10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JULY 31 , lSt9 SlXTEEX I'/IGES. / THE LAST OF JULY SPORTS Movements of the Knights of the Equated Circle. ( N THE FIELD AND ON THE LAKE Tlio HjrkorV Jfewv llmlRrt Hum Clint The Kcnnol Club Dluiiio'nil nnil HriM'jy l.nl of loc l Mlscnllany , The Omnha Konncl club ha ? sunt out the following circular nnont thotr coming bench show i The encouragement accorded the Omnlm Kennel club during the lirst ycnr of Us ex- btonco by tnnny ndtnlrcrs of the do ? , has led the directors to foot eontldont Unit n bench show can bo successfully arranged durlnir the coining fall , otid huvo consequently llxca upon the 2,1tn to 28th , Inclusive , of October next for the ilrst exhibition , which will beheld held under the ntispiccs , of the American Kennel club , nnd of which full nnd duo no- tlco will bo irlvon. There nro u great num ber nnd variety of oxccodlnply well bred dogs owned In Nebraska and unjoining slutes , the owners of which may bo cal culated upon to exhibit. This communication Is mndo with the earn est hope that your peed wishes and host efforts are with us in our endeavors , nnd so nld us In bringing our state to the front rank in the stock of best blooded dogs , contribu ting another quoin of healthy ixdvertlsotnont of Nebraska's productive features. It Is n noticeable fact that nil our loidlng cities maintain their Kennel club * . With the en closed wo respectfully solicit your assistance. Donation * can bo puld to the club's credit with the Omaha National bank or to the secretary. The club has nlroady prepared n bill for nrosunlatlon to the legislature relative to legalizing the dog as personal property and will exert Its utmost Inlluotico with that object in view at the next session , and which wo feel assured will have the nearly com mendation of all owners and lovora ol man's friend , the dog. Abdross all communica tions to E. L. Mnistou , secretary , 1 * . O. Dor 023. The kennel club want a number of snoolal TH'izoi for the various breeds to complete Its premium list , and the following prizes should bo provided : For the host exhibit ( ono handler ) . 1'or the second bust exhibit ( by ono handler ) . IiVir thn linit Icnnnnl nf an v brocd. not less than four , owned by ono ox hi 1)1 ) tor. For Iho best dog or citch in the show. For the best dog In some class. For the best bitch In n class. For the best pair owned by ono person ( any class ) . Lot these Interested In the various broods , or the business men > vho feel that an ontor- prlso of this kind should bo held In Omaha , respond and assist the club In elvlng n show that will bo n credit to the cltv. The pre miums provided for In the regular classes amount to ? ' ! , ! . " > 0 , nnd as the club does notox- peot to ninlto moro than expenses at its lirst show , It feels that there nro many Interested who should aid In this matter. Payments citu bo made on October I , but the offers Hhould bo innuu now for publication , The first prbo received comoi from Leav en worth , Kun. ? lU cash foi the boat bull torrior. An admirer of the breed has offered K > toward specials for uiastiffd. Lot others respond promptly. T. J. Foley of the kennel club claims ono of tbo best bull terriers In this nock of the woods. He Is n thoroughbred. J. II. MuTaguc is the possessor of a line cooker spaniel bitch recently importud Xrotn Canada. She will bo heard from later. K. J. Miller of Missouri Valley has sonttho Bocrotary of the Itonnol club the pedigree of his blucK cocitur spaniels. Blacn Joe , 3d ( latlt A. 1C. C. S. B. dog ) , bred by K. Cohoon , Franklin , N. V" . Tops > Nclles-Obo ( KiSOIi A. K. C. S. B. bitch ) , bred by Detroit Kuntlol club. This Is Certainly good broedinir. J. E. Ulicn has ont his St. Jiornnrd bitch , Vinotto , 2(5,030 ( , to the Alma , Nob. , kouuol fur boarding. Charlie Sabms has the sporting editor's thanks for n photograph of Nanon , probably the most magnificent Great Dane owned iu the west. For .tho bonolltof those who think tbo kennel club bench show Is to bo a local affair It Is staled hero that such Is not the , cnso. The bench show dates , October 25 to i > 3 , nro belnp published weekly In live of the leading sporting papers in the United atntos und the tecrotary of the club has received applications from handlers in seven different states for premium lists nnd assurances that their dogs will bo entered for this show. The Ovurlimul ( 'hcr'k .11 list ( lu. OMAHA , July 30. To the Sporting Editor of Tin : Bii ; : Among the many people who drive their own carriage in this city , how easy It Is to pick out the heartless 01103 by the wny they use that senseless contrivance the overhead chock. It U hard to determine for what purpose it was ever Invented. Not for beauty , cer tainly I For who can think that the natural grace of u horao is enhanced by curving his noclc upward instead of downward ? It can not have boon for comfort-for , who has not pitied the poor creature as ho stumbles along with his nose high In the air , jerking his head from side to shlo in u vain endeavor to free himself from the hurtful obook that gives htm so much pain. [ low long could any man endure such torture even without a loud to drawl It Is observable that the men who own the most valtmolo horses are the ones who do nnt allow tholr animals to sufTorfrom thla abuse. Tholr coachmen and hostlers nro chosen for their Intelligence , and uu intelligent man is usually a humane ono. Hut in many cases where only ono horse Is owned , the cure of it is given into the hands of some ignorant boy , or its owner plvo It slip-shod und indifferent euro that at once marks him as being , to say the least , lacking In humanity. It Is Iho business of the humane society to attend to such cn cs. Therefore , lei , onoh ono report to that socloty the names of these abusing their horses by the tight overhead chock. Can there not bo n particular law enacted forbidding the use oftho overhead oheokI Thli has boon uono'ln other citli-s. Why not In Omaha ! E. U. S. The I'DII .MI-litl | rTlmii tlui MltU. Toddy Gullaghor , who has for soy-oral years occupied the