THE OMAHA DAILY BEU : FJilDAY , JULY 2 [ ) , 1892. ' . , SPEGIRL NOTICES , 1 AUVKH11HKM1CNT9 VOH T11KSK COLUMNS will bs tnkon until 12:30 : p. m , for the evening and until Si30 p. m tor the morning or Sunday edt * i linrtTCrllioricnts In these columns l < 4 cents word for first Insertion niut 1 cent n word for each ubsnniicnl Insertion or 11.50 per line per month. No advertisement taken for loss thnn 2i cents for theflrst Insertion. Terms cash In advance , Initials , Hi/nrcs , symbols , etc. , each count ns n word. All advertisements must run consecutively. Adver tisers , by requesting n numbered check , can Imvo the letters nddrcssed to n numbered letter In rare of 'Inr. Urn , Answers so addressed will bo delivered on presentation of the check. WANTED-M ALE HELP. B mlMlnn to hnnilla the now patent chomlrnl Ink crating pencil. 'J ho greatest telling novelty over tuodiucdi mines Ink thnrnuithly In two seconds ; tin nitration of paper ; 10 to UU per cent urotlt ! ono rent's sftlcs nmoiintcrt to JMO In six day * , another l(2ln two lioiirs ; we wnnt ( inn energetic. gpnornl mrnt In cnch stnto and territory. Kor terms nnd tifirllcnlars nddroi Munroe Krasor Mfg. L'o0 ! Ln Crosse , WIs , * M2VI . TKASmKlf , 8IIOVKLK11S AN ! ) J'rockmon for Wyoming and South Dakota ; Rood wnses nnd steady work ! frco faro. Albrlxlit Lsbor Agency , 1180 Fnrnnm street. 37V n2 13 WANTKDi.Aiinuicuqroll UAILUOAD JJ work In Nebraska , Wyoming or i-outli Dnkotn ! Rood waxes ) frco f nro. Kmplo vment oillco , CO * ! S. 10 st. * TJ-8OLIC1TOI13 WANTKI ) . 811 .M'CAUIIK II'LIMI. St M762 AM * 1 > WANTKI ) . TKAMS 1O WOUIC ON ( HIAIK , -linear Ottnmwa , In. , wages 1180 per ilny , fruo transposition. Mallory , Lushing i Co. , room 15 , Iron imnk building. W7S23 T > -WANTKI ) fANVA'SIIHS roll Till ! WII1TM JJinwInR nmchlnn. Cond salary and pormnnent fiinployment to tlio rlnht people. Company s oillco nnd salesroom 1010 ChlcoKO St. , near cor. Ibtlii st. 81 -1TWO IIt8T CLASS MKJf , AMKS AVICNUH J'dalry. J. F. lloch. IC'JJl * 151OOD COATJIAKISK WANTKI ) 1IY .1OIIN JJWInklcr , Button , Neb. 215 8 n-WANTKD , IMMKUIATIILY , \OUN(1 MAN JJ for position as bookkeeper In our store. One who has had sninoflxpoHnnco In driiK business pre ferred , Sherman , \ MuConnoll , M2I2 T > -WAVTUD.OOOOAUB.STSI'OB IIKJIKlltADIS J specaltlcs : must be workers : bli. pay nnd perma nent posltlonfor rlKht parlies. Address , K 41 , rnro of Omaha lice. 211 : > B-WANTKI ) . ( KOI ) OKNKItAL HLACKSMPI1I on ihoclnp and plow work , Immediately. Write , O. K Cox , Uollance , la. 213 1 n-nAKKIl WANTKI ) . HURT-CLASS HANI ) . JCiirI ! lloth , IloldrcKO , .Vnb. 24U 4' 1AN KNKIIOF.TIO .MAN WITH KOO CAN 8K- Jjeuro n permanent nzency patnBIOOn month. Cull room 8. > , OKdcn house. Council HlulTs. la.18i 18i 29 n WANTKI ) . 80 IjAnoilKIlS. f2.00 PKH DAY : 20 JJIennistersfJ'iCO | ier month nnd board : black smith (7U CU per month ; erano'imon ( > ( ) UO per month on < \ A N. W. Ity. . In lown Free faro SO men for Ppoknno Falls , Wash. . f2.00 to f J W per day. Krnmor , t O'llenrn , Labor Aucncy , 'Ml i-oiitli llth Btrcel. T > -AN KNKHOKTIO MAN WITH 20J CAN .I'scciirn n permanent aiiency pnylncf 100 a month. Call room f6 , Onilcn houte. Council lllulls. la. B-WANTKD. AI ixpiuinNrii : : ) INVOICIC clerk. Must ben KOOd | icnman and nrltorapidly ; nlso quick and accurate nt Henri's. S-tntotXpo- ! rlcnco nnd references. Hnlnry JISUO per week , with prospects nf nd\nnccmcnt to competent person. Addreis K 63 Dee MiVJ 2U B WANTKI ) . HOY ANII PONY TO CAIlllV r.venlnK Dully Hee Apply Circulation Oillco 3 m , .M2M ar > -WANTKI ) . COOK AND WAITKUS AT HII.V- dry'n chop house. Llneoln. Neb 231-rO' T > WA.NTKD , A rillST CLASS HADDLK HAND Dlloliblns & Lvnolr , Miles City , .Mont. 233 4 WAN1ED--FEMALE HELP. C - \ : > , lIXI'liKIKNCIIDMJIlSUOIUL. 157 S 2Jth stri'Ot. 17' ' C ! - WANTKI ) , Q1IIL I-OH tiKNSUAL \\oik. small family , M',7 N. Iftli Kt. 2U1 C WANTUI ) . L'AI'KIUKNCni ) SI1I11T IHONKIl on Tyler machine to vn to 1'rvinnnt. Nob. Wncos f 2 n day to pooil hand Como at once or aildrcnii Fidelity ntcani Innnilry. 2IJ I * C I-WANTKD , Cllllj KOll ( iKNKUAL IlOtlSK work at 21U Illnnoy street. M23U ! 9 C-WANTTI ) A RIIIL TOH < ! lNKUAL : HOIISH- work. Must b < ui gooil cook. Kaiuily of two. Apply 2781 Jackson street. M2.JO -IvANTL'D , OOOI ) OIltL IN SMALL FAMILY. Cl 10 to. oi.'th st. , H block north of Karnam ft. cars. 219 211 C WANTKD LADItb WISHING IIMI'LOYMKNT In the illlTdront nrds ploasn aldross K ! > ! , Heo rcrnmnent position ; $11 OJ a week at homo. - M2GU29 * CnlHL ! WAN nil ) . MIIS. J. M. COUNSM AN. lliiO Mierm n nvcnuo. M255.T C WANTKD , I1Y MUS. W. J. 1IUOA1UII , 252G DodKO street , a competent cook. 28J 30' C-CIIIL rOIt ( iKNKKAL HOUbKHOltK. 803 9r Ibth Bt. 275 30' C-WANTKI ) , rillST CLASS iHL. | NO WAHII- Ini ; or IronliiK. mostly cooking Wages $500 a week. 2124 Uliiney st. 272 3r C WANTKI ) , A ( JOOI ) TOOK AND PJUST CLASS second plrl to also take care of child. Apply Jl rs. II ra d y. Mi I II o n u r il B t. M .W I 0-WANTKD , A OIltL FOU LKJHT HOUSK- work. Apply L. G , llt-t/ul , ' 'Uli nnd Cuminc.M239 M239 C-WA.NTIID , UY A HMALL FAMILY LIVING near tlio Illch Kchool , u ulrlliii would bo will- IIIK to nsolst In housework inclining and nvenlnK lor her board and nttrnd school durlni ; thu day. is K IB , lice. MAU.11' C-WAM'KI ) , LADY Oil ( iKNTLUMAN WITH from flUJ to 11,000 cnn Hccuro territory nnd lirollliiblo dKCiicy never before otreroil ; hnndsnmc liicomo c.ui bo luado. Address Munnfncturer , Hex 21.1 , Cblciieo , 111. MJTJI 2U JOB BENT-HOUSES. \-VlltST CLASS UKSIDKNOH 1'L VTS. .1 Oil 4 'rooms ; new block , llooiu ) ' , 810 S. 22d.'JO D KOIt HUNT , TWO nOOl ) U-llOOM IIDIISI'.S , f.1100 ; within 15 nilnutca wnllc of court IIOIHO. The O. F. Davis Co. , I.Wi Kiirnuin utrojU MI D-I'HONT I KOOM PLATS IN NKW CLOWItV block on Clilcnk'o (4. , nlao 8 room Hutu on loth nt. , oji | > ii lto .lulluriion miimru pirk. All itcaia liniti'il , with evercunvenlonco. . Huberts , 11118 Chi CIIKU at. Ml A7 * D-IOIl HICNT. TWO IIOUJUS , 111 AND 115 S. IktliMrcot. Very hundr to bnilno.n. Moilorn convunlunccB. I ) . T. .Mount , 3US. llth it. , Ita HOIISK , ALL CDNVli.NIKNCKM AND -'lmrii2'a4 Onlilwoll ntreut. ? J500. J. H. Johnson , : V.Llfo . at D-7-KOOM HO K , COUNISH 28T11 AND CAl'l tut iivoniic. 1110 n-Kou ui'.sT-Tiiiiin : or u'liosis PUKTTV 4-nuw rcKlili'iirrii ou corner 15th nnil llnrilott atreotn ; modern Iniliiovoaionti. ellalliU ) louiitlon : rout , f , ' . > ) ier month. John Dnlo. VOi.V V. Llfo. lit D-b'Olt HUNT , l ! HOOM COTT.U1K llAhTHIDK Jiit'i ' botwi'on Cns.i an I California ; ilao a I ! nnd n H room colt u no im CUMI lut VTIMUI I'lith nml 3Uh H. T. Clnrke.itlVlluaril of Trmlo I'hune I'.y. .Mill -roil HK.NT , S UOOM COTTAC3I3 , ftll So. 17TII Aye M2I9M * \ -I'Oll HK.NT. NICK 4-1IOOM llOUSK. 29TH /imd Dflilgc. flA.-U. Hogg ! ) & Hill , DO ) rnrnuin nt. B-rOll HUNT. KLKCANTLV rUIINlSIIKI ) NKW brick liounu ; nil roonia rent oil ( u good tinnnts. Will tent rnrnlthid or neil thi ) Iiirnlture to party routing hounu. llrutniaii Id Co. . 