Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : idilDAY , AUGUST 5. 1892.
COUNCIL nr.uppa
I tlUtJtcllyCnrrlcrtonny pftttof tha' Cltr
K V. Plumbing Co.
Council IJluffs Lumber Co. ,
Members of Abe Lincoln Hollef corps will
meet thin afternoon nt'J:3J : o'clock in tholr
bull ,
Foreman wanted at once at IlnrrU' Bot-
tlltiif works , Council liluffs.
.Miss Nettle ' nllaco will entertain a InrRO
party of her friends this ovenlng at her homo
on liluff stroct. "
A largo party of pupils from the Olonwood
pi'bllo schools visited Manawa yesterday.
Bevornl of them rode over on bicycles.
The Danish Brotherhood Iodo ( No. 10 will
hold their nnuuat picnic next Sunday at the
German SchuoUon Voroln pirk at Mnnnwn.
There will bo services nt tbo first 1'resby-
terlnn church tiundav mornlnR nt the usual
hour. Hev. J. M. Wilson of Omaha will
IJoRuhir mojtliiR of the Fruit Growers nnd
Oardncrs association next Saturday after
noon nt the courtihouso. The July prosram
will bo given.
Unity Guild will meet In regular session
this afternoon at half past 2 o'clock nt the
residence ot Mrs. P. A. Slltcnor on Lincoln
nvcnnc. A full nttcndatico Is dcslrod.
The reculmmeeting of Uoldon Uod camp ,
No. 7 , Koyal Nelyhbora .of America , will bo
linld this ovcnlni , ' In Kniuhts of 1'ytl.liis hall
on Main street nt 8 o'clock. A special pro
gram of entertainment has been provided ,
Mnrrlaso licenses were Issued vostorday to
Jnmcs O'Connor of Omaha and Hlla Cadis of
Council Uluffs , and to Edward A. Krath and
Kntio Glunman , both of Omaha. The latter
couple were married by Justice Cones.
Frank Carroll ralsod n dlsturbinco In n
house of ill-repute on Vine street Wednesday
night by raining wino bottles nnd brlc-a-brac
nt the head of the pronnotress of the den.
The police were notified and Can-oil was
taken In charge , lie will have a hearing In
police court next Monday.
Aunnpotnonts have boon made for a band
concert nt Mf.nawa by the Iowa Btato band
of UcsMoltios , Saturda ovonlnR nt "o'clock.
This bund has u great reception throughout
tlio country , and Is well thought of In Coun
cil Ulufrs. It having furnished the music for
the Chautauipja n season or two ago.
l3d McCrarv , Howard llattcnhaucr nnd
Jack Waldron of this city played n match
game of lawn tennis yesterday with Woods
nnd Colpctzer of Omaha. The following Is
the score , the first number being that of the
Council Bluffs boys : First sot , 0 to 1 ; second
end sot , 0 to 2 ; third set , S toO : fourth sot ,
0 to4.
Snmuol Pierce , an omployo of the Union
Pacific Hallway company , fell off the coal-
fihed at the roundhou&o vostcrday afternoon
nnd landed with about the usual ampunt of
force on the ground , thirty feet below.
Strangely enough no bones were broken , al
though ho was considerably shaken up. Ho
was tnkon to his homo at the corner nf
Fourth nvonuo and Ulghtconth street , where
Dr. Cleaver attended him.
II. D. Carbco was arrested yesterday on n
warrant Issued from Justice Cones' court
charging him with the lurcony of a rloelc bo-
lo'ieinc to E. Uosobrnu of Omaha. Ila had
boug'it ' thn clock , together with some other
household property , of Hosebrau on the in-
Btallment plan , and had loft the city , so it Is
claimed , bjforo tlio payments were com
pleted. The case will have a hearing tomor
row afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Knrl Herr and Nancy Matlock en mo Into a
personal collision a day or two nco and in
Homo wav a shovel that Herr held in his
hands came Into contact with Mrs. Matlock.
Herr declares Mrs. Mattock came down and
lilt it , while Mr. ) . Matlock claims It ilow un
and hit her. At any rate she hud Ilcrr
arrested and dragged before Justice Cones
on a charge of assault nnd battcrv. The
case will bo tried on the l3lh ! at 0 o'clock.
6,000 ynrds of remnants In unbleached
muslins forSc a ynrd , worth 8c , tit , The
Bcfct'jn Store clciiring sale.
I < nvi State llnnil Sntnriliiy.
This wonderful musical orgnnization ,
forty pieces , under the leadership of
Prof. Pliinnoy. will fjivo two free Oon ]
tiir concerts- Saturday , Aug. 0. In the
afternoon they will play in Fairmount
pnrlc nnd in the evening1 from 7 to 11
o'clock at Manawa. „
Perkins , tlio grout Ilavorly banjo spo-
chilist , at Miuiuwa this week.
200 pieces host indigo bltio calico foi1
Gc a yard at the Boston Store clearing
IMi'H.SO.V.I/ lltl'l/'lli.
Miss ICato Blaxslm has gene to Chicago to
Visit friends.
Thomas Ma teal t has gene to Palnosvill ,
O. , to visit friends.
Thomas Motcalf , Jr. , Is home from an ox-
tcsdcd western trip.
John M. Lane of the Milwaukee loft last
evening for n trip to Chicago.
Mrs C. J. Hoth loft Wednesday for a visit
with relatives in Rock Island , III.
Mrs. Saniuol Klsoman and son have re
turned to their homo In Salt Lake City.
Mrs. n. M. Sargent has gene to Hoosnc
Falls , N * Y , , to spend the summer with rel
L. A. Caspar has returned from n trip toIlet
Ilot Springs , S. U. , greatly Improved In
Mrs. I. M. Troynor nnd Mrs. McKuno loft
Wednesday for Chicago , whcro they will
visit friends.
Mrs. II. B. Sackott mut daughter , Miss
Nellie , and Mrs. Uoorgo T. Phelps will leave
toilay for Denver.
Miss Lou F. Meal loft yesterday for Den
ver , accompanied by her mother , who
arrived from Chicago.
Mr , A , B , Cllno was called to Donison
yesterday by a telegram announcing the seri
ous Illness of his wlfo.
Mrs. Millikan , who boa boon visiting Mrs.
p. C. Dtontccr for somrtlmo past , returned
Wednesday to her homo In Canandaigua ,
N. Y.
Mrs , Mary Bridge , who has boon visiting
her parents , Mr. and Mrs , John Ilarhvto , on
Ilo-itoti street , has left for her homo In
Captain D. B. Clark and wlfo will leave
today for Denver , where thov bavo a daugh
ter vinulng. IJoforo tholr return tnoy will
visit friends and relatives In other western
Mrs. Laura Klrby In company with her
shier , MM. Urafton Klrby of Mount IMo.iH-
nut , la. , will start today over tno U. & M. to
visit friends In Arlckiirce , Cole , , and other
western points. They intend to bo absent
bout two months.