position of right hand man to Danny Daly , called at TUB Ilia : ofllco Tuesday morning , just baforo his departure for Hot Springs , and declared his willingness to moot Tommy Whlto , the Chicago pug , for n reasonable purse , pro viding \Vliltp will light at lltf pounds. "I huvon't engaged In an uotivo ring light , ' ' continued Ted , "for over tour years , but in land to make ono 11 nnl rally , then iot out of Imslnoavfor good. 1 have now boon In it for about six years , unu luiva barely , In the , capacity of principal , trainer and handler , been nblQ to oUo out a sort of n livelihood , It Is 1(19 ( vary best business a young man can ucopoutof. I have a good common school education , can itoop a HOI of book * with the best of them , and ought to huvo boon put in n straight jacket when I went to pugilism. Jflowpvor , 1 uin nearly thiough with lu 1 will go to California with Danny again , ana BOO him oven up with Solly Smith , tight Whlto If ho coiiKM to my terms , thou good bye to the ring. I'll tuko up the pen again , Wo loavn for Hot Springs today for a low weeks' boiling out , after which wo go to Frisco. If Whlto will moot mo I wouiatlko to huvo the contest handled by the Omilia Athletic club. " To Hutu Another Oliiinrt > , Danny Duly is lu souk at Hot Springs , S. D. Ho Is under the fostering euro of Tor- rouco jUfcllaghetnnd Is. gosling lu sluipu to return to Bun I'Vanuisco August 135. Presi dent Harrison of the Pucitio club , who took n good deal of stock In Danny a * a lighter , has consented to match nlm again with Solly Smith , Ills Into conqueror. j'njsldoni jjam- win concurs with IXilv in the opinion that It waa tbo veriest chance blow that beat him In the contest three weeks sinccj nnd wants to see thorn go to u llulsh on their merits. Whllo U Is my opinion that Danny is uapa- t > lo of a much bettor showing than ho made lu the flgbt nupvo referred to , I take no stock in cUriuco blpw . All there U In a light fora pugilist Is to win it , and it makoi no dlfTor- BUOOH bother hogoU la the knockout blow by cleverness , manrouvorlnjr , or br ilorcllcllon on the park of his opponents , It counts Just the same nnd can detract nothing from hU victory , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'roin itpr.v : Corner of thn Dliiinnnit , Klmlra has tinned Second lineman Mo- Onrr , Into of Mllwaukcos. Hurko Is batting stronttly for Now YorK , but his tbrowtnc arm Is rnthor glassy , FrnnU Salca dooi'not think Ghicnifo's now men nn improvement upon their predeces sors. Ex-Mnnnecr Knm Morton now has n lucrative 1'oslllon with u blu' Uhlcago wlno houso. Crook ? received thn most bases on bills the past soawij , olght.v-two In slxty-lhreo ComuKoy has chalked the hats of Duryoa , llnllluan , llurko , Mullimu uud Browning this su.ison , Stlvuts , the ox-Brown Slocking , now with Dostoti , leads the luaguo lu batting , with an avoragi-of . .Wl. Superstitious people are shuKluif their Heads because thu longuo's econd season was started on u Friuuy' Morgan Murphy has successfully passed the crisis rend tuo typhoid symptoms of his cuso have disappeared. The splitting up of the chaiiplonshlp sea- poti has hud thoaiToct of decreasing tno num ber of postponed games. < Stein still gets revenge on Anson bv prov ing n stumbling olocic to the Chicago * every time ho goes against thorn. In Jack Uovlo , Maunder Poxvors says ho lias a Jewel , who can handlot Uuslo , Crauo and King as well as Buculoy could. Charley Morton Is now managing the Atlatitas , and ho has taken Motz. Pop Smith nnd Wadsworth Into the south with him. Spokane has signed Third Baseman Hay- mono , Into ot the Plttsburgs. Joe Strauss will bo movud to second base and Uus Klopf to Iho outliuld , Vlckory , assigned to Baltimore , pitched as good ball as any twlrlor In the Western languo , but his habits and disposition are unuhiingud. Now Orleans' new pitcher , Ortmaun , shut Memphis out without u hit last week. "C3or- many" Schmidt , who was with Macon , turned the same sort of a trick on Atlanta. Plttsburg paid Omaha a pretty stiff price for Joa ICellv's release to avoid trouble with that city. Sporting Nows. Yes , Omaha re ceived the fabulous sum of $50 for Kel's ro loaso. loaso.When When Milwaukee wont up tharo was SIS In the treasury. Wild Bill Widnor wont homo to Cincinnati with three base balls and a catcher's liver pad as hi. share of the spoils In lieu of salary. Every tlmo n league club shakos off a pla.ver into Prosldont N. E. Young's grab bag a claim goes up from Manager Arthur irwln. llo has had his hoolcs out for every thing that was drooped. With a team drawing one-third loss money Patsy Toboau finished ono notch higher up In the race than Plttsburg and won the ma jority of cninos , and what's better , the team is in harmony nil the time. These bo troublous days for the whilom gods of the diamond , and'there's no tolling where and when it Is ull going to stou. And the beauty of it is tbo magnate * haven't been compelled to call In the Pinkortons. Cincinnati in the first season led every city in the longuo in attendance. The old Queen City has never turned out such crowds as these that have cheered Captain Comlskoy's oats In tueir struggle for su- promacv. Much has boon said about Bouon's pitchers , but , it is not remembered that the pLenomliiul Holding of Long , Nash , Duffy , Tucitor and McCarthy made the pitchers strong. The best pltchora show up weak when poorly supported. Pnrrntt. Alison's ' now third basomanwears a broad grin that noverlosos any of Its longl- tudinosity. Ho has the appearance of being on good terms with himself. This is the kind of ballplayers that receive encouragement - mont from thu average crank. Clausen , the pitcher Mr. Von dor Abe hoped to cot , and who the Loulsvilles secured , won seventeen straight games and lost four for Columbus iu the first champion ship season. Stephens did almost as well , winning llflocn and losing eight. If then ) is ono thing moro than another which ( luliahts thu soul of Danny Richardson It is that Washington finished uho.id of Now York. Of course Danny admits that It would bo bettor for nil