Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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vEucccsa of the Meat Inspection Law Thor
oughly Demonstrated. '
TThlj Department of the Imtuatrj IJolnj ;
Jitpldly Enlarged hint oflin.Mikn
Young T.ndlcn Appointed for the
WurkU'nsliliiBtuii Gossip.
51J ! FoL'irrnr.XTU STHKET , >
ARIIINQTO , D. C. , July 20. )
, "No hotter ovidunco could bo dcsirod of the
of the now tnoat Inspection law tban
i being presented ovorr day at the Depart
ment of Agriculture. Applications for addi
tional mlcroscoplsu are being recotved con-
tantly from packers In every section of the
tountry. They announce that their foreign
demand for pork Is Increasing so rapidly slnco
meat for exportation Is subject to Inspection
that their Inspection forces must bo Increased
( as rabidly ns possible.
Secretary Husk stnted today that It was
tbn polloy of the department to supply
tnlcroicoplsts as rapidly as they were dc-
ilrcd and that the lorco of that class of
tomplot cs was Just now being Increased dally.
tie"&nvs the operation of the law will un
doubtedly not only Increase the uomand for
our incuts abroad , but Increase the prices.
Thu Cudahy PacKlng company of South
Omalm wrote Secrotury Ituik the other
Uny that "iho demand for our Inspected
jjork U constantly nnd very rapidly
'increasing , " and requested the appoint
ment of eight moro young milics
us nilcroscoplsls who are paid $00 a month.
U'ho secretary requested Senators Paddock
* nd Mnndoreon to recommend that number
of young wotnon from Nobraiku for the
positions and their names wcro sent to the
Secretary this afternoon. They will bo
( Appointed tomorrow. ITbu names of. the
bnpolntcos nro ns iollows : Miss Etta
liollaud , Greenwood ; Mary rtyan , Wymoro ;
Jessie H. Savage , South Oniahn ; Ll//lo
bpcncer , .Omaha ; Ida Blorwortb , Lincoln ;
Swiss Elliott. South Omaha ; Helen WainWright -
Wright , Omalin ; Orra KoUorts , Fullertou.
All InturufttH tn lie 1'rotrctetl.
s Senator Cullom's commlttoo on interstate
* commerce hud under consideration touav the
1)111 which has passed the house providing
lor tlio adoption of n uniform car coupler
Vlpon all interstate railroads. The bill not
only anticipates a self-nctinR uniform coupler
but the use of the ulr brake upon all cars ,
JrelRht ns well as passenger. Late this
'afternoon Senator Cullom said In answer to
'on Inquiry thnt the commlttoo would un-
tioubtodly report the bill with favorable
JrocommondaUon in some form or other nnd
eccuro action at this session despite the
thnrgo that it Is In the interest of car coupl-
Inc and ulr brake patentees ,
" \Vo are trying to overcome ono or two
Hcrlous oojoctloni * to the measure , " Bald Sen
ator Cullom , who Is the author of tlio pros-
snt Interstate commerce law , "and I think
\vo shall succeed so well ns to present iho
bill in n form which will Insure its final
pdoptlon within a few days. It has been
claimed that there Is but ono car coupler
vulchcculd boused successfully under the
operation ol the proposed law.Vo do not
Want to fasten upon the great railroad sys
tem of the country any patent or combination
Of patent interests.
"At the snow time wo do not want to lot
Iho fact that the adoption of such a measure
will Inuio to the bcnollt of auy patent
Jlofcat the proposition. It is too meritori
ous to bo prejudiced. It has also ooou
hold that the adoption of the bill would bo a
bonanza to the patentees of the ulr brako. I
think wo will bo able to so amsnd the bill us
to secure for railroad employes tlio maximum
nmount of protection , nnd at the same tlrao
Impose upon railroad corporations the mini
mum amount of burdens in the way of
ndoptimr modern inventions.Vo want to
protect both Hides to the Issue to the fullest
Extent possible. "
\\ltl Iliiln Xfhrllftlcll Tmvn * .
Today Senator Maudorson reported favor
ably the bill to tax Indian lands in Thnraton
county and elsewhere. AH reported the bill
| n amended so thnt in order to tax such lands
they must be ombracnd and be n part of n
county or town organization , s > o ns to enjoy
Ihu full nnd equal piirtlclnation In tha bene
fits of local government wiicn the Indian en
joys cquul privileges of citizens , nnd tbo sec-
totnry of tbo interior must certify that the
lax is fair and reasonable according to rates
on other property , and the IndUn may also
wotlc out his road tax. The United States
is to pay the taxes If the Indians so situated
do not. The operation of tbo bill will glvo
1'endcr , Thurston count3f , a big lift , and in-
euro to her many needed improvements. It
will nlso oo a croat assistance to other towns
nnd cllloi in Nebraska which uro surrounded
nnd hummed lujby nontaxpaying Indians.
OpiMiril ti > IloinuHtrndiiiH.
