Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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Exhibition Gnma at the Park for the In
dians Benefit
Grriit ( Inniii ltli tlm ( Mil Tlnio rnviirlton
in Prinprrt I'rmlilcnl Mont Tiilk *
Cheerfully Niitlotml LI-UK" " Socircs
Hint ) Hull Uriel * .
This afternoon Uio Omaha club will play
tbo last game of the season nt Sportsman's
park. Us opponotiU will 09 the old Union
1'ucillc , who were tun noer of any club la
the west curly in the eighties , it bun boon
impossible to bring together nil the players
of that fnmnus loam , but six of thorn ere In
Iho olty nnO will tnke part in the contest this
afternoon ngnmst the regular Omaha club.
Hurry Salisbury will pitch and Frame Ban-
1110 will bo behind the bat. Spud b'arnsh's
form will tower toward the skies from first
bnso and Uus McKolvoy will talto care ot
everything that comes toward the other cor-
tier of tl'o diamond.
Old residents of Omaha remember well
bow the Union Pacifies nlayed ball in tholr
palmy days and there uro enough of tholr old
admirers bore now to form n good sized
crowd nl the park this afternoon. Tbo game
will bo called at ! liO : : o'clock and the usual
Sunday crowd will doubtless bo prtisont.
Tbo'Omaha team will bo the regular nlno
with the exception of Vlsnor In rlcht Held ,
who will play with his old team , the Union
I'nclflcs. Pugilist Tommy Kynn. who Is
matched to light Jack Wlllts on thoilOlh , will
1111 un the hole and Iho loatns will appear on
the Hold thus :
I'nloti Pacifies. Position. Oinahii.
KnlUbury I'ltclior Darby
Jlundlo CJiitolior Iluyos
I'nrrlflh Klrsl biiso Itowo
Hrown Eacnnd bate Honglu
MoKulvuy Third biiRU Colliipy
Dlirltoo Short-stop Kholhoak
llcngland l.oft Hum Wostlnku
Lee Cuntur Hold 'Hks
Vlsiier Klght lluld Hyati
Dan Honln , probably Iho greatest ooacbor
In cho world , will direct and guido the old
Union Pacifies. Ho will bo resplendent In
professional togs , ana will makothings lively
from the Hues. Sandy Griswold will umplro
the gamo. .STOUT SATISI'llMl.
llo HnjH it < ! eel Word lor tlio Town nncl An.
other for tin : Tuiiin ,
"All things considered , " said President
Stout lost night , "I am well satisfied with
the season In Omaha , although the club has
lost considerable money. This was duo nl-
most wholly to the nwful weather In the
spring , and to the general mismanagement
of the leaituo. Omaha was stronir In every
sense , nnd was willing to co on playing ball
ns long as teams from other cities In the
league came here , but when Indianapolis re
fused to mcot Its scheduled engagement I
bad no alternative other than to disband the
club. 1 have uono this reluctantly , but with
the league hanging by a thread and no teams
coming' here it would bo folly to continue to
keep the cluD together.
"It cannot oe suld this year as It was last
season , that Omaha broke up the league.
Minneapolis and Milwaukee did It ; in fact
the league would have been Intact today had
they continued. Despite all the unfavorable
weather and thu unsatisfactory schedule , the
iitlondanco ncru has averaged bUU paid people
to a game , and that 1 more than many other
cities can say. Omaha is a good town and an
excellent bnso ball city , and with salaries as
low us thov wore this your nnd in u stable
league , the club would bo u paying Invest
ment. "
' Vlclu-ry < lor to Iliiltlinoru.
BAI.TIMOUE , Md. , July 1C , The Cincinnati
club has signed Curt U'olsli , released by the
Baltimore club , mid will release Polo Brown
ing. The Baltimore malingers have accepted
the tarms of Pitcher VIckory of the
Omahus. jblrikcn has been made captain of
Baltimore In place of Van Hultrou.
Ncnv York I'utH u llouiitllul Kibosh on the
NEW \OIIK , July 10. Now York won
easily from Plttsburg to-day , knocking
Ehrot out of the box iu the third inning.
Terry then wont to center and Smith went
In to pitch. Huslc and O'Hourko retired in
the sixth inninf , Uruno and Boyle taking
their places. Attendance 2,940. Innings :
Now York . 7 0 13
I'ltuburi : . u 04 100000 5
llils : Now Vork , 17 ; 1'lttslmr.r. 0. Krrors :
New York , f > ; 1'lttsbiiiu' , 0. Karned runs :
New York , li ; I'lttsbiirv , 1. llatturlos : ( Jrano ,
Kuslo , Itoyle nnd O'ltourko ; Khrut , Smith and
Toxiis ( lurk Thiini | > ml.
BHOOKI.V.S , N. Y. , July 10. The Brooklyns
scored an apparently easy victory over the
Chlcagos today. Lu by was hit hard and at
the right time. Attendance , 0,0111. Score :
Uulcn.'o . 1 000000 10 2
llroolclyn . 0 2 2 1 0 1 0 U u
lilts : Chicago , 4 : Brooklyn , 10. Krrors : Chi-
CIIKO , Q : llrooklyn. 2. riiirnml runs ; UlibiiKo ,
1 ; llrooklyn , U. llultorlus : J.uby und Sclulvur ;
bteln and Klnalow.
hliuiKlititroil the Oriole * .
BAI.TIMOIIK , Md. , July 10. The Cincinnati
flu b got on to Pitcher Cobb In the slxtb and
eighth Innings and hammered him for fourteen -
teen runs. Attendance 'J,5UO ; weather good.