The foltowlnc Council Bluffs people have
pone to Denver : F. C. Holloway , Mr. and
Wrs. Thomns Ofllccr , M. C. Kendall , Uev.
mid Mrs. M J , Uubcock , A. I''ltzgorald , Mrs ,
James Johnson. Jumcs Mlt on , (1. M. JarroU
utid Mrand Mr * . 13. M. Jarrolt.
Parkins , tlio great Havorly banjo spo-
clulUt , at MuniiA'ii this wcok.
All our light stripud , pliiida. check *
imd inlxud cheviots ( till wool ) that Fold
fur fide and 680 during snlo for 33e , Uoa-
tun store.
Trains leave Manawa dally nt 8 a ndlO
n. la , It ! m. , and 1 , ' t10 ! : ! , , a:30 : , ! ,
4:80. : 6 , MiO. 0. 0:110. : 7 , 7tO : ! , 8 , 8:30. : I ) ,
! ) : : . 10 , 10IO : ! , II and 11 : V ) p. in. Thu
ilfi. : ) triilu will intilto connootlon with
the Itihtolt'otrlo motor our for Omaha ,
Porklns. the great Havorly banjo eno-
oliulbt , at Manawa this wcok ,
Summer suits for gentlemen ; cool ,
comfortnhlo and uhuap. Holier , the
tailor , 310 Unmd way.
Porklns , the great Ilavorly banjo spo-
at Mtinuwu tula woolc.
Thousands Turn Out tj Listen to Governor
McKinloy's Tariff Talk ,
Ho llnliU Ills Aiiillrnco In tlio ClcmoU At
tention frnlll HiiBlnnliiK In Kiicllng
A Convincing mill Logical Argu
ment Ills llccciitliin.
A largo amount of republican onthuslnsm
found vein yesterday In Council Ulufh on
tlio occasion of Governor MetClnioy's visit.
DaloKntlons came In from tno surrounding
towns , every train bringing in Us quoin. Tlio
reception committee , which had been up-
pointed by tno cttlrans to moot Ohio's pov-
crnor , went to Lincoln on tuo morning tr ln
ntid oscortcd him to Omalia , where they were
re-onforced by n lar o numbur of citizens
nnd brought to this side of the river.
Dal boy'a bund led the march to the Grand
hotel , discoursing music along the way ,
Tlio luldross was advertised to commence at
2:110 : o'clock , and before that tlmo the crand
stand at tno driving purls was well llllea
with a very warm hut very ensor crowd ,
who awaited the governor's ' arrival , nud still
the crowd was coining. At last ho came ,
drawn by n line team of horses nnd accom
panied by n number of prominent citizens ,
who escorted him nmld loud applause to a ,
platform that had bjcn Improvised In fro-it
of the grand stand , whcro ho was to tnaho
his aadrcss. Ho win accompiiilod on the
platform by Chairman J. E. Blythe , of the
republican stnto central committee , of Muson
City , Judge \V. I. Smith , will-be Conxivis- A. L. Hapar of Groenllold , Dr. O. W.
Uordon. Hon. J. Y. Stone and Judge 1C. .1. It.
Hood of the oourt of private laud claims.
Judge Uced Introduced him to the audlunco
lit a few well chosen roninrits. and ns ho
coma to the front of the platform the speaker
was erocturt with redoubled apulauso. From
the lint of his address ho caught , his nutli-
cnco's intention , and hu kept it until ttio
close of onu of the finest speeches ttiat has
over boon made before a Council MluIN mi-
dlonco. Throughout it was a masterly de-
fcnso of the law which bears his name , ns
well ns of the American tarllT at n wliolo.
Ho frequently was compelled to stop until
thp cheering of the audlflnco had died uwav
sufficiently so that his volco could bo heard.
At the cioso of Ills address the governor
was taken to the Grand hotel , where ho held
an Informal reception , during which a largo
number of citizens took niivantaga of the op
portunity of meeting him. He was then
UUUMI In charge hv a committee of OmaUi
citizens , who took him to the other side of
the river , where ho Is booked lor an address
The following outsiders wcro noticed on
the streets vostorday , attracted to Council
.Bluffs by the apostle of tariff : Shirley Gil-
lllnnd. Il S. Uobiiibon , J. D. Wright , Craw
ford Kennedy of Glen wood ; County Super
intendent of Schools Patrick of Mills county ,
W. H. McClnro and H. VV. Hannu of Audubon -
bon , M. A. H'llnov ot Fontanollo , N. N.
Jouct , chulrniiin of the congressional com
mittee ; J. S. U'nrford , Gcorco E. Pennoll ,
Jndgo E.V. . Wlllard of Atlantic ; J. E.
Win-Inn of Hod O ik. county clura of Mont-
pomorv cowitv ; Kranlc Shlnn of Carson , C.
S. ICecnnn" G. B. Jennings , John T. Stuart
of Shonnndoah' G. W. Suuudors of Manilla ,
William Movers of Denlson , Captain J. W.
Stockort of Logan.
Cut This Out
And brlnp It with you to the great
bankrupt milo of boots , shoos and slip
pers , GlJl Broadway , Council Blulls ,
( old Foster building , Kvorott block ) .
Beginning Ssiturdny , August ( J , and con
tinuing , wo will olTcr the entire
stock of the Chicago Shoo Store com
pany of St. Paul tit loss than coat to
Every dollar's worth must bo sold.
Call and bo convinced that this is a.
clianco of a lifctimo.
Ladies' kid button , 7f > c , worth $1.50.
Ladies' kid button , flSc , worth 82.00.
Ladies' dongola button , $1.23 , worth
Ladies' oxford tics , 09c , worth $1.25.
Ladies' kid oxford ties , 65c , worth
Ladies' "Burt" French dongola but
ton , $3.00 , worth $0.00.
Men's work shoes , 7oc.
Men's dress shoes , $1.25 , worth $2.50.
Men's calf shoos , $1.50 , worth $3.00.
Boys' fichool shoes , 7oc.
And many other bargains too numer
ous to n.ontion nt the great bmkrupt
shoo sale , 521 Broadway , Council BlulTs.
3.000 yards Bengal tissue , the lightest
and prettiest fabric known , worth 15c ,
during Boston Store bale for Sje , in ( lurk
colors only.
Muimuii Itror/oK.
_ The bathing houses at Manhattan Beach
were taxed to tholr full canaolty uu-ain last
evening. The Beach company tavo 123
ladles' bathing suits , and all were taken by S
The Morry-Go-Hound Is well patronized
each afternoon and avonlng ,
Saturday ovoninir thu celebrated Iowa
State band will glvo a concert from 7 until
11 o'clock nt Hotel Munawa.
The now rooms In the ladles' bathine de
partment nro largo nnd convenient and nro
supplied with all necessary toilet articles.
Ladles arc lavish in their compliments to the
management for the attention given to ladles
and children.
The ucuch Is beginning to look llko an old
fashioned camp inectinL- from the number of
tents going up for roeulur campers , bovoral
tents wore added to the camp yesterday.