217 ICartmeh blink. JI2I.O J OIWINTMl lKST AND 'h Hlllil .it locution In the ( Ity fur suvi-n. live or four room bonnet , nil minimi tniprarunicnti ! , nlno Bton'B. U.'Iliard , 211 N , 24th ( trovt. M3J : , Tri-KOK IlKVr JI40,1 .1AUKHON ST. , I'lliri'I'v J/nin > MIVCII ruoin rultnui- , nil modern Improve montK , Itf , KlUullty Tiunt Company , IiiU Karnnin TTVO OK OUH IIKAUTItUL CO1TAUKH IN J-'La l-iijetlo I'lnco "III lie for rent August 1st. 1'lrnsocnll at once before they nro taken , fidelity U'rnit eonipiiny , 1011 Kurnnui > t , VKi J TV-rOU HK.NT , MIOOM COTTAUK. (3J S. 17TH JAv . M1"M I' l'\-'SI.\-ItOOM COTTAHK WI'llI IMHN. LAIICK JUilimlert lawn , tlno locution. Heurn , 'JiJ N. Y. Life. D-TWO NICK COTTACKH. & UOOMS BACH. 29IS # e nnl > t. nil now , Inriio lunn. clieup to good trnnum. Mliilit rent one furnlilicH to nun mid Ue. V07 Uinahu Nnt'l bunk , W C. Van Glider. MinU 81 HOOMH ' 10 HK.NT WITH ALL 'onvcntcno ' . 912 Douglas tireot. i < FUIIM8IIKII KHO.NT HOOM WITH ALCOVK. EMODKItN ill IN. bill. " M7uNiiiui ) uuMwiTii HATH , M MONTH. IWV I Kurimm. Ij'-l'OU IIK.NT. KUI1NISHKI ) IlOQJI , MODKIIN JlJliHiiiie. yic. . )1T ) llurney , ft ai . . . . . . .v..c , AT T1IW IIAMITOX ; I rvferuncoi requlrud , 2.11,8. 21th ? Tolf.SIN ! ! J ' " . ul'fi.0HMyiTI1 K1"ZfAla i- front - . room. Kx- c lli iv tablu board , am 8. Vulb i M.ti 1f - > KABANTIlOil8 AT TIIH MKHIMAM , _ 140 n W If-KUIlNIBHKI ) HOOMH , KlUbT CLABS ilOAUu ! L loia. ! | ini l ) vtiD | > ort : . 210 t * nooaia ; AND BOARD. X1 without hoard ! terras reasonable. COT N , 20th st F-NICKLY VUHNISHKI ) UOOM4 WITH HOAItl ) : line location , on car line ) prices moderate. COS So. 18th St. 17329' Ip KUHNlSHKI ) HOO.MB , SINOI.r. OU KNSU1TK , with board. 1717 Chicago st. im 2' FOIt KKNT-UNFUKNISHED KOOM3. G-l OH 3 1(00 ( > IS ATC03 N. TsTH ST. 1143 AiO 3 I'NrUUNISHKI ) UOOMS. 1U3DOIHIK street. 218 2 FOK KENl'.3TOREa AND p glO E3. 1-KOH HUNT. TIIK 4-STOUV IIIUCK IHHLtINU JLulllt'ornnm st. The hnlldlnit IIH nllroproof CD- mcnt basement , cotnplcto stnamheatlng fixtures ) nntsron nil the llnors , gas , etc. Apply i\t thu u llca of Tlio lleo. Uia _ _ _ " " " " "FOR . I"-L AIHI K iAUN 'AT IOTH AN now AUU " streets , room for 8 horses , wagons , ola. : nil con veniences. Also houses nnd rooms. U. H. Ilutts , 220 South 17th stroet. SUIT AM WANTED-TO BENT. R-WANTKI ) . 1JY SKIT. 1ST. 11V MAN AND nlfc , snintl cottnac , clcslrr.bly locnlcd near to business. Kent not over fJOW. Address K S. > lleo. MI1W8 * WANTKI ) SOUTH UNPUUNISIIKD HOOM with board by umn nnd wlfo. Addresn KM Hen. M2rtl 3 BENl'AL AGENCIES. L-UKSTAL AMKNT.GKO. J. PAULJCOJ KAHN'AM s. , makes specialty of rentlm ; lieu c , stores nnd Man A caring for rcntnl properties. Terms reaVblo. IDS n 32 * WANTED--TO BUY. T IfUHNITUHK HOUOHT , SOLO , STOHI1D. Wells , 1111 Karnnm st. ' - " TV-CASH 1-AiD FOIl FIHST CLAHS OUOCnitY -L > stocks , InrKO or small. All eommnnlcatlo 11 strictly conlldcntlnl. C. O. I ) , llrown , Omaha , South Omaha and Council HlutTs. o33 N--WANTKI ) . A DOUHI.KSTANIHNODKSIC AND compluto Ambers or ntouo letter Hie. second hand. Address K 41 , Heo olllce. .Mill 2J \T WANTKI ) . TO IIIIY OH TO STAUT A HAKintV 1 > Inn Rood live town. Particulars. Add ress 1145 , Hoc. 2 T HOOKS nouaiiT KOII Nr cash nt Aatlqtmrlan book store , 15IU Karnnin st , MZ1W A 23' SALE-FUBNITUKE. FOB SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. t-KOIt HAIK , A BlXTY-DOI.I.All TO I1 UUOCSY , forf.1500 II. 13. Cole , Continental block. 23U P-1)U1VIN'O , OHMVICUV AND WOHIC IIOIWB3 Iforsale cheap for cash or on easy payments , at ilalilo 21th anil Clark sts. , 7llHl2 P-fllOW ) IHJVS A U-Y13AH-OL1) HAY HOIlbH , perfectly sound , wolRht 1,500 pounds. Owner has no use for him. Hoom 30 Darker block. 27831 FOB SALE.-MISOELLANEOUS table. Drnnswlck-Unlko make , almost no\r. In quire of Oranil hotel , Council lilnlls 277 Q-roitSAiii : , riKTY THOUSAND YAIIDSOP cedar iiavliiK blocks CulllKia Cailar Co , West Hupotjor. WIs. &ll-aC Mlllill ; STltniCT Sl'HINKI.Kll icarly now ; cheap. U. I' . Ulnioa , Lincoln , Ml .MHO * Q-rou SAI.K10 itAN'irnits , ONI : IIAIJ/S steel , buritlar proof safe , with time lock , per fect , nlso hank fixtures , Including partitions , counters. ile < , k , ete , niailo by Amlrens of Chicago. II. Olbhonn , iccelrcr Commercial and ha\lnKS hank. Kearnojr. Neb. 2J4 rf Q- Toil BAI.K. PLYMOUTH HOCK I'OIJI.TIIY , ) anl unit broiler plant , lioii fliohl Koorts , one- half mile west I ) . .V I ) Institute , Highland Park. .M2S5 oO * MISCELLANEOUS. T > 11UTCI1KU , ANDAI.T , KINIJOK WOODhAWS. LXNIertfoodHhapo : will call : tcl 8SS. John W. Volcy. 1'UU 28 ( -WANTKI ) . II1DS OX OUADINO , 11OX KAC- Uory , Knst Oninhn. 210 R WANTKD-LOAN OF S10.000 , riVK YKAItS ; Hrt.t class nccnrlty. Answer quick , quoting low est rotns Aililress K 19. The lieu. M257 11' CLA1KVOYANT3. 1-MHS. NANNIU V. WAIIUKN , CLAIHVOVANT , Jrelliiblu business medium , tilth year at Hi ) N Idth. S AHUIVAL KXTUAOItDINAItY ; WONDKHFUI , roTclatlons. Challenges tlin world Mrs. Dr. M. Lecrnve , dead trance clairvoyant , astroloulst , rnlmt t and life reader : tells your Hie from the cradle to grave ; unites the separated : causes miir- rlnKi' lth tin ! ono you love : tolls where yon will succeed , mid In what business best adapted for : has the celebrated l yptlan breastplate for luck , and to destroy bad Inlluencas : cures Hts , Intemperance ard all private complaints with massiMO , bath and alcohol treatment. Send f .0) , lock of hair , name and date of birth and recelvo accurate llfo chart ; ' 'cents In stamps for circular : nlvo Initials of ono you will mary ! also photos of same. Ollico 417 botith lltb street , up taira ; hours , D n. ra. to 9 p. ni. Come one , como ull , and bo convinced of this wonderful oracle M 337 AI * MASSAGE , BAOHS ? , ETC. T-MAb9AK ( T11KATMKNT , KLKCTIIO-TIIIJH- mal baths , scalp and hair treatment , mnnlcnro und chiropodist. Mrs. I'ost , JIM S 15th , Wlthnoll blk. 229 MADAMK SMITH 1121 DOUOLA8 STIIKIST , room 7 , Jdlloor. Alcohol , tftdphur and so i btths M 102."J rp TUKKISIl AND 11USSIAN HATHb ; LAD1KS JL days Tuesdays and 1'rlil.iyJ , 8 to 1 ; under tar- nam Street theator. U91U JyJl * T MADA.MSTOWK , MASSKUSK KLUCTIUCIAN 'nitt Btrtet. JI1000 2U' PERf3ONAL. U-1'KHHONAL. WAI.LAUi : . HOI'K TO SKI ! jon ati : Thiirxlny , or IOJO : 1'rldnjmiirnlng , JlnyUo t-ntnrilny nlno. ICuto. MUSIC , ABT AND LANOUAQE. Y : < J. K. GISLLICNIIUCIC , I1ANJO TKACHKIl with II03I10 , orN. W. corner ISth & Harnor .U2 17 IlKFOItUlUJVINd A PIANO ILVAMIXK TIIU ' nuw scale Klmball piano. A Ho9io | , IJ1J Dougbi ] , SiO MONEY TO LOAN-HEAL ESTATE. \\r-UHAIj KSTATIJ LOANS , ( I TO 1 I'Ult CUNT * T uoaililltlonul chuncuf for roni'iiliislon or attor ney 3 tce . W. II. Mulkla , Klrnt Katlonul Uunk hlilg. ill W MONIJV TO LOA.V ON IMl'HOVKl ) 01 TV property , loir rato. A , U. , Dau-'liu blk. AV r C. HAItltlSON , 1)12 ) N. Y. LIK15. 211 W ANTIIONV LOAN ANDTItCST CO ,3H N. V. Llfo , lundA nt low rut04 foroUutcu aocuilty on Ni'brunku or Iowa farnmur O.nalia city iiroporty.i . i ! 13 \i r-IXMNH. Q. 0. WALLACK.S12 IIHOWN 1ILK. \ 211 \V T 1'Kll OKNT MONKV NUT TO 1IOKIIOW- ' on on Omiiliarlty | > roiorty. | No-extra clmrk'OJ of nny kind. Why nr hiKh ratci. .Monuy Ischoip. Von cun gt > t full bonvllt ot loxr rntoii from Ulobo l.oiin and TruktCo. , Itith nnd Doiliro. ZiS 17" 1'ltlVATB MONKV. lhTAND2D MOHTOAOU i loiius , low r.Uos. Alex. MoOre , 4j | Ueo building. 