r THE OMATIA DAILY BISK : FRIDAY , JULY 29 , 1892. Growing Sentiment Among Republicans in Favor of the Eajo of Oalhonn. WHAT THE COUNTY CONVENTION WILL DO Went Omnlia Ulirorpnors Hurled Cull for County Control Committee Imlcpcnil- cut I'rlmnrlei Cluiono County Coin nut Ion DclcRutcn , Sentiment among republicans throughout the city Is gradually centering ui > on Judge Crounso as the most available man to lend iho Douglas delegation In the state conven tion. Advices from the country precincts in- d lento n strong movement to Crounsc. The \Vc Omaha preclnot delegation which was ngrcodon Wednesday evening Is said to ho almost unanimous for Crounso. East 'Omaha and Bouth Omaha nro get ting Into line so that It Is fair to predict that the county convention Mon day will bo overwhelmingly for Judge Crounse. But Ilrontch nnd his few followers nro doing what little they can to bring about n division. Some of them tulk for Broatch outright , while others claim to want an un- instr'uclcd delegation to Lincoln. The state nt largo Is looking to Omaha to imikon choice , but thcso mischief maker * disregard the fact nnd are doing all they can to servo notice on the state convention that Douclas county has no choice nnd In fact don't know what she wants. When Dr. Mercer was the leading candi date in Douglas county , Broatch repeatedly declared that ho was out of politics ; that ho dldnotasplro to any position , and in fact wonted to bo lot alono. When Mercer had withdrawn and Dakcr and Hansom followed suit , Broatch suddenly conceived the Idea that ho was to no the coming man. But Broatch never works openly. Ho nlwuxva bus a cunning way of setting UD pins and pursuing still hunts. On Saturday last when tbo Fourth waid caucus met In Judge Andorra's ' ofllco , Broatch uas very quiet nnd appeared to bo an Indifferent spectator. To throw the republicans who were there oil their gi'ard entirely , ho moved that Llnlngcr bo muda one of the dele gates , and In turn some ono in the nntl-Broatch faction nominated Broatch n-i a delegate. This turned the whole mooting Into a love feast and everybody imagined that there was to bo no discord and tbut all would work in harmony and send a solid detonation from Douclns for n man who can poll the largest votoin this county conceded to bo Judge Crounso. Had Broatch declared himself as a candi date , ho would scarcely huvo been put on the caucus ticket. No sooner had the caucus adJourned - Journod when Broatch gathered a few of bU assistants atjout him and immediately sot up his lightning rod. By Tuesday noon after the caucus nominations had been closed and ho wa * sure that no opposing ticket would bo put up In the Fourth ward ho bec.imo a full- ' ilodge'd candidate and will endeavor to nnino n Delegation to tbo state convention In Interest of his own candidacy. Fail ing in that , his efforts will ho directed to ward getting an umnstructcd delegation , which of cotirso means an antl-Crounso dele gation from Douglas. Tbo chances now are , however , that ho will not cut much of a fig ure in the primaries. Broatch'A action ( Einco the caucuses is subjecting him to the severest denunciation of a majority of the party workers. Ho Is dubbed Iho Standing Claimant and churned with duplicity at the caucus. His record In this city is being rehearsed on all hands. Ho is rcgaided as a flro brand when everybody feels that nt this critical Juncture all factional feeling should bo kept down. Ho thrusts himself to the front with his insane ambition and forces a icvlval of thoYccoiJ that scandalized Iho close of bis career as mayor ; when hundreds of street scavengers wcro put on the city pay roll to carry the primaries ; when the waterworks gangs und tiprappers mid repeaters wcro marched fiom ward to wind ; when Vandervoort and Broatch appealed to the ministerial association and moral re formers , whllo scores of tbo worst dives were wldo open at all hojrs of tbo day and night and Sundays unmolested oc pledges of political support at the polls. 