Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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First Sales of Whont Wore at About
Thursday's ' Figures.
LATER THAT CEREAL PROVED WEAK of Trout In tlio Mnkntn * unit Otlicr
AVoitcrn Sliitcn lluil Sonio hd'iict
Karly , Hut It Would
Nut Hold.
CHIOAOO. 111. , July 3X-A spasm of weak
ness sulrol tliu market In tlio final nftoon
minutes. Compared with lint nUht wliout
closed No lower , corn Uo nnd provisions 5u.
Uxpcutallnns of big rceolpts of wheat tomor
row , uuinlilno I wltli u ropurt th it tlio Hutch
bill hud beun Liken up In tlio ionito : and
Its passngf wus feared , wore tlio onuses chlolly
responsible for tlio downward slulo.
ThoiirU ilui of whoiit wuro lit abouttho
slnsliu prlooof lust nl ht. but tlio mur ! < ot
proved tiil | to for a tlino nil 1 fell ? 2.
Tlio weatlior con.lltlotH were ruportoil
favorable. ( loniLMtlo markets were slow anil
woik , but cables c-imo In slinwliu advances In
no.irly nil Iltiropo in markets. Stories of small
jrloUln from tlio threlior-i were IniltibtrlotHly
circulated mid tlio prediction tnudo tint , tlio
yield of oil this b.i-ds woul 1 drop con
siderably below 530,0 0,0,10 , bit. Mltcnoll , llros-
loiiu , I.ivuii unil others lioxun buylns , and
with no ( jroit utnoilut for s.ilo tt was nil
jnlokly absiirjod and prices gradually
itreiutlioiiod. All tlio > re
covered niu the inurkul bold Htoudy nn ro-
liorts cf very cola wo.illicr In.tlio extreme
north. In territories the thermome
ter WUH mild to In ! down to3i ° ; an iiltuimit
was niado'to crentu sniiio strength on the four
of frost In the Dul-ot is.
An Anlwurp lottomald nn Russian wheat
was ' 'oliis oll'oroil , mill thut Kuuinaliltm crop
WHS only .M pur cent of lust year's. The Indi
cations today wuro considered by many to
fuvor a bljr increase In the visible simply.
In corn there \vns uvulciil ruluctanco to
press H.I Us at prevailing Driers , nor wus ( horn ,
on t boot her burnt , much disposition to buy to
any great extent. Tlio weakness In who tt
toxrniit the elosu oiinsod ROIIIO re a Izlng , I'hic-
tiiatlons wt-ru limited to from ? e to HJcr.inae.
Oats were mtronioly dull anil featureless.
I'rlcu ehanuos wuro unlmuDrliint.
Tim provision in irkut at the opening was
rather llrm and a few orders wnra provided
for tit slightly advanced prices. A weaker
feel In/ was developed , howoxor , nnd pnues
receded on nil the icadliu articles. The mar
ket ulMHUil ritbor easy at Insldo llsuros.
TriulliiK main y In i-cptombor contracts.
Krolchls wuro dull and heavier , 2o for wliout
and IJ o for corn to llull'alo.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wlieat , 400
cars ; lorn. 250 ears ; oats , 22J oars ; hogs. 8lOJ
The lending futures ranged as follows :
Cuuh iuotallons ) were as follows ;
I'l.ouu Sleiidy nnil unchanged.
\VliiAT-Nn. : , 77Hc : No. 3 spring , C7e ;
No. V ! red. 77 ! ' c.
COIIN I.owir ; No. 2 , We : No. 3 , yellow ,
IMie ; No. 3. cash , 4Tc ; No. 4,4'2Jl1c.
UAT < No. 2 , : wyfi.3)Slc ; No. - white , 32Uo ;
No. 3 white. 3l ( © Kc ! ,
ItVK No. " , 07e.
HAIIIXVNo. . ' . ' , C2o : No. 3. no sales : No. 4.
TI.MOTIIV bEUD Prime , (1.33.
I'OIIK Mcs . per bbi. , : lard , per
KOIIiH , i7.27' < iC7.3. ) : short ribs sides ( loose ) ,
17.0 & 7."a ; dry s'llted shoulders ( boxi-d ) , t7.0 , ®
7.2S : short clour sides ( boxed ) . Ss.732.11.00.
WJIISKV Distillers' llulshcd Roods , per gal. ,
Huh tits Unchanged.
Receipts nnd ohlpments today were as fol
lows :
On the I'rodiiro cxchaiiKO today the butter
m nrlict wis : quiet and unclianircil ; croniuerles.
l.VSlt-c ; dairies , l-i ! very linn !
fresh , iGc.
New Vurk
NEW YOUK , July 2J.-Krouu-Hocolpts. 17.W )
pl > K < > : O.OOil hols. ; 1(1,000 ( sacltn ; ( inlet and OIIBJ- ,
with concession of 0lDo npcossury to soil ;
salos. iri-vm hhlB.
COIIN.MKAI , Stonily and nulot.
W'.IKAT Hccolpts , 202,1,0. ) bu.i o.vports. SKI.0 .0
mi. ; s.iluq , r > , . ' ) OUOi'a bu. of futiircs'l2.0JO ; Uu. of
kpot. Spot , moderately uctlvo for oxportb , ! i ©
ilo lower , closing baro.v ste.ulv ; No.
J. red. ft iC In stoio and elevator ;
Kli < 3ii | > ju afloat ; bii ( ® 4VJo f. o. h. ;
No. a red. 7to ! ; ungraded rod , 7SQ7tu ;
No. I northern , tft'8 ' < ttS7uCi ! No. 1 hard.
OlJto ; No. 2 northern , 8j ? c : No. 2
Chleaeo , KMJo ! ; No. 2 Mllwaukon ,
MSe : No. 3 siirlns. 70Uo. Optlon.-
deer.noil ! , o at tint opening , fell olT n further
Mo nnd closed at fium ! io too under yostor-
duy and weak through lower cables , fiiielan
Bcllln ! , ' , alteinpted to call holllnir , larRo re
ceipts , und as under tlui Inlluence of the anti-
option bill ; No. 2 rod July , W.Vc , August. , ' ? ;
( WiC , cloblns atH''ie ; hoploinhor , KI.\Stb I"i0.
closing nt bao ; Octoljor , blJiSliiJe. clouliut'iit
BIKoi December , h7V lbS'io. iloslng at b.J.e ;
May. UiyiifU.Uc. closinu atBIJic.
Itvi : Dull ; sales. auuu bu. ut75o delivered.
I ColtsHoculpth. . 19,103 bu. : oxporta , iliflOO
I bu. ; sales. MUO U hu. of futurosund 24.00J bu.
of Hunt. Spot hluher ami dull ; No. 2 , VJo In
eluvator. Uo alloat ; iin-r.idcd inixoil , Me :
options , July under a sijuee/o of shorts ad-
viiiii'ciUUe , other iiioiitlis uero KJaO lower ,
with et wealhuraiid roall/.lnu ; July , ouffia o.
closliu- Ule ; August , MB-VVoi' . elosftis at , V5c ;
September. ftKiWIJic , ulcsliiK at 5o bid ;
October , 5.l'j"iiic ' ) , eloslii ; ; nt5jt'c.
OATS IJccelpts. K-o.OJO bu. ; exports , 2J.OOO
bu. : sales. _ _ ltauoq bu. futures. Ml.o 0 bu.
tuutt't.,7t , villain * . U.KJJ mi. A WllllU. iflO :
mlxod western. : iH-irci No. J while western ,
liQf.'c ; No , Chlcuuo. 30Wc.
HAY btondv and qulut ,
Hnr.-i Memly. iiilel. |
BUCIAII Itiiw. llrm ; rollnud , steady , fair de
mand ; out loaf , 33-IGc.
Min.A"8KK Korulsn , nominal ; Now Orleans ,
lull , Hluady.
Htcu-Dnll and stcnily.
Kucs ( Julot and wuukcr ; wcsturn prlmu. 15
. . I'r"J'o" , ' rlf utivo , ; domostlo Ilooco ,
Ka5e ; pulled , 2 tocJo ; Texas , i7.Mc.
