Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1892, Image 1

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Mr. Gladstone's Follower ! Ara Not Unani
mous on Anything at All.
Lack of Harmony Among His Forces Bodes
111 for His Administration.
Eo Will Call Pnrliarneut Together nnd
Force the Old Man's Hand.
tlnlcnn Aluolntely Compelled to IJrliiB It Up ,
the Sleiimiro U 111 do O cr n Yenr
CouiprrlnMinUo Olnnvu at
( Innlnn t1'.nn'H.\ \
LONDON , July 10. ( Now Yont Herald Cable
Special toTiiu Btu. : | Wo now unow that
Mr. Gladstone- will have another term of
olllrio , though certainly not a long oan. His
purtv Is made up of many sections , the most
of which nro Jealous of each other. They are
by no moans unanimous , even In their love
of Mr. Gladstone. The labor party , In fact ,
leaks upon him with extreme dislike and the
antl-Purncllltes are still more bitter. Then
4 thnro will bu people to reckon with wbo will
bo disappointed in the distribution of ofllcos.
Uembember , also that the majority will bJ
composed largely of Irish mumbo und that
It is impossible , o keoy them In cloio attend
ance nt Westminster , especially now tbut
the , funds run lo.v.
It is pretty certain tbon that Mr. Glad
stone's administration will have a short life ,
nnd not a particularly merry one.
Will Tut the ( Mil MUM on Itvconl.
I believe tbe present determination of Lord
Salisbury Is to not resign , but to call Par-
linmunt together early in Autruu and go on
with the business in the usuul way. A
speaker will be elected , wbo shall ba sworn
In and there will bo the queen's speech nnd
a long debate upon It , nnd the Gladstonians
will move an amendment designed to turn
out the government. All this will occupy
nearly tbreo weeks. Many conservatives do
riot see why they should ba kept in Londo i
for the sake of lighting u hopeless battle , but
the object is to get Mr. Gl.ustono committed
to some dclinllo statement about his Irish
policv. Some of hU followers will wan' to
Know uhat ho means to do , and the untl-Pur-
nollltos though few In number , will make it
warm for him.
If Lord Salisbury wore to resign without
.summoning parliament Mr. Gladstone coulil
practically avoid ineotinir the new house till
next February , nnd thus gain nearly seven
inunths for drilling his forces nnd shaping
liH cotitMC.
. Lotff of Work Hrforo Him.
First of all however , ho must go to Mid
lothian as HCOII as ho is appointed prime
minister , to get elected again , nnd , as hi *
majority was so terribly cut dowa the othei
dav , tbis Is not a ploisant ordeal to face
Tno same remark applies to Mr. .Uorlcy.
wbo may very possiblv bo beaten on a ncv.
election. Thus the troubles of the Gludston-
luns have already begun.
Moreover , I am assured on good nuthoriM
that the revered leader bus suffered not u
little for his exertions during the late con
test und that bis health Is in any but n
satisfactory st&to. A contested election U
bouud to tin it out n man's weak points , es
pecially when he is In Ins SM year.
After nil , tno unionists are not disposed to
taken irloomy view of their position. Mr
Chamberlain Is full of light und the oppuii
lion generally will bo extremely formidable
nnd ever on the watch for a chunce of strik
ing home. They huvo lost soma good men ,
but Mr. Chamberlain's followers seem likely
to muster about forty nnd these , with the
conservatives , will lead thu Gladstonlaus n
p.'Jtty dance.
1IU I'liiii on Ilniiin Itiilo.
Thtil Mr. Gladstone Is thinking of post-
pining the home rule question altogether is
highlv probable , and if the Paruollltus will
only consent to that coursu tbo old man
will Joyfully adopt It. By way of n sop he
will begin by repealing Mr. Bolfour's
coercion act , so that the Irish National
league may once moru become powerful in
Ireland. With this concoisio-i the Irish
party might possibly canscnt to allow him u
year of gruco before taking tbo homo rule
Where the conservatives have been boatoi
the wont is iu tha rural districts. Now
lor these electors the gift of free education
was expressly provided , although It was
Against conservative principles. Wbntlms tlio
| uriv gained by 111 Nothing. If
they had ttuck to the old line they might
have ftir.'d better. Even Lord Silisbury'a
inn wa turned out of the countv division.
Mr. B tlfour himself onlv scraoaa nls way In
by a s mil mijority. Tlio entire election has
bcn dUapK | > intlnir all around , oxuoul to Mr
Cli.unoerlaln , whose panonal position is
ilruugcr than ever.
CimOr-Miro of I.lliornl I.riiler * tn
tlin. situation.
JOii.7r'jM | l l&2li-j .Veic Fork .tintlitttl / ' < < . ]
Lo < ION , July It ! . Mr. Gladstone will 10
turn ti London at the end of next wuak. Ho
has oc.-eptod nn invitation to tainpjrarlly re-
lido at thu house of Mr. Stowarl Ivondall ,
the inomher-ulcct for Montgomeryshire , at
Curlton Gardens , prior to resuming bis of-
tiulal rosliionco in Downing "trout.
Ills tint conference on the formation of
the new minlstrv occurred ut IJjlmonco
J'ark , the residence of Lird K jioberryHo -
for < i ho started for Bracmar no rummoned
Mr. John Morley to moot Lord Uiseberry
and Hon. SlrGeurpo O. Trolyvun.
As far us can bo ascartaii.ed In oHlclal cir
cles here the deliberations at Ualmony park
proceeded on the understanding sol forth
luit week that U to say , Sir William Vernon -
non Ilurcourt will be lint lord of the treas
ury and government loader In the House of
Common * under Mr. Gladstone , and that
Henry Fowler will bo chancellor of the ox-
bbequur. Mr. John Morley want * the secro-
tnryshlpof the oolonhl onit-e , but lulluontlal
1 resnurj has brought to bear on Mr ,
( .tadntcuo to appoint Mr. James Ilryco
colonial tecretury , as ho u in closer touch
with colonial questions than Mr. Morloy.
Lllit'rill .Mlnlntt'rliil hluli- ,
The best Informed liberal forecast * for the
UlnUlry assigned Lord Hencbell to the
Ion ohuncellorship , ICarl Spencer to the
vlcoroysblp of Ireland , the Ut. Hon. George
tbo chl f ecroUry Ulu of
Ireland , the HU George O. Trolyvan to the
secretaryship of the home , the Itt.
