Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : : S\JNDAY \ , AUGUST 1 , 1892.
Corn It looulng well. The ciop will bo about
nn avernRe ono. Thorn nro trj.OOO ncroi of
corn In the countr. Potatoes will probably
be under Uio average In yield.
Noimt 13r.M > i'rosuecU for food cropi
never worn bettor. The lienvy rain ofVotl -
ncftday nleht bns put nil crops boyomi danger.
Corn , wtiont , onta and olhor small grain are
in line conultlon.
IOII | IM County.
Mii.iAiii ) Tlio rntn Insures nn excellent
corn crop and the outlook ut present Is much
moro fnvornblo than Imt year. Oats nro
hardly nn nvcrago crop , but the quality Is
vury seoet. Spring wheat Is nbout on iwor-
riRO. II ) o nnu barley nro bettor , both In
quantity nml quality , than last your. The
rain promises to make the sugar beet crop
higlilv satisfactory , ns the stand Is cocxl nnd
lias been well tended , The outlook for
potatoes U not flattering ; bugs nnd drouth
uava linen disastrous to this crop.
WATKW.OO Corn will go tortv-Jlvo bushels
per nrrt , mid oats thirty. No wheat , barley
or flax grows hero to amount to anything.
Garden seed crop will average wltti any year.
riltmurit Count ) ' .
OitAFTOx Fall whont harrestcd ; part of
It In the stack ; I'meit crop over raised In tbo
county , both In quality nnd quantity ; ni-re-
ngo IH larger than for several years. A few
loads marketed sbow a ylold of thirty-seven
liuslit'U tier ncrc. Others cstlinntotheir crop
at forty bushels pur acre. Oats will not
nvornso'over half n crop ; ncronao less than
in former year ? , i-'lnx crop light , ncro.ico
below the imruijo. The prospects ( or early
planted corn tire excellent ; the hc.ivy rain of
' .Thursday night and morning will give It
vlcor. I'otuto crop Is unusually cood. Hye ,
yield peed ; acreage small , llnrloy has a
Binnll ucicnco ; yield not known , Tame bay ,
Immense. 1'aiturngo excellent.
OIIIOWA Winter wheut Just harvested ;
largest crop over grown In this county. Oats
variously estimated nt from ono-hiilf to
throo-fourtha of n crop. Heavy rains hnvo
revived the corn , which Mionm nearly up
to the nvciuKO for tliU season of the year.
A great ninny farmers nro intending to
thresh their wheat from the shock and place
It on the mniltet nt once.
I'riinklln County.
FIIAXKMN Corn is looking unusually well.
Most llulds nro tussolmg and the heavy ruins
Insure u largo yield. Outs , wheat and rye
are mostly hurvostcd and the yield has never
been bettor. The ncroaco was unusually
largo this season. Potatoes nro n fair crop ,
but not equal to last yenr. Crops of all
hinds hnvo boon well tended nnd the present
year will exceed In amount of farm produce
rnlscd hero any year of the county's exist
ence.HIVKHTOV Corn has never looltod better
thnu it uoes this year. Uye , wlntor wheat
end oats are harvested'and extra good.
Billing wheat nnd Jinx nro a litilobolter than
nn avcrucc , and potatoes nbout uu uvorago
01 op.
J'rontliT County.
Mooiu.Fini.tM-Crops nro ton days late , but
wheat , ooth spring nnd wlntor , la Tully up u >
the average. Corn promises good. Not
man ir oata raised , but the crop Is fnlr.
Kioc'Kvn.r.i : Corn is still a llttlo late , but
IB growing rapidly and will bo equal to crop
of last year. Winter wheat Is a heavy yield ,
and t.hcro Is n larger acreage than over uo-
forc. Spring wheat will bo n good average
yield. Oats nre not as good ns last year.
Not a largo amount of uarlov nnd llax raised
In this section , out what there is will bo a
good yield. There will bo a good crop of po
tatoes , these on the market here so far are
largo and of good qualuy. Josooh 15. Wil
son , residing six miles south of Stoekvillo ,
Ims threshed his rod winter whcnt and
records a'ylold of over forty bushels per
J'urims County.
BIUVKII CITY Corn Is In flno condition ,
perhaps ten days Into. Increased acreage , ! ! 5
percent. Oats nlll ylold n good nverago
crop ; not extensively g'rown. Winter wheat
In shock , nnd u No. 1 crop In ovorv respect.
Spring wheat , good nvorago. Darlny nnd
flux , little grown , but in good condition.
Potatoes promise n full crop ; quality extra
lino. Alfalfa is In line Rendition ; second
crop ready to harvest. A very much in
creased acreage of winter wheat will bo
sown by tbo farmers this full.
O.\Foiu > Farmers nro engaged In harvest
ing and threshing a he.wior crop of small
grain than ever produced in the Republican
valley. The berry is plump nnd of the very
best quality. Corn was never moro promis
ing. Abundant rain and warm weitlu-r in
sure the 1 rcost crop ever produced In the
count.v. A honvy rain tholirth Inst. removes
nny poibibillty of damage from dry weather.
Potatoes will nlsoyluld heavy nnd a bountiful
crop of everything is assured. The acreage
of crops this 3 car Is unusually largo.
Onto County !
BLUE Si'iiiNosVhCdt harvest Is finished
and considerable threshing has been done.
The yield Is the best over known , some
pieces going ns high ns forty-flvo bushels per
ncre , the average not less than tblrty-llvo
bushels. Oats
ripened somewhat prematurely -
turoly bv the excessive heat ; the probable
yield will not exceed thirty bushels. Corn
will average thlrty-llvo bushels. But llttlo
barley is grown and the crop Is poor this
eoason. Flux Is nbout half u crop ; probably
Jive or six bushels per aero. Early potatoes
nro fulr size and moderate crop. Late
potatoes do not promlso well , although the
rain may revive them enough to produce a
partial crop. Fruits of nenrly all kinds nro a ,
failure this season.
< ! o iirr County.
EIAVOOD Corn hns
been making n very
rnuld crowth In tbo past month nnd bids fair
to bo a Inrgor croo than lust year , The
Whont harvest hns already begun , and whlla
the yield per ncro Is not qulto ns largo ns last
year , the increased ncrcngo will give the
county a- many bushols. Oats and potatoes
nro a good crop nnd ovorythlru- seems to In-
dlcnto tjintUospor county will sell more pro
duce than before. We have had copious
rains In the lust few dnys nnd have no moro
fears from the drouth.
Hamilton County ,
Afiioiu There Is nsmiill Increase In the
ncrongo of grain in this county over that of
last yenr. Tbo crop is divided about ns fol
lows ; Corn , 110,000aoros ; oats.10,000ucros ;
wheat , 13,000 acres ; llax. 5.000 acres ; rye.
burlov , ota , . ' 1,000 acres. The condition ' of
the wheotcrop Is much above the nvorngo of
previous years. Corn , while nbout ten days
later than last year , Is In splendid condition
nnd promUos an excellent yield Oata Is
short and will not malco mi nvorugo yield ,
Whllo other crops probably will m.iko an aver -
or go production. A good rain succeeded by
cloudiness and lower tomneraturo has dls-
nollcd all fears on the score of drouth , nnd
It Is now the general feeling that Hamilton
uountv Is assured of n splendid crop.
