2 Tim UMAKA DAILY BEE''IIUUSDAY. , . JULY 28 , IS92. C1IAIIA WINS THE DOUBLES Cullingham nut ! Battin Defeat Wahlijuist and Eungan in tbo Finals , M * SOME FINE TENNIS PLAY EXHIBITED Although the AVfiikor Tcnin , the limiting ! I'll I r 1'liiyml with surprising Vigor mid Compelled tlio Oiniilm Tram to J'.iiru Its Victory. HASTINGS , Nob. , July U7. ( Special Tolc- cram toTiin UBK.J The llnol match of the Mobraska Lawn Tennis association tourna ment fordoublos was p'.ayod here this after noon botwcon the victors of yesterday's ' Kanio. Cullingham nnd Uattln of Omaha ployed four sets with 0. B. Wahlquist and nnd U. 8. Duncan of Hastings. A shower Just provlous to the beginning of the final cooled the air , mid at the same tlmo mndo the courts all qulto muddy , but la a hall hour the ground was passably ary nnd the match was begun and the Queen City boys \vorocloarly outmatched , but they played \Uthnvlgorthtitsurprlsed ovcrvono. They managed to secure ono sot out of four and Rccurcd 111 aces against 130 for their oppo nents In thlrty-nlno gatnos. Eight games and ono set were douccs. Score : Culling- liamand Hattln. 0 ! ) ; 0-4 ; Wnblqulst and Dungan , 8 0 ; Culllngbam end Oaliln , 0 1. NATIONAL I.KAOUi : . rittnliure' " MUllln J'ull Down the r.o.ideni In Kimy Stylo. 1'nir.AnBt.rnu , PH. , July 27. Plttsburg had no trouble In winning today. Weather hot ; attendance , 'J.'JUJ. Score : nttsburR 0 00013001 5 I'ltllndclphla 0 1 tilts : I'lttslnir ? . 11 : Philadelphia 7. Errors : I'lttsbnrp. ' , ' ! Philadelphia , 4. Karnoil runs : 1'ltlshnrKlatteries ( : Kspoy nnd Miller ; Wayhlnu and ( Jlemonts. NKW YOIIK , July i7. ! The Now York loam acorod another well earned victory at the Polo grounds today , defeating Louisville with something to spare. Attendance , 1,135. Weather scorching. Score : New York 0 20040001 7 Louisville. 1 00100000 2 Hits : Now York , 0 ; Louisville , a Errors : New York , 4 : Louisville , I. Knrncd runs : now York. 1 ; Louisville. 1. Il.iltorlos : Crane and Doyle ; Clausen und Weaver. lUi.TiMonr , Md. , July -7. ! The Qaltlmorna had an cany tlmo In shutting out the St. Louis team today. Attendance , 2,000. Score : llnltlmoro 0 12 Ht. Louis 0 00000000 0 Hits : Daltlmore , ir ; St. Louis. 0. Krrors : Ilultlinorc , II ; St , LouK : i. l-.arnou rntia : Ital- tlmoro. S. Kiitturlos : McMahon and Kobln- BUII : Oalvln nnd llucklev. WASIIISOTON , IJ. C. , July 27. For six In nings today's prune was clo&u , but after that the Colts pulled ahead. Weather warm ; attendance , 1,409. Score : Washington 10000 001 - 3 Chicago 0 * 7 Hits : Wiislilnston. 5 ; Ohlcngo , 10. Errors : Wnshltigton , fi ; Chicago , 0. Kaiiicd runs : iriishlnuton , I : Chicago , 1. Iluttnrlos : Dur- yea nnd .McCulre ; Iltituhlnson und Schrlver. BIIOOKI.VN , N. Y. , July 27. Clnrkson , tbo cx-Bostonian , was put in to pitch airaiust the Brooklyns today , but bo was freely batteii when runs were needed. Attendance , 1,472. Score : Olovolnnd 0 10102000 4 UrnoUlyn 0 0100002 * 0 Hits : Cleveland , 7 : Itronldyn , 0. Errors : Olevoland. fl ; Hrooklyn , 4. E.irncd runs : HrooUlyn , 5. lotteries : Clurkson und /,1m- mnr ; Stein and Klnslo\v. ilosTdN , Muss. , July 27. Chamberlain was cITectluo most of tbo tlmo today but slipped up In the second wbon bo bit two batsmen , both scoring on Daly's hit and Mcl'hoo's errors. Weather hot ; attendance 1,118. Score i iionon o 20000021 r Cincinnati lilts Iloslon , II Cincinnati , 7. llos : : Errors : . . . * . $ * , U Ct JMi lJl * ' tv * * = : , , .r tv. t CutTiiiLerTiiln unu vanillin. Standing ot tlio Ten inn. A310NU T1IK AMATJIUHS. Kenrnry nnd Iluldrngn Fitly n Very Trolly KKAIINBV , Nob. , July -27. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BnE.l A very interesting Kama of ball was played here today between Iloldrepo nnd Kearney , but owing to tbo threatening wnather an unusually small crowd turned out. Kearney found the visiting pltebor for ton uns in the lourth innlnp , whlio Ulack , tbo homo pitcher , con- lined his vUitora to Ihroo runs. Iloldroge put up o Rood game of fielding , but were not In tt when at bnt. The features were Fowl er's play at second and the hard hitting of the homo team. Score : Kearney o 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0-10 lloldrejje o 3 Hits : Kearney , 12 ; HoIdruRO. S. Kuns onriiod : Koarnoy. 8. Stolen buses : Koarnoy. it lloldroijo , 3. Krrors : Kearney , 7 ; Uol- drogo , 4. Tlmo , ono hour and forty-live min utes , untplru : MoLuuKhlln. The Forest Lawns defeated the Twen tieth Street Stars yesterday by tnis acoro : Forest Lawns 0000224 ] 4 13 Twentieth St. Stars. 003000000-3 Ilattorlos : Korcst Lawns , Nester und Alox- " 'lor : TnoiitJulli Strpot Stars. Loni.y und Sjnllli. Illis : j-orost Lawns , 10 ; Twentieth Htrcot Mills , 4. L'rrors : forest Lawns , 4 ; Twentieth Street Stars , 7. L.KMAK8 , la. , July 27. fSpocInl Telegram toTinsllKi : . ] Tito garno today between the homo team and the Blair team was called nt the end of tbo third Inning , the score stand- liiK 7 to 0 In favor of Lomnra. rutomuo OntriiiM I.ountiika In u Scnia- BIUCII UACE TIUCK , N. Y. , July 27. Tbo feature of this afternoon's racing was Potomac's dofoatof Loantnua , the former covering the mlle In 1:40 : Hat. Loantoko lookad all over a wlnnor nt the end of the snvon furloncs , butL-imbloy had a lot up his sleeve , and I'otonmo passed Lontunka n six- tcnnth from tbo ilnlsh and shut him out bv tnltlnc the Inner rail. Loantnka's Jookoj- MoUermott. pulled up Just In time to prevent - vent both himself nnd his horse from going over the fence into the Hold. A foul was claimed but not allowed. Another good race was the ilfth , for which \\attorson , second choice , defeated the sup posedly luvluciblo fnvorlto , Lord Dalmony. The sport began with a crushing aofout for the a to B fnvoriU ) Fit-oily , Alrsbuft , 0 to J , nnd Centaur , 40 to 1 , llnishlng ilrst and sooi end in iront of the choice. Stowaway , a 3 to 1 second cbolcf , won the second race from end to ond. There was ono maiden loss ot the ucaeh when Theirs L. , 5 to 1 , Johnny Uairan up. took the third race by n head from Uon Voyage , niilot Doux colt , 10 to 1 , Borgun up. tooic the