JK > , y > .ilk THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; " 5ATULIDAY. JULY 23 , 1892 , KEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Troubles of Iho Atlrntio Cnnniug Com pany Eeicg Ventilated. \ SMOOTH WORK OF AN IOWA DETECTIVE Haw IIo Succeeded In Clotting u Criminal Out oT Js'i'briiiilmVltli < iut a lIcqiiMltlou De.illi of tin iccrntrlo 1 men tor yiMtorilny'ii Smith McPbcrson , Iho rcfcrco hi the mat ter of the Atlunlto Conning company , has taken a mass of evidence , the complications nttd entanglements of which will toke soroo time to straighten out. The differences be tween McAVado & Martin and D. W. Archer nro great , the former claiming about f2.,000 , while Mr. Archer claims an equally largo amount Is Justly duo him. Mr. Archer Is Interested in several western canning estab lishments , and tins proved very successful. Among ibo contracts made by hlmwasono by which ho was to manage the Atlantic factory for a period of flvo years , and to huvo n certain intciest In It. MoWudo & Martin claim that under this contract Archer Is re sponsible for certain boavy looses that oc curred nod also lor damages In not fulllllitig this contract. Archer , on the otbcr hand , \vlilloadmlltlngthatthoro\\tts such n con tract , claims that It was annulled bv a verbal' ncicoment , and by certain nutsof MoWudo & Mai tin , who Insisted on running tbo fnctcry In IbS'.i , when ho insisted that owing to the overproduction and iho ( Irpiossed condition of the inarkot Iho factory should bo shut down. Dosplto this MoWcdo & Martin wont ahead , aud the result of the year was disastrous , Just ns Mr. Arihcr had lorcsccn. Then Iboy wanled him to stand the loss. Mr. Archer claims that \ \ hen ho took charge of the factory the coin- pany had nlteady loslS'.lUOO In operating it. lie proceeded to put It In money making shape , aud for two or three years the pro Ills wcro large. Then the market became such that nearly all iho factories shut down , but MoWado iV Martin wcro bound to go nhc.id in spite of him , and under their management there was a heavy loss. AVbilo there nro jnnny complications in this entanglement of litigation , the real Issue is as to the contract between the parties and the liabilities aris ing under It. This U to testify tnat 1 nave tested the moillcal properties of Dr. J. B. Mooro's Tree of Llfo remedy to iny entire satisfaction , and can most heartily recommend it to the suf fering and allllcted everywhere , to bo all claimed for It in the above statement. Last spring I was suIToitng from loss of appetite , constipation , etc. , originating from kid tiny mid liver trouble , ana I hr.d not used ono hot- tlu of this great Ufa remedy until I was proatly relieved. My wife , also , being at a very critical stage in Ufa , was suffering much at times , and by the Use of this remedy has been saved from much suffering and poi- Ihlv from premature death. Our youngest son's health for several years ha been very dclkato. Ho contracted some lung trouble by Inking cold with mo.islos , which produced great nervous dohllltv and occasional bleed- me-of the lungs ; helms used some four bat tles of Tn-o of Life , and feels ana looks as though now IIfo had been given him. If you nrcnnilctod , irv it. Ur.o. Mn.i.Eit , Pros. EUor. Box 04 , Cm lisle , Iowa. For sola by all druggists. JI MMI Day Siilo. The Boston store fourth minimi s-ilo T- opens YVedncbOtiy , July 27 , tind will con tinue for cloven du.VB. Store will bo closed nil dny Tuesday , July 20 , in order to insirk down ( roods mill mulcc prop.ira- lions for the tfrcat , salo. / Ofrnwu't ) Royn.1 Jnpnnoso troupe gives two pel fonimnccs daily : it Mtuuiwa , 5 to 0 iiiul ! ) to 10 p. in. ISO people in this city use pa.s stoves Iho UasCo. puts "am iu tit cost Wnntcil liir Itnrglnry. r Detective Johnson of Dos Moines was in the city yesterday looking for Jim Lee , who Is wanted to answer to a oharpo of burglary. Ho served a sentence in the city jail here for Eome minor offense. Leo was picked out by the ofllccrs nt the time ho was hero us a man who would probably turn out sooner or later to bo a criminal , and tbo * were not disappointed. Johnson went to Omaba , whcro ha found his man continpd in tbo county Jail. A rather neat little schema was concocted between Johnson mid the Omaha authorities for getting Lee to Ibis side of Ibo river without a requisi tion. For ibo time being Johnson played the pai t of u prisoner and the p.itrol wagon was Drought into piny lo take him and Lee to the motor bridge , where they were to bo turned loose on Ion a toil urter the usual custom , \\heti they nrilvcd at the middle of iho btldgo ihoy wcro given a shove In an easterly direction. As soon ns they hail pa sed'tbf > boundary line Johnson Ihiow off tils disguise and arrested tils companion. When Lee found ho had been duped ho raised a vigorous Kick , hut ho bud to submit to being leu to thu city Jail. IIo loft for Des Moiuos last evening. Tutco ( Joint Ctuo ol tlin Children. If you bavo children , you will be Interested in tno experience of Mr. .lolin Cook of Pilot , Vormllllon Co. , III. llo says : "Two years ngo two of my fcmlly , n young man and a girl , had very severe and dangerous attacks of blood } tlux. The doctor hero was ui.abl ? , nftcr n week's time , lochock or relieve either case. I throw Iho doctor overboard and be gan using Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and DiarrlHua Komody. Improvement was neon very soon , and my children arose in a few days from whatl feared would bo their death bed. It is n grand , good medicine. " Hundreds of people tire Boiulinfr their } ugs to Miumwa for mineral wtitcr. They uio wise. _ _ ltoolir tcr Ilt'i'r. People Imvo hccoino so fond of It that oven horses climb through the window to got it.V. . J. White , agent , nt the "Annex , " 18 Main and 17 Pcurl. Dnlboy's band ( jlvos un open Air concert - cert every evening from 7:30 : to 11 , at Muiuvwn. J , C. Hlxby has vcturnod from a trip to northern Michigan. S. M. Williamson has returned from a month's visit to in * old homo In Ohio. Mils Uruco bhooly of Omahn is visiting Miss Mapulo Kemp on South Sixth street. Mrs. Mllllkcn of CauandaU-ua , M. V. , is the guest of her nunt , Mrs , O , C. Bloomer. Stnto Secretary W , A. Muu-co of the YOUHR Men's Christian association of DC * Moiucs IE itopplnpat the Grand , Kov. T. S. Dnlloy , D.D. , auporintendont of missions for Ibo Prosbylorian church In Iowa , and Ur. T. CJ. Smllh of Clarludo , chair- main of Iho Homo Minion soclclv for tbl pro bj'tery , were in iho olty yoitorday , Air , l.undi'r'i KiTiiiiiiiiviidatlon. Mr. J , A. Lander , a prominent oltiinn of Clarksburir , Mo. , nnd widely Known ! ln Ihn Mute , auys ot Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera knd Dmrhuja Uomody ; "I Imvo soeu It ( rood reiulls and oin i-cooiutnena it1 Fo ale by drugglits. Trnliis lonvo Maniiwu dnlly nt 8 n ndlO n. la , 113 in , , nnd 1 , 1 ! , Uao : , 8,8:30,4 : , * : an , 6 , 60 : ! ! , 0 , 0 : 0. 7 , 7:80 : , 8 , B:30. : 0 , L/ D : 0 , 10 , 10:80. : 11 and 11:55 : p. m. Thu / 11:65 : train will innlco connection with tlio luutolcotrlo motor cur for Omaluu Chiuitauciua druggist , Goo. S. Dnvls Munawa na n aummoi * resort cun't bo bout. Imill ut \ \ . N. t'litlmnk. Wlllutn Stanley Unthank , who lui been llvliiR ot the Chrlitlnu Homo for about a year , died about 1 o'clockyostordny mornlne , llu hat boon suffering from a stroke of pnr- nlyila for about a week , during most of Whlcb tluio to tia * bccu unable lei i The funernl will occur this afternoon at D o'clock from the Homo. The deceased was noted for his eccentric ities. Ho was TO ytora of ARP , and for aomo time previous to bis death ho bad devoted n Rronl deal of his energies lo pcrfcctlnR n perpetual motion machine. A chart time neo ho seemed to have a pro otiltmont of his death , for ho took his machine , upon which ho had been working fo long , to pieces , and told tbo ( icoplo at the homo thai no onu should over have Iho bonellt of the work that ho bad been unable to complete. DeWltt's Sarsapnrllin cleanse ; the blood , inctoascs the annclllo and tones up the sys tem. It has bcncllttod many people wtio have suffered from blood disorders. It will help you , _ llavo your picnics nt Mnnawn , The Jewel gasoline steve la the best In the world for safety , durability and economy , and the now Jewel Is Its equal. See them at Charles Swalno's , 737 Broadway. Minor Mention. K Y. Plumbing Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , B. Urahl & tiotrnro building an addition to their place of business ou Lower Broad way. way.Tho The workers nnd the Inmates of the Chris tian homo wont on a picnic lo Omaha yester day afternoon. All who bavo bills npalnst the Twin City ChtiulUHu.ua assembly uro requested lo present - sent them nt ouco at the olllce , 10 Pearl street. Sheriff flaieii loft yesteidav for Clarlnda , with John Casey in charco. for the lusano asylum. In splto of Cusoj'a tluoata ho went peaceably. A young man named Williams , who 1s employed at Mrs. Mayor's garden on North Honton street , stirred up n swarm of bees vestordav while plowing and was terribly slung. His fa co was dwollon almost beyond recognition. A special election Is to bo hold at Mace donia August 0 , for Iho purpose of clectin ? a mayor , recorder , nnd Irustoes. The election will In ull probability bo hold uuaur the Australian ballot system , nnd it so it will bo thu llrsl election held under Iho now law lu Ibo stalo. Frangolt AVolf nnd Pranlsha Hclohe , both of Mills county , \voro granted a license lo wed yesterday. They \\oro both Germans of so pronounced a tyyo Unit the bride's brother had lo act a * Interpreter when they pre sented themselves at Justice Hammer's marriage null. Christian Peterson of Avoca was given an examination by the commis sioners of insnnltv yostordav and was ordered taken lo St. Bernard's hospital for a month. At ibo end of that tlmo it will be decided whether or not ho shall bo sent to any of the stale Institutions. Joseph McMullen was found trying to dis pose ot a gaudy piece of feminine head-gear at n Plerco street dive yesterday atlornoon and was arrested. A rallllueri- store was burglarized a few nights ago oc Lower Broad way and It is thought that the hat in quoj- lion Is a part of the booty. Tbo hcarinc of William Blackburn on tbo chat KO of assault with Intent to do great bodily injury was llnlshcd yesterday morn- Int' in Justlco li-immer's couil. Thn iroublo belwecn Bluckourc and his wlfo which caused bU arrest lurncd out to bo merely a little domestic falling out , and Blackburn wa consequently dUcnatcd. Ono of tbo actors belonging to n company that is fllllupran engagement at