Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Decided Improvement in All Lines of Trade
respite the Warm Weather.
PS of Kxcrodlncly TJIFRO Crops I.cmls
a Now Impetus to Trndo nnd Itvports
from HiiMnoM Ccntors Arn Flnttorlng
Tlio Clearing llougo Statomonts.
Nnw YOIIK , July S53.-H. Q. Dun & Co.'s
wealrly review of tiodo says : There h i\ dis
tinct Improvement , not only In transactions
in companion with the satno tlmo last year ,
but also in prospects for tbo coming season.
ProsnccU of spring wheat nro remarkably
good , and reports from many of tbo states
surpass all expectations. Wheat has risen
2 cent * In npltoof western roculots , nmnunt-
Inrf to 1,180,000 bushels , in three days , against
exports Of 908,000 bushels. Oats also roro 1
cent and pork products are higher , and corn
advanced Itf cents. In coffco there was n
ellgbt advance , and in oil n fractional do-
cllno. llut in the cotton market n decline of
a sixteenth occurred on the sales of 600,000
Itoport * from IltMlnon Cmitori.
Dry goods nt Boiton Is active , xvltH liberal
western orders. Cotton mills are actively
employed , nnd orders will keep the woolen
mills crowded for some time , wbllo the boot
and shoo makers are lull ; the rubber works
nro busv , leather ilrro , and wool freely
bought by manufacturers , sales reaching
1,500,000 pounds for the week.
At Philadelphia trade In most lines Is fair ,
but inoro firm in manufactured iron , wbllo
wool sales nro largo nnd the grocery trada is
excellent for the season.
Manufactured iron Is stiffened at Pitts-
burg by the closing of many mills , aud tbo
works'at Cleveland are oushed beyona their
capacltv. There U some advance in
structural iron. Trade is bettor than last
The clothing trade nt Cincinnati Increases ,
nnd the trade In shoes Improves.
In all loading lines trade exceeds last
year's at Chicago and prospects for maturing
collections are vary healthy. Haaolnts of
wh'-at nnd corn fall short this wecic , but the
u.iuul largo Increase appears In cured moats ,
4 ho s and catllo , with receipts of Hour double ,
> of outs thrno times nnd of barley and rye
four ttmos last year's.
At Milwaukee traao is satisfactory. From
Minnesota reports Indicate a reproduction
of lust year's great crop.
At St. Paul trade U quiet.
At Dninth the tone of lumber , building
materials and flour was never more satls-
At. St. Louts trade Is fair.
Receipts of cattla are liberal at Kansas
City and trudo fairly good.
Trmli ! Kxcollout ut Umnlin.
At Omaha general trade Is excellent.
At Denver trade is very good. At Memphis -
phis trade is fair , but nt other southern
Eolnts dullness appours. Ham is reported to
ave slightly nllcctcd cotton. Considerable
improvement Is seen in Now Orleans , thouga
sugar is strung and nco llrm.
Southern sales depress prices of pig iron ,
but bar , plates and structural iron are very
active and higher.
Lnko copper is xvcak with largo sates at
ll1 cents. Tlu lower , at 20.GO cents and
load at 4 cents. A further advance in an
thracite coal is proposed , but soft coal has
sold at $ J at Philadelphia.
The stock market has boon lltUo affected
f by the veto of tbo Burlington & Qulnoy to
withdraw from tbo Western Tronic associa
tion. Flno crop prospects and the coming
adjournment of congress gives strong opn-
rutors a basis for a successful campaign
/ against the shorts. Money Is unusually
, jilonty.
Merchandise exports In throe weeks of
July are only half of 1 per cent larger than
last year , wbilo In imports a largo Increase
The business talluro ? occurring through
out tbo country during tbe last seven days
number 187 , as compared with 100 last woo'k.
For the corresponding week of last year the
IIgn res were 251.
cri.uuN : nousi : STATKMKNTS.
Omaliik Again I.cmN In tliu I'nrcontngo of
Incrcnso HoportH from Other Cltlcn.
NKW YOIIK , July 2J. Tno following table ,
compllo'd by Uradstroat's , gives the bank
clearings for the wock ending July 21 ,
with percent ago of increase or decrease , us
compared with the corresponding week of
last year :
Bun-da WOIIIIIII'H I.llo.
Mr , J. 15. Tliorout-'liitooJ , writing from
Oooivotovvn , Djlinvaro. says : "Two tea-
epjonfuU of Chamborlaln'A Colic , Cholera
and U : > rrliu.i Kamedy savnd the Ilfo of Mrs ,
June Tbomui of this plaoo. " Ho also states
that several other very cases of bowel
complaint there have boon cured by this
ro oJy , For salu by dmirxUt * .
