THE OMAHA DAILY BRR : SUNDAX JULY fl , 18D2--SIXTKEN THE CONDI i ION OF TRADE * No Mithuramar Dullness in Jobbing Oi roles. FINANCIAL SITUATION IN THE V/ESF / Iin\ln\r of the Uniik ClrarliiKS of Omaha with CoinpirUons of I'rotliitis Month * A Vi-ry ( Jrutlfy. hit ; Sl Midsummer dullness has not materialized ns yet In the wholosnlo trade ot Omnh.i. The volume of business still continues largo In most all lines , and the movonunt of goods is unptucediiiod for the season of the your. The timely rains ot tl-opast weak , Insuring n. largo corn crop , have tondoil to stimulate the fooling of confidence. Tno prospects for the balance ot the summer nnd fall wore never moro onoournglng. The Jobbers of _ , * * , ' Omaha are doing nn enormous business , with V no Immediate prospect ot a lot-up. Collections in the country nro vary satis- factory , which would scum to Indicate that r the rolnllots nro having n good casli trade. . In Omaha the reports from the retailers > t. are lumowhat conflicting. Some dealers re- * poi t a very fair tradu while a fcood many others complain cf the dullinss. The amount of building going on In the city is not large , which \vould naturally have a depressing oUcet upon nny branch of business con nected with building material. Thus the rctill lumber dealers , brick men , hardware aoalcrs , etc. , complain of a slacit business. i Tlio Money Munition. While money In general circulation may nnt bo nnv too plenty , there isanv amount of It In the liands of the banks nnd loan and Investment companies. In fact the question with tbosu companies Is what disposition 'o make of their surplus funds. Eastern capi talists who have neon wont to Una peed in vestments in the west llud thut no ono wauls thulr money. This state of nITnirs has pro voked n greit deal of comment In the cast. The United Utates Investor tojontly devoted n column to the tlnnnclul situation in llio .vest. It scorns that It is a general complaint among n number of western mort gage companies who nro actively engaged in the negotiation and salu of loans , that It is bVcoiiiIng exceedingly dldlcult lo obtain cholco loans unless lower rates of interest . " nro granted , the privilege of paying the principal earlier than five years and ether concessions. V This appears to bo n healthy indication \ nncl loaves three alternatives for the Investor \nntl companies to accept. First , the lender Vust content himself with n lower rate of 'Interest n rate consistent with absolute safotv ; or second , ho must recognl/o that In insisting on higher rates It Is only fair that ho should assume whatcvrr eloii.cnt of risk there may bo as pertains to thepav tncnt of ] irlnclpal or Interest , asking naught from the company or individual who places his loan otherwise than with competent management , peed fullh und conservatism , or third , and histlv , tlio company must dispense with their middlemen or agents , leaving the investor to deal more direct with the com pany uud borrower nud tnus save commis sions. The causes which directly lead to these complaints of moro money than borrowers nro staled to be tlio competition of the lureo insurance companies who uro offering cheap : , nnd Iho refusal of borrowers to lonccr pay commissions. But tlioio are rensons more potent than those which under lie thu situation , and have foi sumo time been gradually loading the mortgage business tn the position it bus now assumed. First among these may ho cltcJ the reso lute purpose ot bonowors everywhere in the west to liquidate their indebtedness , to clear tip the obligations Incuircd during the \ \ earlier periods ot development and on which high talcs of Injcicst nro charged. They nro tired of paying 8 Mid 10 per cent now that the 1'icquality butweon tales cast and west has crown loss. They nro awnio that they can procure cheaper money , that in vestors cast are satisfied with lower rates , while ou the other hand , they are not news s tempted to borrow except for nctuul requirements , not for speculation. Every farmer is htdglnp , is assuming no moro obligations than are absolutely ncces tai-y , nud while his debts sland for his In vestments nnd not in losses , ho is as loth to invest as the eastern Investor to loan. llnnk Clearings. Ac.aroful examination of the bank clear ings of Omaha lor the past few months would bring out some Interesting facts. In December , IS'JI , thu bank clearings reached the highest point ot that year , the total being $21,011,770. In January of the pioscnt year there was a gain amount ing to about f.1OUO,000. Then came lie heavy spring rains of April and May which threatened to prevent the planting of torn and which had a most dcprcsninir effect upon trade. During these months the clear ings showed a dcciease as compated.vitli Iho llrst month of Iho year. Still the totals wcro very much Ui excess of tboso for the corresponding months of ibOl. In Juno the prospect wus better , and with the return of conlidonco was a rapid imptovcmcnt in hunlnafs. The Irndo which had been held back in April nnd May en mo on with a rush , nnd tno dealings reached the highest point touched in the history of iho city. As tbo Juno 10- tull business of the city was not ovctly good , wlnlo iho Jobbers were rushed to death with orders , It is safe to nssumo that the increase lo the clearings was mainly due to the growth of the Jobbing trado. ' . July Is usually a dull montn.both In retail ind Jobbing clicks , nnd it would oo only natural to expect a decrease in the clearings. In Ib'Jl ' tlioro was n drop of over ' WO.KOUJ fiom Juno to July. A clnnro nt'the figures given below will show July IblU has proven nn exception to lift general rule. In- ntcnd of n decrease thoio has been a gain of about ? 1,000,001) ) as compared with Juno. As co in pirod with July of last year there has Loon u gain of over $10,000,000. Clearings by Months. 1801. 1892. January J IB.ilil. : 101.80 . ' 4.flU.7.M8 I'obiunry 15.MIi4S,42 : Mnroh r.l7ll , ( 2I.US2.I)1 ) 17.1)0 ) April Kkfiiu , % . ' ( ) ) May I8.lin.8iu.00 2..hS ( ) 1)211.4 1 Juno l'W.1,840.01 25.5.l..f > tM.2 July ll > .8ll..W.48 20,5.4I.1U.OI AllSllBt Ki.5.VV.0)'i8 ) re-plumber. HUW'.270..18 ' October llUu.'fi4.I2 ) November. 18.W7,0KOO ! Dccuiuhur 2l.fll4.7it ) HI Jli'iil iHtiito : Market. During the nast few il"- " " " > < ; has been a HtjUe bl'.xm-'Yeeling"1 ; ; . * ' ! i5-.1"hi"V.0' . * " ' . " " Veoplo wore becoming alarmed over the con tinuance of the excessively warm and dry weather which was threatening tbo corn crops. Tbo ram removed thuso fears ana Blronclhonnd public conlldouco lu Ihu future of Omaha realty vnluoi. At present business Is mostly confined to the triinsfui' of smill pieces of real estate , wanted for some npeclal purpose. Heal os- tale dealers , however , predict that there will ho nn nctivo market this full. Money is uc- cummulutlng In the hanks , and the coming fait when the crops have boon secured and another prosperous yi < ar for Omaha guaran teed this money will bo drawn out ubd put Into estate. / The lotal transactions for the week ending with Friday night were f I7J'J72 , which wus n decrease us compared with the previous week , The building permits for the week ending on Friday were vury light , amounting to a little moro than 110,000. NKHK.VSKA rAUTDItV NOTKS. 