Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Twelfth Annual Competition of tbo De
partment of the Platte ,
lie Ilroke the Army Iti-cord U'lth n AVon-
clcrful Tolnl Oinnlm 1'cdplo Who
Went Down to the llnnco to
See the Clone.
A moro enjoyable day wai never spent nt
the Uollovuo rlllo rnngo by a largo number
of Omaha people than was yesterday after
It was the closing shoot In the rifle com *
petition for the Infantry teams of the Depart
ment of the Platto. The last day of tbeso
competitions is nuvav.s interesting because
the prhos nro then awarded , but yesterday
was particularly plen. ant because , in
the 11 rat place , the day itself
teemed to hnvo boon cut out especially for
the occasion , and In tbo second place ono of
tbo competitors mndo. n record that places
him ahead of nny other marksman In the
United States army.
Thn special train that loft the union depot
nt 1 o'clock for the accommodation of those
who wished to witness the close of the com-
DOtltlon carried nearly i-'OO prominent ladles
and giiillemen of Omana down to tno range.
Colonel M. V. Sheridan , Captain Ostrood ,
Cuptiun Crowder , Mnjor Worth , Captain
Humihruy , Major Pundock , Lieutenant
Quny , Mr. nnd Mrs. W. V. Morsn , Rev. Dr.
Gordon , Mr. mid Mr . D. II. Wheeler , Jr. ,
John W. Hughes , Lieutenant Wilght , O. W.
Suis. Miss Curtis , Miss Donnn , Miss \Vuko-
loy , Miss Sumnuirs , the Misses Osceod , Miss
Warden , Mr . Colonel Parka nnd Miss May
Smith uoro some of the prominent people at
tbo raiiKo.
Hour tin ) Sklrmlnhors Work.
\ \ hen the train arrived thn marksman were
engaged In skirmish llrlnc1 , the closing part
of tbo competition. The rnngo Is OUO yards
long. At the north end wcro nlno sots of
silhouettes , placed about thrco rods apart.
By the sldo of each sot of silhouettes stood n
largo board with a number on it. Those
numbers rail from 1 nt the west sldo of the
range to 0 at tbo cnst sldo. The marksmen
wuio called out In teams of nine , each man
bavin IT a number to correspond with the
number on ono of the largo boards at the
north end of tto range. Thomarksmon
drawn up in llr.u across the south end of the
rnngo , COO yiirds from the ollhoucltrs. Be
hind ouch marksmen followed n scorer to
make note of the number of shots 11 red.
Colonel Bcnhum directed the firing on
Iior&otmck , and was assisted by a bugler nnd
n lieutenant , also on horseback. The marks
men did their shooting from a prostrnto
position , Ijing lint on their backs with their
loot toward the silhouette : und the guns held
in what Is known as the "Texas grip. "
I'lriuir "ml bcorlllK.
At the start they ran about 100 yards
toward the target , directed by the bugle , and
kcopiiic In lino" and at intervals corrospond-
v Ing with the silhouettes , which they were
appronchinir , tuny dropped nnd engaged in
llrlag for the space ot tlilrty seconds. Then
thpy arose nnd ran another 100 yards or moro
toward the silhouettes nnd at the sound of
bugle foil prostrate und blazed away lor
another half minute. This advancing , fall
ing and Urine was continued until they were
\\lthin200ynrds of the targets and then
they retreated to tbo other end of the range ,
stopping four times on tbo way at the sound
of tno buzlo to fall and lire.
Each man was required toliro forty rounds
in making tno run across the Held und back.
Each man had the choice of lirlucr nt any ono
of three silhouettes , stationed closa together ,
ono resembling a man standing , another in a
kneeling ntlituuo and the third in a recum
bent position. Every tlmo n bullet hit tbo
standing llguro it counted three for tha man
V who 11 red It , a bit on tno kneeling tlguro
counted four nnd a hit on the recumbent or
prostrnto figure counted live. Most of the
men tired at the standing figure nt the long
distances , and as they approached the tar-
pots they opened 11 rn on the smaller figures
uccauso'a lilt there raised ' .bclravcrazo moro
than a hit on the standing tigure.
lrcllmlimry to I'rcMeiitutlon.
At 4 o'clock the last team und finished its
last run nnd the ofllcors and acorokcepers
repaired to tbo tcnu at ' , ho rast side of the
range to makeup the grand total and prepare -
pare for the presentation of the prizes. The
visitors were provided with scats in the
Bhado near the tent of Captain Coolidge ,
commanding of the range , where the
Second Infantry band pluyod a cboico pro-
pram of music. The ofllccrs bad also pro
vided an abundance of refreshing punch , of
which they very kindly requested their
friends nnd visitors to partake.
Wben tbo liniil score hud been made up the
bugle again culled tha marksmen to the parade -
rado grounds , this tlmo in dress parade uni
form. They presented a handsome appear
ance as they marched up and halted before
Colonel Sheridan , Colonel Den ham , Camp
Adjutant Edgar W. Howe , Captuin Crowdor
And Lleutouaut Quny , who conducted the
presentation of prizes. The ten men hnvmc
mode the highest record were then culled
out of the ranks nnd they stopped forward a
few paces In advance of their less fortunate
comrades and waited lor the prizes that tnoy
know were soon to bu theirs.
U.i\lil ou'i4 /iliii.
Corporal H. N , Davidson of the Sixteenth
Infantry won the gold medal and broke thu
record of rlflo shooting heretofore made In
the entire army by u score of ( U0. ! The high-
< st ever made buforo was < il'J. ) '
Corporal Davidson was greeted By n burst
Of nppUuso from tbo 6lU ( people who stood
and sat about the beautiful parade grounds
ns ho stopped out to receive tbo merited
prize. Colouol Sheridan presented all the
prizes In n few appropriate words , and
pinned them on tlio manly breasts of the
marksmen ns they were called forward by
Colonel Beiibnm.
When nil thu prlzos had been awarded an
enthusiastic solillur proposed three cbcors
tor the loam , nnd the woodland round about
tbo rungo rang with three rousing choois ,
upplumentod by the "tiiTa-rii-boom" of tba
drums and the elirlolt of the cornet as the
band began to play.
