THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; .SATURDAY. JULY 30 , 1892 ; CANNING FACTOItt BURNED Explosion of 0. eollne Oausos the Destruc tion of a Fremont Plant , SLASHED BY AN OMAHA CITIZEN W II. lltxfortl Uses n Two KJccil Lnnco on .lurk Cranny's Tliront I2 l Hughes .Sconrcn II In Liberty No. braska News Notes. FIIUMOST , Nub. , July 29. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun 13nn. | The Fremont canning factory wo * burned this afternoon ootwoou 8 and 4 o'clock. The lire originated by an z plosion of gaiolluo xvblcb was being used by the Clarendon Uros. for soldering caus. The explosion was followed by the rapid proad ot lira whlnh communicated tbo flames to a largo urou of the Interior of the building. A atream of water was Immedi ately turned on from u hose kept for tbo pur pose , but It was of no avail. The mam building und onglno liouso wcro consumed but the machinery was not rendered en tirely uselccs. Tbu luclory belongs to the nssuti of the de funct Nebraska Mortgage and investment compaiiy und was probablv worth tll.OOO. It was leased by Clarendon & faons , who were propuiiiiif for the year's work. The loss by lHo lessees will bo uoout TuO , with no insur- nco. The loss on the plant will bo oullru , Rs thcro wus uo Insuranco. WILL KX'lliNII Till : , SYt > Ti.M. : Lincoln' ) * ICIcctrlo Knllwny to Itu li'nprovoil in Aliiny ItmpccK. LINCOLN , Nob. , July IK ) . LSpoolal to Tnn Dr.i : . ] The syndlcato which two weeks ngo purchased tbo Lincoln City Eloctrio railway will comtnouca oxlonsivo Improvomoata at onco. The line has Dover paid cxnenscs for tbo reason that It lacked facilities for Imiidl- IiiK' passoagors and was limited m tbo scope of its territory. The now owners will not oulv ro-oqul the entire line with the latest anil Improved rolling stock , but the line will booxtonrlod In several directions. Ono ex tension will run u.nt ott Unudolph street while anolhor will run west , to the now Nor mal collcgu coar the state Inianu asylum. Two moro Important extensions will Do added , ono to run louth to the town of Uon- Holt aud tbo other north to the village of Kaymoncl. The latter lines will como into direct competition wltb tbo ropular railroad lines und an effort will bo made to divert the trafllco of tbo farmers alotip the lines. Facil ities will bo furnished tbo fanners and mar- Jint pardoners In brinK'lnc their produce to market. Nearly $100,000 will bo Invested In the enterprise. Crushed by a rllo Driver. Fred Lavrons , an oirjrlneor In cbargo of the pllo driver working on the Fremont , Elk- liorn & Missouri Valley railroad , hau his urm criubud iiiid torn from hU body at Z o'clock this afternoon. The machine is at work at Davny , u small station on the line twelve mlles north of the city. The construction train was standing on the siding wailing fern n passenger train * to pass , when Lavrous sat down in thi ) sbado to whllo away tbo time and fell asleep with ono arm across tbo rail. When the car upon which the pllo driver Btandt wus inovod back to the main track the wheel passed over his arm , severing It completely several inches above the elbow. Tbo injured man was brought to Lincoln and placed in the hospital , wtioro ho Is receiving the best of attention. Ho U an unmarrlod man aud bis homo is at Missouri Valloy. hiiuH the City fur DaiiuiKOi. M. L. Trcstor , a prominent citizen and bustnois man of this city , has sued the city of Lincoln for damages In tbo amount of $1,050. Mr. Trobtor Is , or rather was , last sprii'p ' , the proprietor of a small store on North Twenty-seventh street. Early ono morning in May Im place of buslnots caught llro , and owing to tbo fact that tbo lira alarm system failed to work properly tbo building mid contents wore burned before the lire de partment arrived on the sceuo. Ilu asked the city council to reimburse bun for bis loss , but thai body could not sco the matter in tliut light. Ho therefore commence * suit in tbo district court for the above amount. Lincoln in Ilrluf. Ono of Bohanan's llvory horses ran away this fornnoon and broke its neck at Ninth and M