1'cnrl Iliittuiu In Aincrlcii-Ilow llunio In- iliutrlm Thrlie. The Nuvv Vorlt Tribune published n column articlu made up of interviews with leading pearl outton manufacturers of New ark , N. J. Thrco > cars ago there were only about hulf a dozen flirns lu the city of New ark that were engaged In thn manufacture of pearl buttons or pearl good * of any kind , und uvun than the ; otton had a hard tlmo to keep their factories runntngj * lu coiiRcquenco of thu fact that the dut.v on pearl buttons was ° iDjy m79Por renv ttd valorem. Under the McKlnloy law a duty of 'J } cents l'iS0 ' WM Imposed , lu addition to the 5 per cent duty. Under thU low them Isnchuucu for American manufacturer * to show what thov can do , nnd the pearl button makers of Nuwark art ) tatting ndvontago of the beuollti nITordod them under the McKlnluy olll to the fulloit extent , and , ftlluouKh tbli U now uiuully a dull KOBIOII in Ihl * traae , every flrui ID tbli Hue of bu iuc8 Is now running Its factory on full tlmo and to Its utmost capacity. There nro today tvvonty-ilvo factories operat ing In Newark , giving ; cmplovmont to nearly 3,000 paoplo. Uoforo the McKlnloy bill was oasscd the wages ot pearl button makers wore from $3.50 to tl'J.UO per week. At the proicnt time the wiipoi run from ( IS tot.21 per WCOK. Omaha is getting n nlco start In button manufacturing and every thing should be done to stimulate n business vvhloh has proven of such Importance la Newark. Thn Nebraska Hemp andTwIna company's factory at Krumonl has just closed Its sea son's work nnd the factory has boon shut down. The output of binding twine this year has benn vcrv largo nnd the quality has been excellent. Last season's crop of homo , consisting of something like n,003 acres , was n heavy one and the raw material was in line shnpo for working so that the quality of the ivvlno made from it this year nns been very uniform and has sold readily against the competition ot nil other kinds. ThU season's work has been proilt.iblo and the prospects nro Mattering for future prosperity. The product of the mill this year was about BOO- Uini pounds of twine , all ot which had been sold thrco weeks before harvest began , The mill is not In the trust and the farmer * Imvo taken kindly to It for this very reason. The growing crop of hemp which xvlll be worlrod up next yonr Is In good condition nnd prom ises n lioavy yield. The Fremont Foundry nnd Machine com pany has rocoutl } secured some larga con tracts for worlc fro.o the Chicago it Nortti- western Uaitroid company. Tncso contracts nro for castings of many kinds , the work having hitherto bson done in Chicago. The contracts were secured against blddora in Chicago nnd elsuwhero , nnd the fact that they wont to t'Totnont indicates n favorable location there for such work , The orders are coming In regularly and tlftcen additional men have boon hired in the company's ' moulding department to iako care of the w ork. Fremont has a now factory which will bo- gln operations within tbo coming fortnight. Hts a Harness and collar foctoiy , for thouso of which a now building has boun orectcd , and was turned over to the company Dy the contractor n few dnvs ago. JPhl building is four stories high and 41x100 foot in ground dimensions. The company is taking po ses sion of it , nnd expect to have it running by the imli of August. Ihu name of the linn is the ITiemont Saddlery company , whleh has n capital stock of jn.OOO. It will manufac ture harness nnd Job sudalcry hardware. It controls the right of manufacturing the Thlclon patent separable collar , u raw in vention which is confidently expected to provo u great success. The factory .ri'.l em- plov about forty men. The nwHrdine of the oontract for paving districts Not " and S , at Hastings , to i' A. Stewart , of the same place , is looked upon ns n victory for the homo pitronago move ment. A determined elTort was inado by outsldois to secure the contract , hut by a unanimous vote the city council decided to allow Mr. Stewart to do the work. Ho will immediately begin to make Iho brick requis ite for the twenty blocks to bo paved , and will necessarily employ n largo additional force of men for several months. Allot the property-holders of thu now districts an nounced themselves as willing to put up with some inconveniences to patronize uoiro iudusttlos , The Wcoping Water Stone company , Khonds & Solvers nnd W. D. Ualduff , have applied for u membership in the Mauutact- urers association during the pas , week. Secretary Bradley of the Manufacturers association has been calling upon the maim- fncturets out through the state during thu past week. The Omaha Elevator company received tbo llrst now wheat of the crop of Ib'J- ' > csturduv. and it graded No. I hard -winter. It was plump , sound uud well cleaned. AS i > u.v siis IT. Omiilm's Triulo SnlliirliiK : Itccuuse of Delay In Public U'orUs. Following is W. II. Uoborson's view of the local trade situation for July from tbo stand point of K. G. Dun & Co.'j mercantile agency , of which ho is the local manager : Uclail trade in the city Is bzttor than a year ago , but not as prosperous as was an ticipated. In many lines trade Is unprofit able. The smaller retailer * appear to bo doing better , judging from the condition of tholr hank accounts , but tbo lack of public work and ab once of other larco wage-employing enterprises has very materially interfotcd with results. Collections , however , are bettor than condl- ttot.s would indicate. Small buyers are pav ing cash moro than formerly. The larger dry goods houses expect very dull times in July owing to ubsonco of the baiter class of ' cus'tomcrs atOistunt summer resorts. They have not ucon disappointed In this particu lar. lar.Koal Koal estate continues dull and builders say that Julv has been marked by an ausenco of work in their lino. The local dealers in building material of all Hinds Und llttlo cause of congratulation over present condi tions or prospects lu the city , though the demand remains sliong from outsldo points. Amotifr the jobbers there is a very much butter feeling. Grocers have hod a remarkable Julv with trade 10 to 50 per cent better than nvcniago. . Hardware continues in good demand with orders coming in faster than goods can bo shipped. I'ncus in tholr haidwnro have tulod lower than n year ago but tbo volume of snlCH has been largely Increased and with in a few days prices have stlfTcncd notice ably. Thu gain in volume ranges from IS to 25 per cent over July , 1SU1. lioavy hard ware is higher and ttude very satisfactorily considerably ahead of last yoar. The dealers In boots and shoos without ex ception repurt u very maiked improvement over July , Ih'H , ranging all the way from 20 to : r > per cent increase. At thu drug houses trade for Julv is reported no bettor than last year but uolloc tions are satisfactory und tbo promise for the jcar Is good. The clothing mon slate that July trade has surpilsed them notwithstanding the heat and their orders for fall goods aio coming in rapidly. The dealers lu hats and caps report similar conditions. Dry goods people find trndo affected un favorably by tno weather nnd u rather unex pected fulling off in collections , but the mouth will show n gain of from \ yt toIU per cent over ono year ago. However , July is never a very satisfactory month from which to form conclusions In this lino. The liquor business is not very lively and browois llud tnoir midsummer sales below expectations and not much encouragement to hope for Improvement , Produce commission dealers have had n good month. Prices have ranged higher than n year ago and demand for fruits and vego- ta'blos ahead of tuo supply. California fruiu fell oil the last of the month , owing to u glut ii4-ihtH ! market , but lemons have been in strong au.iiC.d at high prices , liuttor is 4 to 5 cents higher tt.