Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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11 } Cntrlcrto nny pattof the Cltr
llnslnms Office , , No41
i i ' (
lrJ-Klnor > !
- K5iMRlit Editor NoKl
K Y. Plumbing Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. ,
\ marriage license was Issued yesterday
to Charles Kutz nnd Auim Lcnuuc , both of
this city. They wcro married by Justice
O. H. Lucas , nwlRnoo of the bankrupt
BtocK of L. IJIcderintin , has mndo his llnal
report to the district court , nnd his bonds-
moil have boon released ,
There will bo a reception tendered Kov.
O. W. Crofts this evening byAoe Lincoln
post , Grand Army of the Republic , in the
ball on Pearl s > troet.
" A special mooting of Etohelah council No.
H , dcgrco of Pocahontns , will bo held this
evening in the wigwam of the Had Mon , cor
ner of Uroadway and Mnlu stronts , at 8
o'clock. A full nltoiidancoU deilrcd , in Im
portant bualnnsa will bo brought bolero the
Thu city council took n ride in the patrol
\vn''on yesterday to look over thu ground at
the corner of Ornlmm avenue and Tostovm
Btrcot , wheio the water Is ill the habit of
doing conslucriiblo damage every tlmo It
rains. It wns ilnoided to tnlto step * lo put nn
end lo the trouble.
The repairs that waroordcred by Inspector
Jilxtiy to bo miido on thu Uoscuo stuumcr nl
Maniiwa have been .made , and the boat U
pronounced by Mr. Blxby to bo In first-class
condition nnd perfectly safe. Ho uls.0 re
ports that Iho other boats on Mauawa nro in
equally good condition.
Mr. .lo-ii-nh Wells , the Sunday school
county mlsslonnry , is nrranglng for u great ,
Blithering nt Carson on August IS. Thcro
will bo twonty-livo schools present. TUieo
bands huvo been outraged for the parade ,
which will tiiko place in the forenoon of that
day. Iii the afternoon there will bo a meet-
in t : in the grove and in the evening ono at
the church.
Ocorgo Fair , ngod 80 years , died at 7:43 :
last evening nt the residence of W. A. High-
tmitti , Second uvonuo nnd bevcntcenlh
Mrcc-t , from dltibctcs. Ills homo is in
Omaha. He lef.ves it wife nnd ono child.
'i ho funeral will tnko plnco from the lilgh-
ciiiilh rcsldonco and tha Interment , will bo
made In Prospect Hill cemetery , Omaha ,
probably not buioro Monday.
A mnu named Hnn , who lives near the
Union , Paclllo nrldgo , has had luck
lately. His house was destroyed by llro u
few days ago. but his furtiituro was saved by
being taken out doors. Wednesday night's'
storm nearly ruined Iho furniture as It stood
In Iho ynrd. A little son of Mr. Hand's ' was
injured u day or two npo by the explosion of
Eomo gunpowder with which ho was playing.
The boy's lace was badly rjurncd.
John Humbert , an Oakland butcher , was
in the city Thursday looking for hl 10-yonr-
old daughter May who loft homo two weeks
ego In company with an older girl named
Alice Richardson. They were traced to this
city and the last scon of thorn by nny of their
r > ciuninlnnccs wai us thov were boarding u
motor for Omaha. ' Mr Humbert was for
merly a contractor in South Omaha. Ho
claims not to huvo the slightest idea why hit
tiauchlcr left homo.
( jcorgo Fair , who has been til for over two
months , uied yesterday morning at 7-15 :
o'clock nt the residence of W. A. tllghsmith ,
corner of Second nvcnun nnd Seventeenth
Btrcot , aged HO years. Ho leave * n wife and
child. Ho was a comluclor on the Union Pa-
cine railway , nnd was a member of the
Anclont Order of United Workmen , under
\\liosonnspiccsttio funeral will tuko place
Sunday at Prospect Hill , Omaha.
Captain Hnycs has been out on ball over
filnceJuno 2'J , a charpo of disturbing the bolus preferred against him at that
time by Mrs. Theodore Bray. The case has
been continued from time to time , us the de
fendant wat not ready for trial. It is now
given out cold * thnt his trial will come olT
next Monday without fall , nnd thirteen wit
nesses have already been subtucnued to toll
what they know aoout the ufiuir.
lames llatrdon , who was arrested Thurs
day night on the charge of burglarizing John
Morgol's house In Cheyenne county.
Kobruska , was discharged in police- court
yesterday morning. On u hearing it was
found tlmtUulrden was walking Merge ! for
the drinks during the evening , and that in
talking up old acquaintances no rather over
shot the murk and ' .old Mergol that be had
brokoti into his hnuso In days trono by , think
ing Mcrgcl was too drunk to care.
C. I' . A. Picnic.
The Commercial Pilgrims and their
friomls of Omaha and Council Li lull's
will plcnia in the beautiful trrovo at
Grecndalo next Satuiday , July IJO. Spe
cial train will luavo Hock Island dupot ,
South Main St. , at 00 : ! ! u. m.
Trains leave Manuwn dally at 8 a ndlO
n. m. , 12 in. , nnd 1 , 2 , 2ib : : , 3 , : ! : : tU-1 ,
! : . ' ! ( ) , 5 , MO , 0 , U0. : ; ! 7 , 7iiO : , 8 , 8 : 0 , l ) ,
9:30 : , 10 , 10:80 : , 11 and 11 : > 5 p. in. Thu
31:5r : > train will inalco connection with
the lubl electric motor ci.r I'oi * OmnhiL
rwtsox.ti ,
F. W. Neal is hemp from a visit to Onawa ,
Miss Ulln Coolt returned yesterday trom n
visit , at Lincoln.
Miss Lou I'ortcrflold xvill lonvo tomorrow
fur Chicago , where aho will stuuy vocal
G. E. Whelnn , mnnnginp editor of the
MndlsouVls. . , Times , \vns n. culler nt-I'm :
Bni : ofllco yesterday.
General li. M. Uodgo has signified his In
tention of attending tlio national encampment
of tlio Urond Army 01 the Kcpuhliu at Wash
1) . H. Clark , who has boon confined to his
homo by illnrsi for quito n while , is able to
bo about , nnd will leave early next woolc lor
the west , accompanied by his wife.