streets. The sanitary trustees of the city nro in Bosslun this afternoon for the purpose of levying n tax on tbo property of the sanitary district to bugin tbo work of straightening bait creel : . Will Murray , a 14-year-old boy living at Eighth and U .streets , was badly cut with a razor in the hands ot a boy of tbo sumo afro. Tbo two boys were engaged in a light. A Tbo grading for the now olcctrlu line to Burlington beach has been finished and tbo iron is being laid at a rapid rate. The line will bo ruady for operation next week. Ambrose Eddy baj sued the city for $2,500 damage ; ! occasioned by the change of the pradeuf the street in front of his residence property. ti. H. Martin commenced suit against tbo Union Pacilla todav for $5,000 damage * for the death of his lather , who was killed at West Lincoln several mouths ago. Nut Sillllclcnt ICvlclonce. HASTINGS , Nob. , July 2' ) . [ Special Tele gram to TUB BiiB.J Ed Hughes , the man Who was charged byMrs. . Grace Pouhington With obtaining ? i25 under falsa pretenses - tenses given - bearing , was n prollmluai-y ing lieforo County Juugo Burton today. Hughes was arrested in Lincoln at tbo in- Btnnco of Mrs. I'unnlngton , who claimed that upon rcprnsontnllonB made to lior by Ilugbes that bo owned certain property xho Had loaned the amount In ( | ucstlou to' him Tbo dufontiant claimed that the amount was R simpli ) loan und acknowledged his In debtedness. At the conclusion of the testi mony Judge Burton released tbo prisoner , as there was not sufllclont evidence to hold blm. It was said that Hughes would thorlly be roiirrosted upon tbo name- charge md thai additional evidence would bo ad duced. _ UHIMI Tivo-Kilioil I.iinco , FitRMOST. Nob. , July 2t. ! [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun DIE. ] About 1 o'clock tbis morning \V. El. Ucxford and Jack Cranny bad an altercation on lower Main street. During the melee Cranny , received a slight cut on the throat , and upon nearctiliig the ildcwallt afterward , u sharp two-edged lance was found. It is supposed to bo tbo instru ment which Hex fora had in bis band when be reached for Cranny's throat. Kox- tord wns arrested on the aluirgo of assaulting Cranny with intent to kill , stab and wound him. ftls preliminary bearing win set for -I o'clock this afternoon , When the examination was continued to Augiui4. Hall was tlxod at fl.OJJ , and Hex ford wont to ] all in default. Thu nrltoncr Is a voturiuiiry burgeon and lives lu Omaha. Arranged fur u DUtrlot I'ulr. Wium , Neb , , July iiD. [ Special to TUB BBB.I There has boon organized hero , by Pbulpi , Kearney , Harlan and Franklin counties u district fair usioolailon with a capital of f 10,000. ilitlr of this amount will bo paid by August 1. Tbo organization has purchased land u half inllo from town , and will have the latest Iflto-nt.apou ratio track and will bu rrady for fair this fall. Yesterday the State bank of this place sold UH bunking house ana plant aud will dlt- coutlnuo business within the next thirty days. The Dank ofS llcox is the purchaser. Citmu .In it in Time. IluuiioLDT , Nob. , July 29. [ Special to Tim JKK. | A much needed rain visited tills sec tion yesterday , which insurai u fair corn V- crop. Tbo tbermnmntor roglitors IX)3. ) wbllo it lib * uvuracud lot3 all the wook. WM.COX. Nob. , July SO. ( Hpoclal to TUB HKK.J Wednesday night thin and adjoining counties were vlvltod by the heaviest rum of tbo season. Two and ono-balt inches of water fell. Farmers are Jubilant , Secured u Now rro UIUNU J LANir , Nob. , July 20 , [ Special to Tim llBB.-l'rof. | A. M. Wilion , A. M. , I'd. D. , of tbu Nortluvastern unlvorslty of Ton- H04JCO has boon olootod president of the Urand Island Uuptltt college. Prof. Wilson Is a praauato of Donnlson collcfro , Uranvillo , O. Ho has taken a poit ( trndunto course in Yale and has boon teaching for throe years. Uo was hlahly recommended for tbo position by Dr. Hooper of tbo Chicago university. Long I'lnn'n Lese PINE , Nob. , July aO.