THE OM/VITA DAILY BEE : J&UDAY , JULY 29 , 1892. THE OMAHA BEE. COUN'Ctb BLUFFS OFL'JCKs - NO. 12 PEAHL STREET. rtl\t ! f(1 ( Ij Carrlcrton y paitof tlio City II. W. TILTON , - MANAGE1' inn rnttn * ixj Hin'noMOnice ' No41 JKIT-rll ° ' IMBht Editor . . . .NoL'i ; .inx < > tt ai N Y. Plumbing Co. C'ounril BluHs Lumber C'6. , The Hotlinny Hiiptlst soolal has boon post poned until this ovcnltig on nccount ot the rain. Charles DomlnR. Cliarloi Llobold nnd a couple of strangers were capsized n night or two na.ovtillo sailing on Manawa In tlio sail boat "Seagull. " An unknown Gorman. Just from the old country , died on A.V , Wymnn' * farm In Kcit crock township a few days ago from the effects of the beat , Llr. Donald iMncrnc , jr. , lost n film St. Uor- nard dog Wednesday nlpllt by the net of Bomo poison llond. Thn animal was valued nt f I BO nnd was highly prized by Its owner. J. ( J. Blxbv , iiispoctor of hollars , bus con- denned the bollcrof the "Uo uuo" stenmor on I ukn Mnnnwn. and has forbidden nny lives bmltundor It itittll It has been furnished with a new sot of Hues. Jcnslno , wife of Jonso Soron on , died yoaterdny nftcrnoon nt 4 o'clocic , aped 31 ycnrs. The funeral takes pliico at ! ) o'clock this afternoon from tbo tvsldonco , 1SH1 South Seventh streot. Special communication of Bluff City lodge No. 71 , Ancient Free nnd Accented Masons , this uvonini ; for worn In the llrat degree. All members in cooi ! stnnillnir nro cordially Invited. By ardor of the worshipful master. Tlio infant child of Mr. and MM. J. L. Kalar dlod of cholera infanlum yesterday afternoon tit 4 o'clock , nRcd three days. The funeral will occur this afternoon ut 'J o'clock from the family residence , 1520 Tenth avcnuo , nnd the remains will belli terra J In the Wul- nui Hill comctury. A. Josooli , n strancor In the city , was run In by Ofllcor Weir WednoBday night for vagrancy. When ho was brought into police court for u hearing li turned out that ho had hnd the misfortune to fall Into a hlvo of bees , nnd when ho was questioned about his ex perience by the ofllcor ho called the ofllcer n "hobo. " When the story came out , ho was discharged. Cdnrnil Finlc , ono of the ola sottlois of Council Bluffs , dlod yesterday morning nt 11 o'clock , aged 80 yearn. Ho leaves u wife nna two daunhtors , Mrs. John Lleb nnd Mrs. Lizzlo Hansun. The deceased waa n resident of the city over since 1S. > 8. The funornl will uiho place tomorrow morning nt 10 o'clock from the faa.lly residence , 127 Madison btrcot. There will bo no services nt the First Piesbytcrmn church next Sunday morning in order that the members of the church may attend the farowcll tervlcos at tlu ) Conpro- gutlonal church. In the ovonlng Dr. Phelps will preach us usual. There will nrobably bo no more services during the month of Aueust , as Dr. Plic-lps leaver for his annual vucution Immodlutoly after uott Sunday. The thoromotor1 * of the city yesterday thawed a tempcralurj of 00 = during the warmest part ot the any , n fall of y.0 within twenty-four hours. Overcoats wcro resorted io by all who were fortunnto enough to have kept them in their possession Uurinc the- . ' ammer. It Is stutod that the seven days Ja-jt passed were the wai'moU. taking them us u whole , thai have beer , soon hero for ten y curst. The twelve men who wuro arrested for making u raid on n dwullli.g house near the Northwestern roundhouse were discharged by Judge McUcoojtcruay morn up , the woman who mmlo ho complaint refusing to prosecute. The oflicer who made the arrest could not oven tell enough about them to convict them of vagrancy and claimed that their victim bad suddenly tuUon a notion to visit u sister in South Omuhn. A rumor wns circulated in the city yester day morning to the effect that during the iii 'ht the Mannwn betel tad been burned to tbo ground , An investigation showed the report to bo unfounded , nnd it probably nroso from the fncttbat a haystack on the farm of G , . F. Wright burned during the night. It wns in about the same direction from the city ns the hotel , nnd some who saw It got a wrong idea as to its location. Etta Miller , who was charced , , vlth having ( stolen a watch from Gcorcc Huby. was be- foroJudKO McOeoyesterday morning fora trial. The prosecuting witness fell down when It come to proving up a case of larceny , as he admitted upon the stand that ho had given tbo woman His watch to wear , and only hnd hur arrested bocausu ho thought nho had run off with it. The court discharged her nod tuxod up the costs to Kuoy. An ola man on the incoming Union Pacific train yesterday afternoon was noticed to bo acting Blnmgoiy , und wni picked up by the depot policeman on the supposition that ho wus Insano. Ho wns unable to toll wboro ho wanted to go. Ho wus brought up town and given an examination by the commissioners of insanity. On his person wus found n letter showing that ho had stnrtod out to visit relatives in Dakota. Ha wns lltled out with a tug showing his destination , put aboard n northbound train and sent on his ivay. ills namowus A. Loomis , and he wns bO years of ago. Special I'rlcrs for.Tuly nnd August nt S irgant's. * Wo hnvo the Invest und boat Bolcotcd stock in the city , und can sell you bhoes choitpor tliiin itny liouso in the city. If you wnnt Oxfords coins nnd net our prises , olid If you wnnt shoes wu AUK IN IT. Special prices to toaohorH ut- tuiuling liiblituto. B. M. SAUGKNT , 413 Broadway. Trains loivvo Manawa dally at 8 a ndlO n. in. , 12m. , and 1 , 2 , U50 : , 3 , 8I : ) , 4. 4 : 0 , 6 , 6:80 : , 0 , ( j'iO. : 7 , 7:30 : , 8 , 8:30 : , 9 Jiu : ; , au , iu-iu : , 11 mm no(3 : ( p. m. The HCotruln : will muko connocllnii with the Instolcctrlo motor cur for Omaha. ; I'JUtl A O.V/I L VAKAO It A I'J IS. George E. Dago of lioston la in tbo city. