Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAHA J3A1LY RUE' FRIDAY , JULY 29 , 1892.
New Orleans Money Begging for Fighters
to Ccmo and Take It.
Jinny I.OMIT Mu'iM of VUtlntm .Vow in tlio
City Vmtcrdny'n Itucci and Hull
GHIIIOJ ( los lp of Truck
nnd King.
Nnw Youic , July 23-Captnln Williams ,
mnnogcrof tbo Olympic club of Now Or-
loaufl.snvs that ho 1 not eager to secure someone
ono to light Bob Fllzslmmons Just for the
sake of the club making money , but to keep
faith with the sporting public. Ho says
Charles Noel , president ol the club , decided
td have three champion fights on September
5 , 0 nnd 7 , nnd bo Is eager to keep his word.
While the captain win tnlnlng on the sub-
Joot n cnbl I dispatch wns received , it read
ns follows : .
"George Bnlrd , hotter known as faqulro
Ablngdon. who Is backing Ted Prltchard , ro-
fu os lo allow him to no to America to do-
cldo his contest with Jim Hall. "
This ctlo | l the Prltohard-Hnll deal , nnd
the coptnln then telegraphed" the backer of
George Uixon offering npursoof $7,500 for ft
lichl between Dixon nnd Jack Skelly in Us
club on September G ,
I'ltATTI.K Ol' Til 12 I'UH.H.
At tlm llnnd Hull Court Tonight.
The Mlko Bodon-Paddy Bronnan contest
comes off nt Kl'gallon's ' band ball court this
evening promptly nt 9:15 : , nnd n rattling ex
hibition will doubtless bo the rosult. Boden.
ihu old trial boss , has boat such men as Jack
Burgess , Pete McCoy , Jnck Laughlln , Bob
Coffrov , John MoVoy. Billy Gablg , Lorn M.v
( Jregor nnd dozens of ether hard ones , and IB
capable of making a lively mill with any of
the hoavvwolghts. Ho U ono of the few
fighters who guards with his loft nnd ex
tends his right. Breunnn has nn equally
good record , and there will bo lots of smoke
when tho'two ' collide.
The Gathering of the Clnn * .
W. H. Gibson of Uook Island , 111. , and the
backer of Tommy Itynn In his contest with
Jack WilksSaturdny , together with a nura-
her of friends , arrived hero yesterday. Ho
bad long tnik with his protege nt Bnndlo's
in the afternoon , nnd whllo ho expressed
himself as well plonrod with bis condition
nnd prospects , his exhaustive oxputlation on
the liabilities of too much training , seconded ,
to any the least ambiguous. Ho had Itynn
consult a physician as to the condition of his
tonsils , and at once put him on n now diet
for his .stomach. The truth is , lyan { is not
Just what bo ought to bo. The Bovero curri
culum bis trainer has put him through and
tbo recent torrid weather combined In pro
ducing n feeling of languor that may militate
ixgalnst hN work. Ho says , however , that
ho never felt bettor in his life.
Tuck Wllkes nnd his trnlnor , Jack Davis ,
got In from Sioux City last night , nnd nro
quartered nt South Omaha. Tho.St. Louis
boy Is line us silk , down to weight , but ns
Btrong ns nyoug drnft horse. He says. In
nil his experience , ho never felt In such nor-
fect condition ns ho does now , , nild thnt ho
expects to maico the battle of his lifo tomor
row night. There nro great things In store
for Tuck If bo wins , for bo will bo elovnted
nt once to thu realm of stars , nnd can Mil his
date book to the last page without turning
a hand. If Kyan wins the probabilities are
that ho will ilguro In ono of the big Septem
ber dates nt Now Orleans , with Australian
Dicicson , who whipped Danny Nccdham
Tuesday night , as his opponent.
- , AI way ? Aflur tlio Winner.
'Art 10 Flint , the ono Mme well known St.
Louis ilght weight. Is In the city , und while
bo he bos guarantro of good faith , bo
ndops this means of challenging the winner
of the Hyun-Wlikes contest Saturday night
Tor the boat purse nny club will offer for tbo
event. Artlo bad urobabiv bettor challenge
tbo loser und fight him Immediately after ho
gets through with bis Saturday night's Job.
j The .Uonry All Up.
The backers of Kyan and Wllks mot at
THE BER odlco last evening and made their
llnal deposit of the $2,000 stuko with the
sporting editor. This , together with tbo
Jl.MO purse , will bo turned over to the
rolereo at the ringside Saturday night.
'I wo Australians Matched.
Six FIH.NOISCO , Cnl. , July 23. The Cali
fornia Athletic club today arranged for Joe
Goddard nnd Billy Smith , both of Australia ,
to light tan rounds August 23 for u purso.
To win Goddard will have to knock bis man
J'oivors * Kcon-anl/.cid ( ilanta .Talco. Another
Upward tttop.
NEW YOIIK , July 23. The Now York team
played u perfect garno today , defeating tbo
Louisville team easily. Weather scorching.
Attendance , I.OI1J. Score :
Now York 7
Loulsvllla 000000000 0
lilts : Now York. IB ; Louisville , ,2. Krrors :
Now York , 0 : Louisville , I. Karnod runs : Now
York. 5. lluttorlus : Knalo andUoylo ; Sunders
and lirlm.
BIIOOKI.Y.V , N. Y. , July 28. The Clove-
lands had an apparently unsy tlma In defeat
ing the Brooklyns today. Attendance , 2,01M.
Score :
Mqvolnnd 1 7
Ilrooklyn 2 00000000 S
lilts : Cleveland , 14 : , 2. Krrors :
Cleveland , 1 ; llroo'Uyn , 1. Ivirnc'rt runs :
Clovnluml , : t Uailurlfs : Uuppy and /Atutaor ;
Hurt and lalv.
WASHINGTON- . C. , July 28. Chlcat'o do-
footed Washington today by hard batting ,
while neither team Molded up to the average.
Attendance , 893. Score :
Washington 1
Oblougo I 0 0 o : i u 1 1 * 0
lilts : Washington , 7 ; Ohlcugo. 0. Krrors :
Washington , iij Chicago. I. Kuniud runs :
Washington. I : Chicago. 'I. llntlorlei ; Abbey
nnd MuCulru ; Humbert nnd b'chrlver.
Piiu.ADi'i.riiM , Pa. , July 28. Thu Phillies
defeated Plttsburg without any troublo.
Weather hot. Score :
I'lttsburi ; 0 S
riilladoliihlii. . , 0 o U 1 U 4 1 o 12
lilts : l'lttslmrK.5 ; Philadelphia , o. Errors :
I'litsburg , K : Philadelphia , 4. Kitrnod runs :
I'ltlsburK. - ' ; 1'hlludolphlii. 4. llutturlosi
llaldwln nnd Alack ; Knoll , Cursoy und
HtLT.uouH , Md. , July 28. Tbo St. Louts
mou tried a now pitcher named Hawko , who
had achieved a reputation among anmtonrs ,
und ho pltchud great ball. Weather clear.
Attendance , SH < - Score :
Jlnltlmoro. . . 1
tit. l.UUlH 2 0000000 * U
HUH : llaltimoro , 4 ; HU Iriiulu. S. Krrors : : Su Lonl. , I , llattorlds : Vlelt-
err and Koblnsjni Iluwko nnd Moran.
liosro.N. Muss. , July 28. Cincinnati put
u a most wonderful Holding game today.
Weather warm , Score :
Ilostoi UOOOOOOO 3
uiuciniintl 1 3
Illtsi IKmon , H : Uinolnnatl , a Krrors : Ilo -
ton , ' . ' ; Cincinnati , 1 : learned runs : Huston. 2 :
Uinolnnatl ± lUtterlos : Htaley und Kelly ,
Dwyurand Vitiiuhn.
