THE OMAHA DAILY BIttfc SATURDAY , JULY 30 , 1892. „ 1 ASPHALT PAVING MUST WAIT Fatal Error Ditosvorod in n Bite Batch of Recently Passed Ordinances. JAICK'S ' ORDINANCES FOR SQUIRES' ' BIDS Ugly SmiR Af-alniit which Sotno Nooil 1'ulillo Improvements Hiivo htrnmtotl Now Sewers tn Ho Unlit nt Once. "VVo'ro In hell's ' holonml there's no ques tion nbotit It , " profanely but earnestly re- mnritcd Major ITurov of ttio lloiril of Public Works yestoriiny uftornoon when ho found that the nnal paving ordinances order ! tig the paving of Fortieth street from Davenport to UuraltiR struot ; Park avenue , from Loaven- worth to Hickory street ; Davenport , Irotn Thirty-ninth to Fortieth ; Tulrty-nlntU , from Farunm to Davenport ; and Lothrop street , from Sherman urcuuo to EiRUteoutli street , wore defective. The trouble with these ordlnoneea win that they failed to state thai the material with which the streets were to uo pavoa ibould bo Trinidad sheet nsphnltum , taken from the pitch lane In the Island of Trinidad. They simply stated that the material should ho sheet asphaltutn. The council had passed now ordinances specifying that the asphaltutn should come from that pitch luke and the board had awarded contracts in accordance with the torias of tbo old ordmanco that did not locale the nsnualtuui lu tbu Trinidad pitch tattc. What Member * Say of It. Chairman Blrkhauscr said that the council hnd Issued its order and ho did not see that the board could do anything but readvortlso for bids. Ho hntcu to do It for it took away all competition and loft tha mutter entirely In the hnndaof the Barbcrpeoulo and allowed them to fix their own prices. At the letting , which was In compliance with the terms of the original ordinance , Andrew Jnlcks captured all of these streets on a bid of ? J.-10 uer square yard for Trinl- ilnd shoot asphaltum , form "H , " with a llvo-vear guaranty. Then when Jnicks was knocked out by the council , It left the Mrcala without any bidder , as the Board of Public WorKs hud rejected tlio othur bias , which were put In by John Grant and tno Hat-bur Asphalt company. Contracts for puvlni ; Cass street , from Twenty-second to Twenty-fourth streets ; Cuss stroet. from Twontv-fourtn street to a point IDS feat west of the west line uf Twenty-fifth street , wcro ordered with the Barber company st $2.81 per stjuaro yard , dais "B , " with a ttvo-.vonr cuurnnty. City Attoruov Council Insisted tliat when thu ordltianco failed to designate the class of paving mutcrlal aad stata the guaranty It was not defective. The petition and tbo conlrootcovered that. Major Bulcombo said that ho had not been on th'i board many days , but slnco becoming a tnotnbor ho had learned sonic things. Ttu board had changed the spocllicatlous slnco the petitions were circulated. Attorney Connell declared that that was n post mortem matter ; that the ordinance de scribed spoellicatloas on lllc. Quo thing wus certain , ho said , and that wus that Squires would have to understand that bo would tmvo to accept , u contract which was In accordance with specifications prepared by the Board of Public Works ; that he could not muKo his own bpecillcatlons and force lliom upon the city. Then the "board discovered that in Hugh Murphy's contract thcro was something wrong. On one district tbo contract spoxa ot Colorado snudstono , without stating the color. It was decided that this was u cleri cal error and a now contract was ordered. Sewer Contracts Awiinlutl. Bids for the construction of iho rnlddto branch ot tbo North Omaha sewer system were opened aud the contract which will nmount to 135.801 was awarded to F. L. Hooves & Co. The prices were as follows : 8-lnch pipe , C5 cents ; 10-Inch , 7-1 : 12-luch , 07 ; 150-1 40-1. . . . . . . per lineal foot ; manholes , JIUuiul Hush tanks ! 