- . # * * * * ! * * ! * > -i * > - * - THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SATURDAY , JULY 30 , 1892. % 8PBOIHL NOTICES. iwwTiPKMKNfiT KOU fH'ICSK COMIMNB nlll 1)0 taken unlll 12:30 : n , in , for Ihe ovcnliiR nnd until 8:50 : p. m. for the niornlnRor Sunday cell- All advertisements In tlicsa columns H { cents i\ word for first Insertion ami I cent a word for cacti ubspijncnl Insertion orM \ per Ilnn per month. No advertisement taken for IPSS than S ! > rents fur tin-first Insertion , TermscnMi In advance. Initials , flanrps , symbhls , ptc. . oacli count as n word. All nilvortlspiiionlsnnut run consecutively , Adver tisers , liyrcqiipstlnitn numbered check , can have tlio letters mldtossoil ton numl'orrd Idler In care of 'JllK liKE. Answers so addressed will bo ( Icllvorpd on presentation of thn clipck. SITUATIONS WANTED. , -WANTKD. ANYONE DKS1IIINO AN KM11N- ccr ; Iclcphonol77url34 , M3IO 31 \VANTED-MALE HELP. " 1J WANTKII , HAI.KSMKNO.N fAI.AUV ( til COM- J mission to handle the new patpnl chemical Infe ( tneltinprnrll. Tlio ercnlcrt " llliic norclty over jitoiliicid ! crnspnlnk tlioronidily In Ino seconds ; nn nliraslon of paper ; iOO to USl per cent profit ; ono rtcnt's snips nnionntid to IC50 In tlx days , anotlipr Uilnlno liniirsi TIC wnnt ono pnprirptlo Kenoral accnt In rich statn and territory. Kor terms and tiartlcnlarn address Monroe Urnscr Mfe. Co. . X30 l-n Crosse , Wls. .M2jg VANTlT T TBAM8THUS , BHOVKI.KUS AND rockmpn for Wyondne and fonth Dakota ; iioort wnKos nml stcnilr work ; free faro. Albrlidit l.nbor Anencr. 1120 farnam struct. 87il-a2 TJ WANTKD , l.AHOItKUS KOU IIAIMIOAI ) J J work In Nebraska , Wyomlnu or poiitli Dakota ! s'.frcofaro Kiuploynicnlofllcc.OOlS.lOst , tllSll'J * -HOM01TOUS WANTKD. all M'OAHHK Il'MHl. .M7M A It * B-WANT1-.I ) . CANVASSHIW KOU TUB WIIITK sowlnu inarliliio. Cioo.l salary and permnnenl Dmployincntto thorlBlit pcnplo. Compimy a otllco oml salesroom Kilt ! Clilcano at. , near cor. ir.tli st. Ml53 81 IV-TWO KIIIST CLASS MUV , AMES AVKNIJK J'llnlry , .t , K Ilorlj. | IM 1' -fiOOll COATMAKKH WANTKD MY JOHN I * Wlnkler , Button , Nrb. 2153 * BVANTKI ) , (1OOIIACKXTS ITU 1IIIJ1I ( lltAIK upccnltlcn ; mutt to notkvrsi ulit pay nml perma nent posltlonfor rlijlil pnrtlea. Adilrc9sK 41 , c.ironf ninalin llco. 341 S p-WANTKI ) . ( KOI ) OKNHUAlj HLACKSMITII J ' ( in nlioellu ; anil plow uotk , Imincillati'ly.Vrlto , D. K Cox , IJollnnce , In. 243 1 ) I1AKKH WANTI',1) , KIltbT-t'I.ASS HAND. > rarl Itotli. llolilrciio. Nob. 2 < U 4 * p-AN HNElKIKTIt ! .MAN WITH tVM CAN J'sccuro n pormnnent npcncy pnylnptlW ) n month. L'all room E6 , OKdcn house , Council lllulls , In. M162-S * W WANTKI ) . COOK AND WAITKHS AT 1IKN- * 'dry' * chop house. Lincoln. Neb. _ 281-SO * B -WANTED , A FIIIST CLASS SADDLK HAND Dobbins & l.onolr , Miles City , .Mont. .M239 4 > BB B -KXI'KUIENCKD WOHKMKN AT ONCK. AD- drcss Columbus I'lunliiR Co. . Columbus , Nch. r/J 30 IJ-SALKSM AN WANTKD. VALUA11LK COMMIS- Klnn ulfcrcil. J3000 weekly earned by many of ournKcntM. Samples free. 1 * . O. box U71. Now York. ' | 807 2 15 WANTKD 60 MKN FOIl UNION PACIFIC Jy. | | , between Cheyejino nnd 1'ocntcllo. Idaho ; fti'c fnro ; 8U Inborers nnd tcnnmturn , new work on < i N. W. lly. , fJIXJ per day ; free fnre ; 40 men for Spoknnc Falls , Wash. , S.U'0 ' to UM per day , Kramer & O'llenrnlabor nitency , Ml Pouth llth atreet. .M33I-31' P WANTKD , A MAN TO TAKE CA11K OK LAME I'Kcntlemnn. Apply lit Methodist hospital , 419 S. M3. C 31 P--WANTKD SALKSMKN TO IIKPBKSKNT J nnd pell our Coupon Check System to merchants nnd storekeepers. Ajtcnls lira mnklux (15 to $ 'X ) n liny. Write ijnlck for territory nnd terms. Tlio Commercial Cash Coupon Co. , Cincinnati , O. p-WAATKII A SALESMAN ACQUAINT15I ) J'wlth the wholDsnlo nnd retnll irooery trade In Omahn to handle i/nodi for nniliufacturprs. Ad dress DniKa , llox 217 , Lincoln , Neb. II.'UI 31' WANTED--FEM.ALE HELP. C ! -WANTED , U111L 10U liKNBHAL HOUSE- ork , small family , 1357 N. P.'tli ' st. 201 C WANTKD. K.XPEHIKNCKD SHIHT IllONKIl on Tyler machlnu to K < > to Fremont. Nob. Wattes 12 n dny to Kood hand. Como nt once or nddress Fldellty'ateam laundry. 213-1 * C WAN'ITD. A ( HHLFOH fJKNKHAL 1IOUSK- work. Must be a coed cook. Family of two. Apply 272 ! Jackson street. 312:10 : p WANTK1) . nOOIMHItl , IN MALL FAMILY. U210 fo. 3Cth at. , K block north of Fnrnnm st. cnrs. 2111 29 p-WANTKD-LADKS W1S1I1NC K.MPLOYMKNT -/In the different wnrds please nddress K6t , lleo I'crmanent position ; Jll.OUa week at home..M317 .M317 31 * 1-O1HL WANTKD. MI1S. J. M , COUNS.MAN , ItilO Sherman avenirj. JI2J,3 * i-WANTKD , MY MHS. W. J. MHOATCH , 2520 ue street , n competent cook. 283 30' ( Oil tiKNKHAL HUUSKWOHK. 803 S. 275 30 * WANTED , FIHST CLASS ( HHL. NO WASH- 1m ; or IrnniiiK , mostly cooking. Wapcs (5.00 a n-ei'k. 2124 lllnney st. 272 3 * 0--WANTKD. A MOOD COOK AND FIHST CLASS second clrl to nlso tnko care of child. Apply Mrs. Ilnuly. 3il24 Howard st. M29731 C I-WANTKD , A ( illll , FOH LHJHT HOUSE- work. Apply K O. IltUcl , 21th and Cllniliic..M269 .M269 C-WANTKD , 1IY A PMALL FAMILY LlYINd near the lllRh school , a k'lrl who would bo willIng - Ing to assist In hnununork mnrnlni ; and evenlnit fur her bourd nnd attend school during the day. Address K 4H , lleo. M29231 * C--WANTK1) , SMALL O1HLTOTAICK CAHE OF chlhlren ut n. . W. cur. 15th and Hurney , llnrney It. entrance. 312 31 * - WANTKD , CIHL TO WOHK OF SHOE UP- pera. Morao-Coe uhoc factory , llth nnd Dnuulai , upalnlrs. Sea 2il C-A FIHST CLASS COOK FOH A PUIVATK family without children nnd where a second Klrl Is kopt. None hilt llrst clnas In every respect lined apply. WuKt'aftJn ei'k. Apply biiturriay. Konnuo Place , 2111 Km met struct , 31j C-WANTKD. ( IIHL FOH IIOUSUWOIIIC , 2111 Douulns street. 2'30 * C-WANTED , A WKT NUIISK. INQU1HK AT once nt Dr. Connell's olllce , room 30 , DoiiKlns block , 16th and 1'ndce. 301 XOR JIENT-HO USES. \-KIUST CI.AHS IlKSIDKNCH KIjATS. 3 OIK 'rooms ; now block. Itoom H , 8111X. VHU. ' . " 'O TV-FOIl HKNT , TWO nOOD li.HOOM HOUSKd , J-T.ii.l'O ; within limlniitas walk of court hoiisu. Xhu U. F , Dnvls M. , 1505 F.trnaiu streot. 631 B 4 ISOOM T'LA"TS IN NKW CLOWHY block on Chlcnuo sU , ulso I ! room tints on tilth ft. , nppodto Ji'flernDii Kiinaro park. All steam lietiti'd. wlthovery cunrcnluncu , Itoberta , liils Chi CllRO sti till A7 * D-l'Oll HKNT. TWO IIOIMKS , 111 AND 11.1 H. 18th hlri'ol. Very liHiuly tu biistnus * . Aloilcrn coiivcnluncrn. II. 'I' . .Mount , . ' ] . ! H. 14th m. lia " 1) 1UOOM IIOWH. COUNKIt 23TII AND OAPI- tnl avoiinc. till ) D-l-XIIl KKNT--TII1IKK OK TIIOSi : I'ltKTTV imir rcililenccH on pornor 15th nnd Hurdutt itMiiln ; moilorn linproruinontiii ollnlijio JoL-atlon : rpnt. K'5pcr month. John Halo. I'O.I N , V. l.lfw. 141 BFOHHKNT.BHOOM COTTACK KAST S1D1I -TLi | between Cans and Cnlllornln ; slao n i > nnd n.'l room cottauo on L'as < between 2iih | and 'itli. H. T. Clnrkn.219 Hoard of Trmlo. Phuno 1IW. .Mr , I FOH HKNT , 5 UOOM UOTI'AltK , lill Ho. I7TH ATU * _ _ ; .M2I931 " * -F < m IIINT : , NICK MIOOM IIOUKE.-JTH llnd DoUne. (12.50. llovijs ii Hill , 1433 Farnnm st. ly-FOH HKNT.151.KGANTLY FUltNISHED NKW J-/ brick uuiisn ; nil rooms reuted lo unod tenants Will rent turn Inheil or sell the furniture to party runtlnit house , llieiinnn , V Co. . 217 liarbach block. rSirJI.MHIl Oil VVINTKIt. I1KST AND J.'lH'nlthleit location In Iho - i-lty for ncven , llvo or four loom liounvii , all modern Improvement" . nl o stori'M , 11'lliard , MIN. S4th strui'l. .M''WJ' P-KIl UKNT. SI03 JACICSON"Viv. I'UKTTY new SUVPII roiini rottuuo , ull niuitcrn liupruvo- uiont . tlJ. Hdcllly Triut Coiiipany , pill Knriiani. f\ - TWO'oi'lwiV "lIKAUTiTurrfOTlvTHW IN J 'l.tt Knyi'tto IMnru will bo for runt AiiKimt l t , 1 li-iifo rail at iincu Iwfnru llii-y are tnkon. fldPlllr Trust coiiipiiny , mil r'nrimiu it , -jny y . J -hxJll UKNT. 4-IIOO/I COl'TAIlK. KUK ITTH [ \ I jvfHix-HooM cmTAfii : wm'i "iMTiNTr.Aiujl : I \ - ' - ' Imdod lawn , line location , Soars , W3 N. S'.l.lfc. _ _ _ } \ TWO NICK fOTrAtJKH.