The Bouj. Harrison club of the north
end will not hold their regular mooting
Sttturday ovonlng , the 2Urd inst on no-
count of primaries to bo hold at tilth
und Lulto Atreots on that dato. Mem
bers of the cnib are requested to bo
proflunt at the prhnurlos.
Gio. : K. WILSON , Prosldont.
Tlio United brotherhood of Carpoutora and
Joluora of Amend will hold a sorlut ot open
niootliurs In tlio lulorost of orguulzod labor ,
tbu Hr3t to bo glvou by union No. ( V3J of
Omnlin , Monday ovonlnff , July US , at Moti'n
ball on BoutU Tlilftooulli alroot , the suoouii
by union No. 53 at tUolr null , 1313 Dougla *
strcot , Thursday orenln ? , July 20. Thcso
will bo mass moottngs nnd all mon nnd
\vomon who are interested In organized labor
nro luvltoil tu nitond nt thee mootlocs.
Mr. O. J. Kent , vtco proilJont and socro *
tnry of the grand oxocullvo board of the
United lirothorhood ot Carpenter * anil
Jomora of America , and prominent soonkors
Will address the meetings.
No other Saruipnrllla has the merit by
which Hood's Sarsannrllla has won such a
firm hold upon the confidence ol the pooulo ,
Troanuror Iroy' * 1'lrnt Itopurt Sliowlnt tlio
llniiliion * of Ills Onico.
County Treasurer Iroy lus balanced his
books for the first half ycnr of his term of
onico , ending July t , 1892. The following Is
a recapitulation of his record :
On hand January 7 , 18'rj. . I170.IGI Kl
Taxes collected . 497,08.1 0.1
Hclioo ) Innil money ncollootocl . . . . . . . . I.lfo rt )
Mlscolliincoui collections . H.745 ItO
Mis ollHiiooiiB fees. , > . . . . . . MM til
Onmlm city UxiH collected . CU.4II 10
"oiitli Omnlm elty tuxes collector ! . . . . la * 41
AdvurtliltiE on Oinaliu uiul youth
Oiiinh i tux . . . . . . . 18310
Hotpltnl Intlldlnz fund , prlnclnal. . . . 1.1M XI
Hotpltnt IntlMliK fund. Interest . llll 72
Ucdomptlnn nionoy collected . 00,831 00
Bacolvud frcln stnto for nohool an-
pOrtlontnont . 27,278 2J
Hccolvoil from Htato for collection nt
fltfxto tn.xos . , . . . . 3,45500
Kor deposit Intoroit . 517 5'J '
I'roin Nobranku Central r\ll\vuy : for
spuolal oluotlon . . . fi.OOu 00
Total receipts . . . .JT.'WU 17
Warrants rodoomud . 8IW.2.1I 87
Hospital \\nrrantircdoomcd . 1.707 77
I'am to tiito treusnrer . 127.059 K )
1'ald to school district ! ) . 7.011) ) (11 (
1'n Id to apportionment districts . W.MJ no
I'uld oonds and coupons . 2.500 1)1 )
I'.ild to vIlhiKOtroiuurori . 742 C ! )
I'ald to city troasurorof Omahn . 01'JM 44
1'ald to olty treasurer of bouth i
Omaha . 2050.1
Paid to city treasurer of Florence. . . . BUI no
Uodemptlon money paid . KI.U'.W ' SO
HnlnrlOHpald . 5.00012
Iload supervisors receipts rcdocmca 1,41(1 ( 00
Total . 8513,505 70
State funds on hand July I. Ib02. . . * . . 47 , H 48
County Kuni-ral fund . 5S.U11 > Id
Special sohoolillstrlot fund . 1D.U87 HI
Apportionment fund . 0,476 H
School bond fund . fl,72J 01
llallro id bond slnklnir fund . 13,8 2 45
Olty of Omaha fund . lla" 4 b7
Iload fun'l . 13.01471
llridKOfund . 4.01)25
Hospltil building fund . (15000 (
Olty ot South Omaha fund . 'J75 117
Olty or Kloronco fund . 2SS 12
Village of Waterloo fund . 5353
VlllacoOf Mlllurd fund . 20033
VllliiKOuf Ulchorn fund . 21237
Uudoinptlon monev fund . 10,5833(1 (
Soldiers relief fund . U'fl 48 olootlon fund . 4,27350
Klorencus duwulk fund . S ) U'J
IVofuml . 0.831 71
Total . JJ09.MXJ07
Due from village of Valley. . 1MB I
Not balance. . S.VJ.74S 47
Compared with satno porlod of IbOl , Treas
urer Irov's report shows to * snlondlu ad-
vimtORO. Ho colUctod $397.USa.o3 In tnxos
aealnst $ ' , ! 3C,291 last year , and had a gain of
$3,007 In miscellaneous collections. In Omaha
city taxcq ho collected > 9 , 131 , wbllo his
predecessor secured but $ -3,041 in the corresponding
pending six months of last year. In re
demption nionoy Mr. Irov secured $90,000 In
MX moatba , against $01,000 for the corresponding
pending porlod In 1891. Ho paid the stnto
treasurer $127,059,83 as against $70,830 for the
corresponding period in 1391 , and paid for
the same period 5tH,318. 14 to the city treas
urer of Omaha as asalnst$13,8'Ji : for last year.
