THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JULY 27 , 1892 WIDE OF FARMS INCREASED "Tariff Legislation Has Helped Partners in Many Ways. 'TESTIMONY OF MANY WESTERN SENATORS \ JTn Nnbrnftkn , Inwn , Wyoming , Minnesota nnil Other Wntorn Stntri the KITVot linn Itccn .Mnrkrd Senator Vest1 * Statement Cantntillctoil , . WAsmxoTox OP TUP. DRB , fiia FouitThiss-rn STRRKT , WASIIINOTOX , D. C. , July 20. During the oourso of his free trade tariff 'tpooeh in the sonata this afternoon Senator Vest of Missouri stated that tno host nnd really only test the offoot ot n tariff law had upon tbo farmers was in the price of farms. Ho declared that farms had fallen in "Value since the enactment of the present tariff law. ThU brought Senator Paddook to his foot. The Nebraska senator said I 4-Xho senator from Missouri is certainly mistaken ns to the state which I hnvo the honor to represent. The appreciation m the vnluo of farming lands In our itnto has been Very considerable during the last eight months , moro than during nny year In the last five years. I am nblo to state that in Jour different sections of Nebraska 1. myself , have sold lands thU year which bud appre ciated In value In the past eight months from 15 to 20 per cent. " The ox&mnlo of Senator Paddock was fol lowed by n number of western senators , all of whom declared that the now tariff law had materially appreciated the value of farm ing nroporty , or rather since the bill wont Into effect farms had crown more valuable. Senator Allison snld : "In Iowa farms have Increased 3 per cent during the past live years. " Senator PottlRrow said : "Since the now tariff law went Into effect , South Dakota farms have Increased in value to the extent of iio nor cent. I bollovo they have In creased that amount during the past twelve months. " Senator Allen said : "In Washington Btato there has been an enormous Increase in the vnluo of fanning property during the pant throe years. It has appreciated several hundred percent. " Sanitor Davis remarked : "In Minnesota there has been a rapid Increase in the value of fituns since the now turlll law bus begun operations. " I'tirthur I'mMon Legislation. Every day n flood of letters nro received from Nebraska nnd Iowa pensioners Inquir ing whether a certain pension proposition lias become n law aud In what form. It has become n Inw , nnd Is ns follown on the noxv revised statutes : "Soldiers and sailors who nro shown to lie totally Incapacitated from performing imxnuul labor by reason ot in juries received or disease contracted in the ' nervlco ot the United Slates nnd In line nf duty and who ari thereby disabled to such a degree as to require frcaucnt and periodical , though not regular and constant , personal aid and attendance of another person , shall Do entitled to receive n pension of ? oU per month from and after the date of the certill- cato of the examining surgeon or board of examining surgeons showing such degree of dlsnbltltv und nmdo subsequent to tbe pas- tagoof this act. " n Wyoming City. , Senator Carey , from the committee on nubile bulldlttqc and grounds , bus made n Invorablo report upon his bill appropriating $100,000 for a federal building at Lnramle , Wyo. The committee reduced the amount of tbo appropriation to 50,000. In the course of bis report Senator Carey states that "Laratnlo is the principal center of traao for Albany county. is on the main Una of the Union Pacillo. lifty- -joveti mites west of Cbcyonno , and ils the supply point for numerous ranchmen , lumbermen aud minors , besides the largo railroad und manufacturing Interests con- loicd thcro. It has extensive rolling mills lor the mnnufacturo of iron mils , spikes , etc. , railroad repair shops , chemical works for the manufacture of salt cake , caustic toda from the sulphate of soda , pluss works. Hour mill , soap works , tannery , planing mill and numerous small enterprises. Besides excellent public schools , it is the scat of the University of Wyoming. "The cltv Is yuppllbd with several dally and wooltly nowspnners , water and sewerage - age systems , n well equipped flro depart ment , electric lignt , telephone exchange , opera house , seven churches nnd tbo various fraternal societies. The state penitentiary and the Wyoming llsb hatchery are located at Luramlo. "Few cities In the west are moro favor ably situated. Surrounded by snowcapped mountains and picturesque bills , It affords n very delightful summer resort for , tnoso in search of honltb nnd pleasure. Tbo popula tion'of Lnramio , wnlorj tti 1SSO was 12,000 , had Increased in IS'.K ) to 0.-I07. It Is now esti mated at over 7UOO. Tbo postolllco receipts last year were nearly $11,000. Tbo city Is huvlng a steady growth In population and wealth. The postal receipts of Laramie in 1681 wcro ? i5,84i. ( In 18S4 they were 5.820 and In 1801 they were J 10,433. " Pho bill will pass the Bonnte , but there is doubt if It will KO through thu houso. , Ono Knmedy for Striker * . H. L. Loucics of Huron , S. D. , bead of tbo farmers alliance , is hero. Ho says the gov ernment is responsible for such acts of violence lence as were wltnrBfccd recently nt Home stead , because the Can ogle works are run under pntonts protected by the government In tlio manufacture of articles protected by a tariff law. Mr. Loucks does not propose a rctnoay except it bo to dissolve the govern ment .Miscellaneous. Governor William McKluloy sent a tele