&UOOMSKACII.i-JIS J'rr nrd it. , all no.laiio IIIMII. cheap lo Konrt Icimnu. Mlnlit rent one Inrnl. lied lo man mid wjlu , 207 Ouinlm Nnfl bank. W , ( I Van tilldor , _ _ M > 4 ill * DKOH ItKNTcO'ITAdK OF FIVK HOO1.S ON motor line , InqtilroS. W. Cor. nth uud Duiivlui. _ _ _ _ | -r10-lltOM ) 1HHTSK. CKNTirALl.Y LOCATKD ; -Lsfuniacoaiidall IHtlt uiudern Impruvuments. 7Ut N , stroft , jjgj UKNT7V.MCI' ftoitlOM noUrrKfrN"KAU \ ? " cnn l > 0 i i > l'l ' ln r nt my oillco JI31I I * ron ROOMS. UOOMS TO UKNT WITH ALL cnlcuco * . 812 IHiuul&i tircut. MtBI ? - KUllNIBIIKI ) IfUONT IIUOM WITH AI.COVK. V | T lv\ft \ > , SJg FOIl RENT-FUKNI3HED HOOM3. Continual , _ -MODKIIN CONVK.MINOKS , HEKKKKNCIS : ni N. mil. IRInM' _ _ E--nJllNIBIll'.l ) UOOM WITH HATH , ft ! .MONTH. 1IW Knriisin. HIT _ E-VOIl HKNT. KUIIN1SHK1) HOO1I , MODKIl.V liomo , ctc.M17 llnriiov at. 31JM 3t _ 1 ptritMt > iiRii olt rNri.'itNisini : ) HOO.MS ; -'inoilpin conveniences , ai.10 llnrncy. ' : CJ 4 * Hm.NlSlHIII UOOM KOIl ONI5 Oil TO ronng men. 833 8. IBlli t , .M.lij I f ? MCKI.Yr1HNI8IIKl lidOMS. liOAltn IV J-.lcslrcil. 1'rlccn tcA.-onablo. 2011 llnrnor , FUJINISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. n'-KuiNiHiiKi ) iitK\s AT' TUB 'IIAMPTON ; -I flrstcl , s board i references rcqulroit. M S. ' Ith. Ij1 VI.'IINISHKI ) ItOOMS WITH K1IIST-CLA8S lionril. vt/13 / Doimlni street , MK A T * 7r KoTlltT ! NTT AN KhKlANTI.Y ( FUltN 1311 Ml ) -L front room ; nlso n ileilrnblo olnzlo room. Kx- cellonl Inblo board. .118 A 2'illi ' nlroot. M.7I _ 1i'-l'I.EASA.NTHOOJ13 AT T1I15 MKHItlAM. J 740 a 13' _ _ _ 1-KUIIX1H1IKI ) ItOOM.a , KlllST OtiAHS I1OAIU ) . -L Utopln , 1721 Uavcnporl nt. I'D I * I ? SICKhY KUIINIHIIHI ) UOOMS , WITH OH -I- without boanli terms reasonable. 007 K. 20th Hi _ .M 8M a 1 * P-NMCKIiT KUIl.NIHHKI ) HOO.MS WITH 11OA11I ) ; line location , on car line ; prices moderate. MH So. 161 h t. 17.1 - ' _ _ 1 7--l1'UltN'l3HHII > HOOM8 , SINOI.K OH K.NSUITK , with hoard. 1717 Chicago t. 231) ) 2 * IJ'-DKSIHAllI.i : HOO.M AND ItOAUDIN 1'KIVATH i fnmllr. 70S No. lllth. . 311 31 FOK KlSNT-UNli-UKNISHED ROOMS. G -1 OH 3 IlOOMd AT 003 N. 13TU ST. 013 AM * - ! ! UNKUHNISIIUI ) UOOMd. 1013 DODOK street. 2 < 8 2 * FOR RENT-STORES AND OiJIO ES. 1 TOIt UKNT , THN 4&ronr HIIICIC UUILD1NO JUllllKnrniim si. Tlio building hai n fireproof co- incut basement , complete ! ti.'amlioatlnu fixtures ; watcron nil thotloors , ims. etc. Aunlvnt tlio o llco of Tlio Hoc. VIS FOR KENT MISCEliLANEOU3. " " " " " " 1 LAIKIK JIAIIN AT iBTTl""U"ANlV""ilOW"AIlU ' alroolit , room for 8 liorjon , wagons , etc. ; nil con veniences. Also houii'9 nml room a. U. V. Units , KOSoutnmti street. MS17 AM WANTED-TO BENT. K WANTKD. I1V SKIT. 1ST , MY MAN AND wife , small cottnxo , ilonlrr.bly locatcil near to business. Kent not over tiO.W. Aildross K : i'.i. lloo. MI9U8 * K WANTKI1 SOUTH UNPUUNISHKI ) UOOM with board by nmn and wife. Address K (1 llco. KENl'AI. AGENCIES. T -HKNTAI. AHKNT.OKO. 3.1'AUL.lfiOS KAUNAM JJs. , mnke.i epuclnltyof renting hoitHen , torci > nnd llnti tt curing for ruutnl proportlos. Tcrmi rens'hlo. 10) ) n 32 * WANTED--TO BUY. T-FU11N1TUH1C HOUOIIT , SOLO , STOUKD. > Wellni 1)111'nrnnm ) U 8 TVT-CASII PAID KOH FIIIST-CLASS OUOCKUY Xi ntncks , larco or nmiill. All conmiimlcntlo n Btrlctlyconll.lcntl.il. C. O. I ) , llrown , Omaha , South Omahn nlul Council IllulT.i. BS3 Vr-WANTED.TOllUVOIlTOSTAUT A HAKKHY 1' In n uood lire town. I'nrtlculnra. Add n > s K 45 , lleo. 30- T-SKCOND-HANI ) 1IOOIC3 BOUOI1T KOIl cash nt Antiquarian book atoro , 151U Knrnam nt. A s FOR SALE--HOKSES , WAGONS , ETC. | > -KOIl SALK , A SIXTVMlOIiLAlt TO1' IHJIKJY , I for VOO. II. K. Cole , Contlneutul block. 2,1'J T > IlllIVINW. DBMVBUY AND WOllIC HOUSES L foraaloclicip for cash or on easy payments , nt stable 24th nml Clurk sta. TllalJ' P-$1IO)0 ( ) IIUYS A C.YI5AH-OLD HAY HOHSK , -I perfectly aoiind , wcluht I.SIX ) ponndi. Owner linn no ino for him. Itoo in 30 Darker block. ST8-3I FOB SALE--MISCELLANEOTJS tnblo , llrnnawlck-Ilalko make , nlmost new. In- qulro of ( irnml liotul , Council HlutlH , 2 * 7 Q KOH SALK , FIl-TY THOUSAND YAIIDS OF ccilsrpavlni. blocks. CulllBim Cottar Co. . West Superior , \VI . 611-nO * Q-ONK MILLKIt 8THKKT SPIIINICLKlt nearly new ; cheap. O. 1 * . Dlniro * , Lincoln , Auo JllUISO * Q-FOIl SAT.K TO IIANKKKS. ONK HALl/d atuel. biUKlnr proof enfe , wltti time look , per fect , nlno bank llxturea , tncluctlni ; partitions , countera. desks , etc. , Hindu by Acilrowa of ClilciiKO. 11. ClblioiiM , receiver Commercial and Havlnus bank , Kearney. Not ) . Zit 3 Q KOH SALK. I'LYMOUTH KOCIC'I'OULTHY , yard anil broiler plant , household Kooria , o lialf nillo nest D. & D. Inatltutc , lllnlilnnil 1'nrk. Q-FOIl SALK. UOUCIl COATKII ST. IIKUNAIU ) pups , $ I25.UO each , b weeks old. Goo. A. Jonlyn , Omaha , Neb. 315-4 MISCELLANEOUS. l"-vNTKir Tn'iM Os' " ( HiATi7 , lJOXKAc JL\t < iryt Unst Omuhn. 240 CLA1BVOYANT3. S -JtitS. NANN1U V. WA1E11KN , CLAHlVOYANT , rcllnblo business medium , fifth yunr ut H'J N IlJth. S AHHIVAL KXTIIAOHDINAllYVONDE FUL involutions. Chnllengea the world. Mrs. Dr. M. LcRravo , dead triiucu clairvoyant , nutroloxliit , ralml't and llfo reader ; tolls your lllu from tlio cmdlu to urnvo ; iinlten tlio aoparatod : causes mar- rlntio with tlio ono you love ; tolls whuru you will succeed , anil In what business b st adapted for ; hai tlio celebrated KRyptlnn bruintpluto for luck , and to destroy bad tntluencea ; cures tlta , Intompornuca iii'd nil private ciimplnlntH with mniisnKU. hath nnd Hlcohul treatment. Send 14.U ) , lock of hair , mums and date of lilrtli and rocelro uccurato llf o chnrt ; 2cent Instnuips for circular : ulvo InltlnU uf ono you will mnr-y ; also nliotosof samo. onico 417 SouUi lltli street , ui > tnlr : hours , ' .in. m. tot ) p.m. Come onocomo nil , and bo convinced of tills wonderful oracle M S27A1 * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. THKATAIKXT. 15L1SOTHO-THKH- -nial b.vtbi. Biali | nnd hair treatment , manicure and chlropudUU Mrs. 1'ost. JI'JH d 15th , WHIinoll blk. rp-MADA.MK SMITH 1121 DDUCLAS STHKI5T. -L room" , 'idlloor. Alcohol , aulpliurnnd sea liatha * . J M 103 6' 'P TUU1C1SII AND ItUriSlAN HA'HIS : LAD1KS J-day TnesdMyn and Fridays , 8 to 1 ; under Fur- nnui Street thcnlor. 'P-MAIAMKTOWK'SIASJKU3H ! ULlSCTllIO AN LtO"J : 1'ratt Blreot. M 31U V _ i IVTMMK ! ! LA HUK. MASSAOK , HI ; SOUTH JL lith nlruet , 3d Hour , lint 4. MK7 : 1 > PEI S DNAL. U I'KIISONAIj.VALIACK. . } \WK \ 'rO tiKK yount.'l 'rhursdny , or 10:33 : Friday morning. .Mnybufnturdiiy also , Knto. VW-V TT WILL TJIK LADY WHO TOOK THK UM. * J brclla from tlio llonton Store yettcrdny return It to VL 1 N. Y. Life bntldlnK ! 3IU 2V * MTJSIO , ART AND .LANG J AGE. \T ti. K. IJlil I.KNHKCK. I1ANJO TKAUHKli > wltli llosno. or. N. Vf. comer 15th A Hartley ! HJ \f 1IKFOIIK 1IUVINO A PIANO KXA.MIXI5 THU nuwHvultilUiiiballulniio. A. lloipa , 151 j Douxlai.Ui . Ui MONEY IP LOAN-KE AL ESTATE , \\T KKAIj IMT.XTK 'iMANi t'vo T "i'KU CK.NT * ' ' JoaildUIoiml iilliirai'J for roninlsjlol : : or nttor- ney t foes , W , U. .Mulkle. ITIrit National UaiU bhlif. MONKY TO LOAN ON lUl'ltJVKII CIT V propurty.low ram. A. C. 1'roit , Doualaj blk. N. V. L1KH. \\r-ANTIIOSYLOAN ANDTHU8T CO. , 813 N. Y. ' < l.tfii , lenil ut low raloi for clioloo security on Nubrnnka or Iowa ( ur.nt or Oiuulu city property. \y-lXJANS , U. O , WAI.LACU.au 1IIIOWN S4I W 7T Kll tIKNT MONKV-XKT TO lioTTltO > or * on Omnha clly proporty. No eitrJ cUar uj ofanrklnil. Why pay UlKh r.itosl Muaoy Uclioip. Von ran eel full tu'aollt of luiv rutun from ( ilobo Ixian and TruntCo , , lilth und Dotlco. Sij J MONKV , 1ST AND3D MOIITUAOK lomis , lowratut , AIox. Moon. ' , UI lloo bullrtliu. . au . . . I OS MIIMNKSH PKOPKUTV , it per ! at , , ( Joe , J , Pnul , liXJi tfiut\a \ m utreuU _ TO IOANATIX\VKST t AT Kit ' < city or furui prouurty , lioo. J. I'nul , liMi Fnr.