There is a balance in the fund with all sal
aries and cxDODsos of the oflloo paid ot
$0,834.71. Under the 5 per cent commlsslen
on tax sales , of which the present incumbent
bat been deprived the benefit , the fee fund
would have been ft'JS4 lancer than Its pres
ent hcalthv slzo.
J'lrth Wnril jCopubl leans.
There will bo a mooting of the Fifth
Ward Republican club this evening nt 8
o'clock in Erflinar'u hall , near Corby
street , on Sherman nvonuo , for the pur
pose of reorganizing. All old members
of the club nnd republicans of the ward
are earnestly requested to bo present.
llKNUV BOLLN , president.
1'lnccs Tor Holding the Ward itlortlncs Tor
btutn Convuntlon Preliminaries.
The republican county convention , to select
delegates to the state convention , will beheld
hold at Washington ball on Monday ,
August I.
The primaries will bo hold in Omaha and
South Omaha on Saturday , July 30.
The caucuses will be liolu this even
ing to name candidates to bo voted upon at
the primaries. Tbo caucuses will bo held in
the various wards as follows :
First Ward Eleventh and Pierce streets.
Second Ward Kaspar'a hall , South Thir
teenth street.
Third Ward-1130 Dodge.
Fourth Ward Judge Anderson's offlco.
Fifth Ward 1810 Sherman twonuo.
Sixth Ward Twenty-sixth and Lake
Seventh Ward 1312 Parlt avcnuo.
Eighth Ward a'J3i Cuming street.
Ninth vVnrd 21)08 ) Farnam stroot.
South Omaha Young Mon'a Uopubllcan
club rooms.
The prlmarlo * will bo held on Saturday ,
July 30 , from noon until 7 o'clock in the evening -
ing , at the following places :
First Ward Eleventh nnd Pierce strooU.
Second Ward Sixteenth ana Williams
Third Ward 114 North Twelfth street.
Fourth Wnrd-)34 ! ) South Fifteenth street.
Fifth Word 1810 Shermau nvonub.
Sixth Ward Twenty-fourth ana Lake
Seventh Ward 13U3 f ark avonuo.
Eighth Ward 2Ui3 Cuming stroot.
Ninth VVnrd 20)3 ) Farnnm street.
South Omaha Young Moa's Republican
club rooms.
tVurd Ituiiililicain. |
The ofllclal caucus for the selection of dol-
ogutos to bo voted for at the primaries will
bo bold at Zimmerman's store corner
Eleventh and Pierce streets , Saturday evening -
ing , July 33 , at 8 o'clock. All republicans of
the ward should bo tboro.
becnml Ward KupubllcniiH ,
There will bo a ctucus mootlngof the ward
at Kaspor hall South 13tn street Saturday
nt 8 p. in. , to uldct delegates to the oounty
convention ny order of county central com
Mooomt Ward ilopuhUcaiu.
There will bo a moating of tbo club at
Kuspor's hall Saturday at 7:30 , all republi
cans of the ward attend.
A. C. HAHTI : , Secretary.
To tlio I'ulillo.
I have no hosltatancy in rouommonding
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Dlurrbtoa
romed.v lo the public , ns I do to my friends
and patrons. I mod it myself after other
well known romonlcs had falloa ana It curail
mo in u few rAluutes. I recommend it cun-
dtdly and nboorfully upon Its merits , not
from u llnauclal standpoint , because I bavo
others In atonic on which L make a larger
proltt , but bocaujo Chamberlain's U tbo best
remedy I know of for bowel complaints.
There 1s no doubt about It , It does the work.
Foliar , Druggist , MoVoytown , 1'ouu.
riltli Ward ICoimbllcuu Cuiimu.
A caucus of the Fifth ward republican
voturs will bo hold at Killing's hall oa
Sherman avenue at 8 p.m. , 123d Inst.
By urdur central committee.
Only Two Days Loft of the Most Awful
Bankrupt Sale
Only Nineteen Hour * to Crowd Out the
llnlnnco of the Stuck Trade In Other
Stores rnr. lypil The Ponplo
flock to Us.