Mr. N. N , Loohnor , chief clerk of ttio col-
Icclinir department , of Aultman. Miller ft
Co. , Akron , O , , arrived In the city last night
to look aflor the Buckeye interests hero.
II. E. Urlm und W. I. Slllltnun roturncd
yesterday from n few days' outing at Lalto
OlinOoJI , where they camped out in the neigh
borhood of u number of ether Council BlulYs
Hon. PotorA. Day ot lawn City , ono of
the ntnto board of railway commissioners ,
uas nt the Grand hotel yesterday , anil left
fur Mills county , accompanied by F. M.
( Janlt , to attend a meeting of the commis
sioners. _
To sayo doctor's bills drink Mntmwa
ininunil wntor. You can got it frosli
every morning by BO ml inn your jug
down by iliu conductor. Ho will till it
and bring It up free.
The .Towel gnsoUno steve Is the best
in the world for safety , dtirubility und
i conoiny , and the now Jewel IB Its
Koo tlioni ut Cluirlos Swiiluo's , 7li7
Broadway. _
Mi y I'liiun Trouble.
A lltllo Irregularity has como to light In
connection with the grading of Avenue A bo-
twuen Twontluth and Twenty-second at roots
thnt may roault In several law suits being
Instituted iiKiilnst the city. It booms that
thu council orueri'd Avenue A L-ra.1d nt this
point without Kolug through the formality of
establishing the Ktado. The lining uecos-
mry to brine this part of tuo avenue up to
the level of the rest wui dono. and tho- cost
\MIH tnxcd up to the adjacent property
OWIICIH. Ju t within a few day * the fact o'f
there beini : an IrroKuinrlty has come to
lliht. und the counclliuou are vrrv much
worried for fear that some of the prouerly
owners in that vicinity will take udvuntngo
of a local tochnlculity to Uoop from payinir
their tuxes.
Tpnjglit , aflor Uio Ogtxwa show , Dai-
boy's band will glvn nn opou ulr concert
In front of Ilotol Munawti.
ICOnoonlo in this city UBO pas gloves
'Iho GasOo. puU ' 0111 iu ut cost.
Proposition ? Looking to the Bulldiug of n
Bolt Line Railroad.
I'lntM Subinltteil tn the City Council Tlio
I'ropiincil itiiuto nl tlio Notv Itu-
morn Uiiiioornlng It lliippuiilnR'4
Acroiii tlio Itlvcr.
The city council mot yesterday afternoon
ns n cotnmlttno of the wholo. to consider thn
project of giving the Union Land and Im
provement company a fr.inchtso to build and
operate n railway In tlnj northwestern part
of the city , over certain streets and alleys
that have already been mentioned. The
company was roprcsontod by J. W. Paul of
Omaha and nil the councilman wcro prosoot
when ho unfolded his plan to thorn. His
purpose U to begin near tha Intersection of
North ICIghth Rtroet nnd the river and build
it track nearly parallel with the couno of the
river , passing iiudor the east spin of the
motor bndgo and ondlng at First uvonuo.
This track Is to bo accompanied by all the
switches necessary for operating n first class
belt lino. Through a largo pirt of Its coursx )
It is to bo laid on the levco , nnd this will rid
the city of the trouble und expense of keep
ing thu levee In proper repair , ns it will ba
necessary for the company to keep it In rc-
p.iir for Its own nrotcctloii.
The object the cotnpanv has In proposing
the scheme' , so says .Mr. Paul , is the lillintf
ut ) of the land In the northwestern part of
the city with factories. Thcro Is n largo
amount of vacant land Ihoro which at ptvsent
Is almost worthless , but which could bo
Increniud In value Immensely if a systematic
cllorlvero made to secure manufacturing
enterprises. The belt line will boused In
connecting the manufacturing districts with
the Northwestern on ttto north and with all
the other roads centering In the city nt the
west end of Fint ivcnuo. Through North
Twentieth street the district has an outlet
to the city iUelf , that street already being
raised to grado.
L'ho ordinance which was proposed by Mr.
Paul to the council granting the right of way
was di'cussod at length nnd llnally referred
lo the Judiciary committee nnd the city at
torney with Instructions to report , if possi
ble , at the meeting of thu council next Mon
day livening. Most of the aldermen are
friendly to the scheme , but some of them
have an Idea that Mr. Paul's suhomo is not
quito so open nnd nhovoboard us it seems to
be at llrst blush. They think thnt ho Is try
ing to got thu.right of way In order to turn
it over to the Nobrnska Central railway ,
which will outer the city at almost the iden
tical spot whcro tbo Bull line H proposed to
bo put. The council will m.tko an effort to
Iind out more about Mr. Paul's plaus before
passing Iho ordinance.
At till ) Itostcin Stnrr , Council Itlull'i , Innii.
Now in full swiiifr. Note the prices on
WASH ooous.
Wo claim to show the largest stock.
choicest stock , and bv * long ouds the
2,000 yards ligured lawns , 10 yards for
l > 5c.
10,000 yards Indian challics , Mun-
chester Pacific cballies , Ortolan cord ,
etc. , all in at lo a yard , 10 yards for -10c ,
in light , dark and medium colors , the
best assortment over brought to Coun
cil RltttTs.
2,000 yards Columbia suilintrs and
Vigncuux suitings , 28 and 3 ( ! inches
wide , was lOc und 12ic , during bale for
0c a yard.
2oU pieces strlpo. plain , plaid and
check seersuckers , ( ijc , former price lOc.
200 pieces best indigo blue calico 5c a
50 pieces chevron suitings , during sale
oc a yard , in dark colors.
Bengal tissue , ono of the lightest
weight fabrics hhown this season , in
black ground with colored ( lowers , 15c
bus been tlio price many a place ; our
prieo during sale 8c , ton yards for Soc ;
thinK of it , jtibt the price of a e il'tco.
; t,000 yards Arlesfun cords in all the
now shades in red and black llirurod ,
tan figured slates , modes , etc. , former
price 12ic , bale price 73c.
1,600 yards of a lightweight fabric , in
light s'trinos , pltiid.s , oto. , known as
"Cosmos , " during sale /ijc / , worth lOc.
7o pieces outing llunnel , Co a yard.
100 pieces half wool outing llannol ,
former price , 15e , silo ; price , Sir- .