Ntaiidlngot tlio Toaiiin.
w. i. i-.p. w. i. r-.r.
I'liliudolptilu. . . u ai.u Cbtcniru 0 II HJ.U
JlrOuklri . B 4 ( xl. 7 Cliicliuinil , , , , , , U U W.U
Now York. , . 7 IU.C Wadilniitun , , . . U 0. MI.O
ruiToUmi . . . . i 6 ( , a I'lttiibiire i T an.i
llultlraoro . a ta.O l.oalnrllli ) 3 W 2J.U
Uudoo . . U U W.u bt. l-oul 3 ID 111.7
' *
Bplemllil Sport ut Monmouth 1'ark Trniili
I Fair weather , a fast track and some good
racing combined to ruauo the 0,000 spectators
I istljriod with tholr afternoon oullug at Mon-
, mouth. JocKey Wllliu Bymms started the
1 oxcltouient by taking tbe open milo rnco
. wltb the 4 to 1 chance , Ha'penny , ufter u
. dlnKiloni ; finish with May Win. Tunny , the
favorite , was tlopcod In tbo third by
on. Later in the afternoon he redeemed
himself by taking tbo fourth race In a gallop
from Loncurcot's full brother , Lontr lieach ,
la thU race Locohncbla boltoa and scraped
Hamilton's ITK against the rail. Locohachlo
lost fully half a dozen lengths benauio of the
ftoclilent. Ho should have won , The vet
erans , liny ward and Donahue , Indulged In a
lot-to at the Jlnlsb of the flflh race , but Don-
nhuo's Kcbocca Howell colt stopped In tbo
furlong and normlttcd Doctor , 4 to 1 , Hayward -
ward , to win by n head. Summaries i
Klr t rnco. onbnillo ! Itn'pomiy (4 ( to' ) won ,
Mny Win ( .1 to2)scoond ) , Tonny t" to I ) third.
Time ! 1l4l > { .
Bccond r.ico. thn Holywoacl handicap , ilx
furlongs : I.imro ( S to II won. ICatlu A fllly (7 (
to 2) ) second , Miss Maude (7 ( to I ) third. Tlmo :
Third rnco. the Newark stakes , ono mile :
Adolbort (15 ( to 1) ) won. Lcona Well (8 ( to ! > ) second
end , Motry Monarch (3 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmoi
Fourth race , nnlo nnd onn-clsbth : Tenny
( I lo 4) ) won , I/on jboach ( fl to 1) ) second. Tiniu :
Fifth race , flvo furlongs : Doctor ( I to 1) ) mon ,
Itoliecca Unwell colt ( t to 1) ) second , Lifeboat
(7 ( to i ) third. Time ! Ili3i. !
Sixth race , six fnrloius : ( T to 10) )
won. hnlrod ) lo 1) ) second , Iiorlmor (7 ( to 1) )
third. Time : IMA
( Inrlleld and Iliiwtliorno Upon ,
CHICAGO , III. , July 23. Hnwtborno races :
First rnco , llva-olghths ot a mile : Spoil-
ponml won , Miss Spot seaond. Dutch Oven
third. Time : | : oil { .
Second raco. three-quarter * of n mlle , soilIng -
Ing ! Horace Io I and won , Highwayman sec
ond. Weil I'sed third. Time : 1:17. :
Third race , selling , ono anil oiio-slxtonnth
mlles : Sunny brook won , Ilnuno second , Inso
lence third. Tlmo : 2Oil ;
Fourth rixco. seven-eighths of a mlle : llon-
nlo It won , Hod Hoot second , Ellison third ,
Tlmo : iti : :
Fifth race , thror-nuartors of n mlle : Hunt
Jordiin won , FnnnloS second , AnnloU third ,
Tlmo : 1M7.
Uurllctd rnccs :
First r.icc , olovcn-slxtoonlhs of n mlle :
Hetty II idgor won , Mattlta second , Antrim
third. Time : 1W. :
Second race , mllu nnd ono-uUhth , solllnRi
liorealls won , Faklt second. Kenwood third.
Tlmo : I'M.
Third race , tbrco-quarlors ot a mlle : Tlm
Murnhy won. Top Gallant second , Stralth-
malil third. Tlmo : 1M4K. .
Foitrlh rare , throo-iiuarlori of n mlle , sell-
IIIK : X.antlppu won. Katintloroy second. My
Partner third. Time : 1 : ! . " ) .
Fifth race , thrnc-iUnrtursof | n mllu , solllns :
Holster won : T m Johnson second , lltitoii
third. Time : Ii5. :
at Clu\uliuul.
, O. , July 28. In splto of the
Intense boat the attendance ut today's grand
circuit races was Inrgo. The track was fast
and good tlmo was made. Nancy Honks'
performance was n disappointment , as It was
believed she would lower her own record of
3:09. : Summaries :
Sa ! : * olnss irottln ? , purse JJ.OOO. The Karen
won. Magnolia socomi , 11. 0. ' ! ' . third. Tlmo :
2:10 : ! } .
liuclass ! : , p'icinx' . purse SI. . * > UO. I'lylni ; .111)
won , Kxpurt I'rlnco sucond , Klla Drown third ]
Timo:2io. : : : 2:10. :
Tonrn rnuc , stake J.'OO , $300 addml : Onutaln
nnd Edith dufoatod Wonder and Blue Charles
In throe strMzht heats. 'I Imo : 2a7U. : 2:20. :
2 : 1'J.
Class 2:21 : , nurse 82,000 : Hello Vera won ,
I'nrnsonsecond , Coinmerel.U Olrl third. Tlmo :
2J7K : , aia.U..2in. : :
Hpoclul race , } ' 00l ) : Nuncy Ilanlis to boat
the regulation track rocorJ : Time : 0:3J1S : ,
i:07 : ! { . i:4 : ( > , -'ria.
Bpcolnl 8."iOJ ajtalnst the world's toim
rcuoid : linilo Ilainltn nud Oiobo : Time :
0:34. : li,7..1:4Ji.2i5. ! : : ) !
Olnss5I7 / : , tro tine , purse S-MK ) ) : Honest
Ooor o won. Hazel Wllkes socmid , Abblo V.
third. Tlmo : g10 ; i.3nvS. ; 215it. ; _
thu ICiiln.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , July 23. The third day
of the Twin City Jockey club's mooting had
to contend with cold and threatening
weather nnd n very "roclty" track. The nt-
tendnnco wus light and tbo racing tamo.
Score :
First race , seven-eights of a nillo : Oold-
otnno ( I to 1) ) won. Kay S. ( t to 2) ) second , Ito-
nialr ( III to 1) ) third. Tune lij. : :
fc'ccond , purse , live fnrlonzs : Tom
Ifbllv ( S to. ) ) won. t'rlzo t.'i to 1) ) second. ICIp.iso
( tllofii third. Tlmo : 1:03. :
Third race , ono mile , selling : Harry Smith
(1 ( to Mvon , Thu Olown ( I ! to II second , Fred
Knot ( "i to 1) ) third. Time : l:5Vi. :
Fourth rnci1. Hanillnu stakes , mlle andono-
olRhth : Vo Tamblon. baiiutl , won : Newton (
to II second. Alice U ( . ' ) to I ) third. Time :
Fifth race. sx ! furlongs : MVd .Marian (7 ( lo
10) ) won. Mamie Hcu (2 ( to 1)second ) , llcrnardo (12 (
to 1) ) third. Tlmu : 1:3.'M. :
Tips for Today.
Hero nro the howes looked upon no being
likely chances for today at the trucks named :
Jc ' 1 littler Sportsman.