The trees sot out by Adoll Bros , four vc.irs
ago now afford ample bhado and families
fro.n Omaha and Council Bluffs nro making
good luo of it.
Vostorday morning ot 4 o'clock n p-irty of
thirty Indies and gentlemen from Oumliu
landed some boats at the beach and took an
early morning Bwim. They pronounced
everything satisfactory , except the want of
a restaurant and soinutlnng to cat. If tha
manauoinont would put up a umull restaurant
on the beach and servo hot potatoes , fresh
'llsti , bread and butter , coffee and ton , they
would bo doing a good thing for their
natrons. ( Jomo , gentlemen , give us some
thing to oat at a moderate prlco and wu will
coinu oftener and stay longer.
'I' , E. Cavin has been In charge of the
packngo of valuables during the last two
weeks. Tommy keeps ono oyu on the pacu-
ago box and the ojlii'r on tlio springooard ,
and can glvo you pointers on who the cost
liuly swimmers ara.
The Boston Sloro clearing sale ends
Monday , August 6. Now is the time to
bccuro bargains in all dry goods.
Wanted Iron m-jidorn at the Ogden
Iron works , Council Ululfr. Good
Go and Gjc bleached inualin for Go at
the Boston Store stile.
.Mini. l.i'UMi tlio
C. H. Ilunnon , a * receiver of the ICImbill-
Champ Investment company , applied to ttio
district court \Vodnoscuv night for a writ of
injunction to restrain Gcorgo E. Gage , who Is
In the city for n shirt tlmo representing the
eastern IIKMIIOLTS of thu company , fro.n tali-
ing away certain securities which have bean
In the possession of the company until ro-
ceutly. Ttio securities In question consisted
of a bond which was given by the Invest-
mam company and sinned oy Gcorgo l\
Wright and others at sureties , for the pay
ment of 117,000 Indebtedness to J. 10. lioyd.
It was understood ttint ( hey wuro to Ho in
the vaults of the Council Ulutfs Savings
bunk , but the petition alleges Una In some
way Uaga got hold of them and intended to
take tboai back to Boston and soil them ,
Thu writ of injunction was issued and Mr ,
Gayo was required to rifraln from taking tuo
securities uway , or from soiling ilium.
Too writ was put In tbo hands of Deputy
Sheriff O'Brien , and ho went to Omahu to
Hud Gugo , who had Jim tfono to catch the
enst bound train. O'Brlea wont on the train
with him to I'latumouth Incog , and did not
Introduce himself until ho reached Pacific
I unction , when ho was on the Iowa sldo of
ho river and consequently able to act In his
ofllclal capacttv. The valuable paper * were
returned to the bank.
Books bv popular authors , 2,000 12mos ,
luring sitlo for IHc , worth lOc nnd Hoc.
'Jos to n Sloro. _
Pasltingo for horses and oattlo on the
Dhautauqtia grounds. Inquire of A. S.
[ Inzotton. 210 Mori-lam block , or Charles
Copeland , on the grounds. *
10,000 yards dark nnd light challtes ,
worth 7c , during the Boston Store sale
tor 4o.
YOIIJIB Hoini'brcnliprn.
iTor sorao tlmo nast n gang of boys between
the IIROS of 13 and 10 years ot ago has boon
organized for the purooso of carrying on n
system of aoprodations In various parls of
.ho city. Various houses have boon brottcn
nto and whatever articles of value that had
jcoa loft loose woi-o carried away. The gang
operated principally In dwellings which had
[ icon loft empty whlto their owner * wore out
of the city. The house of M. E , Smith at the
corner or Eighth street nnd Second nvonuo
was ono of the last to bo visited. A man who
[ mil rented the house wont to look It over
and found that the led pipe , brass fixtures
and all the rest of the plumbing materials
that wore In thohouso had boon cut olT and
tnkon away. The case was reported to the
pollco , aud within a few hours a lot of lead
nna brass were found bv an oillcor In a Junk-
shop. An olTort Is bolng made to identify It
us that used In Smith's nouso. When that
is dona the Junk-man will bo put to the pump
in the hope of finding who tlio young scape
graces are who did the Job.
All shooting and pillow case muslins
at coat price during "tho Boston Store
clearing salo.
Parkins , tlio great ILivorly banjo specialist - .
cialist , at Miinuwu this week.
25 plccos turkey rod tublo linen ,
'ormor ' price 33o , now for 23jc , at the
Boston Store clearing salo.
nnd Itiililird.
A young man named Burrowos was re
ported to the pollco jostorday morning as
jclng among the missing. Ho was last seen
Monday morning on his way to wnrk , but at
.bo foot of Main street ho loft the car nnd
that was the last seen of him. HU wlfo ,
who Is in St. Paul , was telegraphed to , but
she. had soon or heard nothing of him , and
was almost beside herself with apprehension ,
About noon he turned up nt his residence
near the corner of Broadway and Sixth
itreet rnd was found by some of his friends
ust getting Into bed. Ho was unable to tell
, vlioro ho had been or what had happened to
ilm. Ho romomb6red indistinctly having
Ironic some beer on Monday , and bo thought
> t must have been drugged , for everything
suddenly became blank and ho could not
account for himself durlnc the days Inter-
ueutag between his dlsappcaranco and his
return. Ho had 010 with him when ho went
away , but it was gone. He could not re
member wUo was with him Monday.
60 dozen gents' outing Ihinnol shirts
that sold for 2oc at the Boston Store sale
for 1'Jc.
Parkins , the great Haverly banjo spe
cialist , at Manawa this week.
COcnnd $1.00 misses' straw hats during
the Boston Store sujo for 15c and 2)C. A
chance like this never was olTored be
fore in the hat lino.
Will Itulltl u ( in i Wtirohnuto.
The Union P.icllio H.iihvay company is
making arrangements for the erection of n
warehouse for the storage of gas , to bo usud
in connection with their Pullman car sys
tem. It will bo located on the corner of
Seventeenth street and Ninth nvonuo and its
dimensions will bo 50x70 feet. It will bo
built of stone nnd brick nnd work on the
structure will bo commenced at once , the
contracts havinir already been lot. The
warehouse is to bo ono of a chain oxtcndliii ?
clear across the continent nnd the others of
the system are located at Now York , Boston ,
Chicago , Minneapolis and Denver. Council
Bluffs and Kansas City are to be added tn
the list nnd It is thought that the plants
hero nnd at Kansas City will bo completed bv
October 1. _
100 dozen gents' outing flannel shirts
worth 50c each , at the Boston Store
clearing sale for 29c.
loOpaoplo in this city usa gis stoves
The GasCo. puts 'em in at cost.
100 dozen gents' fancy stripe and
plain b.ilbi'iggan shirts and drawers ,
worth 7ac and $1 , during the great bale
for 58c. Boston Storo.
In the famine-stricken regions of Rus
sia the inhabitants huvo been living on
fond that a decent American horao
would not touch. See "Carp's" graphic
letter from Samara in no.xt Sunday's
Colored Cclcliriltlo'l.