105 each. In thn construction of this sewer there will be uscn 080 feet of 8-Inch pipe ; S,70J ( feet of 10-inch ; 12,810 of 12-inch ; 2,100 of if.-lncb ; 1,160 ot IS-lnch ; S.10S of 21-liicli ; COO of 24-inch ; ybOfeotof 23-inch briclf sewer ; 330 fcotof ao-inch ; a-'JOfootof U-Mnch ; 070 foot of UU-Inch : 224 feet of 40-Inch ; 235 feet of 42-Inch nnd 402 feotof 4S-inch. , For constructing the eight-Inch sewer in the alloy between Twenty-second and Twenty-third street ttnd from Uraco to Clark the contract was awarded to John F. Dalloy at 87 cents par linoul foot , $33 for manholes and 05 each for ilush tanks. The contract for the sawor on Leaven- worth street , frnm Thirty-Unit to Half Howard , went to Dalloy. Ho uld S7 cents on 10-Inch and fl.10 on 15-Inch plnu ; W7.RO on manholes , and $91 on lljsh tanks. The grading went to the following named contractors : Sixth street , from CreditFon- clcr addition , to Bancroft , ICatz & Callahan , nt 11 % cents per cuolc yard ; Mason street , from Eighteenth to Twentieth , nnd Nine teenth street , from Mason to Pierce , at 18 cents : Hamilton street , from the viaduct to Forty-Illth street , at 11 3-10 cents , wont to Lumoroaux Bros. & Ettlngor. Kslz & Cullahun bid 2S cants per cubic yard for sloping banks , 23 cents per cubic yard for tilling uulsauco lots and got thu contract. Tuko ( iooil Cum of thu Children. If you have children , you will be Interested in tbo experience of Mr. John Cook of Pilot , Veriullllou Co. , III. Ho says : "Two years ngo two of my fcrally , a young man mill u plrl , had very severe and dangerous attacks of bloody llux. The doctor hare was unable , after a week's tlmo , to chock orrullovo either ciibo. I throw the doctor overboard and be gan using Chamberlain's Colte , Cholera and Diarrhcua Remedy. Improvement was seen very teen , and my children arose in few days from whatl feared would bo tholr death bed , U Is a grand , g'ood mcdirino. " TO MOVE OB NOT TO MOVE. I'rolilmu rorploxe * the Ilriliia or Himril < il' ( Munition Muinliur * . There appears to be a difference of opinion among members of the Board of Education with roqard to occupying the rooms sot aside lu tlio city hall for the use of the board , Some of the members think that the board should proceed otonro to furnish thu rooms and move In , while others have a very dif ferent vlow of the situation. "I am ready at any tlmo , " said Dr. Spnld- Inqr , president of the board , "to move over to inn city bull If a majority of the board will take the matter up and act un It. There appears to bo very little disposition , however , in the board to tualto the change. Borne Kay that the rooms sot anlde for the use of the board are not what they should have been , and they nlso hold that the city should furnish heat nnd light for the room * occupied by the board , but the council will uot uimio tn any such arrangement. "Wliu roe aril to furniture I have told sev eral inombors of the board that we might get along with the old furnltnro for a while. The seats that wo have In the Masonic tem ple rooms will' tool Just as soft over In the city hull as they feel In the old rooms. Bo far as I am concerned I think tlioro is no use of postponing the matter of moving over to our new quarters. " Mnro City Hull Itcionii Itrnily. The rooms In tbo city hall , which uro to bo used by tbo superintendent of buildings , tbo , members of the Board of Public \VorIcs and tLo city engineer , are bulng put in bupu for occupancy. It Is more than UKoly that all of the oaiccr * will bo lu their new quarters next \ \ ook. "Lute to boa and cany to rise will nborton the road to your homo In the ekles. But early to bed and "Littlo Early Ulsur. " the- pill that makes life longer'aud Uotlora ud wiser. ' " Sick linaduchol Boucham1 * I'illi will rs llovu. The Roe ! : Inland route luinou uccs u rnto of 81U for Denver and return Aujubt 8 to 7 , good to return un or bo- ere October ID. THE BOSTON STORE Will Oloio Out Tomorrow Their Own and Stonehill's Entire Stock of LADIES' ' WAISTS , SILK MITTS , MEN'S SHIRTS Anil 000 Uorcti T.rtdlox * nnd ChltilrriT * tilnr ! ! 