Cuptuln Coolidge spared no pains In mule-
Ing tbo visitors feel nl homo , and everybody
enjoyed the afternoon In Unit delightful and
picturesque woodland , retreat. At 0:30 : the
Bpocml train returned with tbo visitors
thoroughly pleased with what , they bad enJoyed -
Joyed ut tbo range.
The three , silver medals wcro won by Ser
geant P. U. Spencer , Seventeenth Infantry ,
con , 558 ; Lieutenant W. H. Johnston ,
Sixteenth Infantry , hcoio , 578 , nnd Corporal
Kdgur Drocbxlar. Slxloautu infantry , score ,
Tbo six bronza medals were won by Lieu
tenant H. U. Lyon , Seventeenth Infantrv ,
score , fillS ; Musician II. F. Pelton , Sixteenth
Infnutr.v , score. 602 ; Corporal U. Wilson ,
Seventeenth infantry , score , 53S ; Lieuten
ant C. D. Vniiro , Sixteenth Infuutry , score ,
D5U ; Sergeant McCutfruy. Seventeenth In fan-
try , score , 631 , and Sergeant A. J. Merrill ,
Seventeenth Infantry , score , 650.
l > i < ] uirlmriit Tinim I'hiMi'ii.
Tie | department team vvlilch will enter the
army competition ut Fort Sheridan , III , , In
September was announced on being mada up
of tha following men : Corporal U. iN. D.ivld-
eon , Lieutenant J , A. Goodm , Sergeant 1' .
11. Spencer , Lieutenant W. H , Johnston ui.d
Corpoial Kdfar Dreuhxtar ,
Tbo two men who won thu position of dis
tinguished mnrkmnon und who will enter the
competition at Fort bheridun In u dilforent
clasv were Private J , W. Davis and Sergeant
J , W. .Meyer , A mtiifmust win three prizes
before bo Is entitled to the rank of distin
guished mnrkbinun and I fit-so were the two
jnon winning their thlid prlzu and making
tbo highest score as third prlzo winner * .
I'liiul hi > ri' * t tliu Cnmpotltom ,
There wera llfty-ono marksmou In the
c6.npoiltlon up to yesterday , but E. r' .
( .la vey was tuken sick and could not coin *
plototno sUlrnmh tiring. Following U tbo
llnul aggregate score made by the llftv man
who completed tbo competition : William
llorbiii. beco.idJOS , ; John Collopy , Second ,
. . . . .
Ullf. if | | | | | | wut .i * , uvvviiu , tly , Dull iUKUr ,
Second , ! MJ ; Andiew Wruy , Second , 4U3 ;
Lloyd Henderson , Second. 451 ; J. A , Uoodln ,
Second. 6bl ) ; W. K. Huwltt , Seventh , 611 ;
M. B. Sherwood , Seventh , 4HI ; Gcork'o A ,
OtU , Savcntb , 4I3 ! ; Chillies M , tincll , Sov-
cutb , 620 ; Ucorgo tiinltb , Seveutb , 51/J ; Her-
-on , Klghtb , fiJO ; William Smith , K'.ghth ' ,
Utt ; Harry Fisher , Eighth , IMS ; George W.
L3dgolt , Klghth , 4'J'J ; Wltllim Howard ,
ElnhtM. 411) ) ; T'ntlMN'nrtnn , V.iMilh. 4 > ! . W-
rick Douglas. Sixteenth , 483 ; O. W. Huber ,
Slxteonth , 505 ; .Tamos Illazok , Sixteenth , 503 ;
J. 13. Unitcr , Sixteenth. 4U1 ; li. N.David
son , Slxteonth , C30 ; Edward Chynowctb ,
Seventeenth , 610 ; Ilonry G. hyon , Seven
teenth , 5IVJ' Constantine McCnftroy , Sovon-
tcenth , 6 , * > 1 ; John O'Uourko , Sovontoontn ,
50.1 ; Joseph Atkins , Seventeenth , M" ; A. . I.
Morrlll , Seventeenth , 5VJ ; H. T. Shultzo ,
Sovontocnth , 404 : I' . H. Spencor.-Sevon-
toenth. 5S3 ; W. A. Williams , Seventeenth ,
4S3 ; Hobnrt Wilson , Seventeenth , 653 ;
Chfirtcs Elsolo , Twenty-first , 432 ; Charles
Dilloy , Twentv-llrst , 8 < > 3 ; Otto Hormnun ,
Sovcnth , 60'J ; Jatnos W. DuvU , Slxteonth ,
670 ; John W. Mayor , Seventeenth , 60S.
The cavalry competition begins on August
Ninvs FOK THI : AU.UY.
Cuinplnto 1,1st of CluiiiKCS In tlio Itrcutnr
WASIII.NOTO.V , D. C. , Aug. 4. [ Special
Telegram to TUB UUK. ] The following nrmy
orders were issued today :
Major Thomas Wilson , commissary of
subsistence , will report in powon to tfio com
manding general of the Department of the
East for temporary duty as chief commis-
aury of subslstonco of thnt department in
addition to his present duties as purchnMiig
and depot commissary of subsistence nt Now
York. The lenvo of absonro irrantnd Captain
William C. Gurgas , assistant , surgeon , Is
further extended twenty unys. Leave of
absence for two months H granted Lieuten
ant Colonel Hlclurd H. Jackson , Fourth
.artillery. U-ider provisions of go' order ? ,
No. liS ! , October UU , 180J , n board of ofllcors
to conilst of Major Timothy E.
Wilcox , surgeon ; Captain * Hudoiph
G. Ebcrt , surgeon ; Captain Ulchard W.
Johnson , assistant nurgoon , Is , by direction
of the acting secretary of war , appointed to
mcot nt the call of the president thereof nt
Fort Hnachuca , Ariz. , for the examination
of Firm Uouleimnts Eugpno L. Swift nna
Nathan Jarvls , assistant surgeons , for pro
motion. Upon tha adjournment of tha bo.ird
Captain Johnson will return to his prnnor
station. Lieutenants Swift and JarvU will
report in person to the provident of the
board ut such tlmds as ho may designate ,
and will , upon the conclusion of tholr exam
inations , return to their proper stations. By
direction of Iho president. First Lieutpnnut ,
Edwin C. Bullock , Seventh cavalry , Is de
tailed as professor of military science and
lactltM nt tno University of Wyoming nt
Luramlo , to take effect September 1 , rollov-
lug First Lieutenant Daniel L. Howell , Sov
cnth Infantry , who will then proceed to
Join his company. Lieutenant Bullock will
report In person at the university August 15.
o'Gittrnui..viM .r.v THE inniixusa.