The colored people of Council BlulTs cele
brated Emancipation day yesterday with
their usual ceremonies. In the afternoon
ttiey assembled at Fairmount park to tbo
number of several bundrod , nnd had the cele
bration proper , speechoi belig nm'lo by n
number of gentlemen from this city and
Omaha. In the evening a dance was bold nt
Masonic temple , and the day was wound up
in a gorgeous manner.
A Itlnml. Curdling Picture. '
"Carp , " Tun BIE'S : correspondent , Is now
in the worst of the fatnlno districts of Hus
Bio. and tn nxt Sunday's Br.i ; presents a
blood-curdling plcturo of the frightful suf
fering of tbo inhabitants of tbo afflicted
country. _
501) yards Qhoviot shirting , worth 7c ,
for -lie , at the Boston Store clearing
Parkins , the great Havorly banjo spe-
cialibt , at Manawa. this week ,
Gcorgo Davis , drugs ana paints.
H Corn In Kuinlii ,
In next Sunday's RII : : franlt G. Carpenter ,
the famous correspondent , relates what was
done with the corn sent from Nebraska and
other states to tho'fainino-strlckou regions ot
IllHli-llumlml I'riK'Uuilini ; * nfii HrltUh ( Jim-
Six Fnvxcibco , Gal , , Aug. 4. The steam
ship Muriposu , whl'-h arrived this morning ,
brings news dftlclally confirming the report
that thu BrlMdlt ( 'tinboat Champion had
seized Johnston Ulnnd ana had posted a
piuclaumtlon on thu Uland declaring that It
WJ > British territory. It is contended that
tbuislaiid Is really American territory ,
A Tlirllllni ; Narrative.
The thrilling narrative of the awful suf
ferings of tntf fuinlnc-sirlcken portion of
Husklu , with all the sickening details , fiom
life pen of Frank G. Curpoiitvr , which will
appear in next Sunday's HUE , hliould DO rcaj
by u very body.
i-rikttik .M u.i-.kjtn.imo | < r.
Tliu limit uf : o ie r ' ciKileoc in
. ,
l k of Uojp uuil 1 1) pa o Uwk mi ll r.
iaiiulv funillrHii' , > 'u.ulHalidriirlUi
llluir | l Oi.i8Llu | Kru ! | ' . > ci > nni\n4
Aloud IHwtwi AI..I | i | > flriirciurnli
like Utrllinurki. > lnl , \\tt\t \ , IiulU
Ink u. | l' wUtr Umki i Pitii. I'll.
llniii , n .ln. . . uf Knw. HurHuoul
IvvivllBllwa frr ftl id < tr br Irllrf.
JCHH H. WOOOBUar , O.I. , 125 W. 42d 51 , New York Cilj.
Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next
House-Cleaning. >
Ncrvo Seeds , "
the wniulcrful femeily
It solil nltli avrll -
ten Biinrnntco to euro All nervous dl > cai > ci > , inch ac Wenlc Mrmarr ,
Los of llraln t'owpr. llrmdnchc. VVitkodilncx , l.o t Mnnliond. Nlphllr Emli-
slons , KcrrouinoBS , Lm ltudc , nil drains and los of power of the ( JoncrnlH c
Organs tn either scirausml bjr over exertion , youthful rrivn. or nicenlvc
iijcof tobr.cco. opium ortilmulantn which soon to Indrnilly. Conrunir
* ' 01"11"11"1" ' I'nt n | > convpnleni to carry In vc t pocket. ? 1 per puck *
nKOliynitiilGfor ! . Wllli ovorjrSlonlerwo nirr fiitrlllftt minmntte toftird
nKi-oRKASDArrrnvsiva. orrtjun4themoncvCircularfruo. . AddressAcriatiscilOt. , Chlciicii , 111.
For s.tlo in Omtiha by Shormiin & McConnell , 1613 Dodffo htroot.
A Wntton Qanrnntoo
to Cure Kvcry ( Ja o or
Money Hofundad.
Our cur * l permanent anil not K ! > Oaiai
treated oren yean no have nerer icon a ijmptom
ilnco. llrilcscrlbln ? cam fullrwocaa tra&t you bf
mall , tnd wo Rlro th tame stronj guaranU * curs
5r refund all nionoy. Tlioio who prefer to coma her *
fortreatmentenndo loanl wo nlllpir railroad fara
botk waji and liotal b'.ll' whllo hero , If wa fall to car *
W ciiallsngo the world fore cat ] that oar Waal a
Itemed ? will not cure , \vrllofot partlaulari and not
ihtavldence. In our ( orea rears pmctlon with tha
MadcHemeilr It ha < been moat dlnicult to erereomi
ho prajndlcea ncalnat'OCnllcJ gpcclllci. Hut under
our Uroni guirnDtco tliousnnds are trjlng Hand be
Ing cured. Wogimrantoo to euro or refund ererr
dollarand aswoliare a rcput\l'jn * 'x > proi ot , also
flnanclal bAcklnKOfSj O.OJQIt It perfectly aaf * to all
who nil ! try tlio treatment , Hcrutufora yoo hara
pulling up and palnK out your money for dlfferant
Ireatmenti , and although you nro "not ret eurtl no
one baa paid back rour money. Wo will poiltlrolf
cure you , Old , chronic , ilocpjontol caics cared In ft )
toUJiUjn. lavoitljato our flnnnclal itandlnf , our
reputation as business mcu. Write us for namas aal
addrefios of those wo have cured who bar * given
penulsBlou to refer to them. It cost * ron only po > t >
cite to do this. If rour symptoms are sera throat ,
mucous patches In mouth , rhe jumitim in bones and
joints , hair falling out , eruptions on anr part of the
bodr. feeling of general depression , pains U boa j or
bbnes. Tou btro no time lo waste. Tnoi * who art
constantly taking mcrcurr and potash , should dl
contmnelt. Constant use of these drags will surely
bring sorca and eatlnz ul rs In the cod. Don't fall to
trrlte. All correspondence sent sealed In plain on-
tclopo. Wo InvUo the most rUU InTesllgatlou and
rill do all In our powcrto al 1 you UIU Address ,
COOK REMEDY CO. . - Omnhn. Neb
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics.