SKICKIUM Wlntor wheat , n larger area
than ever before harvested , will average
twcntv-llvo bushels pur aaro. The llrst Hold
threshed in this neighborhood oxccoduti
thirty busheU per ucro. Sprlnif wheat a
lair cron. Oats Is nhort , leis thnn an nvorago
crop , Flax U loss than the usual ncrcnuo
nud thi ) crop Is nnout the average. Corn Is
two \vcohn behind the normal. There Is n
good stnno nnd the llelils uro frco from
xvcods. The croat rnm of Wednesday night
liiMiros n good crop. Tame hay Is * a good
crop , while the pnilrlo gran Is short.
IliiU County.
GUAM ) JsiAxn The rain was of almost In-
pstlmanlo vnluo to Hull county. Corn U as-
uunng n vci.v boalthv color nnd a lurco crop
Is n certnlntv. Swool corn Is In good con-
dltion mrd the canning factory will huvo n
good run. Outs nnd whcnt nro a llttlo short ,
tbo Intense boat of tun past ton days ripenIng -
Ing the grain too fast. Barley 'nud rye
yielded Immensely. | 0x Is avornco and
uotutocM largo und will ylold n plentiful ro-
turn. Boots iiovor w ire tu n Iluor condition :
llurliiu County.
AMI i Corn is in rxoollont condition ,
fully ns good us nt this tlmo last yenr , whllo
Inu ucrougo U lurceiAn iibimuaiiiM ot mill
lins fallen In the Inst twenty-four hour * .
\\lioat , rye nnd b.u-lov nro beinir harvojtod ;
whllo the yield will not exceed thut of lust
your Uio quality Is much better , there being
very uttia weedy tuimll gi-oln In this county.
Coiibcrvutivo ultimata * place thu crop of
Binnll jmiin tliU yonr equal to Hint of last
your. Outs is exuiJIi'ikt. Uarly potatoes nro
n good crop ; the lute
ouos ucro slightly n-
1 jro.t . by dry weather. LiUo rains will bring
them fully up to tliu uvciago.
piii.i-Axa-Wheat will avorjso 18 bushels ,
oats &o biidioU and rye Ho bushuU to ilia
ucre. Po'moes uud corn slnco the rain will
jMold about the sumo ns lust year.
U i'umi < MN Cirv Hurlnn eountv Is the
bouiur county lor crops this vcnr. Corn la
immeuso. Just bad u lluo rain auu ovory-
body Is happy , Ncyrr In the history of this
county has everything looked so prosperous
ns new.
Unit County.
ATKIXSOV Oats have nbout all been hnp-
voslod and show a slight uocronse In yield
under last year whllo the acrenira wns nbout
the samo. Wheat. Is Just being harvested
nnd promises to ranko about a two-thirds
cron as the berry did not till out well ns
there has not been nnv ram to speak of forever
over three weeks. Bnrloy and Iliix nro not
crown here to nnygrent extent yet but ho
few Holds promlso u full-crop. Ityo Is doing
the ucst ot nil nnd many Holds will turn out
twenty-Hvo or thirty bushels to the acre.
Corn will bo n Intercrop , but will mnturo
well unless there comes nn onrly frost. The
ucreagu Is larger than over before. Potatoes
promlso to bo the best over known horo.
Holt county loads them nil In quantity nnd
quality of wild hny , and the crop this year
Is equal to nnv In quality nnd the tontiaao
this year will fur exceed nny previous year.
JrfTumou County.
FAiiinuitr The 103.7J9 ncros planted In
corn In this county la nn Inoroaso of 9,730
ncres over the ncroaco of last year , nnd the
ptesont condition Is up to the average of the
last llvo years. Oats is In batter condition
than n month ago and fully 10 per cent better
tor than last yonr. The whont ucreaeo. Is
: ) : > , -tSO acres. In 1891 It was 10,379. In condi
tion it Is 10 per cent nbovo nn avor.iga year.
Wheat l nil harvested and stuckcd In good
condition. Flux Is an nvorago ylold. ljota
toes nro nbout nil nvorngn crop. Sugar beets
are doing well and promlso n satisfactory
STKEI.KCITT Wheat Is nil harvested nnd
mostly stacked. Some threshed tests sixty-
four bounds to the bushel. Corn Is doing
nicely , tassollng out , nnd will tnnko u big
crop. Oats Is being harvested ; will not go
over 75 per cent. Very llttlo ilnx raised.
.Idhinon County.
TECUMSIII Since the ho&vy rnms of this
week the corn hns bonnn to Improve rapidly
nnd the crop will boullj UD to the nvcrago.
Oata did poorly ; It may run ton bushels to
the acre. Wheat did exceeding well , run
ning from twenty to forty bushels per nero.
Llttlo or uo barley nr.u llax Is grown hern
this year.
ELK CHEEK Prospects for corn uro now
good since the win. O.its fair ; whont ex
cellent ; barlov nud Max good , whnt there Is
pf It. Potatoes only fair. Apple crop Is
Kciirnoy County.
MISKEX Corn has received rain-at the
proper tlmo nnd is In splendid condition.
Small gram crop will bo nearly ns good ns
Ustyear. Pettitoes will bo somewhat short
In quantity , bat quality will bo llrst class.
Wednesday night's ten-hour steady ruin puts
the ground In snlondld-condltloti and Insures
good fnll pasture.
Kcltli County.
OOALILLI Corn is Just beginning to tassel
nnd looks good color and strong ; plenty of
ruin so far. Oats short but well headed out
nnd will make n fair average crop. Bnrloy
is in the snmo fix. Whcnt is above the
average ylold and of a sunorior quality , and
a largo acreage. Potatoes , a good crop.
Knot County.
Nioniuiu Cropj nro doing fnirlv well ,
though corn needs rain in n largo part of the
county. Local rams have helped portions.
Oats 'is short. Wheat will bo fairly good.
Burley is good. Flnx , Inrgo rrops of which
nro sown In the cast part of the county , nocd
CiinioiiTos Corn , fair crop ; wheat , good ,
wolllilled ; oats , short ; potatoes , fair crop ;
millet and llax , not very good. Scarcely nuy
ruin in the past month. Farmers are busy
Lincoln County.
NORTH PIATTE Harvesting of small grain
hns begun nnd the barley and rye nro heavy
nnd will yield twenty' bushels per acre.
Soring wheat wns injured by thodry weather
in Juno ana July , aud tbo ylold will bo light ,
not to exceed fifteen bushels per ncro. Po-
tutees and ether root crops will be nn avorasro
crou. Corn U late , but is making splendid
progress , und recent rnms make n boavy
crop almost certain , ns tbo growth Is rank
and In good condition' to our. Wo bad a
honvy rainfall on the 07ih Inst. , amounting
> to nearly tbroo inches.
