Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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The SUry of John L. Sullivan's Present
Every Day Lifo.
inrljr Mciriilit r rriimriindcs lliiu I'linch *
lug , Hope Shipping , llitnil Hull nnd
tlio llittli Thu Cltnuii | In
hltlindld rig.
Asnuiir PAIIK , N. Y. , July 20. There ore
probably few , if any , persons besides these
that have really been through the mill Ihut
realize how much self-denial nnd hard work
It ta'kcs to thoroughly prepare a man for n
big pilzo fight. Sullivan Is training lo fight
Coruott. Too uninitiated road that much ,
and a hazy vision of u man in loose flt'/ing
flannels , living on the best of everything and
trying to pass the hot summer days ns com
fortably and as easily as possible lloats
through their minds.
Trailing is looked upon by thoio who have
not trained themselves or como in actual con
tact with u man preparing himself for a feat
of strength and endurance' as an easy , rollickIng -
Ing time nt a country or seaside resort. A
fair sample of what a man out of training
will and laally has to do to fit himself for n
great battle Is Iho dully routine work that
Sullivan Is doing , so as to be in good condi
tion when bo meets Corbott for the heavy
weight championship of the world and $40-
000 ut the Olympic club , Now York , on Sep
tember 7.
Sullivan weighed , when ho began training ,
241) ) pounds. Ho has bcon in training about
two weeks , und by shear hard work ho has
reduced his weight to219j. pounds , at which
( Inure bo lipped the beam yesterday.
A largo number of men sporting mon and
good judges of physical culture were of the
opinion that Sullivan could not train again.
Ho had bcon living a life of indulgence and
case too long ever to be able to got into con
dition again. Sullivan himself always in
sisted that ho could train , und bo certainly
knew what ho was talking about that is ,
judging from the shape the big fellow Is in
now.Tho training place selected by Cbarlio
Johnston and Phil Casey for Sullivan is an
ideal ono In many respects. The uir at Bay
Head , or Good Ground , as it is called by the
natives , is pure und bracing.
Canoe Pluco Inn , in which Sullivan and bU
trainers live , is within a stone's throw of
ShlnnoLock bay and only a few yards from
tbeQrcat Poconlo bay. It is a delightful
place to look ut. The inn itself nestles In a
bimill valley nnd Is surrounded by largo elm
It cos that furnish abundant shade.
The peeking nt the inn is done by an old
woman who broolts no inturforpiiro. .Neither
tbb pugilists nor 'he Irninors dnio growl nt
the way in which good raw material is
spoiled. If the walttcssas make a complaint
the cook , armed with n billet of wood , set
tles the argument by deadlier ull intruders
out of thu kitchen. If the culinary depart
ment was belter it would bo an ideal ptaco
to train In.
Sullivan trains dlfTcicntly from most pugil
ists. Ho is not in love with the burning bent
of midday , and although heat doesn't Lconi
to affect him , ho does bis most important
road work early in the morning.
Yesterday bo got up ut5W. : ! As soon as
bo was nwako bis trainers wcro made uwaro
of Iho fact. He begun to sing snatches of
songs iu bis powerful baritone voice , nnd hud
Ashton , Morgan nnu his Japaupbo valet iu a
state of panic before ho hud been nwuko flvo
minutes. Hix first performance was to take
dumb-bull exorcises with very fight dumb
bells. Then bo was rubbed wi h u drv towel'
and dressed for the road. Hu were u * heavy
sweater end co-irso-lcnitlod woolen tights und
Block.tigs eVer heavy undciclothing.
In addition to the underclotning bo worn a
piece of thick flannel over hia.stomach. Win
a pair ot old walking shoes and a jaunty
btock ) tweed cup on his sunburnt .face , and
. singing at thu top of bis voice , ho started out
to do the main walk of tbo day without a
particle of food In his stomach. Asblou and
Morgan , who were wllh him , teen the pre
caution to have a good ineal before they
Ho loft tbo house at a brisk pace and made
his way up tlio Shinnecock hills , and walked
until Southampton wus in view , when ho
turned his head for home. Ho increased his
pace as bo neured the houso. About two
miles from homo ho stalled to run. Ho kept
upi n Jog trotovorthobouvysandyrondsiight
to the door.
t Blg-and heavy as Sullivan is he Is an ox-
troiucly grateful runner. Hu runs straight
us a dart , nnd'nltboucu Iho road wns rough ,
ana in many plates deep with sand , and was ,
in fact , about us ti.vlug u piece of mound lo
cover as one could well imagine , ho moved
along a smoothly as if ho were on a good pre
pared track.
As soon as ho reached Iho house bo was
taken In churgu b\ Casey , Ashton nnd Mor
gan , stripped und given n salt water shower
bath. Then ho was rubood until ho was
thoroughly dry und placed between blankets
( or a few minutes.
Anolber rub down nnd the champion , with
face and skin as pink ns baby's , none the
worse for his ton-mile jaunt , wus eager foi
breakfast. of broiled
btuetlsb. steak and toast , and a cup of Iced
tea , and Sullivan , as full ot fun as a big boy ,
sat ou tbo piazza , guyed his trainers and road
the papers until 11 o'clock. Then ho went to
the gymnasium. Ho bo an by punching the
bag. Ho wonted hard and fust at this work
for thirty minutes without any lot up. Ho
stood up like u stone wall and fought the bag
like ho would a foo.
Ho Jabbed it with u straight loft again and
again , und when the bag became too familiar
bo swung bis deadly light on It und diovo It
against Iho colling until it bounded like a
discharge of n cannon. Ho scorned to move
ills head or duck from the ball and lilt it
whenever it came within teach of him.
Straight loft , an occasional left-hand uppercut -
cut , und su liming right-hand blows wcro
Iho only kind of punching practice ho In
dulged In.
At tbo conclusion of tbo thirty-mlnuto
round ho started Iu to throw und catch u
big leather bull , which is about thu size o !
an ordinary football nnd weighs live and a
half pounds. He pitched und losscd this
bull to Ashton until ho was tired , nnd Ihei
were Morgan out iu the same oxorMso. The
ball ho uses for slieuglbt'iilng bis wrists
His next work was skipping the rone. It
looked reully comical lo see ibis giant among
men luke un ordinary skinning rene , cell Iho
ends around Ills wiiuu , nnu uklp like u child
It was pluy to begin with , but u bacmuo a
grand feut of onduianco before he finished ,
Ho aklpucd the ronu without u break or a
falter V51 times. 13 } constant practice ho
bus reduced skipping lo uscionco. Ho eliips
easily and grucafully , end , hard und Irving
work that it Is , ho seems as if he could keej
on indefinitely.
This work completed Ibo n'orning sessioi
in the gvmnasiuin. As noon w > it wns over
ho put on un additional .sweater and startec
for the bathing ground about n mile away on
the Uroat Pfconlo bay. Thu road was n
rough ono. It luy tluough fields , orchards
and scrub pine , and owing to the deep loose
sand on tbo pulh It was n trying mlla lo run
Ho then undiessed mid took a header iulo
the water and swum out to son.
