* PHRT ONE. OMAHA i SUNDAY BEE.PHGES 1 TO 8 , TWENTl-SECOND YEAK. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , .fajLY 31 , ] 892-SlXTEENT PAGES. NUMBER d3. Hit ' PT \ rvPTAMP'o ' TTUAT'O GLADSTONES TRIALS His Path to Power Beset with Many Difficulties. HE MUST PROVIDE FOR HIS SUPPORTERS Trouble Antioipatjd in Making on Equlta- blo Distribution. ' r WHERE THE HONORS WILL BE BESTOWED ; * Plans-for Rewarding Ilia Faithful Fol- f > lowers. ULTIMATUM OF THE IRISH MEMBERS Homo Itulo Mint lie tlio First Tiling Con- lilcKMl orTroulilo Will Koiiilt Truth' * liUllor and Ills Itelatloin with tlio Now Government. ICopwrlflMrd 1893 I'll .AiniM Oonlmi nt.nnU.\ \ LONDON , July 80. [ Now York Herald Cable Bpoclul to THE Bun. " ] For tbo fourth tlmu in hla llfo Gladstone Is at Ins ( arm en gaged in the work of cabinet making. Tree felling nus at lust boon completed and has been given up , but the still tiioro congenial pastime of forming a ministry in once more utlhln his reach. It can scarcely bn ac counted a Rood omen that Just as ho was be ginning to glvo out thu loavus and llshos ho ihould lese ono of his majority through a miscount of the ballot , by which a homo ruler stops out and a unionist In. This will lo.wo the liberal-unionists with a strength of forty-seven , the GIndstonlnus , including all nootlons , with 355 nnJtlu conservatives with BJJ. thus leaving a nominal majority of-W for Gladstone , and to construct a ministry on that , considering the materials of which it ts composed , is ilka building a house on sand. Never i'u my time has so frail a foundation bean lalu for any administration. In the two great political clubs , the Carlton - ton and the Reform Sciences , considerable Intorjst is Just now aroused , for Salisbury is not out yol and has the poworto confer many honori , and paruaps seine few afllcera may lull in baforo be resigns. This Is not at all a congenial ocuuputlon fur'hlm , for he dislikes distributing t > uch honors and has a profound contempt , for those who scon them , but there are claims which cannot bo Ignored , so wo Bhall proscntly hear of n sbowcr of peerages , baronetcies , IniitrlitliooJs and other things for which aonio men and their wives ( Ml thulr souls. Ibo late louder of the n use of Commons , W. H. Smith , ouco said to mo : "If you could only see the list 1 have of applicants for honors , o91eo or something or other it would muko your hair turn eray. I never opou It without shuddering. " I believe - liovo Salisbury does not trouble himself much with that list , but leaves the difllcult work of selection to bo done by his chief whip of the party , who knows oxuctly who is who. This KiMitteman has his bauds pretty full Just now , and will feel much relieved when Uluustono is once more playing tlio part of fairy godmother. It wa Judiciously resolved to put out a b/eukwutcr for the dcfeuso of Gladstone. A very substantial ono was found in Sir Will iam Hurcourt and all applications for ofHco under the now ministry have bcon llltcred through him. ono llttlo fact which shows that ho has qullo made up his mind to bo Gladstone's surccHtor. Of course there are fomo who are sure of their positions , como \vbnt may. Merely will bo Irish nee-rotary though it is whispered he would prefer al most any other post. It possesses terrible dlQl ulty in the way of any settlement of the homo rule question , but Gladstone naturally wants him to try and keep tbo Irish contlugont in good order. Hurcourt must bo chancellor of the uxchcqucr. Sir Charles Uussell , attorney general. Roso- berry will go to the foreign olllca. Muiv della , no doubt , will bo president of the educational department. Something must bo done with Sir G. Trouglan who Is the weuthor cock of politics. Henry Fowler will be put into tbo treasury. Then theio are u half dozou curls anil lords to bo stuffed in somewhere , greatly to the distrust of the main body of Gladstone's party , which U dead agnlc&t any mors traflla with the bloated aristocrats. That is ono roasouv by they are secretly Impatient to got tid ol Gladstone and begin the real twentieth century tury ministry , with Knights of Labor ana eight-hour men well In tha front and your highly respected old whlgs and belted carls sent to Jericho. Heroin lioi Gladstone's piosent difficulty. Ho Is not a radical at hearr , especially when in olllco. Ho has a great 10- epect for the peerage , to which ho has tnado moro auditions than any other minister iu the Victorian era. Ho wants to reward oil friends , but the now uioti , downright radi culs , who would abolish the llouco of lords Dltogothcr and not stop oven there what tyillhodo wlthluomi The labor party is email , bu' < bis majority is mada up of small parties. John Burns , the socialist , U to have no recognition , tbo nrch rural agltatoi U to have nothing , Lubouauero will glvo 110 trouble lu this respect ; bo prefers playlugMephlstophercs to parting with his independence. Truth brings him iu over 10,000 a year clear profit , and that Is his chief hobby. I cixnuot boltovo bo would take _ un ofllco unions It were offered at a cablno innutlng , anu Gladstone can never bo inducoc to so so far as that , Ho does not want to lose Lobby , for many times he has cynlcatl ; smiled or done his host to trip "up his heels Good or bad the [ course of the mlmntry wll have to bo formed. Any man can do as inuol as that. The hard Job comes uftorwards. Already ono thing Is clear. It will not ate to put homo rule into the second pluco With ono accord the Irish have made known their views on that point. Nine Par neil Ho nnd sovonty-oiio antl-1'arnollltes have pro tented tbulr ultimatum to Gladstone , "Our Dublin parliament first or out you go , " BO Gladstoniuns organs will bo set to work ti swear that no thought of a postponomoa was ever entertained. Ixlou is bound fas to the wheel , and the Irish will ta a euro tbat ho does not losrupo. Suoh Isthopowe nnd such In the glory of being prime mlnUtor those latter days , the end I