It's true , wo hnvo already sold thous
ands of doilnrs worth of this Stonohlll
bankrupt sloolc , but there tire still n few
thousand that remain nnd tire untouuhoJ
which must bo closed out \Ylthout soru-
plo or hesitation whether they bring in
dollars or cants to u ynrd.
Out they liol
Pin tins to your dross !
Don't lose It ; don't forgot ill
Act upon it !
Two day * moans , nil told , bnroly nlno-
teen short houi s. In ihoao few hours ,
which will lly only too qulckly/bnrirnins
will bo so plontyivnd so great that every
ininuto will bo valuable to you.
Don't dclny nn instant.
You can safety say thousands of pco-
plo will ho in our store tomorrow , all
caper to bo waited on.
\Vo have hired extra salespeople.
\Vo have pot all the goods as handy
as possible.
And for the past day wo have boon
outline and marking down the prices
npaln and again until now there s not
enough price to cut.
Got In anywhere , anyhow.
Buy whilst you can.
Only a few hours loft of
The absolutely greatest Omaha bank
rupt sale of
Dry poods over witnessed.
Stonohill'a entire stock of challios ,
tissues , Java cloths , hcdford cords and
all wash goods and white dross goods ,
worth up to 2jc , go at Co a yard.
Stonohill's entire stock of heavy and
fine unbleached pecs at 3o a
Stonohill'a entire stock of heavy shirt-
Inps pees at oo a yard.
StonohlU's entire stoclc of double fold
drapery bunting , In all shades , go at 5c
a yard.
Stonohill's entire stock of 12jo outing
llannel at do a yard.
Stonohill's entire stock of black wool
prcnadlno , worth up to 23c a yard , goes
at Tie.
Wo will try to close out everything in
the building no matter what it brings.
Hcmomber Monday nipht is tho.cndof
Stonohill's old stand.
And that today wo keep open until
10 at night.
Don't forget !
flight next to the Boston Store.
Spectacles adjustca for defoetlvo
vision. Dr. Cullimoro , R. 224 , Boo bldg.
Miss Manatt's second loiter descriptive of
a raid of the Polopounoso appears in next
Sunday's BEE and is even moru charmingly
piquant than tbo first. The party didn't ac
complish Its design ot crossing Taygotus
after all , nod how itwassta.vcd at Mrstra by
a drunken Innkeeper and tbo subsequent ad
ventures make excellent reading Miss
Munutt bag a rare faculty of Individualizing
her writing so that the reader at once and
all the tlmu feels that bo , or she , is one of
the party and participant in all Its pleasures
and trials.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for chil
dren teething euros wind collcdlarrhcoa , ate.
25 cents a bottle.
The K\K \ T leiniplier8.
The reunion of the Socloty of Military
Telegraph Corps and the Old Timers will
occur in this olty September 11 and 15. Mem
bers of tbo two organizations will bo hero
from all parts of thu country. Arrangements
have boon made to catortaln them in a befitting -
fitting manner.
Coming with Novr Features.
Whan P. T. Barnum began his career as a
showman tbo one-ring circus was the
"raoga thorium" of the a ay , and under
his guidance it grew like a sunflower
stallc until ho could carry It on further ,
when James A. Bailey , Its present manager ,
took vno leadership and bus piloted it to a
magnitude and magnificence no other exhi
bition has over attained. From season to
season llttlo shows have sprung up like as
paragus hoadn over night , followed in the
wake of the Burnum & Bailey show ilko.
small boys behind tbo band wagon , but the
chariots of this exhibition , which comes Sep
tember 14 , have led the procession , and it has
bad only its own great record to excel.
This year Mr. Bailey has caught the
World's fair spirit , and his show oversteps
the conventional circus line and becomes a
great amusement institution , where instruc
tion and entertainment blond in true kinder
garten effect. Agents who bavo searched
tbo archives of the Brlttsa museum and
the historic wealth of Spain have made
accurate contributions to the great spectacle
of "Columbus nnd the Discovery of
America , " whlcD bas received spoatacular
treatment at tbo hands of Imro ICiralfy ,
and is pronounced by all who bavo seen it
tbo master theatric production "of the ago.