-iam , MOV7nU > fo MAN ON IM1MOVUD Oil UN- IniprovvJOnialia prupgrty at loireit ratoi on short notlno. Cash on Imnd. Fidelity Trust com- pany. 101 1 Fnrnam struat. ' rj5 _ W MMAIISAVINGS M'ANK MAKK LUANS on r l uslalii at lowest market r to . Ixiani uiadu In small or lariiu turns and for short orloiK time. No commission Is cbarudd , an.l tliu loans urn not nolil In the a tbutC4ii always bo found al the bnnfcou thorornurof 13th and Douxlai strouti. W CO. , UU1C MLDU. S39 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Con' i mini. \\-IH.VT KvIIKJKT TllrVB AUK ! M AKINU > low ralea on Improve ; ! nml unlmprovoil loans on Omnha proporlr. So ilotir nnil nit trnnrnctpil tuthU oillco. Kldolllj"rrusl 1CU Fnrnnro utruet. IMPHOVKII AND UNIMl'llOVKIl ' cltr property. f.t.OlU nnrt upwnrils.O to 8 percent. NoilolnfA. W. K rna.n riaiHIi ACo.l5th nail Ilarnor. V ONK A Nil TWO YKAIl LOANS ON OMAHA < i Ictii or Nvtirnnkn fnrmsi. Old mortuniics now duct J other compiinlcs cxlonilcd nnil cnrrlcillijr nsoncorlwo j-onr wltlioul now pnpom.Vrllo full particulars. llccil ASolby.SU lloanl Trade MR P7& . 8KB ( I. W. P. COATK3 ' > IGII l''nrnnin. 774 \tr-W15 11AVK IMHVATK IMltTY WITH PHOM > I KM ) to fIJO to loan on first mortgage nl very low rate. AlQT. Moore. 491 ilcn llldg. 23-1-31 MONEY TO LOAN-CUATTELS. O ) AN o.NeiArrkti butluesi confidential. Hooni40J llnrbitch bluet 423 A4 _ \r-311OHT TIMM LOANS ON CIIATTKL Agrciirlty , POS X. V. I.lfo. U7C All' _ .MOSIJV IS OIIKAP. J19 01 * TO $ IO.OJ3 loaned on nnrchntlol Bocnrltr br W. ( . ' . Wood , agent for Nebraska Loan company , 1310 Uoualat ntrvot , upstalrc. 765 -It' YOU WANT MOSKV ON t'UllNlTUItR , PIANOS. 110HSK.S , WA'JONS. UA Illll AGIiS. HTO , CALL AT Titr omen of OMAHA \toit m.uii : LOAN co. AND OUT T13IIMH llim > UK . J5AL1NO EI.Si\VHKIlB. Loannmndatn amounts from flu to flO.OOJ at tlio lowest rates on very Miort notice without publici ty , nnil with tli'J privilege- keeping jour goods in your own po oislon. Yon can pnr tlio money back In nny amounts you wl h nml ntnny time , nncl oacli payment no nuulo will rrilncn tlio cost of tlio loan In proportion. There will bo no oxponnn or cliarno kept out of tlio nmoiint wnntcd , but you will rocolvo tliu full amount of tliu Innn. OMAHA JIOHTflAClK LOAN CO. . Itoom II Crclxhton lllock , 15th St. , South of Postoltlco. Thoonly Incorporated lonn company In Oinnhn. X 3IONKY TO LOAN. FIDELITY LOAN ( lUAllANTUK Ctt On lioiKchold ( roods , plnnos , oruons. horses , mules , wnironn , etc. . nt the lowest possible rates without publicity , removal or property or chnniro of possession. Payments of any amount can bo made nt nny time , rcdnclm ; both principal nnd Interest , thus Rlvlm ; patrons nit the benollts of the partial pay ment plnn. Money nlwnyn on hands no delays ; no publicity ! lowest rates ; business contldontlal. FIDHL1TY LOAN UUAItANTKR CO. . U 4 Wltlmell blk. . 15th nnd llarncy. 2U _ X WHEN YOU WANT A CHATTEL LOAN SK15 W. It. Davl.t. room 2U , Continental block. 213 -WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OF security : strictly confidential. A. 13. IIAIEHIS. room 1. Contlnentnl block ' 241 ! X 1'1HTCHAHD,51 DOUGLAS IlLIt 10 & DODOK. 217 \r-CHATTKL LOANS MADE ON FUHN1TUHK , - pianos , live stock , etc. . without publicity or re moval property nt the lowest rnto * nnd the easiest payments. Dull Urcen , rooms 8 and V Uarltor block. BUSINESS CHANCES. r FUUNISHKII IIOI'ICL TO HUNT. ADDHKSS ( iartlcld County Hank , Dnrwoll , Nob. 74t31' : y FOH SALK. SKT 3F CUSTBtt CO. AIISTH ACT books , cheap. Address , J. .M. KlnibcrllnK. seo'y , llroken How , Nob. b7U 31 * "V MEAT MAHKI3T FOIl SALK CHEAP ; 11HST I location In city : dolnir cash business of Kan floy. Poor hcnlth rnu.in of selling. Address O 19 , lieu ofllee , Council linurs. , .Mri7nlD ! V TAILOIt I1USINKS3 AT FULLKHTON FOH I sale cheap. County scat ; 1.500 Inhabitants ; only merchant tnilor In Niinco county. For Information wrlto to O. I' . Lunducn , Fullerton. Neb. 214 ! Y--KSTA1IMSHKD OHOCKHYFOH SALK. DOING KOOII hnslness ; stock and llxturcs tnvolco about fiMO. AddrcitsK40 , Ueo. 2C03I * V A M-KOOM , IIOTKIi NEAH WOHLD'S FA1U J-Kronmla ; lense , furniture and llxturcs for unlo cheap : aplcndld opeulnK for n llvo man. For par ticulars call on or nddrnss ( ieortto J. I'nul , 11105 Furnnm street. JI218 3U * Y ' ' "OH SALK 2,00 HUSIIKL STKA.M OHA1N J- elevator , Hrst-clnas In every respect nnd dolnit a Kood payltn ; business , located In ouo of the best train Krowlnf districts In the stato. Address P. O. llox 1U , Wood Hirer , Neb. 2SS 9 -FOIl SALK , HAIlilKK SHOP AND MATH rooms nt n bargain ; county sent ; L7UO Inhab itants ; cnsh hnd tlinn. .AUdrens 15 54 , lice olllco. V PAHTNKH IN WKLL KSTAtlLlSHEI ) COL- JLlcco with small capital. Must bo telegraph operator. "D , " lleo otllce , Lincoln. J132U3I * V IIAIICAIN. DKSIUINC TO LKA VB T1IK CITY JV. . ,1. Plckcrlnc offerH his stock of Krocorlcs unit Kenernl merchandise for Halo. Vcrv cheap If taken nt once. The best money maklni- retail hualncHS In Omahn. Como and look It over. Wliut will you Klveforlt ? 1737 nnd 17IW ( icorgln nvo. J1313 3I FOB EXCHANGE. CLKAN STOCK OFCJENKHAI , ' ' ' Z Sl'D'S'K : WILT , toke real estato.lmoiioy.Uor 293 , Frankfort , Ind. . 251 r/-FOIt KXCHANOK , NICK HOUSK AN I ) LOT IN- fJetfla of two-mile limit In Omahn. nnd cash , for Rood , clean stock of drugs. D07 , UeootUco. . ftiJ 29 * y WHAT HAVE YOU TO THADK FOR LOT 2 /Jblock2 , HOCKS , t IIIU'B first addition ? Lot Is on Dodiio street , ono lot west of corner of 28th , nnd IB clear. Address K 11 lice. 953 NKIIHASKA FAUJIS TO KXCHANCK FOH city property. M. J. Kendall , 1L 403 , llrown blk ilbSa alB Z-WANTED SMALL FHUIT FAHM IN 1C.V- clianu'O for Oinnhn aero or resident property , J. L. Wilklo , 18. . ' St. .Mary's nvo. 174 31 y-FOIl SALK OH THADK FOIt FAHSf 1'HOP- "erty In eastern Nebraska , our elevators at Howe , llrock , Itcrlln. Cook nnd Douglas , on Missouri Pa clllo ; Kooilcrops. Address N. A. Dud & Co. , Syra cuse , Neb. M13J 1 y-FOH THADK. D15NVKH I'ltOPKHTY FOIt 'J eastern Nebraska land. Will oxchanxo six-room brick , centrally located , corner lot ; modern Im provements. F. L. lilrnoy , KM Kith , Denver. Colo. _ .M19J 5 V TO KXCilAN 5K. LOT OF NF.W AOHICUL ' -Jturat Implements for uxood horse. Address K ' . ' . llea. M2i7 31 * / TO KXCHANCJB FOH AN OMAHA HKsT- ' -Jdcncu n 240 aero farm 17 miles from Omnhn. Fred D. Harris , 1519 Dodico. 271 3 < ' f/-A COOD , NK\V 8-HOO.M HOUSE IN LINCOLN ' -/and ao mo money to exchange for hardware. Lock llox 14 , Hebron , Nob. .4 M297 4 * I/-WIIAT 1IAVK VOU TO TUADH ? Address KM. /Jttuu. MJfJ.1 at y.-KI.OtJIIINO .MILLS , ONK AT HAMPTON , AJNoli , unit onu at St. I'nul , Neb. , both tO-barrel ; modern machinery ; no Incnmbrnnco ; will taKujfood fnrm lands : owner ovur 70 years old , Kuluic oul ot business. J , J. Olbson , 1st National Hunk Unlldlni.1. ' y KOU rlALIC OU ICXCHANtJK. f-t lln liiPBs property , rurnur Tironlleth nnrt Vln- toimtrc-uts. plLndld point for Mock of stores nnd Hutu , prlcu t3MJ ; Inciiinlirniifo , KMOO , 0 par cunt. Also business property , 121 feet trorilnuo on CnniliiE and Vista streets , with line two-ntory doutmt Btorounllilliii ; and thiu : will runt for $73.UO per month , and room on lot for two inora build- IIIKS. 1'rli'o ii.tui , Ineumbrancu (2,000. f per cent. Want ttrslclass Iowa or .Nebraska fnrin.