ociually In sight even before the agni ttatounan sots foot within the maglo portals It. MKMIILIIOKl-AUI.UUIi.Sr. TIIIIATIUCAI , Nvw Noirltlo * Wliluli Ilinu Xiit Hcun u Micrrin Acroxi ( lie Water. Los'iio.v , Julv ! UJ Nona of the novelties produced lu Loiuiou during the jmit week ni'Oiu destined to score u HUOCOIS. Messrs Gilbert and Groismllh's comedy , "Hasten to the Wedding , " which wa * tlrt produced a the Criterion theatre on Wednesday night I by tbo critici. The play 1 simply an adaptation of n French comedy utuch had a long run In Paris , and Mr. Grossmllh's musld Is generally considered a allure. . The Dritlsh thoatrio.ilorld Is still Jealous f the successes of American artists hero. The Ployow , whlon senksto bo known nstho rgon of the profession , says with reference to ho replacing of Miss Geraldine Ultrar at the jyno by Miss SoJon Ubod s , another Amon- an actros * , It Is unable to learn what Miss Uiodca boa done In America , but a talcs posl- ively that ftho has no claim ) to bo considered \ prlma donna beyond tbo fact that she Is an American. 'Buffalo Bill" denies the truth of the re- > ort published in several American papers bat a cowboy of his recently applied to an English magistrate for nsilstmico to return o the United States. Mr. Codv Jurthcrsays hat ho has neither engaged any Englishmen o talto the places of his cowboys nor dls- musrd nny of the latter. It Is understood nat up to SuturJuv last 1,003,030 , parsons had passed through the gates of the Wild "iVost show. X riNANUIAIj UUVICtV. Kullirit.v4Voro l.nrijcly Dealt In tiiMiciMlly VcatcrUiy. IS ) ! IJuJitlM * ( ! niln Osi'J ) ' . ' . . ! July no. TMow York Herald Jablo Soeclnl to Tun Bsn.l Moro business ias boon transacted In the stock exchange .ban Is usual the last day in the wool : , ospoc- ally as Monday is a holiday and that the attonuunco of members has been very small , o many having started on their sum mer tours. Founds and Indian rupao inner are unchanged. Foreign government securities leave oil somewhat dull , Spanish Dartlcularly , having fallen throe-eights of L pr cent. Homo railways have bann llttlo dealt In and closed without any decided tcndoncv , changes bolns uoout equal as re gards the rlio or full , the movement being o.ly : fractional. In contract to tholn&cttvlty n othnr markets a largo busi ness ha : boon done in Ameri can railways , not only by insiders tmt the public has taken an active sbaro In Lho doallugg. This clement of strength has lone bcon absent in this market and it would appear that business In New York is also broadening out. A further general im portant advance is established including 1J per cent in Atchison and Denver preference , scvcn-olghths of 1 per cent in Chicago , Mil- wuuuco ana Norfollc'ifc Western preference , and throo-fourths of 1 per cent in all others , the Una ! quotations being the best as usual the last day in the mouth. Money has been llttlo moro wanted but short loans continued to bo obtained at one-half of 1 per cent. In the discount market few bills have been offered ; tboso at two and , thrco mouths wcro quoted at from thlrtaou-slxloonths to seven- eighth ! of 1 per cent. J'lcurlni ; on Iji-o's Successor. Loxnox , July SO. The Chronicle says : "The French cardinals have received a cir cular , written by Cardinal Mormillet before bis death , requesting them to veto the nomi nation of a pope favorable to the dreibund , whoso nominee , it is supposed , will bo Cardinal Sanfellcc. The circular asks them to push the candidature of Cardinal Ham- polla and If they find that this cholco cannot bo ratified then to support Cardinal Gibbons. Tno circular says Italy will drift into a republic with the connivance of the Catnolio world. ' Unites I'unlHliril. Loxnox , July 80. In the Old Bailey pohco court today John Jamoi Gardiner , indicted for having conspired tvilh Louis Leon Gold atom , alias Roberts , to defraud and in decently assault a numbur of girls , has been convicted cud scnloacod to six months im prisonment. Meumrr : } 111 Collision. LONDON , July 30. Whllo the steamer Peruvl..n , bound from Glasgow to Montreal , was steaming down tbo Clydo yesterday she collided with the steamer City of Lisbon. The latter was considerably damaged. Diilai ol Munchonlcr III. LONDON , July SO. The cuke of Manches ter , who In 1SG7 married Miss Consuolo Y/cnga , nnd who has been ill for some time past , Is rcoortod today to bo.dying- . i : .IT &i.i. Strunge I'xuorlttiiro Which u Couple of Ves nels Wont Through. NEW YOUK , July 30.Ono of the strangest phenomena over witnessed was described by Captain Thompson , of tbo Anchor line steamer Trumucoriii , which arrived from Mediterranean ports , and also by Pilot Sulli van , of tbo David Carroll , who brought the Btcumshlp Into New York. It was , In brief , tin earthquake shock at sea , on Julv in , fol lowed by an uppoaranco In tbo HII.V of a hugo serpent , which strotcbod from the zenith to tbo horizon. Pilot Sullivan was on board the Carroll at the tlmo and tbo Trlnacria hud not been sighted. Tlio shock was In tbo vicin ity of George's shoals , south of CapoSublo , An earthquake shook from the northwest was full at ? o'clock In tbo ovon'.ng , lasting about six seconds. Tbo vibrations caused tbo pilot's ' boat to tremble , but the sea remained calm. The shock was unmistakably that of an cnrthiiuuko. The pilot said ; "Hardly bad tbo shock subsided when a streak of light was seen ex tending from the zenith to the northwest horl zen In the form of n hugo serpent. The reptile gradually tapered from tbo head , which ap peared to bo reared high in the air , to the tall near the horizon. It lasted for mor * than three-quarters of an hour and then gradually dssappoared. " Captain Thompson of the Trinacrla says he saw the flary serpent also at tbo same time , July 25. His vessel wus then In lati tude 40 = , 47' , lonirltudo < H = > . 