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. John Oliver , a son. Louis llonn wlU'leuvo Monday for Cull- f or nla. Holla O. Hoblnson Is visiting In Louis ville , K.v. ' Mrs. F. Covaltand son have returned fro'n o visit wi.h filencls In Kansas. Mrs. A. B. Moore and cousin. Mrs. Lolla 1'ottlt , are visiting In the nast. Mlisoi Corrie and Miunlo llonn have gene to Now Yorlt for a visit with irlonds for several wcolia. M. C. Swuimon , Avoca's well known mer chant , was In tilt-city yesterday , accompanied by lua llttlo dauihtor. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hrown leave toaav for a visit to Waulte.sliii , WIs. , In the hope of benefiting Mrs , Urown'u health. Miss Jennie Hall of Janosvllle , WIs. , U vlbltlnc Mr. mid Mrs. J. A , ( jorlmm. Hho Is acco.-npiinlod by Miss Uusslo and Muster Joe Uorham. Dr. Donald Mucrao has been olortod to the vlco presidency for lowii of the Pun-Aincii- rnn Medical association , which Includes < r North and South America. Colonel J. H. Kcntloy tius given up his residence In Sioux City und will return to Council Dluffs to live. Ilo Is to tiilio tbo iircRldcnoy of a now Insurance company that Is to bo orKiinltod within tbo next montb. The Jowul gnsolino Btovo IH the best in the world for sufoty , durability nnd economy , and the now Jowul Is Its equal. See tlioiu ut Ohurlos Swittno'a , 737 Uroudmiy. _ If You \Viuit ( ) Jfiril Tlui Surpont hits them , all styles nnd kinds , from 7oo to J8.CO. Spoolitl prices. SAKUKNT , TUB SHOW MAN. Tonight , wftor tlio Ojnwn show , Dul- Voy'B bund will ylvn nn open ulr concert in front of Hotel Mnnuvvu. ISOpoonlo in tiiu olty use pas utovoa Tlio OuaCo. puts 'am in tvt coat. Munumi ua a fuiully resort ouunot bo NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Officers Succeed in Breaking Up a Gang of Counterfeiters , THREE OF ITS MEMBERS UNDER ARREST Green (5ood niut llnil Money Ilealt In Kx- temlvely One of thtj < lnng Cniiletsmn Tlio ( Jrlino of a Itrutnl Iluslmnd. A ilangorotis gang of counterfeiters has been broken up near Croiton. That the gang was opsratlng 1ms bcon known forsomo titno pail , but all efforts to locnto its mom- burs were fruitless. They were engaged In un extensive green goods business In addi tion to the manufacture of the worthless Btuft. Deputy Utntoil States Marshal Utoh- nrds ouccccdod in running Frank Murnhy und brought him to the city yester- uny morning , depositing him in the city Jail with the charge of handling counterfeit money onteroi agntuit him. Murphy , who is n hnrd looking customer , admitted , when arrested , that ho hnd tried to pass some bad mnpoy , but said ho wus drunk when he did It. At Crnstou ho passed ono ? , " > bill off on nn unwnry storekeeper nnd tried to pass several others , but they were refused. \Vhun ho wus brought before the commis sioner he. stoutly maintained his Innocence , but It did nut take the ofUcors long to con vince him that enough was known nhoat him to mnko things vcrv'unploasnnt for him. Ho t lion decided to make a oloan breast of the whole thing. Ho admitted belonging to the ganir , und guvo awny the nnmos of two ot the other members of the gang. Hlchnrds nt once sent n telegram to Creston n klng the police of that plauo to nrrost the two whoso uumpj were impliu.Ucd by Murphy's confes sion. Another telegram was soon received from Crcf.ton stating that the men were under nrrest and would bo sent to the BlulTs on the evening trnln. All three will bo given a healing before the commissioner to morrow. _ QIIUAT ANNUAL ObUAKINU dAI.K At tlio Ilostun Store , Council liliiu"n , In. , ComiiirnclllK Wednesday MurnliiKT. Bargains will bo found in every do- partincnt. The balance of our all wool chnJHcs for 39c durlnrr Slllo. Some beautiful patterns in both dark and light grounds. AU our light stripo'l , pluld and mixed ail wool ohoviots , tnivt sold for 50c and 58q , during faalo for 42Jc. The newest weaves in cotclo nul , hon- riettuB , bcdford cords , 7.ig-xag jacquards , surges , olc. , that sold for 9oo , $1.00 and $1.25 during the 11-day sale , or at least while they last , for 72Jc. A chance that no ono ought to miss. Half wool challles , 12Jc. Extra quality , yard wide , unblo.tched muslin , Oc u yard. Our Oc and Ojo unbleached muslin for ! > o. 5,000 vnrda of remnants In unbleached muslin"a. good 8c mudlin , during sale for oc. An extra qinlity bleached muslin for 4c. Our 7c and 8c bleached muslins dur ing wile for Oc. 5,000 yards bleached and unb'.eachod crash , 4o a yard. 2.o pieces extra quality turltoy rod damask , former price , 33c ; du-'ing sale , 2Jic. 19 p'oces ' superior quality , former price , 3o ! ) , 45c and 50c ; during sale , 32ic. 600 yards Cheviot shirtings worth 7c for 41c. Mosquito not 5o a yard , 32jc per piece. 75 dozen all linen buck towels , colored border and plain \vhito ( hemmed , no fringe ) , 12u each , great value , very suitable for hotels or boarding houses. 10,000 yards challios , 4c a yard. 2,000 yards Columbia suiting , 28 and 30 inches wide , was lOc and 12jc ; during sulo , Olo. 250 pincos- stripe , plain , plaid and check seersucker , Gjc ; former pi-ice , lOc. 200 pieces best indigo blue calico , 5c a yard. Bengal tissue , the prettiest and light est weight fabric on the market , usually sold for 15c ; during ale , 8i. 8,000 yards Orlosian cords , former price , 12ic ; during snip , 7Ja All our 15c and 17c ginghams , 12jc. Outing llanncls 5c a yard. Chilian olotli , pine apple tissues , Shoutong pongees , cropon cloths. TalTeta cords , Bedford cords , etc- . , all during sale for lc. ( ! 