-lSpoelal Telegram - gram to TUB BEE.J This Das boon a very cool day at and tonleht campers are skirmishing for extra blankets. The lectures today wcro well nttonuo.l. J. C. Ambrose of Chicago gnvo to night his lecture , "Tho Uurasot.1 ' and presented the subject In a highly Interesting form. Ho has became very pop ular with tbo audloncos nod is sure to draw n crowd whenever announced. Colonel Alex Hogcland U on the grounds and will deliver his lecture , "Ton Years' Work Among News boys. " Sunday afternoon. Great prepara tions are bo 1 tip made tor the closing day next Monday. In tbo evening a concert will bo given after which a grand display of fireworks will toke placo. Mrs. Kolthloy , the musical director , Is very successful with her work. Sbo possesses n vary line voice. Audlor.cos are favnrod nn.irly every day with ono or moro of bcr solos. As the a - sembly draws toward its close the interest does not subside In tbo laaat , tbo attendance- IncT.-'noIng steadily , and It is bollovod that next Sunday will witness the largest crowd of the session if it is a pleasant day. Illllud on the Itock Inland. LINCOLN. Neb , . July 'JO. ( Special Tele gram to TUB DKB.J Coroner Crlm received n telegram tonight saying that a man named John Kcsling bad boon killed on the Hook Island railroad In the eastern part of this county. The man was caught between n Hat car and n sand trap. Hu was u German and hat no relatives In this country. lu the absence of the coroner , SburllT McClay wont to the scene ot the accident. Urutim'x Miirlumimi , GIICTXA , Nob. , July ! i < J. [ Special to TUB Bui : . ] The first annual shooting tourna ment under the auspices of tbo Urotna Gun club will bo hold hero August 4 , for which programs are out and line spenlal prizes are bung up In addition to the regular purses In oacb event. 'Nino events nro booked for the day , including live birds 'aud targets , single and doubles. Now Church. FAiiintmr , Nob. , July ! 29. ( Special to THIS Bun. | The contract for the erection of IUIHW brick church building has been lot by the IJaptlsts to R. 1C. Allen & Son for $3,000. The building will bo located on their lots at thn corner of Sixth and F streets , and will bo llttod with steam boat and electric lights. htntn Nor mill buliuol Clmugns. Pniiu , Nob. , July 29. ( Special Telegram to Tun Bcc.j Prof. Taylor , teacher of botany any , ecology and zoology in the Nebraska state normal school , has Imndod In tils res ignation. Prof. Henry 1) . Duncanson of Lincoln nas been chosen his successor. Two Hoys Orownml. Bi.uii , Nob. , July 29. | Sneclal to THE Two sons of William Howe , living ton miles north , wore drowned yesterday at Denner's lake wbllo llshlng. Their boat was capsized. _ T11KMIJ LIONS LOOSE. I.llto Unnlol , of liibllcul J'uiiin , Some Chicago cage Itt > i > rti > i-i4 Defy tin ) l.lnim. At tbo conclusion of ono of Barnum & Ualloy's matinooi In Chicago last month Mr. Goorno Conldln Invited a few representatives oftho press into the main tent , whcro , bo said , a private performance was to bo given. Ho Insisted on placing thoroportors In a ring by themselves. Wbllo tholr attention was oeing dlstraotod by a sham scuflllo in the other end of the tant Mr. Conk- lin , wltb malice aforethought and blood in his eye , lot tbreo wild un- muzzled African lions loose upon tliom. The nross did not got rattled , however , but simply picked the kings of the lunglo up by the back of their very loose necKs , prioa their mouths open to HOC their toatb , nnd llnally walked out of tbo ring whllo tbo lions calmly lay down In the sawdust and looked at ono another with expressions which Boomed to say : " \Vo cannot harm the good. " The three lions , by tbo way , were Just 4 months old and their foot touched Mother Earth for the lint time , and tbo oxtraordln- ary nerve that wns ivqulrod to beard the Ho" in'hls sawdust lair was born of thn fact tha the shaggy beasts had not yet cut their oyo- tooth. Tbis is only ono of tlio attractions of the great show , lor in every department there Is moro novelty and now features than any other show coming hero contains. If. the reader will stop and think that , it requires a princely for tune to equip a show like Barnum & Halloy's ' und then go to any mercantile agency , ho will Hud that no ether showmen in America liavo tbo money to put out n show of ha'.f its size. This being so , how can they bavo an exhibition to compare with Barnum & Bailey's ( Again , there is only ono man capable of putting on a spectacle like "Columbus" and bo is Jmro Klralfy , now under contract to the Barnum & Bailey show. If anyone will tai < o tbo trouble to measure the main tent of any ether show coming bore bo will discover that it is not largo enough to contain Ihrco circus rings , two stages and a hippodrome track. Tbe alleged - logod quarter-mile track will dwindle to ono- sixteenth , Just one ouny little platform will bo found in u clicus ring , tbo center poles no hlqhor than a Salvation army tent , the uana scarcely up to the lattor's twelve tiers of seats , as against Barnum & Bnllov's thlrtv- six. and so on all tbo way through. Tin reality blushes before tbo advertisements and the facts seem to say , "how stupid to oomparo this crojs-roador to Barnum & Bnilay's , which comes September 14 , for wo are good enough In our way und can bold a fair com parison wltb Lemon Bros , but no amount of deception can tnnko the publia believe that a humpty-dumpty 'town hall' show can equal n Henry Irving production. " DoWltt's Sarsiip.irllm cleanses tbo blood , increases thoappotito and tonns up the sys tem. It has bdnolltlod many people who have suffered from blood dUorUers. It will bclpyou. l.iconnc . Tbo following marriaeo licenses were is sued by Judge Ellor yesterday : Numu nnd uUUrosH. Ajo. ( j Oust Johnson , Omaha. . . . . i'ii I Selma Hwiinson , Essex , In . ' . ' 1 I H. U. Ooan , Mount Kphrian. 0 . 21 I Anna K. TlioiiijHon , Omaha . 17 I Krocl Moldonhaiior , I'laUsmouth . . . . . 33 I Mrs. E. I'orrnhf , I'latUmuuth . 43 I Iticlmrd. 0. Williams. Council muffs . 35 1 1'orsonnlaii A. C. liorton , Omaha . Ui DoWltt'sSardaparlUacloansai tbo blood. ItUltdlllK 1'lTlllltS. The following purmiU were the superintendent of buildings yesterday : lliuibcom .I'ark Motliojlst Eplsconal church , two-story fr.ime and brluk churcli. Twunty-nlntli and Wuolwurth uvonuu . $ lr ,000 August I'uterson , ono-atory frumo Kruunhousu , : &U Sjuth Klfteuntli Hlreut . I.OCO Hl.\ minor purmlta . l'J > > ) Total Disoaio never successfully attacks tbo sys oui wltb pare blojJ. UjvVul'a Sirup irllU tmalces pure , now blood and onrlobuv bloail r an iimu : Oniiip.niy. Ill the county court Charles Smith has brought suit against thu United States Ex press company for750. tbo prlco of u magio luutoru , Tbo plaintiff avers that in Juno 18 he consigned the lantern to tlio euro of the defendant at Its ofllco at AlcbUon , Kan. , to bo uont to Omaha , but instead ol taking cam of the property und ilullvoiliig it the defend ant allowed tno lantern to bo lost In transit. DON'S ' REVIEW OF THE WEEK Money Abundant and Ohe.ip and Collec tions Generally Good. BUSINESS IS IMPROVING EVERYWHERE Uintltylng mill IiUilrliiK | llopnrH Trout KvorjIlinliirsi Center Omnlm > Trnelo CoiitliiunVKxcollont The Weekly Clearing Home Statements. Nr.w Yonif , July 29 , H. O. Dun & Co.'s review of trade says : Tlio weather has boon extremely favorable lor tbo pro win ? crops , excepting in 11mHod districts , wtioro dnnmyo bus boon ciouo by violent storms , and the crop outlook is on the wbolo decidedly Im proving , Manor has boon abundant and oboap and collections generally iood ; for tbo season , and tboro are no signs of threatened dis turbances. Finished products at Iron and atoel nro stronger and W to f3 par ton ulphor , but Rrcater domornllzatlon Is expected in high Irons unless tnoro of tbo consuming works start speedily. Bar itnd shoot Iron are very uctlvo aud manufacturers ot pinto and Iron bavo more order * than they can well hnndlo , but no Imptovomont Is scon in nil la. In w.oolons there Is n bettor demand and moro nativity Is seen in purchases of wool , while the cotton mills continue to do well. Hoot and shoo shops are running full of business and shipments oxcooa last year's every wool : . Kcpnrtv from Oil lug. Business at IJo.Ucm Is