2H vv - KOO.UMTO I/OAN ON ItUrilNKhS I'ltOl-BIITT it , per cunt , ( ico. J. I'aul , liiOi 1'arnn m utrouu \\--MONKV TO LOAN AT LOWKsT ulty or furm propurty , liou. J , I'uul , WJi 1'uruuni. \V-MONKVTO LOAN ON IMPHOVKI ) OH UNt it ImprovcJ Omnha proparty ut lo.roit rntoi on abort nutloi ) . Cash on bund. Kldullty Trust com , puny. Hill Kiirnuni "troet. y& W-OMAHA SA 'INi8 HANK MAICK3 LOANS on re il eiUite lit lourost mnrkot ratoi. IMHHI nmilo In diniill or largo aumi anil for abort orlonir tlmo. NoooTinulnjlon I * oliurgml , nnt the lomu uro notnuldln thouint.hiituin alwiya bu funnj ut the bunk on the corner of Uth ami Dou lai ptroota. 2J1 \v J-JBNT11AL 1.0AN , A THUsl CO. , HUH 1ILIK1. \\r IHIN'T KOIlflKT THAT WK AllM MAKINI ) * Y low ratt'ti on luiprovdj und unlniprovod lonni on Onmha propurtr. tia dujny mid all biislnuat tranrnclc'il nt IhUolllcu. Vldullty Truit Cgmpany , ICKKnriiuuittivut. % tt \\r -1 < UANH OMMI'UOVKO AND UNIMI'llOVKI ) ' t city property , J.I.UKJ on < l upvranU.U tu 8 poroent. Nodulujji.V. . b'urnuiu smltlii Cul5tli unit ilurnur. \T-UIKAP MONKY. bliK O. W. P COATKrt > 1014 tmimni. 774 \r ONK AND TWO YKAIt IMAKS ON OMAHA lots or .NeUriinktt forius. Old niortKSKuii nunr due t Jollier coiupiinlu uxtondoil nnd carrlml by u * ouo or two renrs without nun paperi , Wrlto full partlonluri. llocd \ Belt'f , Ai lloarU'lrodo M. W7S \ \ 7WK HAVK I'lllVATK PAItTV WITH KltOM 11 MX ) to 11,290 to loun on tint mortvtilto.nt very low rule. Ale * . Mo ore , 401 II cu llldff , Z31-3I MONEY TO I4OAN-OUA.TXKLS. L-RO.OOO TO IXMN UXGUA'rriiU BKCUHITV builuoi * conUduutlaL ItootatOJ Kartiacli bloofc 411 Ai' Y SHOUT T1MK LOANS ON CIIATTKL A.ocurlly.WlS N , V. Lift ) . DTD A3T X-MONKV IS C1IKAI' . 110 UP TO I1V.OOU loaned on ny cbultal teourlly by W. 0. Wood , ( uoiilfur Nulirnik * Loan cowpcny , UU UuuKlai tr t , up itilrt , 7C4 MONEY TO I.OAN-OnATTEL3. Continued. ON KinivrruiiK , PIANOS , HOIISKS. WAOONS , CAIIUIAOK-I , KTO , CAUj AT THKOrt'lRnoV OMAHA MUltTtlAdK LOAN CO. AND OKT TKUMS HKfO UK \ ISALINtJ KI KWHKUK. IXIIMIS mn < lo In amounts from 510 to JIU.WJ at tha lowest rates on vi-ry short notlt'O without pnhllcl- ty , nnrt with tha prlvlluga of kooplru your goods In your oirn tumosslun. You cnn piy tin ? money luck In nny amounts yon wish and nt nny time , nnd ouch pnytmnl so rnndo will roditco the cost of the loan In proportion , Ihpro will bo no oxponsa or chnrgo kept out of tha nniounl vrnntcd , but you will receive the full nmount of tbu lonn OMAHA uotiTHAni : LOAN co , Itoom 11 Crelsliton Illoc't , 1Mb St. , South of Postolllco. The only Incorporated loan company In Omnhn. X MONBY TO LOAN. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE Ctt On household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mule * , wnirons , etc. , at tha lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or change of possession. rnnuontsof nny ntnotmt cnn bo innde nt nny time , rcilnclnu both principal nnd Intorcit , thus CIvltiK imtrons nil the bunollts ot the partial pity , mrnt plan. Money always on hand ! no delays ; no publicity ; lowest rules : tinslnoss contldantlnl. V1UKLITV LOAN HUAHANTRi : CO. . U 4 Will.noil . blk. . 16th nnd Humpy. 2li X-WI1KN YOU WANT A CIIATTKI * LOAN 8MIC W. U. Dnvii , room 30 , ContlnPntnl block'W X WIMj IXJAN MONKV O.V ANY KIND Ol' security ; strictly contldontlnl. A. K. lIAllltia. room 1. Cuullncntnl block Ul'i ' "V l'UITCHAIll,51 UOUaLAt ) 11LIC 10 & DODfiK. -A. 247 \r CUATTKI. LOANS MAIIH ON KtlltNITUlin , A pianos , live stock , utc. . without inibllclty or ro- moral property nt the lowest ralos nnd the cnilost vnyments. Dull Uroon , rooms 8 and 'J llarkor block. BUSINESS OHANOES. r FtlltNlSHKI ) HOTI5L TO HUNT. ADDUKSS Onrtluld County Unnk , Illirwolt , Nob. 74131 * y FOU3AI.H , SP.T DKUUSTKIl CO. A113FUACT books , chonp. Address , J. .M. Klmbcrllne. seo'y , Ilroken llow. Neb. B70 31 * Y M1IAT XIAllItllT KOll SALM ClIlIAl' : 11K8T location In city ; clolnir cash business of & 0a ilny.1 l'oorlu > nltlionusaof selllni ; . Address O 18 , llco oillco , Council Iliutls. MlCTnl'J V KOIt SA1.IJ. TUB ONLY HKSTAUIIANT 11US- -l Incss In 1'niillllon , at a sncrlllco , J. 1' . 1'lercv. 1'npUllon , Nob. vim V--TAILOH HUSINKSd AT FULLKUTON toll l snlo cheap. County snat ; 1.50U Inhnbl tnnts ; only mcrchnnt tnllor In Xanco county. For Information wrllo to O. ! . Lundecn , Fullerton , Neb. 214 ! Y-KSTAIIMSI115I ) KltOCKllYPOlt 8ALK , DOINO Rood business : stock uiut tlxturcs Invoice nbout HM. Address 1540 , llco. JVU.II * Y A SO-ltOOM I1OTKL NKAIl WOKMt'S FA III urounds ; lensu , furnltnro and tlxturcs for Kale cheap ; splendid opc'iilia' lor altrouinn. For par- tleuliirs call on or nddruss Gvorgo J. Paul. IfiUS Fnrnam street. JI2IS JU * Y-roil SAW ! 25,000 BUSHKL ST1CAM GUATlJ cluvntor. Ill st clnsn In uvory respect nnd doing n Ktiod pajlng bunlnc , located In ono of the best Kriilncronlnzdlstrktslti the stnto. "Address V O , Hex Ilk , Wood Illver , Neb. MS 9 V-KOIl SALK , llAltllKIt SHOP AND HATH -I rooms nt n ImrKiUn ; uminty scat : 1,71)0 Inlmb- Hunts ; cusli nnd tlui . Address U 51 , Dee otllca FOB EXCHANGE. y CLHANM'OOICOFOKNK.IIAL M'lVS'M ; WILL /-Jliikoreal vstatoA. money. Uox Jj , Frankfort , I ml y > t _ rOil \ nXCIIANtlK. NICK 1IUUSK ANIJ LOT IN- * > llo ( of tnu-inllo limit In Omithu , und cash , for Rood , clean stock of drugs. Hot , lloo ulllco.wa wa 20 * y WHAT n A VK YOU TO Tit ADI : KOII i.or 2 /-Jblock 2 , HOCKS \ Ulir llrst addition ? Lot Is on Doduo street , ono lot west or corner of Mtli , and Is clenr Address K 11 lleo. ' . 'M ' / NHIIUASIfA FAIIMS TO i\CllANti : : toil jiiojiorty. Jl. J. Kundntl , II. 1UJ , Hrownblk MSbbalS y WANTKI ) SMALL F11U1T FA KM IN KX- * - * chnncn for Oniaho acre or resident pioperty. J. L. Wllkle , 182. ! M. Mary's a\e. 174 ! y roil SAI.K OH TIIADK FOIl FAHM PHOP- ' -Jcrly In eastern Nebraska , our elevators at Uowc , Hrock , Ucrllii , Cook und Douglas , on Missouri Pa .cltlc : i-'oodcrops. Address Xj\ . Dull & Co. , byrat cuse , .Neb. M1SJ 1 Z roil TllADK. DKNVKIl I'llOI'KHTY FOIl eastern Nebraska land Will nxthanyo Hlxroom brick , centrally located , corner lot : modern Im- ITOveiuents. F. L. Hlrnoy. M)3 ) 10th , Deuvur. Colo. -M1IK 5- y KIOI1TY ACKKS OF ( JOOI ) UNIMPHOVKI ) 'Jlnnd t o miles from n oed town , to uxchanco for stork , raerehandlBO , land , clear und tltlo i > er- feet. Address lock box 4J , Knlnit , Neb 212 2a * y TO 15XCHA.NOK , LOT OF. SKW AGUICUL 'Plural Iniplcmcnts for a Rood horse. Address U 4. . Uco. MZS7 31 * y TO KXCHANGK FOU AN OMAHA ItHSI- 'Jdcnco n 240 acre form 17 miles from Omaha. 1'rcil U. Ilarrli , 15111 Dodge. 