'Mi'a 1'AIITY to tlio County Com cut Ion I'rom thi ) City Wimlx. People's party minmries were hold in the vnrous ( wards of the city vcstorday evening from 7 to 9 o'clock to select delegates to the county convention which will bu held on Saturday afternoon at i ! o'clock. Tbo follow ing delegates wcro selected without opposi tion : First Ward : D. C. Uo\vdon , William Kocso , F. A. Fabin , George ICutnmcrori , Wil liam Wholan , A. H. Shonard , George Hlrsch , C. S. Kiulmoro , James Walcskenskv. Sncond Ward Charles Hosenquist , Jnbn Schmidt. Charles Bultzor , 1. S. Hascall , P. L. Qulnlan. Fred Lundin , M. Bonde , Stephen Brodcrlck , P. P. Schmidt. Third Ward-D. Lapsloy. C. Potter , C. Slccom , J. H. Bluko , H. Cohen , J. Cabil , F. B > ako. M. Nelson and C. E. Stastny. Foutth Wnrd MasbM. Coukllng , Taylor , \Yclslmns , Grabb , Arthur , /.lien , Jensen , Morrow and Tori oil. Fifth Waid-J. M. Keunoy , D. Clem Denver , Juines Mulr , C.V. . Denning , W. H. Ilyncs , J. J , Cole , James Kirk , James Mc Carthy ana Richard Cody. Sixth Ward J. A. Burr , William Ashton. William Dew , Charles Johnson. 11 , Stock man. W. P. O'Noll , A. D. McMillan and T. D. Mlnnchan. Seventh Ward J. W. Logan , Paul Van- dervoort. A. A. Perry. Carl CarUcn , C. Latson. Frank Perry , S. Cox , T. C. Kelsey nnd Daniel Barr. Eighth Ward-William Mulhall , L. J. Him , W. A. J. Goodm , E. S. Sorooher , Michael Corcoran , William E. Hnrnlcit , J. J. Evorlngbam , John JolTcout nnd George A. Maguey. * Ninth Ward-A. Miller. M. J. O'Conncll , Silas Hobblns , N. P. huckoit , John Owens , T. Ii. Jeffries , A. E. Garten , A. Spaulding nnd D. W. Klucald. South Omaha- . D. Kvnoarson , M. Me- Gulro , S. P. Brigbam , / . P. Hedges. S. W. Havwortb , W. 11. Beckett. U , A. Forsytbe , T. O. Smith , N. E. Carter. E. K. Polslov , P. A. Iiarrott , A. W. Adams , G. L. Dare , Charles Curtis , J. L Leo , A. B. llaloy , Alfred Lnr&on , P. J. Hanson , A. A. Monroe , M. G. Xnrba. Union precinct F. B. Hlbbard , S. C. .Brcwstcr , H. M. Twaddle , P. H. Green , Gcorgo Knight. _ lIimiumloiiK Went Oiimlm. Tbo anticipated split of the republican party In West Omaha fulled to materialize nnd both ends ot the precinct were well rep resented in a caucus held on West Cumlng street. ' Tlis following names were selected for del- ogutcs to the county convention : E. II. Daniels , U. C. Patterson , D. L. Johnson. Jumcs Petersen nnd Charles Tulomuu. County Ititimoliciu Committee , The city and South Omaha momhri of the Douglas county republican central com- mitten will moot at the headquarters of tlio Statu Republican loau'uo at S p. m , ou Fri day , July iiO. D. H. MiiiicKit. Joii\.lE.s'KiS8 , secretary. Chairman. Beccbaui'a pills euros stole hoadacho. n.ooo , ( ion. Vltrlllod paving brick for Bale. Wo will contiaut to deliver the above amount within the next ninety days. IJuekutiiir Bros. Manufacturing com pany , Lincoln , Neb \Viui t ii Divorce. In the district court Henry Hurries is soou- Ing to dlvorco himself from Ills wlfo Lizzie , to whom ho was married during thu spring of 1SSO. To Justify him In applying for a dl- vurco bo allege * that bo and Ll lo have not lived under tbo umu roof for more ttiati two , vonr ; that on April yj , IbOl , Ltzzlo was fiulltv of oxtromu cruelty as blio struck the plaintiff over Iho head with her slipper ami calloa him vllo uaiaes. Nuggetl Nuggotl Nuggotl Buy nig bnUhig powder. li'J oi..l5 ! cents , DurUm * * llilvfii , Tuo Omaha Basket Manufacturing com- Uai Ulod auoudud rtUU ol Incorpora tion Increasing iho capital stock of tbo com pany to WO.OUO. At Butte , Nob. , W. H. Blrdor , the hard- wnro merchant , Is reported ns having given n chattel mortgage of 1,050 find a * soiling out his stock rnptdlv In round lots. Acker & Scott , proprietors of an Imple ment and livery stab'lo business at St. Ed wards , have been succeeded by Acker & Warner. At Schuylrr James Green lias purchased George Koucrson's meat maricot nnd OflcM thu buatncs * for Halo. J. H. Smith & Co. , eroeera nt Bulto City , Mont , , have raado an imlgnmcuu Dlso.no never successfully attacks the svs torn with pure blood. DoWltt's Sarsaparllla makes pure , now blooJ and on riches blaaJ. AN Aii.