Ho stayed In tbo water about nn Dour , Ho
wan rubbed down r.fter ho came out , drcsnoi
in dry clothing and then went back to thu
bouse by boat through the canal , which will
keen connect Uhlnnecock nnd Poconlc bays.
A honrly meal of roasi mutton , potatoes IUH
broad and some Iced lea was tlu'ii consumed.
The champion then wont to the piazza
where he contrived lo lay atlll for nearly
bait an hour/ Then ho went out on the lawi
ud Dia.vodLbaso bull. Hu pitched aim buttoi
files" for upwards of un hour , and onl/
topped when asked to do so by Phil Casey
Fully iioO persons vultod Canoe Plaoa Int
duilng the nfti'rnoon. tbo majority of whom
came In yachts. There were Judos ant
dudoloti , young women and old women , and
entire families , all eager to calpb a gllmp o
of Iho only John L. The place wiu crowded
and every place of vnnlago occupied.
As soon us ho tired ofpunehlng the bag the
turned his attention to tbo big bull , Ho
worked fully thirty minutes with this uui
then BkippoJ the roiio , Tbo latter feature o
the program gave immensemitufuctlou to
tbo IlUla children , who bad hitherto gazed n
tbo i > orforiiianca with wide open cyos full o
wonderment ot wht t tbo whole pot formunco
meant. They understood me nkipiUng rope
kiid.tho idea of a uiuu- m I a big man at tba
sktpohig , brought out many hearty laughs
rom the youngsters.
llo jumped the rope 256 times and then
vas wraopod In blankets , nod saturated as
10 wns with perspiration lav down for
several minutes.rj hen ho wns stripped nnd
rubbed dry. When he wns thoroughly dry
n lotion wns applied to the skin. This wns
welt rubbed In nnd the heal which Sullivan
njurod when ho Ilrst wont Into training wns
Irossed nnd thfti in dry clothing the cham
pion nauntcrocl back to tlio house.
Sullivan , as staled , now weighs 2IO |
pounds. Ho Intcnus Inking oft ion more
ion nils between now nml September 7. His
ire'ont condition Is remarkably good , He
ms n slight cold which seo'ned to affect his
wreathing when ho bopan work. His wind ,
however , la Rood.
NATION A I , l.r.AdUi : .
Clnclinmtl Itrnts St. Imils nml l/anscs
Alintit ot llrooltlyn.
CIKCIXXATI , O. . July 31. The reds won by
icavy hilling , while St. Louis , on the other
innd , wns unable to bat Dwyor. Attend
ance , 1,300. Score : '
Cincinnati 100203000-0
Ht. l.ulllH. . . ) 0 0000000 0 0
lilts : Cincinnati , Id : St Louis , S. f.rrnrs :
Cincinnati11 Bt. Iiouls , 4. turned runs : Uln-
clnnntl 4 , llatlerlcs : Uwyur und Vaughn ;
Uaruthora nud llucklcy.
tlio Teann.
t PC. w. I. r.r.
Now Vork . n nrooktjrn 7 0 W.3
hlinclulphln. 11 6 C4..1 Chicago tl S 4J.D
Clt'Tc'Irtlul . . . . n i.i.i WnslihiKtuii. . . . 11 8 42 9
Ilnlllmuro . R t.7.1 " ' ' ' ' as s
Hunlon. 57 1 Louisville" . . . . . 4 10 a a
Cincinnati . B U S7.1 bt. l.oilln 2 13 11.3
AMONU 'illi : AttATiUK4.
Ilnyitcns nml Dniilnoim H.ivo n M\clv
I'Ui'-liiuliiK ( lame.
The Dontsun club came down lo moot the
Hnydons yesterday , and for four innings
neither club could got a man across tuo
plate. In the fifth KlofTnor led off with n
clean single and Carrigun was allowed to
run for him , which orovod very damaging
lo Iho Donlson boys , us Jack nt oncostolo
second nnd then mndo a shoot for third. The
catcher In his hurry to catch him threw the
ball out against the left field fence , allowing
Cnrrlgnn to score. This was tbo ending of
the game , rain Interfering.
Gcist of Springfield pitched a good gnmo ,
striking out men when it wus needed. Ducy
Holnios nf livntrlco nltohnd n LTOOC ! L'amo
also , and was wall supported. The feature
of the gumo was the brilliant fielding of both
teams. Score :
llnyilcns..i 0 000 1 1
iiuniBun . . . . > , , o o a o o o
Hruck nut : Ily Galst IS : by Holme * D Double
Phiys. linllcr au > l CnnUnu ; liutlcr , I'lirrlKnii nml
Kluitnor : Kelly nnU Mmiiiuu 11 lib ) pitcher : Ken-
neil ) , \\llil plli-li. liclst. I'us-cil bnlls. ( irinin
'llmu Two hours anil Ilflven inlnutus Uuiplru.
Smith Oniiilm Shut Out.
The Nonpareils crossed bats wilh the
Soulh Oniahas yeslerday nflornoon at Non
pareil nark und nl the eilil of the seventh in-
fnng the hoys from Pucklnglown had fulled
lo cross thu rubber , althoughthey got men
ns fur us third base at different times. It
was there that the South Und boys did their
work , pulling up bull thut would do credit
to protessionnl players. The attendance
fair. Score :
8UMMAHY- . i
Jluus otirniHl : Nonpareils , ! . Two-base lilt : limit-
ford. 'Ihreobnso lilts : llrnilforrt. frlmimlmn
Doublu t'hiya' < inylo , untiffHlatocl. lliiau uu bulls :
ORlullun , - ' : on Tlcknor , 1. lilt bv pitcher : Ily
llclcnor , 2. struck out. Ily Jcllm , II , by Mlcknur ,
I. I'ntscd lmll by : Hart , 4 ! by l.itcoy , I , 'Ilinuof
pnnin : Ono hour ami twenty minutes. Umpire :
Hrunlinn _ _ _ _ _ _
' \Vlilti > uu lieiI for it Hundred.
CoLcniDOR , Neb. , July 81. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BIE. : ] Yesterday aftcinoon
the Osmond und Coleridge teams played the
most inteiosling ball game of the season , fern
n purse of $1UU. The tally sheet stood 3 to
0 In faor of the visiting club. The Lomars
battoiy undoubtedly secured the laurels for
the Osmond team. Marrnv occupied the
position behind the oat for the homo team.
Lyons lo IIit\o Anutlinr Grout Ititco M < - c-
IIIR Tills Wreli.
Lioxs , Nob. , July 31. ( Special to Tun
BED. ] Great preparations have been made
for the races this week. 1 ho truck chanced
bunds last weoK. Andrew Everett , a wealthy
and prosperous farmer nnd business man ,
boucht the stockholders' interest and now
has full control of the whole business. There
are ! MU good stalls for Iho horses. The rains
of the past few days luuo put thu truck In
the bcit condition possible. There will bo
about -I'O fust horses hero by Monday morn
ing. About ull the classes have been filled.