Score :
Hit tlinorn . o o o 0 2 o : i o n 5
U.uulnmitl . * --IG
Hits : Italtlmnre , 8 : Cincinnati , 14 , Krrors :
Iliiltlinnro , II : Cincinnati. II Kiirnod runs :
llnulnniti , 4. HutturU's : t/'obb and Uiinson ;
llarrlUKton and Uullgur.
llciitcn l > y Tlii-lr O n KrrorH.
WASIIINCITON , O. C. , July 10. Washington
Ion to Cleveland today through thu bad er
rors In the sixth inning In which three un-
' oarnud runs were scored. Weather pleas
ant ; attendance U,1U. ! ) Score :
Washington . 2 4
Uluvtiluml . . . 0 ! l 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 U
tills : WashliiKlon , It : Cleveland , 8 Krrors :
iVasliltiKtmi , 7 ; l/luvulaml , U. Karnuil run- * :
W.iiuhlirjlon , 2 ; Uluvtil.iml , 2. llultorius :
fhiryoa mid Mcdnlro ; Uuupy nnd.Immur. .
CiifiiicU t'orriilcd thu Uniiknr * .
Piiu.ADF.i.niiA , Pa. , July 10. For the llrst
time this year Louisville defeated Phlladol-
nhla this nftorr.oon , Sanders was very of-
foctlvo early in the Kama. \ \ oather pleasant ,
AttenUnnco r > , f > .VJ. Score :
Philadelphia . 3
LouUvllle . 0 8
lilts : I'hllnOoluhin. 1.1 ; Louisville , 10. Kr-
rorst Philadelphia , 1 ; l.on .svlllo , a. Kurnuil
runs : l'lilliiduiliin. [ | I ; l.oultmllo , II. Iliitter-
lus : Saudui-H and Urlm ; Uarsey iinil Uloinunts.
I'mUttl Uoiildn't Do 1C
DOSTOX , Mast. , July 10. Twice In the
season Cioizoln won games from Boston , but
today , commencing with tbo llfth Innlug ,
lloston batted him hard throe times , sending
Iho bull out of the lot. Attendance 3aoo.
Bcoru :
Ilusum . 0 0 0-0 II 2 1 2 8
ht. Louis. . 200000001-3
Him : Huston. 1. ; St. Louis. 10. Krrors : ] lt .
ton , 4 ; rit. LonlH. 'I. Karimd runs : fluxion , 4 ;
t-t. Louis. 2. Iliitlorlus : tUaluy anil Kelly ;
Uotzoln and IluvKluy ,
it inn ) Wilbur filially < Jiilt KI.MI
mi ( lumen ,
8iMiiNariiii.ii , Nob. , July 10. [ Special
' .Telegram to TUB OBB. | The Grays gave the
crack Wllbor team a pounding today It will
not forgot this season. Mr. Derrick of the
defunct Beatrice State league team was
pounded all ever the lot , and retired at the
end of tbo spvonth iu favor of Mr. Tboinp-
eon , who fared oven worao , and finally re
tired , and Jolten ilulthed the gamp. Score :
Hprlncflold. . ! 2 15
Wilbor , 3
lUtterlos : SprliiRfJelcl , Hall nnd ( Joint ; U'l | .
her , 1/ncy. Jcllon. Derrick nnd 'I IIOIIIMOII.
Jliuo nlu : HprluKtluld. J8i Wllbor , 3. I'wo-
' r ; > ' * , V1' * ' 1" v * * * t
, .LE * . - -it !
hnio lilli : Ilnrknn , Cnrrlpnn. OeNt , Kllmnnt.
Thrro-bitio lilti : Ilnrknn , llonn rtirni Ilnr
knn. KrroM ! Sprhullold. ! ! jVIIber. j . 4.
Struck out : Uy Quint , 0 : by Derrick. S ; by Jol-
ten , 1. 'I line of KnniB ! Two liours nnd fltteun
minutes. I'mplroVallnot. ; .
Tlio Wilbcrs uofontod the Homo club Fri
day In the llncsi gntno over seen ou tlio homo
arounds. The fcaturoi ot'lbo pmnovorotlio
runtiltiR catches of Swartzond Gallagher In
the fluid anil the tbroc-bnsa hlt < of Ttiomnoii ,
Jellrti nnd ll.irlnn. In tholiftb InnlneSxvartz
of Wllbor pot bit hnnd splkcil so bad that ho
Will bo unnblo to pluy again tbU year. Score :
Hnrln'lluld . 0 II
Wllbcr . 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 1 - !
Thrco-biiso lilts -Wllbor : Thompson. Julian :
Horliiitllulil : lltirlitn Diinblo ltiv.s-WIIIpri
1 lioniDsoit to 1'iiylur to l/oivo ; nurlti llold :
( Jokl to Onrrlantt'to Kox. It MO on bills : .lol-
Ion , S ! lltirlan. I. Struck out : Joilun , 0 : llur-
liiti , 7. Hasp lilts : Wllbor , 1 2i Spr.iutflold , 7.
Tlinuot iritniu ! Two hours and tun intiiiltcs ,
Utitplro : Ivolluy of Uiiiuhn.
Tiildni ; It Into I'olltlr * .
A'.XTCU , Nob. . July 10. [ Special Tolegrum
toTiiK HKC.J Tbo ropublluans and demo
crat * of Axtoll played a game of baao bill to
day , which resulted In the democrats win
ning the gntno by two score * . Gro.itontliiMl-
asm was displayed , and the same clubs will
cross bats again uoxt Saturday on Iho
grounds at tbo park In South Axtoll. But
teries : Cleveland aud Stevenson ; Harrison
and Hold.
I ) irliy Com tn I'lillinlclplilu.
The sporting editor of TUB UKR signed
George Darby last evening for the Phila
delphia National Icaguo club at n salary of
&JOO per monlb. Ho leaves for Philadelphia
after the game this ovonlntr. Darby Is ono
of tbo coming pitchers of tlio profession , ana
It Is hoped bo will make his marK uudor
Harry Wright. _
Noiipiirnll I'urU Toilny.