! ! . Morollo 1'rlnco Gcorio ;
3. I'rlnci' 1'oyton St. Hubert.
4. Dlckorsoii Alrshaft.
S.'J'i > K Tray l < arehmenr. .
tt. Westmoieland Hotherell.
OAliflEI.I ) I'AHK.
1. FleetWood Colonel Clay ,
li. Palisade Tom Ito toll ,
a Swlfton Uuhat.
4. InKointir Haydoo.
fi. Donohiip John Treat
a Odioy I'oxlmH.
Schncflur and Carter Win u Caiuo. '
ICniwiiiMctl 1SU bit Jamei OorJi'i MsniulM
PAIIIS , July 23. [ New York Herald Cable
Special to TUB BBC. ] At Vignnux's
billiard academy tonight Schaeffer and
Carter jQcfcated Garnlcr and Plot In a
four-bandoJ match of 300 points up at
single cushion caroms for ? 1. > 0 a side
Twenty-eight innings were played , and the
score wns : Schnoffer nnd Carter , aOO ; Gar-
nior nnd Plot , 277. Schaeffer made the highest -
est brouK 70.
SohnotTor says bo intends to pass the winter -
tor hero , and has sent Catton to fetch his
wife nnd family.
Lead City Captures tlm Cash.
LEAD CITY , S. U. , July 28. ( Special Tele
gram to Tin : BBE.J The wlndup of n series
of boven games between the Load City and
Deadwood ball teams for u purse of $1,000
occurred In this city today and was won uy
the homo nine by a acoro of lit to U. lieam
and Graver were the battery for Lead City
andParvIn , Boytnor and Traflloy for Doad'-
wood. The gumo was u hot ono , as both
teams bad won three games each , nud the
cranks from .both towns were prcsont to hack
their ( iivorit'os. Deadwood sports lost at the
least calculation $ .5,000 , on tlio scries.
Co/.nd lloyn Am Clipper * .
Coz.M ) , Neb , July 23. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BKB. | A game of base call was
played hero this afternoon between North
Plattc's nlno and the homo team. A largo
crowd of people was prcsont to witness a
ono-sidcd gamn , the score being 8 to 0
In favor of Cozad. Tim Cozad boys
uro thus fnr this season out of sight of any
thing iu this part of the stnlo.
ItarlirrpontVIII rinr.
On August U , one week from next Satur
day , the saloon proprietors will engage their
bartenders In n game of basn ball nt the old
uttsoclation park at Twentieth nnd Miami
streets. The proceeds will be donated to the
Catholic orphanage nt Uonsnn. When the
teams to talto part in the ntlair nro com-
plotelv made ui > further annouucomnnt of
detail will ba made.
No Chart ; " lor I" < inpii | [ ; nr lloxliiff.
At u meeting of the directors of the Omaha
Athletic club yesterday aftariinon It was re
solved that hereafter no cbnrgo should bo
tnado to members for ullhor fencing or boxIng -
Ing lessons. This will bo welcome news to
many , nnd the professors of these ' two do
parlmonis may expect Iwmoiliatoly a big in
ilux of now scholars.
Kllmurray Waul * Another 1'ull.
Henry Kllmurray , the young stock yards
hercules who tnado a draw "pull at the
stick" with the redoubtable Farmer Burns
last Saturday night , hereby challenges any
nonprofCHslonal in thu sinto to a Hlmltar con
test for a stake of 1100. An arcoptnnco of
the above can be made through Tin : BBC.
Want to Tluy ut llomn ,
The Kort Omaha Stars hereby challenge
tbo Leuvonwsrth Turners for a game of ball
Saturday , July 'M , on the Fan Omaha
ground * . Address W. Pickering , Port
llui'clarn I" ' ' " 'I Out ,
. About 1:15 : o'clock thU morning a man was
seen by n couple of railroad men to enter tub
Uowoy & Stone Furniture company's , soro-
homo nt Klovonth and Loavonworth streets.
Aa culmination showed that tlio soring pad-
look bed boon opened und then locked again.
When the switchmen and ft couple of police
men arrived the door was found wide open.
A tenrdb was made but tbe o 111 con
could cot llnd anyone , owing to tbe
pilot of furniture , lu tbo building. Tbe
police remained en watch all night and hoped
before morning to catoU fie man who ououod
tbe door with a skeleton key and arrest him.
Oarnegio Ofibials Olnira They Have No
Trouble in Qettintr Men , ,
Making Armor riatix ut thn Itnmrstrnd
Mill * Onto Fixed tor starting Up the
Other Works | . 'rlck's Oondlllou
Notes from Homestead.
PiTTsnuito , Pn. , July 23. The Carnoglo
Sleol company , litpitod , has prepared n scale
for the Union mills In this city and tbo
Beaver Falls plant which the now men or
tlioio of the former employes who return
to work will bo required to sign. The scilo
\vill extend until January , 1891 , and the
wages will bo tbo same as pnld the
amalgamated workmen , but no association
will bo recognized. Thn finishers , It Is said ,
will profit by the now wage arrangement.
Tno Hres have boon started In the Union
mills nnd work will probably bo resumed in
a few days. Tbo strikers nro qulat nnd no
trouble Is anticipated , There have boon no
attempts rondo ns yet lo resume nt Duquosno
or Beaver Falls and nonit will bo mada until
the Homestead and Union plants nro In full
operation. The trouble with the transpurta-
tion men nt the Edgar Thompson works ,
Braddock , was settled by Munagor Schwab
nnd the mcu have returned lo work.
U'ltliln thn Homiiitcad riant.
At the Homestead plant the force Is being
steadily tncroased and nearly 100 men were
sent up on the Tide today.
An Associated Press reporter wont through
the works this morning nnd fully 700 men
woto u % work , The men nro very intelligent
nna not n few are college graduates , who
attracted by the reports of high wages iu the
stool works prefer learningntrado to settling
down to the doubtful expediency of n pro
fession for u livelihood. There nro besides
n number of experienced mechanics ! cngiu-
oors who exhibited their certificates and
really seem to handle tbo ponderous
machinery very easily. Three heavy plates
were rolled ueforo the Associate Press re
porter's eyes and soomlnt.'ly with as little
friction ns in any rolling mill. Work Is being
especially directed toward tbo navnl con
tracts , nna Mr. Potter snys there will belittle
little or no aolay In furnishing the material.
' Wo hnvo all the laborers and ynrd mon wo
want"ho said , "and wo nro discriminating
In our selections.1
KulvnHcd nil Hail.
No further informations were made today
against thu Ilomo.Uoau men and there were
no moro arrests. The eight strikers arrested
yesterday for aggravated riot were all re
leased on $ .2,000 ball each. The remainder of
the thirty-six are still at largo.
Mr. H. O. Frick's ' condition continues
favorable. Ho passed n cotulortablo day.
William J. Bronnnn , counsel for the
strikers , stated this evening that the pro
posed suits against Messrs. Frlck , Potter
and Lovejoy tor conspiracy had uot been
abandoned , but nothing would bo done until
Mr. Frick had recovered. The police do not
expect to make any moro arrests of anarchists
nt present.
Inspector McICelvoy said he did not think
Hcrr Most would bo arrested now , ns they
hud no use for him and it would almost bo
impossible to connect him with the case.
Only a Few Snldlitrs I.nit nt Homcstracl
I.cinlnsr thn Company HOUHOS.
Ilo\iisTEAu : , Pa. , July 23. It Is probaolo
louight that , us the result of nrrosts todav , a
counter charge will at least bo tnado by ono
of the lockcd-out msn for conspiracy against
General Superintendent John Potter of the
stool works hero. Hearing that Informations
were out for aggravated riot , Burgess Alc-
Luckio , Hugh Uoss and Elmer Bailey wont
to Plttsburg this afternoon , and surrendered
themselves to Alderman MoMasters"nnd
were balled In 82,000. On their return to
Homestead liailey stated that the suit
ngainst him was purely spite work and that
ho would sue Pottor.