A favorable report hns been made to the
him-iu from Uio committee upon tbo sonata
bill providing that all public lands now re
maining undisposed or within the aban
doned military reservations known ns Fort
l ettorman bay reservation , the Fort Foltor-
xnan old wood reserve , ustuulisheJ August 12'J ' ,
1ST2 , nnd the Fort Fottorman now wood ro-
pcrvo , shall bo.subjcct to disposal under the
bomrstoad law onlv , and actual occupants
thereon upon January 1 , IS'J , ' , shall have the
preference" right to make ono entry not
excndinc ono quarter section under
existing land laws , if qualified , which
" .shall include their respective improvements
nnd any euch lands as are occupied for town
EUU purposes and any of the lands that maybe
bo shown to bo valuable for coal or minerals
ehnll bo disposed of as now provided for
lands .subject to entry and sale under the
town situ , coal or laud laws respec
In the contest of Florence MnAullffo nnd
Willmtn J. McUillln , transferee , against
.Nathaniel Uolorson from McCook , Secretary
TCoMu today decided thatu rehearing sbould
bo hud RO that tlieVo may bo u rcadludlcatiou
of the entire Issue.
Upon the recommendation of Senators
> Mnnilersou aud Paddook Dr. Israel Bodoll
will be appointed upon the pension board nt
Nebraska Citv , to fill the vacuncy created
by the resignation of Dr. Dailey.
Mrs. Mary A , Porter will bo appointed
postmistress nt Hartwoll , Neb. , upon the
rccumtnondatlnn of Senator Mandorson.
Thu PoitoDlco department complains of
oQlclul uoclect of the postmaster at Hut to ,
who fails to answer letters , eta , of an ofll-
clal contractor.
Albright U , KoynolilB was today appointed
postmaster nt Arcadia. Vallov county. Nob. ,
vlco Mrs. Isabella Uuynolds ; Elbridgo V.
Ilocum , nt Marvin , Grant county , S. D. , vlco
C. U. Williams ; Uodllob H'lssinuason , nt
Kllgoro , lilnghnm county. Idaho , and Mrs ,
Martha A. Marvin , nt Ulvordalo , Weber
coui.ty . , U. T.
Cluro K , Johnson of Omalm called today at
TIIK DEI : bureau.
Ui-piosontuttvo Hoivmnn of Council Bluffs
today introduced u bill to correct iho mili
tary record of Joseph Clifton of lown.
P. S. H.
Itrouor'x li < ol lin AK ln t thu Union
I'ui-llln SiMlnliu'il Ity JmlK" Stillborn ,
Another stop has been taken In iho Omaha
brldgo controversy and again the decision of
thu courts Is in favor of tbo plaintiffs and ad
verse to Iho Union Paultlo interests. Judpo
Sanborn , of the United Status court of ap-
posls , hanifod down u derision Monday
which afllriucd the dccUIou rendered by
JuiTju Bruwcr In the lower court ,
Thu points in controversy am familiar to
nearly every ono in this part of the state.
On May ] , ( bW , thu Union 1'aelllo manage
ment entered into a contract by which cer
tain rMlrcu'l ' companies wcro allowed tbo use
of thu Union Pucltlo bntlgu aim approaches.
together with the trueks between Council
Dluffn nun South Omaha for a stipu
lated ronnionsution. Later the con
tract w abrogated by the Union
Pacltlu company and the Kouk
Iwlnoi and thu Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul railroads brought suit to compel tbo
perfoi mniu'o of the contract.
ThofcUlt was Irlod In thu United Status
court in Omaha In June , Ib'Jl , nud Judgu
Brewer bunded down a louctby decision
in which ha ruled tnm tbo Union
Pncltlo company bad sought the con
tract. Tuuro was uo uouooalaiout or
deception on the part of the plaintiff. To
this contract not only the executive ofllcers
but the ( rroat body of the stockholders of the
union Puclilo had glvon tholr approval. He
lving on this contract the plaintiff had aban
doned plans for an Independent line nnd
would bo grievously hurtlf performance was
not decreed. It was to the higher interest of
corporations nna the public nllico that there
should bo a binding force In nil contract ob
ligations and that the law which gave to cor
porations tholr rights and capacities for
largo accumulations was polont to hold them
to nil tholr obligations nnd no make right and
Justice the measure of all corporate ns well
ns individual action. On thciso principles ho
decided that iho Union Pacific must fulfill
its contract.
Thn Union Pacific then took the case to
the United States court of appeals. The ap
peal was taken on the general ground that
such a contract was beyond the power of the
Union Pacific compunv to make , nnd that it
was oppressive nnd did not Include a fair
compensation for the privileges vouchsafed.
The decision of Judge Sauborn.ngroes with
JudgoBrowor , nnd ills likely that the Union
Pacific will take the case to the United
Statca supreme court.
To tlin Public.
I have no hoaitatancy in recommending
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
remedy to the public , as I do to my friends
and patrons. I used it myself after other
well known remedies had failed aud It cured
mo in u few minutes. I recommend It can
didly nnd nhoorfully upon its merits , not
from a financial standpoint , because I have
others In stock on which I make n larger
prollt , but boeauso Chamberlain's is tbo best
remedy I know of for bowel complaints
There Is no doubt about It. It does the work.
JAMES Fonur , Druggist , MoVoytown , Ponu.
C11A1U.IK n.lCllKS I > U.IV.
.Sudden Tcrmluntlon ot the Career of n
Dlssolntn KnclUli N'oljlomnn.