active. The demand for i'jiithcr Is steady , manufacturers buying frculy. Wool Is linn and active , aud tboro is n prosooot of liottur prices. At Philadelphia inanufacturoa iron im proves , realizing coal business is very uutlvo , wool is llrm with increasing demand and dry goods arc activo. -AtUultlmoro hot wcathor retards much trado. At Pittsbui'R Droducts of iron and stool prow strainer and window class is fairly aollvo , but coal dull. Dry poods bavo improved at Cincinnati , the crops look better than a year ago. At Cleveland trade is active and the wbolo production of manufactured iron is quickly absorbed. Trade is quiet nt Detroit. Trade aud collections are bolter than n year ago at Chicago , oven retail increasing in spite of hot wuatbor. Receipts of wheat , corn and cnoojo foil u tblrd and of rvo and d.-cssod beef a halt below last year's ; but some Increase is soon In wool , butter and hngs , a gain of n quarter in Hour , a third in cured moats , while receipts of outs mid lard are double und of barley ol ht times last year's. Business is moro prosperous in Milwaukee , and up to the tworcjja in St. Paul with ox- ceptioual crop prospects , but Minneapolis reports Injury by storm. in Omnna trade is notivo. Trade Is fairly active in Kansas City. Llttl ? Improvement appears at Memphis or Little Hock und trade is dull In wow Or- luuns , though prospoots are brighter tbore and nt Savannah. AlrucUul by the Hatch Hill. Speculation has been curiously affected by the proipocts that the Hatch anti-option bill will fall , and whllo cotton has advanced tfo with enormous sales of 770,000 bales , lard und coffpo are higher ana corn is J o hlehar for early delivery , the supply being scarce. Wheat has fallen 3 o , with sales of only 15,000,000 bushels , and oats } o. Was torn receipts of wheat nro boavy. Itocelpts of cotton are light and exports slightly raoro than lost year , bat sales of phantom blocks exceed sales of tangible and visible cotton about 5'J to 1. The syndicate is sold to have sold out all Its old copnor , and the price Is strong at from ll c to 120 , but load Is weak with some solas nt-lo , und tin quotations atS'JO.43. Money has boon oxtromoi easy nt 1J per cent und from nearly nil parts como reports that the markets are well supplied. The treasury is gradually stronelhomng ilself , ns s needful and comparatively e-isy at this season , uut when iho fall demand lor monov comes the markets rnav speedily bo affected unless gold comes buck from abroad in large amounts , American buyers of stocks nro encouraged by Improved crop prospects. Ttio Business failures occurring throughout the country during the last seven days num ber nlnoty-tbroo , as compared with 107 last wook. Compared with the corresponding week of last year , the ilgurcs were 217. CLU.utiNu HOUSI ; STATK.HKXTS. Omnlia Continue * to hlioiv it rerccntiiRO of Gain IlepnrU from Otlinr Cltloi. NEW YOKK , July 29. Tno following table , compiled by Bradstroot's , gives the bank clearings for the week ending July 23 , 1893 , with percentage of increase or decrease , as compared with the corresponding wools in 1891. Doiiilnloii of Uaniiilii , Mzntroal. . . Hullfux , . . . Toronto , . , , 7.8 Hnuilllun. , Total . . .S'ullitcluiluil In lu lull , Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. o-bf IACT Tlmt AVU1VS Sm-s/ipnrllla / CUKES OTHKIIS of Scrmujous Diseases , Eruptions , Dolls , hqzpnm , Liver and Kidney Diseases , Dyspepsia , Hlieu- matlsin , niul Calarrirsliould bo con- vlnclng tliat tliQi saino course of treatment WILL cCuuu YOU. All that has been saiil.of the wonderful cures effected by the , use of AVER'S Sarsaparilla during tlic past 50 years , trutlifully applies to-day. It is , in every sense , Tlio Superior Medicine. Its cttra- tivo properties , strengtli , effect , and flavor are always the same ; and for whatever blood diseases AYKR'S Sarsaparilhi is taken , they yield to this treatment. When you ask for AVER'S Sarsaparilfia don't be induced to purchase any of the worthless substitutes , which arer mostly mixtures of the cheapest in- gradients , contain no