The Wilbor base ball club plays the Non
pareils at their park this afternoon at Ui0 : !
p.m. Tbo Wilbor club is ono of the bust
amateur clubs in the state and the Nonpareils -
oils uro thu best iu Omaha , uiul tboso attend
ing will see a good amateur gamo.
Thu AthlntlcH nil the ( Iu.
Tbo Athletics play at Florence today ,
at Council UlufTs tbo 2ltu. Captain Hlncboy
is getting good work out ot his team lately ,
allbougb they struck a snag at Lomnr.s , la.
Strong bns slitnod with the Athletics , and
will prove an acquisition.
Notlci'H I'lilillshud Tluit thn Hiiniohtuad
Mills Will Sturt Up Again.
PiTTsni'iui , 1'a. , July 10. Notices were
posted at tbo Homestead mill this morning
by the Curnogio coinrnuy and sent all over
tbo country to tbo effect that tbo Homestead
mill will be started up witn nonunion men
July ' . ' 3 , und that any of tbo former employes
of the company at this mill , wbo did not taUo
part in tlu recontdisturbancjs , are at liberty
to mnko individual application lor work till
0 p. in. . July SI. Thoie llr t applying will bo
given the choice of unlillca positions which
thuy are capab'o of tilling. Tboso wbo fail
to apply by the time mentioned will bo con
sidered as not desiring to outer the com
pany's service and their places will bo filled
with nonunion men.
Secretary Lovejoy says tbo Union mills
hero atit ! the-Heaver Falls mills will ue
started Moiidu3- next and that the company
will Ilnd no dilllmilty In getting mon to oper
ate them. It Is not buliuvcu any mon are
now in the Homestead mill except the regu
lar watchmen und n few iliumi-n.
Tno steamer Tide lolt hero this morning
loaded with provisions for the Homestead
works. Uanjo lo baa advertised lor bids for
the erection of a huiidrcudwHllingsfor work
men inside thu stoekado around the mill.
Tno company has received many applications
for work , including some from the old inou.
Minors Ili'lnjj Taltrii In by OIlli-iTS us 1'ust
as l' < isHlbli * .
WALUCI : , Idaho , July 10. Besides Presi
dent O'Bnun , Secretary lioyutoii of the
miners' union and twenty-live members of
that body wore arroa'ed yesterday , and Cor
oner Sims and a private guard were tnlihii !
men in right along during the ovoalng. Sov-
or.U citizens have also been plaucd In custody ,
liicluduiir Itobort Nclll nnd Walter Jouo's ,
who were formerly members of tno union. H
is reported tint all member * of the union are
to bo locked up. If this bj true , it moans
the arrest of over l.OUJ men.
TluiHU Ciiptiirt-il I'lnlitirtiiti < > tiiiM.
IlAUiiisiium , Pn. , July 10. Attorney Gen
eral Hansel has sent to Hugh O'Donnell a
reply to the lattor's Inquiry concerning the
disposition of arms taUon from Plnkorton
detectives by strikers. Ho sajs : "I do not
think it is within the scope of my ollicial
duties to advise you upon the subject of your
telegraphic inquiry. If you have in your
possession private property as to the owner
ship of which you are uninformed you
should bo guided by the advice of private
counsel as how to dispose of it. "
Thinks Hnth Shirt at I'niilt.
WASIIINOIOX , D. C. , July 10. Chairman
Oatos of thu special-houso committee to in
vestigate the Homestead troubles has re
turned hero. Ho expresses the opinion that
both purlins nro at fault and not willing to
n.alco proper concessions. Ho thinks , how
ever , the matter is not witmn the govern
ment's Juriidictlon.
Miu Know U'luit ShuVaiHiiil. .
Detroit l Yoo Press : Justice Pholnn
yesterday was visited in his olllco by u
fnir young woman , with n pnrdou of
roses on her o.xpanalvo hut , u buwltuh.
injj smile on her fueo atid u li ht sum
mer iniritbol in her hand , which she
swung Icily and imperiously us she erfii-
fronted the bonoli.
"i want u divorce1 she said In r. cap
tivating tone without waiting for the
justk-e to look up.
"Yes ; I want it right off. "
"You are in a grout hurryV"
"I should nay HO. "
"You would glvo mo tlmo to make out
tlio papers , wouldn't you ? " 411 id the
judge with sarcasm that escaped the fail-
' Yes ; if you are not too long. "
The justice Hourly fell from his chair
in amazement.
"I hupposo flvo minutes would bo a
long time to wait ? " ho ventured to ask.
"Woll , I'd have to wait If you couldn't
hurry. I suppose , " fiho said In an Idle
n < anner , waving her pu-nsol to and fro.
"Young woman , you are from
Chicago , ' Hiild the justice.
"Why , how do you know1/ " she asked.
" 1 guusaod it. "
"Well , you needn't guess r.galn. "
The justice explained that if she
wanted a divorce on Hiieh short notice
she would have to go to the Windy City
to got it ; that It usually took at least
Hfteon minutes to got a divorce here.
Then the young woman said she had
married a Detroit man In Chicago.
"When were you marrlodV" ho asked.
"Last week. "
"Why do you want n , divorce ? "
"I don't like hlm'r1"-
"Didn't like him
when you married
him ? "
"Yes. "
"How oolilu you change on such short
"Oh that's woman's "
, n prerogative ,
she returned , airily.
The justice ended the interview ab
ruptly aud last ovonlng the fair visitor
departed for tno Windy City with th6
statement that she would got n divorce
iu the morning.
lllrw Up tlm llrlili'm.