Logan County.
GANDY Hyo Is fully up to the standard.
Wheat Is good , though not so heavy pen-
orally as last year. Oats fair. Barley mo
dluui. Potatoes nlways a good , heavy crop.
No threshing done yet. Wheat harvest Just
Or.NTiiAL CITV Corn Is late on account of
the backward s pi Ing , but the crop will go at
least 75 per cent of nil nvorago. Oats will
innko about 80 per cent of nn nvorago ,
Wheat acreage is small , but tbo yield Is
good , nud the quality Jlrst class. P.orloy and
rye are as good as wo have ever had. Uvo
has yielded as high as llfty-two bushels to
the ncro. Flax was not sown very exten
sively , but will bo about the nverago. Pota
toes will bo abort.
MiullHon County.
MUHSON In the south hnlf of this couaty
small grain will bo ruther nbovo nn avorngo
crop. Harvesting Is n wcok or ton days Inter
than last year , ns but very little grnla Is now
cut. Tbo late rains hnvo practically Insured
the corn crop and at present the outlook Is
very fnvorable. Winter wheat is harvested
nnd nn excellent ylold Is reported. Very
llttlo llax was sown this year in this vicinity
owing to tha poor crop last year. Potatoes
nro of very fnlr slzo out the yield will bo loss
than usual , tnoro being but few In each hill
NKWMIN Oitovi : The crops on an uvorago
were never In a bettor condition. Whoa' '
nnd oats nro nearly ready for harvesting nnd
barlov is nearly all cut. Small grain wil'
ylold equal to nny crop ovsr raised la the
county. Corn is a llttlo late , but if fros'
holds off there will bo an linmonso yield
Hny has nutTercd some , but the late rains
will insura u fair crop. Potatoes nro Into ,
but promlso n medium yield. Small fruit la
below the general nvnrngo.
j\U'rrlcIc \ County ,
CIIAI'\UK The crop prospect Is fully cqun !
to tlmt of onoyoir ago. Corn Is uniform In
color , out uneven In size : some nluntod ns
Into ns Juno 10 Is doing splendidly. Fall rye
Is being threshed and hnuled to market and
the quality is far above that ot preceding
years and thu yield beyond expectations ,
bovornl pieces of fnll wheat wore sown ns un
experiment uud the result has been surprising
as to both stand and quality , which Is very
good. Spring wheat Is up to the average
nud like all crops the proiont your is Into
Oats promlso good results , the acroagi
nmouniiug to that of formeryonru. The bar
vest has only commenced. There Is n vorj
small nuiunt of barley sown and tha saiu
muy bo sold of tlax. Polutoos will full fa
below the ylold of last year , us tbo planting
wna small in acres and the hot , dry \rlnd and
wonthor ot the preceding two wookss bavo
done prcnt damage. Tbo Into ruin was badly
needed. Pralrio buy will bo up to the nvor
Nunro County.
Fui.i.nuTos Corn , oats , whont , flax , ry
and potatoes were never bottor. Hyo I
bolng threshed , showing good yield. Oat
nud whott nro now being harvested in good
condition uud well tilled. Corn ban u good
big growth uud Is of good color. The honvy
ruins tbo last WCOIE Insure a big crop of corn
Ni > lllllll.t Count ,
PHHU A heavy rain fell Wednesday
Crops In the eastern pirt of Nomaha county
arc good. Corn is tussollng and basinuln
to silk , with good prospects for a lurgo crop ,
Wheat U nil In. thu shook , thu nonUs nnpoa
well llllod. OiUs Is balng cut , will not bo i
Inrgu ylold. Early potutooi are poor ; late
potatoes are doing oxL-ollontlr.
NuukolN County.
NEI.SOS Wheat Is good. Most of It 1
harvested nud thra hiug has begun , Sorn
fields urn yielding over thirty buihols to tin
ucro. The quality Is excellent nnd 111
nureugo largo. Too oats is raibor short ; wll
probably bo about half a crop. Corn Is
rutbor backward , but will bo u fair crop.
The heavy ruiufnll of Wodncsdiy in u lies
prospects much butter.
Sui'Kiiioii Tbo raocut ram has placed the
corn beyond nil ohancos of u failure. The
ojtimutud nvroLgo in this county Is 00,000 ,
and the yield will bo forty bu.ih.oU per uora
Acruiiua'of wheat 7,000 , ylold estimated
thirty buihoU to thu acre. Ono farmer >
thrtnhod forty-seven bushels of.wliont to the
acio. Tlu'ro nro 20,001) ) aoros of oala and the
yield will bo thirty bushols. Prospects of a
potato crop nro gooJ.
II uiiiv There will bo an Immense yield of
corn. Oats fell short. Thousands of bushels
of wheat nro beinc IhroitiO'J , the yield per
nciu greutly exceeding that of last your ,
Wheat tustod sixty-four pounds per busbol.
But llttlu barley or llax was t > owu this year.
Potato crop will full a llltlo below tha uvor-
titfo yield.
Otoo County.
SviUCUdK Wheat was never batter thnu
ttiU your , tioiuo farrnuM report ocor forty
bushels to the ncro. Barlov Is n llltlo undur
the uvorago nnd oats nro light. Tfio Into rain
raako < certain tbo corn crop.
DUNIIAII Corn Is nbout two-thirds of n
crop , oats fair , barley very poor.
Is excellent , golug forty to foriy-two busholi
to the ncro , whllo spring wheat la uot so
good. An excellent , ten-hour rain hns fallen ,
which will msuro a good corn nnd potato
I'lurnoo County.
PAWNBB CITV Corn Is baekwnrd , but
with the line rain falling that has fnllon the
prospect Is good for nn crop. Oats
will bo three-fourths of n crop. Wheat will
nvcrneo twenty-Hvo bushels to the nort. But
llttlo bnrloy nnd llax hnvo booit sown. Potn-
toes fnlr. The heavy rntn wns general
throughout the county.
' I'nrklns County.
M'u > iiin Copious , sonklncr rains assure a
moit bountiful cropCorn" never looked ns
well , aeventy-nvu to ninety bushels per ncro ;
oats , only fair , eighteen to twenty-llvo ;
spring wheat , eighteen to twenty-eight ; win
ter whont , twenty-eight to forty-llvo ; rye ,
thirty tolifty ; barley , flfty-olght to sovonty-
llvc. Poatoes nnd nil root vogotnblos onor-
mous. In the county there Is an increase of
40 per cent In acreage.
I'lntto County.
MoxiinK This county was blessed with n
bountiful rain which will revive our pros
pects for n corn crop. Corn hns suffered
severely with the dry hot weather nnd with
the most favorable weather will not make to
exceed 85 per cent of n crop. It Is Just com
mencing to tassel out and Is fully two weeks
Into. Onts will inaka nbout 75 per 00115 , of n
crop. Fall wheat , rye , barley and potatoes
nro n full nvorngo crop ami good nunllty.