-u n year ago , with largo receipt ! nnd strong demand. Kggs are scarce and high. Potatoes hocln to show the cifcct of increased receipts from homo supply. The candy and confectionery trudo is CO per com bolter than tn July , Ib'Jl. Leather Hliows no features to oxoito com mon t. All the banks have funds in excess of do- mnnds. Kates are low nnd money Is easy , with n slightly improved demand and pios- pect for moro activity in September encour- ugintr. The distinguishing feature of Iho financial situation throughout the montn hai been the largo Increase of deposits and slack demand for loans. At South Omaha business has bcou vary actlvo throughout tbo month. The largo im provements of the suvorul packing houses uro approaching completion and the Increased yardngu is ready for use. Tbo ( Jcorgo II , Hammond company has begun buying cattle und bogs again , having completed Its noff buildings. The largu hoof killing house with capacity ot 1'JUO hovoa per day will bo opened tomorrow , titook has ranged higher throughout tbo month than packers would like , hut pur- ctiases have nevertheless bcou largo and packing house products have sttffjuoa lu prices. In the oattto market July has boon de cidedly oiuullonal. It was Iho wildest month In yours , Twice a very pronounced break occurred. On the 22nd ln > t. cattle dropped to M.75. On July Q the top was K > .50. Monday and Tuesday of taut week thcro was an advance of US to 40 cents nud on Wodncsduy u drop of 4U cents , O.i Friday the prices of cornfod cattle ad vanced again in conts. Hnugo cattle have boon holding tholr own , but corn fed natives have rhown curious lluutuatloni , Hu > era have all been at > ea , not belli L' able to culou- laU ) upon the prohanlo number In the coun try. Tno hog nmrkut begun July 1 with an average of tM paid and on the 27th reached IVIH ) for top. Never lu the hlitq.ry of tbo yitrdi bu the doinuuu from OJutoru buyer * been so netlvo. The packing Increase for the yards has nnt Kept pace with receipts because - cause of high prlco3 and strong eastern do- mand. The rei'olpls for the month xvoro ns fol lows ! Cattle , 4.1.117 : hogs , 1(50,108 ( ; sheep , 0,103. Looking .ahead with the recent abundant rains extending throughout the state wo sco nothing dlscourneing. Pull wheat nlrondy harvested tnado a largo yield. Spring wheat Is aooJ. for at loist nn nverago yUld. Oats will bo n llttlo short , oC n full crop nnd barley nn averago. ' Conit though late In many Dirts of the state , promises woll. Fruit t a inlluro. The last rains have made the vegetable crop snfo. Farmers nro in good spirits. Country merchants nro enjoy ing a good trade .ind country b.ankow are In funds. Unions some unusual disaster occurs Nobraskn will oxcorlonco within the next twelve months nn unexampled prosporlty. JtUASONS WHY llll-ii ( : ) OOU'N. A llrlof Arrnngommit of fuels Indisputably Convincing to Intelligent People. Baruum & Batloy use twelve mimmoth water proof tents nnd the main pavllllon Is litrgo enough to contain all the tents used bv nny ether show coming to Omaha , and still Dave ample room for the big hinpodromo triick around thnm. This Is admitted by all showmin. It Is n furlhor fact that the agent of the Nurtnwostcrn r.altroid will verify the statement that Bnrnum & nallov contract for t5l of the largest caw that can ho hauled and that no other snow lisas but 23 or loss. Which must ho the larger ? It is another fact that no show coming hero cxcopt lUrnnm i& Bailey's has 2 herds of performing elephants , or nveu n clovn elephant , 15 camels , IWD horses , a elevated stages , a quartor-mllo hlpnodromo track , n speotnclo , n rhinoceros , giraffe , eight llon , four tigers , tnlKtmn. giant horse , double-bodied hey , thtoe-eyed cow , Ilvo hyenas , six leopards , pair of ostilchos , , cassowary , three zebras , eight stallions , thoroughbred runntng'horscs , two-ton hippopotamus and a hundred other animals no other show can nITordtoown. IthasliiJO performers , mak ing it twelve times us largo ns nny other show coming hero claims to bj. TLo Bar- num it Unlloy menagerie It divided up would make ton , nnd each equal to nny other coin ing horo. Go toduy nnd count their cars and you will realize the truth of these state ments. No other show besides Barnum & Bailey's has a speotnclo , 100 ballot dancers , . ' 100 choristers nnd instrumentalists. They have not room to present them in. The Barnum & Bailov center poles nro seventy foot und no other shows buy thlrty-llvo feet. They couldn't , use higher in n llttlo tout. There Is absolutely no comparison In size , merit , novulty or grandeur. All second baud discarded stuff bought cheap from other shows docs not equal "tho greatest show on oarth. " There Is but ono , It is the Barnum ft Bailey , nnd it will surely bo in Omaha Soptomuor 14 , and not before , so bo wise nnd wait. The facts nnd figures all provo the alter folly of doing otherwise. WHY THEY DON'T PASS. An Army Ollicor Tolls of the iiiiniiimtlon of Went I'olnt Applicant * . Speaking of the largo percentage of applicants , to the military school at West Point who fail to pass nn examination entitling - titling them to enter , a prominent olllcor at the army hcadquattcrs said ; ' Yes , It is true that n largo percentage of those who apply for admission to West Point fail lo obtain ccrtlticatos because their exam inations are not satlsfae ory. A largo proportion tion of them have , it Is true , taken tlio local examination before the board appointed by the congressmen of the various districts from which the young men huvo come , but thcso local examinations are not as thorough as that through which the applicant Ir. obliged to pass nt West Point. Then there are a few of the applicants wno have not taken any rrolitnlmuy or local examina tion prior to the examination for admission to West Polr.t. They have been appointed bv the congres men of their districts without any comnctitlvo effort whatever , und when they como in con tact with the oxaminlnc board at West Point they are kuocuod out in short order. "I think the examinations for admission to West Point are rigid , but they are perfectly fair. If a young man fails to pass it is ou account of imperfect training In thu com mon branches of our common school course. The fact that so many fail is , I think , a sovcro commentary upon the high school training of our country. Look at this report of tbo hoard of visitors for 1839 , " and ho teen u largo volume put of his book case. "Hero are the questions thut were asked and answered bv borne of tbo poorest that were admitted. L'ok that over a moment , " \ In ono of the papers , said to bo poorest that passed , the following words were spelled in this manner : Alcahol , countorlit , equivocal , Idolotry , foubllostand boundorics. And yet this applicant was admitted. "I think' was found to bo the rule , " said thu oflicer , ' 'that moro applicants fail In arithmetic and spelling than in anything else. Just look at some of the answers to tboso qnojtions in arithmetic. " Here Is a sample problem A tube can be filled by a