IPMDi THE OMAHA DAILY BEE TWENTY-SECOND YEAH. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , AUGUST 1 , 1892. NUMBER d-i Carefully Prepared Eoporta on Orop Con ditions from All Over the State , NO FAMINE THREATENS US THIS YEAR Thousaids of Broad Acres Yield an Abun dance of All Sorts of Grain. KING CORN AGAIN UPON HIS THRONE Timely Bain * Remove All Danger of a Failure in This Etaplo Crop , GREAT RESULTS FROM WINTER WHEAT Alnny Phenomenal Y.loliln Iloportod mul the < ltncr.il Avorugo Kxtromnly l.nrco Oats , Hyp , Hurley , Flux mill 1'otutoes g Very Well , Indeed , TUB Bnn presents a 'carefully prepared estimate of the condition of crops In Ne braska. Special correspondents of this paper throughout thu state have written reports of the condition of growing and harvesting crops In their localities. These have been synopsUcd so that only bare , naked facts concerning Iho actual condition of things are hhown. AH speculation has baon stricken out , nod crops nro dealt with not as they tnight bo , but as they aro. King Corn U Vigorous. Corn , which is king , was poeuliarl.v handl. capped tuls season , but in proof of his regal qualifications , Mond.imin Is coming up out ol dumps In true kingly style and will yet occupy his throue. unrivaled savn by winter wheat , which Is malting u strong bid this Reason for llrat place in the Nebraska farm er's hoart. A cold , bauiiivard spring , with rain on ralh until tha ground was surcharged with moisture , nbiolutoly prohibited the planting of corn on schedule linn. Even when it was planted the conditions were such that the grain seemed more likely to rot than to gonninato. Then ttiu first weeks of its existence wcro frowned on by tern. pernturo several degrees below thu normal , retarding and stunting the growth of the plant , until It seemed scarcely worth making an effort to BUVO It bv cultivation. This sea- ton of cold weather was followed by as tor rid a term as over the state endured , and though the corn sprang up under the coixini ; influence of the blazing hun , the cry soon wunt un frcm overanxious watcher * , "Wo will Im hiirnpil imnirnln. Our rorn Is curl- liirf up. " Just nt this .sxtrotDoly critical Bluuo ihoro came a moil timely general rain , Bonking the sun-baked cat ill , and Icudlnc now vigor 10 Iho furnishing Holds. Now Iho tiis ols wave from thousands of ucros of corn , nodding lu the brcoze , that rustics the broad louves , lelllng the husbandman of the mil lions of bushels of yellow grain that will cram the crib" next winter. The rain suved the corn. In making their estimates , Iho correspond ents bavo used last year's enormous crop us u basis for comparison , nnd tbo stulomont that the season will yield two-thirds to three- fotirUis of n crop means lhat the corn will crib from fifty to sixty bushels to tbo acre. Il is safe lo pay Unit Nebraska's corn crop will bo quilo up lo the average. From only ono county does there como u discouraging report. Thuyor county seems to have de cidedly the worst of the bniguln. This is peculiur , In view of the fact that from Jef ferson , Franklin , Nuckolls , Webster und other counties surrounding Thayer , most encouraging word Is bout forth. , Winter Wheat. There Is u noticeable feature of Ibis re port , and that is the almost unanimous senti ment in favor of winter wheat , as a profitable crop. To bo sure the season was peculiarly fuvoiublo in some respects for tl'is gram ; but it has been sown by tiio majority of Iho farmers moro as an experiment than ns a certainty. The wonderful yields re ported , oven from counties that hnvo suffered severely from dry weather , are Imleca en- couraulng. Jn one county a valley Held yielded llfty-two bushels nnd uu upland Held forty-nine bushels to the nere , and this wus sold light ut the thresher spout at t > 'i couti per bushel. Twenty-seven dollars nn ncro for wheat , without the trouble ol tukmg It to market or oven storing it on the furm. The nvcrago yield of Ibis cereal throughout the slate ns indicated by the counties reporting will bo Ihirty bushels to Ibo acre , und thn aoieapo is large. OlltH. Oats hnvo suffered considerably from the \\raltior. The wet , cold spring dclnyud seeding for Ibis grain ana retarded its growth. Then Juno was dry und cold , nnd July's llrst weeks wcro oxlromely hot , thus giving the most favorable conditions for rust and tbo poorest lor development. Yol In spite of thcso discouraging clrcum- Blnnces oats will yield n fair crop , generally ( ii ( to 75 per cent of last year's yield , which wus enormous. Itjc , Hurley mul 1'iiir. Rye , liUo winter wheat , has given nn enormous yield on a largely Increased ncrc- uge. Bailey , whore it is cultivated , has re turned u fulr yield. It Is hardly to bo reckoned among the stuplo crops of Ne braska. Flux bus suffered much , the conditions of iho spring being especially unfavorable , yet in these counties where tbo crop H ono on which Eomo dependence is placed u vor.v fair yield is reported , tbo ostlmutcs ranging from f > 0 to GO per cent of last year's yield. Potatoes Have suffered only In quantlly , There will not bo dUllo so bounllfulaleldas wus nntlclpatod , the early lubnrs beli.c re potted us "few In u bill , " but thu quality Is excellent. The late rains have Insiire'd a good crop of late potutocs , as in only ono or two Instances hud crowih advanced eo far lhat the hot wuvo did serious duniugo. Sev eral counties report the quality of early po tutocs greatly improved by ilio dry weather. Other vogutubloy , though , have sufferoi greatly from the boat. Hiiro uro Iho reports , arranged alphabeti cally by counties ! Adam * County. ltAS.Ti.sas The rolu which fell Wotlncsda } nlgbt bus Insured heavy crops tor Adams county. Corn ID n lll'.lo into , but will boa big yield , U'ticat is well along. O'ais nro a little short , Hyu und barley are sufo nnc potutocs nra la ITO , smooth nnd plentiful. The prospect Is very cncouruglug. Antelope County. OAKIUI.U Diligent Inquiry of farmers warrants reporting a full average crop o wheat , oats , rye nnd flux. Corn since thu recant warm weather und copious rains Is making rapid strides toward perfection Sugar beets uro doing well now and a gooi crop is mitleiputud. Not moro thuii a hu ! crop of polulues us the outlook now Is. Tin sclf-blndoi * are uhpudy tying up tiio wheat llntler Coiinl.t , SuiirmsK Thn late iiiln will probably put coin beyond dungur and the crop will be Hrs chu . Tbo crop will uvorugu W ptir cent The oats croo will ho a good uvorogo. \N ht-Bt , rye , bnrloy uud flux are doing wol With ? oed prospects of u good crop. Pota toes will not nvarugu oyur 75 per cent of Ins yuiir. Hey crmi llrst class , both tumo