- Uco. N. Illcks , ugunt , 305 N. V. Llfo. A1i.11 y KOU KXCIIANCK. A MOIHCKN ItlJHINKHS ' -'block In the hi'nrt of HID city , pays over 10 per cent not , wnntH JI.UW unsli , tliu balnnco any kind of Kood property , or will oxchnniio tlio ontlru for merchandise ; must bu done quick. Prlco (10.000. Aldro H87. L'cc. SICTa FOR SALE REA.L ESTATE. I' 1 liuvo Just lieen aiithoilzed to uiror for sale n tract of 40 ucrcs , Just i.oiitliwe t of this city on tlio inula drive to Seymour park , It Is ono of tlio lln- tt tractn uroiind Omaha , only llvo miles from tlio l > o > tonicuiinil thrco index from tlio Inmlness ct-ntur of rjouth Onmha. Ijiml in iho liiimvdlutu vicinity 1 solllnit ut tlM.ua to IJyi.lW pt > r aero. Iran titrur tills forty acres for f ho next ton days ut f.'ii.oo per aero , and tlio purchaser can put u rlulit uaokon Iho markol for ualo lu llvo and ton ncru tracts nt iloublu this prlcu. If you care to Inrcstleulo tbls , will bo glad to hear f rum you at onco. ( ieorKU N. Hlfks"d05 N. V. I.lfo llldg. 30C-31 l 'Olt SAI.H AT A HAltOAlN , U > T IS. IILOCK 4. J W. U hHlby'H First addition to Houlli Omaba ; small puymciitdovrn , balanoj monthlr If doilrod. InuulruO. ILTtscliuck. Onmlia Hun , Ml HOUHK AND IAMT ON I'A It 1C AVKNIIK KOH ale or trade for fnrm hind. Opposlto llanscom iiark. Finest location In the city , uluht room houmi with all modern liiiprorBiuunli. Inqutrout 13W I'arkuvonuo. M al3 T > AII(1AIN IN ACUK PIIOPUUTV. I CAN OKFKIl IJror lo : | nlco 10 ncie tracts , a wlili mull cot- tniifs , juit onlbldo the clly limits. Will hell uud Into vacant lot , Kood land , or cottnuo nnd lot for nrst pay mi nt. Any cnu wantlnu n nlco honieunj plucu forKurdouliiK will do well lo call aud sco me , iiuo , N , Hlck , aoi N. V , Llfo blUu. Sou31 Ij-Olt dAI.K. LOT . IILOCK S , llO'Jtirt ' * HILl/S J- first addition. Kntlrely clear. Address K 11 lieu onico. UM 17011 BALK AT A ( iltKAT IIA1UJAIN. FULLIXJT ion 3'M aviiiiuo.Just soutli of Vaj | tlno roil- donee , In the ccnlur of tliu lluuil resilience portion of tlivulty. paYPil street , stonu blduwuUi. etc. , for ouly M.VOI.U ) , wortb t.\.OM.U. ( If not sold by AUKutllst.prluo will buf 4.000.00 , Tliallnustlct In til illy foru liomoor protltublo Investment. Toruis reasonablo. Call al onco. Fidelity Tru > lcoiupanyr 1V1I Furnaiu struct. . - ' . . . . . " ] 70ll BAI.K.N NICK LOTH 1U MILKH WK8T OK J. Ilanscoiu park , only JK mlfus froul | io.tolllco , covered vrltli tlu i sLailu trues , ruunlnic Hiitvr , etc. Bplendld ulaco for lioiuv , clilcken r'lsliiK , eta Only on block from Nebraska Central survuy. If sold quick oulKI,00ailO. . Ulcki.HOiN. V. Llfo. 30011 roil SALE-KETCgESTATE. Ql.WWOOLOT ON LOWK .VlilJNUK. J > I.O'iO.W tlno lot Diindpjy' " jz.son.u1) corner near .Mr. t t.s' ( ; . fZ..W.OJ lUlitlr lot Lowe fWi'liu ' . n.OUO.WlolS7tb ) and . „ . _ All bargains. C F. Ilnrrhcrs N. V. Life.M2C1SO M2C1-SO BAIKJAIN" IN 1 have thrco very nlco ijiffilernbullt nouses for sale near llantcmn p.irx , nlUf'Thlrty-spcond street and I'opplcton nvenuo In Hmifcom Place. These houro * . nra uew Hmlinqdorn built , with nil convenience * . , Inclmllnu baniltomo bath rooms , furnace , splendid hilck n > llnt , etc. Nclalitiorhood Is all that Mn bo desired , nnd the location Is one of the mostlMttftsnnt nnd henlthy In the city. 'J ' In order to ctTcctn quick it-tlo I will oftcr thcso houcesntnTcry low Hirurq > ( prt1io next ten days. It will pay you to call ntinriUUIc , SO. ) N , Y , 1.1 To tinllillnit , nnd let mo Ahow ) ou these houses , Keys m ay nlso l > o obtnlnwl at I1SO South Thirty-first street , nny evening from (1 ( to 8. ( ioo. N. Hicks , Stfl N. Y. Llfo llldg. 390-31 M L'ST HO HOLD ATlNClTHAT MKAin'lFUI , lot. M4HU feet with H-rooni cottauo. soiithnnst rorner ll > lli nnd Lako. No reasonable oiler refused , J. H..lolmaontll2N. Y. Llfo. 2711 3 _ 170U HALK-KLKOANT DOIJIILE HOUSK , NEW 1 nnd modern build , with spacious Krounds. on nno of the finest roaldeiicn streets In this city. Nice linrn , splendid shnde trees , vie. Price , 1 18,000. Will take part purchase prlco In uood fnrm Innd. ( iliO. N. HliKH,30) N , Y. Llfo blllhllne. U > 1 31 _ HAND 1SLAND-FOH BALK-FINK , 2-STOHY 20-room house , steam heat , ns Ihtht , nlco Inwn nnd trees , location Kood , furnished complete , owned nnd occupied by Annlo Anderson , For terms nnd particulars mlilress lock box 342. Ornnd Island , Neb. 877-31 * _ KS1IIA 11LI3 FAHM3 FOH SALK CHKAP WKLL Improved farms In Douglas , Washington. Snnn- . tiers und Frontier counties. Fnrm lands In Daw. son , Hitchcock , Hurlnn , Furnm nnd Alerrlck conn ties ; terms easy. Wrlto or cull on W. M. Mlllard Omaha. MIDI 15 plO MAUOAINS-THItEK OFTIII5 FINKST LOTS JJnear llniiscom park , elegantly located for urnde , with line Hhndo nnd fruit trees. Thcso lots nra clieniiat $1,751 onch. but In order to mnkn n quick snlo If 1 cnu sell two or three tocethorcan miiko prlco only f. ' . . " i. ? j ( > 1 cash , balance long time. lllckf.WJN. Y. Life lililK , Wl 31 . S COIISKH HOSK8T IMPIlOVEMhNT paylnK per centon fKUMJ. will uunrantoo for Tears ; H cnsh bnlnnco ttpor cent. Address K3 llco. WU31 * l0ll SALE-110USK AND LOT ON COHNKH JL Ixmrcnworth nndolxhth street , noarondof lot to Union I'nclllcynrd. 81U l.oavenwortli. MI81 8 * ANTKD-1OOOOOLCT OHKAP. Wanted , two acres for enrdcnlnir. Wnntcd , halt section In Sarpy county. Wanted , liith street business property , Wnntcd , Kiwil U per cent loan , Wanted , f JJ.dO cottairo for Rood tenant. Wanted , f.MJ.lH sliiKlo house for KOOI ! tenant. Wnntcd , house nnd lot for clear lots. Wanted , city property for $12,0)0 farm. Wanted , snmll fruit farm for cltr property. Wanted , lot and cottage for il.OOO.uJ. C. F. llarrl < on , ti2 ! N. Y. Llfo. M20S SO STKAYED. STUAYKD-CHKAM COLOHED llOliaE. WH1TK mane and tnll ; last seen about four miles west of Omaha. Dr. J. W. lllythlu , room 3 , Wlthncll block. LOST. LOST , STHAYHD OH STOLKN-MU.CH COW 4 years old , Jersey nnd I Hi rmm ! cross , color light brlndle. Sultnblo reward to party returning her , II. T. Clarke , 2oth nnd Cass sts , or 219 Hoard of Trnilo. M2.I3 OST , A .MONKKY. FINDKIl WILL UETUIIN it to 1202 Cupltol Aye. uud receive reward. ; 237 59 * OTHAYKD OH bTOLK.N FIIOM K. W. NASH'S Ofnnn ut Fort ( "ulliolin. two larKO bay horses , welRliliiEnbout 1.S50 pounds 'cnch. Address nil Information - formation to 13 , W. Nnslipior J. A. Fuller A Co. , Omnhn. ylj 313 s ITHAYKD ; OH STOLKN. bOUHKL PONY. FOHK top clipped , short tnlt. n/'A. Wnrd , I'-11 S 19th st. fY ; sea yj * f OST-LADIRS1 OOLD WATCH AND CHAIN JJThnrsday nfternoon. Sultnbla reward for return - turn to 1812 Dnvenport at. ' 80031 * T OST SMALL HED COW WITHOUT I1OUN8 , J-Jjust about ready to drop calf. Finder return to Peter Coos' residence , 8 blocks eo'uth llanscom park on 32d street , and got rew/ird. M3J3 1 * FOR RENT--PA3TUKE3. HOHSItS AND CATTLK1 PATUH15D ! AT"STOCK farm. Uellevue. U. T. Clarke. 213 Hoard of Trade. Oinnhn. 257 ft ill I N O TON For Sale , Rent Exchange , BEST 'lW THE' WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , ' Dealer , " flf)7 Frn m ( itr n1. OMAHA RRILWHYTIMEGHRD Lcnvcs ICU10AUO HUttLlNlU'ON A Arrlvj Oinnhn. DopptlOth ml M-iion rtt . On I'll Leaves I K. > : . , HI' . J. .VO. il. I Arrive Omaha. Depot latli an 1 M'tsii S O n\'ia t > ,5J a nil. . . . Kansas City Day Kxprass. . . . ) 0.00 p m ( US p mK. | t.NIuht Krp via U.P.Tran | 0.40 n m Oolng I CHICAGO. II. I. From Knst. ( Union Depot IQtli'.t Marcy 3ts. [ Knst . CHICAGO. K. I. & PACIFIC. From West. I Union Depot 10th and Murcy Sts. | West , leaves I UNION PACIFIC. Arrlvo4 Omaha. [ Union Depot 10th nnd.Mnrcy Bts. Omaha. Leaves I SIOUX CITY A PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omaha I l.'opot. ' 101 h and Marcy Sts. I Omahi 7.20 a nil Sioux City Pussunnnr. . . . | 102Jp m 35 p m | . . . .St. Paul Kxpress . . . . 110 00 n ra Leaves I SIOILV CITY & PACIFIC. I Arrives Oinalml Depot. 15th nnd Webster sts. i Omnha li. < 5 p in | St. Paul Limited | ila > n m Leaves I F. , U. A MO. VALLKY. lArrlvoi tinahn ) Depot.vl5th nnd Webster Hti. lOmahi I'.OO n m De.idwood Express 5,2 } p ra 9.00 n m ( Ex. UaU ) Wyo. Kxp. ( Kx. Mon. ) 5.20 p m I\\0 \ p m . . . . . .Norfolk ( lr. Sunday. ) ll.U n m 6.45 p m St. Paul Exnrnts 9.21 n ra Leaves I O. , ST. P. , il. .V O. [ Arrive * Omnha | Depot , 15th nnd Webster Sts. I Omahi Leaves I CHICAUO. * . .rrlvni Trnasforl Union Depot. 