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
JlliNT. a scenic lot HynturU.ntinm. \ \ . I'M ) . Not
rnll.t | , lluuditctiu. NCTVOUS I'rustrutun ciunol b/
alcohol or tobacco , \V.ikoaIniii , .Mimtlt Djiirjj-
tlonaullucs9of tliollr.ilii c.iuiln hnnnltr , mlajr/
dccny.ilo itli , 1'rouiilure Old AMO , llarrjueii. 1,01:1
of Puwur In ulthur aor , IiupotcnoLu.iorrhJ l anil
nil Foinnlo Wotikncssta. Inroluntary L'MUi , Hur' |
ninlorrlioa caused by orar-oxurlloa o. t'ubnln
t l-nliu > ooror.niliilionco. | A mantirf trjitiunt
11. G for- ' ) , by in ill , WutfirirmlteosU hoxji lo onrj
Kncli order forlibaxui. with O will i)3n 1 wrlttjn
Kuarantoto rofunil If not car JI ( iu-ir.mtco Hi'iul
only by Tlieoitoro. F. I nls driixultt. polo nuoul ,
Douthuast corner lUth nnd Kurnniu els , Oni lin
Anew anl Complete Trcatmont , conilitln ? of
6uiosltorlOJ. | | Ointment In I'apiului , nlia In HOY
nml I'llli ; u 1'ojlllvu Cure for Kiternil. Intornul
bllndor UlooilliiKItching , Clironlc. Itucantur Herd II-
tury IMIcj. TnH Itumaly has nuvor l > eun known to
full , il par box. II for ? i : nunlby m ill Why BulTur from
this turrlblu dl oino nlun u wilttin uanrimtoa In
iHjbitlvelyKlvi'ii wlilil ! h.noi or refuml the money 1C
not cured-cnil tanii | lor frao bamplo. ( iniimntuo
l by Kulin , VCu. , llnifuHH , Hole Aucnts , corner
IlonuhiH streoU. Onulia. Nek.
Wcikncss ,
Catarrh or
4 . Rtc'jmalssm ,
i Chronic ,
Nervous or
Diseases ,
IP SO , CAL-t , ON
Dr. Searles & Searles
Consultation Free.
AcknowleilEcil lu l > tlio mh'sl ' piiecmf ill i > orlnlUt In
ull I'mvATK , nuioi ) , NKIIVUIIH , bici.s AMI UIIIN-
AllV DlSrAHtH.
( ioiiorrliiuiiln from S to. ft darn. Syphilis cured
wltlKiut Mercury. All stnuiis fur life.
hTUIUTUIIK iivruinnuiifly , curoil. removal com-
lilcto , wHIiuulcutllnt ; . ciii < lla 'or illlnliillon. l uro
nltcctoil nt IIIHIIU by palluiA. wltliuut u momvnt's
| ialn or uniioyitnco , ' , .
wltliuut puln < ir dulcnllon from builnots.
and sucvi'B riilly ciirt'rt. Mitlluil now nud nnfalllntf.
( V1TAMTV WKAK ) , .Mnillio by too alosi nnpll-
cntlon to builnuns or ludf ; lovorj muilil > truln
or ttrlnfj HK.XUAI , 11X1 HSSKi In wldJIa llfu , or
from the chVctsof youlliful follloi.
IllMTVur KXIIAU.4T1U.V , WAbTIKUVKAKXKf8 l.u drs : with KAItl.V DKUAV In
VOU.Mi and JtlDDI.K AdKlli lack of vim , rigor ,
and utrunuih , with nexuul organs Impiilrud and
wmkuiivncd pruumturuly In appruaclilntc uld ave.
All rlnld ruadllr to our tu * Iririlniunt fur lum of
vltnl power Cnll tin or iftdrttM wllli stump for
ilrcnlun , troj buukuiul rvvulpts ,
Dr. Searles & Scjrlci , ll4 WjtlA-fc8iroot' , ;
A n ordlnunce levying H Hpcclal tax and ane m-
nu lit on ct'ituln lots und rial f tate Int'iu
city of Onmlm. to cover the cost of iliuniift'H
( or unullnc lllcn btrm und Dupont ittreet lu
Dupoiit 1'luco from the east llDu to tlio went
lin ot Dupont 1'iace.
, Wliervas , It Imvluir bfeu and being
heruby tvdjuil giO , dctcisiitnta nna c
tntillsliud tnnt tlio suvcrAt lots nud
pli-o'g of real mtita horulnnftpr ro-
I icrrrd to , hiive-o ich been apeilntly b nullttod
I to thu full aniount hoi'oln li'vlo 1 nml mioihuil
iiiluetcacliof sum lotsiind pieces of os-
Into , irbpectlrulv. by reason of tlio dimm es
for cradlni ; of Unit imrt of I leu und Oupont
KtrcetH from oust line of Uupoat Place toust
line of Dnpont. 1'lnco.
I ThornCoie. for tliepurposoof paying the dnm-
npcH for such KindlnR.
Ho It ordained by the city council of thu city
of Onialia ;
Section 1. That the damages for grading that
pnrt of lilce and Dupoiit streets In thn city of
Unuihii , from cast line of IHipout I'lnce ,
to thuuFt line of Dunnnt I'lacu , stilil
dainiiKt'S lu-liu the HIIIII ot 48Ti.iO , bo and tliu
smnuls hereby levied and nssessen , according
to special benellts by iva ou ( if mild grading ,
upon the follou lit ) ; lots and real est ito as sliou n
by the generally ro o nlzoil intipof tlio city of
Oinahii lU'.M. lltnograpnod anil pnlilUlu-d by
Mulr A : Ciaylord , said coat boltm so levied
on said loin and real ostale , rospoctlvaly , s fol
lows , toH :
Oco I Pov c H lti : blk 1 Dutiont 1'laco $ : i III
Dlani Mesinur w ! } lt.i : Ilk 1 78
Win It AdumslH blk 1 C 117
II (1 Clnr' . < olt5 blk 1 8 7.1
11 K ( Jhtrlu-It I blk 2 0 72
MMnyLrlclitlta bin S 07S
HUMMUS Olson It II blk a G7. " >
Iliinmi Anilcison It 4 blk 2 0117
lliuih Kulk n M IVTiblkU1 1 Si
K A OroVL-r in Id i It ft blk 2 1 ( * - >
Helen UC'lark H H ltr > IHU2 nao
linns FulU n 's'ltll blk 2 i si
It A Clover mid M It li blk 2 I IB
Hi-Ion UClaritsiJ UUbilC. ; i7o
N Y & O.L & Tr Co It I blk 3 B 70
do It2 blk : i (5 ( 7. >
John A Johnson Itllblk : : I ! 75
T J Williams 114 blk ; ) II VI
txolson 11 Monruu It " > blk il 0 11 }
August Isnucsooii u ! i It ( > blk.1
do w ! ' , ItO blk II y 77
U aainrkultT blkll 07S
do It 8 bll ; I ! II 7" >
H I ) & : W W Oliiulmin It 0 blk 3 0 7" >
Win KniK It lOblkll a 7 : >
U U ClurU'-ltll M It ! ) o ir
do Itltii blk 3 ! ! 7'i
'I'hos K'ohoolt I lill4 C "It
Tims Kehoj U 2 blk 4 0 71
Wllll.iin IC'ilire It.l i > ll4 0 7 ! >
William Kiiulileslt I blk 4 0 7ri
1' N I'rout it. > blk 4 U 7i
raullnu 11nlIII ! blk 4 C 7."i
Carls K AmkTMiii It T 1)Ik ) 1 C 7.1
Jtinu's Kuan Its blk 4 G7.
Nora U Connor It ' > blk 4 07.-
11 K Clark It IU 1)11 ; 4 0 7.I.1 .
II G Clarke It II bll ; 4 I.1 }
do It IIU blk 4 - 7t
do H 12 blk 4 U 4) )
do II I/ Ink 1
Ii , S HI.oTrltiiblk4 : 0 74
J Print/ .4 blic 4 0 7.- .
