Wheat was firm Under Apprehensions of Damage to the Drop. LIVERPOOL CABLES WERE LOWER Corn wns the Most Active nnit Strongest p of the Article * Triulril In on the Htmnl Stocks and Itonil ) . ClttCAno. III , . July 55. The wrnth to cnmo was measurably indicated by tliu 1io.it In the trading pltstoiHy ; the ouor.ttoM Ntrugntcd with It In no.'ll.-o outing ihlrts and unntii- loons with praiseworthy energy and dlsroirnrd of tliobiiojnncy of tlio muroiiry. Itwasabull clay , led by corn , which was well supported" by provisions mid received countonunco , thoujih of u sulvliied kind , from wheat. Thu cbnnjcs since i-'iUnrdny urn un ndviinco In com of l'i ' < % In t > ur ! < of from 17Jo ! to 32J4c , nnd In wheat ot ? c. The wheat mnrlcot was firm under appre hensions of ilnmatfo to spring wheat from thn hot weather , The reports f imii the northwest differed somewhat , but generally conco.lod considerable diumuo already done by rust. The bullishness In corn was of much assist ance to the whcnl hulls. In today's receipts at , this oort were 14 ! ) curs of now wheat. St Louis hold fully up to Saturday's predic tions , the amount bclnt HU.OiUi Minneapolis hud heavier rccoluts , numbering 358 carloads. Cables were oisler : , Liverpool rouortlnz Wd In the decline nnd the weather In Eniriand favorable. Tlio visible supply showed nn In- cronsoof O'JJ.OJObu. Undarthuse Influences tlio market wonl.cnud for a few minutes and then milled and became llrni again. September started nt from 77'io to TTfic , gradually ad vanced for nn hour , until 'ti'iu ' was reached , wakened sll htly and iiL'aln sold up , touch ing 78 ? c. and closed nt TriJSc. compared with 77c ; at tlio close Hnturdny. Corn was the most actlvo nnd stroncoit of the articles traded In on the board. Talk hid : boon rife In the pits tor some days nbout pos sible damage to the growing crop from ex treme he.it , so this monilii , ' , with the thor- momstcr r.'iinrlntf near the nineties , opera tors who noted tlio effect on tholr Hystmns were ready tohollcvo nnvthlng of Its oHVut on ton- drr corn plants. Thortiforu a published ills- patch from Wichlti , ICun. , wlilcli sulJ that not winds had done great Injury to corn fro'n the Color ido line for a distance of 150 miles o.isf.ward In Kaunas , was at once clllcnclonti Inlboostlng values. There were no belling orders when the market opened. o\- ccpt at nlioutcover ( the closing prlco of t-nt- urdav. Bcptonibcr opeuod nominally at IS3o , compared with 4HMo at the close on Saturday. lint very little could be bought until 4SJJe was helnz bid for It , and even this price dlit not bring out enough to stop the advanec. The prleo roaehotl 40 > .Jc before there was more than f o reaction. Hut even th it did not sat isfy the eager demand , for after a couple of dips to 40c it ran up to 4Ujc , or ! ic above Sat- nnliiy'scloslnir price , and all that In the first half hour of the session. Notwithstanding reports of general Improvement In the crop , outside of those which catno from Kansas , the Hiidden Impairment In that section was enough of n dltuppolntmentto innuo holding prices comparatively easy , and the decrease in the visible supply aided In n further bulge to f < 8J c and the close was Jio lower. Outs made an advance of from ? ic tola more , because ruled blither rather than be cause of any direct bull Inlluonco , The volume of business done win considerably heavier than on Saturday , but the mur. > ot was by no moans active. Provisions were stronir In sympathy with the strength In corn and the light run of hogs , present and pie pcctlve , and huavy shlp- nicnts of curcii meats on Saturday also aided In stieiigthen'ng ' tlu < market , ana there was a peed dcninnd from Cudiihy nnd other nacKcrs. There were only one or two weak spots In the trading during the day. Luke freights : Corn to Buffalo , 2 > c. Kstlinated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat. BTU cars ; corn , 473 e-irs ; oats , 25U cars ; hogs , 13,000 head. The loadlnz futures ranged as follows : AHTlCl.tH. mini. LOW. CLOSE. TV IIP AT No. 2 July t 79 mi August beiitembor. . 77H COHN No. 2 July to E05M < M ! . < Eoptomber. WH OATH No. 2 July AUKiist 80M 80-M SOW Septombor. . 80J < BOH WKHH I'OIIK September. , 12 U < 4 I227K 12 12H 1227 Junuhry 13 ( KM 1135 130 % 13 Si LA IID Fciitcraber. , 785 7 30 Jenunry. . . . 7 25 717 4 725 EHOUT Hins Vcptcmticr. . 7 70 760 770 Jnnunry. . 700 7 00 7 UO 7 00 Cash quotations were i Fi.ouit Dull nnd uncluuiKULi. WIIUAT No. 2 soring , 78Hc : No. 3spring , 74c : No.2rcd. : " " - . ROHN Steady ! No. 2.53o : No. 3 , cash , 4"c ! ; No. 3 , yellow , iWos No. 4. 4Ullo , OATS-JMO. a. aiiWlUc ; No. y white , 33U@)34c ; ) ! ; o. 3 white. 8 : > 'J@34o. llvr. No. 2. ( We. HAIU.KY-NO. 2 , C2o ; No. 3. no sale ; No. 4 , f. o. b. . 3.@i : > c. KI.AX SKEII No. 1. $1.02. TIMOTIIVHEEP 1'rlii e , Jl.3ajJl.3X I'oitK Mess , per bbl. . J12.15 ! lard , per IfO Ibs. . $7.25 ! short ribs sides ( loosol , $7.70 ! dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , J7.OUtt7.23i short clear sides ( boxed ) . $7.8Ka7.85. WIIISKV Distillers' flnlshod gooJs , per gal. . Sun Aits Unchanged. Keiolpts anusliipmonts today were us fol lows ; On the I'roduoo exchange today the butter wiifket was strong ; crotimorles. nasiMo : dttlrles. 14 < 2l6e , Eggs Orm ut 15c. Now York Markets. NEW YOIIK , July M. FLonn-Itocolpts , 3ti,3C3 pkps.i exports. 5.25S bbls. , l.SCO sacks ; quiet ; winter wi > ent In Instances 80 lower ; spring wheat dinicult to sell ; sales , 14,000 bbls. UOIINUBAL Steady and quiet ; yellow west ern. } < , iyj y3.oo , WIIKAT- Receipts , 122.050 bu. : exports. 77,881 bu. ; snlcs. 19,435 nu. of futures ; 7Uiu,0 bu. of pot. tipot market dull , flrmly held ; No. t rod , l-OHj)7c , store and elevator ; 8s ! o afloat ; blXtMMMo f. o. b. ; No. 2 red. Wi } CS40 ! ungrndod , 6Io nsked ; No. 1 northern. 87. ' . < aR8 ! < e ; No. 1 imrd. lWK < au2jo ( : Na 2 north ern , 81icNo. ! ; 20hIOHgo , b7jo ! ; No. 2 Milwau kee , K > , CJ Na 2 spring , sic. Options de clined early JJiMic , followed by a further con cession of ! io on weaker cables. Increase in clocks and advanced Mtt\iO on poor crop news from Spain and Russia , declined Ho on lute lower cables und closed steady at ' o down to ye up , partly through thu ttrungth In corn. No. 2 red , July , b5i lh57 o , o 08 UK at 85Xo ; August , 64iffl84 ! ic e 01 ng nt 8l c : September , BIHiisSUc. clo.Hlne at b5o ; October. KiitMilc. closing Ht HiUo ; Docpmbor. 8SJ } < a8'J il-ioc. olosln. nt 8771C ; March. U2iiaOJHc ? , closlnir atD2 ; o ; May , ( Utat 03'-ilMKc , closing at UlUc. Itvi : Dull and weulc western. 