Hon. Henry Campbell-Bannorman to
Iho secretaryship of state for war ,
Lord Hlpon to the flrtt lordship
of the admiralty ; Mr. John Morley to the
secretaryship for India ; Mr. James Bryce to
thosocrotiryshlp of thocolonloi ; Lord Koso-
bsrry to the secretaryship of forelzn olllco ;
the carl of Mlmnerly to the proildency of the
council , and lit. Hon. A. J. Mundel to the
picsidcucyof tha Board of Trade . These
crnslltuto the cabinet.
Mr. Gladstone will not attempt to satisfy
tha radical clamor to give now placss to now
men. He has an abiding tendency to group
around himself tried collciguo ) . The most
Important change In tbo Inner aaalulsira-
tlou of tha party will be a cloin sweep of the
whip oQlcos. The present whips , Arnold ,
Morley nnd Cyril Flower will receive peerage -
age ; , Herbert Gladstone will become chief
fn deciding the ministerial program , Mr.
Gladstone's main diniuulty Is the depletion
of the tlmmcus. Thu present elections have
almost exhausted the party resources. Her
bert Gladstone , speaking nt Hnwardcu , do-
clarcd tnat the home rule bill must first ho
puscd und added that the main question hnd
cost the liberals many votes. A bill giving
the people a direct veto would come next.
The new bouse will have 10" members
pledged to direct veto und Sunday closlnp ,
the strongest temperance parliament over
Tin Ir iyn : on Ilomcitpiiil.
The labor struggle In Pltisburg is watched
with nxclted Inlcrest here , and especially
among tbo working classes. The ardent
sympathizers of the trades unions are with
the strikers. Last evening's meeting of the
London trades council voted urgently lor n
resolution , which was unanimously passed ,
protesting against Mr. Carnegie's employing
a 'Vangof Irresponsible armed bullies to co-
crco men struggling ngalnst n reduction of
wa eV and satisfaction wus expressed that
the men had bueu ublo to dcteat the tactics
of their employers.
M. Clusorot , u prominent French labor
representative , in an Interview wlttt nn As
sociated Press correspondent in Paris , said :
"Tho sympathy of the cntiro labor parly bore
Is with the Homestead strikers. Wu re
joiced to hoar tha news ot the strikers do-
lending themselves. The virtuous north
seems to have become like the tyrannous
south. The slaves of yuUerdlay were black :
today's slaves ara white. Who will bo tbo
next Lincoln to abolish white slavery ! "
For the socialists , Julo Stuuonz said :
'This struggle Is lost labor. When the labor
party attains political supromauv nnd places
tbu government inchargaof Its most faithful
ii'un wo will not hotr of tragudios like that
a : Homestead. ' '
IN Till : Tlli.VTItlCAI.VOItl.l : ) .
Vli'it Die r.imons MtMiilirr * of the rroftMt-
ioii Arn > H tlioVntur Art * Doln .
LONDON , July 10. Both the then trie U nnd
musical seasons are waning. The new
ventures of Sar.ih BcrnbarJt at thn Hovul
Knpllsh opera house have ben only partial
successes. The scenery of "TheoJora" hav
ing been returned to Paris , sba fell back on
"Phedre. " After a splendid pcrforminuo on
Thursday the audience was startled to see
her fail fainting nhile she was visiting a
friend in a box.alior the llfth act , which she
played with terribly exhausting pitboi. She
soon recovered und was able to tlalsh the
plup without visible effect upon her acting.
The illness of Joan do UUz'co has upict thu
remainder of the aporu season and prevents
the production of Othello. Physicians have
made n thorough examination of his chest ,
but they found no evidence of disease beyond
a slight catarrh In the upper bronchial pas-
-ngu , which , they say , was brought about
ny his neglect to take a rest after hU trying
American tour. He his gone to Montenegro
to recuperate and wilt not sin ? in Kuropa
ugain before bu returns to Ameno.i.
M. du Ulszku has taken numerous valuable
im/03 on the Russian turf this season.
Horse ; from his stable compatoJ In many
aces and onu of them is the laiveit winner
lelauoa in Husiia.
Sir Artnur Sullivan , who was making very
satisfactory progress toward recovery from
i ho attack of renal calculus with which ho
< ufferei ( , bad a slight relapse during the
week. He lias recovered , however , and has
resumed the work of completing the play
which is to bo produced at tbo Savoy
The Goring Thomas memorial concert on
Wednesday , the proceeds of which are to be
devoted to forming a Goring Thomas sell > lur-
shlp at the Academy of Muslo , noltnd nearly
1,1)00. Miss Emma Earns , Mine. Nordics
and a largo number of those most eminent in
the operatic profession , gave tbnlr services.
Mis. Luugtry will appear under her own
management at the Huvmarkel theater dur
ing the temporary absence of Mr. Boerbohm
Tree. It was at the Havmarket theater , by
tbo by , that Mrs. Langtry made her debut as
nn actress , when she obtained prominence
undur that banner , thanks to the good ofllcoj
of nn eulogistic pnw. MM. Liustrr will
produce n new play by Mr. Haddun Cham
bers , and tun proparc.l for an umargency bv
uccoplinga nn.v play by Mr. E.lward Itsdu.
A few days ago the children of Prince
Henry of , ; nut Sander's uiraus
procession ns it was passing through
Windsor. They were dellghteJ with tbo
show an'l when they went homo they were
so full of what tbov had scan aid : told the
queen such wonderful stories of the ma uill-
cenee of the wagons pnd fcrociousncsi of the
animals that bor majesty ordered a private
performance of the circus at Windsor cattle
for their exclusive bsnellu The quo jn and
Princess Bjatrlco , wlfj of Prince Hinry ,
witnessed the pjrfornutnca from a carriage
and appeared to enjoy it as much as tbo
children , though they were hardly as demon
strative lu their touons of appreciation.
Ho Think * the Clmnri'n lor Home llulu
Are Vnry Sllnn
LONDON , July 10. Mr. Balfour , In a speech
at Glossop tint night , said that to tbo vari
ous disasters to the conservative cause that
have recently occurred muit bo added the
fact that tLe soparutlsts seem to haven ma
jority In parliament , but ho did nut tblnk
thU misfortune would bring berlous evil to
tho-catiso of the union. The fact that tbo
Glad toulans hud not secured the majority
they expected showed that homo rule was
not acceptable to the masses of tbo nation.