75 pieces best quality 12ie ginghams.
Sic during bale.
All our lee and 17c ginghams , during
snlo 12K- .
Our entire stock of Chilian cloths ,
pineapple tissues , sbontong pongees ,
orepon cloths , Tall'eta cords , Bedfora
cords , etc. . all in at 10u a yard during
50 pieces heurietta fast black sateen ,
8c a yard , worth 12Jc.
Council BlulTs , la.
Now \Vard Division.
At the council mooting next , Monday evenIng -
Ing ono of Iho important things to bo brought
up for ion Is the now division of
the city Into voting precincts , to conform to
the provisions of Iho Australian ballot law.
At n recent meeting Aldermen Jennings ,
Van Brunt , Tlbuetts nnd Smith were ap
pointed a committee to llguro out a scheme
for redlvlsion , nnd the result of their work
will bo presented to tbo council Monday
evening for adoption or rojectlo.i. The pro
posed division is as follows :
First Ward Two proclncts , divided at.
B load way.
Second Ward Two proclncts , divided nt
Seventh s root , to where it intersects with
Sixth htreot , and then on a line to Uohrcr's
park and to the First "ward lino.
Third Ward Two precincts , dlvit'cd at
Story street und Iho p.trk lino.
Fourth Ward Two piecmcts , divided at
Seventh ovonuo. Thin is a cliango , taking a
xtrlp of two hlocxs from tbo First and adding
it to the Second product.
Fifth V'/ard Two precincts , divided at
Seventh nvtmuo.
Sixth Ward Two precincts , no change.
It is estimated that this will give n total of
about 1500 voterj In each precinct. A now
registration will bo had this year by precincts -
cincts ,
The Royal Jnpuneso troupe are still at
Manawa drawing bigger crowds every
night. They will change their program
every evening. Everybody delighted.
Dalbcy's band in attendance.
Concert at Manawa every niirnt this
Snttlu thu Content.
Judge McUoo will hold an adjourned ses.
slon of the superior court this morning- , and
ho announces that ho will hand down a do-
culon in the nlitormandlo contest caio bo-
twcen Peter Smith nnd S. Lobhard. An an.
nouneorucMit similar to this bus boon made
fcuvoral times before within the last few
months , but the present announcement has
the ojriuarka of being ofllclal , so that pub
lic expectation is likely 10 bo ' at last satU-
Hod. _
Summer suits for gentleman ; cool ,
comfortable and uhoap. Rultor , the
t-illor , U10 Broadway.
Impaled on nV nl.
A distressing and probably fatal accident
occurrud on tha Uoou Itlund railroad at U:30 :
yesterday morning at a point opposite Iho grounds. A nututor of lootlon
men weru uuuuyeil in track work , among
thorn Kiml Anderson , a young man 18 years
old , Anderson wus helping lift a push car
off the tracu , and while doing so illppod and
fell backwards down n slight grado. Ha foil
Iu u patch of wood stubs that bad been re
cently cut , ana ono of them , aa lucn to
diam&tor. penetrated his body above the
hips with force enough lo drlvo It
nearly four Inches into the pclvlo cav
ity. Ho was put on a car nnd
brought to the city where the pohco patrol
wngnn was In waiting to convoy him to tbo
ofllce of Dr. Plnnov. Anderson was danger
ously hurt , nnd tainted reueatcdly while the
surgeon was endeavoring to discover the
de'jth nnd direction of the wound with hU
probd. Later In the day ho recovered suf
ficiently to bo sent to his homo in Atlantic.
The wound was ragged nnd ugly , filled with
bit ? ot the weed , anil it is feared this may Induce -
duce n fatal Inllamntlon.
Wanted Iron tnoklors at the Ogden
Iron works , Council BlulT ? . Good wages.
It's awfully nice and cool at Manawa.
Dnyllcht ISurglnry.
Mrs. Charles Fox- , whoso husband Is ono
of the bookkeepers in lha Citizens bank ,
locked up her homo at 213 East Plorco street
yesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock nnd
went calling. When she returned at 5 aho
discovered the fact that the house had been
burglarized during her absence. A cold
watch , pair of bracelets and several gold
chains were stolen. The house was
thoroughly inspected by the burglar nnd
nvory plauo examined that might contain
valuables. The case was reported to the
Manawa as a family resort cannot bo
Goo. Davis , druggist , opposite Ogdon.
ItltU-n by it VIcliiiM Dos ; .
Charles Hill , ono of U. J. Uoukwoll'n men ,
was bitten by n vicious dog at 0 o'clock last
ovonlng on Seventh Btrcot near Eighth
nvonuo. Ho was so.vnrely Injuied , but got a
llttlo satisfaction by telephoning the polir.o
anil getting uu order from Chief Scaulan
directing Oillcor Martin to go down and kill
tlu dog.
Two ether vicious dog cases wore roporlod
to the police yesterday.
Ogawa at Manawa.
SUUTll OM.lllA ,
Identity ol the Colored .Mon Killed In thu
Union l'.clllo VuriU.
The identity of the two colored men killed
Thursday evening In the Union Pacific yards
has been established. Their names are
Hnvry Moore nnd William Jackson and
they lived Iu South Omaha.
Moore has bean in South Omnht for about
six weeks und was employed in the brick
yard conducted by Crittonbrink Bros , at
Twenty-ninth and F streets. Ho came from
Topcka , Kan. , und has relatives thero.
Slnco coming hero ho has boon batching
with a young Swede in the small brick
building at Tblrd und Commercial stroots.
A tow days ago his whlto companion loft and
William Jackson took up tils' ' residence with
Mooro. But llttlo boyoud this was known of
Jackson , nnd ho was not employed in this
G. A. Brett , Iho foreman at the brickyard ,
under whom Moore worked ; says that ho
always found him to bo Industrious nnd
sobor. Ho has ascertained that the men
were returning home when the accident oc
Chief Beckett visited the house recently
occupied by tbo two men. Ho found several
letters from Kansas City and Toyjkn. They
were not signed by any one , but were evi
dently from n sister. A small sum of money
was also found , und also n number of books ,
which du.iotod that ouo of the inon wus an
olllcer of some socioty. A trunk , wnich was
locked , wus not opened. Coroner Maul will
more lully investigate today.
Ituyltif ; L'II tlio Claim * .