271 d * y A OCOI ) , NKW 8-HOOM IIOU3K IN LINCOLN 'Jand Homo money to exchange for hardware. Lock llox 14 , Hebron , Neb. 3I2S7 4 Z WHAT UAA'K YOU TO TUADK ? Address K 65 , rjHee. M.'W .11 FOB SALE-BE AL ESTATE. FOU SALK AT A HAItCAIN , LOT II ) , IILOCK 4 , W. 1 * hnlby's First addition to South Omaha ; sniull pa > iaent down , babmco nionthlr If doalro.l. Iniiilru | U. U. TzschncK. Omaha llco. 381 170USALU FAIIM OP 212 ACIIKS NKAIl NIC- -L brnskn City$53 per aero 0. F. Harrison , .112 N. Y. Llfo. 21028 GHAND ISLAND KOIt BALK-FINK. 2-STOUY 20 room house , steam heat , Kas Unlit , nlco lawn nnd trees , location oed , furnished complete , owned and occupied by Annlo Anderson For terms und particulars address lock box ill. , ( i rnnd Island , Noli. S77-.ll * H ( MIS 13 AND LOT ON PA UK AVKNUH KIl unto ortradu for farm lamL Oppoulto Hunscom park. Mnest location In the city , eight room house with nil modem Improvements. Inquire nt ark avenue. MUM nlB I7INBVJ' 1MPUOVKD FAIIM IN 8/UIPY COUNTY. I1175 per ucro. C. P. Harrison , UI2 . ) . Y , Llfo. 21823 Bl'SINB S COUNKU HONI13T lMPIlVKMrNT paylnKVpor cent on fIJ.OOO. will K'uaranteo for > cnra : > i'cusli balance 0 per cent Address 15 y llee. mni ; | "IJOH BALK. LOT 2 , IILOCK 2 , IIO'JIJS A. IIILL'ft 1 tlrnt addition. Kntlrcly clear. Address li 11 lice olliie. ti5 ) "l OU SALK AT A ( iUHAT 1IAUKA1N. FULL LOT J on 3.M nvcnua.Jnst south of Yatas tlno re | . donee. In the renter of Iho llnojt r ildnnce ixirtlon ot the city , pa\cd street , stnne Mdewalks , etc. . for only ( J.201.00 , worth * J.UJ oj. If not sold by Aimtit.tli < t.prlco lllboU)00) ) ' ) . Tliij lineal let In th city ffn a homo or u protltahlo Investment , Terms rc''i nnabk > . Cnllatuncu. PUellty Trust company , liill Parnani street. sdi ,11 DKSIIIA1ILK FAIIMS FOU SALK CHKAI'-WKLL liiiprnied farms In DoiiKlns. Wnthlniitiiii , Satin- der and Frontier counties. Farm lands In Dawson - son , lllti hcock , Harlaii , Fnrnai and Morrlck conn- ties ; terms easy. Write or call on W. H. Mlllard , Omaha. M1UI 15 I7OII SALKHOUSK AND IXT ON COUNKU l IxjavoiiMorlh und eighth street , ncarendoflnt to Union Pacltloynrd , bOi Louveunorth , M1S4 8 * \\7 ANTiiI.OOOOO : LOT CI1KAP. ' \Vantrd , two acres for Hardening. Wanted , half socllon In tfarpy county. Wanted , ictli etrcut btislnos property. Wanted , irooil ti per cent loan * Wanted , tU 00 cottatia for Kood lonnnt. Wanted , f' * ) (10 ( klmilo homo furj ! ( > oil tenant. Wnntod , house und lot for clear lots. Wanted , city property for fUJJJO form , Wanted , sninll fruit farm for cttr proporty. Wanted , lot and cottaKo for JItWO 00 C. P. Harrlion , t)12 ) N. Y. Life. M2H3 30 iron BALK 10 lots In I'nlimT-sMurnlMKMilo addl- -L tlon to Monx City , la , or will ( uthunno for mock of merchandise. K , A , Odlonn * , Yanktou , H , D , 2IS 28 * ( S > IOUOOIXT ) ON LOWK AVKNUB. ' ( P f 1 050 00 line lot Dundee. 12,500.00 corner nt-ar Mr. Yatc * ' . JJ.'IKI.IH slKlitly lot Luwo art'lllio. IJ 00000 lot rf7th and LenvoiiHortb. All bnrKiilns. C , K llurrlion , N , Y. Life.M20IJO M20IJO MUST HO SOLD AT ONUK. THAT IIKAUTIPUL lot. MHxltQ feet v. . 1th n-rooni cotlatio. soutboast Liu-ner 1'Jth and Lake. No rcnsonublu otlor.rofnscd. J. H. JohnsonUU N. Y. Llfo. 273 J LOST. rObT , 8TUAYKI ) OH HTOLBN MILCH COW 4 J yours old , Jersey und Durham cross , color light brluitlu. rluttablo reward to party returning bur. II. T. tlnrko , VMh mid ta § sin , or 21U Hoard of Trade. OHTA MUNkkr It to 1202luultol Arc. nnd ricelvo reward ol1 OU HTKAVKll WIOM U. W. NAbll'8 KAUM JJ nt Voit Calhonn , two luruu bay horses , weight about I.W ) pounds each. Address Inforniutlon to J. A , Kullor A 1 0. , ItU. Douglas utruot M25U 30 TOST. MONDAY NK5HT , SOMKWHKU18 IIK- Jtvtoun Oni bu Aihl tlo club and 3l t and Chicago > ti. u mimll red card cutu contalnlnulll.UUO In nvgotlublu paper nnd ovur | 5J ID munoy , buslilui TlsltlnKcardsunitsoiuu other paport. Kludcrwlll please loturn to tultottlce , can have tha money nnd no questions aikrd. 27 ; S | FOB BENT-PASTUBES. HOIIUKS AND CA1TLB I'AHTUUKD AT STOCK farm. Hellenic. IL T. Clarke , JI3 Hoard of Trade , Uoialu 257 T11K KIJAIiTY-SlAUKl.T. INSTUUMKNT9 piitaGd ,011 record July 28 , ' ' isa-'i - mio' ! , WAUHANTY jlRKIII. ISItellnml liii-thiiiul jo llniisAVrtoUt. lotll. block H.Wuntiitjd , . $ 725 C G Wlhnn to M BStrailvn. o 424 fret nf w W foot of n H of lo , ,7 , block I , L'ark I'luco , . . . . . .it. it . * . IW ® M K 'Hlratlon nnd Jifisb-iml U ) J II Thomni , amo and Jot , V. blook . ' 14 , Kuiintze 1'lavc , niHlfjt ) III , block 4 , Lincoln Place . n-U . 18,000 William t'uoh-aiiil w9ftto ( N M Kltch , lot S. block ft. 1-ikoS inm , . . 1 II H Ko , tor to Jamvs iMvCvrl | , lots , block IM , Onnhii . . , * . . . . . . . 14,000 David Jainlcson ana wuoto , II L I'atlcr- SHII , lots 10 and H , W ( . ) ; 8 , llanscom 1'laoo. , . K , . , . 0,0)0 QUIT ci.Atui IIKKDS. GcorRO Wlrt nnd' M R Stratlon , lot 13. block 4 , Lincoln I'laco . . . . . . . 1,000 M H liable to.Iohlt Williams , lot 2 , bloOK 8' , Omaha . . . . , i . 350 Annln Sttihlnt nnd huibuid to llnchnl MoNabh , lota , block \ \ Patterson 1'ark , and lotfi , block ! ) , linker I'luco . 1 1IKK11R. II H Foster , special mtittor. to M U Pat terson. w 6" feet of stihlotUof lotO , Capitol add . . ' - . K.M Total amniint of transfers PROPOSALS FOH ABATING NU1S- ANCES OF LOTS OP HEAL KSTATM Snalod prnpiMala will be reoolvod by the undersigned until 1:30 : o'clock p. in. August , f > , 181. , for abating the nulaanco on certain lots of real ostatu , the condition of whloh has boon declared u mtls'incu by ro.ison ot the oxist- onuo of sttiKiiant water upon tlio aamo or banks of earth oavlni : over adjacent sltlo- wailis , by ordinance No. uOJ.1 , mill described as follows ! Lots II ami 4 block 3 Hwi'o/.y's addition , Lot I * Ueod'sSntl addition. Lots2 and 4 blook 8 A. S. 1'atrlok'R addition. Lots C , 7 , 8 block II A. S. Patrick's addition. Lots I , . ' ' , ; i , 4 , 5 , 0 , T block 'J A , S. Patrick's ad dition. Lots 7 , 8 , 0 block 1) A. S. Patrick's addition. Lots D'l ' and 1 OUisn's addition. Lot 1 block 4 HojRd .V Hill's addition. Lot 10oast ) footof W031210 foot , lUrtlott's addition , Lot IU 100 foot of west 310 feet Uartlott'a addition , Lots4 nnd.iICoyes'dlvlotOOapltol addition earth covcrliiR sldnwalk. Lota 1 and . " > ICoyos' dlv lot 0 Canltol addition earth covorlni : sldowalk , Lot5 block 2Multv. Lots 1 , ' ; a. 4. 5. 0 block 7 Drake's addition. Lots 10,1) . 8. 7. 0.15.14 , la block 7 Drake's ad dition iitroady reported filled. Lots II. a , 4. 5 , U blocka Drake's addition. Lot a ; In D.ivonport'.ssuh. Lot 8 Uusonll and lloicrs' sub of lots 50,57 , 63 of S. II Honors' platof Olc.ilmmx Lots a and 4 blook 8 HiiTrthorn addition. Lot US block Hawthorn addition. L'tsO and 7 b'ock 7 Itnprovoniont Associa tion addition. Lots 1 and 8 blook 10 Improvement Associa tion addition. Lot.s a and 4 blook 13 Improvement Associa tion addition. Lots U and 10 block 17 Kountro's and Huth's addition. Lots 17 , 20. 21 , 24 , 2 , " > block 17 Konntzo's and Knth's addition. Lot23block4 Kountro's.lrd addition. Lots 28 and 20 blook 17 KolmUo and Kuth's addition. Lots ia and 14 block 4 Laito VIuw. Lot ( I block U Lowe's aadltlon. Lots 8 and 0 blocks March's addition. Lots 5 and south half 10 , block U Marsh's ad dition. Noi th half lot0 block 0 .Marsh's addition. Lots 0.10. 11. 12. 13,14 , 15 , IU , IT , 18 , 111 , 20 block 7 Monmoiitli Park. Lots 2 and a OUahoina. ] > .isl half lot 3 and west half Iot2 Park Place Lot 10 block.2l Poppleton Park. Lots 2. a. 4 , H , 10. 11 block lo Popplotou Park. Lots n. 0. 