I'HDViHiiiNtf Cork , iiulet and stoitdv. Cut
tuoiitn. ijulot and steady ; middles , iiulo't.
LAUD Kusy. dull ; western steuiu , olosoil at
I7.IAJ ; nates , " 00 tierces ; options , no sales ; Au
gust , * MO ; Heptombor , 7. 'J ; Ucohcr. * 7 , < to.
llumit-Uhuicu : llrm and fairly active ;
Kculorn , lIlCO.'Ou ; western ernunicry , ITit'JUe ;
fvohtein factory. l" ( I7o ; KlKln , ' "JJSiW'o.
CiiKKHE Moderate domuiid , stoudy ; purt
lUlnis , ' "ittO'ie.
1'Jll liuiN Dull.
uoi'i-r.u Steady.
TIN Firnu atraltg. t.M.CS.
Liverpool .Murliuti.
IiVKiirooi , July \VnKT-Stoiily ; demand -
mand poor ; holders olfor inodor.tteiy. Ho-
: elpts of wheat for past three duys , IH.uuu
ecu in In , Including "l.uin Amoi'luiin ,
C'oit.s Stuudy ; dumanil poor. Heoclpti
of Aincrleuii corn for pant llirco days , 400 eon-
lain.HACON Lou ; and short clear U lb , aOs per
swt ,
Cnttun .Markut.
NKW YOUK. July at Futures closed flrni
nnd Btoadyt aulos. II'.UOO hnlosi Janimry , noiu-
Inall AitKUst , l7iHi7..U' ; tioptoinncr , * 7.il7,4l : ;
Uctobor. $7.51 ; November. J7.Wii7.Ol : Decem
ber. f7.7i4ti7.7l ; .latiu irr. * 7bd'ii7.81 ' ; Kobruary ,
I7.U.III7.U1J March , K.UO&3.UI.
Omiiliu I'riiiluco Alurkot.
Kuos KKKI are comliiK In bukeu nnd the
loss U unusually liouvy. Ueiierut murUct , 1M6
1-SSc ,
1 KAC.IESUiUHornlu , (1,75.
TouATOEb- Southern , f I.2K4I.53 per ease ot
Al'HICOM-IJalltoriila. tl.752.00.
1 , CHUNK Choice. W.M4iaiOj funey ,
OlIAMlUi-Culllornlu , i4.004J4.SS.
III. lCKIIflll.IKIi-M.lll.
ltnriiitii : u U nek. fi.CS ; roil , ijuurts. f 1,50
l'l.UMB--Oullfonitu , fi.5CW.tu
IUMA AK ricillCO.
lluiK.i ANI > TAMOW No. I L'ri'on tildes , aa
No , 1 Krovu nailed hides , 4o ; No. ' . ' treeu ; ktiltoi
lildi > . Lo. No. | Kreen salluil hides , vS to 4'J Ibs- .
o ; No. ' 'lireuil miltoi4hldi ! . 2ito4UILm
I vciilcuir. tiloj&lbti. . no ; No. V voul oalf , B ti
U llw. . aiio ; Na I dry Hint hides. 7o : No. a dry
Hint tit leu. Co ; No. 1 dry milled hides. Mttio.
bheep peltUrouu suited , ouch , U5ctttl.-a ;
lioou lulled bliuurltuyi ( nUorl wooled sarly
sklni ) , oacli , l.VitVt ! ) dry slio.irllnJB ( short
toolrxl e.iriy dkliis ) , o. I , each. WllOo : dry
Bhanrllngs ishort wooled early nbin ) . No. 2.
cnch. 6c : dry flint Kninas and Nournskt
iiitchcr wool po'ts , pnr Ib . ncluul wolwht. IW/i
4Hc ; dry Hint Kniiius nnd Nebraska tourr-un
wool polls , per Ib. . actual woUht , S 12c. Tnl-
ow Mid Rroaso Tallow , No. I , a'ic : tallow ,
No. ! , SKai'ic : Rroaso. white A , aye : Ktoasc.
vlilte II , a o : yollow. ac ; Kro.iso. dnrk ,
2ic ? ; old hotter , 2c ; hccswax. prlmo. 17G.-JCI
rouah tallow , mfole. . ,
I'OTATOKS New , scarce ; southern stook , l4o !
) or Hi.
OAIIMAOE Homo erown , do per dot
MKWINS Wntormulons , pur ICO. $ . ' . " > .0 > 311.03.
NKW Ai'i'i.r.s I'or one-third hu. box , 73o.
WAX IIF.AN. < Half bu. basket , 73o.
NRW Tuiisirs Per bu. . OIP. . . . .
1'nAHH UnrtlDtt , ti.r : ; ether vnr.otlei $ T.O\
HUTTCII I'acKlnir sloolf , 125401'Jo ; small
ts select dairy , LtSlfc.
roUfjTiiv Sprinu chickens , tiJOffllCO , slow ;
olil fowls ,
.St. Louts .Alurluitn.
PT. IjOUi ? , JIo. , .Inly 2u. 1'i.oun Ilnroly
stn-idy nnd unclianod. .
WIIIJAT Slipped back th's forenoon Jiffl'Sc ,
stllToned nt noon , recovering the loss , but toll
olT again and olim'd j'jo below yesterday ;
every Inlluenco was bearish , weather. furulKU
und doinestlo adviues and receipts ; hot
ulaslni ; ut77'io usko i.
touN : On prop noxvs , anti-option bill
progress and decllnesoverywherr. wont down :
ctsh.No. 2. 4ii'foi July , 47Jc ! ; August. 4Vo
uld ; September. 4.'i@l" > JiC , olosInK at 4Jl34u !
O\TS Dull and weak ; nothing dolna ; cash
nnd July , ale ; August , ' 'Jo bid ; SoptemUor ,
'uHc asked.
llvi : NotnliiR doln ? .
lUitl.Rr Nothing dolnr.
KUAN Irroniilar : sacked at mill. file.
lit v Xow timothy , not wanted : old , scarce ;
prlmo toHtrlclly choice. JU.U03I1.3J : : pr.ilrle ,
irlnio to sill odRO , jSiiOTi'l.uO.
IIUTTKH-Uraiiinoty. llia''lo : dairy , ISffll'c.
KIS ! I.owi-r at he.
JiAi : > - H'Jasked. ' . .
lllDN 0 .Tt'O.N 1'IIM 11.10.
WIHHKV fi.ia i.ii.
I'Hovisio.NS-Iii Rood doiuand : unchanRod.
[ 'or. * Htandurd mess , now , $12.73. h'lrd
7.107.1' . Dry Halt Mo Us Shoulders. $723 ;
onxs an I ribs , ? 7.8 1 ; shorts. $7.U" > ; boxed , Ifiu
noro. Ilncon Shouldets. tr. . ' . " > ; lou.'s and ribs ,
shorts , fl.12i. ) ! Hams Sugur cured ,
Kiciii'TM : : riour. 4,0,10 bhls. ; who it. 310/00
in ; eoru.a''ioj ' btt.ioals , l,003bu. ! ) : rye , none ;
jiirloy , none.
MIIIPMIINT.S Kiour , IW ) hills. : whont , a,000
Jii. ; corn. 17,000 bu , : oiUs , 2,000 bu. ; rye , none ;
Jurloy , none.
OH .Market.
Loxno.v. July 0. TUIIPKNTINC SI-HUTS 2a
KOSIN American strained. 4s 3d per cwt. ;
American strained line. 7s lid.
CALCUTTA LINSKKU 81 Od pernuartor.
UllAIIMiiTOX , S. O. , July 20. TUltllfcHTINU
Steady at aiJSc.
KOSIN Firm : Rood stralno 1 , $1.00.
at 27o.
Kosix Steady at $ l.00@l.03.
I'KTHOI.EUM The murkot was below Inst
iilKht's closlni ; pi Ices , and under email offer
ings foil off and closed weak.