gram from Columbus , O. , this afternoon to Boerotury Foster of thoTroauury department as follows : "You can say to Senator Pud- dock that ho may notify the republican com mittee that I will spuaK in Lincoln on the Bd. " . . Secretary Noble today in the Homestead case of Carl Piper against the state of Wyoming , from Cheyenne , ntllrmod the de cision of the commissioner canceling so much of the selection made by the state of section 2tl ns conflicts with the rights of tbo con test- mi t. t.Tno Tno following South Dakota postmasters were appointed today : Moss City , Ouster county , H. B. Moss , vice O. B.'Hull , re- Blcncd ; Swan Lake , Tumor county , Mrs. L. Peterson , vice Mrs. J. M. Jouiuon , re signed. This wilt Insure for the Nebraska voters a pecoh from the greatest of thu present tariff advocates , P. S. il. Nugget I Nuggotl Nuguotl Buy Blir Nugget baking powder. 'M at. 23 contu. , Vltriflod paving brick for Bitlo. Wo will contract to dollvoi- the nbovo nmount within tlio next ninety duys. BnckstiitV Hros. Manufitoturlii" ; corn- puny , Lincoln , Neb .1 .V.VO U * VK31KX' S. Harrison and IJ1I will produce Alexandra nisson's Intoit triumph "Llttlo Tlppott" on Sunday afternoon , July Ut , at the Furuam Street , theater. Aloxiindre Bisson , the au thor of "Tho Nominee , " "Wilkinson's Wid ows , " and "Si'ttlod Out of Court , " has proved his claim of being the greatest fitrcuur of the present day , and when the nltvo wns produced in Puiludolphlo It excited Ihu utmost laughter nnd merriment. Mr. Duncan B. Harrison assures the theater going public uf Oinnhu that ho bus spared nothing to moke the presentation in tills town an entire success. .Mr. I. under' * Jtueommumliitloii. Mr. J. A. Lander , n prominent citizen o Clarksburg , Mo. , nnd widely linown In th ituto. gays ot Chamberlain's Cello , Choloro mid Diurtuu.t Komody : "I buvo soon Ita peed rosulis und oiti reoamrnouU If inlo by ICullroiul Notui. "Thcro hn hardly been tlmoyot to vork up inujjh of a cnttlo buxlnesi from the south west , " suld Commercial Agent DIukins o thu Simla Fo , In dlseuajlng a recent ship- muut tp Omaha , ' 'but It ls bound to cotuo as icon in stock dealer * In that territory learn that a now market baa been biought within reach that will give thorn us good prlcoi lu ho Kansas City outers. They hnro boon nccuslomod to sending everything to Kansas City , and U is not at nil strange that they should hesltnto nbout going 200 mlles urthcr to n now market. They will ovor- : omo that timidity , for our people already lave a number of Inquiries from stockman iway south. It was onlv the other day that ho lint shipment from Texas four ear loads rbm Tort Worth , reached South Omaha. The owner of these oattlo had oOO more , nnd , the first shipment coming through nil right , a commission man has gene south to gobbla up the rest. Our pcoplo are figuring on a ihtnmont of1,000 from Ponca , In the Indian ; orritory. These nro only sample indica tions of n movement northward that Is jound to grow. " The meeting of the Western Pasiongor as sociation called nt Chicago to consider the Santa Fo's cut In rntos to Uonvnr on hccount of tbo conclave , mljournod till today without doing anything. The Trnnsmissourl associa tion has called n mooting at Kansas City to morrow to con&ldor the sumo matter. TUB TUUB 8IIIB Ol' IT. IiiBldn I'noU Ahout Circuses Wlmt n l.mrnmUrr l'ropo n to do. If It Is true that n prominent Nebraska legislator contemplates Introducing a bill to compel traveling shows to keep In sight of the truth In tholr announcements , it will drive nil tented shows nxcopt Bnrnum & Balloy'H Into bankruptcy. ThU grontcxulbl- tlon has boon a living encyclopedia. Of amusement slnco It began Its career many .vuars ago. It has reached out Into nil tbo districts of thn onrth , Invaded the hut of lha Hottentot and palaces of kings alike , ana hunted tbo Jungle nnd sea to secure the rarest and most Interesting treasures for its annual tours. Whllo it has boon spending fortunes in thn Interest of Its patrons many sm.Ml Imitators have sprung from nowhere Ilka harlequins , nnd huvo painted fancied greatness on tons of paper nnd cut u path way of deception from April to November. " It Is a fact that when thu management of Mnnuwn secures n wild cat , goat and skele ton o'.onuant , that bus to bo hung with drapery to keep the light out , to exhibit with tholr bojr , they will have n nu'migorlo that will compare favombly wltn nny coming here before Barnum & Bulloy's. If less than 110 horses , mules and ponies are not placed between redacting mirrors so as to impersonate i ! . " > 0 , how can such n representa tion bo other than wilful deception ) vVbon n show advertises "two monster herds of performing elephants" und has not one slnglo elephant performer , what must the public make up its mind tel The Inw says : "Fiilso in one , fulso lu nil. " There Is no dlanltv in mlhroproscntn- tlon , no honor in advertising wholesale fea tures of which a show has not one and no honpsty or policy In misleading the public , nnd this Is just why , in the amusement , bank ot public coniidonco , the Barnuui and Bailey show holds 00 nor cent of the stock. There must bo merit to reap reward nnd as it is cheaper to allege merit on paper than to pay for It lu the performance , the little shows proclaim wares they should have In the stentorian tones of street fakirs ami lunvo a monument of unredeemed pledges to mark