sarsaparllla , have no uniform standard of ap pearance , flavor , orefTcct , are blood- purifiers in name only , and are of fered to you because there is moro profit in selling them. Tnko Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver Si Co. , Lowell , Man. SolA by all Druggliti ; Price $1J nix bottle , $5. Cures others , will cure you HEALTHFUL , AGREEABLE , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics , A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , ilEtc. A Delightful Shampoo.I- WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water VETERIHARYSPECiFICS For Horses , Cattle , Sheep , Dogs , Hogs , AND POULTRY. 000 1'ngo Book on Tri'iunicnt of Anlmali und Chart Hunt 1'rce. ccitEsi I'ovcrH.CoiiKfKtlonii. Inllnmmntlon A.A.i.Siillliil Dlniilnaltili , fllllk foircr. Jl.l--htriiln , liameiiL'fis , Itliuumnlinm. ( , ' . ( ; . DlHleiiiptir , riniial lllschuricua. I.U.--ItolH or ( JruLs , Wiinns. l'.K. CiiiiKliH , IIcnvuH , I'nriimnnla. IM' . Colic ur Orlpcx , Ilellynclio. c ; . < ; . - - ; > ll carrlnin' , IlnmorrliaRCH. II. --Urinary nud c . I.I. Ernptlvn Dlnrnnc.s , 1 HIIRO. J.K. DlspascB ol' IHffCHtlon , 1'nrnlyBls. Single Ilottlo (01 ( tr SO closes ) . - - . ( JO Mtublo C'nHCt with Kpcclflcs , Manual , _ Veterinary Cure Oil and Mod lea tor , 37.00 Jnr Vcturluary t'urcOH , - - 1.00 Sold bf UraitUU | or irnt prtpftld ftnywbfr * anil In may qaiilllr en rrcelpl of prlre * itD. to. , in * mirmum st , x.wiori. la 1110 30 ; enra. The only incei ful remedy for Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness , and Prortration. from over-work or other causes. $ i per vial , or 6 vials and Urno vial powder , for * i. Sold t.y l > ruxcUlir atil j- * p iatjn rcrtl ) t of prlco. . t4l.f 11 * 113 UUUan8Lt < iT York. THE SHORfEST LINE TO CHICAGO s via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented onthis map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NA3ir..Gen'l Agent. Tooth jFoocL This medicine for brtbics prevents and cures pains of teething and resulting diseases , not by putting children to sleep with an opiate , for it .contains no harmful drugs , but by supplying the teeth-forming ingredients which arei lacking in most mothers' milk and all artificial foods. It is sweet and babies like it. $1.00 a bottle , at all druggists. ' r Send for pam phlet , "Teething Made Easy. " THE REYNOLDS ; MFG. co. . CINCINNATI , O. , 'D ? . Bailey , Sr The Loading Dentist " Third I'loor. P.ixton Uloolt. I'clophono 1085. Kltli and Farnam Sts. A full nut of ti'ctli on rubber tor 15. Perfect > et 1'eflh without iilatui ur Mtuovnbto brlilno work | u t thu tlilnu fur ulngura or public jionkuro , never Urup dotrn , TKKTH EXTRAOTEI ) WITHOUT PAIN All lining ut roauoiinblu rntcvi. All work wairuntou. Out thlsoiil for uuuute. NK ' _ IHth lOilliiuii l > o tpuld lorl'S THE HUMAN HAIR , Why It Kulls Oir , Turns Oroy , anil the lomudy Ily I'rot. 1IAHLKV I'AHKKH , V , U. A. 8. 1) . A. I.UNU A ; O . . 1013 Arch Streut. I'hllnilelphla. Pit. uuuDliuulUruaaililillUlu buuk. Attivnwuui. JUST THIS WEEK. Next Saturday Night at 10 O'clock The Bellman Administrator's Sale Closes. No matter how many teoods are left it closes sure , as the good will , lease , fixtures and whatever is left of the stock is then transferred to the Columbia Clothing Company , who reopen Monday morning , August 1st , with a brand new line of every kind of CLOTHING For Men and Boys. In the meantime this week only , the same outrageously low prices will prevail. You will be sure to find something you want and prices will in duce you to buy. . WINDING UP IIELLMAN'S LSTAT12. He 11 man's Administrator's Closing Sale , Corner 13th and Farnam Streets. AM U SEM mN'T 3 ALMOST HERE. Monday is Circus Day 'o ' n REAL ROMAN HIPPODROME. 3-lUiiK Circus , Elevated SI ago , Mighty , Millionaire Menagerie , Far- Famed Horse Fair. Largest Llvlnx Hippopotamus. Sports of Ancient Homo. Colossal lOU-Aot Arnnlu Display. CHAKI'KS . 