I'ENNSVI.VA.NIA Oit/ Spot sales , none ; I'onn-
sylvnnlaoll , August , option sales. I1.0JJ bbls. ;
openlnir , fll'/ic : highest , Aliio ; lowest. 5IUc ;
closlnx. filHc.
LIMA On , No sales : total sales , 11.000 bhls.
New YOHK , July 2U. CoTro.NSBEi ) OIL Dull ,
TALLOW Easy : cltv ( { 2 for packnees ) , 4 5-10c.
Tuiii'CNTiNE- , easy at 2U04c. !
KIIIIHIIH Clly .Uuiket" .
KANSAS CITV. Mo. . July CO. WHEAT Stonily
to low ; No. 2 hard , old , OK&ttJc : niiw , OKSUi'.je ;
No. 2 red. i770c. ;
CHUN Firm ; No. 2 m'\ed , 4314re.No. ) ; 2
white , f > o.
OATS-Dutl ; No. 2 mixed , 2"2rjto ; No. 2
white. 2'c. !
KVK Steady No. 2. .ISc.
l'"i.Axair.D : Steady at ssSOlc.
Il'iAN Sto idy ; .sacked. . " > i32c.
HAY Weak 'nit ' nnch m'o.l ; timothy , $7.50'3 >
fl.o , ) : pr.ilrle. fi.Mifi'J.O ) .
llUTTUii Firm ; cro.imory , ll'iQlc ' ) ! ) ; dairy ,
U © lie.
Ko -Dull nnd weal : . 10'ic.
KL'cniiTS Wheat , 25,003 bu. ; corn , a\000 bu. ;
oats , none.
Silii'.MKNTS-Whoat. 31,000 bu. ; com. O.COJ bu. ;
oats , none.
Wool market.
Pinr.AnnLrntA , Pa. . July 29. Woor/ Firm
nnd In oed dotnnnd : Ohio. 1'ennsvlvaiila and
West Vlrg.nln X and above , ' - ' © We : X. ;
niedlum , IKITWIei coarse , : i2.i.e ! ; New York.
Michigan , Indiana an. I westarn. llrm for X and
XXiio ( ; luedluin. , ' 1-0'tlc : coarse. a.Hc ; : line
wushcd delaine X and XX , 2Mi'l3c ; medium ,
washed , comhinx nnd dolulno , aiCe ! ; coarse ,
washed , combing and doia no. 32 < i 3lc ; Canada ,
washed , combing nnd delaine , a.'f&llo ; tub
washed , choice , IlGUli c : f Ir. 3 > ® ' ! Ge : coarse ,
wushcd , combing and delainel'
Cullt'c ) Inrket.
NEW YOUK , July 29. Options opnned steiulv
and unchanged to .r > points up. closed steady
atr > ® 10c up ; sales. KOO ) bass , Including Auit-
ust , $1 ' . : ; septombor. 812.411 ; October , Jr-.a. ) ;
Deconiber. j2.a-12.40 ! ; Jannarv , Jll.40 ! ; March ,
} IV.40I2.43 ; spot Itlo , nil ct , steady ; No. 7 ,
m37i. ! _ _ _ _
1'corla ( irnlii .llnrlirt.
I'uoniA , III. , July 29. COIIN Scarce at 41 ©
OATS-Qulot ; No. 2 white , 3Hc.
Kru Nonilnul.
TuiilurH1 Talk.
CiiiCAao. Ill , , July 29. ! > ' . G. Lojan & Co.
to Duncan , llolllnnor .t Co. : Wo nave
had a dull and uninteresting wheat market
today , teptembor opened ut 77 ? c , hold and
closed at 77c. There Is no change In the con
ditions. The movement of the new crop In
creases and the absence of a foreign
demand continues. Until this demand
comes we cannot have any Improvement
In prices. The business dolnz In corn was
moderate. The buying has been prin
cipally local. ( iood rains throughout
tliu corn bolt should bu In favor of
lower prices , but many of our
to'.ld men bellovo wo cannot have a large crop ,
and are buyers on all we.ik markets. It looks
hafo to buy around 4So. September closed at
1Stc. ? ult , very
llttlo dolux' . Provisions In sympathy with
corn were weak.
OniCAiin. in. . Juy2J. : IConnott. Hopkins ft
Co , to S. A , McWhorter : 1 ho market has been
rather heavy and the reason irlvon Is that re
ceipts : ire too lar c and the foiolu-n demand
too illicit. If it U the pressure of dullv re
ceipts that depresses the niarkot whit explan
ation can ho given of the f nut that cash Is
cenerally above options In all prominent niiir-
Kiits and Is especially strou : lu that nruKot
( St. Louis ) , which Is KeltliU the bulk of the
new receipts. There It Is 4 } o over August.
'I hu weakness today U iinaccountablo except
on the theory that the prluo generally du-
ellnus when there Is no outsldo business.
Nearly everybody counted on .1 bro.'tk In corn
und that Is prob.ibly why It did not ducllno
materially. The deal HOOIIIS to bu In strong
hands and country Iniyln-t orders como In
moderately. The frloiUs of corn s iv that a
comparatively short crop Is fluro and
u good many dangers are htlll ahead.
1'iovliilouH have been dull and featureless ,
bolllns oil'hoinewlua near the eloso In sym-
p.ithy with oilier markets.
CiiiCAU ) . III. , July 2-j. Counselninn .t Day
to Cock roll lros.Commlhsouojmp'iny ! ! : Wheat
closes weak in uplto of the uniformly higher
oaijlcs , The Improvement In weather condi
tions probably had some orfoct , hut not very
intiuh , Tliu crowd were In u selling humor all
day but did not get well started until
thd close when a weaker corn mur.iot em
boldened the boirs. nnd It went to a
point whom they sola freely In the
face of the liopiovod foreign markets
Urst alluded to. NUMB was moro than ordi
narily scarce. The crop movement la running
along evenly , showing receipts 1,417,631 ,
shlpiiieut.1 , Nlba ) The shipping domund Is
lluhl , Hhlppois tire trvliu to work , but not
succeeding to any particular extent. Sou-
board and winter point prices nro more
aitracllxu llmnmirs. Corn was onsy at the
close. The rainfall In the corn bo't und the
cooler weather caused some country soiling
and Induced soniu shorting of tliu market by
tie | local crowd , but the nulling movement hits
been In force three ilaysaud ItlooUuus though
the sellers were overdoing It. Wo would
rithcr buy than dull now , iiHwoth.nk corn
llkfly to do bettor. Shippers are constantly
In the market and suupllei uro lliflit. I'ro-
vlHlona closed easy with the grain markets ,
P.icklng Interests were Inclined to soil at iho
opeiiin. , but prices dropped oil' too quickly to
permit of any thing being dune , The market
wtiadull all dtiy.
Trailer ! Were HiitmlU-il ulth iliu Ntreiitl |
Dlnplayuil Yt'Hturdiiy.
NEW YOUK , July 2U , The KooU market to
day dlsplnyuil on llio whole u strcnstli which sfuolory lo Iho ndvocalcH of higher
Ugures. Although the trading In Htouk ul
present U still largely professional , there U a
lamer proportion of outsiders Interested In tliu
chunKCR of v.ilum than far n loin tliuu p.iat.
The itlteut of the goH luovomunt was nothing
moro than lo oheuk for the time being the
buying und consequently the amount
of business do'no wus reduced ufior
soiiiu roiilUutliniii , Tim Industrial * occu
pied u Icsi prominent position tn
the market than during the last
few duyi. but Sa-fut was bllll u lo ullng nctlvu
ohiiro , slid pursued u coiirsiiH motliliig similar
to lliutof yesterduy. u material reduction beIng
Ing followed by a full recovery. Among tlio
r.illroud Hat AtchUou was the lo dor und on a
comparutlvtily largs builuu U wua uiovci
about t per cent. The conversion of the In
comes It N felt , will mid largely to the value
of tbo stock , whllo the showlntt ot earnings by
the com puny have of Into boon satisfactory ,
The only other prominent stock which thawed
any nuiterl tl lluctnation was Western Union ,
reaching today within 211 per cent ot pur.