5o lloir , Ovnr 100 DllTorenl fl , rust Ilhiclc un ( I I'nncy Colors nt Do Totliiy. 2oC HOSE FOR DC. Thcso nro this season's entire nccum- ulutions of ono of the biggest hosiery mills in the country. In this lot will bo found Indies' bluok seamless hose , Indies' 4-throad llslo hose in fancy stripe , boot patterns , nud solid colora. This la one of the greatest bargains ever offered. They nil go nt Oo a pair todtiy. Lttdles' whlto lawn waists 25o nntl fiOe. All the Indies' whlto lawn waists from the combined two Blocks , thnt hnvoboon Boiling at 7Uc nnd USc , will bo olosctt out today nt 2oo and GOc. Those are made of fine whlto lawn , in box-plaits , buck nnd front , and come in nil sizes. All the finest quulily of line French sateen wnists which wo huvo boon sell ing at $1.2o , nnd which come in plain blacks , black grounds with colored polka dots , stripes with shirred backs and fronts , in nil si/.os , go todny nt O'Jc. Salurdny wo will put on enlo every slllt waist in stock , comprising China silks , surah silks , in black , navys , car dinals and a great variety of styles thnt wo have been selling from 33.08 to $7.00 ; thcso will go todtiy nt $2.GO , $3.60 nnd $4. GO. GO.LADIES' LADIES' SILK MITTS. Ladies' black silk tttitchod mitts Cc n pair.Black Black und colored nll-siltc mitts lOc a pnlr.Finest Finest grade imported pure silk mitts 'Joe n pair. LADIES' UNDERWEA'R 12C. Our remninlncr Block of ladies' SwUs and Jersey ribbed full shaped underwear that wo hnvo beoti selling at 33egoes to day at IL'c. MEN'S 82.00 SILK STRIPED SHIRTS 76C. 20 dozen of the ( Inost grade men's silk striped madras cloth and flncst Imported cheviot shirts that Stonohill sold at $2.00 , go at 75c today. ; MEN'S UNDERWEAR. 50CBALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR 190 All of Stonohill's French neck bnl- briggnn underwear thnt wo ndvertisud Inst week for 2oc , goes todny nt lOc. Stonchill'd 76o underwear that wo ad vertised labt week at 30c , goes today ut 25ti Stonohill's SI.00 underwear that wo sold last week at GOc , goes todny at 33aAnd And his very finest grades of fancy striped and imported underwear go at 39c , Open until 10 o'clock tonight at THE BOSTON &TORE , N. W. corner lOtti and Douglas. Leave your orders for Frank & Co. 's delicious Ice cream : 1310 Dodge streat. Telephone 1249. Domestic outlasts cheap soap. Wanted at the ollico of TIIK OMAHA BEE , conies of the THE EVENING Bun April 25. Eye and surgeon , Grant Culll moro , room 221 , Boo building. Domestic soap is the best. Try it. I'lroliiu Haul : Itu Sparks from the 'chimney of the Mer chants National banic ignited a window own ing on the seventh story of the Thirteenth street front of the building shortly before noon yesterday , Nine uwnlncs were de stroyed before the llromcn extinguished the bluzo. The woodwork wab not injured. IJoWitt's Sarsaparilla destroys such pol suns us scrofula , skin dlsuasos , eczema , rhou- mutUm. Its timely use saves many lives. IHUhllOW THU THING. A ( ircitt Perform.iiici ) ( iitnn by the World's < ! ri'iti'st : .Shown. After nil , tbo show Is the thin p. There are none who appreciate this more than the live HiiiKline Brothers , whoso gtcat exhibition wilt be bcon in Omaha on next Monday , August 1. The nearer tbo approach of show day the more violent become llio attack1 ; of antagonists upon this bl Institution , and the muro bitter their evidences of chaprin at its ninrvolous success. The progress of King- line Brothers' shows is a continual