Tno great division camp with nearly 0,000
soldiers , established hero sixteen days ago ,
js u thine of the past tonight. Indeed , about
1,000 soldiers , a battery and a small squad
ron of cavalry uro the only reminders. Tbe >
provisional brigade is all the more vigilant ,
however , for It cannot trust to overawe by
mere force of numbers.
Twenty-two families of striking laborers ,
who lived in company houses on Shanty
Hill , moved out this afternoon , It being the
expiration of the time for the men to go to
work for the comuany or Icavo the resi
dences. This uveninL- number of the
strikers boarded a coal train on the Pitts-
burK & McKcosport road passing through
the works and burled lumps of fuel at the
nonunion men. Torilcht orders were issued
to search all trains entering tbo yard to Dro
ve nt a rocurrcnco of this outbreak.
Authorities nt . .UorrlllVU. . , IVar Troublu
\vltli Striking 31111 Mini.
MILWAUKEE , Wis. , July 23. Governor
Pock early this afternoon received a dispatch - "
patch from the mayor of Merrill stating
that that place xvas lu the hands of a mob
and that trouble was threatened. The tolo-
grum asked for assistance and protection ,
but did not stuto whether any depredations
hud boon committed. The sheriff and his
force are unable to cone with the strikers.
Governor Peck Is making preparation
to meet any emergency. Some tluvs
ago the hands at ono of the mills
In that city went on strike and
ether mill employes Joined them. Yesterday
the mill owner decided to close their mills
for an indollnlto period , but no trouble was
anticipated , ns the strikers , while confident
of winnlncr , were very orderly. Both sides
\yoro determined to carry their point , and a
long fight is looked for. There are rf number
of mills at Merrill , and the strikers number
up In the hundreds. liobort Schilling of
ibis city has bcon requested by tbo strikers
to tro to Merrill and counsel moderation to
the strikers. Schilling U national .secretary
of the people's party.
.Siixplcloua Cliar.iutnra I.ollorliij ; Around the
< ; urin > ilo llc-aclqtmrtora Moro Striken.
I'lTTSiiunu. Po. , July 28The Carnegie
o ft ices uro now under constant -police sur
veillance. Suspicious looking character *
have been loitering about the building for
several days , but no attempts were tnnda to
enter it. Thirty-six Informations were made
yesterday by Secretary Lovojoy against
strikers for aggravated riot , Warrants were
issued nnd thirteen arrest * were made , ' ,
All ttio operators of the Duquesno mllld
were admitted to membership In tub asso
ciation and tbo plant U now moro tborouchly
organized than any mill in western Pennsyl
vania. It IB yet Idle and the settlement
Tbo men In the transportation department
nt ibu Edgar Th'impjon'stool works , Braddock -
dock , have struck , for higher wages , The
men out arojrurd tralnmuu and have charpj
of all freight cars consigned and shipped
Irom ttiu mill , The Amalgamated atsoola-
lion inch claim that as nothlngcan bo shipped
Into or from the works , It will have to shut
down If the transportation department ro-
iimlns out for three davi. In this case the
Inst.largo plant in the Carnoglo Interests
\vlJ | LoBhut down.
O'Doiuioll und Otliur Labor l.radura at
lIomiKtcaU Incur tlinlr DUpluimura.
HtuiusTBAi ) , Pa. , July 23. Anorchlsts'ao
not approve of the attitude of tbo Hotnostoaa
mon toward their efforts to aid In the contest
here. From a number of letters which Hugh
O'Donnull received lu the past few days , It
is evident that tbo INOW Yortt anarchists cx-
pootod that tholr proposition to kill every
capitalist connected with tbo Curneglos and
eivo too stool workers a clear Held , ought to
have mat with -Instant balling of gratitude
bore. Tno summary way in wblob throe of
the "X Y. & . " fraternity were ilrcd out of
ilometo d , and the denunciation by the ad-
vlsorv commiitco nnl Hugh O'Donnoll of the
ahoot'lnRof H. Ift A'rlcklinvo glvon much
displeasure and'Wineh ' disappointment to the
"rods. " As a rtu.lj O'Donnoll has received
n number of loltirsnfroin Now York. nnd Chicago
cage nnnrchIstsJi'A ! } Novcrelv censure both
him nnd the H&uiwond stoclworkers for
THK , if.ur.
1 r 11
Complete 1.1st ill Vilmiitre * III thn Itcgulnr
! ) S * > urvlrc.
WASHINOTOX , jp . 0. , July 23. [ Spoelul
Telegram to Tun llRn.J A board of ofllccrs
Is appointed to mlQii ut Fort Lonvonworth ,
Knn. , on Thursdny , September 15. IJi'Ji , for
tbo flnnl oxnmlnatlpn for promotion of such
noncommissioned ( Jfjlcors as may bo ordered
before It , Detail 'M the bonrdt Lieuten
ant Colonel Jacob Kline , Mnth cavalry ;
Major John Brooke , surgeon ; Major Camlllo ,
U. C. Cnrr , Eighth .cavalry ; Captain James
Fcrnonco , Thirteenth Infantry ; First Lieu
tenant Benjamin L. Toiinoyok , assistant
surgeon ; First Lfoiltonant Edxvln A. Hoot ,
Nlnotonnlh iufnntry , recorder. The oxton-
sloti of lonvoofabsuncogr.intod Contain John
MuiW Webster , Twonty-socond Infantry , July
G Is still turthor extended to Include August
in. Lieutenant Frederick G , Hodgson ,
Sixth cavalry , after transferring government
property for which he Is responsible , will
report In person toBrlsadlerGonorolEugeno
A. Cnrr for duty ns nid-de-ennip. Lonvo of
nbscnca for ono month from Ootobor is
granted the following named ofllcors : Second
end Lieutenants Henry H. Whitney of nr-
tlllory , and James A. Shipton of artillery ,
and Second Llcutonnht. William H. Ander
son of Infantry. First Lieutenant. Samuel
Spaguo , Fifteenth Infantry Is detailed ns re
corder of the examining board convened at
Fort. Shond nn , 111. , vice First Lieutenant
Georco F. Cooke , Fifteenth Infantry , vro-
llovcd. A board of ofllcors is appointed to
meet nt the call of the nrcsldpnt thereof nt
Davldi Island , Now" York , for tbo
examination of such oQlcors ns may
be ordered bcforo It to determine their lit-
ness for promotion. Detail for the board :
Lieutenant Colonel William H. Powell ,
Eleventh Infantry ; Major Jnsoph U. Gibson ,
surecon ; Major .tames W. Howcll , Jr. ,
Twenty-first infantry ; Captain Ezra H.
Ewers , Fifth Infantry ; First Lieutenant
Madison M. Brewer , assistant surgeon ; Second
end Lieutenant Michael J. Lonlbau , Twenti
eth Infantry , recorder.
Tbo following named ofllcors will report In
person to Lieutenant Colonel William H.
Powell , at such time as bo may designate , for
examination ns to their lltncss for promotion ;
Captain Daniel W. Burk , Fourteenth infan
try ; First Lieutenant John J. Breorton ,
Twenty-fourth infantry : Second Lieutenant
Frederick C. Klmball , Fifth infantry ; Second
end Lieutenant Charles B : Ballou , Sixteenth
Infantry , will report in person 10 Colonel
Charles G. BarilotUNInthlnfantry , president
of tbo oxamlnlnir bonrd convened nt Madison
barracks , Now York , nt such time as ho may
dosUnato , for examination" as to his Illness
for promotion.
The retirement from active scrvlco this
data by operation of law of Major Daniel H.