7 Parniontor Placo. Lots 7 and 8 Rcdlek's Grove. Lot 41 HlcUorV Place. > Lots' ' ) KedlckV-'nd addition. Lots 1 uud 2 block 5 subdlv .1. L Kodlck's ad dition. Lots 13 anil 14 block' " Milan's 2nd addition. Lot 3 block 2 Sliull's addition. Lots 8 and ft blook 4 Swce/y's addition. Lot I Ten ace addition , earth covering walk. Lots 7. 8,1) ) , 10 blojk 1' . ' Walnut Hill. Lots K , ii. 10 blouk : t Walnut Illll. Lots 21 , 2.2 Ulock 10 Walnut Hill. Lots II. 12. U. 14. 21 block II Walnut Hill. Lot24 blocks \\nlnut \ Illll. Lots : 12 , lahlK I ) Walnut Hill. LolS I. 2 , 22.1.2 ! , block ( , Walnut HI1L Lot 2-'block 4 Walnut Illll. Tax lot lllsuc''I-15-in That pait of U.ilo street north of George sticot , us vacatedj ] ? A Tlio abating of tho.nii sansos to bo dona In accordance with tho.Insti actions of tlio city piiKincer and'bo.ud of piiblfu'woil's. Illds to boiiiiado on printed rtilanUs fnr- jilshcd by tin ) ho.ird , and to bo accompanied with a certllloit chock In the slftn of i' > 00 , pay able to the city of Omnhiu us idl evidence of Booil faith. 'i ' * ' The boant rnsorves' th' right to reject any or all bids and to witlvd defects. P. Wi liIUKHAIIsnU. Cnatrinan Hoard Public Works. Omaha , Neb , . July 22 , 18J2. Jyg-SJ-gQ-31 ORDINANCE NO. 317il. An ordlnuMcculechirlnc thoncacbslty of urad- IIIR 34th street from Karnam street to Uod.-o street , and nppolntltii ; three dNIntcrustcd auiir.ilscrs to assess and determine thodam- nces. If any , to the property owners , which may bo caused by such Kradlnz. , property owners reiirosoutlnR moio than throe-fifths of th3 feet froiitaco on said part of 31th s ruet have > pctltlonut ! the olty council to have Aald Krartlnc done under the three-fifths clause us provided for In sec tion 01 of the city charter ; therefore. Ho It ordained by tlio city council of the city of Omaha : Section 1. That It Is proper and nocoss.iry , nnd It Is buroby declare I proper and necessary - ry , to grade 34th stiout to Its present established grade. Including necessary ap- nroachcs thereto , from Farnam street toned nod 20 street. Section 2. That the mayor , with the approv al ot the city council , appoint three disinter ested niTiir.iTscrs to nnpralse. assess und clotor- mlno tlio danMgn to property owners which may be canned by such K'r.ulln , taking into conslderat'on ' In making such appr.ilsmont. the special benefits. If any , tosuoli property , by reasou of mich grading , Section 3. That this ordinance ahull take ullect and bo hi force from and after Us passage - ago Passed July 21st , 1892.JOHN JOHN GROVES. City Olork , n. P. DAVIS. President City Council. Approved July 23rd , IS * ) . ' . GKO. P. IIEMIP. Mayor. NOTICE TO SKLKCT MATEKIAL FOR PAVING. To the owners of lots and lands fronting uucn street Improvement districts mi mini red and described us follows : No. 4U1 2,1 ril st rout , from north line ot Michi gan street to Nli'holas street , No. 471 'i"lh avonito from Lo.ivonworth stioot to Alari-y streot. No. 472 2-'nd street from Poppleton avoiinu to a point 10J1 8"100 foci .south of Ponploton nvenue. being the south llnuof-t.ix lot 3(1 ( in Hoctlon 27. No. 47. ) Alloy in block 317 from SOtli street street to 21st street , In the city of Omaha , and Mihjocl to assessment for the uavlngorrop.iv- IIIK ot the s.inie. Von are hoioby notlllnll in pursuance of Oi Jlnani'cs Nos. 3141 , 3112,3I4'I und 3141 rc < ipoo- tlvoly , passed and approved.Inlv 22nd , IB'r. , to uelout und detei mine upon Iho kind of mate rial to be used In paving s.Ud Improvement ( llstrluts on or before the , 22nd day of August. 18'J , ' . or the city council will determine sail material. If sheet asphaltum Is petitioned for by property owners , thoy-tmial state In tholr petition for paving , wlintliQr pitch lake , land orovorlloiv , or O.itlfoiuWH plialt Is to bo used. Dated ut Omaha. tliUVUh ilay ot July , I8D2. p.v. . Chairman ot the IloUtA of Pnbllo Works. . fAV Jy37-M-gU ! PROPOSALS F , CURBING. Soulod proposalx wlll rvcolved by tlio un- * dorsiunud until l:30o'olwHtp. : ( m , August 5th , IMii for eurulng with wUo Color.ido Band- Htouo , rod Colorado fimtHtonu and Huron saniUtoiio according tq , tJp'ocllloatlons. Ninth street from Pacific blrvttVto alley north of 1'AClllo HlreoU.eomprlBuilijn street linprovo- lucnt dlstilot No. 470 In Ahp olty ot Oinalia. hach bid to specify a pri/W / ) per lineal footfor the curbing complete ou tiiu street In said Ini- provoniunt district. j0in | \\orlttoboilono In accordance with plans nndBpcollloatlonoon Illoxln the otllco of the lloanlof Publlo W/rKH.u'j , , PropotalH to bo tuadomijiirlntctl blanks fur nished bv the hoard and tlioro accompanied \vltli a eertllleil cheek liutho sum of * vx ) , pay able to the city of OjniiJLt us uu uvldenco of good faith , , , The ho'ird reserves tlio runt to reject nny or all uldt , und to waive defects. P. W. IIIIUCHAIJSr.K , ( Jhiurinan Hd-ud of Publlo WorK , Omaha. July ami ' . . ' ' , IMfr' Jya.-gl-'Ji > - 0 SIC\VJ3U PROPOSALS. Sealed proposals will bo received by the nn- derslgnud until l:30o'ulouic : p. in. August 12th , Ib'r. ' ' , for the coiutriictlou nt u brick howeron 21ht street from a point M feotsontli of Uustel- liimtroct to the south llnu of the alley north of Martha Htrpot , Including brlok ppunlngH to connuot with the ercuk , as * pur uoncurrunt reaolntloii uf the mayor and council under Unto of July 1-th , Ib'/ ' , according to plans and spooilloiitlona on Qlo la the Olllcu of the board of public world. ' K.ioh proiHiial to bo made on prlnlwl blank * furnUhcd by th boird , mill to bu accompa nied by a cisrtlllod chock In the sum of > 00 , pay ubiu to the city of Omalm , as an evidence of irooil fultl , , The board reserves the right to rojoot any orull bids , and to walvo'dofootn. ' J1. W. IIJItKIIAUSEU. Clmlrnmn Hoard of Public Works. Omalm , Nub. , July 8tu , IbtU jyrt-Jat-S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given , pursuant to IIITT , that at a special election hold on the loth flny day of Juno. Ifi ! > J. the iogal voters of tlio city of Omahu , Douglas county , Nnbras n. nc oeptod nnd ndoinvd the following proposition of the Nebraska Central Kallnay Compsny : The amended proposition of the Nebraska Contra ! Hallway Company to the Ully of Omaha. Neb. To the Mayornnd Olty Council of the City ot Oim.ha , Ncb.l The undersigned , the Mobraskn Central Itiillwny compnnv , proposes to acrjulro and tnka po < Hos9lon of , tor railway purposes , that curt-ilii tr.ictof land located within the dis trict boundoil by f'ltlpcnth streak Chloaeo street , Hluventh street , CulHornla irreet. and thu right uf way of the Oniaba Holt Uallwar compuny , ( utoopt the south half of blook M , I , blocks , lot 1 , anil north otic-hiUf of lots 2 and U , block 271 ; a'lil to erect thnrpou u union pnsscnger depot on tlu iornor of Vlt- tPdntli and Chicago streets , to cost. Including the other railway Improvements on grounds , not loss than faar hiAunred llioiuurl ilol iirsl ( , OJ ) ; Provlneil. the city of Omaha , In Dotulas i-ounty , Nebraska , will doiiato to theu.itd Na- braska Central : ill Ay f/'jnp my two hun dred and fifty thousand il < illars ij5I.Wil | of Its four(4) ( ) per cent bonds. $100,030 thorjof to bo dated