Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Pour Tramps Killed in a Wreck on the
Burlington Near Plattsmouth.
TH-Mvo Cnrn l.nnilcil wltliOrnln
by the ArciiliMitVlilcli un Ciuucil
hy thu Irnln llrc.ililiiK In
'l'\v < > uu a ( Ir.Kle.
1' , Nob. , July 20. I.S
' 'foloeram to Tins Hin.J : Train No. 23 , ono
the Burlington's fast freights , \v i wrecked
this morning about : 10 o'clock on tbo long
crude- cast of tlio Missouri river bridge.
Tour men wens killed nnd twelve cars were
catteroJ ever tlio pr.ilrio. Tlio nccl-
dent was caused by the trnm partIng -
Ing twelve curs from the engine.
Tlio train was In ctiarRO of Conductor
William Nolnnd end was pulled by engine
201) ) . At the tirao of the wreck the train was
running at the rate of twcnty-flvo
miles mi hour. The train was made up of
thirty-seven cars , of which twontv-flvo were
loaucd r Ith grain.Tho engineer had just taken
no trio slaclt aud the Jerk broke ttio coupling
between tbo twelve empty cars nnd the
twenty-five loaded ones.
The hoiid braketnan discovered that Iho
trnln was broken and yelled at the conduc
tor. Thov nt once started to set brakes on
the detached win , but could not stop
them. Conductor Noland was In the act ot
setting the hraKO on the caboose when the camo. Ho was hurled from the brake
lo thn floor of the caoooso nud severely
How the Knglncrr Acted.
The ongineor.inRtoad of opening his enclno
nnd running nwity from the Hying cars , re
versed and applied the air brakes. The result
was his part ol the train stonpcd , and the
huavilv loaded cars crashed Into Hie icar of
hh section , where three tramps were ridliiff.
The rear car was llteially reduced to
kindling wood. Two of the tramns were
almost Instantly killed. Another
was caught under the sldo
nnd trucks of the car and his legs and the
lower portion of his body so badly crushed ho dlD.i In a vorv short time.
Superintendent nignell ot the Durllngton
caine down from Lincoln this morning with
the wrecking train and Is personally superIntending -
Intending the woncof cloarit'g up the wreck.
Ho Is also Investigating the cause of the
This afternoon workmen took out the body
of another trump. So fur but two of Iho
men hnvo been identified. Their uames are
James Murray , Lcadvilto , Cole , and William
K.\an , Now York. There woro-llvo tramps
in the last cnr of thn llrst section , ono of
whom , a smnll negro Doy , escaped. One of
the victims was literally crushed Hat. An
other tramp rid I rip in a car abend of tUo last
ono escaped without injury.
Corn , wheat and flax was scaltoiod all ever
the countrv around the wreck nnd the word
ing foico was kept busy for some lima loud-
ing sound cars with the irrnln. Tonight the
track was clcarod and train * will ho running
reifulnrly before morning.
Thu coroner's Inquest was in progress tbia
evening. The testimony of Engineer Mayfield -
field wns to the effect that the paitlng of the
train caused the air brakes to automatically
set themselves but ho also testified that the
train nartod hack of tlio uir brake cars. Ho
nays that ho hao. Iho throttle of his enclnc
\vldo i ptn , but the brakes slipped In Bpllo of
that fact.
Hod cars , the head brakeman of the wrecked
train , was thrown from ono of the cars and
lit lu a ditch by the side ot the truck. Two
cars How ever him , but beyond being bruised
ho escaped uninjured.
IliiitilciiVuti > r Work * Cnio ,
BnATiitcu , Nob. , July 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun HKI : 1 A special meeting of
the council wns called this afternoon to hear
' the report of the water committee on the
l now water works situation. The report was
on unsatisfactory verbal ono and was simply
in cfTcct that Uodfrey should bo Invited to
return to the citv and make n test of the
ciipncitv of tbo plant as far ns completed in
order that the cltv may huvo seine basts on
Which to remedy the existing difficulty.
i\-Ti-rusmrr : I'liul'K C.'ltr.
IlASTixfi" , Nob. , July 20. [ SiK'eiat Tclo
pram to Tnu Br.i : . I H is reliably reported
hero that the panors wnlch 'havo delayed Iho
dofcnso in the case of the state nzaltist
Charlcfl II. Paul from taking the case to the
Euprcmo court nro at last ready and it is
] irobabio that the motion for a writ of super-
Bcdeas will ho urgued bcforo that court in a
few days. Meanwhile Paul Is In jail here
awaiting developments.
Ciiplurt'il 11 lllcji'ln Thief.
GiiASi ) I < SI.\N-I > , Nob. , July 20. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : BIK. : | J.V. . Ucnnolt was
captured here this afternoon with the oicyclo
stolen from J. R \ \ hcclock of ICoarnev y'os-
tciday. A rownrd of $100 was oflorod , \ \ hlch
will bo claimed by 11. 11. Peters , a local
bicycle iigont of this city.