Ton Victims of tliuVost St. Paul Accident
How It Hnppi'iieil.
ST. PAUL , Minn , Aug. 4. The effect of
last night's ' torrent was moro disastrous than
was nt first roportod. Three people were
killed and seven badly injured. The killed
were :
I'UITilJl' and 5-YnAR-OLD SON
of AUGUST ADAMS were fatally Injured.
P \ut.IC. KBUK.
HENIIV Luuwio.
Joux WiM.nicii.
Tbo last four wcro badly Injured.
The accident was the rosalt of heavy rains.
There was a deep gully in the hlllsldo above
Pnco stmat. This street had boon filled up
across the gully a year ago , leaving a small
culvert to carry off the .valor. This culvert
had long boon choked up , and the recant
rams filled the basin , making a lake of two
ucres nearly fifty foot doep. Suddenly last
night the street rilling was swept nwuy , al
lowing the water to swoop down in a body on
the land bolow.
Tbo work of rescue was carried on in thu
darknos ? , ns the gas plpos were swept awny
by the Hood. Wlion the threatened earth
gave way sidewalks , trees , houses and human
bcmes were hurled down the gradn thousands
of yards. The loss of property is at Iho least
Tbo loss of life N still uncertain. The po
lice bavo boon at work since daylight tearch-
ing for posslolo dead. The oody of Mrs.
August Adams win recovered this morning.
Thcro are still two missing , nnd Mrs. Stroo-
blc , ono of the injured , is in a critical condi
tion. _ ,
Somebody , perhaps an Irishman , has called
the pheasant "lha sacred Ibis of Great
Britain. " It is certainly all but worshiped
in the United Kingdom and in next Sunday's
BEE Edgar L. Wukoman has a most enter
taining latter on tbo subject.
WHILE lK ! > l'UXDE ! > T.
Ihn Wllo of iv-CoiiiroBmaii Wlliou of
lowu Commit * Suicide.
Booxn , In. , Aug. 4. ( Special Telegram to
THE BEE. ] The wife of ex-Congressman
James Wilson , well known ns "Tnrnn Jim , "
nt pro sent professor of agriculture In the
State Agricultural college at , Ames , la. , was
found drowned In a creek near thn town last
evening. She had boon despondent , fearing
that she would boconu insane , and it is sup
posed her death was a case of suicide.
I'lltill KoroxDiiu I\IIMI : | | | > I > .
CitESTON , In. , Aug. 4.- [ Special Telegram
to THE BKB.J At4W : ! this morning an explosion -
plosion of korosuno caused thu death of Mrs.
Charles Halft and n 7-yoar-old daughter ,
wbllo Mr. Hulft Is lying In n very critical
condition , badly burned about tbo face und
bands nnd suffering terribly internally.
Mrs. Halft htvd started the tire to prepare
tbo mornlntr meal and as It was slow heating
the coolIng'utonsils on the steve n liu was
raised und oil poured from tbo can. Wbllo
standing thus with the can In bar bund tbo
explosion occurred and Mrs. Halft wa
burned beyond recognition ,
The burning oil was thrown to nil parts of *
the house , covering tbo daughter and hus
band. The explosion startled the neighbors ,
who turned In u flro alarm and rescued tbo
Inmates of the bouso , Mrs. Halft and tno
llttlo daughter breathed their last an hour
CKIUU Hu'ii)3 , la. , Aug. 4. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB Bitn.1 DuulolT. Dye , a Dunlc-
ard minister living at West Branch , was
Juund dead on the Chicago & .Northwestern
railway near Fairfax thU morning. It is
supposed Unit ho accidentally fell from tbo
train and was killed.
Hounu'tf Nuw lllillHtrlfl.
BOOM : , la , , Aug. 4.--Spoclal | Telegram to
TUB HUB. ] Boone Is booming , und a great
forward impetus was given today by tbo
acceptance of a franchise granted Mossrs.
Koss , Chandler , French and others from
Kansas City to put hi an electric light uud
street railway. The old hurso railroad hui
been purchased und the old electric fran
chise. Tha now compnuv will put In a plant
coning $150OUO. Boona'A snouts will bo
lighted bv are lights for the ftrsi time , and
thooloutrlu roail will run to the coal mtnoi
along the Dos Molnos river three miles from
town , bosldo.1 being added to In various
direction * in the city. Hon. L. W. Ueynolds
of this city will probably bo president of Iho
uew company. _
Anil Tuny Nuvur 1)10.
Lvov * . la. , Aug. 4. Tnroo strangers bun
coed William D. Smith of Orange township
out of 33,000 today. They came to bis pluco
Inquiring for farms for sulo and agreed to
pay him 61U n day to show them around.
Then they borrowed f.9OuO of bim to clinch
tba barga'ln on u farm they bought , and nude
tholr escape.
Thri'ii VOIIIIK I iillun Drmrueil.
DAYKXfoiiT , In. , Aug. 4. Three younjr
ladles were drowned in tha MIssUilppi rlvor
today at Port Byron whllo bulbing. Their
names are : Nullie Ztlllngar , Blanche Slmon-
slu undo Uraco Maxwell. Thu last nauiot
loit bcr life trying to save the other two.
In next Sunday's HUE will appear nn In
tensely iuteiesilug letter on Kngliah jihcAsuu
shooting from tbo lucilo pen of Bilgur L
Wukrumn. Lovers of sport should not fat
to read tbU letter.
Action Taken by the Homo en the Smulry
Oivil Appropriation Bill. l
Io .Millies nn Attempt , Hut Ilccr-lves No
Support The Dtihiirow Illll to llo
Connlilarcil Work of the Meunto
AVttsliltiffton Note * .