IIu.Mi'iiiiKY All kinds of grain look line In
this vicinity. Wheat Is nearly nil out nr.d
averages twenty to twenty-live bushels to
tha ncro , barlov eighteen to twontv , onts
forty to forty-llvo. Corn Is doing well nnd
hns nil Indications of n Inrgo crop. Potntoos
promlso very poorly.
DUNCAX Hot \vonthor cnmo to nu end
Wednesday nt 2 o'clock p. m , , when n honvy
rain fell. Wo had throa heavy rains before
dark nnd nt II o'clock tt commenced raining
from thu northeast nnd rnlnd until U o'clock
Thursday morning. It Is conceded by nil
that corn Is now assured.
OCONKC Corn Is n littto backwnrd , but
slnco the line sbowors prospects urn flno for
a coed yield. Wheat is flno. Some pieces
will yield thirty to forty bushels per aero.
Oata are light ; may avcrngo thirty bushels
per ncro. Barley is very poor nnd will not
nvorugo with Inst year's crop. Potatoes nro
nbout n usual crop.
JLMerco County.
PlAixvitrw Crops In this county are below
the average. Corn shows about an nverago
crop , onts ubout one-hnlf crop , whcut nbout
nn uvctngo , rye above tbo nvoruge. Should
the dry weather coutluuo corn will bo beiow
the average. .
I'llHp * County.
HoMtiiuoc Wheat nnd othnr small grain
nro about all harvested. Fnll wheat Is espec
ially lino. Ono former realized forty bushels
to tbo ncro , and n great aoal is estimated at
thirty-live bushols. Oats , rye , bnrloy nnd
flax will yield equally as good. Corn nt
present Is looking Hue and with the Into rntn
the yield will bo unpnrallolou. Farmers ere
greatly encouraged. The sugar beet Indus
try that bns been introduced will no doubt
bun success. Quito a largo acreage Is now
I'olk County.
STHOMSIIUUO The crops of this county will
average nearly as well ns last year , with pos
sibly a few exceptions on small grain. A
largo acreage of corn was planted , and
although about two weeks later ever prov-
vious years the crop will yet bo good. It Is
making a rapid growth , U generally In good
condition and most flolds are tnssellng out.
Harvesting of oats Is In progress nnd the
yield Is reported good , although In some por-
lions damage has bean caused by rust. Tbo
potato crop will averngo peed throughout
the county. Considerable tlax has boon sown
and looks well and prospects are that the crop
will bo as good as the average.
Jlod Willow County.
INDIANOLA The recent hot weather wns
terminated Wednesday afternoon by the
lirst rain of the season , there being a pre
cipitation of t-.vo and one-half Inches. Hyo
Is all cut and promises n benvy ylold. Wheat
Is about balf cut and will fully equal the
yield of lost year ; the quality Is bettor , how
ever , nnd the ncrengo grontor. Outs Is n
fair crop , but the acreage is small. Barley
Is not much grown but looks well. Flax
good. The recent heavy rain insuroa enn
enormous potato yield. Corn , although
backward , Is growing very rap dly. Most
flolds are now uvssellng and the farmers ex
pect u rousing crop.
Hock County.
BASSETT Wheat will not make moro than
ono-half or a twu-tblrds crop. Oats and rye
nro very fair ; prospects for a big corn crop
are good ; potatoes and vegetables of all
kinds are looking finely. The buy crop Is
nnc of the largest the county has ever had.
WILDER The wheat crop of Sallno county
will uvoropo thirty to thirty-live- bushels to
the aero the county over , and is tbo finest'
in quality ever raised here. Oats will bo a
light crop , but of good quality , and will
probably uvorago thirty bushels. Very llttlo
barley and llax raised bora. Corn Is very
uneven ; sorao good , otbor pieces very poor
mdocd. With favorable conditions from this
on will orobably bo two-thirds of a crop tbo
county "ovor. Potatoes are not promising.
Tame hay Is the best crop wo ever had.
FniENW Generally corn has not suffered
by tbo dry und hot v/oathor , but has made a
very rapid growth and Is now beginning to
sot cars. The acreage of this grade of corn
will be very much below that of lost year.
Oats hns suffered from dry weather and
the ylold will bo low and thoquallty uot very
cood. Winter wheat Is nil harvested ana In
this county is the banner crop. Two flolds
in this locality show n yield of forty bushels
per ncro , and a tasted weight of sixty-three
pounds to the bushel. There Is very llttlo
Ilnx or barley sown. Potatoes have suffered
Irom the hot nnd dry weather , and the crop
will bo licht. The drouth was broken Thurs
day morning by ono ot the granooat rains ox-
porlenccd for years. No wind bus accom
panied It , and up to the tuna of wrltinc three
inches of water has fallen aud it Is still rain
ing quite hard.
CUI.TB Sallno county had a thorough
soaking down Wednesday afternoon and all
last night. Crops are good. Corn has boou
making Immense growth for the last
two weeks. The hot winds of the
last few days bavo done some damage ,
but not enough on the whole to maku
any shortage of orop , whloh will bo
a good average. Winter wheat is being
threshed all ever tbo country , und turning
out from thlrty-ono to fifty-two busboU per
ncro. E. F. Stephens hud 100 ivcros la
winter wheat , south of this city and oast.
Ono Held , bottom land , averaged fifty-two
bushels per ucro by weight , and the upland
forty-nino bushels. Ho sold the outlro orop
ut 0" cents per bushel taken from the
threshing machine. Oats nro bolng cut now
aud are u fair crop. Burley is u poor crop
this year. Not AS much flux has been sown
as usual , and the crop U only fulr. Potatoes
are ouly a few In the bill , and thu rain of
today Is too Intu to help the crou uut. Tame
hay is good. Prairie hay short und light
on'lho ground ,
Snrny County.
OIIKT.VA Corn ncroago Is up to the average
nud looks well. John Wootti threshed his
wiutor whont which yialdud an avurago of
iblrty-flvo bushels ner aero. Spring wheat
acrongo Is larger than usual and is being hnr-
vested ; itrJw 1s short , but beads uro largo
and well llllod , Onts Is an average crop , but
barley will not ylold moro than naif u crop.
Tlinro U u Inrgor acreage of potatoes thuti
usual und the early vurlotlas are excellent in
quality. Fruit of nil kinds is almost a total
failure except grunos. Tuuio and wild hav Is
all right , but millet is very short. Uam has
boon falling for the past twelve hours
( Thursday ) continuously.
PAI-ILI.IOS Slnco thu rains of Wodnotday
and Thursday the corn crop in this county is
nil right aud will muko full crop. Whont
U turutng out wall. Outs Is abort la the
straw but good heads. Late potatoes will
show up well. The sugar boots planted la
ibis county are nl | looking llnely , and will
encourage the planting of a largo acreage
next seuiou.
Kuundorn County ,
MOIIIB BLUFF Corn wbllo not qulia as far
advanced as usual ut this tlm-i of the ywvr Is
looking good , the heavy rain having como In
goad tlmo to lusuro u fulr crop. Wheat , rye
and oats nro all about an average orop. Po-
tutocs are cut short by dry woathnr. Fruit
of nil kinds will bo a poor crop. Small grata
U bsmtr barvoitea now.