( nnd I'ortuiio ur ix llr.itrlco Chirlc.
' HCATIIICC , Nob. , July 20. [ Special Tclo-
gram to Till ! Him. ] Tliomns J. Overstreetof
this cltv Just received word from Carlln-
vllle , 111. , that by the decease of an undo ho Is
bequeathed f 10,000. Mr. Overstreot U employed -
ployed In ouo of the grocery stores of the city
ns a clurk.
\ ViiriuVutliKr ut Ni'liruiliii city.
1 NninusKA CITV , Nob. , July 20. fbpecial
Telegram to TUB lUi.J : The thoiMioinoter
registered 105 ° in the shade today , the
warmcHt for year * . Uutsldo work was
generally suspended. For the past three
days the thermometer baa stood at from 03 =
to 110 = .
1'nKi < > \ < T tlio
binxr.v , Nob. , July 2J. [ Special Telegram
to Tut : Urn. I Hon. Thomas liontoii arrived
hero thin morning from Lincoln , and paid
over to the county troasuror510S'JO tnxes'duo
from the Pullman Palace Cur company.
Drou-iuiil A\hiu , Untiling.
OAKLAND , Nob. , July 20. [ Special to THE
HKK.J A. O. Wagner , a snloonltoopor hure ,
was drowned in Iho river last night while
. IA . > U tl.VHM ! SX r.1.
Dan Rice , the oldest circus clown allvo ,
tnd probably the only ono who occupies
much spucu In the heart of the small boy , has
not yet lost nil deslro to wear the pyramidal
but and variegated pants. The jolly old soul
recently nttondoa u performance of Nolilo
McHunry's "A Klght at the Circus" In Now
York , mul declared that ho could no longer
resist the temptation to revive the good old
onu-ilng circus of other dajf > nhcro people
could sou the uhow with ono imlr of eyes
without urcaklng their necks. Undo Dan
mud ho'd huvo to tnko oft Ms hat to Nollle
. "That's UUo it "
Mcllonry. something , said
tie , "that's the best show I'vo noon since
Dun Hleo quit Ilio business. " Miss Mcllonry
ana her able company will bo nt IJoyd's
Theater Next Sunday night. Sale of tcaU
will open Saturday.
DaWltt's Sarnaparlliu clc.tnso ? the blood ,
increases tlio upimiito and tonns up the sys-
torn. It has bunellttod many people w'tio
have stiilordd from blood UlsorUcM. It will
help you.
Tbo following marring lloansoa wera
Issued by Judgu Ullcr yo > torday :
N.ioin and . \ddruii. Ago
I l.oiiU llnrlr.iin. Umuba . , . "
1 Muinlo Mnuaiiiaiin , Uniahii . IV
I I'atr ok Coy I u , South Omaha . X
"I Katlu l.oye , Smtli Uinahu . ' . ' *
I Albert lli'iison , Boutli Oinahu . " 7
I Alliuilo l''lewlutf ' , Onuwa , la . 1 !
I Kdward lloi'abfl , Oinahu . , . , "i
I Jullu Murphy. Kannu O'lty . 18
I Wllltnin llulllnger. Ontaba . . . . 7.
I Allen K , hUson , Uniubu . . . O'J
I V : O. I'oturajii , Omaha . Xi
t Mmlldtt Uk.trom , Oinahu . 1
Uo Witt's Sarsupunlln U rollanlo.
Anutlivr lliuimry In 1'rixport.
There U a prosneot that uu additional
rowcry will bolosutod lu Oinutia during
the nrciont season , A well known Farnnm
strctt saloon mnn rcco'.voJ K letter yestar-
day from a contlcman In Now York \\t\o is
anxious to Invest bis capital in a brmvcry
somewhere In the west. The writer stated
that ho had been favorably Impreisod with
Omaha by what ho had road in Tun Bnu
and would probably como out here soon to
look Iho ground over nnd dccldo upon n loca
Mrs. ti. R. Pallon , lloekford , III. , writes :
' From personal experience I can recommend
Do\Vltt' Sarsoparllla , n euro for Impure
blood nnd ginoral dobtllty. "
Mow the Clilrnpn-Oninlm I'ait .Mull Train
In NIMT iinlipnl. : |
The Chicago , Uurllnuton & Qulncy road li
remodeling all the postal oirs on Its fast m&ll
run between Chicago nnd Omaba.
Car U39 , tbo fifth ono liuishlng , was put
out of the shops yesterday and the railway
mall clerk * on the Omaha run nro shaking
hands with themselves , for each remodeled
car moans Increased comfort and better
working fucilltlc.i. Many of the Improve
ments which uro so greatly appreciated by
Iho men who handle the mall going at the
rat a of fortv miles an hour or more are apt to
pass unnoticed by the luitv , but even Iho
unltlatcd can difference between
car UOO and Its neighbor , which has yet to bo
lilted with modish garments.