-riviimn emeus. \\hj- the Itlnellnjr llrothor * ' Inhibition I * the World' * Urviiti-ftt Show. 'Hmgllng Brothers1 World's ' Greatest Shows , which exhibit in Omaha next Mon day , August 1 , embrace moro genuine ulrcus , blppodrome , 7oologlsal tiud procctsional fea tures than any two othnr oxhiaitlons in America. "Tlio urcnln porformauco Is three limes larger than that of any other show advertised to exhibit In Otmiha this season. This claim is made after n careful Investiga tion and with n full knowledge of tbo facts , and can bo substantiated In uvorv particular. The success of the Hlngllng Brothers' great exhibition Is Iho most ronmrunblo Instance of what pluck , energy nnd business cntor- Crlso can accomplish , that has been record 3d i the past quarter of n century. Their suc cess has boon the marvel of the amusement world , and it Is only natural that disgruntled rivals , soolng In the marvelous success of tno Hlngllng Brothers the collapse of their own Inflated pretensions , should seek to Injure their young , vigorous and. progressive com petitors , 'iho circus program presented by the Klngllng Brothers Is so far suporlor to that of their rivals that comparison U out of tbo qtinntion , From the moment when the niclodlcus strains of the magnificent military band announce the opening pageant , until the reverberating unpluuso of the enthusiastic audlenco greats tno victor in the thrilling four-borso Roman chariot rncc , which brings the performance to a fitting rloso , there is not ono dull , uninteresting moment. Tbo interest is never permitted to Hug , Act succeeds act in a perfect kaloidoscono of radiating novelty , famous acrobats charm by their marvelous strength and ability , the world's greatest acriulists nrovoko thunders of applause by their daring dexterity whllo swinging aloft I'l the great dome of the mammoth hipnodromo pavilion , The great est ol Europe's nnd America's great riders rival each other in presenting the newest and most notable feats of horseman ship and numerous trained animals , scorn- ingly endowed with roisonlng intelligence , grandly illustrate the possibilities of tbo human mind in controlling thu. actions of the brute ci cation. A notable congress of rare wild beaits , collected with great care and nt enormous expense , the largest living hippopotamus , two herds of elephants and desert bom dromedaries , I'rinco Chaldonn , n magnificent Perchoron stallion weighing over 1,800 pounds and possessing n mane over ntno feet m length , and hundreds of high bred horses contribute to the unapproachable zoologlc and cqulno display. The perform ance Is given In a mammoth pavilion , capa ble of seating nearly 15,000 parsons ; the hippodrome - podromo races nro runou aspoclally prepared track fully ono-qu < > rtar of n milo around ; there are thrco rings and stugos , and over 10U performers , nnd iho frco stioet parade , which occur * on tbo morning of show day , embraces moro novel features than that of any other circus exhibition in tbo world. DoWltt's Sarsaparllm cieanso ? the blood , increases the appetite and tones up the sys ' ' tem. It has b'enollttcd many people w'ho have suffered from blood disorders. It will holpjou. _ V. M. I. Iu ii .Soclnl. The Young Men's IiiHtltulo will give their lawn social this ( Friday ) o veiling at the corner of Eighteenth and Chicago streets. Entertaining amusements of various kinds will bo indulged in. Preparations are al ready made to anticipate the desires of patrons. A novel feature of tbo social will bo the displaying of stereopticon sketches. showing a variation of historical , comical and dissolving views. A pleasant evening can bo expected by those present. Spectacles adjusted for defective vision. Dr. Cullimoro , R 22 * , Boo bid" ; Wanted at the olllco of THE OMAHA Diu , copies ol the THE EVENING April 25 j risiti > o.v/i i r.nt.KiK.i i > ns. Juan