Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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t tlruucl Ir Carrier to nny partof tbo City
" " nc Office .
NEllt ) imir : . NO a
N Y. Plumbing Co.
Hoston store tor dry goods.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. ,
The funeral of 1C. A. Norllnn will tnko
nl&co this nttcrnoon ut'J o'clock from tils Into
residence. fil South Main street.
Henry Urulcr was fined i nnd costs by
Justice Hammer yestcrdav for committing
an assault und battery upon Mrs. M. A.
ilootcn ,
The roRulnr meeting of Htuhotnh council
No. ! ) , Decree of I'ocah.ontas , will bo held
this ovonl'ie In ttio wlRwnm of thu llotl Men ,
corner of Ilrnndway nntl Mnln street , at ttio
eighth run for work In the Ucgrooa.
A. Hiichwltz complained to the pollco vo < -
tcrday that his son , iiyoune tnnn , had stolen
his mother' * wutch nurt left homo. The
youtiir man \vai found lust ovnnlng At n
dnnco In the western Dart of ttio city.
Mnrrlairo licenses \voro Issued yc torJny to
Hans itasmus of Omnhn and Minnie Ley of
Council Bluffs , and .Inhn 1' . Hltolnprj ? uf
Omnlin nnd Mary Kolir of Council Hluflc.
Both couples \vero married by Justlco Hum-
All the otnployos of the Boston store at
tended C'hiiutnlKitin yesterday afternoon. A
blp carry-all and a tiilty-tio uoai-h wi'to char
tered by their employers , Messrs. L-'olhorlnR-
Imtn , Wbltclnw & Co. , nnd all the expenses
of the trip wno paid.
Three men wore nrrostcd by Deputy Mar-
thai r'owlcr yostordav afternoon on n tolo-
puonn mossiiKO from the Omaha pollco nnd
wore Hinted with being fugitives Irom Jus-
tleo. They are supposed to Iwvo hurifiir-
I zed n barhor shop nnd stolen a lot of rnzjrs
nnd other tools. Tlitiv gave ttioir names as
Alonrn lugoi'soll , William Loltaro anuV. .
'J'ho announcomcnt maJo by sotno of the
papers that tbo merchants would clo o tbolr
places toilny , as well as vcstorany for the
lonoflt ) of tlioio who wished to attend tbo
t'bnutnuqun , was n mistake. When tlio
iiprccinent wns lirst circulated It was tlio
Intention of those who cot It up to have the
stores closed on both days , but the plan met
with so much opposition that thu napor was
changed , _
A III ) ; Atlnirtlmi ,
Manawa lias n big attraction on llio
boards for the coining week. Com
mencing .Sunday , .July 17 , Prof. Ogawa
anil troop of royal Japanese ) performers
will give n public exhibition in front of
tbo llolol Muntivvii each evening for
eight consecutive evenings. Two per
formances will bo ( riven onch evening ,
tlio first commencing at fl p. in , , and tbo
Fccond at 1) ) p. in. Performances will last
ono hour. This is no "Wild West"
hliow , but is eomothing every resident
of Council I U nils and Oiniiha should
witness. Original Japanese feats will bo
performed , feats that will at once cause
the aver.igo spectator to marvel at their
iUfllcultnos I'rof.Ogtiwa is otiroutc from
Japan to tlio Fifth Avenue theater. Now
York , where ho ! P hooked with his com
pany for tin extended ongngoinent. The
performances will bo conduetod in open
air and will bo free for everybody.
I'or .Sutiiriliiy ill the Huston Slurp , Council
Illiillx , In.
Those that could not avail themselves
nf our p'lrnsol and sun umbrella SALIC
last Saturday will have n chance to do
BO Saturday Hibt , when wo wi'l put on
Bale all our parasols and sun umbrellas
Saturday lirst ( all day ) open until 10 p.m.
Council I31uUs , In.
i , r.iiiAGii.i i'n v.
Mrs. McClure of Mount Pleasant , fa. , Is
the gunst of Miss Ida Casady.
W. L. UlgK l very ill and his friends
nave given up all hopes of his recovery.
Dr. Jaliu Duwltt Miller Is In the city nnd
will lecture at the Cmiutuuqua this afternoon
n [ id evening.
Miss Sophia Miller returned Wednesday
morning from Chicago , \\hcro she has bueh
nllcndlni : Owen academy , preparatory school
of the Chicago imlvcsity , for a year and a
half. She expects to tit herself for a teacher
of kindergarten.
Tim Interiritioiml Cure.
This institution has boon quietly pur
suing its way since the announcement
of its opening in the annex of the Grand
hotel in Council Ululls. Many have re
ceived euro ft om tlio torri'ulo drink
disoubo , and today tire happy in the now
life that has comu to them. The tieat-
inent Is safe , tjiiio'iiul permanent. Under
a , careful physioiati the best of results
attend the treatment , ana no ono that
IUB followed tlio instructions but has re
ceived full benefit of till that is claimed
for the cure.
Comfortable rooms arc furnished In
the annex to the Grand hotel , to which
all friends of the euro are invited.
There are reception and reading' rooms
ami tire visions for baths ; in fact , every
moans is provided for the full recovery
of all suH'oring from the achoholic ,
opium , cocaine , tobacco , eigarotto nnd
allied diseases.
Many have been sent forth from this
euro to whom the International Cure as-
Bocintion can readily refer. Holow is
given a testimonial from ono well known
In Council Hlulls :
Cot'NfiL HLIM-T , la. , July H. Inter
national Cure Association : Gentlemen
It Is a pleasure for mo to speak of the
benolits I have received f m the Inter
national C'mo. I Imvo for voiirs been
undot the inlluonco of liquor and much
of the time tumble
to control tlio anno-
It has been serious harm to my own
welfare , and sorrow and loss to my
A few weeks since I entered upon
treatment at the International Cure AB-
hoolation and toilny I am fullv free from
the desire of nlcoholio drinks. " I llvo in
u new world with ti future bright with
My nppotlto Is good nnd my general
health excellent , I have never sull'oied
in any w y from tlio treatment , but
found benellts every way from same.
It is with gratitude 1 shall always remember -
member the International Cure , and
wibh all sulTuring from the drink disease
may find the s mo relief it given
mo. Truly you-s ,
I'or further
information persons can
nail at or address the International Cure
Association , fil0 ! First avenue , fronting
IJayll.a park , Council Hlutfe.
William Welch will have ctirrvalls to
leave the en 1 of the motor Hno on
Pierce street for Chautauqua at Hoc for
the round trip. Carriages U5o each
uo.vr < IKIAT : tosr : N.U.I :
Sun I'nihrrlliin ' nt Hut ! ! < > *
Inn .SinnCiniiirll lllulV' , In ,
10 1 . 31.
AT COh'I1.
li ) ! ) ! i-it'J t ! . 0 J UdO'lL liU VVVf , 1
CllUlltlllllll | ! > ( iltllllK ,
They are more instructive , moro on
lortaiiilng than authors. Jubt the thing
for tlie homo , ombraclng history , litorti-
turo , biography , art , Hciouce , geography.