In the first place , the cumbersome space-
llllni : wooden rarus have been replaced bv
the light , strong , convenient nnd neat look
ing infrlson Iron rack. Any sacu placed
anywhere will fit the now racks , and the
arrangement nnd mechanism Is auch that
one-half the tlmo is anvcd in emptying the
racks. To the busy , time limited mall clerk
tins saving Is beyond words.
In the old style arrangement nil tbo sacks
were hung on ono sldo ot the car , but In the
remodeled car the rack Is divided , making an
nlslo near the ecu tor of the car , lor ono line
of sacks hangs on ono sldo and four lines on
the other. This rearrangement also balances
.bo car better than the ancient manner. Over
.ho sacks nod under the roof ot tha car extend -
tend two rows of paper boxes , ono on each
side , giving the snino numbsr of uoxcs but of
twice tbo size as the aoublo box used in tbo
old cars.
Chief Clerk P. W. Coato of the Chicago
nnd Omi.lm fast mall division has secured a
clear gain of seventy letter boxes by n'l In
genious device. It is called the swing letter
case , and consists of two sections of letter
cases placed on hinges so as to swing across
tbo nlslo , thus utilUIng the dead sp.ico
caused by tlio p.isaago way. These changes
give tbo car 570 letter boxes and act'ommo-
lations forawinglnir ISO sacks.
The cars nro equipped with lanjo deck or
siy lights over the letter cases , and have
the hot water heater partitioned off from the
mil n part of the cur. Chief Clerk Coates ,
vith an eye single to the uomfortof the boys ,
lad folding wash basins fed from n root
nnk put in , and by n single spring-clip device -
vice , which wedges the closed sliding door
igninst a cushion of plush , has done- away
vlth all rattling of doors and blasts of air
vhich blast throuch unguarded c'racks whoa
ho train Is bowling along on a fast mail
It Is these little thlncs , the employes con-
end , which improve the eflleieney of the
ailwuy mail service , nnd the Chicago nnd
Jinaha division is now not behind any in all
that goes to inalte up n Unit-class run.
Disease never successfully attacks the sys
em with pure blood. UoWitt's Sarsnparllla
unites pure , now blood and enriches blood.
I'liyHlnliins I'uy n Tribute to Two
Drpartcd Doctors.
There was n largely attended mooting of
the physicians of tha city at the Mlllard
jotol yostcrdav afternoon to talco action on
he deaths of Dr MclConna and Dr. taloman.
Dr. Bacon called the mooting to order nnrt
Dr. Joseph Neville was in ait o cbuir'iun and
Dr. LJacon secrotary. Dis. E. E. U omersloy ,
A. B. homers aud J. M. Swetman were np-
iiomtcd a committee to draft appropriate
resolutions nnd they presented the follow
ing , which were adopted :
WhcienH. In tbo wisdom of an inscrutable
providence Drs. l.ovi f. McKcnna and U. C.
riinman have beun lumovcd from mnoim'ns by
dentil , tlicioforu bo It
UesoUcd , That wtt.tho physicians of Omaha.
i'alio tu \nross our regret at their untlniuly
iling uwiiy um ! to testify our esteem for
tnuin us iibsoulutcs and profess on.'il brethren.
Kuso.M'd , That wo tender our sympathies to
tin1 fatuities of onr duoeasoil 'ricndH.
Kesulved , Tnnt the > > ucictiir/l.o instructed
to fnriiiili a copy of thoio resolutions to ouch
of thedilly p ipursof Uiniibi for publication
and ihut u eopy bo sent to the families of
eauh of our deceased brethren.
Following the adoption of the resolutions
brief addresses were made by Drs. Lolsin-
ring , Neville , WomersIcy.Hoftman and Bacon ,
Cach of the speakers dweit upon tbo
genial manners aim professional standing of
the deceased find expressed sincere regret
for their death.
Do you like n dry champagne ! Try Cook's
Extra Urv Imperial , its flavor Is unrivalled
and it is perfectly puro.
Two .Inly Siiit * . -
Legqctt it Hurlburt have brought suit
against Christian &Cotncr to recover ? 717.1C
The plaintiffs allege that during the months
of January and February , ISIU , they sold the
defendants 23,1-13 bushels of corn for the
sum of f0,1)37.10 , and that of that amount
$717.10 remains duo and unpaid.
Bernard Blum would have Balthlas Jettor
pav him ? 1.'IJ ! , " > . Ho alleges a real rstalo
deal maao in Ib'Jl ' by which Jotter xvaa to
purchase his property for tbo amount of
in o uny heretofore named. In pursuance of
the talk tlio plaintiff executed n deed and
turned the property ever to the defendant ,
who refused to make the payments.
If out of order , use Baacarun's Pills.
Murray CUUH to the I'un.
Sheriff Bennett went to Lincoln yesterday
Accompanied by Jack Murray , the burplur
who shot at Policeman Coray. Murray wilt
tarry at the penitentiary whore ho has a
ton-year contract with the stato.