H U Clarku it t ; > blk 4 li 7" .
do It I'l ' blk 4 li 7' .
August K Kin ml It K blk 4 G 7 : .
Aniliow U Stonudahl It IS blk 4 ( j 7. )
11 U Clarliolt I'l Iik4 ] G 7 ; >
do It 20 b.U 1 u 7 ; >
do It 21 blk 4 07A
do It 82 bin 4 ( i IM
A n nu Nathul 111 blk 5 B 7 >
do It 2 bll : 5 II 76
Win Peterson ItMblkS 0 7i
lames I'K'in ItI blk 3 G 7 : ,
Keren Knrdcn It ! i bll ; 5 U 7r.
Jj W I'arroUoltOblK.-i G 7.5
flolls Andorion It 7 blk 5 0 7S
Milton IliMidryx Its blk5 G '
II UCIurkoltU blk 5 G '
11 G Cliuko It 10 blk .r > G '
KO Wredboriltll blk 5 G '
NolH I'otursini It l-'b kZ G '
Ino I , ClnrK-olt iilIk- : ) : b 1
II G Ulurkn It 14 blkfi 4 '
Joseph Sclilltllrewinc Co It 1 blk C 041
do It V b.U 0 JIGJ
II G ClurKolt.'IblkG
do lUhKU 181
James Jensen It r > blK G 1 Kl
II G Cmrko It II bike , U K !
llnnrv H Sfiultnr It 1 hit ; 7 r. 7
do It 2 blk 7 G 7 : ,
Win T Dunning It.'l blk 7 G 7 : >
Sarah J Tuttle H4 blk 7 G 7' ,
( In lt.lilK7 Ii7i
M//loTuttle It OhlkT G 7. .
( yliarKH I'ljier 7 blk 7 U 7i
Chasl'llior It8 blk 7 G 7. )
Tllllu NeKoti It ! l bili 7 G 7.'i
II G Clark It 10 blk 7 ( i 7.
do Ull blk 7 G 7i
do ItlKiblk ? t 244
Total JIS'i 00
SectionTlnvtthe special tivot and asjnis-
incntH levied ami assussed as utoroiat.l. shall
bo duo Immediately upon tha passagj an 1 ap
proval ot tin s or Un inc. . und nnall boconiq de-
Iliinuent it not paid wllhln llfty dajs
tnr : > nd thereupon Interest shall bo added nl
the riilo of 1 per cent a mouth , payable In ad
vance from the tlmo HUd mxoH becjni3 so du-
Section ! ! . Timt this ordlnnnco shall take ef
fect and bo In fore i from an J after Its pas tagj
Passed July 2J. 1S9. ' .
City Clerk.
K. 1' , DAVIS.
Ticsidcnt City Council.
Approved July 23 , 1S'I2.Gi:0.
Gi:0. : P. HR.MIB.
HR.MIB.Mayor. .
The nbovo tnx Is noxvdao and pnyablunt the
olllco of the city tioasiirer and will becomu du-
lliiquentaiidbear ; internet on nnd uftui Sep
tember 17 , IfiV. , as soon lu Section " ot ubovo ur-
dlnancc , .
Cliy Treaanrcr.
.Sealed propo-ciU will bo rccolveil by tlio nil-
dersliiiiod until Ii0 : : o'clock p.m. , August r.'tli ,
ISI ) . * , forgradliiK
Hamilton street from thn vlndnct over tlio
Onmlm Holt rullwuv to 1'itli Htruet ;
Military iivenne from llumlllon utrout lo
GiantHtruot , and
Tlio alley In block : i. Campbell's addition ,
from 29th H'.rcet to 2lxt street ,
In tbo olty of Omah i , lu accordance with plans
and spoelllcatlons un Illu In tlio olllco or the
board of public workx.
ICds will bo mudo on printed blanks fnr-
nlxboa by tlio board , nnd lo bo iiceompanled
vrltb n certified check in thu mini of $ " > ! / , pay-
ublo to the city of Umalm , as un uvldoiicoof
good f.Utli.
The board reserve ? the right to reject uny
or nil bids and to walvn dnfi'ittH.
r. w. HiKiciiAUsnit.
Olialrman of the lioanl uf 1'iibllo Works.
Omaha , Nub. , July ' 'stli , Itil' . ' jy2S-2'Jal-5
Foaled nroiiosalB will bo rocolvod by the 1111-
iler lL'iieii until 1:110 : o'clock p. in. August I''tli ,
ih'X' , fur the construction o ( a brluk sewer on
2lHt Hired from a polntli'J feethotithof Uastul-
Inr street In the Kniith line of tbo alley north
of Martini Htrcut. Including brlok upunlnvs to
connect with the crook , as per concurrent
resolution uf the mayor and council under
aatuof July I''th , IS'J. , according to plans and
tiiieeillentluiiH un Illu in the olllco uf thu board
of publlo world.
Kioli proposal to bo made nn printed blanks
furnished by tln < board , and to bo accompa
nied by a curtlllc'd check In tbo sum of * 'iOO ,
payable tn the city of Omahu , us un evidence
uf food faith.
Thu board roHcrvoi thu rlirlit to reject uny
or ull bids , und to walvo ilefautH.
Chairman Hoard of 1'ubllu Works.
Omahu. Nub. , July fBtli , Ib'Ji jy.'B'
HouIcO proposals Hill bo rocolvod by the
undvrxluned until 1:30 : o'clock p. m , August
JUth , Wfi. fur grading
Ohio street from the cast line of DenUo'u
adillllon to2-'nd strvott
Mli street fium 1'inii slroot tn 1'iances Ktrcot
The nlloy between Pine und Hickory ilreetu
from Ktb street tu 10th streol ;
In Ilia city of Oinalm , In accordance with pluns
nnd spccllloitlons un ( lie In the otllcu uf thu
bonnl of public worua.
lllils will lie made on printed blanks fnr-
nlHhud by the IK ) ird , Hiid to bo aoooinpauliid
by u I'ormlod check In thosum uf C > 09 , payublo
tu the olty of Omulia us un evidence of good
The board rcoorvon the right to i eject any
or ull bids und to waive defoetn
Cliulrmun Hoard of 1'ubllo Works.
Oioulia , Nub. , August 1th , Wfi , ul-5-ll-W
Greatest device known for i < nucntlnit nnd controlling tholiorio. irrti'i'iniN'ff to prevent
and cine lior'es nnd colts from kl klni : . mirk nz. ro ir.n. , Imckin' , rnnnlir. , Btmnhlliic , turn *
Inu' . fnll'iis , lit 'i-'lnj , tire il.lnf shafts elircl ; reins ; Is easy nn their inontlu ! dee mil Intnrfcro
with tliclrtrivo Ing. ami innUos them iiotfcclly snfo f ra rlilld to drive. It Is Invnlimlilo li\
hrri'klnmuid drlvnri colts , yoniiu liorius and stal.lons. anil bo used on track , rou I niul
work horfcs at all times ,
W.irrjmtod to bo the best h iltir in cxhtunoo an 1 to prevent and euro Imltur pullers ; U >
break a coll. to lead In ton minutes : tohiindl a stallion , and to break- ImlUy liorso.
rorsaleonly by tlttf > > M'ltnll TI , ' , poiu'ral a ont and ninnufaetiiriTof line ImrncM
nil dealer In all turf poods. 215 llroaihvay , council ItlulTs. Iiu
Mcdiral ami Sjriml ?