W. H. Kennedy of Si. Edwards
bus entered Dusty Heels. Cautain Ketchum ,
Kite Wood ana Neat Bud. J , J. Lomar of
Jamaica , Kan , , bus some line horses. Lew
Hinkle of Denver , Colo. , has seven bead of
line , among which are Bon Cole ,
Mary Tanner , Bnty , Orphan Girl nnd Logan
Mao. E. C. Holland has ontoiod Vidd , 2-
year pacer , sire Solforiuo , dam Lccla by
Charles Calfor ; Floralus , U-vcar-old filly , by
Puclolu9 , Durango Belle , Prince Ceoua by
Prince Edwurds nnd American Consul by
Embassudor. H. C. Young of IVullorton
enters Edith Uunrd , 'J-yoar trotter ; Terry
and Fannv Sprague , 2.15. J. ( ! .
Curding of David City enters Two-
Strike , pacer , 2:20 , und Nicholas ,
Thomas Scott of Sownrd onion Phil M. ,
thrco-minuto trotter ; Billy L. , U-your-old ,
2.10 , nnd Count Uenni , 1-ycni-old , trottor.
Lewis AlcFuvdcn of Genoa entern DIclnlo.
pacer , 2-tD : : ( Jrant L. , Ontocrnnd Koal Ei-
lulo. J. W. Xibbell of Kullorton euloni King
Hallow day , Plulus , Fullerton Boy , 't.year-
old ; Chuiles W. , 2-year-old , und Wesley O. ,
1-yoir-old. W. E. Lake of Soulh Omaha
enters Davy B. . puc r. : 'U ) ; BulTmont und
Belle ( .lives , Ed Ciouhl of Fullerlon ontew
Howard King , -yuar-od ! , Fairy Gift Dam ,
G. Kabnrt McCiroKory ; Online , pacer , 2-
year-old ; Ellu Woodllne , 1-vear-old , trotter ;
Shadelund , Acme , bv Wilkoa Uiwood ;
ODtfnlun , pacer , 2t0 ; ! ; Bella Acton ,
by Shadoland ; Onward , 2:18 : , and
Olof.lo , pacer , 2-yonr-old , 2:17/4 : / ,
Ail Everell uf Lyons CHUMS Beisoy 10 , 1-
yeor-old , trotter. Dick Tiki on of Beatrice
eitcis Jdhvun , 2:2J : ; Chailcs F , VJ-yeur-old ,
JMO ; Tip Tvlor , 3MU ; Whisper. 3-ycnr-old ;
Marveleux Tilvatoor , 1-jear-old ; Tycoon ,
2-your old. puccr ; Sicual , Banquet and Mis-
tit Ed Buirell of Dunlap , In , outers Sally
Hunger , y-yoai-oi-l , 2'JUK : ; Alinont Wagner ,
2UiS ; JJcllf , il-yenr-old.
The lunnlug ruces have all been declared
off for this meeting. Belle Acton , 1-year-
old , will irol to boat 2:30. : Online , 2-year-
old , will liy .to beatCi'JO.
' 1 ipn lor Today ,
Hoi euro Iho promising tbiuga for today's
races :
llllinilTDN IIKAC'II.
1. Klrefly-bt. llubort.
" . 1'tlni'e Oenr.'oirlfa. .
U. OtiKliMt Alouide.
4.Vllllo h-Krontt-nat- .
& . India Uiibhor-fjuui ; O-lnco ,
0. } lob Mitliorlaiul.
II.MiriBl.p I'AIIK.
1. ( JiiloSbtei ) Antrim.
5. J.nipurnr Iti'sont ( Inudllltf.
a. Cliurchlll Ulurk-llnrnull * .
4 , Tnllu lll.iukhnrn Vullora ,
6. ICuiKHloOK Itud Itoou
0. Kxeliulon-Kcdllglit
1'oiKHt I.uyliii ; ( Irvitt I'litni.
PONCA , Nob. , July ill. ISp''cinI to Tint
BUK. | Already the Driving and Pulrasso-
ulatlon is preparing to make Iho October
mooting a more complete success than the
ono of July. Ono hundred moro box stalls
will be built and the track improved In every
possible way. The services of J. L. McCar
thy of Chicago , starter of the Independence ,
la. , und the Columbia , Teuii. , races have
been secured for mooting. The number
ot entries U expected to reach 00.
They Are Attracting Widespread At
Sumo of tlm Klitil Tiling Snlil About tlin
TDM n haloon MPH Kicking
Tliolr Taxox l'\niit In tlio
South Omilia as n slock market and pack
ing center continues to attract nltnost unl-
voisr.l nltoutiou in tliocsl mid south. The
llvo stock industry is ouo of colossal mam. I-
tudo and hundreds of publications ere con
ducted In Its interests. Those published in
the west mul south have mnny kind words
fer this market , nnd In nlmou onch issue nro
to ho found paragraphs line these that fol
The Las Veens , N. M. . StocK Grower says :
"Otnnha is growing remarkably fust as n
cattle cantor. All tlio largo packers have
made extensive additions to tlioir plants in
the last year , and fuilhor Improvements the
papers announce to be on the tapis. It is
on-j of the beit feeder markets in the coun
try. ana Is made so by the efforts of the oM-
Lt-rs of the vino's to secure the attendance of
buyers and furnish shippers with full and
reliable Information as to prospects for snles
nnd in i an co pnntuo facilities , otu. The
crops of Nobinilin this year ptnnllso to bo
the best of any section of the corn country ,
and assure n heavy demand fer desirable lots
of feodots mid stooUcis. "
Thu Texas Llvo Stock and Farm Journal
is another puhliuation that reco n es the
superiority of this market. That paper in n
lecent Issue savsV. . H. Skinner , the
hard working , alTablo ronrosontnttro of the
South Omaha Union stock yards , is in Fort
Worth. Air. Skinner is doing some good
effective work which will cortnlnlv boar
fruit in season. The South Omaha "market
is destined to bo an important factor in the
future cattle trade ot Toxn . These who
have canncis to market should remember
that South Omaha wants 100.000. "
The Chicago stock Journals recognize in
South Omaha n formidable rival nnd are
honest enough to confess It , The Daily
Stockman pays the following compliment :
"Kocolpls at South Omaha from January
1 to uncle ending Saturday , Julv 0 , wore
3T 4OOII , cnttlo , lU7irs ! hogs and 89,8 17 snoop
As compared with the corresponding time
last.voir , this shows u gain of ttt,4)9 ! ) rattle ,
01 , 1 ! H hogs nnd 17,078 sheen. This showing
should bo extremely gratifying to our charm
ing neighbor In the west , and is proof con
clusive tUat Bho Is doing her duty by her
live stock industry. "
'J'ho above paragraphs nro samples of
those which appear in almost every Block
journal In the country and show that the
Omaha market is bolncr extensively adver
tised and in n very beneficial way.
Alloctlne tint MiliHin .Men.
A majority of the si.loonheepers have
banded together nnd will make every effort
possible to escape the payment of the 5200
occupation tax. A petition has boon in cir
culation aim will bo presented to
the council at loniirht'a session. The
petitioners nsk that the amount of the
tnv bo reduced from ? 200 to S50. The mem
bers of the council say tuoy will simply lay
the petition upon the table nnd that the $200
tux goes. If the saloon men fall in having
the tax reduced they auy they will carry the
matter into court and believe they can
knock out too tax on technical grounds. An
Omaha attorney has boon circulating among
them during the past weolt and ho says : that
on technical grounds tno courts will declare
the levying of the lax illegal.