7J7. Stocks of grain In store and nlloat luly 23 : Wheat. I,4.uj74 ( bu. ; lorn. S08b2J bu. : oats. Kft25l bu. ; rye , 2 : > ,455hu. ; barley , 6J.339 bu. ; tunlt. 24.3.W bu. ; peas , 4.3W ) bu. ilAiu.cv MAI.T Dull ; two-rowed elate , 70 ® 72 o ; six rowed state. 75 ® 0oj Unnadlau , B5cto f 1,05 , ( Joii.i-liecelpts , 20.231 bu. ; exports. 12.017 Un. : antes , ( li .oju bu. of futuren. 34,000 bu , of ipot ; spot dull ; No. 2 , wxauio afloat ; unsradod inlxe.l , KJit Gc. Options advanced Jc on July and reacted H4c on ni > inliulation. | while other inonthsurt ) up IQil'io nnd closed firm on bad Kansas croji reports ; July. W Ciulo. August , C > 5MW > 0)ii' ) . closing iitAOHiu Heptemuer.bliiO &Mi < % closing ut 61o } ; October , &iy < a55Jio closing ut5Jijc. OATH-Keceipis , 117,075 bu. ; exports , 302 tin , i BulcB , :8.V'W ) bu. of futures ; tauoo bu. of cpot. bpot. quiet , stronger. Outlous , modur- ntoly ncilve , ilrinvr ; Ju.y , ic uiv , closing utniici An. ust. 35 < oar > ' , c. closing nt asi'to ; heutemLor. i5& > : j5c. closing at 35ioi ? No. 2 tthlto. : : tie ; mixed wi-sti-rn , W/'M ; white wi'stern. 3.vai.'o : No.2Uhluago , a7u,7'iO. I JAV Quiut. atondy. lloi H-hteiuiy. quiet. tjutUH-Knw , quiet , linn ; sales. 5.375 .bags. Centrifugal , 3'iut ' rullned , quiet , stitady , Miil.AKsKH-Korolgn. noiiilnul ; Now Orleans , qulel , stiiiidy. II n i : Slt'utly. quiet , l.tms Quiet , ncukcr ; prime , lOWOlOyc ; rin e poor , per ease , t-i.uufti.iu. Uecoliits , . lIlliKH-Sioinly , quiet. 1'ilHK-Q.uict. Htu. UV. CIT MKATo-Qulet , Htaady ; inladlcs. quiet , steady IMliii'-Htrongcr , quiet ; western ito.im o.usvil at k7.tl.5i ; B. lei , 750 tlorcos : it$7.fi7H4 { 7.ttJiicliy * u\\v ; \ \ . U7S tleives ; option sales. 75J tlorucs ; July , K7.rAX27.UO. olosiun at * 7.Uli AiiKUnt , t'.Oj ; buutunaor uud uctobtr , (7,0) bid. HurrKit-Qulct : nrin ; western dairy. 13o ; western factory. tiQIOKdi I'-lKlu. 22Jio. . CIIKKSKJiilot ; Urmi part Bklms. 2 QCo. 1'ni ImiN-Uull ; Amvrlean. tlll.iddtlS.OJ. Uoi'i'mi-Siiuiifl liiko. ll.tl tll.7X LKAIH- yt ( lomeatlc , tt.UKMM. Tl.N-Weuki ttral.hts. t2J.a.Vjj20.45. Cotton .tlurlcvt , OAI.VEBTON. Tex- July 25. Dull ; mlddllntr. To ; low lulddllm ; , o > 4o ; goou oidluury , Uu | not and Rron rocoltit . 44 bale * . Including 1 bale ot the now crop ; sties , UO bales ; stock , 17,702 bales. NEW Oitt.EAss , lii , July 25. Dulli mid dling , 7o ; low middling , Cite : good ordinary , Co ; not receipts , 870 bales : gross receipts , 470 bales ; exports to Ore-it Ilrltnln , 2.013 bales : Krunco. 2,387 bale * ; to thocontlnont , 2U3 bales ; coastwise. MI bales : sales , 200 bales ! stock , 8VI06 bales. _ Omnha Produce .Market. CIIEIIIIIES Oregon , JJ.OO. 1'KACIIES Call for nh , | ' .73. ToMATORS-Southorn , II.2iOl.5J per case of 4 baskets. ArniCOT8 California. $1.7.1 ® J.OX LEMONS Choice , Sv5.50iiiT.OJ ! fancy , 16.03 ® a 50. 50.OnAKOKflCnllfornla , I4.00 ® .25. llt.ACKIlKIIHIK.S S.LJI ) . UASl'iiEttutr.s Illack. $1S5 ; rod , quarts , 11.50. I'l.tlMS California , JiSlKatOJ , HAWANAS Scarce. HIDRS AND TALLOW No. 1 green hides. 3o ; Nn. 1 green salted hides. 4o : No. 2 grjen Bnltnu hldos. ! ! c ; No. I green suited hides , 25 to 4) His. , 4c ; No. 2procn silted hides , ' - ' , " > to401bs. , 3o ; No , I veal en f , S to 15 Ibs. , flu ; No. 2 veal calf. R to 15 Ibs. . 3 > ic ; No. I dry Hint hides. 7o ; No. 2 dry flint hides. 6. * ; No. 1 dry inltod hides , 5 tide. i-hccp polls-Ureen salto.l . , o.ich , : Uc3.tl.2i ; ircen silled shearlings ( short woolod early sklnst , each. l. n > 25ui dry shoarlln s ( short wnotntl onrlv skins ) . No. 1 , each. fi10o ; dry BheHrliiiRS ( she t woolcd early skins ) . Na J , aich. Tic ; dry flint ICansas nnU No'irjska butcher wool polls , per Ib. , uctiial weight , in ® l < ! ic ; dry Hint ICnnsas and Nobr.tsk i murruln wool pells , per Ib. , nclu it wcliiht , 8Q12C. Tal low and crease Tullow , No. 1 , 3Ucs tallow No. ? . 3'lUc ; ! iro.iso , wlilto A , iiyoi gronso white II : i' ' < e ; grj.iso. ydllow. 3u ; grease , tlnrlc 2 ? < o ; old butter. 2c ; beeswax , prime , 1025oi rough tallow. l' ' T4.'e. POTATOES Now , scnrco ; southern stocK , ljo per Ib. UAliiuaR Homo grown , COo pcriloz. MKt.ONrt-W.iti'rmolons. par IT. t'5.00a'IO.oa KBIT Ai'l'f.Bi I'orono-thlrd bu box , 75o. WAKIIBAN' * Half hu. basket , ' 53. NKwTttu.v i'8 1'orbu. . Oio. 1'KAiis K irtle't , W.RI : other varieties , f3.00 IIUTTKit I'aeklug stock , I2i ! ® 3o : small lots select diilry. 1 iCJIfic. I'om.Tiiv Old hens , saoc1 chickens , weaker , St. I.nuU AlnrkrtM. . ST. I.OUIB. Mo , July 2'i. l''r.ouii Unchanged ; pntonti.'ti.n.VAI.lS : extra fiinoy. $ ) .70i.75 : ; fancy. U2MW.35 ; choice , t2.43.5' ' ) ; family , t ! . ( KS2.KU. W il BAT Opened lower on heavy receipts. rallied on good demand and closed at from ? jo to ! ! Sc up ! No. 2 ro 1 cash , 785-J ! July. 777aUc , closlni : nt 7S1 ! ' ' bid ; August , 7li74.'ic. ? clos ing at 74'i7l\ ; ioptnmlir ) , 74'i7ri c , olm- In ; at 7tf c iiakoU ; December , 771i7Uio. ) clos ing ut 7f ) ' c uskod. OOUN lllgher on hot weather clamaso to crops ; cash. No. " . ' , 4llic ? ; July. 47o bid ; August. 4Glfo bid ; Huutombcr , 44'.5'ftJ.Jc ! ( ! , closing ut 4l'4o bid. OATS Hvmpathlrod with corn ; onsh , Nn. 2 , 3lo bl l ; July ; l'c ; August and Soptemrjor , 2UJ5c , closing nt 2'leo bid. UVE > o. 2. Olcbld. IJAtir.nv No market. HIIANI'lrru : this sldo Me. IlAV Old tlmolhv scarconnd much wanted ; prime to strictly choice. $ IO.u.i.2.iO ; now , 111.00 : clover , JMW'J.5) ; pralrlo. stoudy. IIUTTKit Mnrlict stendv nnd unchanged ; cruuinory. 20Q,2lc ; dairy , 1017c. Eons Lower ntUc. UOHNMEAlli'lrm : $ AC532.70. llAOOINO 0tC7 ! ? C. IltON CJOTTON TlKS11.10. . IjRAu-Dull at $ J.'J1 WIIISKV 11.10 anti-trust and $1.15 trust. PiiovniONS-Stronzer and higher. Point Standard mesa , SI2.75. LAUD * 7.oo7.io. lnv ) SALT MKATS Shoulders , J7.00 : longs and ribs. $7.75 : shorts. $7.Vi ) ; boxed , 15o higher. UACON Shoulders , J7.25 ; longs and ribs , $7.75. HAMS Sugar cured. $11.0 mi. 50. HECBIPTS Klour , 7,000 Ibs. ; wheat , 4.000 bu. ; corn. 7.000 bu. ; oats , 37,000 bu. ; rye , none : Darloy , none Sini'MKNTS Klour , 0,001) Ibs. ; wheat , 3I.ODO bu. : corn , 0,000 bu. ; oats , none ; rye , none ; barley nouo . KnnstiH City Mnrliutft. KANSAS CmMo. . . July 23. WHEAT Firm ; No. 2 hard , old. < ! 2G'e ) : No. 2 hard , now , 05'iS Oiio ; No. 2 rod. Ii77uc. COIIN Iflzher ; No. 2 mixed , 4C@42c ! ; No. 2 white. MVi'ft-.k' . O * TVeulc ; No. 2 mixed , 20/27o ! ; Na 2 whit o,30 Vic. HvK-Stondy ; No. 2 nominal , 55&Mc. KLAXSEED Steady : Olc. HIIAN Steady : sacked , file. HAY Steady and unchanged. HUTTEU Steady ; croamorv , lU18o ; dairy. Knns-Dull. weak to lower : lie. UECUIITS Wheat. 