ovation. Never before in tbo history of the amuse ment world has such phenomenal success been accorded a show , nnd navcr before has any exhibition received the encomiums that have greeted the Rlngllng Brothers' mam moth nnterpriso wherever It has been scon , The reason Is plain. Tbo Ulngllng Brothers bavo won auivess by deserving It. Their arenlo performance Is ut oaco the largest and best ever soon in this country. There is noth ing In Amotlca to compare with It. There is not n single cheap performer in the cntlro aggregation. Charles \V. Fisb , the greatest of alt great somersault riders , who .is billed bv other shows , but who nppoars only with Kindling Brothers , Is doing the most remarkable work of his life and all statements to the contrary are false. Ho is a notnblo feature of Klngllng Brothora' circus ncrformance. The Kecd sisters are another feature whoso cleverness cannot bo ques tioned. 'Ihcro are no hidy riders now np- paarlnr before the public who can compare with them. They nro thu porsjnllloatlon of grace nnd doxterltv. The best uorinlists that Europe has ever sent to this country nre more than rivaled by the Vernon brothers , whoso thrilling performances m midair form ono of the many remarkable aronlo episodes of the Klngllng Brothers shows. Ainoug the many ether notable circus failures are the Mikado's roval troupe of Jnpanoao cqulllbrUtu , Signer Arcaois and klstor and the Tyuclls , who per form romarknblo impalement acts , exhibit- almost Incredible ability In throwing knives and great battle axes , Charles O'Dell und his magnificently trained stallions , Joseph Levis and child-delighting trained ponies , Mona. Natalie's laughable pig circus , William and Josto Marks and Mike Hoonoy lu principal riding acts , Misses Ada Larbo and Alllo Jackion in high- class manege acts , und a long list of other performers. The hippodrome races tire rendered Inter esting by the evident rivalry of the con testants and their desire to win ; tbo menag erie , with Its many rare nnd curious speci mens of the wllu animal klnedom , Including tbo largtst living hippopotamus , two great herds of elephants nna dnsort-born drome daries , and a monster lioness with her family of 5-wooks-old baby lions , Is an end less source of amusement and instruction , The mammoth tents will bo erected on the grounds atUUtli aud Paul streets early Sun- dav morning , and thousands will undoubt edly go out nnd taku a look nt the great city of tents. The route of the grand procosjlon , which louvcu the show grounds at 8 o'clock Monday morning , will bo announced in Tnc Bui : tomorrow. Of Every Bit of tbo Bostan Store's ' Own anil All Stonshill's. ' WHITE AND WASH DRESS GOODS til ] the I'ntlro Arcumulutlon Tor thn Hcu- > oti * Summer ( loud * All Over the House \Vc nro Determined Not tu Carry Anything Over. The summer season will soon bo pone , nnd nlronily live of our buyers nre In the cnslcrn markets watching tholr chances nnd buying in immense quantities for the full season. When oneo the full coeds commence to urrlvo wo must have seine ultico to put them. Wo atiirt todny , therefore , to close out the entire loinnlniug Stonchlll stock nnd our own rogulnr Block of summer goods tit prices Unit must move them in short order. order.AT AT 2C } A YARD. All lOc nnd lUlo plain whlto India linens go at 2jc u yard. AT 60 A YARD. Vorv fine corded and plaid lawns , corded chnllls , light nnd dnrk grounds , flue outing Ihuinols and all ether wash goods worth u ' to 1'JJc , go at 6c. AT'SC A YARD. Pine bluck goods with beautiful col ored figures and satcon stripps , worth up to " 5o a yard , go at 80 a'ynrd todny. STONEIIILL'S 250 GOODS AT 8JO. On one immense table wo have placed Stonohill'H ' entire stock of line whlto goods that ho sold for 15c , lOc and 25c. This will