Call or bend for circular. Homo Enter-
tuiumetit Co. , 1- Pearl btreot ,
Colonel Bain Delivers a Polirbtful Leoturo
nt the Ohautauqua Grounds.
Interesting IVntnrrs of Yostcrd.iy'x Pro
gram I'm 1110 Trc-ats hi Store for
Tlinso Who Atlcnil Emancipa
tion Day Celebration.
The Chautauojttv management has con-
vlncoJ the public of ono thing. If there Is
nny mishap by which an expected speaker Is
utmblo to appear , thu disappointment ot the
expectant nu'llonca Is fully atoned for by
supplying some ono else , who will give nn
equal , or even greater troat. The public
has learned that ovnry day there Is some
thing rich , something which gives them
moro than their monoy's worth , so there Is
llttlo grumbling over necessary changes In
tbo program.
The disappointment caused by the nonappearance -
poaranco of the great tariff disputant was
tnoio than made up for yesterday afternoon.
Colonel Haiti of Kentucky was reached by
wlro In time to sccuro his presence bore , but
not In time to udvurtuo bis coming lo any
extent. The crowd that gathered in the
nmphlthoator was therefore given an agree-
tibia surprise. Dr. Elliott Introduced him as
the poor of nny speaker on the American
platform. To this Colonel Dam made pro
test and excused Dr. Elliott' * fervent praise
on the ground that Dr. Elliott had evidently
never heard him speak. That Ur. lilllott
was right in his estimate of Colonel
Haiti's oratorical powers was soon evident , if
the approving nnd enthusiastic expressions of
tbonudicnco nro lo ho lakon as proof suf-
tlcient. Colonel Haln upoko on tbo subject
"Among the Masses. " His Ihomo xvas but
n thread on which ho strung a variety ot
corns , and gems they woro. Witty opl-
prams , bits of choice rhetoric , flashes of
eloquence , well-told storlos , tender senti
ments , thrilling word pictures ono fol
lowed the other so swiftly and so gracefully
that the audlcnco was swept along through
tears and laughter as though n Ciough was
guiding their emotions. It was pronounced
tbo most pleasing lecture of the assembly ,
and at Us close thcro were no sighs over the
loss of n tariff nUcussiou.
KIiHMitlon unit I'liynleal L'ultiirc.
Yesterday morning tbo Carnos family and
tbo pupils in elocution and physical culture
occupied the morning hour. Prol. Carnos
had already appeared and enthused the mull-
onco. So manv times baforo that there was
llttlo novelty in the entertainment of the
morning except the exercises of the classes.
Still the audlonco seemed to tlnd much en
joyment , and so oxptossed thonsolves by ap
Last evening Beu King gave another of
his unique etilerlalnmcnts , consisting of
musical novelties , story telling , bits of
drama , etc.
The L'hosl show followed. The underlying
tdcu of tbls popular form of Chnutuuquans is
to picture the .shadowy memories of tbo
events of the season. A largo nu nbr of
weird ligures , dressed as for a sheet and
plllowcaso party , took possession of llio plat
form. Oneof trie unknown parsonatcdDr. El
liott , the superintendent , and took charge of
tbo program. Each of the noted personages
who bad appeared on this year's program
wns caricatured by soma ono of the ghosts.
A llttlo trnglo lantern sorvcd to lllustr.ito
Prof. Do Motto's lecture. Weaver's free
silver speech was made moro Impressive by
one of tbo cbosts , who scattered tin dollars
by the handful , Otncr speakers were in
like manner comically Imitated , r.s.vcro also
the oxcrcises In physical culture and elocu
liusy hands were last evening arranging
tbo necessary decorations , mottoes , gato-
wnvs , etc. , lor the recognition services ,
which will lake place at 11 o'clock this fore
noon. Those who have never witnessed
such a .service will find it delightfully inter
esting , whllo all true time Chauluuquans
will of course bo present.
Jnliu Dcultt Miller.
l no management bus succoaded in engag
ing.tabu Dowitt Miller for two lectures to
day. This uftornooii nt'JVJ : : o'clock ho will
speak on "Our Country Its Possibilities
and Us Perils , " and in tbo evening on "Tlio
Slranpcr nt Our Gated. " The last named
subject Is the same us ono uoon which ho
lectured at a former Chnutauqua encage-
ment , but the lecture has been entirely ro-
written. Those who have hoard Dr. Miller
ouco will need no urging to induce thorn to
attend this afternoon and evening.
It has boon decided to yield to ttio wUh of
munv nnd continue tbo assembly thro'j days
of next ncolc , so that tbo brea'klnir up of
camp will not occur until Thursday. These
ddltio ial dws will bi cro vJjd with at-
atractlons , there beini ; enough talent within
onsy reach to cause the progam to bo excel
lent. The announcements in detail will bo
made ( rom day lo dixy.
Dress Accordlnj ; In the \Veatlier.
Visit the BOSTON b-roun ; there you
will find the largest display of summer
dress goods at a nominal COST.
Note the QUOTATION'S for Saturday.
Ojr entire stock of parasols and sun
umbrellas at COST.
Our complete line of all wool challics
for ISc.
All our Lansdownes in light shades ,
for STJc.
11,000 yards of light nnd medium col
ored lawns , all fast colors , for Ho u yard.
100 dozen Indies' ribbed vests , fie cash.
Ladies' wuibls wo show an immeiibo
issortmcnt. Our line of indies' black
sateen waists cannot bo equalled.
Hosiery All that is necessary is to
see our line and get our prices.
Our Toe summer corsets for COc. Our
$1.00 guaranteed summer corsets for Gc. ! )
BOSTON S roilE ,
Council BlutTs , la.
International Cure association rooms
are in annex to Grand hotel. f > 20 First
ivonne , Council Blurts , In. For cure of
alcohol and opium disease.
Colfax giniror ulo tuul mineral water
sold ut wholesale by Duquette & Co. .
nanufacluring confoctlo ors.
Cliaiiliiiiiiua Trulim.
Leave Council BlulTs from Rock
Island depot at 0:10 : a , m. , 8:30 : a. m. ,
:80u. : m. , 10:17 : ! a. m. , 1:00 : p. m. , 1:50 : p.
in. , 5:50 : p. m. , 7:00 p. m. , 7:30 : p. in.
iiimiirlpillim : ; Day Celebration.
Tno colored people of Council BlulTs and
Omaha nro making arrangements for u celebration -
bration of Emancipation day , August.1. . Tbo
celebration will occur In Pali mount park
mil It is HIM intention of the committee hav
ing In charge tbo preliminaries lo provide nn
cnloriuinmont equal to any of tbo kind over
enjoyed In Council Illuffs , Speeches will bn
made by Hon. J. 11. Kollov. Dr. M. O. Ulck-
o'.ts and A. II. Willis of Omaha and Dr.
Laws of luiokuk. A basket dinner will bo
served under tbo trees , Subscription papers
ire being circulated to raise funds to defray
the expense * .
The Jewel gtvsol ino stove Is the bos
in the world for safety , durability and
economy , and the now Jewel is its equal.