He dla not regard the present situation with
alarm exiup ; as regards foreign affairs. Ho
bad much misgiving * iu to the count ) that
would bu taken In Egypt and In other paru
of Africa. He had no I'oar ill regard to the
homo rule bill for Ireland. "Ibo bill In not
likely to bj passed In our time , " ho said.
Ho neld that tbo unionists would be strong
enough to control tbo legislative folly of
their nuccossoru.
Aiutrlu ami tin ) Uulil Muiiilnr.l ,
1'iuucE , July 10 , Great apprcheuklon It
felt hero us to tbe Impondlni ; cbungo lu
Auitrlun standard coins. The gold crcmn Ute
to replace the silver llorln , and great things
are expected Irom it to tbe beneut of Aus
tria's future position In commerci , flnancia
nnd economic quarters. But gold must bo
bought In foreign market * , nnd taxpayers
arc looking forward to It with fear. The
conversion ot the stiver florin Into the gold
crown will certainly till the pockets of tha
highest financiers. A now loan of 3,500,000
florins will Inaugurate this financial op
iifctliii About ( ) \cr Ulailstnne'H
rrobntilo .Mnjorlty.
LONDON , July 10.-With 012 out of CTO
member * of tbo House ot Commons elected
interest In tbo elections has to a large extent
subsided. The liberals may win nvo or ton
more cats , and It Is practically certain that
Mr. Gladstone's majority will bo somewhere
ner.r fifty. Tbe leading subjcrl of gossip Is
the question whether Mr. Gladstone will
venture to offer n scut in the cabinet to Sir
Cburles DIlKO. In the fnce ot utmost Inevit
able elections in 10. ! It U behoved ho will
iiot take this risk of offending the religious
fooling of the country.
Lord Salisbury has summoned a cabinet
council for next week to decide whether the
present government shill incot parliament ,
or forthwith rosign. A largo section of bis
party urges him not to resign , on the grounds
that a majority ot tbo British electors have
voted iigutnsl homo rule , bul it Is dountful
whether Lord Salisbury will take a course
that will only prolong the crisis ,
The Standard referring to the liberal vic
tory In the Fore. < t of Ujan division sn.vs :
"Sir Charles Uilko's return constitutes no
trilling addition to Mr. Gladstone's ambar-
rassmenl regarding claims for cabinet of
ficer * . "
When the result of the election in the
Forest ot Dean division was announced , the
suoporters ot Sir Charles Dilko wanted to
place him in a chair and carrv . : un in triumph
to his hotel , blr Charles refused to allow
tbis , howuver , nnd an enthusiastic crowd es
corted him to Iho hotel. Sir Charles' wife ,
her face beaming with smilesmet him on the
steps , from which Sir Charles delivered an
address , thanking his supnortcrs.
The Times savs that nftcr Iho excommuni
cation of Mr. Parnell ft will bo Impossible
fur Sir Charles DilKo to return to ofllcial
life. The country will not tolerate his ad
mission to the cabinut and bis ambition will
thus bo barred. He will bo n formidable and
not. favorable critic of tbo ministry.
Election returns to noon give the govern
ment 3&2 members nnd thn opposition 3'J , ' ! .
At 2 : < ! U this afternoon tbu returns show the
government has elected ! )10 ) members uud the
opposition U3S.
Illsliops Instructed to Oli-ln-nte the Ills ,
cm pry of A merlon.
HOME , July 10. Tbe promised papal encyclical -
cyclical on the Columbian , celebrations was
issued today. In it the oopo enjoins the
bishops in Itnlv , Spain and America to cele
brate the anniversary of the discovery of
America by special services.
In conversation with a number of cardinals
today the pope expressed himself as satisfied
that hn had every prospect of living to cele
brate his Jubilee , bo felt so well. HU holi
ness' requests that tbo French government
intervene by strong representations nt Su
Petersburg to persuade Hussla to assume amore
moro friendly uttitude toward Catholics in
that country has not resulted in success , the
Russian police synod opposing any change iu
their treatment of Catholics.
Mexican Cniiilimln Horribly .Tortured to
Muke Tlii'in C infois.
CITV OF MEXICO , July 10. Finance Minis
ter It jmero is dangerously 111.
It is alleged that Senor Candolloro Horez ,
Judge of Lnllonazo , in the state of Zacatecns ,
recently burned two suspactod criminals : :
death whllo trying to obtain a confcssi.n
from thorn through torture. Tno govern
ment has c 'lered an investigation ot tbo
horrible nffulr. It Is said of tbu same
Judge that some time ago ho adopted Just us
summary and unlawful measures with
another criminal. Tbis was the case of
Domingo Correa , accused of highway rob
bery wbo , instead of being placed under
urrcit , wua ordered by Judge Horez to bu
shot to death while abiding with bis family.
How Mr. Dnnlot U'IUi > n Srcuroil the IJli'o-
tlun us Mii3-or of : > Frenrli TOIVII.
PAIIM. July 10. M. Daniel Wilson , son-in-
law of the late M. Gravy , whose implication
in the Irunlu in decorations , while M. Grevy
was president , caused such a scandal as to
lead to the forced resignation of President
Gruvy , was u short time slnco elected mayor
of Locohos , the community in which his os'-
tatcs are situated. Charges wore made that
ho hud used lllcg'il means to secure his elec
tion and ho was placed on trial. Today bo
was found guilty aud fined l.OJO francs for
corrupt practices.
Mutiltoba'rt AtlvuntHffes.
MoNTiirai , July 16. John McQueen , ono
of the British farmer delegatss to Canada ,
whoso report to the Dominion governmsnt
was withheld 'rom publication , has arrived
hero from the nortnwost. Ho states that
altnoigh ha condemned the maratlmo prov
inces as u Held for British emigrants , ho will
urL-o upon bis fellow the ad-
vnnUgo of Manitoba as an agricultural
country. Ho says that Great Brilian is the
best natural market for Manitoba , while thu
United States Is tbo natural market for the
muratlmo provinces.
'Morn Itodlr * Ituco\uroil.