January 2 , 181H , nnrtll'iO.OOJ ' thoroot to be tlatod January I , IK 4 , to become duo ami pay- nblo twenty years from tholr respective datns , with Interest payable scml-annually , nil payable ableat thn tlscal agency of tlio state ot No * brasKa In the city of Now York. bald bonds to bo nf I'ao donomlnitlon of ono thounaud dollnitHil.OO ) each , und each there of t rji to : "Tals bo\l Nae rf a series of two hundred and llfty | 2. > 0) ) ) I irt f like uniount and tonor. which me Is- ' * ! ' y the ally of Omahu , In Doaulns counvftfbraska , to the Nobruskn Central railway cnipiiuytoala It liiacuulrlu land In the city of Ornnha tor union dopok And terminal purposes , and In the conslnict.ini of a union railway passengerdopot upon sild giouud , and Its railway tracks , side triiokj , turnou'H , switches and approacr-.o * lo.idlrg thereto , and other railway iinpjx-ve- ments thorowlth I'onnecto I , " Said bonds to be executed and registered at or Immediately after the dates thereof , and Immediately thereafter dctlvoiul to thu Klist , National It itikof Omahii , Nob. , trustee , to bo hold In trust for dt'l I very to the Nebraska Centrtl Uallwav company , Its siuvessors or assign * , by snld trustee , In Installments as hereinafter provldoil. The said Nebraska Central Hallway con pany plans to construct , or o.itiso to be con Btruotod , a line ot railway In Iho stnto u Iowa not less than 100 miles In extent , Iron the oust approach of a bridge , which thn said Nebraska Central Hallway company bus also pl.inned to construct ever the Missouri river , intorsootlnu or connoutlng with , or reaching the lines of t\\o or moreof the following rail way corporations , vizi The Illinois Central Hallway company , tko Wlnomi t Sonthwostoin Hallway company , the Mlniicapolls&St. Lonls Hallway company , the Chicago , St. Paul Sc Kansas City Railway company , the Chicago. Tort MndlsonA Io > Molncs Uallway compuny , the Atchlson , To- poka.tS.inta Fo Hallway company , the Haiti- more & Olilo Kallwnv company , ' .ho Ohio A Mississippi Uallwuy eompanv , tan Kuoknk A tViiatern Killwav company t. n UulmJ , Omaha fc Kansas Olty Railway company and the Iowa Central Hallway company. Ono hundred thousand dollars itlO.000 > ot said bonds shall bo delivered by H-ild trustee to said Nebraska Central Hallway company. Its successors or assigns , when It or tuey shall have acquired and taken possession of that certain tract ot l.ind located within the dis trict bounded bv Klttoenth street , Chicago stroot. Eleventh slroot , California street and the right of way of the Omaha Holt Hallway company , ( ovcent the south half of block tis. lol a and 4. block 23 , lot I , and the north half of lots2 and3 , block 27. riiiMtiuu. tnut , lite said onn hundred tlion- i.uul dollars [ il'-iHUJO ' ] of aitld bonds shall not to delivered until after the said Nebraska Hallway company. Its successors or n2siis. | | shall have constructor tbn B.iitl line of rni ! .ay In th'i st-ito nf lown. One IninJiud and Ufty thousand dollars 1 $ 150,0001 otsalJ bonds shall bu dellvonvl by h-ild trustee Hallway romn.iny. Its HUCCDSSOH or assigns , when It or they shall have completed tbu oroctlon of n union passenjer depot upon said tract of land above described , to cost , InoluJIng the other railway Impiovomcnts on said grounds , not less than four hundred thousind dollars .flOO.OOJ ) : proof of such cost to bo niadn by the sworn statement of the president nnd trcas- urorof sild railway company , tiled with the citvcloikof Oniaba , uouimp inlod by certlll- eita. Hlgnod by the olty attorney and cltv 011- glneur. that In their opinion such amount has actually been oxpomled. Provided , that If the said Nebraska Central Hallway company , Us successors or assigns , shall full to aciiuuo and tuUu possession of sala land , itblrill not bo entitled to receive any part of stud nun hundred thousand dollars flU'J.tuiJ ) Inst-illmeiit of bonds : and. further irovlderl. that 11900 of s ild ono hundred and ty thousand dollars (5150.0JO ( ) IiistaMninnt of wilds shall bo delivered until nt loiistonu rail- fay Company In addition to the Nebraska / cntral Hallway company shall bo actually using said union depot ; and. Provided further. Th it the mayor and tjio city council shall , by resolution , upon the full performance nf the undertakin.-s on the part of said rallxvuy compinv herein contained , order the delivery of said bonds at rho times Aforesaid : nnd. Provided fuithcr. That all matured coupons hall b-j removed anil cancelled by said trustee botoro delivery of the bonds to which they are attached ; and. Provided further. That the inavor and city council of the city of Omaha shall cause to bo ovled on the taxab'o property of sal ci > y an inniial taxsulllolont for the payminc of till Interest on said coupon bonds a It bocwav" . duo , : ind after the oxpli.itlon of ten (10) ( ) yo.'vr * train the date of H ild bonds the mayor and "Itv council of sild city shall cause to bv "Vocl in mlilltlon to nil other taxes on the taxable property of aald city an amount ot tax sufllclont to create a sinking f unu for the Mjyment at maturity of .said bonds , ( tlio amoiint of tnx to bo levied for said sinking fund not to exceed tuenty-llvo thousand dollars lars ( } 2iOW.oo ) In any ono your ) ; said ta i to bo continued from year to your until the said bondsaro fully paid. The noqulioment of the said lands and Im provements heroin contemplated Including the said railroad In Iowa , shall be boguri w'thln ouo year from May 1. 1SJ. ' , an& bo pusbed to completion without unnecessary 'loluy : and shall bo completed within three fi-ars from the 1st day of July. Ifi'.l ' In case nny of the terms , limitations , clous or piovlsonspropo ! oil heroin rtlutlng to the hoglnnlng , prozrnas and romplction of said Improvements are not compiled w th , ( unless delay In directly and necessarily tauseil by Injunction or other judicial pro- 'endings , or oy unavoidable ai'cldent or act if Providence ) , the slid company shall not be 'ntltlod torccolvosald bonds or any thereof. von though tbo electors of said city of Omaha , tail hive by their vote uuthori/ed the Is- t 'unco of said bonds ; but all right tosuld i-o'iUs shall by such default and without any Indicia ! determination booomo forfeited. Provided , howevoi- . that If the boglnnln' , progi ess or completion of an Id Improvement * ilmll bo lielnjeil or obstructed by nny < t : 'be itoroaald causes , tlio t lines hcicln nllowi < d ' ; ) . - /he pro-Teas and completion of said Improve- riosts shall b * > oxtundcd to the extent of such julay or obstruction ; and should a dispute /trlso between the said olty of Omaha and the said NohrasKa Hallway compiny with resuiiut to tbeoiiusoorextont of uiiy sucli ilolny. thu enine at the election of .said No- I i-aska Central Hallway company , shall be referred for determination to a board ot ar bitrators , to bo appointed ov htrolnufter pro vided , In consideration of receiving the proposed subsidy the NubraaKa Com nil Hallway oom- oanv ii.rous to allow all rullwuy companies the following rights ; Thu rU-ht to run thulr loi'Otnotlvcs.pasgoiDtcr unit freight trains over its main anil passing