See them at Charles Swalno's , 737 Broad
150 people In this city use stoves.
Ilio Gas Co. puts 'em in tit cost.
Cliiintauquii druggist , Goo. S. D.ivls
Trains leave Manawa daily at 8 a ndlO
a.m. , 12m. , and 1 , U , 2:30 : , 8 , 8:30-I : ,
UO , 6 , 5:80 : , 0. 0:30. : 7 , 7:30 : , 8 , 8:30 : , 0
9:80 : , 10 , 10 ; 0 , Hand lli'fip. m. Thu
11:55 : train will make connection with
thu last electric motor ct.r for Omaha.
Legally Kxeviiteil.
ATLANTA , Oa. , July 15. Peter Daniel , col
ored , wua'lmngod here this afternoon for tbo
murder of Sylvia Lyle , bis rnljircin , whom
bo caught with another tiogro.
o.i ; I/M.
City Council MttliiK as n llo.irtl of
The city council mot last evening as n
bonrd of equalization , nnd Immediately cot
down to business. The clerk Instructed
to make several clnni oa In assoismants as
returned by the assessor.
Tbo lirst complaint to recolvo considera
tion wns from Mrs. Joienhlno Car
roll The clerk was instructed to reduce the
assessment on her lot on N street botivcon
Twenty-fifth nnd Twenty-sixth streets ,
to $1,01)0 ) and raise the assessment on the tot
owned by the Srhlltz Browlnr company at
Twenty fifth and N streets to $1,959.
A reduction of assessment on forty-five
lots in McOavock & O'Koofo's addition was
ordered nnd the amount Increased upon tno
property of the South Omaha Land com
pany , the total amounting to $ lir : > 9. The
complaint Hied by the Hoard of Trade com
mittee was considered , A Itirco tium bcr of
lots nnd blocks were mentioned ns botne
assessed too low and the amounts on several
were raised nnd corresponding reductions
made on other property. ,
A lart'O number of other complnlnls ofn
minor nattiro wnro eonsldored. On the per
sonal list Hoivland it Urauford a ked to
nave their assessment reduced from $8.100 to
SViOO , but the council couldn't see It In tnat
The assessment upon B. Jotter's property ,
composed of olehty-throo ncros , located in
the southwestern part of the city , wits re
duced from 8in,000 to SI'.OJO.
The lusossmont on Barney Hughes' prop
erty was reduced from So.OOO to $0,000.
The council was still In session at a Into
figures from the. AHjeismnnt 1,1-it.
Clly Clerk Ditzcn has Just received from
the county clerk n stutomoril of the number
of miles of railway In the city , together
with the assessed valuation.
The Union I'.iclllo has two and ono-bnlf
miles of railwnv , assessed valuation $11,150
'per mlle , milking a total of $ i3,5 , ' > l. Tbo
Fremont , Klkhorn ft , Missouri Valley ,
eighty ouo-hundrodths of a mlle , nssosso.l
valuation S > , OJ3 per mlle , mtiklt'g u total of
fr 1,000. The B. & M. hai u mlloapo of two
nnd twentv-llvo hundroths miles , assessed
valuation SS.SOO per mile , total $1IG'J5. The
Chlcaco , Uock Island & 1'nclllc has sovoutv-
suvon ono hundredths of a mile , assessed
valuation , $5,530 per mile , total $ i'Jl5. Tno
Missouri 1'acllic has a mlloapo of one and
thlrtv-lhrco one hundredths of n milo , as-
bosscil valuation per mlle , $5,500 , total SO.lMO.
Tbo Omaha & North Platte , nlnoty-nino
one hundredtbs of mile , assessed valuation
$ t,000 ! per mile , total $ ,1,531. The total num
ber of miles is ciRht and eighty-debt ono
hundredths , nnd the total valuation $ oi,5l5. ( !
The valuation of tbo bovornl tolcpraph
companies , Pullman and I'alaco cir L'erv'cos '
show a total valuation of $ .1,000 moro.
The assessed valuation of tbo several batik-
I UK institutions has also boon received and Is
as follows :
Tnlon Stock Vards bank JIO.IIOO 9
Packets National bank Ifi.lisi-10 !
Packers SavInuM bank i'.LI ) ) OS
South Omaha National b-ink 21,010 11
South Omaha Savings bank a , 110 02
Total $ sioi : 55
That SehiMil Levy.
The action of tbo county commissioners in
refusing to make the levy of ItJ1 mills for
the purpose of purchublmr sites and erecting
school bouses , and County Attorney Ma-
honey's opinion that the South Omaha
council Is the proper body to
iniiko the levy , Is in accordance
with the position taken by the council. The
school board has been working under the
charter of a city of the second class bavin
more than "i.OuO people , wbilo tno council has
boon conductlnp the affairs of the city In ac
cordance with the provisions of the charter
uovcruing cities of the first class having
moro thJn 10OiJ ) population. In cities ol tbo
second class the county cotnmisstotiorb make
the lovy. whileIn the cities of the first class
the council makes Iho levy.
The members of the T3oard of Education
have not determined what action they will
take , but will probably ask the council to
make the low of l-'j ' mills. Their labors
will bo in vain , however , unless some of tbo
members of the council oxpsrienco a chtinge
of heart , as nearly all of them are opposed to
making n levy , and ospsclally so largo a ono.
KntlitislnNtlc Vdilin : Itepnlilleano.
'I'ho Young Moil's Kjpubllcan club had a
well attended mooting at IliO Twanty-IUth
street last night. Jacob Jaskalok presented
tbo club with a job lot of fans , upon which
were pictures of Harrison and Held , and
ttioy were thankfully received.
A. L. Sutton , \V. k Coak and B. E.Vil -
rex were appointed to secure u hall to bo
used in conjunction with the Old Men's club.
E. O. Mnyllold , Ed Htoarns and Eps Cory
were delegated to rovisu the constitution
nnd by-laws of the club.
The mnctlng was nn onttfusiastio ono and
young republicanism in South Omnhn will
onler upon the campaign with zeal and a de
termination to win. Short talks were made
bv several and an adjournment was taken.
Tbo president will call the next mooting.
Will Test MM CoiiHtltiitliiiiullty.
The constitutionality of a city ordinance Is
to bo tested In the courts. At a recent
mealing the council passed an ordinance
prohibiting the herding of stock within the
city limits nnd empowering the pouudmastor
to nluco any herds found in tbo cltv in tbo
public pound. Yesterday Chief Beckett and
I'oundmnster Phillips swooped down upon a
herd of nineteen head in the northern part of
Iho city and placed ttiein in the pound. Later
Iho herd was roplovmod by 1) . 1' . Koss , who
had Ihom In chargo. The ctiso will como up
before Judge Hedges Monday afternoon.
Camn Nciir Drounlng.
Miss Anna Smith came near being drowr.od
In tbo north lake .it Spring Like park yos-
tnriluy afternoon. She lost her fooling and
foil head n > st into Iho water , The wntor Is
not dcop , but in her fright she lost a 1
thoughts of regaining her foot and por-nltted
the water to fill her lungs. Ed Ilalladay
rescued Iho young lad- and bv uolnif so
t > avcd her life. The accident resulted In
breaking up a party of which Miss Smith
was ono. The party came from Omaha and
was composed of young pooplo.
liolieinlnii ( iynuiiiHlle AnHoelatlon.
