No sales ; total , ilo" . lOWOO bbls.
COTTn.vsKKiiOiii Dull , easy ; yellow , SJiJc.
TAUI.OW Klrui , qnlot.
HostN Ste 'dy. more aetlvo ; strained , com
mon to good , ? ! . ' - ' © l.'Ji'S ; ; s.i ex..UJU hbls.
Tuiti'CM riNU-Dull. weak ; 28U < .to. )
Novt Vork Dry ( ionH ; .Market.
Nnw Yr.UK. Aug. 4. Tlioro was a moderate
demand for dry goods at IIMI hands. AgUuts
report no chaiues In prices. The market pio-
sentsa very strong flout , notcnly as regards
values , but In the mullet of collections , which
are good , nioniiy returns being uulclcly iniiilo
and much dKcounllng InauUed In. Southern
buyers In the market tilk ns thoiiKh they
would inn UK purcluibcs for fall larger tbiiti
they II.INO In tbo past two or three seasons.
nnd as n whole the market Is in excellent
shape. _
Cotton Miukut.
Nr.vr OllMlAK' , La , , Aug. 4. Eisy ; mid
dling * 7'.io ; low middling. ( ! ? iu : good ord-
lii'iry , tt\a ; not icccluts. 07J bales : RIOSS ro-
ceipis , 'i'M bales ; exports to contluotit , 5,1-J
bales : snlos , I.'UO balis : .stock. 77.'JOD bales.
NliW YOKK. Aug. 4 I'uturus closed steady :
snles , rtJ.TOU bales ; August , 17.VU ; September ,
* 7.ii ; October. $7.L(1 ( ; iNovcm bur , $7.47 ; IJccom-
boi. 87.V7 ; .Iiiiui iry. $7.W. I'ubruary , 87.77 ;
Match , J7.83 ; April , tJ.VH.
Liverpool MiirkutH.
litvr.upoot , Aug. 4. W n BIT Dull ; holders
oiler freely.
Cons totuly ; dcmind poor.
llACON l.oiu mill snort clear , M-lbs. , 40s Cd
per owt. ; do long clear , 4"lbs , J .
LAUD I'rliuo western. .iSs OdTicr owt.
( JiiiKbi : : American llncst whlto and colored ,
4Cs per owu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iliiviuui Sueur Market.
HAVANA , Aug. 4. Upward tendency. Yes-
terJuy 1'i.ruO b.inu conlrlfiiRti' , 'U to UliJ de-
trees point iz'itloii.oro wild hero at : i c gold
per iulntal1.l.uoo ; Dags contrlftiuat. Hi degrees
point iz itlon.vorij sold In .Mutiuiziis ut ; ijjc ;
,1.0 ID UagH centrifugal , lij dugrces polur.zatlon ,
wore sold In Ulburlen
CBtlou .Murki't.
New VOIIK. Aug. 4. Options opened steady ,
uiuhaujcd to 10 points up ; closed btoudy ,
, 'i to lit points up Hales. li''JS ) bii.-e , li.-
cludlng August , flJ.41 : september , lU'.S ; Oc
tober , JI-.M ; November , Slif > i ; December ,
o ; spot Ulo , uu'ot , ktcauy ; No. 7 ,
Triittvn' Talk.
CHICAGO. III. , Aug. 4. & D ly
to Coukrell Ilros. Commlnslon company :
Wheat followed the course of grain In InleicBt
and volume of business , but closed ( strong
with a satisfactory iiRRnuato of trailo done ,
although Homo trammel Ions WDIC not reporteu ,
as vessels are scarce and bhlppcrb feare'J a
sharp advnnco In rates. Sample lots of all
grades were well sold , a sain of 100,000 bu. No.
Vlinrd WUH also reported. TliuNpouulatlvotnur-
kot rallloil In the fucoof heavy local pounding ,
occasioned by largo estimated receipts , and
closed at thu bust oricoi nnd looks hUlier.
Corn and oats advanced sharply on reports of
dry hot winds In t he sou tliuebt , nnd an attempt
of some lone * who bold yi'oterduv to repur
chase their linen. Wo Bill I ndvlso purulumcii
on biealtM. Provisions were mote uettvo on
covering of professional biiort linen ; IOIIRH
wore tiOllers. but In the main the situation re
mains unchanged.
UIIIUAOD. 111. . Aug. 4. Krnin R Q. Lozan fi
Oo. toUiincan. Ho.lliiRer.VCo. ; Tno strength
In wheiil continues. September opened at
7-cic7hV1c ' on icporteil estlmuli-t of fi4 cars
for tomoirow. It sold as low ns 77c. and ho.d
us liUh as 785iC , unil closed nt foiic. Homo aJ-
vlccs from Interior marUots are thai deliver
ies fiom fanner * uru niiicli llRhler tliitn cx-
1'ceteil. This , with norlhwost crop estimates ,
caiikcsu llrm fueling , anil for tbo present has
ch.ingu'J the current of opinion locally. Until
bciitliuent uliitiiKCstho bafocoursols to buy on
breaks. Wo Uo not look for tiny
crunt iidviuice unless conditions cbauRu ,
I'liitlicr dnmiice to thu miring crop or
any active deiuund for our new
winter would insure 1111 ndvunco of u few
cents. It will tnku heavy iccolptH to ciuuo
much if liny decline.
Corn liiiHhiien very active , September opened
t-TJYi' . hold toSI'iU and closud ut.Mc.
Crop reports from the went nro very dU-
eouniyingiiliimugu by hot weutlier. bo long us
erup ibportH contlniiu bad nloiu with llgnt 10-
colntvu will luivo n norvoiu murkct and
hklier prices. Thu out pit lias been In u state
of excitement from opening to clone.
benlember opened ut Ulu , soil ut U' ,
thu cloilng iiriu > L The comniimloti houses
who do u thriving buslne have tit-en ( hu bott
buyurs. ; um Belluru ( irliu'lpully holdorr.
Hog products -ttonuithiicauko of the iid vntica
Is ll.'lit receipts unit hUlier corn. The close U
tX \ > for September pork.
UIIIUAIIU..HI. . Aiu , 4-IConnott. llopklni .V
Co , to f , A. MoWhortor : llio opening was
strong and tlio market held steady until U wan
aunuuitcod that 575 uurs were ex pooled tomor
row , AUoclluuof So Jollow atioli ) auuwu by
snort scltlntr , but an soon us this stopped thcro
was nn ImmoJIuto recovery , showltu tlmt the
market has n Hiibstnntlnl tnsoi. of stretiith.