go todny at 8Je a yard. Very fine plain black lawn , 8Jc yard. Fine tissues in light and dark grounds , Ojc yard. Finest grade India linen 16c , worth 40c. 40c.All the fine sateens from the Stonchill stock go nt l'2Jo yard. All of Stonohlil'd iino whlto cambrics go at 8jc yard. All the line linen tidies , splashers , dresser scarfs , etc. , from the Stonuhill stock go at 8c , 16c , 23c , I)5c ) each. Remember all Stonohill's stocit is now on sale at THE BOSTON STORE , ODOU until 10 o'clock tonight. Right on the N.V. . cor. of IGlh and Douglas sts. Spectacles ndjtistea for defective vision. Dr. Cnlllmoro , R. 224 , Bee bldg Itrlckl'iycrx , Notice. All members of Bricklayers union are hereby notified to moot at their hall Sunday , July 31 , at 8UO : nm. . Parade starts at 9 a. m. By order of president , WILLIAM HAUGIITON. 200 Omaha grocers sell Domesticsoap. Thu Civil \V r in WuHhliiRtnii. Thcro Is wur among Undo Sam's servants at the imtiounl capital , nnd all bocnuso their rich undo , with his hundreds of vast ollico buildings , has not houseroom enough to give them proper shelter. The land oHlco anil tbo patent ofllco are elbowing each otbor in one building like a pnlr of obstreperous twins In n slnjjlo cradle. The cradle riKlitfully bo ; longs TO ono of the twins It wai built for the patunt ofllco and is always known by that name , but the land oflleo has oushod its way in , and the secretary of the Interior him self has wedged bis mujestlo uresonco Into a corner that is much needed by n force ot over crowded clorKs. The icsull of all this has bcon an outbreak of open hostilities. At overyocsslon of congress the patent ofllco makes a dcspcralo effort to evict the land ofllco and force It to seek other quarters. Hitherto these attacks bavo been met by n a masterly Inactivity. The last Jon press ap propriated $10,000 to nay the rent of an out- sldo cuilditiK for the land oflluo , Dub tbo money was not drawn. This year no appro priation ot this kind uas been made , and tno land olHco has dellnnlly announced that it intends to stay where it is until a permanent llrcptoof building is put up for It , instoaa of exposing Its vuluablo records to the danper of destruction by moving to a temporary shelter. Under thcso circumstance both odlcos are about as comfortably situated as the tenants of Chinese lodging houses. Their clerks are so crowded that In some parts of thu building they have to be given permission at Ehort Intervals to go out and 1111 their luncs with fresh air. Tholr records are piled up in ir.oldcriug con fusion. It > this situation it could hardly bo expect ed that strangers could have much success in unraveling land or patent case * . Even an attorney accustomed to consulting tbo records in on average courthouse \vould ho bunted when tin encountered the dingy heaps of booi-s aim the hundreds of ] o3tllng clerks hi the two great rival departments. It takes expert guides to lead the way through that Inbvrinth. Fortunately expert assistance of that kind Is easily bad. THE Beu BUHKAU of CIAIM ? , locatnd at Omuha , Nob. , exists for the express purpose of furnishing it. WKEPIXO WATKII , Mon. , Oot. 23 , ' 03. Dr. Moore : My Dear Sir I bavo Just bought tbo third bottle of your Tree of L.lfo. It is Indeed a "Treo of Ltfo. " Doctor , when you KO kindly gave mo that first bottle my right iido was so lame and sera and my liver en larged so much that 1 could not Ho upon my right bide at all. There was a scrotum ever my kidneys nil of the time , but now that troulilols all ovor. I sloop just as well on onosldo as on tha otbor , and my nlcop rests nna refreshes mo , nnd I foci the bast 1'vo felt In 11 f teen yoars.and I know that it Is all duo to your Tree of Llfo. VOUH very truly , D. F. DUOLBT. For sale by nil druggists. AVInit The Iluu Iturcuu