pipe in forty minutes nnd can bo cmntiuu by a wnsto pipe in sixty ininutoi. How long will it take to ( ill tuo tube if both pipes are left open. Ono young man submitted an at ray of llgurcs thut he seemed to believe proved that tno tube would bo lilted in lifty minutes. Another thought it would tnxo about eighty minute : , und u third Utrurod that It would rcquiro just two hours to flll the tube with both pipes doing their best. In history , composition and gcotrraphy the papers submitted in the report showed many glurlnt. errors and were sufllcioat to icinovo any surprise that Iho applicants had not passed. Air. I.undur'H ICm'omiiiciiiIatlon * Mr. J. A. Lander , a prominent cluzim of Clarksburg , Mo. , and widely unown In tbo state , says ot Chamberlain's Collu , C holora and Diurluua Kotnody : "I have soon its peed roiulls unl u.m'rcco.naijna if For sale by druggists. > 'n Cuno Agalnitt Lynch , John Lyncn was arraigned before Judge Dundy jcstorday on a charge of attempt ing to pass counterfeit monoy. Mr , Lynch is the young man who was arrested for ottering a gold plated nickel , which no had received in change , for a ? , r > gold piece. It was shown tnat bo know nothing of tbo character of the supposed coin nnd ho was nccoidlncly dismissed at the instance of United States Attorney Baker , "Late to boa ana oariy 10 rise will shorten the road to your homo In the skies. But early to bed and "Llttlo Early Hiser. " tdo pill that mukus life longer and bottora nd wiser. Till : ICKAI.TV MAUKIST. TNSTIlUMnNTS placed on record July 30 , VVAUIIANTV DKKD3. W T Sohwerln ot nl , trustees , to W V gphnuldor ui al , trustees , lot 10 , block ; i , Marsh's add $0,000 August Kli hsteln and wlfo to Charles llofiiiann. tot I. block ' 'I , Orchard Hill. 100 Wlllhulmlno Klrscluleln to baniii , easts feel of west ir > tout , of north ! i block A. . Shlnn'slld ud I M A A Illillnis ot at to J G Allen , lots b to 1 J , iilojk. ! , lloyd , V HnarpoH4 ad I 0,100 O II UOAO and wlfo to s into , lot (1 ( , same , 1'JuO U I. Van U imp and wifoto U A Dunham , lot" , block < , L'otl-iio park 1,103 O A Dunham to 01 , Van Ounp , wust 23 fout lot 5 , block U und east "J fuel lot 0 , booki : , same 000 T K I'nrcliiisu to Jessie 1'urolmse , nw nw IMK-IO 1,000 JM KduardH nnd wlfo to David Cole , lota 5 and n , roaron place 3,330 Lou M llriulford and wife toO Ij llradluy , Ir 4 , block 4 , Uc'ud'xUl add 3,000 I ) I' Uc'dman and wlfo to llarb ira 1lo . HJx''IO.- ' fuct ner. , com at point 501 4 feet west nnd 600 feet north of sucor of uwswJ-J-10-t.l 78J \V It Dlntlu nnd wlfo to ( Jlty of Omaha. M w ( n'J no sw and aw no svr , 5-15-U. 00,000 Herman IionnUu and wlfo to School district of Omnha , lots U nnd U , blouK : l. KonnUo pluco 3,005 O II KonnUo and lfo tosame.ldls Hand 1U ! blouk JW , same , , 3,20 } M I ) Oliver und husband to n line , lot I' ' , lilou. 3) . same . . , , . , . , 1,013 K K I'ord nnd wlfo to David llonnlton , undlv ' / . lot U , block 3 , vubdlvof.l I Itudlck'sadd 2,50) Kdward Ooylo ot nl to Kdward Coyle , o tfis foul , lot ll , block ' . ' . Turk plneu. . . , . , 2,000 b'nmu lo i'ntrlclc I'nulnn , wli of ot lot 0 , block ' . ' . iiuo 2,003 Bniiiu to Jume * Coigrave , niiof w'J lo ; 0 , luei ) ! ( ' . ' . hunio . . . 2,000 Hiimu to ( J A Lo iry.sii of wlS , lot O.ljlouk 2 , buino , , 2,003 DEKPS. IT J Tooley. special master , to Louli Ilrudford , lot 4 , blouk 4 , Iteed'u J < 1 add , 2,115 Total amount of tranifers , (132,180 Fluctuations on tha Bo-i d of Trade Were Very Narrow 'Yesterday. ' i i CORN WAS IN ACTIVE DEMAND EARLY i i I'ur'thor Ititmor * Concerning the Anti- Option Hill Ili > lns IChtickoil Out C.I mod Much rirmncM , Anil It Uontlnuoil to the , ] Cliist1. CuiLUno. III. , July no. The half-day Satur day session of the llutnl of Tr.xJo prove 1 too sliort for nny upheaval. I'uictu itlons were \orynarrow. Wheat nni corn are Uo hlithor than last nlulit , peru 5j and lard and ribs 2'4o. ' At thu outset wheat showed strength on pre dictions th it the anti-option bill would RO over till December , but the trade foired some at the end In gottltiK the bill throuch , Ucuclpts hero full UJ oars below the ostlm.ito. Itowoxer , on all the strung > .pots there was free soiling und receipts ot new wheat nt primary points were laro , bu Louis liavlnt , beaten the record with MO.OOO bu of wheat there today. Th s scmt ilia mar ket olT BJIIIO , hut corn showing an up-turn , wheit recovered with good nuupdrt at the eloie. 11 id crop reports fro n thu northwest ucro nulto a feature , but us thuv wuro promptly contradluto I thuy confused rather than Innuonccil the trado. The llradstieot's stiunment of 2,5.'IUJ bu ot who it nud Hour from both co ists for the week was not. Influ ential. The thought of n bit ; visible supply Increase Monday was In thu way of buyor-f. Tlioro was an active dumaml fiom outside for corn wlion trading commenced , and nt nn ndvnnc'o ot noout 'Jo In Itsprlco com ) ) irod ultli tlio elosltu iiiotvtlons | : en I'rlday , The prospect of a knockout ot thu anti-option Mil n seine mo isure ruspunsltilo for the firm tone at the startbut the llnrllncton railway's olllt'litl crop stitomcnt and i'rlme'n to view uoro so llnttoi'ln _ ' as to atfoot thu slight ad vance and produce weakness for a short tlmu ' 1 hero was , however , nt the decline , an actl\u demand lor tun or thrco hoivy local opera tors who an > favorable to the long side of the nrllclo and who quickly turn.-litenough to bring the shorts to thulr assist ineo nnd put the price up front ' { o to Jic above \shero It'llul opunt'd. The llrmnoss continued to tlio close. Ko- pots reeolvod from northern Nebraska com plained ot tlioM'itther boln ; too cold for corn. The thorniomotor In that region today n.iH gl\un on tliosUnil service map ns bollix down around .15 ° and .Vi3 , A f.ilr huslnuss \\ns tiansactod In o its , with thu near futures ruling cislur nnd tlio Uoferied deliveries suorlnir a alight ndvancc. Provisions weakened alltt'o with corn fairly netlvo. flrm nt best prices tie fore thu close on .101110 local buyliu to uvc'ii up short s-ilcs. 1'rolchts were sow , but rates linn , owing to IlL'ht oirerlni ; of boats Rules hold at 2o for wheat , PjO for corn to IlulTalo. Ksllmatud receipts for Monday : wheat , 400 cars : corn , 4 I ) earn : oats , 259 cars ; ho s , 23,0.10 bund. Thu loading futures ranged as follows : -AlnlCLEH. WIUAT No. 1 July t f 77H Aiiuust 77 bviitvmbcr. . . 77U 7TM CORN Jo.2 Jill ) 45' AUKUSt 4SM 4SK Septumbcr. . . OATH \o y Jul ) 30 1 < A litlist SQ' ' 3U' < Suptonibor . BOH Mv-s I'oniv buptumbur. . . 12 oi 12 17H 12 U.m .liimiui ) 13 10 II 1 4 U07H liAllll cptctnbor. . . 7. & 35 Jnnnnrjr . 7 li 7 2j I lit iMMUtr Kills bcitcmt | r. . 7 5Tt 75T ) ' 50 S7W Junimry , . . ( > .ft Cnsh notations wero/is follows : 1'i.ouu Steady : \\lntbroatunts.J1.40 : winter Btr.ilts. fl.lO'iiJU ; spring straits , JJJJJ.W ) ; W ! 0l.2\ Wli AT No. 2sprnit77' ' ! o : No. U spring , 07 ® CSe : No 2 red. 77''c. COIIT No. 2. 4flc. OATNO 2 , JO'ic ; No. 2 white , 32Je ! ; No. : i nlilto. 3l'4l2c , HVK No. " . 67c. llinr.ivNo. . 2 , C2c ; No. 3 , no sales ; No. 4 , no s.iles. rr.AxSEPn-No. I. llvl5. ! 