WAU.tCE , Idaho , July 15. Two railroad
bridges near Mullano were blown up toil
night and with them several telegraph polos.
Ttio strikers also sawed down a number of
polei , thus sbuttlug off communication by
that route for a time. The Gem and Qranlto
minus are all rlirht. Tbo rumor that tbo
Graulto mine bad been blown up probaMy
started from tlio report of tbo explosion
when thu urldgot were destroyed.
The military Investment of all the towns is
comulotn. No ouo is allowed to ( to out with
out a pa s. H U Probable that many ot the
uulou minors will ba arrested tomorrow.
JrtioM YF.stnniuY's SECOND
Soldiers Prevent the Strikers from Entering
the Homestead Mills.
I'lrcs Marled in u ritrimco Can in tha .Men
to ( Irinr Iliifttlrni Men Ordered to
Itcport ut the .tlllU for
Work Toiliiy ,
, Pa. , July 15. The story runs
In tlomestoad tonight that there are already
ilftv nonunion man In Carnegie's mill nnd
although the Carnoglo managers and the
strlito leaden deny the statement It has
found currency and belief among thu non
nnd Is perhaps the chief topic dUcussedupon
the streets tonight.
Fire was started In ono of the hearths
today , and the sight of tbo steam very nanr
precipitated a conflict between the troops and
the men. As soon us the steam
rose u largo body of strikers ,
who were near the ral'road ' front
of the mills , made a hasty movement toward
thu gatu and the post patrol hurriedly got be
tween them and the main entrance. The bay
onets were brought tothoctrirgoand the men
wcro halted. It " was probably tholr purpose
to outer the wu"rlts wlilnh made the men
come forward , but the abrupt manner in
which they were turned back caused some
oxultomout and was taken by many us an In
dication that the troops are ready to light , n
hiL't which has heretofore been disbelieved
on account ol the sympathy lor the men ex
pressed by the soldiers.
Since the soldiers have boon confined In the
camp there has boon a very marked change
in the fooling between the town and the hill ,
the sentiment on both sides being decidedly
moro unfrl'indiy than U was at llrst.
Clutirriil Snowilon Criticized.
Uencral Snowdon uomos In for the most
criticism by the strikers , and they are not
particularly .sparing In their remarks. In
this connection the strike at the Frick hotel
indicates the nenorul fooling. Although
Uonoral Snowdon was but part of
the griovunco of the young wcrmen ,
the man nunlnst , whom the boycotter
or glrlcott was chtolly directed was Manager
Potter of the mills , who has again taken up
his permanent roildoncu In Homestead. Anew
now force of waiters was spooally found and
at n rather late dinner everybody coming to
the hotel , including the distinguished com
mander of the forces , was served.
Among the other symptoms of renewed
nctlvity at the mills today was the unloading
of a boat load of stores , Including a larcu
number of cots and camp supplies , groceries
and boxes , supposed to contain fiod.
The things were carried Into the
mills and stored in ono of the
warehouses. Besides those preparations ,
orders have boon Issued to thosupennioud-
onts and foremen of the different depart
ments to report for duty tomorrow. This
order has brought out'u resignation from
Allan Hubbard , the foreman of Iho armor
plate department , who has refused to work
with nonunion mun , nnd who ha * thrown up
bis place to cast hit lot , with the strikers.
.StrlKum Keep 1'lckuts INistod.
The strluers' pickets are still maintained
about , the mill nnd ut the railroad
stations , but tboy have been aban
doned at other points about town.
The attempt will bo made to interview
newcomers , and the story runs that the men
propose to have u chance to speak to the now
hands whether the militia interfere or not.
Upon this point they are quito resolved , and
thu pickets have boon advised that standing
strictly upon their legal rights they cannot
be prevented from peacefully requesting the
newcomers not to work m the mill nor from
offering them support In case that they do-
clluo to work for the ( 'arnugla company.
No effort has yet been maJo to gather up
any of the captured Winchester iltles , of
which nearly -Ul ) are in the town ' , together
with a largo amount o'f Piukerton
ammunition. Mr. O'Uonnoll has refused
to niaKo public the reply of tbo at
torney general of Pennsylvania to bis
request for advice as to what should bo done
with the guns that might still bo recovered ,
although It Is known n reply has been re
ceived. The advisory committee is anxious
to got rid of the \\onpona , but there seems
to nosomo doubt about tbo local aspect of
the case , and it , 1s said they are no.v waiting
for counsel's opinion.
Took.KvnrytliliiK In Slcht.
At the tlmo of the surrender ono of tbo
conditions granted the detectives was that
the arms would bo returned to Mr. Pinkerton -
ton when opportunity occurred. The Win
chesters uro now scattered all up und duwn
the iSlonongahola , as the crowd made
a raid on everything when It gained
accojs to the barges and carried
off everything It chose. Besides that , there
seems to bo some doubt as to the legal re
sponsibility which would bo incurred by
any parson turning over some of the guns
who could not account for all that the I'lnk-
ertons lost , and the men will , under advice ,
proceed very cautiously in thu worit of
restoration. A fact not gonorallv known is
that , there are a lunronumuarof Winchesters
still In the Carncelo mills supposed to bo also
the property of tinPinkertons. . Tbeso guns ,
about SOU In number , the strikers bcllovo to
bu stored In the carpenter shop In boxes , and
the man wcro with difficulty restrained by
their loaders from making a search for them
bcfora the militia arrived. If they were
there on Sunday they have ooon inovod
since , au the cnrpentor shop Is today bare ol
everything in the shape of weapons.