Clenrnnocs nt the scnbonrd were large , necro-
cntlntt In vTboiit nnd flour nearly ltoa.(00 ( bu.
Cabled dhow no strength. I'apora publlftli nn
estimate of tliccrop In Mlnticsoln nnU the ln-
kntns ranging from li.'i.Ki.Ooi ) to 1) ) , . " > A003 bu , :
It Is f loin a Recd authority and Is considered
qulto bcnrlBh. The tuirkot hns a healthy
look and wheat Is enlnlns friends. Corn nml
Oats The cxtrnordlniiry strength In
outs contlnuoa , duo mainly to the
result of forced covering by shorts.
That hns alsocnuso 1 corn to advance. About
thlscoronl I hero ire ninny cotilllctlni ; reports ,
The west scoma to bo long on corn and fur
nishing n good many reports of damngo. It
vMisclilnied that the thermometer snowed
10I3 at Kniiftus Olty this forenoon and
at the sumo hour the United States
signal olllco there gnvo It nt Sl = ,
Undnuhttdly somu corn Is sulTorlng
from ( Iiy wonthcraiid It may BUlTerstlll more ,
but traders should rocolvo with caution claims
that one-half the crop has boon de
1'iovlslons have boon very strong , duo DOS-
slblv to rumors that Armour nnd ether lurao
hotdors contcmplato squeezing the shorts.
They lookllko goingst.II higher.
Was tlio Most Prominent 1'cnturo
ot llinlncHs VoHtordny ,
Nr.w Yoitic , Aug. 4 The stock market to-
dny wns aetlvo ut first , but later It settled
bark Into the old rut of dullness , uni'whllo
the Industrials were still prominent. In the
doillngs they occupied n much less con
spicuous place than fur the last two days.
The rumors of Ynndcrbllt buying Omaha
miiilo that stock ngaln a leader , If not the
loader , ot the tn irkot and the stimulus was
extended to all the Ynndcrbllt share ? , which
have'beenof Into entirely neglected , North-
wcstorn'belnir especially active nnd strong.
These movements , however , were after all
but Incidents In the m irkot. dIllinois being
most prominent feature and IUtituatlons
being of the hand to mouth order. The move
ment In the Industrials gave evidence of hav
ing reached Its limit , at least for the present ,
though General Klectrlostlllhad mnnv friends
ntid s.'orod a hntulscuio gain. The trading
was almost out rely professional and the
room contingent were Inclined to bo bearish
iiRiilu lliou.'b then ) was little pressure of
stocks , except In realisation of the profits
accrued ilurln , ' the Into nuix emont , The Into
manifested tendency of th'o forlgnjrs to soil
stocks on every rso ! Is luivln-1
Its Influence to iestrot ! operations and
the failure of the railroad list
to follow Industrials to any marked
extent gives the bears hopes that the otrorts
to start a bull campaign will bo discouraged
by the luok of support given by those outsldo
the Stock oxchiinge. There was a diminished
amount ot interest shown in both Atehlson
and the grantors , and llucttmtlons In thcso
shares havliu dwindled down to the proportions
tions of ihoso In the market , this
afternoon the withdrawal of tbo stimulus
from thu Industrial stocks rendered the mar
kot once inoro less lifeless. The market
closed with a firm tamper , though Generally
at small fractional losses us comp ired wltli
lust night's fUurns. The trans ictlons of the
dny ronehod 10Jl'ig listed nnd'JO.IOJ unlisted.
Government bonds have beun dull and
steady. State bonds have boon entirely neg
The Post says : Two facts wore , however ,
noticeable In today's market as they have
been throughout the week , tlio poo.s . organ
ized to support tno several stocks have
shown no signs of Riving up the task , nnd the
boar operators h ive kept well aloof fiotn the
murUot. Wh itovor may bos.ild of the cur
rent manipulations , tills reflects a generally
strong situation.
The following nro the closlm quotations for
the lead Ing stocks on the Now York Stock ex
change today :
The totul sales of stock toilny were 2J2,084
Hhnres , Including : AtchUon , ' 'J.OJO : Uhlcngo
Gas. J.OfiOj Krlc.0.iMO : Manhattan. lU.O ; North-
vvestnrn. ll.riM ! ; Norhern : Pacific preferred ,
ibOT : Uo.ullng , U.OJU ; bt , Paul. 1U.SOJ ! Union
Tucific , 1.50J.
Now Ycirk Money Market.
NEW YOIIK. Aug. 4. MtiNEVON GAf.T , E.iBy
ut Hi to 2 per cent : list loan I'/ per cent ;
closed ullered Hi percent.
1'niMH .MKUCAN nrK I'Ai'K'i 3'i"ili per cent.
ynniMNO rACUANOu-Stoady ut Hfa" for
slxtv-duy hills anil $ l.lj ! for dein mcJ.
The closing quotations on bonds :
lloston .Mlnlnt ; OnutatldllH.
ROSTON , Hn s. , Aug. 4. The followlnR are
the oloilng milling stojk quotatluns :
Notr York Mining Ouutiitliin * .
NK\V YORK. Aug. 4. The following are
the closing mining atoo < iiuotutlonsi
ht. I.onU Mining Stoclm.
ST. I.ouis , Mo..Aug.4. Thcro was no trading
on iho mining e.xclinn.-ii touay. The foilow-
liU qiiolatIOIIB were in ido on call ;
I'lintnclul Nnti'K.
KANSAS CITV , Mo , Au . 4. Cloirings , JI.114 , .
Ni\v La , Aug. 4 , Clearings ,
I'AitiK , Aiu. 4. percent rentes 09 f , 15c for
the uccount.
Nnw Voiuc , Aug. 4. Cleiirlnga , H)7S9J- )
OM ; baliiiicex. tO.Ul.Vb''a
MKMl'lllS. Tenn. . An. . 4 New York ox-
chnn o Rolling ut fl.SJl
HAVANA , Anc. 4.-Snunlsh cold , JiSIJiaJOJ.
nxelnin.'o quiet , but firm ,
( JniUAdo , III. . Aug. 4. Cloarinsp , f 6-
351,111 , Now YorK uxeiiaiigo go d at pur to
Mr. , T o. Jones , of
I'ulton ,
"Alraut ten years ago I con-f
trnctcd aeotcrocasoof blood pol-
son. Leading I'lijuiclana ' jirtscrlbcd mcdlclno
after medicine , v > hlch I tool ; without nny relief.