0' , or about sixty uillos distant from the pilot bont's po sition. Captain Thompson says ha saw ivuut appeared to bo u flury cloud In tbo north west. It resembled at 11 rat a forlc'dstroam of lightning. Subsequently It assumed tbo form of an Immense serpent , aud , as If further to carry * out the Illusion , the Hereout began to roll Itself like au enormous spring. Then the head rcaroj Iticlf , as If his snakciblp bud boon disturbed and was about to strike bis llory fangs Into his opponent. Thcro were ! i 7 passengers oo board. Including thirty bowline der vishes , who will Illustrate tbo faith of Mo hammed at the World's fulr. Thu passengers gors all crowded to the rail to witness the strange sight , aud lha dervishes , taking It for manifestation nf Allah , began to pray with tUcir faces toward the north , Tlio ves sel's barometer had sunk from 2'J.liy ' to UO.'O und heavy tldo lips , or short choppy waves slushed tha vessel , though there was almas1 no wind. Tuo shock was felt very slightly onboard the Tilnacrlo. Mill lluvo I'li-iity ol Moil. . . , I'u. , July UO. Secretary Love Joy says the company will huvo lf , > 00 men a work In the Homestead mill Monday and hi ablu to start up all the departments , und by thu end of tuo week will bu running full Many nktllru men uro m woik , Including fifty old hands , Ai soon at Homestead ) i going full , the other mills will bo stai'tod , Thu refusal of Uudga Mugou to ad ml Crltoulnw to bait has beared the other rioter for whom warrants arc nut , und they liuvo nearly nil left town , Frlck tt now pronoiincod out of danger , 1VIII Cull u Kier.Ul | Moinluii , LINM.NO , Mich. , July 30.-Governor Wynn has definitely determined to call a * peel a icisloa of tuo lutfUlatuio to radlstrict the stain into senatorial nnd loprosotltatlvo dis tricts , owlne to tbo iupremo court decision declaring the acts of ISS.1 ! and 1891 invalid. The oxaot date lias not bain determined , al though August U will probibly oo the dato. The call will not bo Issued earlier than Mon * X airtsujt'it niiirs. to Snys Ilo din See no Hope of Scttlhif ; tlio Homestead IjlltleitUy. PKtiADBi.ruu , Pa. , July 30. "Major Gon- ral Gcoreo U. Snowdon nnd n number of members of the staff , have returned to Phlla- olphia from HomQstend , and unless the sit uation there bauomos very serious the gener al will remain hero. In an Interview ho said : 'There are tow people In Pblladolbhla who understand accurately the condition of nf- airs at Homestead at proaoat , or what I' , has boon recantly. Tncro 1 n practical press censorship out thuro , and tuo newspaper cor- ro'pondents have actually bean .prevented rein doicrlblng accurately the condition of iffalrs.11 "Is the present military force at Homo- load suflloient to preserve order I" "Unquestionably. When the division was ordered out there were prospncts of BO mo revolutionary methods nt Plttsburg , Braddock - dock and other places in that region. These hrnatonlng signs outside of Homestead have disappeared and tbo regiments of the Second irlgndu are now siifilolout to attend to the trouble at that place. " "Do you think the trouble Is over ! " " 15v no moans. Dad feeling Is suppressed somewhat , but It still exists , and as long as no situation remains as it Is now the Second jrlf-ado will remain at Homestead. It Is Just possible , If its stay is prolonced , other vol- | n.nuts from other brigades may bo culled upon to relieve it , and the First brlgado or some of Its regiments may bo called out , Sui'h of tha strikers as uro on the uround. for muny of them have disappeared , are full of throats , and it is common to hear men dc- clare that as soon us tha solJIOM leave they will have the lives of nny men who hold their places in the works. "I'hlladelphlans can ntirdlj"-aDpreciato the actual communism of these people. They bellevo that the works are theirs qulto as much as thev art ) Carnogio's , and tt is ob vious now that this soutunuut readers a sat- tlemont of thu trouble diQlcult. The ultimata result will b ? that tun owncrs'of the works will roguin and operate them with men of their own choosing. " "It is reported that you may bo made de fendant In any prosecution 'that may bo Drought up iu the lams affair. " "So I huvo road In tho/papprs. but I know nothing else about It. I havo'ox'plaiuod ' my self perfectly In that matter. When the of- fouso of Private lams was reported to mo I ordered the disaruccd man drummed out of the camp. It was not my business nor was It necessary for mo to wrilo an essay In structing Colonel Streator how a soldier , guilty of such a crime , should bo discharged. At to tlio nature of the punishment I was Ignorant of that until it bad beau inlllctod , but 1 have my own opinion as to the charac ter of the punish ruun't that should bo moled out to a soldier guilty or treason in tirnu of actual revolution. " 1"Ictllijc the -Striker * . HOMESTEAD , Pi. , July HO. Sixty work men's families occupying company houses who were served with eviction notices several days ago moved out today. Tno houses will bo at once put in repair for nonunion men and additional houses will bo built. Meanwhile - while arrangements have been made to ac commodate 2UOJ , men within the wonts. There are 873 mon now nt the works. The advisory committee says It will be able to mduco half of these to quit next woelc. ai > f > inn nSIDE. . Two [ 'lends Lynched by 11 Slob la Caiupboll County , Tountfi8o ( > . IC.VOXVII.I.E , Tonu , , July 83. AndrawBeal- son and Joan Willis last Wednesday as saulted Mrs. William Dllico neir Jaoksboro , In Campbell county. They llr.it bound and gapged her husband and ho witnessed tbo affair. They were captured yesterday nnd identified by Dilke. Last night a mob of 100 men tool ; tbo two ( lends from Jail and hanged them side by sldo to a tree. The outrage was committed upon Mrs. Dilko In revenge , uhe having refused BsaUon nnd Willis and married Dllko a short lime asto. _ _ * - - w Morni rutulltum lu I'Htshiirj. PiTThiiuiin , Pa. , July 30. A sovoro-thun derstorm passed over this city yesterday doing great damage. Two no roas named