Ml Eye 4 E
Dcst fncll tlus , npparuus anaUouoim
forsnccossfu tro itmontuf ivjrvfjru
of dUomo roiiulrlii u.o.lloil or
surclu il trjitmant ,
59 beds for putlonts , boird mil iittonni \ \
Host iiocoino lutioiH In tlio watt. for clr.-uliri on dafornilt.iM anl
braces , trusses , club foot , ourv iturmot suliu ,
ullcs. tumorj , oinijor.uitirrh. bronoliills. In-
baliulon.o octrlelty. p iralyils , uullcusy , kld-
nev.b.alder , eye. our. skin anl blool imil .ill
suriclcaliipor itlons.
Women KHIOi ; . Wo havoliitulv ad led i lylii-
In ( lop irtmont for women during coiillnumuat.
strlutly nrlv.ite.l Unlv KelUblo la-
btitutoinnktna SiioaliltyOi
All Il'ood IKuisoi ) successfully troitol.
Syiihhltlo 1'olson romorod tro'n the systum
without mi'ronry. New itostor.itivo I'rj.u-
incut for Loss of VITAL 1'OWKIt. I'ur < 6i1t un
able to visit us mar bo tro ito.l at homo by
( ( irresion lonco. All commiinlc.iUoni eonll- Mo lulnes or Inslrii iu > 'it < sent Uy
inn 1 oroxpruss , snuiiruly picked , no m ires to
1ml cato contents or snniler. One person il In-
lory i > w prufcrro I. C.ill an I consult IIM or sjn 1
history of your case , and wo will send In plain
wratiuer , our
DnnV Tn MEN I'linE : Vunn I'rlv.iti ,
DUUn IV IHC It , hpoouil or Nurvoiu Iu-
enses , Iinpotenoy , S/plillls. Uluut un I V.irlco-
role , wlthnumt on IUL _ . . . . _ .
llr.u-es. Appliances for iJerorcnltlos A Trusat
Only manufactory Inthu Wostof Htlt'U.Ol-
irr Ari'1,1 IXCKI , xituatan , Ki.tsuf.tct }
Omaha Medical aad Surglcil InsUtatj ,
26th and Broa-l way , Oo moll BlaJfi
Ton mlnutoV rl lo fn > n cantor of Om ih-v on
Omaha and Cjunoll Illulf * olootrlu uiotorlluj.
RntHlilprt Attorneys lit law Pras-
A. OilUIlllLlj
. tico mid
fidcal conrtK Ilcoms 'I , 4 and 5 Bliugut
llearoblock. Council UluiTtf , la.
An ordinance approving tlio plans and specifi
cations for thu conjunction nnd ruconstriic-
tlon of a viaduct alciu lUtb sueet over
tliu , I'xllway ir.icUs upon and across liith
street between I.on vcnworth slrcul
nnd I'lerco sticet In the city nf Uniahii
and for iipiinitsh.i : , assessing nnd di'tur-
mliiliig the ( lamazop. If any , which may
bo tiuisud to any property by ro.ison of
the construction nnd reoomtrneUan ofsalu
\lmlnut mid Itsniipro'iehuH.
He it oidalncd by the city council of the city
of Uiimhu ;
Section I , Tint the plans and speclllcutlons
for the construction and lecoiihtnietlon of u
viaduct along Ifith street over thor.illuay
triiuks upon and acrous Kltli street hutween
Ijoavcuwoi th struut and I'lurro street In thu
city of Oinalm promiied by llioboaidof publlo
works mid city engineer nf said c'ty mm duly
approved by said board of public works and
submitted by said lioird to the mayor mid
city council for tholr consider.itlon. action
and under and In pursuance of the
Iirovlslons of ordliKini'o No. ' . " 177 , bun nil the
Hiumi urn lioiuby adopted and approved ,
Hoctloni It shall bo thu duty of tlio may
or , with thu approval of tliuolty coiinoll , to
niipiilnt thrco dlslnturoHlud freeholders of the
city of Omaha tn appraise , IISHUIS mid determine -
mine Ihodiimiigrs , If anv. which mny ho caus
ed to any nroperty liy ronson of the construc
tion 'in.I reconstruction of snld vlndnct iinfl Its
aupnmcliuH , wlioHlmll proceed to mnko Biiuh
appialsomunt In Ilku iniinner as Is provided
for tlio puriiOHonf iluterinlnlni damiigoH tn
pronerty owners by ruiiKdii of the chant ! " "f
sr.ido of n htieut mid ille tliulr report of said
iippnilsement with tbo cltv clerk.
Section : t. That thU ordinance shall take
( ilfcct and be In force from and after Its pus-
Passed July 21st , 189 > .
i.Mty Clerk.
E. I' . DAVIS.
President Ulty Council ,
Approved July Sard , IS'ii
OKO. I' . HI3.MIH.
An ordinance oruorlui : tlio xrndlir ; of the alloy
between I'lno nnd Illcliory fl rents , from Kth
btrcul to 10th tlruet ; , and dlreutlnj : thu lio'ir.l
of public works to tuku thu necessary wtuns
to cause suld work to be dono.
Ho Itonlalned by tlio city ojunotl of thu city
otOm'ilia :
Hoot Ion I. Whereas , permanent Kr.idou have
bcuiiustablUbed upon , and appraisers hiun
been il uly appointed by law , to apiiruUu thu
damuves canseJ by tlic uradlnv of the allny
butwoi'ii 1'lnu nnd IlluUory HtrueU from htn
street to 10th streetand have reported iiodiim-
IIKUM to the city council , which has formally
adopted tliu name ; and , whereas , pronertv
owneiH , representliri more thnn thruo-llftlmof
the properly abutting on Kii'd portions of thu
alloy nliovo bpuclllud , liuvu petitioned the city
council to liuvu Slid alley uriulud to llio
piesent ehtahllnhed xradc. without cliur u 10
tlio cltv. and that tliocont bo m'ido puyauln In
tun eiial | InttnllinentH , therefore. Ihn alley
between I'luu and Hickory Ktn-ets from Bill
hlreet to luth ( .treel , be uiidhuruby Is ordered
gr'idud tn thiiprpiunt entalilUhed uradc ,
HuutlonV , That the board of nubile work * bo
and liornby Is directed to tuku the noceifsary
Htupv to ennui siild work tn budone.
Hectlon a. This ordinance shall take elfeet
mid be In force from and after UK piiHsauu.