lust ruco from Mncktutosh , 5 to 2 , by a nook. Sumnmrlos : Mr tracono\unfurlonits : AlrshuH (5 ( tot ) Slfa BlK'V.iS1.S0tf0m' ' ' - "lro" * " * Hoconil raoe. llvo fnrlonss : to Third tlvo Theirs 1'oiirth raco. ono mllui ' I'olonme ( oven ) won Jnlrlu" , ' " ! ? ] . , . " 1'1"1' 0 " > to jl Kif tli ruco. six und oiio-hulf furlongs : \Vat turBon (2 ( to II won. Lord Dnlmuiiy i MS ) koo- omCount ( I to II third. Tlmo : Iiiv. : r clllv" fiirlouuH : lllllot Don * rolt - Vor- Thlril llay. BAIIATOOA , N. Y. , July ar. Today won the thfrd day of tha race meeting Uoro. The event * on the program Included the Alabama Btnkcs for ! Uvaur-od , ) tllllos and the Ti-ov Btakoi for all OBOI. The woattior was brleb't and xvarui with ccollnn brooros , Tbo track > vn In line condition. Summation I'lrjit raco. flvu fnrlougsi Jnponl ' ' < rthU " U ' ° 1c W rd Hccond ruoe. AluhnWu stakes , mlle d ono- 'jhtht ' imiiie U toft ) won In i:47fi. : Keg rlt n.l ) yecona , MlM Dlxlu (4 ( to U third. Tlilrd raiOj wllo aua ono-sUtcunth ; Qtttyb- burif (3 to 1) ) won In 1IOH , OnniblsrfO toS second , Hnlnoll to Hi ) third. I'ourth rnco. Troy stakes , thrnc-foitrtlisof a mlloi Htoncnoll (5 ( to 1) ) won In 1:14 : , Major l > onio ( I to 4) second , lllval ( l.'i to 1) ) third. Plf lli race , Heron-eighths of a mlle ! llustcod luvon money ) won In ISW. Inferno ( oven ) second end , llrnstcls third. Tula City ItrnultK. ST. PAUL , Minn. , July 27. The second day of the Twin City Jockey club rucos drew an other big crowd , but the horses bad to run in a sea ot mud , Tlrst rnco. ono mlle ! Ooldilano ( I to 01 won. Little llnck ( H to 1) ) second , I'antalctto (15 ( to I ) third. Tlmo : Ift3t : { . Second nica. for ; i-yoiir-olils und up , sovoti furlongs ; Tllllo 8(5 ( to 2) ) wont Allco I ) ( uvnn ) second. Dewberry (10 ( to II third. Time : 1:37 : ! ( . Third raco. Mlnnontiolfo stnUes for i-yoar- olil , ono and ono-iUtoenth mlle : Looltoul (7 ( to 1) ) won. ft. Oroix ( even ) second , Adolph (10 ( to I ) third , Tlmo : ItUU. Kourlh race , flvo furlongs , malilon 2-yoar- olds : Lnkolund (4 ( to 5) ) won , Snarley the HmiiKKler ( It ) to Isecond ) , Wild Huntress ( U to 1) ) third. Timor 1:10. : 1'lftli r.irc. ono mlle ! Llllltui Lindsay (0 ( to T ) won , Orott Illxon (4 ( to II second , Hoyal Uar- tor(2tol ( ) third. Tlmo : liiJJi. Trotting at Clcvctiiiul. CI.RVRI.ANU. O. , July 27. llain about the middla of the afternoon made the track heavy , but seine of the performances were remark- nblo In splto of that fact. The ttrao mndo In tho2:27 : class was very fast. Attendance largo. Summaries : Ciuss 2ll : ) , trotting , purse J'2.on : Mnrtlia Wllkus won. NlRlitlnitilo second , I'rlnco M. thlul. Tlmo : v : ! ; . 2:11) : . 2i : ; > ! J. . . Grant Ah- Kroo-for-lill pacliic. pursu Jl.ftOO. dtillnb won , Htipco seooml , Tologr.im third , Timo:2iau. : : 2iP : ( ( , Ji7'.i. 2:27 : class , trottlnz. pnrso s > , ooo. nullntsbcd , H. C. T. . The K tvon und Mannollu each won two boats. Time : 2:2i---.1lli. : ! { : 2:2u : ? . { , 2:2ux. : 2:2355,2:23. : : Itrudy for tlio I.yoim itiicus. LYONS , Nob. . July " . -Special [ to Tin BKE. | The rnqo mooting next week prom Iscs to bo n most brilliant and successful affair. The trncic Is in excellent condition and many horses are already on the grounds. Tbo races opouTuosauy nnd last uuttl Satur day. Tips ( ar Todiiy. Here arc the likely chances offered by the card nt .Momnontb park track for today : 1. May Win lliipamiy. S. Mendicant Raindrop. 3. LocohotobPO Adolbilt , 4. Jlurry Monureli Tenuy. 5. Doctor InqUo. 0. Kumorso Nomad , AMONG Till : I'UC I LISTS. 1'nrtnec lliirrUou Talks uf Stilly'n Certainty of Whipping Corbet t. Duncan B. Harrison , manager and pro prletor of the "Llttlo Tippet" company , which opens up at the Farnam Streo theater Sunday night , dropped in on the sporting editor yesterday afternoon for a llttlo social chat. Colonel Harrison , It wll ho remoinbred , was associated with John Li Sullivan In the "Honest Hearts and Willing Hands" theatrical venture nnd Is about ns familiar with tba big fellow's idiosyncrasies and peculiarities ns the next ono , and ns n matter of course the conversation wasn't long In turning on this subject. "How ubout Sully , anyway. In his light with Corbott next September ! " was n query put to Mr. Harrison. "Why , ho'll whip him sure , that's nl there is to It , and do tt too with the Ilrst good punch ho gets In. 1 think Sullivan is nn ingrate - grate ami totally without any of tbo relining sentiments of u gentleman. Still ho is the greatest pugilist on top of the earth , and the man don't live , in my estimation , who can conquer htm. " "Will you go to the flghtl" "I want tu very much , nnd if I can possi bly shape my business affairs to harmonize with the trip , I cortalnlyshnll. 13y the way , you uro to have a contest here Saturday night next that will bo worth any man' ! money , ' and It catches mo suro. They toll mo In Chicago that this Hvun is a cracUor- jack suro. " "Oh , by the way , Mr. Harrison , the Inter Ocean says you say Corbott will punch Sully full of holes In a round or two. Have you changed your opinion slnco arriving in Orouhu ? " "That's rot. I bollovo honestly und firmly r o,1 _ T-f Ukhr , _ ] . , with Pompadour Jim. " Dlrlc TulU the Itruson Why. CHICAGO , 111. , July 27. To the Sporting Editor of Tun BKB : I have Just tlmo for a line 01 * two In explanation of my falluro to meet Oriflln. Zoko Murdock , my backer , got scared nnd forfeited the raonoy up. Mur dock was not justified in this , as I was training bard and confidant ot winning. Everyone about Davenport is stuck on Oriflln. They think ho Is a world boater , and by their constant bluft and wind frightened Murdock off. I got other backing immediately , however , buttheUrif- fln pconlo would not listen to another match. Ho , himself , wn * well sutisllod with the for feit money , which was S20U. I leave for Now York city this evening , where I have the assurance of n good rantcft before the Coney Island Athletic club. I will wriio you us soon ns I arrive there and learn what they have lor mo. I see there is golnp to bo n big crowd at the Uvan-Wllkos contests , and , barring accidents , Ilynn ought to win hands down. Give him my best. DICK MOOIIE. Will Wear John ! . . ' Colors. The colors that will bo worn by Tommy Ryan In his contest with Jack Wllltos at South Omaha Saturday night are tba same as worn by John L. Sullivan in his fight with Jake Kllraln at Rlchburg. They con sist of u whlto silk square with a line por- traltura of John L. for the body , and the corners ntv decorated with a sunmrock , harp , the sun and tha star spangled banner. They are on exhibition ut Frank Handle's cigar store. I..1ST 01' THU JtKOATTA. Cloning lleuti of thu National Content nt Sunitogit. SAIIATOOA , N. Y. , July 27. Final hoots of the national regatta were rowed this afternoon. The sea was rather choppy. The senior sin gles was won by John J. Ryan of Toronto in 10:24. : Edwin Ilumluy of Philadelphia wus next In lu)5. : ) The Junior singles was won by Peter Lolmnoy of Albany , N. Y. , In 11:25 : ; Cady of Now York second In 11 MO. Tbo pulr-oarod ruco was not a satisfactory ono , tbo crown faring badly In the rough water. The Detroits collided with the Non pareils , knocking a bolo in their boat , Stundisb and Lyon won in 102t ; : ; Iluonockor and Hceht of the lonas second In 10:55. : Tbo double Bliulls were vron by Park and Hcadly of Philadelphia , in tlii ; : , Qumn nnd Froeth of Brooklyn second in Ui-iS.x Tbero was wretched steering In the junior fours and the Astoria sank from the damage It received in n collision. The Arlons of Baltimore won in 0:10. jn ino HOinur louruiuo Moaocs or at. Louis and the Wyandottos of Michigan inado u dead heat In1:0:1. : : . T'.io Arconuuts of Tor onto und the Atlautas of New York fouled near the llnUh. In the junior eights tbo Kvorotts of Boston nulled clear nwny from the Dauntless of Now York , winning in U:05Vf. : In the senior eighty the Athletics of Now York , known as the "Chippie * , " won with Base In 7:55. : _ THAI" AND IJU.V. 1'rctty MioiiUiiK at I.nm.ira. s , la. , July 27. [ Special Telegram to TIIU BKK.J Some excellent sporting has boon wltnosiicd today at the shooting tourna ment of the Lomnrs Gun club , which com- noticed .voston'.uy and lasts three days. A urge number of sportsman are present. among thum uomo of tbo best shots In the state. Tbo best shooting today was In tbo : wnnty slnclo-turuot about , Budd , Hughes , 12d Trotter and Kckonuan inuulnjj nineteen uach. _ IlninU < luii Club hhoot. The regular weekly shoot of tha flomls I'nrk Gun club will bo hold on tholr now grounds across tbo rlvor this afternooa , I'lrnt AlotlmdUt Clitiruli Lightning struck the First Methodist ohurcu about 11 o'clock last night. A large lortlou of the roollus : wnu torn oft . The o nspecllncc tbo building from the aidotvalk shortly after iho bolt struck could not do. ormlno the oxtoat of the daaiogo , but It op- loarod to bo considerable. TWO ANARCHISTS IMPLICATED MOD. Arrostad Who Arc Bollevocl to Have Boon foreman's ' Accessories. THEY DENY ALL KNOWLEDGE OF THE PLOT Police-men Dlncnvorn MlnltUiira Amount n tlio llnniool Olio of tlio Accused Who Win Seen With rrlolt'n Would-Ho Sliiyer. PiTTSiiuito , PH. , July27. The nrrosts of F Mollick at Long U ranoh nnd 11. I3nuor in Allegheny will , It Is .boltovoil by the police greatly aid thorn In clearing tbo myatory thn surrounds tbo would-be assassin nnd nnarch 1st , Bergman. Mollick Is 'tho man who son Bergman tbo money from Lena Branch lixit wcok and Bauer is tbo recognized louder o tbo anarchists In this section. Hosucccedoi Herr Frick upon tbo death of tbo luttor two years ntro , as the nRont for the distributloi of nnarchlstlo literature , and tbo pollco have been watching htm for sonio months. Ho was nrrostod nt Ills homo , 7(5 ( Spring Garden avenue , Allegheny , by Detectives Shore and McLelch and Is now in the central station. Hnuor showed no surprise When arrested and took the matter coolly. He admitted bo was the agent hero for the distribution o anarchistic documents and that ho hud .son the circular * to liomostend which wore or dcrcd uonflscnlod by General Snowdon , do denies all knowledge of the nttompt on Mr Frlek's Ufa and says that bo bad novormo or hoard of Bergman till last weak , when hemet mot him at Ivnold's house. There xvoro two meetings , ho said , oacli ono by acoidont , ant Bergman tola him ho was hero to got worlc Bauer told him It wus a bad tnno to bun work on account of the llomostoail trouble. Ho said ho had not soon Bergman since las Thursany , When searched at thn statioi bouso a pold watch and chain , two keys and a nubscription book for money received for tbo anarchist group of which Bnuor Is the leaner wcro found on his parson. Uncurtliud nil ArHrniil. At Bauer's house , however , the police un earthed a small sized arsonal. They foum n breech-loading riilo , an American bulldog revolver nnd a largo quantity of cartridges running In slzo from 2:3 : to 44 caliber .A mysterious loaning rod object was also fount In his room. It was the size of a largo mnrblo and had a string attached nt ono ona The police believe It Is some sort of an ex ploslvo. Various Incendiary papers were also found , together with a book on anarchy receipts , etc. It is believed that tbo accuse i. destroyed all papers tending to * crlmlnato him when Prick was shot. Biiuer Is about HO years of axe , very In tolligout looking , and much cleaner in appearance poaranco than the nvorago anarchist. The Allegheny police say ho is one of the most violent in this section. They bqliovo thoi have a gooa cuso atralnst film. On lost Saturday morning Bnucrls said to have bean seen loitering in the vicinity ot the Duqtiosno club on Sixth avcnuo , where Mr. Frick took his meals. Chitif Murphy says that when Bergman entered the Uhronicle- Telegraph building last Saturday ho was not alono. There was another man with him ami when Bergmun started up the stairs the stranger passed a package to him. This pacKugo is said to have contained cither tbo revolver with which Mr. Friok was shot or the dynumito cartridge with which Bergman attempted to blow his own bead off. Bauer is suspected of being tbo roan who handei the paokaeo to Borcman. Several persons saw tbo incident and the description