Kicuardson and Castle were struck' ' by lightning ' ning and killed. A numbqr'of persons were injured , throe , it is feared , fatally. One of the nepross hud a photograph of tbo loaves pf the tree under which , no sought protection from the storm ire printed on his ureast. It faded in a short time. His logs turned white permanently. A Ucorem Lynching. DU.TON , Ga. , July 33. Lse McD.iniols wus lynched by thirty uiasue'd mon , 'last ' night. He bad been clvou a preliminary trial on tbo cbargo of criminal assault on a young wblto lady nnd was in chart'o of a constable , when a band of mon overpowered the ofticcrs and banged McDaulels to u treo. Trunk Allay .Mutt Iliuifr. Coxconn , , N. H. , Julv iiJ. Tha supreme court has rendered a decision sustaining tbo constitutionality of the law under which Frank Almy , murderer of Cnrlsilo Warden , was sentenced to bo hanged and doulod the motion of bis counsel for a now trial. AS8.lalX < lTlsn HIS lllouily Deed of 11 Kullrimd riasma'n I'ol- limiMl by Niilulilc. CHATIHM , N. Y. July ! lO.-Thomas Kll- gairy , wbilo walking on tlio Boston & Albany railroad crossing bare , was murder ously assaulted yeilerday. Jinnas Hellly , flagman at the crossing , stola up behind Kll carry , hit him , shot him twice , and plunged u large knlfo Into his victim's ueck , breast and abdomon. Kllgarry fell across tha track , the oleo > t gushing fro in his numerous wounds , whllo the would-ba murderer wulued rapidly across to his house , which is close to the flue station. On the war bo mot Ktigarry's ' son nnd told the boy to go down the track und see what had happened. He then went Into his houso. shot himself twice , once In the abJomon and again in the head , with the revolver witn which ho had shot Kllgarry. Ho then got a razor und cut his throat from oar to ear. Ho lived only a law minutes. Mccnwhilo Kllgarry's ' sou had found bis father lying In a pool of blooJ apparently lifeless. Ho ffuvo tha ularin and thu towns people qulcitly turned out. When they learned young KUgarry.'s story , n rush was made for Utility's hodio to lynch him , but when the exulted people reached there , the man had boon dead for some time. JCllgurry was rornovcd to his homo , but It Is not bo- llovcd that ho can survive his Injuries. It is said the double tragedy U the outcome - como of a feud which ijriw out of a lawsuit between the man. II. Oluy KIII-J'K Cunoi r Jeusnr Cur , N. J. , July 3J. Charles J. Poshall , tbo lawyer who has ttiroo times saved Murderer Edward W. Hillllngor from the Kaltows , Is taking an Intercstjn the caia of Colonel 11. Clay ICing , who is under sentence - tonco of death at Memphis fur tba murder ol Colonel 1'ostou , the nxcciitlou hii\lnt ' , been set for August 11. Mr. Poiball sent him the following telegram lust nlcht : "Apply to the United States court ut Nush- vlllu for u writ of liuboai i-orpuA If denied vonr rlttlituf unuuil In ubsolutu. Heo case ol bun Wiing. 2. ) l < edural KeugrtJ.tAiid uib < > uf .luL-urm , III ) ITnltiid Ht.Uos lluports. Will mail letter. -it Mr. Posball says that the vUlt1 of Cqlone ! King's jurv to the Arkuiibus blioic murt'ok bis trial a nullity. Tha J iry CTOSI.JJ lUj Missis- dppi rlvor in cnargu of n roi-taulo ; during tuo trial and touched on thu other sldo Mr. Pcjhall holds tbnt the moment thu uoat cur rying the Jurv paisod within tno Arkansas boundary the jury was Uwfuily EMPRESS AftlOTIIER Kaisw William's Pair Wife and Hot Oaroful Familyanajomont , BELOVED AND ESPECTED BY ALL Gvery Olais of Oitiiuin in Gormaiy Look Up-fe ) Hor. CHOOSING A PAPEfil'TOR HER CHILDREN r ? She Galled a Council to Consider the Quali fication of Different Journals. COUNT MUENSTOR WILL MAKE A REPORT Ilo Witt Toll the 1'niperor That Franco U Xriivorlni ; 1'caco' and Hui * Vo Intcutlons Whatever Gor man Social Al.jira. 1X)1 on Jim ( Oomi . , linnu * * , July 80. [ Now York Herald 'ablo Special to TUB BEE. ] Emperor William has returned to Potsdam , refreshed by his travel , nud bubbling "over with anec dote. Ills coming * had boon anxiously awaited , by no ono moro so than by the true ana gantlo sharar of his throne. Tbero may > a room for dlfforanco. of opinion us to tbo UUIIR ruler of Vittcrifthd , .but poor nnd rich , clous nnd courtlora , i rmans ana non-Gsr- uans ai-roa In their respect for tbc empress. A.S a Frenchman lately said in cruder anguuge , her 11 fo is gjvon up to two great objects her motherhood claims quite one- mlf tno tlmo , tbo other halt she consecrates to charity. At present she is most concerned in her maternal mission. Within few wooki the doctors say four iut the empress hersolt.tbinks two may bo nearer the mark sho. hopes to bo once moro a mother. The prospect does not distress lor. Her majoity's health is good. She en tertains her friends a > usual , and ut a period whim loss sturdy and moro nervous dainon would bo quaidng in' anticipation , she it as cheerful and unconcerned as if the advoal of a priuco or princess wera , a moro trifle. Jhoonlni ; n Fumlly I'npar. The other day the omprass called n mootIng - Ing of the ladles and gontlamon who make up tier court at the Marulor pilais. Wbon all were assembled she explained that the pur pose of the gathering ; was to cheese a Ucrman newspapar which could safely ba put late the ands of hcrj children. Several organs warb''propo > od and rojeated. Some were too servile , some Uxj subversive , others too Inlldol. The obolco at last fell ( on the Heichosboto , whlob , from both politi cal and religious standpoints , Boomed the most harmless o j.h.9 council. Six daily copies of the paper'wlll consequently ba sub scribed for by the ompr si and her children will houcororvvard stuay ; European politics through tils npactatlas of Ksr. Holnncb Engcl , who , on'cortain 'points ' , U in touch with IJr. StoBcker , lno-Jt-h hn doss not take the same vldTv of'tbo Jevfa as that notorious preacher. Tbo Roicb'esboto is a protestant coruervativo shoot , und Is serious , but not fanatical. It is also uncommonly