in Doing , Tut ! liui : Bureau of Claims of Omaha , Nob. , was notlllod by the commlslonor of pensions of tbo allowance of pension under the now law at $12 per month from March 17 , 189 , ' . in favor of iCldridgoV. . Stuokor of Onawa , la. ; also of the granting of a pension to Isaac I ) . Mlllin of K'oodvlllo , Ore. , at $0 per month from Dcoombor 11 , 1SOI ; and to Klchard C. White of 403 Tenth street , San Francisco , Cal , , at $3 par month from July 2J , IS'.lt ; also a widow's ' pension nt $12 per month from December HO , IS'JJ ' , with fi addi tional to minor child to MM. Amoratta O , ISuker of Wounota , Neb. ; ponclon nt the rate of (12 per month for John U. Dunn , 1003 Dorcas street , Omahii , Neb. , and Lucinn J. Fish of Schuylor , Nob. Land patents on Oregon City , Ore , , homestead entry r > , S'J3 , In favor of rfllni Sbav of Sandy , Oro. , for olcbty acres , ana on Marygvllle , Cal , , homestead - stead entry ' , S1I , In favor of Hobort .1. Fur- guson , of John Aduins , Cal , , for UV ) ncros. Mineral patent In favor of Alfred < ; . Cowherd - herd and Fred C. Wostron of Conconully , Wash. , for the Express , Ivauho ? , Vulcan nnd Vulture lode inlnlnt' Mr * . L. It. Pulton , Kookford , III. , writes : ' J/'roni / poraonnl oxporlonuo I can rouommond DoWltl's Sarsaparilla , u uuro for Itnpuro blood and general nobility.1' Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard SUMMER " PORES open WHEN"THE freely is the best time to cure torturing and disfiguring humors , eruptions and diseases with the CUVICURA REMEDIES. At no other timeare these great skin cures , blood ( purifiers and humor remedies so * dffcclive. It is the season of all others to forever cleanse the blood , skin , and scalp of impurities and hereditary ele ments which , if neglected , may be come life-long afflictions. Everything about the CirricuKA REME DIES invites confidence. They are abso lutely pure , and agreeable to the most re fined and sensitive. They are adapted to all ages , and may lie used on the youngest infant. They have friends in every village , hamlet and cross-roads in the country. People in every "walk of life believe in thcrn' , use them'anil , ' recommend them. CUTICCRA REMEDIES are sold throughout the world. Price , CUTICUKA , the great bkin Cure , 50 cents ; CUIICUKA SOAI25 cents ; CUTICURA KB- SOLVUKT , Dlood Purifier , and greatest of humcr remedies , $1.00. Prepared by the Pornm DKUG AND CHEMICAL CORPORATION , Boston. " All about the Skin , Scalp and Hair , " 64 pages , 300 diseases , 50 illustrations , mailed free. h M& It The only uniformly successful SPECIALISTS IN AMERICA IN THE TREATMENT AND 'CURE OF SYPHILIS , GONOR RHOEA. GLEET , SPER- MATORRHOE A , SEMINAL WEAK- HESS' , LOST MANHOOD , EF FECTS OF EAR LY VICE OR EXCES.SI V E INDULGENCES IN 1MATURER YEAK , FEMALE WEAJCNESS , SEXUAL - UA-L DISORDERS , HYDROCELE. VARICO- CELE , P.ILES. FISTULA , RECTAL ULCERS. Consultation free. Call trpon or oddross with stamp. Scuth 14th St. , N. E. cotnor 14th and UoiiKliiu Sts , Oinaliu , Nob. IlUmund llliiHl'l fir CM kuttfl ItiilliU Hli.I , mi J tfrduJ lu Hud tud OM ir.(4iit : nu utUcr. rA" ' < in.rDU Milhlu. fnnfluMJ faJUffeMl. AlOlUi f& , „ "Iliiu'r fur Ijt < tlt , " ' I'H" . tj r turi Mill I" l 0 T i.u..Bl ! l. . * fc. IF YOU EVER SUFFERED FROM Indian If you are In position to take advantage of the laws re lating to If you have taken up a piece of Public Land , If you have made an invention on which you desire to secure a You should communicate with the Bee Bureau of Claims The object of this bureau ib to give every person holdinp'tv legitimate claim ( ngnlnst tlio government the dvnntngo of a resilience in "Washington , whether ho live in Texas or Alaska , It does moro than that. Nino-tenths of the population of Washington would bo