o Bergman's companion they furnish Ills Bauer to perfection. Uono Alter .Mollick. Upon receipt of tbo news that Mollick hat been captured , Chief Brown instructed Su permtondent O'Mara to go to Long Branch und await papers wbicb were forwarded im mediately. Inspector McKclvio tnudo the nno-n- iinArcopy ° "or rr7 tOgU'QOV"Wlfll [ "thO warrant for Molllck's arrest , was sent on to Superintendent O'Mara at. Long Branch. Tbo information is In the usual form ani charges that F. Molliclc of Long Brancn was an accessory before and after the foot In the felonious shooting und stabbing of II. 0. Frick. Ho will bo brought here for trial. Caspar Kr.old , the anarchist arrested last night , Is still at the Central station. No in formation has yet been made against him und ho will bo detained In the s-.ation till his record nnd connection with Bergman are rr.oro fully investigated. Bergman indicated his Intention to mane a statement to the Associated Press of his reasons for shooting H. C. Friek and his story of the attempted assassination as soon ns he should bo settled in the Jail. An at tempt was mndo to sea the young man , but Warden McAleese declined for the present.to permit anybody to have access to the pris oner whether with bis consent or not. It was tiually airreed , however , that Bergman should oe asked for a rUtomont for tbo prois if ho cboio to make ono , and that after tbls hud boon rovlowed by tbo authorities it should bo given out. TO IILOW VI' THE MILLS. AunrchlHtB Turn uii the Gas , but Their Scheme 1 Discovered. PiTTsuuita , Pa. , July 27. It Is just learned that an attempt was made to blow up Car- ucgio'a Union mills in tbU city. During the absence of the engineer some ono turned on tha unllghtod gas in the furnaces. The dis covery of the foot was made in tlrao to pre vent an explosion. Ono hundred and fifty men were in the department at the titno and many lives would have been lost. Bauer sajs there are 000 anarchists In Pittsburg and 1,000 In western Pennsylvania. The police uro itooplng u strict lookout for anarchists. Inspector McICelvoy says Berg man Is only tbo tool of conspirators. Tlio an- urohists were getting ready to carry out a gi- paatio scheme. An attempt would have been made on the lives of several prominent citi zens. This aficrnoon two anarchistsCharles Fluster nnd August Tirnohk of Allegheny , called at the station to sco Bauor. They were arms tod. Tlio Situation In Idaho. Boist : , Idaho , July 27. United' ' States Marshal I'lnltham" has arrived from the Cujurtl"Alono district with the mine rlnc- leaders of the recent disturbance In custody. WAIIUNBK , Idaho , July ! i7. Orders have boon issued from General Carlir.'a head quarters directing the Twontv-socond nnd rwonty-llfth infantry to return to their proper stations. The Fourteenth ; infantry will bo hold at Wallace until tbo'prUonors ield there uro disposed of , Another Arrest fur Murder. HOMESTEAD , Pa. . July 27. James Close , a charger und drawer of furnaces , was arrested ast evening on a charge of wilful murder , iroforrod by the Uurnoglo ofllclnls , Ac- : ordlng to Close's story bo was threatened .hat unless bo went baok In the mills Ills 'ather would bo nrrostad for murder , and that when ho provad that his father bad sailed for Wales before the Pinkortoa battle bis arrest followed. O'lluniifll Denies. HOMESTEAD , PH. , July 27 Hugh O'Don- icll says that ho did not authorize the cor respondents to treat with the , Carnoglo people - plo with a vlow to ending the trouble by the aurronaor of the moo. Tbo correspondents took u Joking remark of hU In oarnostncsss , and endeavored to negotiate n settlement. Thn I'lro Iteenrd. BBUHXO , Mich. , July 137. At midnight Sunday night Uro started in tbo kltshon of tbo Hotel Norger und soon destroyed tbo \vuolo building. The house was full of : uots , many ot whom bad narrow escapes from burning. Twenty.llvo thousand dollars will cover tba total losa. MADISON. Wis. , July 27 , Flro this morn- ng almost totally destroyed tbo llttlo town of Jane , ton miles northwest on the Chicago & Northwestern road , The grain elevators , Btoro-j , blacksmith shop and tliroo dwellings were bunted. Loss , (30,000. Knit Acnliut tlio Wutuh Trim. NEW Yoitif , July 27--Paper have been filed In tbo supreme court and tbo circuit court ot tbo United Htatos , summoning tbo parties compojlog what la commonly knovm as the AraeriSrn:3\ttch ( trust to answer the charge of cotupirnly against tbo business of the Douber . Wftti-l Cft'so lanufncturlng company ot OiAton , J. The suit Involve * la both cases ta THE ATMACD ON CABTEn. U i _ An Old-Timer ] ffiikp t IMnln Btntnmrnt of Facts CoWjprnii ; tlio ChnrRC * . In a recent Ijjfuo If the Omaha World- Herald appeared an Jrtlclo the Intention of which was to lnui&a ] \ character ot Hon. Thomas Carter , cbjuman of the republican national commlto ? It recounted business transactions In Uiit county tnoro than twelve years nj $ Jfh ( vhleh Mr. Carter was said to have booElfrtibrtnulpal. In yeitor- day's Issue of \Vif-ld-llorald nppoarod a roprlnt dispatch tinier Burlington date , token from the Chldgo Herald , In which the statement was ilado that Mr. C-utor wai simply in tha omjloy ot ona H. B. Hoot , who was thn prlnclial in the Burt county transactions alleged t > the World-Herald to bo fraudulent. 