Eye and oar surgeon , Grant Culli-
uioro , room --I , DQU
Tiuiipl ir i\ciir : lons.
Cummoncin ? July O5th the Ciiicngo ,
Houk iHltind Piieilic railway will soil
tiuUols to lonvorSuU Lnko nnd Ilulonn ,
Montana , at half faro for the round trip.
Tlckotb on Btilo until Atijf10th , good to
return until Oct. 10th. Tlio Colorado
llyoi1 , Icavliif , ' at 10 : p.m. , sorvea dinnoi-
in dining oar aftur duparluro from
Omaha. Thin in tlio only direct route
with elegant , tliroiiyh : sloouars to Denver -
vor , Colorado Hpringa , M.inltou and
Piioblo. Take the Kock iHliuul and you
will bo siUlallt'il you have eoloctud the
bebt. Ticket ollk'o 1G02 Furnuin at.
CIIAKLIS : Kns'NKnv.G.N.W.P.Agt.
JOHN SlillABTIAN , G. T. & P. Agt.
Wanted at tlio ollluo of Tun OMAHA
Hii : : , coploa ol THU EVENING Uiu of
April 2J.
Kottemif flee nnetiirlrnt imilrrtlilt lictnlJlftu
cent * ; c < ich uiUUbmtil lint trnctnlt.
\VAI/rtN } M , , at tbu ronlJunuo of
her slstur. .Mm. JuiiR'a Merion , a ed&7yuar < .
1' I'rld.iy ut ill ) p. in. from her late
roilduuco , 17I1) ) Chicago bliout. Hurllimon ,
la. , pjpurk ploiibu copy ,
KNtJUr.hL-.MIlilreil. asod 10 inoiitlm , d.iuch
terof Mr. llunry iind/.olla Knudull. 1'uiiural
today ul I p. in. frum tliulr rusldenue , 1 'M
bouth I hteenth UrcoU Inturinunt lu
Mount Uopu cumutory ,
Supreme Oourt Takes Action in Ouylor
Shultz's Ooso.
Several Killing ) of the Lower Court
ricnilril in flrniiiuH for a New
Trliil ( Itlivr IntorcntliiB Mn *
coin Nous Notes ,
LINCOLNNob. . , July 2J. ( Spoctnl to TUB
BEU , ] ( Juylor atiultz , the Hall county
murderer who was sovcrnl mouths npo sen
tenced to Uo hanged on the SOlh last , for
killing Illrnm l arr , will have n urlof rcsplto.
for. the supreme court today ausponded tbo
execution of thu donlli sentence until furlhor
notice. 1'otlltoti In error was filed with the
clerk of the supreme court this morning by
his nttornoyV. . H. Harrison of Grand
Island. The petition iillegcs that the lower
court erred in referring thn application fora
now trlul and in refusing to allow several
witnesses to stnto their opinion as to the
sunlty or Insanity of the defendant. Other
errors are ullcgod and a now trial prayed
for. The case U not llKoly 10 bo rounded on
the docket until BOtnotimo In November.
llirro 'Minor Mlilmps.
Lawrence Pillsburv , a toiler In the Capital
National bank of this city , was qulto severely
injured last night shortly aftur 11 o'clock.
Ho was riding on the foot boaid of a summer
car returning from Lincoln nark anil when a
car going In the opposite direction passed ho
was struck In the head and knocked sense
less. Ho was removed to his homo at 150
South Thirty-third street , where the physi
cians who had boon summoned discovered
that his skull baa boon fractured. Ho will
E. D. Mills , the engineer at. the Clarkson
laumlrv In this city , attempted to run n belt
on a swiftly revolving pullny this morning.
The coat sleeve on hU right arm cuught In
the Konrlne , twisting his arm until the bonus
wore broken bslow the elbow.
Frank Lush , the 5-year-old son of William
Lush , living at 1'JIU N stroui , had his log
hi oxen whllo playing about , the house last
I'rinn the rnllco Court.
Jnmos Clark is under arrest at the station
charged with the larceny of two pair of
pants from a local clothing house. Ho was
detected while endeavoring to dispose of
tnoin at a pawn shop.
Hcury Martin , Jdtnos Uoed , Clarlos Hig-
Kins , Frank Jones and Johu Totz , a qulntouo
of vagrants , wcro sentenced to sixty days
each lit the county Jail for not recognlzinB a
job of work when they mot it on the street.
James AiiRolo , who claims to bo a liucitl
desconilont from Michael , ana who Is under
arrest forattomptluir todispoaaof mortga ad
property , succeeded In having his case con
tinued until August ! ! .
Henry Snyder , the youthful foreor arrested
Monday , was released oy Judge Waters this
Carl Llndsey and John ICostlor were ar-
raiiniod on an all around charge of drunken
ness , dl'-orderlr conduot mm resistance ol
an ofUcor , but tnoy pleaded their case so
well that botu were discharged.