VAUMHUSO Wiuter wheat Is about all
harvested In thU vicinity and U u splendid
crop ; but ono Hold has bnuu tnroihud yet and
that turned out twouty-oigtit bushuU per
i.nru nml of oxcelbnt quality. Etrly oats Is
,0i > d but the Htor cM'i Will bo lighter on no-
10 iht of the hot itry vrcnthor. Corn which
has been rightly planted , nml cultivated h.n
stood the drouth and With fnvoratalo wcnthcr
will mnko n good ylclu1 , th ' listed corn gen
erally bofliir the poorest. No bnrloy in this
vicinity. Early sownjuu Is looklnirwnll but
the late lUx ls poor. Knrly potatoes nro very
scarce nnd late one * dUT hot mnko moro than
half a stand , so will ba s poor crop at. bast.
This report U of thn vicinity of ValnarnUo ,
comprising parts of SaUnders , Butler , Sow-
nrd nnd L-tnciMlor iMtlrltlos. The ncrungo
compared with thnt of , lait season li nbout ni
follows : Wheat , 125 ; tuts. 100 : corn , 110 ;
llax , 90 ; potatoes , Si ) . Pnnrio hny will bo
light. Nearly two Inbhoi of rain have fallen
up to this tlmo slncq5o'cloolf n. m. Tliursi
dav , which wilt help the late oats and m..ko
a big dlfforouco In the corn.
.SciTitril County.
SGWAIW The winter wheat crop of Bow-
ard countv was harvested nnd saved In HDD
shape. There wns the largest ncroago ever
harvested In the county , and the quality the
bosr , A few plucoi have boon threshed , ruul
the ylold runs from twenty to forty-flvo
bushels per ncro. The general average will
bo at IcHit thirty bushels per "aero. Spring
wheat Is now being harvested , but the ncro-
ngo is small nnd the quality not near so good
n * w.ntor whoat. Hyo Is n flno crop , with
nn Increased acrougo ever last yoar. Tha
late rains hnvo Improved the condition to
such nn extent thnt wo will hnvo nvorago
crop. Very llttlo bnrloy or Ilnx Is raised In
this countv. The potato crop promises woll.
Corn is doing well , mid thu crop will uo an
nvorngo one , with n decreased ncrengo , our
farmers sowing moro wlntor whont and rvo
and planting loss corn than In former years.
The nay crop 1 * excellent , nnd most of It in
stack In goou shapo.
UTICA The prospect for an abundant crop
Is exceedingly promising. The dry , hot
wo ithor did some llttlo dntnnca to corn , but
a heavy rain on Thursday brlghtanod It up
In line style and It will produce an avoraco
yield. The wheat crop Is % 'cry large. Onts
has been shortened snmo by the dry weather ,
but the hand Is well tilled and will yield a
very good crop. Potatoes uro looking
line and well , and will doubtless ylold a fair
Shtirmim Comity.
LiTCiiKtcu ) Corn promises nn abundant
yield. Oats is very uneven , but an nvorago
crop. There is uot HO great an ncroaga of
wheat as last year and the crop not evenly
distributed , but will yield butter thnn nn
average crop. Barlov and flax very llttlo
sown ; llax reports from tnoso that hive : any
ara exceptionally good. Early potatoes are
scarce , but late ones promlso woll.
Stunloii County.
STAXTOX A copious rnin vIMtcd this
county and vicinity Thursday night , which ,
whllo not badly needed , will produce n
malarial increase in small grain ami-corn.
Harvesting has just fairly commenced In
this county and farmers are reporting pros-
pools for small craln yield to bo very flutter
Thuycr County.
CitnsTEii Wheat In this vicinity , which
embraces the south central part of Thayer
county , Nebraska , and the north central part
of Republic county , Kansas , Is all cut and a
considerable port of U stacked. Some of It
bolng threshed out of the shock yields from
twenty to thirty bushels to the aero and the
quality i ] in very lino. Oats Is very poor ,
short straw nnd rusted , and will not make
half n crop. No barley raised to amount to
anything. There has boon very llttlo llax
sown this year , and that Is uot looking very
well. Potntoos nro not doing very well , too
much dry weather , bu ns It has rained today
the late ones may do bottor. Corn , whcro It
wus well cultivated ddrmg the dry weather ,
Is I doing well , although'tint least two weeks
behind , and will roqulro , a late fall to fully
mature. There is very little tasseled out
yet and where it. has " -tasseled tbo extreme
heat of the past two weeks has damaged It
somo. The crop is very uneven , both in size
and stand , and under the most favorabla
circumstances cannot ) poisibly make moro
tnan two-thirds of a full prop. Rye is a full
crop , but not very much raised.
HKIIIIOX The recedt heavy rains make
crops safe for the present. Corn very good.
Oats ( , three-fourths , crop. Wheat novor"
1t better 1 quality , will , average thirty bushels
to t the uuro. Barley poor , i'lax very poor ,
very Uttldfeown. Jlyo vor good > > Potatoes
medium. 1
Tliomng County.
Tiinnroun Corn loolts well and promises
a good yiold. Oats good , but a small ucro-
ugo. Wheat good , but Hardly nvorago with
last year. Darloy good , but a small acreage.
Potatoes doing well ; now potatoes on the
market. Hyo is excellent and promises a
largo ylolu.
Vulloy County.
Oun Corn Is from seven to ton days late ,
but tbo Btand is good and wilt make an un
usually largo crop. Wheat is uneven in
stand but will yield a moro than average
crop. It is ratnor thin on tbo ground but
tbo heads nro largo and heavy. Oats is
short in tbo stand and will make a light
crop. Ilyo ana barley are moro than nver
ago crops. Potatoes fair , not as forward as
usual but has tlmo lo make a good crop and
tbo lute rains will help It.
IVuyno County.
WAYNE The croos of this county are very
good , taken as a whole , and especially the
largo wheat crop , which Is very flno and of
au excellent quality. Wbllo tboro ara some
Holds of corn that nro not In very good con
dition the crop will bo an average one. The
rye crop was very good. Oats and ilax will
bo about a threo-fourins yield and pntalnas
tbo satno. Farmers are fooling jubilant over
tbo prospects owing to the flno rains of
Wednesday night.
Webster County.
'RCD CLOUD A big rain visited this portion
of the state Thursday evening and continued
all night. Crops of nil kinds are assured. A
nicer rain wo tuivo not bad this year , and it
came jusc when It was needed.
BI.UK HIM. A rainfall of ono and Ubreo-
mghlhs to ono and ono-half Inchon assure * a
coed corn ciop. The acrougo is largo , the
Increase being about 10 per cent. About -10
per cent of iho wheat area is full wheat.
Very llttlo throsbod , but enough to show
that fall wheat will RO twonty-tlvo lo forty
bushels per ucro. Little change in the oat
area , aud the crop will bo a fair ono. Hyo is
good but the average is small. Barley , good
berry , small average and about half a crop.