An Omaha attorney I ) buymgupthoclalms
of the registers who served In the recent
special election , and unless the Nouraska
Central company allows them $1S each will
begin suit to compel tbo payment of the
claims. The question of paying the registers
has frequently boon before the council , but
that body wus not disposed to take any
action until ttio Nebraska Central company
allowed $18 for each register. 'I ho company
is not inclined to do this , and cltos City At
torney Council's ' opinion that the law does
not provide for the payment of luoro than $3
per dav to each register. Tbo inon engaged
as register * say tuoy propose to light the
matter in thu courts , ana are coulldent of
Simp Shots ol thu I'.ivcmontt ,
Tbo city has just received a number of
photographs of Twenty-fourth street. They
were taken several weeks ago and will servo
a purpose. At the time the vio'vs were
tuken the warm woatncr had lust sot in and
begun to show its effect upon the poor spots
in the pavement of that street. Suico thut
time moit of tbeso place i have boon repaired
by the pavlug company. The paving com
pany has a suit against the olty and the
views taken will bo introduced as evidence
to show the condition of tbo street before
any repairs wcr'i mado.
Notes mill t'orsonulH ,
A daughter has boon born to Mr. and Mrs.
S. V. Diickur.
L. A. Lolt has returned from a pleaburo
trip to South Dakota.
Mayor Miller returned yesterday from n
short trip to Grand Island.
Xach Cuddlngton loft Yesterday for Ken
tucky lo bo absent some timo.
K. A. Carpenter has riiturnod from
Olyoipin , Wusu. , nnd will again tuko up his
residence in South Omaha.
F. A. Broadwoll has returned from Plaits-
burg , N. Y. Mrs Hroaduell Is still there
und will remain during tne summer.
bneak thieves took C. H. Daniels' painting
outfit , valued at $ > , from thu old church
building ut Twenty-fourth and H streets.
Dr. T. H. Ensor returned yesterday fro in
Portland , Ore. , nud several other western
cities. Ho has boon absent several weeks.
11. C. Cnesloy , minuger of the Sioux City
stock yards , was Iu South Oinalm ycstordav ,
the guest of Manager W. N. Buocock of the
Union stock yards.
The Infant son of Mr , and Mrs. Charles
Aylosworth , Twenty-sixth nud Sobotkor
streets , was burled yesterday afternoon in
Luurel Hill cemetery.
Bert Howard , the city dog catcher , is
suffering Horn u badly lacerated hand , whlua
ho lore upon a wlro snare. Ho wus also
bitten twice by a snvago dog yostorday.
The early closing movement has taken
hold umoiig the business men in South
Omaha. Tno moat markets will close after
August I at 7:110 o'clock , except on Saturday.
Mr. aud Mrs. Hollls E. Hoglo celebrated
the llrst anniversary ot their marriage at
their homo , Tivonty-llfth aud B streets , last
evening. A few relatives and frlonds joined
with thorn In commemorating the ovunt.
John Dowd , for a number of yearn an om-
ployo of the Cudahy Packing company , died
yesterday. The remains will bo sent this
morning to Honors , Nob. , for Interment.
Services will bo hold at Su Agnes church at
10 o'clock. _ _
Tha I.udics.
The ploxsnnt alToct and perfect safety with
which ladles may use the California liquid
laxallvo Syrup of Figs , undur all conditions ,
makes It tbjlr" favorite romoJV. To got tlu
true und genuine article , looit for the name
of tbo California Fig Syrup Co. , printed naar
the bottom ot the
.t.Y.YCJ I/JVC1/ ; M/J.YTJS.
Harrison & Bell's Couiody company has
completed Its rehearsals ofLittle Tippott"
and the play is now in full working ordor.
The players will , however , idvo two full
drcis rehearsals today and tonight , with
nconory , properties , orchestra , droisus , in
fact n complete performance In every detail ,
babies and all. The d roues to DO worn by
tha lames ara marvuU of beauty and ele
gance , and the play will bo put on with com
plete attention to details In ovorv respect , all
the furniture and properties , a'full carload ,
having bcon brought on from Now Yorif by
thu management , If tha opinion of tbo man-
ucemeiit nud attaches of ttio theater go tor
aught , the production will bo a huge uo. The
regular engagement will open at the Farnam
Street theater tomorrow afternoon ,
Air. Lumlur' * lUxiommcmlatlun.
Mr. J. A. Lander , a yrommunt cltuon ot
Clarksburg , Mo. , und widely unowu In tha
stuto , sayi ot Chamberlain's Cello , Cholera
and Diurhcua Homody ; "I have soou Its
good roiulu and oa'rcojinama U.1' For
lalo by urucglils.
Enormous Coat of tho1 Horaostond. Look
out to Date ,
n ?
AimrchUt llcrRinail : llm n IVcllmlimry
und U I'lKccil Under Ilnivy
lloiult The I'rcijr it Condition of
A milra nt < llomcstca < l.
PiTTsnuno , 1'a , , July ! J9. The story of n
riot on u train from Cincinnati yesterday
bringing raon to Homestead wiis the Inven
tion of a tramp printer and wholly untruo.
Ttio men on the tram nro now at work at
Homestead. The great strlko tins now bosn
on a month and U Is estimated that the loss
of all klndi so far bus boon f 1,000,000. The
strllto is seriously ntTcctlup buslui'ss in town ,
as many mero.Snuts nnvo no capital to grant
Ion ? credits. Ono grocery man fuilcd this
morning. The nonunion tnon nro rc&lylng
many threatening lottors.
Itcrgmnn'a 1'rcllmlimry Kxiunlimtlnn nnil
ItH ItCMllt.
PiTTsnuita , Pa. , July SO. Alexander Uerg-
man , thu anarchist who attempted to ussus-
stnato H. C. Frickvaa glvon a hearing In
tbo private ofllca of the Jail this afternoon ,
and held for trial for the September session
in $31.000 ball. The only witnesses weio
vleo chairman Lolshraan , who was with Mr.
FrlcU nt the time and David Forney , the
elevator boy.
llorgtnun snld it win not true that ho tried
to shoot Mr. Lclshmnn. ' ! did not want to
touch onyono out Frlclc and I meant to kill
him. "
Durlnutho hearing Bergman was remark
ably cool and smoked constantly a olgorot'o.