1'usbod , Juiy.'Jtli , IblU.
JOHN auovr.8 ,
Olty Cierk.
I'rchldontUlty Connell.
Approved July 28th , lnw.
lnw.UEO. . I' . 1IEMIH.
/ i ( ) ( ) ! > boy wninc ; ! to iln chores and uaio for
VJTti'uni. Apply at once , Jacob Sims , Suilxnrl
WANTED Iljr'a youiri lady , rnrnlshod
room with DO ml , south or llniiidwuy and
cast nf Ninth struut. A GT , lieu olllco.
Tp'.OK SALE llotol , 2J rooms , liioatud in
J-1 southern Nob. , dolni ; a tlirlvln' business.
J..fiUU liuvs build ng and fnra.tnro Will tr.ido
for mdxo. 1C , II , Hliniite.
171OH SAI.i : Hardwiiru stook In Nob.
JD Will Involcu M.50B. K. A Slioaff.
iroit SAM : Choicest f.irm In rdttawaltu-
-L mlu Co. , IIU acres , \\c I located and lin-
provod. 1'rlco JIJ an acre. 1II. . Shoafu.
I/NAHM and city lo ins at lowest rates.
-I ? est ito for s.ilo.
n an I business rontils.
Moaev lo mud for Invustors.
Zt > I'o'.irl slrent. Loiu-eu & Towlo.
T7IOII KKNl' Tliodwollliu on I-'lrit iivnnuu
JL1 ami Ijl lith street formerly osouplud by
M , 10. bmlUi : II rooms , bitli rooms and nil
inodurii Iniprovumaiits ; 1:0 ) .l stublo and out
biilldhiK ; rent JiU per month. R II , Hliuafo
IK YOU have anything for s-ilo or tr.ido see
10. II. Slioifu , lirnvlway iiu.l Main strint.
irOR UH.NT DwolIIu.-s In all p.irw of the
- * - ctiy. 10. II. Hlionfo. ltro.idw.iy and .Main.
A/17AMT1U ) Eastern NohraskaJiiniU In ox-
> ' rlian t ) for Couaoll KlulTj property. U. IL
Slioafu. II ru iMwiv and M iiu
rnilK lUOGEST IIAltdAIN Double rosl-
-LdciR-o lot. No. H1) south First strsut , 60
feet front ; bust location and bust n In
tin ) city If t.ikou at ouuo. lAy & Iloss. 3J
1'U'irl ' Htroot.
FOk SAhE On small payments , fruit and
Kardcn Ian I noir Council llliilTi. U II.
bhu.ifc. Itroadw.iy .uitl Main stroot.
FOU SALT ] Albion Holier mills on Itoono
mer. Nub. ; llnust wilurp : iivur In the Htato
iluvuloiilm ; l.5 Iiorso power w itnr entire yo ir :
dully oipic-lty , lUObirruls ; machinery and
iirurtcn incus comptutt ; In every dot ill.GooJ
fnime ruslilunco ; 8 ncresot lutrl. title ucrfuot ;
price. $ r > , ' ) Ki ; will tuko nut nprovo I oastoru
Nebraska liind. lu II. bhu ifu.
OR BAIjH Iowa farnis In rottawattiunlu
and adjoining counties. II II. Sliunfo.
FOR SAIjF. llotols nirl rustaiirants In Iowa
nnd Nubras'ia. ' dolni ; prolltutilu buslnois
inn ) we I loj.ilod ; will t.iko 1 uul In part trade ;
\vrltu for details. K. II. Hliu.ife.
SALE A first cliss sto-k of general
- incrch inillso with goo I will ; prloo J'l.uaj ;
will take L'oo I land inoxuh.iiuo. I1' . II. Bhuafu.
FOR SAKE Stook of iiillllncrv ami notions ,
with store nnd llxlnro-i ; prlco II , 3JJ ; will
railo for land. K. II. Kliu.ift1-
I71OR KA1/E 8) ) Rurosof goo 1 luiid nnd now
-L eott.iL'o. with fonr.iiirus land In Wiirnors-
vlllc , Noli. : all niodurn InuiniveineiilH : will
cxclian.'u for a plo.isunt collide ftoo nf In-
riiinliriinco In Oounoll IlltUTi or Omaha.
K II. Shonfe.
17IOH SAMO Ono of the iirlihtost anil most
dusir.iblo homes In tliu city , on 4thuvo. :
modern in all respects. .Must Hell , and will
s lerlllco. Address li 10. lieu ollk-e.
"I710U SAI.i-18-aoro r.incli In Cherry Oo.
-L Nub. ( ! oed liny Innil. Hplondld nin o fur
cuttle. Moo cottage , slulilo : > nd out Inillil-
Inss In L'ood repair , plenty water , llest land
In the county ; will Hull cheap. Wrltu for de
tail * I. . II. Shuufo.
17IOH 6AMi3 OH TRADH-KuHt nna
Jsuloon t Mauiiwii ; good business at all
GCIIKOIIH ; good bulldln ; nnd Improvements. A
aiiop for a llvo IHHII. B. II. Klio ifo. _
' OST A Columbia li cyulo. A reward will
Juo D.nil for Its return to J , 10. K. .McUeo.
FOR BAM' ) Oo < a 0-rnniii dwolllnj : near U.
I' , traiihfur. I'rlco I..OKI. Will t iku horse *
and ciitUu In imrt nay. 1II. . Hhuafo. '
FOR SALK-Croninery , well located In No-
brnnkii , doing ; Riiocf business. Will tuko
imrtniT or sull entire buulnoss ut a burKiiln ,
K. II. rilioufu.
\ JANTED Hardware stook In houth-
wcnturn Iowa fur spot cash. K. II. Bheafo ,
FOR r < AIjK Improved Idl-neri' utocli farm
In western lown , til ; IHO-aeri ) farm , f.'Oj 12U-
acres. ! . ' ( ' . Johnston & Van 1'attoo.
WANTED Good Imusukecpnr : good wauui.
Apply tu U. I' . Thomas , \Vray's landing
on M'liiawn motor lino.
Allklnlsof DvolngnnJ Cloiinliu done Intli *
tilfliest hlylodf tlio art. K.uloU anj Btilnu't
fabrics Hindu to lo.ik n unjil an now
Wurk promptly done and dollvuruJ In all
purls of ihu co j n try , Sen 4 for unco IUL
0. A. MAOI1AN , - - I'KOl'UIUTOIt
Noir North vait3ra
In VA.
CfCnunjII Illu Ii
OuplUIMco't .
burjilun anJ I'roUU HUUUl
NctOapltit anl Hurpuj..ev. : ' < tf. *
llrcJlurJ. . II. H-l ua.iilui. A. I * , a u/irt , o' . > .
Olt-ii.on. II. K. lltrt , I. \ . Ulllir. J. V. lliJiiu < %
nOCUirlo IL HHUQIIL Trail * biiik-
InKbuainoU I < nr40it oapltil unj lurpluiut
any bunk lu Soutlinostoru Iowa.