hands If Now York had a loading team , but it Is balm to know that his loam outpolntcu his old lovo. Clarence Duval , Uuclo Anson's old mas- cotto , was fata'ly ' hurt on the Chicago fc Alton near IMoomiugtou. Ho was asleep on the track , and a companion named John Allen was instantly killed. The little colored boy was ruined by the trip around thu world and has been lazy ana worthless over slnco. Unless Captain Pfoffor can get some idea of biiHO running In the heads ot the Colonels the Loulsvlllas will never ncatn occupy a high place in the raco. Tom Brown is the only Ilrst class base runner on the team. The rnrunindcrof the players , with the oxcoptlon of Jennings , do the tiod-to.tho-staKo act every tlmo they roach n base. Fielding can bo taught , but heavy hitting butsmon , like poets , nro born , not mado. It is impossible to teach an old horse new tricks , nnd it is just as impossiblu to make a good batsman out of a player unless ho Is a natural born tuttor. This is easily proven by the fact that the man who now lead the league have always boeu hard hitters since they lirst came Into thu business. What under the sun the opponents of a double championship season can 11 nil ttint , is dlstaUctul is past ull discovery. The most prejudiced base ball crenk cauunt help but view with a crent deal of satisfaction the abanco every loam has to bettor Its standIng - Ing and possibly win out with a good lead. From now on , instead of being a pokey old iiilair , running In a , rut , the race for the championship will bo ttllod with renewed interest. One of the most peculiar plays over seen was made in a rucei > t Baltimoro-Clovolnnd game by Shook und McGraw in the oightn. With McAleor on second O'Connor hit a lly to short center. Shoch got under it and Me- Gruw was not far uwuy. The shortstop caught the ball uut It bounded out of his hand. There was a yell of joy In the stand , but it came too early. McGraw made u dive for thu ball and before It reached the gtnund had naught It. U was a brilliant and at the same tlmo lucky play. Six of the plavori wno have worn the rod and bnttlod for Cluclnimli in the days of old are now In harness in the North Pnclllo league. Slugulurly enough two who played in thu outlleld hoi'u are trying their hand at first bttiii. "Lofty" Murr is at that corner for Snokano nna Goorco Toboau Is with Port land in the biitno inliold role. Olho Board Is captain of the Spokauoj , who are second in the race , nnd Joe Strauss , who once pla/ed n briot engagement with Cincinnati , u at third. Both Oluronco "Kid" Baldwin and Willie Mums are with Portland , Along Ilit > Iliiino Strntcli. Starter Swlirart goes to Friend , Nob. . Monday to start tbo races. Omaha horses are notdolng as well as'thuy should at this season of Uio yenr. Don't forget to attoad tha great Nebraska Braiders' meeting ut Beatrice , Nob. , August U to 12 , T. G. Iluag , Ued Oak , la. , laU week lost by death hU 4-yoar-old stalllouVigwaui llfiTJ. A daily paper will bu published at Inde pendence during the great mooting to bo hold there lu August. K , B. Woodruff , tUo secretary , will accept the sporting editor's thanki for u very cor dial special Invitation. Billy Ilughos thinks moro of Oklahoma than ho deus of lu bo.it girl that's what thu roadsters say , any way. The races at flumphroy. this state , will take place September 14 , 15 und 10 , wrllos the secretary , li , A. Siockilugor. G. M. Hwlgort is miming a great rep for himself as n starter ana In another bcason will bu lu.domaud lu the big circuits. F. M. Dorsoi , secretary of tbo Pouca Driving nx&pclnllou , says they are looking for oven u creator suucoss than ever Outobar 1 , 6 , 0 and 7. The regular semi-monthly mooting of the Gontloruon'i roadster club will ho bold next Saturday , when an unusually good program will bo ufforod , If possible , the Guntlomon's KoaiUtor club will give a strlotlv running inutlnoo some tlmo thla full. If they do they can count on the biggot crowd of the soasou < Arrangements have been completed and Allerton and Uulii.uroh will meet in u match rauo ut thu Davunport moating , which tukoi place durlni ; the IIrat woou In August. * Colonel "Shorty " Qolfax wants to know If there is a hone lu the state that can boat Dlxloin a mlle diih. And think of It , ho wanted to run htm In the ndwsboy's ' ohnso n few weeks slnco. The Kansas Association of Trotting ilorso Brerdors'offers n stake of $1,000 for ull fouls of 18U ! owr.od In Kinsas bv morobors ot the association , to trot n ) yourllngs in IS' ' , ) . En tries clnso tomorrow. The track at Sodaliu , Mo. , Is prnctlcallv finished , nnd good Judges decluro that It Is the equal of the Columbia , Independence or Cambridge City courses. Thorn are sixty head of horses lu training thcro uow , J. H. llolllnsworth of Florence Imi n line match team of drivers , ono by Jack Sheppard - pard Jr. , 'J:24 : ! ) , nnd thd other by Lttllo Giant jr. Ho nisoowns thu Cl'vol.tud Bay stallion that has tnkrm Ilrst proiulum lu the nll-purnoso class ut the Omaha fair for thrco successive yenn. Nancy Hunks nnd Allerton have boon matched for a rauo to take plnconl Imlopoml- once , la , , September 1 , tor a purse of S1U.UOJ , winner to take nil. Taking Into considera tion the purse nnd honor , there is no'quos- tlon but what thu rauo will bo to win , Allor- ton was split n mile last Wednesday In Sill. A large delegation of local horseman will go ever to witness the raua. A. W. Alton , Ottawa , ICan. , has purchased of L. Bairns Wilson , Crcston , la. , the black colt Matlgnon HW9T. by Hawthorne , son of Nutxvood , dam by Abbv 10015 , g. ii. by Nut wood ; also Kitty WllKos , by Clay Wlluos 1SIO , son of George Wllkos , dam bv ' Chandldr J. Wells j Miss Hall , bay filly , bv'Toxns Hill 2440 , dam by Clav Wilkes ; and Minnie Wood , roan mnro , by Norwood Chief 1802 , son of Norwood 522 , dam Etta ICnox ( dam of Lady Hlchnrds , a:20i : ) , by lloan Prince. Thn editor of the Farnam Caprice , Far- nntn. Neb , , a short time ago accepted an In vitation to ride n colt a fast quarter on the race track. Whllo going at full speed a cow that wns roaming