Ho stated that in Now York the ' 'rodn" are
raising a fund to defend him.
David L-ind , who claimed to bo nn anarch
ist , was nrrosted on the street , while making
a drunken harnnguo to a crowd and was
scut to the woiknouso.
They Are Isot S untlUt .
PiTTsnuita , Pa. , July 29. The soel.ilht
question nearly caused a split in the conven
tion called for the purpose of forming mi in
ternational labor oilman of information and
correspondence. During the discussion of
plans of organization Delegate MoQrido
nskoa Delegate Honryot if ho was under the
impression that this conference was called
with a view of ultimately absorbing all the
trades unions in the socialistic order parly !
Hcnryot said that was what ho was hero for.
Immediately the ropreuentaMvo of the
American Hint glass makers , McBride for
the miners- the amalgamated delegates and
typographical delegates sprang to their fcot
and declared their Intention of withdrawing
at once if such was the case. Resolution *
were then adopted that the delegates repre
senting 20UOOU , workmen extend sympathy
and aid to the lockodout men at Homestead
and condemn thoCarhogjos for rofuslnir arbi
tration after which tbo conference adjourned
llnally. _
Almost I'rrclpltittctl it Klot.
HoMBBTKAi ) , Pa. . July U9. The strikers at
Duqucsno were paid bit this afternoon and a
light between John Borkc and a watchman
named Foley almost precipitated a r ct. At
the hearing Folor's son struck Borko in the
face. Ho then threatened to mob Foley and
the deputy sheriffs wired to Homestead for
assistance. '
The prompt arrival of the Sheridan troop
ers prevented sorious'troublo and tbo Foloys
were taken away Uudor the proteotlou of the
cavalry .
Anarchist .Mol
PiTTsnuito , Pa. , July/JO. F. Molllok , the
nllog d'accomDllcooffBergman , wUo wav ar
rested at Long Branch , arrived hero last
evening in charge of Superintendent of
Police O'Mara. Today ho will bo charged
wita being nn accessory before and after the
shooting of H. C. Prick. Ho admitted being
nn unarchlst , but asserted positively that ho
knew nothing of the Intended assassination
of Mr. Frick.
Two TIiniiHuml Moll Out.
New YoiiK , July 29. Tne bojrd of walk
ing delegates , in their light with the iron
league , has ordered strikes on a doznu now
buildings and called out 1,500 men. There
nro now over 2,000 men on a strike in this
AimrolilsU Try to ( ict Hull.
PiTTsnrito , Pa. , July 29. The anarchists
will make off oils this afternoon to get ball
for the inon In jail. Prick's condition con
tinues to improve. All is quiet at the mills.
Pcopio who give Hood's Sursaparilla a fair
trial realize Its great merit and are glad to
say a good word for it. Have you tried it ?
The Scliomo of .Municipal Ownership to bn
CIln'ii u Trial.
Sioux FAU.S , S. D. , July 29. The city
council committee appointed by the mayor
having in charge City Attorney Lyons'
"municipal salooakoopmg , " nro ready to re
port. Next Monday they will give their
verdict unanimously inaugurating tbo
schema The sentiment among the aldermen
Is growing favoruoiu to the trial of the
scheme for a month at loast. The committee
recommends the establishment of six saloons
In Sioux Falls , ono for a ward , and that
there be appointed n saloon superintendent ,
under whom the working force of bartenders
will operate. The saloons are to bo
opened from 5 a. in. to 10 p. m. Nothing late
to bo sold excapt that which can bo bought
of wholesale dealers or manufacturers , iicor
Is to Do disposed nt 5 cents n glass , while
whisky shall command 25 cents u drink. It
is the purpose of tbo commlttoomon , If their
ideas ore carried through , to lessen the de
mand fur spirituous liquors. Tbo council
will moot Monday night to uct on the report.
DoWitt's Sarsapanlla is rollunlo.
The JtcUHon Why Kcniimly Killed lirolcor
Page llemuliiH u Myt ry.
PiiiLAunu'iiiA , P , , July 28. E. D. Pngo ,
brother of the broUor murdered by Ronald
ICnnnedy.wbo aflurwjir < ' 3i committed suicide ,
came homo yesterday 'Spoaklug of tbo trag
edy , ho said : ,
"I full to undersold what motive could
tiavo Induced Konno'jy y > take the lifo ol my
Do You
10 It
Iftfleed atonic ! ?
un > >
RECEN'T Water contains 4.JBM
grulna Iron Illtafrbonato nasoclntcd with
.81 15 grain * Jfan/anet6 Blcarbouata In each
Gallon. iLJV
If tbls 19 not a perfect tonic.
Tlio nnal/Bls Is by Dr. W. P. Mason , Pro-
lessor Annl/t. Chcraletry , Rcnaeelacr J'olj-
tccbnlc Inet. , Troy , N , Y. After careful
Investigation of tlio recorded aimly&ca of
tbo famous springs of both ISuropo aud
America | io ttnjt :
"Ilelletetht "Ftrro..Vanjrineie" Water
of Jtegent'Siirtng lo b tl.t licit tonle watir
You need It If you are overworked , If
you uro Buffering /roin nervous prostration ,
liisoranlo , driyepiln , or otlicr dlieacca re-
nulling from linpnro or impovcrlDtied blood.
Excelsior Springs
for'fampMit. Ml
Richardson IrugCo. , Ags ( ,
brother. Wo have not had Any business with
Kennedy for more than two year. , although
ho repeatedly save us orders to buy Penn
sylvania railroad stocks , lie was very fortunate -
tunato nt ono time and mmlo about f-00UX ( ) .
In tbo November p.inlo n dcclino in his stocks
amounted to just about what ho bad mado.
Kennedy was continually giving largo orders
to buy stocks , but wo declined to accept
them on the ground that ho was asking us to
tnko too much. It it quite pcsslblo that Ken
nedy gave my brother nn order and upon lua
refusal to execute it Kennedy took his llfo. "
Air. Pngo.tald further that ho hud hotrd
Kennedy say ho had accounts In ether ofllccs
on the street in which ho was carrying Atchison -
ison stocks.