Arm * ol thu .Strikers ,
Regarding tnostorlos nboutdynnmltogoing
ubroid , it is now admitted the mysterious
boxes carried Into the mill yesterday are full
of Alias powder. The strikers steadfastly
declare that if there bo hid explosives
In Homestead thov have been planted by
uncmles of labor ami will bn used simply us
theatrical properties In the legal settlement ,
of thu trial when it comes on. In thu mean
time , however. Uonoral Snowdon nnd
thu headquarters stall have boon
making a ( inlet Investigation into the
actual nrmnmont of the strikers. It U
believed that there uro In Homeitoad about
li.OOO arms of nil kinds , including shotguns ,
old army muskets , sporting rilles and Win
chesters , which bolonc to tlio mun nnd
which cannot , save In the case of actual
hostilities , bo taken away from thnm. Besides -
sides these are the captured Plnkorton guns
nnd a great many revolvers of all patterns.
There Is n difference in caliber between
tbo Plnkorton guns and the others , which
makes many of the cartridges unavailable.
An amazing faot Is that much of the arma
ment ot the Amalgamated union Is man
ifestly iho property of the United States
government. The boxes of cartridges
bear the label of iho Frankfort arsohal
nnd nobody seems to bo able to explain
whether thoio are part of the Pmkcrton
equipment or whether they wore dlfforonllv
acquired. Tno Frankfort cartridges are nil
fifty caliber. Much speculation Is Indulcod
In by the people on both sides
of Hlgblh avcnuo as to ban tbo worit of dis
armament will bo accomplished-1 Nothing
but a house to house visitation and search
can recover the guns , and- bow that ran bo
done In America Is n question which no ouo
proposes a solution for.
Sl'.tltKH Ofai'OltT.
Jtogattii ut IlllUdiito Optuioil with Ten
Ulnli * ItvpromHitud ,
HiLi.siui.E , Mich , , July 115. The twenty-
fourth annual regatta of tbo Northwestern
Amateur Howlnu association opened hereon
on Bawboo Sao lake tnU afternoon and will
pontlnuo tomorrow. Ton full club * are pres
ent. A heavy wind caused bad rawing over
the course , which is three-fourths of u mile
away and return.
The llrjt trial of tbo Junior fours resulted :
ArgonauU won In lui7 : ! , Wolvorwaj srcrmd
nnd Tecuuiseb third. Second trial : \Vy7 T-
( lottos won In 10:27 : , Mutuals aei'Und ,
Wolverines third. Final ptMponod.
Junior alnglo : Argonaut won la 17:47 : ;
Detroit second.
Junior pair : An easy victory tor Detroit
In 10.U : ' ,
Junior doubles ; Mutual won in 12:10 ;
Catllni second.
Four-oared nig : Detroit won In 1
Wolverines second.
< lrcut ToiiiiUiit Jtlvumldo.
Cuiciuo , 111. , July 15. Hyor on defeated
Cole In the tenim""tournainont at Ktrcraulo
today. Itwns the match In slnelns for the
dsy anil It was h\\l \ jintll two hour * of dteajy
play had boon tvlthbssod that Hyorson was
declared victorJfc 2 , 0-1 , 0 I.
In the nfternffen Carver nnd Hverson com
passed the dordaT. ol Cole nnd Haddock.
Tho.v are noW't'tto western champions In
doubles nnd next month tbnv will moot Iho
onstorn chnmploHf. ' It took "four bard gamut
to decide the qWti'flon of sunarlorlty. The
suoro was ; Ciityor-Uyorion , 4 0 ; 0 4 ; 0 Jl :
7 5. * '
Gardner and "Wr'Ann won the consolation
donbloj from ShWHian nnd Knickerbocker ,
0 1 , 11 II. takllit'ihoprlzo.
Today Chase IinU' Hycrson take opposite
sides of the court ttfdotormlno the championship -
ship In singles of-thp west. The contest is
certain to bo brlltiWt nnd stubborn.
irmi .nrt'Ut.
Cincinnati mid Vicinity Visited by u Ic-
stniL-llvo ( lulu.
CINCINNATI , O. , July 15. At half past
3 o'clock this afternoon n wind , which rcg-
Istcn-d forty-two miles an hour by the
Unltod Stales signal sorvloo Instruments ,
struck this city. It came from tbo west
and was accompanied by rain , which foil to
the depth of two-lltths of an Inch during the
time Iho storm lasted , which was not over
fifteen minutes. The full extent of the dam-
ngu done cannot bo loirnod at this hour. It
was not u tornado. It blow straight from
west to di\st mid kept < ip steadily during n
quarter of an hour , carrying the rain In horizontal
izontal snoots , pealing the roofs off of
numerous buildings , utrrylng off the roofs
bodily from many hovsos and plnylnc havoo
generally with shade trees , signs , fences nnd
plate glass windows.
The wonts for the show cal'.od "A Night
in Peltln , " on tbo biiso ball grounds on Harrison
risen avenue , were completely demolished.
The fence of the base ball grounds was blown
down and part of it was h'irlod against n
passing street car , Injuring sovcral passen
gers more or lo seriously.
William 13. Ward , sr. , proprietor of the
Architectural Iron works at 4C Central avenue
nuo , was standing on the sidewalk when thereof
roof of his factory was blown off. Bricks
detached from the bulldin ? were hurled on
the sidewalk. Ono struck Mr. Ward on the
head fracturing his skull. It Is feared his
injuries are fatal. Half a dozen other houses
on Central avenue , In the same vicinity , wcro
On Walnut street near Twelfth street thereof
roof of Myers' votorlnarv hospital was torn
off nnd hurled bodily against the roof of tbo
Bunnor Brewing company , on Canal near
Walnut street , UkliiL' that roof also.
At tbo river landing the great chains holdIng -
Ing the Now Orleans wharf boat , bcsido
which was the steamer Mary Houvern ready
to start , was snapped like a yarn thread und
blown nearly half u milu up stream to the
Newport bridge.