tholr violt. This Is just why wo advise everyone to wait until September 14-for Barnum & Bailey never decelvo and always huvo all there is now in the showworld. It pays to got the bast nnd in this instance ' It costs' no moro than the poorest. NEAHINQ "THE END. City Hull Contracts Are Almost Completed Some finishing Touches. Last ntcht saw the completion of the lay ing of nil the tlio floors In the city hnll , with the exception of th'ut In front of the main entrance In tha court. Superintendent Cools said yesterday the building was practically completed , as noth ing remained but to complete the marola work , glvo the woodwork the last coat of varnish und put tno elevators in running order. Ho nlso said that ho did not expect there would bo any bill for extras. The deductions would probably amount to as much as the extras. W. E. Grimshuw of the Orlmshaw Marble company , which has the marble contract for tbo city hall , arrived In the city yesterday direct from Kansas City. Ho at , once pro- coeuud to thu building lor tho.purposo of In specting the work which Is now In progress. Mr. GrimshawBtatod that the murblo for the several corridors and the rotunda had boon shipped from the factory , and that it would bo here In n day or two. lln stated that ho hail scon a number at pub- liu buildings in the United States and that for its size and cost ho regarded tbo Omaha city ball a most complete nnd beautiful structure. Regarding the progress of the work ho thought It hud boon pushed with considerable rapidity. The Kansas City building was commancod ono year before the Omaha building nnd at the present time the bnliuintr In thu town by tbo Kaw was not under roof. Mr. Urimshuw is authority for the statement that the Furnam street entrance of tbo city hall will bo a beauty nnd a joy forever. It will bo linishcd In the finest selected colored marble , with drop beams , columns nnd caps. There will bo recesses nnd beam panels which will glvo the whole interior of the entrance a pleasing upooaranco. Baker , Smith & Co. , tbo Chicago firm which had the contract for placing tho. boilers In Ibo now city hall , has sent Samuel Chambers , an export engineer , to this city to bo with the bailer Inspector when the boilers nro tasted. Mr. Chambers will remain in Omaha to assist the firemen lu the city hall until the council IB satisfied that tbo bailers are up to the guarantee of the contract. The elevators In the now city hall are nearly completed and next Monday they will commence making the up arid down trips. At this time all that remains to bo clone is to put on the casings. B NucTgotl Nuggotl Nuegotl Buy Big Nugget baking powder. 33 oz. S3 cents. WITH HIS WIFE'S MONEY. A Cut-oil'Jtiland Siiloou Keeper Scolnc ; the SlKlita In Onmliii. Just outside Ibo fence inclosing Cortlandl beach there is a .saloon run by a Gorman named Bcrncnkor. Mrs. Bcrneckor has been doing the washing for the bath houses and others in the neighborhood , ani llio other day was paid $93 for Ibis work. Mr. Bornockor was aware of this fact and appropriated tbo cash. His hard working wlfu remonstrated nnd ho promptly blacked her eyes nnd kicked her into the street Thcro was about $10 moro In the house nnd bo took this also nnd disappeared. Ho Is supposed to bo having a first rate time about town somewhere. Now Mrs. Bornockor wants him to como homomt ulghU and everything else will bo nil right. She Is worried about him. Disease never &uocossfutly attacks tbo sys torn with pure blood. Do Witt's Sarsuparllla makes pure , now blood and onrlchcv blood. Dill Not Know It Wilt I.ouduil. Mr. L. B. Walker of Boalrloo was in the city yesterday , Hoforrlnir to the fact that the Beatrice Times had stated that ho denied the authenticity of nn Interview with him printed In Tin : BKK , ho said : "That statement In the Times was entirely unauthorized , und 1 did not know that it waste to appear In Unit paper. While I nm Hatutloil that tbo endorsement of cither Mr. Funk or Mr. Kclm by our countv convention would bo regarded out through the state as n stub at Senator Paddouk , 1 do not bcllovo that cither of them nro now candidates for olllce , or that tholr nnines will bo presented to tlio convention. " Ho said further that thu lleht In Gugo county would bo wholl ) confined to county ottlcos , as the sentiment of the voters of thu county is for Paddock , who Is strong not only with republicans , but with member * ot both the other parties as woll. Nugget ! Nuggotl Nuggotl Buy Big NUbgui balling powder , ilj oz.5 cents. A JHllermit View , SOUTH OMAHA , Nob. , July 'Jl. To the Kdl- lor of TH8 BKK : Tun KVKNINO BKI : of July ' - J contained un editorial which road : "Tho fatal injury of an aged lady by fall ing from a South Omaha motor car illus trates the fact that conductors are not al ways to blutne. Ills remarkable bow rash some pcoplo , and especially old pontons , are lu jumping oft a street car. " lu a very short tlmo wo will provo to tbo fadlior of TDK BKK und the Street Car com pany that tuo conductor aud not the aged lady was entirely to blamo. DAUQUTKU or TJII : AOED Liur , Disordered llvor sat right with Buocham' pill * . M'KINLEY'S ' ' LINCOLN VISIT [ t Will Bo the Occasion for a Grand Bally. HOW OHIO'S GOVERNOR WILL BE RECEIVED Members of the Young Men' * llcpnbllcnn Club Will Itavn Cliitrgo of the AN fiilr Srnts for Toil Thousand Will bo 1'rcimrod. LINCOLN , Nob. , July 20. [ Special to TUB BKE.I-K