Lincoln In Itrlcf.
Sheriff McClav , who has boon 111 for
several weeks past , Is once more able to bo
at his oflles.
The pavir.g on North Twenty-seventh
stieot is progressing rapidly , three blocks
being nearly completed.
Hon. T. M. Marquntto today moved his
family Into the Hauls residence nt thu corner
of Seventeenth and F streets. Ho puichascd
the residence early this week for 39,000 and
It is ono of the Unost in Lincoln.
Kov. and Mrs. Wormloy , who depirt for
the mlssloimrv Holds of Uhina next week ,
were tendered a reception this evening at
ttio rosiaonco of Dr. Poobloj , corner of
Twontv-flfth and P streets.
W. L. Cratmall , journal clerk In the dis
trict clerk's olllce , nut his loft wrist to the
bone last ovaning.
Church & Oliver , proprietors of the Lans
ing theater , today secured a judgment for
8100 ngalnbt J. M. Burks , that being tbo
Hinount subscribed by the latter to assist in
thu enterprise.
published In behalf of Hood' * Sariananllti
ore not extravagant , are not "written"uu , "
nor uro itioy from Its employes. They tire
fuots , and prove that Hood's Sanhparilla
i possesses absolute merit and is worthy the
full conlldcnco of thu people.
Hood's Pill are pure vegetable , perfectly
harmless , but do not c.iuso oaln or grlno. 13c
sure to get Hood's. '
. -
The sorlos of articles on "Botany as n Re
creation , " by Miss Caroline A. Creovy , now
appearing In Harper's Bazar , nro attracting
deserved attention on account of their popu
lar and practical nature. This week's num
ber contains nu urtlclo on the "Fertilization
of Plants. " In tbo same paper Black's '
novel , "Wolfoiibort',1' his latest production ,
Is continued.
A neat edition of Longfellow's "Evangc-
llnu" ib just hsued from the press of Johu B.
Aldun , Now York. The little voluniu is profusely -
fusoly Illustratoa by designs Mom liirkct
Foster and Jane Beuham. This is one of a
series of standard poems , being presented to
the public in uu attractive form at a mere
nominal cost by the sanui 11 mi.
"Tho Wrecker , " by Hobort Louis Stevenson -
son iiud Llovd Osborn , which has appeared
serially in Scrlbner' Maiazmo during the
past year , Is now Usued In book form. Like
all of Mr. Stevenson's
productions U is In
tensely Interesting. But tbo Interest Is in
the evolution of the plot , not in the develop
ment of character. The scene of action
changes from Europe to Amorlua and from
America out into tha Puclllu ocoan. There
Is enough hltftiu shea to snthfy the average
reader of the dlmo novel lltoraluro of days
gene bv. Yet .Mr. Stevenson's work
is of n high order of romance writing ; it is
the worjt of an artist , presenting clear , vivid
picture * * , somewhat hlglily colored , as tbo
necessities of such fictional art as tbat of the
author of "Tho Master of Balluntrao" and
"Treasure IslJiul" demands , but admirable
withal nnu rotontlvely attractive. "Tho
Wrecker" is remarkable for the Ingenuity
displayed by the author in drawing out the
linely spun threads of his plot , loading thorn
this way and that and at last bringing them
together , and conceding them , so as to make
a complete wholo. Mr. Stevenson cannot bo
ranked with the man who , iindoritandlug
men and the motives of men , builds up a
character consUtont with the surroundings
of its development , who draws n tnlthful
picture of what happens In this everyday
world of ourt ; at best ho can but attain that
place In English literature which Jules
Verne occupied In French literature.
TOLEDO. Iowa , April 0 , 1S91.
Dr. J. D. Moore , DoarSIrs My wife has
used about six bottloi ot your Tree of Life ,
and thinks that Mio tins received greater bun-
ollt from It than any modlclno she un ; ever
taken. Vours truly , L. II. Buruix.
Oon'l ' Agent and Troas. West Cello 'J.
Slncu rocelvln ? tlio ntwo testimonial , 1 am
In receipt of a letter and choc ! ; from the Hey ,
U H Bufklnof Toledo , Iowa , April 'JV ta
send Uuv. J. W , ICnaworthy , Crjuliuo , Ida
sat. six bottles of Mooro'i Tree of Llf j.
l' or sale by all druggists.
Spectacles ndjnstou for ilofuctlvo
vision. Dr. Cullirauro , K. il , Uoo bid- ' .
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
( Taatolo3-Effectual. )
For Sick-Headache ,
Impaired Digestion ,
Liver Disorders and
Female. Ailments.
Renowned all over the World.
Covered nllh a Taselci ( * Solnlle Conlln ? .
Ask for neechara's and take no others.
Made nt St. Helens , England. Sold by
druecltln and dealers. Price 25 cents a
box. New York Depot , 365 Canal St.
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics.