A public gymnastic exhibition will bo
given at Blum's ball tbls evening by the
Bohemian Gymnastic Association Sokol.
Tba exhibition is given under the manage
ment of the Instructor of the National Gym
nastic union , I'rof. StraKa. The program in
cludes calisthenics , exhibitions on the hori
zontal nnd parallel b.tru and the vaulting
horse , and the formation of pyramids. The
South Omubs band will furnish music for
the occasion. A social dauco will wind up
the evening's festivities.
Notes mill r r onalM ,
Captain Van U'io of Iho pollco force U in
disposed ,
A daughter has boon born to Mr , and Mrs ,
H , A. Merriman ,
Miss Harter , dnughlerof A. J. Harlcr , has
returned from a visit at Chicago ,
Mrs. C. H. Mack and family have gene to
Iowa and Wisconsin to visit during tbo
C. H. Rich , trmtiatror of tlio Dally Stock
man , returned yesterday frouia buiiuosi trip
to Uhlcaeo.
M. Cody of Davenport , la. , ls In the city.
Mr. Cody was formerly n resident of
South Omuha ,
A now lodge of tbo Modern Woodmnn of
tbo World will bu or aul od iu this cltv
Tuojday ivualiig ,
Aaati chapter No. 63 , Order of Eastern
Star , will hold on Important meeting tbli
evening , and all mum bora are urged to
Mrs. K. T. Maxwotl bus gene to Plttsburg ,
1'a. , on an extended visit. Mr. Maxwell , who
accompanied bur us far as Chicago , re lu rued
homo last evening.
Curl Ilrown , tbo California trumpeter of
tbu people's parly , delivered ono of his
famous Illustrated speeches lo a largo crowd
last night In the open air at Twenty-fourth
and N streets.
A. A. Wright yesterday received Intelligence
gence that his aged fatbc'r. llvliig near Mis
souri Valley , la. , hod been badlv Injured In
a runaway , llu injuries umy provo fatal.
Mr.rltfht left Immediately upon rcculpt of
tno news for Missouri Valley.
.1 6
' 1111
Special Oonncil Ottpraittco Appointed t
Toke Ohnreo oJI'Paving nnd Qradinj.
Ills ( 'ptisnrn of .Mi\Jnr Itlrkliiuticir Ailoptoi
liy HIP Council an , ! ArnuiKrinriits
Mniln to Oct.Contrartrd
j * >
Under , \ YHJnt Once.
The special mooting of the council hold las
night was crowded full of Rhi or und loud
This was nil brought on by the report o
the special comtnlttoo nppolntuJ to Invostl
Biito the olllco of the lio.irJ of PubrioVcrlts
nnd the plan that that body bad adopted for
carrying on It ? business , The report reeltet
tbo condition of the unfinished contracts lo
in 1S9I , and in Riving the cnusa furnished tin.
same statements us were given In Tin : Uii
on tbo day on which the Investigation was
The committee found that the resolutions
ordering the repairing of streets and filling
washouts were la the trinds of tbo atrcol
commissioner , but owlns to the croat nuin
1)or the commissioner , had bail to reduce his
force. The report recommended the appro
prmtlon of $ . " > , OUJ from tho.gnnoral fund to
rush the work.
Tbo report also stated that the sldowalk
contractor bad boon dilatory and that the
laylnt of permanent sidewalks was In an un
satisfactory condition , that preference hat
been ( 'Ivun to the artltlcml stone , thoufil
natural slono wns ! IJd ccnU per foot lower.
The report wound up with tbo statement
that tbo delay of work 0:1 : all public Improve
inontR for tlio year 18i ! ) was c.iusoJ ctilolly
by tbo improper specification * drawn up am
adopted by the city engineer ano the Board
of Public Works , ana nlso by the numerous
mistakes tnudo In ndvorusliic for thu work ,
us well as oy nmonaliiit the specillcatlons on
llio after the publication of the advertise
ment for bids.
.Mr. bpocht moved the adoption of the report
port ana tbu motion carried without any
Mndo It IntcrratliiK Tor Spoelit.
It looked as though that bad sottlcd tbo
mattci , but there was fan aboad , and when
It was over the committee on uaving , curb
ing and guttering was slightly disfigured.
Mr. Lowrv started tbo music by moving
for the appointment , of a special committee ,
consisting of the city attorney , the city en
gineer and thrco members , to which should
bo referred all paving and curbing ordi
nances. Ho said that Ihoro had boon errors
in all of the paving ordinances and unless it
wns stopped thnre would bo uo paving com-
plotcd this season. The season was far ad
vanced nnd no worn was under way. Some
thing was wrong , and ho hoped that the
council would take action that would proven t
any further delay.
Mr. Spei.'ht , chairman of the paving com
mittee , arose In his wrath 'and declared that
Lowry's motion wjis most disrespectful. It
was for the solo purpose of disgracing and
throwing mud on the committee. Lowry
had bulldozed former councils and now
wanted to bullitn/.o the present organization ,
If bo could not do that , bo wanted to throw
mud at the commit tees.
Mr. Chaffoe said that ho wanted the paving
and curbing ordinances , together with the
petitions and pipers , to no to the special com
mittee. There ; UO intention to cast any
slur upon any member , but there bud been
too much trouble. There had bcon too much
delay upon tbo part ot some ono. The news
papers had placed the blame upon the council
and all ho wanted was to hold the
guilty parties responsible. Ho thought
that it was only proper ttint the city attor
ney and the city engineer should assist In ex
amining all public Improvement ordinances.
Mr. C.owry duclurod ttint It was not his
purpose to Insult any councilman , but said
that the presort council came Into existence
with Sl".ri.00l ) to begin public worus. So far
there nad not been a wheel turned nnd it was
high time that the couucil learned who was
lo blame.
DvCcmlliiK tlio Chairman.
Sir. McLoarlo declared , that the appoint
ment of such a commltteo would DO a direct
insult to Mr. Spncht and the
other members of tbo old com
mittee. Some mumbors hud placed the en
tire blame upon Chairman Sp cbt , but
ho thought the Hoard of Public works had
caiiccd its Etmro of the delay. That body had
pigeoned holed und held 'back papers that
should have been at once returned to tbo city
council. That , ho declared , was not right.
The board was paid for looking after the
city's Interests , and if the members did not
know wbut to do they should consult the
council and gut instructions.
Mr. Munro wanted to know If Engineer
Hosowulcr had scon the ordinance * tnat wore
before the couucil on tucir llrst nnd second
Mr. Snocht replied that he was at the on-
glncor's'oftlco at noon with the ordinances.
This statement Mr. Hosownter domed. Ho
said Mr. Spec lit called at the olllco at noon ,
talked about some general mutters , went
away and stated that ho would return wUti
the ordinances. Mr. Kosow.iter remained at
the olllco until ! I:3U : , but Mr. Spccht did not
return. Then tie went out and staid two
hourx , returning at r > : 'M. Mr. Speeht did
not visit tbo olllco during his tibsonco , nor
was he thcro duiiug the evening.