'I 1MOTIIV bEKI ) I'rllllC , JI.SJ 1'oilK Mcs . per bill t 412 lti12.50 : lard , per l"0ll > s. $7.'J5 ; short rllis sldos ( loose ) , # 7 (15 ( ® 7.7J ; dry Halted shoulduiH ( bovoil ) , * 7.l ) ® 7.23 : short clear slJes ( boxed ) . J7.00Q7.U5 WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. , bu'nAits Cnlloaf , tHZic ; granulated , 4lia\ \ standard A , 4a c. Kcculpts nnd uhlpmcnls today were as fol- lena : On the Proauceoxchango today the butter market was quiet and unchnnsod : cre.unurle.s. 15lKc : dairies. 12M10/iC. ! Eg.s , llrmj Btrlctly fresh , ICe. _ _ _ _ _ _ ' Now York -Markets. New YOIIK , July 31. Ki.ouit Hecelpts , 10,503 pkits. : exports , 0.200 buls. : 40,000 B icku : gener al y dull. uenK. So lo or : snles 10.00U bbls. ; low oxtr.i& . | ; .10J.3U ; winter whont , low grades. filllTol.10 : fair to fancy , M I04 35 : patents. flM3l70 ; Mlnnosotu JI.OV3.lliO ; straights , $ ' .4Vii4.3 ! ; patents , SJ.3.vai.'ji : rye mixtures. fJOVfil.fiO. COIINMKAI.Dull and steady. WHEAT Heeolptp. 107 , Olbu. : exports. 1M,000 bu. ; sales. I,20" > .W'U ' bu. of futures ; 2'.OJObu of spot , bpot market llrm , very dull ; No. 2 red , W'lC In store and elevator ; SJ'io alloit : aJ'SSlJo f. o b ; No 3 red. 7S'4o ; uiimadcd red , 75Qf-5e : No 1 northuin , . Hi'8e ; No. 1 hard. 01' ; G'll'.c ; No. 2 noithorn. 81'Bo : No. 2 Chteneo. 85'jo ; No 2 Milwaukee , 8.ste ; No. 3 spring , TOKiO ( Jjitlons nero \ory dull : August declined > ® ' nt the ODcnlnu on free selling for foreign account , n'lvancod 'gcon looal cover- Innnd c oed sto.idy ; other months opened 'ofi'io higher , advanced'go on local sultch- liu- ; closed steady , unchanuod to 'to above yc'stordnv ; No. 2 rod Julv. bJ'aiAugust. . HJ 7- li/fltl-'ll-lfio , closing utHif.c : beptombcr. Kl * ® 8111-lUc , closing nt 8J5ie ; Octooor. HI34ai'aC , closing at KlTiCi December. h77-liTi87 ; ll-ioc. closing nt 7h' c : May , ai' ( iiOJc. closing at UJc. llAIII.UV Jl ALT. Dull. ( Jlllct. C'olix Hocolpls. 20.MO bu I exports , 3. " > 00 hit. : sulos , 7),0 U bu. of futures and 48,003 bu , of Knot. Spot dull nncl lower ; No. 2 , 5Su In olovntoi , VJu asked allom ; unxradud mlved , 55 r > 8iC : options are 'iB 'c up and dull ; light de liveries expected on Monday ; closing flni ; July , lllo : August , 651i55'0c , closing at .Vi c ; buptembor. 5l'65415o. closing atM'ic ; Octo- bur , M' ii. ) ! ' , ! ' . closing ut ril'uc ' ; December , 'ilB.r ! > ie. closing I't.l.OiC. OATS HucBlpt" . 4\ooo bu. ; exports , 3.1.000 bu.i 9 iloH , in UUO Lu. of futures ; Wl.0.0 tin. of spot. Spot dull , steady ; options dull , easier : August. a.V5i.T'Sc , closlnir , .n'jc ; Soptomber. 3 < c ; xpolNo. 2. white , .I'c : mixed western , 3j ® 37ci whtto western.31'Z4Jo. IIAV btoadvj Hhlpplng , C003c ; coed to choice , .54MOC. Hoi's Oulot and steady ; state , common to cholco. UGKGoi I'nulllccoiBt. 10"ic. HUOAII Kiiw , dull and firm ; fair running , 2Vc ; centrifugals 0(1 ( tujt. 3 > ® 3-llx ; : rellneii , ( inlet und linn ; .No. ( J. : i Ci-lb ® ) 1-ltlu : No 7 , 3'lo : No. 8. J n-lj.l ( K-lOo : No. l > . 3 ® io ; No 10,3ll-lxaJl3-ino ( ; olV "A. " 4'to ; mold "A. " 4 ® 48io : standard''A , " 4'8 < a4'.o ' : confue- tlonore' "A , " 4i43u ! , ! : cut loaf , 6 1.1-ICc ; crushed , 5 1-II/3. ' . J-lfii > ! , powdered. 41,1-10-31 15-lOc ; irrannliUed , 4\iil\u ) : cubes , 4\4Jio. Moi.A'HKK rorolsn. nominal ; fit tust , lOo ; Now Orleans , utundy' , ( { Ulot ; common to fiindy. 2.i. : i. > c > ' UICE I'lrni ; falrdemnhd : domeallo , fair to oxtr j , 4'iaiHie ; Jap in , &h < 2Mlic. i : < Kis ntu idy. iiulqti ! wusturn prime. 15 ® ISoiie ; western prlmu poor pur case , i-WS1M ; rccolpts , 3.8711 puss. , , HlDin-Ktcady ; woe a 11 ted Now Orleans se lected 4.5itij-lbs. , rxQ,7oi"Toxuv suluctod 5U ® W-lbs. 57c. I'liovirtioNH I'ork. quiet and stuadvi old mesa. ( l..2JU2'i ; extra prime. fl2.t > o. ( Jut meivta. dull , steady ; ploklud bullies , 8R.'ic ; plcklod ahonldera. 7'IL' ; pluklol liumu , 12 ® l.'iie ; middles , utoudjM ijulop ihort eiiiar , tiM. i , 1 LAUD Dull ; western Ktxmm , J7.00 ; salon , 000 tierces : option sales , 20 tierces at I7.UJ ; nom inal ; August , f7.W ; SjCJ ember , J7.0J ; Ucobcr , HurrKii Fair dcmni/aVflrm / ; vrcslorn , 13i ! ® 18c : wustprn croumery , , ' KtoiK' : western fau- tory , ll ,17ei Klulii , 2-jfi2 c. CiiKKSc-ateady ; fair duinund ; part skims , q " ' ' 'I'ld lii'oN-Dull ; Aniorlcan. n.vxai5.00. Ooi'i'Kll-Stoadyj lake. ll'.t fttl,75. l.KAD-Qnlct ; domestic , tl TIN Active ; atralts. t.Uf > , > t. Louis MurUcu. BT. Louis , Mo. , July 30. ri.ouu Dull nnd unclianiud WIIKAT Qulot , unsottlnd , with not cnoiih clnnpo In prices to note : No. 2 red. uash. 7MO TS'iCj July , 7bc , immlnal ; Aii.'iiit. 7JJu asked ; t-eptumher , 74u ; DeceiiiLer , 7Bo bid , toiiN Iliirdly cmiu l' trndlnx to rnaUo a murkut ; No. 2,0111 , und July , 47c , nominal ; Almost , 4Vo aakud ; Suptoinbur. 4'41'ie. . OATS Dull , uuak : No. 2 , cash and July , 30o asked ; August , 3Jo avkea ; buptuinbor , M.Su asked , I' , khndp ousler. I'ork Unchiinei'd ; Hiundnrd muss , now , ifu',7\ Uurd Unclinnxed ; * 7.l ® T.1X Dry ball Meats bhouldur > . t7.5 ; long Him ribs , f,70 ; ehorts , 17.8. ; boxed , I5c moro , Itiicon'-hhoiilileiB , t7.25tlou i and rlbi , ld.75t shorn , < Doo. liauiH cdi yuitur ourcd. UliiHiSe. -ilour , aKW ( bbli. ) wheat , 3W.CCO bu l corn , 57,1X0 hu.i onts , Ot.OOObn. : rye , none ; birloy , none , . Sllli'ViENTS-nour. 7X ( ) } libls : wlioit , 4.00J bii.s corn , ll.OuObtt i oats. P.OOObu. ! rye , none ; barlijy , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ Oiiinlm t'roilnro Mitrkrt. Enos Kggs nro comlnz In baUo'i and the loss Is unusually heavy. General market , 12 ® 12'iCi ' CiiKniurs-Orecon. J300. I'KACMKS-Oiilltornln , II.T\ TOMATOhs Southern , JI.2J5JI.50 per ease of 4 baskets , Al'iucois-Cilltornln. JI.7.VH3.00. ( Jhnlco. 5l > ® aiO : f.incv , $ fl.00aa.3 -L'alifornl i , 4 00 ® l.5. lllnck , : . | ; roil , quarts. J4.30. -iJallfornla , $ i.5jl.m. ( K ! ) ANiiTAl.Mvv No. 1 croon hlrtoi , 3c ; No 1 green silted hides , 4c : No 2 grcon sailed lildrs. : ic ; No. I green Ralti'd hides , aft to 4J ibs , 4c : No. s crccn salted hides. 21 to 401 hs , 3c ; No. 1 vent calf , 8 to 15 Ibs , 5et No. 2 vo it calf , 8 to rilbs.JHc ; No I dry Hint hldos.7o.No 2 dry Hint hides. 5o : No 1 dry salu d hlilus , TiiWo. bhcop pclts-Oroon Ratted , ouch , 3.V.(3I.2. ( > ! po Her s iltcd shoirlln s ( short woo ed cirly skins ) , each , lVS' " > c" dry shoirllnis ( Hhort woolod early skins ) , No. I , oach. 5S10o ; dry nhoarllngs ( short vvoolul early skins ) . No. 2 , each , 5c ; dry Mint ICansis and Nohrnslci butcher wool polls , pnr Ib . aoliiul weight. ll > ® Hlio ; drv Hint Kansas nnd Nobrask'i murr un wool pulls , per Ih . actual wutght. S12e. Tal low and gro-iso Tillow , No I , ,1'ic : tallow , No 2 , : ' ® .Pc : Rronse. whlto A , .lyo : groiisi- , white 11. 3l4o ; croiise. > ollow , 3o ; groaso. dark , SJici tt'il butter , 2o ; heeswav , prime , 1725e ; loiiish tntlun , l5'c- ! . J'oTV.TOt8 NOM , scarce ; southern slouk , 1'Jo ' per Ib. c'AnnAon Homo crown , Wo per dor. iMht.o.NS Wnturmu ons , PIT ICO , triOlSlLOO. NK\V Ai'i'i.LS I'orono-tlilrd bit. box. 73o. WIlBANs Half bu biskot , 75c. NnvrTuiiMl'B I'ur bu , ( Hc. PiMSII : irtlutr , < ir > : ether varieties , $10\ lli'TTBii I'nculnz sleek , 12iJllo : sm ill tssoli-jt dnlry , 1.13 Ce. PoUMUv-Hprlns ? chickens , 8J.503iJ.CO , slow : old tow is , Kansas City Mnrloits , CITV , Mo. . July 30 WIIBAT Now was actlvo and old was weak ; No 2 hard , old , 01 ® < Uc : now , n.lii > 'i.iVio : No. 2 red , r,7Mo OdiiN Wunk ; No. 2m\cd , JJOUUo ; No 2 white , 51lWI3c. ( ( OATS Woalt ; No. 2 niKod , 254Jiej ! No. 2 hlto , J'c. ' Kvr btoad v No. 2. now. 5Se. ri.Avsrmi-Sto uly atMJSOc. II Wi'nk hut iincli nuod ; timothy , $7,50iJ o.uo : prairie , jvsoaa 0) . llUTTUit rinn ; creamery , Il5IOc ! ; dairy , i ® fie. l.or.s Dull and steady , lOVJo , Hicnti'TS : Wheat , 3roo ) hu.i corn , none ; oats , G.UOI bu. , 3SOOO bu. ; corn , none ; oats , 4,0 0 bu , _ Oil .Market. NEW YOIIK. July 30. I'KTiiot.Ftlvt Market opened steady , 'Bi ; above last nlaht'a oloso Kluctuatlons were n irrow , moving only HO each \vnv , closing steady. I'IS : : SVI.VANIA On , August ontlon sales , 17.