4' | igJI llluiT . I Trans for WASHBURN Gultart , MandollniftZilhen In volume and quality of lone aio the UXST 1H TUK WOULD. War * runted to wear In uy cllrastc. Bold brailfcdtDKiicaleri. Hem- tlfully Illuitrtted sourrnlr eat > aloifue wlih portraits of fiinotu rtltti will bo Mailed FREB. LYON & . HEALY , CHICAGO. NOTIC15. Notice Is lioroliy Riven , pursuant to Inw , Hint nt n special ctoctlnn hclilnti thn loth ( lay tiny of June. ISO } , tlio IORII ! rotors of the cltr of Onmlia , Ho UK I us county , Nobrasjn. nc- coptotl and ndoniiMl thu following iirnposltlon of the Noliraskn Ccntrnl llullwny Company : The tinu'iiclecl proposition of the Nobniska Central Itallwny Conipiiny to the Ulty of Omahn. Noli , To the Mnyornnd City Council of the City of Omuhn , Nab. ! The unUurAliMil'U , tlio > clir.tsKa Uotitral Itnllwuy compnny , proposes to nciiulro niul tnko possession of , lor rnllwiiy ptirpusus , that curt.nn tr.iutof limit locatuii nltlilu ilia Uls- trlct liotintlutl by T'lflconlli istrcot , ChlcaKO strool , Klovunlh treot , Onllfornlu iltrrut. nnil Iho rluht of wny of the UnmMi Dolt Uitllwnv cotnpjiny , ( uxcupt the southlitilf ot blouk : i. liitsiland 4 , blouk ? t < , lot I , utiil north onu-h.tl ( of lots 2 lintl : i , block 27)1 ) ii'jd to crest thorcon 11 n n Ion pniAcnxorilopoioii thi tumor of l'- | t < ! nth 'inil ChlcitRO strools , to cent , liu'luillni tlio ollior rallivny . lnihivoiiiunti ) ! ou Hr.ui erounOs , not in thnn fojf huudrcd tliou ani Uol nrscSIKiOJt ) ! I'rovluod. the city of Onmtiti , In Dniuinj roiinty , Neliraskii. will ilonnto tothftaHld No- hra-iku Central KalU Ay ( / tiipany two htm * ilred nml llfty thousnnil ildllnrt itiHliwn of Hi four (41 ( per cent bonds , Jli.i.OW thereof to bo dated January ; . 18'J ) , nml Jl.V.i.OOJ tlioroof to bo dntod January I , 18HI , to booomo duo 'iml pny- nblti twenty yours from tholr reapcctlvo datns , with Interest payable noinl-inuually : , nil pay- n 111 o at thn llsoal iinonoy of the state of Nebraska - braska lu the oltyot Now Vork , bald bonus to bo of t'ju tU < noninitou ! : ! of ouo thounenil ( Ulurs\llX ) ) \ ) ) each , uud each thereof - of to rji to : Tills bouj l .f IK tt a surlos of two hundred and llfty I'JM ) > / tipper Ilka iimounl and tunor. which : ir ls < -j.l'jy the oily of Onmliu , In Ioutlnscouuir.atrnska. . to tlui Nubrnskn Central ratlwtiy c\.nlpuuytoattl ItltiaiMiiilrluc luud In the city of Unialiu fnr union ilopot. AIM ! ttrtnlnul puruosos , nnd In thuuonstruut.im of n union railway ptissoimir depot upon s-ilil Kiotiiid , nntl Its railway tr.icks , sldo trarUj. turuiiu's , switches aud approaches londlrK tlioroto. and other railway itnutvvo * innnts therewith i'oiuiucto.1. " Said bonds to be executed nntl foRistorod nt or Immediately after the dates thereof , nnd Immediately tneroafter dollvuio.i to tliu t'ltsL National llink of.Uinnhi : , Nob. , trustee , tn bo belli In trust for doll very to the Nebraska Central Itnllwny eon.pauy , Its HUi-cossors or asslcu * . by snld trustee , In Installments us hereinafter provided , The said Nebraska Cor.tral Hallway con iinny plans to construot , oruauso to bo constructed structod , a line of railway In the state a Iowa not loss than 100 nillos lu extent , froit , the east approach of a bridge , which thn said Nolirnsku Central Kallwny company has also planned to construct over the Missouri river , intor&octluit or connoutlni ; with , or reaching the lines ot two or inoro ot the following rail way corporations , viz : The Illinois Central Hallway company , the Wlnona & Soiitliwostotu Hallway company , the Minneapolis & St. Louis Hallway company , the Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City Hallway company , the Chicago , Fort , Mndlson & Doe Molnefi Uullwny company , Iho Atchlson , To- polca .V Santa Fo Hallway company , the Italtt- tnoro & Chlo Hallway uornpanv , the Ohio & Mississippi Hallway company , the Kookuk fi IVnsturn U.illway company t > > a Uuiii'jj. Omaha > t Kansas City Railway company and tlio Iowa Central Hallway company. One hundred thousand dollars ( HO.OOOi of said bonds Rliall bo delivered by said trustee to mild Nebraska Central Hallway company. Its successor * or nsslcns , whnu IL or tuey shall have acquired and taken possession of that uottaln tract of land louatuil within the dis trict bounded by Fifteenth street , ChlcuRO Btrvnt , Kloveuth street , California street nnd the rlRhtof way of the Omulni Kelt Hallway eomunny , ( exeunt the south half of block ; i3. lot ; i iiiiil 4. lilook M , lotl , and the north half of lots'J and U , block 27. nuriuuu , time tuocilcl onn hnndrod thou- iautl dollar * [ * 1UCU > . ' 0 ] of snld bonds shall not no ilollvf.rod until after the said Nebraska Central Hallway company. Its successors or , i5 > : lk'ii3 , shall IIRVO construct ! ) i thn s.ilil line of rnliway In thn state of Iowa. Ono hundred nnd llfty thousand dollars UI.V.oooj of salel bonds shall be dellvorod by said trustee to sain Nebraska Central Hallway company. Its successors or asslRiin , when It or they Hhnll have completed tlio erection of n union passenger aopot upon said tmct of land ahovo described , to cost. InoluJInK tlio other railway Impiovonionts on said prounds. not li'ss than four hundred thousand dollars JICO.OOJ ) : proof of such cost to bo inndn by the i\Viri statement of the president nnd treas urer of said rathv.iy company. Hied with the z.ty clerk of Omnha. aou'imp inlod by cartlll- cato , Blu'iied by the cltr attorney and city cn- clneor , that In their opinion such amount has actually bt-on oxpended. Provided , that If the said Nebraska Central Hallway company , Its successors or assigns , shall fall to acquire and tnko possession ot salci land , llshatl not bo entitled to rocolve iinv part of said ono hundred thousand dollars SlOO.nuo ) Installment of bonds : and. further "rovldod , that none of said ono hundred and Vty thousand dollars ( tl.XI.OJO ) Installment of inds shall be delivered until nt least ono nilt- My company lu addition to the Nobr.iskn /'etitral / Hallway company shall bo actually usltusald union ilopot ; nnd. Provided further. That the mayor and the city council shall , by resolution , upon the full performance of the undertakings on the part of Hiild railway comp.iuy horoln cniitalned , order tlio delivery of said bonds at the times Aforesaid ; nnd , Provided fiiithor. That nil matured coupons hall bo removed aud cancelled by aald trustee boloru dellvbry of the bonds to which they are attacliod ; nnd. Provided further. That the mayor nnd city council of the city of Omaha shall aausn to bo nvled on the taxable property of naK cliy an > nnunl tax sufllolcnt for the payiusii'c of tlui Interest on said coupon bouilH as ! t bocfati * . duo , nnd after the expiration of ton (10 ( ; year > tram the date of a.ild bonds the mayor ant ) illy council of s.-ild city shall cause to b ovirri In nddltlon to nil other taxes on the taxable property of snld city nn amount ot tax sulllclont to create u sinking fund for the jiaymoiit at maturity of said bonds. ( Ilia amount of tax to bo levied for said sinking fund not to exceed twenty-live thousand del lars ( ? i"iOJJ.no ) in nny ono your ) ; said tac : to ba continued from ynar to year until the said bonds are fully paid. The acquirement ot the said lands and Im provements herein contemplated Including the said railroad In Iowa , .shall bo boxii" w'thln ono year from May 1. 189J , an * , bn pushed tocomplatlnn without unnecessary 'lolny : nnd shall bo comuloted within three roars from the 1st day of July , 1S')2. ) In case nny of the terms , limitations , conill ( lees or provisions proposed liernln rblatlux to the beginning , pro.