Puns , July 10. Two more bodies of vic
tims who lost their lives in the disaster at
St. Gervulso-lcs-Bains on tbo morning of
Tuesday last have bcoo recovered at Satan-
chez , where they wcro carried by the Hood
that swept down the ravine on which St.
GorvnUo-lcs-iiuins Is sltuntud , This makes
n total of nlnotsix bodies that have buen
recovered thus far ,
Clioli'ru'n March of Death.
ST. PKTEIISIIOHO , July 10. Tbo cholera
epidemic U not so highly Infectious as for
merly , but is quickly fatal. It is raging
with extreme violence among the workmen
In Tsarltsin , Tbo rellglotii communities of
Moscow are organizing processions to appeal
to God to stay tha
Kznloru IMiulr.
ST. PETF.IMIUIIO , Julv 10. \n expedition
under tbo command of Captain Sadoff has
started for Pamir , the country from which
Cuptiila Yo'iiu'liusband ' wus expelled some
months ago by Russians , und for which ex
pulsion Uuj&U subsequently apologized to
_ _
C.ti.lFOII.\l.l'ti Tl.JIIXKS. .
Uolavoruhlu llciort Miula Upon Thum liy
mi Kxpurt.
SAN FUINCJPCO , Gal. , July 10. The Exr
amlner publishes the report of u mining ex
pert showing that tbo famous Tcinoscal tlu
mines at San Jalnto , San Bernardino
county , are a failure. The inuioi began
operations In April , Ib'JI , und WON expected
ta produce from 10U toJiw tons of ' Ingou of
tin i > cr month ; Instead , ttiay now nro pro
ducing only from nine to ten tons and there
U little ore In sUht. Two million dollars
huv i boon expanded by English stocKholdurn
la developing tbe mlnoi and tbo cost of
opjrailoa IIB it'coutly been fs'.OOJ per month
ubovj receipt . Tbo suDenutendent hat
KUUO to London to luy tbo fact * before the
company ,
His Attacks Upon the Gavernment to Be
Passed by Unnoticed.
V t
Freissinnigo Organs Trying to Keep Warm
the Dispute.
i1 * .
Catholic Clergymen Being Reimbursed for
Money -Deprived Of.
, .
I.euilprs of tlio.Imtenliotx Actively Continu
ing the .Movement The r.niperor ( ! es
on a WlinlliiR Trip I xprrimont-
Inc Hli Auicrlcuu Corn.
tCupyi lalitctl ISfHbu A"eic.'J"ir/c / U oc ated I'ltx * . ]
UF.KMNJuly 10. SYnco startltiR on his
Journey to the north thu emperor has sent In
structions to Chancellor von Caprivl to
Ignore the Bismarck controversy. Houco ,
though a day does not ! pass without the
prince's ortrans nukl'di ? a'froth attack on the
government , the sOmi-pQlcial press remains
silent. A majority of itho papers follow this
dignified uxamnlo , InUuding tbo national
liberal journals , which .would willingly let
the polemic die out. Tno freUsinnlgo organs
alone try ; n keep tlio dUoutu seething , whllo
the socialist papers sclzo what advantage
Prince Bismarck's ( discretions give them
to assail generally hfs services to the nation
nnd Ins claims to greatness and his personal
character. ,
The quiescent attitude of the ROvernmont
would cease should Pnnco Bismarck prose
cute bis design to coullnuo the acitatlun by
touring the various 'countries throughout
Germany , accepting receptions and giving
bcic and there expression to utterances hos
tile to the emperor's policy.
Itccrut the I'rln o'x Action.
The oRlcial circle entirely discredits the
report that Count -W-alueraeo , is inciting
the prince. Oa the contrary General vou
Waldorjco and other old Comrades of Prince
Bismarck arc try ing [ toi < induce him to spare
Germany the sight of a'public conlilct be
tween the emperor and the statesman who
created united Germany. ' Tbo prince's own
family circle , his sons , * Count Herbert and
Count William , and his son-in-law , Count
Hantzau , support the government. There is
reason to b.'llovo that * high personages iu
Bavaria and Wurtcmpurg approyo of his
keeping up the irritation'ugamst Chancellor
vou Caprtvi , but regret 4s expressed on all
sides over'tho conlllct.iConnt 'Herbert Bis
marck has rcsie'ieii'uli position as prefect of
tlauover and Count Hatitzuu has also re-
signcddiis post as luinUicnto The Hague.
PICclHtlonn wjll/nio VnUcuiu
17 The relations of - thoTjovcrnmoatvilh , the
Vatican'tend to Improve. With a riow to
improving the center party , Chancellor von
Caprivi has expedited the Shorrgelder ar
rangements , under which the sum of 1(1,003- (
Oi)0 ) inaiks voted by tbo lower house of the
Prussian Diet in restitution for tbo sums the
Catholic clergy were dopnvcd of during the
Kuiturkampf will bo paid. The com
missioners wbo wcro appointed after the
vote was passed have been lingering over
tbo details of the distribution of I he moaoy.
The chancellor has energetically brouzht
their deliberations tn a conclusion und the
commission now reports that tno moneys
will bo distributed within three months.
Another amicable step bus been tbo appoint
ment of llorr von Bulow , brother of the
wall known generalto / succfod Herr
Schloosscr , as special minister to the vat-
Scan. Ho will bo ponorta grata at the Vat
ican , where Herr Schloejsor has utterly lost
his hold.
Anti-Semitic Agitation.
The acquittal at Cleuos of the Jew b jtcber
Buschoff , wbo was accused of murdering a
Christian child , is a bioiv to tno anti-Semitic
agency. The leading Catholic "rgan , the
Germanln , still maintains that the Talmud
encourages human sacrinccs.
The Kreuz Z itung contends that though
the scriptures da not support ritualistic mur
ders , some Jews believe in such murdorj.
Apart from tbo anll-Samlilcs , popular sym
pathy ie with Uuscboff. Money Is being
collected to again start film In business awav
fnim Xantcn , where tbo mob wrecked bis
bouse and shop. The failure of the prosecu
tion In this case docs not deter tbo leaders
of tbo JudonheUe from actively continuing
the movement. Libcrmaun von Sonncnborg
Is slumping the HhiijO vulloy , exciting anti-
Semitic feeling , while other conservative
urutorj cultivate popular opinion in xouthern
Germany. The consorvutlvoi BOO.TI to bo
tending toward tbo adoption of tbo nntl-
Semitic feeling among the rnilu planks of the
parly platform.