150 do/on Indies white drawn work bordot * handkerchiefs two for 5o. 200 dozen of a ladies white lOc liand- Iforchiof for ' 5o. All our colored and fancy parasols at just half price , to clour $5.00 for $2.50. ? 2.50 for 81.25 and so on. Our entire stock of muslin underwear at exact cost for 11 days. 1,500 pieces of all silk ribbons , 5c a piece as cheap as colnmun tape , 10 and 12 yards to a piece. 100 window shades , only two and three of n kind , former price 7cc and $1.00 , to close 42ic. "VVhito blanks , Son , roll. White blank gilts , fioa roll. Heavy gilts , 8c a roll. Ingrain , 9o a roll. All borders at half price. Odds and ends in paper almost given away. Remember there are thousands ot bargains not montioiicd hero. A visit to our great sale will show you omo of tlio best bargains over olTorcd in dry goods. BOSTON STORE , Council Blulfd , la. AVorkofn llrutnlVilo Hunter. The residents of Turloy's glen , east of Wil low nvonuo , ara considerably worked up over tbo outrageous treatment which Mrs. J. J , Danlon received from her husband , nnd from the effects of which she has not yet re covered , Ono of thu neighbors hoard a cull foi help , and on visiting the cottage found Mrs , Uonion lying Insmmblo on the lloor. Hur tuuband had Just loft her. She was moved into tao house , and , after retaining consciousness , she said that her bus band c rno homo drunk and demanded that she give him what little monov she had. She re fused to do so , whereupon ho kicked her in n brutal manner nnd Indicted a horrlblo in jury. Dr. Donald Mncrno , jr. , wus culled to attend her. Ho stated that blood poisoning wns Illioly to HOI in In n few davs , and In that event her beating would In all probability result futallv. Mrc. Oeiilcn , although she Is suffering terrible ugony till the time , refuses to urose- uuto hur husband , or oven to talk very much about the uffuir , excepting to hrr moit mti- mala friends , as she wants to shield him from nny trouble that hu might bu nubmlttod to by the Indignant neighbors. It Is said that hu has been In thu habit of beating his wife whenever ho got drunk , but she per sists In her refusal to mtko things Interest ing for him. _ Mrs. Wlnslow's Soot Ding Srrap for chll- dren teething produces natural quiet sloop. Uo.couts a bottle. O. 1' . A. Picnic. The Commercial Pilgrims and their friends of Oinulm and Council Bluffs will picnic in the beautiful grove at Greondalo next Saturday , July 30. Spe cial train will luuvo Rook Inland depot , South Main st. , at 0:30 : a. in. Itontnvlni ; Old Aciiii | liitancoi. John tiercel and Jntned Hairden bconmo ucc'imluted last evening In front of the Grind hotel \vhllo llitcnlug to the strains of tbo Salvation nrroy band. After depositing a nickel In tbo bat Morgel invited Halrdon to go lota a neighboring sbloon and huvo n glass of bour and u social time. Kalrdva accepted the invitation with ulucrlty uud boer tlowe'l frcclr for quite a while. Merge ! suddenly alscovorcd that ho bad known Ralrdon be * fore nnd that Unlrden bed burglarized his place of business In Choynnno county , Nebraska , about ilvo years ago and baa stolen some money. By ndrolt mannglng ho got Ralrden to the street , where ho turned him over to Ofllcor Clnar with the request that ho lock htm up In Jail on tbo charge of burglary. Claar took the young man to the city building , where ha left him In custody ot Captain Malt by whllo ho and Morgol wont to the homo of the olty cleric to got n warrant. Unlrdon claims the story told by Morgel is all mndo out of whole cloth. Ho demies over having bcon In Cbovonno count } ' and de clares that ho would not have the necessary nerve to hold up n canary bird , much loss to burglarize n houso. Ho claims to bo the son of Patrick Kairdon , who keeps n whole sale grocorv house nt the corner of Seven teenth aad O streets In The Royal Japanese troupe are still nt Manawa drawing bigger crowds every night. They will change their program every evening. Everybody dolightod. Dalbcy's band in attendance , Notice to Tcaoliorn. Sargont. at 413 Broadway , wants to see you if you want shoos. Special prices to touchers. Tut * OijD PHILLIPS SHOP. STORK , 413 Broadway. Ogawa at Munaxvn , So Young mill A young lady pn'sontcd herself In Council Bluffs at the ofllce of the clerk of the district court yesterday afternoon and uskod for a marriaga llconso. "Whore's the maul" woi the question nskod by Deputy Clerk Foulon. "Oh , ho1 ! * outside. " was tno girl's reply "Ho thought I could do It just as well ash'o * could , nnd ho wns n lltt'.o ' bashful , nnvwtiy. ' " \Vcll , " said the clerk , "you'd better call him in. " Very reluctantly the young man entered the room when ho wni culled. On inquiring the cleric found out tbut ho wns not yetI year3 of nge , nnd ho had thought that possibly the deputv nlcrk miuht bn so subject to woman's smiles as to overlook bib lacic of lega' quiiHflo.itlou nnd Usuo him a llconso anyway. Ho had to go back to Omaha and got his father to come over and his consent ou Illo In the clerk's oftlco. The names of the parties were Burnldeau E Hor.nomhoffcr ot Omaha nnd Emma K. Mil- lei * of Fremont. Neb. _ Summer suits for gentlemen ; cool , comfortable and cheap. Roitor , the tailor , 310 Broadway. Gco. Davis , druggist , opposite Ogdcn. Stall ) Only tlio Wheels. A day or two ago William Vicory , who keeps a feed store on Broadway near the govermmcnt building , borrowed a wagon of M. Wcatherbco to use In his business whllo his own wagon was undergoing some re pairs. Hu kept it when not in use In tbo bacK yard of his place. Yesterday morning when ho wont out to hitch up for the aay's work bo found that some ono hnd bcon there during the night and had stolen all of tba wheels of bis bor rowed vehicle , nnd the wagon box