Lnrnou , paymaster , Is announced. Major
Larncd will repair to his homo.
Lcnvb of absence tor eight days , to take
effect on or about August 1 , is granted Cap
tain James U. nichards Jr. , Fourth cavalry ,
recruiting o Dicer. The leave of absence
granted Captain William O , Owen jr. , as
sistant surgeon , Is dxleudud fourteen days.
Leave of nbsencq 'lor jfo'ur months , to take
effect fi'om ntlm date of his
rellof from duty " ' nt headquarters , de
partment of ilio , Plaltc , is granted
Captain Fayottdjt W. Hoe , Third Infantry.
Tbo leave of ubsouco granted Major George
E. Glenn , paymaster , Is extended two
months. Captain "vWllllsm B. Gordon , ord-
nnnco department will proceed from Wntor-
vliet arsenal , West Troy , N. Y. , to the works
of the MorgaUnglneoring company ,
Alliance , U. , on 'bOfblal "business and upon
completing the sMnb" ' willro oin bls proper
station. icft * -
AtiiouK | \Jllltixr.v Alnn.
Major Bacon lo'ft-i yostordoy on nn In
spection tour IiiMinilr.g" Forts Lognn , Du
Chosno , DouglaSj Jainp jPilot Butte , Sidney
and D. A. Hussoll. n" , , ,
The follo vlng 'Vtory comphmuntury order
has boonjl uod'4 jyenc V1iBrookOiconcorn-
ingtho tlQiiarturaj.jof ' Captain , jj ) yotto W.
Uoevliovwlll depart soon on a"/our months'
leave of atispacolHtfter wVtcH fin will Join his
regiment : ; " ? / i J' ' ] , ' , "
PLATTK , OMAHA , July , a" . First. Lieutenant
Favetto W. Uoo , Third Infantry , aldo-do-
camp , having received olllelal notitlcation of
his promotion I" , in order to comply with
paragraph 1 , special orders No. 1G7 , current
series , headquarters of the army- relieved
from further duties at these headquarters.
The commanding general cordially con
gratulates Captati Hoe ou this well deserved
though long delayed promotion. , nnd sin
cerely rogrou that it necessarily ontalls de
parture from his military family. A pleas
ant olllcial'nnd * personal acquaintance of
twnnty-onoyoarj , covering a varied service ,
Including the Intimate relations between nn
adjutant and his colonel and an aide-de-camp
and his commanding general , invites on ex
pression of blub regard for this faithful ,
otllclont and conscientious ofllcor. The sev
erance of ofllcial tlesho\vovcr \ , docs not mean
a change of interest , and Captain Hoe takes
with him a confident anticipation that the
responsibilities nnd opportunities of his now
rank will bring that recognition and appro
bation in the future which his zeal nnd ubil-
i'y have Invariably commanded in the past.
"By command of Brigadier General
Brooke : M. V. SHBIUDA.V , "
"Assistant Adjutant General. "
Competition C'liiiimeiiouil.
BEI.LKVUB llivi.r. Uixon. Neb. , July 23.
[ Special Telegram to THEBES. ) Tbo nun mil
liilk' competition of the Department of the
I'latto began here today at known distances
In u storm of rain. When the firing at 200
and .100 yards had bsen completed thu rain
was falling so heavily as to render further
tiring at long range Impossible. Tbo scores
made were :
Urmit'n'M Hon.
Father Thomas { itt i-nmhi a son of Clenoral
Sherman , the groa liftllltnry hero , Is visiting
In Omaha. Ho 1& sapping with friends at
Crcighton college , * .
Father ShormaUj(2-n ( J < "uit prlost about
83 .years old and jfi * Clan Intollcetual and
'cultured nuponrunco. Ho called on Colonel
Sheridan and othjur.flfllcors with whom he Is
acquainted at ibo&nny headquarters.
W. ApplogaS * jluo inventor of n now
incandescent lainrefpil bo nt the Mercer
hotel this afternoonjind ovonlng and oxhlolt
his invention to lfifet ited callers.
O. W. nrowsicifawlio lives nt 27'IS Oar-
Hold avenue , canned ; .the tirrejt of a Mrs.
Wnckor ycstcrd 4feiiliiK for disturbing
the pouca by belojfKWonlcuDd disorderly.
Old Dill I'rlco'a cHWdbnn/ Murphy , both
vngrunls mid putty .thieve * who occnsionolly
visit Omaha nnd carry axvny anything found
lying around loose , worq looked up last tilght
by tbo police.
Drunk und begcmtr on the streets wns tbo
charge placed nimlnst Kd Jlmlson nt the jail
Inst night. Edward iimkas n business of
boirglnir both hero and In ( Jounc.U lllulla and
Is au undeserving uorson , as bo spends all ho
can gut for liquor.
Eddlo Curtis * , n 15-year-old mossenRor boy ,
was , at thorequest of hi * parents , locked up
in tbo olty Jail yesterday afternoon for In *
corrlglblllty. HU parents claim that Kddta
is entirely unmannifou'jlo and would like to
hnvo him sent to thu/ofoimatory.
A llro lu u , small tup-story frame houao in
tbo rear of1U3 tipath Elt'htoeiUli street
called out tlm downtown departmonUhortly
utter midnight. The llro was botwoou tbo
partitions ot the house which was occupied
by u colored family named 1'roctor , Loss on
building and contents about | 75.
hnvo boon mnilo fnr ttio occasion , Ttio governor -
ornor ami state tifllcinls , nil livid * ox-gov
ernors nnd llcutcniiiit governors , tliu Icpulu-
turo nnd the Kentucky cotiRrossmon uro ox-
period to bo lioro. Stevenson will make ttio
speech of Hio day.
l > l < Kiiiccfnl Scone * During thn 1'rorroil *
liiKa of Ilin Stutn Commitlmi ,
l'AniCEiimma , W. Vo. , July 23. The
socona tiny of the stnto democratic conven
tion was ono of remarkable enthusiasm , hot
wonthor nnd lights.V , A. McCorklo wns
nomtnatca lor governor . last niprht
on the second ballot nmld tro-
incndous enthusiasm. The llrst bnl-
lot today resulted In the nomination for
auditor of J. V , Johnson of Darbour. Patrick
Duffy , thp present Incumbent , A. D. Gordon ,
Untmlon Summers , G.V. . Tippntt , Samuel
Iliiiinn , G.V. . Hundloy , Henry Howon , nnd
J. U. MeElrtownoy were candidates. After
the call of the counties for n vote grcnt con *
fusion cnsund for nearly two hours.
Gordon nnd Johnson led. Deforo
the ballotviis unnouncod | a do/on
counties' wanted to change their vote.
Extra sorKotints-nt-nrms were appointed to
keen order. Johnson Rained votes nil dur
ing the ballot. There was it torrlllo struggle
between the Gordon nud Johuson men. it
was the most dcsporntn over seen lu West
Vlrslnln. Ono inuu caiua forward nnd
said ho was chairman of the Marshall
delegation and xvnnted to ohnngo. A preat
crowd jjathorod nround him. When naked
how ho wanted to vote , ho snld ho wanted to
vote "No , " and then it was discovered that
ho wiu idiotically arunlc. Ho was carried
The ballot rotulltnl : Johnson , -100 ; Gor
don , SSI ; MuEldownov , 1)3 ) ; Summers , 7 ;
Duffy , 0.
The afternoon session contest for state
superintendent of schools was n repetition of
the morning seono * . Vlrcll A. Lewis of
Charleston nnd U. A. Armstrong of Fair-
mount were the principal candidate * . After
n long discussion n bullet was taken und
Lewis was nominated overwhelmingly.
Thomas S. Uoily , chairman of the state ox-
ocuttvo comralitoo , was nominated attorney
general nftor nu intorostlng atrugglo.