o'or the ground at will started across the track , but.stopped Just iu tlma to intercept the horse. A struggling eaitor-bovlno-cqumo mass Indicated that a collision had occurred , but save a few bruises sustained by the eultor none of the participants wore injured. Andrew Everett of Lyons , Nub. , has pur chased the famous kite tr.icit of the Lyons Driving Pare association and it will hereaf ter bo known na the Everett Driving associa tion. Mr , Everett has improved the tracw uy enlarging the ncok of the loup and the erection of fifty moro new stalls 10x14 , mak ing a total of 175 stalls. Thn mooting to beheld hold on this traukAugust2 , i ) , 4 and 5 , prom ises to oxcall all ether moaiiugs. Nearly 100 horses huvo entered lu the trotting and pac ing classes. With the Gould and Millar string here Is the yearling. Bull Acton , which has gene one-halt mile In 1:14 : , also Online , a two- yoar-old , has gone a half mile In 1:07. : A man in the Iowa penitentiary named James McDonald has written u letter to Governor Boyd saying that thu horsn disease which Is prevalent in some parts of this state Is not mala die du colt. Mr. McDonald , whoso other nnmo Is No. 5,329 , says ho knows what ho is talking about , uud probably ho does , us ho has had some experience with horses , the aupropriation of ether people's horses to his own use bolug the cnUso of him occupying his present position , nnd that the disease is spread by a mutter from dUo.isoa horses. ThU mutter , in striking the air lu small , hard , poisonous specks , is blown away nnd forms taken up by grains nud grasses which become poisoned. Ho status that DS per cent of the nflllctcd nnimuls can bu cured and offered to furnish a receipt if the gov ernor would provide him with the drugs. Ho is a graduate of a veterinary college in Canada and his father wns a Scotch votin- arlaii. L. A. Brown , secretary of the Chndron Driving Park association , has the sporting editor's acknowledgements for courtesies re ceived. Tholr summer meeting opens up August Hand continues to the 13th inclu sive. Following Is the program : First day , Tuesday , August U Trotting , 4-year-old and undor. J'OJ ; running , balf- mlle and repeat , $100 ; trotting , 2:30 : class , 5iOO ; running , hnll-mllo and repeat , nonios fourteen hands , $5U. Second day , Wednes day , August 12 Pacing nnd trotting , 2-y.oar- old , $ .200 ; running , half-miKi nnd repeat , nonios , jU ; trotting , 3-year-old , S'-UO ; run ning , mile and repeat , $150 ; pacing , free for all , > 200. Third day , Thursday , August 1. ! Pacing and trotting , yearlings , stake , ? 50 ; trotting , 3:00 : class , S.200 ; runnluR , hillf-mllo nnd repeat , 5100 ; trotting , free for all , ยง 400. Among the many trotting events of 1S92 , none has a bettor prospect of success than thu summer mooting of tbo Iowa Driving Park at ICnoxvillo August < \ 10 , 11 and 12. There are 110 paid-up entries eligible to start the entire entrance money paid in. The horses are iho greatest in America in their various classes. Some In luo slower classes have already taken races thu season close to 2:20. : Following is the program of .tho mooting : Tuesday 2:50 trot , 25 entries , 300 : 3:00 : trot , 18 entries , ? 500 ; 3:00 : pace , 15 entries , $ .100. Wednesday 2:29 : trot , 19 en tries , Sl.OUO ; 2:30 : pico , 10 entries , $500 ; 3:00 : trot , 29 entrloi , $500. Thursday 2:40 : pace , 14 entries. $500 ; 2:30 : trot , 13 entries , $ iooO" ; ; 2:402-yoar-old : trot , 15 entries , Sl.OUO. Fri day 33 : pace , 7 entries , $500 ; 2:24 trot , 11 entries , $1,030 ; yearling trot , 17 entries , $200. Vorrsl , I'lulil anil .Stream. The Raymond Gun club boasts of the finest shooting grounds in the west. Judge Dunoy , Elmer Frank and "Skip" Dundy returned from a piscatorial foray Tuesday evening freighted with an elegant basket of black bass and cropplo. The slaughter of young chicken , and old ones , too , for that matter , for ago outs no liguro with thn shooter , nna opened up In different portions of the stato. The open season , however , uoea not open up until Sep tember 1. Owing to the thunder shower last Thurs day aitornoon the Uoinls Pane Gun club did not hold their regular monthly shoot. They will shoot next Thursday , a grand all-round shoot besides the club run , in which live birds will bo used. A Sunday or two ago I made mention of the scarcity of woodcock in this state , to which an anonymous correspondent takes exception. In a orlef note he says : "I remember - member the time , not moro than ton years ago , when good cock shooting uoula bo ob tained not six imloj from Omaha. I have shot them 'myself , us I hey have always been my favorite game. I never learned to under stand the bird , however , although 1 have studied them hard. As you havu probably had some expurionce with them , can't ' you give us a little information through THIS BIK : | " I will add this much : 1 have talked with tiovusal old gunners about the city and they say the day never existed when any thing like u good bag of woodcock could bo made bore. Billy Nuson , who has' been huntIng - Ing und shooting olT nnd on lor lifteen or six teen years in this vicinity nnd who Is a close observer and a well posted sportsman , lias only bagged four woodcock In nil that time mm scon probably us many moro. Ho knows , now , the haunts ot ono old bird , which ho nnd ether gunneiM have futilely endcavorsd to bring to bag lor several year * , hut says ho wouldn't ' know where to look for another. The woodcock , on account of its solitary life during most of the year , Is u hard bird to study. Some of Its most peculiar and Inter esting habits scorn to have escaped the ob servation of the naturalists , who have hud little opportunity to watch them hi their na tive haunts. In tnu western slates tliolr feeding grounds are , as n rule , In low , wet luniU that are covered with u thioK growth of bushei and swamp grasses , rendering It almost impossible to see them whan they are on thu grouud. In the east , however , es pecially In the hilly parts , Ihave found them feeding in the .comparatively ouon woods , where I , hud little trouble lu seeing thorn and making nbto of thuir move ments. Early In April the woo'dcocks arrive In the sheltered valloys'of soutlioni Ohio and scatter themselves wldeiy lu pair * to spend thu nesting season' . The mate bird has the habit of rising spirally In the early morning light , sometimes higher than t/ha tree tops , and balancing himself In the air , mttorliig n low , droning sound , whirh mn'ybo heard tea a considerable distance. This Is his call to his mate , und when ho falls the fomala Is sure tu bo near iho spoi. The b.lrdsph'iy' in a very droll fashjon , running rpuud and round each other lu n small circle on iho ground , tholr feathers ruffled , tholr wings delicately lifted , and their long "bills pointing directly upward , their heads routing .upon their back * . Koinotlmas they hop on onu foot , holding the ether ut tin odd. angle as If It wcro broken , which elves n very comical &u- pearancp , the male In thu meanwhile uttering n low murmuring sound. The fo-nule bird often carries her youug between her foot when flying , nna I have seen the [ nalQ.ljIrd do this. One Miiuulur habit of woodoouKd , which I huvo never seen noted by ornitholo gists , u that both male und female sit upon the tiost ut tbo same time while Incubating , If the weather Is cold and wet. In doing this they uraw very close together , lopklng In op posite directions , their beadi thrown back nnd their bills elevated at an angle of forty- live degrees. Tiff The woodcooll'V Iblll 14 covered with n membranous sheath that has a line not won < of nerves. This enables the bird to find It * food by boring In * sofr earth , Its feeding tfmo Is at nlKhtDr..pn dark days , when It mav bo seen mtfvWg about Hi a qulc.f , nerv ous manner touchki'mlho ground with the tip of Its bill nnd using Us wings nnd tall ns If there wore dnngofTJf tumbling over. The nervous covoritiir qfytho bill Is so sensitive that the bird uair'dUtlngulsh ' with It thn slightest mavnmojitDf : i slug or n worm sov- cial Inches below the surface by simply touching the , grinrmu Some times In boggv places where thcuHiiid will .shako the wood cock drums the surface llghtlv with the fore ti irt of its wing * to make the worms stir so that It can doietfil-whero they nro nnd probe for them. Another curious fiablt of this bird Is that ot moving its eggs loan extemporized nest when It Is disturbed while Incubating. I was told of this habit by nn old time sports- mmi , and afterward verified It by cxperlt mont. Finding n nest near n snotwherol was camping I disturbed the sitting bird two or throe times each ilny , ifiid on the third day ! t moved Its eggs to anew hostaboutllfty foot nwny from the original otui. The second nest appeared to bo vorj' rudely and hastily con structed , and was In a plAon tnuuh moro diffi cult to roach than the tint. H Is a good bet that n man can't ' kill n hnlf-dozou woodcock any where lu the state of Isobrnsku In a days" shooting * a cTw/AVj .SUM ; . li'roni thobloycloeoiinjdy , "Cupid's Chariot. " Words and iiiuslo by Henry J. Ssayors. Dodl- ea.ed to the L. A. W. I. The world wo live on turns nrouiiil , The wheel of pie res-t , too , And revolution Is thu base Of o\i < rythlni ! wo do. D'un I'm her Tlmo no longer ( llos , ll.s ultima are laid aside. For. growlngold , ho much nrofots. A bicycle to tide. ' CHOIIUS : t Cycling , cyollne Is the sport of toJay : ' It gives you aliongtli , and wealth uf health and dilvos caru away ; Cycllnc. uvcilne. It wu | live for aye , And tirollt ptovo to future generations. it. What , stood so faithful to the rein , Untillir. , pullcnt. kind. As lli < < noUoltHs and swift gUuing wheel That dmt.ini'tis thu wind ? If you'd bo Ilrst in life's jtro'it rauo Tlioso verses you should houd ; Kot , In thu van you'H'stuoly bu If you lido the "slieut steed. " AVhlsporhiRS of tin ) \Vhoiil. "Dick" Belt has the suporlntondcncy of of A. II. Porrigo's cycle emporium whllo the chief consul Is attending Iho' national meet at Washington. The latest news from Franco is that the French champion iccenlly rode a mlle in 2:13 : , which , if authentic-lowers Windlo's world's ' record by two seconds. Two of the Omaha Wheel club boys went down the Glonwood , la , , lust Sunday nnd re turned In the dusk of ovenlnc. Moro would have turned out hud tho'day been cooler. What's the matter with getting up a big theater party of all the iocit whoo men and attending the bicycle play at Bovd's ' on Augusts or 0. The play is stvled "Cupid's Chariot" nnd is said to bo olegaiuly staged. George Sancha of'lho Touiist Wheelmen , established n safety record from Blair to Omaha last Sundayj'riding the distance In two hours , Hat , thj triads won ) In line con dition , his time from Blair tn Fort Calhoun was 45 minutes and 12 seconds. A street car 'lltt6d ' with ball hearings similar to the bearings in a liic.rclo tins beju placed on the street car traulc > of Sprlug- llold , Mass. , nnd Inu been run constantly nnd with entire satisfaction with only n few drops of oil. Club runs scheduled for today : Tourist wheelmen to Missouri Vallov , la. , start at 5 o'cloock ; Omaha Wheel club to Priua1 lake , start nt S o'clock' * The Tourists start from tbo corner of Fifteenth and Dodge and the Omanus from their cub ; } house , Seventeenth and Chicago. The League of American Wheeliiion now has 30,000 mombeWiiud 429 league clubs. Nebraska division uf .tho league has ItU members nnd onoffeajiu tltib , Oiriajia has aboutIlltynmniljsiriajiudls the hoiuu > pf. the ohly ICJICUP club iii-iltho state , The Touribt Wheelmen ; Noj 3U3.ii > ' Mrs. C > arlosfC- Candy of Denver , m com pany with h'er husband , who , by the way , i3 a favorite with many ot the Omaha cyclists , descended Pike's Peak on u biovclo lust-Sat urday week. Mr . Candy Is the first ludy who has ever mustered up enough courage to try the perilous tiip. Wheelmen will bo surprised to learn that the G. & J. people of Chicago , whq manufac ture the t'ltambler" style of safoiyi r < > turn ing out a diamond flamed machine lilted with 28-inch equi-sifced wheels , which Is de void of th'o customary spring