AtnniiK the Industrlals.thc l.o id stocks bcunino
thn stroir , ' feature , thn pro tor rod rlslux about
' . ' per cent , but the others followed the load ot
Huzar. The market closed stron ? atabnut the
best prices. The trunietloii3 roachnj 210,1)31 )
listed nnd 31,742 unlisted ,
Government bonds have been dull and
stoutly , mute bonds have been dull nnd
The Post snys : In the o.'irlv tnullns today
Wall slrcot was not In a mood to receive any
thing lint fiivorahlo nowa Fortunately there
was nt li.iiul one distinctly favorable fact In
Iho day's development , That the week's
weathiThas hcen Wonderfully pruulllous to
the urowlimorop. all trustworthy authorities
acroo. rinch uxcesslvn heat as the whole conn-
trv bus experienced Is Ir.ifllllannllr "corn
weather. " nnd It came on acorn tooted In soil
saturate : ! by the May Hoods. As If lo stop
predictions of ii'dtouth , heavy ruins were re
ported today as falling throughout the ( train
The following nro the closlns mtotatlons for
the loadlnu stocks on the New York Stock ex
change today ;
Atchlson : i ? * < | .S'ntlonnl Cordnco . . lIMf ,
Adntut Express - _ .N..I. Central. , 1374
Alton , T , it 31 Norfolk A Went. | ifit UH
do preferred 150 Xorth Alucr. Co . . . 141
American Kxpri'sn , . ll'.i Xorthorn I'nclllc. . . . 5IJ4
lultliiiore ! , V lllilo. . . 117' do pfd tftii
L'atindn I'nclllc W. II. 1 * . Dun ACulf. . . 1 H
CaMiiiln Miiitlierii , . MIS .Northwestern I17J (
Ccnlrnl I'nclllc , . . , , , 30' ' < do pfd 141
Chen. * Ohio 21 ? N. \ ' . Central ' " '
ChlniKO A Alton. . . . lr > N. Y. AN. K
C. . H.\i ) 10IW iiutiirlo \Vestdrn. .
ChlcniiiKins , OrcKon Imdrovo . . .
Connolldntcd Cns , . . Urcirou .N'uv , . .
f.UC , &St. I II. P. ! * A. U. N
Colorndo Conl & I. . 'nclllc .Mull
Collou nil Ccrllllc's . . . , Dec. A , H 17 ?
lci.Hudson IW. I'lttshuri ; \ ! > J
I ) . , I , . A W " I'ullmnn I'nlncii l'JiL
1) A It. C. pfd Ho.'idlui ; .
H.C. . K. Oo Itlchmoud Term. , , . HU
Kaftt 'Icnncssco ' . . . do pfd 404
Uloliruudo West. . . Mi
do pfd Id do pro 7lf
KortVa > no IM'i ' Itock lilnnd SI
lireat Northern pfit. I > ' .i r. 1 7 M
Clilcimo .V K. 111. pf < l irj tt. Paul t.Vf
HncXInit Valley. . . . ; i".J do pfil t . _ ,
lllluoH Ccntrnl 101 St. I'niil AUmnlin . ( ) l
St. I'aiilA Diilutli. . 44 do tifd HU
Kiomis .tTcxna pfd V74i s'outhcrii I'ni'lllc. . . . 3'b
l.nUu Krlo fc West. . . 2I > Miunr Itcllnury HHIj
do pfd Tl TCIIII. Coal A , Iron. . S-'lli
l.nko.Shoru \\W \ \ I'llKIWl'llC'IIIC 1' ' } !
1.cud Trim t 'M lol. & 1) . ( ' . pfd 81
Loulsvlllo. % Niish. . 71' ' . Union I'nclllc IlbM
l.uulHVlllo A. N. A. . - > n U.S. Impress 6ii
MuuhiittnuCuti. , . iiJ : ! < Wnbnsh , St. 1 , & ! . . 11
'Atcmiilils , V Clinr. . . 60 do pm 2C,1 !
Mlchlifiin Central , . . I071- Wells KariroKx Ill
Missouri Pnclllc. . . . ( U ) Western Union U7)i
Mobllii.VUhlo 33 Whcollni ! lilt. K . . . 3I)3 ) <
NiiHliTllluL'nnt 8'J do pfd 27
Nntluuiil Contact } . .
hid. { naked.
Tlio total sales of stock toil ay were 2IS.B7J
shines , Incltnllii : Atclilson. : i.l.-r ( > ; Ohleano
jas , ( i.lO.1) ! Dclawuro. I.ncUawann.i ft Western ,
ft.TJU ! Urlo. 3.7.Wi l.oulsvlllo & Nuslivlllo ,
LOW : Northern P.iclllc. MiSi Now Kiuilaiid ,
ft.IM : KoadInir. . ' < , )0 ) : St. I'mil , . : i'iO ; Missouri
Pnulllc , 1 > ,7IU ; Western Union , 21.310.
What llniiUtrutil'M 8.15.1.
NEW Yo'tK , July iO.-llrailstrout's thus ro-
vlow.s tliostock markut : Althouli the cxccs-
blve'.y lil li toinporatnio uoulil liavu Jiistllled
eoniploto siH'Ciilatlvo HtaKiiat.Inn , the market
tills wool ; has shown strength with n fair
amount of activity. Thofu.ituro of tlioniovo-
meiits , It Is true , lins been tlio industrial
blocks , and tlio manipulation In which loadlne
memlierflof this Kroni ) have generally attained
lilKli qnotutlnns have been of an unmistakable
charuotor. Tlio npocitlattvo community has ,
however , rexarclod the movement In question
as n dccldod chair.'o for tlio nnprolitablo stag
nation thai hud hitherto prevailed In Wall
struct. At this tliuo It Is notlccab'o . .sen
timent In tCKard to railway securities lias
MN'iiiK over tu the bull side , mill that so far
as the railroad list participated In tlio In
creased activity Its tendency was mainly In
the ( Hicetlon ot a hlKlicrlovol of values.
Kuropn.m Interests have continued IndllTnr-
ont to tlio condition of allalrs here , und while
no ptcssuro to Hell our soutirltlcs ha- * ap
peared from that point , tliero was a marked
absLMicoof buying for London account. Sonic
alljlit Improvement In public participation
lins hccn noticed. althou'h so far us this had
any clfect upon the market It was mainly
conllned to the Industrial list. Loading op
erators , It would boom , still hesitatln totiUo
native p.irt In the market Is Ihe cause far tlio
market LelnE founil la uncertainly regardln
the fate of the Hatch bill In congress , and the conlllclini ; advices Ilrom the west
ruxardln the weather and the crops.
'llio condit on of corn \VHH to touio extent
tlio chief factor of Interest , The icjelut of
accounts. Indicating : that hot weather and
drouth had lowered the average throughout ,
the corn bolt , was not without ell'ect. al
though later advices Indicating that abund
ant rains had restored the favorable con
dition moJifloil the early Impressions.
The streiuth of ovchanzo and the four of gold
shipments fiiinlshcd anothercauso furspccu-
latlvo hesitation. Notwithstanding these
drawbacks , however , the soncral market has
exhibited .in exceedingly atroim undertone ,
and while such advances us were secured may
bo ascribed in utirt to t-ympnthy with the
rlso In the Industrials , the liuurusslon re
mains that any movement In railroad shares
would assume u bullish uhnraclor.
I.niiilitn Financial Jtovloxv.
IKnim Jama Conloij'iu ! { . |
LONIION. July20. [ Now York Herald Cable-
Special to TIIK HEE ] A fair aniount of busi
ness has been transacted In the Stock ux-
chanze today , which Is more especially notlcc-
aolit Just when so ninny pcoplo are leaving on
tholr holidays. Funds are unehancod , while
Indian rupee p.iper U ! lower , owing to the
weakness In hilver. Homo lallwaVH met with
a uood ( leal of attention. .Midland at one
period foil li ! per cent , hut on the an
nouncement of the dividend iiiitiy recov
ered nnd closed > 4 per cent higher. Great
Not thorn Issues Improved ! i per cent to 1 per
cent on the dividend announcement.