At the evening session Colonel James
Howan was nominated for treasurer on the
llrat ballot. Marmadulto Uoiit was nomi
nated for the long term Justice of the
supreme court.
JuUtro Holt was nominated for the short
term ol the supreme court.
They Pnss Sti-oii ? Resolutions and Tut Up
u Unod Ticket.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , July 28. The republican
state con vnntion mot at aeon In the People's
church , and was called to order by Chair
man Hartwoli of the state committee. Ex-
Concreiismun McDonnell was chosen tem
porary chairman. Committees were up-
pointed and a recess taken until 2 o'clock.
The convention was late In assembling ,
nnd oven after being called to order nt 2:30 :
was unable to pet down to work nt once , on
nccount of the committees not having com
pleted their work.
William Henry KustU of Minneapolis was
called on for a speech. Ho spouo
briefly , ending bU spitCRb by presenting
n resolution eulogUing Hon. James G.
Blalno , sympathising with him In his
recent uflliotions and expressing the hope
that ho may aguln bo called into service after
having enjoyed n hard-earned rost. The resolution
elution was udoptou by nsinc vote , with
cheers. A number of speaker * , Including
Alden K. Blolhon , Governor Dnrtoiv , Na-
ttonal Committeeman Evans and others also
State Senator Tawloy presented a resolu
tion reciting in glowing" terms the services
and ability of United States SoiiaUn'Oush-
tnati K. Davis , declaring him the choice of
the convention and nlediiiir ; ! the purly to
worn for his.reolecion. . . The resolution
was adopted wi'th cliedrs by u rising1 vote.
Ex-Congressman ICnnto Nelson
was nom
inated for governor by acclamation. David
M. Clougn was nominated by acclamation for
lieutenant governor. F. P. Brown of Blue
Earth was nominated on the seconu ballot
for secretory of stale. Hiss nomination was
mudo unanimous. Joseph Bolilottor of
Brown county was chosen ns candidate for
s.tato treasurer on the first ballot.
Missouri Democrats Jlurn Trouble In
Aerri'liiKT un Candidates.
Nnosno , Mo. , July 2S. The democrats of
the Fifteenth congressional district met this
afternoon , and after organizing commenced
balloting tor the candidates. The llrst bal
lot resulted : Morgan , 20 ; Hill , 21 : Skinner ,
2t. Balloting continued throughout the day
und when u recess was token 130 ballots had
been taken. When tbo convent'on roas-
bombled this morning balloting was resumed
and continued until 8 o'clock this afternoon ,
whan the deadlock was orokon by tbo nomi
nation on the 2ir > lh ballot of Morgan of Bur
ton countv.
MONTOOMKJIV CITV , Mo. , .Tulv 23. This
morning the democratic congressional con
vention for the Ninth district mot in Its
usual condition a deadlock. After somn pre
liminary sparring tbo Clark delegation look
the bull bv the horns , forced a permanent
organisation , which had hitherto been pre
vented Dy the deadlock , and tl'on nominated
Champ Clark of Pike county for congress.
Tbo Norton delegates refused to vote during
the proceedings. It is not Known yet
whether a bolt will follow or not.
Lon.iNsroitT , Intl. , July 28. The Tenth
Indiana district democratic congressional
convention today nominated Thomas Ham
Hiihcoiiiinlttro ol Mm National
CummlttuuVIII Iln Apiiiilntod.
WAairiNOTO.v , D. C. , July 28. [ Special
Telegram to Tun IJm.JExUnited : Stales
Treasurer J. JN. Huston of Indiana lias been
asked to become chairman of a subcommittee
of the republican national commiitco which
Is soon to open headquarters at Chicago and
have general .supervision of Indiana , Illinois ,
tno U.ucotas , Nebraska , Iowa and sumo ether
western and northwustorn states now some
what doubtful us to political complexion.
This subcommittee will bo composed of about
11 vo or seven prominent members of the na
tional committee und will scarcely bo loss lu
Importance than thonatfonal.cominlttcotlsolf.
In addition to Mr. Huston the members of
the subcommittee will bo Mr. Kosewater of
Omaha , Senator Carov of Wyoming und Mr.
KVUIIB of Minnesota. It will bo a very strong
committee und will have a wide range of re
sponsibility. Its organization Is to bo com
pleted while Chairman Carter , Mr. Clarkson
nnd others nro in tbo ultv. Mr. Tanner of
Illinois Is to resign his membership of the
national committee , as bo is a federal ofllco-
holder subtrcasurorut Chicago.
Unmoorauy' * Ileadiimrlur .
NEW Yoi-.K , July 23. Chairman William
F. Hnrrlty hasfonnounced that No. l.'l'J ' Fifth
avenue has boon selected us the headquar
ters of the national democratic committee.
Tbo building will bo opened as sopn as the
desks and other furniture and fittings have
boon arranged. During tbo any Mr. Hnr-
rity was In conference with ex-Governor
Campbell , nx-Socrotary Whllnuy and Itlch-
urd Urokor.
Winivor and Mr . J.oiuo.
PiiKiit.0 , Colo. , July 23. MM. Lease and
General Weaver , candidate for presldont on
the ( bird party ticket , spoke this evening to
u largo undlonco and woto well received ,
Muny Oil TiinhH on 1'lro.
WASIII.SOTOS' , Pa. , July 38. Lightning
ignited an Immense oil tank near bora yester
day afternoon and the conflagration spread
to twenty other tanks. They uro still ouru
ing am * thu loss will bo very boavy.
Tile IJtmtli Hull.
LONDON , July 3. Viscount Sborbrooko ,
moro familiarly known at tbo Hon , Hobort
Lowe , died today.
C'libliuit hulil tu Iliivo IUnliiul ,
SAX FJUNCIBCO , Csl. , July 2S. The report
U current that the Hawaiian cabinet has re
Further Particulars of the Disaster Which
Befell the South Sea Island ,
Aslirn Crush In Homes and Whole Kninlllcs
Hurled AlUo All Voct-tnllim De
stroyed and tlm Living ( Intit-
imlly Starting to Dtmth.
AMSTKIIDAM , July 28. The Handolsblait of
this city publishes letters from Celebes
giving details of the recent eruption of the
volcano Gununo on Great Snndmlr island.
The oruptlon commenced ntO p. ni. on n day
early lu June nnd was unheralded bv tbo
slightest seismic warning. Immunso volumes
of llmno und smoke nnd masses of stones
suddenly burst from the volcano. The
stones fell nil over the Island , killing hun
dreds of natives who were busy in the field *
getting In the rlco crop. Those who suc
ceeded in reaching the supposed shelter of
their homos lound no rcfugo , many houses
belne crushed beneath the woieht ot the
falling stones and roofs having collapsed
under thu weight of ashes , burying the In-
mat03 , in many instances whole families.
Streams of lava flowed with startling
vapidity down the slope of thu mountain ,
upon which there were located numerous
farms nnd villages. Houses nud fuglllvos
ullko were overwhelmed bv these rivers of
molten rock. It Is estimated tbot over 1,000
persons perished In the slopes of the moun
tains and hundreds more in the lowlands ,
but Ilia exact loss of life Is not yet known.
A week ufter the oruptlon had abated the
inhabitants wore still In n stnto of terror and
would not approach the sconoof the disaster.
The island Is now threatened with fnmlno ,
nil the crops having boon destroyed. Cocoa
trcos nro still standing , but their leave *
nnd fruit have been destroyed nnd their
stems loft baro. In many parts of the Island
wells hnvo become dry.
TIIUY i > ii < 'iii : > THI : COURT.
I'ronch Aimrohlxt Prisoners Knfuio to Obey
the Judgo.