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adopted for Use in Hard Water
"BAN ATI VO , " tli *
Wonderful Jp'nleh
Ilcmcdy , la cold nllh a
Written Guarontoo
to cure ull KOIYOIU IJla-
ca Mi , sutli as Weak
Memory , Ixiss of llrnlo
1'ower , Headache ,
liooil , Kcrroiiinra , Las-
( Ituilo , all drains anil
Poforo&Aftor Uso. losi of poncr of ( tie
Photographed from life. Gencrallvo Oicani In
. . . .i- . . . -n- . . . im-n either sex , cau-rd by
o\fr jxertlon. youthful Indiscretions , or the jixcrwlyi
* coftubBCCO , oiiluui.oi BtliiinliuiU , which uHlinalttj
lend to Intlrmltv , Coiinuiiiptlon iiml Insanity I'nt up
] u convenient form to carry In Hie e t pocfctt. rilce
| l apnchnjf.orOforM.VHUeciy 3t.
written auorantoo to euro or rcfumJ the
trsoner. icntby mall to any mldrcu. Cluular free
lQi > litlnci.\eloi < cMtullon Ihla paper. Addtess.
MADIIID CHEMICAL CO. . llraiiih oniccfoi U.S.A.
358 Dem born Str.-ct , CHICAnO , ILL.
Ruhr A Co. , Co.r 15tli &IOURIM 8t .
A I'Millar & Co. . Cor'14th A. IoimIa SU.
MKNT. nspocltlo for Hjslorli. DUzlnoji , tits N u
ralnln , llc.iiliieha. Nurvous 1'ro tr.iton uausod tif
ulcuhoi or tobacco , W.ikofutncis. MontHl DoDrcs-
elon , Soltncasoftha llrulu ciiiilnx ln < nnlty , mlnary.
deciyloith. I'ruuiutiire OM Ao , Uarromn , l.on
of 1'oworln eltlicr * or , In.pJlonoliuucorrlui aril
till Komulo Wu.iknoiaj * , Involuntarr LostOJ , Spor-
mtitorrhro cnuoil by ovor-oxoitlun or tha brain
f-clf-abusoovcr-lnilulKtinco. A month's tri.ittn3iit for U. tij mill. WeRU'iranlooHlt UOTOI to euro
Knoll onler lord boxei. nlth ? i Mill su-ul wrlttun
iruaruntjeto refund If not cnrutl ( iuarantco ItsuoJ
onlr by Tlieo.loin. K Lewis ilruKZim. solo auont.
t cornur lutli uud rurnauj htu . Ouiiiha
Anew nnl Complete Trentniont , con > l tlni { of
Suppo9lturlo3. Olntmont In I'lipiuloi , nl > u In HOY
nnj I'llli : n I'osttlvo I'lira for IJiteriial. Intornnl
blind or lIlooilliiKltclilnJlirunlc , Ituoantor llerjill-
tury 1'llos T.ils llcmoly h.u nuvor Inon known to
full. Clpurhnx liforJj , benlbyviuill Why anirurfroiu
this torrlbls clhoiif ) nluri a wrium ciliranloe I
| KiUI\olyKlfcii with ( ' DOXOI or rofunil the mon /la
nut cur Ml Tiirt atamplfor free Siuup'.o. ( ! u irAlltdf
H noJ hy ICuhii Ac Co , Dni jUti , bdlu Xttonts.corna
CthaiidlJouulm strcoU. Umiha. Nob.
The only uniformly
Consultation Jrea.
Call upon or uddroaa
with otamp.
Bcuth 1 1th St , N. K. corner
L 14th and Douulas Sts. ,
Oinahu ,
Save Your Eyesight
Kve tested free byan HXPntlT\OPTIOIAN
I'orfcctadjustment. SuperiorIPIHOI. Norv-
oniliondicho cured by uslnit our Suocticlcj :
nnd nyoglnssod 1'rlcoj low for Urjt cl.m
ROOllft ,
111 S.loth St.Crol rhtoi : Block.
Dr. Bailey , S
Dentist The Leading 5
Third Tloor , Paxton lllook.
Tclopliono lOS.I. KJIli a.ul Sts.
A full K't of troth on nililipr lor fS. I'erf cot set
Teeth Mlthout plntp * or romovnhlu lirliluo work
] n t the thlnii fur clnciM or imtillu apcnkrrn , never
( Hup ilonu.
All Mlllni ! at roiiBoii'iblo rate1 ! . All \\oi\i \
wfti nintcil. cut thU out for u Hiildo.
If you are in position to take
advantage of the laws re
lating to
If you have taken up a piece of
If you have made an invention
on which you desire to
secure a
You should communicate
with the
Bee Bureau of Claims
The object of this bureau is to yivo
every person holding a logitiinato claim
against tlio Government the nd van luge
of n residence in Washington , whether
lie live in Texas or Alaska. It does
uioro than that. Nino-tonths of the
population of Washington would bo
helpless if asked how to go to worlc lo
secure their rights through the depart
ments. Tin : Buu Bureau of C aims
gives the advantage , not only of per
sonal ro&idonco , but of thorough famil
iarity with ull the machinery of the
government. It offers
Absolute Security.