Potatoes are rathnr late , but looking well
and doing woll. Flux fair , but the average
is very small. Early spring wheat will go
ton to twenty bushels ; late , live to twolvo.
York County ,
Yomr. Wheat is splendid. Fall wheat is
averaging tblrty-flvo bushels par aero. Oats
Is short and thin and will probably muko
nbout throo-fourths of a orop. No llax on
account ot lateness of spring. Burley good.
Corn prospects are not so good as last year ,
but will make a fair orop if favored with a
law fall. Hyo Is good. Potatoes are extra
good. , lt Is raining hero and has been sitico
last Wednesday night at about 8 o'clock. It
I.H now 12 ui. This will , bo a great help to
tbo corn. ,
In u ( loucrnl AVuy ,
Ennui , Nob. , July - $ . The condition of
all kinds of crops in Cloy1nud Nuckolls coun !
ties is excellent. CorwlU n llttlo later than
usual , but Is putting forth a runic und rapid
growth , und with anything like fuvoranlo
weather for the balulico of the season the
yield will bo very heavy. Oats Is u lltilo
short , but the quality u goou. The acreage
of wliitor wheat Is fUlly DO per cent greater
than aver before. Some threshing of this
grain bus been done ujid ' the yield reported
is from twenty to forty'-flvo bushels per acre ,
the quality being excellent. Potatoes will
uo a fulr crop. Very * llttlu flux or barley
wus sown horo. - , ,
SII.VKH CitKi'.ic , Nob. , July yo. [ Spoolal to
Tin : Dm ; I In portions'uf Morrlck , Nuucu ,
Platte and Polk countltoi ndjucout to Sllvor
Croon , oora is in line condition und the late
rain bus removed thouUacar of drouth und
virtually assured a magn ill cent crop. Oata
has boon mutorlallv iujuiod by tha continued
dry weather nnd will make uoout throo-
fourths of n crop. Spring whont is good nnd
has received llttlo or nu Injury from the dry
Vfcnther , whllo wlntor wheat Is splendid ,
some farmer * who hnvo nlrondy threshed
ronllzlng ns tilgn ns thirty bushels per noro.
There Is much wild buy land in this locality
nnd grass wns never bottor. Yesterday n
hailstorm , probnbly oxtondlns over only n
few squnro miles , struck this , thu southeast
corner of Nanco county , m.itorlnlly Injuring
though not destroying the corn crop.
Howr.i.1 , Nob. , July 3A | Spcclnl to TUB
Bun. ] Oops in the southwest part of Cum
mini ; , southeast part of Stnnton nnd north
part of Colfnx countloit Corn good butlhrea
weeks Into ; oats half crop ; barley good ;
wheat good , heavy crop ; flax , fair ; potn-
toes i , n good many planted , will bo good whnt
there ' 1s , but crop will bo very small.
WACO. Nob. , July 29. [ Special to Tun
BKK. ] The JloUU of wlntor wheat adjacent
to this town nro .something to bo proud of.
The nvorngo ylold per nero Is nbout thirty-
Uvo i bushels , and of n very flno quality , but
In ] some cnsos the yield greatly exceeds this
ns i In the following : William Hohnbaum hns
threshed i nnd sold forty-four bushels per
nuros S. B. Stevens forty-six bushels from
land 1 which ho bought within tbo last year at
loss ] tbnn Ml ) per ncro , nnd A. E. Brubakcr
fromn ; yield of twenty-two nnd n bnlt ncros
hns ] mnrketod 1,083 bushels or nbout forty-
olght bushels per ncro. Ono of the three
olovntors operated here has contrnotcd ns
high as 10,000 bushels ot wheat In n day.
The flno rnln ot yonorday has assured nn
excellent crop of coru nnd farmers and mer
chants allko rejoice over the present outlook.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for chil
dren teething produces natural qulot sloop.
115 cents a bottlo.
Cnnip .
Trumpeter Colin , troop K , Joined his troop
Privates ICoutz and Prlco , nlso Uvo recruits ,
hnvo Joined troon G , Sixth cavnlry.
Privates Leahy nnd Wallace , troop 1C , nlso
Prlvnto Arthur Koolo , Sixth cavnlry , do-
scrtcd n tow days ngo.
Prlvntn Sulllvnn , troop B , nnd Privntos
Burns , Klttlo nnd Homstroot Joined their
respective stntions July 19.
Lleutonnut B. 11. Choevor , who returned
to Fort Nlobrara from leave of absence recently -
contly , is expected"out here soon.
Private Shiman , troop A , Sixth cavalry ,
wus discharged per expiration of term of
service July 17. Shlmun hnd boon n good
soldier nnd n saving mun , so when ho > ift ho
carried something neur ? 000 In hi pockets.
Second Llcutennnts Short nnd Phillips ,
Sixth cavnlry , with n Jotuchment of flvo en
listed mon. loft this camp on July 9 , returned
.luly 15 , brliiBing with them a wugonload of
gamo. .
Lieutenant F. G. Hodsou , regimental
adjutant of tbo Sixth cavnlry , hns boon np-
General Corn The
polntca nlde-de-enmp to
lieutenant will follow the general to Wash
ington as soon as ho can settle up his nffnlrs
at Camp Elklns , Wyo.
Vort KohliiHon.
From the looks of the surrounding country
wo expect to have the finest hay ever fed a !
this post.
"First Lloutennnt John H. Gardner , Ninth
cavalry , luf t to Join his troop In the fleld near
riuggsj Wyo.
Contractor Jewott has turned over , com
pleted , the now quartermaster nnd commis
sary store houso.
Tomorrow seven mon. Just released from
the guardhouse , go to Join tholr troops at
Camp Bottens , Wyo.
Tb9 flrst of the commissary stores , from
the old building to the now warehouse , oora-
niuucod moving today.
Tno south ward of the hospital Is belnc re-
shlnglod nnd the roof the whole building Is
rocolving a fresh coat of mineral paint.
The Sixth cavalry , encamped nonr old
Fort Fotterman , Wyo. , get nil their quarter
master's supplies from this post.
For tbo past ton days the sound of the
mowing inachino was heard on our two
parades , resulting in a surface smooth
enough for a lawn tennis court.
A match game of baseball is on tbo tnols
botwcen companies C and D , Eighth In
fantry , which promises to bo interesting.
Wo wish you would send "Sandy" to wnto
it up for us.
It Is understood that Mr. Gunglo , formerly
band leader ot the Twenty-fourth Infantry ,
is to bo enlisted as loader of the Ninth cav
alry baud , vice Waters , discharged on bis
own application.
B. S. Paddock , post trader nt this place
and also in the Hold with the Ninth cuvulry ,
was ut homo for a couple of days last week
nnd loft for "tha front" Monday morning so
ns to bo on hand whan the paymaster dis
tributed n few thousand unionist the troops.