Mr. J. E. Thorouphgood , writing from
C5eorgotown , Uolawnro , says : "Two teaspoonfuls -
spoonfuls of Uhamborlaln's Colic , Cholera
and DlnrrhuMi Remedy savnd the llfo of Mr * ,
.lane Thomas of this placn. " Ho also statosl
that sovernl other very cases of bowo
complaint thcro hnvo boon cured by this
romody. For sale by druggists.
Stove Kxplodril ,
A gasoline steve explosion occurred at the
residence of B. Katzmnn , 811 boutb Seventh
streot. lait evening , but very little If any
damage was dono.
The "No. 0" Wheclor it Wilion will not
break the thread nor impair the stitching if
run In the wrong direction. Sold by ( Jcorgo
W , Lancaster & Co. . 514 S. 10th si.
I'crxlnn I'unlnltiitcntu Tor StcnlliiE , .
In Portiin the first tinio a inr.n Is
c.i Khtis the net of stealing ho is "bast-
IniulouJ" ( boiiton on the soles of the
fcot with an Iron rod ) and uitulo to sl 'ti
a paper dcclarlnir that thnt will bo liis
lust offense. If ho forfcote this when
the soles of his fcot quit burning itiul
tries it iiyain the second o I Von so calls
for the amputation of his right huiul.
If ho Is still obdurate nnd gees at it loft-
liiuidcd the third itml of course last resort -
sort Is duuapition.
Mrs. WInslow's Soof.ning Svrap for chil
dren teething produces natural quiet s'.cop-
25 cents a bottlo.
Kidney Troubles.
Symptoms. " " " P'n > ' In the bnck and
rcgmn nl the Uiilncystne.istncss , shoot *
ing pains along the spine , fc\cr , pic.
ceiled by rigor , costiNciass , languor , etc.
To cure this disease the rem
edy must penetrate the entire
system. Science has discov
ered nothing thnt will do this ,
but Nature has given us a
" Pure lth. "
Blood , Pcifect He
compound of simple lieibs ,
roots , and barks , wliich as
serts its power at once. No
instance of a failure to cure
kidney troubles has ever been
recorded. It cleanses the blood
and restores vitality. What ?
Indian Sagwa
$1.00 bottle. All druggists.
Kickapoo Indian Oil
kills p.iin liitt.mtly. 15 cents.
Extract ofBeef ,
Do you want a , copy ol
Deof TcaV See that it
is miido from the Gun
uino Incomparably
the best. Pure , pain-
table , rofrcshlng. Dls-
Eoluds clcarly-
the Baron Ijoi-
bip's aiiinauro
n blue on each
abel , thus.
A TVntt n Qnarantoe
YPHILIS to Cura Kvery Cso or
Money Uofund J ,
Oureure It p rm n nt anJtol putchl.n is C l
lre tHli6T n jennmo h T n f r lean ijmptora
ilnoe. Hjdf crlblnjca o tullfwtr m Irani yon b >
mull , and we slro tht turns strong itu r nU to cur *
) t refund all money. Tbosa it ho prefer to eomi her *
fortMttmenl e n < lo o to 1 wo will p r railroad far *
balk w ji and liotel b'.lls nlille bero , If no fall to ear *
We ctialltngetho world fora ran that omr Madu
Homed ? will not cure , willofoi anloulart anil Rat
Jhterldenee. In ourteren ycuri naillen with th *
ilaelollemelr It ha < been moit difficult to * r < rconi
Che prejudice ! ncMnit ftociUtcul speclflc . Hat nnder
our ( troni pu rnntco tboimiul * are trying It and ! >
Inpcnred. Wocunranlca to euro or rtund ererr
rtollur , ml as wo bar * n reputx'ton to protest , alia
financial bkcVIn * otivnonit Is poifootlr laf * to oil
who will Iry the treatment. Heretofore Jon bare
putting up and pnylnK out roar money for dirreranl
treatratnti , nnd although you nro not jet carol na
one ha paid hock your money. Wo will poiltlraly
cureyou. Oldchronicdeopnetted CAIOI curellni ) )
loBUnri. InroJtlcite our OnincUt > t\udlnr , our
reputation at business men.Vrlto ui for names aal
addrcitsesof thosu wo hare ourod wlio hare clren
pemiltslon lo refer to them. U coil * yo only post-
ace to do this. If your symptoms are sera throat ,
mucous patches In mouth , rheumatism In bones and
Joints , hair falling out , eruptions on any part of the
todyfeellniof Koneral depression , pains U bealor
bone * . Tou harono time to nasto. Tboie who are
constantly taking mercury nnd potash , should dlt-
contiuuolt. Constant u < eof thosa drucs will nuruly
brine sores and eating ui rsln the oni ) . Uou't fall to
write. All corrf tpondonce sent sealed In plain tin-
tolopo. We Inrlto tliomo't rixll Inreitlgatlou and
Till do all Inourpunorto allyoul&lu Address ,
COOK REMEDY CO. . - Oranhn. Nou
linvon U the virtues nftlio larger < iiii- ; .
filitnlly mM-llv | iinrrly vcRct
xiict nlrnnhonulii t hit bonier.
( lien aw w.
llcst fnall tlo ? , npD.iritui anil Ito no nu
lorsiiecossfu troilmuiitof ivorvforu
of dlsoao rei ul i'ln : or
snr.'loil tro.itmuntx
60 beds for patients , boird mil attontlinjj
HustiiucomoJationi In the wait.
Wrlto for vlr.uiltn on dofoniiitim anl
brauoi. trusses , club foot , O'lrv.iturm ot suluj.
pllus , tumoH. oincor , c-itirrh. bronuhilis , In-
haliulon.u i octrlefty , pira'ysla. ' oulloosy , kld-
nov. b. alder , oye. ear. skin anl blool anl at'
Ut WUiutiN iokoii .
Wnmim l-'KEIl Wo havolatuly ad lud i lylu :
tnont for women during conllnemont.
Ftrletly prvitu. ) Only Kollablo Mudluat In-
Etitutomaktn ? a Spol ilty o.
AH Hood UlseusoJ siiucuisfully troitsl.