( icinii on \Vlutllni ; Crnlnr.
The emperor M on n whallnr cruise In tbo
North sea on baard tbo Adler. Ho is in ex
cellent healtn and goad * dally dlsuatchos to
thu different ministers. HJ will return ta
Berlin In August at tlu tlmo of the acuouci-
tncntof tbn empress , wb'o.U no.v roildlng at
the Murblo ptlaco.
Amoiiif other royalties ; who nro visiting
Germany arc King lexuudcr of Sorvia , who
Is with his father , cxhlUug Milan , at Ems ,
and Qucun Elizabeth ofJlCouinanla ( Carmen
Sylvia ) , wbo Is at .S'ou iqJ. The latter i * a
chronlo Invalid. Sti3basiwritton , to u friend
in Munich that her Illaess will soon and
fatally. She does nol.b' lievo the assurances
of her physicians' Henhorriolo sufferings
from n spinal dlsentaaro only icltovod bv
morphine injections ,
Mr. William Walter Pbolps cave a
luncheon In honor of > ex-Senator Ingalls.
Among the ofllcon ipWsent were Culonol
UlouR , Cuotaln O'Conu'ell und Uoutenunts
Whltioy , Shipton amip'Connoll , alt of the
United States army , vrbo are hero ttudylng.
L'oniul Cioneral Kdivards entertained tno
same circle nt bu bouse la Potsdam. Ex-
Senator Ingalls has started for Vienna.
ii | > rrliiiintligrltli { Jndluii Corn.
Minister Phelp. Is actively working In
favor of American Indian corn. Tbo Gorman
government is alill oxporlmentlug with It ,
ni It has been assorted that dlsoaso In irii
French army Is duo to Its use. Minister
Puulps has received a statement through the
legation in Purls from M , itlbot. tbo Freucu
foreign mlnlsicr oxpHcltly. denylns ; the re
port. M. Uibottate * that Indian corn wu *
never used to food French soldiers ,
Uoiuli4tt1ui ; cliiiit-r.i in ItiMiila.
ST. PuTKiyinuuo , July 10. Tno m'odlcal dc-
parlmeutU distributing cholera dl infccluuts
at coil price. The r tr presided today at a
council which dlscu sed the question of up-
polutiof an onicUl with dictatorial powers
to combat the epidemic In the Volga prov
r < THJ : e
Intprntiito Cuininrrce CumiiiMslonrr < I'lRht-
hic the llnllrimilv
Ciiicioo , III , , July 10. 1'bo tnrca mcmbprs
of tbo mtorstalo commerce commission , wbo
have been endeavoring since Wednesday last
to Induce some stubborn railroad freight
managfts nnd agents to give them some In
formation , will leave Chicago tonight for
Chairman Vdaioy crow desperate yester
day , und Instead of resuming his fruitless
probing of witnesses ho and his two col
leagues adjourned to District Attorney Mil-
chrlst's ottlco and prepared a petition to
Juugo Gresbnm , asking the court to decide
whether Vice President Sterling of the Illi
nois Steel company must answer the ques
tions put to him regarding the ownership of
tliii stock In tbo road.
It was at once decided to include in the pe
tition the tiamoa of Sumncr Hopkins of the
Wabash , L. S. Lafamloro of thu Traders
Dispatch , Davld , Urown of the Grnnd Trunk
and \Valkor of the Lohign & Wabash Dis
patch , nil of them I'rvlgnt agents , but Dually
it was concluded that a decision In ono case
\\uutd cover all others , und hence but one pe
tition was prepared. Judgu Grcshaui was
seen and ho ugreed to the petition in the
afternoon ,
When the attorneys for Mr. Sterling
learned of tbo movement to bo made by the
commission they held a consultation nnd re
quested that thev be given until a o'clock to
consider the oulltlon and what coursu they
would take. This was urantud.
Tuo thivo commissioner : ! recalled Divid
Brown of the Grand Trunk. Ho was us si
lent as ever und declined to answer questions
on the double ground that tno commusiunorj
had no statutory authority to ask them and
b-causo his answer might tend to criminate
Itcfiisoil to ( il\c Information.
"Havo you adhered to the published tariff
rates on domcstlu traftlc to points through
Cacaaa < Huvu vou given any raloi less than
the tariff rules binco'thoy have been in force I
Huvo either thu Grand Trunk or Cincinnati ,
Sagiuuw & Michigan roads , to your knowl
edge , lakenxxuy traflic from t.ils country into
Canada for domestic use at less than tbo
published tariff ( "
Mr. Brown did not give the commissioner
any information. Ho admitted that thu fast
freight lli > es were organized by the roads
themselves for the purpoio of glvine- rebates
on oxcobsive charges or to settle claims. The
expense of maintaining the fast freight llius
was mot by assessing each company Its hare
of the expenses.
In the afternoon the attorneys for the
steel cotppany asked the commissioners to
postpone the noarmg of tun petition before
Judge Gresham in order that they might
have ti no to prepare thomselvo3. This u as
agreed to and Ju ige Gresham named Sep
tember U as tbo date for thu bearing.
William Borner. ceneral western freight
agent of the Pennsylvania , was tbo last wit
ness examined. The fast freight llnoi
were a convenience , ho thought , to the roads
and to thu public , but ho had beard a great
deal about their secret rate cutting. Ho did
not believe there was discrimination In rales
on coal shipped to western points.
Tdo commissioners closed their Investiga
tion today. It Is not their intention to aban
don the inquiry entirely. They can do noth
ing tnoru until after September 0 , on which
date Judgu Gresham Is to bear the petition
whereby they hope to secure on order com
pelling witnesses to auswcc. questions and
the Illinois Sfjel company to buoinlt. its stock
boon for inspection.
A Unal effort was made today to sbed some
lighten the mvsterious rate-cutting ullngca
to be extensive in lines running from Chi
cago. A. E. Dawsoo , western superinten
dent of Cnion East Freight line , which oper
ates over the Pennsylvania system , had
heard many rumors of cut nitos , but dis
claimed any actual knowledge. Ho was cer
tain the Union line had not cut rates.
ISornrr .Yculii nil tlio Stand.
William Borncr was recalled today and
asked for information concerning the"bu l-
uess done with ibu Illinois Steel company.