tracts within the city of Omuhu ; and ever its proposed bridge and approaches preaches , the rlcht to use such poitlon of Its tormina ! groundstlnpots and faolllt'es us may I'll nocnssarv nnd proper for the conduct of the business of such roads ; Including any onlargniont of its depot nnd depot grounds : the light to have tholr cars switched and delivered by tha Nu- ui. , > v.iUeiitraMt4li uy ' .o apany upon all in' Its awltrh trucks : tlio right to connect their roads at any point within ono hundred ( loot miles of Raid olty of Omnha with any Una of railway wlilch the Nebraska Contra ! .Hallway company , or Its successois orasslgi.s , may ronttruct orcniii.0 to be constructed oust of tlio Missouri rlvor , and to run tlielr loc 11110- tlvox , passenger and freight trains ovci th * main and passing trucks or sulil r.Ulro.'U ' ; It bolng ho ruby ugrontl that In cam the Nebraska' Central Itailwny coia puny shall construct Its proposed Hut uiistof thu Missouri rlvor , through thoiigonuy of nny ethel corporation or party , It will cause such corporation or party to oxouuto ami deliver tc the olty ot Omaha u good and sulllulunt Instrument binding It or him to ubldu by the 'nrms , conditions and provision ! ot this proposition , the sauio AH the said Nubrauku Cunvxl itiillw.iy conipitny would ha\o been bound If It had built tliu same. Luforo ,1ull\ery of thoaforoaald ono InimlroJ thousand dollars ( $100,000) ) Installment ot bond * . Provided , that the usnand onjormont by such rullwuy conipuulu * of o lull ntiu every nf mid rlctiH sliull t > o upon Just aiidoiiual torma and the uuymontof jtibt und fair coniiiensa- tlon to the NobrasUu Central Uiiilwuy con- pany , Its sneeossorit or assigns , and subject to such oporutlng rules iind re ulutlons of the Nebraska Central Itullwuy companv. Its uuc- cossoiuor asilKiis. ns bhnll bo necessary and proper , Jiidt und reauonublo. And tno sabl Nuhruftka Central Hallway company will Hiibmlt any dispute iirlilng hu- twbun ft unu such other company or com panies us to tha USD und enjoy mont o ( nuy rlglits under this proposition , or us to the terms , compensation , operntlnE rules anil regulations , relating thereto , lo u board of arbitrator * , to bo iimdp up of three persons whouru Judgeinf thontato district court , or ItSfliiecCHjnr , of thu dlitrlot otnbraulng the county of Douiflui , to bo selected by a two- thlrdi vote of all tbu pontons who tire district Judges of said court. Provided that uny aueh railway company other than ktld Nebraika Cnntrul Uallwuy company ) lt succo orior auljtu * h U liuvo For 25 Gents You can make your vvants known to tli3 greater part of Omaha's citizens as well as a lar-jfe num ber ot the best people in Nsbr.iVu.uil liisbni . : If you want work , hslp. to buy or S3ll anything , rent a room or house , try an a.l. in Hi : Daily Bee. 17 words or less , 25 cents for 0113 insertion in both morning aid evening editions , Ono cent a word ach day after the first ins2rtion. THE BEE , Omaha , Neb. the oIooTlon to siilimlt nny such illsputo to.irbltriUlon or to puntio : iti utlior tonioily Wliorovor nrbttiatioii U provided hip by this iiropoiltlnn , thu party tluslrliu to suUnilt any ninttur to nrbltratlun Hliull cuuso to bo lorvo I upon Ihoothor | i.irty u tiotloo wlilch slmll Rutont the in.xtlcr In UUiinto to bo submitted , nnd tlio llino proposed for tlio lionrlnx , which shall not bo Um thtiii thirty ( Jlldujs uftor the tlinoof sorvlcoi nnil tlioro- upon the nclvorio p.irty ahull within twunty ( VMMliiy sutler such sorvloe upon it , serve Iti iioswor. If any It Imvo , upon the party Uo- timndin3 the arbitration. The Uourl of Arbitrators , when orinnl/oil. jlnill Imvo power to 11 x thotlmoof hu.irhiK und touiljourn tbosamo from tlmo to ttino , mul to mikoull noco iiry rules ana regula tions for th ) production of testimony In tlio lumotslon of ollhor p.nty , nnd othorwlio to compel ! u , fnlrj.ind trial ; the decision of a majority ot the bo ird shall control und the llnnl ( lotormlnallon of the boaid sh ill ho nnd conclusive upon the p irllus , ot all matters - tors submlttoU und du'.Mdoil. IVhorovor'on ' shall ho rofortoil to siioli sicbltr.itlon shall bo the oxclnslvo remedy of the parties ( oxeept us herein oNuwhoro pro- v 1 led ) . as to the matters and things Involved mid decided therein. S.ild Nebraska Central Rillw.iy coinpnny. Its successors and asslsns. shall transport frdlirht ( Includlnc transfer of f rolulit nnd all ehur os Incidental to said transport illou ) over any bridpo and apuroaohos. as well as over any rtllnay It shall construut within 0110 hundred (100) ( ) miles of the Missouri rhcr \ \ Itliln the state of NobrasUu. for Junt .in.l riiisonabln r.itcsorcharff09.anrt Incase of dltrorcnoo ns to what constitute- ) Just and ro ibonablo rates or charts nndor this puranraph , the mayor and city council or said railway company may submit tho.samo to arbitration 111 tliu manner anil to the arbitrators above provided for , but this piragraph respecting frolis'it ' charges shall not bocoino oporatlvo or In force until II vo years from the cfato of thu delivery of the last Installment of the bonds ueroinbororo ro- It Is further proposed that said bonds shall In delivered to the Nebraska Central railway company. Its successors or assigns , only upon the execution by the aid Nebraska Central r illway coniutnv "r Its snccosaow. imd deliv ery to the cltv of Omaha of an undertaking In wrltln : to the oll'oot th it the principal depot of said railway company.lts ironeral olllees und principal maulilnc shops when built , shall bo located ana inalnt lined within the corporate limits of the city of Omaha , an I th it a viola tion of the terms of said undertaking by the said Nebraska Central railway company or Its successors or assigns , shall render the said Nebraska railway company , or Its successors. Indebted to tliosalil city of Omaha In the full amount of said bonds , and Interest tlicroon. This proposition shall , after boliiK duly acknowledged by the Nebraska Central Kail- . way comp-iny , bo locorded In the olllun of the resistor of floods of DoiiRl.iBcimiity.Nubrusku , and for a period of twenty ( JJ ) years from and after tills date , slnll bo referred to by Ivin the bonk and page u heroin the name Is ro- cordpd In any morl-rage , deoJ of trust , deed of conveyance , or louse of said depot and don , it srounds , with the statement that the said Ne- bnska Central railway company. Its succes sors and iiBslMis , are the toims.llml- tatlojis , provisions and conditions of tula proposition which aio hereby made Its cove nants that attach to ana run with thu mild property Into whosoavor hands It may come. Provided , that the city council ot the city of Omaha , ( the mayor approving In due form ) Khali enact a certain oullnanca ( which at the date hereof , Is pending cons deration before a , lid council ) , entitled. "A n ordinance grant- In : permission and authority to the Nebraska Central Hallway company. Its successors nnd uss gns , to construct railroad tracks along. across , ovorand under eortuln streets and al leys In the olty ot Omaha , subject to certain conditions , and to vacate parts of certain streets