and wild. Farmers fecllui ; glorious over iho lalo ruin * . llnlliilo County , GIIIIIOX Pro pcot for n good corn nroi tllll t omul u ilio bcsl. In thu northvrn pur of the county iho corn ncvdod ruin badly , hu iho rooout ruins have insured the crop Wbe l nud oiU will bo la nil rejects full' qual to last year. Hyo has been harvested ud is of excellent quality. Cm ( 'onnty. PI.ATTSMOUTII Corn Is eomowhat back- vard , but tbo late ruin Is pulling It up to noraial. Acrcagn about the same as tan vear. Prospects gcol for a full crop. Acreage is slightly larger than last year , > rospccts fair. Wheat is In good condition , acreage Mightlv losi. Indications for good crop. Barley and HIIX are In good cundl- Ion , with barely tno same acrcnco as last year. Potatoes htivo suffoicd from the dry weather ; acreage slightly less than n year ago. Apples seem to be n very good crop , but troubled with womn. Grapes are thick and nrj in excellent condition. Pros- wets good for the largest yield In the his- ory of the county , faotno broom corn raised this year und In good condition. WIIKPIXU WATCH The rain came in tlmo to save the corn nnd late potatoes. Corn will como out all right. Oats Is not an average crop. Full wheat is splendid. Some report only thirty busbcU to the acre , others clulm IflV. Spring wheat will average fifteen lushols per ncro. Burley is a fair crop , tfoxt year will see moro winter wheat sown than over before in this county. EI.MWOOD Corn promises to bn good , wheat will yield from forty to forty-flvo nishels per ncro and oals from thirty-five to 'orty. Barley Is as good ns last year. Po tatoes are very good and promise a fair crop. Apolu promises nrrt fair. , Cedur County. HAHTIXOTOX Tbo recent showers have helped nil kinds ot grain wonderfully. Small gruln on the bills will not yield very benvlly 311 account of Iho hot ary weather during Iho past three weeks , but will bo us good ns could 1)3 ) expected. Wheat and oats in the valleys will vlald Hfty bushels to the aero. Corn will bo all right. Clny County. SUTTOV Wheat Is harvested nnd mostly slacked nnd secure. It Is nlmost entirely winter wheat , fieo from rust nnd the berry very plump , nnd will yiuld twenty-live bushels to the aero. Oats will bo uboul iwo- thlrds of n crop , in good condition nnd frco from ruit. Corn is all tassolcd out , a strong , vigorous growlb , ( food stand and the recent rains insure a yield equal to last vcar. Barley Is not much raised in this county. Flux looks wull and Iho yield will bo equal lo last year. Potatoes uro looking well , with no appearance of the Colorado bug , nnd tbo yield will bo largo. Honey bees are for iho llrst time making u largo amount of surplus from whlto clover , which has made an unusual growth Ibis year , bovorul aoroa of lost beets premise a peed vicld. CLAY CB.NTEK Since the bountiful ruin day countv farmers are fooling buppy. Corn crop is In fine condition and thn yield will bo fully up to the usual uvorapo. Winter wheat Is all Dial could bo asked. U has been harv- ciled unit some Ihreihed : lowest yield so far reported , twenty-five bushels per aero , tost- unr sixty-three pounds to tiio bushel ; some report thirty-five bushels per acre. Tbo acreage Is far In excess of nny piovious year. Outs bus groatlv Improved slnco Ihe rain Iwo Weeks ago. The hav ciop ( clover and timothy ) Is immense. Flax Is considerably below iho avorago. Chcjcmio County. SIDNIIT Corn is backward owing to late season. Oats is very peed and ylelas thlrtv-llvo bushels lo ibu acre. Wheal is in excellent condition nnd rcadv to harvest ; AIL/ * ) * kituuiy tif luiii tf uusucii IL * tuuuiiu * Ilyo is already harvested nnd yields tweuiy lo twenty-livo bushels to Ibo ucro. Barley is the finest ever raised hero ; forty to sixty bushels to thci acre. Flux was sown lee late and is backward. Potatoes are In fair condition. The recent rains Imve luipiovod growing crops of ull kinds. Two now grain elevators will bo built hero this fall. FAiitFir.U ) Winter wheat is harvested ; acreage Is far In excels of nuy previous year and will yield from twonly lo twenty-live bushels an ucrc. Oats is nearly harvested ; about three-fourths- n crop. Corn has grown wonder/ullv during the past few weeks ; the late twenty-four-hour rain has insured nearly a lull crop. live , barlev , flax and potatoes nro up to the average. There are probably over 1,000 acres of sorghum cane growing in this immediate viclnltv. It suf fered on account of late season , but is now doing finely. Ch.tso County. iMrnmu , Wheat is of excellent quality , will make about 75 per cent ot last year's immense yield. Thi ? acreage is double that of last year. Oats is about us wheat. Corn , within Iho last wejh , has improved much. The crop prospects nro bettor than nt this tlmo last year. Acreage about Iho same. But toy , ( lax and potatoes are fully equal to last year. Plenty of rain Ibo last month. Cherry County. VAIKXTIXK Wheat will yield from fifteen to twenty bushels porucio , about , ivvo-tbhds as heavy ns last your , but iho ncieugn Is much larger und fully as much wheat will bo marketed ns last year. Harvest will begin next week. Corn h late but bus grown vnry rapidly for tbo past three wcok4. Hyo is be ing harvested , is heavy vleld nnd of excel lent qualitv. Oats Is short , but will aver age twenly-ilvo bushels p r acre. The ex treme northeastern part of Iho county is suf fering somewhat from drouth. Other parts nro all right. Cnmlng County. BVXCKOFT Wheat will make from twelve to fifteen bushels per aero ; oils from twenty lo twenty-live , and potalocs from a Inird lo a half crop. Barley Is a fair yield. Haiti came In n steady dn//.le , lasllng about fifteen hours , and wilt greatly help corn , Cnsler County. BIIOKHV Bow Corn is as good as ever bud , and a fair crop of wheat , above the average. Good crops all ever Custor countv. Plenty of bay , and the bay as good or better ibuu ever. D.