Mrs. Dr. Tompany , the wlfo of Veterinary
Surgeon Tempany , Ninth cavalry , wus the
recipient of an elegant carving sot at the
bunds of n committeoof thoSocial cluo. Mrs.
Tomnany had built all the cake for the boys ,
nnd "wo'undorstnnd there wns n neat pre
sentation speech by the chairman of the com
mittee , Sergeant Mackenzie , and tt reply by
tbo good lady.
Tbo Social club picnic eclipsed anything of
the kind ever attempted hero. The company
worked three weeks clearing out underbrush
on nn island of White river. The ground
was as level as a billiard table , and for the
dancing portion wns covered by three tar
paulins stretched us tight ns the canvns
would boar. A music stand was built nnd a
flagstaff erected , on which was our starry
emblem forty foot nbovo tbo highest tree.
A tublo fifty font long , with nn L of
thirty foot occupied ouo sldo and away down
In ouo corner close to tbo river wns nu ice
cave In which reposed several kegs of
Schlitz's boat. The supnly of oatublos , Ice
cream , iced tea and lomouado was inexhaust
ible. Tin : BIE correspondent was tukon in
bnrid by the committee and forced to satnplo
nil thn good things , such ns loraonndc , Ice
cronm , etc. , principally etcetera , which , by
the way , was r.lco and cold
At 1 P. m. hncks were sent around to the
bousos of the married folks to convoy thorn
to the grounds , and at S p. m. they were on
hand to carry them homo iignlu , Cupinln
Corliss , the "Pntor" of Company C , Eighth
foot , was on bund nearly nil uay nnd on Joyed
it us much as if the boys word his own
children. Ho was very proud of them and
tbeir conduct deserved his pralso.
Fort .Hunilu.
Colonel Cnrlton's family arrived VVednos-
Troop C loft Friday on n ton doys practice
Prlvato Schlckuor , 1C troop , bus boon ap
pointed corporal.
Lieutenant F. C. Marshall has loft on a
month's leave of abionco.
Cjiaplam Vattmann loft for Hot Springs
Tuesday on u two days leave.
Lieutenant J. A. Gas ton loavoi August I
on r. two months leave of ubaonco.
Prlvnto Lewis , E troop , has boon dls-
charged for fraudulent omlstinont.
Sergeant MuLomoro leaves the Twenty-
eighth. Ho Is go In ; ; to Texas to ro-oulls'
Lieutenant Colonel E. V. Sumner bus an
extension of two months' leave ot nusonco.
Privates Gallagher , D troop , nnd Schwab ,
I troop , have been discharged on the thrco-
yenr uot.
Privuto Peter J. UroJossor , E troop , has
been appointed corporal , vlco Proohnow ,
Captain E. A. Godwin arrived Wednesday
from Montana , where ho has bcon examining
horses for tbo Eighth cnvnlry.
Captum Gllmoro uud Lieutenant Cobcll
took A troop to tbo Bella Foueho Suturduy
aud Sunday on a Ilshlng excursion.
Private Hoborts , I troop , confluod In the
guard house for sleeping oa post , has bcon
aoutoacou to elx mouths aud to pay a flno of
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Instantly stops the most oxuriioliitinit pittisi never fnIN to clvo o.iso to the milTeron a few
applications llot like muule.causing the p tin to InUiintly stop.
fntornally taken in doses nt from thirty to sixty drops In half .1 tnmblor of vrntur will euro In
n few mlnutrs I'riuniH , Spn ms , four Stomach , Colic , Khilulem-o. llo.mbiirn. lianquor. Knlnt
Ina spells. OHOLBIiAMOUBUS , DIAttHHOKA , DYShJNTEflY , Sick Ilind.ioV , Nauson
> unilting. Nervousness , SlropU < sno . Malaria , nnd nil Intnrnnl pilm nnslni ; from uh.inqu of
dlot or water or other onuses. 60 GENTS A BOTTOM. SOLD BY DIlUdQISTS.
Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next
Purely Vegetable and Strictly
on the Liivor and Stunmch , roatorinc1 the
constipated organs to healthy activity ,
ACIIE , BILIOUSNESS , nnd all ether
disoiibos m-islng from n disordered con
dition of the Liver and Stomach.
Thojr arc the Only IJollhlo Vcsntablo Llvor
I'll ! t-old : They nro 1'orfo-tly U.trmliHi : Tha
arol'uroly Vosotablo ; Try Thorn.
Dlt Sohonck'sUoo't on Consumption , Llvor
Complaint and DvsDorjsIa Sent 1'roo.
J.ll. SOllENOlt&SON. I'hlladulDhla
A Wntton Ooanintoa
to Cure'Every C o or
Motor Refunded.
Our cure ! permanent anil not p tohl.vf C i
treated > OTenreanoKO bare n T r icon tymptom
Inco. Ujrdoscrlblngcmo fully we o troal you by
mail , tnd we glru tb * smrao nlron * guar nts K ) curt
5r refund all monerThow wbo prater to com * her
fortreatment con do to ani wo will par railroad far *
both wan and Lotol bUli wbllo boro. If M ( all lo car *
< T cfcallengetuo worli fora cua that our Magtn
Kemedy will not euro , wrltofot particulars and K
btvrldenco. In our aoven years piactlcfl with tb
HagleRainedr It bin bcon most illWcuU to oreroomo
ihe pr Jndlc s nualnst socallod spoclucJ. BUt under
our Btrool f uiruuteo thousands Bra trying It and ba
Ingcnred. Wegunrantco to euro or rotund ererr
dollarand as wo IIBTO a reputUlon toprowot , alao
financial backing of KMJ.OJOU Is perfoctlr aart to all
who will try tbo treatment , Heretofore you bain
putting up and paring out your money for different
lroatm nt , nnd although jou uro not yet eurei DO
ono bu paid back your moner. Wo will potlltfolr
cure you. Old , chronic , deep seated caios cnreainW
to9) day . InvoitUata our financial standing , onr
rcpntatton a > buslncii men. Wrlto u for nam an *
addreflsesrif these wo have cured who b r elT n
permission to refer to tbem. H cosu jroa only post ,
ago to do this. If your sjrmpHoms are sere tbroat ,
mncons patcbes In mouth , rhtjmatlsm la bones and
Joints , hair falling out. eruptions on anf part of th
body , feeling of Koneral depression , poles La bead or
bones. You have no time to wasto. Tnos * who ara
constantly taklnz mercury and potasb , should dls-
contmnalt. Constant use of tbesa drugs will earely
bring sores and eating uln rsln tba end. Don't fall to
write. All corrckpondonce sent sealed la plain en
velope. Wo InvUo the most rlgU Intestlgatloa and
fill do all in our powcrto at 1 you In It Address ,
COOK REMEDY CO. . - Onmha. Neb
Everybody knows that "Yale"
locks are best. Tell the genu
ine by the word "Yale" , or this
mark on lock or key.
Wheat or chaff ?