The stirring events of 400 years ago bare
been vivified , ana the great living tableaux ,
clad in the picturesque costuming of
tbo 15th century , enlivened by music
bearing the ear marks of that age and panto-
tntrnlcullv counterfeiting tbo hlstorio cli
maxes familiarized by thojohool histories ,
presents an object lesson full ot instruction ,
patriotism and inspiration. But , wbilo all
this bas boon added , tbo other departments
of this matchless show bavo not been lost
sight of. Artists from all the oolobratoa
European centers have boon brought bore to
shine in this circus , the best rider * aud
horses bavo boon secured for the hippo-
aromo , the museum has many Btrango and
odd additions , tno most weird of illusions
have ocen secured and the monagorlo is the
most complete and comprehensive. Tbo
rosier of employes Is 1.300 and includes a
ballot of 400 dancing girls Imported from
Milan , Itajy , SOO choristers nnd instrument
alists of excellent musical ability and a
wbolo roglmont of soldiers in the resplen
dent panoply of Spanish chivalry all wbom
take part In tbo gorgeous foioi and procot-
slooal displays in tbo spoutaolo of Columbus.
The show does not coma until September 11
and that It Is the only "greatest show on
earth" the people of Omaha Ions ago con
ceded , _
Control Hchobl 1'luiu.
The piatis for the proposed now school
building on the Central site have boon pre
pared aud today they will bo placed on
exhibition in tbo rooms of the Builders aud
Traders exchange.
DoWitt'sSarsaparllla cleanses tbo blood.
The Tolephonu llulldliiR.
It will DO a month before the contract tot
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
the I.CTT . UAaobone exthnfcco U lot nnd April
will dawn baforo tho.b ljdlng is occupied by
the t fepbonp people
All tbliU duo to IhVVlrllro at HomonoaJ ,
contractor * not bclnKirvllling to bid on tbe
steel tea mi noccsurjUt * Hi construction.
As it U to boo Urxprooi building throughout ,
largely built of Iron HAd glass , the strike in
tno Carnegie mills msV * ' it Imoosslblo for
contractors to flgura intclllgoutlv upon tbo
work to ba done. It Is ( ho hope of Mr. Yost ,
however , that the Umlbuitloi between tbo
locked out mon and thejpmployor * bo amloa *
bly settled nt n neArby date 10 that the
building may ba materially pushed to com
pletion. n
Dlson o never auoc&k'irullv attacks the ays
torn with pure blood.onjewltt's Sarsaparllla
makes euro , now blooj ud onrlcbci blood.
TO I.\TKHIUU ; iJtantvcr , \r/Hivi/.v.
Next SandnT's BKE will bo as intorfstlnp ,
Instructive and ontartnming as reader could
dcslro. The hosted term is trying , but DPR
workers risn superior to its discomforts , and
this week they bavo trnrnorod sucb a store ot
Rood things for alt taitos as cannot fall to
llclclo the most dlvorso p.ilntcs. Damps In
tbo llttlo stntos ovur the water are fully re
corded. The high Jinks of the lively llttlo
countries that lie t'other oldo of the Isthmus
ara carefully chronicled. Athomo tbo dvmp
throbs ot nnothcr session ot congroas nro
noted. Of special features tboro are Frank
Carpenter'.1 * account of tbo Uusslau tumlno ,
Miss Wiuifrsd Ma > n\ttN sccouu latter ilu-
lightfully doacrlptlvn of how the Poloponncs-
Ian rulders dla not cross Tnycolus , Dean
Uardnor'8 contribution from a lode on the
fringe of a vast wilderness in Wisconsin , nnd
Ton Uroock's qulzzlonl account of some ud-
ventures had by Cbrlstlnn ICndoavorors In
Now York which are not recorded In the
minutes of tbo great convention. The com'
ingot thoShriaen nnd Knights TomnlHr and
general frntornal news , woman's doings the
world over , local society chronicle , the world
of sport , and the political situation , all llnd
pluco i i THE SUNDAY BrB.
Eye and oar surgeon , Grant Ctilll-
liioro , room 224 , Boo building1.
Knights Templar Kxcurjlonii.
CoramonciiKj July 25th the Chicago ,
Rock Island & Pacific railway will soil
tickets to DonvorSalt Lrxlco and Helena ,
Montana , at half faro for the round trip.
Tickets on sale until Aug. 10th , good to
return until Oct. 10th. The Colorado
llyor , leaving nt 1:20 : p.m. , serves dinner
In dining car after departure from
Omahn. This is the only direct route
with elegant , through sleepers to Denver -
vor , Colorado Springs , Alanltou and
Puoblo. Take the Rock Island and you
will bo satisfied you have soloctod'the
best Ticket olllco 1002 tfarnam st.
Awnrilcd oinu Contracts.
The Board ot Public Works met yesterday
afternoon to open Dlds for tbo grading ot
Twenty-second street from Locust to Spen
cer and Marcy street , from Tblrty-ilrst to
Thirty-second. John Condon was the lowest
bidder nt 14JJ cents per cubic yard.
For sloping banks nnd filling nulsanco lota
tbo contract wont to , Kntz & Callaban on a
Callahan on a bid of 8 cents pur cubic yard.
Do Witt's Sarsaparilla is rollanlo.