and will strip to thirty-four pounds' . The fund for the protection of local oycHsts against bicycle thieves is growing larger every day. A handsome amount has already been subscribed uud n mass mooting of the subscribers will soon bo hold to deter mine what steps shall bu taken to perfect a permanent organl/ation. The war on blcyqlo thieves has begun In earnest all over the country. Chicago au thorities recently unearthed a gang of eight , ranging in ago from 12 to 20 , and the young scoundrels have boon sent "ovor the road" fir various torms. Out of llfty wheels slolou thirty wore traced to this gang. The Omaha Cyclists' Directory is now fairly started , but thu nainij are not com ing In ns fast as Is wlshod for. The Direc tory must bo tn the printer's bands shortly and cyclists residing In the oily are ru- quoslod to hand in their names at once to M. O. Daxon , 120 North Fifloonlh street. There is u rumor alloat to the effect that a handsome gold medal Is soon to bo struck off for the man who makes the bust record to Bolluvuo. The modal will ba known as thu "Bolleuo modal , " and must bo won tbroo times to become the personal property of the competitor. The record is noiv 4J minutes , and is held by the Tourists. While Prosldont llnrrlson was viewing the parade of li.OUO cyclists at the national moot lie turned tu President liurclottu of the Loiguo of American Wheelmen and ex claimed , with considerable foaling : "Ono thing , If wheelmen secure us the good roads for which they are so zealously warning the League of American Wheelmen doservoi a modal Iu recognition of Its philanthropy. " The Tourist Wheelmen pouulod un to Fort Calhoun lust Sunday , the club leaving In two tcctlons iho tlrst I'ulay nt 5 o'clock and the second all ) . The "early1risers" took thu hill road and the second rjlay the river road , At Calnoun tuo boys compared the tuna mauu and fouud Uiatn. moment or EO difference was ull that could bo recorded. The trip was enjoyed - joyed by all , especially that part where the road winds fur mllci ; through tlitPhtlti * and is arched over by thu luxUriunl foliage. The return trip was m ndo li ) thu nfwruoon. M. O. D.utm Inhas placed In his biuyclo Btoro on' ) * Fifteenth street u largo bulletin Ibrfotd for the accommo dation of the ; fa'htalus of tbo several wheel clubs. Tiie'Donra ' will bd ir.suribjd each wuek with tliu'club runs of uuuh ulub , and will givn all -Uiui necessary Inlormatioii porlalnlng to Haui6t 'Mr. ' Daxou'a action will bu highly unnroofatWl by the cyclists , es pecially uy the nAilf'Ufllceri ' of the throe or four eft.y cluiw , w/iqmay / take udvaniagu of this means qf kocpjus ; before the yes of the wheelmen the many enjoyable runs uf the week. The local cyclls'jiSKVho have been spending the torrid days of Jujv rambling amid clover Rconled llelds audjijuiigiianuy shored lakes have begun to return to thu city's noisy streets and the avorvdit ? "business life , Messrs , Coo nudyuiff \ rolflraud from Storm Lake , la , last week wm/ro'ihev / have been putting in the duyH wltu.uiiliM'ld ' lliov | Tommy But loctc drffted liuo.ti'uy ' ) Tuesday evening on hU rambler carrying "c. suuburncd fuoo , an asserted lot of' bundltts and u lip which would draxv wars lo the eyes of u wooden Indian. Tommy gasps "ulOi'itlUoiss" when asked how ho caught U , llo hus.tbccAilouring over lotva roada. Welch A. Kinsley returned Sutur- day last from n rpst in ( ho country , and Frank J. Wallace who bus boon roaming Urbund thu offetu cast , once moro turns out with his club mates ) , Caving returned to his adopted city the fore part pf the week. The recent prolonged spell of hot weather has driven thu ( air cyclisiv from the p > ve and the dutty couniVy roa\la \ to the seclusion and coolug : quiet of thoc ( , homos , , vurj * few ladles are now seep skimming along the streets ax lu the pleasant days uud coolcvnu- Ing * of Juno and May. The delightful weather of Soptambor und October will coax them out again It U to bo hoped. This part of the great western country U uol excelled for the glorious autumns , tbo roads are never In batter condition und a country ride U never bettor oujo > od than thou , Omaha ladles who haVe learned to rldo this spring nnd summer have yet to oxperionca these < 1o- llclitful country Jnunts. It U to bo hoped that tbo Lndias' ' C\ellnir club which wns or ganized this spring will take the matter of soutilry tours in hnnrt this fall and tonch the hesitating nhtl timid ones the beauties uf cycling. QiiiMtlons unu Ainwors. 11uvuin. . Nub. , Julv 2iJ , To the Sporting FCilltor iif Till : ItKK ! Will yon plunsn Inform your renders In next Sund.iv's IH'.Kvlu > wins : ho fallowing ueti A and U urn looking at tholr walelii's ! A saVs I will bet vnu I ant icurer shonnan's ( wM ) Is a lisHoluri tlmo than r-on are : It tuUos the hot. ll's wntuli Is nearer tlio jowolor's time , but A claims ho won bo- uau o ho stood about llvo foot nearer there ro nltttnr than It William Jordan , Atis. A loses ; catch bets don't gn. OMUM , July 2 * . To the Snorting Kditorof Tun HUB : I'teaso answer in Sunday's paper hit Mitnulni ; : ( Ivium I ) Is thu liuntliiK law nit ? (2) ( ) What tltnoof the yo'ir fan von shoot itiall ? CD. Are the hunting laws of Iowa and Mebrasuu the s.nnof U not please state Iowa's HUM Frank IColturts , Ana. The periods ticslgnaled below nro these which gnmo and llsh are protected and nay not bo t ken : lown Pinnated grouse , liralria.chlcKon ) , between Dacomber 1 and jetitotnbor 1. Woodcock , between January . und July 10. UuiTivl grouse ( phunsant ) , wild turltoy. quail , between January I and October 1. Wild duck , gooio , brnnt , between May I and AUgust 15. Deer , oik. between Jatumry 1 nnd September 1. Salmon , trout , Jolwoon November 1'nnd April 1. Bass , iilko , cropuio , oilier game lisli , littwucn November 1 and May 15. Nebraska Buffalo , elk , mountain sheep , dour or nuteloop , bo- tw on January 1 and September 1. Quail , wild turkey , between January 1 nud Octo- jor 1. Sol'Tii OMAIU , .iiilr SO-To the Sporting Kdltorof TIIK IlKK. Will von ploii ostnlo In UMUV's HKK whiillirr Jimmy Ijlndiiiy nvcr n'Id any championship ? Mow old is Jim Hail , thu Austr tlliinVlianwnMlt lly Ed Wants Iho il lil\u-Uht champion of America , and whom did hu win It from ? Ans.