At Hamilton , twonty-flvo miles north of
here , the storm came nt about the same hour
as it did hero. It took oil half the roof of
Snyder Sons' wood p\ilp mill , blew down the
wtibtwallof it nnd Injured live workmen ,
ono very badly , ono quito seriously and the
other three painfully , but not dangerously.
It also demolished the smokestack of
Snyder Sons' paper mills nt Fairvlow , n mlle
north of Hamilton.
Ills feared th&t. the storm has been at
tended with casualties , not yet reported , in
this city und vicinity. It came with n very
wldo front , nnd while It lasted , was ii furi
ous , steady , stratght'blow.
It.ll'TlSlf , rOD.VO IT.Ol'LK.
Second Day's of Their Contention
DETIIOIT , Miut , , , July 15. At 0:30 this
morning the National Baptist Young Pee
ple's convention" rotlssoinblod. The annual
report of the secretary made yesterday was
unanimously adopt9l. After some discus
sion an amendment to thu constitution was
adopted providing ) hat the board of man-
ngors shall consisl of officers of the union
nnd ono additional m.ombor for each stnto ,
province , territory and'-couniry rpifrcsontmi
in the annual mcotfrTg'i ' these * to .hq'd ) ' ofllcu
throe years , ,
A very pretty ceremony was the salutation
of flags which followed. It- was fapenod by
nii > Bing "Onward , Christian Soldiers , " and
was followed by the reports of states , terri
tories und otherdivisious. All showed much
progress for the year.
At tbo conclusion of those reports Rev.
Lansing Burroughs of Georgia spoke briefly.
Ho was tallowed by Ilov. Tupper ot Denver ,
who closed the morning session by an ad
dress on "Tho Supreme Mission of Bap
tists. "
The aftornooi' session was devoted to rou
tine business , the election of officers nnd ad
For the ensuing year officers wcro elected
as follows : President , John II. Chapman ,
Chicago ; vice presidents , lint , Hev. .1. H.
Frunllll , D.D.of Texas ; second , Thomas Ur-
quart. Indiana ; third , Frank Harvey Field ,
Now York ; record Uip secretary , Ilov. T. Y.
Pierce , Mount Holly , N. Y. ; treasurer ; J. O.
Scrapples , Chicago. A board of managers
was also elected.
After addresses by prominent divines from
different sections of the country the delegates -
gates adjourned to take part In the state und
provisional duties.
Tbo Sunday closing of the Columbian expo
sition was discussed at tbo evening session ,
The remainder of tbo session was taken up
with addresses on educational subjects and
routine business matters.
A OUNO or 1'iilnlnl Depravity.
A motley crowd of gamblers filled n
downtown pool-room tlio other dny.aays
the Now York Tribune , when n nijjgod
old negro pushed his way cautiously in.
Ho looked rnthor scared by hU 'BUP-
roinidititfs nnd halted close to the door ,
na if afraid to venture further.
"Wlmt'rt the matter , unoloV" asked a
flashily drosaed youii" ; man. ' 'What
bringd you hero ? "
"I bog pahdon , snh , of Ioutrudo"said
the whito-haii'od darlcoy. ' 'i'uo one ob
de e yero stranded col'airtts what coino
from Arluinsaw und is .join' to Libory.
Wo is all strapped , butdo while folks ob
diB city is white fo' sure and dey is a
hplpin' us out. One pomimm nlvo mo
dis card an' tol' mo to come joro und yet
tjood money for it ; but 1 guess lie were
jos' play in do old man for a Biichor. "
"Lot mo BOO the card , uncle , " said tlio
The Liberian colonist fumbled nmono ;
his rags and , but ivould not
lot it go out of his hand.
"Degommnn said It was a pawn tlnko
er a pond becko , # .r suinpln like dut , or
* *
"I'ool ticket , , jiio. that's what it is. "
"Pool ticket ! od.Ut'B so , sab ! 'Foro do
Lord , dat's JOB vrlmt ho aay. Says ho :
I bought dis pool * ticket yesterday , ol'
man , and I hoar'yiP boss datI but on ,
Uustor , won BurbWm. It's so little dat it
nin't worth my yrrp.6 to go downtown jus'
or dat , so I'll gib It to you , bjy , to got
you outon do country. ' "
"Hiidtor did wJnJiyostorday , " said the
gnmblor to himSClfr and then bo added
aloud : k'Ho waffWift fooling you , uncle ,
thnt ticket's no Jcjyd. Tbo horse didn't '
even got n pinch yesterday. I'm sorry
you bad your tr/y / jUovvn hero for noth
ing , but I'll half u dollar for the
ticket , ju t lor hitrti , ncel" '
"Thank you Hmjilly , sab , " said the
darkey , "and twty'-'g'ood luck be with yor
for liolpln' a poqr' old innn that hain't
got long to live anyway. "
Ho hitndod over ( h ° ticket , took tbo
half-dollar und Rll'd out , with consldora-
bio alacrity for.ono of his yours. The
gambler chuckled , and told u friend of
the good burgain bo bud made , at the
same time allowing him the ticket
"Why , Uharllo , " exclaimed bis friend ,
"the ticket was sojd day before yester
day and Duster was nowhere In that
rauo. " .
"GreatScott"said ! tliO'dlsgustod gam
bler , "and yet there are people who want
to id-event a black' rascal like that from
going out to Liberia and rotting there
in the owamps , from chills and malaria. "
If .YOU do no * , use a wholu pottle of Conk's
Extra Dry Champagne at once , a ruobor
corn will keep it for duya.
Vigorous Measures Being Used in the
Comr d'Alono ' Country.
fl of tlm .Minors Union Called Upon
to Surrunili'r Xomiiiliin .Men Itflnrii-
Ing The District Clom-d to Trnvol
Thn Situation.