Dohnny's ' opera house fell n victim Thursdav afternoon to u thievish stage hand. Ho called at the police slalion Tnursdaj night- and reported Ihutborao of tha employes of the opera house bad entered his dressing room outing the aflcriioon and stolen two pairs of puntaloouh. . H. Miller , who lives near Hatnlm , Audubon - bon county , lias rent uoiel to tbo authorities asking them lo look out for his son , uho loft homo on tha lUlh lo visit Atlantic. Ho wrote lo his father the next day aayinir bo would bo home on Friday , but has not been seen or lionra from since. It is feared that ho has mot with foul play. A suit was commenced in the district court yesterday to collect a note for $1,000 ciycn by A. I. Cragiu & Co. and R W. Jewell , form erly Iho managers of ibo Grand hotel , to the ICImbull-Chnmp Investment company Mny 1 , 1801. The plaintiff Is iho Franklin Sav ings bunk of Now Hampshire , lo whom Iho DOIO was assigned by Ihe Investment com pany. A meeting of Ibo Insurance agents of the cily wa held nt tbo Urand hole ! Thursday night for the purpose of discussing tin ) ad visability of lulling some slops with refer ence lo Iho use of kerosene in cleaning cut stores. Some of Iho companies awhile a ) o decided that ull policies on buildings where kerosene ut > ed lu sweeping should bo cancelled , and this decision had a dccidcdlv unwholesome effect on the Insurance busi ness of local agents. After discussing tbo question it was decided to draw up acltcular asking the companies to revoke llioir order. A committee was appointed lo draw up Iho circular , uud it will be sent oil in a day or tuo. "Lato lo boa nnd early to rise will shorlcn Iho road lo your homo in Iho slitoi. But curly to bed and "Littlo Earlv RUer. " mo pill that makes life longnr and bettor aud wiser. _ _ Curd of 'ilmnl.H. Wo wish to express our thanks and ( loop feelings of gratitude to our friends and neighbors in itsslHtitif , ' us In our late bereavement caused by tlio loss of our baby boy who died July 20 , and es pecially to tlio Misses Woods and assist ants who ban cr so nicely for ub ; also to Rev. Mr. Hoover , who performed the labt sad rites. Llku thu Illy of the valley , Like thu sunshine Dlavs on the wall , llo was u joy to us a short time , lull today , my Uodl lie Is gone. AND MltS. A. WlI.LSIK. Summer suits for gentlemen ; cool , comfortable and cheap. Itcltor , iho tailor , UIO Broadway. Matuiwtt mineral water is especially good for all kinds of kidney ull mo tits. WILL FICI1T THE ATCIIISON Western Passenger Asioolation Roath Fro- pared for Won KANSAS LOCAL RATES TO BE REDUCED If Thin Horn Not llrlnir tlio Olntlnato Company to Time Alt Turlllj of the Soutliucftl Are to Ito Demoralized , CHICAGO , 111. , July 22. A special meeting of Ilia Western Passenger association was convened today to consider the notion ol the Atchlson rend in making a rate of $12 to Denver and return on account of tbo conclave - clavo of tbo Knights Templar. The pro- paged conference was cut short by tbo an nouncement of Cbulnnan Caldwell that bo could not accept the Atchtson's notlco of n reduction because It was not accompanied by tbo necessary evidence showing Justifica tion for such ix course. Thereupon the rep- roscnlntlvo of the Atchlson said bo would submit to the chairman an amended notlco , supplying tbo omission. In 'order that ho might bavo nmplo tlmu In which to do this tbo mooting adjourned ui.tll tomorrow. Thus the matter stands this evening. All sorts of rumor * nro current. Ono is to tbo effect that the angry competitors of tbo Aluhison will try to force that load out of the Western 1'nssungcr association and will then combine to demoralize rules on Its .western lines. lion They AVlll riB1it. It Is hinted Hint the Hock Island , the Mis souri Pacific and Iho Union Pacific will unlto in a movement to destroy the Atcbison's local rales In Kansas by making n rate of $10 or less as fur \\est us DoUga City , Lamed , QicatBond , Wichita , Kinporin and other competitive uolntu , and Blushing tbo through rate from southwestern Missouri river points to Denver. Another scheme is to apply the $13 rate to Denver and totuin by way of St. Paul , thus bringing ibo Northern Pacltlc and Great Northern into the tight and extending the demoralization into Ihe northwestern terri tory. Just what will bo done cin only DO told after tomorrow's meeting. It docs not seem probable that there Is any carious dodiro on ttio uart. of ibo other mem bers to drive tbo Atchlson out of the association. Having permitted the Alton to go out , they can ill afford to lose any moro of tnelr members unless they nro loaning for un excuse to dissolve the association. It Is among the possibilities that the Atchison will withdraw of its own accord. Should the chairman dccido after bearing tbo evi dence thut the company Is not Justlliod in making the proposed reduction , it must oltliorvundraw , appeal to arbitration or forego tbo pleasure of cutting the $12 rate iuto affect. Grulu Jlntci Reduced. Chairman Blancuard of the Central Tronic association announced today that the Van- doliu Itno nas published a tarilT , offocllvo July 'Jj , uiaKlnB rales on craln and grain pro- duets on ttio basis of " ( i cents per 10U pounds , ( Jblciigo to Now York. This is a reduction of 5 cunts per 100 pounds. The Vundulla'e reason for taxing Ibis sleo is not given , but in view of tbo generally accepted theory that cottalu lines bavo been secretly cutting these rules for several mouths , tbo reason is apparent. Thus far no road has made an open icductlou , but the Vandaliu's example will bo followed as a matter of course by all the roads aflccled by It. Accused by Shippers. \Vhentho Interstate Commerce commis sion lasl week Investigated the charges made against several roads of discrimiualing in rules on cautbound IraOlc nothing could bo leurncd as to who the complainants wore. It uas binco leaked out that the charges were tiled by four or live largo dealers in this city , who said they had boon nj preached by railroad freight agents with oilers of cut rates. Through respect for tholuiv , Ihey de clined tno offers. They learned that o.lior firms were accepting the cut rates , however , aud desiring to protect tbclr own trade , they complained to the commis sion. Some of tbo railroad men who were examined knew the source of the commis sion's information , aud Instead of denying the charges took refuge in a refusal to answer questions. Should Judge CJrcsham dccidu thut they must answer , and Iboy ibcn declare their Innocence , the orig inal complainants will be produced us wit nesses. Colorado ISntcs ICviluccit. Reduced freight rates to Colorado and Utah points , in accordance with the notices previously given by tie ( HOCK Island aud Burlington roads , went iuto otfect today. Hereultcr thcso rates will boas follows on the several classes : First class , SJ ; second class , $1.55 ; third class , $1.82 ; fourth class , 05 cents ; liflh class , 75 cents ; class A , 65 cents ; class B. 50 ci-nts ; class C , 00 cents ; class D , 5"2 < j cents ; class 13 , 10 could. A A . > U17 A UUMHXfS. "What will ttio lllllo lady have next1 ? "Tho banners , sir ; the banners 1"Vhat man , woman or child djua not recall this sawdust-flavored question an 1 nnsuer wuich , uullko Iho ordinary "gug" of Ihe cir cus ring , grows n.ellow with ago tnd is just us essential to tno performance as the clown hlmsilf. Tuuro Is a "little lady" whom everybody wonders "what will she have next. " There is a clown and a ring-master ; there is a circus top ; there is , also a "banner , " and tbu little lady uus walked away with it wherever she has been given a place among the competitors , bo they ever so numerous. Her name is Nelllo Mcllonry , aud the pee- plo of this city tire Interested because they will bavo an opportunity of attondinir thu circus with bor at Uoyd's laculor on Sunday evening next. Seals nro now on salo. The I.adieu. The plo.tsnnt effect uud perfect safety witb which ladles may use the California liquid laxative Syrup of Pigs , under all conditions , makes It tuoir favorite romouy. To got tbo iruo and genuine article , loolc for ibo tiatno of the California Pier Syrup Co. , printed near Iho bottom of . 1 BLACKWELL'S " EVERYWHERE. Bull Durham SMOKLNG TOBACCO , Whether on the hills gaming ; In the place of business ; or at home , It always fills that niche of com fort a good smoke. Put up In handy packages , and recognized everywhere as a Pure Granulated Leaf Tobacco of the highest quali ty ; It recommends Itself to every smoker's use. Sold everywhere. BULL DURHAM Is always uniform in quality. Pure , sweet and clean. THE IDEAL OF FINE TOBACCO. BLACK WELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO. , DURHAM , N. C. Every HAN can l > < 8'XUOlfo and VIO- BO MAN OItOUaiuallteiper.il OH OLD lutf TAHIMO NoOD.iiiKhilyemUsionfcovuUlontn I'ru.iuiion ' , CHuiid by llieute of opium , lobicco or alcohol , w . _ _ . . . _ _ . , t - - - „ „ luliiex , mental ilerreiiton , lusi of p ner In either ei. inermior DrrnnHK N * nrk utt. I c.iuicilbyitltabiuc anil over lixiulrcner or an > perionalwrak pe § c n lo r loitiU lo | > eifcct lu-aliU er.4 Iho NO1IZ.U VITAJ.ITV OP BTHONO MBN We Blve aFor nuaranteo with 6 l o e to cure ny ca o or refui < l i < r np"cy , $ i boifS tie ei i ? For Sala Jn Omaha b/ und & Co , I 11 .V ' If tmt I You Can't lO'f .lift VI lt [ O Of1 II n You expect to buy your clothes for nothing , but the ' 111 L Hellman Administrator's . Sale is closing out clothes at next to nothing. expect this Hellman's Administrator's Sale to last- forever. In fact it lasts until the 1st clay of August. "Wvil expect to get such bargains in suits or furnishing 1 U LL goods as at the Hellman Administrator's' Sale , no matter how long or where you live. 't expect to buy $5 and $10 suits that are worth tw ° L and three times as much after Hellman's Admin" istrator's Sale closes. Lf -f Se anywhere else except at Hellman's Adminis- L trator's Sale , a 60c satine or crepe outing shirt for 35c , or a Switz Concle silk finish $2 shirt for 75c , era a $4 all silk shirt for $1.50. $3.50 pants for $2.25 anywhere else than a Hellman's Administrator's Sale. $4 , $5 and $6 pants cut down to $3.50 for choice. Look in the window. " 'f anr ° rd to wa niuch longer to get one of those L bona fide bargains as the Columbia Clothing Co take possession about August 1st , and the Hell- man Administrator's Sale will be no more. Hellman's Administrator's Closing Sale , V It , O 3 " Corner 13th and Farnam Streets. Until Au'gust first. HHALTHFUL , AGREEABLE , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and fflechanics , A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Curca Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. WHITE Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water Extract ofBeef , Do you want a copy ot DoofTouV Sco-thiitit is rnndo from the Genuine uino Incomparably the boat. Pure , pulu- tablorefpCBhliif. } Dis- Eoluds clearly- the Bnron I-oi- /J * _ hip's siRnnuro A f ut ff-C i ) n blue on oixuh A frf abel , thus. " -r TO PROPERTY OWNERS on alloy between Dnpnntand C'astollur street from west line Dupnnt ulaeo to Twenty- ninth street. Umalin , Neb. : You aiu hereby notlllod that the undor- sluiied , three diHlnturunliid froeholdorii of the elty of Oinuli i. have been duly appointed by the mayor , with thuaporoviUof thuclty coun cil of Halcl osty. to assess the ( luinaKc to the ownern resoectlvoly uf Hie property alfected by Kriullnf un nld alluy , declared necessiirv by iirdlnuncu No. : iiun. imssodjiino lUh , liU. , approved .hi no 15th , 18 ! ) . ' . You are further natllled. that hivlnz copied snld appointment , anil duly un 1 narciinlrud by law , witwlll , on the -Id ' \ \ \ July. A. U. Ibd.1 , ut thoijliiiir of IU o'ol'Iuk tlio forenoon , iittho ofWhSif ( leer o ' IB fl rarnatn street , Tvlthln the corpor.i limits of nalil city , meet fortlio uurnoio of oa sklerlii ; , ' and ninklns iifttuMinent of dum.igo the owners respectively of suld proper n ( foe ted by said gradlrtv , tuklng Into cons ! eratlon special bunollt i.ltuny. You are nntllleil li > v tsrjiresoiit at the time and place aforesaid , nn/l inaku any oDjoetloii ) iDorBluieinonts concur'ilno ild asooBs of duumgeB us you mayj ntmldur proper. ( ItjOHUK J. I'Aufj. OIIAS. It. TIIUMAt. Omaha , July Oth , 1J ( ) JyllldlOt NOTICE OP ASSEf SMENT OF DAM AGES FOR 'URADING. To the owners of atl''lotn ' , purt of lots and real ustuto alon Mariliaiilreut from L'Jth to lilt M streets. Yon nro hereby notified that the under- slicncd. three disinterested frouholdonof the city ot Oimilm. navu been duly appolntea uy the mayor , with thu npprov.il of the elty council of sulil ulty > toaoumi thodaninecs to thn owner * respectively of the property uf- fcclrd by Kradlnit Martha Btroet from Mill to liUh Hreuts. declared necessary by onllnunco iiiunbcr illVH , p.wo.l . July Kb , I j. ' , unu ap proved July lltli. I8UJ. You arc further notified , tlmt having ac cepted Hnld uppo ntmuiil.uiid duly iiuulllletl an required by luw.wo will , on the Ut day of An- Kiibt , A. I ) . I Mi.1 , nt the hnur of 11 o'clo > k In the forenoon , at thoolllco of Mirlver fi U'Donithoe , Ilia Kurnani street , within Uio corporate llni- itx of salcl olty , meet for the purpose of con- stderliiK thu inaklnzniid HioHinuut of dmn- aKt" . to thu ownurM renuocllvuly ot s ild urou- orly. uireotcrl by said Kr.idlne. taking Into coiiBlderntlon sunalul benudt * . If iiny. You uid notlllod to bo pruient i t the tlino and ulaco afuroialil. and ninkoany objertlonf to or stiitementH concerning suld luxoM of dainuKos as you innv consider proiiur , W.a.HlltlVrJt , OhO. J. 1'AUl/ . , JAMEd fatOOKHAI.E. Owftha , July 16th , IbU } yildlOt SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. _ . _ FOR KENT The dwolllnzon First iivonun iind Elirhth Btreot formerly ocenplod by M. K eSiulthi It rooms 'J b-itli rooms and all modern Improvements ; peed btablo and out building ; rent 8 > 0 per month. 11 II. Sho.ifo. 11' YOU hnvo anything for sale or trade see E. II. She ifo. llrn.idw.iy and Main Hlreiit. l/OIl ItKNT DwolllnzH In all pirts of the Jcity. . U 11. Hho.ifu. Hroadw.iy and Muln. \\7ANTii-EastBrn : Nebraska landi In exT - > T changi ) for Council IIUilTa property. 0. II. Shoafe. lro iMw.iy and Main struau rpHE 1IIGGEST IIAIUJAIN Diublo rml- JLdenco lot , No. ll'loutli ' Klrit street. 60 feet front ; best location and host bar.'al n In the city If t.ikou at once. Day & llosi . JJ I'o'irl street. l i A KM and city lo ins ut lowest rates. JL' Heal estate for sale. Dwelling aul business rentals. Money loaned for loo.il Investor. ? . Lougoo & Towlo. SJ1 1'oarl street , "IJIOK BALD : ! lov.itor with corn sheller -L' 4.0..0 uti. el iliy ; curn ur nder , ID ] bn. an Iioiu : Haw mill atlvjIiiinSnt. 4'l ll 1' . oiuino : a coo 1 IIIIB ness ; lojafjd no.ir Council . i : a. siio.ito. "n'OIt SAIjC On sitia'.l piymonts , ir. lit and J- ' garden Ian I noir Connull lllnira U. II , Hheafc. liroadw ly and Main street. OKHAI/r : Hooil lathe , foot or unwer , "if e loni : . 12 Inelies wide , Uriel ; jiearod and t > crc\v culttnu , with co niileto ehangu u Hearing I cluieUs , ono U-lneli. ono 4-lnoh and tdr 1 chuck : a- > ota metal turnlnt tools , ot. . ' . ; also 1 ono.i-lioise power oil eimlne. with sliuf ling , pnlloy.s , boltlni ; . etc. All lu fool or.lor ami will bo sold uhe.ill for c-isli or on tlni ' ' ' party. Address llox 41 , Klllott , 11. T71OU SAM : Albion luGlier mills ivi llnuiio J river. Nub. ; llnest water power In the state , developing l-Ti horfco power w itor ont.ro . . dully capacity , 1UO barrels ; miu-li ncrf and appurten tnees eomploto In every detail. Rood flame residence ; 8 iicrosof land , title ucrfoct ; price , $ ! KOJO ; will tile : unlmprovoJ eastern Nebraska land. 11 II. bhuafu. Foil SAhi : On o.isy p lymcnts. dwolll nsil all parts ot Iho city. C. II. She ife. _ "I71OHHALR fctockof uidse. and brick store * - ' but clln- , well established trade ; lou itlon ncur Oniiiha. 