"Is not this an ordinance that I got Irom
you ! " asked Mr. Speeht as no flourished a
document in tils hanu.
Mr. Ho3cxvalor examined the pnpor nnd
replied ; "No. That's an abstract of paving
bids. "
Mr. Munro supposed that tbo cnglnoor bad
scan ami passed upon the ordinances.
Mr. Elsussor thought that the engineer
should BOO every paving , ctirblnsr and grad
ing ordinance ana certify to its correctness
bcforo Introduction.
Fuvoruil u Special Committee.
Mr. liechol was of the opinion that the
special committee would hurry up tbo paving
and tret the work started.
Mr. Spccht itnuw that the movement was
lu the Interest of the rod Colorado stouo
people. In regard to delay ho know that the
anglncor had received ordinances und hold
them a woel ; before they were returned to
the commltteo.
Mr. Prlnco declared that If all reports
were true thu Hoard of Public Works had
Investigated tbo commltteo Instoid of the
commltteo having Investigated tbo Hoard of
Publlo Works. Thu report of the commltteo
did not show that tl/6 / board was in fuult , and
ho could see no reason why Mr. Spouht
should tuko umbrflRo over the appointment
of tbo commltteo.1' '
Mr. Hrunor thought that too paving com-
mlitoo was competent to take euro ot the
paving. ' '
The motion to appoint the committee pre
vailed and Presldebt' ' Davis named ttilt com-
mltteo to takn chnrgo of ttio paving and
curbing ordinancesJMossrj , Lowry , Hccbol ,
Edwards , Jacobsot ) , Speelit , City Engineer
Uosowalor and City Attorney Connoll.
Than tbo council UilUou about permanent
sidewalks. '
Mr. Prlncs ventured the opinion that some
of the fctono wallnrnsof tbo roughest kind
and xvas not lit to Kt ) onto tbo strceli.
Chairman Hlrktiftiuerstated that the Btono
and tbo artificial .qtynn contractors had bad
in equal show , but , tbat the stone contractor
bad run In the cheapest kind of Kansas
Some weeks ago John A. vVakefleld , wrote
the councilstntlnt' that hli Did for furnish
ing tbo city with lumber was lower than that
of Ueorcc A , lloaalar.d which was accepted.
The matlor was referred , ana lust nlgut
tbo commltteo reported thnt Mr. Wnkolleld
wrote tbo truth. The commltteo ulso
decided tbat U was lee Into to correct tbo
error , n > Mr. lioagland'i contract bad
BOCU presented and approved , which had
thrown tbo matter boyoud the jurisdiction
of tbo couucil ,
Mr. BUiuBcr Introduced an ordinance pro
viding for tuo payment of the sum ol J100 to
Dear tbo funorul oxpon e of each pollco or
tlronmn killed while acting In the tlno of
dutv , or who died from injuries received
whllo In the discharge of his duties.
The paving ordinances were referred lo
: ho special commltteo with uutructloui to
report them back next Tuoid y night.
Among tbo 01 alnuiiees passed wuro those :
Dnlorlpg the change of grudo of South
Twenty-second strcoi from Poopioton ave-
nuo to the government corral ; chanclnc tbo
names of certain streets in the city and or
dering tbo location of llro hydrants.
How the Army Is Itccrtiltrd , Its Work nnd
Its strength.
Nebraska , was among the first states
in the union to prohibit , hy law , the
brlncinp of nrtncil bodies of men , other
than federal soldiers , from other states ,
across its borders. The enactment of the
law sprung from the reckless conduct of
Pinktrtoii's men brought into the state
to guard the property of the Hurlington
roau uurinc the famous oiigincoro'
strike of 1SSS. The presence of armed
men recruited from the slums of eastern
cities and given quasi-legal authority
by spitinlojs sheriffs , tended to pro
voke serious disturbance of tlio peace ,
though opnn eonlltcts were few. But
one dangerous riot occurred , and that at
Platlsmouth , in which , as usual , nn In
nocent spectator mot his death , In
Omaha the rnlllanly conduct of the men
vjas a constant menace. Ono I'inkorton
wns killed with a conp'inir pin in tno
hands otnn unknown Htrikor , and several
wore wounded while on duty , hut so
great wns the secrecy maintained that
the deadly assaults were not known for
some time after they occurred. None of
the men dared venture up town unless
disguised , but their disguises did not
always protect them. Their loud swag
gers gave them away , and fortunate was
ho who escaped to" ills heauquartois
without a battered bend.
The means used by the 1'inkortons to
recruit their forces are simple , though
they are surrounded , like everything
olfeo of the Pinkortons , with secrecy. A
force , such as they have at their com
mand , could not bo collected in a-dtvy or
week. In the lirst place they advertise
for men. They do this in all the cities
where they have branches. An adver
tisement is ttiborted in the papers asking
for able-bodied nen with courage.
Sometimes the phrase "those with
army experience preferred" is art-
dud. The applicants do not under
stand that they are to bo engaged by the
famous Plnkcrlons. The name ol the
advertiser is not inserted , only an ad
dress given , lu New \Torlt the address
is a building on Lower llroadway , near
the United States express ollice , says
the Now York Worlu. Hero the Pin-
kertons have an cntiro upper floor and
an armory. Winchester rillec , re
volvers , policemen's clubs and uniforms
nro stored here and acceptable appli
cants are equipped. Thcro is always on
hand , kept available for emergencies , a
well drilled corps of from 150 to 200 men.
L When n man is accepted ho is told olT
and instructed upon the duties ho will
have lo perform. An experienced opera
tive , usually an old and experienced de
tective , is placed in charge of the squad
und ho puts thorn through a fo\vevolu
tions , siilliciont to ground them in the
rulesof marching and maintaining a solid
rout. Military tactics are not carried to
fho extent they are in the metropolitan
police , but a new man must acquire the
fundamental principles. When the re
quired number of men have been secured
the names of the other applicants , if
they have answered tlio questions satis
factorily , are taken for future call. By
that moans , when demand "is made on
the Pinkertoiife for an extra force , they
get the men by sending to the addrosaos
of those who were told that they would
got places when vacancies shoald arise.
The shrewd and alert "Billy" nnd
"Bob' ' Pinkerton understand human
nature , especially that kind represented
by an unorganized mob and a senseless
rabble. ' 1 hey rest on the old coii'inon
law doctrine of principal and agent , and
the right of a man to defend his own
property. Legislation has not fright
ened them , because they know that the
corporations which ordinarily ask ttieir
services will fight their battles for thorn.
And the corporations are licensed to
engage police aid.
It is risky work that the Pinker
ton soldiers have to undertake ,
as tbo Homestead ulTair shows.
Their pay may or may not bo com
mensurate. The Pinkcrtons never work
on contingencies. The oilers of reward
never attract them. They won't work for
rewards. Their operatives are paid by
, ho day , according to circumstances.