YAXKTON- . D. , July\0. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BRE.J Charles E. Dncres , son
of Sir Sydney Dacros , late admiral of the
English navy , died at bis homo a few miles
east of this city last night , from injuries ro-
cotved In a wrestling match Sunday night.
This man's history is remarkable in that
for twenty years ho has led n nomadlo life
and declined repeatedly to return to England
and enjoy the Ufa of aristocracy at ease with
bis parents. Ho was born in Brighton ,
England , just thlrty-flvo years ago nnd
wont with bis parents to Spain at the
ago of 1G. Ho went to sea and
for ton years worked before the
mast , refusing promotions and inducements
to secure for him honor which mi ht hnvo
been his through his Illustrious father's ' In
fluence. As a sailor ho traveled the world
over and was married to nn English woman
of distinction. They had one son , who is
now a midshipman in the English navy , the
protcgo nnd the pet of his grandmother ,
Lady Dacres , who still lives.
Eleven years ngo Dacros located in Lo-
Mars , la. , and engaecd In the newspaper
business. There ho married a woman of
Dutch parentage , who survives him. Four
years ago ho came to Yankton aud purchased
n small democratic newspaper , which proved
to bo ; i bad Investment. In May last ho sold
the paper and bought n pleasure resort on
tbo James river , four miles from Yanktou ,
who-o ho dispensed boor nnd bo its to visit
ors. In tno bar-room of this place on Sun
day night last ho wrestled with John Frick ,
u sturdy young farmer , nnd In the fall re
ceived the injuries which culminated in his
The Old Timor * nro N'ot 111 It.
Wblie at our store at Big Island , Va. , last
April , I was taken with n very severe attack
ofdlarrluca. I had never had It worse in
my lifo. I tried several old-time remedies ,
such as Blackberry Wino , Paregoric and
Laudanum without gottlne relief. My atten
tion was'thon called to Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhma Komod'y by Mr. U. C.
Tinsloy , who had boon handling it there , aud
in loss than five minutes after taking a small
dose I was entirely relieved. O.G. BuiiFono ,
Harris Creek , Amherst Co. , Vu ,
Illotons Hungarian Harvest Hands Slaught
ered l > y thu Gens d'Armos.
PcsTU.July 20 : A band of ISO reapors.raen
nud women , employed nt Bebar , Hungary ,
struck yestordav for ati Increase in their
wages. When their demands were refused
they seized a wagon loaded with corn , de
claring that that would be a fair share oi
the profits. The farmer who had hired
the reapers saw bo could do nothing to pre
vent their taking anything they pleased and
summoned the gens d'armos to restore order
and got back his property.
The gens d'armos ' wcro soon at the scene of
tbo disturbance , but their presence at first
did not frighten the strikers , who were be
coming moro riotous in their demonstrations.
They threatened to burn tbo farmer's house
and lay waste bis Holds if he did not comply
with their demands. They ovou wont so far
as to threaten the gens d'armcs if they
interfered. Finally the outlook bocumo so
serious tbat the inspectors commanding the
gens d' aru > es saw tbnt prompt ana hereto
measures must be taken if oru r was to bo
restored. Ho gave the command to lira and
his men promptly obeyed aud poured a volley
Into tbo riotous reapers. In the mean time
ono of the strikers , who was standing in u
group of several others near tholr inspector ,
drew n knife and stabbed him.
The mob showed no disposition to disperse
after It bad been fired upon , and the gens
d'armos , who were armed with Mnliohor
rifloo , llred vollov after volley into them
until forty-two rounds were discharged.
Twelve men nnd women were killed and
many were wounded hoforo the mob was
driven from the place. The strikers , fortu
nately for themselves , were scattered about
the hold , and It was owing to this fact that a
larger number was not kiilod or wounded.
Kmocl Woman' * I.ITn.
Mr. J. E. Thoroughgood , writing from
Georgotowp , Dataware , says : "Two teaspoonfuls -
spoonfuls of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Dlarrtuoa Homody savnd the life of Airs.
Jane Thomas of this placo. " Ho also states
that several other vary bad cases of bowel
complaint there have boon cured by this
remedy. For sale by druggists.
cur.oii.nnt is M.I. iiianr.
boimtor Teller Sure thu btntu Will < ! u Mutely
Ciucnoo , III. , July 20. United States Sen
ator Henry M , Teller of Colorado is at tbo
Grand Pacific. Today bo will go to Morrl
son , Whltosldo county , to visit his aged
mother , after which ho will go to Denver
and remain there until tlin campaign opens.
"The silver question has been shelved for
this session , " said the senator , "but next
winter another frco silver bill wilt bo re
ported and it will pass too. Iti defeat this
session will hnvo no material effect on tbo
vote in Colorado , which will go republican
by the usual majority. Tno republicans wilt
vote the republican ticket and the democrats
Urn democratic ticket. Certainly republicans
In Colorado will gain nothing by voting for
the people's party nominee. A vote for
Weaver means a vote for Cleveland.
"Bui while Colin nil a will bo found safely
In the republican column , I am nfraid ot
several western states going against ut > .