1'rlcu. twt. Will take good farm In exchange. II II. bhoafc. T71OH SALi : Iowa farms In I'ottawattamlo -L and adjoining coiuitles. II II. bhcafo. WANTP ! ) About AuRiist 1. In u private family , u competent ; ] for Kenoral hoiisowork ; must Iia\o reference. Apply Willow avenue. Council ItlulTs. iron HA I , r. Hotels ami restaurants In Iowa L' imd Nobrasldi. dcjlui ; prolltablo business nnd well loeated ; will take land In part trade ; write for dotitllu. C 11. iJheafe. _ FOIl HALT : A llMt class sto.-k of general meiclrmdUo with KOO 1 will ; prleo itt.oui ; will tuko itood land ino\ehane. li II. Shoufo. 71OII BAfjK Stock of millinery and notions , L1 with store and lltturea ; prleo * , 'JWj will ailo for land. 1II. . Slioafe. I7IOK SAM7 til norosof Kood l nd ami now J-1 eottnpo. with four acres land In Warners- vllle , Nob. : all modern Imnrovemonts ; will jo for a pleasant eotfi''o free of In- eiimbranco In Oouncll ltluil'4 or Omaha. U II. aiicafo. Foil SAIjE I'rosli Jersey row \\lth bolter culf. IiKiulroot George Koollno , litl : i ; ist 1'lorco street. FOH SAMJ-Ono of thu hrluhtost and inrfst ( IcElrablo homos In thu elty , on Uhuvc. : modern in all ronpoi'ls. Miiht sell , and will sacrifice. Address It 10. Doe olllcc. FOK BALE 43-aero ranch In Cherry Co. , Neb. Good hay land , t > plondla run u fur cuttle. Mco cottaKO. stable and out bulld- Inzi In L'ood repair , plenty water. Dent land In Ihe county : will soil cheap. Write for do- tails. K , II. bboafo. OK hAhB Oil TUAUn-Kebtaiiriut nnrt saloon at Mnnawn ; good buslnenn ut nil suuonsi good bnlltlliiK anil linpioveiiients. A snop for g live man. K II. Sbeufo. w ANTKD-OIrl for peneral housework. In- < | iilro nt 144 Olon ave. OX AOUKH of Iund3i ! iiillos fioin eliy limits ( JtJ nt V > ' per acre , on inMn niitd. Would iniiko u line fruit faun. Johnston & Van 1'allcn. SKNVI3R PROPOSALS. Healed proposals will be received by the un- demUneil until 1:30 : o'clock p. in , July tilth , IB'f. ' ' , ( or thu construction of sewers In newer districts Nos. 1W , 100 unit 101. in the olty of Omilin : , per ordinances Niu 8iai. UKII nnd aim , respectively , neeordlnn to pinna and spi'cllloultoriH on file In the oincu of the board of publlo works. Knob pronoiiil to bo made on printed blanks furnished by the board , and to be accompanied by u eortlflnd cheek lu the nun of I'M ) , payable tu the city of Omaha , an un ( ivldeni'o of L'ood faith , The board reserve * ibo rlaht to reject uny or nil bias , and lo waive defeotx. I' . W. llIltKHAUHICH. Ghalrmon Hoard of 1'ubllo Works. Omaha , Nob. , July JStb , 18'/i ' iimJcilaiISiri5i ( ! ; : ? INSTITUTE. MB Eye A to INFIRMARY TI-IE STREATMENT I cBliicM'tlcs , iippar.itui a nri Ro noiiai tors i fee oiifu trj itinuut nf - r/Tn - of disease roriulrin ; u.o llo il or snr : le il troutinunt CO beds for patients , bo ird nnl attona-in30. llefit Hei'oinolations In tlio woit , Wr to for olr'iilirs on dufonnltios ni\ \ Dr.ieos , trusses , club foot , o irv itnres of ssln j , lilies. tiimirs.c incur , o it irrh. bronoh Its , In- h.iKulon.o octrlolty. piralysls. euloi ! > 3y , kid- DISEASES OF Women rilKi : . Wo Imvul.itoly .id led i lylii- Inilop irtMiont for women during conlliiument. nrlutly urvito.l On v Kollublo Modloal In- ttituto making a Snojliltyo. . I'ttlVATKDfsKAHES AH H oed IJIsu'isjj biiecesifully tro tol. byuhllltlu 1'oUon removed from tliu bystom without nioraiiry New Kostoratlvo I'ruat- menlforLosiof'ir.lj l > OWii : ( . Persons un. ublo to visit m nmv Ijo Ire ituil ut home by torrobuon once. All co-nmuiilcatlons conll- dontlul. .Mod clnns or InsliiiniPtiU sent liy ma I orovpress , snouruly p ickod , no m irts to Ind catucontentsnr sender. Ono iiorionil In- torv i-w nrufurro I. Call un I consult in or soiU history of your case , an.l wo will send In pl.ilu wianuur. our l' EE : Uiion 1'rlvitJ. BOOK TO MEN . DUUn IU liicn , boolii , or Xorvons In- casrs , Impotency , SvphlllD , Gleutanl Vuilco- cole , withrjitust on ilsu Jlr.iees , Appliances for Ojfonnltloj & Tr 11131 Only in tnufiictur/ thu Wuituf inte'i ) t / / - iTl'Ul'l'I.I.l.MJK * ZttUx-Hd JIA TTjsit i isa a .v i ) jt KL i a. Omaha Medical an ! Surglwl Institats , 26th nnd Broadway , Oo moll iBltiif i. Ton mlnntus' rlJa from center of Om ill b 01 umulm and Oouiull Hlulti olootrlo motor lino. CITIZE'lfSSTATfBAl UfCnundl UUti Cnplttlstcof burpluaunJ 1'rollts . NOOltJ NclOipltal nnl Surplus . 9'iH , fi'JJ DlrocUrJ. . I ) KJ nan li J i. H. N .luiirc. / , > Glrniun , U. li. Hirt , I. \ . Mill jr. J. V. itlaiiuit andCbnrlai It llnnain Trans lot 'ononl Inuk * liiKbUBinofs , Largest uipltil and surylmof nuy bunk In ioutliwojtoni Iowa. INTEREST TIME3 DBPO3.TJ OaALS FOR SLOPING U A.NK OF EARTH , Healed pronosals will bo received by the undersigned until ltu ; : o'clock n. m. Julyi. IK. ' , ' , for Knidinn and sloping down baukR of eurlh us h-ivo boon deelarol a nulflancu as pur ordlnuncos Nos. : HW7 , ; iltJ ) and IIIIU. and de scribed IIH follows : 1'ront part of lot on thcuonthsldo of Harnoy street , nuxt west of ) tliHtieot. unddiMlKiiatod on tlio ullns of the idty ofUmalm published by O. M. Hopkins us "Kulliizp , " iiFl'"J ; fnutof lot" In Johnson1 ! ) addition. West half of lot 7 bloulc 10 | city , Lots A. 0 and 7 block VM ) olty. Lots 7 , 8 , 0 , 10 , II mid Vi , block 0 9 U Itozers' addition , and as much of Lot ft blouk 4 Campbell's addition , un Is nee- I'isnry