W. Collins , president of the Young Men's Uopubllcan club of this city , received n telegram from Governor \VUHam MeKinloy , Jr. , of Ohio , stating thnt ho would speak at Ltucoin August 3. The young ro- publlcans of Lincoln nro jubilant ever the success of tholr efforts to secure Governor McIClnloy's attendance , nnd they hnvo al- roiidy commenced proposition for his recep tion , Thoj propose to oreot a 'platform at the north entrance to the stftto house and construct seats for &t least 10,000 people. Tno sneaking will tauo place on the evening of August 3 , nnd ns the state republican convention nssomblcs the next day tbo city Is certain to bo lilted with republicans. The oftlcors nnd members of tlio Young Men's Republican club propose to make ttio brilliant Ohio governor's visit nn event in tuo hUlorv of the republican party In thu west. A largo delegation of tho-olub will visit Boiurlco , where the governor will speak August ' „ ' , nnd escort him to thU city. Arrangements will bo mndo for reduced rates on nil railroads loading Into Lincoln , and nothing loft undone to make the affair n notable ono In every particular. 31 oi-o Litigation rroutlvoil. The Lincoln Ulty Street railway tnuddlo was further complicated today by the action of E. Flunoy , who applied for nnd received in injunction restraining . Henry Smith , J. A. Dush , G. E. UIgolow nnd the Capitol Helmuts Street Hallway company from vot- ng certain shares of stock of the last named company ivhloh Plnnoy clalmi by right of purchase. The shares in quonton were owned by stockholders residing In Illinois , andFlnnoy nllogos that Smith , Hush and UIgolow obtained proxies in order to vote the shares to suit themselves. Ho also re quests the district court to order now cor- tltlcatos of stook issued and delivered to him. As the matter now stands everyone con nected with the property is restrained from doing anything , and Hecolvor Brown is still in charge. for n llceolvor. Messrs. Mockottnnd Clark , stockholders in the Hall Range nnd Furnace company , have petitioned the district court to appoint a re ceiver for that concern. They allege in their potltion filed today that the Hall Bros. , who bad been employed as managers nt n salary of $1,500 par annum each , had boon wasteful ; that the company lost $0,000 thu llrst year of Its existence , and that its In debtedness had increased from $1,700 to $13,000 ; that thcro are no funds on hand to meet cur rent liabilities. The real csinto transfers reported todnv show that II. J. Hail has transferred his property , lots 15 nnd 1C In block S , Hnrwood's ndaltlon , to F. L. Evurts , while C. E. Hall made a similar transfer of lots 'M and 21 In block 4 , Irvine's second addition , to A. J. Anderson , The report further shows by other entries that the property was agnfn transferred by Evarts and Anderson to Mrs. H. J. Hall and C. E. Hall respectively , Friends ot the com * pany still asset t. that It Is all right and that everything will bo settled within a few days. lie Diictlvoil u fair Widow. Mrs. Grace Peunlnpton , wife ot tbo B. & M. engineer who was killed in n wreck in the outskirts of this city last winter , has caused the arrest of E. T. Hughes , who Is suspected of being > until recently , the object of her second hand affections. She swore out a warrant for his arrest on the churgo of obtaining Sv > 35 from her on fnlso pretenses. Of this amount J.'OJ was a loau , whllo the balance represents the expanses incurred by Hughes whllo on a pleasure trip to Omaha. Hughes entered a plea of not guilty and was bound over to the district coart In ttio sum of $500. In default of bail ho was sent to tbo county ] all. .Still Curries the llullct. James Burke , who was wounded In the nock by W. N. Conical yesterday afternoon , still carries the bullet somewhere in the muscles above the shoulder. lie Is Ivlng in a hot , stuffy cell at tUo police station , tbo only available place for men in his predica ment , nnd while the wound of itself is not serious other complications mav sot In to ruauo his condition dun porous. Cornoul , the man who wouudod him , was released on ball , ns wcro tbo witnesses who had been detained at tbo station. Corncal's case has been contluucd until Friday. Lancaster County Indebtedness. Lancaster county starts out well In tbe second year's mortgage Indebtedness record. During tbo month of Juno tbo peopla not only of the country , but ot the city , de creased the mortgaged Indebtedness by a , handsome figure. Tbe mortgages on farm property filed during the month amounted to $01,051 , whllo the amount released during the same period was 03,005. A comparison of the record BO far us It relates to city property Is far more favorable. City mort- gacos aggregating S1SU.074 were llled , and $229,055 released. The excess of releases over tilings on city and farm property amounts to $19,431. Took Morphine In Her WhUlcy. The police were notlflod nt 1 :30 : this morn- ma that MM. Bella Wadsworth , a somewhat notorious character living at Eighth nnd X streets , had committed suicide. When tbo ofllcors visited the house they discovered that the woman had taken n dose ot mor- phlno In a glass of whisky , but had not taken onoueh to kill herself , if ouch was her inten tion. The woman was onus a happy wife and mother , but family troubles caused her husband to leave bur with several small children to support and she entered a rocic- less