Isovada is ccitufnly In a very bad way and
may glvo its votu to the people's party , If
the democrats and people's parly fuse in any
of tha wouorn states , tha republicans will
have to bestir themselves to save the party
from defeat , "
Mr. l.umlor'H lEwominomlatlnn ,
Mr. J. A. Lander , a prominent cltiznn of
Clarksburg , Mo. , and widely known { in tbo
stuto. says ot Chambarlaln'a Colic , Cholera
and Diurbuja Itemody : "I bavo seen Its
good results and oiu rooouitueudjlt.1 For
ealo by druggists.
Nomlimtod fur Concroio.
ICAXsis dry , Ma. July 29. Tbo Times'
Colby , Kan. , special says : The Sixth
congressional republican convention noral
uiitud H. L. Pastlua for congress
There \\ero seventeen candidates in the
Held ana it took forty-eight balloU to wake a
"Lato to boa ana eany to rise will shorten
the road to your homo In the sktos , Bui
early to bed and "Llttlo Early Kiaer. " the
pill tbat makes flfo longer and bettor am
Oongcalod Chunks of Advica from Faber-
ifio Philosophers ,
low to Keep Cool. I'nuorvo Hcnltli nnd
Wax Happy Cnro In Drinking nnd
Eating UunrditiR the llnblci
In Summer.
Hugo wnds of seasonable wisdom Is oozing
from the pores of the hot weather phlloao-
ihora of the pross. How to keep cool , with
.ho mercury out of sight , Is the problem
.hoy . attempt to solve , mid they plunge Into
t a zeal born of soulful longlucto circum
vent the machinations of the weather
bureau nnd fan suffering Immunity.
Keep cool , thny yell In chorus. Got Into
nnlcobouso. II lo away to sylvan rotrots ,
where babbling brooks sootlio and refresh.
Talto a rest , but avoid the colicomnn. Got
thee to the mountains and chew snowballs.
Away to the aoashoro nnd wallow In the
noisy surf. Don't exert yourself , except on
layday. Should n moastoy lly roost on your
.brobblng epidermis , don't ? ot excited and
strain yourself. Lot htm batha and drown
himself. If a murmuring moiqulto essay
to fan you , glvo him the freedom of your
itelo. Remember that much of your surplus
drops to moisture Whatever you do , keep
cool. Wear loose clothing and a < moderate
quantity of It. An emerald palm loaf may
be sufficient In Samoa , or a postage stamp
on the oyabrow In Ashantoe. In those sub-
, ropio regions , If the Mowing Mother Hub-
sard or the Carmonolta accordoon are
alTootod , it Is advisable to pull down the
blinds nnd "douso the glim. "
Having absorbed muuli of the timely ad
vice , It Is proper to put It in prnctlco and lot
the phllospohors do the talictug.
Mlimotniikit llrcorcs.
Hoar the night owl of the Minneapolis
Times : "Now Is the tliuo to exercise vour
: omtnon snnso. Don't bo in a hurry. This
Is the first and greatest commandment.
Don't bo In a hurry about anything , oven
about your cooling drinks. If you are obliged
to co down town. ride. If you must walk ,
taku the shady side of the street. Carry a
sun umbrella. Wear a light colored hat of
texture impervious to the sun's rays , or n
light straw hat covered with loose folds of
gnuzo or cambric. Keep the nape of the
nook and the temples covered ; also kooo the
splno well protected and encourage perspira
tion. Got out of town It you can. A bath
In ono of the lakes is cooler and chnapor than
n doctor's ' visit. If you are a laboring man ,
remember this is a capital time to strike.
Treat yourself to n holiday. Never mind
the oight-nour law. Bettor work ton or
twelve hours lu a cooler atmosphere tban six
in this not weather. Whatever happens ,
take It coolly , and Ueop vour totnpor.
Swearing at the beat or files is far too
violent exorcise with the mercury in
the nineties. Try and got good sloop at
night. Lot the clothing bo worn loosely.
Crink plenty of cooling beverages. Cold lea
or colTce , lemonade , buttermilk and oatmeal
and water are all good and handy. Steer
clear of spirits or wino , or oven beer ; the
blood Is bet enough without them. Ice
water if taken steady Is cooling , but should
not bo indulged in too freely. Eat sparingly ,
nnd of light , cooling food. Heavy dinners
invlto disaster. Toke nn oxtrn bath or two.
Turn on the hydrant water and hold the
wrist under it for a short time , llrst apply
ing water to the nock and back of the bond.
Wbon practicable , sprinkle on the iloors and
passages. Even vessels of water placed In
rooms greatly moderate the niat. Secure a
good circulation of air. Lower the sun awn
ings or draw the shades so as to shut out all
direct sunlight. Don't talk politics or read
political editorials , oven thougti the editors
may bo foolish euoueh to write them.
Ab'ovo all , remember from the flrst hour In
ihn mnrninrr thnt. it. 1(1 njisinr t.n Irnnn pnn !
than to got cool after you have foolishly
heated yourself by a llttlo of the average
Yankee energy. "
Kust ni\cr Zephjif * .