-iuson County. Lr.xixnrox Crops of all kinds are fully up to the average. Wheat Is being cut and ten days will see Iho harvest practically ovur. Estimates of the wheat crop vtirv from twelvu to iwonty bushels an acre , with u piobabln average of eighteen bushels. Corn is doing splendidly , recent , rattu mak ing a good yield cerium. llenel County. CIIUTEU. The crop is iho best ever known nnd Iho acreage about ion times ns great as last year. The farmers uio now in the midst of harvest und find wheat und rye much heavier than expected. Barley Is u full crop , No flux is raised in this county. Potatoes will bo u good full crop , Corn is n little backward , but Ibo recent rains huvo brought U out so us to insure u full crop. JHxon County , \VAKunui.i > Corn acreage Is about 5 per cent above lust your. A Hue rainfall all over eastern part of county. Average corn out look is fully two eeks behind tills time lust year , with ono-balf to two thirds the prospect of same ylold per ncro. Wheat ylold Is fully 15 per cent below last year , with fair pros peel of making wilbin 10 to 15 per cent of sumo > lold , Acrouuo of oatu is fully 10 pur com groaicr than lust year , with n yield 15 per cent hort of lust year. Vnrv little rye was sown , bul the yield Is bettor than ever ho fore. Owing to so late a season lu completing planting corn , moro thun usual area of low lands wus seeded to millet. This and Ilax promise but u light yield. Timothy und clover buy envo full crop , Pralrlo hay U belier limn l\st : your. Potato crop Is be low lasl year In acreasoiih prospect of uboul one-half the same yield. Only u small amount of barley was town , wuioh will n. a no fully up to the ylold of lust your. Kyo and tiavlor are till but vested und iho suiting of whout JUKI begun. J'oxi'A'-Iu tno uurttiBjstorii part wheat nnd onts will yield nt least a tbrco-fourlhu cioi ) . and corn Is wuil advanced und will bo un averuRO cro | > , In the southern und west- urn purirt of Uu county the small grain In abort und is estimated ul n iwo-thirds cioi , and corn li fulr. Flux nnd potatoes aio u light crop. Uodgn Count ) ' , FIIUMONT Thuiu will bu an avm'ngo wheat crop , the nprin ? wheat being In u condition now where It Is tilling out unu tbe ruin U uldlug vcrv materially In this. About otic , third of thu rrop is winter wheat und It Is lu excellent rendition. It u now being har vested aud thcro nro nveral liolda which will yield thirty bushels to iho ncro. Outs will protully not bo to largo ns Ian yeur , or firm HUNDREDS OUT OF WORK Wheels of the Government Almost at a Standstill , NO FUNDS AVAILABLE AT PRESENT riilluro to rust nn Appropriation Hilt dinars Considerable iml ; irnissmeiit JlcprcscntiitUo Hopkins C.nincil the Illoclitulu 1'cuttircs of Sltimtlnn. WASUIXOTON-'BUIIRIU or TUB Ben 51J ! FoUiiTKENTtt STKIIBT , WAsnixnTo.v. D. C. , July ill. For tbo first tlmo In iwonly-llvo year * tbo wheels of government are at n complete standstill. The only sundry civil bill undsr which n largo number of important branches of the Bovoritment\voro maintained bus ex pired by limitations ns n result ot tbo dead lock ever tbo World's ' fair appropriation. The objection of Koprosoutallvo Hopkins to Itio further continuance of Ibis old appro priation brought nbout the standstill yester day , bui it was not until today that tbo full effect of this action was realized. The great government printing ofllco , which employs 8.0UO people and whuro relays huvo to work Sunday nnd holidays , was silent ana descries today. Public Printer Palmer's notice pojd last night that the ofllco winild bo closed until such tlmo as congress provided funds for tbo work gave the building cnllrely ever to the dozen or moro wutchmon who palrolled ihu promises today. The printers worked until midnight last iilubt and succccdou in finish ing the Congressional llicord of Saturday , as It wus n short ono. When they lofl they wcro told that they need not report tor work until sent for. Tbo big building will again bo sllont tomorrow inoinlnir , for the day force comoi on nt 7 a. m. , nnd congress will not have furnished tbo funds by that lime. Other forces Iu\ol\o.l. This Is only ono of the great government instltullons which is oul of funds and nut of employment today. It is understood that Captain Meredith , chief of tbo bureau of en graving and prlntlnir , will order off his force of 1,8.10 people , who malio Iho government notes , bonds , lomiuo stamps , etc. The lifesaving - saving craws , lighthouse iteopers and coast surv&y forces are also without funds today , and if thov nro at their posts of duty , it Is oolv throuzh habit or a belief that congress will como lo Us senses and right tbo wrong. It Is nn open question whether the federal courts of the counlry can legally transact business tomorrow , f-jr the law Is explicit that no branches of the government can do work , anticipating an appropriation. Mr. Hopkins said todn r lhat ho felt sure Hie judges of the federal court at Omaha nnd olsowhuio would not undertake to uo any business Mondav or unlll an appropriation was available for paying thn judncs , clerks and employes. Even the veterans at the national soldiers homes are toa-av receiving Iholr rations with out authority of law , nnd iho stiict military any time to observe Iho btrlcl letter of the laxv and close up these institutions. There ore innumerable lesser branches of departmenlal service which arj today pro ceeding -'on trust" or nro not proceeding nt all. The gas tamps and clccttio lights in the RM'cutivo mansion and grounds flickered as usual lust night and tonighl but it was only through the gooJ grace of the companies. The government fish butcheries , revenue cutter service , geological surveying parties , Interstate commerce commission , etc. , qro similarly affected. Even tbo elevator in Iho Washington monument is stopped. Ono View of the Situation. Colonel Morrison of the interstate com merce commission said today tnat his bureau would run as usual , us ho looks upon Ibo break us a tcmpoiary ono which will soon bo remedied. This undoubtedly will bo tno view tnKen by iho many deprt- montul branches throughout the counlry , although , so far ns the law Is concerned , Ihoy are lift ho same laid-up and deserted condi tion as Iho bin government printing olllco. The World's fair managers are today en joying the cooling breezes of Old Point Com fort , so that any councils they mav bo hold ing on the present emergency are far from Washington. Tno party includes President Palmer , Secretary Dickinson , Director Gen eral Davis , General St. Clalr und Chairman Diirbnrow , which comprises all these usually retarded ns In authority on the World's fair appropriation. Tliay left on n NorfolK boat yesterday , reaching 'Old Point Comfort this morning , and expect to got back hero some tlmo Man lay morning , but while they are tucro the leaders of Iho senate and the House are literally at fever boat in trying to arrange some solution to the present problem. The weather is Intonsolv hot again today , built has no terrors to the men uho feel that cool judgment must bo exorcised quickly In order to right tno present situa- llon. Karly this morning a conference of ' leading scu'alots was bold at the residence of Senator Allison , chairman of Ibo commitleo on appropriations , to conslucr what could bo dono. > o Solution of thu 1'rohlcni , About the same time Governor Saycrs and Uopresoutatiyo Dockory , Iwo of Mr. IIol- itati's lloulcnanls of itio house appropria tions committee , sought Mr. Hopkins \vjioso objection brought about the present t'ovcrn- moulul paralysis , and tried lollgurc out some loophole of pscapo. There were many in quiries for the' World's fair managers , in order that negotiations might bo held , but tnoir ubsonco nt Old Point Comfort pre vented any continuation with these In au thority. The conioionco bnlwcen Mr. Hon- kins and Iho uvo members of the appropria tions commlttco failed to bhalio the Illinois member on Ins objection , which has caused such consternation to governmonl branches. Mr. Holmau and his associates do not ( ion- coal the fact that they are groully worried by the .situation which Mr. Hopkins has forced upon them. Whllo thov ate opunly charging thai Iho government blockade is due lo Hopkins nnd tbo World's fair , they privately bay among llicmsolvcb lliat tholr main four is that it will throw permanent discredit upon the present democratic house. They are bonding ovary effort , therefore , to overcome this. Hopkins objection. At the conference this morning Mr. Hopkins told Messrs. Suyors nnd Dackery that ho would not yield from his position. ISi'CoiiiliiK Worhe Hourly. Many members left town last night not to return'again , and the chances are , of course , Inciuablng houily thai u quorum will bo per- munonily broken. Sneaker Crisp * uye thai Messrs. Burrows , Wadsworth and half a aoicn others who have bcou friendly to the fair bade him goodbye last night nnd said they WLTO going nome for good. There nro muny others who have ( dipped away qjilotly. The bout has boon uo inienso that many members ( col it would bo suicidal for them to remain herti longer. There Is hn'rdly a member who does not fool moro or lest , pros- iratud , for Iho bent has ranged from eight to ton degrees above the Intense boat at Chicago cage durlug the Ir.iit wut'k. MUccllHiiconn. Senator Paddock expects to bo nt his home at Boatrlco within a fortnight. Senator Manderson mav tnko a few weeks rest at the seashore baforu going to Nebraska. Repre sentative. Bryan goes homo us soon us con gress adjourns. His colleagues will bo tbero t tils week. When this session of congress closes probably this week it will bo found thai Ne braska's two senators have introduced und had passed about ton limes us many meas ures as huvo Nebraska's ilirou niomberu of tha bouso. P. S , H. CiilniiiliiiH Cel < hiiitlim , CUHZ , July 81 , The Christopher Columbus celebration wus formally begun today by the departure honoo for Huclva of the Co lumbus caraval Kanlii Marlu , lowed by Iho Plo Lugo nnd escorted by the British cruiser Scout , the Fruncfi cruiser Haronu'ullo , sev eral Spanish \vurahipi and a llotlllu of tsmall steamou. The spcotaclo pioscutcd wus a fine ono. The qualnttqipect of tbo old Co lumbus vessel was in sironcr contrast with the nopcurnnco of tho/modorn vessels. An enormous crowd ut people lined Ibo quays and rampirts lo witness the departure. Tno man-of-war Lopanto saluted Iho caraval as she patscd out of iho harbor. "A brilliant company gathered nt n fete given bv the minister of marine In honor of tbo event. A bull light was alRO.hcld. AT Tin : Ilo\r Sunday Wn * PiiM < ed An KfTort to Ho .Minlo to hturt the Works. PiTTsimito , Pa. , July 1)1. ) The , Carncgios will make nn effort In iho mornlna to resume operations at the Thirty-third street , or Upper Union mills , In this city. Everything Is In readiness. To prevent , trouble , or Inter ference with tholr men. they have requaitod the police authorities to guard the plant. The strikers , however , any n cuard Is not necessary , as they do not Intend to commit any breach of the peace. It Is prolnblo that an ntlompt will also bo made to slart the Dtiqiiesno plant tomorrow. At nil events the company is preparing to resume in n very short time. H , C. Frick is rnpldjy recovering from the olTocts of the wound Ihlllctod by tbo nnarch- Ist , Bergman , and will bo nt his ofllco within a week. Attended IHUtin Services. HoMEsTKAD. Pa. , July 31. With a ponder ous mill for n church , protected by 150 walehmon , a strong fonoe , nnd ono thousand soldiers in easy roach , the nonunion mon in the great Homestead steel plant worshiped God this morning. The services wcro Indeed under such circumstances as made thorn Im pressive. In the new beam mill were gath ered about 400 ot tbo' now mon. A few oc cupied rough benches , the rest stood around in respectful attitudes , or were seated on htico steel beams , or crunes weighing many tons. In place of nn organ , n strmpod orchestra from PUtsbtirg rendered sacred tnusle ; und in front bis commanding military form nrrayod in blue and wblto , whllo Ibo sunbeams glistened from the epaulets , the chaplain of the Sixteenth regi ment , Clnreiii-o A. Adams , earnestly lolling them tbo story of Christ nnd Saul of Tarsus. There were 700 worklncmen , but In that bugo mill they seemed u handful , nnd they listened In strained sllcnco ns though they cxpcctud Iho chaplain lo decide for them iho ethics of lhe.tr position , which hold on the ono hand the premise of steady employment und on the other the .sure hatred of the men whose places they hud token. The day was almost featureless , so far ns any change in the labor sliugglo is cou- cnrncd. Another man loft the mill In the evening nnd was assisted to Plttsburg by iho lockcd- out mon. Much J'roperty Ic trojcd und Onu U'onmn 1'erished In tha rinmcs. CEIUU HUMUS , la. , July .11. [ Special Tele gram to Tim Bub'.J The most destructive tire that has vlaitod Whcallaad for n long time broke out there nhortly after midnight this monthly , and before the progress of the llnmnc nnlllfl hn nhpnUni ! t.hn htlllrllntrc Ai ni , . pied by A. LIlllo , J. Sherar , II. ICohlbcrg and H. Ivrocgcr.Jour of the llncst bushiest blocks in the city , wcro in ruins. The waolo town would have been destroyed had it not been for t&o opportune Arrival of iho flro departments from i-owdon and Dowitt , which wcro telephoned to en mo , as the local force could do nothing to stop Iho progress of Ibo flames. < > There were n\any 'narrow escapes , and ono woman , Mrs. John Snjdcr , perished In the Humes. Shu , wltMicrJiusbnud and family , resided In tno seconil Xtfirv ot tho' building occupied by" A. 'LtiVto. "So rapid wus" the spread of the flnraas that when they uwoko the wnolo building was a mass of Humes. A rmh was mndo for the windows nnd all except Airs , bnydor escaped by jump ing to the ground bolow. It Is supposed that the became bewildered mid lost her way. way.His impossible to obtain the individual losses ana insurance nt this time but tbo ag gregate is from 87.