4n ordinance has been drawn nnd will
come before tonight's council
meeting , pro
viding that all saloons must close their Qoors
at midnight. That has bcon the general hour
of closing heretofore , but there bus been no
ordinance compelling Uiom to close at that
time. It Is also s uid , nna by individuals who
know , that if the saloon men tnko a deter
mined stand against paving the occupation
tax , they \\lll bo compelled to close their
doors on Sunday , which will mean the loss
ot-a very prolitablo day's receipts.
1'iilicu A
Chief Beckett's police assignments for Au
gust nro ns follows :
Day Force Ivor Thomas , Twenty-fifth to
Twouty-soveiith and Jrom M lo Q stiect nnd
look after jail ; James Eruorick , Twentj-
Ihlrd toTucnty-hflh nnd J to Q street ; K.
Kroogor , Twenty-seventh to Thirty-sixth r.nd
II to Q street ; P. A. Larson , Twenty-fifth
to Thirty-sixth nnd Q to Hoffman street ; O.
13. Tubbs , Albright nnd Brown park from
noon to mldntcht.
Nignt Force M. Anderson , Twenty-fifth
to Twenty-seventh and M to Q street and
look after jail ; M. SnoeUle , Twontj-ihird to
Twonly-fifih nnd J to Q street ; James Wil
son , Twenty-fifth to Twenty-eighth and Q to
Hoffman street ; C. W. Hathiiway , Twenty-
olghth to Twenty-third and Q to Hoffman
sticot ; John Van Wlo , captain nicht force.
Nntns and IVroimlH.
Mrs. U. C. Wayland has returned from nn
extended sojourn at Salt Lake City.
Chief of Police Murphy of Burlington , la ,
was In the city yesterday on business.
C.V. . Conltny of Swift & Co. , Chicago , is
in tno city looking ever the local plant.
Harry Dunbar leaves tomorrow for Knln-
muz co , Mich. , whore ho will matte his future
Mrs. A. C. Weir and Miss Austa J. Clark
leave tomorrow for Mnnitou , Colo. , to remain
for some time.
J. V. Stout has tendered bis resignation
with E. J. Soykora , and leaves today for
Teuamah , where ho will cngago in business.
The Bachelors club has postponed indcfl-
nltoly Its party , which was to hnvo beun
given Tuobdny evening nt Soring Like park.
James W. Murphv has severed his connec
tion with the commission linn of Hogartv ic
Co. , r.nd will foim u conaitnorshlp with
John Murphy.
A party of South Onmha republicans Is
being made up to go to Lincoln Wednesday
to hoar Governor Mcltlnloy nnd to attend
thostnto convention.
John Nelson purchased n suit of clothes
Saturday night , and before ho had taken
them out of the tit ere eouin person car
ried thum away for him.
Were They Afraid tii I'rlnt ll't
AH the extracts from the press , printed
yesterday by the "rntt > " little show , wore
fioin homo papers , where local pride and
personal ftiouaship united to secure a "puff , "
What's the matter with that Kansas City
notio they paid $200 for ) Barnura & Bailey
never have to buy tholr ondoisomcnts.
Ml\or Ilus Writlii'iiml on Kniiior * 1'roin tlm
Unit ml .Stilton. -
Loxnov , July Ul. The stagnation In the
money market , shows no signs of abating.
Dui Ing the week discount was quoted nt %
for throu months and J for short. In spite
of exceptional uomantis for Hussla the Bank
of ICngland continues to gain gold on bal
ance. There will bo a further gain next
uoolc on Australian arrivals. Thu failure of
Daniel & Co. , West India merchants , was
announced on Saturday with a slmru capital
ol 500,01)0 ) , bohidos debentures amounting to
110,000 una Bomo deposits. On the stuck
exchange during the week business was
gout-Hilly quiet. The chief feature was a re
vival of speculation in the Amorlcah depart
ment. Ur.lUh funds were inactive. Indian
urn ! colonial stocks were steady. .
Silver collapsed ana is now quoted within
ono sixteenth of the lowest price on record ,
Tno weakness of silver in greatly duo ] o the
growing bellof that the United fstat'ds. Instead
of increasing silver purchases , " will throw
over silver altogether. 1'apor recovered in
sjuinathy with silver. Foreign securities
were Irregular. Egyptians , In snlto ol tbo
certainty of the advent of a Gladstone gov
ernment , were well supported and touched
U7J/ . the highest price on record , Greek and
Euylibh foil two points owing to adverse
rumors concerning the current harvest ,
Spanish bonds fell a point. Uuajlun bonds
were uot greatly oftootod by the alnunlnir
cholera repot ts. suffering only a , fractional
decline. Argentine fives foil two points
lower and otnar South American bonds also
declined. British railway securities were
strong nna there was a general advance of
from Ik to 'JJs per cent.
Auioilcan railway securities changed for
the bettor nt tho-be ginnlng of the week and
steadily ndvnnijfjt , There was nn especially
strong feeling cuir/ipt at the end of the week ,
' the street" prlflpsMii Silttrdny nftor oniclai
hours being about jjio host. It U understood
that a comblim lpu , has boon bti.vlng Krlo
freely. Largo pjirihnsos of Louisville &
Nashvlllonro nlsp made on Friday and
Saturday. Vnrlauofaa fpr the week In prices
of Ainotlcan railway securities Include the
follownm IncMnsoap Northoin Pacific pre
ferred , 3 poi cSntv Atehlson , 2 * , par cent ;
Louisville ft NasUxlllf nnd Wnbash mort-
gnio , 13 per cent each ; Union I'aclflo shares ,
Denver & Klo UnlA'do. Like Shore , l' ' < per
cent. Atcl.lson lrtib-ino , Norfolk nnd West
ern , preferred , nnd Missouri. ICnn as ft.
Texas , 1 per rant-each ; Now Yoru , Ontario
& Western , " 4 Mor * cent ; Denver & Ulo
Ornndo common , * f"pprtotit.
Canadians were firm , hat the securities of
the Grand Trunk of Canada were Second
preferred lo < t SSJf tur cent , and Ilrst pto-
irrrud lnf per rent , and thltd preferred nml
cunruntucd 1 per cent. Most foreign railways
wore neglected. Mexican Ilrsts advanced
U'j per cent , Mexican seconds l1 per cent ,
and Aloxlcin ordinary I per cent. Argentines
were lower , but with few , notlcoablo chnngos.
Among tnUTllanoous soourltlos Salt Union
rose 5 points on the announcement of a C per
centjdlvldond. Guineas' * and Alsopps brewery
shares linprovctl sqmowhut. Hudson 13ay
shines dropped 1 point , .
On tlin HIM III ) llonrio
Bnnux , July 01. On the bourse during
the week business was dull. The quotations
of foreign and domostio railways and
banks are declining. Iron nnd coal shnvos
had rtllnn tone nt the end of thowcok. The
closing quotations of Saturday include :
Prussian fours , 41.07i'Mexican sixes , 85 IK ) ;
roubles , L'0.75 ; ! ; short exchange on London ,
50.11 ; lone , SO.ilV . A sugar trust has been
formed in Cologne. The object is to lot the
rolluors rule the market.