-riisa and completion of said Improvemunts are not comullod w.th , ( unless dolny Is directly nnd necessarily caused by Injunction or other judicial pro- joi'dlngs. or by unnvoldablo aocldent or act if Providence ) , tlio and company shall not bo intltlod to recolvn said bonds or any thereof. vun though the electors of said city of Omaha . mil have by tholr vote authorized the U- 'nnco of said bonds : but till light tosuld iiA'nls ahull by such default and without any : ii:11 : < ; liil determination beuomo forfeited , Provided , howovec , that If llio bogliuiln T , progress or completion of said Improvements ( ball bn del < cd or obstructed by any or Mc : iforesald oluses ; , thu times lioruln alloR-od mi Mie iirocress and cumulotlon of bald Improve- 7' nts shall b > > extended to the o.\tent of such mlayor obstruction : and Hhoiild a dispute arise between the said city of Omaha and the said Nobrailca Central Hallway company with rn.suoct to the cause or o\ ten t of nny such delay , the same nt the election of mild No. I raska Central Hallway company , shtill be referred for determlnatloo to a Hoard oX ar bitrators , to bo tippolutcd uw hurulnaf ler pro vided. lu consideration of receiving tno proposed subsidy the NobrnsKu Central Hallway com- uuny u < reeM to iillow nil railway ootnpanloa Iho following rights : The right 10 run tholr locomotlvu.4passenger HIM ! freight trains over its main und pausing tracts within tlio city of Omaha ; and over Its proposed bridge and approaches preaches , the right U ) use Hiieh iioitlun of ltd teriiiliiul Krounrts.dupots and faolllt os an may i u noee-ssary and prciuor for the omnium ( ii the business of such roads ; Inoludlntt any onlargmunt of Its depot and depot grounds : thu right to huvo tholr cars Hwltchcd und delivered by the No- iUM ia Central Kill/uy conpany upon all 01 * Its switch tr.icka : iho right to connect tholr rouls nt any point within ouo hundred ( loot miles of hald olty of Omaha with auv lluu of r.illway which the Nebraska Central .Hnllwa * , company , or HH successotn orasslgi.s may ( oiibtriict or caiiKti to be constructed oust of thu Missouri rlvur , and to run tlielr locimo- tlvos , passoiiBor und frolglit trains ovui thr mulii nnd iHissliig tracko of suld "rallro.-Ui It uolir- hereby , airrood that , lu un' < the Neihrmkn Central Hallway com pany shall construct lu pro nosed lint east of the Misinurl river , through tliu agency of any othof corporation or imrty , It will cause Huch corporation or p.irty to exocutu nml deliver tc tfta city of Omahn a good and sulllclont Instrument blndlim It or him to nbldo by the ' /onus , conditions and provisions of this proposition , the same an tlio snld r\ohranku Co'Vv.il Hallw iy company would have boon hound If It had built tlio name. Loforo Jullvury of the iiforosnld one hundred thousand dollars (1100,030) ( ) Installment of bonds , Provided , that the use. am ) enjoyment by such railway companies of o icli a-id uvory of said rliliU htUI bo upon just uud equal terms and tlio payment of Just und fair compensa tion to the Nebraska Central Hallway con- liany. Us successors or assigns , and subjoot to fiiieli opunulng rules'iml rogulntlom ot the Nebraska Central Hallway oumpaiM * . Its BIIO- ces ortior iisalgns. as khall bo iiooensury and proper , just and ronuoniiblu. And the milU NubruHku Contra ) Hallway company will submit any dlsputn ntlsliu ba- tweon ( t iinu such other compuny or com panies UN to thu use anil enjoymoiit nf nny rights under this proiiasltloii. or us to the terms , compoiiHittlon , oporatlnz rules and roKiilatlons , rolatinu thereto , to a board of arbitrators , to bamnilnup of three persons wlmuru judge * of Iho state district court , or ItiHUccosKor. of tbo dlitrlut uinbraoltig the county of Doujjlan. to bo soleotod by a two- thlrdi vote of ull thu persons who uru dUtrlot judges of said court. Provided that unysuch railway company other than said Nebraska Ciuitrul Hallway oompapy , Its nuccojuor or aulgnf , < J4al | buvu thonlocilon to submit any such dispute toiirbltratlonorto piirjuo anv other remedy Wliernvor nrbltrntlon Is provided for by thu proposition , the party deslrlni to submit any matter to nrbltratlon shall catiso to bo lorvo I upon the other party a written notice which shall sot out the mutter In dispute to bo submitted , und the time proposed for the hearing , which shall not bo less than thirty ( : ID days after the time of service ; and there upon the advene party shnll within twenty ( Inlays after such .oorvlco upon lu serve It * nntwur , It nny It have , mum the p.irty do- mund n ? the nrbll ration. The lloar.l ot Arbitrators , when organized , ihall have ponor tti flx thutlinoof ho.arlnj nml to ndjourn the same from time to time , nud to ina ! < o'nll uo'ti siry rulp < nnd rogitla- tlont for th production of testimony In the poswdon of ollhor party , ami nthorwlso to compel ! n fnlrjaud spco.ly trial : tlio decision of amnjorltyot the lio.ird shall control nud the llnal iletermluation of thu board shall bo Html null conclusive upon the parties , ot all mat ters submitted nn I dcvldetl. Wherever arbitral on shall bo resorted to suoli urbllrntlou shall be the oxcluslvo remedy of the parties ( except as heroin oliuwhoro pro- vlleil ) . ns to the matters nnd things Involved nn I decided therein. Said Nobr.isUa Central Htllway company. Its successors and assigns , shall transport , frolglit ( Including transfer ot freight and all eharso * . Incidental to said transportation ) ovur any bridge nnd approaches , us well as ever nny railway It shall construct within ono hundred (130) ( ) miles of the Missouri river within the state ot Nobraskn. for JiMt itiul reisnnahln ratcsorchnrpos.nml In case of dllforeueo na to what constitutes just nud ro isonnblo rates or charges under this paragraph , the mayor and city council or said railway company tuny submit the same to arbitration lu thu manner anil to the arbitrators above provided for , but this ] > ir\grapli respecting freight. charriH shall .not bucomo operative- In force until live years from the ditto ot the delivery of thu last Installment of the bonds hereinbefore re ferred to. , It Is further proposed that said bonds shall f > o dullvorod to thu Nobraskn Central railway comp'iuy. Us successors or assigns , only upon thu execution by the said Nebraska Central rillwny coniuinv or Its siiccossrirs. ami dollv- ory lo the city of Omnhaot nn uiidortakln ; In writing to the olTcut tint the principal depot of said rnllu ay company , Its irener.il olllccs anil principal machlnu shops when built , shall bo locatud and malut lined within the corporate llmltu of tlio city of Omaha , an 1 tint a viola tion of tlio tnrtns ofsntd undertaking by the said Nebraska Central railway company or Its Hiiei'ossors or assigns , hlmll render the said Nobraskn Central railway company , or Its successors , Indebted to tbosald city of Omaha In the full amount of said bond : ) , und Interest thcreou. This proposition shall , after bolng duly acknowledged by the Nebraska Central Hall way company , lie recorded In the olllco ot the register ot domls ot Umiglaseounty. Nebraska , nnd for a period ot twenty ( JJ ) years from and after this date , sh ill ho referred to by giving the bouk nnd page wherein the same Is re corded In any mortgage , dco.l of trust , deed of conveyance , or least ) of said depot ami denot grounds , with the statement that thn said Ne braska Central railway company. Its succes sors nnd ussl ns , are bound by thu terms , limi tations , provisions nnd conditions of tills proposition which are hereby made Its cove nants that attiiuh to nncl run with the said property Into whosoever hands It may como. Provided , that the city council of the city of Omaha , ( Iho mayor approving lu duo form ) shall enact n curtain ordinance ( which at the date hereof. Is pending eons. deration before council ) , entitled. "An ordinance ir rant ing permission nud authority to the Nebraska Central Hallway company , Its successors nnd ass gns , to construct