-l ) Not that I know of. (2) ( ) Jim tlnll was born July.23 , IHfij. ( { ) ) Twenty- , hroo voars ago yam Collyor. In 1872 Ar thur Chambers relieved Edwards of the title , winning n hard battle on n foul In the 2Slh ( round. OMAHA , Julys * , To tno Spoiling IMilorpf Tin. llr.E : In Sunday inor line's nipor for the bencllt of : i number of unlhublnstlv nnslers will you please mention BOIIIC sooil work on lilai'lc buss llsliln ; , and where It can bo ob- talnod ? Ijlvo 1'iog , Ans. There Is no work extant on black bass that Isascomolotons Dr. Honshall's two volumes , "Tho Black Bass , " nnd "Moro About Bluett Bass. " They can bo orjorod of the Foiost iind Stream -publishing com pany , 31S Broadwav , N. V. OMAII.Jnlv S3 TotlioSportlni Editor nf Tin : HKE ; Wo liavn't eoii nnvlhlni ; In Tin : UKI : about wh it became of Toledo's and In dianapolis'it-homo to unite with the ( Mslem loaclio. What did thov no. nnv w.iv. T. L. M. Ans. The proposed consolidation of the Toledo and Indianapolis teams with the Eastern league was n failure , the eastern cities having decided lo go uhoad for the balance of the season with six clubs. Provi- lenco , Albany , Troy' , Buffalo , Rochester nnd LJtica. Toledo and Indianapolis have dis banded and the Eastern league has a.bud case of cramps. OMAHA. Jiiiy 27. Totho Snotllni Klltor of Tut : ! ! IK : : Jid not I'ulo AHo. the meat stal lion Hi.a tqui'ntly dlud Iniliforiil i. liolil tlm st.illlon record' What was this rccur.l , und low iniule. lintsoinin Alls. ( ! ) Yes. (2) ) The record , 2:0snt" : , wns made at Stooltton , Cat. , November 17 , IVJ1. Ho was driven by Marvin. Ho wont io the quarter post in 31 ' , reached the Imlf mlle In-1:0.1 , the third quarter in 1.3:1. : reaching the thrco-quarler post In l:3GKi : the lost quarter iu 0:3 : % going under the uiro strong in 2:08 : ? ! ' , onicliil time. A OUAXT , Neb. . Julvsa. Tothe Sporting Hll- torotTiiK UKI : : Will vou ple.iso ans\vur the Following nuosllon In Suinl.iy'UKI : and oulUo : Thoio Is a base rnnnci oeciipylng second : iml third b.isos ; the pltclior pastes thu h ill to the o.itcher , whodtop- : the ba-orunnoron third Marts for homo , out soolnv hu c.iiinot make It runs ba k totltlr.l li.isu , but In the meantime the base runner who was oeenpvlnn second lie has run to third anil touched it. Which b.isa riinnor Is entitled to the base ? Sub- scrlUor , Ans. The man from second. I'lKUCK , Nob. , July 2 ; . To the Sporting Kdi torof Tut : Hi.K : LI in yon plo iso advise mo whiMO 1 c.in obtain the ruins lujulntlns u tu - of-wir similar to thu ono held In Omaha last uiutci ? An o irly ioply will confer u favor. Thomas ( 'lillvoitt. Ans. Have mailod-vou a copv. IrMUlAL SOAP fr < * rlbfl < MVS | lirmidfOnri VXIOV * Tlia result of so years * oxperlonre in Porialob ) iirus- ' book nti ] > er * * ) lIlnsirAtodonSkln Scalp , t'orvoiuand "riHlootl I eiiK' Also Il nurotnf nta Hint mirka. > inlr > st VnrtH , Indln Ink nn > l rnwilor Mnka ; Scnrit. Pit. tlmjfl. iU'On Bi nf Nns j , Snprflnoui H lrPlm ] > ltfirfti'l.n > o\eli > p-npntelc. C < "t iill3li4iu fn M at cCli-o < r 1-y Irllrr. TUT. Nioirr is COMING , 'run NIOIIT Fen despair anil iicatu , wlillo but ono In a mill ion U pictured for the ilrvailcall Arojou tint DUO If not , your earth y welfare de mands thr.t yon a > l pt prouu t anilcltectlro nieat- ureH M priivcia ihu appronoli of IIIBHIBB , ur tu craillcato tUo malady utilcli uow alUlcli jou. Have > ou KKHVOOS CHBONlCor nm In nny slmio , form , manner or clojree ? Is llfo , i weary bunion liy any uflllctlou euch us \ \ff \ ThorO li ) ii > | iu. thara la liclp , Ilifra u epccdy ami permanent cure for jou fruni uiiy or allot IIUDU Ilia , In tha woiMerfnl ability , tlm inarvfloiii klll unu the uritlipriiachiblo luuthuila of tlioio Wlio.'in tho'treutmvnt ami cure of thU cliBa of dl - easen. know no jtuli word ai "Mil. " .it-ml 4 du. fo > tlinlr haniUuincily llluitrated and lilKhly valuiiile new buok of I'-'U iiagei. I ousultation free. Call npoa ur uddraai , with Ho in p , ORS. Hl'ITS&Bli'lTS , Soutli 14th St. , Nf. B. Corner 14th nnd1 Douglas Sts. , Owuliu , Nob. ACRED HEART DENVER COLORADO CCl'l t < ' . . : J lYDJWj 1 ! I Ml f CM ] 9Y-CKOHUS. This ( iHlltullon nfTordq every facility for obtaining n , thorough , Classical , Scientific and English Education. SlUmUHi on a hcnulltut knoll about tlttcuii tntnult's rltlu by olnctrlo line from Denver , It ro- colvps iho full horn-lit nf the huilthful aid ) llfn-Blvliin brcoroi tliat , huvo riiaUi ) Colorutlo the nanlt'irluin ur thu United St'iloi Tim mounds cover nti uiliniil | tr.tot of ntty acre * , ami the piosnect Menu of mkos anil mountains mid meadow * ICipeolnl attention Is i > lvon to thu physi cal dovoiopoint'iit 11 f the aliidutits UrttaloiJUus sent free on application , UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME ( .Mnln lliillilluK ) Tin : NiNinv-T.vK.xTii yv-siox WILL OPK.V ON ITHbDAY151'T. . OTII. Kl'l.ti CIH'HSIH IV Clnsslc' , I.otlrrs , i-clonce. l.niv , Civil injil ilcclmnl- cnl Knt-'liH'urliik' . 'llioroiiKli I'ruimraturjr inn ! Commuri'lnl Coursus , ST. niWAiii'sllAM. ) . for lioysiimlcr IS , Is unique In the complctciu1 * * * of Us oiiiilpmnont. A lliultott initntior nf I'nntlldntcs for tlto cccloslnstlcat titnto will tie roCLlvcd nt ipoclnl rnlei. LntnloKiic * * Nent free on nppllcntlon to ItKV. TllOMAh \VAl.ait , C. S. C. , NOTIIK DAMK , INDIANA. ( isr \VisToi'N'oiiiKlVMi : ; t M Tim 75Ili Afiuli'inif Term Will Opi-u Mon- t'iiy ' , Sept. otli. Tlio Acnrtonilo Conrio l tlinrnu li In the rreparn- tnrj.SnnuIr nnd Cln slonl ( .r.uli-'s Mu le Di'pirt- munt , on the pluti of the bust I oiisoriatorli'S of UmnptS Is niiilur clinrpo of n compU'to corp1 * of tcnrliers Mmllo iiMiili'leil on tlu > uriMt Art " -chools of Huropo Hrn\vhmiii : I I'alntlniirrom llfo uiultho nallqno. pli nn raplix "nil U'j p" writing tiuiKlil llullilliiK ouillppi'il with 1 Iru c ciipca A m-pornto ilpp.irtiao'Ulnr plillilren iiiulor 1,1. Apply for cntn- louuo to DlrectrotH of tliu Acnli'lnj ST. MAHY'B ACAiMV ] ) , Notre Dame I' . ( > . , ht Joseph Co . Ind. A BOARDING SCHOOL roil Ladies ami Children Conducted by the Sisters of Mercy. O'CONNOR , OUEKLY CO. , NEB. This Ho irdlnir School Issltimtodii liort dis tance from Cirrelv O'ntur. a llmtilMiliig to\vn on the II , A : J | . railroad. The Convent is on u delightful site iitnoni ; Iho O'Connor lillls. The uin.il riiKlKh branches ; music , \oual and In- slnniient.il ; and a .special course of lllunitiiro ill Kl von , n Terms In advance. 