to piu\ont the wasting , tailing or wnHliliiK of earth from nald lot upon the dido- wulkNorstrootH adjacent thereto , Biicb slojilne ami gradliiK to bo done In ac cordance with thu Instructions of the city en- Klnunr and board of public worl.s. llldi will bo muilo on printed blanks fur' nlhhcd by thn boird , > ind to bo aeeompsnlml by a certified uhuuk In thusum o.VU , iiayc.blo to the city of Omaha a an urldonoo of need fiiltli. The louid roscrvoa the rl ht to roloet any or ull bids and to wulxe dufuuts. i' . w. muKiiAU-uii Chnlrrnnn Hoard of , 1'ubllo Work * . Omaha , Nub. , July lMh,160v. ionulu fur ( /'nriotliiK | Council Clmmbur In City Hull , Omaha , Nob. Boaled bids , marked " 1'ropoaaU for Carpet- Init Council Chamber In Olty Hull. Omiiha. Neb. . " vtlll be rcoulved nt the office of thu city comptroller , to ! p. m. Auxutt 4th , IfiiC. Thu bldh buliiK for ourputlnir thu council chnnihur within thu rail , Hnuh bids to Klvo kind and iiuality nf ournut , mid total cost complete , luld down. A certified chuck of IIOU to accom pany ouch bid. Tint rlKht ls renervod to ae- cuutor reject nn v or all bldu. jylSdH TUKO OLBEN , Comptrollor. PROPOSALS TOR AHATING NUISr ANCES OF LOTS OF REAL ESTATE. proposal will b received by the umlLTsiiod | | until 1K ; ) o'clock p. in Auznttn , lifr.1 , for ntmtliii : iho niiltnnco on cdrtnin lots of roil ost'ilo. the condition ( if which lias been declared u milvuieo by re.ison of the cxist- cncu of Mucnnnt wntct upon the R tmu or hanks of earth otvlujr o\er ndjacont sldo- wnlks by imllnnneo No. .Mi ) , nnd described ni follows ! Lots : i nnd 4 block n Swrory's addition. I/ot IT Heed's 2nd ndnltlon. U > ts y and 4 b'.nck S A. 8. I'atrlck'A addition. Lots 0 , 7 , 8 block ; i A. H. 1'utrlc ' uddltlon. Lots I , : ' , ; i , 4 , \ o , 7 block 2 A. A Patrick's nd nltlon. Lots 7 , 8 , 0 block n A , S. I'atrleU's addition. I.otmm mid t ( HJIso's addition. Lot I block 4 llo.'KMAHill's nddlllon. l.iit If. east M feet of wosf.'IO feet , llartlotl's addition Lot in east 100 feet of wost.1 0 feet Hnrtlott' * ud'lltlon. Luis 4 iindfl lCt jcii'dlv lot U Cnpltol addition earth coMirlni ; sldowulk * Lots 4 and fl Koyos' ill v lot 0 Ui\iiltol addition cm Hi uniurltiir Hlduntiik. 1-otr. block I'Meltv- . Lots I , : > , : i. 4. .1. o block 7 Drake's nddlllon. Lots ID. D. K 7 , d 114. . 1 1 block 7 Drake's ad dition already reported ll'led. ' Luis II. .1. 4. r > . U hlucK ! l Drake's uOdltlon. Lot ai In Davenpurt'ssub. Lot H llasaa.l and Ito rrs' sub Of Kits 50 , 5" , M of S. B. Itoai-rK'plutufOk lioiuiu . LutsU nnd 4 block 8 llawihurn iiddltlon. Lot ' 'Mi.ock ' . ' 5 llnwthuin addition. L'ltsr tiiulT b ook 7 Improvement Assocla- tluu Hddltlun. Lots t mid S block 10 Improvt'inont Associa tion nddltlon. IjOtN.I and 4 block n Improvement Associa tion addition. Luis 1 1 nnd 10 block 17 ICuuntro's'ind Hutli'i audit Inn. Lots 17. 20. SI , 24 , 25 block 17 Ken utro'a mid Kiith's iiddltlon. lot ' , : i block- Koiuit/o'sHrd aildltlon. Lots S8 mid SO blook 17 Koniitzo nnd lluth'a addition. Lots ill nnd 14 hloak 4 Lnuo View. LutO block II Louu's addition. l.ols 8 and U block H Marsh's iiddltlon. Lots 5 null south biilf 10 , block U Marsh's ad dition. North half lotO block 0 Marah'H nddlllon. Lots 11. 10. II. lit 13 , 14 , 15 , 10 , 17 , IS , 111. SO block 7 Mounionth Turk. Lntsaiiii ! ( : Okuhoimi. K.ist half lut II anil oat half Iot2 I'ark IMnco Lot 10 block 2i I'oppleton Park. Luis L' . : < . 4 , 1) ) . 10. li block hi I'opplcton I'ark. Lotsu , 0. 7 1'iiriiuMitcr Place. Lots 7 a i ul 8 Itedlek's ( Jrovo. Lot 41 lllokury 1'litco. Lot Ml Ucillck'iSnd addition. Lots 1 uml'J block 5 siibdlv.l. I. Uedlek'a ad dition. Lots l.t nnd 14 btoei : U i-blnn's 2nd nddlllon. Lot II block 2 Slum's aildltlon. Lots 8 and u block 4 Swou/y's iiddltlon. Lut 1 Terrace addition , earth cuxorluu walk. Lots 7. S , t ) . in block I. Walnut Hill. Lots MI. ID block : i Walnut Hill. Lnts'JI , 13 block 10 Walnut Hill. Lots II. I' ' . 1.1. 14 , 2.1 block It Walnut Hill. Lot 24 block H VYnlnut Hill. LotsU 1 hllc \Vuln ut Illll. Lots 1. 2 , 2i ai. 24. block 0 Wulnut HIIL Lot 2-J block 4 Walnut Hill. Tux lot lUscoSI-ri-1,1 That part uf Dale street north of George street , ns vaoatod. The nbnttiiKuf the nuisances to bo done In nccordmuo with the Instiuctlons of tbaelty engineer and boaid ut public worls. lllil to bo madu on printed blnnkn fur nished by Ihn board , and to be uccomuanlod with n certllleil chock In thu sum of t-'Mi , pay able to thu city of Omaha , ns an evidence of good faith. The board reserves the right to reject any or ull bids and to waive defe ts. P. W. IlIKKIIAUSEK , Cnatrmun Hoard I'll bile Works. Omilin , Nob. , July -J2 , 1S02. Jy2--2J-20-n : PROPOSALS FOR ABATING NUI SANCES OF LOIS OF REAL ESTATE. Soulo.l proposals will bo received by the umlnrslirned until I : : i ) o'clock. ! ) m. July sri. 1W2 , for ah i tlni ; thu nnlsancu on certain lots of real estate , the condition uf which has been de clared a nuisance by rutison of iho o\l tonco of stniiiiiint water upon tha simn. by Ordin ance No. .Wil , and di'scrlho.l ns follows : Lots 7 , S. 0. 1' . 11 , J. ' , II , 14. 40. 41. 