1'JSII. World's Greatest fomor- suult Klilcr. HEED SISTKI18. Kuropo'a Premier Eques triennes , ItROTUEHS VEHNO.X , Ktnpoiorsof the Kly- Iii4 Trapeze. J.OOO OthiT Kuatu res 1.000. Show Grounds-Oth nnd Paul streets. Adults 50e. Children imilor I'-i years ! i5c. FARNAM STREET THEATER , < nlslits-4 Cummcnclntf Sunday iiiiitlnoo , Juljr 31at. Come und laugh lit LITTLE TIPPETT. Harrison & Hull's comedians , WI3DNK. 5DAY MATIN13B. Week July 2 5 15TII AND CAl'ITOIi AV1CNU1C. MJMJI MJMJi LULUI iai.ui LULU1 TUB MAQNKTIU GIIIU I.UI.UI VON YONHON , THAT Ilia B\VIHIU THEATHIl , Iir.AC'K DIAMONDJ. Jill' VAN WINKI.K. SKATS 6 CUNTd. BRICKLAYERS PICNIC. Twelfth annual plcnlo of the Ilrklcluycra union will bo hold AT COFFMAN , NEB. , SUNDAY , JUI.V 3lat. Train loaves Webster street dupotOUO& : , m Itound trip tlcliot-s , SOc. THE EXCURSION OK T11K Omaha Turn Vereiu WIMy HE HELD SUNDAY , July 31st , To the Great Hide Range at Hellenic. Hounil trip Me : olillilrun > o. Tr.-tln louvos nt UiW a. in. Tickets ut H. Kumlo'n , Kcl , Muuror's unil J. J , l''roiiliuuf's. ' Save Your Eyesight Kyus tested free uy un KXI'KRT ol'l'IOIAN Perfect adluutiiioiit. Superior lonsei. Norv- ouBhouduulio cured by uslni ; our Hiiootuolcj und KyojIiiHsoi Prlcoj low for llrjt clusi xood& . THE ALOE & PENFOLO CO , 114 S. 15thSUCroli'hton Uloolc. PAIL MAP HEALTH FOODS Parched Rolled Oats , Unequalled in Flavor. Corn Gritz , Sold only in 2 } pound packages. Velvet Meal , For uiulllns and genus. Solil by nil Find-Class ( r. > cnr < . ThoMolCIn ley Republi can O a m - p u I g n Cap for this cam- imlxn. Tills cut shows It ns It Is , with tin bund and vlsor.Ainor- ( can tin nnd American olotli. ) sola to clubs for 75o ouch , for nno or a thousand. Ily dealing direct with the manuf.iuturor , the wholosalor'8 und mtuHeir's urlcita iiroivolcluil. All orders should lib iiudrL'ssud to tliu I'KO- TECTION 'JA1' MANUKAOTl'UINO CO.M- 1'ANV. mil Orcon Ktruut , Nu\v York Olty , or O. M. COrr , On.ahii , Nobrasku. Send In or- ilors us u.irly us pnasljilii. NEBRASKA Nationa'l Bank. U , S. DEPOSITORY - - OMAHA , WEB Capital $400,000 Surplus $05,000 Officers and Director ! Henry W. Yntos , prculilont IU U Cushion , Tlco nrojliloill , I ! . H. MnnrlooV. . V , Mono , Johnd , Collins J. N. II. Patrick , l.owli A. Itoc'il Cneliler. THE IRON BANK. Healthful Out Doors if mon and woman of nil ages know how easy It is to bicyolo how safe hculthful joyful economical nil the world would cycle As cycling loads oxoruisos of all out-doors , 'so the Columbia leads the cycles of the world Hook about Colnmtilim free at Col- uinbln nxoncloi , ur sunt for two two- rantBtniiips I'ojiu Mftf. Co. , a'l Col- uniUiisAvc. , llontoii. To tlienwnuraof nil lots , pirw of lots und roulostutu ulonx.'lHli uveiiiio from Iju.avuii- wortli Btrool ID south line of Kills I'luco : Von uro liuruliy notllluil tiiut tlio uiidor- nlKiiuU , tlirou UUInturualuJ froohotilnry of tlio ultir uf Unuilia , hit vu biion duly appoint ml hy the mayor , with tlio iipproviil of tlio city counuilof uilil city , to iissuss thu Uumiuo to tlioownuri roipiicilvoly of thu property uf- foulua by uraillnzUitli itvonuu from loivou- wortlistroot tOHOiith llnuof Kills I'liioo. do- olureil uoueHinry by ordluunoo No. Ul39pmiud : July 5 , IS'J. . npiirovod July U. IHJ. . Von uru furlhor notliluil , that Imvlnx no- ouptodHiilil iippolntiiiuuu undiliily iiuallllud uu roiiilrcd | by IHW , wu will on thu I MI day of Auii t , A. I ) , IB'JJ. nt the hour ot IDo'olook In the forunooi ) , lit the olllou of John I' , I'luolc , nt room MI , Ulmtnbur of Coni'iiuruu , within the uornoruto llriiltKot Hiild city , moot for the liurpoauof conalJorlii' < mid uuikliu tliu an- Hossmuntof Uaimitfo to tl0 | OWIION rospoot * jvoly of milij proporty. ulfoctod by mid urud- iiK. titkltu Into consldurutljii upoclul bono- lltH. K iiny. . \ on nro notified to bo iiroiant nt the tlmo uiid plitco nforuMiild , und inuUu liny objectlona to orHlutomoiits ooiioornlnir 8ild iinsusai of UHIIIUSOS us you iiiuy ronsldor iirnpur. JOHN I' . Kl-AOK. T. 11. MoOIII.UHJIl , , . . . . JOHN IJ. HKKVI5H. Omaha , July 19,18) . ' . . J. E. McGREW THE SPECIALIST. Isunsurpassml In tliotroatmontot all forinanl KIVATK DISEASES , and all dlsor.lorl und dobllltles of youth anil manhood. ITyoaiy