1 A cltUon of Omihn'who ' resided In Burt county twelve .vej ago and has lull knowledge of the sihjoot , requests Tin : BF.I : to publish the fjllowlng statcmont of facts : ' 'Tho World-Horaldh few days ago prop agated ono of Its tkrvelons tales about 'Footprints of Tlmo' u ) In Burt county , nnd very feebly oltomul o connect the chair man of tno national republican committee , Hon. Thomas Cartor.Kvith tbo same. The World-Herald footprliu KVO ! such ovldcnco of both web a-.iu sphy footodnoss that It Is hardly worth whlll to notice the traik , but as u few resldUts of Nebraska may want to know the faob , they are here given from most reliable sojrcos. As to Mr. Carter - tor , ho Is anutQ onougu to know whether ho needs any defense or ibt , and no doubt will act accordingly ; tlierl is no defense needed here , nor will any bo made , ns to his part in , the transaullon , ' 'TUo simple , plain ftcts are that a publish- Inc house in Burllnaun. la. , nmone other publications" got out I condensed historical compondlum called Footprints of Time. ' A Mr. U. B. Hoot waJ the head and front of the offondlnc llrm. AJnong other young men employed to solicit forthls and other works was Mr. Thomas Carbr. Ho nrovod him self capable , energetic , nnd rallablo , and soon became a valuable miii In that business , as ho has In every other jvntkot Ufa that ho has attempted. In the tctnsnctinns in or about Tokamah , liurt county , ' whatever may de velop to have boon Mi. Hoot's part therein , Mr. Carter was slrapH an agent , an employe , and there is not a scintilla of ovldonco to show that ho ever got ! a part of this land , or received any bnnelit ( whatever therefrom , except Ins legitimate commission as a book agent , and In that capacity ho was pollto , cordial nnd well liltodl In Burt county , ant has many friends thnro , who to this day sneak well of him. ' . "In time. Koot 'concoivod ' tbo Idea of selling territory to ngonts who desired a special 'nnd separate Hold , us has boon done beforehand slnco in thai business. What Inducements ho held forth , lot those who bit ngwiprpcltxim , but tbo facts ' nru that tbo lands' and- property so acquired were not at that Unto very valuable , and were heavily mortga'cW , so ttiat the parties were in tnnr.y cases glad to got rid of It , and nccupt the money J.hah Hoot offered In addi tion to taking thorn 'to ' tholr now Holds o ! labor or starting than 'In this now business. That they were foolsgoos without saying , In supposing that ab aiaturo life , after being engaged iil.vays iir&Wef pursuits , they could ut once turn Into chpaulo nnd monoy-niaklnc book agents , a busfuoss that vorv few ovot succeed in permanonily. In tlmb , too , Koot got , or had to Ultcj'tho land , and a maddoi sot of individuals. } than the * Burt county Footprints men , ' jur'they ' carne to bo called , was seldom soon. ( Is "Tho crnzo wai'otfo 'of these anomalous freaks of human nature samutimos scon , nnd may bo classed ( on a small scale ) with the tulip mania or tboAvild lot speculation of 18.J ( nnd 1857 , but that Tom Carter was the particular individual to blame for it was never known until a.h > t of disgruntled demo crats thought they [ might make a maro's nest in the footprints of years ago. "Cartor , like many a poor young man , np- nliod the money ho received from Hoot ns wages in nlaing him fin studying law , and becoming thorougbiy 4lBsatisllod with Mr. Uoot's way of doing fiuslnoss lolt him , bag , his fortunoas , hafhad toldAionds In Ne braska bo 'Intended to do ut the time. Per haps nothing moro Is necessary than to givu the opinion of three well-Known Nebraskans , porfoptly familiar with all the circum stances. "Said ono : " 'If I were ono of these men mentioned In the World-Horald , I would want to come down hoi o and knock the news paper man in the bead that gave it out to the world that 1 was s'tch a fool. Trade good land for a right to soil n ono-horso book : any baby ought to know bottor.1 "I might , say that , if Carter did this , and wronged these raon according to the World- Herald story , It was as a democrat , while ho was n democrat , as any other aomocrat , and as soon as ho loft Koot ho reformed , went to Montana as a republican und made a reputa tion there , and nationally , of which no man pcoa bo asnamnd. But I happen to know that ho left Koot because ho felt he was using wrong business methods that ho loft Nebraska poor and went to Montana , after passing ut tbo bar , Just us ho had intended long boforo. "Suppose the story to bo true , what shall wo say of these men ai Tokamah , the authors of thio story , who bought these notes at ' 90 cents on the dollar' of Koot , exacted the utmost of these poor farmers , whom they say Koot ( or Carter ) cheated to tbo last penny. taking tbolr cows and track or reloaning the money nt2 bud U per cent , and thus battened nnd fattened on tholr poor and unfortunate neighbors and eventually reaped all the beneUt of the 'swindle' if swindle there was ? Hoot was ruined by It. They llvo tbero yo * , , some of thorn , nnd had batter go slow or another chapter of 'Footprints of Tlmo1 may bo written which would show where the prints struck mud tbo deepest and stickiest. "Wait until Tom Carter writes his * ido of the footprints , should ho sco lit to do so , and boomerangs will bo for sale cheap. " As a matter of Tact , after the craze was ex ploded , and thodownfallof Kootroallv began , some of these men followed him to Burling ton to wrcaic vongoauoo on him , threatening to shoot him , and ha traveled about Burling ton In his carnage for some tlmo after with u guard attached. But DO ono over threatened onod Tom Carter , who was simply ono of Hoot's employes. DoWltl'sSarsaparlliacitianses the blood , A'UWH 1)1''KSTKlll > , lY. DdllieHtle , Itodlo , Oal. , has been visited by a JW.OOO fire. Judge Milton S. Uoblnson of Anderson , Ind. . ( lying from the oirectsof u sunstroke. The Diibbs und Mspor factions of the Evan- - ollo association uro engaged In another law- illlt , * -T The president.wltlrJoavo Washington for Leon I.UKO ImineduH-iy upon tlio adjourn ment of conzruss , H I Frank Hloiin. A TOIIIIMSCO murderer. In ntrenchud In Ills hoiisi ; near Coukevllln , that siato , and duties tliaUllthorltlcs to uuest him. Osuur 1'iiKO nnd William Koupor wont down n Lauo Michigan on a-.tu boat whloli cinno n collUlun with tliu Btoamor O'lty of Concord. Two desperate robbers at El Komi. OUI. , rohbud the bnnlc ill. ' flint jlaco ) of JIU.MX ) in onsh. The robbor/.ipccurrod In broad day- iKhtund thu robber , ejioapcd. The evidence In tlitxcaso of Allco Mitchell. clmrKon with the mvirdor of Kroda Ward , at iloniphla , Tonn. , Is all In end onjioxt l''rlduy ur umuiitof counsel ] tHI begin. T-liu Mlssourlans of-I > < ; nvnr have completed arrancomi'nU to uiloraln ) | tlio vlHltliigdnle- nitus to the trloimlulconalavo of tbo Knl lits rumnlar to bo hold lit tiiat city next month. The result of the surW'y boturcun the coast ot California and thu'lliiwnllan Inlands shows hat Aovural iirautlualllb'routes ' for laying u cutilo butween the twnvlucos have bcon found , Secretary of Aitrlculturo Husk will try the ofllulunny of Iodide of uotusslum on cattle itlllctud with lumpy jaw. Mo luu KOIIO to Ulilua4u to make oxnurlinonts with tlio rem edy. edy.Tho The Indiana State 1'eUoratlon of Labor lius mssod resolutions calllne on lionjrusn to pro- ilhlt the Importation of foroltru labor ; uon- loinnlnir coiiitross for not pisilng tlio untt- 'Inkorton bill , und iimhlhltln'X union men rum Joining military organizations. . tttt ntuinoc , iv r uu buwfU. iiurl' ? , If tliu blooil , w o M'u uad cHu'tual 11 ItLu U t m dlcui UDOV u tor bUlou I 'afl , coiutlpatlon. ayiiiivii.U. foul2 nttth , ticwacio. liwallmr u , lou of , .xMu , meuUI a i rvniluD , iwluful < foa.nndeverf dUeowrnulUngfroiu * IiSpurt bloc J , < JC-K failure t > r ( ae nouuwh , llyrror In. * l llju > to perform Uielrix-cnerruiulloiu. 