railroad tracks along , across ovoruml under certain streets nml al leys In Iho olty of Omaha , subject to certain conditions , nud to vacate parts of certain streets and alleys In thu city of Omaha upon compliance with certain other conditions. " And II Is also provided , that If said Ne- hrr.ska Central Hallway company shall not , within fortyflvu (15) ( ) days of being notified by thu city clerk of Iho adoption uf Ibis proposi tion at the election held to vote' upon the same , Illo wltli the said city clerk Us written ratlllcatlonof this proposition under Its cor porate seal , none of H'Jd bonds shall bo Issued , and nil the terms and provisions of this propo sition slrill beheld for naught , Thn Nobrasko Central Hallway company agrees , before an election being called to sub mit to the voters of the city of Omah'i this proposition , that It will oxoculo and deliver to said city , a'bond with good und sulllclonl sureties In the sum of llvo thousand dollars ( JVXUCfli , and llvo thousand dollars ( Jr > .0O.OJ ; ) ) cash , conditioned upon the payment of the expenses of said election. This proposition , nnd ttiu acceptance thereof by the city of Omaha , und the ratlllcatlon of ( his proposition by said Nebraska Central Hallway compuny , or Its successors or us- signcs. as heroin provided , shall bo con strued nnd understood to constitute n con- ti-.ict between thn snld NobrasUu Central llull- wiiy company. Its successor. ! or assigns , nnd thu said city of Omaha , and ull thu terms , con ditions , agreements and p'rovlslona made on the part of the Nebraska Central Hallway company. In this proposition contained , arc hereby Hindu the covenants of the said Ne braska Central Hallway company. Us suc cessors and ussUns , which shall attach to and run with all of Its said property and bo bind ing upon any party Into whoso hands It or any of it may come. In wltnnss whereof the said Nebraska Central tral Hallway company has caused tliusu pres ents to bo executed this lOthday of May , A.U- JbO'j. JbO'j.NEHKASKA OENTHAL UMI.WAY CO. . Ity J. H. UUMONT , Vice President. Attest : JOHN U McOAGUE , i-ocrotury. LSKAU ] Witness : ALEX. O , OIIAU/TON. ! State of Nebraska , ( . , . Duuglus County. 1 On this 10th day of May. A. D. 1S02 , before me , n notary public In and for said county , personally appeared tlio nbovu named J. H. Uumontaud John IMcCague. . who uro to mo personally known to bo the Identical persons who signed the foregoing Instrument , us vice president and secretary of the Nebraska Cen tral Hallway company ; they acknowledge the said Instrument lo be thu voluntary net nnd dcodof the said Ncbr.iska Central Hallway compuny and their voluntary net nnd deed as such vice president and secretary of said com pany. Wllnrm rny hand nnd notarial seal the dato. last aforesaid. ALEX. O.OIIAHI/roN. ISHAL. ] Notary Public. This done by order of the clly council of the city of Omaha this I'Jth day of July , lbi. ! . ONII OHOVEI ! . Olty Clerk of the Olty of Onmlia. NOTICE Otf ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGES FOR GRADING. To the owners of all lots and parts of lots nnd real estate nloiiR tilth street from 1'ur- nair. street to Dodge street : Von nro hereby notified that the under signed , three disinterested freeholders of the city of Omaha , have been diilv auplontud by the mayor , with the approval of the city coun cil of said olty , to ns css the d' iiiugo to tbo owners respectively of the prof , irty directed by grading Ulth street from I'ariiam street to Doclgo btreol ( ieclured i ; cessary by ordinance : U I , passed July lilst , 1. unproved July ainl. Vou nro further notified , that having ac cepted said appointment , uud duly nii.illllud ns required by law. wu will , ou the llth day of August , A , I ) . . I ! ' . - ' , at Ihu hour of lo o'clock In the forenoon , nl , tlm ofllee of T. II. Mclliillocli , room 81 ; ' . Now Vork lIfu building , within the corporate limits of said city , meet fur the pur pose ot considering and making the assess ment of dnmago to tbo ownoro respectively ( if said property , ulfoctod by said grading , taking Into consideration special boncllls , If any. Vou uro notillud to bo present ut thu tlmo nnd place aforesaid , and make any objections lo or statements concerning snld assessment of damages as you may consider proper. T. II. McOUllOOII. ! H. W. ( JII1SON. JOHN R KLAOK. Oniuha , July Will. 1M . JltOdlOt NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR , GHAIHNG. To the owners of ull lots on Oruut.strcut from 4.'nd street to 43th street. Vou are biiiuby notified that tlio uniler- slzned , three disinterested freeholders of thu city of Omaha , huvo been duly appointed by tliuiuuynr , with tbo approval of thu olty vouli- cll of Huld city , to iissesi the damage to thu owners respectively of tlio property nll'octu 1 by grading of said street , declared necessary by ordinance number'JI' ' " . paused July Dili , IbJ- . unproved .July llth. liUJ. ou uro further notified , that having no- cupled sild appointment , und duly ( iiiiilllled as required by law. wo will , on the -'ml iluy of August , A , O. IB'Ji ut tliu hour of three o'clock lu the ufiornoon , ut the ntllco of Uoo. J. Puill. Hit' " ) I'arnam strnet , within the eorpor- ntu limits of said city , meet for the purpose of considering nnd making the assessment nf uumngo to thu owners respectively of said property , iill'ooled by said grading , taking Into consideration npycliil benetllH , If any. Vou uro notllled to bo present ut the tlmo nnd pluco aforesaid and miiko any objections tour statements concerning said assessment of Uumugos us you may consider proper. OUO. J. I'All U W. II. GATES. W. O. HIIH1VEH. OMAHA , July 23th , 1SDJ. jyyidiot PROPOSALS I-'Oll CURBING. Bunled uroposuiH will bo received by the tin- ( lursiuned until : . ' | o'clock p. in , Auguat Olh , Ih'X' . for ciirulng with white Colorado sand stone , ' rod Colorado sandstone and Heron santUluno iiccorillng to spoullloatlons. Ninth street from Puclllu Htreot to alley north of 1'Aolllu hlrcut , comprised In Htreot Improvu- tuunt dlstrlot No. 470 In the olty of Onmlia. Each hid tu specify u prlcu pur lineal foot for the ourblng complete on thu Btreet In Hald Im provement district. Work to bo done \ \ \ uocordtinco with plum nndtpeolflcatlonsoii lllo In the olllcu of the Hoard of Publlo Worxn , I'rotmiuls to bo in ado on printed blanks fur nished by tlio board nnd tbwo aecoinpunlud with u cert I Hod chi'Ok In the sum of J.'i'JO , puy- ublutotho city nf Omaha , us uu evidence of good faith. The hoard reserves the right to reject nny or ull bld , und to waive defects. I' . W. lUHKHAIJSElt , plinirmun Hoard of Publlo Works. Omaha , July ? JuU , ItAtt , PROPOSALS FOR ABATING NUIS ANCES OF LOTS OF REAL ESTATE. Snntod proposal. , will bo received by tin undersigned until lM ! o'clock p. m. August.s 18U2 , for nbatlng the nuisance on certain lotj ot real estate , the condition Of whloh has boon declared a nuisance by reason of the exist ence ot Miignant wntut upon the same ot banks ot earth oivlna over ndjavent sldu- walks , by ordlnancti No. .Mil , niul deterlbod ai follows : Lots : t niul 4 block ! l Swpezy'fl nddltlon , Lot 17 Huod'sl'ntl nddltlon. IiotsSnnd 4 blocks A. 8. Palrlolj's nddltlon. lAitsn.7 , H block ; ! A , S. 1'iilrlc t's addition. l < ots I. V. il , 4 , a. o , 7 block 2 A. A Pntr.ck'a nrt nit Ion. lols 7. 8Oblot-kOA. 8. Patrick's mldllloti. Lots W ) and t ( Mllse'.s nddltlon. Iot I block 4 llo < m A Hill's nddltlon. Lot 1(1 ( east M foot of west SIO foot , llarUoU'l nddltlon. Lot ill cast IPO foot of woHHIO fool llnrtlott' * addition. Lotfl4 nnd ft Koyes'illv lotO Capllol nddltlon earth covering sidewalk. Lots 4 nnd A Koves' illv lot 0 CnplUil nddltlon onrtb covering sidewalk , LotA block -.VS citv , Lots I , - ' , . 