1150 n year UO months ) , washing Included. The schuol will open the tlrt of September' Kor fiullior p irllcnlars address , McnilliKSJUPlSKlDll CONVIi.N L' OP MK11CV l.Hli mil' O.istollar St. , OMAHA , M2II. _ _ A thorough frchool. 1'ic'Mrcs H-r L llusint-s * \\itliinJOmU-Horst l on - A'l'li.f COL. WILLIS UROWN , Superintendent. ' cheolc Is 1'lco ' Baby's n peach , Is it Madame Huppert's bleach ? No ! but baby's inam.i's chunk Volumoa to its praise doth bpeak ! Cnll for Mine. Ilupport' * kouli , "Hcitf tu bo llo.iutl- ful " Bataeston , Texas , THE SEA PORT OP THE SOUTH I . For Sale of lease at Bargain and on Easy Terms. A good uhanuu nspoulnlly for parties In dol- luilu health deslrini ; u Uhan''o to a congenial und saliiljr.om ullm tie , mild In winter und cool In Hiinunor. owliu to the rifresliliu HOII bieo/esof the eulf , A Corn Mill Plant , bnllt by the T. .1. Noylo H't's. Oo . capueltv 1DJ ! harrolx pur day , with elevator rallroid ewllcheH. WHrnhonsus' , Htu.un pnwar and eiound , iiltiiuted In elo-iu proximity1 lo tlio eh innul , oinliiuntly lilted for thu export , nx woli IID homo t.-.iUe , with ample Hp'ieu for un- lurKlni ; tlio huino or aiUltirj oat inlllliiK. Thu ronson forilUposliiir of this property la onrdoslru to p.iy nndlvliiod uituntlon to our Hour mill bnslniiHs , uud thoo.xpurt oCUuur and drain from this pott. Wu Invlto utirrosuoinlunoa and will he iniiuh pluascd to fiirnlxh nil liiformutlon In onr piiosslon re arJIn ; corn inlllln.,1 , p ir port , ullnuito , ( He , Texas Star Flour Mills , GALVB3TON , TEXAS , A. < J. SIMPSON M-Hnmtnl t-ltl IKtttuttNt. Oimilut , A'nh Tlie placu to bujr B Itoclmwuir and family ( 'atrliuo , 1'liautonor llu ln > m lluifuy. ( juiillly Lu t - 1'tlcoi tUv loticit Hrit cluni nork. oy DR. SNYDER THD SUCCESSFUL Oncsirr SPECIALIST Mrs.Allrt-Mnplo Oregon , Mo , WflolitItoforo treat- ; altertruatiunit , l The following porsoin h.ivo tnkcn treatment ol Ur. Snrdor , with lois of wohilit ns ulvun below. They will cheerfully answer nil Inquiries If Blninpi nro Inclosed. Woliiht Woliiht , . Ilcforo. Afur Loss. .Mits llAriiEi. r. JHUIVOX , i'ncltlo.l u action , lown XUIbs. H71bs. 178 Ibi .Mils. Ai.ii'K MAIM.B , OrcBon , Mo 320" IC3 " 1BJ ! " S. ll. i DIM : . Omro , Wls 310" SOJ" 135" SlMION VAN Wl.S'KLK. Krunklln , III 421" S93" ISO" * Mils. ( ilollllE niUKMAN , W 1't. Illilnoll. Cnl 278" 173" 1O ( ! " Mils KAIIAII ll.MiNKit , jy of Ull o mill t , l.cnvonnorth , Kai 275" 170" 105 105jck ot PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. Noalnrrlni. . no Inconvpiiluiice , linniilo-s nnd no h j.iiort . Slrlctlrconll.limtim. 1'orilrculnraoaato timonlnlH nddiosB ulth Cr. In stamps , DR. O. W. F. SNYDER. McVick'cr's Theatre Bldg. , Cliicano , III llli'vclo Do.iler-A blcyrls will bo bettor for you ihan u horso. It doesn't oat uuv- Merchant mot entirely convinced No. It won't eat anything , but I'm urr.ild It'll Kivo mo u thutitl .lerlnn big appetite Uhl- cage 'Jrlbuuo. Tlic moral is yours so's a Columbia bicycle Business men , the Pope Mf . Co. olTor vou liunlth nnd happi- iicbs , olosir lieadodnoss , rciiovtiluil ! monoy-malcinp brains UU1 Columbus1 Ave , Boston , ! ALLAN LINE ItOVAh MAIL STU MONTKKAliiinl Ql'F.IJKO To nnitllV C'AHIN , Win to W ( > . , \ecoriHns-to atuamo and location of Stateroom. * "in. Intorinudl.ito ami Stcornuo at low ratoa. NO CATTLi : CAUKI1CI ) . , v iuvjoioi : ? ; , STATE ) f ALLAN LINE . LINK ) Sl'KAMSIlIl'S NKW rOlMCmul OIj/VS(3OW. Vlnl.onJonderry , every KurtnlRlit. AUK. lltli . M'.VTU OF NKVAllA . noos AUK. 2Uh . &TATK UK NKllllA'ilCA . llOcin. ac-pt btli..hTATi : OK CAI.irOH.MA. 11 A. M Cnbln.JIU , second Cabin * JJ , Btoeraio , tl ! , Apply to ALLAN A CO , ChlcnKO. II. It. MOUUK , 15111 lliinrnnl St. Uinnlia Special Sale for 10 Days. YOUNG inmnnwc OXI.V $5.OO KAC iiiaauijMi "H1CI3 , $10.00. Knch Illrd Warranted to Talk. UlrdHShlnpc'd | > y Kxuross ttio I Ytr.-i. Hoi d 1'arrot ( 'a cs l''rom ' Up. Up.mnmu Omaha , Neb. DB > . J. E , THE SPECIALIST. iHiinsurpjiBsud in ttieiro.itiiKintot fill forma of PftlVAtlS DISEASES , amrTill , llor lo ? nnd iluhllltleH of youth ami manhood. I7yoar ' tixuorlcn.e. HU rosourcM Uiul ( .kullltloi nru jiractlu illy nnllnillod. The Dooinr h room- ( ! Hiomlud by Uio iiro , and ondoraod in thu Btmiuost torins by th puonlo for f.ilr tritat- inunt nnd Itcinon iirofusiiontil ailvlon The n. . cut iiowoifiii runiodliH known lo inoilorn se unco lor tint niiueoniful truatniont of the followlni-'dlsoiiKos : OONOnilHOKA tiiiinodlnto lollof , A com. nletii euro without the losj of uu ntiurVtlnia from hiislnujiD , OLKKP - Onu of Hi" most complete and .1110. ci-Mfful tru.itinenis for uleut und nil unnoyinz diHoliurjfuypt Unown lu Ihu inojluul prufoi- 8lon. Thu nssiillsaru truly wumlurfill , STllTCTUHK ( Jie iloit known rutuudy for the troitmuiuof blrluturu , without p tin , out- tlnu' . or dil.iUn f. A injslroiiiiirk ( > jlu ro'iiody , BYPHlLIS-No tr ( , itniont ( or tliU torrlblu hloo I dNu.isJ Imi uvur huun nioroHucovsiful , nor li.i'l HtronKor ender oinoiK-H. lh thu llKht of inodurn sylcnuu thm dlsounu U nonltlvoly cur 1 1) u und ovnry traeo of thn poison entirely rmiioviul from tlio blool. LOST MANHOOD , nnd ambltloo. norvoui- Him , timidity , doapondunuy tuid nil wouknuji and dlhonlura of youth ur manhood , Kullol ontiilniil at onco. HICIN DISEASK8 , and ull dUuasoi of the Bloniftt'ii , blood , liver , Iddnoya und bliiddui nro treated nu cue fully with Hiu gta ii' known runiudloa for the ilUmi.n. Wrltu forulrouUM und uuumloulHt , ttti. ittlt tunl * itrnnin tit * , ihiiitlm .m >