-UOO bids ; open I nir , 5lc ; highest , 51V ; lowest , 5IUc : olosln. % 51 > 4c. l.t MA OIL No sales : total STlos , 1SS.031 bbls. COTTONSEED Oit < Qulot , bteady ; crude , 2ic ) ; yellow , : ugiUKc. TALI.OW rirm , quiet ; city ( J2 for packages ) . 4 Ir.-I6c. Uosiv Dull ; Btralnud , common to good , ll.-2'ii.27 > 4. Tuni'ENTiNE-Qulot.easy nt29 ® ! 4c. \\ool .Murlcnt. T.OMJON , July 3) A few hundred bales of wool liavo been sold during thu weuk. chiefly for Krance. The Imports for the week wore : Prom Now South W ilos , 1 1.U7.I bale < : from Victoria. 703 bales : from South Australia , 2.V ) bales : from Now Xo iland , 801 Uil's. and from various other places SOibiloa. The arrlvuls todav foi the next ser cs of s lies .ig 'regaled 25'.i'is ' ) ' bales , of which 44.500 bales were for warded direct. _ Collec 'MiiiKiit. New YOHK , July .10. Options opnncd dull and unchanged to 5 points down , closed steady at5lluuu ; silos. T.23J ba e. Including Auc- nst , Sl',40 : teplemhor , JI2.4" > ® 125i ; O , tober , II2.4' ) : Dccombor , $12.50 : Jaiiuai v. S12.4V3125" . ; March. $ I..59I2. > : M ly. { ! - ' . V > ; bpot Klo , steady and iju ot ; No 7 , tllllpj. Cotton .M irkot. NEW Onr.EAN" , I.n. . July 3) . Steady , mld- dllnA 73-l ( > u ; low middling. I ! ll-lHu ; good oul- linry , G.l-ldc ; not and gloss receipt'JJ7 b ties ; exports to the continent. . ' (17 ( balci ; co islwlso , 'M bales ; sales , IJO I bales ; stock , Sl.JjJbales. New Vork Dry ( ionils Market. NF.W Yrnic , July 30. There w is no chanso tn drv goods today. Indications are all favorablu. Triiderx Till It. CHICAGO , ill. , July 3i. 1 > \ O. I.o an it Co. to Duncan. Ilolllniur& Co. : Another dull day in who it with narro , ? lluucuatlons. facoteni- bor at 77'ic and closed at 771i77'1 c. The market Is without special feature. With the Hatch bill out of the way wo look for a better business. The movement of winter vvhuat dally Inure nes. lint there Is no fornl n buying either for Immediate or future shipment. Without th s demand for Mirp'us v\o look for urlccs to drag loner. 'Iho rcuorts ot tno growlnc spring crop are much Improved. Corn has been fair ly active with some goo 1 outside ho j Ins. There U agrovvlnc eonlldenco In higher prices on ex pected lighter rocolnts and the outlook for u Unlit , crop. Our own advices are all f ivorablo for the urowlni ! crop. September opened ut 4-'ic. closed at 4SKiIS ? ! Thcio was very llttlo doing In o us The provision muruet been strong from thu opening mill ! tlio close OITuiIius are light and thu buying Is good Thooluslnir prlies for Si-p- ic'inbor aiof U'.IT for pork , f7 J. ) for lard. J".57 for ribs. The only ch irturs today nio tjr Lu.DOi vi heat. ( Jiiictoo. 111. . July .11. IConnott. Ilop'clns ' & Co. to b. A. MoWhtutorhuat been n dull local scalpinr market , traders being nnxious to oven up thuli accounts inc.-Sun day. l'i Ice changes h iv o buun finall ulllian nndortono of streiiL'tli. Koports fiom the noithweil are conlllctlng but It Is evident Uia spring wheat N not , 'olu , , ' to turn out ns \\ell ns niillclpatitd n month ngo The element of weakness Is apathetic and iho oiuagemunt for uxpoi t limited at a tlmu uhen ourstoeks are Incroaslng. Very favoiablo rc- ports are received fiom the coin lleiils. but tiyliu limes are no doubt In store for the crop. The cuts crop Is not uo'l spoken of as i rule. I'lovhloiiB have hold tlioli own on lUht CIU'OAOO , ll1. , July 30. Counso'mnn .t Day to Coukrull llros. Commission eomninv : Wheat elosos steady afler llcht varlntlona In prices. The a moderate business and nothlii ; In news outsldo of foieUn advlcus , which were rather unimportant. Thosu markuls undoincnt no Important changes. Our ciop movement shows no pnitlculnr change. Wlntor wheat lueclpu uro rather bauKwaid , Ht Louis and Toledo le.idlnr at presont. Ch o.igoshlpmunls for the week ex ceed the receipts bv 70J.OOO bushels The general fueling favors buying on declines us upward roactlons nro qulto easily broiuht about at this rano of values. Corn closes on export dem-nil. Two car-'oos were in irked hero for thu oast. Slnuo tlio chaiuo In tno wuuther , crop advices hive Improved some what. The market has been pretty wull evened up now and the crowd nro waiting for a new opening touithor buy or soli It. The more- nientof actual grain , however , Is alow , f arm ors evidently holding back , i'rovisluns were ijulut und Inclined to be easy during the oar.y paitof tlio session , but Uio last half hour WHS active and iiMiked by quick and strong spurts , caused by shorts covering who were scared and unwlllliu lo utand over bundny. fcoino seilliu by paekora was observed ut the closc.whluh was vury llrm. STOCUH AM ) 11ONDH. Trading \Van Light Yentordny anil Changoi Mum liislgiilllrant. NKwYoitK , July 30. Trading in the stock market was light today , but after a moder ately firm opunliu prluus yielded slowly and thO llnal changes , except In one or tuo stocks , wore for the usil it InsUnlllcant fractions. DrokorB reported porno Increase In Iho outside dei.mud , und London had some buying orderi in tlio market which , however , amounted to only 5,000 shares or less , and the support given St. I'aul by the Chicago contln junt and Atchlsoii by IloHtou houses sum up the uld prices received from oiitsuio centers. On thu other bund the tr.idcis vvera Inclined to realize , nnd after the uallsfuelion of the llrst Demand , the list slowlv retired nud special weakness wai developed In bugar and 1-iclta- wunna , Sugar , as It has for thu lust thrco days , retiring materially In the o irly deals and then rallying , but the rally lo.lny WHS fen hie and tlio llnal dealings foun.l ll without support , nnd the decline In Ihu stock for Iho dav reached 1 ! percent. The-cllf/nes / cem- In.'lv wore letlfiiLthln.s tnkutholr t.wn course and In HIM face of thu realisations thoHtionJlh Bhown VV.IH vury nat sfautory. Thu bank stntuincnt Hhuwud nu ulfuut ot the outuoliu gold , und wht o dlxplnyin : a in irked In , ro iso in uuih , roi'Olvud llttlo altontlon nnd had nu Inlliionc'o one way or the other. Tno market , closed utuany uloso to thu openln/ . Thn tradlni : In Blocks ruachuJ ti'J.Ml listed ami 1S.HUJ unlisled , in bondH thuru \ > ere (710,000 traded In , flov- urnment bonds wuru dull and Uriu , blatu bonds wuro nujlecto I , The I'ostsirs ; Hnsurcertlllcatos furnlbhud the mnln point of weakness und Ihu price broke a point on thu same kind of demoraiuu- tlon IIH uxlsteil last Tnotday , liuleed , thu conrsu nf llio Industrial stocks tills wuok bus Hindu upio Instructive itpluturu that iidvlco on the folly of muddilnx with them ought to bu superllons. Taken altonether. thu punsy In thu npwaid movemi'ul yesterday iifturnoun und thin inornlnx hua buun a whoiosonio fua- turo. Uuvh , of cuurtw , Uepvuiln uyou thu ch irnctur nnd resources of tlio o who have to icht the sluiros i Id tn tnka pronts today. The following are tn.i ulosln niiot itlons for the lo 11 Ing stocks on the Now York 9took \ - clmngo tod'iyt bill The total sales of stock today wdro 101 f 01 shiies , ineludln t AU'lilson , nWOi Di-tawaro , , 'I.S.M ; l.rlo , ,1,175 : i.ouisvlllo A.Nii.hlllo. . 