1'criuiut * Ktreu toovl MUlntctrebtuentodbjUfclnirouealtcr * il * UmoA ) . I'-k I , * uull. 1 ( rruu.r/1 unuplnl5e , ° J ItlfjU 1 birau/OAL dO.Ui > praabl..7l > w Vork.J r > * t > i WILL COST CANADA MILLIONS Effect of the Retaliatory MoaMtro as Passed by Congress. VESSELS WILL BE FORCED TO TIE UP Owners t'rnnllciilly Drlvm Out ofllio Trndo Until the Cnimdliin Cnnnl C'uti Do tiniiiil | tmlVlilcli Will llo Aloro Tliun n Vr.ir. TonosTO , Ont. , July 27. The rotallatory enl pusiod by the United btatos congress has aroused grave apjirchonslan amoitK Can adian vessel owners. Until the toll has been actually annuunccd and the regulations have been in opor.itlon It will bo Impossible to say doilnltoly what the effect will bo , but there Is no doubt that In these days of cloao com petition even a slight additional burden wltl handicap the Canadian vessel owner , and that nnyiblnt : lilto the full toll charco by tbo Sault Sto. Marie will practically drlvo him out of the irndo. The steamer Hcscdnlo , owned by Hagarty & Co. , and costing In the neighborhood of $100,000 , Is too long to bo brought down through the St. Lawrence canals and will have to tlo up. The Algernon Quln , owned by Thomas Marks of I'ort Arthur , and costtnc about tbo same , will bo In a similar prodloamont. The linpo ltion-of the toll would also probably load to litiga tion , because most of the charters have al ready been iua > lo under the Impression that the tolls would remain the same as boforo. Thcso nro onlv u few of the valuable vessels which would practically bo compelled to tlo up. The agurocuto loss to Canadian vossnl owners. If tha full toll bo Imposed , would un doubtedly bo up in the millions. It Is understood that the contractors of the Canadian canal have proposed to complete it for tratllc within a year on the payment of Si'jO.OUU extra. If this onuld bo accomplished Canadian vessel owners would not suitor moro than n year of enforced Idleness , but oven at Us best tbo retaliatory bill Is n very serious matter for thorn. VV.V. . Ogllvle , tbo blu manufacturer , when spoken to said the operation of thu bill would not seriously affect the trade of Mon treal or Indeed that of the Dominion. "American vessels can now go and discharge at Kingston and got tholr rebate the same as Canadian vessels , but If wo are to allow thorn to go und discharge In Ogdonsbure It will virtually hand over the St. Lawrence river carrying trade to the Americans , thus throwIng - Ing out of employment the largo number of Canadians who are engaged in this trndo und who live on thu banks of the St. .Lawrence between Montreal and Kingston. Thosamo people could not woi'ie on American bnrgos without living in the United States uud becoming - coming American clll/.ons , so rigidly docs the United States differentiate against Canadian labor. Although all our canals nnd rivers nro open to Americans , they still keep the Whitehall and Erie canals and the Hudson river closed ngalnst us. Our barcos hnvo to tranship at Whitehall , while theirs loud any where In Canada and go through to Now York Still they say that tnoy do not dis criminate ngnlnst us. ' 'Taken nil together , " Mr. Ogllvlo con tinued , "If the Canadians nro wise they will nav no attention to the Americans. The trade of Montreal Is steadily increasing , and If wo will only use the natural onersy ol the Canadians It will continue to Increase. " John Torrnnco of the Dominion Steamship line suys tbalnroan nnd Inland carriers would have to hoar tbo burden. Ho did not care a jot for tba Americans shutting out the White hall and Erlo canals. A.MU3EME1NTS Is a jewel ! Read the attacks Of the "Greatest Bluff on Eart h" On Ringling Brothers' World's Greatest Shows Which exhibit In Omaha Next Monday , August i , And see The difference between Decency and indecency ! Would any respectable Omaha firm So far forget Its self-respect As to call Its rivals Dogs ? Must have lost Their temper Weather's too hot To get excited. Doesn't pay. Besides Vituperation Isn't argument. Never was never will be. What do you Think about that ? Ringling Bros. FARNAM STREET THEATERr 4 nlglitH tComniontliiKrtiiiiclny iniillncu , July Slat. Come and latuli nt LITTLE TIPPETT. llarrlhon & Ilpll's cpmodlanK , Week July 25 HTJI AND CAl'lTOL AVK.NUB. LULUI I.UI.UI LULUI 1.IJLUI LUMII LUI.U1 T1IK MAUNKYIO C1I1IU I.UI.UI VOX VON80N , TIIAT IIHi HWIIKIIU T11KATU11 , IIIACIC DIAMONDS llll' VAN W1NKLB. 10V-'H t BKAT8 5 CKST8. or THR O mail a Turn Verein WILL Hi : HELD SUNDAY , July 3lst , To the Great Hifle liangc at llcllevue. Hound trip Met chlldron S5o. Tr.tln loaves it UiUO n. in. TlelioU at II , Kundo'K , lv < l. Uuuror'i un4 J , J , I'Voiihaufn. THE SMALLEST PILL IN THE WORLPI TUTT'S T TINY LIVER PILLS * linyo all tlio vlrtum of the InrgoroiiMt txiuully eTt > ctlira | | iurelv venut JCmct nlie HliDiru In UiU iKirder. ruffa SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO. 1701. An ordlnunce levying ; i spoclal tax und : is- sossmont upon cort-iln lot- ) , pans of Ints and ronl nstato In tlu > clty of Umnhii , for the con struction of wooden sidewalks. \\huroas , the ownori. rospoctlvoly , of lots , carts of lots and roatostato horoliiuftur do- surlboil , have fulled to i-onstrnet sldovr.ilks within the tlmo