SPOKANE , Wash , July 15.Tho Uovlaw's '
ndvlcos from the Ctour d'Alono district state
that the military has arrested .luck W.illnca
nt Cataldo. Ho is suspected of bcinp the
rlngloiulor of the Mission massacre. The
troops uro deploying from Cataldo nnd It is
thought the hills will bo scoured for other
The troubled district has oeon closed to
travel and nobody Is permitted to RO in with
out n military passport.
General Carlln now has * , , OUO troops uudor
his command nnd has called on all mombori
of the Miner * union to come Iu and surren
Notwithstanding thu presence of the
troop ? the strikers continue to make their
presence felt. Newspaper correspondents
are particularly oujcctlnnnblo to them.
A special Just received by the Kovlowsays
throe cur lo.uh of nonunion minors talccn out
to Token for safety have hoon Mkon liaek to
Wnrdnor and will be placed nl worn , They
were tnkon In under the protection of rnj u -
Inr troops and no disturbance wa ) raised by
their arrival ,
Itnllroiul TruM'l Urntilct d--l > fstroyliiB thn
POHTIAND , Oro. , July 15. The tollowinc
was received at the hoadquattcrs of tbo
Union Pncillc today from tbo Kovornmont
marshal nt Wallace , Idaho :
You are huroliy din-clod not to sell tld'ots
or trip pusses through the county of Shoshone
today. This order lim : no ulTucl on currying
of t'nitod Status mall and oxpruss and pas-
lon urs under military passes.
Assistant Superintendent O'Brien of the
Union Pacific , Washington , telegraphed as
follows :
Special train just ordered t > y luporlntond-
ent Uleiiiont or Ilunkiir Hill nnd Sullivan
inlnu from Tokoa to Ward tier , fur the purpose ,
it Is thonuht , of taking nonunion mun back
Into tlio mine.
The men nave been nt Tekou since leavinff
Ward nor.
I'otico Hiisy KoiindliiK Up Jim Whosu
Olillipio .MomlH Are Notorious.
Captain Corinacit , Ser oant HayosandOlll-
cors Vizard and Blum corralled a quartette
or tough characters in Kd Hothery's saloon
last nirfht , Amen Ithuin was n man who
called himself Dave lioach. butitlssupposoi
that his rifjlit name is lilch , nnd ho is wanted
in Butte , Mont. , for highway rouborv.
On May 15 the cashier of n mining com
pany was wax-laid and shot nt. Ono of t ho
men was arrested and sentenced to llftuon
years in thu penitentiary , but Klcli and the
third man escaped. A reward ol 5i , , " > 00 is of
fered for Utah's apprehension and the O maha
police uro contldcnt that they have the riant ,
man.James Spetr-'r , ; I yours old , but who np-
Ipoars Hvo years younRor. was arrested lust
night as a suspicious charactor. Ho is sup
posed to have stolen a watch at Cut-Off Inko
while the owner was In bathing.
The police are looking for a coupio of snea ic
thieves" who have entered mivcrnl house s
during the past two weeks nnd stolen nrtv
cles of moro or less v.iluo. The fellow s
direct their attention to houses whoso occu
pants are absent. If discovered tboy play
the tramp act nnd ask for something to oat.
The last robbery reported was nl the resi
dence of Mrs. Anderson nt " . .Vji Cass street ,
where they scoured n suit of clothes nnd u
ndy's cold watch.
Is superior to all other preparations
claiming to be blood-piiriliers. First
of all , because the principal ingredi
ent used in it is the extract of gen-
nine Honduras sarsaparilla root , the
variety richest in medicinal propcr-
tic-Sp Also-be-
Pnroc Pafnrrh - -
CUIIBO the yel.
low dock , being raised expressly for
the Company , is always fresli and
of tlio very best kind. AVith equal
discrimination and care , eacli of tlio
other ingredients are selected and
compounded. It Is
because it is always the same in ap
pearance , flavor , and effect , and , being -
ing highly concentrated , only small
doses are needed. It is , therefore ,
the most economical blond-purifier
in existence. It
Ulllco makes food nourishing -
ishing , work pleas-
at8iL.Pp , , refresh ,
ing , and life enjoyable. It searches
out all impurities in the system and
expels them harmlessly by the natu
ral channels. AYEH'S .Sarsaparilla
gives elasticity to the step , and im
parts to the aged and infirm , re
newed health , strength , and vitality.
Pretmred hvDr.J O Aver &C'o. , l.owdl , Mn .
Bold byullmiiKKlatii ; rrld'l ; nix Lotllo , t 5.
Cures others , will cure you
) rhtchetrr' KtiulUtt Itlumunit
, ,
A * r rt An u < ///aJ /
Ifctl and flat I in.ullleV
. p lJ wlib tlua rlMwa TuLe
other * ftutt danytrevt ru ( . tifu <
* tlnt an < l imltatimtt A I Dtuxgitti , or nl 4c.
IH * t4'i | ) for part leal f i , tettliuoiilall 104
* * Icllrr for Kudtes , " inlrtiort bj rctum
Mull 1OIMIO rmlraonUli A'amc 7 \ > > - ,
C'hlrh 'Mr4 > r 4 Ltfiiilcul C'o.tUudt anNfjuiirflb
flail by fcll Lwl UruicUu , 1'bUada. . ! ' .
Dislodge Bile ,
Stir lip the Liver ,
iOuro Sick-Headache ,
i Female Ailments ,
jKemovo Disease and
Promote Good Health i i
Oomed with a TuteUii & Solatia Coating. |
Fatuous the world over. !
Atlcfor Ilcecham'i und ulie no othcri , '
1 Of all druBgiili. Price SB ccnlt a box , ;
New York D pot. > < C n l St.
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to recommend -
mend some brand of Smoking Tobacco , we unhesitatingly pronounce
Bull Durham Smoking
to be the best in the world.