outspoken at tlniu : In its comments on the public action rf the empprbr. In the fuiurn , then , bis nmjasty muy'bavo to county with six youth ful critics in liii own household. Mueiister Will Ileport. Count Muenster , whose possible with drawal from the Paris 'embassy has been talked of freely tbU W2ak , Is expaotod uoro. On his arrival he will huvo an audienca with the omporor. lie will also confer with Count Canrlvl nud Baron Marsehatl , , secretary foreign affair * , to whom , as I learn , ho in- rormed a friend iu Havana some day a ago , be will give roseate siarancas as to the gen eral political outlook , , Ho is convinced that Ribot bos no wish to , disturb Europa , and bo is moro particularly surd that , tha sage min ister bus no intention 'of embarking in ad ventures with thq czar , whoso prejont policy ho has uodoubt is paaooful. MKLTZKII , PJIUCAUTION AIU8T UK TAKEN. Imminent German Metjlcal Authorities Talk Aliout tllo'Ohnlera. BCKLIX , July SO. Tno Relcbsanzolger today prints a lengthy article on tbo precautions which should bo taken to prevent tbo Intro duction and spread of cholera , and this fact leads many to bellevo tbat tbo authorities consider an epidemic of the disease Imminent. A reporter of the Associated Press has Inter viewed three of the randlcal authorities of Germany , Professor , ICoch , Dr.irchow nnd Dr. Hlrsch of the Berlin university , all of waum have served upon sanitary committees In past epidemics. Dr. Vlrcbow will shortly go to Russia to study the epidemic there. In his conversa tion with the Associated Proas representa tive. Dr. Vlrcbow said that the cholera ap peared to ba localized itr Russia at present , but it may appear hero , at any tlmo. Con- corntna America , ho sale ) : "I do not need to tell you that tboy must remove all causes and do their utmost to prevent Its Introduc tion , and they will bo All'mbt. " Dr. Hirtch said : "Iliad formed an opin ion that cholera had changed ' Itu character , owing to immunity , o special places. I think that soonnr or 'liter It will attack all Europe. Tnere is , however , llttlo four of on opidomio in Berlin , a c the city's sanitary condition Is perfect , r have thoroughly studied the condition ofi America , and there is llttlo danger of an .outbreak tbero , pro vided thorough clcaullnoic'U maintained and sanitary precautions are' adopted. With a complete inspection of tall steamers ar riving at American J ports tbero is little danger of in faction through tbo travelers. Tha grcitost danger is in the importatiou I of rags. Tbo American authorities' _ hould strictly pro hibit the importatloa of r frs f om on Infected dhtrict or from any dUtrlct where cholera might bo suspected of. fxlttliir. ( immense quantities of rag * , gathered lu all parti of Europe , are shipped from Stettin and Ham burg , and tbesa may carry infection , as they are subject to llttla or no Inspection. " Professor Koch roforicd the reporter to tbo article lu tbo Kalohzangigor previously montlpncd. As the article In question is supposed to bo tbo work of Professor Kooh it is asHumcd that bo also expects tha cholera to spread to Berlin ; Wllllitin St | rt fijr BFKI.IX , July JO,1 , Einpferor William tbU morning sot tall for Eugliuid , wbero ho will remain ono week of a eupst of the queen , One object of his vjslt Is tu attend the Cowos ra/attn. * Ass li | tlio HA n mi eo July 30. Tbo Cologuo O'azotto says that uttoiupU .a create disorder have recently been made In BU Petersburg b.r agitator * who tried to COUYIUCO the that certain moat nausngos Bold thcro are jolsonod. The fact U regarded as significant , inatmuch as all the sausage makers are Ger mans , til'KMANY'S KXl'OKTS. Consulnr Itcportu Show n rnllliiK on ? In All 1.IIICB. BniiLtN , July 00. Consul General Edwards bas Just finished the annual statement of experts - ports from the Berlin consular Jurisdiction tor the fiscal years Ib91 nud 1S'J3. ' The Juris diction embraces tbo thirteen consulates of northern Germany. The total exports amount to 510,070,449 , a decrease from the preceding flsenl year of * S.320OOJ. This ls duo almost entirely to the falling off m tbo export of sugar , Wlicro.i.i last year the total amount exported was valued nt nearly $12,000,000 , It amounted this year to only f'r ) > 3U,000. The reasons for the difference have boon glvon In tucso dispatches some tlmo ngo. Tbo largest exports were In dress and ploco goods , nearly $5.000,000 ; hosiery , ovorSIOlX > , - DUO ; ibcn sugar as above ; celluloids and wood pulp , $2,800,000 , ; furs , $2lP3OOj , ( ) lluon goods , collars , eta. , $3,083,000 ; trimmings and embroideries , f > , U.l5,000. THOai : HOTlIintSOME UANAI. TOI.T.S. Inipcctor Wilson of Cunnilii Olvos Ills Oulnloii on tlio .Subject. TOIIOXTO , Ont. , July HO. Mr. E. B. Wilson , Inspector of canals , Is lu town. Ho IB very outspoken In his opinion that the threatened Interference with Cnnaulun privileges In the 'Soo" ' canal IB of a plcco with the exacting policy of the United Stains throughout. They bad , ho remarked , ro&d out of tbo Washington treaty every clause tbat could bo interpreted to our advantage , nud so inter preted the remainder that the boncllt was solely theirs. Under these circumstances hn did not see that the treaty was any use to us , and believed it would bo better for Canada if the treaty ucro knocked to flinders. Itu&Rla'H lnii rt Tux. ST. PnTr.iisnuiin , July HO. A bill has boon prepared Imposing a graduated Income tax upon incomes of 000 roubles , tbo tax being 1 per cent , and for oirory ad ditional l.OJO roubles tbo rate of lncroa o is ono-tentb of 1 pur cent. Exemptions are allowo/i in the cases of the imperial families , assemblies , nobles , the clergy , convontry and high government ofllcials. Atrlmlloni Scut to 1'rlson. July 80. John Wilson and Parry Luut , who run a bogus cotton syndi cate , by wh'.nh they netted JCISO.OOO , have been sentenced to three and four years im prisonment respectively. Crowilcil ulth hlilps of Wi r , July ! 