-i.OOM to 310J.OOO , with J5'J- 000 insurance. The origin of the lire is un known , though it is believed to bo of incen diary origin. The slock in the buildings burned arc an entire loss , none being saved. Hay Munacll , a 18-year-old boy. was drowned In the fowa river near Belle Plaino late last evening whllo wooing In the water. Nlcht Operator Glass , ol the Chicago , Mil waukee & St. Paul , at Wllllain > burg , was compelled at the point of a revolver to bund over iho conconis of the raonoy drawer to a tramp abouc n.liliiight. II'UKVKKD IX THE DEPOT. Ono Mini Killed und Ten Seriously Hurt lu u Chicago Itullmiy Wreck. MII.WUJKEK , Wis.t July 81. The second section of train No. S ) on tbo Chicago , Mll- waukoo & SI. Paul railroad , having an ex cursion party from 109 Union slock yards , Chlcaco , ran inlo tlip iSru section In tbo union station at ll'U ? . Nona on Iho Hrst section were hurt , buj Vw ° ° t the pissongor coaches wcro toloscnpdu. 'J on mon in the lirst coach of the second section , which was a combination biggigo-smoklng cir , were in jured , ono dying soon afterwards. Two otnora muy not livn. All were quickly re moved to iho emergency hoaplial. Follow ing Is'a list of the Injured : OTTO FAIIIAN , single , aged 21 , Chicago , died at 11:15 : p. m. Josr.ru Gn.u single , Chicago , has Internal Injuries and leg broken. f CIUHI.HS Uuii ! , slnglo , Chicago , loft leg lost , serious intcrnnl.injurlcs. EDMUND C.uii.u , slnglo , Chicago , right arm broken and riglit hand crushed. MATT COMIXKKV , single , Chicago , loft leg broken in two places | JAMKS SruuiT , Chicago , right log and right arm broken. , DBSNIS HAOfiKiirr , slnglo , Chicago , right leg broken. [ .In m' BuiTllounfisw , slnglo , Chicago , slicht Hash wound. ' H. C. Moscucr , married , Chicago , loft leg bruised. _ i ini.i > run ii.isatta. Jtiilgo .llarr ol Neir Orlenns Suld to Ito In the I'ower of llrlinicl . Nisw OIII.KANS , La. , July .11. Chief of Police Guslor jeslorda.r received a letter from what Is supposed 4o bo the Maflu. The letter wus Inclosed lojau old envelope with ckull ana cross-bonoaj on it. It was sent from the Now Orleans , postonico , and an air of myniery hangs about it. The writer Is nolkuowu , but Investigations will bo sot on foot to Hnd him. Nunn" ? , the writer , appears to live in this city , nna that he bus connections lu bt. Louis. Following Is the letter : New Oiir.KA.NH. Ln. , July ' .HV To Chief of I'ollto Caster : hli Wo Jmvo In our possession .lmlio Matr. Will dollvor him In your hands fin t'l HI or will liberate hliu fortU'u. ' Wo will sund his own clothe * , inuli us wo found nn bis purkun , but bo-ir In mJinl. foronubid bra ik unauthorized by you , his body \\ill hu riddled with hliot. then senl you for a present. Thin money must roach ns before lueiity days. nnlubD you will huvu his rluhtu.tr. i'or Hullier Informallon artdrass ironural delivery nu'.tolllce , Chicago , at. l.ouU or New Orleans. Itcsiiuct fully. . I' , J. NUNNK./ . It will bo romeinbored that Judge Mnrr of the criminal dlsiiiqt couit In this clij mys teriously disappeared last April. Ho wus old und feeble nu'd was lait hcon walking along the levee. The Impression of bis friends was that dp had fallen into the river und was drowned , and that imurcssioa stilt prevails. ol < ) rr n Steumen. At Now Yorlt Arrived ; Kuiilo , Arizona and Sorvia.-'friim Liverpool ; Fuldu , from ( Jonoa ; Dullandj fiom Antwerp ; Segurnu , f i om St , Tbom 1 und Kto , At Queenstown Arrived ; Alaska , from Now York. At Huvre Arrivedj Li Champagne , from Now York. At Liverpool Arrived ! Boston , /ram Bostou. WHAT CONGRESS HAS DONE Brief Review of Its Work During the Prasent Session. IMPORTANT MEASURES ACTED UPON Illlls introduced mul Knnctcd Into I.iiwn Tim Tarlir Volley of the llouso unit Its DcHlritu Kcnnumlzi1 All Interesting Kcsumo. WASIII.NOTOV , D. 0. , July 31. The lutiiro compiler of the oftlclal history of the law * of the United States will not noad much sp lea n which to Inscrlbj the ranlly Important laws enacted by the first soislonof the Fifty- second congress , now ready to close us soon as iho World's fair matter U out of the way. The session now drawing to n cloio lm not bacn ramarkablo for Its actual accomplish ments , so far as respects largo legislation. Kfforts more or loss vigorous have boon made to mm through both homes of con gress bills dealing with questions that oc cupy a largo share of public attention , but those , with a slnglo exception , have failed of accomplishment , The solo measure of llrst class Importance , not counting the appropri ation bills which have uocoinohnvs , is the Chi nese exclusion bill , and political oxpedlenoy had much to do with Its rapid consrosslonal progress. This bill , the Inman registry bill , the Black Hawk und Semlnolo Indian wars oonslon bill , the eight-hour bill , thn bill to enable the president to onforoo reciprocal canal arrangements with Canada , the array nurse bill , ttio Immediate pension bill and the bill to increase the pay ot life-savers are about the only measures of much general interest enacted into laws. ll\o Topic * of the Session. Frey silver , the tariff , the anti-option bill , retrenchment of appropriations and a $ > .000- 000 loan to the World's fair have been the live topics of the session. The llrst three subjects have been Killed , at least until after the election ; the last is still before congress , and tbo fourth question , that of appropria tions , entered largely into the make-up of the appropriation bllUand prevented n single public building bill from passing the house , the session belli ; ; absolutely unique in this particular. Many bills urovidlng for now oxnerulltuivs. the omnibus lighthouse , for instance , failed because of the retrenchment policy sought to bo pursued. Thu house passed , approximately , 475 bills , of which 2St were nasscd oy the senate and sent 10 the president. Of too ollls passed by the house U-'O wcro public bills , including measures relating to the Distiict of Colum bia ; IS ! were private pension bills , forty- eight bills to remove chagoa of desertion and forty.ono private Dills of a miscellaneous chatacter. The senate passed C91 bills , only 113 of winch succooueu in running mo gauntlet 01 the house and reaching tbo president. Two of this laltnr number Iho president vetoed , vb : Tbo bill to send the famous McGar- rahan claim to the court of claims for ad judication and n bill to amend the courl of appeals act. The noteworthy feature of the privulo pension bills which became laws was the largo porconlairo ot Ibom relaling to services in tbo Mexican war , the Indian wan ; and the war of 1812 , the bouoflclnrlos