"The continuance of heat , " says the
weather clerk of the Now York Times , "docs
not Induce what the physiologists call 'toler
ance ; ' on the contrarv , it deprives the body
of Its power of resistance. The effects of
continuous heat are certainly cumulative ,
nnd that is why the past week has been so
very trying , though iho hottest duy fell
several degrees short of our extreme sum
mer temperature. A day in whlcb the
thermometer marks 03 ° , even when it Is
accompanied by a high degree of hurnidltyis
certainly uncomfortable , but it is not necessar
ily disabling or enervating. This last week ,
however , wo bare had four successive davs
upon which the thoraiometor rose above 90 =
and for the whole of which the avurago
temperature for the whole twenty-four hours
was very close to 80 ° . Only exceptional
people can work as olllcioutly throughout
such a period as in ordinary weather. Aver
age people experience a decided loss of energy
lu addition to tboir discomfort and they do
not find the loss of the day repaired ut
night. To sick persons and young cnll-
dron such a term is positively dangnrous.
"In order to llvo lu oven comparative com
fort In such weather , and to go about one's
ordinary duties with ono's ordinary ofllcl-
oncy. it is necessary to adopt a much moro
careful regime than usual and to adjust ono's
food anil raiment to tropical conditions.
Wear riannc'l Milrtg.
"Tho flrst requirement of summer dress js
not that It sbould bo light in weight , as many
pcoplo seem to imagine , but that'll should bo
transplrnble and pormeabla to tbo air , and
this moans that it should bo loose in toxturo.
Within tbo past few vears it has como to bo
recognized tliat starch Is the greatest enemy
to the comfort of mankind In hot weather ,
nnd mankind has boon taking its measures
accordingly , btnrch simply nils up the pores
of the garments to which it is applied and
converts thorn into walls , Impassible 10 the
emanations of the body from within and to
the entrance of air from without. A person
wholly or partly Immured in such a fortifica
tion experiences the discomfort of boat moro
quickly and moro ncutely than one moro ra
tionally clad. Nature takes her revenge by
converting the .starched garment in the
course of n short time Into a moist and limp
and clinging garment , which IB a Impcrme-
ublo as it was bofora it was llqulflod , and
which remains damu and uncomfortable all
day long. It would bo as sensible for a per
son preparing t encounter unusual heat to
give himself a neat coat of vuraish as to
wear a starched sbirt , which serves in part
tbo same purpose , ntrd the wearer of a
starched shirt does not oven attain his ob
ject of looking conventionally respectable at
iho coit of comfort and reason. At tbo be
ginning of u hot day ho may invite n com-
Dtinson in uppoaranco with his neighbor in
u .starched woolen orcbt(6n ( ; but nt the end
of U his sontlblo nolcttbor Is npt to hnvo Iho
advantage of him oveulnaals respect ; the
unstarched garment look ? as It did In the
morning , whlio the stnrcUod ttnrrnont hns
been converted into a qru/Jtoino pulp , nnd bo
that puttoth on his starched armor lluds that
bo cannot boast hltnsolt when ho puttoth it
\Vlint to Vat ntl ; | Drink.
' To avoid heating fqo/l and drink la hot
weather is so obvious n counsel that it Is
surprising It should bo'nbploctod. To 'stoke'
ono's self with strong ! moat , as If ono were
golng on nn nrctlo expedition , 1s ns absurd
as to fortify ono's self \vltfi alcohol , nnd both
these absurdities nro cdlumonly practiced by
people who ought to know bettor. Spirit
uous drinks should b.q eschewed oven hy
thoio who are In the habit of taking them at
other seasons. Llgat wlnos , highly diluted ,
contain all the alcohol thnt it is enfo or
desirable to Imbibe , and are decidedly pre
ferable to malt liquors of the same alcohollo
strength , whtlo weak cold tea Is n moro com
forting bovcrago and n safer stimulant than
olther. la fact , iho rogltnon suitable for hot
weather Is that which is least hoatlnir lu
respect to fond , and , in respect to raiment ,
that which offers thn lean obstruction to
the frco communication between too ekln
nad tno atmosphere. "
Tnko Cnro of tlin llnlilcs.
The boat of summer is especially trying to
llttlo children , says n writer In the Now
York Tribune. If the child has boon trained
in regular habits , to receive his food and
sloop nt stated periods , the valua of his
training will now bo cooa. If , on the con
trary , ho has beon"-brought up without
method or order , It will bo a grievous
struggle for him to pais through the sum
mer. A wnli trained baby , under 1 year old ,
should bo fed once m two hours , Irom 0
o'clock In the morning un H 0 In the evening.
During the night ho should bo fed at 10
o'clock , nnd under ordinary circumstances
ho will sloop until morning , though in some
circumstances ho may require another meal
between 10 and 0.
A healthy baby always rises In tbo morn
ing , and In the summer ho should bo dressed
at once and taken out into thu cool , fresh air ,
to frolic about and enjoy himself with tbo
cat-rolling birds , the squirrels nnd all the
young things of nature who rlso with the
lark. No tonic that you can glvo a child Is
equal to this early morning ride , IIo will bo
vigorously hungry , when ho awakes , but a
soon ns this hunger is satisfied , lot him go
out Into the open air. It will bo all the hot
ter to keep him out till 10 o'clock , which is
usually the most convenient time
fur the daily bath. If bo is bathed
nnd fed at 10 o'clock , providing thnt
ho has bad his meal at 8 o'clock , ho will usu
ally sleep through his 12 o'clock inoal till 2.