and frame wow lying in the yard. There Is no clew to the thief , and Mr. Vicory is nt a loss to ex plain what his motive could have been In taking only the wheels when ho might Just a1 ; well nnd n good deal moro easily have bad a whole wngon. To save doctor's bills drink Manawa mineral water. You can got it fresh every morning by sending your jug down by the conductor. Ho will fill it and brftig it up free. Concert at Manawa every nitrnt this week. _ Suit for Icc8. Attorney W. H. Ware commenced n suit yestordaj in the superior court for $1,500. which ho claims as fees for his services as attorney in a number of oases in which ho appeared for Siodontopf. The fees in the In dividual cases nro as follows : Sicdontopf ugnmst Brown , SI,000 ; Mary Parks against Sicdentopf , $1,50J ; Stodentopf against God frey. JoOO ; I < llckinger Bros , ngaln&t Sloden- topf , fTiOO ; James Saguin against Siodontopf , f5UU ; Snguln against Kim ball & Champ , Wanted Iron moidors at the O < jdon Iron works , Council BlulTs. Good witges. It's awfully nice nnd cool at Manawa. OVEXEO IO bKTl'LE.3ll ST Madi ) on Ciillfornla I.niuls Forfeited by the Southern. I'lii'lllc. SAX FIUNCISCO , Cal. , July 28. Seven hun dred and fifty thousand acres ID San Bonito and Monterey counties which , according to the net of oougrois of September 19 , 1800 , re- vurt to the government by reuson of the fnil- uro of the Southern I'ucltlc railroad to com plete a Lortuln portion of its line within the Bp.'cllicd timn , was thrown open to settle ment yesterday under the homos load act , and largo numbers of filings were made at the land cfllco In this city. Some excitement at tended the opening ot the land. Settlers In farm wagons have boon uight and day going to nnd coming from tbo county clerk's ofllca ut Hollistcr. These were generally old settlers tlors who have no doubt of being able to prove their residence on land and cultivation of it. Kitra O Domestic. Two oil tanks , containing each 40.000 gallons of oil and beloncln to thu Southwestern I'luo Line company of Washln lon , 1) , u , were struck bv lightning and were cnmulotoly dcstioycd. Itluh RtrlUos in gold and sllvcc are reported from I'ltidn. Colo. , und much excitement bus been caused lu consequence. Three children nero struck by lightning and killed at llerlln , WIs. The TOMIS fever IH raKing In Indian Terri tory and cuttle are reported to bo dying by hundreds. The robbers who held up the bank at Huno. Ukl. are being elosuly pursued by u slierlll'e posse. Slsscn , Gill. , has boon vlslto.l by a destruc tive lire. Nearly all of the town la In ruins. A combination of fur dealers has bcon ac complished. The new combine starts out with a capital of * 1U,0.0OW. Headquarters will bo at Newark , .N. J , Forty conductors on the street railway of Portland , Ore. , have bcon arrested for kuook- Inirdown fares. The Ornno Uhomlcal works at Springfield , N. J. , blew up , and the until o plant U in ruins , One man was killed und a number seriously Injured , Cool weather prevails throughout the north west. Frost H reported from muny places. Cholera Is malilni steady progress In Itus- slii. Thn fuutof Its having Invudcd Koumanlu U nf serious Import to Kurooo , When parliament reconvenes Mr. Gladstone will Introduce H motion duularliu that the house has no confidence In the rJallsoury gov ernment * Mr. Halfour Is at the Isle of Wight counsel ing With Queen Victoria on the course to puiHiio when p.irlli'inunt ' reconvenes. 1 1 U rumored Unit tlieru bus been another plot discovered toovorthtuw the Unitarian government. NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS , Vanilla Of porfoot purity. Lemon Orange Of great strength. Almond Economy In their use Rose etc. Flavor as dolloatoly dollclously aa the frooh fruit. WQODBURY'S ' FACIAL SOAP * t.rot > ] ljdr t. mill for lor. Armpit n ner iiit"ir ieq , ( gMn.t-ttln , ! trTOi nil nieodniMtifi x\ta \ nMtnrtmMlls Htte BlrthmnrVi , Mole , w rt , InJIn Ink ( in I Ittikr Uiiki I Sent. I'll- tlnjrs , I'tdnrM of Now , Stiperflnotts C n > llltlii rr'A < < iit inr ( tr bj Itilrrl JOHN H. WOODBUAY , 0.1. , 123 W. 42d SL , New York Cil , . , 1 , t For Suffering Women. DR , MILES1 Restorative NERVINE , Sleeplessness , Ncrvouo Prostrft. tlon , sick and nor- Tons headache , fits , etc. After font years treatment by tba beet doctori In the land , bnt without any relief , liavo need youi Ncrvlno for ono week'and bare not hail an Attack elnco. HunuC Biucus. HfathvllloPa. YourNor vine has cured mo completely for nervous troubles. J.M.TAYI.OII. Lottv.O. Trial liottlo fr ? o dru-cl ( ti ! DB. MZLE3 EtEDIOAIi Co , Elkhart , tnd. for ilo by Kuhn ft Oj. . 13th & Douslas Sts ARE YOU SUFFERING ? I'il OU rcnnle WcaKncss , Catarrh or Rheumatism , p Chronic , Nervous or Private Discisis. IF SO , OALlj ON S@ar@s ! & Searles Consultation Free. AcunowledRod to bo tlio most successful spo- clullstslnnll I'HivATB. HI.OOD , Nnuvous , " AND UllINAItr UWEASKi Oonorrluui in fro'ii J to 0 days. Syr cured without Mercury. All st IKCS for llfo. bTIUCTUIlK penimuontlr cured , removal cora- ploto , without cutting , o.lintlo or dllntatlon. Cnro nirectcJ nt homo by patient without a moment's tinln or nnnoynnco. I'lIiKS , FISTULA. AND UUCTAL UI.C12U3 ouraa witUout pain or detention from business. llYDKOCKIjH ANI > VAKICOCBLH < erraanently and Bucceaafully cured. Method navr and unfalllu . WEAK MEN ( VITALITY WEAK ) , Made so by too closj appll cation to business orBtudjr ; sovcra mental strainer or grief : S1C.XUAI , KXCltSSKS In middle Ufa , or from tlio effects of youthful folllos. WKAk MEN AUK VICTIMS TO NERVOOS DB- BILlTYorKXIIAUSTION , WASTING WKAKNKSd INVOLUNTARY LO SKS with UA11LY DKUAY In YOUNU and MIDDI.H