27.00J bu. ; corn , 0,000 bu. ; outs. 1,000 hu. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 27,000 bu. ; corn , 0,000 bu. ; oats. none. Coltoe Market. NEW Yonic , July 25 Options oponcd steady and unchanged to 10 points up. closing firm and 10Q20 points up ; sales. 17.500 bags , in cluding : Julv , 8IV.'H12.25 ' ! ; Aurust. $ I2.IO : ; September. $12.50 : November , $12.3.1312.45 ; December - comber , * 12.40O12 45 : January , $3.40 ; March , I2.5) ) : May. $12.50. Spot Itlo , steady , quiet ; No. 7 , $13.3avl3.51. ; SANTOS , July 25 l.zii rcls per kilo. Re ceipts during the week. 40.00) bags ; purchases for United States. 12,000 bags ; shipments to United States , 7.703 bags ; stock , IW.OJI ) b ign. Hio JANEIKO , July 25. First ordinary , 12,000 rols per kilo ; good suconas , 12.400 reis. Re ceipts il u rlii' ' the week , 55.001 bags : purchases for United States. 2,0)0 ) bags : shipments to United States , 51,000 bags ; stojk , 127,000 bags. llrltish ( iralii Tnido Itovleiv. LONDON , July 2 > . The Mark Lanu Express In Its weekly rovlow of the British grain trade , says : English who.it was firm at nn average prlco of 3 3. with ready buyers. Foreign whe.iU have advanced ono shilling. The reduced 1 ndlan shipments , oomblnea with Atnorloin advices that the Amorloan crop Is short , have stln'ened the mnrKot. Flour Is In denrind and his risen 3d. There have been increased biddings In corn. O-its nro firm. At today's market Enziish wheats were Od higher. Foro'En wheats were Od dearer for Indian. Other Norts were unchanged. Liverpool MurkelH. LivKitrooL , July 25. WHEAT Dull ; hold ers offer moderatolv ; No. 1 California , 7b < a7s Id percental ; ri.-d western spring , Gs8d&Gs 8Hd : No. 2 red winter , GsOc. Uon : ; Klrm : demand poor ; mixed western , Cs 2Kd per cental. IlEEr Extra India tncss. 67s Cd per tierce. I'oilK I'rlmo mois , western fine , 71s 3d per U'ACON Long and short clear. 55 Ibs. , $39.30 per owt. ; do Ion ; clear , 45 Ibs , . $ .I0.3U. I'KAS Ounadlan. 6s Jid percental. Minneapolis Wlirut Market. MiNMEAi'oi.is , Minn. . July 25. The wheat market Is very dull ; Soptomnor opened at 75o and advanced a little ns the Hatch bill stands In the way of the speculation. July closing at 77'io , August opening at 7aVic , highest 77Uc , lowest joJio. closing ,75io ! : boutoinbor oponln ; 75c. * * * * i * 41J HUiU northern. B3c ; No. 2 northern Oil Market. NEW yoitK. July 25. t'ETitoi-KUM-Oponoa ut52)jo ) , the only sale of the day being made at that pr'co. the nmrkct oloslng dull. 1'onn- sylvnnlaoll August option sales , 6,000 bbls ; opening 63Ko , highest,7 > e.ilowfst62VJc ! , clos ing fiSSJc. Lima oil No salus. 'iota ! on the exchanges. BS.OIO bbls. COTTONSEED Oir , Quiet. TAM.OW I'lrm , quiet , It PIN Steady , quiet , Tuiu'KNTJMS-Qulot , weak. I'norla Murkrti. I'EOitiA. III. . July 21-OiiiN-Flrm ) ; No. 3 yollow. 45c : No. 4 vellow. 42c. OATS Quiet and Urm ; No. 2 white , 3.'o ; No. 3 white , Illo , Hvc-Scarec , nominal ; No. 2 , Cflo. WiiiSKV-FIrm ; wlnus , $1.15 : spirits. $1.17. UEUKU-Ts-Whoat , BJO bu. ; corn , 15.VOO bu. : outs , 42,000 bu. Mllwitiikeu ( Sriilu .Mnrluit. MiuwAnKKK. WIs. , July 25.-WiiEAT-Flrinj Boptotnbur. 7.if u : No. 2 sprin ; , 70o. OOUN Quiet : No. : i , 4so. OATh-Kirm ; No. 2 white , 3l > J@35e. HAIII.KV No. 2 , 58o. No. 1. 07e' UuliithMicat Mnrkut. 6liOn trick , No. 1 hard , 82 o ; No. 1 nortliorn' I'lillitilulpliui ( iniln Miirkot. I'liiiMiiEt.i'iiiA. 1'u. . July 25. WHEAT Options weak ; No.2 red , July , B-lffiSlo , OiiitN-ClosuJ llrin ; No. 2 mlxeu Julv , 64U ® Blijc. OATS-Optlons fair ; No , 2 white July , 39 Toledo ( Iriilu .Market. TOLKPO. O. , July 25-WiiEAT-Actlve , firm ; No , 2 cush , July , WSc. OoiiN-Dull. llrnii ho. 2 , cush , July , Sic. OATS-Quitt ; cash , XJo. Trader * ' TalK. OIIICAQO , 111 , , July 25 , K. 0 , Lozan 4 Coj to Duncan , Holllnger & Co. : Tlio wheat market his : > been dull today although firm. September oponcd at TTVic , soldas low ns77j ; Qi77)ic ) , us hlxh as 78 > , cloio J ut 78)Jo ) bid. For eign udvli't-H are unchanged. The weather U fuvornbla for growing crops , The absence of orders for this for the new winter crop con tinued und there 1 very little d em und forour old spring wheat. The premium for It today Is utout a half cent over Septem ber , The crou reports from thu northwest uro rather conlllctlng. ihuy cuuurully report soiuu Ituproveiueut although they qualify Itwith complaints of short "heads and "rust. " Values in the near future depend a good deal on the result ot the spring whontcrop. With the present low prlco any tcrloimlnmngo would give hldher prices , without damage no look for a lower range , Corn , contrary to alt expectations , opened at the bottom September sold at 4Sfo , as high ns Mo and closed utGOc. Our own mlvlcos from Nebraska , lowit , Minnesota and Indiana nro all much Improved and point to a good crop and largo yield , The reports of hot winds and want of rains In Kiinsna about offset by the good reports. Our prominent local operators believe In higher prices and show th air faith by tholr actions. They have been good buy ers all the session. Oats In sympathy with corn nro stronger. Drop reports nro poor. Provisions very strong ! September pork closed at $12,2 : . . Lard $7.25 , ribs J7.7J. Light ro- colplsof hogs along with the advuncoln corn caused much of the llrntuoss , but the real cause Is our low stocks of rlos. OUICAOO , III. . July 2\-Konnott , Hopkins k Co. to S. A. MoWhnrtcr : Wheat opened heavy , but the sharp ailvnnco on corn soon carried It hUhcr. It was dull but firm most of the session , getting Its strength mainly from corn. Keoolptq nro Increasing , exports rather light and foreign markets show no strength. Some damage reports were ro- rolvcd from the northwest nnd Oregon They seemed to have llttlo effect however. The general situation la considered so bearish that little attention Is paid to damage reports In the spring wheat section but from ether sources these ate contradicted. Harvesting Is reported to bo turning out line nil over the country , 25 to 45 bushels per aoto nml welching sixty pounds or over. Wo look for a strong opening tomorrow morning If the stren.