On tlm I'ui-U ItinirHo ,
PAHIS , July 3 ! . On the bourse during the
week business was restricted and prices
W0i0 steady. Mexican securities rose two
points , otherwise changes wcro only frac
Stabbed In u C'licns.
When the ghost of Cusar : witnesses the
third rate circus entry , dressed In cheap cos
tuming , about us HoiiKinosquo in character
as Jerry Simpson's socles , nnd BOOS it labeled
"Cicsur's triumphal entry into Homo , " ho
will luiu uvvt ill ilia ruvuuuuouj jjiut
tab rae again.1'
Yesterday's Uiiln Htoini 1'uroly l.ouil
I'romlso ol tlin U'ciithcr Jiurciiu.
The storm of yesterday afternoon was ono
that , in the parlance of the weather foundry
sharps , is called purely local. Along about
half past i rapidly movinc banks of clouds
from the north and northwest hove in sight ,
nnd in a very few minutes covered the sky.
Then the wind blow and the dust was sent
Hying down ono strcot nnd up another.
As the velocity of the wind increased the
lightning commenced to got in its work , and
as the strcnks of. light catno. nearer the
roll and clap of the thunder sounded louder.
Attho timo'of thoapptoaeh ol the storm the
streets and motor cars were crowded. People
on thosttcots hastily sought shelter , while
thoseon tbo cars nulled down thu cur
tains , closed Abe windows nnd
settled down to w.att Until tbo littio local
cvclono blow over. Then the storm broke.
No doubt many thought that the amount of
rainfall was something awful , but the actual
pccipitation was pnly .31 inch.
In ono scnso tho'storm was purely jocal as
regards winds. At Sioux City the precipita
tion was . ( it inch , with n wind velocity of
only twenty roilos pn hour. In Omaha the
maximum velocity was thlrty-dvo miles.
The tomporaturu fell an even So3 heroin-
side of fifteen minutes. At 1 o'clock ths
temperature stood "at SS = and at 7 p. in. last
night UO3 , mukliig quito a range for the
Very llttlo damage , beyond tno stopping of
the motor cars for thtrty-llvo minutes and
tbo blowing ever , oT h number of sbado ticcs ,
was reported. . , '
But the cool weather won't last loner. Ob
server Lawton sald.last , night that the folks
out vtesCwero'rlgfHli } Hnp.'whent'lt came to
boat. At , 7 , o cJocft la'st night the cities on
the Pacillc "slope we're almost sweltering.
Salt Lake ; reported 9 = above , Helena ! ) ! ) =
nnd Baker City llto = . The , Hot wave is
worhlnp Its way eastward ut the rate of fifty
miles an hour and Is liable to stiike the Mis
souri river countiy almost anytime.
The AudtiMico Alwiijs Gotn It ,
The performers with Bnrnum & Bailey's
show never appear but once. With the
Baraboo Bros. ' exaggeration circus each performer -
former has to appear no often to fill up the
program that the audlonco gets "that tired
fooling. "
Number lliruo'x Flrmnen Move Into llunil-
miini ) Quartern.
After remaining in tbo old McCortmcic
block , on Humor street between Thirteenth
and Fourteenth streets , for over six years
the llro department headquarters was moved
yesterday to the handsome now building
erected by Colonel CuttU. ut Eighteenth and
Harnoy streets.
Work on the now building was commenced
about the the first of May , but ow
ing to bad weather the \vork was de
layed almost a month. The contract
called for Its completion by August 1 ,
and by pushing matters during good weather
the llroinon were able to vacate the old build
ing , which was greatly overcrowded , and
move into one of the finest and most com-
pinto engine houses'n ! this part of the coun
try. The boys are all happy over the change
and promise to take the best of care of their
now homo.
Upstairs fronting on Eighteenth street is
tbo large , well lighted , airy bedroom in
wblrh have boon placed nineteen cots for
the men. This lloor aUo contains three bedrooms -
rooms for the chiefs , bathroom , a largo hit-
ting-room , etc. For n time , nt loasr , there
will bo no now apparatus put in , but it is the
Intention of the commissioners to have a
hos-company stationed thoio later on. At
present truck 1 , chemical U mid tlio chiefs
will bo the solo occupants of tbo head
All WhnViint M urn Dlaiippollltcil.
A few people visited the show grounds
yestordav and tlm cheap and boon-in-the-
wagon-slioiv-buslnoas-n-good-many-years ap
pearance of everything sent thorn away dis
appointed nnu wondering wbj they wasted
thro going out.
J'jitt > 0.\.IL I' til Hllt.ll'HS.
John Power of Blair is at the Mlllard.
W. M. Koily of Uflwson it nt the Arcade.
13. Cousadlno offluchilold is nttbo Pu\ton.
C. S. Penileld -jFromont is nt the Mur
ray. _ „ .
A. B. Hughes of ji-johuylcr is at tbo Mil-
lard. ,
.1. W. Alexander Of Corning , la. , Is nt thu
Mercer. .
W. H. Dean of MJndcii is registered at the
. * J
A. M. Kamsay 6f Cos Molnos , la. , Is at the
" 'I ' "
Aroudo. "I
F. M. Woltzol fuNobra , ka at the
Paxtou. jM1 ,
E , J. Muliok 'pfnGrand Island is at the
Murray ,0011
S. C. Burchard aUJavcnport , la , , is at the
Dellono. t jJU
M. C. Keith otmNfljrtU Platte is a guest nt
tbo Paxtou. 3 ( o\
M. K. Thorpe of I-wibraska City was at the
Dollono yesterday. ,
Ueorgo E. Everett of Grand Island Is n
guest ut tbo Arcada ,
Charlo * U. ICoith of Broken Bow is rogls-
tered nt the Murray.
O. D. Uurton and K. O. Ivuby of Hastings
were at the Mlllard yoaXorday.
Gcorgii E. Dorrlngtoij of Falls City ts
among the guests ut thu Mlllard.
It II. Woods nnd II. C , Wortham of Pawnee -
neo City are guests at tlio Mercer.
J. W. Jensen and A. II. Holmes of Mind on
were Sunday guests at the Paxton ,
Mr. and Mrs. Joftii Pratt of North Platte
are among the gueju at the Murray ,
A riiirnllly ol Hint" I.lnr * .
"KlovDtcd stages" uro promised by the
Sawdust Brother * today. They have ono
llttlo temporary platform In the middle of
ono circus ring and tblt is toucn out soon
after the porformanca bogiiu. Tbo real
come September 14.
How the Nntionnl Banking System Gould
Bo Improved.