3n a detective cus > o the price is usually
$10 a day for each detective and ox-
> onsos. In instances like the Pennsyl
vania riot the price is an average of $ H a
day , of which tlio man gets half. The
I'inkortoiH furnish the outfits of the
lion , but the firm employing thorn must
contribute the board. With 'iOO men at
llotnobtoad the expense of keeping such
i force of Pinkerton jani/.arios on guard
'or ' any length of time is seen to be con
siderable , oven for u man like Audrey , '
The great strike on the New York
Central , which cost the Vandorbiltcor
Miration something like fcL'.OOO.OOO , is
istimatcd to have cost for Pinkerton
service alone aboutlf,000. The Pinkor-
pus had a horde of men all along the
ine , but concentrated the largest part of
.heir . force at Albany , l-'or a time there
were conliicls between the Pi nicer ton
guards , the strikers and citi/.ons nearly
every day. The raw recruits , armed
with Winchesters , tried to frighten the
itrikors and their sympathl/ors by llotir-
shing their rill us and when ; i
lomcnstralion was made with
itoncti the Pinkortons would shoot.
They succeeded in killing ono
young man nnii several others were
wounded on various occaxlonn. On Au
gust 17 , 18)0. ! ) they shot flvo parsons , ono
of them u woman. There were several
mall riots in East Albany , in which the
JinkertniiH were nllogou to bo the ones
0 commit the lirst overt act. Several
> f the operatives were arrested and pun-
ahed with a line and imprisonment. At
Syracuse also there were conflicts , but
10 ono was killed. In fnct , at the critical
pots along the Now YorK Central road
vhero there were Pinkerton guards
hero was trouble. It was the recur
rence of thcso conlllcts , probably , that
irought about the antl-Plnkerton bill
n Albany last wintor.
The Pinkortons have lost men under
circumstances that induced the Bym-
itithy ol the public. For o.xamplo , no
CBIJ than llvo of their detectives were
: illcd in Missouri in pursuit of the
lames gang. The killing of u Pinker-
on man by outlaws has always caubod
egret in the public mind , hut the oc
currences in later years have moro than
olfuot that fooling , if the expressions
rom ovcry part of the country wlioro
trlkorh and Pinkouton men have mot
uay bo regarded IIH significant. A
lolublo instance of wantonness on the
mrt of hired cuards was the killing of
1 hey In Jersey during the 'longshore-
IIOII'H strike along tlio coul docki about
Ivo years ago. In Chicago during the
Shore railroad Htriko a man
mined Bagloy was killed by u Plnker-
on ofllcer. Another llrm of detectives
vns employed to find the guard who did
ho shooting , but ho had been spirited
iway and his Identity ollcctually con-
There have bcon few strikes in the
oal regions east , west or south , where
his agcnny for supplying Impromptu
oldloru Imu not bcon represented. The
The Ioiuulor < if thp I'ainiiiis Tntrilo Itliidn
Talks nnd Wrltr * Ki'icardln tln > siu-
ccsslul anil Sclcnllllc Trriitmpiit
of lr * . Uopc'l.iiul tin I
The printed statements of Ors. Copnlatid
and Shcpaid dltTcr from the stereotyped run
of advertising m nothingtuoie nota
bly than In the fact that tl'o te-Ulmonlals pre
sented are ( torn w oil-known people , residents
of tbo ally , teiiresonlatlve of sumo particular
profe'Moii , tr.ido or etaft. This has been so
ficiuenlly ) commented on by newspaper
readers , n they note the testimonials of e'.er-
K.vmcn , lauyeto , professional men nnd trades
men of un < | iie > .tli > nod standing In Omaha and
vleinlty , mat It needs uo fitrthet empliisls
than that airoi.led hy the continued appear-
1,1100 of testimony of tlrs typo
This week Is p'res.'titoil the Uali-m'Mit of a
Bciitlotimii Hall known tint nnlv III Nebraska
but to the newspaper world throughout the
country , us the founder of the famous Toledo
Hindu in lsc. ; ( afterwards the vehicle for Nas-
liv s poenl arirenlus ) and In KV ) the manacer
of the Cleveland Ileralr.-Mr. A.V. . I'alr-
biiiiks. icsldlnq at Itrai Loenst street ,
Mr. I alrhanks ha\liu' . II W.IH o.irno.l , some
thing Inlerest n : to communlcatu ie'nrdlnir
Ills ovpnrlence in beinis Heated for a e-bionle
oitarrluil tumble of m my voars' vtamllnK ,
was visited aiiil : nler\ lowed by the wilier.
"i ( > K , % < lie aM , in response to a qi'e-llon ,
" ou cannot put It lee stromly. Tliesoircn-
llenion uro dnliu i ood. They me tellevlnu
and enrlti ) ? a elaxs of tioublps which IniMi
liini : boon eonsldored > e. I ean testify
lo this from niv own personal evpoilence.
"As all my friends Know. I bid tried for
yoats to ma relief from a mo'i dlsameoablo
mid olfenslvoense of clironle catarrh. I'or 15
J ears at least I hud been a sullen1- ! from this
dlsumo. Doi'tors. doiiehus and drti'txere
tiled without number and w Itboul limit to no
" 1 went in Ilia Copiilnnd and Shopar.l , bolus
Impressed with thu hljb character and unlm-
pe-iuhab o. stnnllns of llio evidence thuy
ollerod In Iho dally | iro"s.
g \ )
Mil. A W. rAIIIIUNKS ( KOl'Mirit OF Till ! TOI.KDO
lll.Allii : , IG'J.I I.Ot t ST sTlin.T.
'Well , I lindii t been under the r euro Ion ;
before 1 d.seoveied by It was they we-o ahlo
to oiler Miehovldeneu to tlio piiblk- . They ae-
eoinpl sli whin Uiov promise. They do what
Iheyelalm to ho able to do. Thult muthuiK
tire tlioioiiuh and .se.cntllle and yet mil 1 nml
piilnless. There was no cuulnn or biirnlni ;
\\lthuelds or ciiulcrlus The tieatniont was
mild and pleasant and yet went atnnco to the
seat of tlij dluo ise. hr nuuu telluf and setting
aDotit a stc.uly 1'npr.ivonieni.
"I am moio than ttatoful for what they
Irive aeuo > nillslii ] : I for me.
"Stay a moment , " - , iMr. \ < \ . I'nlrbaiiUs as the
reporlor turned toco. " "Lest thuro * lii > uld lie
any iinestion iibuutthls I will put It In writ-
Inir. "
TnKhiK peni'll and paper Mr. I'.ilrluuilis
wrote the follouln ' , wlilvb Is lepro lucod o\er
u fac simile of his signature :
Ills \\rlt I I'll Mateiiient.