being chiefly southern mon. Election Contests. "Tbosenuto was not as froo-as-usual , from election coniosls'contestants being unsuo- cossful. Tbo bouso bad six election contests and four of them have boon practically set tled. tled.Thn Thn Boring soi trouble with Grout Britain was the ueliost thn senate hnd to consider behind closed doors , and a peaceful solution of it was found in its roferoncu loan arbitra tion commission. Tha Chilian mudalo also occupied some of the Semite's altonlton in cxccutivo session. The loUl liumboi of bills nnd joint resolu tions Introduced In the house was 9,8'n , and in tbo senate 3,001. In Ibo house 13,100 ro- perU were made , and In the senate 1,017 written repoits worn made , uo notice being paid to unwritten reports. Aside from Iho passage of the regular an nual appropriation bills , the most interest ing feature of iho congress bus been what It did not , rather than wbut It did do. Tbo bill for the free comugo of silver overshadowed all olhor measures In importance nnd interest. The colnace committee in the bouse was made up largely of friends of free coinage and it reported with promptness a bill for frco coinage , but when , after a stormy scene , it came to u test vote in tbo house , it was necessary for the speaker to cast his vote In order to save the bill from a square defeat , nnd when tbo largo nnli-fros coinage opposition bogaa to li I i buster tbo bill was Hilled bv a refusal on tha part of a majority of democrats in the house to sign a requosl fora cloluro rule , without which request , the speaker an nounced , he would not report a rule for c'osing ' dobuto and forcing a mcasuio on Us pissugo. The sonuto. which had boon walling on tbo houso. so fur us silver legtslalion wus concerned , Ihcn look hold of Ibo subject and in Juno , by a majority of four voles , passed the Stewart free colnago Dill. Tills again brought the house fuco to face with tbo issue , and on a vote a majority of four loon was found to bo opposed to sliver legislation at this tlmo , so that the specter of frco colnago , which had been banging over many members , was at last banished. Tarlll' I'olley ol the llnnso. The ways und moans committee of tbo bouse was busv with the tariff problem und after mature deliberation dccldod lo atlack Ibo McKinley law bv means of soparalo tariff bills , dealing with special lianis , Instead of by u bill making u general re vision of Iho tariff. Prominence was given to tbo Springer bill , placing wool on the free list and reducing lha ( inties on wool for manufacturers as tbo cblof exponent of tbo purty's policy on iho tarlll question , und with this measure as u oasis there was u long and , oil the whole , very unlniorosllng turlll debute. The bill vvu * passed by the bouso mid was followed by sixty-lwo ether bills , ono placing colton bagging , collon lies , gins und cotlon bagging machinery uud Ibo other binding twlno on the free lint , tbo binding twine bill being passed under sus pension of thu rules. There was Ibcn a lull in lunff mutters to see wbut course the sen ate wojlil tako. Tno senate's policy was made apparent by the action of Iho finance committee in pigeon-holing all three bills , and none of thorn has yet emerged from tbo seclusion of the commillco room , though tholr blumoors wcro occasionally disturbed by elToris on Iho part of senators lo huvo Ihuui reported. Hurled by the .Somite , After n tlmo ether tarlll bills were re ported from the ways and moans committee und passed as follows : To make silver-load ores frco of duly whenever thu silver exceed * in value tbo load ; lo limit lo$100 ilio amount of personal bnu'gago persons reluming from Europe may bring Inlo ibn United Suiics und lo pluco tin plulo , lorno plato and aggor.1 tin on Ibo free list after a mimed date. Tbcso jiills met in the senate iho falo of ihnlr prodcccsiors , A bill was passed by iho house and ro- porlod from iho flnant-o commitleo lo iho innate to corrcet iho clerical error in the Mclvmloy bill , by which cbocolulo was made dutiable as confectionery , but has not been acted on. Various ether tariff DilU were considered by tbo house committed on ways and meucs aid there was much tlmo glvou to the advisability of reporting bills ploclnir rollncd bugar , salt , lumber und iron ore nn the fico llsi und reducing thu duty on barley , but the committee fulled lo omburk on the advocacy of these measures , tboro being u difference ol opinion as to its wisdom at this tlmo. Tbo agricultural committee In each homo had before it some of the most Important measures of the session. A bill was reported , uud , under lu ponilon of the rules , passed b > the house to prohibit dtalln futures , tvhlob , under the generic tltla , ' .ho nntl- option bill , now remains on thoi 'a calen dar ns the unfinished buslm nt the beginning of the next session. The senate committee On agriculture took the lend In framing an nntl-mhiltoratlon bill , and that measure Is known as the Paddock pure food bill. This bill 1 No. 1 in the list of senate bills , having boon the llrst monsuro introduced , it has boon reported unfavorably from the house cninintilra on agriculture .iud Is now on the house calendar. A < lml"loti nt New .Mexico mul Arlxnti.t. Among other Important bills which wuro pissed by the house , but failed of action In the senate , are the bills for iho admission to statehood of Now Mexico and Arizona , pro viding n local government for Utnh and re quiring all nillroads to provide thonisolvos with automatic cur couplers. The policy announced by the mnjnrlty party In the house In fiivorot arotronchment of appropriations totultcd In an unusually close scanning ot the estimates nnd n non- nllownnco of noproprlntloits for unarly all now work , or for work which existing law did not in 11 lie nccosnry. Considerable legislation was accomplished by the Incorporation of paragraphs In thu o Indispensable annual appropriation bills. In the naval bill provision is made for ono now cruiser and ono line of battle ship , the latter being secured by thooenato as a compromise on the amendment authorizing the construc tion of n nnmbor of new vessels. B.v provis ions In the at my bill , contract surgeons nro done away with mid payments are prohibited to bo mada by the government ofllcnrs for transportation of troops over non- bonded branch lines owned by the Paclllc railroads. H was decided in conference that the provisions should not apply to lines leased or operated but not owned by either the Contrul or Union Pacific Kallwny com- panv. The World's fair was closed on Sun day by a paragraph in iho sundry civil bill , not yet passed. Of Interest to Solillers. A provision of Interest