A small Impiovcmcnt U also established
In ( ireat Western. Hull ft irnes oy. Mid
land. Noitheastcrn. London fc Northwestern
und .Southeastern defened. American rail
ways have been qtiltn active throuijnout the
day. buyerti having como forwuid more freely
than for some tlmo [ last , croj ) loports , in-
cro islns tr.illln and reports that the south
western roads luvo raided rules causing n.
more confident feeling. Not much Importance
Is atlachud lo the ihro.ituno 1 gold shipments ,
asthoy are known lo bo no.irly at an end. and
money has continued to Itonilru ? . Short loans
have Uocn freely ollered at ! > per emit. In the
discount niarkot few b.Us have boon brought
forward , those at two and three mouths being
quoted ut 1 3-1(1 ( lo is per cent.
N w York .Monuy Market.
Nr.w YOUK , July SiMONCV ON Oxr.r , Easy
at 114 to'J pereonti last loan l5 ! , close oll'ered
I'JUMG MiniRANrii.K I'Ai'Klt 'iyUO ] ior cont.
hTKIll.INil KxcilANm-julet ( but Htuadv at
JJ.H-lor'slxty-day bills and Jl.Bj'i for dem'aud.
The closlni ; quotations on bonds :
I'limiK'lHl Niitoi ,
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , July 20. Oloarlnzs ,
Ni\v YOUK , July 20. Cloarlnji. tOI.Ol'SI ;
bnlancca. t\l0',4i7. ! CD
I'AIIIB , July 20. Three percent rentes , DSf
U5o for the uccoiint.
OMAHA , July l"J.-CloarInKS , 1701,033 ; satno
day last week , timO.OU. ' ,
HAi.Tiuoiie. Mil. , July SO. tiloarln s. 11.707.-
031 ; balance * , tlJI.OO'J ' , Money , 'J per cent.
rini.AiiKl.l'lllA , PH. , July 20. ClearlncH , 110-
108,107 ; buluncen. llblVOiii Money , 2 percent.
I.O.MION , July'.U Amount of bullion ( 'onu
Into thullaiikof Knulaml on bulunccn today ,
CINCINNATI. O. . July CO..Money , Uio per
cent. Now York exchange , Ko. CluarluKU.
I1.KM.7M ,
MttS3. , July SO. Olourlaen , (13.UI-
531 ; balances. II.MtUJLi Mnnov. 2H3 per conl.
i\chun ; o on Now York. 5&So dlsoount ,
ST. I.ouis. Mo. . Jlliy'sO.-OloarlnRs , JI.S C.M7 :
Jiilnticei. $ (2ft.40l ( , , , Money flrni nt f > ttO per
tont. Kxchiinso niil&bw York 2.W dlssount ,
Citli'AdO , 111. . .Tulj-c.ii. Oloarlnits , tlt.l'iO.OOO.
Now York oxclmtiKOf i K'o discount. Sterling
ixrhanxo dull ; sixty-day blllc , JI.S7 ; ilcunnd ,
II.83M. Mnnoy stoiitljrat 431 percent ,
Cnttlo HpcntarlneSiliiiowhut from Lute I ) -
lirculon Ho'ttVAVonk niul l.tnver ,
OMAHA , July S. ) . itucolpti for the past flvo
lays foot up 11,487 cattle. 27.fllO hos and n.147
hhei'p a alnstaNltleiiltlo , 2..fil liogn and 72S
shout ) the Riimo llvo'dnys Inst weak.
The supply af ciittln was not by any moan ! )
c.xccss.vo and u nd ) nharo of the offerings
were wcslorn calves and vcurllliKS. Doiliablo
cornfod c.ittlo were In nctlvo dnniiind and us
ihuio were comti.iro.ttvo y few of this kind
iidro prices ruluil stroiiicr onorally about
Oo hliihnr ; There wus nothttiR really choice
: icre , but local , Hhiu.iin' an I export buyers
boiiu'ht fnlrtoRoo'l.l.OJOII ) . to Iiff0-lb ; , steers
nt from $1 00 to J4.00. The wo-tlcrn cattle were
moitly feeders but some fnlr f,2. " > 3-lb. Rrassers
Hold for MIS , A vo.fnlr clourancu was
There were some flficon or sixteen cars of
cous and mixed stock on sti'c , and with u very
'air ( lemanil nrle'js ruled stundy tn slrotiir ,
Jtllsldo of u small bunch of holfors tint
liroiiitht $ l.2."i solos were lurijoly at from 1 1.8.1
Ioil5. with nblB strlni ? of fair westerns nt
(1.10. ( Hulls were f.euree ami Moady at from
M.K ) to J2.ii ! , There wuro lots of calves hero.
from J . ' . ' ' 3
mostly westerns , nnil they sold at -
to Kl. ' . ' , > .
The stookor and foi'dor trade was not overly
active with prlem i-iillin ; about the s.unu as
they have for Iho past fuw days. S.iles were
mint y nt from IJ..V ) 10 Jt.uo for fair to cooil
HtulV. with plenty of common to very fair
stock tit from 12.00 to $ i53. llopresentatlvo
s ties :
1. . .190 200 0. .11110 230 43..1ifi.1 300
8. . 270 2 15
No. Av. lr. No. Av. Pr.
132 cows. . . fnr , | 1 10 74 heifers. . fiiO $125
7BCOWS. . . . 8V5 I BJ ai holfora. . 511) 140
(10 ( feeders. 57 ! ) 241 t bull. . (110 ( 153
74 feeders. 8,15 2 ( iO 120 calves. . . 17 J 230
75 feeders. 851 2 OJ 2H calves. . . i',17 280
28 feeders. 1017 3 IIO l'J7 calvus. . . 185 21 M
100 Halves. . 174 321 23 calves. . . 211 280
5T1 s too rs. 1258 315 10 fecilors..lOfi1 221
HOeS The market was very uneven with
prices ruling weak tu lOc lower than Monday.
Hilppots were oven moro bearish than local
buyeis and bought peed lo choieo medium
wolKht nnd hu.ivy boss at from i5.35 to t.1.70.
This was all of So to lOc lower than Tnurscuiy ,
the same IIOKS soiling then at from ? VCJ to * . " > , SJ.
On the common. Unlit and mixed liozs prices
ruled weuktofio lower with prices raiiKlnR
from S.1.3J to $5.50. Hiislnoss was r.ither slow
and drawing all niornlni ; but the noon hour
found the pens fairly well emptied. The bulk
of the tr.ulins was at from Ji 50 to $5.35 against
W.50 to J 1.0.1 Thursiliiy , the general average of
prices paid being * > .5)V4 ) aniilnst $3.5UJ ! Thurs
day and J3..rU4 lust I''rlday. ' Kuuiesentullvo
hams :
No. Av. Sh. I'r. ' No. Av. Sh. I'r.