and alloys In the city of Oninha upon compliance with certain nthor conditions. " Audit Is also piovldcd , that If H ild Ne braska Central Hallway company shall not , within forty-live ( > * > ) days ot being notlllcd by thu city clerk of tlio adoption of this proposi tion nt the election hold to vote upon the same , fllo with tlio said altf clerk Its written ratlllcatlonof this proposition under Its cor porate ) soul , HOMO of s ild bonds shall bolssuod , and all thetorms ami provisions of this uropo- sltlonfilrill bo hold for naught. The Nobrusko Central Hallway company agrees , before an election bolni ; called to sub mit to the voters of the city of Oninli i this proposition , that It will oxoeulo aid ) deliver to said city , a bond with good and Rtilllclont sureties In the sum of II vo thousand dollars ( $ j.XUCOi ( , und 11 vo thousand dollars ( J'l.OOO.UO ) citah , conditioned upon the payment of the expenses of said election , Thlb proposluon.nnd tliu accept nice thereof by the city of Omaha , and thu ratllluathm of this proposition by said Nebraska Central Hallway company , or Its Kiiocossors or as- sp-'DL's. as huriiln provided , shall be con tained and understood to constitute a con tract between the said Nebraska Central Hall way company. Its successor. ) or assigns , and thu said olty of Omaha , and all the toims , con ditions agreements and provisions made on thu part ot thu .ViUiasKa Contiul Hallway company. In Hits proposition contained , aru hereby madu thu covenants of thu nald Ne braska Cvntnil Hallway company. Its sue- cossorA ntul assluns , which BlniJI attach to and run with all of Its said property and bo bind ing upon any party Into whose hands It or any of it may come , In wltnisss whereof the said Nebraska Con Iral Hallway company tun caused these prns- onts to bo executed this Kith day of .May , A.I- 18T' . NKHHA.SICA OINTHAL : UA.ILWAV co. , lly J. II. IUMO".T , Vice President. Attest : JOHN L. McOAGUE , Secretary. Witness : ALKX. O , OltAHt/TON. State of Nebraska , I . . . . Douglas County , f bB- On this 10th ( lay of May. A. n. 1803. before mo , a notary public In and for said county , personally appeared the above named .1 , II. Jluinont and John St. MoCaguo , who are to me poitonally known to bu the Identical persons wlio signed tm ) forozolng Instrument , IIH vice president and ssorotary of the NobraKUti Oon- tral Hallway company ; they acknowledge the said Instrument to bo the voluntary act and deed of the aald Nebraska Cuntrul Hallway compuny and tholr voluntary act and deed an such vlco president and vuuretury of said uom- Wlttiosii my lnind and notarial goal tlio date last aforesaid. ALEX. O.OIIAHI.TON. iHp.Ar. . ] Notary Public. This done by order of the olty council of the city of Omahu this 12th day of July , 1SU. ! ONII dHOVRH. Olty Clerk of the City of Omaha. NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT OP DAMAGES - AGES FOR GUADING. To tin ) owners of all low on Grant Htroot from 42nd street to43th street. Von ara himihy notlllcd that tlio undor- , slsned , thriMi dUlnturostud freeholders of the I city of Omaha , have been duly appointed by the mayor , with thu approval of thuolty < ; ( uni- cll of Hald city , td assess the damage to thu owners respectively of the property affected by'Kr.idlngof hald slioot , duclaied nucesxary by prdlnanoo numberU127. pavsod JulyOth , l&U. approved July I Kb. 1S1U \ on urn further notlllud , that having no- copiud sild aiijiolntmont , und duly nunllliod asiufiulrnd by law. wo will , on thu I'nd day of August , A , I ) . 1KU at the hour of throe o'clock In the afternoon , at the otllco of 'doo. J. I'aiil. 1G0.1 Karnam otrnuU within thn oorpor- atu llinltH of nald city , meet for the purpose of considering and /nuking the usauummint of unmavu to the owners rnipcctlvuly of uald property , affected by said gradlntaklnj Into oonsldorutlpn spuolal bunufltf , If any. You'aru notlllud to t > o present at tlio tlmo and place aforesaid and > nuke any ohjootloni toor stiitomonts concerjilng Bald assessment of duiiiasuj tin you inay ronHldt-r proper , OI'.O. J.'PAIII , , W. U. rMTf'X W. O , HlUUVhl ! . OMAIU , July 2-Hli , 18r ! ) . > For Sale , Rent or Exchangd BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , ' 007 Farnam Otreal. OMAHA RHILWKYTIMEGHRD Lcnvea ICIIlOAiJO , AIIU A 81' . I'AUl-,1 Aril o UnmlmJ 0 U. 1 * . depot nml MIUOT Hta. | O inn in NOTICI3 Oli1 ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR GHADING , To the owners of all lots , pnrt lot * and rent estate iilonnJlartha utrnet from 'JJlh to 21111 streets. You are hereby notified that the under signed. I hrco ( Uninterested freeholder * of lljn city of Omaha , bavo been duly appointed ny the mayor , with thu approval of the city ( jounell of said city , to assess tbo damages to the owners lospuotivoly of the property af fected by grading Martha street from Hh to L'Hh streets , dei'larnd necessary by grdlnanco number ill''H , pjssoil July Sth , Wi ! , anil up- proveil July lltl ) . IbU You are further no'llliid. that having ac cepted said appolntment.antl duly nualllli'd us reonlrecl by luw.wo will , on the 1st day of Au gust. A. l > . IB ! ) . ' , at thu hour of Ijn'clo-k In the forenoon , ut the olllce of bin Ivor & U'Donuhoe , 1JOJ Karnam street , within the corporate lim its of mild olty , meet for the purposu of con sidering the makliiK and uxiaKaimuit of dain- uges to tint owner , resouetlvuly of s ild prop erty , alTui'ted by said giMillni' , taklti { Into consideration sneoliil boiiollts , If nny. Von am notlflod to bo present at the tlmo nndplavn uforusalil , and maUu any objections to or statements concerning .snld aascsiinont of damage ! ) ns you mav I'onshlnr pronor , ( Jho ! J. PAUL. JAMES Sl'OOKDALH. Omaha , July 18th.W. \ . Jyl'ldlOt Tothoownornof all low , pirts of lots und roul estate iilopgliith avuniio fiom Louveu- worth Htroot to south line or Kills Placii ; You uro huroby notlllol that thu inidur- slgnod. tlneo ( llsllilorealoil f rnrijioliler * of tliu city of Omaha , have boon duly appointed by the mayor , with thu approval of thn rity council of euli ! city , to us > ess the dumago to the uwnom respectively of the property uf- foclod by grading IIHh avenue from Luavon- worth street to south line of K1IU I'laeo. de- olared necessary by ordinance No. Ul iiiiis4od July 5 , ifc'j' ' ' . apnrovod July H , IHJJ. Yon are further notlllod , that having ao- ceiitud said appointinnut , arid duly nuallllod UN roqulrud by law , iru will on tlio Jut iluy ot Aiuunt , A. I ) , IKa. nl the hour of lo o'oloelt In thn forenoon , ut the oDIco of John V , Cluck , at room R51 , Chamber ot Oommurco , within tutt corporate limit * of said oily , tnttot Tor thu purpose of considering unil maldiu tho. ax- KOMinontof Oamiixo to thu owner * ro.xpeut- Ively of * alu propurty , ufToctoil by 8-ild Krufl- Ing , Inking lute fousl'lsrjitlon apoolul buno- Ills. If any. You lire notified to bo present at the tlinu and place aforouuld , ami muke nny objection ! toornluloinentf eoncurnliu laid mmessi of uninnEOii at you may roimtder proper. JOHN K. I'LAOK. T. H. McOULLDtill. . , . . JUIJN U. lUISVKd. Omuhu. July 19 , (692. ( JyHuW