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. 4. The session
of the house today from 11 o'clock until 1
was Important and interesting , although nt
no tlmo nn exciting ono. It was Interesting
a that a resolution was adopted making
.oa&y suspension day. It was important in
that another resolution was adopted extend-
ng the civil appropriation until August 10 ,
and still another sanding the sundry civil
) lll to a conference ) and taking up the ap
propriation to grant $ -,503OJO ! to aid in the
rroat , exposition. The Durburrovv bill was
considered In comtnlttco of the whole , but no
final action wus takon.
Ilolman of Indiana moved to suspend tno
rules and pass n Joint resolution extending
until August 10 the sundry civil nppro-
iriation. AgreaJ to.
llolman then moved that the house recon
sider the vote by which It agreed to Iho son-
ute World's ' fair tipproprlntlon amendments ,
nnd that the bill l5b sent , to conference.
Agreed to bv a vnto of II" to S3 , no ono mate-
nu the point of no quorum.
A long colloquy ensued between PloUlor
and llollly of Pennsylvania as to the terms
of the agreement or compromise on lha
World's fulr npproptlation miitlor. Kollly
oxnlHlnnd that no ono was bound to vote
'or the proposed reduced appropriation car-
led by the Durborow bill , wliluh It Is uro-
loaod to have voled on Saturday , in lieu of
the World's fulr appropriation lii the sundry
civil bill.
Scut to n Conference.
Mr. Holman'.s motion to suspend the rules
and nddpt the resolution WAS agreed to by a
vote of 141 to 5 ana tliu sundry civil bill wus
sant to n conference.
MoasM. Holman , Sayros and Bingham ,
were appointed conferees.
Mr. Hellly of Pennsylvania moved to sus
pend the rules and adopt a resolution pro-
elding that immediately after its adoption ,
the bouse proceea to tbo consideration of the
substitute for the Durborow bill , ; such snb-
itituto Is to bo considered an original bill.
I'uo consideration shall continue1 from day to
day , nnd at t o'cloci : tomorrow the cotnmit-
Leoof tno whole shall report the bill to the
House nnd tlio previous question shall be con
sidered us ordered on its passage. No
runner motions shall bo ontortalncd until
thu bill is llnully disposed of.
Mr. Bniloy of Texas demanded a second
and it was oraorod by u vote of 1011 to 0.
Mr. Bailey protested , agatnsl the rojolu-
tlon as beiug a high-handed nnd unprece
dented proceeding. The resolution violated
the agreement of the democratic caucus.
Nowhere In tbo agreement was there any
resolution requiring the democrats to vote
for a cloture resolution ?
Mr. Cnlbcrson of Texas took issue with
his colleague ana urged the faithful carrying
ou. . of an honorable agreement.
linlloy ItallH us u rilllnntor. * '
Mr. Hellly's resolution was then ugrood to
by a vote of 187 to 7 , nnd then Mr. Bailey
started on n brief course of filibustering. Ho
received no backing , however , and nftorn few
minutes the parliamentary string cnmo to nn
end , and Hellly was recognized to call up the
Durborow bill amended so 0.1 to provide for
an appropriation of $ J,5UOOUO.
The bill was considered In committee-
the whole ( Mr. Dockery ol Missouri In the
chair ) .
Mr. Atkinson of Pennsylvania offered an
amendment prohibiting the sola of intoxicat
ing liquors on tno fair grounds. This led tea
a discussion involving the question of the
sale of liquors in the house restaurant and
the recent charges made by Mr. Watson , but
nothing cnmo of it.
Mr. Atkinson's amendment was defeated
by a vote of 3-t to 7. Various other amend
ments were proposed , but were voted down ,
and then the committee arose and the house
It Approves the Ki-iohitlon Intending the
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. 4. The session
of the sonata today was simply an exhibition
of a waiting crnmo in legislation. Having
completed its full share of tbo task , the scu-
ate had nothing to do but to rest on its oars
and abldo the action of tbo house. Tbo
Joint resolution extending until August 10
the appropriations for the service of the
govern mont in the various bureaus covered
by the sundry civil appropriation bill was re
ceived from the house as soon as the Journal
of yesterday was road , and it was passed by
the sonata after an Interchange of views oa
the part of Messrs. 1'oscoo and Allison.
The resolution reported yesterday from
the committee on contingent expenses , au-
thorb.lni : the comtnlttco on the quadroccn-
tonnlal to visit the World's fair buildings at
Cbtcatro to obtain information ai to the ex
penditures , was laid before tbo senate and
Mr. Cockrcll opposed it , vehemently de
claring that these multitudinous arrange
ments for sonata committees during the re
cess would turn out to be disgraceful. The
resolution was rejected and Mr. Pottigrow ,
chairman of the quadrocontonnial committee -
too , moved a reconsideration. No action was
taken on the motion.
After receiving a message from tbo house
that that body insists on a disagreement to
the World's fair amendments to the sundry
civil bill and requested u further conference ,
the senate adjourned until - o'clock ' tomor
\vu.i , in : A DONATION.
Such U the Clutrnotiir or the Now World's
Fair Illll Not ICcpri-miuttul nt I'lilou.
WASHINGTON . D. C. , Aug. 4. The compromise -
promise World's fair bill , which is now be
fore the house is similar In terms to the bill
reported to the senate and tbo house by the
committees oa the Columbian exposition and
afterwards Incorporated in the sundry civil
appropriation bill , with two important
changes. Ouo of those Is lha reduction of
tbo amount of the appropriation from
15,000.000 to ? J , 00OOOj the other Is the omis
sion of the suction that provide' , for a return
to tbo United States of a share of tbo prolits
of tbo fair , and , as it now stands , the appro
priation will be an absolute donation. Tno
timidity closing paragraph Is retained In the
Disappointment is expressed at the Nnvv
department at the failure of the uunbou't
Bennington to arrived at Pales in time to
participate In the Columbian celebration
yesterday. The Hannlngton gulled from tit.
Vincent on the Wth ulu. and It was con-
lldcutly expected that she would reach Pulos
in good season. The olllcors of the flagship
Newark were present , but Iho ship could not
cnior the narbor on account of ner draught
und hud to romalm at Cadiz. Therefore , It
appears that thu United tilitlod was not rep
resented by a vessel at the ceroiuoulos.