I also tried mercurial and jiotash remedies ,
with unsuccessful results , but which brought
on an attack of mercurial rheumatism that
made my llfo
ono of agony.
After Buttering
four jears I jpivo tin all remedies and began
using 8.8.8. After taking sot era ) bottles I
was entirely cured nnd able to rcsumo work.
Is Iho greatest medicine for blood
poisoning to-day ou the market. "
Treatise on IIlooil anil Skin ] > l ea& s mailed
free. Bwu-rBrn-ino Co. , Atlanta , Cia.
Ocfllscoiltit. Forolur mclmnco dull nnd un
changed. Money nrmnrut 4H14''H percent.
lUt.TlvioliE , Mil. . . .AtlI. . Clearings , ( JaOO-
KW ! balances , fJVS.Ud : 'Kite , 0 per cent.
rnil.uiKt.iMtiA , l'n , . 1U 4.cienrlnffi , * ' 3.-
4M.OM ! bilnnccs. } iwio.)7. Money , ' ! percent.
HOSTO.V , Mass. , Attlf.1 4 Cloir.iiRS. ( U..IVV-
181 : b il.incc * . M8V6t. , l chnngo on Now
\ork , lo discount ,
CINCINNATI. O. , Artir. 4. Money , WilS per
cent. Now Vork oxchauxo , 4.'o dlB.-ount.
CluarltiRi , $ , ' ,4IU,4JO.
ST. I/out ? , Mo. . Aug. 4. OlcnrlnRs , SI.03-2-
MJ ! bnlnncc . JI7S.IIVI , Money nulet at Oft" per
cent , KxchniiRO on Now York .wo discount.
I'Attls , An ? . 4 , Tliin weekly slitoiuont of
the linn ! : of I'ruiH'a showi an Increase ot
? , sr.OJi ) francs jro d unl 1.8JJ.03J franco silver.
LONDON , AIIR. 4.-rTiio bullion In thn llntik
of Knuland drcroa'sod ttU.UM during the
vveok. The proportion of the Hank of
KiiKlnnd'a rcsorvo to llnhllltr , which lint
week nag 41.1 % per cent. U now 41.7' ' ) per cent.
Amount of bullion com ) Into the liunk ot
Knglntid on balance toJ ty , A ; 1,0JO.
Cnttlo Weak nml Uiisottlud Hogs rnlrly
OviAtu. Aiu. 4. OATTf.E Uocelp's for the
four davs of thh week r , faicnttlp. IS.8HI IIOJTS.
Jlrtishcop usuompiicd with 8.-JIUcattle , 2l.3r
ho s , nnd : i,147 shooo lliu corrcspondliiB four
days of the week previous.
Thu supply of beef cattle w m not law , but
the demand was llmllod and the nrirKet ns n
result devoid of activity. 1'iloes In thu main
wcru about sto.idv. hut uqthoio vvoto hardly
enotmh here to en iblo lojal buyers to not a
klllln , ' , there was llttlo olTort made to pur
The supply of cow stuff wi limited to a
very few lo ids , and ns lliero a fair In
quiry the few hero soon chiiMca liniula at
stonily to struiu prlooi
The feeder trade was pretty nulotrhut few
fresh ones on s.ilo and prnctcitiy ! no domatid
fiom country buyers. Prices niu pr.ictle.illy
unchanund on anything wuntoJ nt nil. llop-
rcbunlallvo sales ;
iiusRit ) : ) IIGRF.
iNo. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. 1'r.
M..iioiin ; n..ur jiw ) 72..iii : ! iisi'.i
W..H10 U 00 73..10.8 4 UO
J. . 0)0 ) 8 % 30 KI7 140 1.1. . 007 100
14. . 712 11.- , 7. . 1102 1M U..IUIII 2 10
! . ' ! ) . . 8J7 1 III 5. . D.W 1 OJ ! ! . . BIO 2M
1. 114) 1 40
14. . 520 1 00 3..6GJ 1 10
3. . 103 2 50
J..1.140 12.1 1..15) 221 1..VBJ 300
4. . 03) 1 3.1 I. IS ) 260
1. . 710 2 SO 1. . 010 2 C5 20..1007 275
No. Av. IT.
0 feeders 1012 270
Iloos. Prices on ho s strengthened n biz
nickel thtsi mornlinr. pretty no irly every thine
soiling nt fiom $ .1.50 to } 5 09 , against $ \45
to 13,15 veslerday. There was a sllirht In
crease In the receipts ns compared with
yesterday , but the quality , ns a rule , was
hiirdly us cood. The -.hipping dom.iud was
ll'nlted to a few small orders , the bulk ot Ilia
hois Koliip to local houses Trices rantred
from 8-.40 to J3IA the bulk solIliiK lit from $150
to J\01. nml goneial cost f.151 againstiS 477i
yosterdny. Representative s.iles :
No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sli. I'r.
3 ItU W 15 7. 2)2 WOtS 51
OJ. . . . 1KI 320 5 1.1 07 . . . 2180 55.1
II . . . . 313 120 510 70 223 120 565
31 . . . .187 ICO ft IS 72 . . . .23J l.'O 551
3 30) 5 .SO 7J . . . .2JO 200 55.1
1 170 5 40 70 220 200 551
( i 20.1 540 GS 221 12J 55.1
87 24 ! 60) ) 640 OS . . .212 20) 551
0.1 . . . IG'I ' 11)0 540 10 230 83 553
01 201 240 541 72 211 240 551
M . . . .3d. ! to 550 5S. . . .231) ) 20J 55.1
j'0 204 2UO 55J. . 0,1 . . .212 203 5 6754
III 181 200 55) , 7.1 217 200 5.17W
03 . . . 213 120 553 ' 7.1 211 1GD 6.1754
10 . . . . 107 IfiO 5.10 1,11 .210 KiO 50)
70 221 ] ( ! ) 450 73 211 121) ) 50)
MJ . . . .207 12J 55J I ! 2 > .l Ml 50)
.V ) . . . . 211 35) 5.1) fi' ) . . . . 244 4) ) 500
( .S I ! " 23) 550 7ii . . 21) ) 43 51,0
7. ' . . . .21. ! 28) ) 550 71 217 .1.0 5 J
b.1 . . 2M 103 560 C ) . . . . 204 2)0 ( ill )
7,1 . .200 8) ) 550 M . . . . 210 211 5 ( > )
H . . . . 108 200 55214 ni 221 8J 50)
00 . . . 212 120 55i ! ! 0 ! 2'-3 l-'O 5 U )
0) ) 2.10 20 55JK ( > . ! 209 12) 5 M )
OJ 1 < .2 200 52 WJ . . . .jSbH 20 50)
51 2J3 11,0 5.,5 81 . . . .213 10) 51,0
Cfi . . . .225 555 6.1. . .2U ! 5G.1
78 . . . .220 200 5.11 1)3 ) 2i < 5 2 l 5 ( jj
UO 22) 5 53 5. 219 120 503
rins AMi itouau.