You do not know whether the average
Washington claim agent will cheat you
or not , although on general principles
you would naturally suppose that ho
would. But you know that the San
Francisco Examiner , tlio St. 1'anl Pioneer
neor press and the Omaha Bni : cannot
afford to cheat you. They guarantee
this Bureau , ana their reputation is
staked upon the honesty and ability of
its management.
Tlio bureau employes attorneys who
Expert Specialists
for each of its departments.
Its Indian depredation cases tire care
fully worked uu , with all tha evidence
required by law , uud argued bcforo the
court of claims in such u manner as to
bring out most favorably ail the essen
tial points.
Its land cares are handled in strict no-
cordnncn with the rules of the General
Land Olllco , so that no delays or com
plications ensue in the orderly settle
ment of the claims.
Itrt patent cases arc so managed ns to
insure the utmost possible benollt lo the
inventor by giving him. the broudoat
protection his ideas will jubtlfy.
Its pension cases are disposed of with
the least possible delay and expanse to
the votcrnns.
Don't i of rain from consulting the
bureau because you nro afraid of tbo cost.
Its costs nothing to got Information.
Ask as many questions'as you please ,
and they will bo unsworod promptly
cheerfully nnd accurately , without
Bee Bureau of Claims
Room 220 , Bee.Build
ing , Omaha , Neb ,
* > * O-DAY
"We begin our annual mid
summer sale of all the odd suit
pants that have accumulrr.ed dur-y'
ing the past season. Tne thou
sands who have profiled by these
sales in other years will need no
urging to bo on hand. These sales
are too \vell known , to need
more than bare mention to bring our pa ons
out in full force. These sales are entirely ori
ginal with "The Nebraska , " and can neither bo
equalled nor imitated. For magnitude of as
sortment -quantity to choose from value for
youf hard earned dollar they stand -without
rivals in the clothing world. The sale this ssa--
son comprises nearly
In almost every conceivable shade and color
dark , medium and light. They are in plaids
stripes checks mixtures fancy and plain
colors. They are in cassimeres cheviots
homespuns worsteds serges tweeds flan
nels. They are in lots of from one to twenty
pairs of a kind , and represent about every styje
of a suit that we've sold since the first of March.
We've divided them into three great lots at
$2.50. $3.50.
The pants at one fifty are out of suits up to
seven fifty the two fifty ones are out of suits
up to thirteen fifty while the three fifty ones 4
are from the finest suits we've sold this season.
The lot of pants at two dollars and fifty cents
a pair we claim to be the biggest value ever
offered by any clothing house in this whole
eountryand consists entirely of pants that
would cost you four five and six dollars a
pair out of regular stock. If you are compelled
to wear your coat this hot weather on account
of the "holy" condition of your pants why
you know two fifty ain't much.
During July and August we close at 6:3O : p. m ,
Saturdays , 1O p. m.
lacst Military School In Mo. V/o challenged all the Ica.linpr Military Schools In the State to
etltUO lirlll 1 ut w non. and Ilicy declined in meet us. Infantry , Artillery MI ; Cav.ilr > Irl I. .
iMKlern cunwmcticfs. jxtcn6i\c improveim.nli , now being made. IJoard , Tuition and \\ash.
Jbo , per cession.
llr JAMKH A of Wnshtncton nni ! I.CP University. Vn , fij j "No other cndcmy In
Iho piiilru country hilt in.idi < litre u inuniiuliiilruliln rtciiiilni ho n by Ihe wifc bi of Iho students
pi.Viml t > y It lorllili liistlliiltoii.tourbi whom Imvoln Ihu past Jour jearu Inktii loiirecholaMhltia.
tour meilsli uud Iliri'U dfirit . 'f
l'orilIuftr.itcJcat loiic ; and full information address MAJOR S. SELLERS , Lexington , Ho.
l'rliu < : 'tlnnln'lllleiwirt-
V * of MiiMoiilHluilj-
UBU VJX \ & > ya > 'Ait I'lliiinltinilanral'ut
ycur. Addiuu U P HUJ.LAKU , bu | < l. JitrLbuiiTlllc , 111.
rairairflSSffl SEMIHARY
tfiMftiiP 08 K fit I " Hieh.rt.iJ . >
'IfMumFfifJ ni1tE/U"al' ! ' iH'iArinNuf
" " JiaMiilLKliJliJiaiyjt.lHI' * ' ! . . . . . ' .T. " " ! ivima V'UNO '
\ioMKN"u"jras ? irivviiiTijr1wr : iJ ! *
Wnltun. AIII. , l're lil iili Lc.\lnnt " . Mlnourl.