Sonio nC the IHnifultlcs .Surrounding tlio
tluirgi- nn InsoHeiit Institution To-
litloul tiilluunco Ocranldiiolly Intor-
Icrcs In iliu
, D. n. , July 31 , [ Special to
Tun HEK.J "Wo should hnvo n small corns
of trained batnc rccelvnru , " snld ono of thn
oldest and most skillful officers In the ofUeu
of the comptroller of the currency , recently , In
tnllilng uf the dinicullics surioundtug the so-
locllon of rccelynrs tor broken Nnllonnl
banks , "It was only the other day , " con
tinued tlio official , "that wo had n taste of
ttio troubiCs which surround the selection of
n receiver , whou it came to cheese
ono for the Vlnccnnos National lit
Indiana. However , was loss qulbhlo
over tlml appointment than any wo hnvo had
for some lime. That place pays but $2,000 a
j oar , nnu the receiver is given n clerk or
bookkopor nt ? t > 00 n yoar. It will take pro
bably two yean to close out the affairs of
the bank , nnd every politician In the state
who was out of u job nnd doslred A place at n
couple of thousand nnd had a pull bore In
Washington made nn effort to got the ap
pointment ,
' There was n delay ot nearly two weeks before -
fore the appointment , was made. It was nec
essary to got u man of some otpoiionco in
such work , a man of good judgment nnd one
who would not uo influenced by prlvnto or
other considerations. Of course , it Is not the
policy of the department to select men for
suoh places from the Immediate locality In
which the bank Is located. Well , n good man
was finally found , but not till a dozen or
tnoro had been canvassed. But it was unfor
tunate that there was delay over tlio selection
ui u receiver.
Iti'asoiiH for Quick Work ,
"The very momenta national bank Is found
to bo insolvent It sbould go Into the hands
of a rcecivei , after the shareholders show an
Indisposition to make good tbo losses of the
bank , nnd start out anew with unimpaired
capital , and I will toll you why. Tbo moment
It is discovered that there will have to bo an
assessment of the stockholders in older to
protect the Interest of its depositors the
stockholders who nro not very strong finan
cially or careful of their financial credit
begin to cast about lo avoid the
assessment penalties. If their assess
ment is to be very heavy they
nro likely to put their real estate possessions
out of their hands In order to avoid a process
to compel them to meat tholr assessments.
It Is thorofotu necessary. In order to protect
all stockholders who want to net honestly
nnd all depositors whoso interests should be
protected , that the true condition of n failed
bank be known accurately and quickly \\lieu
its doors are closed.
"Then the ussessmonts can bo made early
if they nro to bo mndont all. If wo had a
llttlo corps of export receivers In the office
here wo could send ono of them out to a bank
as soon as the examiner loportod the bank in
a failed condition.
All Wontil Ito Protected.
"Tho expert receiver could make a careful
examination mid teport , und if an assess
ment was necessary wo could make It before
there was any special public notice made of
tlio oink's condition , nnd no opportunity
would bo aftordod stockholders to put their
real eslato or oilier proper tv beyond tbo
reach of the law. This done , n receiver
could bo appointed , as now , and nil interests
would bo best subserved.
" \Vlien the big National bank failures
recently came in Philadelphia und Boston ,
thoio was a iogulur tumble fight for the ro-
coiversbips , the politicians ana tnoso per
sonally" interested in th'o" banks' assets taking
a band. There was ono crowd desiring the
positions for the salary In them , and they
offered political influence to support them
In their efforts ; nnd then thcru was another
crowd In each city who exerted
political influence to control the receiver
ships for personal oids. Between the
two factions , both wltn selfish motives in
view , the matter of selecting receivers was
deferred so long that any dishonest stock
holder could have put beyond the roach of the
law any quantity of property. You know It
is legal to transfer leal estate from the hands
of a bank shareholder the day before the
assessment IB made , if no uotico is made of
the assessment. It is dlitcrcnt from a se
curity matter on n note or bond and tboro
nro not many ordinary stockhnldois who will
not avail themselves of the opportunity to
avoid the effect of a heavy loss assessment.
couiii i ; < isiiy iiu iniiiij ; | ! ( i.
"Those expert rocolvois need not number
ever half n ofo/en , and when not engaged in
taking temporary control of broken banks
they can bo making oxnminaUons of banks
In any part of tbo country. If I woio comp
troller of the currenov I would urco this mut
ter upon congress at once.
"Another thing i would ask for , nnd that
is n larger force ) ' . examiners. And I would
stop Ibis thing of having logulnr examina
tions by examinois appointed from the
state whore tbo examinations nro mndo.
They are a furco. I would shift
the examiners about from ono section to
another , and hove now men each time , so far
us possiolo. At loust , I would make the
changes so frequent tbnt tbo banker would
never know who was coming In upon him , or
when. Do you know that the national bank
ing system is a matter of millions of dollars
of profit to the government every year , and
yet wo have not more than half enough ex-
aminoisl There is no o\cnso for It. All of
the revenue from the banks should bo paid
out in protecting depositors und stockholders -
holders , If necessary. There sbould bo a 10-
vision of tlio processes all mound. Tlio
sysiom Is nearly perfect , but can be Improved
in execution. "
AnMon ThitVlll : Hu TaKiill ! > y 1U I'l-londx
unit Oiipiini'iiiK Todiiy ,
WASIIIVGTOV. D. C. , July 31. There has
been no material change In Iho attitude of
the respective sides in the house with rcgatd
to the World's ' fair appropriation , and when
that body moots tomorrow it in all
probability will bo with the stale of
affairs unchanged from what It "was when ad
journment was taken on Satin day. Neither
nldo has been doing very active work today ,
but each has contented itself with reviewing
what has nhuuiiy been accomplished and
discussing the prospect ot an early termina
tion of the deadlock.
rrojxxltloim Tor n Coninromliie ,
The members of the house opposed In the
appropriation have boon discussing in an in
formal way the bovoral propositions looking
to u compromise of the dilllcultloj that have
already been suggested , and It may bo that
one of them will take formal shape before
the pending controversy U much older.
These propositions include ono postponing
notion on the appropriation until u
fixed day In December , ono , making a loan
of $5.000,030 to bo regarded as n
first lion on ibo receipts of tlio fair and al
lowing tbo fair management to provldo suffi
cient bullion for too comago of an amount of
money needed to complete ull the work In
connection will ) the fair. But the advocates
of the appropriation decline nt this time to
look with favor on uny of
propositions and will not make any
pledees concornlnc tholr future action ollur
man to intlmnto very strongly thut iboy will
take tbo appropriation direct or nothing.
They wil ) uot listen at this time to a proposi
tion to postpone notion on tlio appropriation ,
Insisting that tlio house bus already loccrdod
itself in favor of the appropriation. They ,
therefore , see nn reason why tbo matter
should bo delayed ,
Will < > i > p < i i > Ilolinuii' * Motion.
In'tlio house tomorrow Heorosontatlvo Iiol-
man will call up bis joint resolution to extend
the appropriations carried by the sundry
civil ulll for the Imt fiscal year until
August 1. This motion , it is pie-
dieted , will bo fought by the World's
fair people , Mho will ln l t that
Inasmuch us the sundry civil hill
ca.n bo enacted into a law almost M soon at
the joint resolution can bo , the opponents of
the fair npproprlnllon should noldo by the
decision of u majority of the votes cast in
favor of It , there is no necessity for the Joint
resolution extending the appropriations ,
Mr. llolnmn onjs ho would not ngtoo to nn
amendment to tbo resolution extending the
appropriations until December. Such nn
nmi-ndmont , If carried , will defeat the
World's fair appropriation. This assurance
was mndo In answer to suggestions of the
World's fair people that ho had such nn
amendment In view when ho offered tbo resolution
elution nnd which was ono ot the icnsons
why Representative Hopkins objected lo Iho
consideration yesterday.