helpless if asked how to go to worlc to secure their rights through the depart ments. THE Buu Bureau of Claims gives the advantage , not only of per sonal residence , but of thorough famil iarity with ull the mucuinery of the government. It offers Absolute Security. You do not know whether the avorngo Washington claim agent will cheat you or not , although on general principles you would naturally suppose that ho would. Butyou know that the San Francisco Examiner , the St. Paul Plo. noer press and the Omaha BKE cannot afford to client you. They guarantee this Burcjtiu , nna their reputation is staked upon the honesty and ability of its niiinagomont. The bureau employes attorneys who are Expert Specialists for each of its departments. Its Indian depredation cases are care fully worked uu , with all thD evidence required by law , and argued before the court of claims in such a manner as to bring out most favorably all the essen tial points. ' Its land cases are handled in strict nc- cordnncn with the rules of the Land Ollico , so that no delays or com plications ensue in the orderly settle- inont of the claims. Its pntont cases nre so managed ns to insure the utmost , possible bo no lit to the inventor , by giving him the broudost protection his ideas will justify. Its pension cases are disposol of with the least possible delay and expanse to the votcruna. Don't refrain from consulting thn bureau because you are afraid of thor coat. Its costs nothing to got information. Ask as many questions ns you please , and they will bo anaworol promptly cheerfully and accurately , without charge. THE Bee Bureau of Claims Room 220 , Bee Building - ing , Omaha , Neb. Le tnrarit ' , " r lt.e { > I10'l , / " i'cni , } Wa'li < HEW YORK'"lOHDOHoninT AHD'OLASQOW , Krcrr Hatunlar , . , , NI51V VOItK. < Itlll/iI.l'iil nnil NA1'I453 SAIOOH , 8KOrHDU.BlAS8'AND STEIBAOE mien on lowest termulo unil from tlio principle . 033IC2 , BMStWB , ISI8H * All COHIIBSHTfL POWIO. cither the 'to- EicunlontlclitH uvalUtletoielurn ty ( furVtque Clrdo A SoVtli o ( Ireland or N. | > li > ; * Olbralur Kitti i t'sujr Cltt tst Atr Ataotat t Itttri Iitii. Apply to njr of our local AiruuU or 10 UE U llSOW UHOl'UKUS. CUlc K < , 111 PANGE. That's another "spell" of pants , and it describes - * scribes the situation to perfection. "We're go ing to have another spell of pants this -week "whenwe -will add to the ones remaining from the twenty-five hundred pairs placed on sale last week all the odd suit pants that have ac cumulated during the past ten days and stil ) the prices remain the same WORTH TWO-FIFTY Or Over. WORTH FIVE DOLLARS ! Or Over , i Seven WORTH Dollars JTiEE-FIFTY Or Higher - For the benefit of poor sweltering fellow mortals who are compelled to remain on earth and do business at the old stand during the torrid term , and who wish to present an air respectability ( about all the air that's stirring ) , we will close out during this week 8OO Splendid Black Alpaca Coats at 78c. This price is fully as low as the mercury'g high. You can imagine , can't you ? During July and August we close at 6:3O : .p. m. Saturdays , 1O p. m. liiDUGATIONAIi. Oldest Military School In Mo. Wo challenged nil the lc dlnp Military Schools In the State to a , competlllvo drill last session , anil they declined In meet us. Infantry , Artillery nnd Cavalry Drill. All modern conveniences , . Extensive improvements ; now bclqg made. ISoarJ , Tuition anilVash - inj ; ? 