life. She tins figured frequently In tbo proceedings of the police court. I'Yoin ( ho 1'olico Court. W. S. Snundors and John Bland were brought Into the polledstation ) nt 3:30 : this morning bv n fanner . .named John Ballnrd , living ton ratio * north of Lincoln. Tnn farmer had boon mlssiugi'Ws hens for some tlmonnd lastnltrht concluded to watch for the thloros. Shortly"att r midnight ho caught tinunders nnd Bland In tbo not ot rob bing bis coops. | n Jl Martin Hello and Mrs * Barbara Kostl were arrested today for using language In ench other's ' presence not. contemplated by the statutes. Each ontoroUia1 complaint against the other. rfj' John Qultin , nnold man. who ahould hnvo known bettor , was llncd'tll.SU for appearing on the streets with le 4 < clothing about him thnn the dictate ! ot cp M > m permit , Jesse Wlugnrdnor is bolog held nt the po- llco station nwniting tne'oxamlnatlon of the insanity commission , ' ' John Kuott was acquitted ot the charge of being n suspicious character. Frank Burke wrts run in thU morning for fracturing the peace of the city , but ho Is still too drunu for trial. ( loMlp ut the Stnto Houso. Superintendent Mallollou of tbo State In dustrial school was ot the state house today. But ono case was filed In the supreme court today. It Is from Lancaster county nnd is entitled M. E. Joues against Louis Wossol. H. H. ( Iroor of Kearney was nt the state house this morning. The Exchange bann of Wcstervlllo , Custor county , tiled articles of Incorporation today. It will have a capital ot $ r > 0.000. Notarial commissions were issued today to Iworoy Martin , Sldiiov : C. K. Hart , Bloom- InptonV. ; . B. Ward , Burr ; Thomas Chll- vors , Ploreo. The Blakoly Hotel company of Beatrice has been incorporated with n capital stocU of ? 100UOO. The company will erect , n now hotel nt Bo.Unco in the near future. Lincoln In Itrlef. C. II. Thompson , right-of-way ngont for the Hock Island , stated today that ho has nlrondy paid $31)4,241.ii ) for Lincoln property nnd lib is buying moro every day. Ho further statoi that the contract for grading will bo let this week , Charlie Brown , u ono-lojpcd boy 13 years ot ago , tvns sent to the reform school by Judge Lansing today. . DAKOTA COUNTY'S SI1OKTAUU. Exports Snlcl to Hnvo Dlscorcrml n Heavy Deficiency. Sioux Cur , In. , July 20. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE Bnn.J Export accountants who have boon employed to examine the books in the treasurer's ofllco In Lnkota county , Ne braska , huvo completed their work , nnd made n report to the supervisors today. They found , after working seven months , that ox- Treasurer Wllltonson is ? 13,4oll short. A resolution was passed by tha board ordering the county attorney to Institute a civil suit against Wllkonson's bondsmen to recover the nmount , nnd to commence criminal proceed ings against him Neinnlin County Touchers. Aunuitx , Nob. , July 20. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BIR. ] The .Nemnha County Teachers Institute opened at Auburn this week with n good enrollment. Superintend ent Crichton is proving an able manager. The work in elocution and reading is under Prof. S. S. Humill of Chicago. The wont in muslo Is under Prdf. Dunham , the well- known vocal trainer. Superintendent Fordlco has charge ot , tbo sciences and the remaining studios are In chnrKO of Superin tendent Crichton aud Principals Simpson aud Carman. The .summer school will con tinue four weeks and the outset foreshadows an interesting and prolltublo session. 11 l.ittlo Girl. DUNCAN , Nob. , July 20. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE.J poputy Sheriff A. J. Campbell today arrested John Surdyl , a Polnndor 70 years old , charged with crlml- nuily assaulting Joslo llda , nine years old. John Fida , mi uncle of the girl , wanted to hang Surdvl , and ha stirred up much excitement " citement for a whllo. "Surdyl was tnltcn to Columbus , where ho will havu a preliminary hearing tomorrow. It. & M. Duimt Iturnocl. AsutuiNi ) , Neb. , .July , 20. [ Special Tele gram to THE BRE. | About 0:30 : this evenIng - Ing the B. & M. depot at this place caught lira and burned entirely to the ground. About SI , 000 worth'of bacgago was de stroyed , In addition to a quantltv of freight and considerable property of the company. The total loss will be about $3,000. The 11 ro was caused by tbo explosion of n swltchlump. _ Drank Jtoiich on Kilts. BAUTI.F.TT , Nob. , July 20. [ Special to TUB BIE.J : The 10-mouths-old child of R. Hol land at this place today drank the contents off a saucer containing rouch on rats. Death followed in a few minutes. The saucer was placed upon the bureau for the purpose of Killing lllos , when the llttlo one , during the absence of the parents , ob tained possession of it. Nownmu Orove'n Storm. NEWMAN GHOVE , Nob. , July 20. [ Special to THE BUG. ] Tbe past week has been very dry and extremely warm , but last night n line shower visited this section. During the storm lightning struck a house , shatter ing it badly. Two young men were In the building at the time , but escaped unhurt. Transferred tin Kleviitor. VCXANOO , Nob. , July 20. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE.J The Farmers elevator has been sold to Vondoll & Smith. The Farmers Elevator company oftlcers nro talking of building nnothor elevator with largely Increased facilities. J Two Iloyx Drowned. ASIII.AND , .Nob. , July 20. [ Special Tele gram to THE BUB. ] A party of small boys was bathing in u crcolc n short dlntunco from here nt noon , when Bert Bowmor nnd Enrl SVhlilock were drowned. Their bodies wore recovered two hours Inter. DoWltt's Sarsaparllin ciennsoj the blood , Increases the apnotlto and tones up the sys tem. It has benollttod many people who have suffered from blood disorders. It will holpyou. t f - j 4 4 TIIERB ii no longer nny need of expensive , tiresome trips to far-away I V/Ul resorts ; EXCELSIOR SPRINGS , Mo. , ono hour's ride from Kansas City , offers all the attractions tbe seeker for pleasure or health can desire T"E ELUS > capacity 500 guests , ii an Ideal resort hotel , situated In the tnldit of a picturesque wooded estate of 1000 acres. / "fiirvtr , in a long carttr at a trawler in many lands , and undtr many iklit. found to rftt/ul anJ dttightful , to Aonit-lUt a sfot at Hit ttautiful "Elmi. " ST. Louis. Mo. Prank L. James , Ph. D. , M. D. Location healthy , no malaria , no mosqultos. Immense swimming pool of Sulpbo-Salino water , M cool and refreshing as tbe ocean. Tennis , billiards , bowling , good caddie horses , orchestra , dancing , and all sports at command. Why not enjoy these advantages , renew yogr health liy drinking the famous Kiftxl and Snlfhf-Sallnt waters and at the ( O same time save your money ? Charges moderate. .E/XCClSIOf * OpflflJJS responJenco solicited. For Illustrated , pamphlet terms , 4 , % for a/I etc. , address EXCELSIOR SPRINGS COMPANY , TluDMltd Wtttrt , l'llSSOUn RIOIIARDSON DRUG CO. , AGENTS , Omaha , Nobrnska. ABSOLUTELY PDRE JusrTRYlr. .CO. KAM3A5 WELL BRED , SOON WED" GIRLS WHO U SAPOLIO ' Are Quickly Married , Try it on your next House-Cleaning. WEATHER CROP BULLETINS OfHohl .Reports to the Department of Agricullurd GLADSOME PROMISES OF GOOD HARVESTS Corn Hemming , Uio Wnrm Weather Vry llcncllntnt to the Clrowlnu Crop-T.xto Smntl tlr.ilnii front Excessive Ilcnt General Condition ! Good. D. O. , July 20. Tha high torapnraturo has boon especially favorable to the crops in tUo corn states. The week has boon unusually dry ever the greater portion of tbo central valleys and southern states. Special telegraphic reports ara a follows : Texas Cotton would bo benefited by a general rnin , but the plant Is not suffering , except In n few of the \voslorn counties. Missouri Haylnor , harvesting , stacking , threshing nnd wooding late corn progressing favorably ; wheat yield folr ; oats very poor ; corn Dooming. Mlnnrsota Conditions bonotlclal to corn ; too wnrm for small grains. Haying ad vanced ; some rye cut ; barley nnd oats nearly rlpp. Iowa Most fnvorablo week of the season. Oat harvest bopun In sou thorn district ; some damage by rust. North Dakota Much rust In wheat ; rain noodcd In western portion. South Dakota Weather favorable for corn and haying ; too warm for most small grains ; barley nnd rye barvcst begun ; earliest wheat ripening. Nobruslia Htnalt grain In northern part of the state Injured by drouth ; corn has rnado good progress , but has been retarded some by drouth. Kansas Hnrvest nearly completed In northern portion ; corn localities slightly suffering from drouth. " * " Oklahoma Lute corn , cotton aud grass Buffering from drouth ; threshing , buying and plowing progressing. Montuna Hay harvest begun ; nay short , Out thick. Plafhond county greatly suffer ing from drouth ; rain needed for grain. Wyoming Irrigated crops doing well. Colorado Good corn growing wcatbor ; anrloy bqmg cut ; too hot for grain that Is iot yet ripened ; potatoes doing woll. Now Mexico All crops and fruil nro Im proving rapidly ; grass on ciHtlo ranges greatly Improved , Utah Territory Haying and harvesting In progress. Io ix' I'msju'cts. DBS MOINES , la. , July 20. This week's DUllotin of ' .ho Iowa weather crop service says : This h.w been by far the hottest week of .ho 8'jnson und most favorable for the rapid growth of corn. The moan temperature for the state was about eighty degrees , or nearly six degrees above the normal. It has boon nn Ideal week for corn , which has raado a marvelous growth. In the most advanced Holds It Is wholly tasseled and gives promise of a fair yield In fully one-third of the state. In tbo larger part of the eastern districts It will not bo possible to produce nioro than half of an average Nvlicat , crop. In oven the most favored district * there ore many Heidi where the stand Is poor aim the yield must fall much boluw the average. The harvest of oats will be In progress tbo coming week. This crop is very uneven and in many localities considerable dainago has been caused by rust. Barley seeding has begun , and with favor able weather a fair crop will DO secured. MIHHourPs Outlook. COI.UMIUA , Mo. , July 20. The weather and crop bulletin of the Missouri wcathor serv ice for this week says : The past weak has given more than the average amount of sunshine nnd a continued excess In temperature. Thcso elements , while conducive ! to steady prosecution of haying , harvesting , throbbing , [ stacking , weeding and the rapid growth of corn , have been detrimental to potatoes , vegetable nnd animal hfo. The rainfall was confined to local showers and was generally insufficient , especially in the southern and extreme western counties , where nn immediate gen eral rain is needed to facilitate the growth nno miiturine of potatoes , vegetables nnd late corn. Considering tbo immediate gen eral need of growlng'crops the weather is much too hot and dry , corn being about the only thine benefited by the intense heat and the late plants need rain badly. Hot anil Dry \Vcutlior In Xcbrnnkn. CKETE , Nob. , July ! 