U'uituru runitloiiH.
WASHINGTON , D. U. , Aug. 4. ( Special
Telegram to TUB BKK.J The following list
of punslons granted is reported by Tuu Bcu
and Kxomlner Bureau of Claims :
Nebraska : Original Job M. Fuller ,
Thompson F.irmnr. T lunn H. Stanley ,
lloiirv Llopnart , Gearltt W. Fleming , Unos
M Shaw , D.ivld McGaa Jnnins F. McCoy ,
JoMl I ) . Parish , IneJ-Ajso Oliver Osuorn.
Oricmnl Widow Lotll fti Modroll.
Iowa : Orlclnnljjodfitu 11. Whltlnp ,
Ocorgo F. Flsbor. WUlliun Van UuIT , Jatnos
W. Hlbbort. KoubenpS. J. Monroo. Dennis
Hall , Lovl JlnUliu , John M. Uunyan. Will-
lam amrth. Mnsos FrpjmJn , Ojlob.l. Orcon ,
Lewis L. Ooolo , Uoorsa W. Springer. Ad
ditional -Samuel Sullivan. Peter Shlroy ,
llenrv M. llelnrlchsj William Comstock.
Increase John Oruy , . Rion A , Sample ,
Joseph Mi Cralgo , Hpbort E. UIJIov , John
W. ( Coin , Uobort B.'McCumbor ' , William O.
Wlckham. Kolssuo-.W'.lllam 1. llowoll.
Original Widows , 13tcrOlivia O. Young ,
Cattiarmo McLauehllri , Mother Mary Ann
Botccurt , Mother PhobeiK. Proaton.
Montana : Restoration and reissue Vn
II. , deceased.
Colorado : Orleinal David Gardner , Ed
ward J. Dougherty , Frank McCuo , Albert
D. Seorl , Vinconto Truglllo. Original
widows , etc. Catharine Wllman.
South DaKota : Original William H.
Oosjot , Thomas J. Kerr , John 13. Ho-o , WH-
Il&m C. Spencer , Abram B. Fisher , ICnud C.
Ktimlson. Additional Freeman II. Farr.
Original widows , ota Minors of William
Hi-port of the Minority of the Committee of
WASIIIXOTOX , D. C. , Aug. I. The minority
of the house committee on public lands to
day submitted their vlows on tha Yellowstone -
stone park Investigation. In the report they
toke thi ground that Secretary Noble acted
vtth fairness nnd Justice in annulling the
transportation leases and that Mr. Gibson
acted In n false and deceitful tnannar la tits
relations with the secretary. A most bitter
attack Is made on Mr , Gibson by the min
ority , whllo Russell Harrison's connection
with the company is dolondod in strong
torms. Kulerring to It , the minority accuse
'tho n.ojorlty of going out of its way , In what
It characterizes as an attempt to smlich the
son of the president by the use of some in
cidentals In tbo evidence. The facts are ,
it gavs , that a certain party
in to res ted In the park association
assuming that Mr. Harrison would have
some Inlluenra with the unknown secretary
of tbo Interior to bo appointed , proposed to
induce Mr. Harrison to use such supposed
influence for the benefit of the association
and remunerate him with fifty shares of the
stock. But thn stock wn never issued , the
minority holds ; Mr. Harrison was never ro-
quustud , except by Waters , to so use his in-
Jlucnce , und there was no need that ho
should do so. The whole thing was evi
dently a fraud , the minority continues , nnd
ono of Gibson's tricks , and the majority
report Is unsupported by a single particle of
evidence against Mr. Harrison , and its com
ments are wholly uncalled for.
Jlf ltUaj > l.l.
The Kobolllon In Alchniilstau I.iilcl nt the
Door of thi ) Crnr.
LONDON , Aug. 4. The Vienna correspond
ent of tbo Times soys : Professor Vnrabory
has ati article in the Neuo Frolo
Prcsso , in which ho declares that the Pazara
rebellion In Afghanistan is a serious move
ment , duo to Husslan Inlrlguuj. It U
probable , hn says , that the Insurgents are
supplied wltn Russian weapons , and that if
the rebellion Increases in gravilv. tbo omcor
will bo obliged to call for English aid , in
which event Russia will probably push Inhale
Khan , the czar's ' protoire. to the front as a
'I/a loftboumcor.
\Viitcrspout ) , ut Trieste.
THIESTE , Aug. 4. An Immense dork , fun
nel-shaped cloud made Its appearance over
tha harbor yesterday and in a short tlmo was
Joined by a pillar of water , which seemed to
bo sucked up until ItsTipox Joined the lower
extremity of the cloud ; formlr.i : a tremendous
waterspout , which , afte.r-reaching the bay ,
Droko. No loss of Ufa was caused. Tram
cars along tbo quay wor'o thrown from the
tracks and a number of buildings were dam
aged. Several minutos.oapsod ) ootweon the
tlmo of the formatiqu 'and collapse of the
waterspout , " "
Drank Kuch Ot'lliu-'s lle'Alth.
COWKS , Aug. 4. Tho' queen gave n dinner
party in the Indian room nt Osoorno house
last evening. "Among the guests wore
Emperor William , the pnnco of Wales ,
Prince Henry of Prussia , tno duke of Con-
naueht , tbo Uuko of bcbloswIg-Holstoin ,
i ord and Lady Salisbury and a few other
notables. At ttio conclusion of the dinner
the queen drank to the health of Empnror
William , who reciprocated by drinking to
the queen's health.
To Talk on Tnrlir Kcdactlon.
UCKUN , Aug. 4. It is soml-oftlcially an
nounced that as Russia has expressed a de
sire to open negotiations with the govern
ment fora reduction of the German grain
tariff , dclCL-utos from the Prussian ministry
will moot with the German imperial authori
ties on Monday next and discuss the propos
als made by Russia.