43 , 4J. 41 , In Glsc's addition. Lots 4 , U and 7 , In block 8 , MeCormlcU's addi tion. tion.Lots Lots 7 ami S In block I'.McC'ormlck's ' addition Lots 1 2 5 In biook . ' MtOormlok's , , 4. J. , uddl tlonThat That pnrt of uld 27lh street In MeCormlek'g addition. Lots5G,7nudSm block 7 I'imnvlow uddl- tlmi. tlmi.Lot Lot 17 In Hood's -'nil addition. Lots 2. and 2i In block 111 , bluill's 2nd addi tion. tion.Tax lot 24. section 21 , T I" H IX Lot 21 block n. Ivount7u's 3rd addition. The abating ot the nuisances to ho done In accordance with the instruutluim uf Uiocity enzlneer and board of DUblle works. lllds will bo nindo un printed blntilcs fur nished by the IKI , i rd , mid to be nccompanlnd by H certified cheek In thUfiuniofS'i n. piy.iblo to thu city of Omaha us an evidence nf good faith. The board ronervos Iho right to reject any or nil bids and to waive defocls. I' . W. ItlltlvlIADSnit , Chairman Ito ml uf 1'nblle Works. Omaha , Nob. July ISth. 1SJ. . jylr -10-2J-23 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGES - AGES FOR GRADING. To the owners of ull lots on Giant street from Un I street , to 4Uh street. Von are hereby notified that thn nnilor- slcnud. three dlHlnterested freeholders nf the elty uf Oniiihu. huvo been duly appointed by tbu mayor , with Iho apprnv.il of thu olty coun cil of H.ild elty , to assess thodmii'iRO to the ( iwner * respectively of the pronitrty nlTcutoil by , radltu uf suld street , dualiired necessary by oidlnincn number .II'.T. u ussod July 3th , Is'lj. aijiri\eI July illli. I- ! ) . ' . \ un lire tuithur notified , that having ac cepted sild iippotiitmoir , and duly iiii illlleil ah reiilrcl ( | ( by law.o will , un thu 2nd day ot August , A. I ) . IS'J.1 , at the IKIIH of three o'clock In thu afternoon , ut the olllco of Ciuo. J. I'.inl. Ki''i I'ain.im btmet , with n thocorpor- atu I m'ts ' uf said cltv , meet fur the pin po-so uf considering mid making the iiKScssmimt uf ( lainuio to the owners rospeetlioly of snld propei ty. ulTeetcd by H ildridln. ( . ' , taklnc Into consldenitlon special benulllf , If any. Von mo nutllled to bo present at tlio tlmo mid place aforesaid and make any objections to or statements concerning Raid assessment ot dama uj as you may consldur pmpor. CJKO. J. I'AIIL , W H. OATKS. , W. U. bllKlV'hlt. OMAHA , July 21lh , 18'ii Jy2ldl3t NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGES FOR GRADING. To the ownoia uf ull lots and n.irts of lots mid roil iistalo nluiu tlni alloy In block 5 , Im- procinent Association addition : Vnu niu hereby uollllml thut the undor- ntzned , three disinterested frcehulderR uf tbu city of Oiniilin. Irivo been ilulv auiilnnti'il bv HIM niiiynr , u Ith the uppruval uf fiu city eonn- cll of said city , to im < oss Hiednuigo to the owners resueetlvely of the 11101 jrty alfeeted by Dialling iilliiy In block . ' . , Imin ivoment As- socl. itlon nildltlnn , declared i > eessmy by urdln.ineoi.l2 : ( ) . p.ibsud July Alh , 1.DJ. nuprood Von nro further notified , that Imvlne no- copted hiild uppolntmiint , and duly mullllod us reijnliod by law , wo will , on the tiSth day ol July , A , I ) . . -us. I . ut thu hour of II o'olocU In the forutioiin , ut the ollL-o of T. II. MeUnlloi'li , room 81. ' , Now York Life hulldlnir. within the cm porato limits of said city , meet fur the pur pose of ronsldurlni : mid muklui ; tlio assess ment of dninap ) lo thoownnr * respectively of said property , ulTuctu'l by bald graillnir , taldni ? Into eoiifilderatlon special benolllH , If nuy. You uru notlllod to bo prcaoijt nt the tlmo mill plnco aforesaid , uud make uny ohjoutlons to ur statements concerning said asRoaament of damages us you nmv coiiHlder proper. T. ii. MCJIIILOOH ! JOHN ii. uiivn : : , CIIAIlLnSL. TIIOMA9. Oinahn , July l.'tb. 18HZ JIGdtUt To theownersof all lots , pirlK of lots nnd ro.il estate aliment li avenue from Luuvon- wurth htreot to south line of Hlllx I'lucu ; You itru horuliy nutlllul thut the unilor- hUncil. throe ( llbliituruntuil freuholdiirs uf the city of Omaha , huvo biiun duly appointed by thu nniyor. ulth thu approval of the olty council uf B ild city , to UH.HOKS tlio diimacu to tliuouiiern ruipcetlvoly ot the property uf- fuctua by kTidliitiHli : rivenne from Lnuvon- wortb street to houtli line of I'llln I'liicu. (16- e In red noceniiry by ordinance No. UlUO.naiiied July 5 , 11-02. upproveJ July II , l8Ji. You nro further notified , tlmt havliu no- copludiald iippolntment , nnd duly ( innllllod as required by luw. wo will on the litt duy of A u. Mist , A , I ) . 1KU2. at thu hour of Id o'clock In tha forenoon , nt the olllco of John V. Hack , at room 651 , Chamber of Commerce , wllhlu the corporate limit * of mid olty , meet for thu purpose of cuusldurtnz mid making the m- se ment of Uaniauo to the owner * respect ively of iitlu property , u ( Tec ted by tmld raa- liiK. tnklnu into connldorutlon spoclul buno- UtK , Ifanv , You nro notified to bo iirosont ut tlio tltno and place aforouiilij. mi ( I make uny objectloiu lonrstutuiuunts ooncurnliiK said nsrievinient otdumaces a you may consider proper. JOHN K. KLAOIC. T. I ) . McOULLOUH. _ , , , , JOHN 11. UEKVE8. Oniuhu , July 19 , 1BU3. JylilulOt Notion to CoiitrnrtorR. KofileJ propnuiU will tin resolved at tbf S , ( H.P' . * ll.r/t. ! ! * Molllrroii in I'onder , " "i. Y"V ii i uHutir. iiuu.ur ail no oneooi V , 0. I.edubrink(70 Now Vork Mfu bullalnic Omiilit , Nob. , on and after July VI , ! & ! . Thui reserve thu rlKht to roluot any itnd all bldi , Dutod nt rentier. Neb , , .filly 13. 18W. MAllYOTi1