3 ! 03
- - 500 ,
Toctny'H I'urcluisci ) .
n IT rcni. CATTLE. 1IOQS BIII'Cl' .
Ciulnby 1'ncklncCo. iw
Oiualin I'nckln ) ; Co. . 18
Swift A. Co 25J 911' H'J
Hammond 25Jj
I nmbcrt 244
Suorry A. Unrncs 288
White , 1' . A , 1 >
Otbcra 4U
743 8.8.W 140
ChtciiRO I.lvo Steel ; .Vlnrlcot.
CHICAGO. III. . Aug. 4 ( Special Telegram to
THE HBP. I The cnttlo market wus strong.
Most descriptions gold lOo higher than yester
day , or from IJc u > i > u hi Her than nt the close
of last ueok. All of this advance may bo
ascribed to the fact of ll/ht receipts ,
only about 1..M.W head arriving toj iy and the
total for the expired part ot the
vioek fallln ; short of 4l.10l. There w is
a good local nnd eastern demand but n .xt to
nolnqiiliy for export account , Chlcuco bolni
relatively higher than London. Of thu fresh
rccaluts about one-half were natives. They
were salable nt from Jl.2 to $ I.-J for poor to
extra cows and bulls , at from JI.Vl to j-I.VJ for
stockurs and fee Icrs. and nt fiom $ .1 .1.r > to $ j.4J
for i o union to extra steers. Che 4.0JII Texans
on sale sold on aabnsls nt from 81..T ) to ili : >
forgrassori , and the range of prices for west
erns was fiom fl..ri tof4.AU.
There wns unusunl briskness In the hog
trade today an I prices ranged higher. The
best sorts wont uulck Ht from { 0.00 to JJ.O.'i nnd
very ordinary lots were tulion nt from ? " > .7U to
? > .75. Thu gain nvoragcd fully fiom Tie to lOo
porlOOlbs. in ikliu tin advance of I5o slnco
Tuesday. All of the decline resulting fiom
Monday's Heavy supply has now been re
gained ; Indeed , the average of today's sales
wus nearly ns high ns for nny day In the
Benson. Kverythliu'uisoutof Kellers' hands
long before noon and the close was firm nt
from f. > .M to iJ.U. > for common tocholco grades.
I'oor lots soli nt from < 5.00 to $5.49 nnd culls ut
fiom J.I00 to SH75.
There wns a qtilot mnrUct for sheep mm
lambs and but little ch ingo In values Goad
to choice qualities coni'nuoscnrco ' and Him -it
from $4.50 to { 5.75. I'oor and common stuff U
not wanted and must bo bold at very low
prices , If nt all : S'lles of thu latter run'down
us low ns fromS..OJ to $ J.oa bales of lambs
were principally at from i' < . ' < 0 to $ j.50. though
quotations range from f'.to to $ j.5.
Uecclpts : ( Jutilc , l-.UOJ ; lie -g , 15,00 } ; snoop ,
o , < < r. *
The Evening Journal reports :
OATTLK Hccelpts. I..ow : shipments. 4.COJ :
murlfot active and steady to n trlllo higher ;
prlnio to extra steers. ? . > ( ) 6u.l.ri ; good to
choice. f4.rii@4.0i ; others. $ . ( .7.VQ > 4'J5 ; Texans ,
Jl.ll' 3i.lO : : rangers , J-l/JvailWi cows. } > .OI&18i.
Hods Kecolpts , ir > , UJu : shipments , I'(101 ( ;
market aullve , 5u higher ; luiuli paeliors. ifui'S
Q".7.'i ; prime mixed uud packers , J. ) . '
pi line heavy and butchers' weights ,
il-Oi ! light , $ \i ftO.CO.
rillKM' Hecolpts. 6.0DO ; shlpmonts. ? ,00) ) ;
market nctlvo and steady ; natives. { .J-M ® . 'JO ;
Texnns , tl.'J54..r > J ; westerns , tl.bU ; lambs , JJ.5J
@ 'A75. '
Kuimas City T.ivo Stock 'Market ,
KANSAS CITV , Mo , An. . 4. OATTI.D Ho-
colpts , 2fiJO ; shipments , -.sOO ; the market nns
ucllvo , strong and generally lUolilghorsteors : ,
ml.n.cows. : : . Jl.l55H.7S ; Tex is b tee is , t..ioa
-.V ) ; htocUois and feeduru , tl.W.
lloos Itccoliits , . ' ' .ooo : shipments , 2,000 : iho
matkot opened fie toiao higher , lost the nd
vunco. but closed stoiidy ; all gruduB , $ .V.55.8J !
bulk. f\oo5.7.'S' . i
bliBEl1 Receipts , 1.700 ; shlpmonts , MO ; good
muttons were strong' , others lower ; muttons ,
S-XIW ; lambs , t5 U ) .
Now York I.Ivo Stuck Markets.
NKVV YOIIK , Aug. J * ttKKVt > i Hocolpts. cat
bond , all for export , no tradlnr : feelliu llrm ;
diessod beef steady ut 7'iSlic ; shipments
lodny l.VI. bonvcs.
OAIVJB : lieceluis,4IJ head ; market n shade
.oUil l .ui > ut CITItS ,
CorrwpohicnM ( ollcitcd.
' 63-169 Donrborn Street , CHICAGO.
! S Wall Btreetj NEW YORK.
in st Bt. .
Illcycle OjilerbloyrH will be bolter
For you tbau u IIOMO. It doesn't o4t uur-
tnlnt ; .
Kruual Morchnnt ( not ontlrely convincoil
No. It vvon'lent unyttilUK. bat I'm a r raid
I'll Klvu mo a thundering big appetite Cul-
q Iribuua.