Btonoaill's ' Entire Homnining Stock of Gents'
Furnishicp Goods Must Go Today. !
If Yon Hnvo Xnt ( lot Dollar * llrlng Cent * !
liny Something ! Anything You See
Is a HlgRor IlnrKiiln Than
Kvor ( liven llcluro.
All of Stonohill's oOo outing llannol ,
cheviot , Madras cloth and other work
ing shirts that wo ndvortiscd luat week
for 2oc , go today at loo.
. Stonohill'a llno. t p ratio elegant black
saloon and fancy summer negligee shirts
will bo closed out today at 4Uc.
Ail ot thu finest pratio silk striped
Norfolk llannol shirts , imported cheviot
shirts and all other high grade shirts ,
worth up to & 100 , go at 61.10.
All of Stonohill's Fronoh nock balbriggan -
briggan underwear that wo advertised
last week for Uoo , pees today at llc. )
Stonohill's 7oc underwear that wo ad
vertised last week at 3Uc , goes today
at 25c.
Slonohill's $1.00 underwear that wo
sold last week at (50o , goes tomorrow at
And his very finest , grades of fancy
striped and imported underwear go at
Stonohill's best 25o grade 4-ply linen
collar ; go at 7u oach. All the latest
styles , stand-up and turn-down , any size
you want.
Your choice of Stonohill's entire stock
of moil's suspenders for le. )
Stonohill's entire stock of inon'a un-
laundorcd shirts , worth up to $1.00 , gees
at 2.3c , 39o and 40c
Stonohill's entire remaining stock of
men's socks , seamless , black , fancy col
ored lioan , go at lOc , 12Jc , 15c , lOo a
pair , worth up to 60c.
Stonohill'rt linost shirt waists for boys
that ho sold from 50c to 75c each , go at
23c apiece , all sizes , colors and stylos.
Your choice of Stonohill's entire stock
of men's line silk neckwear worth up to
81.00 , for loc.
Your choice of 5,000 silk belts , does
away with auspotidors for hot wouthor ,
worth 60c , for lOc today.
Your choice of 5,000 line leather bolts
for 25c.
Open until 10 tonight at
N. W. corner 10th and Douglas.
r ,000,000.
Vitrified paving brick for salo. Wo
will contract to deliver the above
amount within the next ninety days.
BuckslalT Bros. Manufacturing co'm-
pany , Lincoln , Neb
r *
Scalp , and hair jiothing in the whole world is so cler.nsing , so purifying , and so
beautifying as.Qic celebrated CuricunA SOAP , the most effective skin purifying and
beautifying soap in the world , as well a ? purest and
sweetest for toilet and nursery. For irritating and scaly
eruptions of the skin and scalp , with dry , thin , and fall
ing hair , red , rough h'anOs , with shapeless nails , and
simple rashes and blemishes of infancy and childhood ,
it is absolutely incomparable. Thousands of grateful
mothers pronounce it the only perfect baby soap.
Is the only cure for pimples and blackheads , because
the only preventive of inflammation and clogging of the
pores , the cause of many minor affections of the skin , scalp , and hair.
when their tender skins arc literally on fire with Itching ,
, caly. and blotchy skin and scalp UUcascs , none but mothers
realize. A single application of the CUTICVKA Kniinmcs will afford immediate relief , permit rest and.
sleep , and point to a speed/ and economical cure. 1'lice : CUTICURA , the great Skin Cure , 500. ;
CUTICURA boAr , ijc. ; CUTICUKA RESOLVENT , the new Illood Purifier , $1.00 POTTER DRUG AND
ta Mis &
Ttie only uniformly
E X 0 E g'S I V E
Consultation froo.
Call upon or address
with , stamp.
South 14th St. , N. E. corner
llth and Dougloa Sta.
Oiuuhn , Neb i
Unlike u Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Clieniicals
arc used In the
preparation of
ff. Bate & Co.'s '
which is absolutely pure
and soluble ,
It has more than three times the strength
of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , and is far more economical ,
tasting less than one cent a ci < ] > . It
is delicious , nourishing , and HASILT
Sold by Crocors everywhere.
W , Baker & Co , , Dorchester , Mass ,
IBlh Hdltlon 1'ostpald lor M ots. ( or stninus ) .
Why It Falls Off. Turn * Oroy. nnd the roinudr
lly Prof. 1IAHLKV I'AHKEH. V. IL A. R
I > A. I.ON41 & On. ,
lOISAruhHsreot. I'hllndolphln. I'll.
l > ory uiioaliuiiUl toailllilallttlo book. Athoniviini.
loy Itopubll-
can O n in -
Iiii IK " Cap
la thu leading
for this cam
paign. Thin
cut allows It
as It Is , with
tin bund and
visor. ( Amor-
lean tin and American oloth. ) sold to
clubs for 75o oaoh , for one or a thousand. lly
dealing direct with thu inunufuctiiror. the
wholesaler's iinrt retailor's prices aronvoldoil.