After the 4 o'clock meal ho should certainly
go out again and remain out till 0. It is a
good plan to discourage any napping between -
twoon his midday nap andO o'clock , as such
habit will tend to make him wakeful at
night , and babies , like nil voung animals ,
should sloop through the night.
Nothing is moro dotiituontal to their
health and nerves than the habit which a
great many babies acquire from their par
ents of turning night into day. Another Im
portant matter to consider 1s the clothln ? of
d cnald In summer. It is a great mlatako tp
bollevo that the lightest clothing Is the
coolest. Tbo forgers who work before
furnace ilrcn In tbo heat of summer
nro compelled to wear flannel shirts to absorb
serb the porsuiratlon and assist in keeping
them cool. So the baby will bo much more
comfortable If bo also v wear a light flannel
shirt to servo the satf.o purpose. A baby
should certainly wear his flannel bandage
till after his second summer. We know a
great many mothers who take off
this bandage when the child is
0'montba old ; but this is a mis
take. The bandage servos to keep the abdo
men warm nnd prevents diseases of the
stomach , to which the young child is pecu
liarly liable. It Is also desirable that tbo
child shonld wear lightnvoolon stockings till
after bis second summer.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothln ? Syrup for chil
dren teething cures wind collcdlarrhoca , oto.
25 cents a bottle.
Kotclmm Company Sumllng Uncle fcouin of
Its City Hull -Fixtures.
When the members of the citv council as
sembled in the council chamber last night
they were surprised. They missed these
largo , easy , upholstered chains , which for
two meetings nave boon painting the council-
manic clothing n deep c.irmluo hue. These
chairs nro now well on tholr way to Toledo ,
O. . sent there by order of Mr. Hayken , the
general agent of tbo Kotchuin Furniture
Immediately upon Mr. Haykon's arrival in
the city ho visited the city hall and com
menced an inspection of tbo furniture. The in
spection continued yesterday and many things
are being found that are not according to
contract. In speaking of the chairs Mr.
Hayken said that at the factory tbo work
men had made a mistake in the material used
in the covers. Ho nrooosod to bave the
chairs recovered and returned without the
city being called upon to share any of the
The opera chairs in th9 lobby of the council
chamber have wooden soaU nnd perforated
voQOcred bodies , wbilo the contract called
for chairs with perforated vunooroa seats and
leather backs. Mr. Haykon states that ho
will make a deduction on these chairs or re-
ptaoo thorn with these which are in accord
ance with tbo contract. This bo will leave
optional with the council.
The desks in the council chamber , Mr.
Hayken says , are not according to tbo con
tract. The contract called for desks two
feet , nine inches loug , with log * on ono sldo
and drawers on tbs other. The desks whlcb
are now hero are four foot , six inches loug
with drawers and pigeon holes on each side
and cost just 8Jj moro , each , than those
ordarud , though they are charged at same
The dorks' aud reporters' tables nro moro
expansive tban thosu coutraolod for , though
they are charged at tbo same pnco.
Regarding the bat racks that there has
been so much talk about , Mr. Haykon says
that they are not what was ordered and will
bo ropUcod by otbors which will bs worth
tbo money. Other articles have boon found
which uro not iu conformity with tbo terms
of the contract. An fast as they nro
located they are noted and whoa
the Inspection is complete tbo list
will bo submitted to the council. Tnat body
will then Imvo an opportunity of taking now
articles or accepting those which uro nowhere
hero , with suoa a reduction as may bo cgrood
Mr. Haykon said tnat his company could
not afford to violate the terms of its contract ,
not oven if it felt so disposed. There was a
big light made on the comuany , uud after
winning there was nothing to do but to llvo
up to tbo terms of tbo contract if It , broke
tbo bouso.
Do Witt's SarsaparlUu destroys such poi
sons us scrofula , skin diseases , eczoinu , rhou-
inutism. Its timely uso'savos many lives.
is not like other kinds. It has peculiar fragrance and peculiar flavor.
Its peculiar uniformity always gives peculiar comfort , and has made
it peculiarly popular , Sold everywhere. Made only by
You Can't
expect to buy your clothes for nothing , but the
Hellman Administrator's Sale is closing out
clothes at next to nothin.
expect this Hellman's Administrator's Sale to last
forever , In fact it lasts until the 1st day of August
A11 fn'f exPect to Set such bargains in suits or furnishing
U LI V dil L eoods as at the Hellman Administrator's Sale , no
matter how long or where you live.
expect to buy $5 and $10 suits that are worth two
and three times as much after Hellman's Admin
istrator's Sale closes.
7 . * - , / - . ' 4Gfet anywhere else except at Hellman's Adminis-
% / / \ i I 1 w i *
JL U U V dli L trator's Sale , a 60c satine or crepe outing shirt for
35c , or a Switz Conde silk finish $2 shirt for 75c , era
a $4 all silk shirt for $1.50 ,
Vrv-ii r on't buy $3.50 pants for $2.25 anywhere else than at
I Oil wdll L Hellman's Administrator's Sale. $4 , $5 and $6
pants cut down to $3.50 for choice. Look in the
r o-n'-f afford to wait much longer to get one of those
U LI wdll L bona fide bargains as the Columbia Clothing Co
take possession about August 1st , and the Hell-
man Administrator's Sale will be no more.