to soldiers In other bills makes the action of the second auditor on all back pay and bounty claims ilnal , ex cept that an appeal may bo taken within six months to Iho comptroller. Another provis ion abolishes 'lio olllco of marshal in the now courts of appeals. Collection ot statistics relating to our ex- portatlons by railroads is provided for , no statistics except constwibo statistics being now obtainable , so th.it our exports to Canada ada- and Moxlco are matters of guess. In the Indian bill a start ls effected In a policy of supplanting civilian Indian agents by army oftlcors. In the rlvor and harbor bill , the poli cy embarked upon In the preceding congress of permitting contracts to bo entered Into for the completing of some of th < 3 largest of the public Improvements was materially ex tended. In the legislative bill , n provision was Inserted which stops the guaging of liquors coming out of rectifying houses. It Is always guagcd ns it comes from the dis tillery and the rcMilt of this provision is expected - poctod to make nn annual saving of SI50.0UO. Monov order reports are to bo made only monthly instead of ut least once a week as at present. llillb 1'iiHnoil unit In Conference. Among the bills originating in the house which have become laws uro the following : To appropriate 53,003 for the preparation of a slto aud iho erection of u pedestal for u slulnn nf the Into fJnnnr.'il Shei'iii'in : to add the secretary of ugnculturo to the list of olllcos entitled to succession to the presi dency ; for the in vostigolion of mining debris in California. Among the bills origlnnling In thoscnnto that liuvo become laws were the following : To authorbo the day of the 430th anniver sary of the discovery of America to bo pro claimed a general holiday ; increasing to 550 tier montli the pensions to persons totally Incapacitated for labor but not totally help less ; to repeal the law requiring llfo saving projcctilos to bo carried on steamers , co far as concerns vessels navigating the lakes , buys'br sounds oxc'lusflreTyvv. . t&tUvtxfr Among tlia bills in conference are tbo fol lowing : To pramoto the safety of national banks by forbidding loans lo Dank employes ; to aslabllsli linenl promotions in the army ; lo clvo claimants Iho right to sue the United States to obtain land patents and lo exclude beer und mall liquors from Iho Indian coun try. Among the nouso bills , other than those previously mentioned , are these : To doilno tbo crimes of mnrdor in the lln > t nnd second degrees , federal laws having no provision on this subjojt ; lo dispense with proof of loyally durini : Iho lalo war as a prerequisite 10 being restored to the pension roll. Held Itaclc by thu Houso. Among iho bills passed by the senate , but which have not yet finally got through the house , are tbo following : The grain clasbi- llcation bill ; lo increase tbo pension for deafness , ulso for loss of limbs ; n general bill for luo erection of public buildings where Iho postal receipts for the three years preceding have exceeded &J.OOO an nually ; for lha construction of two rcvonuo cullers for service on the Pacific coast and two on tha great lakes ; making a largo appropriation for the improvement of the Mississippi rlvor ; to dec-hire lands con taining phosphates to bo uiiuor.il lands and subject to entry as such. Tnero were also a number of other Import ant bills , such as tnoTorrov bankruptcy bill , which fulled of consideration in either branch of congress. JUDGE CLAKKSON'S BODY. Coroner Muni Tells ol thu Systematic Sr.irch of Honey CreciU l.ul < e. Coroner Maul returned from Honey Crook lake ut noon yesterday completely worn out with his tiresome Hip and Iho nocessarv hard work in the search for the body of Judge Clurkson. In spaaklng about ttiu matter lasl evening Mr. Maul suld : "Tho llrst I know of the sad affair was a telephonic message from Congdon & Hunt's onion asking mo to como up at once , which I did. It was then lhat 1 was In formed of llm judgo's clealli. I was rcrjnorf'.od to go over and got the oodv and bring it to Omaha. On my way 1 stopped at Council Bluff' * to get the coroner over there to go alonir , but lhat oflleml declined. "Up to ID ill ! ) o'clock last night wo had nlno boats and three men to u boat on the soarch. Tha boats woio fastened together as closely ns possible , ono man manipulated the boat , wbilo two others , ono at each end , and stripped of their clothing wuliccd along on the bottom of tuo lalie , trying to Hnd tbo body with tholr fojt. This work was carried on systematically. Wo would traverse the wholn northern part oC tiio lulco , above the Northwestern company's watch bouso , ono way , and then turn about and cross and rocross the bojy of water the ether way. Wo felt confident by worliing that way that wo would surely find what wo were searching for , B > 1010 : ! the men in the water became chlllod und wo gave up the hunt for the night. "The Ural thing this morning , " continued the coroner , "wo commenced uiruln , working as before. For quite a dUtanco north of where wo could push iho beaU Iho lake contains only about n foot of water. Bulow tUs is three or four feet of mud , the whole being illicitly covered with tall rushes. I had an Idea that If wo could gut up wnoro the water was so shallow lhat wo might Hnd the corpse , but that was impossible. Dur ing all the tlmo that I was thcro Major Clarksan stood on Ibo railroad track nnd directed Iho searchers. "Owing to pressing business on this sldo of the river I was compelled to como , though I oxpcct to go back tomorrow. The heavy thunder shower this afternoon ought to huvo lomo effect on tha body , and I am in hopes that by morning it will bo found Hoatlnt ; . " A special telegram toTiiK Bii ; from Honey Crook last nluht said that the search was continued all day uplo the timciof the storm , during which iho men In the beau were compelled to nook shelter ushoro. Major Cliiruaon and Messrs. Hunt and Parish nnd several other Omaha pcopto were on the ground nil day endeavoring in every way lo u 8Ut In On thn I'liiiilifort lloumo. FiUNiiroiir , July ! ) ! . On the bounu dur ing the week prices were maintained. The final quotations Included ; Hungarian irola rentes , 0 80 ; Austrian irold rontos. UT-SU ; Au lrlnn ulvor rontos , W.UJ ; Spanish fours , ( W.30. THEY FAVOR JUDGE CROUNSE Soutimont of the Dougln ? County Repub lican Delegates. WILL MEET IN CONVENTION TODAY ItesuHof ( ho Convention In Tlinmni County Audreys CitinpiiiKii Club Arranging for ( lood Work Mows Nutci. Tiio republican oountv convention will nieoi In Washington ball al'JoVlockthlsaflornoon. to select ninety-four dele'jiatcs to the stata