Mr. llolmnn says ho expected to see matters -
tors reach n crisis Tuesday , although ho did
not Indicate In just what form ho thought
they would appear.
Mlght Cnuso Troulili ! .
HoprosL'titativo llolman , In the course ot
further conversation tonight , salt ! ho thoueht
the proposition to lot the question of the ap
propriation for the fair go ever lo December
mot with the most favor , nnd ho was inclined
lo think it would bu accented by
the friends of the fair. If this
should bo nccoplod , Mr. Holmitti said
the way Is plain for the passneo of the nppro-
prlallon hill nnd the adjournment ot con-
gross. The amendment prohibiting any
officers of tno government or any poison or
corporation having contraots with tlio gov
ernment from employing Piiikorton police or
nny other body of iirmod men , Mr. Holtnaii
said , might cause some trouble. Ho believed
the senate would recede fioin Its disagree
t\Ut3l ll.lMtb l.f JiU.W.lXI ) ,
South Diikotn' * Harvesters Am Not Snnli-1-
I'llt to Suvn tlio Crop.
Hunox , S. D. , July 81 About thirty har
vest hands reached hero from Iowa nnd Ne
braska anil repott thnt ethers are coining.
Parties were here from P.itton and F.iulk-
lund counties to sccuro harvest help. Dr.
Smith of Hoe Heights says that 100 ninn In
excess of these already there will bu needed
lo gather the crops In Hand county , while
other counties will require an equal nnd in
many Instances n greater number. The rio-
mund for help is increasing dally nnd the
rapidly ripening grain causes no llttlo alarm
because of the scarcity of help.
YANKTOV , S. D. , July ill. Harvesting has
been in progress a week. Bui ley , rye , oats
and u foiv flnlns of xvhent liiivn hoyii cut. nil
producing a gicator yield than last year.
The average for wheat is placed at Ihlrlv
bushels per acre. Corn has made wonderful
progress during the lust week and stands
fouitcon inches high in the fields. Six
weeks of good growl lit ; weather will insure a
full crop. Farm bauds are iu domand.
J'rlncna * llctttrlrn Hits it Closu Call.
BEUMS , July 31 Princess Beatrice had n
narrow cscnpo from death from uro iu the
castle ut Heiligonborg yostoiday morning.
Her maid , carrying n candle , approached too
n.oar a mosquito covering on the boJsloao ,
setting fire to the not. The Ptinccsi
Beatrice , who wns In bed , hud no tirno to
dross but ran out of the room and nlnrmod
the household. The hose fixed Hear the bed
room would not work , nnd the whole wing of
the castle wns destroyed before the tiroinon
nrilvod. Princess Beatrice lost all her jewels
and clothes. Two liromun were Injured.
Mrs. L K. Patten , Hockford , III. , writes :
' From personal experience I can recommend
DoWitt's Sarsaptrllln , n euro for impure
blood and general debility. "
Cnptureil it Ciinbnitt.
| rop/i ? ) Witol ismiri JrviiM Gnrlnn ntwi'.i I
Pt\\MV ( via Oalvcston , Tex. ) , July 31.
| By Mexican Cable to thoNow York Hot-aid
Special to Tiiu HRE.J A report is cm rent
hero today thnt the Venezuela warship La-
Justlca , in possession ot the Crcsplsts , has
capttiied the Columbian gunboat Lnpopa ,
which was in Vpne/uola water with u caigo
of arms for the Caracas government.
ICeiillnitloii Ot.irtukos Tlioin ,
The CJod of justice , who hales liars and all
Iheir holoncinKs , blow the flinty dust ot
ilghtoous Indignation into the eyes ot tholr
skinny olopha.its last availing , ripped opeu
the canvas that covers their deceptions , filled
their souls with trembling and fear , and
then turned the celestial hose on them nnd
nearly washed inoir misrepresentations oil
thu bbow grounds.
OMAIII , July 31. (
Scattered showers huvo occuired in upper
Michigan , Wisconsin , Iowa , Nebraska and
South Dakota. Elsewhere fair weather has
Decidedly hot weather prevails on tbo Pa
cific slope. At 7 o'clock this evening Salt
Lane reports 03 = , Helena 1)0 ) = , nnd Baker
City. Ore. , 100 = .
I.ociil I'orents' : for Kiintern Nrlnutku ,
Omiilm unit Vicinity Pri > l > .il > l > xliouor * . liu-
ooinliifr mtriner during.tlomlii ) , iiltli u
prosjuHit < if uncommonly f.intlilo corn
\VASIIIXOTOV , D. C. , July 31. The buromo-
tor bus fallen slowly in thoconlrnlslutps , the
lake roeions and on the Atlantic coast Routh
of Now England. It has fallen rapidly in
Montana and the northwest , where u storm
of considerable energy Is aupaicntly moving
eastward. The pressure has Increased ever
ho Dakotas nnd Minnesota , with cooler ,
northerv ) winds. Showers have prevailed on
the Atlantic const noitb of Virginia , in the
lower Mississippi valleys and in Iowa , Knn-
Kys , Nebraska and Minnesota.
ForNobraska-Gonorally fair , south winds ;
genoially warmer , except in southwest Cole
For Iowa Generally fulr , preceded by
local showers tonight in south portion" ;
wurirer winds shifting to southerly.
Tliut AVER'S Sarsaiwrillrt cintr.s
oninus of Scrofulous ] ) i > casps ,
Eruptions , lioils , Ec/oina , Liver and
Kidney Diseases , Dyspepsia , Itliou-
mati-sm , and Catarrh should l i con-
voicing Unit tlio sumo course of
treatment \nii. ci in : or. All
that lias boon said ol the wonderful
ciues effected bj tlio use of
during tlio past no years , truthfully
applies to-day. It is , in every house ,
The Superior Medicine. Its cura
tive properties , strength , ellcct , and
flavor are always tlio same ; and for
whatever blood diseases AVER'S
Sarsaparilla is taken , they yield to
this treatment. When you aslc for
don't bo induced to purchase any of
tlio worthless substitutes , wlilph are
mostly inivtuies of the cheapest in-
gicdlcnts , contain no flanmparilla ,
have no iinilorin .standard of up-
puarance , flavor , orellect , are blood-
purifiers in naino only , and aio of.
fored to you there is moio
profit in selling them. Take
I'rriutreil by Dr. J. O. Ajtr&Co. , Lowell , MUM ,
Bold by nil Drugtflitu , Pilco $1 , .li hotlln , } 5.
Cures others , will cure you
How the Knights Templar Will Bo Entsr-
tninod While Thero.
- * f
J o 1'nlm Ulll Hit Spurril to Jlitlio Them
Cllllllllltlllllo I'llttllij ; tlltt City III
llollility Attlru ri < iitiirti < of
tlm Concliito Uitclt.
Orvrrn , Colo. , July 31. As the time foi
the grout Knights Templar conclave up
preaches the different committees of tut
local commniulory ate haul at work com
plotliik the details of thn reception and enter
tnlnmentof their visiting brethien.