PAHIS , July 28. During the trial at Ver
sailles of four anarchists charged with steal
ing n quantity of dynamite which was used
in the explosions of last May day , QUO of the
prisoners named Etlovant was told by the
judge to Rtuud up. Instead of complying
with the order , however , the prisoner re
mained seated , and Impudently replied :
"Got up yourself. Why dou'tyou get upt"
The Judge answered : "I nm n magistrate
nnd need not rise to speak to you. "
1 hereupon Eticvant retorted : ' 'One man
Is as L'ood ns another. Get up If von want
to spoalc to mo then I will goc up , too. "
The other prisoners followed the cxnmplo
of bravado sot by Etiovant , and adopted
equally at Insolent a mien townid the Judge.
ICaeli in turn began n violent har.tngiio und
tried to expatiate on the subject of anarchy.
The Judge , however , refused to listen to
them , nnd after a scene of disorder suc
ceeded in silencing tncm.
CIiolnrii' JVurlnl Itnonrd ,
LOXDOS- , July 28. The St. Petersburg cor
respondent of the Times says that the
oilicial cholera reports for July 23 , 24 and 25
for nil Russia show 2,533 , new cases ami
l-ll > 5 deaths.
The Standard's St. Petersburg rorro-
spondentsays : The /ism-Uov of Kazan lias
nskod the treasury for n loan of 500,00. )
roubles for seed and 110,000 roubles for sani-
tury-measures. Similar applications uro ex
pected from other province * sutTerinir from
famine. This forshadows n repetition of the
fumino unless moro vigorous me.uures are
ST. I'ETiMfsiirwj , July 28. The following
oHlcial cholera return ) were published : July
20 Astrakhan cusus.-12 do.iths ; Voronosh ,
15 cases , 10 deaths ; luizan,9 dc.Xths ; Samnru ,
J2 cases , 74 deatli.s ; Saratnof , 1)1 ) cases , (11 (
deaths ; Slmbrlsk , OS cases. 3S de.i'.hs ; Kosto-
gaw , 8 cases , 0 ; ) deaths ; Tasmon , 5 onset , 5
deaths ; Krahkoff , 15 case ? , ; i deaths : stations
on tbo Hostoff-Voronesb railway , 17 cases , 0
deaths. Julv27 Oronburc , S ) casesC deaths.
July 25 to 27 Tsarilzin , 48 cases , it ) deaths.
Oladitinin ( iltt-n an ovation.
LOSDOX , July 23. Mr. Gladstone arrived
ir. this city yesterday. When ha alighted
from the train at the Euston square station
bo was clvon on ovation by thousands of his
supporters who had gathered on the station
platform to greet him. Mr. Gladstone looked
to bo in good honlih und smilinclv acknowl
edged the lecoplion accorded him. Ho uas
then taken in an open carriage , which was in
waiting , nnd betrayed sorno svmptoms of
nervousness when un nngrv partisan crowded
him nt thu side of the carriage and oagnu
slupplng blm'on the back. Ho nt once or
dered thn coachman lo drive off quickly.
Act gently yet prompt
ly on the Until , Kill-
NKVS am ] IKMVIM.S , ills-
pellinif Jlendaches , Fcv-
ciannd Colds , tborouRh-
ly clcnnslng the system
of disease , nnd cures
habitual constipation
They are sugar coated ,
do nnl gripe , very small ,
easy to take , nnd purelf
loadable.13 pills Jnonch
vial. 1'crfjct dlgc.sllon
follows their uso. Tlioy
ntisolutclrriiro lick hcnil *
uclio. ami iirorcnmnnrnJ-
ed ljr ) Icaam ; pL-yskbns. I'or sale by Icaillnc
dniftirlsts orHcntbynii. ' . : ; i ! . > ct < . n lal. Addrcud
HOOB'S ' MEDICINE CO , , Props , 8n Francis ci
Rnhn .t Co. , Cn.r IStH & IlnuKlu SU.
J .A Fuller & Co. , Cot. Mill & Pouglyj
A U 1'cster Co. . Council lUuO * . la
An ordinance ontorlng thugmdlng of Military
avenue from Hamilton xtruut to ( irant struct
and directing thu bo'ir.1 of public uorUs to
take the necessary Htunsto cansusald work
to hu done.
lie It or.lulned hy the ulty council of thn ulty
of Omaha :
Suction I. Whoroac. have
been established upon , and appraisers hiivii
been duly appointed by law , to apnr.ilsii thu
damages causnU by thu grading of .Military
avenue from Hamilton street to ( iiant street.
anil mad u thulr report to thu city council ,
which hail formally adopted thu same ; and ,
wherouH , pronurlv ownura , reproi.ontln r morn
tlrin tliiou-llfths ot the property abutting on
nad ! porl Imis of thu avcnnu above tipuclllud ,
havu pullllonoil the ully council IP havtiH'ild
avunno graded lo the present established
grade , without charge to the ultv. and that
thu cost bo rn-idu p-iyablu In tun urinal InU-ill-
munts , thoruforo. Mlflt'iry avuniiufroin Hamil
ton street to ( irant bticot. bo and hereby Is
ordered grided to thu present , established
fine lion 2. That the board of ouhllu woilc * bo
and hereby Is. illro-jti'd to take thu necessary
stops to uuuxo said work to hodonu.
Hootlon : t. This or.llnancu Hbalt take
nlfect. nnd bo In force from and after Us p.iss-
- l-tI .
rrosldont Olty Council.
Aprovcd , July LtJril. Ib'J. .
or.o. i . IIIMIS : ,
Mayor ,
Healed nroiiosalN will hn received by thu mi-
durulgrifd until lUUo'oloul ; ( n. in , Auguxt Alb ,
IW ) . ' . tor grading Ihu Jlley In block 10 ,
Koiint/u'H4th stippleinuiitiiry nddlllon from
Hickory street to Center street , all J thu alley
In block 1. KonnUo's 4th addition from Cen
ter street to ibu alloy north of Doruaa stieet
In thoully of Uniiibu , In accoiduncu with nli'ns
aiKlhpucIlluatlonHon Illo In thu olllco of the
board ot public works.
IHda tobu miduoii printed blanks fnriiNh-
oil by tbo bciard.nnd to boiicgompaiilud will ) n
corlllled uhuuk In thu Hum of WM.W payable lo
ho ully of Omiibu , as un evidence of good
The board reserves the rlzht to reject any or
\jLt u 11 to walvo defecls.
Chairman Hoard Public Works.
Omnha , Nob. , July ! TISM. . JyjV-S.t-3U.-ju
Nutlvu to Contrnutorii anil llullileni.
I'or tbooroetlonof a nuw Catbollo church in
I'ortHinouth , Hhclby County. Iowa.
Illdn wlllbo ruoulvod until AugiiHtVnh. 14) )
I'lana und spuclllcatlonauun beiunn at tbo un *
doralgned , who will also cheerfully glv In for-
million to pimleu wlnbln-/ hunil In a bid ,
UKV. I'V. \ . IIOI'l'MAN.
I'orUinoulb , ahelby County , Iowa
Purely. Vegetable and Strictly
Rellnblc ,
on the Lfvor nnil Stotntxoh , rcslurtni ? the
constipated orijnns to healthy nativity ,
und are n POSITIVKnnd PKUKliOTLY
ACHE , BILIOUSNESS , and nil ether
nleonsos arisinp ; from u dlnordoroil con
dition of the I ivoi- and Stomnch.
They are the Only Ifollhlo YcRiitnblo Mvot
1 HI fold ; They uro I'orfu.'tly llurmloiij Thj
nrpl'urniy Ynotablui Try Tliom.
Pit. Sohonrli'sllook on Consumption , Mvcr
Complnlnt and Dvsuolisln Font Kri < a
J. H. SOII BNUIC& SO.X. I'hllmlolphla
, ir
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics.