allowed by ordinance , uftur duo : ind proper notice so to do. and Whuroiis , such Kldm > .ill < s have boon duly countruutod by J. K. Knowles , the contractor to whom was uwurdod the contract for con- strtiotltiK 11 nd ri'palrlnn sidewalks , and Whoruns , thu several lots , inrts of lots and real estate have otiOh boon specially lienollued lo tbo full amount ot the spoulnl tux nnd as sessment heroin lovlod , by reason of such Im- ornvcmnnt opposite the same , rospootlvoly ! Thoroforo. for iho purpose of uovorliiK and paying lliooost of said Improvnmont : Ho It ordained by the city council ot the olty of Omaha : SoHlon 1. That the several sums sot oppo site the lots , parts of lots und real estate here inafter ( iL'bcrlbud , bo und the same uro hereby respectively lovlod and assessed upon eaeh of said lots , uarts of lots and real estate , us fol lows , to wit : Clias T 11 olio way U2blk2030Ity of Omaha $2558 Union I'aclflo Uy Co w 44 ft It 4 blk 2011 20 BJ Win Kitch lt4blk2lH 4714 OloNolson ItlblkiWl 51 81 Kund Nelson It 2 blkIWI 47 &J .leannle Woolworth It 2 blk 305 43 17 Margaret Aiiuu Kennedy It 15 blkS34S { 10 01 do It Hi bit-Mlli U 08 ( lo It 17blk2JIH II IH Joanu Johnson It IS Ink -111 , in M Otiirlo Johnson It IUblk2lli ! It ) TiS KlUabcth Juno Woodman 8 20 Herman It I'cellt 1 blk31 Ambler I lace U 1U Oy.-ns Morton It 2 blk 3L U 45 do It3 blk31 TG It Mcllvanlo.lt 4 blk 31 ! l 45 Cyrus .Morion It , 'i blk 31 U 45 do HO blk 111 II U' ) do ItlblkU 11 U5 do It S blk 4J U 15 do lti : blk 4U 0 45 do It I blk 40 U45 do U5hll < to U 41 doROIilklU 10 71 do Itlblk4l 11 U ? do It blk 41 9 45 do It It blk 41 1)45 ) do It 4 blk 11 045 do It a blk 41 I ) 41 do It G blk 41 11 ! > 7 Nolls Anderson lot 1 Alnsfluld ID 50 Marcus KosunswuMur It 2 ] 5J Thus I-'Hall III ! 10 50 ItobiTt.'dcKlnley HI 11) ) 511 tilnplion Mitchii ; It "i 10 50 Thos K Hull It 0 " 10 M UlmsM Miller It 7 " 11 : Win EMullloy It8 . " H li MuruiiK Uoiuiiswus cr Itu " 10 U ) I'otor Johnson It 10 " 10 W ) MarL'iib Itosunswasscr It 11 " 10 ( It Tbos 1' Hall It U " 10 01 Theo Xlmiiiormuu Itfi IJ.irUor'H sub n o U of n o K SOLIH1513 13 lil Jacob Esters 111) liiiruer'nsuu n o ° UofuuKMMSMJ-lS it I blk 1 llicnnan I'.acoD : > ( ] SI J Wauuh H2 blk 1 15 7(1 ( Win llrown It 3 blk 1 15 5D do It 4 blkl 1.1 ( W Osiiood Eastman ut al It 5 blk 1 1C , 10 M \V UiulmriNon ltd blk 1 15 M Until ASlo.in It 7 1)11 ; 1 1.1 M Wlllard Scott It 8 blk 1 HI IU Itobott W MclliilultOblkl 17 L'l Altiry A Kiirrlnston It 10 blk 1 15 5U K O Cornall Itll ulk I 15 HI Susan II AlelCeltrluk It 12 blk 1 15 111 J i : Johnson It 13 blk I 1G 1. John Hojjelny ji lt 7 blk ri Dwlght & Lyman's 20 48 .Toiirilo MStrolun Its blkll mat John II IlodKoliUbllCi " HI U AluryM lloilso It 10 blk II 1U ( I Nclllo 1 ! I'ouern It 11 blk It JO U Arthur U Hoonu It r blk II " 10 .V. tiould I ) Slulinuniix It Iblk4 I ! ) 21 do It a blk 4 " HI ( i David JloUor Itll bile 4 " Hi i ; 8 u ha n .Morns It 4 blk 4 JS ( it- George W Lootnlslt 1 blk 13 4U IH Alux AlcGuvock It 12 blk 13 44 48 O W I.yinati It 1 blk 14 4. > .V t-ophla E UuwlUerlt .2 blk 14 -MO ) Anna M K Hamilton It 1 blkU Druid Hill 1 ! ) C , : 1 < * H lUvh ) ot al U 12 bile U " 10 3J do It Hi blk II in i ; do It U blk 3 1013 do It 15 blk 3 IK II do It , ID blk II H ! i ; do lilt blk 3 10 i.l do H 18 hi k 3 10 UJ do It Illhlk3 10 1 , do ItH ) blk 3 10 13 do It lit blk II o 0) O H Anderson It S2 blk 3 fill 28 V 11 lUvlsotul ItiiblkU 1408 do It 24 blk 3 1341 Abblo IJaxtor H2J bllcS " - M 13 D- do It 2(1 ( blk 3 14 ( W A Koiuit/ootul It 1-blkO ' 1408 Onus KTuUloltiUhlkU j ; | 41 A K'onnl/.u eL : il IfJII bk | ( ! " 1403 do It ' . ' 4 blk ( i ] 34 | .Mtisjalt ! J OrlttPiidon It5htk0 : ! 1341 A ICounUuol ul lt2lblUO ) ' " 14 O-i Henry W Ambler ot al rusorvo blk 2 Kckonnunii 1'laco 70 ttl Manloj W llsirtlt 1 blk J 12 U7 Uhus 1'llitrrlson It2blk3 " UK ! 1,01 oy Iiiinntji : > ik3 OKI Guorrfu W YVorU el ul o } } It4 blk 3 " 4 70 W A ( "roonmii w ' / It 4 blk 3 " 4 77 Hoiun l , Wycunir it.bik a ,11 do ItO blicj 12 OS Henry Ambler It J blk I 10 Ot do It2 blk 4 ! ) M ilury .luno.Siliillltibll : < 4 , ' 05:1 : do It 4 blk 4 ' 051 Henry Ainblur It5ljk4 | ' u .M Mury Annlo Vulotu It 0 blk 1 13 13 John W iliulolon It 12 blk 8 Hunscom I'laoo in 00 Ouor.ro W Kills Uiib.lcS : 1020 SI L Arthur It 11 hlkH 111 UJ DA llonson It 15 blk s lit DO J ames .M lluuhunan It ID blk 8 IH'0,1 .Mary Hold It 17 blk 8 1'J 4(1 ( fcvn Dorsoy It 18 blk 8 1800 Cliiis 1) ) Dloksiiu It 10 blk 8 ID UO J 11 Hell It-.1) blk H in 00 do 1121 hlkS 10 00 do H23 1)11(8 HO 111 \Vtn 1'rcBton 1114 ulk 0 M 12 < lo It IS blk U 1000 Win r.Oliirlcltlrtblk ! ) 10 oo do HITblni ) 1U 01 Mary M Kennedy It IB blk U : ( Jurrlo .M Mitchell n so ft It 17 blk 'i 4 20 Ktta Harrison u 21 ft oi7ftlt2blk ( in 4 41 K , J , Kusp.irctul It 30 Kaaparsudil 525 do H37 fl l do It 40 f ) 41 do Itll 1120 Frank Shoull It 42 n IX ) do It 43 .1 40 K J Ku p.irot ul It II- fi 17 Nulson J Hkow It4i ft 02 Frank Hchonll It 40 547 du It47 5 4.1 V 3 Kasparet al 1148 6 40 do It 4 ! ) . .1 7,1 Frank Shofill ltr.0 570 1'J liaspar utal ItOl- 5 ; xi do It. 2 5 25 do ItVI 521 Nolscm J Hkow It SI 0 25 Frank Hhonll It5.1 525 V J Kanparot al ltd } 551 do HW 52.1 1'ratik Slioull ltr 5 U4 do Itr.j fits I'rank J Kaspar ot al It GO ft 2.1 do Itfcl 521 Frank Hhonll HU2 525 do ItiU 5 2.1 K J Knwpar ot ul It Cl 5 25 ill ) UUi 5IW Frank Fhonll It M 573 do lt 7 547 FJ Ixaspur oc .tl U03 . , 525 do It iti / ' 531 1'rank Hlioull It70 . " 5 7H F J Kuspjrot al H71 ' " 502 Murxarut Miilll uu o 21 tt It 1 blk t Kosten' add 800 IO HrlKhtlfJ blk 1 , 1000 Missouri 1C llrown Iv3blkl 10 CH 1'rnnuud J Thomas It 1 blk 2 " 21 12 Iloh.s Thomas It'blk : 2 17 W UoriiulluH A I'loytu 11.3 blk 2 17 44 Slur urui II Iliiruor w 131 ft n It It 19 Kountzoi 2nd add 10 53 John U Krek w Hi ft a K It I ! ) " 10 CO AuuustuH IConntJo w 115 n > , ' , It 20" 10 ! io ll/ron Heed estuto It 4 blk 4 Ma rub's add 1 UO ilkinhoslulo 118 blk4 ' 1U so K K Chamber * IV Obltt.4 to Ul Mnrsh ostatn It 7 blk 4 40 M do It I lill < 5 tfl ! 