Bovlo of Ifoarnoy is at the Paxton. J. C. McKco of Chicago is at the Doltono. W. J. Orchard of Exeter Is nt the Arcado. H. P. ICnlght of Lincoln is nt the Mlllard. C. H. Vd on of Hnstlugs la nt tbo Mercer. Frank bnnrpo of Lincoln is nt tbo Mlllard. Henry Groff , jr. , of Chicago is at the Mur ray. ray.A. . \V. Blyo of West Point is at the Pnx- ton. ton.W. W. A. Howard of Niobiara is at iho Ar cado. A. N. Perry of St. Paul is a guest nt the Paxlon. H. T. Kinp of Fremont Is registered nt tno Paxton. M. T. Jaquolh of Kearney Is a guest at the Mlllard. George F. Rollins of Grand Island Is at the Arcndo. F. P. Olmstoad of Hustings is registered at the Arcade. S. C. Blrcbard of Davenport , la. , Is n guest at the Dellouo , I. W. Akin of Des Moines , la. , is a guest nt the Mercer. Frank W. Lowls of Lincoln was nt the Murray yesterday. Henrv A. Kremlin ? , Jr. , of Fremont was at thu Dellono yesterday. W. E. Snolling of North PI a tie Is among the guests at the Arcade. H. O. Whyman nnd Miss Wbyman of Nor folk nro among tbo guests nt the Mlilurd. Councilman Stool is on his way homo from Sweden and will reach Omaha the Urjt ot next week. John W. Hobblns loll last nluht for n two weeks pleasure jaunt through tbo mountains of Colorado. Judge Irvlno and family loft yesterday afternoon for Colorado , where they will spend tno month of August. V. O. Strlcklor nnd wlfo have been ticketed by the Burlington for Colorado and will go thence lo iho Pacific on a summer Jaunt. Mr. and Mrs , Milton Rogers , Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams , H. M. and W. S. Rogers loft last night for a mouth's rest at Bayfield , WIs. Judge Dundy. Elinor D. Frank , Marshal Slaughter and Charles Manila bavo raturuod from a fishing trip that inatorlally reduced tbo lltiny specimens of Luke Onawu , General Jack Casement of Paynaivlllo , O , , the famous builder of iho Union Pacific road way , well known lo every plonoor of Ihls state , is In tbo city ronowliig old acquaint ances , Thomas L. Klmhall and family loft this morning in General Manager Holdrodgo's car for a visit to thulr ranch In the Big Horn country up innorthein Wyoming. They ex pect to bo guuo ubout a mouth , Captain Reynolds , consulting engineer of the water worus , loft Wednesday night with bis wife and child for Blook Island and At lantic coast points , where tuo captain hopes to recover hU lost health and accustomed vigor , NKW YOIIK. July 28. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Uir. : J Omaha people here are : H , D , Neoly ut thu Metropolitan , C. W. Ilaltur at ihu Westminster. HEARD FROM HUGH MURPHY The Contractor Sends a Message to the Board of Public Works. WILL SIGN HIS BRICK PAVING BOND Dniu-rr Jfoiv Tlmt the Intcrnrrtloii fund Will ho lUlmtMtcil llnfaro Luiuou- Murth Street N Itc'iclicilVliut the Ilonrd I'roposes to Do. The fniluro of Hugh Murphy to como to tlina on his contract for repaying Loiiven- I worth street \\lth vltrlllcd brlclc nt $1.43 per I square ynrd continues to ngltolo too minds J of tlic city odlclnU. Yesterday morning the Doard of Public VVorxs tnct in special sosslou , that the inoinuers of that department of the city govern tnunt might express thoirvlows upon tlio subject. The raoolltiff xvas not of long duration , but It was satisfactory to these who took part In the deliberation. The upshot of the wliolo matter resulted In tbo board deciding to blaclc Hit Hugh Murphy as an Irresponsible contractor mid bidder If ho did not present nia bouu , agreeing to repair toi von worth street , nt next Tuesday night's council moot- Ing. The members argued tUat they had n legal rlglit to taUo such a cijurso , and that tuo charter of the city was with them. Mr. Murphy's ' man sent word that , Murphy would return and that ho would put up his bond. Then the members tacked again. They said that if ho did not tboy would forever oxciudo him from bidding on any more city worlc. Having dUnosed of Murphy , the question of Intersection paving fund was brought up for discussion. Chairman