Administrator's Closing Sale ,
Corner 13th and Fariiam Streets.
Until August first.
Cure ? nil disorders j > t Iho Stomach , Lfror , Dowels , KUonyi , Hladtlor , Nervous
Diseases , Loss of Appotltc , Hratlnrlie , Constipation. Cosureties , Imlljjcstl in , D1I-
oitiitcfs , 1'cicr , Tiles , Etc , , nnil reulers the systnm less UnMn to contract dlsoaso.
UAPWAY'S PILLS are cure for tills complaint They tone up the Internal secretion1) to
hoaltby aotlon. restore strength to tba stomach , and enable It to perform Its functions.
I'rfoo2.VJ a bo * , gold by nil druggist' , , or mailed by KAUWAV & CO. , ffi Warren Street ,
o w \ ork. on receipt of price.
Every MAN can 1 >
S'/KONO and VIO-
jOHOUOinnll 'ctpec.\t \
" "
NJJKVINB , tieBrea7spa n7i > h Uemeily. "YOUNG M1JN
I'AII/INQ MANHOODnislnlyciTiisslonsconvulsions , nervous
j prostration , caustcl by the use of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wakefulness -
- _ _ - fulness , jnuntal ilenrffsion. loss of power in either sex , spermaior
ANU AMICK USE , rliojacamedljvsellabuse and ovorindulRence or any weak'
ness can be ri-.iorod lo perfect liealth and the NOBIB VITAWTY OF STJIONO MEN
Wo give a written guarantee nub D boxes to cure any case or refuiul the inonoy. $ i a box6 ; boxes ! jj
For Sale In Omaha by Snow Lund & Co.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Th eminent ipeclnllit In nervpni. chronic , prlTnle. blood. § xln nncl nnnarr dlwanoi. A romlar ana
reyntcred orsdunto in medclno , in diplomas nnd ctrtlflcatcii ohnir. u tun UeaUni with the aroatctaucce
" *
f tnrrb. j > onn tirrl > ocs.loairannliood. omlnal Wea ue t. nUht lomea , Impotonor , syphlll"stricture. . Bon
orrhcioa. Kleet. THrlcooolo.ctc No mercury used. Now triwtrntmt for losief vltul power , I'arlleii uiiablu to
Tlsltiue rouj b treated ai homo * r correspondence , iledltln * or InmurnHnH sent lit mal oroxprwH .
curul ) pftcked , noinorln tolndlcatu conlonu ormnder. Ono numonal Interflow prcforrod. Con ullailoii
frco. Correspondence trtctly prl oto. Hook CMy.t rt i of Ufa ) mat fr * * , Oaiau Z u o . oi
Bundart Lua.ui.tu ilin.tttmalUunpjtor KPU.
Lurynt , Faitttt nod Vlnot In tbo World ,
ruitscopi r accomndatfona unexcelled.
Hvcry Hnturday ,
NKVV VOKIC , < ; illUAl.Tiu nnd NAPI05S ,
Atrok'ular Intervals ,
rates on lowest terms to and from tbo principle
OSOTC3 , EUGLKn , 12132 ft AU. CO TI T&L rCttlT ! ! .
Cxourtlon tickets arallAljIa to leturn by cither thonlo-
turesquo Clydu & North ot Ireland or Naples & Gibraltar
kills il t ! : : 7 Driers fr tzi Asut : it tcrtit Sitii.
Apply to any of our local Afcnta or to
i > iuniius. CUICUBO , ill
To liKUltY anil MVIMU'OOL ,
CA1HN , in to no. AcuonlliiK to btoamot
aim luoutlnuof tttutornum ,
Iiitorinodliiteiuitl Mtor iu ut low ruto * .
Vlu London Jerry , orory rortuUht.
JulyKth. . .bTATK OP CAUrOUNIA. l.SO I' . M
AUK llth . HTATK OK NhVADA , . . noon
AUK KSTATK \ or M IIUARKA . .noou.
toliln. I to , t-oi'oud t'ubln tti , bU-oraxo , i < V.
Apply to AI.IMN A.IX ) , ( liliaxo
U E ilOOHB , lllVIlonara&t Ouiuba
National Bank.
Cnjiltnl 8100,000
Surplus $05,000
Onicori nnd mrocton-Honrr Vat on , pronlilen t
lit Cushlntf , > lco incililttin , C' . ti .Muurlcu , W. V
Horse , Joliu 8 , Colllm J , N. n. 1'utrlck , LonliA
, Ouliler.
f lik your Prugglit for a T
, bottle ol lilt ? . The only
neil potionoui rumedjr lor nil 1
. ' tlie unnaturul dlichnrKtiand
I private ( U ci/os of men and the
debilltatlni ; weaknun peculiar
1 to Horncn. It cuitt in a Isvr
Idays without the aid or
, publlcltr of n doctor ,
V'/As l'm\tral \ Arrnrican Curt.
Manufactured by j
The EvstJ Chemical Co , '
U , a , A.