All orderH should bo mirlroasoil In ttui I'HO-
1'ANV , 108 Qrron Htrout , New York Olty , or
. M. CUl'l' , O in a 1 ni. Nebraska , bond In or
ders us onrly us possible.
" > Gulhui , Mandolins & Zithers
in voluuia nuil quality of tone BIO
tlic DMT iir TUB WUBM > . War-
rintcd to wear In any climate.
Bold by all leading dcaltri. Dcau >
llfully Illuitrated louvculr cat *
alQgua whb portraits of fumoua
artliti will bo Mailed FREE.
tU6 eMtuiach , l/Yur ILOU uuvrui ; i > urlr
Air UM Lloo4. w { & > AJU ! ifftctiuilij
lth btrt incalanekiiowu for blUou - T
/ion. ( e uiUc uoii , drnj prU , foul !
' 'irouUi , fecadactv , Udu-tmira , luu k ( !
iyw-lltc. tnunUl ilcff c Jou , Vilnful t
, ul , MUOO , | iur&l9 uxuow rymrtu'A
A v i .friuleVerjaurfAMrouulUiicfniiu
t l.aruro hlwvf.or fuJDure by the Uouxu-n , 1U trot u.- ?
f totilau to uencnu udr prowr fuucUuu * . lln tn I
* d' u loCfrtfotjRaejttiie5t dbrlAklCone/Lru/
i" Ui m < j , fhjoTJWii ; } trrpji , tn i wiupKtic "
X liIPAijSL'UitMnUL607l t'pnio bt.'jow )
f r "V * * * * * 4
We begin our annual mid
summer sale of all the odd suit
pants that have accumulated dur
ing the past season. The thou
sands who have profited by these
sales in other years will need no
urging to be on hand. These sales
are too well known to need
more than bare menti6n tobrmg our patron
out in full force. These sales are entirely ori
ginal with "The Nebraska , " and can neither bo
equalled nor imitated. For magnitude of as
sortment -quantity to choose from value for
your hard earned dollar they stand without
rivals iri the clothing world. The sale this sea
son comprises nearly
In almost every conceivable shade and color
dark , medium and light. They are in plaids
stripes checks mixtures fancy and plain
colors. They are in cassimeres cheviots
homesouns worsteds serges tweeds flan
nels. They are in lots of from one to twenty
pairs of a kind , and represent about every style
of a suit that we've sold since the first of March.
We've divided them into three great lots at
$1.50. $2.50. $3.50.
The pants at one fifty are out of suits up to
seven fifty the two fifty ones are out of suits
up to thirteen fifty while the three fifty ones
are from the finest suits we've sold this season.
The lot of pants at two dollars and fifty cents
a pair we claim to be the biggest value ever
offered by any clothing house in this whole
country and consists entirely of pants that
would cost you four five and six dollars a
pair out of regular stock. If you are compelled
to wear your coat this hot weather on account
of the "holy" condition of your pants why
you know tw o fifty ain't much.
During July and August we close at 6:3O : p.
Saturdays , 1O p. m.
Be Perf
recently patented. Is conceded to bo the greatest Improvement ovoi
niadn In the shoe line.
This shoo is so inudo that In appoarunoo It ( lees not dlff.r from the
regular make. ft' ' tfXI'.4tfl > NVl It V MUi li . \ * *
'JL'HE f'OOi' . It Is unlike all ether ndjuatililo shoos as only leather
Is seen ,
It Is the shoo of nil others for the yoiui' ' , old nnd uilddlo lucd. Iti \
the lint itdjuslnblo Hlioo over produced that combines the strength nnd
stylish upponranco of the vary flu oil laaloi shoe on the market , nnd at
the saiuo tlmo gives us much comfort whoa first tried on as an old sliou
will not spread and prow Iiirjo wltli auo. It always rntalus Its porfosb
shape. They uro endorsed by physicians and rouunimundotl'by tlioiu-
ands of ladles that are wearing thei.i.
Omaha's most progressive shoo dealers have secured tlio sale of this
shoo. Tliolr Judgment ns to the needs of tlio tr. do is conceded to bo at
the highest order. Tbo fact ot Till' : IHtSVOA W7 / - , liiuHlllntf
thcso coeds IN u gnuranteo to the manufacturer and consumer of fall
dealing. O.iII . and ezamino the M'JK'tl'KurlftX AttJVHfAttltH
Suit * before purchasing. A pair of thuso shoos will cost no inoro ,
will wear as Ion/ and glvo more comfort than any other.