Syphliltlo 1'nlsou removed fro u thu system
wlihout nuiroiiry. Now ilustnratlva I'
nicnt for Loss of v'lTAIj I'OWiCIL Persons un
able to visit ui mav bo treitel : at home by
rorrosnon unco. All comrauuluatlons conli-
dentil I Mo.liclnes or Inslriimonti sent l < y
ma 1 or express , sccuruiy packed , no m ir'is to
lud cate con tents or aunilur. One In-
tcrv cw pruferro I. Call and consult ns or suirl
history of your case , and wo will sum ! in plil.i
wranuer. our
PHD ? TH MFN ' ' ' "BE : Upon ITlv.itu.
DUUA IU < ! 7C/r
, ,
jpuolal or NorvotH 1)H-
oases , tinpotoncy. SyphllU , Oloutaul Varlco-
co e , wlthquust on list ,
liracva. Appllaiices for Deforniltloa * Trusai
Only ntanufaetory In the Westot IHWO.t H-
lTyl''l.ll.\VKt l-ltUatti ! , ELtiVl\lU }
Omaha Medical and Surreal Institute ,
26th and Broadway , Oounoll Blu-Ji
Ton minutes' rl lo from uontar ot Ora.ili i on
Omaha und Ojuuull Ululti elo.itrlo motor Una.
Of Counjll lllat"
burplusnnl I'rolits HHtHtJ | anl Surpliu . $ -iit
llrcotor. < J. I ) , ill m 1 1 1 1 1 , ! . I. * i i f i ; . . ' >
Glrason. K. IS. Ilirt , I. V. Mlllf. I. V. iji'in
andCliirlui it. llitnnin. ictvoiior it liu'-
Inxhnsinoi-i. I , irroi ciiitit | itn.l surplus j , '
any baiilc In ionllnvu-itern III.V.L
INTEREST OM Till 51 D3O3iri
Every MAT ? cnn IIG
I S'/HONO and VIO-
i OP.OUSiii.nll
_ _ _ Jby usinu SPAt < ISU
NJSUVINB , thenrent bimnlah Kemcily. YOUNO MliH
OH OfcD sutri-Tiiitf from NJJKVOUS mtlUKZTV , LOST 01
FAII/INO MANIIOOD , nii-liilyciiiicsioiis , ccnvulsions , nuivoin
f prostration , cnuatd by tticusc of opium , tob.tccu or alcohol , wakefulness -
fulness , menial depression , loss of power in cither sex , spermntor *
PErnnnK AND AKTEK USK , rlicuacaucedbysclfabucu anil over inilulRcncPtir uiiypcronal wrak'
ncsacan be restored lo perfect lipaltli end llie NOIII/n VITAMTV Olf STRONG JIIJIN.
Wu givs a written Ru.iramee wuh D boxes to euro any casu or refund Iho innncv , Ri o Ooi'O boxes | j
For Sala In OmahA by Snow L.un.i&Co.
Orcatest dovlco known for educating and controlling thu homo. It'urrmitt'il topravrnt
and curohorecfl nnd eoltu from Idloui ; . Duck n ; . roir'n.Intckln . rnniiln , Htnmhlln ; , turn
ing. fall nit , In it-Ill'- , Dru.iklnu Htiaftn , oliuuk rums ; IH easy on their moullu : dooi not Interfere
with thclrtr.ivo Inif , upd makes thorn pcrfnolly Bifo for n rhlld to drive. It IB Inviilimblu In
lirniikltu rind driving cells , young lioraoa and at-ililona. and can he used on truck , road and
uork horses ut all times.
Warranted to bo the bout hiilt'ir in existence and to prevent and euro halter uullurs : to
break u colt tn tuna In tun minutes ! tohundlu K stallion , und t < > hroak n bulky hoiW
I'ornuleonly by t'll < lr * . 1-ltttlln'll.t , uunvral unt and muuufautiirur of flno
unduealurla ull turf goods , its Broidwuy , Couuoll 111 iilJ , la.
I/KMIKKNT Thodwollinson l.'lrst tivonun
J nnil Klchth struct furmurlj ocouplud by
M. U yniHIi ! 11 room * . ' , ' li.ith rooms and nil
modern Improvements ; eood stnblo und out
bulldlngi runt * W per month. Ix II , Sheafo.
IK YOU liavo anything for icxlo or tr.vlo see
Iv. II. She i to , llmrulwny nnd Main .ttront.
CqUHKNT-DwolllnMln al pirw of the
-1 city. 11 It , Kho.ifo , llroadw.iy and Mnln.
-n Nnbr.iikrx laniU In o\-
nhuti o for Council Ulurrs property. 15 , 11.
Shoafc. llro tiT.iy < and M.tln struot.
rillir. lltaORST lIMUJ.MN-Ddiihlo rotl-
J-denco lot. No. 119 M > ulh Klrst Rtrjnt , 8n
fool front ! host locution and bcu har.'nl n In
1 ho oily If taken at unco. D.vy . Si Hots. 3J
1'e irl Rtroet.
I AUM nnd city loins at lovroit rates.
L' li ! > al L'stito : for sale.
Dttolllii ! ! nn I buslnesi rontnli. .
Jluney loaned fur local Investors.
LOIIKUO .t Towlo.
in : I'oarl strent.
SAIiU Klovntor wltli corn aliollor
4.iMObu , ttiliy : corn ur mlor. 10) bu. an
hour ; i.i\v mill attaclimunt. HI H. p. oinlno :
( loin ; biiViuissi loe.-itod Uouncll
IllUITs. 1C. H. Hho.ite.
.lil ) On small paytminti. fruit , and
„ . . . . , .i lam ) noir Uouncll Itlnffj. K. II.
Shoafo. llro.MhV.iy und Mulu stroot.
77IOK SAMi-Albion liollor milk nu Iloono
J- river , Nob. ! llnott water power In the state
dcvuloiiltiK r.'i horse power w.iti'r ontlru yo.irt
dally c.ipaclty , tuo barroli : maoh ncrv and
n ipitrtun.incus complotulnuvoryduitill. Oooil
frumu reslduncoi H acrusof laiul. tltlo ncrfoot :
nrloo. J.iVDJt . will tuUo unlmprovoJ oastom
Nohra-tUa land , M 11 , ijhu.ifo.
POU SAIjK On easy pi/mmit1) . dwollln KB )
ullpirtsof ihooity. B. II. Shot to.
Stock of mdSH. and lirlok store
btil.dliu , wall astahllsliud trade ; location
nrnr Omaha. I'rlco. * ' > , : .Ji. Will take good
farm In oxolinn.'o. R 11. Sheafu.
