8 THE OMAHA DAILY BHG : SATURDAY , JULY 23 , 1892. K&MPBR , H UNDLB Y DR Y GOODS COMPANY ann rn YG H Worth Strppt } 2-114-116 North Fourth Street , New York. St. Joseph , Mo. We have now on display one of the largest stocks ever , opened in any western mar ket - We have greatly increased all our lines to meet the demands of our constantly in < greasing business ] The following are some of our specialties : . , ; Domestic and Imported \ LWool Wool Hosiery Flannel and Cotton Shirts , leans Pants , Cottonade Overalls Lined Duck Pants , , GoodsH We are fully abreast of the times in our methods of doing business. We want the trade of all first class merchants. Look at our traveling men's samples. Call on us when you come to market. We will make you close prices. KEMPER , HUNDLEY & McDONALD DRY GOODS CO. , ST. JOSEPH , MISSOURI ,