10. The bay of Cadiz is crowded with ships of war of different na tionalities which have coma to talto part in tbo Columbus celebration to bo hold hero. A.FTER VACATION. Arrant-amenta for'tho Coining Opening of tlio Knit Term of School. As the autumn approaches a now Interest is beginning to appear in educational circles. Omaha teachers who were elected for an other year have been tending.in notices to the effect tbat. they would rnturn to take their places in the schools at the oponluc of tboi coming school -year. The time usually allowed for teachers to decide and notify tha board as to wnother thoylutend to teach or not In tha Omaha schools expires on tbo llr.tt Monday in Au gust. All but about fifty of tboso elected have signified their Intention of returning and these will pronubly bo given a couple of weeks moro time bufoio steps are taken to fill their places. The summer schools taught by several of the Omaha teachers have been unusually successful this year. Miss Carney , who bus had charge of a summer school at the Izarrl building , has mndo a specialty of teaching eighth grade pupils who have boon behind ono or more studies and who wish to pass into the ninth grade or first class of the High school this fall. It has , been the custom to allow the teachers who have had charga of eighth grade pupils during the summer for the pur pose of bringing them'up in their studioto puss upon their qualifications at the close of the summer and recommend thorn for the High school. Tbat custom will not be continued. These students who bavo been coached or brought forward during the summer will bo oblieod to pnsi an oxaininutiocr before the regular examining board of teachers in order to gain admission to the high school. Superintendent Fltzpatrlck will probably present the most complete annual report of the Omaha bchooli tbis year that has ever been presented. It will include a number of now features toucbloa the expense of bulldluKs and a comparison of the total cost of maintaining tbo schools for ten yours back. Spcakinirof tbodilemmathattho board will bo called upon to fuca with regard to provid ing facilities for the Central and Hltrh school pupils at the opening of the school year iu September next , a member of the board mild today : "I bavo n schema that I believe will work. It is evident that accommodations must bo provided for 200 or 800 belonging to the Central and High schools o'ltsldo of the High school building. Now my plan will i o this. Wo can bond tbo pu pils tbat are corning for tbo first year or who enter tha ninth grade from the Park , Mason and Furnam schools to tbo Ploasunt or Ma son , wlioro wo can open about three rooms as u branch of the lllim school and sand three of the High school teachers over there to taka charge of tboso rooms. Wo cun send Ninth gradu pupils from the north nnd of the city to tbo Kellom school , where there are spare rooms , and in&ko u brunch of tbo High school thoro. Then wo can send a few of tlio Central school pupils down to tbo St. Barnabas building , und In that way make room for the Incroasn In tbo number of Central school pupils. This will hnvo to bo done only for a few months , for tba now Central school will be completed by the middle of winter. " FUJI AND A1IUUT H'UJIKX. Dark , emerald green toilet sots , or tboso tinted wlthycllow , arosougbtfor by tustbetlc young -.vomuu. Largo green vclret picture bats are worn by bridesmaids attired In Louis XVI. cos tumes of wulto corduroy. Dressing case and mirrors are draped in summer * fabrics wliU small clusters of a wool clover or other wild flowers. The newest idea in bridal , presents Is the loving cup of silver bearing the brldo's mon ogram with un appropriate uiotto. Queen Victoria is fond of making omelets , and it seems she has several receipts. Her daughter-in-law , tbo princess of Wales , excels cols in preparing tea und puttered toast. The set of ribbons used to ornament thu simple summer gown , and which includes the fashionable Wutteau bow , shoulder knots and I'lrdloi , requires ton yards of rib bon , | By the will of Julia L. Prettyman of Chi case , (300 Is placed In trust 10 bo divided within live years among IIvo persons who shall dUtiUKUtsli themiolves by ยง 01110 act of bravery. Bonbonnlcros In faience Imitate toxtllos , Tba handles uro llice knotted scarfs ; tbo cor ners are gathered in and make a [ .rolcino of being tied , They are crumpled , are one- iluod , and ara uverytblug but stiulght In lino. lino.Tho The crown prlncois of Swe Ion has pre sented a bimutlful miniature of herself , setin diamonds , to thu luiodlvtIn acknowlcdtf- mi.'iitof tbo hospitality and courtesy extended - tended to the crown princess during her visit to liuypt. A ylrl who attracted much uttontlon In Boston rucuuUy , were a rod hat , red bu pcn- Uur over lluuilufc yellow wuUt , red tklrt uud THE BEE BULLETIN. \rttithtr \ for OmaJui < . nrratiit conlmtiftl/iilr. Page. 1. ( llnUntonn'ii Mini _ , tul < . KiiUinrar AVlllta\ - . .Tccllcnt Wife. I'rrnnli lcilmul ) ' Urlcan Soil. ' | 2. Itjni , intl \ \ llkeu'll i" n Dnur. Jmlf-o ClnrltBun l'jiiMl \ nt Honey V" 3. Douglns County' * " 4 tionlons In < lo- * pOIKllllltM , \ . fphiK Victory forV Crounao M . Much Nrhrimkii I'olllll' . ' \ T 4. IMItorliil and t'ouuucil . n. Central Wmlilneton Ne 0. Coiinoil lltullH Local. ; 7. I.liufcr IMlou Itlcli rinrd. ; SiiKiir licet Cult lv.it Ion lit ( lennanj- . l.lncoln unil Xclmmkii Ne\Ta. Ilcn llutlerln History. 10. Smutiiy's .Sportluc Ite.tnino. 11. Onialiu'H Trade Ito\lru il , Grain , 1'rotUlons anil l < l o Stock . 13. CnrpiMitor'H 1. otter Ironi Ku-ula Trjlnn Now I'l.-iyn on Uiiiitlu. 13 , Lust Week in Society. Atiioiiu the Secret Orders. 