Birkhausor tooic exception to what Councilman bpoulu salaui yesterday's BEK. Mr. Spochtsnld this : "It Is n rule that nil contracts should go to thu city engineer for his cortillcatlon , which rule was observed in thu case of the couUiictB of Smith & Co. and others , but not onu of Hugh Murphy's con tracts were sent to the city engineer for his ccrtilicato. Now the council and the people would like to liavo Mr. Blrlchauser explain nby thcso contracts did not go to the city engineer for his certlilcalo the sumo as is customary.1 The chairman hapncncxl to bo loaded , and In his possession ho hud a document which showed that Mr. Spocht was not posted. The document was a ccrtilicato from the comp troller , In which that gentleman cot tilled that on July 21 Cltv Engineer lloiowator cer tified that on all or Murphy's stone contracts It would require ? j,41i.OS ( to pave the inter sections. Tiio comptroller also certlllod that ho hadnfllclally Informed the council on July " 0 that there was money available for paving the intersections on all of thi streets to bu paved with stone. That settled that qcsllon and Major Furay romatkcd that thoio had boon a doslro to spread the ? 3U,000 of Intersection fund over too mucu territory. This hud boor done to such an extent mat it had reached the point where ho was afraid that Lenvonworth would huvo to go over until next season. Chairman Blrlchauscr replied that that had boon guarded against ; that of tbo $ , * > 0,000 available at tbo beginning of the season only nbsut $20,000 had buou certified out of the treasury. Major Balcombo wanted to Know how it was tutu when Murphy's contract wai made up Leaven worth street was not included. The chairman replied tnat Lcuvenworth street was tbo only brick work awarded to Murphv and In oruer not to bunplo tuo matter - tor , separata contracts \vcro made for the brick and also for the stone ; that the con tracts wcro mode the some day and ou that day Murphv took both the stone and the brick contracts out of the oftlco to secure bandsmen. The stone contract was returned , hut the brick contract Dover showed up at the ofllco. That was tbo reason why It was not presented to the council. The board then adjourned until this afternoon , at which tiino another session will bo bold to discuss other phases of tbo paving difficulty , should any present them selves. To llnd out just where they stood , the members of tbo Doard visited the comp troller's ofllco and learned the condition of tbo intersection paving fund. There they ascertained tbat at the opening of the season there was (59,070.83 on \\hlchlncludnd the proceeds of tbo bond sale and a small amount loft over from last Reason. Of this amount $ JS,5' > r.U ( ! roin.iinod available. Out of this would have to como the payment for the paving of the intersections on Park avenue , amounting to $10i9. ( > , nnd the bal ance could bo used on other streets. There wore no figures on the Leaven worth street intersections , uut it was estimated that the coit would bo between $3,000 and ? 9,000. Comptroller Olscn said that bo would not hold back on any street. When a contract was presented bo had no alternative out to attach his certificate if the funds wore avail able. If the Loavcnworth street contract reached bis ofllco within a reasonable length of time , ho had no doubt but thatthoro would bo funds on hand to pay for paving tbo inter sections , Hugh Hud Not Hnnrd of It , Hugh Murphy returned to the city at 1 o'clock yesterday afteruoon.und when scon by a Run reporter professed the most profound Ignorance about the paving muddle as ap plied to Loavonworth stroot. Ho sold ho had boon in town but a few moments and did not understand tbo situation. His in tentions , ho said , were good when ho bid on the street , and his money usually backed up his intentions. When told that the Board of Publto Works Intended to blacklist him if ho did not lilo his bond and comply with the terms of bis contract , ho replied : "I understand the board has a bluculUt , but I