W. B. Stock of Albion is at the Millord.
G. W. Howe of WIsnor is at the Arcade.
C. J. Anderson of Neligh is at the Arcade.
F. E. llcrosoman of Aurora i at the Pax-
II. H. Robinson of Klmball Is at the Pax-
II. U. Mason of Norfolic Is a guest at the
Arcade. ,
J. R. Lyons of Chicago Is a guest at the
W. N. Snyder of Ponder Is a guest at tbo
\V. C. Ester of Neligh is registered at the
U. C. Stuart of Dos Molnes , la. , Is at tbo
R. R. Douglass of Nebraska City is at thu
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. Everett of Lolgh are at
the Murray.
S. L. Hopper ot ChloagoJs registered at
the Murray.
R. B. Schneider of Fremont was at tho'
Mlllard yesterday.
Fred B. Smith of Nebraska City Is regis
tered at the Dollono.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Manuiug of Carroll are
registered at tbo Arcudo.
Ilonry Porrlno and C. C. Cooper of Wisnor
are registered at tbo Mitlard.
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Pratt of Lincoln are
among tha guests at the Mercer ,
Miss Katie and Sudlo McKay of Cheyenne
nro visiting their ulster , Mrs. N. P. Plant.
Mr. and Mrs. James I. Sherwood of Galveston -
voston , Tex. , are among tbo guests at tbo
County Judge Ellor took advantage of tbo
cheap rates and left t/ohay / for Denver and
tbo mountains. _ , , . r
F. W. Uechtol , a prgmlnant attorney of
Pottsvillo , Pu. , Is paying .a short visit with
Prof. J. B. Druner , UU brother-in-law. Ho
culled at TUB BCK olllco.
Mr. Do Sato , notionrlaco and trimming
buyur , Mr. Scollcld , oloatt buyer , and Mr.
Baxter , buyer for drapery nnd upholstery
departments of the Murso Dry Goods com
pany , left for Now York last night.
Mr. S. P. Morse , prauUont ot the Morao
Dry Goods company , loft for Now Yorl < last
night on a trip of aovurnl weeks , to super
intend tbo fall by thu differ
ent buyers of tno vuriou * departments of his
business. bt.
Niw : YOIIIC , * Aug.4.ijBpocml Telegram to
TUB BUH.J Omaht iwoplo In town are :
Mrs. Clark , at tha Hbttyriau ; C. Coo , buyer
for Klrkeudall , Jones &fCo. , nt tba Hotel
Suvoy ; Francis C. Cirablo , wife uud child ,
at tbo Savoy.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
AdvAntiges of the Present National Bank
ing System.
FnctK niul riciit-CA Tlmt Toll tn Support the
Theories Ailri\nreil by the llomocrnt
nnil Allltinco Ailvoriitos
Washington GoMlp.
WASHINGTON. D. C. , Aug , 4. r
It has become qulto evident during the
closing hours of congress thnt the domo-
cratloand nlllanca forces did not doslro any
information touching national banks the
taxes paid by them to the government nnd
to the states and local authorities ; the
taxes paid by state banks nnd banking as
sociations nndor the not Imposing n 10
per cent tax on their circulation ; the
amount of conipnratlvo loss under the na
tional and atnto banking systems , nnd
amount of profit of national banks , This
was made qulto plain by the defeat of Rop-
rescntatlvo Ualzoll's resolution calling on
the secretary of tbo treasury for that Information
mation ; and , slraugo to say , such nn alll-
nnco representative as Kem of Nebraska
nnd such a democrat as Bryan of Nebraska
voted to kill the resolution , and Alliance. Mo-
Kolahan voted the other way.
The result was , after the alllanco members
and democrats In tbo house had defeated the
resolution , that Senator Sherman nt onca
offered his resolution on the subject , and the
senate adopted It. The theory hero of the
democrats and alliance men in the house nn
this matter is that so much no phis try and'
lying has been Indulged in and circulated
among the pooplothat It was deemed politic
to keep the people in Ignorance until after
the election.
\Vlmt the rignros Indicate.
Some tiino ago the necrotary of the treas
ury made an exhaustive report touching the
amount of our circulation , by years , from
1SUO to the time , and It was then shoxvn that
the highest amount was about § TOOOut'J. ! > 3
In 1800. aim that it Is about $ l.VJfl,000,000 nt
this tlmo , or moro than double what It was
at the hlghost Hood during nnd succeeding
tno close of the late war. This showing bus
boon a severe Plow to the green bacic-nllianco
crowd , and especially to Senator * Peffer and
Kyle , who have attempted to show to the
And now wo are promised some additional
Information that wilt not please the alllanco
people. All sorts of statements concerning
national banks nnd that system have Peon
circulated , nnd It has , tardily , perhaps ,
moved tbo republicans to such action us will
eventually pluco the facts before the
people and thus enable those who hnvo been
deluded to SPO for themselves. T' " i
It is known that the state banks , pnoi"1 , J
their suspension in 1837 , expanded their cir
culation from $1)1.000,000 ) to 8140,000,000 In
seven years , nnd the collapse followed , from
whlcn it took twelve yoara to recover , and
tn at , following on the beols ot this , these
stuto banlcs run down their circulation be
tween 1337 and 1843 to about $53,000,000 , a
contraction of $91,000,000.
It is also a fact that in 1841 at least flfty-
Ave stnto banks failed , bavin ? a capital of
3317,000,000 , and that it was n total loss. It
is also of record that in 1837 thirty-two state
banks failed in Massachusetts alone , with a
loss of over SiDOT,000.
In Ohio in 1855 there were flftv-ono state
banks and the very next year thirty-six of
thorn had failed , some of tnoir notes being
worthless , whllo these of others were worth
only 50 to 75 cents on the dollar.
Iiiilhinn Stiito llnnkg.
State banks In Indiana for twenty years
Palo from 1'J to 14 per cent dividends , but In
1850 llfty-ono of her ninety-four banks bad
suspended , nnd their bills wore selling nt a
discount of from 25 to 75 per cent. In Illi
nois tbo "Stuto Bank" was chartered in
1S-I , but Its notes were soon quoted at 75 per
cent of their face , then at DO , mid finally they
ceased to circulate at alt. And so on to the
end of the chapter.
The Idea that the national bank system Is
n "monopoly" Is tno principal objection to
the national banking system ; that It is a
"monopoly" sustained nt the expense of the
government In the intercut of private indi
viduals , The reverse of this hasty assump
tion Is shown to bo true by the law and the
facts. The real monopoly existed under the
old state hank system , which tbo democrats
&ro seeking to revive in congress by repeal-
Vanilla Of perfect purity.