Ilomoinbor , they are for sale In Omaha only by ' BOSTON STORE
. .
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Tbo eminent upectnllit In norvom , clironln , prlvnlo. blood , ekln nml nnnnrr ilttniiiei. A rognlar an
reRl torcd urftduato In modoloo , HS tllplomivB nnil curtltlcHtca Dliuw. u still treating with tbo groutuat BUCCOI
catarrh , aperrastorrUooa , lost maatioou , roloal Wfaknu 5. nlvht louses , liupntunojr , ypbllli. atrlctnro. cor
orrbuea , Kleot , T rlcocelctc. Noiuorcur/tiBetl. Nor trentmont ( orloss of vital power , 1'artleB unabfu t
vliltme ma ? bo truateil at liomu by eorreiponilcncu. Midlclne or Initrumnnti tent by niMI oroTprois <
ourelj packed , no marki to lailtcato content ! or leader. Ono uerional Intorilow proietroil. ConinliaUo
froo. CorronponJenco strlctlr prlrato. Hook lllj c riti of Lire ) iant tno. Offloo boun 8 * . m. to Up. u
Bundan 10 a. Urn. Sena ilanjp tor roplr-
Elastic Stockings
Weak Limbs
Varicose Veins
Swellings , all
sizes. Abdo
minal Supporters
ters ,
Braces , Medi
cinal Supplies.
1Mb SI. , Ml to Post Office
, Ask your Dnigglit for a
bottle of Illc . The only
tum-jx > < iONouj rcoudy ( oral ) I
, the unnatural dltchurgea nnd
I private dlicM.cs of men unil the
debilitating wcakiicis peculiar
I to women. It cures In a few
( ) without tbe aid or
publicity of a doctor.
Th llnivtrtal American Citrt.
JJnnufucttired by I
kTbo Evans Chemical 0) . '
U , O. A.
Dr. Bailey , $1
The Lending '
Dentist '
Third Kloor , 1'axton ItlooU.
Tolopliono 1085. lOlli ami ramani Sis.
A full ul of tt'ctli on rutibvrlor 15. 1'urfvct nut
Tcuth wltliout plutui or romovnblo brldiiu wiirk
ju > t tliu tUliig fur linger * or iiubllo iiicaki-rd nuvor
All Illlltiif at ro moiiublo ratui. All work
tvHrruntod , Out thUoul for u guido.
In tlio trontmoii tot nil forms ol
DI3KASE8 , "nd , | , ? ? ;
nnil dolillltleu of youth nnil miinliood. 17 yours1
oxnorloneo. Ills reauurous uu < l f.iollttloi uro
Iiriictloally unllinltoJ. The Uuutor 11 raoom-
moiiiloil hy tlio tirois , anil onilorsoil In the
dtroiisout tormu by the puoplo for fiitr trn it.
incut mill honoit nilvluo. Tliu
most iidivcifui roinoillos known to mniJorn
tro-tll" ° . nt of * "s
QONOIlBHOUA-liiiiiioalivto rolluf. A onm.
nlotouuru wltliuut the Ion of uu lintir' * tliiu
tinni luiHlnoM.
OLBET Unuof the most , oomnloto iui I BIIO.
cusjful troiiliiHHin fur Kluut unil ml uniioy tit
ili8oliur.icrt.vot. known lo llio iui Jlovl ; nrofui.
slon. Thorosultiurutiuly wonilurfiil.
BTrtlOTUKE Uroilust known romojy for
the lio.ttinuniuf Hlrluluru , without inlii , out.
tlnif. or il hitln t. A mnstr.iuiiirk itjlu ro nod v.
SYPJIILlS-Nu truutnionl for this torrluli
b'oou ' illsmisu ha < ovur Uuun nuiromi ou.mfnl ,
nor hurl HtruiiKurondurnoiiiiinl * , In tlio hiilis
of inudurii Hulonui ) this illBimsa U iiMltlvoly ) u uiid every tnice of thn poison ontlroly
ruinovtiil from thn bloo.J. '
LOST MANJIOOD , mid niiililtlon. norvou * .
niiai , tliiilUlty , < lu poiiljnoy unit nil woiilciiu-K
uiid dlkorJura of youth or munliouU , Uulluf
obtaltuxl atoiicci.
BKIN DISKAHEH , and nil dlsunnoi of Ilia
uioinikcii , hlood , liver , hUneya nnd bluddur
a ro truiitiid HII ccuiafully with thu unut < > <
kiKiwn rumudlus for thu uliu uu.
Wrltu for olrouUrj uuU uuottlonlUt. frjj.
dud turn tun t > t . Uinuhu Aji