-th continues In corn. The great strcnith in September corn shows there Is a considerable xhort Interest in that month nnd imports of hot weather nnd threatening dam age In Ivans IM and Nubr.iska huva forced this Interest to cover. The actual damage so far does not apparently cover a very largo area , but Ills believed a few days of this wonthcr may prove to bo disastrous to Urn crop of the west and north- west. K-iln In Nobnska and K insns would of course have nn Immediate olToot. O its stronger In sympathy with torn und ought to sell hi li. Provisions opened stronger on light receipts nnd higher prices. They have llko wlso boon u ( Too ted by the advance In corn nnd will doubtless follow that market to son.u extent. OuicAno. III. . July 2V Coiinsoln.an & D.iy to Cockicll Hros. Commission Co.Vhoat : closes firm , with n fnlr ndvuneo inudo and about all of It maintained. The principal stimulating Influence was hot weather In llio southwest nnd west , which Induced soniu- what liberal haying by those sections. Tnero was some too 1 local buying also , which was induco.l by the stronzth In com. Business has been rather more active. The visible supply Increase was not largo enough to become a innrkod factor. Thocrop movement continues very modcr.itu nnd unbln advices , while monger , woio steady. Indications favor cooler weather nnd In the ovunt of such a change , if accompanied with rain In the south west , the mnrkot would likely bo alTocted ad versely to tlm bulls. Prices are low. however , nnd wo do not look for any r.idlcal declines. Corn bus been very strong. Reports of hot winds in Kansas and Nebraska gave thu bulls an irisy market to control , whluh they did throughout. The close was firm nftcr nn aotlvu market. Provisions wore qulto actlvo and decidedly stronir , partly on no- count of the h'gcr corn market , bnt largely undnrtho strong attitude assumed by the bulls , who forced hit advance which was well maintained. No apparent desire was shown by the holders to sell. STOCKS AND 11ONDS. There Was No Clmnpro In the Character ot Trailing Yesterday. NEW Yonic , July 25. There was no change in the character of the trading today , and while the bulls seemad to have the upper hand the Improvement In quotations outside of Sugar and a few specialties was of the smallest kind nn'd dullness continued to bu the prevailing feature. Hrokers lay some stress upon tin increasing dcmiud for invest ment stool.s und bauds , but the open market shows as yet none of the effects of this buyIng - Ing , as the purchases made at the board are for the most part by the professional element nnd covering short lines , taken In connection with the demand for certain stocks In the loan crowd. The market Is largely oversold In comparison with Its sl/.o. Today there was no animation in St. Paul , Erie. Atchlson and Sugar , but uhl'o all were sttong the latter fluctuatou over a range of more than 1 per cent , but among the spcclalt-cs Minneapolis & St. Louis , both common nnd proforroJ , with Kvansvlllo & Terre Haute and Great Northern preferred scored handsome gains on light transactions. The rest of the market was extremely dull with no apparent < > hango In quotations and atterly barren of foaturo. The market closed barely stondy ut the concession , but with most stocks at small fractions bettor than the close of last week. Sugar , however , rotalnod most of Its early advance and closed li per cent higher. The tradlni reached only 104.3TJ listed ana 27,787 unlisted shares. Government bonds have been neglected. State bonds noziectcd. NEW YOUR , July 25. The Post says : The strain of the market last week , though not at all sensational In Its results , has served the purpose of hrlnglnz to light all the factors governing the present situation. It proved that , on Its present level , the stock market Is very strong ; that under pressure the out standing short Interest can bo made to cover but that even unions professional operators there Is great timidity about engaging In ex tensive speculation. Prof ess lorinl sentiment Is bullish and anybody who does buy for a "turn" Is applauded and encouraged ; but ho finds few actlvo followers and Is usually on the wutcli for an opportunity of taking frac tional profits for his own account. The following nio the o.oslng nuotatlons for the loading stocks on the Now Ycik Stock exchanso today : n e n te soc ex change today , the fact of thu settlement commencing tomorrow chocking now engage ments. Funds all unchanged , Indian rupee paper has given wny % per cent owing to woaknobs In stiver. Foreign' government so- cunt'es ' have .hown consluorabio iroi- ularlty though comparative stoidinoss Is reported on continental bourses. A feature among homo railways IB a fall of l1 , per cent In Southeastern de ferred on homo forced stlo3 : wlillo the weekly tralllu statement U unsatisfactory , thcro bolim consldorul lo falling oil' in ptibsijiiger re ceipts , llrlghton deferred Is % per cent loner and u few others nro about ! per ocnt down biita small Improvement Is established In Chatham , Uruat Western , Metropolitan , Noithoustorn , London & Northwestein and illilland. American railways have been most Inactive. The whole day they have been moro or less dull In coiihcqiicncu ; however , during the last hour better tendencies prevailed , hrle shiirui , bavin * been especially bid for at thu close at an advance of > pur eont. Money has been almost inilendubiu , Snort loans have been frcoly offered Ht VJ per cent. In the discount market bills have been boaroo ; those of two or three mouths have been quoted at 13-lfl to 7 per oont , Mow York Money Market. NEW YOUK , July 25-MoNK.r ox OAir , Easy , at IVi&'J per cent ; liikt loan , Hi per cent ; closed oirorod at ISi per emit. PltlUB MCKUANTII.E I'AI'EH 340 ? per OOnt. . I 1"1 ? " ExoilANdE-Qulet. but steady at $1 87for uUty-duy bills and for JI.Bj.'i demand 1 he oloiliu quotations on bonus : - _ I'limneml Nottn. i'tt. , July 2J.-cioarluiis , 0lM,33St balancoi $ I,1W,1JJ. Jlonoy. 2 per cont. 7 1 KANSAS CITY. MoJuly 2.1. Clearings , tl- OJl.IOl NEW YonK. July -33. Clearings , I07,870COI bnlnncos. 11,891,555. ' 1'Aiiis. July 23. TJirtfopcr cent rentes , 93f S7jo ! for the nccottfit. llALTi.vtOHE. .Md.J.tul\r M.-OloarlnRi , 12.183- OH7 : balances , M.MJM. , Money ( U per cent. LONDON. July air-Amount ot million pone into the H.uik of linxliuid on balance today , i'11,000. MKUPIH ? . Tonn. , July 55. Now York ox- clmnco solllntr nb-tl.M. Uloarlngs , W10S12 | balances , tlQO.751. Now Oiit.nANS. 'Jin. , July M , Oloarlnss. 102.5,540 : Now Yorl orohan c. commcro.al ROoi bank , 11.5) per JI.OOJ premium. OMAHA. Nob. , July ; Si.-Oloarlnfts. 11,083,370 ! oorrosponalng day 'la'it ' week , ! i0l,071 : ! ; cor- rospondlnt ; day lajft'fnbnth , Jl.n7r.84l. ST. LOUIS. Mo. . July 25. OloarlnBS , J1.fi7l- S2.1l balances. VWi,5i9. .Monoy eiutot at ( K30 per cont. Now York 9 chiinao iUoottM discount. HOBTOX. MHS- * . JulvOloarlnRS. . $1,001.- 1231 balnncus. 81.7JO.aJS. ( Monoy. t4t Dor cent ; oxch ingo on Now York , par to 60 uis- coinu , OlflOAOO. 