To ims Coi'i.i.ANP ASP Siir.i'Aini : I IIITO atif
furcil fdr thu last IlftOL'ii ' jovrs iilinii-t bcyonil en-
diirniico with cntnrrli. It sltii'k to inc Ilku n frlt'iiil
1'roin Die etnrt your treitnivnt : robtmeil 1113. 'I no
I in pro i enient \ > a.s piailntil but tciir"I
to mo wn courteous and Ki'iitlcnmtily , jtinr trunt-
mcnt HClcntlllc unit satisfactory. Tn say thai I mil
| ilcii L'cl ulth thu result noulil lie to jnit U very
mllilly. InrltelliH so thnt others may bu leil by
thesnnin inuaiis to derive the Bitnu b iu'llt. Vuu
dcfcrvu tliullnuiks of all \\lio nru benullttuil by jour
kind nail > .clcntltlc trentinunt
Vuura with th.inks fur Improved hualth ,
KATK < ) ! ' $ > A MOXriI-MnOUM.SBs flll -
' " "
„ ,
11OOMS : ill AMD : ! ! , ,
New York Life Uuillingr ,
W. II. CO1'KIAND , M. P.
C. H. SlIKl'AHD , .M. 1 > .
.sr/r/.l////is : Oaturb. Asthma. Ilronehl-
ItK Nervous IKsoases , II oed Ill-eases , Ithen-
inutlsiii. ( oiibiiinpllon. and all ehronlo nirec-
tlons of thuThioit , LIIII S , StoiiKuli , Liver
and ICIdneyH.
Ollleo hours : Oto II a in. . 2 to . " > p.m. , 7 to s
p.m. Sunday. U a.m. to 1 p.m.
Catarih and all chronic diseases
tieated successfully by mall. Send ! . In
stamps for cUi'bllon | eticnlars. Aildn'ss ; ill
letters to ' 'opelaiul Medical liisl.ltule , New
Vork Life lliilldlnuOmaha. . Neb.
fiunotis HtriUcs in the lloi'ldnp Valley ,
nt the Prick Htuiulurd Minus in I'enn-
sylviiniu near Morowoud. ut Hruiihvood ,
111. , nnd inilucd nt nil tlio grout strikes
wlioro trouble with the strlkoN was n-
prchondcd 1'inkortons with glUteriiig
WinohcHtorH inountod guiird. In all the
Croat railroad strikeH since the wurld-
fainoits ono of 1877 the l-'inkorlon-j' sorv-
iocH were culled in. Oriuiiinllv fatal
oonlllcts between thutn and the Htrlkors
were oxtrcmoly rare , but tlio Krowinj , '
hatred of oryanl/.ed labor to this organ
ized and. to it largo extent , irresponsible
constubuliiry IIUB rendered inovituble a
elaHh whcnover the two mot as advorbu-
riea.Tho fight iifiainsL the agonoy was flrfit
taken to eongi-ets by ox-i ongronBinun
John Qiiinn , of Now York city. Nothing
was lu'uumplishcd and tlio next your
CongroHsniaii Thomas WnUon of Ala
bama renewed the biittlo. Mr. Watson
iu a fanners aUiaiica man and ho way
very bitter against the 1'inkortons. Ho
introduced a resolution calling for an in
quiry into the inolhodu nnd workings of
the 1'inkortons , which was referred to
tlio judiciary uoininitteu. Uo stiid at
tlio time of Die introduction :
"Our standing army in only ,10,001) )
strong , " vet the I'inkertonH practically
have a" standing army of ; )5.0l ) ) ) men ,
well armed and equipped , 5,000 moro
than the United .States. "
Mr. Watioii insisted that it was not
only illegal for private individuals to
maintain a standing army to usurp ttio
police powers of the status , but it was
also un-Ainorican.
A'/'H'.N ItV' .
Doinenlle ,
ThoHouthwoMern llallw.iy ntnl Pte m hlp
nsioclat on lina resumed lu hesbluiiHut hi ,
LonU ,
Lletitenunt Hninuel O.'y II-IK been IIP-
poliiloU Judcu adviicato uvnorttl of the navy ,
with the ranx of captain.
Curl l'ar > H wan hanuo'l at Oalvuxton. Tex. ,
for the murder of Mr . Joilo McOauxb und
Inn-lltth ) Hlephon Itftl MHV.
Sevnu vtorkinun on ino Cotton llult road
niiHr Kort Worth , Tex. , madu Ihulr bvduunder
a Hat. cur. which wan Kfin'lltiv on a n.ilo trunk.
In thu nlaht a fri'lvhl tniln baekod InUi llio
cur , A line veil frightfully burl , three
will die.
A contract Involving tbo expenditure of
f..UOO.OOU hub becd cloned In St. Limit. It
in stated tbut nrorly nil Ih6 uurface-car lines
In the city will bo coniulldatcd , uud councct-
cd tulo u sinylu wlcciriu syi > tciir
IjlOH ltiNT : Tliodwi'lllneon I'lrst nvenurt
J. and Hklith street formerly occupied by
M. 1" Hint tht II rooms , ' < ! b.-ilh rooms and all
modem Imprmeniuntst eooil stable mid out
tiulldlns ; rent tv ) per month. llll. _ ijbeafo.
IT VOU have , \iiythlni ; for silc or trade see i
. JiijSho i to. II roadiway and jluln slr nt. *
h'OU IU.N : I' Dwoillnis In all pms of tbo J
? city K II. Slieafo. llnudway mid Main , f
\V'\N'TKI-Kastorn NnhrX'ka liinih in ov-
> clmnne for Council II HIT * p-oporty. K > II.
Mie.ife , llro , uTily nm | M , , ( , , stroot.
rriu : . IIAHOAlN-Doublo rosl.
J-dnu'p l
feet tronti _ . _ . .i and best alti In
the city If tiikon nt onoe. Day & Hess. , O
ro'iii ' street.
I AKM and city loins at lowest r.itos ,
\ lical i-stato fet sale.
I'tteltin ? tin 1 business rentals.
Jtoni'y loaned for looul Invrttora.
' °
_ S. Pearl
, - flheller ,
, - U illy : com tr ndor , IU ) lin , nu
hour ; d.iw milt iittaotimnnt. Hi II P. oiulna-
'I"'iiKim.j ' im , mi , , , , located near ( . 'mini'll
lilulM. l. II Kho.ito.
T OIt SALIOn small payments , fruit and
- garden hint noir Council lllulTs 1' H ,
phoafe. llro.Mtw ly and Mala streot.
ITMJI } SALII Keoi' ' Inlhe , foot or iiow- . 'ifoeb
- - limit. 12 Inches wide , back ceaicd and scnnv
cutting , with co npletu ehatiKi' o uoirin ; , .1
ehiieun , ono G-lnuh , ono 4mh and I drill
chnel , ; .Isots metal turnln : tools , otalu ;
one.l-hoiHO poworoll onitltu'Mtli shifting.
pulley , heltlni ; , nto. All In . unbr an I
will bo sold oho.ip for cash or on lime to rUht
party. Ail Iross llov lKlllott , In.
. land In southern low i torsil , f i per aero : C.I aoio < fruit firn In Mils
ciiiuty fors.tlo. Johnston , t I'atto.i.
l Olt * < A Li-Albion Holier mills on lloonu *
* n\i r. Xoli. ; llnost waterpnwer In the state ,
< levilopln ! l.5 horse power w iler entire ye ir ;
dilly cipaclty , ino barrels ; nia-'h nrrv ami
iippiiiten iiieus eompluteln every detail. ( Jooil
frame residence ; 8 acresof lun-l. title uerfe as
pi'li'e , J iT..UJOvlll ; take unlmpro\oa eastern
Nebiaskn land , li II. Hhe vfo.