4. X 0 block 7 Drake's nddltlon. Lots 10. U. H. 7.0. l.il , 1:1 : block 7 Dtako's ad- dltlon ulready reported tilled. Lots II. : i. 4. n , o block : i Drake's nil ill I Ion. IiotlMlu Davenport's sub. Lots llasanllnnd Ito.-ers' sub of lots M , 57 , M ot H. E. Honors'platofOk.'ihomu. LotsII nud 4 hlook 8 llawtliorn'hddUlon. Lot r.Miloeki'S Hawthorn nddltlon. Lilsnniidtb ook 7 Improvement Associa tion addition. Lots 1 nnd 8 block 10 Improvement Assoola- ,11011 addition. Lots Uu ml 4 bloc'.c 1'J Improvement Associa tion addition. Lots III nnd 10 bloo ! < 17 Kountzo's nud Hulh'i nddltlon. . Lots 17 , 20. 21 , 24 , S3 block 17 ICoilutzo's nnd Hutli's addition. Lot " : i block 4 Knuntr.e's.'lrd nddltlon. Lots j nml ; 'l ) block 17 Kouutzu und Huth'i addition. Lots til nnd II blook 4 Lauo Vlow. LotO block U Loan's miilltlon. Lois 8 nnd 0 block S Mursh's nddlttou. Lots 5 and south half 10 , block U .Marsh's ad dition. North half lot 0 block 0 Marsh's addition. Lots ! ) , 10 , II , 12. 13 , 14 , ir > , 10,17. ! - < , lit. 20 block 7 Monmouth Park , Lots S and 'I Oknhomu. Must half lot a nud wu t half lots Park 1'lnca Lot 10 block 'J i Popplotou Park. Lots'- . : t.4 , ii , 10. Ii tiloctc 10 I'opplcton Parlc. Lots n. 0. 7 Parmoiitur Placo. Lots 7 and 8 Hedleic's drove. Lot41 Hickory Plncc. LoirnHudlckrs ntl audition. Lots 1 niid'J block fi subdlv J. L KedlcU's ad dition. Lots ii : und II bloc' : H Shlnii's 2nd addition , Lota block1-1 Slum's uildltloii. LoUs R and U block 4 Swoozy's addition. Lot t Terrace addition , earth oovorlns walk. Lots 7 , 8 , D. 10 bltioki \ Walnut Illll. Lots H. P. 10 block : ) Walnut Illll. LotsUIJ block 10 Walnut Illll. Lots II. U' . ii. : 14 , 1 block 11 Walnut Hill. LolL'4 block R Walnut Illll. Lots 12. lllblun Waln.it Illll. Lois I , ! i 23. 2J. 21. blook 0 Walnut II11L Lot block J Walnut Hill. T.ix lot lisec''l-ir ( : That part of D.ilo street north ot ( Joorgi street , its vacated. Tlie ulmtlng of Hie iiu'sancos to bo done In accordnuco with thu Instruoilons of tlio city engineer and board of public works. Bids to bo mndu on printed blanks fur nished by thn board , and lo bo uccomtianled with auurtltlod chock In the sum of JeW , pay- ablolothe clly of Omaha , us nn ovldouco of peed faith. The board reserves thu right to rujoct any or all bids nnd to walvu deforts. P. W. HIHKHAUSEH , Cnalrman Hoard Public Works. Omnhn , Nob. , July 23 , ISXi , Jy22-2.'l-S-3) ! ) PERMANENT SIDEWALK RESOLU TION. CotiNCir , CIIAMIIKII. OMAHA , Nob. . July 21. ISUi Ho It resolved by the city council ol the city of Omaha , the mayor concurring : That permanent slduwulks be constructed In the city of Onriha us designated bulow , within llvo d-iys after thu publication of thl-i resolution , or the personal service thereof , us by ordinance IK iiuthorbeil and required : such slduw.ilks to be la d to the permanent grade as established on the paved streets spccKlcd herein and to bu const rui'tod of stone , art ill- c al Mono , according in .specifications on Ilia In the olllco of the Ho in ! of Public Works , nnd un'lor Its supervision , lo-vvlt : r-'oulh sldu nt Cuming street , lot 4 , blook Sl''ii. ultv. l feet wide. North sldo of Webster street , lols 5 and 7 , block. [ il , city , 0 feet wide. North Hltlu of llnrnuy street , lots 5 nud 0 , block 14 : . ' . city. 10 feet wldu Noith slue of Webster street , lots ! > , 0. 7 nnd 8. block ilTil , city , H feet wide. b'ouih sldo of Hurt Htreot , lots 2 , II und 4. block : ' , city. 8 feut wide. Kast sldu of i-uvuntcenth street , lots 4 und 5 , blouk 1:1. : city. K feel wide. East sldu nf Seventeenth street , lot 4 , bloclc S3. city , ti feet wide. West side of Thirteenth street , lot 1 , bloaU SO. olty , 1U feet wide. West sldo of Eleventh street , lot 1 , block 175 , city , 8 feet wide. North sldo of Davenport street , lots 7 nnd 8 , block an. ultv. 8 fool wldu. North side of Chicago street , lot . " > , block 43 , ally. 8 feet wldo. .South side ot Cass street , lots 1 , 2 , 3 nnd 4. block 4.1 , city. H feet wide. North sldo of CUSHstreet , lots ? , 0 , nnd o4 ! ol lots , block-Jl , city. H foot wldu. South side of California street , lots 3 und 4 , block 2:1 : , city , H feet wide. fc'outti slduof California street , lots 5 , 0 , 7 nnd 8 , blouk 10. city , H foot wide. 1 And. bo It further tesolvod : That the Hoard of Public Works bo , aud Is , hereby authorized and directed lo cause u cony of this resolution to bo published In thn olllulal paper of thu cltv fur onu week , or bo .served ou the owners of said lots , aud thutiin- Ius4 such owners .shall within flvo days after Iho publication or service of such copy con struct , said sidewalks as herein rciuir ] < ul , that the Hoard of Publlo Works cause iho same tq bo done , thu cost of constructing said side walks ri'.spccllvoly to bu assessed against thu real estate , lot or part of lot In front of uud abutting Hticb sidewalks. Passed July 21st , 1603. Attest ; 1 ? . P. DAVIS , JOHN UIIOVEI , President , of the Council , Olty Clerk. Clerk.Approved : CEO. P. HKMIS , -Mayor , NOTICE TO ( JONMTHUCT HIUKWAMCS. To tlio owners of the lots , parts of lots and real ustale described I.tlio ubovu resolution ; Vou and each of you are hereby notllled to construct permanent sidewalks as rotju'rod by a resolution of thu city council anil mayor of thu city of Omaha , nf which tlm above is u copy , P. W. HlllKIIAUHKIt , Chairman Hoard of Puollo Works. OMAHA , Nob. , July 2H , ihu. . Jy28d7t TIIK JtlvAI.TV MAUICICT. INSTUUMI3NTS placed ou record July 20 , IBDj. WAIUIANTV DKUPH. Thus Dunahuy lo .M I ) Carroll lot 15 , blouk ic. ' , O 11 Hoggs' ad . 153 Union .Stock Vurds compunv to I'rank Jlniirninler lot 14 , block 11 , 1'lrst add to Houtli Omaha . 400 T J Tooluy to K C Tooluy lot 7 , Cherry Uiirdcn . T K Clark and wlfu U > H H Klmbull. lot r > , bloclc 10 , let u , block 4 , lots 5 und U , block ill. Bedford Placu . , . . 2fial K W Tlciiiiorund wlfu to Jus Thompson , lots H In II. block 7 , .Manhattan add. . . 1.200 Omnha Hual Kslutu und Trust company to H 11 llonoymaii , a / lot U , block 7 , Kilby Plucu . , . pee Bnmu to Murtln Wilbur , ni ! Iota , Idock 7. same . 503 1C II Hutukln nud wife to .las Thompson , lot 5 , .Motler'ssub . J.700 M A Davis uud husband to Peter Head , jr , und ' /i loti : , block 4 , Lymun Placo. . . 400 Jos und ( > K Harkur und wives to A N Hull , lut 3. blnclt 1 , Hhornian Avu park 100 John I'lemlng and wlfu to J D Wure , lot 2i , block li. : Omaha Vluw . 1,150 Kvlln Purchiisu to K K Purchase , n ' . , ' jnv 2-lU-lo. . , . Mrs. Jessie Purcliuso tiiHame , H'liuu . l.uwj P A Vun/ego and wlfu to J O Ish , hub lot uof lof.'J In sw no Jl-l.ri-ll ! . 1,60 ] ( JtllT UI.AI.M JlKKDS. Julia und 1'runk Kotchmurk to W H .Mll lard , w H lots 1 and 2 , blouk I ! , Duulnu's add . , . i W II .Mlllard and wife to Julia Ketch- mark , w IUH f > 'ot lot 2 , blouk U , sumo. . . 1 K W Traux to J D Ware , lot 21 , Ulook 1H. OniuhuVlow . 103 nuuns. \V \ V Hnytlor lo public , dedication of plat of Klmwood . ; . , . , Ii A Hath , special muster , to Ports mouth HavlngH bain , 41x133 tout , commencing ut pt UM ) tout u of sw corner nul-15-ii ) : . . . ( .407 Totul amount of trunsfors. . . , . . . , , , , . 114,151 To thu 1'ulille. I have no hosiln.tn.tioy In rouomrnoDclIrj | > Cbnmborlalu'tt Cello , Cholera and I lurrhiua rnmoily to thn public , as I do to my friends unu patrons. I usotl It m.vbolf uftor oilier wall liuown romeitlcs had fuilocl ana It cured molnafow minutes. I rucommondilt can- dldly aud ohoor/ully upon Us inorlts , not from a lliianolnl standpoint , bacuusa I have others lu Bloolc 'on wtucU 1 umka u lartfur profit , butbocauso Chataborlalti'i l tbo beat rcmody I Uaovv of for bowel ootnplatiits Ttioro It no doubt ubout It , tt ilooj tbo work JAMKU PouarUruet'ist , MoVoytowu , 1'onn , 5,000 , < ) < ) ( ) , Vltrlflotl paving brick tor anlo , Wo will contruut to Uollvor the above umount within the next nlnoty days. UuukstulT Uros. Munufuoturiny ; ooui- puny , Lincoln , Neb