5 . 254 40130 73 . 20J 3JI$5f)0
i . asa 530 ( w . . .ssa 120 550
! i . . . .310 5 40 ' 07 . 231 12'J 5.12'S '
40 . 215 3.0 5 3J 74 . 207 200 5.1JJ1
7J . 2.4 3M ) 530 23 . 223 45 551
8 . 241 10J 535 ' ' 33 . 10.1 80 553
07 . 15'J ' 40J 5-IT - O ) . . . . 220 8J 551
GO . 181 2t > 0 ft 40 r 71 . 101 SO 5.15
t > ' ) . 1S7 2.0 5 4J . 70 . . .237 100 551
1BJ . 2J OsO 540 75 . 24'J 200 555
3 . . . 1U1 510 n . 2JO 80 355
S3 . . . .210 233 5 45 _ M . 200 1JJ ( & .15
h4 . . . . 101 3.0 54.1 78 . 212 1:0 555
r > 4 . 217 ICO 545. ' . 71. . . .223 1U ( 551
70. . . . 2U 103 5 45 J. 73 . 223 200 555
74 . 203 81) ) 5 43 f 84 . 2 ! 81 5B5
70 : . . . 212 410 545 J C3. . . ' . ' 35 210 555
5 . 2.,2 1GSI 5 471J 83 . 210 20 555
Kl . 213 2JJ 5 W ' C7 . . . . 210-.2JO .155
I . USD 550 . , G'J . . . . ' . ' 44 2.0 555
C'J ' . 212 ICO 5 50- ! 14S. . . . . ' 2.i3 120 557U
05 . 217 2SJ 550 75 . 220 40 557JJ
70 . .TO 240 55) ) 51 . 275 243 G CO
{ 3 . 170 101 650 70 . 233 5 00
75 . 2s7 120 550 05 . 213 20J 500
58 . 254 5 50 O..2U7 80 SCO
00 . ISO 60 550 52 . 219 8J 500
02 . 24) ) 100 550 01 . 209 120 502S4
70 . 200 2CO 55) ) M . 2M 160 5G2'/
72 . . . 2.1 J 203 550 55 . 22rt 40 5 0''li
OJ . 245 21) 550 55 . 217 120 5 t5
72 . 215 103 5 53 03 . 250 5 15
.V ) . IM 120 553 01 . 230 100 B 05
M ) . 202 ISO 55) ) .13 . 2o'J 505
U ! ) . 211 101 550 f , ! ) . 235 240 605
75 . 2i4 : IU ) 5.10 72 . 247 5074
03 . 2.7 4'JO 550 Kl . 255 40 570
79 . 2i1 I2J 551 5'J. . . .182 120 570
45 . 377 100 550 8'J . 217 - 6 7J
5ii . 204 210 5 fO 59. . . . S .l 120 570
05 . 223 20 550 03 . 2b7 M 570
rios AND nouaii.
1 . 50 510 4 . 232 120 620
3 . 213 120 520 1 . 310 525
SiiKKp.-Acaln the market wus bare of sheep.
Good muttons are wantu : ! bud y at fuliy
steady prices. I'alr to coed natives Ji.7.vii :
1.50 ; fair to uood westenib. f.L5j@l.25 ; com
mon rnd stock shoop. $ .M f&'i.J-J ; KOOU to 4J to UO-lb liilnhg. tl..V)55.VJL )
HecelptH und Dinpimltlon of Stoclc.
Oniclal rocolpth and disposition of Rtook as
shown by the books of the Union Stock Yards
company for the twenty-four hours cndlnj ; ut
. * > o'clock p. m , July 2i > , ! > ! ) ; .
Clilrago l.Ho Stoclc Murltot.
CiliOAilo. III. . July 20. IKpcclal Tolegrnra to
iiKltUK. ) 'I'hero was a better tone to the
cattle market today , but not much Increase
In prices. Thut values were firmer was by
reason of decreased receipts and cooler
weather. The arrivals weio nearly H.iiOU head
ICKS than for Thurbday and of that number
all had merit were bought up In good
season. The rano of iiiiotat.oiis W.IH from
ll.unto * . " : A row vagabond cows sold at from
tl.uo 10 $1.51 and extra I.5JU to J.'OO-lb. steers
were quoted at from ? . " > .vJ ! to $ .VJO , Texas for-
nlshcil half of today's receipts. Cnttlo from
that stHlo were quoted at from t\\ \ \ to $ .I.5J
for poor to choice ghlbucrs and ut from S.I.50 to
81.00 for fed. , , i
The hog mnriiet.'nn . ? firmer than on ycstor-
terduy. Choice soria did not facll porceptlhly
higher , but the average of prices for common
to good grades wusnbout flu stronger , Sales
were at from J.'i.M'.ilo { 3.73 for common to
medium nnd at fnJiii't'i.ft'J ' to Jtl.Oj for good lo
prime. It wus pretty common stun that had
to go below J.'u > , \ 'and ' most the trailing wus
above .70. ICxtr.l 'ns ortod were quotoJ us
high us f J.IO and wilc.f of culls wuro ut idos.
Tliu pruport ou of-good heavy hogs was small
and not many sales wore noted above t\0l.
Thuro wus a qifljt"4lieup ) trade today and
very llttlo change In valuer. UooU stulr sold
strong and tliu poorer grades were fully
steady , Ijtuuus raiuulncd llrni. Hales were on
a buals of from t'0 to Kl.uu for culls , ut from
MM lo (1.1J for icoinir.on to medium and nt
from J 1,75 to l\7li ( vKiK < > o I to choieo. of
lumlis worn prlueru'j.Uy at from ' > .50 to fa.5u.
Uo'-ulpta : < JailQx.WOOJ : hogs , 13.00uhcop ; ,
4.0JO. iiiui
The Evening Jouriinl reports :
OATTI.K KecolpU.o.o ; shipments , 4,000.
JIurKot sloitdy. Udort to prime steers. JI.5) ®
/ > .U3 ; others , fA7Wi .S3i to dinI .2 4iJ.70cows ; ,
llixiB Kocolpta , H.OW : shlpmonta , (1,009. (
Muikolopened aleady ; closedScloirer. Itough
I'or every ono \vlin has blood trotihlo , no matter
in what Hhapo or how long standing , pio\ided
uonoof the vital organs ha\o IMJCII BO far Im
paired as to render a curu impossible. B. B. H.
goes to the root of the disease , und mnrncs the
cause , by expelling the poison from the body , and
at tliu nuiiiu tiuio is a toiilotothu vvhulo
However bad your case nay be , there Is bono
Cured me of a most malignant typo
of chronic blood trouble , for which
1 had u cd various other remedies
without elfect , Myclght incrrofccd. anil my
health Improved lue\cry way. 1 coubldcrB.H.b.
the best tonlo 1 uver used. , ,
"H. A. WUIOIIT , Midway , Oa. "
Treatise on blood , nktii and contagious blood
poisou mallcU Irco. 0WUTT Bl'KGlVUi CO. ,
nnil common , 8V.53O.1.CO ; mlxoil ,
and butchers welshli , $ .VWitVUJ ;
. .
HIIEKP Hccolpts , O.ODO ; shlbtnontii , 2,001 ,
Market steady. Nntlvpi. Jl53.10J : Rood
westerns , (4.05 ; Texans , $ l.7.ffil.7. ; Iambs , M.M )
easa _
Ni-w York l.lvo Stock .Murlipt" .
NKW ViitiK , July 2fl. HnuvHs Hocolpls , 1.C8S
licad. Inc'iidln-jllrars for sale : no dcmnnn ;
innrkot very dull and .Me per 1JO Ibs. lower ;
twenty-six cart unsold ; nntlve stcor , $ .1.7 , " }
MO per 100 Ib * . ; buIN and cows. } I.O.'S12.V ' ) ;
ilrcoed bcof very dull. 7'4'38 ' ' < { o tpr ) ib. ; shlp
monta today , CIS beovcs ; tomorrow , 7)10 ) rjuur-
CALVES Uccclpm , 403 lieailj innrkot dull and
wo.ik : ve.its , j.'ir > kjtaro.
Siir.Ki1 Uocelpw , 4,717 hciid ; shcop voryilow :
Inmbs dull ; raninion , > iu lower : sheep. $ J..rd ®
r > .7 , " > ; innilH , WoixiJi.2j ) : drowsed muttons slow ,
fcllci ilre - el lambs weak , UiJi''o.
lions Hecolpti. a.51.1 head , vonsimicil dl-
rect ; maikut nominally Rteudy ,
City l.tvi ) Stock 'Murknt ,
KANSAS CITV , Ma , July 20. CATTI.C Uo-
colpti , ; i.3)0 ) ; shipments. 2.1U1 : the niiirkot w.\
moro iietlvr , with caltln Rtronx to hlKhor ;
others stonily In nio t clnssoss >
4.f > o ; cows , a",7VIi'J.7."i " ! ; stockois and feeders ,
$ i oa' . ' . ; ' , J : steers $1 ( W'2.10.
Iltma Uccolpti , 7.BOO ; olilpmcnts , 40) : the
market was sto.idy tn r > o lowers all pr.ulea ,
JI.iOa ( : > . ! ) J ! bulk. W.60SA7S.