AUICU ; lack of vim , vigor nnd BtrciiKth , with actual oricnns Impalrad nuj wcakcnenad promatiirely In approiclilni ; old age. All rlold readily to our njw treatment for loss of vital power. Cull on or addrodd with stamp for circulars , fro3 book nnd receipts. Dr.Sedrtes & Scafles , , Nutt tj L'jit ) A o. t Wnuia Qnnrnntoo JA Cure Every Caao or Monay Refcndvd. Our cure li permanent and not a patchlai rniu Cmifli treated teren yean azo naTi , norar icon a symptom ilnc . nydescrlblnzcMoitaUrvaeaa treat yon by mall , and we giro th smmo ttronf laaranU * to can > r refund all money. These who prefer to com * h r fortreatment caa do so nJ we wilt pay railroad far * both wayi and hotel bills while hem , If wa fall to ear * W ciiallenge tha world for a case that oar Matte Remedy will not cure , -irrltqfor partloulan anil * l ihttTldenco. In our sertn years piactleo with th UurteBemtdy It ban been most difficult to r roomo < ! > < pnjndlces analnit socalled specifics. Bnt under our stroni gutrontoo thousands ara trylnt It and be Ing cured. We guarantee to eure or refund OTerr dollar , and as we ham a reputation loproteot , also financial bacilnx of liM.OOOIt Is perfectly safe to all whowlli try the treatment , Heretofore ) you bare putting up and paylnx out your money for different treatments , nnd although you nro not yet eurel no one has paid back your money. We will poslUraly cure yon , Old , chronic , deep seated caies eared In 0) toMdays. luvejtliato our financial standing , onr reputation as business men. Write us for names ant addremesof thos we have cured who hare given permission to refer to them. It coils yea only post * age to do this. If your symptoms ara sore throat , mucous patches In mouth , rtnamstlsm la bones and Joints , hair falling out , eruptions on any part of the body , feallng of general depression , pains la haalor bones. You have no time to wasM. Tnote who are constantly taking mercury and potash , should dlfr commas It. Constant use of these drugs will surely bring sores and cttlnic ul rl In the end. Don't fall to write. AU correspondence sent sealed In plain on- velopo. Wo InT'te the most rlglJ InTestlgatlou and will do all In our powerto al.l you la Ik Address , COOK REMEDY CO. . - Omaha. Neb SPECIAL. . NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS. "I71OM TIENT Tlio dwollme on First avenun JL ? nnd KUhth street forinorfy occupied by M. U Bmltli ! 11 rooms , t bath rooms nnd nil modern Improvements : pond stnblo mid out building ! rent J.HI | ior month. K H , Shonfo. " 1 PYOU have Rnytlilnc for siloor < rndo 100 -L U 11 , Shonfo , llroridwfty niut Slain stroat , 1T OU UnNT-Dwollluzs In nil pirts of the -L city. U It. Shanfo , llroadwjiy and Main , WANTKD-Eixitorn Nebraska Innds In ox- clmnRii for Oouncll 11 lulls property. 1J. H. Shonfo , lira i.iwny ana Main street , rnilE inaOEST HAUnAIN Donblo roil- -Ldonco lot , No. 110 South First stroou 80 foot front ; host location and boat bariznl n In the city If taken at ouco , Day & Hosi. 3D 1'o'irl ' street. 1.AAUM and olty loans at lowest ratos. -L1 Koal oatato for sale , Pwolllnz and business rontaN. Mouoy loaned for looal Invuators. Lougoe ft Towlo. 235 Pearl street. FOH SALE Klovator wltn corn sheller 4,000 bu. dtliy ; curn or.ndor , 10J bit. an hour ! saw mill attachment , 40 II. I * , oiulno ; doing a Rood buslnoss ; located near Council IllufTs. li II. Shoatu. FOR SALE On small payments , fruit and Rardon land near Council lllulTs. U. 11- Bhoafo , llro&dway nnd .Main stroot. T71OR SALE-Alblon Uollor mills JL1 river. Nub. ; llnest wntorpower In the state developing 1-3 horse power watur entire yo.irj dully capacity , 100 barrels : machinery and nppurtctiunccs complete In every detail. Ooo.l fiiiino residence ; 8 ncrcsof lund. tltlo uorfoot : price , $15,000 ; will take uiilinprovol eastern Nebraska land. E. II. Shoafo. FOIl SALE On easy p.iyinontSc all parts ot the city. B. U. Shonfo , FOU BALE Stock of iiulso. and brick store building , well ostabllshod trade ; locution near Omiiha , I'rlco , IVat. Will tikko good farm In oxchanio. K , It. Shonfo. T71OU SALE Iowa farms In t'ottawattamlo * ' audjjkjtjolnlng counties. E. II. Bhoafo. WANTED About August 1. In a private family , n competent u-ltl for Konontl housework : iiuiflt have reference. Apply evenings at 015 Willow avenue , Council 11 lull's. IT"OH SALE Hotels ana restaurants In lena Jund Nebraska , doing profitable business nnd well located ; frill take lund In part trade ; wrltofordotalU. E. H. Shoafo. POR SALE A first cl iss stock of general morchindlso with Rood wlli ; price $1,003 ; will take good land m exchange. E. II. Sheafo. T71OU SALE Stock of mllllnorv and notions. -L with store nnd Uxtures ; prlco $1UOJ ; will rado for land. E. U. Hhoixfe. I71OU SALE S3 acres of goo > l land nud now X' cott.ipo. with four acres land In Wurnors- vlllo , Neb. : all modern Imurovements : will oxcluuiso for a pleasant cntt-i o free of In- otimbranue In Council It lulls or Omaha. E. II. Shoafc. FOU SALE One of the brightest and most ( lcsiralIo homes In thn city , on 4th avo. : modern in all respects. Must sell , and will sucnQce. Adaross L 10 , lice olllce. FOU SALE 181-acro ranch In Chorrv Oo. Neb. Good hay land , splendid ranso for cattle. Mco cottage , stable and out buildIngs - Ings In good repair , plenty water. Host land In the county : will sell cheap. Write fordo- tails. E. 11. Shoafo. POH EALW Oil TRADE nnd saloon ut Manawa ; good business nt all RoiBons ; teed iHilldlii : ami Improvements. A map for a llvo man. E. II. She ifo. W ANTED Girl for general housoworlc. In quire ayl Olea avo. ACRES of land : tli miles from city limits at f.'i ) per ncro , ou main road. Would make u fine fruit faim. Johnston & Van I'attcn. TTHJRNISIir.D HOUSE TO RENT Eight J- rooms , steam and all moJorn 1m provcmcnts. Apply to E. II. Shcafe. LOST On Saturday ovenlnz on 1'oarl street or Fifth avonuo. between 7th or 8th streets , a turouolse necklace. Return and receive liberal reward , Mary C. Key , 233 South Sev enth street , LOST A Columbia b cycle. A reward will bo paid for Its return to J. E. F. McGcc. ENGLISH pup lost or stolent ' .hrcec months old. Koviard for return to 331 Tenth live. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. WELL BRED.SOONWED" GIRLS WHO US SAPOLIO Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next House-Cleaning. 250ZS.FOR2S ? ABSOLUTELY PURE . . fcCO. KANSAS CITY.MO. Twin City Steam Dye Works O A. SOIIO13DSAOIC , 1'U 1 > BU-TOK. ; DYEING , CLEANING AND REFINISHING dP QOOD3 OP EVERY DES'BIPTION. Oinnhiv Olllco , 1G21 Pjvrnivtn St. ; Toloptiono 1621. founoll ! Hlutra Olllco und Works Cor. Avo. A und 20th St. ; Tolojihono 310. Send for circulars und prlco lint. "Korvo Sooda , " the wonderful remedy Is ( old wltb a writ * ten Biiurnnico to euro all nrrroui riUcascs. lucli as Weak Memory , 1/ossof Ilratnl'owcr , Unaduche. WakefulnMs , Lost Munhood. Nlyhilr Koil - ( Ions , Nervousness , uissltude.alldralns and loss of power of IboUciierotlro Organs In oltbcrsercauiol br overciorclon. youthful ( rro a.or i-zcosdrr use of tobMoo , opium or stimulants which soon lead to InDrmllr. Consiimp- , "i'ut up coiuiinlen- carry In rest pocket , til per pack. ' axe by maili 0 for H. SVIlb every $ u > rrterw viveaimtttn y irantu tocurt mcroitK AND.vrrcu vtwa. ur rtjunit the roontu. Circular f roo. Addr s * Her o Ho a Co , , CUlenBu , 111. For sale In Oinaha by Shorinau & McConooll , 1513 Dotlgo stroot. ipnl nni | lull ( III ; ! . llp.TIP rj Eye A Ear RMARY FOR ' TREATMENT OP ALL Best fncll tie * , nppar.itunntlKoiioim for nuccossf ui.tro itmont of irorr forii of dlsoaio roiiulrln ."or ' surreal troatmunt , Bt bed ! for patlonti , boird nnJ attoniUtn * HostaecomoJatlons In the weir. Write for clrcuUM on doToraiUim an I braces , trusses , club toot , oirv.ituroof : snlnj , illes , tumors , o moor , o.ittrrh , bronohllli , In- hnlntlon.o'.cctrlclty , p iralysls , oplloniy , kid- nov.bla'ldor. eye. ear , sklunnl b'.ool un-1 M uralcal oioratlon | . HP Wn-JfPW A Ut WUlUDli Vomon VUKB. Wo havolatolv ad Uul .1 ndopirtmont for women during con II noinonb ctriotly Unlv Hollablo In * Etituto making a ShoaUlty o , lMllVATI3DfSl-lASK3 AU Hlood Dlso'isas suecosstully troitol byuhllltlo I'olson removed from the sy-uoni vllhotit moronry. Now ttostoratlvo ncnt for Loss ot VITAIj I'OWHlt. l'ursot > s un able to visit in mav bo tro-Uod at homo by corrospon loneo. All commuuloatlons conll' dcntlal. Medicines or Instrument- ! sent by ua.l oroYpros.s , sccuruly packed , no m tr > s to udcatuoontontsor ! sender. One ncrsonil In- orv.ew preforro I. Call and consult us or soiU ilstory of your case , and wo will send lu plain wrapuor , our FtnOSf 77) MFfJ VRKE : Uoon I'rlv.ito , DUUl\ / ( / men , Hi)00ui | or Norvoui ln- oases Impotonoy , Svphllla , Qlootanl Varleo- cole , with quest , on list. . . _ ItrAL-tis , Appllaneesfor Dofonultloa ! t Tru,3i. . Only manufaotory In the Wostof UOt'tttl it- lTl-XI'1'M.lAUtt'li Oraalia Medical and Surgical InstHutJ , 26th nnd Broadway , Ooanoll BluTi Ton minutes' rl Io from center ot Om vh i on Omaha and Oounall Ululti uloctrla motor Una. COUNCIL BLUFF-3 SIfiil DYE WORU Allklndsnt Dyoins nnJ Cleaning done In tlu ilthcsthtyloot the art. Faded nnd stalnal 'abrlcs made to look as eood as now Work promptly done and dollvoroJ in all ) rts of Uio country. Send for urtvo list C. A. IMAOHAN. - - I'KOIMUETOR. Noir North vojtjra UOUMJir. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Capltilstco- . 9XO , burplu3im-l I'rollts . ttH , OUlt NctOapltal ixnl Surplus . 8 aoOlt Directors .1. I ) . UJ iijaH'jn , a.i \ Sia/irt. . ' ' . > Olnnson , K. K. Hart , I. \ . Mllllr , J. V. illnjiail andUharlm It Unnnan. Trans tot Conor i ) bulk- InKbdumoai Largos' capital unJ surplus of any bauklu = 'outliwe torn loivo , ON TIMS DEPOSITS SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO. 1703. An ordinance levying n special tax and assess ment on certain lots : inrl real estate In the city of Omaha , to cover the cost of grading 4th nv- cnuofiom south line of Qrandvlow to Han- croft street In grading district No. 1. Whereas , It havlm : b03n nnd being hereby anjudsetl.determlned and established that the several lots and plecos of real estate nerulmtf ter leforred to , have each been specially benolltted to the full amount heroin levied an I assosjod against each of said lota and pieces of real es- tats , respectively , by roa on ot the grading ot that part of 4th uvmiuo from south line oC Granuvlew to Iluncroft street , do 10 uuder con tract with Dnvld and Thomas Oasli. Theietore. for the purpose of paying the cost of KU2h grading. He U ordained by the city council of the city of Omaha : Section ! . That the cost of pradmg that part of 4tu avenue In thoclty of O.naha from ( Irand- vlowto Ilniicroft fctreet , said cost belnijtho sum oftftt.lTH/U , sal 1 grading being done under con tract with Ilnvld anil Tnomas Casn , bo ami the samu Is hoi'oliv lovloil iinrt asscssa 1 , according to special bonollts by reason of said urailins , upon the following lots and roil estate as snownbythogoiisr-illyreoiKiilzod mip ot tna clivotOmaha , 1-UI. as lithographed and pub- llsfied by Mulr &Oaylord , said r.ost bolug so -vied 1 on said lois and real estate , rospejtlvo- ly. as follows , to wit : Nols Anderson It 1 Aulslle'd add J121 24 Marcus Kossenwp.sser It 3 121 "il Kobt Mc ? < onlov It 4 ' J5I 2 Stophnn MutchaltS 