pxpcrlcnro. Ills resoureos nnd faollltloa ara practloally unlimited. The Doctor Is rooom- niemlud by the pro s , and endorsed In tha strongest terms by tin ) people for fair trnnt- inent nnd hoi.ost profosiion-il ndvleo. Tha most powerful remedies known to mndurn BC pnuo for the suoeossful treatment of tbo followlir. daia ; L'sr * OONOBUHOfiA-Imineali'.to relief. A com- p'.eto cure without the lo of un nnnr'a tlma from liuslnuss. QLEET One of the most complete anil sua- cussful treatments for gloot and all nnnovlni diseharjesyot known to the inuJloal prdfoi- slan. The results are truly ' wonderful. STJITCTUHK Uroitost'Unoivn remedy for the tro itmcntof atrlctnro , without p.iln , out- jliis. orrtilatlnr. A iiiiHtrumiirk'ibto routed v. SYPHILIS No triMitiiiont for this torrlulo too ! 1 dlsuaso has over been more sii'-cesiful , nor had stronger endorsements. In the light of modern HI-JUIICO this illsuasu U positively cur.ib'u and ovnry trauo of the poison entirely lomovoil from the bloo I. LOST IffiANaOOD , and nmliltlon. nervousness - ness , tlmlility. dnsiunlouoy | ( and all woakneji and iltsor.lum ot youth or manhood. Kollof nhtalni-d at onco. SKIN DISEASES , and all diseases of tha vlomurn , blond , liver , kidneys and bladder are treated successfully with tha greatai known rnmodlos for the ilUoisii. Write for olrcnl.irj and nuostlontUt , frJa. 1-itlt tnul 11 1IKI in tttx. tHnttlui , Vo't NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT OF AGES FOR CUANGIC OF GRADE. To Ihu owners of nil lots and p iris of lots and real ostalo aloi.i ; 40tb street from Hint U California street. Yon nro heieliy notified that the under. Blcnod , three disinterested freeholders of Ilu cltof Omaha , have been duly appointed bj tlio iniiyor , with the approval of the olty connall of salil city , loasiuss the damaitu to tbe owners respoetlvoly of tliu projiorty nf- fectud by ohaiulns ; the t radii of s.ild streut , ( loolnred nocntmrv byoidlnnnuu number IHd. jiussoil July 'JlHt. 18'K. ' . approved July iJid , IBitt. You me further tintillcd , that fiuvlnu u < j- coptud suld aptiolntiiiont , und duly iiuallllod us ruiinircd by law we will , on the iitn : day of August , A. I ) . , 1K9'at thu hour of 10 o'clock In tlio torunoon , at the olllvu of Hhrlvur di O'Donahou , 1IOI1 Kariium struitt. within tin corporatu limits of mid city , meet for the pnr * lioio of consldurlnz and iniiKIni ; thu IIHSUSS- ment of ilimao ; to the owners respectively of b'Ud property. all'eeU'd by salil clutnKO ot cradc , tailing into coimlduratlon flpoclal bone- lltH. If any , Yon am notified to bo present at the tlmo nnd place nfori'siild and niiiko any objeutloni to or titatomi'iits cimcernln s.ilil assessment of duinaKU > > us yon mav consider proper. W. ( J. KIIKlVKlt. T. II. MiUIIMOUII : , it. II. ( jlllKON , ( 'ommlttuo of Appratsnrs. Oinalia. July Mth , 1H . JyUJdlO oit GUADING Healed proposals will bu locelved by thu mi- durslKiiuu until Is'JOoVlouU p. in. Aiuust r > th , JKW , for gr.idlii'tho ' alloy In lock | lu. Kimiit/.e'H4th Biippluinuntury addition fiom Hickory stri-ot to iciit r htrunt , nnd the alluy in block I. Koiiiilzu'ttnli iiildlt'on ' from rou ter Htruitt to iliu alluy north of Doruas utroet In tlieelly ofomnlui. In auuord-incu with pin | > i iindspuuilluatlonHon lllu In thu Onrco of tha bo.ini of imbllu work . Illils touo midoiin printed blanks furnUli- ( id by thu bonrd , and to bu aecomp.uilo I with a certlUed cbeuk In tbu nm of * .VXJUJ payable to hu olty of Uniuliu , as un ovuloiifo of good Tlio board reserves tlio rluht to reject any or L ( i u 1 1 to waive ilefnctH. I1. W. II1UKUAUHI2U , Olnilrman Hoard I'ublle Works. _ Omaha , ul.1 July is , IbW. JyiJ-ai-SK-yj Notlrn to Coutriiutorv mill lliitlilnrM. Fortlioiirnotlonof anew Onthollo churo'll in I'ortsiuoulli , Hlielby Ooiinty. Iowa. Hid * will bo rouolvod until Aiunst : itli ! , 183 ! 1'laiiMunil uiieelllcatlonaeuii biiHuon at the un- derslunoj , who will uUoclieerfuliy gv | Infor- mutlon to piirtlen wishing to huiiil In u hlil , Hiv. : R W. llol'i'AlAN. Ort8uioutu' Hhulhy Oounty , low J i I'd tit