2So , per cession , Ir. JAMES A , of WnslilnRlon nnd I.ep University , Vn. , Bivyn : "No other Acnilpmy In _ tlio rntlru country luiu inudn livrc u niuit-uilinlrubiu recorJ iw ttliown by tlio KUCCCM cif tliu ntiKlcnta f , ' fircp.iruil by It lorllil.i Institution , four oflioin Imvuln the post four years tnkcu Jour sclioluralilin , M lour meiials unrt three dcKrera. " f l-'ov illustrated catalogue and full information adilreca MAlOlt S. SELLERS , Lexington , Mo. EDUCATIONAL. A MILITARV HOME SCHOOL. I UninrpasfdlEqulpmcntiCarcful ; Moral nd ' Social trulniliKI lircparn for Ilu liu > ba and for any Colku. . bvlfHtlfla Kcliool or UlilrtT rltyi new ( Jjnmailuin ; Wood-worklne and Military Prills Highest tostlmonlnlm lOtli ycarinumbcrllroltc dllln | > trAtcileatalozue | address I'rln. N. li. STIVKIl , A. 31. , - DUfJKCR HILL , ILL. - CONSERVAT . | Ict ) Instruction In all ttcnnrt * I mcnU of MilrlculSKldy , Fllia \ 1 1 , lie. : SSSlii nllrnilniicn last year. Addreu liF.BUI.LAHU. Sui > t. JacLuonvlIlc. 11L 3IIK4 Kpcncu's IJOAKDINC. AM ) DAY SUIIO'.H , for ulrla Hnucliil ntuiloiiu admitted U U'UHtIKtli Sti-out , Now Vorlc. SEMIKARY , IS9B& ' VOMHN. Uarclbckvlon SI-PI /iMrfMltcT.T. . I'r ) tun Wftllua , A. II. , 1'rcildiul , Lcjlnct" " . ilUiourl. The LOELIMG SCHOOL Unlvcrslty-proii.iritory. . ( Hstabllsliuil 1870. ) ( 'hlltlron. rorfiirthur | ) iirllculurs iiudrussat TiiKl.oniMi acnooi..UJJi ir.ilr.uvo.iihlesi JIHEBJgftH.COlSERVflTOBY tlllmill.MI IlitU tllll'U.11. AllbMnehciiorMlliile.Klo. rullun.Jli'ljarlr.roil ) lixtrncloin , ullllnjd < : | lultllU > llt rorU'ncliciH. Until ! | iurrrdnil > nntiiK < 'i < .l' M iiTMilirKlnn Bcju. 7. bcndlorcaUlo ue. J. J. IllTTbrAIDT , blmlor. STERAN SCHOOL 0 s , Special , colloiiluto , unlvi-rilty-iirfpamtoiy ana post-uriiduiito rourncs. Kino iiiu lcnl ( IcimrtraonU UnuBiinl facilities lor vIsltliiK tlm World's l < * alr for tndy with compotpnt teiiflii-rB. Kur clrculiir mid. MRS. I. M. WIISOH , rrln.,41U ) Drexel Ulvil. , CWcaeo. Olrl' . " " 0 rormGirl's ' ' Higher School 47'.imill l'l Dearborn Avo. , rilli'AiiO. ll.l. . Seventeenth year rti-n | > en ri pt. 11. Ilnardlua and Day Htl.ol f r YniinKj i/na. iinuri.ll.lrcn. . , ' A ! Tlio Western Normal College Will 0 | .TI IIH duorH uuulii to ndrilt Htutluntu Sept. 1 , 1SD2 , ut Lincoln , Nob. Ovrr l.rco tu- rollfil lurnoxt/oar Unn old icliool In n noir Incntlun nnd It undvr Hi" t.iinu vlaorum inanaKunittal tlnit uiado It t uiuuu ut Hitnnundotih. . luwu urdir that iillnuiy ti'nt tliu niriltn uf tlio V\'c . tern .Vinnnl ( 'OI'I.M. : | uu wll ) tmy tbo vnr Into uf Ilic ulndcnt frnm nnr iiotnl In tlio llnliud htitot tu I.turvliii Neb. I'lill infu'iiiutlvn In rctiurd Id llili luinltlivd on upijllcitlun.Vo IIHTB tl.u Ilium choul bulldliuo. uuulr iunt > nnd accummodatluiK In tliv I'nlti'd hlntr' , nlillu tlio upmm < nro very reirunnblK. brnd l enlxHvu iiaino * uf your uu > ( jimliilnnctx. wlio ilinnld nttund uniowood trbuul , and rucclvo n bnndtuma ihtrmuiiiHtur ( or your icliuol nrliotuu. Kull Information furnlihi'd by uddrvitlnirViuJI ( HOAX , l'rv ldont , or r \V J , Klnilvy , HtcrtUnrr , WKSTKUN XOHMALCullege , Lincoln , Nuj | Ucotlou tuo lilt. Elastic Stockings FOR Weak Limbs , Varicose Veins Swellings , all sizes. Abdo minal Supporters ters , Deformlt Braces , Medi cinal Supplies. THE ALOE&PENFOLD COMPA NY. 114 S. Ibth St. , Kcxl to Post Ofllcfl "Oniike Dutch Process No Alkalies on Other Chemicals arc used tn the preparation of \ ( fast Cocoa , which ia absolutely pure and soluble. It 1ms more than three time * the itrcnyth. of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot * or Sugar , and is far moro economical , totting l < i > than one ctnt a CMJ > . It is deliclouB , nourishing , nnd JCAIILT DIGESTED. Sold by Crocors everywhere. W. Baker & Co , , Dorchester , Mass. YOURSELF ! , Aik your Drvi'tfltt ( or a bottle of JJl U. The only , non-jiQitonuui remedy for all I ' , tlie unnatural aiiclurxe * and [ private illtericicl men and the deljilitatlnt ; irctknr < i peculiar to woiimi. It cures lu * lew Idayi without tbo aid or > tmbllrltr o ( A doctor. \Tht I'imirial jtmitican Puff. CINCINNATI , U , a. A ,