15. How Women Drcns In Summer. Wiikciimn In KiiKlinut'H llenrt. red shoes. She was a sight , for gods and mon , but not for mon who are troubled with weak eyes. There has bcon started In a farm house In England a school of Housewifery , where girls of gentle breeding , not servants , are system atically taught cooking , housoivork , plain sowing , the management of the dairy , the laundry and the kitchen and ilowor gardens. The Empress Elizabeth of Austria , that accomplished horsewoman , that sovereign of n court where aristocratic prejudices uro of the strongest kind , glories In her talent os u pastry cook. Her dauchter , the Archduch ess Valeria , boasts of having pnnotratoJ all the secrets of tha ancient aud modern cuis ine. Parisian women have a dainty inshlon of catching up the center seam of their long skirts half a yard from thu ham and securing it a few Inches below the wuUi with u fancy pin , thus reducing it to a very sensible walk ing sllrt , and showing a bit of laco-frilltd petticoat beslUds. Maria Reed , colored , who is said to bo not only tlio oldest woman in Louisville , but In Kentucky , died at bar homo In that city on the 27th. She was born In Virginia In 1777 , and whs consequently 115 years old. Shu was the mother of sixteen children , only two of whom uro living. She moved to Louisville nearly a century nto. Llttlo Johnuv opines In the Now York Herald : "Girls Is awful lazy. Wu'vo xot a tennis not an' croquet set an' lots of things to huvo fun with , but my sister would r.Uhcr sit in a stuffy room n listoniu' to n young man talkin' 'bout dead poets than como out an' bavo fun with mo. blm didn't use to bn tbu way. M a v DO she aint really lazy. Maybe it's only old ago. " COUNCILMAN ST.EELE. Ho Kctlirns from n Ylxlt to 111 * Old Homo mill TnlkH About Ulty ContructH. Councilman John Stcclo returned yester day from a two months' visit at his old homo in Sweden. Twenty-throe years ago Mr. Stcoln loft Sweden for America. During bis absoLCO tlmo wrought many changes , but notwithstanding this ba had a very onjoyaolc trip. Ho saw many of his old schoolmates and again familiarized himself with thu BcenoH of long ago. Ilo found his mother , n lady 81 years of ago , In excellent health aud enjoying the declining yea of her life. lit speaking of Omaha Mr. Stoulo said It was a disgrace and a shame the wny the pub lic works had boon delayed. Some poison was responsible nud bo would attempt , to learn who was to blame. Ha had not been about thocitr. but from what ho could lourn ho thought there was a studied plan upon tba part of some person to prevent tbo ro- paving of Leavenwortti and Park avenue this season. Then Mr. Stcelo bad a word to sav upon the subject of permanent sidewalks. Last year tbo chairman of tha Board of Public Works could not find nny walks tbat needed iclaying , nor could ho prior to.Iunol , tbo data of John Grant's artificial stone contract. "Now , " said Mr. Steele , "since another man has the contract , I sea that tbo chairman of the board has found miles and miles of streets on which artificial walks are needed. I pronoso to look into this aud find out tbo causo. " IfllOSt 'llOUMi .IHOVf VS. Farraars near Hebron will buy or build u groin elevator. The Columbus creamery makes over n ton of butter a day. Georgetown , Custer county , is to have a flour and focd mill. John Tholun full from a windmill nt Crete , a distance of thirty foot , and Injured his bad : . J. M. Hawkins , formerly editor of tlio B'uirbury Enterprise , is now practicing law In Tennessee. The Long Pine Republican Journal is being issued as u dully during tbo Chautau- qun assembly. Wheeler county now has a republican p-n per , the liortlott Advocate , published by Todd Brothers. Goorce D. Hlftcrs. formerly ono of the edit ors of tbo O'Neill Frontier , hns taiion charge of a paper at Hot Springs , Ark. George Osborn , ono of tuo oldest residents nf York county , dropped dead whllo sitting in a wagon talKlng to a neighbor A district fulr association has bcon oruan- i/.sd itt Wilcax , Kearney county , nnd a kite- shaped track will bo built at onco. A farmer named Damon , near Dawson , was pored to death by a bull which ho was about to food. Mr. Damon was 78 years old. The Franklin Republican bas on tared upon the llfth year of Its existence. Editor Robin son knows bow to make a successful news paper. Great preparations are being tnado at Pawnee City to entertain the soutnoast Ne braska soldiers on thu occasion of their re union August 2 , il and 4. The Stockvlllo Fauor , an indnpondnnt papor. bas disappeared , and its place has been taken by the Frontier County Repub lican , with Nelson Church as editor. W. P. Funk of ICoarnoy has received 1,000 from the Union Pacific for bis patent railroad spike , nnd besides la to get a royalty of one-half on all sold to other roads Harvey Davlsson of Alnaworth was poinonod by drinking water standing under a Miolf on which was a parkago of part * green that tbo mice bad nibbled , letting the pelf on drop. Soys tbo Arnold News : "Tho Nebraska Development company Is doing n good work In putting Nebraska ntiforo tuo world , and Is making great preparations to establish a supplementary exhibit In tha Nebraska building at tlio World's fair , The Idea 11 to Interest tno farmers to an ox tout that each man will find that he has an object In making the Nebraska exhibit tlio best on the ground. The exhibit will In no way inter fere with thu regular HI a to exhibit. " Mrs. Anna Chastok , perhaps the oldest person In Nobraskn , died at tha homo of bur son In Western , Saline count v. According to a statement recently published bv her grandson In a Bohemian piper at Wilbur Mrs. Chastok was born In Bohemia , July UO , 1741 , and therefore lacKed only two duys of being 111 yours old at the tlmo of her death , She has llvod.in Western for tsovcnil months with her nan , John ClinUoK. and bus known remarknbla vigor for u centenarian , For the lust fiveyeurs fcho scums to have enjoyed nor third night , dad did her work wlthcut spectacles. Only n f < > w days uiro she llnUhod a dross for herself , 'making It entirely r v hand , for she had nn conlldenco In sewing done by muthlucr.v and bad no ut > o lor modern style * , Hho 'liod of old ago und without tbo least apparent