Lemon Of great
Almond Economy In their use
Rose etc.
Favor ] aa doIcatey , ,
and doliolouslyas the freah fruit.
Purely Vegetable and Strictly
on the tivor nnd Stomach , rcaturinrtlio
constipated organs to hciilthy activity ,
und are a l OSITIVEiinc ) PKRl-MJCTLY -
ACHE , BILIOUSNESS , and nil ether
dlHOiisun arising from a disordered con
dition of tlio Liver and Stomach.
They nro the Only Itolllilu Vcntatlo ; Liver
I'lllfc'old ; They nro I'erfojtly llurmle-iii Tha
urol'unily Vniolabloj Try Them.
DIt Bchonclc'Hlluak on Coimiiuptloii , Liver
Comnlnliit nnil DyHponslu tiunt lrno.
J. 11. 8UI1ENOIC&HON. I'hllaqulplila
Our Writing-paper and Envelopes ; Wedding
Invitations ; Reception Cards are sent ,
at reasonable prices , anywhere in the
United States. Send for samples.
( UUi Cobb'n Library Co. )
136 Wabusli Ave. ,
tntr the Inw Imposing a tax on atnto bank
Tbo national tmtik system is open to nil.
Anr bnurith the capital can start und run n
natlonnl bank run It If ho complies with Iho
laws nnd regulations moro smnpcnt than
nny over sugpcstoil In eonnoutlon with tlio
state bank system. The itato bank system
was Inrgoly made un of special charters to
the favored fovr. This It wa that causoil
state batixs to bitterly oppose the national
brink system nt Us Inception. The state
banks were favored monopolies in nnoihor
sense ; they could Jsiuo two nnd three dollar *
for ono of capital , whllo the national banks
do not Issue 1 per cent , only 00 cants on the
Scotland hn * but n dozen Joint ntock banks ,
Knglnnd only about UV and 1'Yanco only ono
nllowoil to Issue circulation. Such are "mon
opolies" ; but ft country whlcn has 3,700 na
tional banks Is hardly "inonopoly"-ourscd ,
especially as the privilege U open to all.
The fact U the government solzod Its op
portunity which the late war pro onlod
to got rid of the volumool state bank issues ,
whleh had been n lax upon the business nnil
commerce of the country n bunion to the
people In domnatlo exchange bctwonn points ,
which was annually Rroator than the amount
of Interest paid to.national banks on tholr
bonds , the average rate of OXCUQIIRO between
oiislorn and suuthern nnd western states
Imvlnc boon from six to twelve times creator
than the rate prevailing under the present
Jerry Slm ] > nir * CninpnlRn Tnlk ,
Jerry Simpson continues to consider himself -
self n national issue in spite of Iho obscurity
Into whleh ho has boon thrown ot late by
Mr. Watsan and other nlllanco mon. Ho
gnvo out this morning n minority report on
the WoUon Investigation , In which ho
claims that all of Watson's cunrgas ngalnst
the house were proved. Tonight ho savs
that stupendous efforts nro making to
defeat him for rc-cloctlon. Ho says 8,000
negroes hnvo been brought Into hU district ,
employed on the railroad thorc , nnd the nlll-
nnca pooplu bollovo that an uttomut , will bo
made to vote them nqulnst him. Ho thinks
ho can bent the game.
Should Consult thn Nominees.
The senators from Nebraska propose to
throw all tholr Inlluanco in favor of Iho ro-
puhllcnn coriKi'OJslonul nomlnoos In thnt
stato. Hereafter , all mattoM relating to
postofllco aiipolntmonts sent to senators will
Do referred to republican nominees In tholr
respective districts nnd the senator * will act
so fnr as Is possible tn accordance with tholr
recommendations. Sonntor Paddock Mild to
day that applicants for this class of appoint
ments will suvo time by directing communi
cations on such matters Immediately to the
republican uoinlnoo In the district .whoro the
olllco Is situated.
The secretary of the Interior today notified
Senator Pnddoclc thnt the amount duo the
University of Nebraska for experimental
station uurnosos had boon certified to the
Treasury department nnd that draft would
promptly issue. P. S. I ) .
At High Helmut Park.
Governor McKlnloy nt the High school
grounds tonlcht. Will you bo thorol Of
course you will.
Skin blemishes , like
foul teeth , are the more
offensive because they
are mostly voluntary.
The pores are closed.
One cannot open them in
a minute ; he may in a
Try plentyof soap ,
give it plenty of time ,
and often ; excess of good
soap will do no harm.
Use Pears' no alkali in
it ; nothing but soap.
All sorts of stores sell
it , especially druggists ;
all sorts of people are
using it
DR. J. E , Me GREW
Jl'iili1iu.rK\5HSIIrJilih8 \ lroatmoUof | all forma of
fRW FB D3EASES , "inU " all < lor.lon !
and debilities of youth iinJ nmnhnoi ] . iTyoars1
ezporleiiro. Ills resources nnU fuollltlos are
practically unlimited. The Doctor It ruroin-
inenilecl by tlio pro * ) , and ondorflpil In the
etronijoat toriiis by the people for fair tnvit-
inent nnil honest prnfoisiim.U nil vice. The
most powerful romoillci known to moilurn
Rclcnco lor the siiocomful treatment of the
following illsoasos :
GONORRHOEA Itnmoaliito relief. A com-
iilti to cn re without the lo-u of mi nour'a tlmo
from business.
QJjEEr Onoof Ibo moat complete un 1 nij0-
restful treatments for gleet nnil all annnv n ? yet known Io thu meJIuil prufoi-
slon. The results tire ti ill v womlurfiil ,
RTUIOTUJIE Uroitest known ro.noJy for
thu iru.itiiicntof stricture , without p tin , out-
tlntr. nr ill In tin . ' . A most remark tblu ro'iieUv.
SYPHILIS-No trt < ulmout for this torilhlo
bloinl dlhUiiHU has over boun niorosu-eooHf ill.
norhiiil Hiroiixeroiifjnrsoiiiciitii. | tl tu | Hitht
ol modern nulonc > ) this illsuisci Is positively
cur.ih'ouncl every truuo of thn poison entirely
ruinuveil from thu blool.