SIIKKP Hocolpti , ilOJ ; shtpmontii , 400 ; Iho
market was strong for Rood muttons , stonily
for liimbs and lower for common and Texas
snacpj muttons , { 1 50QI.01 ; lambs. fA.5'ja.,7a. '
St. I.nnln l.lvr. Stock .Murltot.
ST. Ioui8. July CO. OATTM : Hocelnti , 1,003 ;
shipments , :1.SOO : : market slow ; fair to
good nallvo steers , ( fiojavoil : medium
to ordlnury Texutii , t2.'oa3.l < 0 ; cun-
nois und cows $ ! .10it20.
lions Hecolpts , 2,201 ; ililntnoiiK ROO ;
market steady : hoiivy , J.\80ffiauj ; ml.xed , JVHJ
faSltt ; llijlit. J1.7J85.DJ.
Slll'.Kl' Hecclpts. 8JOBhtpuiontJ. ; . 1,300 ;
market higher ; iood muttons , $ , * > . ; iu.
Tlio Old Timers nro Not In It.
Wltllo nt our storu at Hie Island , Vn. , Inat
April , I was tulcon with n very severe uttnok
of dlnrrluttii. I had never hnil It worse In
my life. I trtoil old-tlmo rotnodlos ,
such us Ulackbr-rry Wltio , 1'nroporio' nud
Laudanum without KoUlne rollof. Mj' niton-
tlon was then called to Cliamborlutn's Cello ,
Cholera nnU Dlnrrhrna Hotnedy by Mr. U , C.
Tlnsloy , who had boon handling it there , ami
In less than flvo tninutos nftor tnklnp n small
dose I wus entirely ix'llovod. O.Q. lluui'Oiii ) ,
Harris Crcok , Anihorat Co. , Vn ,
Postnmstor CliirkMini .Mrets Iiic
Jluslness by Appointing L'lvn New Alcn ,
Postiimstor Clarlcson 1ms been authorized
to appoint flvo moro mall curriers. The fol
lowing hnvo boon promoted from subcarrloM
to carriers : Charlct K. A. Johnson , John H.
Stein , John C. Parltor , Henry E. Uunnor ,
Edward O. Fisher.
The followiug have boon appointed sub-
carriers : Jnmos U. Wood , Clifford 1' .
Daniels , Franlc Fogarty , L. Ewers , John
Eich and \V. A. Bowman.
These appointments are subject to tbo ap
proval of the postmaster general.
Omnha now has sixty-seven carriers and
seven subuarrlcrs. When Major Clarltson
took the otllca a little ever two years ago
tboro were only forty-llvo curriers con
nected with the ofllco. S pea it In K of the In
crease in business nnd of employes the post
master said :
"Tho department at Washington has
treated mo very kindly. I have boon
gr.intcd nearly everything In the way
of extra help that 1 have asked.
I have boon careful not to ask for anvthing
that was not an absolute necessity , and when
the inspectors have como hero I have hud no
diniculty in showing thorn that we needed
what I had requested the department
to crant. It has been dinicult at
times to convince iho department
thut our needs were growing so fost ,
but when the inspectors como hero
I tnko them in my buguy and show them the
territory our carriers have to cover and the
business we have to handle , and In every liir.
stance I have succeeded in convincing them
tbat wo needed the hole for which wo bad
asked. "
As n delicate llavor , delicious and refresh
ing , Cook's Extra Dry Champagne takes the
load. Millions of bottles uro sold annually.
City Prisoners I'urnUlied with Delicacies
of it Very Queer Character.
An Innocent appearing pie caused consider
able consternation at the city Jail early this
morning. It was sent In for a prisoner who
took ono bite and said ho didn't euro for anymore
moro just then , lie was not fond of pie , any
On examination the Interior of the article
was found to bo composed of decayed mince
meat and worms in nearly equal quantities.
The health Inspector and tho" meat Inspector
specter were called in and decided
that thcro wus something ration
in the combination which has the
contract for serving meals to prisoners and
asked that a warrant bo issued for the arrest
of all parties implicated. The city prosecutor
cuter refused to sign the complaints and the
police will present the pie for the inspection
of the mayor and police commission and
ask that somoaction , bo tuKon.
Ko body
tlscs that his blood
medicine doesn't
Dinount to much.
They ro nil of
them "tho best. "
But there's only
one of them tha'c's
good enough to
tltiarnntcc and
that is Dr. Pierco's
Golden Medical
Discovery. "With
tfinf , if It falls to benefit or cure , in any COM ,
you have your money back.
It's a medicine that CIOTS , In nil dfccosea
caused by a torpid liver or impure blood.
It's not like the sarsaparillas , which claim
to do good in March , April , und May. All
the year round , with equal benefit , it cleanses ,
Invigorates , nnd builds up the entlro syBtem.
If you're bilious , " run-down , " or dysiicpttc ,
or sulTering from any blood-taint or disorder ,
that's the medicine you need. For tbo worst
forms of Scrofula , nnd in the most stubborn
Skin and Scalp Diseases , such as Salt-rheum.
Tetter , Eczema , Erysipelas , nnd nil kindred
ailments , nothing can equal it as n. perfect
nnd permanent remedy ; The genuine soli
for fcl.X ( ) . Beware of spurious i'miaion ( ( (
or dilutions , offered at le&i prices.
Union Stofck Yards Compan X
es t cnttlo. hog and sheep market In Iho west
OllMIIM I Wrlto to this houu for cor-
, UJlAllA I rtot Marl:3t R3pDfti.
Wood Brothers ,
Foutli Omnha Telephone 11'iT , - Chicago
J. 1) . DADISllAN. I
W. K. WOOl ) . fMannzorj.
Market reports by mall an i wlro choorf ally
furnished upon application.
Campbell Commission Co. ,
ChlcaBO , EistHt. Louis , Kansas Clly , South
Omuha. aloux Cty | , Fort Worth.
A. D. Boyer &Company ,
RSiindTi ! ) ICxohnniro Iliilldliu.Bonth Omahi.
Corroiponilonconollcltad nnl praiuptlr aniwanl.
bpvclal alluullon to orJcrj for tockor A fuodorj.
Kutabllihcil , 1831 . . . Incorporate , 13JI
Capital fully paid , I'Ai.uJJ.
Waggoner Hirney Company ,
Wrlto or wlro us for prompt and rollabla uiarkut
Perry Brothers & Company ,
Llvo Stock Commission.
Uoora 61 Exchungo Htilldlng , Houth Omaha
Toiephono 1707 ,
M , H , HogartOo. . ,
Uoom ill HututJ
South Ouiaha , - Neb
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Tn eminent ipcclnllit In norvoni , chronic , prlvnlo. lilnol , akin and nnnnry cltipusoi. A reollr und
rcElitrrcd urnilimlo In uicilcluo , ni dlpmmn < nnd curllllu-ntesnhoir. liillll trcAllnii wllli the greatest aucccii
rntnrrli , iperinulorrbocs , loai mniihoo t.iemlniil wcaknuii. nltht IOMBI , linpoioncy , i/phllts. sirlciuro. Ken
orrhuoa , uleut , Tnrlcor lectc. No mercury lined. .Now iruiilmunt forlosjof ilmi powi'r , 1'nrtleunublo 19
vl'll mo may bo Irjnlo I l hornu by corrcnpondencu. Moilldna or InilruniHuli tout by mall orazprosi i * .
curuly packod. no mark ! to hullcntu conlonla or Hinder. On o personal lalervlow prelurrod. Coniullaitoq
fruo. l on , ] poiulcnfu itrlctly privato. Hunk ( Myilerlai of LJIo ) iont fr 8. Oflluo houriUa. m. to'J p. in.
Bundaji to a. ui.lo U m , bond Hump lor rcolr.
Council Chamber. Omaha. Neb. , July 21 , 1802.