111. . July 2Moniy sto.idy and iinchmtfod Hank cloarlngs , JJl.fllT.Si'ij Now York oxohnm'o , 'Jo ) dlsoouut : storlltiR cx- olmnzo nominal. NKW YOUK. .1ulys.\-Sioolal [ | Tolosrrmn to Tun IlKK. ] K.vchaiuo was nuotofl as follows ! Chicago , ajo dl coutni Iljiton , par to 5c dis count ; St. LouH , I'oo discount. I.IVIJ STUC1C SlAltKKTS. Cat tin Trade Improves n I.lttle HORS Steady nt Sntiirilay's 1'rlcos. OMAHA. July 2j.-Uucolptsof both cattle and hess were llcht , even for a Monday , but the run of Hheop was Hio 1-ir.jo-tt In over a month. There were M oars of c ittlc. lurioly wo t- orus , on sale. LiKht rcoulpts for four days In Hiiccosslo.i have irlvcn both biiyori and sellers ii6ro ; courage nnd prices ruled stroiiKor on dcilrablu olTorlnxi , Uisht tlccont cornfod steers sold fully lee hlshor thiin Saturday , or nt from 15o to 21o hlpthor than Krlday.tho low day last week. The bo.it steoVa did not sell , hut fair 1,22lb. . leers sold fet Sl.23 and some tidy o5-lb stuir brought H.w. : There were plenty of Rood western cattle hero and some 1.150 to l.MOO-lb. stcorssold at i 75 and JJ.U5. Thcso were moro or less hay ted stock. It was a Rood alronz market fop anything the buyers wanted , but slow and weak ns usual on Infer ior stuir. The cows on sale were mostly westerns , llusliiusi was fairly brisk and the inarkut firm. Top natives sold for SJ.U5. while there were two loa is of foci western heifers bore good ptiouih to brine KI.OJ. Tlio ordlinryrun ot stuff. howov r , sold at from Jl.'ii to 2.00. Hulls , even and stiiss were In monger sunply nnd quotably llrm , and the s.imo was true of calvcx The stockcr and feeder tradowas very ll ht. There was really no country dom.ind at all. while rcgulnr dealers were Inslstlnz on lower prices for the fresh receipts. Uuslncss was necessarily dull , but prices are h-itdly quota bly different from last week. Ucpreseutatlvo sales : IHIESSEU lIKEf. 37 1120 4 25 1 1140 4 25 CS 075 430 COWS. 033 1 25 2 OcO 1 85 1030 30 1010 1 40 12 016 I 85 1UJO 810 1 1 l.W 2 00 10 1091 265 000 1 85 DULLS. 1 1220 2 75 OXEN. 2 2105 2 40 STOCKEI1SAND FEEDEnS. 1 510 2 40 WESTKHN CATTLE. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. NEBRASKA CATTLB. 1 cow 1000 135 2 cows 055 1 35 34 cows 703 1 35 1 calf 110 2 M 2 feeders. . . OJJ 2 00 14 feeders. . . . 007 2 5) ) 2J feeders. . . OJl 2 (15 ( 14 feeders. . . . I20J .3 03 TEXAS OATTLB , 270 cows. . . . 740 1 no IDAlld CATTLE. 1 cow 1060 if00 21 cows 1137 300 18 steers..1178 3 95 170 steers , 1214 U05 WYOMING CATTLE. 1 feeder. . . 1210 2 25 8 feeders . . . .1310 225 0 feeders. . 1078 a W is feeders . . . .1003 2 50 1 feeder. . . 10 0 2 50 17 cow- . . . . . .I0i9 : 300 01 steers. . . .lliiO 375 1 steer 1020 3 75 0 steers. . . .1133 A 75 ' 1 stoar 1170 3 75 1 steer . . . .1140 3 75 1 steer 120J 3 75 1 bull. ,1300 1 85 77 COWS 803 100 1 feeder. . .1210 2 50' SI feeders 1117 3 15 Hoes The supply wn's , light and the quality rather common as IB usually the case on Mon day. Outside of. the good to choice hogs of which there were scarcely any on sale , the market was aboutIlkoiS.itttrday In the mat ter of prices. In the mutter of buyers there was a big difference. On Saturday there were half a dozen shipping buyers In the field , Today there wns only.pno. Saturday 70 per cent of the 0.5C3 hogs on sale were taken by shlopors. ShlpperSjtook only 200 today. On this account tlio tow really cooa baza hero sold or were bid lower. On the general run of stuff , however , prices wore. If anything , n llttlo firmer. Trade \vna moderately brisk ana the pens were practically cleared before noon. Thu range was wldo , poor to good hogs of all weights soiling at from $5.40 to $5.70. the bulk , as on Saturday , at from $ > .55 to $5.63. ' 1 ho general average of prices uald was $5.00 against J5.1X ) Saturday and $5.5li last Monday. Kcuroscntatlvo sales : 4 217 1GO S30 G . . . . 273 40 B30 SIIKEP Kouolnts consisted of twenty-throe double decks , all westerns. Three doubles of Now Mexican wethers brought $ .1.00 and ono of wcstoin buck lambs brought } ) .5'J. The rest did not sell , dealers bolng unable to ngrco upon the prlco. Desirable muttons continue In good dcmHiid at linn prices. Knlr to good natives from $ .1.75 to (4.50 , fair to good westerns fromH.i.50 toJJ.25 ; common and stock sheep from $2.50 to Ji50. : good to choice 40 to lil-lb lambs from $1.50 to $5.60. Kcpresontatl vo sales : No. Av , l r. 418 Now Mexican wethers DO { J UO 181 Now Mexican wethers 83 il 00 245 western buck lambs 55 450 Itrcoipts and Disposition of Stock. Official receipts and dlspoiltlon of stock ns anown by tlio books ot the Union Stock Yards company for the forty olght hours , onaing at 0o'clock p. in. , July 25. 183- : DISPOSITION. I'lirohiltagil.nst . Livestock Alarknt. OlllCAflO , III. , July2.1. LHpocliilTolograni to TUB llKn.1 Cnttlu.wur6 wanted at an advance of from lUo to 15e In butcliern' anil comnion stock und of from ino to - ' > o In shipping und common HOMK , sales making nt from tl.25 to ! M.UO for poor to extra COWH , holfera mm bulls , und on a basis of from * .l.25 to $5.50 for common to extra steers , Nothing of Importance was done In atooUors i/ud feeders , bntohors being willing to pny inoro than farmers felt * * IN CHILDREN For over two years my little girl's life was made miserable by a case of Catarrh. The discharge from the nose was large , constant and very offensive. Her eyes became inflamed , the lids swollen and very painful. After trying various reme dies , I gave her | Mp a | The first bottle tle seemed toB * < a3EHaB8ravatethc disease , but the symptoms soon abated , and in a short time she was cured. Da. L. 1) . UITCIIEV , Mackey , Ind. Our book nn Illood anil Bkln Diseases mailed re . _ . 8\vu-r \ fivtciwo Co. , Atlanta , da. that they could afford to do. Prices wer nominal at from tl.75 to ta&O. Toxni oaltl showed quite HS marked nn ndvnnco as th natives and vroro quoted nt from tl.40 to M.W ncoordlntt to quality. There was un advanceof from SctolOo li hogs and the market was nctlvo lit the hlgho prices. Choice assorted heavy nnd mcdluii weights want to from M.05 to filOTSJ and fron KXOO to W.05 was froaly paid for the best llgh sorts. The hot weather wns unfavornblo ti strength , but the smnllnoss of the supply mor than offset that weakening Inlluonco. Th hogs were all bought up curly and the ad vance was sustained to the end. Quotation were from J.X10 to $0,05 for war to extra hoav and medium \volihts and from J5.00 to $ < V05 fo Inferior to choice light. Orassnrs were not li demand at from 25o toMoofT from the price current for corn lattad hogs , 1 no demand for sheep and lambs was fal and the supply belug light the market main tattled n firm tone. Sales were on n bnsls o from M.SO to $ 'i.75 for poor to cnolce sheep nut from jM.OO to JI.S1 for lambs nnsworlng to tha description. There was no demand for scaln wag Htook oven at the low range of from * iO Uocoipts : Cattle , 8,000 ! hogs , 18,003 ; sheer , ' . The Evening Journal reports : OAiTln-HocclpW , 0,000 head : uhlpmcnts 3.000 ! market active , I.va25c higher ; choice ti extra steers. * 5.001.i ; ) ; othors. MOWJ4.0) Texans. $ . ' .2i5J..75i ranpors. Kk75l.3l ; cow : unit heifers. J.7.VSIU'J.