LOST MANHOOD , und ambition , norvoui-
nesa , tlmlifltv. iliinponilnncy and nil weakness
mill disorders of youth' or manhood. Hullot
obtained iitonco.
SKIN DISEASES , and nil dlsousas of the
ctomadi , blond , liver , IdOimy.s und bladder
lire treated nn eeossfully with the Kruato *
known remedies for the illxo ism.
Write for elrcul.irj uud ir.ieHloiilUt , tray.
1-lth unit fttt'iKiin hti. tUn.ilnt .Vo >
s via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul R'y , as represented
onthis map. *
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 7105 p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Oflice : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A , NASH , Gen'l Agent.
Tlmt AYEH'S Sarsaparllla CVHI.S
OTIIKUS of Scrofulous Diseases ,
Eruptions , Uoils , Koroma , Mvoriuid
Kidney Diseases , Dyspepsia , Illicit ,
inallsm , niul Catarrh should bo coin
vihcing that the sumo course ol
treatment WILL ctmn YOU. All
that has been said of the wonderful
cures effected by the use of.
during the past 00 years , truthfully
applies to-day. It Is , in every sense ,
The Superior Medicine. Its cnra-
tivo proportics , strength , effect-nml
flavor afo always the same j and for
whatever blood diseases AYEH'S
Sarsaparilla is taken , they yield to
this treatment. When you nsk for
don't bo induced to purchase any of
the worthless substitutes , which are
mostly mixtures of the cheapest In
gredients , contain no sarsaparllla ,
have no uniform standard of ap
pearance , flavor , orclTect , are blood-
purifiers in name only , and are of
fered to you because there is moro
profit in selling them. Take
Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ajcr&Co. , Lowell , Mnss.
Sold by all Druggist * ; I'llco $1 ; MX bottles , $5.
Cures others , will cure you
ThofootllzhtBcnantlonef UIOIIKO.
A play for the ninatcontli country nlnjr goorl.s
Intrnducltiu n blcyclo rneo here with till Iho runU ra
of nn outdoor uvont I'ranontpil I ) ) ' the itrunuest
musical comuilFOixnnlintlon lii America. _
Something New for Krcs nnd Knr .
Nothing 11 road hut the Smiles.
Nothing Loitil hut the Laughs.
lloxshcols opun Thursday mornliiR nt nstinl prices.
, . . . COMMKNOINO 17
Met.Ua Bornnixl Chase ,
In a Grand Sconle I'rndiitloii ,
C Introducing a monaccrloof tralnod anltnali
M.itlneea Wednesday and Saturday.
Elastic Stockings
Weak Limbs
Varicose Veins
Swellings , all
sizes. Abdo
minal Supporters
ters , Deformil
Braces , Medi
cinal Supplies.
114 S. Ibtli St. , Kcxl to Post Office
National Bank.
Capital $100,009
Surplus $05,001)
Olllcersnml Directors Jlnnry W. Vnlcs , president
It. C. Cusliliij. , vlco pruililuni , ( . ' . B. MaurlooV. . V.
Jlorso , Juliud , Culllus J. N. 11. Patrick , lAwl A.
Tliuuitmli y they will wear No Other Shoe.
Wear this Shoo during the Summer Months.
Tliu Shoe EXPANDS witli KVKItY MOTION of
th. ' , ' " ' , < lw j > rrt im Hi | Krficlilnw. | Tbe
AluuM'AIIMtenure tnikci It nunllili : to near
a narrower vltuo ,
Cost * no mora. looka bettor , wears longer ,
mil givn 100 tlmon moro comfort
tliuu another make.
Frloei , SH.OO , $3.00 , Sa.OO $3,50.
1'oraalo by tlio lloston Store.
Ur. Bailey , Sr
The Loading
Mhlrd Floor , I'axton I Hook.
Telephone 1085. Kith nnil J''arnnii : Sts.
A full Kutof tuotli on nililiur lor M. I'orfuat ant
Tei'tli without pinion nr roniuvablu hrlilira work
Ju l llui tiling fur ulnifurn or public upoukcri , uovur
ilrup iluwn.
Oold flUtim nt ru.iHonuhle niton. All work
warranted. Cut thin out for a ijuldo.
To the owners of all lots and pirtnoflotH
and reul estate alot.K 40th atrcot front Unit to
You nru heuiliy nollflud that the nnder-
uliuicd , three dlslntuiuJloil frculiolderit of Iho
ellot Omaha , huvii been duly iippoiiiUid hy
thu tn.iynr. with the upprovitl of Urn oily
council of a.ild city , to UHIOSH thu diiiiuuo tu
the owner * renuyotlvuly of thu property iif-
foctoil hy ehunelntf the urade of n.ild turret ,
doclnroil nocituiary by oidlnanuu nuinhur IHii ,
p.ihHiul July " 1st. 1HX' . approve I July i'Jid. Jb'J. .
Vim nre further notified , thut IiavliiK u < j-
cupted iId uptM > liitniuiil , mid duly iiuitllllud
n K iitiiircd | hy law we will , on the Cllli day of
AiiK'Ht ' , A. D. , If W , nt thu hour of U ) o'clock In
thu lorenoon , ut thu olllco of Hhrlvur
U'Don.ihon , II'JJ ' l''urimni Htieet , within the
corporate llmlu of mid city , moot fur tlio pur *
lioto of ctiiiiildurlii anil miilvliu tlm IISIUSH
inoiilof dunm e l the owners rutput-tlvuly of
a'llil piopi'rty. iilfeutcd hy bald chuniiii of
urudn. titliliiK intu conslderutloii nooolul bttnu-
HIM. If any.
You are notified to bo prtment at tliu time
and pi ice aforufi.ild and inuUo any objection *
tuor utatunii'iiUuoncurnl'iK Kiild iihiiusi
of duiiugos UH you may coiiHldur pioner.
it ! H' ( JHISON ! '
( 'iiiiiinltteeof Apprals
I Oiuabu. July UOtb , Jd/J. > " ' <