2(5. ( [ Special to Tun Den. ] Weather-crop bulletin No. 10 , of the NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. YanlUa Of perfect purity. Lemon Of great strength. Orange * Almond Economy In tholr use Rosoetc. FJavor nnd doliclously as the fresh fruit. QUAIL BRAND HEALTH FOODS Parched Rolled Oats , Unequalled in Flavor. Corn Gritz , Sold only In 21 pound packages. Velvet Meal , . For mil 111 113 and go ins. SolJ by all Flrst-Cl.tsB ( iriicor. < . THE SHUlli'EST L1XB TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee ] & St. Paul R'y , as representee on this map. Electric'Lighted , Steam Heated - ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Ohce ( : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A , NASH , Gen'l Agent , Nobnukn weather service IssuoJ from the central oINco nt Uo well observatory , Uoino uolloRO , Crete , for tbo week ondlng Tuesday , July SO , Rtiys : "Tho pn < t woolc biw boon oxcos lvoly hot nnd crops have bcou Ronornliy Injtiroil by tlio hot. dry wcatbor. 'Tho temperature hns boon nbovd tbo nor mal in nit narts ot tbo stato. varying from four ( loqroe * In thn woUorn to eight in the Boutborn and ton in the northern part of the stato. "Tbo rainfall the past week bos boon Ron- ornlly light nnd bolo\v the normal In nil soo- lions except in the southwcii part ot the state where ever two Inches toll In Hitch- cook county And nn Ineli nntt n half In Uarlan nnd Untidy counties. A Kood rain ol n halt Inuli or raoro was reported frolnVhoolor , Uarflnid. M"'H ' Qn , Cumin ? , Doiiglns , Jpftor- BOH and Furnns counties , cUotVhord but light nhowors nro reported. "Corn hns grown remarkably ' .veil the past week where there was n good rainfall , but olsowboro konorAlly It has suite roil silently for laoic of rain nnd in many Instances bus rolled bnelly. Corn Is commoncluu' to tassel ROnerally throughout the state and n contin uation of the dry woatbor will materially In jure the corn crop , nlthougu It has not at present boon injured seriously. " Itutlnonii llrlcfn. S. D. Persons , proprietor of n general store ot Marquctto , is closing out. W. S. Martin , running n moat market at Stocklmm , will bo succeeded by N. Wild. At titnnton , Tumor & ITuchs , bnrdwnro , tinvo boon succeeded by Pucbs & Kronr.cln. Isnao Uohaan , gor.oral store , nnd 11. Vis & Co. , drugs , at Harrison , S. O. , nro burned out. out.T. T. T. Armstrong , n Kearney dry goods merchant , has given a cbattlo niortKnito ot $1,800. Carrollton , Mo. , Uns had a flro that damaged fifteen business firms &omoot llio in bolnc on- .Iroly burned out. Bartz & Wllbclmy , boot and shoo aonlort at ICearnoy , buvo dissolved , H. A. Wllnolmy continuing the business. Lnscli Bros. , wholesale fruit dealers und confectioners ot Lincoln have Incorporated , clnlniliiR a paid up capital of )0OOU. ) J. W. Mockott of tbo Hall Rnnfro and Furnace - naco company of Lincoln has npullod for the appointment ot a rocolvor for that company. Uo claims Irnud and mUmanngo- nont on tbo part of tbo Hall brothers. Ho secured a temporary Injunction , nnd n hoar- ng will bo bed on Saturday. Pending the boarini ; thu factory Is closed. Tbe hope Is expressed In Lincoln that some arrangement may bo bad whereby tno Hnll brothers can continue tbo business. The Hall Kaniro nnd Turnaco company was unioni : the exhibitors nt the recent manufacturers' exposition , nnd , hey secured ijulto n ulco business In Omaha. When you go to Denver stop at the Ameri can house. Hates $ ) .5U to $3.50. Komodolod lirougbout. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste , and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers and cures hahitual constipation. Syrup" Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever proi duced , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its manycxccllentqualitiescommendit to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , , SAN FHANOISOO , OAT , . IOTJISVILLE. KY. NEW VOUK. N. 2. The Original arm Benuine Imparta tlio oipst delicious taeto anil t EXTHACT KOUI'M , oroLETTEHfrom GKAV1U8 , TLEMAN at Mad. nato hU brother F1HII , nt WOMCESTEH. Hay. 18B1. HOT A : COLD "Tell LEA h FEI1KIK8' ill EATS , tlint thetr eauco IB lilirlily ontcomed la GAHIE , India , anil Is in my opinion , tbo most WKI.SII- palatable , as well oa the incmt wlaolo- RAItKHITS , notne Kauco that In jnajo. " dee. Beware of Imitations ; " mill . ii n . . il eee that you got Lea & Perrins' ' Blflmatiiro on every bott'.oof Orliflnnl ti Oflmlne. JOUN DUNCAN'S Unlike tlie Dutch Process No Alkalies Oil Other Chemicals are used In tlio preparation of W. BAKER & CO.'S , BreaMastCocoa it'Iilrlt It alualtitcty jiu re anil soluble. Itliaamoro thnn three tlmea thattrcnytli , ot Cocoa mixed witli Hturcli , Arrowroot or sa8tiKiirtflnd ' Is lar moro cco- n3ilu ! ( cuitlmj leu tlitin one cent it cup. It Is delicious , nourishing , and Sold cterjrnliere. W. BAKER & CO. , Doroliestor , Mass. To Oiil-oMloor 1'iillK Recreative Information "i'ls not thu lira that makes the 1)1- oyulo , nor the widdlo , nor tlio sto ol , nor the apokos. nor the boiiriiipH , ncr nny other ono rotjulslta 't is llio whole Columbia * are balanuu (1 on the uquliioUo of suucossful nicety , All about Coluuiblai , Illuitratuil , and book uuout C'ulumlilix free oil nppll cntlou. of mi/Culuuibliiatfuut , or tent lit mull Uund two twu-cuiit > tani | . I'opt * Mftf. Cuui | > aiiy , Colululi ni AV. . 