He believed the 5 per c < .r rate charged for
switching wa > a lair price for such worn.
The Illinois btocl company assumed all
trackage charges. Ho agreed to buvo a
sratemcut drawn up showing that tbo volume
of business aone with the Illinois Steel com
Both Commissioner Vcnsuy nnd Clements
labored bard to extract som facts from C. L.
Thomas , assistant freight agent ot the
Chicago & Erie. Mr. Tnomas proved to be
an adroit dodger. Ho said be only icnow In u
general way Irom rumor that the ratoj had
been cut between Phtcago and eastern points.
Ho had no tlguros or facts to provo it.
The Erie had not particip.ite'1 in any
rate cutting to his knowledge' He admitted
thut special rates mUat possibly DO made at
the eastern end of tno line without his
knowledge. The growth of business or. his
line he believed to bo natural und bo was not
awar.i that thu busings of competing lines
had decreased. When nskcd If he know why
thu Lake Shore had made a a cent reduction
on meat productions to suaboanl paints ho
said it was done on the general rumor tbut
rales were buing cut.
I'reu Cnrtusnmiully dlten.
Free cartago. the witness uatod , was
general among the roads in Chicago and the
Chicago tS : Erie gave free cartage at several
points along Its line. Ho prufussod to bo en
tirely Ignurant of the business of tbo l > io
OibpUcn fust freight lino. The uceuts of
Ibu Etio Dlfpatcb compiny operated In thu
matter of biinlnuss uuu bad monthly meet
ing * , but be had never attended un.v of the
meetings. Xeit .er could hu sav whether thu
auunls charged the shippers full rates and
then allowed rubates ou claims which wore
considered at the monthly incollng. So ended
the investigation.
In Omaha on Monday the commission will
take up charges of discrimination preferred
by grain shippers tlio W babh road ,
After tbo adjournment ot the commission
this afternoon tbo threu members went to
District Attorney Milctarisl's olllco and dinw
up tbo formal churgeu to bu presented to
Judge Gresham September C In thu case of
Sumner Hopkins , uentof ; the Waoaih road.
F. D. Locke , attorney for the Wsbash road ,
secured thu Incorporation of his objection to
his objoutions to curtain questions usked Mr.
Hopkins by the commission , Mr. Locke's
objections wore on the ground that tbo com
mission could not assume the power * of a
grand jury and had exceeded its Jurisdiction.
\Vontrrn Tntlllu Alnilr * .
An If to show that tbo Western Trafilo as
sociation ii not dead , nor even asleep , the
board of commissioner * , through Chairman
Wulkor handed down a number of decisions
yesterday. Ono of tbuso is In relation to
transcontinental rules for exhibits at tbo
World's Columbian exposition. In view of
the fact that many of tno exhibits made from
tbo Puclllc coast nro not UUoly to bo rolurnoi !
after tlio expositionbeing titter of a pcrlsha-
blu niUuri. ' , or article * uspdclully prepared for
exhibition purposes , tbUTraiucontlnuiitnl m-
Loclation doclded that each Individual com
pany w as to determine for itself at what
r.m-s they would transport them. The com
missioners approve tbe uctio.i of tbo Trans
continental association.
Anot her of the decisions Is In regard to the
through rates between points In association
territory and points cast thereof. Something -
thing over a year aye the commissioners In-
suca a circular prohibiting tbo making of
through rates by taking the agreed associa
tion tariff rales for transportation to Ibu
eastern boundary of the association and ad
ding thcruto rates less than the published
taljS TiW * f ° r transportation east. A rehearing -
hearing of this question \\as recently granted
bui > Oio commissioners declined to change
their termer luifng.
Another decision authorizes a rate of i'i
cent per IIXJ pounds on llmu from MUtls.
siui'i ' river points to Colorado common points.
Sllll uuotber rullni ; U to tno effect thai the
TiMnscon'.lt.enlul association has Jurisdiction
in tbu established passenger rates from lha
common points lu Montana to poinU on ti.e
Pucillo coast ; und another declines to au
thorize commodity ralvs from Gothenburg ,
Neb. to Chicago on sheet copper and brass
cattiugk and Irou ran go bollvn.
' Ujotlewon of tlio National Committee :
Wtathtr for Omalui and ridnl't/ ' "
CoNtfniicct Knf
iclundV rolltlrnt Situation lyicil.
Itlvuuirrk to lie Ignitm ! .
Chtll'i I'liiiiiirlit Ciitidltliui. - '
\rstorit. i } ' Him1 Hull NP < VI ,
Ciirnt'glu'ii I'lllmiitntn tu the > Uu.
Almost u CoUltlun tit lloinoteixl ,
Arrcitliif tlio l.ciulorn Unllucc.
Wnrld'it I'll I r in CungrrK.
llrinh'iiinhlliKtuii Letter.
Scrrrtiiry llmu Ui'ttes H Letter.
I. IMiturliil unil Cummciit.
S , ItimxTfll ( I. llorrhlri > i < .
I'olltUM from > c * > i-ctloiii.
0 , Couiicll Illun4 < Neu < .
I'lintilug 1'nlillc WurK4.
7. Hrnily the slirlners.
What ( ) ruilr.i : > cliuul Children Itcad.
.Nclirmk.i r.u-tor.v Notes.
8. Lincoln Local Nrus.
t > . Cnrprntrr'a Kmsliiu Letter.
10 , llrlglit ( totrns fi > r Women ,
( looil Koailt unil Tlii'lr Viiluc.
11. Oinalin'H Tntilo Itrvlounl.
( Iriilu , I'rofhlvc unil Live Stock.
1' , ' . Dog Days unit Micli'ty.
1'oor Lo lu the Itrgutiir Arm1 *
tt. : Ailmiis Coiiuty'ii ( ilory.
1 I. District Court DrvUiotis ,
13. Soniu NuvVcntfrn Viirns.
Urutiil Army Dciiartiilvut.
10. Spiirkllng I'n co of Sport .
To plead insensibility to the great trust
which you have lust conferred to my care
would bo to cast n rellcctton upon you1 Judg
ment. As your worthy providing officer , Mr.