\ . llotis Uecolpts. 18,000 head : shlpmrnts 10.0'H ) hund ; market actlvr , 5lOo higher tnixuJ nnd pickers. S5.soit5.lX ) ; prime hcnvj nnd butclior weights. $ V..r > ao.n5 : prltno light tMWSM.O.-i ; second class light , J1.75ia5 80. StlUEl1 Receipts , 7,0)0 ) head ; shlpinontB 3,000 hond : mnrknt nctlvo nnd stoaily ; na lives , J3.Ma\r > 0 ! Texans , J.U5KI.05 ; westerns $4.60 ; lambs. $ J.OOQ > a.M. New York I.lvo Stock Market. Nuw YOUK. July 25. Itr.KVEs Itocolpts. 8.5R houd , Inoludlng SI cnn for sale ; murke opened stendv ; closcxl IJc higher ; nntlx'i sUiors , U.755.50i Tcxans , l.45 ; bulls am cows , { -.dOttUKi : dressed beef steady at 7MC 8 He. Hhlpmonts tomorrow , 782 beeves am 1,200 quarters of bocf. OAt.vES-Uceelpts , 2.ri)0 ) hand : veals actlvi and ! o hlKhcr : others dull ; veals. iJ.l.uJtt.'i.O : ) grassers , { ; buttermilk calves , JJ.UUSj 2.75. 2.75.SIIKBP SIIKBP Receipts. 15,200 head : shonp sto'idj at.15-a3S ) ( ! ) : lambs nctlvo and Mo higher ai $5.005.75 ; dressed muttons steady at Now York dressed lambs , . lions Receipts. 0,700 head , Including twt cars for sale ; mnrkot lower at $ iOO7.25 , St , I.outs l.lvn Stork 'Market. ST. Louis , Mo. . July 25. OATTI.K Rooolpts 3.200 houd ; ahlDiiiuiits. 8,000 head : receipts nearly all Texans : no good untlvo cattle on sale ; quality of Texans only fair ; muikol HiiJo ; higher than Friday : medium to full Texan and Indian steers. T..4)'l.t3. ) HOGS Receipts. I.tOJ bond ; shipments , 1,20 [ head : market 5U1UC higher ; heavy fair tc choice. S > .7535.05 : mixed , medium to good , t5.40 ® > .85 ; ifgla. fair to best. J ilW 8"i. SllKEi' Receipts. 2.GJJ bond : shipments , 70C head : bulk billed through trom Tovas to the north : f.ilr to good natlvo muttons strong at $ I.UO5.20. _ Kansas City I.lvo Stock Market. KANSAS UITV. Mo. . July 25. OATTLE Re ceipts , : i,400 : shipments , ; l,20J : sloers 5I5c hluhor at JJ..W1.70 ; cows 10S15o higher at 11.5 Q2.1.0 ; Texas steers ll15o ) hUhor atUlUlU 4.25. 4.25.HODS Receipts , 3.800 : shipments. 1,000 : the market was Sl&IUo higher ; all grades , (5.55 < Q B.OO : bulk. S5.7&5.85. &S1IBE1' Receipts. 1.300 ; shipments , none ; the market was strong for good sheep. SJS ' JIOOKS , It was the wish of Talleyrand tbat his memoirs should not bo published until the year 1890. This singular request has been observed , and the fifth and last volume baa just boon issued. In the memoirs the early events of the author's Ufa are not detailed. The narrative progresses rapidly without dwelling on the beginning of Talleyrand's ' political career. nor does It moro than touch the part ho played in the Constituent assembly , his relations with tha KrotUporsonnpcs oi that period , nor the nvs- Eions and public onlccs ho filled during' the early part of the revolution. But a few chapters nro devoted to the earlier years , while tha period from 161 to his do'ath is presentctJ in detail. The publication or tlioso manuscripts is valuable , not so much to the uvorugo reader of history as the careful and critical historical scholar. Ono must have a clear coacopt'on of that period of history to clearly understand and appreciate tha work. Moro than that , ho must have a cool Judg ment to discern the coloring imparted by the crafty diplomatist. The intention of the publication of tbo momolrs then , is not to give on account of the life of Talleyrand , or H view of the period of history in which be was a prominent figure. But it makes ac cessible to the historical student manuscripts which may throw now light on contempo raneous history. The Nebrasita Historical association has just issued a volume containing its "Transac tions and IloporU" for the year 1891. It chronicles tbo deaths and reviews the lives of several of Nebraska's pioneers O. P. Ma son , Jurlgo James W. Snvncro , Byron Hoed and Thomas 13. Cumin ? . Among other things J. Sterling Morton talks of a trip "From Nebraska City to Salt Creek in 1S55. " W. F. Kelley discusbos "Tho Indian Troubles and the Battle of Wounded Knee. " Governor Thayer , A. D. Jones , C. VV , Bishop , Ucorgo L. Miller , W. Morton Smith and others contribute - tribute romtnlscousos of early days in Ne braska. It will probably remain a mystery for some time how the humorous genius of the Atulu- sou Globe , K. W. Howe , over wrote such a miserably gloomy and depressing tala as "Tbo Story of a Country Town. " One leads to th * other. The "cut ting" ot prices leads to the sub- . stltution of worth less goods fraud ulent imitations of the genuine medicine , dilu tions of it , all sorts of cheap sub- larger profit That's the reason the makers of Dr. Plerco's medicines object to the cutting of prices and that's th reason they prevent It , on their medicines. To protect the public from fraud and imposition - position , the acnwine guaranteed medicines of Dr. n. V. Pierce are now sold only through druggists regularly authorized as agents , and always at these long-established prices : Qoldon Medical Discovery ( for the liver , blood and lungs ) , $1.00. Eavorito Prescription ( for woman's weak nesses and ailments ) , $ LOO. Pleasant Pellets ( for the liver , stomach and bowels ) , ' > cents. But they're the cheapest medicines sold , for you pay only for the good you get. The money is refunded If they don't ' benefit or cure. Bownro of spurious imitations or sub- Btttutcs at lower prices than abovo. SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards CompanX SOUTH OMAHA , est cnttlo , hog and snoop mnrkot In the west COMMISSION HOUSES , CEO. BURKE & FRAZIER LIVE STOOIC COMMISSION. TUB LEAUKIIS. S ) . OMAIIAI Write.to.thlahou reotMukat _ for cor- _ Wood Brothers , t'outh Omaha Telephone U' 7. > Chicago J.I ) . DADISMAN. I . , W. B. WOOD. fMmniujorj. Mnrkot reports by mall and wlro cheerfully furnished upon application. . Campbell Commission Co. Chicago , KustHU Louis , Kansas Olty , South Omaha , aloux Ultv. Kort Worth. _ _ A. D. Boyer &Company , 68 and M Kxohango llulldln ? , South Onuilii. Correspondence aollclteil and Promptly unswerjl. bpotuil attention to orilora foratockors .Vfeodori. ISttftbltiUed. 