2i.tOii ) Mlksourl I'ai-llli' . .lX"i ! : .Northein I'lii'lllu pro- fi'ired , .l.tL'ti Itend nir , I0.5JJ1 bt. I'aul , I5.1WOI Union raclllc , 2li'0VcMtorn ' ! Union , ! ) , .Ua oM ? " < ' York .Money .Mnikot. N'r.vv YOIIK , .luly ; io. Movr.r ov ru.t , I'asy lit ' purcunt ; close 1 ollered l'i put cent. I'IIIMI. Mritr Nru.K i'Ai'un : i'.iiVi percent. KM'ilAsni'-Slo.idy , at Jl h" tor sl\ty-d iv hills and * l s i for ifem mil. 'J h. closing iiuotntlims ou bomU : r"1 * Ti ret ? lliu < Union Hi III ) II. " 4s coilll lll'f ' V .1 C Int Curt . 111 U S Uta ri'B 10J North I'lflllo ln.ts 117 I'nrltlcbs ofi ' North r.iclllo''ml 1IHU ill' ) ! tNorthnwti'rn Con Ifl Tenn nun net M . 10.- ) X \V Con Deli is ItH To tin ni'w ii't 5s 1U1 H 1 < .v.1 M ( len 'n 8- > 'lefln now ci't .Is rit. li \ b V Cen M Camilla bo ' 'nils 1st I'mil CoiiHold . . fen I'liclllolnts . jit. I'.C X I * Ists lit ) Don A. II (1 Ut , II7H Vat I' I. ( i. Ir. ItrU HI lon. A 11.11 49 . . . IVv 1' It ( I Tr HUH HIsaij " l nloa 1'nc. 1st * . . . Vl , K A ! I' . Vieli fit" K ) I \\OJtSlioro 10 JH. . M , 1C. A.T lien Is. . 4SM ' bill t nskl'il llOStllll 311111111 : OlllltlltlllllB , llosro.v , Jl i s , Inly .10. Tlio follu\\lng nro the closing mining slok iiuotnttons. Atch A. 'Ion . Atlnntlf . , HoitonA. Albany . . 2)i llnnton X Mont . ilo Mnlno . . . 1SJ Ciilnim't A. llecln 5 0 Cld llur x CJulncy. . ' 1'iinturn 11 K. l-s. - . . . UJUkoil'fslYl 1 ItchbnrRll U . . . . IU.fiuici | < oln UlntX 1'ero M. p'fil SJ I'oloppcr 10 Mux Con com . . . Ill 'Ininirio im N. Y x S niiKhind. Ill.HIS VnnlsUn I. nnd ( o . 25 C Id Colony . . 1SI Huston l.iiml Co , . Itutlniul com p fil 7m W cht Kiul I.iintt Co WIs Ccnl'l common 17'i IH'II 'li'lepliono . . . ilo profurreil . . 47 l.unxontore S. . . , AHouoeMln Conuu IK ) Water Power. . hin I'rnnclxco Mining : Qiiotiitlons. SAN ritANOi co , Oil. . July : w. The oHlelnl clos nc mint itlons Cor mlnlug slock'H today \\orensfulloubi v > 'cu York 'Mining OiiiitutloiiH. Ninv YOIIK. .Tn'y 10. The follnnliu are the closing mining stoct iiuotatlons : M. I.mils Mining Stoclix. ST. Lotus. Mo. . July : . There was no trad ing on thu Mlnliiexcliiin e and few material alterations In ( juotations. The following weio made : Plnnnclal Notes. KANSAS CITV , Mo , July 30. Olcarlnss , Niw La , July 30. Clearllnga , JUl.TlMoltF , JId , July : . Clnarlnss , } 2.00S.- 5Wi : balances , tl I813 Monuy , Q per cent. MuMi'iu r Tenn. , July 3) ) Now York ox- chan.o selling at $1.5.1. Cloarlngs , l.M)7J ) ! ) ; balances. JUVJIO. Nnw YOIIK. Julv .10. Cloarinss. ( Ol.TJI.fll I : balances. JV."J7 , ( > 7H. I'or the week : ( Jlonrlngs , J5 2.lllOb.3 ( : balances , * I. ' , < ) l.T > l. Nuw YOIIK. July 30 [ Special Telegram to Tin : UEK ] IJvehanro v. isiiiotud | as to lows : UhlciiKo. par ; lloslon , SQ.Oc discount ; bu i.onN , 5c ilNeoiint. I'llH.AiiKl.l'lllA , I'a , Julv 31. Clearlnzs , ? ! ) , - 70-l.Ii7 ! ; bilanecs. fl.'lUS'U Ulonliis's for the wuok c'ndliu ted ly. $ i-.Sl,10"i ; baluncoj , 31J- U8.2J2. Money. 2 per tuiiU CiiKnc.o , III. . July : iO.-C'loailnn's , Jr. . On.OOOj forthouoo'c. Jlll.fl7.-0. . ng.i'nsl frT8.lul.lin for the corresponding ueolx last yo ir. Now Yoik oxchangu. p ir hleriln ; ovi'linnzo dull : hlxiy-duy bills f 1.87V dem "d , tl.Sjii .Money sio idy nt 4'l&5 ' per cunt. Itosrov , Mass. , July 3) Clearings. ? I4,013- .V i hilanees. JI.'ll.HII. Monov , 201 pui cent. Kxeliangoon Now York. 816'Jo discount. I'oi the week : Ulu.nliusl.r > . ' . 'Ml ; balnnc'cs. JIO , whO. ; ( I'nr llio coi responding "eel ; last VU"\i : Ulo.irlngs , $ M.,7' > llill ; bilances , ) lo > 2iV'iJO. ST. Idiui.s , Mo . July , , o. Oli-arlngs. $ l.l,4SO ( ' ) : this wuol , . l.'l , I7H.IK7 : last ncoli , } .M 58' , I'd : l.iHt year , f.0,7lill07 ) : bal inccs to lay. $ ( W7ll : ! ; this week. ; .l.uir : .2u2 ; last week , . ' ,7.I. . Ilil ; last yo u. t,4 H.O'i' . ( 'le irliKH for thu month. iMOOU2i,2.3i ' last July , f H ( i&Miii&i Incio isc. ' , or 4 51 par cent. Itnlancos for the mont i. tl2.fifll,5J'ij last July. ifll.I.'ti.HlU Money Hun nnd lil.lier ut 07 pur cent. Kxch uuo on Now York 2.Je discount. _ MVU hTOt'K .MAKICKTS. Onmha's Or fit lucre.IHO In lliislncHS T.till ing Itcroiiilng rirmer. OMAHA , July : . The wruk's receipt * ) foot up IMU ! ) cillle , III.GM boss and 'IH7 sheep aualiiil n(7iu ( attlu , .I.'JII ho H and 7J.'i Nhc'up Iho weuk pruvlonn and 7,118 cattle , 14.MO horn und 4.441 Nhi'op iho last wuok of .Inly , IN ) 1 Hucc'Ipts for the month of Julv foot up 4" > . - 117 u itllc. lOi.luh IICUH nn IIII''I bhoup , agnlnst 4liaOc'attle. ai..UU ho s nnd 7U.rl shoou Insl monlh and .KIM cattlu. 114 , 111. hogs niu 8 , ( > K ! slieep fur July libt : yoar. Unilnz the seven months the roculpts havu been : w.s7i c.itlle , l.DH.TW IKUH nnd . . . . . sheep , iigulnst 'Mi.lV't cattlu , OJ.- 'SlJhos and rll.'ill Hlojp the uon jspon llni seven monlhsof IHI1 , an lucre iso thU year of UJ.77.1 cattle , UU.I.l ho. s anil Hlieep No other miukut In the country , small or great , can mulct ) ns credltuu.o u Hhowliu for the same porlod. ' 1 ho o ittiu mnrkut has been rather wild the paHl wuok. and pi Icus Imvo taken big Jiimns upward nnd downward. During tbo early part of thu vvuuk with ll/ht rucolpts nrlcea advanced fiom > a to 40c , Thuru waa a bU run Wednesday and prices dropiie.l back from l" > u to 4'u ' on alouleveryihln. ) . 'I liurNday'Hinarkutwnu dead but thu meaner ollerliik'u rrlduy and Sat urday resulted In an ndvanco on uood handy killing oattio of from I5u to li'ic. ' 1 he ex tremely hoi weather IIIIH hcen hard on Iho heavy cattle and they aio very hnrJ to scdl h itlsfactorlly. bhlppc-rjiind uxportuis lical- tate to loud Ilium Into thu cars huuh weather as wu havu had un 1 loual buyers nro huidly over puillal to the bl : heavy c.utlo , llntclier stock U bulling vury badly on account of thu active competition of western urasi cattle , ( 'annuls nro Hulling at prices decidedly llio lonost of thn season. Mockers and fee lerJ nro moving ulowly and at unimproved prkes , Thu country Is nut huyin.- freely yet but tno recent fnvorablu uea bur for corn will prob i- bly Improve tno trade ni-M week. baturd iy' run of citlle. ID earn , wan the llghtosl ID far this yuir. In fnut , thuru wuru hnidiy entile enough hero to in tko 'i mat If el. bhlppursdld nothing , an I thu heavy cnlilo were ne.'lecleil , hut lou il houses wuru good buyers of ilfslrililo mudlnm-wulght uattlo at prices btrong lo luuhUhurthan I'riday at from W.H ) to JIIW. Homo fair Colorado Tc'Xnn * ; linnunt J.l.Uli and common weslern L-iassers JJ.75. A fair cluaranou was nlleeleil , Thoio woru le s than half a do/uu loads of com * and mixed stock on ilo und prices wuro uuoh meed Common to very uood cows und heifers sol I nt from $1.50 lo $ J.t > 5. Hulls wrru In poor Kiipply und quotahly llrm , Ualvca fully xto dy , Thu itockur and feeder tr.ulo was nnt marked by nny trout amount 01 activity , 1'rudh oirtirlngi wuru Ilitht mil thrru wan nu country dem in I to spunk of , Trade wue nlow and | irfce ruled steady. KupruiiuulatlvoiiuIc'H' IIIIKSSKI ) HKKV. No , Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. Na Av. I'r. 25b5 01..112) ) 4 U kANe .110) fitt iO..11,1 b5 COWH. 3..1070 1 50 IS , . 