bavo never soon It. Hugh Murphv has never failed to carry out any contract that ho has taken , and ho Will not now. " When asked if ho would present his bond to the council next Tuesday night , ho replied that ho could not talk , as bo did not under stand the situation. A | > | > ! lcn to O. A. 1C , Vrtur.uiK mill All Ol heirs. While the special low rate to Wash ington for the nntionulG. A. R. encamp ment in September was made especially for the veterans by the Pennsylvania lines , nil other persons who desire to visit the natloti'H capital can ttiko ad vantage of the rcducod rates over this direct route from Chicago. Side trip to historic Gettysburg if desired. Address George Jenkins , traveling pnssensor Dubuaue. la. IlrlcUIiijerH , Nittluo. All nicmbors of Briuklayors union are hereby notified to moot at tholr hall Sunday , July ! J1 , at 8I0 : ! a. in. Parade starts at 0 a. in. By order of president , WILLIAM HAUGIITON. Eye and o-ir surgeon , Grunt Gulll- moro , room U24 , Boo bullillns : . Leave your ordo-q for Prank &Co.'a dolicioua ice croiun. 1310 Dotl o stroat. Telephone 1211) ) . ft iu : . Y ff < v # iyli" HUM < > r IritK innler thtt lieiil , fiftii cento ; 'ur'i ' mdllt/iwal / line t n cent * . SCOTT Oliiru l.oulsu. Infant diuulitcr of Sir. nnd Mr * . Uluirlus (1 , bcutt , lilted ? months ntiil 5 days. 1'iiiierul from residence , illr. .Mason street , at 3M ) p. m. todiiy. akmg "Used inMillions of Homes 40 Years the. Standard Ayenfs Pills Arc better known nntl more general * ly Used thntvAny other cathartic. Sugar-coated , 'purely vegetable , anil free from meroury or any other inju rious drug , tliia is the ideal family medicine. Though pronintniul ener getic in tliciradtioii , the use of thcso pills is attended with only the bcsb results. Tlieirbffcct is to strengthen and regulate tHe organic functions , being especially beneficial in the various derangements of the stomach ach , liver , and bowels. S are recommended by all tlio leading physicians nnd dniggists , as the most prompt and cITcctivo remedy for biliousness , imusMi , costivencss , indigestion , aluggislincsa of the liver , jaundice , drowsiness , pain in the side , and sick headache ; nlso , to relieve colds , fevers , neuralgia , and rheumatism. They are taken with great benefit in chills and the diseases peculiar to the South. For travelers , whether by land or sea , are the best , and should never bo omitted in the outfit. To preserve their medicinal integrity in all cli mates , they are put up in bottles as well as boxes. "I have used Ayor's Pills in my family for several years , and always found them to be a mild and excel lent purgative , having a good effect on the liver. It is the best pill used. " Prank Spillman , Sulphur , Ky. Prepared by Dr.J.C.Aycr.V Co. , Lowell , Man. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. Every Dose Effective Anew nnd Complete Trcntmont , comlttlng of Suppositories. Ointment In Cnptuloi , also In Rot nnd t'llls ; : i Positive Cure for KxU'rnil , Internal blind or HleoilliiK' Hchlnz , Chronic , Itoccnt or llorojl- tnry 1'llos. Till * Heinoly his never lieon known to fall. JI per box ii for ( j ; sent by mill. Why suiter from tula terrible dlsoisa whan n written euarnntoo It posltlrolVRlvon with G hovos or rofmill tlio nuncy I not cured enil ntniup for free Hiunplo. ( luirnllto BS od by Ivuhn A Co , I > ruiulits , tSolu AcentJ , corno It nnunouglnH ntrcots. um ilia , Nab. RIPANS , TABULES iwulateg , the U > nincJi. liver nnd bowcla , imri-r UTthebtooU. monafo unit effectual ! ! T tno bei-t mwllclne known for biliousX Instil , conslliiatlon. dyswp-U , fculjt ' brentb , hcuilachc , hcurtlmrn , (099 of > SqpeUte , mental uejregion , poluful t ijertlmi , jilirnl-H , enllow oniiilci- inuid ever/ disease rcsultniRfrom Kapuro b1ocdorr failure by tuo btomacli , Ihtror In v tcsttnca toiwrfcim thflr pi-oner filiations , rcreons * The only uniformly successful SPECIALISTS IN AMERICA. IN THE TREATMENT AND CURE OF SYPHILIS , GONOR- RHOEA , GLEET. SPER- MATORRHOEA , SEMINAL WEAK- NESS. LOST MANHOOD. EF FECTS OF EAR LY VICE OR EXCESSI V E INDULGENCES IN MATURER YEARS , FEMALE WEAKNESS , SEX UAL DISORDERS , HYDROCBLE , VARICO- CELE , PILES. FISTULA. RECTA L ULCERS. Consultation free. Call upon or address with stamp. South 14thj8t. , N. E. corner 14th audlDouglai Sts , Oouiba , Noh. < D Elastic Stockings FOll ' Weak Limbs Varicose Veins Swellings , all sizes , Abdo minal Supporters ters , Deformlt Braces , Medi cinal .Supplies. TUB ALOE8PENPOLD COM I'A NY. 114 S. Iblli St. , Ncxl to Post OKice Have you tasted America's finest Whisky ? PURE RYE ; Richest Quality. Absolutely Pure , Doubly Aged , Sold at all High-class Delicate Bouquet , Di inking Places and Best I Very Best 11 Drug Stores. DALLEMAND A CO. , CHICAGO. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Tha eminent speclallil In nervous , clironlr , prlvnlo. bloo.l , akin anil nnnnrr itl'CHsei. A repnlir mil registered KrnduMo In inoilclno , n dlplomnsnntl coriiricnteB nhow. it still trenlltiir vrlth lliegraiti" ! success cnlnrrli , spermatorrhoea , lost mnnhoo'.t ' , tomlnnl wonkneo. nUht lo soi , Itnpotoncy. irnlilln. Mrlcmro. can. orrhcioa. gleetTnrlcocolo.cte. Notucrcurr u J. Nun trcnlmont forlosiof vltM powir , IMrtles tinnbln to visit mo niM lie IroiMsJ nt homo bj correspondence. Modkln * or Instrurot-nt' font liy mall ere pre's curely packail , no marki toimllontu ronluiUs or inndur. Ono ] 'cr urml interview proterratl. Cunsuliatina frco. Correnponaenro itrlctlr prlrnto. llooi ( U/stcrloi of Lir ) teat tt * . Offlao hour * U a. m. toll p. m. BundaiilOn.rn.to 11m. Sonil ikamp tai rcolr. TELL U5 MOW nAMY fACtS YOU5EE H1THI5 ADV. ADD WE 3 WILL5EMD YOU A BEAUTirUL PICTUREZOXZ5 rORrRAr1IMG. MARSHALL CHEMICAL * M A NUrACTURIHG lilDUO A.T JOM An. j For the tifKliir uuu I.IM nil tduuitlun nf rlrla J and young women Hpi ciiiltfta. Muck , Art , Kln > ] cutlon , I'loBical Truiuinc btoaoi heat , Cold land hot wnti'r , bith roomn. etc. on cncli floor. 2Ull N-Mlon brcltmept flh , 1"IJ Knr CataloRUO MISSOURI. addrcsi AU IIIUAL,1 > A. JO.NtS , 1'rcit. ndvantigMi for educating Cm116 ofrludTtlor. ouch : Musical \rtdepnrtmentiililKlicsloider Icncln'ruiif thclitBtmerlcan end European culture ; lirco nuJ beiutlful grounds , ncbuildlnfip. . rootnanell ventilated , lighted by Ear. Opeiid epte lber 7th For cMiloRUf * AildieB0 - HOT. T. W. IIAICICUTT , 1'rcn. COLUJI11IA , MO. > . MO. CUtlllT Tmtllttrd , h lli wljt , and cvtllug * tiigli. Umted itirougbQut nltti fleam , llot&nl col 1 wuler and b lh rocnm ou effry Hofir I litUtet by Ineanleictnt dfctrlo llfhl * Larcc , well r ulppvl Kynifli.luni Illsh anl brallbfill Icfallon rour or ntul/ high large fvultjr Mu.ln an 1 An drparttifnla of blghfit itralA I rnt trrmila CollAze fu lhn ftrn NMI i ttlon onCLr Bcpuubcr I. 1631. Send for CHlaloatic. Adilrcn. P. MKMt'ii : : . IV. .Idont , l.llirit 1'V. iJISMOtDtl 1 FEMALE , ACADEMY Kit year. rrcnnrntorj.CollcBlate , Mtifle and line Art Conr > f I Ituforttilienl y Semiroi Illu'lmtril catalogue E. F. UULLAUU. A. M , I'l In. J.-u.Ubuu\llle , 111. MU * Rppncn'H llOAKDINd AND DAY St'llOUI. for Klrls Hpcclnl Muilentu nUmlttud G Went 18th Strrut , > tW Voile. MILITARY O 9 ACADEMY Clnmcal , Llterarr , Scientific Conrtu of itnitr In- fnntrr nnd ArtllUrv drill and nrtnal Cmalrj. Olilpit JJIlKnry Hrttnnl la lift. Tntaloinir , Mnjur H. StU-I < iiU < , M.A. , Lexluffton , Mo. HOLLBENIS eNSTITUTE CMt VA. For Vmmir I.iulliH. Oponii Sept. 11 , 1892 6cth year. :7 Ofllcora and Teachers. I'ruimrutor ; , Cnllrulntr , I'lilliiMiplilcul. and I < ltrrnr > llcpiirtiiirnlH. l'iii fr > iit < iiy C'mifMi'ln ,11ii lc > . An and l.lnrii- Ilnii .vrhonl. HoautKully situated In Valley of Virginia. onN > tW U. U. near Roanoke . Clitmtnnnexrollpd. Ele. tant liqulpmont. Write for lllustrutod cataluiuo to CHAS.I , . COC1CK , Supt. , Uolllns , VB. KW YOHKM1LITAHY ACADEMY. Co N 0. J. W 1Kb , H. S. . A. M. . Cotnwiill , N , Y BROWNELL HALL , Seminary for Young Ladies. Omaha , Nebraska. Bishop Worthngton ! , Visitor. Rev