The inortil Is yours SO'B a Columblti
bloyclo Utidlnus > inon. the Pope
M ( < , ' . Ca otTer you lietilth and hnppl-
KS , clour lioadodnotia , roiiovuted
noy-m-.ikln bntins1 Col u in hue
Avo. , Boston' ,
flrmor : veals , 110037.10 : buttermilk calves.
SiiKKt' Itpcolpts , Mnl tipiul ! tunrkot firm :
sheop. $ , I.7yJ1.t'i : : Ininlx. t.\Wili.75 ( : ilrossod
mutton staudv at 8Q > t1c per 11) ) . ; dressed lambs
i llods-lteefllpt' . 3,182 head. Including ( Ivo
CUM for slilo tn-vrket dull nt 5'jaJ.2) .
St. I.oulH I.lvo atook .Murlint.
ST. Loot" , Mo. A up. 4. CATrl.KKoeolpti ,
3.CO ) ; sblpnionU , 1,5)0 ; mnrkol tron31
fair tocholco n'ltlve sleor * . ? d2.13 > XuO ; TOMIII
and Indian steers , jJ.2.iibi2.1i cows an I ciill-
nors. JIv.ViJ2. 10.
ll.ns ItcvolpK 3SJl ! shlpmout 2 , 031
mirkot steady ; ho'ivv , $ V70 ® " > .I ) ) ; mixed , 1" > 5)
® .1M ; lUht. 85. 01 ® . % SO.
i-iinr.i' Uocelpts. 000 ; Rlitpinont' . nor.o :
m ukot slow ; top prices for best native mut
tons , J3.25.
Kitii its Ulty Al
KANSAS CITV. Mo. . Atii , 4 WIIKAT Active.
flrms Vi 2 hard , 02S .l5c ! : now , Oiajdoi No. 3
red. 07"nc.
Uoits-Klrm but quiet : No. 2 white. BUS ®
B2c ! No. 2 mcd , 4S-lle.
OATS More aetlvo and llrmor : No. S now.
Hvn Stoadv : now , fi8ic.
KiAxsiiu-Stoady : : at s91oou the basis ot
HIIAN Steady : sacked , Bl12a
lUvVua4 < : timothy , n.uOftS.OO : pralrlo ,
M.iKitO ) .id.
Ilurriiit Croimory , Ms ; dairy. ii.Gc : ,
Ktms-l'lrm nt lie. ,
lU-OintTS Who it , 42,003 bit. ) corn , 5,00) bu ;
o its , 7ili hit.
SiitfME.NTS-Wlioat , 61,000 bit. t corn. 5,030bu. ;
o its , 5.0 ; U bu ,
Uo W Ill's Sarsnpirllla destroys anoh pol
sons us scrofula , skin diseases , oczonn , rliou-
iiintlsin. Its tlmolv USQ sayji nuuy llvos.
Sum Niitlian'B UniurccuKfiil Kllurt to Annllil-
Into U'oolf X. lehiirlu.
Woolf JCnchnrla. a * tiouth Tenth strcot
pawnbroker , went to the police station
yesterday forenoon with n blood curdling
tale of conspiracy , lodulisti nnd assassins.
He said ho hud boon sent n number of
throntcnliiR letters and wus convinced that
his duvs were numbered If tha police failed
to capture his assailant" . Dotcctlvo Saviigo
wont with him nnd secreted himself In an
udjoinltiK room to nwnit developments.
In n few minutes Sam Nathan , a vouth ot
10 , cntno In with blood In tils eve und n stono-
cuttor'a hammer In his shirt sleuvo. At the
sight of Woolf he worked up a line frenzy
nnrt lot drlvo with the hammer , nmslni ? tils'
aim but snmshlnu the dlshos. Then tno do-
tcctivc cntlicrcil him In.
Sam Nuthaii. It socms , had nn idea that
Woolf wns castlnu sheep's eyes nt his slstor-
In-law and whoa his brother , tbo lady's hus
band , refused to co after his scalp , look up
the \vnrfnro himsolf.
Mrs. Wlnslovv's Soothlnp Syr ip for chil
dren toolhiiii ; produces natural qulot sloop.
U6 cents a bottlo.
1'rlco of 1'our ringer * .
In n potl'tlon Died , Gustavo Lanumann im
plores thu couil to compel Abraham Koson-
berry to pay over f 15.000 besides the costs.
Tno plaintiff ullopos that on July 2 , Ib'-U , ho
was encagc'd at Hosenberry's saw and plan-
InKtnlll ; that on that day ho was working
about the nmohluprv cleaning away the saw
dust. Ho thought that tno machine was not
running and fully believing that ho know
what ho wns thinking , placed bis nenl hand
on the planing knlfo. As soon as Uustnvo
found oul that the machine ivas in operation ,
ho also found out that four of hts lingers had
dropped down into lliu sawdust , aud bethinks
thinks Hos'jnberry should p.iy too bill.
Don't become constipated. Tuko Bcech-
ani's Pill .
Mr. , Iilel < s' Clirclc.
Chairman Blrktuusor of the Board of
Public Works has heard from Andrew
Jalcks , the unsuccessful asphalt pavinc
bidder. Mr. Jalcks has written to have hts
forfeit check of $300 on the St. Mciry's av-
eniio contract returned.
By the way , Jalcks got the contract for
this street , which is ono block in lenptli , aud
the check will go into the city treasury un
less ho comas to time on his uonlract.
Nuccetl Nugffotl Nucgctl Buy Big
Nupgel baking powder. UJ oz. _ j coals.
The following mirrlaeo licenses were is
sued by Judge Ellor yesterday ;
Name nnd address. Ago.