Ho It ordained by the elty council of the city
of Omaha , the Mayor concurring :
That poi mil lion t sidewalks be constructed In
the elty of Omaha an designated below , within
live days aftur the publieat.on of this resolu
tion , or the service thereof , as by or
dinance Is uiithori/ed and ioiiilrod | ; such
sldo will Its to bo laid to tno permanent grido
as I'.stihllsheil on on the p-ivnd streets speci
fied herein and to bo constructed of stone , ar- htnnn. brluk or tiling ueeor.lliii to
Hpcclllcatloiison lie In tlo : ollico of the board
of publlo works , und under Its supervision , to-
wit :
South sldo of PInrco stroot. It a 1)1 U 200 elty , 0
feet wido.
Kast sldo of 10th street. Its 4 and 5 blk 219
elty. 0 feet wldn.
( outli slilo of Mason street , 113 blk 231 olty ,
8 feet wide.
North Hldoof Davenport street , Us ft , 0 , 7anu
8 ink 5' > elty , 0 feet wide.
North side Chicago street , Its ! > , 0 and 7 , blk
41 olty. ( i foot wide.
Hou'th sldu nfC.iss street , Its 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 blk
44 elty. U feet wide.
North blloCiss Btreot , Its fl , 0. 7 and 8 blk 22
olty , U feet wide.
f-outh sldo of California street , Its 2. 3 and 4
blk 2. elty , C feet wide ,
North Kldo of California atreot , ItsC , 0 , 7 and
8 blk 11 olty U feet wide.
Hou.ih uldu of Webster street , Us I , 2 , 3 nnd 4
blk U city. U feet wide.
North side of Webster street , Us 0 , 0 , 1 mid 8
blk 3r > ) elty , II feet wide.
South side of Hurt street , Us 2 und 4 am ! w ' /
It 3 blk : i.VJ elty , U feet wide.
North sldo of Hurt street , Its 5 , 0.7 and 8 blk
KW ulty , i ! feet wide.
West sldo 17th street , Us 1 und 8 blk 44 city'
0 fuel wide
West dido of 17th street. Us 1 and 8 bile 22
cltv. u feet wldo
WCNI uldo ot 17th slreet , It 1 blk 11 city. 6 feet
Westsldnof 17th street , Its 1 and 8 blku : > 0
olty. 0 feet wldo.
West sldo of 17lh street , It 8 blk 333 city , 0
feet wldo.
West sldo of 17th street , U 1 blk 2IUi oily , G
fcot wide.
North sldo of Davenport street , Its 5 , 0,7,8
Ulk . ' > 2 city. U feet wide.
North side of Hurt atreot , llsfl , 0. 7 , 8 blk 310
city. 0 fcot wldo.
And. bo It further resolved :
That the board ut publlo works bo , nnil U
hereby authorized and directed to 0.1110 u
copy ot this resolution to bo published In the
olllelul paper of Iho oily for ono week , or bo
served on the owners of mid lots , and that
unless such owners ah/ill within live duys utter
the pub ! cut Ion or hurvlcu of such enpy con-
Htruct such sidewalk us herein required , Hi it
tliu bonrd of publlo works cause the same to
bo done , the coit of constructing bald sldo-
wnllfH respectively to bo assi > csud aguliiHt tlm
real estate , lot or purt of lot In front of and
uhuttlii r nilch sidewalks.
1'a.sed , July - ' " " - ' " -
President of the Council
Atlcsl : JOHN GKUVKH ,
Cily Clerk.
Approved : OEO. P. HEMIH ,
To the ownoru of Iho lots , parts of lots and
real estate described in the above rosolu-
You and 0.10)1 ) of you uro liorooy nottllod to
conntruot permanent Hldnwulk * an required by
n resolution of the elty council und mayor of
thoulty of Umuhu , of which Iho ubovo Is u
Chairman llourd of Publlo Works.
Omaha , Nov. , July mb , JbJJ.
Council Chamber , Omaha , Nob. , July 21stISM.
Hu It , resolved by the olty council of Dig
city of Omaha , the mayor concurring :
That wooJon sidewalks bo constructed In
the city Omaha us designated below , within
live days after the piiblle.illon of this resolu
tion , or the personal service thereof , us by
ordinance U nutliiirl/ed and rcquliod ; buou
sidewalks to bo laid to the present grade on
thoKtrcots ftpcel'lod heroin , and to bo con
structed of plno plank of such width and
thickness and bo laid upon joists of kiicl )
( Unions oils nnd In rnich manner as Is pro-
bcrlbcd by tlio spcclllcatlona on ( lie In tin
ollleo of the Ilo ird of Publlu Works and under
Its supervision , to w.t :
West Hide of 31st street , lot 18 block I.Omalm
Vlow extension. ( I foot wide.
West nldoof iilHt street , lots 1 to 4 Inclusive ,
block 21 , lloehiiio'HS'.ib In Omaha Vlow exten
sion , a tout wldo ,
West sldo of 31st street , lot 1 blook 20 , Omaha
Vlow extension , II fuel wldu.
West side of 31st Btreot , loll blojk7 , Omaha
Vlow , U foot wido.
South Hide of Ohlostrcet. lots 1 tn 10 Inclu
sive , block I , Hitchcock's addition , 4 feet wldo.
South sldo of Ohio street , lots I to 11 Inclu
sive , block 2. llllchcock'H addition. 4 feet wide
Knstaldoof SUlhiivo. , lotH 10 to II Inclusive ,
block 2 , Hoggs & Hill's second addition , U feet
KnstHlilnol2athnvcnuo , lots 11,1.1. 10block2 ,
Hoggs ft Hill's ' 'nil addition , ( I feet wldo.
South side of Douglas Htioet. lot 1 block a
Hoggu & Hill's 2nd addition li fool wldu.
North sldo of Dndgo street , lots 11 to 20 In-
cluslvo block 4 Dr.iko's addition. 0 feet.
West side of 28th avenue , lots 1 , 2,3. 4 blocks
Hoggs ft Hill's 1st addition. 4 fuel wldo.
tout h nldo of California street , lots 1 InBln-
cluslvo block 4 Swooiy'u addlllun , I ) foot wldu.
Kust Hldoof 2Uih street. Iota IU loXO Inclusive
Fulrniount Place , I ! feet wldo.
North sldo of Ohio street , lots 7 to 12 Inclu
sive , block 1 , Frudorlek'H addition , II feet wtda
North side of Ohio street , lots 7 to 12 Inclu
sive. .Marlon addition , 0 feet wldo ,
West Hide of 2Uth street , lot 1 block a.Swoezyi
addition , it font wide.
Went slile of L'Gtlihtrcot. tux lol25 , sec 10-15-1
0 feet wldo.
West sldo of 27th utrost , n y block C , Hhlrm'n
liit addition , Ofcol wldu.
West sldo of 27lh street , a ! ' , block 0 , Hlilun'
1st addition. G foot wldo.
And bo U further rusolvud :
That Iho Hoard of Publlo WorKs be nnd
hereby Is author.zod iiid directed to cannon
copy of this ruiolut on to hu published In the
olllelul pnper ot the city for one week , or bu
tefvud on Iho owners of H.ild lots and unlvmi
suoli owner.Hliull within IIvo days Hflor thi >
publlcallnn or sorvlco of MII ih copy comtrnot
s ilil b'lduw ilku nn hundn required , that Iho
Hoard of Publlo Works uuusu tliu same to bo
done , the coit of constriiellng s ilil sldowulka
respectively to bo ustossod against the real IM
e < tnte. lol or in rl of lol In front of und abut-
tin- such sidewalks.
Puksod July 'Jilt , 1312 , V
111' . DAV1H.
PrcHldenlClly Council.
Attest ; JOHN UHOVK- ,
( Jity Cleric.
Approved ; OKo. P. 1IKMIU ,
Muyor ,
To the owners of the lots , puru of lots and real
( istuto described In iho above roitoliilliint
You nnd euohot you are huroby notllliid to
con truct wooden Blduwalk u required by u.
reuoliitlon of the city couui'll and mayor of
the city ot Omuha , of which the ubovu U &
copy ,
P. W. ,
Olialrman Hoard of Publlo Work * .
Omaha , N U , July UtU , Ib'Ji jy28U7t