Many times imitated , but never equalled.
Get the genuine. Made only by
Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co. ,
Darliani , N. C
' "THE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and
* bowels , purify the blood , arc pleasant to take , safe and f
always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness , Blotches s
on the Face , Brighl's Disease , Catarrh , Colie , Constipation ,
Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered
Stomach , Dizziness , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence ,
Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives ,
Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite ,
Mental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Rash ,
Painful Digestion , 1'im- pies , Hush of Blood to
the Head , Sallow Corn- plexion , Salt Rheum ,
Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin
Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling ,
Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every
other symptom or dis- case that results from
impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their
functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given
to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabulu after each
meal. A continued use of the Kipnns Tabulcs is the surest
cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be
injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross § 2 , sample bottle
15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid.
& SHE n
I-oiiso iii tlio Wost.
Goods and prices to please everyone.
Chamber Suits from $10 to $1,00'0.
Newest Styles , Largest Stock , Lowest Prices.
Special designs nnd estimates given on
Fine Parlor Pieces and Draperies
Our bloelc contains all tlio latest novelties as well as tlio most staple goods in the
furniture lino. Call before buying.
1115-1117 Farnam Street.
Established 1801.
Every MAN cnn Im
OROUS in nil reipenti
NKRVINB , thcKrent bjmiilah Remedy. YOUNO MIM
OH OW > suffrrinic from NBUVOUS DUBItlTY , I.O3T or
FAI&INO MANHOOD , ninhtlycr.iissioinconvulsions , nervous
piostration , rnusi it by thuuse of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wake *
fulness , mcnul impression , loss of power in cither sex , spennator
DEmUHK AND AFTKK Ubt tliwa caused by self abuse and over indulgence or any personal weak
ness'can bo restored to perfect health and the NO1ILI5 VITALITY OF STRONG.MUN. . .
We give a written KU rnntee with 6 boxes to euro any case or refund tlio money , $ t 9 bo2 ' 0 boxoa
For Sale In Omaha by Snow Lund & Co.
"Norvo Sooclo , "
the wnndorful jt-'iiHMiy
U.UHUHHH. - i - . - | n 8olU wItli nvili
ten iiunmn ro to euro All iiorvoiis ill'i'inon. such nVimk Mi'iiKiry ,
lMa or llriiln 1'owcr. llcmliirlio. Wnkofiilnoiii. lrfxt Jlmiliood. NI litlr Knils.
nlons. NcrvoiiHne . Lassltudii.nlldrnlns nnd loss < if IKIWCTof Inn ( Joncnillvu
. . . . . . . > i .tiiimr nnrf. ni i ii livnvppnxprtlon. Toutliful rrrorfl.or rzci' Hlvp
. . , . . . . . .
rTEHURINU. or TtJUUil IftvIrtWJicy. Hi-ui r * iuu ouu.u * * v > ww - .f
sale iii Omaha by Sherman & McConnell , 1513 Dodge Htrcot.
Ilrcwcrs of Fine Uccr Exclusively.
IH AH roi/I.OWS :
HK Kuttlo | inril'iy. ciiial | to . n.000 HiirruN
Total Oiiiiaulty yuryuurof JO ) cliiyu . . . I.SOO.HOO H.irroH
HALT Forfl.ttWtiliU rtnllr liroiv , 3 IKIl'H . ( UJ lililn dully liiiw.l' ! < UK.
lit 10 I hid hciir.or total bun. day. . 12.00U lo liltl. IH'IT , or toliil Ihi iiurilny 7.WW
LfiUDUWIlibl" , > imry | hroif. S hu . to 1 I.HliJ. ( | . yunrly intir. lj ll , . to
' . . . . . . total IDs. ' . ' .
bill uf boor'total butt. | icrvuar .liflOOXI btl hoor.iir ' ' . per ounl 'AS.'iO.OOT
STOllAt ! K CAl'ACM'l'V.
I ( a VnU.rofiulnnj ; n Hoorof 125 ' I H.UW Vnti roiulrlni | { M lloora
fict n'liiare , oriTtotnlof . . . 15,0(0 < | iinro ft i total of ! )00XW ) ( qimrefl
Their Motto is "Not HCMV Clioiip hut How ( Siioil. "
Oxaba Branch S , E. o ner 13 h nud Jones S'a.i QEO , KRUO , Oyi'l ' Agant.
Cure * all illuonlpn of tlio Stom.jcli , LIvnr , IlotroN , Kllonyi , Ill.uliljr , Ncrvom
IHseasrs , Loss of AipL'tltc | , Jlrnilachc , ( ' ( insllpiithii , t'ostlriij 4 , Iitllifoitl tn , lilt *
JIH HOIS , 1'cicr , 1'lIcHlite , , niul rculor.s thn sy.slfim less llnltli ) lo conIiMet dlsono. ;
ItAHWAV'S I'IM.S iiroouro for this ooinpiiilnt. Tlioy luno up tlm Intorniil Rncrotloni to
bonlthy notion. n'HtoroHtreuatli ttiUij Htoninoli. iiinl cumtJln it to uurrorni Its runutluiii.
I'rlco Sio it i x. Bold liy nil driueUt * , or nmllod by It A U WAV A. OU. , ; u Wurrun Strott.
D w Vork , on ruculpt of prlco.
THE OHIOINAt * HO CCNUIIIC. TU nly Hafi * . Nurr , 1 I'll ! kl > . ! . .
lAdlr , "If UrHfctil for i'Mtkittti't i'nglltk Vtimv4 lltnud Ib | ttd ii > lWJ tntltttlM
lMiilt lt < l Uliblu > l I > U . Tl * enu othrr Llud. * < A' SutilHIullitnt a.J /