I W. T. Smith , SlonvClty , la 32
I Sarali AlontKotuorv > Omahn 28
( John Erlckso : ; . Oninlin 31
) VIUturl.1 Vigors , Omaha 22
I Christ ONcn , Omnhn 2:1
I Carolina Erlckson , Omaha 30
I Conrad Dlstniiin. Onmli.i 21
I Lizzie Ilur ermever. Omaha 2.1
I Stanley Ktl7zlnselv. Omnha 42
{ Joseph LciiarlowaKo. Omaha 23
Disease never sucjassfully ntn cits the sy
ern with pura blojJ. Oj\Vitt's \ Si rsuparllla
' ii3af uloj 1 .1 1 1 uarii ! he
The following permits were issued by tbo
superlntondenl of otttldings yesterday :
Hoard of Education , twotorv brlclc
school house. Twenty-second and
Ijnthrop streets . t 30'DO
Same , Thirty-eighth nni ! Jones sticuts. 30.UUO
John Connolly , addition to duelling ,
021 South Twenty-fifth street . 1.000
t minor permits . 2.3V )
Drive them
nitny the aches ,
pal ns , vv enk n CMCS :
and ailments that
make vv omati'fi , life
tnibcrnblo. Some
of them mny bo
Borious , and of
I ° i > K nt an ding ;
they'll ntetl time ,
pcrhni > s , nnd pa
tience. But all of
them cnn certain
ly bo cured and corrected with Dr. 1'icrco'a
Fnvorito rrescriptlon.
It's a powerful , invigorating tonic nml n
soothing nnd Mrengthonhif ; nervine ; n legiti
mate medicine , purely \cgotnhlo , perfectly
harmless , nnd carefully adopted to women's
delicate needs. At the two critical jierlods
in a woman'a llfo the change from girlhood
to womanhood , nml , later , Iho "clmngo of
life" it is a perfectly wife nnd nn especially
valunbb remedial agent thnt can produce
only good results.
I-or nil" female complaints , " irregularities ,
nnd weaknesses , "Favorite Prescription" is
the only remedy so unfailing nml effective
thnt it can bo guaranteed. If it doesn't
benefit or cure , iu every case , the money will
bo refunded.
Union Stock Yards CompanX
est cnttlo , ho ; and sheep market In the west
QflMUItl Write to this h3ii - for cor-
. U.UAIlilJ root Mtrlcat RsporU.
Wood Brothers ,
r-outli Omaha Tolojihouo II > 7. - Chicago
J. l > . DAD1SMAN. I , .
W. 15. WOOD.SIni ( _ Bri.
Mnrkot reports by mall ani wire cheerfully
furnUhud upon application.
Campbell Commission Co. '
Chicago , K'istSt. Louis , KiinsusOlty. South
Onuhu. alouxOltv , I'ort Wortli.
A. D. Boyer & Coinpany ,
r > 6and.VJixoliaugo : Iliillilliu.HdiithOniuli u
Corropomleiico ollcltiji | unit uroinptlr miiwiiril
tl > uclul aUemluiitoorJorJ forntoi'iuri A fouuurj.
1341 - lnaario | tjJ , llil
Capital fully pal I , liJ.ujj.
Waggoner Uirney Company ,
Wrllv or wlro u > for prompt uuil rulUbla mir-jt
Perry Brothers CK Company ,
LI vo Stock Com miss Ion.
Itoom 61 Exchange Hulldlinr , Bouth Omaha
U'oiupuouo 1707 ,
iWllUlU mpa FS' '
J. II. Glenn ,
Contractors nml nib contrictori for nil klndinf
bulMInt plmtorlnz pilntlnit , olo. All wlllrooi'lr.i
rnpf nfdU'nn'anralillrcO'ainl tinlMcrV illroclorr
frtio , uy nondliu their mini * . bu lni nml location
to tlio iiiitillnliL-r. J. 11. ( i'cm , 111 j . l.'itli Direct.
OmaliaTcntiAttningCo llros. & Co.
Touts , nwnlnts , tnrpau-
Fines , hammocks , oil nnd HIH , cjvrr.i of nil klintu ,
.rnbliprclnthlng. ScnJ lings , biimnr * , ntc. M'n.t .
forcat'ifuo. 1IU Knrnatn forcitilosiie,70iS. Ifith
Importer ami mrf , Hour
snckii , bnrlipd. twine
Morsc-Coc Slios Co.
UO : ) Howard Street.
Factory cornr llth and loutlaistr ) U.
v\anromikliicloioirlc ! | 4to cidi buyer * , nnt nrd
toiiiniMi class of goodi w'llcli I ) very mlvntilo
vvllli niuroli uits.
Steven Crccdon.
Manufacttirpr's nitent. Icinsnpply yon with every-
llila. In lioos-iuun > , wo noil's and clilldt' it
[ on vDtfiictory prices nnditlkcounli hltcst 8tle
1401 Tarn mi struct , llooui 15.
Kirkcnilall Jones A Co Sewed
, , Aincr.Ilanc SliocCo
Wliolonlj .MfM Aeonts , Hoots , xliooi rnbbcrn.
lliuton IliibburHhooUo fult gooiU. ItJS , U1J
IlOJ-llui-llOi Harnep-st lliirnuy-it.
lllotcky & Co. Gilmore & Hull.
ClotliliiK.iiotlim fnriilsli- .Mnnfrs nnd Wliolosnlo
lnu ( ! l > o in n trial , cluiblura. 11W ( llaruuy
bainpld prep lid br ox- etrcct.
presi , 111,1 Ilnrnoy.
Eagle Cornice Works
Hard and soft coal. . K. Ifrs. galvanized Iron
. . . cornice , window cnp .
cor. li.ih and Doun.
mutnllc . .
sirects , tkyllitlitB. etc.
1110 ,
J. II. Clcnn.
Contrnctorn nnd tub coatrictDM for all kinds of itturliu , | i ilntlnx. i-te , will re.vlton
coiij iitii.emrsnruliltccis' and builders1 dlro-tory
frfe. hyaciiillngtliulrii 11119 , blislnun mil loc itlna
to tlup ibllsiiur .1 II Ulunu , tlfd ijili .trcet
D. H. Stcclc& Co. I Blake , Bruce & Co
1251-l.0."i Jones 'trcet , ' tOth nnd Hnrmy s troct
Oui'.ia. Olll.lllll.
An ordlnanco ordering the improving of Sow-
uni street from . ' 4th street In 23th streut. In
street Improvement district No. 417. said im-
nroviiu to consist of pavln : with vltilllo I
btlcK , and directing the board of public
works to tnKo the necess iry stous to cauao
Biieh ork to bo done ,
Wheio is. the nriyor and olty council of the
c-lty of Omaha have or lerod the Improving of
Se ard stiout fiomKb street to S. 1 1 street.