sickness. Him ate dimior with the family as usual and eon ufter laid down for her afternoon nap At supper tlmo they wont to call her but louud llut aUo buJ quietly uajud FRANCE IS ALERT England's ' Movcmonts in Morocco Will Ba Jealously Wntclicd , DIPLOMATIC STATUS OF THE CASE Many Reasons Why the FMnoh People Ara Deeply Interested , RAGING ABOUT STAVBULOFF'S ' COURSE Bulgaria's Prime Ministar Charged with Assassinating His Opponents , CHANCE FOR RUSSIA TO MAKE WAR I'rlnco I'crdlimiHl'n Conduct Severely Criti cized and Clmrsei or Cowardice l.udscd Acalimt Him llm th * llorlln Treaty Itooou Vlolnteil ? HM Omlon PAHIEI , July ! tO. | Now York liaratd Cable Special to Tun lice. ] Two now thlngi have disturbed the political worlu In tbo week that has ] tist closed. Tbay are the af fair nt Morocco nnd the quadruple execution in Bulgaria , Moro and moro it becomes evi dent that lu Moroco England Is desirous of creating difficulties. The rest of Europe bui a perfect right to refrain from signing n treaty with England. It Is Impossible to consider this refusal as a CASUB belli , as some journals are try * Ing to tnako out , and even some diplomatists. Besides fresh outbreaks ngalust Furopeans ara announced , and thus is seen the necessity for Intervention , Every expedition PO far , although urganlzea on tha old lines , has boon n success. rranco Will llnxo Her KlRliti. But England should labor under no delu sion. Franca will navor permit the Moorish question to bo settled unless shn has somo- tnlng to say Id the adjournment. Franco bas more rlgfits In Moorish affairs than En- eland. The English government has to no Interest in its interest in Its internal affairs , although she has in tno International. The frontiers uf Algeria and Morroco adjoin , and thus the interests of of Franco and .Morocco arc closely allied. Serious Clmrcoa Against Stnmliulofl" , The events In Bulgaria are very serious , as you know. Minister tjtambuloft has hanged four of his political adversaries upon the pratonco that thov were taking part in a conspiracy against himself. This allocation. Is absolutely untrue. The truth Is these pur- sons were executed because they were friends of Russia. It is tboraforo a dlroot Insult to the czar. More than that. It is as sassination , pure and simple , oud not a legal process. The wbolo of Europe revolts against Min ister Stumbulotl's Introducing in Kuropo tna savage customs of other ages. General con tempt is also expressed for Prlnco Ferdinand of Bulgaria for not commut ing tha sentences and permitting his name to bo linked with such a crimo. Ilo ban not even the courage to remain at homo ' when such atrocities were bain ? committed. Ho went off to Jjuyronlh to hear "Parsifal. " while four Innocant porscus were being exe cuted in bis own country. Tbcroforo it would seem tbo hour is at hand when Russia should domauu that Europe again mtorforo in Bulgaria. It would bo lawful to depose Prlnco Ferdinand who is tbo puppet of Turkey without any power or authorization of the signatory pavers of the IJsrlin treaty. If the trlplo nlllanco wishes to sustain Prinoo Ferdinand that war which has bean so long dolayoJ , which bas bcon so much fcarod , must break forth , und that Is the reason why Russia It ivalllug. It In n Grave Situation. But putting aslao ail diplomacy and lookIng - Ing at tbo political situation calmly , it must bo said that tbo drama enacted at Sofia proves that the poaca of Europe ii monaood by M. Sutmbuloff. It has always been said that from this side will coma tbo first cannon shot. It .would bo a simple act of prudence , and inure to\he general well being to taUo away from these Idiots the power to repeat in 1692 the political trazody ol Bartholomew. It is probable that tba Intervlotv botwoou Queen Victoria and Emperor William will take pluco on Monday at Cowies , and that then tbo Bulgarian affair will bo mentioned , and tha entire sl'uation take on a now aspect. llUniurcIc us tin liauc. I hope also that they will talk about the situation as regards Prlnco Bismarck , Diplomatists bollava that a prosecution of the prlnco is luovltablo and that tbo result sought by Blsmarclc will bo attained. The emperor may bo able to bring about a convic tion , but that will not In the least lesson tba popularity sf the prince. If Bismarck were ten years younger the result would not bo doubtful and William would bo beaten. Already in southern Ger many , the sympathy of everybody is with the old chancellor. In Europe tha wbolo conduct of the einporor Is blamod. No ono would hr.vo behoved that the founder of tha German empire would ba treated thus at tba end of a Ufa so Intimately connected with tbo glory of Germany. jAcquca ST. Uaitii. CIlOf.KKA HOLDS SWAY. I'c'iirful ItiivitKoa of tin ) IJreiul Dlionoo In Htrlukcn Himln. ST. PBTKIISHUHO , July 80. Tha oholora h i decreased In the towns in Russia In whloh It llrat mudo Itu appearance , but in tno places moro recently affected by the dlsaaiu it U In creasing rapidly. It has also broken out la several districts wticb huvo hitherto boon free from Us ravages. In Astrakhan , on the 28th Instant , 46 new cases of cholera and 4 aoaths from the dlsoato were reported , and on Wednesday there wcro 35 now cases and 'J5 deaths. In Bamarn , on tbo sarao date , tbero were reportPd , respectively , I'M cases and 74 deaths and 101 now cases and ( X ) deaths ; und in Rostqv 160 cases and 50 doutun , and Ml now cases and 01 deaths , Tbo soourgo bolds full sway In Nljol Novgorod , where , on Thursday last , 71 no\r ciuos were reported und i0 ! deaths occurred , lu Kooban , tbo most seriously affected of tha western UUtucU , thcro uer > * * " > now uaios and " 4 deaths oil Wodncrfl lahoslan , on thu tmine day , thcro wo 7"4 w oafcoi and 81 deaths , and lu Tin . , u\v oases and 205 deaths. Vcillniv Cover In Hunugul. PAUH , July 1W. The Temp * report ! tbat yolhw fevirhus broken out in Konugal. I'.tim HUH In CATANIA , July DO , The eruption of Mount ICtua show no BII of