"IfUHf HALK-pn oiisv piynieitts. iluolllliirs iu
nil parts of tlio city , 12.11 Shoife.
Hi ItliNTThree riinmi unfurnished ,
f.ieliu east , or ono furnished to suit. THII
j MidowM In Oiicli room. ApiilvJi .Vjjri micet ,
li l'ltS.LM ' Stook of muse , ami liiek stoni
* bul din. well
, established Ir.idp ; lo'itlou
near Omaha. Price , f..Viu. Will tiiku gooil
farm In eolmio. . K. II. Slmafn.
iron SAMI Iowa farms In I'ottawatfunla
- _ amljtdjolnliijj con itles li II. t-haaro.
AArAXTKD-About August I. In a ptlvatn
' family , a eompulent irltl for general
iiiinsuuoik ; must ha\o reforeneo. Apply
ovenlni- 015 Willow a\eniio. Couiiel ] ills.
U IM.03ttlll buy ix Slcrlln , ' pnoumatle. i)7eveTo7
l'\o. 1 condition. CharleH A. Atkins Council
IfUlt S A tK Hotels and restaurants In Iowa
anil Nebraska , doing prolll.iblu business
anil well loc.itud ; will take l.uid In i.irt trade :
write for details , K. II , ShuHfe.
, OIt SAMC A nrst cliss sto.'k of uoncr.iT
* mcieli uidlso with goodwill ; tirleo li.lWJi
w lll tal.o seed laud inu\uliaiie. I ; . II. Sho.ifo.
171UK t-ALl .Stockofiiiiainorv'atril "no tl Otis'
J- with store and fixtures ; price i' , . ! . ) ] ; will
r.ido for land. M 11 , Shoafe.
l lblt t > AliK SI acres of soT > d I'tiul uiT'ri7e\T
- - colt iii ! , with four a"res land In WarnoM-
vllle. Noli. : all modern Improvements l I
evi'han o for n ploaaant uott mo fre. ' of Iti-
eiiinlirati.'o In Oouuuil Illiilld or Om ih.u
11 II. Shoafe.
Woiiclsrful S | iHai !
lirinedv , lu MtMuilh a
Wiltton Cuaranteo
toruiu nil Nuunm Pit-
rntt ftluli aqrik
Mnnorv , Iji-s i.t llmlu
1'uwci , HcuihirliF ,
\ \ , il.c fiilnpKtt ItMnn *
linoi ] , Kproninp 4 , i ] 9-
Flltile : , nil thaini ntiil
Ocforo & After Uso. litci uf jinncr nt llio
I'liotocraplicd from life.UKUT ririurnlho Oii/ani In
UKUT rlllui FOX , cau cil ly
OM'I rxrillon , joiilliful liiillpcrctlniisor MM-
JFO ortcil.uivo , opluiu , or MliMiil.uiluhlili iiliiniiMily
li.ul In Inllimlly , Umiumptli.n . inn ) In unitCut uj >
inrnurciilfiit fnrin to ram In thi'Miit | I'me
tl u I'licUnfO or C for f 5. WllliiM'i ) f.Minlu limit'- ! \
nrltton Rnarnntoo to euro or rafuoil tlio
mono ) . M-ui by null lo uut mMivu , I' free
In ] lnm envelope. Mintlon this | IMMM | Au.'nts ,
HAD.IID ClltMICAL CO. llrnticli on.icfo : t 3 , A ,
S53 Pctiiljnrii Slr.-it , rilll'AflO , nu
Knhr A Co. , Ou.r I5tn & IinuKUs Flo.
4 A rutlcr&Co. . CorIllli 4. DoimliBSls.
/3 //S * "
Mention thuOmttlm Hoc.
of Council liiun
burplusau 1 1'roflU Httin .t
NctCipltal mil Siirpln ?
Dlructorn .1. l > . ill ml i | i > i rf. I. .
GlPiimin , U H Ilirt. I. V. Mllllr. J. V. .liiinni
ur.clClmrlm IL iliiiinin I r.nis ict 'oner tl lin < -
IIIK Ijiisinoii. l/.ir-in c.iplnl an I burylui jf
any bank In iuutliwuituni lotv.t.
OX TIM3 D3Oltr
rastaaas !
hf ®
I i ' ' * apparatus
a ii'I Itu no n
fors i fosimfii tn ilm mt uf iv > ryfi-n
of dlsu.ui ) nviiilrln u edlo U or
sur.'luil troitnunu
to beds for pu'Junts. bom ! mil iittari 1 i
lc ! > aiturofiiolatioiH In the woo.
Wr to fur clr.'til.iM on deform t n mil
briices. trimiH. club foot , o irv itnruiofmlm ,
pllon. tiiin'irH.u moor , on irrh , bronoli Us , In-
Iml'uliiiMi ' ootrlL-Ity. mruiyili , onlleusy , kid-
iiey.b alder , oyo. ear , i-klnan I bloul mil nil
www OP u/nvfpw / A Hi'BoiALpf.
. UD/lODU / Ut WUmUfl IDJkunD.uisoiot
Women I''It ' 1C 1C. Wo Inirulntiily ai | leil i lyui-
Jndop irtinent fur women durfntr conllneinent.
blrlolly pr v ito.i Un v llullaOlo lu-
( tilutemakliitn i" ' , ! ilty o. ,
Al II oed Ill-tuna * mi'ccimfuily inutoL
Hypbldtle I'nUoa removed fr > n lliu ny.luiu
without nmronry New itostoratlvj I'rj.iL-
iiifiit for l.o-u of VII'AI , 1'IMVr.lC. I'lirtoiii mi-
ub e to vMit u < mav bu troitml ill liuniu br
lorrespun unco. All couiimin ualluiM UMiU- \
dimllal .Mo I clii' * or instril neiit * mint | iy t
ma I oruxpnisaiiioiirn.y packed , no m ir H to
Ind catocontentor neniJur. Uno purioinl In-
tiry ew prufiirrn ' . Oall an 1 consult us or nuii'l '
hUtury of yinr cusu. anil wo will BUII.I fn in.iiii
wrapper , our
BOO'f TO MEN ' ' "nut iiuon %
) / , / mi.u
ti/i/i 11mi.u , . or Nervous DM-
cii8is , Iniputu/ioy. Hvihllls | , Ulout mi I Varloo-
ru i' , williiiieit | on (1st. (
llr.ices Appllancei for Diiforinltlei.V Trusai.
, Uiily iu'uiuf.ioUry Intho Wunof liiil-'ii.t il
' " ' '
7iariKit i icy A , \ it ii / ; / , t .v. ,
Oinalia Medical and Sur icil Institute , ,
26th nnd Broadway , OoJtioll
Ten rnlnuUn' iMa from eonlur oC Um ill i 01 *
fuiuhtt uuJ Oouuull Ululfj clujvrl'j uiulurllu * .