In street Improvoiiiont district No. 4li , by pav
ing the t , imo anil allowed thirty days to prop
erty oivneis ! n which to designate unil deter
mine the desiiod to ho used for such
pavln. , and . . . , ,
Where.-n. tl.o mayor and cltv council of said
city doheiohy ( loteimlno upon vltrlncd brick
class A. I'l ' yourcuarantec. . us the material to
ho uscj for such therofoie ,
Do It or 1 lined by the olty council of the city
of Omah i :
f-cotlon 1. Thnt that p irt of Sowmd htroct
from _ ( th street to Sitli stroot. In stieet Im
provement d strict No. 4 17. bo and thu same Is
hereby onlored Improved , said Improvement
to cons st of p ivlng with vltrillcd brick cl-ihs
A. ton vcurs. according to ttin speclllcatlons
on Ulo 'In the ofllco of tbo board of publ o
? . Thnt the Iloird of Public Work ?
Is hoiehv ordered to canso slid work to liu
done and to enter Into contrict for Hie same
with Iholowustrosponslblobiddor under tlio
speclllcatlons on U 10 In thu olllco of said board.
bccttonil. Thnt the Omaha slioot railway
coinpniiv. or any other poison , company , cor
poration or association ownliu any street
rallwuv upon or nlong that part of Sonnrd
street from'JIth street to ! ith btieel. bo and
are require I lo p ivo at Its or their own costs
all the sp icu iietweon the illlToront rails and
pjtueon thodliroient ti.icUs by siioh person.
coinpany , coipnratlon or iissoclatlon , owned
on said part of Sewurd stieot and a so a hp ice
of twelve fr.'l Inches outs do of the onlsldo
i.illsof thooutsldo track Hiich p ivliic liutxvu-n
bald r Its and bctwoou said tracks and for the
bpacoof twelve inches outside of the outsldo
rails of sild tracks , to bo ilouu at the HIIIIIO
tlmo nnd of the h.imo malerlnl and I'lrir.iotur
as the pivln. of Hiich btrcet hoi uln ordered
pivod. unless ether material Is y
ordtrod by the board of piibllo works , and In
the event of the refusal of said company , pcr-
Ron , coiporatlon or nsboclatlon to pave as
hoiolnreqiiliod , the board of publlo works Is
icqiilred to have such paving done an rfport
the cost and expense lliereof to bo ovlod nnd
obsessed against the property of said company ,
poison , corporation or association.
1 Scot Ioii4. That the cltyo ork bo and liore-
bv Ib directed to make and deliver 11 .cony of
thin ordlnanco to thu Omaha Street Itnilwuy
company or any oilier ponton , contiuny , car-
lioiatlon or nssoeiatior. owning nny Htrept
rallwiy upon , along or across any said
parts of streets within said improvement dis
trict. and report his action In that bolialf to
the cltv council UH early ns practicable.
hection Thnt this ordinance take effect
nnd bo In force from nnd nflur Its piibs.igu.
City Olerk
1'rosldout City Council
Approved July SJnii. 1MB.
GEO. I' . 11 1 : MIS.
Mayor ,
An orulnnni'u ordering the Improving of
ho iveinuntli streut from Kith street lo went
llnuof With avenue. In irtreet Improvumunt
dlilrlct No. 417 , Niild Improving to consist of
ropivlng with vitiltleu , elnss C , and
dlreollng lliu boaid of publlo wor s to tuko
the necessary steps to cause such work to
bu done
Whnro is , the mayor and olty oounr-llof the
olty of Onriha have ordered tnu Improving of
lo ivonworlh street from Kith street lowest
line ofMill iiveiinu , In street improvement
dlstiictNo. 417 by replying the HIIIIIO and al
lowed tli rly days to properly OWIICIB In wht-h
to Utklgnato and dulernrnn Iho material do-
siroil to bo used for such lupavliiK , and
Whereas , the suld thirty duyn imvo expired
und the ptopor'y owners ownliu the umjurlty
o [ the frontage In s ild Impiovoiiiiint district
li ive potltloned for Iho ion ivlngof said street
in said district with vltrllled brick u ubs U , ten
yonm guarantee , nnd
WhcioiiH. In nddltlon to ciioh doslgiiatlon ot
material by H ild owners , thu mavor an I city
conncl. of suld ulty do hereby determine upon
thu miitcilntHospuullluil ns tnu material to bu
u od fur such roimvm ; , therefore ,
llultordaltiod by thuoity counull of the city
of Omaha :
boctlon 1 , Thnt that part of I/oia-eiiworth
street from loth street to west line of.'Utli jivil
line , In street Improvement district .No , 4H ,
bound the same is hurubv orJorud Improved
said Inipruvcmont to consist of repiivuu- with
VHMIol brlcU class O. ton yuuro'ttuitruntcv ,
uccorJingto the miecllluatlons on ulu In thu
olllco of tlio board of publlo works.
heetlou'J. That Iho board of uubllo works U
hereby or.lered to caimo iild work tobouono
uud to enter lute contract for the autuu with
Hector & Wilhcimj Co. v iX n
Corner 10th nnd Jackson Dealers In hnrdirnro finil
atrooti. ' tootn.
A. C. lliymcr.
niilldcrJ1 Imrdtmro unit
rontrartorn' i\iipllos. |
624 south Uth struct ,
tins. IL Leo. Jolio A. Wakcficlil.
llnrdn-ooil lumber , wood ItnpnrliMl\niorlrnn Port-
c.'Uiicti nml pirquit Inn 1 ( tnncnt .Mll-nuk o
Itoorlng , lij.lrnullc ojinnnt nml
Hth and llonglns. Ijiilncy wliltoltiio.
Her & Co. Kiick & Herbert
Liquor tncrchints. Ill ]
llnrnor st. Mfr . Kon- Wholcsi3 | liquor iloilor
. ' 1001 Furnara st.
IH.IJ'B Unit India lilt-
J. Oberfcldcr & Co.
ImportpM nnrt Jolibc" of
iiilllliiury.notions. Mall
( mlrr * iiroinnt.
WH-l'-'fuilth llth tt.
A. Hospe , Jr.
I'lnnos , OI-KMIII , nrtlsts'
mitcrlnls , etc.
I.MS Umixln.i utroet.
Carpenter Paper Co. standard Oil Co.
Curry n full itock of
printing. rnpplmt and Itcllned nnd liilirlcntlng
writing ptipar , card pn- olln.mlet.Te.i8l- .
per. etc.
Kins & Smeai
Mfrsof " 1C A 8" panH
iihlrtH and ovornlls , etc.
( ill ISHOlltll lltll Bt.