121 2' VV Mall It II 121 2 ( ImrlesM Miller It 7 121 21 WrnKMuflloy US 121 i.4 M Uosenwassuret ul 119 12124 I'eier Johnson It 10 U'l 24 I Itosenwassor et al It 11 121 24 ThosK llal HU 12124 A frodJohnbon It IS 121 21 Alfred Johnson It 14 12121 Kriink Shoul ot al It 1 Knspnr's add CO U2 llruno Tzschuck It 2 cons KHinulotnl It 3 CO ( W I'J IC'isparlt 4 CO ( i ! do It5 ( ' 002 l.'SlioiilotulltO. CO (12 ( do It 7 fiOffi ! I'JKusparUS ( 0 113 do It ! ) Will ! PShnulctul It 10 00 Oi < lo It 11 ft ) O'i FJKnspnrltta 00(12 ( do It 13 CO ( .2 V Shoulctalltli CO C2 do HIS CO 02 P J Kasparltm OJ 02 do It 17 00 02 ! < Slioul ot nl It IS CO 0. do It I'J 00 02 F J Kasparlt20 CO ( li do 1121 CO (12 ( 00 Oi do U2J ( , OIU FJ KasparlfM CO ( ,3 do it sa oo 02 V Slioul otal it 25 60 C- do H27 ex ) IE. VJ Kasparlf.'a fl'J K : do H2J 00 U. PBlioutetal lt0 ! ! W 02 do H'Jl CO ( / V 3 Kuspar lt3J GO ( B do Itllil COO. V Ehoull ot ul It III 00 Oi do It33 1,00- , PJ [ Caspar It 3 1 COO. do HII7 M 13 ! ' Slioul I otal It 3S M 18 do iti : ) MJ U V3 KaBiarlt40 | U ) ( K , do It 41 u > K , F6honll otal It 13 IX ) li , do U 43 UO 0 FJ Kuspar It ' 1 COO' . do It 4 % CO COW Pghoull ot nl It < 9 W ( I. do It 47 CO U. I'J KunU'irlt4S IX ) 0. do It ' 9 CO 6' FHhoull otal ItM 010 lJ KnipurltAI U)0' do Hft2 000' do U3I bio FShoullet iil.tSI fj fi ll o It U 10 ( I FJ luispirltM 03 0 do ItM CJO FSboullet al U5S GUI ) do 1169 Ullli F J Juuimrot ul ItCO U ) Ki do Itfll GO ic' VJ Bluiull otitiltO ) to 1.2 ilo It 03 , OJ Oi V J KnspurltOI bO C2 F.I Kiifimr ItUl ixj ( u FBIioulletul ItCO wrj do It 07 OJ ( li VJ Kuepurlt b8 01 OJ do . It CO CO ( B FKIiotillot al 1170 ( u (11 ( V i Kiisuurlt" ! bO 02 do 11 12 oo OJ du It TJ bU 12 do It 71 COW Total KU7-1 Wl Pectlou ' - ' . That iuld special taxes lovlod aforesaid , ou said lota reautctlvcly , shall bo- c.ime ilullii'iuent an follawa : Ono-tonthot ihe total amount vo 1 jvlod on each of sale ) lota hull bucoino dtfliuijueut in Ufty Uuy from thuyas- npcnndnipro\M ] of this rrdlnanc" , ond-tcnlh In OIIP j-oar , ono-lettli In t o-enrs. nno-tuiith la three jotrs , onu-t .itli luiuur ) car , ono- tenth In flvo yettes , ono-tenth lu six ye rs , one- tehtli In sovouyoars. oao.ttMitli lirclght years , ono-tentli In nliio years after said levy , mi'l beIng - Ing from the inssauo nnd aiipniviil of this or- dldaurc , linen of said lust turnouts , except the Ilrst , shnlldraw Interest ut tiiu mto of tl jwr cent per annum from the time of the levy aforesaid , until the same slmll lecoma dnlln- inent , Inture-t at the ruin of I per cent per nonth , payable In ndvance , Ahull bo paid on each delinquent Installment. Sectlo'i ; * , ' 1 hat the cntlni umouut of tax BO ovled and nssossoit on any of said lots m-\y bo paid by thn owner of nny lot , or tlio onllro equal pro rataproportton of ial I tix on nny ot aid lot , mny bo paid by nny ) > oren on any iitt ot said tots within llfty duvtfromsaUl ovy , and thoroiipon such lots or'ts | ot lot ; * , nail bo cxompt trom any Hen or c'largo ' thcro- Sectlcn 1. , nmt this onllnanco th.Ml take of- cctaml boln forjo from and utter its iiassago , 1'ajscd.Inly l1893. . JOHN oiiovrs. City t'lerk. U 1" . DAVIP. 1'resldf nt of t'lty ' Couucll. Approved July ID , IHi' ' . U1JO. 1' . IlKMiS. _ , Muvor , Tno above tax Isnow duo und payable at the onice oC the city treasurer and wilt bocomd do- ItKluent and bjnr Interest on mvl after Son. ember ! ( , u seoa In section 2 ot above oral- mnco. ItlJXKV lUT.IiX. CltyTrjamror. SPliClAL ODtNANOK NO. ITOi Au ordinance lovylnit a special tax au.l aspc-ss- menton ccitalu lots and real cstnto Intna city of Omaha , to cover fho cot ot d.imaL'es for chancoot grade if Arbor street from tutli Htioetto lith stroat ; llth street fiom Castel- lur street to 17ft reel M > uhot Arbo. * streets and litli street from Cnslollar to Vlntou Htrcut. \\hotOiisi , It lutvltm been nn.l being " ' . "S1'1' . ( " 'Judged ' , ( lotormlnod and os- abllsncd that the several lots and ileces of real o tate hereinafter ro- erred to , have o tell been spo'Ially benullttod o tno tull amount herein lov'o I nnd assessed iRaliut each ot said lots and pieces of real cs- ate , respoctlvoly , by reason of the damages for change ot gru loot that pm ot Arbor street , from U'th htroet to WMi htroot , llth street from Uaxtollnr streat to I7H fcolbouth ( if Arbor street xuu U'th Ftreot from Custellar stwo ; ti > Vintou street. Therefore , for thopurposo of paying the da u- BUL-S for such change or gra'le , Ilo It ordained by the city council of the city otOmahi : Section 1. That the cost of \50sforcliniiKO ot grade , in the city or Om ilia , ot Arbor strojt 'rora to Kith strojt. llth Mr ut from fus- .elUristiOBt to 171 feet Mouth of Ar 101 * strojt nd litJi Htieot trom Castollar to Vint on atrujt , sild dainnees bulm the sum of S27.0 ; > , bo nnd the same Is hereby evlecl and assessed , ao ordlii ! tj special bone- Its by reason of slid chanj-eof gradc.upon the follow liij- lotandreal ostnto as shown ny the gi-nurully recognized niiipof the city of Oinnht Kll. lltnoirapnod and pnnil-lio 1 by Mnlr& Oaylord. said cost for d ima oi b.'lu/so lovio.l on said liitn nnd real estate , tesjiectlvcly , us fol ows. to wit : John Hush U 11)1 k 4 Ilowery Hill JK1 29 Anna K Rush It a bile 4 * 813 H.iiiinui iMuAullltoslkS ftlt 4blk 4 5 7(1 ( Joseph Tuukutt nCOft U4 blk4 " 240 Adollno Jiihn It I blk ! i 10 U M-iry II Hiirto s ' , { H2blk 5 " 3 20 lacob Itohllbcr n ! { It 2 blk 6 3 23 John Garvoy Ittbik5 : 403 Mleh.u-l Dee It4 blkS * * 4 CO Tohn Hnidy ltMilk5 400 lloloniiSiicorltO bllcfl ' 400 L'litrlck Htnchoy It 7 blk 5 051 do H8blk3 10 11 Andrew Murrlon n * . { w 14 blk 0 " H li ChusAT.ilom ins J-J w (4 ( blk 0 1731 II KCIarKoo24ftsI OftblkO 170 Hello II r.stollou4lftlt2blk7 * * 3 Mary UlnK'n 43 ft It 3 blk S 3 OD KdwurdOassldy It 4 blk 8 " 0 30 do US bk 8 ' . 