85i S 2.1 1. 010 2M 11. . tMJ 1 7J V , , Oil I 2i & . .1U1J 26J 0..1010 CALVES. 4 197 S 40 2. . 2n5 S 6) 1 .400 . l AHH FERDSIIS. 44 lifi 2 KH MII.KKIW AND BrlUVOCIIS. 1 con and oilf. . . , jj oj 1 cow nnd calf 17 oj 1 cow nnd calf. . 23 oo 1 row nnd calf < . . iq M I milker igoa COI.OIIAIIO CATTt.K No. Av. t'r. No. AT. Pr. I COW . .1I2J $1 JH IOMOPM , . tH)1 ti 75 < MMi'ors..llon 33 ? ) ( is feeders. S7J S M 33 cows . . . 8.17 210 Jlfei'durs.ltOJ 250 I steer..1039 3 7-i I row . S.W 175 SI steurs..lOI3 275 , 3oows .1000 175 lions Tito run of hois the pnst vvi > ok 1ms nnt boon oxcosjlvo. altlionah tlioro were 2.500 moro hcus here than n wool * n.-o and com- pircd wllli a year ago recclnts slum an In- eronso of nboiit ! M.OOJ heart. Thu month's ro- ? , ' , ' , ltVlorV4l ! > 0.0"4tlt.PI''l" < " I"- month , but 4UHHl ( heavier than July last yoar. In quality llio lip s have shown llttlo olianuo the past month. bhlppor hnvo boon Eolllnu HOIIIO as good , solid cornfcd boss as are found on any market at any time , but the bulk of Iho offer- Inas are rather common , light nnd mixed Mulf. Tlio following table shows liow the avi-rngo wolithlof the lions this n.onlh com- piroswlthllio nvonecs for olhur tnonlhs In oilier years since 1S37 : I'lio wjok closes with qnllo.'i ilbonl run and the otlprlnes Included somu of the best hog * rc'c'ulvc-d tor Homo tlmu. As , houovor , thoio was ots ofatulT here Hint no nuy hut paukurs would take. Snlppuis had irood tirrton .Hid took ovorSJ percent of the ru- colpts.Pliuv paid from * > Mto.v7 > for 2001 ! to I'hol o Imiehur anil heavy ho.iM.or stonily to ash nlo Htrongur than I'rlduV. With llbornl receipts tind bearish ailvloes from ussteni markols the local buyers vveruill bearish , and bought common lUlitand inlxod stuff at from n lUoSi.50. or pretty oloso to flu lower limn Trlday , Prime It lit HtulT and sorts brought friicn S.v.55 to MO"S On i\\l \ but tlio good shipping boss the maikol HUH alow nnd prow worse towards the o o-.o. The noon hour , htnvovor , found the pen practloilly cloi'ii , the bulk of tlio lio.s Noilln ; at from $ - > 45 to\V ) , naalnst at from JV5I to JS.51 Prl- day. at from $5.0 to JVM lastSalurd ly unit at fi oni f"i.- to J3.33 u month u.-o. prices avenged ash ado low or than I'mlay , 8a lowurthin n wuuk ngonnd'JV : liUhor tU in a mouth ago. Ituprusuntatlvu s lies : No Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av , Sh. I'r. 8 , 40 15 25 81. ' ' ' ' ro jr. 50 5 , at . . 241 28J 550 : tou ' . ' 14 2)0 ) 525 ( ( > . , . . .IM 200 553 u . .18.1 120 & 25 74 . . ! > 24) 553 IS 120 6 . 71 . ' J1 * 100 5.tO 10 80 su 88 . ' ' ' 1GO 550 7:1 : as ) 44) 7.1 I''Sso 240 550 71) ) MO 440 C'l ' . . . . Ibl 60 5.VJ 4 43 5 ao . . .no 553 2 . . . .2,1) ) 5 M ' ' 100 550 530 70 . . ! 2.4 40 553 a Gl. . . . .2.11 43 550 221. . . V4I 700 & . ' ) " * 1GO 650 11 . . .25.1 200 ra . 2'7 8) ) 55J 51 . . 21.1 100 5 ; i7s ; 70. . . . . /"W 280 553 77 . . 21' ' ) 5 40 70 . . . . .22 ! ) 43 55) 01) ) . . .2U1 ii.0 G < 0 . . . 218 40 553 . . .2Ci 40 5 40 . . . . 200 550 . .21) 2 0 ft 40 ( vS . , . . .2.1) ) 200B 550 . . .2-10 280 550 r . . . . : ifi ! ) 40 5 53 . 14 ! 24) 5 43 70 . " O M 243 550 . 207 280 5 4254 21 . ! "Tw 40 S . ' > - ' ! < "M 200 5 4 . ' 14 H4 . . .11)7 ) 100 5M . . .Wd 2 > 0 5 45 Gl . . . .an 200 5 55 . . KU 80 0 45 74 . , . . . 210 553 . . 20J 849 5 4' 02 , . . 11)7 ) 120 ft 53 " ' 1R ) 6 45 l > 7 . , . . .212 12J 551 . 5)7 ) 2)0 ) 5 45 7U. . , . . . ' . ' 01 83 551 . . 220 i GO 5 4' ) 8i . . . . .201 123 fl571i 5 4-i 81 . . . . .200 50 .221 100 545 fiO. . . . . 174 500 .1111 .lid 5 45 01 80 5 ( i ) 21U ino 5 41 75 . 40 503 2 Hi 20) ) 5 45 71. 203 5G ) .208 440 5 4i 5.1 . . . a 5 ( U'i 5 45 d'l ' . . 2.8 ICO 501 2J4 4J r > 41 f > 0 . . 2',0 12J 5 03 . .22) 101 5 45 57 . . . .2.17 5M . ' 'II : IID 5 4"i 11 . : no 5W . 211 HJ 5 41 51 . . .UK ) 1JO 5(15 ( . .101 12J 5 45 . . .2.18 1UJ 5 to .211 7.0 5 4 > 51C7 . . .20) 8J 503 2JS 21) 5 47' ' < C7 1JO 51)1 ) 1JO8J . .2.UI 219 fi 47 C'l. . 8J 505 . 214 240 ft 47 r.u . .253 200 570 r.uM 2 ! ' ) 547H M . 241 40 570 210 f > 47H (17 ( . . .283 570 210 5 5J Ill . 123 570 . . . 120 5 50 53 . 4J 570 . . .2H 100 5 50 112. . . . . .LOO 40 573 5 M 21 . . . a.o 575 2UU 100 550 111) ) . . . . .200 40 575 nns AND iiouuii. 1 220 f > CO i a70 ft 00 1 . . . a7o G co i 4n ft 13 The following table shows the locrago price paid for Iio0' during July for the past six yours : 1. The market \ \ in nRaln bare ol shoup. III fniit tburo liuxo boun HOMO here slucu Moiuliiy. Uood muttons contlnuo In ncitlvu demim'l ntllrm prices. Knlr to coed nn lives , J 1.73 iM.50 : f-tir to Rood \\ostouiH. f l.fttiil.25 ( | common and stock nhuup , f . ' .Miii ( : M : Rood td cholcu 40 to 00-11) . n inIJB , U 5(3:5.60. ( : lcrilitH | nuil DlnpoHltl in of Htoclc. Olllcial rocolntH and disposition of sunk ns bliown Ity the books of thu Union HUuk VurU oonip my for tint twouty-four hours uiidln at 5 o'clock p. in , July .1' ' ) , I'D. . UKCKIITH Olilvngo I.lvo htoi'U Alitrkot , " CIIICAIIO , III. , July 1.0 [ Hpoclul Tuluffrnm to Till' UHK. | About 1,000 nathes nnd 2.50J Tux- ans an I veil today. A lar.'o pan of the hit- tur huloiuod totho "HI. I'hreo" and were not on the imiriiot. The n ulvos wuru taken up at about hto idy prices , und thu few Tuxnns of fered so d strong. Quotations ranged nt from $1,0) ) to M.OJ for Inferior to cholco cowu und helfnrrt. nt from II 75 to t.I.'rO for Ntoukem and feeders , at from J.l.iiO to ti.3) for common to extra Htuerti , nt from fl.2J to $150 for grans TuxaiiH anil at from (1.50 to f I 50 for vusturns , I'rlcc'U for hors wuro wuak nnd uuullnln/ . Tno first Hales of Iho mornlnj wuro close to I'rldny'N iiuol'illoiiB ' , hut the market grew vuii > o until the cluso , when from 5o U ) lou no moro than covered thu slirlniciuo. l.utu salei were on n basis of from } 5.4) to { 1.00 for cbm inon to oholco heavy and wulghiunnd from $ > .40 to IVW for poor to prime lUht. I'o.'r. mlxuil and graaiurit chinned h mult at from tl.10 to fij.1 and cu U wuro quotud at from l.oo to (4.75. ( One or two lots of uxtra felchcd < (11) ( ) . ThuiijwaH n small supply of Nhoop and th market wus Btuuoy at from tl.V ) to tibS. I , nubs were quolod at from ! \00 to (0.75 , Ito'.olpU ; Cuttle , 3.50U ; ttog , ll.UUjj ulieep , 1,0 JO. 3 4 _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ Kuii ii City l.ivu hK.clt AInrliot. 1AN AH OlTV , JI < X , July 3) . OAlTl.n-IlO- colptN , 1.7J < ) ; shipments \ ) ; the murkut wat more iintlvo und strong uciierallv. nil thu way thiough , no natlvo muc-ru onsuloj COWH , $ ' , 'iOi.OJi sleek era and foedura , Jih ® . ' . 10 ; Tuxis stuurn. IIOIW ® ' . ' . ? ! I IlociH ItucolptH , lo.iiuoi BhlpiiiuntH , 000 ; Ilia miiikot wiiH5IJu lower : nil grades , t,205.Hji bulk. J3.IO5.UX bilKri'-ltocellits , 603 ; Bhlpmenti , none. Tha cliolcu muttons wuru in demand nnd blron * to lOo hiuhur ) laiiiba uleudy ; muttonu , tl b5&3.00.J ht , I.ouU I.lvo ritnolt Murkut. HT , I.ouiB. July in. OATTI.K lieculptu , . shlpnionls , ' . ' .BOO ; iimrkututlll woalc at the rn cunt doelinu , ullbough some ktrungth will Bliown at tin ) olonui today's quotatlont aum IIH vegterdny'g ; fair lo good imtlvo steer * . M.M WWW ; medium to ordinary loiuun. i. ' . ' . ' CUUUOIM uud oowa , ' '