IIIKhllilMI IMIUdlll'M.
cilllon iMlMiltf 1'ul I v llivtriiclni Nui lililliUil1tnu'llC |
Illl U'.HlM IK. I MMItpUfr < lliill\n.lnfl' ! | . I'lllltlinilM'tflllH
kojit. T , Undfurcalulonui. . J. 1. lUIIbWUr , IMrrclur.
A'S'ira ' KV.VJ < ! ; ' " ' ! : ! ' " " '
Ohllilri'ii. Korfiirtliuriinrli.Mi ins iiililros !
Till' l.miiNO eciuioi. . - . ' > li .rilr i- , V\i.i liluiuu
iil Hornl nJ
Social tniinlni ! iireuii'H for JliiBiniM > ml
for uny Culli KO l li-ntlllr ; Siliool ur I nlri-r
flty , iiow ( linnii.liiii Woi l uorLlnit n I
5llltiiry ( Drilh lIU'liMt tojliiiionldU , loth
Jl'rln. N. It.
A llinroui.'h ncliool. I'l-cpirci for CollcRc oc
Illisllicm. Witliln JDinllrsolhl I , jillo. Ailtlto )
COL. WILLIS UROWN , euporlntendcnU
To Oiit-of-Door I'oli !
"Jfls not the tii o that makes the hi-
cycle , nor the baddlo , nor the steoi ,
nor tlio spokes , nor the bearings ,
ncranv olhorono rcqulhllo 'tis tlio
whole 'Columbian nro balanced on
the oquipolno of HuccuBsftil nlcoty ,
Alluboiit coluirililui , llhutnilol. iiml book
iiliuul ColiuiiMua Irtu on uppllrntlmi , ol
any Culiimbln uticut. ur ruiit by mull ruitul
mo tHii-ci'iil t niii . l'oio | Mfif t'uiiiiiii | >
( uliimbim Avc. . lloiton.
Tliis medicine for babies prevents and
cuics pains of teething and resulting
dihc.ibcs , not by putting children to sleep
with an opiate , for it contains no harmful
drugs , but by supplying the teetli-founinP
mgicdicnts which are lacking in most
motheis' milk and all artificial fooda.
It is sweet and b.ibics like it. fi.po a
bottle , at all druggists. Send for pam-
nhlct , "Teething Made Easy. "
or run
Omaha Turn Vererin ,
IDTiirni'r'H I'nrk. Stoanirr "Olty of L"lurcura
lituvi'B | IIIIIIIIH | street ( ihir 0 n. in. Itiiinrnu *
II-IIXOH niirle 7 p in Tioliuts may Im had of J ,
.1 Kriiuh uif , 11. KiinUo unit Ji : .M.uiror ; 7iJ
umli , clillclrou ' 5o.
To thu owners of nil lots , p.irt of lot * and
re u I UHtuto ulonx Alarllia street from L'jtli 10
Vim lira lioraliy nntllloil that tlio uriilor-
sluned. tlirvodlrlnturuitud freoliolcloM of thn
oily of Oinahu. nuvii lici'ii duly appointed ny
tliu iniiyor , with tli upnrovil of the ully
council "f said cltr. to uisosN tliodiiwuKoa to
thn ownon roipoetlvnly of thn propurty nf-
fooled liy Kr.idln M'li'ilni ' strnel friim "Uth to
Itli Ktii'utii , durlurud nccentury liy ordltiunu *
niiinhur .ir-f , mttn I Ju y Mil , 18'J. ' , ana up-
proMMlJnly Uth. IKI > .
Von uro further nolllloi ) . tlmtliavliii ; aa-
cuptu'l H il'l ' apioiiiliiinnt.aiil | duly iinalllluil 113.
rt'iiiilriid liy Inw.wo will , on tlio 1st day of Au 'v
cuHt. A. l > . 1H9. , lit thu hour of I' o'ulo ! ( In thor1
fornnoon , at tlio olllco of Hurlvur .V O'Doimhon ,
HKI Kariiani nlreul , within the corpuratu lim
its of mild oily , inoiit for tlio purpusu of cun-
HUlnrlnx the iimUInx mid UMIONRIIIUIII of duni-
ni'i's ' to I ho ownur * r < ! iii"tlvnlv of i till uroo-
nrly , uirixilod hy H iM ur idliiz. tuliliu Into
coiiHliIur.itlun miiiilnl honnllu. If uny.
Von urn nutlllml to tin [ irutunt ut the tlmn
uu.I iil.u'O uforuiikM. uud iniiliu any objortloim
toorbtutoiiicnt coneurnliiK s.ild
of duin.xxes an you inuv l'1.1,1 , j'.r ' Wfi. .
I j ! . ( ) ! .7. I'AUU
Onifthii , July 18th. Ihu. . jySldlOi
July 18.
NO I.tit M.l.\ ,
Our IjUtutt liiiiortntton. |
Big Theater Shows I Coolest 1'lace ' In To\va \