169) . . . . Incorporate , 13) ! Capital fullpulil , I20.0J ) . Waggoner liirney Company , Write or wlro u < for prompt and rclUblo market reporH. Perry Brothers & Company , Live Htnak Commission. Itoom 61 Kxchnngo Ilulldlnv , bouth Omaha Telephone 1707. & n , Hogarty & Oo. , Itoom 31 IltJiutl llulldltitf. South Omaha , - Not ) OMAHA ARCIIITlSCrs AND BUILDERS. J. II. Glenn , Contractors nnd sub contr.ictori for nil kinds n ! bulMIn * . iilnntorlnit iiAlntlnutc. . Allwlllroccl ( copy ot ( Jlenn's nrrhltpcU' nml builders' director ] free , by ( tending thnlr nnnio , bnnlnosj nmtkicMlur to the | inbllnlisr. J , II. ( Conn , 119 8. 14th Ktroet. Morsc-Coc Shoe Co. 1199 Howard Street. Fnctorrcornor llth and UoirjInsMrsots. \TonroimkliiKclotu prices to c.iili buyum , nnd nro clnss of KOOJS which Is very snloablo with tncrclinnti. Steven Crcedon. Mnnufnctnrcr's nceat. I cinsupply you with ovcry- thlni ; In shoes men's , nomon'a nml clillds' nt lowest fnctory prices nnd discounts. Litest styles. 1401 Kiirnam Street. Hoom 16. Kirkcnilall , Jones ir Co , Amcr.IIancScffcilSliocCo Wholcsnlo .Mfrn , Auants , Hoots , shoos rnblicrs , Ilnston IliibbcrShooCo felt KOOils. IWi , 1310 1IOM1UI-1I01 Hnrnsp-st llnrnuy-sl. BREWEUS. CLOTHING. Blolcky & Co. Giimore & Ruhl. Clothlnu.notion , furnlsli- Mnnfr . nnd Wliolesnlo Ingo. ( ilvu us n trial. clotbleri , 11UU llnruoy Bnmplos prepaid bv ox * street. press , 111J llurney. COAL , COKE , | CORNICE. "I Eagle Cornice Works Mfrs. Knlvnnlred Iron Hnrd nnd soft conl. S. K. cornice , window cups , cor. IGtli nnd metnlle skylights , etc. streets , 1110 , 1112 DodKe.st. CONTRACTORS J. II. Contrnctors nnd sub contractors for nil kinds of building , plastering , pilntlnz. eto.wlll recelro n copy of ( iienn's nrctiltccts' nnd builders' directory frt > e , by scndlnuthclr nnnia , biislnevs nnd location to tlio publisher. J. II. Glenn , 11,18. lith itnirt. DRY GOODS , SL E. Smith & Co , Kilpalrick - Koch Ory Roods , notions , fur- Dry Goods To. Notions , nUnlne poods. Corner Bents' furnishing Koodi llth and liownrd'fcts. Cor. llth aid Honard. FURNITURE. Omaha Upholstering Co , Bcebc & Ilunyan Upholstered furniture , Furniture Co. , Qrnce and 1102 1IU1 Nicholas street nth street. Wholesale only. WOODEN SIDE WALK RESOLUTION CONSTRUCTION. Council Chamber. Omalm , Nob. , July 12 , 1801 Holt resolved by tlio c'ty council of the city of Om.ilui , tlio mayor concnrtlnu' : That wooclon sldowiilks bo eoristriiptod In thoclty of Unnlia IIH ileslKtiatcd bulow , within ih o days uflcr the public.itlon of this resolu tion , or the personal sorvlco thereof , as by ordlnaneo ID uiitliorbecl nnd required : HUCII si'lc ' alks to bo laid to the u-ratio on the btroots sDOUltloil horoln. and to bo eonitructcd of nine uluuk or such width and thickness and ho HliI upon joists of such dimensions nnd In such manner us Is provrlhod hy the suoulfl- eatlons nn fllo In the olllc-o of the Hoard of 1'ubllo Works and under Its supervision , to- wlt : Houtlisldc of Sowar.l street , lots 1 to R Inclu- elvo block S , I.one's audition established grado. li font wldo. South sldo of California street , o tst 21 foot ot west 100 feet of 1 it 2 blojtc 0 , 1'urk Place , pornianuiilKrade , 6 foot wide. South sldo of Half Howard street , lot 1 block la Kedlck's sub J , I. Redlok's addition , tem porary eratio. 4 foot wldo. Month side of Half Howard street , tax lot 24 sec21-13-111 , temporary ( jrndo. 4 foot wldo. South hluo of Ilivlf Ilowurd street , lot a" . W. A. Uedlck's addition , temporary Krado , 4 feet wide. And bo It further renolvoa : That the Ho.ir.l of I'uullc Work ? bo nnd tiorcby Is authorlzod nnd dlrootud to cause. : i copy of this resolution to bo published in the olnclal paper of I lie city for one week , or bo served an the owners of Raid lots anil unless such owners slmlt within IIvo dayn nftcr the publication or service of such copy construct laid sidewalks as heroin rcnnlrod , that the Ho.ird of 1'ubllo Works cause the a.iinu to no lone , the cost of coiiHtruetlni ; said sldowulks respective y to bo useisj.l against the real ostato. lot or puj-t of lot In front of and abut- tint ; such slduwalKs. I > ' ' a83oajulyl"181r'5..r. DAVIS. I'resldentof tlio Council Attest ! JOHN OKOVK8. Ulty Olork. Approved ! OKO. 1' . HK.MIH , Mayor. NOTIOR TO OON3TKUOT SIDRWALICB. To tho1 owners of tlio lots , p'irts of lots and real estate duscrlbed In the ubovu rosolu- You'atid oich of you are horaby notified to construct wooden sldowalks as ru < | iiliud by u rosolutlon of tlio city council nnd mayor or .ho city of Omaha , of which the above Is u copy. 1' . W. IHKKHAUKBK. Chairman Hoard of 1'ubllo Work * . Omahn. Nob. , July 21. 13JU. jyJldTt To thoownera of all lot ? , inrth of lots anil ronl cbtatoalonta.'itli | avoniio from I.eavon- worth strcot to south line of Kills 1'lncoi You are hoioby notlllol that the iindor- slttnud. tiuoudlsintorcstcd frooholdi'rs of the city of Oniuha , have boon duly appointed I/ ) the mayor , lth the approval of thn city couno.l of sild city , to HHSOSS tlio duinaeu to .ho owners resncetlvoly of the projierty iif- 'oclcu by KruillnxIIUli nvuniiu from l.oavon- wotthstroot tohouth llnuof Kills I'laco. do- olured iioucbsury by ordlnanco No. UlUO.p issed July 5 , I to. , approvttd July II , 1H. ) . > , You are further notllio.l , that liavlnx accepted - coptod said appointment , and duly qualified HH required by law , wo will on the 1st , day < if August , A , U. Ih'J. . at the hour of lilo'clocK In tha forenoon , at the ollico of John I' . 1'lnc.lc , at room & . " > ! , Ohiimbor of Uoininurcu , within the corporate ! limits of said ulty , meet for the mrposii of eoiiHlUerliri and inuklnt the us- essmont of ( liunnno to the ownurs renpeut- voly of saltl propoity. nll'oetoil by N tld L-rad- iig. taklni ; Into uonsldcrittlan siioclul bono- Ith. If anv. You are notified to bo present nt the tlmo and plneo aforesaid , nml iniiko uny objections oorstuuimonta coiuornliu a ld iiHsosiiuunt of dniuuKca us you may i-oriHlilur liropur. JOHN K. KI.AUIf. T. II. McL.UM.UUII. . JOHN n. IUIVIH : : : Omahn. July IP , 1833. JyUldlOt Not leu to UontraiitiirH. f-ouled proixisiils will bo received at the ollico of the school director of school dmtrlct s'o. 1 of ThurHton county , Nubriisku , at l'im- lur. until H o'clock p. m. . Aiu-iibl I , IKK. , for iiilldlni ; u H\-IOOIII | brluk wchool hoiisn ac- ordlnK to iilanx iiud spoolfluatlonv thatcu.i 10 bcun at the olllcu of ttald sehool director on an i nftor July Ml , ihir. . Konu hut thu lowust nmiionslhlo bid will bo accunteil nnd the board rosorvu thu rl.'ht to ojcct nnv and ull btdu. Dulod lit 1'undur. illy 