Robert Doherty , S. T. D. Rector Fall Term Begins Wodnaeday , Sept 14th. For Ctttaloguo nnd particulars , apply to the rector. QUAIL BRAND HEALTH FOODS Parched Rolled Oats , Unequalled in Flavor. Gonl Gritz , Sold only in 2 } pound package ] . Velvet Meal , For muffins and gems. THIS BEST IS CHEAPEST Sold by nil t'irril-Class ( jr.icon. ( Save Your Eyesight HXl'K'tC Ol'l'IOlAN Kyua tested f roe bynn I'erfuct adjiistinuiit. buporlor lonsos. Noiv- oimliuuOuutiu on rotl by uulu < ( our Hi > out.iolc < utul Kyojliibioj 1'rlcuj low fur llrJt olusi THE ALOE & PENFlJlQ CO , , 1H S. ISUiSU.CruItfhtou Blook. AllO'llSt 1 , Ringling Kros. ' World's Greatest Shows Will exhibit in Omaha In all their Unequaled completeness. No other show Presents so many Legitimate circus features. Other shows bill Charles W. Fish , \\e \ alone have him. Then there are the Reed Sisters , Brothers Vernon , Royal Japanese troupe , Three-i ing circus , Real Roman hippodrome , Millionaire menagerie , Largest living hippopotamus , Prince Chaldean , the Long-maned Percheron , . Double herd of blephants and camels , Moscow's bells , and A thousand other Features exhibited Under the largest tents liver erected. Rlngling Bros. FARNAM STREET THEATER , 4 nltfliU Comiuuiitlniffjundnf rnutluoc , July 3st ! , Como und liineh at LITTLE TIPPETT. Harrison & Hull's comoclluns , WKDNK-sDAY MAl'INKR , Week July 2 5 ItTH AND OAl'ITOh AVKNITK. uii.ui Lui.ui i.ui.ui i.tiifUi i-uun I.UI.UI TIIK MAONKTIO MIUU I.UI.UI \O.V VON BON. THAT 11HJ HWKKD1 ! 'UiUA'llCH , Ill.At'K DIASIO.S'DJ. HU' VAN WIMCI.K. HKA'IB 6 CHNTd. THE EXCURSION or THI ; Omaha Turn Verein HI ; iiiiji : , July 31st , To the Great Ride liaiigc at Dcllcvuc. Itoutul trip Wo i cMliliun i' > o. Train louver at UM ; a. in. 'I'lokcta ut II. KutiUu'u , Ud. Muuror'i uuU J. J. I'rouUuut , IF YOU EVER SUFFERED FROM Indian Depredations If you are In position to take Vv- - | - advantage of the laws re lating to Ef you have taken up a piece of If you have made an Invention on which you desire to secure a You should communicate with the Bee Bureau otClaiis \.lr/ Tlio object of this bureau Is ( o giva every person holdins- logitlmato claim ngtilnst the government the ailvnnlnpo of n rcbidonce in Wushin ton , whether ho live in Texas or Alaslciu It does more than that. Nino-tenths of the population of Washington would bo liolpless if asked how to go to work to secure their rights through the depart ments. TUB BKB Bureau of Gtnitns ivcs the advantage , not only of per sonal residence , but of thorough famil iarity with all the machinery of the government. It ofl'ora Absolute Security. You do not know whether the avorngo Washington claim agent will cheat you or not , although on general principles you would naturally suppose that ho would. But you know that the San [ Yancisco Examiner , the St , Paul Ploi necr press and the Omaha BliU cannoi afford to cheat you. They guarantee this Bureau , ana their reputation is staked upon the honesty and ability of Its mnnagoment The bureau employes attorneys who are Expert Specialists for each of its departments. Its Indian depreciation cases are care- , 'ully worked un , with all tha evidence required by law , and argued before the court of claims in such n manner us to bring out most favorably all the essen tial points. Its land cases are handled In strict ao- cordancn with the rules of the Gene nil Lund Ofllco , so that no delays or com plications ensue in the orderly settle ment of the claims. Its patent cases arc so managed ns to insure the utmost possible benefit to tlio inventor , by giving him the broudeat protection his Ideas will justify. Its pension cases are disposed of with the least possible delay and oxpunuu to the votciatiB. Don't refrain from consulting Um bureau because you are afraid of the cost. Its costn nothing to tfot Information. Ask as many questions as you please , nnd they will bo answered promptly cheerfully and accurately , without charge. THE Bee Bureau of Claims Room 22O , Bee Build ing , Omaha , Neb.