Isiiinmtriiassod.ini . tlio troatmontat nil fornmol
PlyyA fi DISEASES , and all dlsorrlerJ
and ( labilities of youth nnd immliootl. 17 yoarV
oxporlonco. Ills roiource'j niid f.icllltloi lira
prnctleiilly unllmltud. The Doctor Is recommended -
mended by tlio | > rennd ondoraod In tlx
stroiiKoat tornis by tlio people for f.ilr trimtn
mont nnd honest iidvluo. Th
most powerful rornodloa known to modern
science foe the successful Iruatmont of tha
fnlloulncdlsoasos :
GrONORBHOEA rellof. A com.
plotooiiru without thu loss of uu hour's tluia
from buslnuss.
GLEET One of tlio moat complete nnil ana-
cossfnl troiitnipnts for Kluol anil nil nnnovinz
dlsohnr.ros.vot known to tlio ino.llcal profoj-
slon. Thn icsults , iru truly wondorfiil.
5TKICTUHE Gio iteat linovvn romuily for
the ti-o.'itnicntof slrlotiiro , without p iln , cut-
tliiL" . ord Intlntr , A innstrotiiiirk iblu ruinudy ,
SYPHILIS No trnnttnant for this torrllila
blocnl dlsoiiBO lim uvur bean moro siiuuussfnl ,
nor bill ) stroiiKerondiir-ionioiils In the lUlil
of niodorn solonco this dlso.iao Is poslllvoly
eiirnbio nnd every truce of tlin poison entirely
removed from the blool.
LOST MANHOOD , nnd nmbltlon , nervous ,
ncsi. tlmlditv , d ( > ipouduncy uud nil woaWnosj
nnd dlsorilurM of youth or mauhoud , Itullot
olituliiiMl nlonce.
SKIN DISEASES , nnd all diseases of tha
Btomai'ii , blood , liver , UlUnnyH uiid bladder
nro i routed Hii.ucussfiilly with ilia ro.ito'
known rumudlus for tlio dnu is H ,
Write foralrauUrj unduuoUlon list , fr33
J itlt utttt S'Yirmrm * tn. Htnuhti .Vn !
V- .
VA * 'iT
Tlioonlr Kuillr'Jl chlnoio iiliyilclin
Kldit JHHIM' stinlr 'In'i ynin iirnctiuM ui > jr' .
encowlili nil knoflfii illiiuim TrunU micojtifiillr
"llfhroMlo U4SU1 Klvon up t > y nthor iluctora ( Jill
mul sou III in or wrltu fur > | iio > tlun bliinlc Do not
think your u uo hcinlm | hnjuua your ilnctor tillf
jouno , hut try tlnH'lilriosodojtor with lilt iiovr nn\
trouilHrful romuillui. ninl rouolru IIRIV lio.iullu uu I
| it'riHuiiiutcMiro-irlritothi'r ili > atiir > ctimut ulri.
llorlm , llouli unit I'lnnu naturo'H ruiuudlui-lili
iiRMllclnpH Thu nr rM lili "Hno < . Ouu tliniii nt
toBtlniunlaU lu tlir.i.i yn iri' iir.uHlu.i. No Injiirluut
clucoctlom , nu iinrcutlut , no polion ILUIoiul
tru.iliiifiil uiM pormnnimt euro
nurcustfully tnntol mJ enrol
Klruu up by other iloc'tori.
Tlioi CcuKhlln. till Hurnny ntroot , ehronlorliuu
umtlnni U yn m. klilnuy mid llvur troiiblut ,
TliOH. ( 'ultrurt , I''tli mul Knrnim iitruati , Konornl
ilfblllty. In'IUoMtlun. lusi of lrjniUi uud vitality.
Took inodlt luu for yu ir * but K"t nu rullof ,
SI U AndoMOn , UJl Ciuuln otrjut , oiturli.
nstliwuuiid bruuchlllauf tlfluun yuard ataixllii ;
IlHiforsala the followliiK proptra I rnmoillui at
ll Unbottlu lx bottles forti'ju , for th'3 uuru of
A Bill urn. Catarrh , rile * llumltcliu , Indluoitlon ,
Hloodl'uUimliiK. UhoumntUui , KumaloVoiknu.i. .
Kldiivy uuil I.Ivor Complaint. Nn uueiils HolJ
uiily by Chlnutu Modlclnu Co , Capital , {
Offieo , ICth and CalMi Sti , Ooulii , Neb
' * * " *
Hit vloiiuuli , inwr * uulK iveU , purl. '
Lfy thu t/iouit , 010 f ( i UAd LlTn luali
llbo IwlT.ioJl.jao . kiipwufir blllcuc
fj wsn. iOn lluutlon. ifjr < fiul
'jriuth , Ijculw ! * . lit nliuni , luw c (
TcUtf , mfttnl aof tt. Jin , naliiful
al > MU ( > n , I'lu'plw. ul w o , ini Irx-
i. . . . " > y ftuJ " JlwnarMuHlngrroin
flJiiiuratloo .o i f lUuie l/jlhe Mojokrh.llvn'cr In
tvullnca toUuita ll.clrproi'trfunUon . ] vr nu > *
* trl'fu to vei iktliiir r liorubtcdt > rUikluuoneultcr0
zefuliinnrj I'104"will. ' . I irpw , 4A niiai < U , Jiip. 9
X Itll'A * 4 til UMfCAI. ( k ) . . > Hiruu ht ; J-ow Vorle , ?
f * * * > * > * * > * < ! e AM te A l