15. IK'.rJ. ' ' lly or.lorof tlio Hoard of Truntros. Jy20d7t JU1IN BTOU'i' , Director. NOTICE OP ASSESS M ENT OF DAMAGES - AGES I 'OU GUAWING. To the oivuvr * of ull Iot , part ut lots uud GROCERIES. | DRUGS , ETC. D. M. Slcclc&Co. Blake. Brace & Co -IM..Tones Ktroot , 10th and llarno j itra Omiltn. Omsh . HARDWARE llcdor & Wilhclinj Co. Lobcck & Lino. Corner 10th nml Jnckson In linrdtrnro nn4 strecti. iiinlcM' UuiH. UUI Douitlna Mreot. A. C. llamcr. j' hnnt\v.iro nnd contractors' Mi | > pllcs , Ml South Hlli street , LUMUHR. Clias. II. Leo. John A. Wakcficlil. UnriliTOoil lumber , wood Importoil.Amcrlcnn Port * carpet * niul parquet bin t cement Mltwuukoj llorliii : . lijilrnnlli ) coincnt nml Dili nnd UotiKlns. ( jnlncy wlilto llmo. LIQUORS. Her & Co. Frick & Herbert Liquor merchants , till \Vholcsil3 IMunr itoilor llnnier "t. .Mfrn. Krn- , 1UU1 KuriiHm st ncd'a KnH India lilt- tors. MILLINEUV. J. Obcrfcldtr & Co , linpnrlprn nnd Johlicrs of mllllin-ry. iiotloiii. Mnll onlora prompt. Ji-l2Soutli lltli > t. MUSICAL. A. Hospe , Jr. Tlic Mcinberg Co. 1'lnnos , organs , artists' TO N ICth st. IMnnos , mnterlnlH , etc. inutlc nml inneilcAl In * 1MS tlotmlns street. itrumentBOt nil kinds. PALJHR. I OILs. Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. Cnrry n. full stock of printing , snipping nnd llctlncd nnd lubrlcntlng nrltlng pnp. r , cnrd pn- oils , nilu urease , etc. pcr. etc. OVERALLS , SniUTS , ETC. ina & Smeai Mfr3 of " 1C * B" pants shirts and nTernlla , etc. 6U-18 South lltliet. J. B. Husc & Co. Jas. A. Clark & Co. Ouruppclnltles : nutter , Hnttcr. ohceso. eggs . poultry aiulua-no. vvk'x and poultry. 1U1.I How.trd t. 317 bouth 13th st. W. li. Riddell. Hidden & Co. ( Kstnbllthed 1635. ) llutter , clu'cso , eggs , tap holCMilu butter nnd etublua , fruits , poultry IVIM. llnys nnd soils for nnduanio. c'ili. : 4US. llthst. STOVE REPAIRS. \ Stovoropnlrs nnd water nttnchmcnts for any klnil 01 move mndo. SASH. TOYS. ronl estate nlonj Martha street from 2Mb to Von nro hereby notified that the undor- slzned. three disinterested freeholders of fhe i city of Uin.iha. have been duly appointed oy 1 the mayor , with the approv il of the olty ' council of sild city , to assess the damages to thn owners respectively of the property af fected by grading Martha street from "Mtii to 2lth streets , del-lured necessary by ordinance number 312H , pxsso I July 5th , 183. , and up- proved July llth. IBM. You nro further notified , thathavlng ac cented sild nppo ntiiiunt.aiidiluly uiiatlflcdas reiiu'rcd ' bv lawwo will , on tlio 1st day of An- Kiibt. A. D.'lh ! ) ? , lit the hour of li o'clok In the foionoon. at the oilier-of Hnrlvorfc O'Donahoo , )4wi ) : Tarn un Mreot , within the corporate lim its of said olty. meet for the purpose of con- Biilerliif ! the making Mild imassmunt of duni- ncns to the owner * resnoctlvoly ot s ild proo- orty. lUlucted by salU urullni ; . taking Into consideration atmuliil benefits. If nny. Yon ard notified to bo present at the tlmo an ( place aforesaid , and make nny objections toorst.itomonUcoiicernlnK said nisessment of damages as you may coupler proper. > V CJ h 11 ill V r < Ilf > OKU. J. 1'AUU JAMES 9 L'OOKDAI.E. Omaha , July 18th. ISO. Jy21dl0t NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OP DAMAGES FOR GRADING. To the owners of all lots nnd parts of lots and real estate uloiu the alloy In block 5 , Im provement AisoeliUlon Hildltlon : You are hereby notlfiod that the under signed , three disinterested freeholders of the city of Omaha , have been dulv anplontod by the mayor , with the approval of the city coun cil of said city , to assess thud1 mage to the owners respectively of the ! > ro | irty alToctod by jtrailliiB nlley In block .1 , Imp jvemontAs- Hoclutlon addition , declared t fcessary by ordinance XI2J , passed July fith , UK. approved July llth. 1&01 1C. You am further notified , that having ac cepted Mild appointment , and duly ( iiialluod ns remilred hy liuv. we will , on the I'Stli ilny of ( July , A , I ) . . IS ! ) . ' , at the hour of 11 o'clock In thu forenoon , at tlio ollico of T. 11. MoOulloeh , room mi , Now Yoik 1/lfo building , within the J corporate limits of snld city , meet for the pur pose of oonslcIerliiK and maklnir the assem- inent of dnniaKo to thu owner * respectively of 3 said property. afTecteU by "aid eradlnir , taking Into consideration special benoflltt , If any. You nro notlfloil to bo present at the tlmo 3I nml place aforoiiilil , and ninko iny objoctloni to or stntcnicnts concernlni : said iisseasnienti uf daniaxui us you nwy consider proper. I JOHN li. UKKVK. ' UIIAHLESU THOMAS. Omaha , July 15th , 18U2. JlOdlOt I'ropouitlH for CnrpetniK tlm OHIem In tin > City Hall , Oiiialui , Neb , PoaloJ bids marked "I'rcmas.il for ciirpotlnz ifllcoH In the cltr hall biillillne. Omahn. Neb. , " will be received at tIi ) > ollluo of thu oltv ' conm- trollor u > 4 p. m. July UMtli , 18J. . I'liu blJs iha'l ' Do for fnrnlnliln : carpet ! ! and linoleum is nny ho roijulro-J by the committee of pub- Jo property and buildings , for ourputliiK > ! llcfs In the mi lit olty ha I as inny hu uitliorl/ to ho eiirpoteil by mild commlttoo lurliiK the ye.ir IRk Thu Haiti bldx uhall ipeclfy thu prlco per yarj for both catpeta mil linoleum nnd Khali cover nml Include tlio irlueof luyliii ! linoleum , nnd of m.iKliijf , lln- IIK "Mil layniK cirpoti. Linoleum to be of thu bust quality anil American make , mill urpeU to bu boily Ilrus.iils of either thu Hartford , Lowell or ItlKulow hrundH A iirlllled chock of I.OJ to accompany u.ich bid. llio rlisht IH reserved tonccnptor reject nny ur all bliU. TIIUODIW.S OMKN , Jul.v jHd , 18J- . ' , Coin pt roller. K Kl I'ropomilH for Carpetliij ; C'ouiu-ll C'lininhur In Olty Hull , Oinulin , Noli. Senle'l ' biilH , marked "Proposals for Carpet- lux Council Ch.unber In Uity Hall , Oniuha. Neb , , " will be ruoolvud at the ofllcu of thu elty fomptroilor. to 4 p , m. August Uh. 48'Xi Thu \ blilH bolni ; for eurputlni ; the council chamber . within the rail , Hjch bl.lH to ulro kind and luulity of oirnul , iinil total cost complete , lull ) down , A certified check ot SIO'J ' to uccom- piiny ouch bid , Thu rlKht U reserved to no- liuut or reject any or nil lilds. Jy''VdOt THliO 01.HKN , Comptroller. Notlmt to Contructom anil Iliilliliin. L t'orthoereetlonof anew CathoMo church m I'ortsinoiHh , Khelby County. low.u tint IlidH will bo received until Au iimth. ) 189J I'liuia and spuellloiitloiuuHii bosoisn at the 1111- JerHlgnu 1 , who will aUo cheerfully civ" Infer * matiou to parties wlHhlnx tn hand In a bid , HKV. I' . W. IIOl'l'MAN , I'ortsmoutb ' , Uliolby Couutjr , low * . ni