8 ! Mnliicor Mctcnlf Co It 8 blk 5 11 31 M'irsh l- > tate It I ) blk 5 10 fil MnhiKor MetenlfColl 10 blk S 10 50 Mnrsh os till oil 11 blk 5 1050 Milliner Mclculf Co It 12 blk 5 10 , Mnrsh ostutn It llllilkCi 10 51 Ilnliror : Mntoulf Co It 14 blk-5 11 70 Mnrsb nttiito H. 1 blkll 1120 l.lbhlo Holland It 1 blk 1 Mnvno IMnco 41 0.1 MoO.ipun InvostniPtit Co It 21 blk 1 " 14 41 1'hlln Slot tguuo und Trust Co 1123 blk 1 14 41 do s Oft It 2.1 blk 1 : ; oo Now KiiKland Loan nnd Trust Co n 44 ftlf.Mblkl 14 4. do It SI blk I 10 < 0 WllborM Kolsolt25litkl 10 18 do it 20 blk 1 10 0) ) II M Oownovltl hllc4 18 0.1 1'utrluk Duffv 112 blk 4 141I W .M Kolsolt llblk 4 14 4S no 114 blk 4 14 l l Jtn.x Conrad U 5 blk 4 14 47 do lotODlk-i 14 41 Edwin SKood It 7 blk 4 war nonrffo K Itnrkor It 8 blk 4 10 II- W M Ivelsolt 1) ) blk 4 15 3t do U 10 blk 4 1,1 WlM.orouzenlt7blkl Okluhiiraii Turk 14 : < lo U 8 blk 1 10 S3 Ida W llrown It 0 blk 1 -10 50 John O Itrant ot ul H 10 bile 1 10 50 Ida W Irown It 11 blkl 10 50 TorozIoHndlllolt 12 blk 1 10 50 John 0 llr.mt It 11 bile 1 10 72 do It II hlk 1 11 70 I ( In W llrown It 1 hlk 2 II 70 do It 2 blk 2 10 5J ) do It 3 blk a 1000 do 11,4 blk.2 10 50 do Its blk 2 1051 Hciirv I.olimnnn It 0 hlk 2 10 51) ) IduV llrown It 7 blk 2 10 50 Win F I.oronzen otnl It 8 blk2 14 38 Honj W llrUu-s It I hlk 1 Patterson's Htib of purt ; of Hliiiobau h's add 20 R7 John HSoIrt utiil ItIK blkl " HI J I ) V I'utioisonotul It 1 bile3 " 21) ) OJ M lll'.itiorson It3Jblk2 " 3J OJ Wilbor lillurzuss It 14 blk 2 Portland IMuco 18 74 OrovoR JohiKOn Itl.1bik2 " 1000 do It | fl blk 2 " loo" LowIsJ ) llnrrlHlt 17 blk 2 " lli OJ do It 18 blk 2 " 10 Od .Tnmcs II llrown It 14 hlk 3 , 1000 Jiitob .Mortonooii 1121 blkS " 1000 Mrs El Ion Tulloy It I'l blk 0 sub dlv J I Kodlok's add in 84 < 1o It 14 blk ! ) " 10 18 UeoK llurkorlt 15 blk 0 " 10 W ) do RlOhllcl ) " 1022 do It 17 blk 0 " 1031 Isaac KCoiiKdon It tOblkO " 1553 ( Id 1120 blkO " 1031 Joseph It Ulnrkson It 21 blk 0 " 10 37 do H2J bllcO " 10 31 KK Ammermuii . ! tui U23blicO 1022 ( l It'.4 blk 0 " 1042 Joseph S Christiansen It I KoiuJiiKton's tmb GNu's add 15 do It 2 13 70 \ do it : i Ethan U Wolcolt It 12 do U 111 Jf \ do It 14 Jacob Kllnglt 15 blk 1 Ko-Unlou add 42 M I'linu -luyno Ik 111 blk 1 111 Of. do It 17 Ink 1 ' nn oa do It 18 blkl 1(1 ( DC do It ID oik 1 10 0. do U20blk-l II ! W School district of Omaha It21 blk 1 10 00 do It 2i blkl 15 GS do KIM blkl 1548 do H 21 blkl 10 21) ) Inoz I ) Jaynos It lit blk 1 Sherman A v 'urk 42 21 do It 17 blkl 42 40 Huns P J.icobson It 1 bin 2 42 U8 iilu : II J.-iynos I till hlk 2 42 41) ) John W Clurklt I ulki : 44 48 Anna Morsemun Iti4 : hlk 3 41 U2 Kdwurd Curnc.s It id blk I 44 lli Thee HSeoloy It 17 blk 4 41 CO Jumes II Mulntosh ot ul US blk 1 Shrive laoo 29 ? J do it 23 blkl a ) : tf W O Jirldgcs ot ul It 2 hlk 2 2JOI do It 2.5 hlk 2 sa 71 do It 2 blk 3 2tlM W U Lavondorotitl It23 blk.1 29 ll Jacob Moyers It : . ' blk 4 20 W John J IMulmntuy U 25 blk I IS ) KJ JSLvlln H2I.4 ft It I b.kS KVS Iths (1 ( 'Lars.I Ilosdulin2.'ftlt I bllcll (17UJ Jo-inna Murkwiiod It I blk U 2,101 do it y blk 1 ! ) 21 12 1'orry SI I'culchuni n 3. ft HI ) blk 10 10 24 Ceo Dlukonson It ft blk 11) ) 2J IM Mury It liVitiiH It 1 Stuntoi luco 20 fit John J Ilyron ItO 14 08 lil I'VoneJi It 10 , 14 08 do It II 14 Ot ) ArtliurOHuyniirltl2 14 01 do It 13 21 44 ( otllnliStor/ 2 blk4 West C ling 18 35 ChasK Iliiginml It3 blk 4 17 OJ Kusitius 1' Anderson IIH blk2 Wo Sldo 10 M Do.xterLTImmus It ! ) blk2 10 5) Jennlo IWwar.ln It 10 blk 2 10 U ) OATubbs Itll hlk2 1(1 ( 7i > .Icms llenscin It 12 blk 2 10 71) Christ. 1'otoi-bOti It 13 blk 2 10 All UA Tiibbslt It blk 2 HIM Sophia Ahmanson it is hlk 2 10 r.l Mans I'Nohon It US blk 2 10 71 HUIIH Jusperson It 17 blk2 1(1 ( 7t S II II ( Jlurklt 18 blk2 10 71 Chus L Thomas It ill blk 2 10 71 do It 2,1 blk 2 111 Ul John J Stewart It 7 blk 10 1 21) ) Warren A Ilowland It 8 blk 10 HI 42 SHU CIuricltDblk 111 10 ( ? ) do It 10 blk 10 10 fill do Itll bll ( III III ! H Alfred Mlllnnl It 12 blk 10. 10 M -.do It III hlk 10 3 Oi ! KlectaMUh \ It I blk 15 12 W do It2hlkl.r 10 HI Helen II K'ollev | tiblkir : 10 ! W do It I blk l.r , 10 .V ) A Vuiidurhnmol i-ttil Its hlk 15 10 m John A MeShano ItO blk 15 10 M do II 7 bile n 10 05 Nora Mnrloy lt blk IJ 10 ci lieu Mnrluy It'J blk 15 10 M Mary Slurluy It 10 blk 15 in : .o Mury J Hldcllnr It II Ink 15 lu } I'jitriok .1 Oiimmlns It 12 blk in 12 71 Siihool Dlst of Omaha It 21 blk 15 110 45 1'utor ( ) Mnlk-y It 1 blk II ! 12 HO do tt 2 blk ID 10U Kl' llunlon Tr It3 blk 1C 10H John A McShnnu It l-liik 10 do It2l blk 111 30 40 liov James U'Connor It 1 blk 20 : n 4i Mary J Johnson It 21 blk 20 30 20 John A McSlianii It 1 bile 21 31 O-i .fumed It Lee It 21 blk 2J 31) U5 Virginia A Woliriiniott It I blk ill 31 02 Htophun A MoWliortor It 21 blk 21) ) III R3 Morris Morrison Ul blk 31 35 OJ Lymuii Itlchiirdrton , that part H of Ilar- nuy Htriiut nub 1 tux IDhuotlon 21 ' ! ' 15 it lit 7 * ) JU Lymiin Itlohardson , that part n of Ilur- noy struutsub 1 tax lUmjutlon 21 T 15 K 0728 OTOJ - , Oiiialia Hull UyUn , that oitrt of Oiiwha llult Ity Uu'Mrlvhtof wuy lying between IMeri'o Htruot and I'opplotou avenue In n o U of n o U section .JOT 15 H 13 y. ) 01 iiuhool Ill.itrlot of Umahii , that ploco of land boiindod on thu east ami south by Kukormnnn I'luuo , on the north bv Uim- tur Mtrcot ( formerly I'urk Htrue't ) , und oxumdlnu wust to west oltv Minim in the n W U of v a > 4 HOOtlon 34 T 15 U 13 01 70 Total M. 3.5 61 Portion 2. That the Hpoclal taxus und assoss. nonti luvlod and tisso od us aforoxald , ohull jodnolmmodlatuly upon thu piisnago and up. iruvul of this ordlnnncu , and Hlmll liecomu d - luiuuiit If not paid within lltty ilnys tlmrt. iflur ; ami Ihuruupoti Interest vanllbu added at he ruto of ono per cent n month , payable In ud- vuuco from tha tlmu aald tuxnn become BO do- Imiuunt. Huotlon . 'L That thU orllnanco nhall tuku ilfeot und bo In foruo from and uf lor It * jiasi- I'tisjod July Stb , 16W. JOHN OKOVK3 , M ° 'ork- ' a n ! W"1 ° 'ty ' OoUno11 Approved July mi UiO. : 1 > . 1IKMIH. The above tax In now duo and pnyalilu ut ihu Jlllco ot the city troastirnr and will bacomo do- Inijuent uud liuurlnt retun und uftor Anuu t. Ut , iwt , aa BOCU in vectlon No. 2 of ubovu or- IIHNHV IIOLL.V. City Troutur r >