001 Hiram L I'ickhnrd UCblkS 001 do It" hlkfl 0 30 Domlnlck Coun It8 blkS * * 6 00 KatoConnell It 0 blk 8 4 ( K ) llonoro UorrlKan It U blk 8 4 M Jarith J Hiihcall nl3Jftol3ftblkO ! * 15 15 II H McMuhon s 3D ft n HiJ ft ot o I'i2 ft blk 0 * 2 09 I'erry M I'ockliiun n 11,1 ft of s 170 ft o r.U ft blk 9 * * 084 W II IVuUmm s 01 ft o 13J ft blk U 3 82 11 H MeMalion w ! ( blkO 8 32 Wlihelmlnu Ilaumunii s Jilt iblkS I'hllllp'sald 1 23 II HCIark trlan Milar plocoof land w of 10th st ml n ot Arbor Ht lylui ; so of blk (1 ( llowory Hill 5 18 * ChurloH Hanloy It 1 Kaufiiiunn AJotter's 4 37 do It 2 218 do lilt l 04 Charles Kaufman It5 80S do HO " 0 33 Total amount e. 27 00 Section 2. That the special taxes and assess ments levied and assessed as aforesaid , shall bo due Immediately upon the passigo and ap proval ot this ordlnanca , and nhall become do- [ Imjuent It not paid within llfty days thereaf ter ; i ml thereupon interest Khali bo added aft the rate of 1 per cent u mouth , payable In ad vance from the time aald taxes becuma BO do- llnqucnt. Section n , Tnat this orrilna new shall take ef fect and be In ( area troinau.l after Us pus.sag9 1'uBsed July 15 , lb - ' . JOHN anovi-s. City Clerk. B. P , DAVIS. President City Council. Approved July IS ) . 18 ! , The abovu tnx Is now duo and payable at tlia olllce of the city treasurer und will bccomo de linquent and bear mtorost utter September 8 , IS'as aeon In bo tlon 2 of aboro ordlnanco. 1IHNUV HObLN. Cliy Treasurer. ORDINANCE NO. 3151. An ordinance ordering the Improving of Hurt street from west line l.'ith street to east line lUtb Htreot. In street Improvement district No. 42S , said Improvlnz to consist of pavlne with Colorado sail Intone , and ( llreetlir. the boaid of nubile \\oiks to tul'u the necessary stops to eiuiKO such work to bo dono. Whereas , the mayor und olty council ot the elty of Omaha have ordered the Improving of llnrtstieot from west line l.ttli stieet tourist line ICth street , In slicollmprjvoinontdlstrlot Nu.43' . by paving the suine.iiml allowed thlity duvs to the property nwmus In whluh todesli- nato nnd dctcrmlno tht material desired to bo iixoil f'jrBuoh pavln ? . and Wliereus , the sidd thirty days have expired and the property owners owning the majority ot thu frontauo In said Improvement ( Istrict have petitioned for the u ivliu of said street ) In Milil dlHtrlct with Colorado xandstono , and Whereas , In addition to snob ( lortUnntlon of mnlurlal by said owners thu mayor and olty council of said city do lieroby determine upon the material so spcctlldd us tno material to bo used for hiieh pavln , thorefoiu. Ilo It ordained by the elty council of the city of Omaha : Section 1. That that part of Hurt street fiom west line l. > th utrcet to east line ICtli street In Htreot Improveinont district No. 428 , Lo and tlio name Is hereby ordered Imorovnil , said Improvement to consist of puvlnc wltli Colorado K.m Istone. eluss C , accordliii ; to tlio spo'jllleiitlous > m Illo in the olllco of the board of public woiks. Section 'i That the board of publlu works U hereby ordered to cause said work to lie done and to outer Into contract for thu same with the lowest icsponslhlo hUder under the spucl- lleatlons on Illo In the olllco of said bo-ird. Soctlon : i. That this ordlnanco take elteot and be In foreofrom and utter ltd passage , Passed July 20th , IbUi IbUiJOHN anovKs. Olty Olork. E. P. DAVIS , Presldrnt Olty Council Approved July 2.'ncj , Itij2.OEO. OEO. P. HE.M13 Mayor. ORDINANCE- . 31-10. An ordinance ordering the Improvlii ; of Sixth Btreet from south line ot Pierce Htreot to north line ot Hlekory street , In street Im provement district No. 42.1. said Improving to coualBl ot ii'ivlnit with Colorado Hiui'l- btouo and dlrootlm ; the board of public wor ! < ute to take the necetts.iry stopi to cnuso uucli work to bo done , Wlinro'is. tlio miiyor nnd elty oouuellof tlio elty of Omaha have onleied tno Improving of Klxth Htruit from nonth line ot 1'loruo street to n-rth line of Hlokory Htreut In street impruvo- laonl. ( Unmet No. 4VJ bypivln the HUIIIO und iiilowod thirty days to nroporty owners In whl.-h to dcsljnato and detenu no tliumato- rlul doHlrud to bu used for rfiioh puvlnit. und WhereuH , thu Hiikl thirty diiYH havu expired und the property oivnorsowuliu the majority of Clio frontito | In a-ild Improvumunt ( lutrlct huvo petitioned for thu pivhu ot xald street In fl'tld dlHtrlot with Co or do sail Istonu , und Whereas , In adjltlon to nuuh daslKiiutlou of inntjrlal by u ild owners , thu mayor und olty council of Huld ojty do hereby doturmlno upon the m uteri il HOtipeclUcd UK tlio material to bo n KI I for such n ' , therefore , lie Itordalnud by the counoll o ( the city of Omaliii : Huutlon I. That that p irt of Sixth street from south llnu of 1'larco kiruut to north line Illuk * orv Btruet , In at reel Improvement dutrlct No , 4'3 bu nn.l tbo Mama In horo'jy or lure J lm pi ii veil , H ild Improvemimt to consist of pavuiit with Colorado muulsume cluss ( J , uccorJing to tliu apeolfluuiions on Illo In thu olllce ot the board of public works. SeoilouJ. Th it Iho board of uubl'e viorks It lioiuby or lore I toouiiHoiula work to bu done mi I toontor Into contr lot , for thu uimo with thu lowimt roxuouilblu old lur under thu npuol > IliiatiO iiion Illo In thu olllcn o ( til U board , Suction 3. That thii tukoulTeob und b n Co roa from und utter lu pass t jo , PruMldunlOlty Council. Approved July 2.'nd , IHIT. . UKJ. P. liIiMID. Mayor. Ulu fuduul courts. Itcoins 3 , 4 und 3 Ueuru block , Couuull Ulu Jn , In.