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Durns ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted'for Use in Hard Water
An ordinance or.IIM I nf : thu I in proving of Mason
struulfiom oust line of ! ) Uth street to imst
line of : ilst. slrcet , In slicot IniDrovuincnt dis
trict Nu. 4.TJ , suld ImurovliiK to consist of
pitvuiK with vlirlllud Uriel ; , nnd dlrootlni ;
thn bo mi of public works to tnUu thu neiob-
Mjry snips toeuiise snub work to ho done.
U horoiis. the nnyor and citv council of the
ulty of OriKthn hnvo nidured the linuruvln of
Sliison snout from line of : iuth .street to
C'iiKt llnu nf IlUt street In street Improvement
district No. ju ; , hy puvlns thu sunu : and ul-
lottiil thlrly d.ivs to uropoity ownot.s In
which to rloilRimtu und dutcrinlne tliitmatc-
rl'il doslred to be itsud forsueh p.ivlnt ; , nnd
Whureiis. the snld thirty ilnvs have expired
aiulthu innpuity unnurs uwiiuiK the m.ijorlty
of the fiDiit.ico In .suld linn'ovuinuiit dlstrlut
have notlilunud fnrilio paving of s.ild stri'ot
In said district with vlirlllud brick , claps A Uvu V /
VOIIIK. and " ' , ,
Whereas , In audition to .such < R > slKnvlmflor ;
material by mild own era. the inavo viuid ulty
fonncll ( if .said city do hereby dn.cmjiiO ( iiuon
tbo so sp el lied as the material to hu
used for sncl , pavliiK. therefore.
Ho ItorJalno'l bv tno city counoll OT the city
of Omaha. - > > , *
tici'tlnn 1. That Hint part of M > ft < nn > street
from rust line of il'Jth street to east line lf ) lilac
Ktrcet. Instruct linurovuiiicnt dlHtrlet No. 4 ; ! . ' .
be nnd the sa'iu ! Is liori'liy oidercd Improved ,
said liiuiiiivuiiient to consist of pavlnff with
vltillled hrlek. class A live years , nrro-dlhn to
thu Hpuflliuatlui.s on Illo In thu olllce of thu
board of public works.
tn'etlon ' . ' . That thu board of pnhllo works Is
liorohy ordered lo pau o said norlc lo bo donn
iiml to enlcr Into contract for the eamy with
the lowest responsible bidder under thu .spucl-
lloatlons on lltu In the olll.'o nf said board.
Section It. That this onliimncu take ulTucf
anil bo In force ) from un I after Its paSJU o.
Passed July : Ulli. 1S-2.
City Clerk.
K. I' . DAVIti.
President Ulty Council.
Approved July ! Snd. IbUJ.
An ordinance ordurln : thu Improving of Bpon-
cer htrjut riu n Shcrimtn uvenno to Jltli
street. In struct imurovuniont district No. I'M
Bald Improving to consist of paving with
vltrlllfd brick , and dhuutlni ; thu board ot
public wor ! < s to take the nuccdiury stops to
ca > tsu such work to Du doiut.
Wlieteas. thu mayor and cllv council of the
city of Omaha havu ordered tin ) linnrovlni ; of
Spuncur struct from Miurinan avenue to 'lth
Ntrcol. In streut linpruvuniunl dlHttlut No. 4''il
by paving tlKisariiu and allowed thirty days
to piopcrty owners In which to determine and
( I os Knatu the matuilal desired to housed for
suvh paving , and
, the said thirty days have axnlrud
und thu property owners owning the majority
of Ihu front. iiiu In Kald linurovumunt dlmrlct
huvu putlttonu.l for the pavln , ' of H ild street
In said ( list Hut. wilh vltrillotl bilok , class A
tun yuurs , und
\Vhcruas , In nddlllon to such designation of
material by H ild owner * , thu mayor iin.l city
Ciiunoll of Miild ulty do hciouy ilutermlno nuon
thu material uN | > ucllIui ( us thu inatorl il to hu
nsod forsnoli paving , thuruforu ,
Ho Itordauiua ny thu city council of the city
ofOrnah.i :
Huutlon I. That that p , rt of Spuncor struct.
fiom uvenno lo -lili Hlrutil , lit struct
Improvement dliilrk't No. 1:11 bo and thuxamu
Is liurcby orilorcd liuprovi > ilHalil lriiiiovuinunt |
toconslstof p.ivlng with vltrllluil lirlulc , clusi
A tunyu.irs. according to the niiuclllc.itlonson K
Illo In the ollU-u of tSmlioar.l ol nubile works.
Beet , on L' . That thu board ol nnbllu works In
hereby or.lurud to cause HI : ! < ! work to bu donu
ami enter Into unntract for thu sanm with thu
lovveHt ro-4nunslblo bidder uirlur thu Hoculliua-
II. ms on lllulii ihuotnauofH'ild boanl.
Section : i. Tlrit this ordlnaiicu tiku olToct
and bo In force from an J after Its passage.
i'a > iud July SOilt , 1KJ. .
K. P. DAVIS. . ,
1'rusidontUlty Oonitoll.
Apurovod July H'ntl , lrl' ! . ' " '
UBO. I > . I
An onllnanco ordering thu Improving of l 'lli
HI i eet from Jones street lo Leavenworth
Kliiiut. In streiit Improviimi'iit district No.
4v.i. said irnprovln/ coiiHlHtof uiivlnr with
white NiiiulHtonu , and directing the hoard ut
public works to tnko thu noenvMiirv htons to
uaiisn Hiich work lo Ludonc.
Wliuioau. thu mayor and ulty council of tlio
city of Omaha have ordered thu linpiovlng of
l-'ct. street fiom Jonus strict to l.iiavunvvorlli
street. In street , linprovuinunt district No. IU ,
by paving the H line and allowed thirty days
to property ownuro In which to doilgnato and
duliirinliiu thu material destrod to bu Hand for
mi"h pavlnr , and
\VIureas. theH.ild thirty duyw navu oxplrod
nnd the property owners < nvnhu thu majority 1
of thu frontage In H'llil Iniprovmnunt'llnirlct '
have petitioned for thu paving of H nil street
Inuald uUtrlot with wiltu ) Uolonvilo sandmono
Ull'l '
WhoruiiH , In addition to mioh duslgiiilon : ( of
maturlui by Halil ownora , thu mayor and ulty
council of Halt ! ulty do heioliy duturinlnu IIIKIII
thn material Hospeclllud us tlm material to bu
imcd for Mich p tving , therefore.
llo H ordalneil by thu uity council of the ulty
of Oinah u
Section 1 That tliat part of I2th atroot
from Jonu4 fit re i ) I lo Luavunworth Hlrcut , la
streatlmiirovumontdlHtrlct No. I".T. lioaud thu
mime U hereby ordeied Improved , Haul Im
provement to connlHt of paving with nhlto
( /'olonulo sunilntonu olans 0. according tuthii
HpoulllcatloiiKon Illuln thuollloiiof tlm b.W.t
of tiiibl n worl.-.s.
KHCtlony. Tliutthullunrilof I'nbllo Yll , I (
Is hereby ordered to cntivo dald work in tu
done and lountur Into contract for thu Kami )
with ti ) lowest io ioiiilblu ) bidder under Dm
Bpcdllluutioiisoirlllelnlliuolllcoof nild bonrd
ruction : ! That llils orillnaiifci tuko uiruct
und bo In foruu from nnd utter Its inuauxe.
I'aiioil July Will , led ; .
B. I' . 1)AV ) IB.
VruHldoutUlty Oyitncll
Auptovod July C * . . 18'C ,
OK'J. l > . UKMIH ,