Katnbllshod 1373. Branch & Co.
Whitney & Co.
1'roduco. fruits of all
IHitlor. CHKS and poultry. kliuli. oysters.
31.1 South Utlint.
J. B. Husc & Co. Jas A. Clark & Co.
Our specialties : nuttor , Hatter.
eiia nml poultry , punllry unit Knino.
lul.i Howard si. JU buutli Uth at.
W. E. lUddcll. Uiddcll & Co.
( IMnbllshod 1S3.1. ) Hatter , ihopio , I < KKS , TPB-
Wliolviola butter nnd ctnblet. fralta , poultry
c-KL't llnys and soils for unduumo
C.'Bll. 4IJS. lltllSl.
Omah Stove llepairW'ks '
fctovorepalra nnd wntcr
atlaclimonta for nny
kind of .ttovo inado.
M.A.lisbrow&Co. ) II. Hardy & Co.
MiinnfncturorB of ensli , Toys , dolls , alliums ,
doom , blinds nn I fancy itooiK limno fur-
inoulillnjjs. Itranch of- lllDllllIK KOOdt , Cllll-
lice , mil and Iiard sU. dron's enrrliues.
13IU fariiam BL
the Inwost responsible bidder under the spccl-
lle itlonsonlllo In thu olllco of mud hoard.
Sect on : < . That the iltvclerk ho and hereby
Is directed to iniiko anil deliver u copy of this
ordinance to the. Omah i .Street Kiillnuy com
pany. or any other pcr-un. coin p my. corpora
tion or UHsouI.itlon oivnlng nny street railway
upon , iilnn. or across nny of sild pirtsof
streets within aaul Iniptoveinent dlBtrlet unit
report his action In that hchult to the city
council IIH early as practicable.
. Th at till * urJln inco taUo olToot
anil bo m force from and after Its passage.
1'ussod JulyL'Ut , 18JS.
Olty Olorlc.
n i > . n wis
President City Council.
Approved July 2'nd , is rj.
GIJ. : i' . HIMIH.Mavor. :
An ordlnanco ordering the Improving of Oalrt-
well Htrcot from 21th street to uestllnoof
hlilnn'H addition , In street Improvement uls-
trlctNo. IIW.s-ilil Improving totonsUlof par-
In.'ullh vltrllled bilcK , and directing tlio
hoard of nubile noiUs tn taUo the neeessary
MtopR to cnuso such work to bo dona
Whereas , the mayor ahd city couiull of the
city of Omaha hnvo ordered the Improving of
raliluell .street from ' 'lib street to west line of
Slilnn's addition. In street Iniprovenient dU-
trlct No. 4J9. by paving the H.une , and allowed
thirty days to the propel ly owners In which t
designate nnd determine tin material desired
to bo lined for such pavln. ' . and
Whereas , the said thirty iluyi. h iw expired
ami thu property owner * owning the majority
of the front igo In said improveniontdistrlct
have petitioned for the p irlni of sn'd ' street
In Kiild district with vltrllled bilck , class A ,
II vo vuurs , and
Whereas , In addition to sneli designation of
iiiati'rlalby said owners the mnvor nnd olty
council of said city do hereby determine upon
thu material so specified as tlio material to bo ,
used for such puvln ' . .therefore.
Ilo It ordained by the olty council of the city
of Omah i :
bcetlon 1. Thnt that part of Ciilduu'l street
fiom4tli street to west line ol hlilnn'H addi
tion , In Mtrcot Impim emont district No , 4 19 , I o
and thoKumo Is hereby ordered Impiovud.Hahl
Improvoiiiont to consist of paving with vltrl
lled brloU. elass A. live vears. aeeordln. to tlio
hiioullli-atloiison Ulo in the olllcu of the board
of public works.
hoctlon i Thut the hoard of public works Is
hereby ordered to cuiirfe Hald work W bodono
and to outer Into contract for the sumo with
the lowest responsible hi Ider under the npoel-
llcatloiiH on Illo In the ollloo of said bo ird ,
boctlon : L That thin ordlnanco tuko effect
nnd bo In force from and after Its passage.
Olty Olork.
K. I' . DAVIb.
President Olty CounolU
Approved July : ,
ioi : > ijrMig
OftDINANUK'N'O. . ' 1107 ,
An ordlnanco orJerlnK the Improving of
Chicago street f i otn . ' , 'nd sirt'Ot to S Ird Htroot.
In street Improvement district No. 4118 , said
improving to consist of paving with vitrified
liilok and dlreelliin' thu boaril of public
vvorl'H to taUu the necessary steps to eansu
Biich work to bo done.
Whereas , the muyor and citv council of the
oily of Omaha have ordered thu Improving of
Chicago street fiom iT-'nil Bticnt to ' 'Ilia
stieet In street Improvement district No. 4.IJ. (
by paving the B.IIIIO and allound thirty ilayn
to property OWIIOIH In which toiuiilgnato anil
determine the material desired to bu used for
snub p ivlnu , and
Whereas. thoHuld thirty dnVH have expired
anil the property o nors o n l > u portion
of ilio frontline In H ild Imii'ovoment ( llalrlot
have potltlouud for the | invlniof n ild street ,
In said district with vlir.lleil brick , eluss A.
flvo yearn , and
Whereas , In iiddltlon to such designation of
mater ul by Buld owners , the mayor and city
council of Hiihl city do limohy determine upon
thu miller nt minp filled UK thu material to bu
used fomuch paving , thoiofoie ,
lie Itor.liilnod bvt-iuclty council of the oltjr
of Omaha.
hoctlon I. That that purl of Chicago Street
from ? 'inl litruot to Mrl mrui-l , lit struut Im-
lilitvuinuntillHtrlot MI. 4 IN. bo nnd tlio HIIIIIO la
hereby ordered Impiovod , said Imnrovoniciit
to consist of pavln.wltli vitrllh-d brluk class
A. with flvo > oir iiccoiilliu In the Hpuultlua-
tloi.s on Illo In thu ijllU'e of the boiird of publlo
hection S. Thnt the board of publlo works l
hereby ordered to cause mild nork lo bo dnno
an < l to enter Into eontrnct for the uni < j with ,
thu lowest responsible bidder under IliuspecU
llciitliins on Ulu In the olllco of Bind hoard ,
Section A That this ordinance tuKoolfook
and bo In force- from un 1 after Its passage ,
. _
I'roildent City OouuclU