MKNT. a spoclllo for Hysteria. DUilnuss. flti , Nun
rul lu , lioiidncho , Norvoua I'rostraton CAUIUM ujr
alcohol or tobacco , Wnkofulnosi , .Montul Danroi-
slon. BoJtnoesof the liraln. causing I inanity , lulnory ,
duc'iy.iloalh. 1'rumituro Old ABO , lliirronuii. Jjoii
of I'uwor In either soz , Injpolunoy , l.uueorrho * snl
nil female Weakness ; * . Inrolunurr l-omoi , Spar-
matorrhoa causud by over-oxtirtlon of ttu brain
Hoir-iibusoover-liidulKOiiuo. A month's treatment
(1,0 fur tt , by mull. Wuiiuiirnnteoult boxes til curj
Knuliorrter for iibovu4. with Jl will soml written
Kuarantooto refund If not curjd ( linr.mtoo ItiuuJ
only by Theoiltirn. V. I.owln ( Iruuulit , xolo nijuni ,
BOiuhonut corner IDth uuj rurniim > > la. Oniiiliu
s via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul R'y , as represented
onthis map.
jUXCtTY ' a
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Oflice : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH. Gen'l Agent.
Or tlio I.liiiuir llnblt 1-iollltcly 4'urvU
by uiliiilnUU'rliiv l > r * llalntV
It can ba given In u cup of ootiee or tea , or In food ,
Without tbe knowledge of the paUoul. Itlnabsoluuly
barinlesB. and will effect a permanent and epocdy
cure , wbelber the patient Is a moderate drinker or
an afoobollo wrenK. It has been given In thousands
of ease , and In every Instance a perfect cure lias fol.
lowed. Itnrvrr r'ull" . Tbesysteuionoolmprmnaied
wlln the Gpcalrlg , St bMoms * ai ) utur lu > i > oiulblllty
for Ihe liquor appetite to ojUt.
UOI.IIKN * l > Kflnv CO. , Prop-re , < ll.fln.utl. O.
4B'ps a book of partloulara fme. Vo btf bad of
o. . Utliaud Doujjlui Bu. , 18th und
OuniliiitritH WhoioH ilu. Illiiku. llriiuu & Uo ,
aud KlohurilBuu IJru f Cu.Owaliu , Nub.
Why is it that
Pure White Lead
is the best paint ?
Because it will outlast all
other Paints , make a hand
somer finish , give better pro
tection to the wood , and the
first cost of painting will be
If a color other than white
is wanted , tint the Lead with
the National Lead Co.'s
Pure White Lead
Tinting Colors
These colors are sold in
small cans , one pound being
sufficient to tint twenty-five
pounds of pure White Lead
the desired shade.
Be Careful
to use only old and well-
known brands of white lea 3.
The market is flooded with
adulterated Paints , and "so-
called" white leads. The fol
lowing arc strictly pure "Old
Dutch" process brands , and are
established by a lifetime of use :
For sale by all first clnssdcalers * In Paints.
If you ore G ° mE * ° point , it will pay
you to send to us ( or a book containing In
formation that may save you many a dollar )
it will only cost you n postal card to do so.
St. Louis Branch ,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Street ,
St. Louis , Mo.
in the troatmcmtot all fonnnol
PRIVATE DISEASES , and all dlsor Ion
nnd ( lobllltlos of youth und miinhoot ] . 17 yours'
uxporlont-0. Ills
resources nnd facilities ura
praetloiilly unlimited. The Doctor Is rocom-
inondud by the pro-is , find ondnrxod In tha
strongest tornm hy the puoplo for fulr treatment -
mont nnd Inmost profensioimt ml v loo. Tha
most powerful romodlus known to tnndarn
Kclpnuo for the Hticcusftul treatment of tha
following discuses :
aONORRHOUA Itnmodli'.to rollof. A com.
plotoonro without tlio loss of un Hour's tluia
from business.
G-IiEEX OMO of the most complete and auo-
cosiful troatmunts fur uluut and nil annoying
( llnolmr.'OH.vtit known to the moJIoil profoi-
hlon. The rosulta uro truly wonderful.
HTIlICTrjKE UroHtust Unown rotnoily for
the tru.ttincntof btilotnro , without pain , cut-
1 1 n ir. ordil.itlnr. A iiiostromiirlc iblu rainady.
SYPHILIS-No trtuitmont for til ! torrlUlo
blood dlsoiiso has uvor buun morn surotwful ,
nor hiul strongorondnrsomonts. In tha Unlit
of mudnrn Hulinico tins dlsoisa li positively
cur.iblo and every truuo of thn poison untlroly
rumovoil from thu blool.
LOST MANHOOD , and ambition , norvoiw-
IIOHS , timidity , daspoiiduncy und all woaknusi
und dlsordum ot youth ur nmnhoiid. Uollot
olitilni'd nt onco.
SKIN DISK ASKS , nnd nil dlsousas of tli3
liUmmcli , blood , llM'.r , Idlnoyn und bluddor
nro t routed mi ccussfiilly with thu Kruatt ) '
known romudlm fortliu UUUUH.
Write forolrutiliri und iiumtlonllit , frjj.
1-Jtli ttntl J' ( trim in ntM. > m < ; ; .Va >
To tlmn.vnurs of all I U and pirls of loti
nnd rtiul vstntu uloi.i ; JOtli Mtruot from Hint to
C/.illfornU street.
Vnn nro hereby notified that the uiulor-
Hk'iiud , tlirim disinterested freeholders or Ilio
olt/of Uniuliii. Imvotiuun duly appuintod by
tlio mnyor. with tha approval of the ulty
council of Hiild oily , luumim thu dunm.'o tu
the owners lusn'H'tlvoly of thu propurty nf-
foutoil by cliuiuliiK tliu ur.ulu of s.ihl xtu-ut ,
duuluruil IIIIVIIHSUI v by oidliianuo number IBU ,
piihsod July'1st. Mupiirovuil July JJtd , IsJi.
You nro further iintillud , Unit Imvliu > D-
cejjted suld apuolntmunt , nnd duly quallllud
IIH rcmiirod hy law wo will , on thu tilth diy of
August. A. I ) , IbW , at thu hour of III o'uloolc In
thu lorenoon , ut thu ollluo of Klirlvur
O'Uoimhoo , ID. ) I'arnu'ii Htreet. within tliu
fornorulu llmltxof mid ulty. niuut furthu pur-
liotu of uoiiftldurJni. anil nmuliu thu ubiusi-
niunt of damuju to the ownuru rc > tu | > i > tlvoly of
H'lld property , ulfuclfd hy h.ilil clmnifo of
crude , UK-Inn liitocoimlduiatlon xuoulal bonu-
Ills. U any.
Von uro notlllod to lie piesent at the tlmo
nnd plauo uforcHald und muku nny olijoutloni
to or statumt'iits oonuurnl'iit NUld mm-iis
of UumugUB u you iiiiiv coiwlilur iironui.
iV ( it nil IC1 i J Id
T. n. MtxniM.uuu ,
Ooinmlttuo of ApuriiUor * .
Oiimlm. July 30th. IS/A JyUJdU