Sutherland , has \vclt said , this 13 a table of
ireat magnitude , amounting to lltllu less
man n bund to hand struggle witn forces
fully organised to grasu tno pox\crs of gov
ernment from tbo republican party. W.o
have passed In the htitory of the world be
yond the time \shen men have overthrown
governments for the sake of power , but the
ulntnncc between the lima of that passage
and the present ls not very grert. The fact
that tlio struggle docs not involve life and
death l only : \ initiation of thu suvoriiy of
' .ho contest upon which wo are about to
"From thuscsuggostlons It maybe inferred
that 1 appreciate , in name degree at least , the
nature of responsibility at hand and the
character of tbo effort nocoisary ta bo put
forth. 1 would shrink from the IUSK us a
hopeless strucglo were it not for thu fact
that about the chair man of this committee
primarily will bo twelve shrewd , intelligent
and capable member * of the commltco iUclf ,
suppoillng Ibis organization , representing
every state and territory. In addition to this
aru u league of clubs uud otbor aggressive
forces , supplemented to the different state
orgunlzitlons with the p.'oplo behind them ,
and we make up , all In ml , a mighty force of
earnest , sincere men , educated by lofty mo
tives and desirous In perpetuating in their
purity the principles of tno republican party
L'ommUslnn .Vot Aliollihuit.
Once more the effort to abolish commis
sions on passenger business in the territory
of the Chicago & Ohio UlverTraflic associa
tion has failed. The question was ttu sub
ject of n conference between general pas
tenser agents of all the interested line * , in
cluding the Illinois Central nnd the Cbiungo
& Cuilem Illinois , which are not members
of the association. The Illinois Central de
clined to go into the movement. Tbo ropro-
simt'Jlive ot the road said it was tbo policy
of tbis company to pav commissions , and it
would continue to do so , but ho saw no
reason why the association lines could not
discontinue them , irrespective of the Illinois
Tnoro wn < objection to this , however. H
was claimed that a very large share of the
second class traftlo originating on the East
Tennessee , Viggiula fi Georgia road was se
cured by the Illinois Contra ! at Grand Junc
tion. One member said ho knew the Illinois
Central's share of this business amounted tenet
not less than 1UOO passengers a year , and it
had been able to control that amount by imy-
ini ; commissions. Accordingly it wa de
cided to abandon the subject and recommend
to tbo general managers of tlio ussoclailon
lines that tbo paym nt of commissions bo
discontinued on nn equalized tusis.
World' * K.ilr RuttM.
At n meeting of the Columbian passenger
committee yesterday , it wus recommended
that a rate of a faro nnd one-third for the
round trip should bo made from all points on
the occasion of the dedicatory ceremonies of
tbo World's lair October IU. Several gen
eral passenger agents favor ono fare for the
round trip , nud will probably see that the
committee's rccommcmdatlon is killed when
It is voted upan in the association's meeting.
A telegram signed by tbo passenger
ofllcials of an eastern trunk line was road ,
protesting against tbo making of a lower
rate than a fare and one-third from any
point however distant from Chicago.
fVA.I.VC'/.l/ ,
Very Little Hiulnnii Tranmictoil Ycntcrday
In the Mock Kxclrin e.
[ ropi/rfn/i/'il / li-j J i mi ilnr tn /J'TnV.l
NEW VOIIK , July 10. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEE. ] The money market ha * been ex
tremely qutct , vary llttlu business doing.
Call loans arc still nominally at one-half of 1
per cent , while throe months' bills are
quoted weak at seven-eighths of 1 pur cent ,
with some business. This has also been a
ve"ry idle day on tbo Stocit exchange , and a
dull tone prevailed in most of tbo depart
ments. Consols , for the money account ,
were 1 1-10 per cent easier. Homo railways
show almost a general decline , heavy
lines being most offered , but last prices
were above the worst. The American mar
ket was featureless , but prices are bligb'.ly
lower In sympathy with Now York quota
tions , New York Central , Union Pacific and
Milwaukee alone showing firmness. Foreign
stocks showed the firmest tone , most Inter
national securities closing at nn advance , but
SpanUh , Russian and Italian were easier.
Argentine slocks recovered advance of from
thrco-quartcni of 1 per cunt to 1 per cent.
Provisions wcru also in toino demand.
AbillH'lml mi limn ( ilrl.
Ciir.sTOV. la. , July U ) . [ Special Telegram
to THE J3KE.J Juno 'M Laura Ponnlngton ,
u girl 14 years of age , was ubducted from her
homo and until yesterday her whereabouts
and tbo cause of her disappearance have
been shrouded In mystery , ilur mother bus
bocouio almost a manluc in her agony.
Yesterday It was learned that ono Harvey
Wyckoff , a mlddlcugcd man , bud abducted
the child , probably for immoral purpoxoi ,
and had her hidden somewhere near Alton.
Ho formerly boarded at the Pouulngton
home and Is'sald to huvo been ordered Irom
tbo ptacu because of improper conduct to
ward the llttlu girl.
Twlnu In lluninnil.
MAKDN CITV , la. , July 10. There U a great
scarcity of binding twine In this state. Tbo
dealers say they have not half enough to
Lupply the demand and several largo con-
derns are refuting on account of tbo scarcity
to till ordoro. An unusually largo harvest Is
almost hero and farmers aru now rushing in
and securing all thu surplus stock at figures
averaging 'J cunts a pound higher than lust
your. _ _
luua'i Coal Triut.
OiiiiMWi , la. , July 10. TUo coal oocr-
utors of southern Iowa have practically
a trukt. Tbo mooting culled 'or hoio today
wus taken to Centervtllo whore , after nn nil-
day's discussion , f 1.10 a ton for lump coal on
tbo track was madu tbo mlnli.ium telling
yrlce , with boayy p'sualtidj for violation of
f bo agreement. _
Nvir Vork Kii'lmiiifn i > iii > tutlini ,
New YOIIK , July 10. | SpeciuTolerum to
TUB litsE. ] Exchange wa quoted as follows :
Chicago , par ; Boiloa 10 to 15 cents du
couut ,
Work of the Late Bnlmncoila's Agcnlj
Being Investigated.
Correspondent of the London Times Used
His jnflueuce.
Heavy Issue of Bonds Contemplated by tht
It Is Now Clmi-Rccl tlmt tlio ( InTornmeiit
Iocs nut Umlcratnml thp Mtu. < tlon Con
cerning the Mtnitu Combine and
Itt Working ) .