At a meeting ol the members of the Blua
ledges of the city and the Denver chapter , M
was decided lo lorm n reception com mitteu
of sixty men for ouch day during the arrival
of the pile-its. They will begin next batur-
day nnd will bo on duty nt tno union depot.
At the Mnsonio headquarters n committee ol
twenty-six will bo divided Into shifts of fout
hours cuch , taking in the entire twenty-four
Every man , nnd every man on these com
mittees especially , will fuinlsh Information
ns lo the different points In the city and will
net ns guide to nil visitors , whether Masons
or not. Ution the nirival of visitors n bluu
card will be given them. On this card will
bo pilntcd nil the headouaitcrs , nil botch
and nil the principal streets. Chairman
Harp of tbo hotel committee will also Insoit
the card in tbo Knights Tomptar guidewhich
his committee Is about to isstio. There will
ho U.OUJ ! ( of these cards printed.
Actniiuiiodittlona Ample.
At tlio present time the hotel committee
has ubout3OJO rooms nt its disposal , which
have not been spoken for. The list will bj
turned over to thu Blue ledge Masons , so
that strangers , wuothor Masons or not , may
bo accommodated.
The headquarters will bo also for the us
of nil persons , whether Musons or not.
A feature of the conclave week \ \ 111 bean
enormous parade en Wednesday evening ,
August 10 , uf the different bicycle clubs ol
the ci y , in whlnh mnny wheelmen from tha
surrounding towns will participate , H Is
estimated ilmt 2,000 wheels will bu in llnu
nnd many indies will a eld beauty to the mo
cession by lulling part in it. Prizes will hi
given for Iho llnost decorated wheels nnd
ulso for the most funtiistle uud ueird in.tko-
ups which the \vheeluicn may uovlse.
Beginning August 4 nnd continuing
through concluvo week , the national cowboy
tournament , in conjunction wilh Dr.V. . L1.
Carver's Wild West showwill give pet form-
nnces dully ut Klvur Fioni nark. Eustorii
people u ill bo given un opportunity to sou
tnocslcin cowboy in His clement , subduing
the wild Toxns steer und the vlciuus bucklnu'
binneho. A band of fifty Indians fiom Jaca-
lill.i roaorv.ition will lend reality to ihe scone.
Among the Indiana aio Cumilo , thu oldest
liutlan In America , nnd the fumo'is ' chiefs ,
Ujrlleld und Vincent.
1 Iiu DiToratloiii.
The decorations of Iho streets of Iho city
are assuming shape. Thnt furnished by thu
means of .jlocttic lights will urobuoly equal
uiiythinp of Ihu kind over attcmpied in Iho
Untied Stilus. In ndditiou to IU.OOO incnn-
descent colniea lumps which will ropiosoul
Iho uifferont emblems of the lempluni , nu
merous oleclrie search lights will DO olaccd
ul advantageous points and these in them
selves would sulllce to niuko the city us -
bright us day. The committee on decorations
mode a tepurl of Ihelr llnnncos which shows
un oxecllont cenulllon of iilTuhs.
The ilinoiiirlus of many of ihe coinmundor-
ios uro belngieeolvea. Cyiouorommiinnery , y
Cutnden , N. J. , will airlvo on August tj nt ii \ . .
p. m. , over Iho Hock Island with fifty knights
und thirty ladles. It will have quarters In
Iho cars.
lilkhari , ind. , comuiandery will nrtlvo on
IIOM Friday with sixteen Uuights. Itsill
have quarters ou Ihe cats.
Trenton , Mo , commandory will como with
Oriental commandury of Kansas City und
will havo-fjunrters nt the Hotel lleushaw. It
will bo represented by twelve knicku.
St. John's eouimanclory No. I of Philadel
phia , escort lo the gnmd muster , will hold n
reception on Monduy nnd Tuesday of conclave -
clave \ \ eck from S to 12 n. m. nt l".i'.l Champ a
street. John Jay Giliby is eminent com
\Vlth rrult unit Wlno.
California commandory No. 1 of San Fran
cisco .vlll entertain ut ibo chamber ot com-
inerco for llvn uiiys. It will have a caiload
of fruit nnd another of wine for o.ieh of thu
llvo duys. On Wednesday of conclave WOOH
Iho commandory will give a tecopllon , and
yesterday an orchoslru of fourteen pieces
was secured for thai occasion.
Mount Hebron commnndory No. 12 of
Koainoy , Nub. , tpir U. E. Fioncl , , eminent
eomiminilor , has vent out the itinerary of its
trin lo Denver. The coinmundery'will ua
Joinoa by Mount Lebanon No. OofGrnnd
Island and 1'uloatlno No. 13 of Norlh 1'lallo.
The stall will ho mauo from Grand Island on
next Sunday ntb u. in. , and from Kearney
ono hour later.
The lioston commandory will nrrlvo next
Wednesday und will spend Ibo time until tha
bBRlnning of the concluvo visiting Colorado
It IK KinliiiMitly Appropriate.
Brewer says "Iho hlppouolainus is the
symbol of impiety und ingrnllludc. " Wbnl
n lltling sur feuturo for the Uing-'em-io
13ros. ' rojuveimtion of IJurr Hobins' old
wngon dhow.
A.MUSI lMriiiMT3.
This afternoon at 2.
Tonight at 8 ,
World's ' Greatest Shows
Real Roman Hippodrome ,
Circus. r.Ievaioil .Staves.
Mighty MIMIonnlru .Minuuotle.
I''iir-l''uini3il Horhii I'.tlr.
hpurts of Anelent llonie.
Col h : il lOO-A'jt Aruulu UNulay.
Chnrlch W. I'Mh. vhu World' * ( Ireateit
nrs mil Hldur.
Itepil Slstni' " . Kiiropfl'sl'ieinlurl'iiiiesc.
lltnlhurx Voriiini , IJtnpcrors of tlm I'lyins
Trune/t ) .
nATUHis-io.o : :
Bhow grouuds
20th and Paul StreeLs ,
AdultH , 50u , Ohlldrun under 1' ' years , ! T c.
The jirninl utroot proconlon will lu.ivo the
HliotVLToundH promptly .U Un. in. und ptssovui
thn following loiiio : Tivniitlutli ti Oiiiiiln/ ,
to 17th. lo Daveiuioi t , to 15th , lo | ) OMIU | , lo
lltli , to Kirnam , lolillli , tu Uuiulni ; , to'atli ,
und return tu
I night * 4 UuiuuionclDK Similar malbuo , July 3l t
Come und luuuh ut
llarrlton & llntl's coinedlana ,
flYON & HEA1.Y.
vaa 16-1 to JOOBtatoOL , Oblcniro
tllll Dill Kft * Ihtir nfwlr * iiUri a
Cul fUf til tund Iiutruiatiiti , ( jnl
furait nrt C < iuiianti [ , 400 ri It
tutUaUom , drwriliui TWX MlfU
t/julr\ I'Ii ft4 or X > rutn *
t iUmi IiuUiwilomft-r At _ _ .
ttmi Mu4 l > fuui kliuri Ttrtif * , fly
' . u4 & lvtJLuf