1'otton. ' Ayes s Pills Are bolter known nnil more general. ly used than nny other cathartic. Sugar-coated , purely vegetable , nnil free from mercury or any oilier Inju rious drug , this Is the ideal family medicine. Though prompt and ener getic in tlielr action , llio use of thcso pills is attended \vilh only the best results. Their effect is to strengthen mul regulate the organic functions , being especially beneficial in the various derangements of the stomach ach , liver , and bowels. ; Ayer's Pills arc recommended by all tlio leading physicians and druggists , as the most prompt und cITcctlvo remedy for biliousness , nausea , costtvoness , indigestion , sluggishness of the liver , jaundice , drowsiness , pain in the side , and siuk headache ; also , to relieve colds , fevers , neuralgia , and rheumatism. They .nro taken with great bcnelU in chills and the diseases peculiar to tlio South. For travelers , whether by land or sea , arc the best , and should never bo omitted in the outfit. To preserve their medicinal integrity In all cli mates , they arc put up in bottles as well as boxes. "I have used Aycr's Pills in my family for several years , and always found them to bo a mild -and excel lent purgative , having n good effect on the liver. It is the best pill used. " Prank Splllman , Sulphur , Ky. Prepared by Dr. J. O. Aycr & Co. , Lowell , Muss. Sold by Druggists Krciy where. Every Dose Effective A it ! : KVKUSriUXti ro YOU. Call on us AT ONRH nml Imvo thnm cxnni- Incil ( KHKK OK'IIAIlll'liy ( ) our Optician , ami , If npiH' nrjr.tltti'il nltlin palrof our I'KHKKt'- TIt'N KVIHll Ah < iSor : Sl'KCT Ijl.'S. Wo lit SCIHSTU'lCAMiYumliirlnil lonim lo correct nil tlio vnrlotiH ilofoct * of vIMnn. moll nn HYI'KIIMIJTHOI'IA ( tur BlKht ) , JIYOl'lA ( nmir flulit ) , I'lll.SllVOI'lAlolit BlKliM.AHThiMATlHM ( Irrcuulnr ulitht ) , ASTHIi.NOI'IA ( oak nluhtl DIl'l-OIMA ( rtouplo Plulit ) , ANISOMKTUOPIA ( iinoqiml fUlil ) , STHAMISMUa ( oqulut or cross eye ) , etc , etc. SOLID GOLD SPECTACLES or EYEGLASSES from S3 Upwards. FINE STEEL SPECTACLES 'OP EYEGLASSES from $1 Upward. COLORED GLASSES for Shndlntr tlio Eyes from 50c Up. MAX MEYER & BRO , GO , Practical Opticians. and 16111 Sis. , OMAHA. Established 1866. Elastic Stockings roit Weak Limbs Varicose Veins Swellings , all sizes. Abdo minal Supporters ters , Deformit Braces , Medi cinal Supplies. THE 1)1 ) COMPANY. 114 S. Ibtli St. , Next to Post Oltlca Dr. Bailey , The Leading Dentist 'Ihlrd Kloor. I'.ixton IllooU. Telephone * 1085. IGlh ami Fanium SU. A full ct of tci'tli oil rubliur lor ? . " > . I'm feet set Tct'tli wltliout pliitcH or roiniivnlilo brlilKU > ruri Jiiat tliu tlilnw for shiKors or ptibllu MICHHITS , nuvol ilrop down. TKKTH KXTUAOTKI ) WITHOUT PAIN All flllltii ; ut ro.ibnn'ilJlo r.utcs. All work wainintoJ. Cut tills out fur ukulele. Or tlio Ijltiiior Ilnlilt I'onldvfl.r Cured by ailiiliil trrliiir Dr. llalucn' It aim bo dlvcn ID n cup 01 collie or tea , or In food , without tboknowledgool Iho patient. Ill * absolutely harmless , nnd vrlll eirect a permanent and erectly ourc. whether the patient In a motoraio drinker ur en nlcohollo wreok. Itbna boon clvcn In tliouiandi of oaecr.nnd In every Instance a perfcot cure hasfol. lowed. It iipvor Pull" . Ttie6yBtrm once Impregnated trltb the Cpcciflt1. Jt bccomm an utter Inipoaaiblllty for the liquor anpellto to oxlit. UOI.IIKN M'CriKIU CO. . 1'rop'rs , rinrlnnntl , O. < ts-paeo book or oartlculara free. ? 'o ba had of mii.iuU lou'-ln : Sis. . 18th nnd Whoiusnlu. Itluko. llruoo fi Co , and Klcliirnsoii ; Drue Co.tmilm ) : , Noli. DR. J. B. THE SPECIALIST. in tliotriiiUinoiitut ' forms nl K DISBASEB , imi iiif 'iiuTr unrt ilcilillltlertdf yoiitli mill niuiiliooil. ITyoitr * ' oxiorlcii'o. ; Ill * roiiiurcui unit f.u-llltloi nra liructloiilly iiiillmllud. Tlio Doctor N roroin- niuiHluil by llio proii. nnd omlorsoil In tlio strongest toriiis ly tlui la-iiplo for fulr tr rit- inunt iiiiu liniiutt iiriifogiioiiiit uilvluo. Tlio ntoit iiuwL'ifiil roinutlloi known to iiindorii ; c unco for thu miocca4ful truatinont of tbo . followliiL'tl.Hoa t > i ! UONOnnilOblA IninioUli-.tu rolluf , A com. iilulocMirn wlihuut thu | osi of un liour'/j | : , from luiHlni'iiu ' , OIiKBr Uuuot tlio most , ooiniiluto an I BUO. ccssf til irimlmonta for Kluot nnil ml annoy n > ( liHohuru'nyol. known l ( Uiu ino.lloal iirofm. Hlon. Tliu iiiviiltiiuru truly wantlurfnl , faTllIOTUKK ( Jioilunt known ruinoly f'ir ' the lru.itmunt.of slrlutiiru , without lulu , uut- jlnir. or il liitln r , A niontriiiiinrk ililii ru null v. SYI'HII/lH-No treiitinoia for tliln torrl ill Mood ( llBtiiisu lias nvur huun inoru U"ouHHful. nor Imd HtrniiKorocKlorjoinoiilj In llio I slit of niuUiirn nulunuo tin * d.soiid . U pinitlvuly cur.ilj.ound ovury truno of thu poison ontlrjly ruinovinl from tlio blool , LOST MANHOOD , mill nmhltlon , nurvoiH- nui8 , tliuliliiy , ilunponilunuy 11 nil nil wo.iUiio.-u nnd ( lUorJiiru oC youth or nianliouJ , Itullof nntiilnt'd ut oncu. UICIN DISCABUS , und nil dlsuitsoi of the ktomufii. lilood. liver. Id uioyi * unit OU'ldur ' iiru iroiituil MII uuu > fully with llio u-roatji Iduitvn roiiuidluj for the ilnutiii. Wrlto forolrquUrj nnd ir.iuulonllit , frJi J-ut'niim ttx. itnutlut .Va >