ronvcntlon nt Lincoln on Thursday , August Caucuses wcro hold yesterday to consider the work ot toiluy's convention. A caucus of the delegates from tiio country prooinota will bo hold nt the Mlllard at U o'clock to day. day.A A largely attended mooting of delegates was hold yeslorday afternoon , ana whllo no Instructions wore given It was apparent that the sontlmont of the delegates present was In favor of Judge Crounso. The Indications are now that the conven tion tcuny will send n delegation to the state convention Instructed to support Lorenzo Crounso. Nelson's Itcpnlillciiii Club. Nni.so.v. Nob. , July HI. [ Special to Tin nr.i : . | A republican club was organized la Nelson some weeks ago and named too An- diews republican club In honor of the repub lican candUuto for congress from this dis trict. There nro 123 members now enrolled , with fnir prospoot of reaching 'JOO. Much enthusiasm > Is mnnifcstcd by the mnmbars , and Rood work is being done , which augurs well for republican success In this county. The club expects to conduct n campaign of Its own. Saturday evening It was addressed by Hon. W. L. Summer * of Lincoln on the silver question. Air. Summer. * dsllvorod nn nblo niui logical address , showing up the fallacies of thu financial schemes ami thaorios of the independents. It Is expected that other speakers of note will address ttio club from time to time. All 1'ilctloiis Uiiltncl. Huimso.v , Nob. . July 81. [ Special Tola- pram to TUB BBC. ] The Sioux county republican convention mot hero yesterday and nominated George Walker for county attorney , nmlB. P. Thomas tor surveyor. The delegates to the state convention are : A. B. Hoag , A. 11. Dewey and . ) . W. Newlin. To the Sixth congressional W. H. Corbin , Frank Tinkman , M. J. O'Connoll. San atoria ! and representative D. W. Woody , W. S. Nioholson and W. H. Corbin. The convention was ttio most harmonious ono over held in the county. The split which has existed In the p.uty in this county slnco its organization has cntirclv disappeared , and victory awaits thu republicans here lu November. Tlioy I'rutor , ludgu Crounso. NOD. , July ill. [ Special Telegram to Tun BUB. ] Politics In this part of the civilized world is rather quiet. The Holler- IKK crop outlook ha ? a tendency to keep the farmer contented with the way matters per- lalnlng to government affairs are being con ducted. Republicans ore In the minority , but whit ttioro nro nro vor.v strong and healthy. All nro looking forward anxiously to the fourth of August. For governor Judge Crounso is thu favorite in this vicin ity , and it is believed he would draw heavily from the independent ranks in tnls product. Will Support Vnn Wjrolc. CI.IY CRNTRIC , Neb. , July 31. [ Special to THE Bun. ] The Independent county conven tion was hold here Friday with only mod- ernto attendance and nothing llko the former enthusiasm. A. ,1. Omul or IT was in ado abuirman and N. O. Alberts secretary , The convention was only for the purposa of ap pointing delegates to the ctalo and senatorial conventions , and considerable feeling was manifested between tiio friends of I'owora and Van Wyck. The delegation Is unln- structcd , but it Is believed a majority will support General Van Wyck. Nolitoii Alliance Meet , Nii.sox : , Nob. , July ! fl. [ Special to Tnn Hi'.i : . ] The independents had a small gath ering hero yesterday to hear I. D. Charabor- Inin , W. II. Deck atid Wright. The meeting was very uoorly attended. The principal stoek-ln-trndo of the speakers was " 31,000 millionaires. and ! t,0')0UOO ' ) tramps and pau pers. " Ttio local nlllanca members doso- crutod their largo American Hag by inscrib ing on It the words , "Weaver aud Field ; Keep lu the mlddla ot the road. " This was unfurled across Main street. Itryu i Will llo Chnllenced. PMTTSMOUTH 'Nob. , July 81. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Arrangements are being completed between the republicans and democrats hero to .secure a Joint dobata between Congressman Bryan and Hon. R. U. Ilorr and to this end prominent republi cans hauo drafted n written challenge and as soon us Mr. Ilorr cau Ux the dates it wil DO Issued Tlinmim County Dufogntcg. TimiiFOiin , Nob. , July 31. [ Special to Tun BISK. ] The Thomas county republican con vention was held In this city yesterday after noon for the purpose of selecting delegates to the v.trious conventions. They are : J. M. McMillan and S. W. Binons congressional , . ) . A. Furrell aud 12. A. Palmer senatorial , George T. Allan and J. II. Evans representa tives , J. II. Evans and Robert F. Evans. ( iimjinr Uminty Independent * . EI.WOOD , Nob. , July 31. | Spoeial Tologrnm to Tin : Bui ! . ] The Independents of Gosper county met In convention yesterday and nom inated W. B. Miller for county attorney , O. A. Gossay for commissioner and delegates to the sanatoria ! aua representative conven tions. Phil Ford was recommended as candidate for the legislature. In I'xrklui County. EI.SII : , Nob. , July 31. [ Special Telegram to Tiln Biiu.J Perkins county convention yesterday at Madrid elected state delegate * as follow * : C. N. Beaumont , I. J. Hnruo , W. L. McCulloUfjb , B. A. Hastings and Frame Gliding. I * FOltKVAHTS , Present Oliuuae * for Adjournment The Simula Wllltlll nil iliu Homo. WASIII.NOTOV , D. C. , July 31. The future of this bcsslun of congress depends alto gether on the treatment of the World's fair appropriation as contained in the sundry civil appropriation Dill. Everything olio wnich threatened trouble , lucludlai ; the Dull-option bill , has noon disposed of in toiao way , The house lias gotten Itself into a dlli'iuma by voting concurrent iciiato World's ' lulr amendments without being iiblo to Dually DUSS thu bill. Theru uru but two methods of escape. Ono Is to secure a majority on the motion to table tbo pending motion to reconsider lha vote , and the other Is to reconsider the vote by which the amendments were concurred in. The latter IB thu most probable outcome of the present situation , which would mean tbo adoption of ono of several compromise proposition ! which liuvu been put forward. Wliun thU is done , a speedy adjournment will bo hnd , Monday in the houbo will bo suspension day and an effort will bo raado to pass iho appropriations carried by the sundry civil bill. Whether or not tills effort succeeds it Is probublo that the filibustering will Uo re sumed for such a time as cannot bo dollnod by anyone. The senate lias concluded its business and U now waiting on thu haute. To 1111 in the time , Mr. Uawluy will inako a tariff spuoob tomorrow and tome recourto will be hod to thu calendar in cases of bill * wuiun nlll arouse no opposition.