"fi'OH SAM5 Iowa farms In I'otCuvattamlo
Jand adjoining counties. Ii 11. aheafo.
WANTICK-About AtiRilst I , In u prlvato
family , a cumpulvnt u-hl for general
housuwoik ; must liuxo roforottco. Apply
ovenliik's nt CI5 Willow avenue , Council UlutT.4.
J 7Oll S A I.l1 ; Hotels unit restaurants In Iowa
unit Nebraska , dotni ; iirollt.iDIo nnslnos *
nnil well located : will tale 1 mil In p.irt trades
wrltufordotalH. E. H. Shoiifo.
I OIt SAI.K A first cl'ios stojlc of sononxl
* - morcli indlsu with Koolwltii prlno\00)j )
will take L'ood land ; e. M II. tflienfo.
171OU hAIK Stool ; or millinery and notion * .
Jwith Htoro and llxturns ; prk-o $ ! , UJ3j will
rado for land. K It. Hlioafe.
I71OH SAIjtv 31 norosof goo.r 1 ind and no > v
-L' cottage , with four aurm land In Warnors-
vlllo , 'Neb. : all modern liiiprovumonts : will
exclmiuofora ploaant uottiise free of In-
oumbranco In Counoll ItlulT-i or Omaha.
R II. Slieafe.
1BOH SAl R Onoof thu iirl.-litest nna most
-L desirable homos In thu city , on 4th avo. :
modem in all respouts. Must soil , and will
sucrillfo. Aildroas t , 10. lluu olllcc.
I7IOII SAIiH 131-aero ranch Iu Uhorry Oo.
- Nub. Uoud hay laiid , Hpfuiidul ran o fur
oat tie. Muu coltauo , Htaltlo and out Dtilld-
Injrs Iu irnod rop.ilr , plenty w.itur. llest land
In tliu county : wilt sell cheap. Wrlto for details -
tails 1C. II. Shcafo.
171OII SAIjH Oil TKADK-Uustiurant nnrt
JL1 Haloon al. .Manawa ; goal business at all
soisons ; good hnildln ; und Improvements. A
snap for a llvo man. C II Slieife.
Q AOIliy of land y'i inlk-s fiom uliy ll'nlts
< JtJ at f. > > per iicre , on innlii road. Would
initku a Una fruit farm. Johnston & Van
J- rooms , stuam heat ami all inoJuru 1m
lirovements. Apply to 1 : . U , Hlieafo.
LOST A Columbia I ) cyelo. A rewurd will
jo paid for Its return to J. E. K. McGco.
ISlI pug lost orslo'cn : 'lirooo months
Ituuard forrelnm to 331 Tenth avo.
K. W. PANiLB , M. D.
The Good Samaritan. 20 Ycais' Eiperientc.-
/treat tlio following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Head , Throat , and I.uriKs ; Tilt-
oascsof the Eye aud liar , Kits and Apoplexy , Heurt
Disease , Liver Comiilalnt. Kidney Complaint ,
Nervous Debility , Mental Depres
sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal
Weakness , niabc to ? , BrlBhrsDl'cajo,8t.Vltua'
IMnco. Khcuiuatlsm , 1'uralysU , Whlto Swelling ,
Scrofula , Fever Bores , Cancers , Tumors
and Fistula In nno removed without
the knlfo or drawing a drop of
blood. Woman with her delicate organs ro-
etored to health. lro6y | cured without tajiplni ; .
Special Attention given to private
and Venereal Diseases of all kinds.
S5O to S5OO forfeit for any Venereal Dis
ease I cannot euro without mercury.
Tape Worms removed In two or three hours , or no
pay. Hemorrhoids or I'ilcs cured ,
Will eave Ufa and hundreds of dollars by calling
on or UKliiR
Tlio only Vliynlclun who cun toll vrhnt alls
a ] iurHoii without iixUlnt ; a quoitlon.
AllcnrroHpondcncoElrlcllyconlldentlal. Mcdlol&C
cent hy express. Add rets all letters to
G , W , Pangle , M , D
56S Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
An orJIiinnco ordering the Improvln ; of nllny
In I ) eel { i < . city. In HI reel Improvement dU-
trluto. . 4111. Hiild lmiriivlni | ; to utinuiHt ot
iiavlnt ; with ( 'oloriido BiindHlonouiid dlrool-
liiKiliu hoard of jmhllo or.M to tiilio tha
nuuess iry stops to euiibo uuh worlc Iu bo
dona ,
Wlmro'is , thotniiyoriind city onun-llof the
city of Omitliii have ordered tnu Imurovjiu of
ni uy In Iilooki3-i : , city , In Hlreet imiirovomcnt
dlhtricl No,4 l by uJvliiKiliuHiiinoiiml Bllowod
Hi , ity diiyu 10 property uwnuia In whl-h to
( U KlKimto and dulcmilnti the maturuil dualrua
to ho used forauuh pavlnK. and
WheroaH , the mayor nnd olty eoiinull of mild
oily dohuruhy determine iipun I'n
Btonu us HID material to ho need for such jiav-
Inr. tlioruforo ,
lie li ( irdiilnod hy the olty counell of the city
of Onmlm :
KuutlonL Tli at thnt p'irt of ulluy In hloolc
-.8 , olty. In Btreot Itiipiovuiucnt district No. JU1
bound thu b.imu In lierjli.v ordurud Imuiovud ,
nald lii.piovi'inunt . to connltt of ii.ivinx wltli
t'olonidu Hanilstoiio Uluan ( J. neeor.l UK to the
unecllk'niKina on file In thu olllcc of the board
of puhllu worl.H.
buullon 'J. Thnt thu boanl of uubl'u horks U
huiuby orlurud tocituuu n'ild work to Uo done
iin.1 to enter Into for lliu HHIIIO with
thu lowest roBiioiiiilblu lild ler under the Hpuol-
lUnttioiifon Ilio Iu the olllcu of said tioiird ,
h'eutlohU. Thnt thl > ur.llnutico tuUn olteot
und tin n torco from und after Iu patm.iuo.
J'un.oil Julyajth , 18/J.
, , . , 1'rosldunt Olty Oounoll.
Approved July 8nd ! , IS'X' ' .