ICopj/t Witrtl IXK ti\i \ J.iniM rtonton Hewlett. 1
Vu.i-iiuis-0 , Chili , ( via Galvoston. T x. ) ,
July Ui. [ By Mexican Cable to the No r
York HoralU Special to TUB Bee. I An
Inspection of the accounts of the nallouuY
bnnu under the llalmsceiU management has
brought ta light the fact that Maurice Hcr-
voy , the corrosponuont of the London Times ,
obtained a draft for JL'aiO from \Vieks , tb *
ex-manager of the bntiic. Thn Times at
lowed tno draft to bo protested. Horve.r
obtalnod the money through the friendship
of Admiral Viol , Inteudonto at Valparaiso ,
under the administration of the Into Presl-
duut Bulmiccdn.
The llnanco coin nil ttoo submitted a report
recommending thai con cross authorize the
president to issue bonds amounting to
1,500,000 for sale in Chill and Europe. In
terest on these bond ) Is not to exceed 5 per
cunt per annum anil a sinking lund amount
ing to 'J per cent is also provided. Intciest
on tbo loan will bo payable i\t Santiago , Lon
don , Paris or Berlin at the option of the
holders and the bonds aru to ho secured by
snms paid for export duties on nitrates and
The president Is nuthorlzod to Increase the
amount to bo applied to the payment * from
the nilrata if that sbould become necessary.
Should the bonds not bo taken up the presi
dent is authorized to arrange for a loan fern
n maximum of 0 per cent interest , the sum
realized to bo devoted to the extinguishment
of thu present floating ucbl of $1,800,000.
' 1 hero Is considerable excitement at Iqulquo
reUtivo to the speeches of Edouardo Mutto
and Minister Mclver upon the regulation of
the nltruto combine. It is alleged that too
government has not understood the mercan
tile affairs concerning the ullralo question.
Ilo Itclr.tliu fi oni Miiklnc Speeches on Ills
Way Tliltluir.
NEW YoitK , July W. Hon. Adolla Sloven-
sou , democratic candidate for tbo vice presi
dency , nrrivad In tins city at 0 o'clock
tonight over the Central Hudson railroad.
Tnc trip from Chicago was one of Itttlo
ostentation as General Stevenson did not
desire to mnko any public speeches previous
to receiving ofllclal notification of bis nomi
nation. But brief stop ; were made at
Rochester and Lyons. At each at these
points , riou-over , the vluo presidential candi
date was received by a large crowd of
enthusiastic dcmcocrats.
When Svraci so w .s reached the crowd
was so demons ) ativo that Gouorul Steven
son was compel < d t > leave the train and
shuttR hands wi b bis cheering admirers on
the depot platfonr. A citizen welcomed bun
to tno suto in a it plcal democratic speech
and closed his address by assuring Ciauaral
Stevonssn that ho looked HUe a dumocrat.
Great laughter und appluuto vreotcd those
remarks , but General Stevenson merely
lhanUcd tbo citizen * of Syracuse for tnsi'r
reception and refrained from any extended
Viiclferounly Clli'orrU Him.
\Vhen General Steviiiiftoii reached ( Jtlca at
7 p. in. ho found about 70J enthusiastic demo
crats wailing to groit him. When the train
stopped in the station yard the crowd broka
Into vociferous cheering. Mr. Stevenson
appeared on the platform and was Introduced
to the people by ex-Mavor Thomas E. Dm-
nev. Thiiir distinguished guest begged to ba
excused from 'naklng u speech and promised
to return later In the campaign. Ilo do.
sccndcd from the car aim fcboou hands with
the people while the train stayed. The tram
started and ho was again cheered.
At Albany and various Intermediate points
similar receptions greeted the distinguished
Illlncisan , and when the train rolled Into the
Grand Central depot In this city tonight a
locul committee mot ( Jenaral Stevenson uad
his p-irly and osoorlod them to the Hoffman
When scon tonight Mr. Stevenson ex
pressed great liopos of democratic HUCCOIS In
Illinois and predicted that the electoral veto
of his state would bo cast for the democratic
ThlnkH Tuinmiuiy Will Do In Duty.
"Do you think Tammany and the demo
crats of Now York wil [ do their duty this
fall1 ! ho was asked.
"I tiuvo no doubt of It whatever , " was tha
quick reply. "I never had any doubt of It.
libellcveil it before tno convention and after
the convention , and I ueltovo It now. "
( Stavonson this oveninir announced
that ho had accepted Ins invitation of ox-
President ( Jlovolnnd to visit Uray Gables for
a few d&ys before returning wott ,
In ai > informal wav General Stavenjon has
Informed many prominent eastern democrats
that ho Is prepared to tnko an active part In
tli'i campaign and It is probable that the line
rf Jaattlo will bo ngreod upon at the coming
conference between the two democratic can
I'ri'Hlilent Ilnrrlion nt Cnpa May.
CAI'I : Mir , N. J , , July 1(1. ( Preildont Har-
mou , accompanied by Secretary Halford
arrived on a special train tbU evening at
I ) . 13. The president went Imniodlately to
his Capo May Point uottago. Ilo will leavu
hero on Ills return Monday afternoon. Tbo
president , received u dispatch from Leon
lake stating that Mn. Harrison was steadily
Improving. _
Tlrml of HI Ifrallh.
UIIESTOS. la. , July JO. [ Special to TUB
BKK.I Howard Nicholas of Grant township ,
tuls county , an old resident and prominent
citizen , committed suicide yesterday by
tutting strychnine. Ill health was tbo caui * .
Owcr. or WCATIIIH BuiiBiu , I
OUAIII , July Hi. f
l.ocut I'orficuit I'or Kaitrrn NrurnikH ,
Omiiliu unil Vicinity \Vuriu ruiil ( iruliulily
luiilliiiifil fair \ru.tthiT during Huuilnv.
WAHIIISIJTOX , I ) . C. , July 10 , Forecast for
Sunday : For NobrosuaWarmer , generally
fulr , fouttiorly winds ; showers Monday and
cooler wcathor ,
For Iowa Fair .Sunday ; local sbowcrt
Sunday nightor Monday ; southerly wiadi ;
For the Dakota * Pair , followed by
khoworh during Sunday night or Monday ;
southerly winds ; wuriner In eailorn por-
Unns ; coolar lu wenern portions bundnjr