Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY 13EE : iLUTURDAY , JULY 16 , 1892.
Crop Reports Have Given a Bet
ter Tone to Busmsss.
CrntPM Mnlcn thi > MoU Unconrngtng
i-porU UnialiR'it Jiicrpaiieil llUHliie
lu Ihr Iron Trntlo Cli-arlnc IInine
Statements Hunhicst I'nllurm ,
New Yonn , July 15. U. G. Dun & Co.'s
weekly review of trade : Crop reports prom
ise results not equal to lust year's , which
would bo disastrous , but beyond expecta
tions. With a decrease of only 0 par cout the
Wheat yield would bo far beyond the quan
tity consumed and exported In any year ex
cept the last , and nearly equal to last year's
consumption and exports. The prices
dropped below 84 cents , but Uas slnca boon
tronger. Western receipts nro largo , J SOO-
000 bushoU in three days , and exports < 11.001) )
lu the tame tlmo.
Corn acreage shoxvs n decrease of 4.4 oer
cent and the price has dropped 3 % cents dur
ing tbo week. Oats have also declined 2
cents , wlillo hop products ure stronger , pork
K > cents per barrel higher and coffee and oil
The cotton report shows the condition only
per cunt below lust year's , and ou an estimate
of the acreage the yield , with the surplus
null In sight , will more than ineot till do-
tnuuds tor tne year.
Kvportu from Cities.
Bonon reports good trade with bonls and
liboos particularly active. Leather Is firm
tnd hlcher. Trade In dry coeds Is Increas-
Inp. with numerous western orJers , and
manufacturers nro { operating freely in wool ,
tales being fjtt)0UOO , ; ) pounds.
At Philadelphia there are much inquiries
for manufactured iron , hardware is uctlve ,
crocenes silently improved and dry goods in
moderate de'nand , while wcol Is lirm.
At Baltimore exports of cattle are Inrce
mid manufacturers make favorable reports ,
the phckors especially realizing largo profit.
'Window glass Is fairly active at Putsburg ,
but the iron mills generally are closed.
Some improvement is soon in groceries at
Cincinnati mid Cleveland , dry goods , hardWare -
Ware , groceries and clothing and cloaks nro
active , und trade is fair in other Hues.
Business is peed for the season nt Detroit.
\vitn crop prospects favorable.
At Chicago business is larger than a year
nco in dry goods , as largo in clothing and
nhoes. and collections are better , while crop
prospects are excellent and business increas
ing. Decided improvement is seen at Mil
waukee and trade is increasing.
Ureul Activity nt Umnlm.
At Omiiba there is great activity In
groceries , dry goods and shoes.
Business is i-troog at St. Louis , especially
In bullcnuc materials , and crop prospects nro
At Kansas City receipts of cattle and
pram ure rood and trauo U satisfactory there
nnd nt Denver.
At Lioultivillc trace is fairly satisfactory ,
but not much improved at Memphis ; quiet
at Montgomery anil nt Atlanta ; good consid
ering ibo unfavorable weather.
At Savannah trade holds on well and
money is easy.
At Now Orleans business is seasonably
quiet , with improvement in demand for
4 Pig Iron has been weak at the recent re
duction in price. Tne closing of many mills
has greatly increased tbe immediate demand
for finisho'd products and prices are stronger ,
though contracts for future deliveries are at
old prices , ana for ooams the lowest over
/ quoted.
Copper is weak at 11 ' 4 cents ; tin lower byte
Lj to 1 cent on speculative liquidations , and
lead weaknr ut $4.1fi.
U eel is quite active with prices un-
Business is active in dry goodi for the
Cottons are strontr.
jMoiH'.V I'lcMtlluI.
Moncymarkotsaro abundantly supplied.
Banks hnve been refusing cortillcatoii to gold
exporters , and the redemption of notes has
withdrawn coin from the treasury , which ,
rcvcrtnolo s , holds us much guld us a wool ;
tpo.The buhlni'ss failures occurring through
out the country during the last seven days
number I'JO , as compared with 170 last week.
For the corresponding week of last year the
figures were i 4.
Oiniilin Xiirly Double * HIT Clenrlngn or \ Vvnk1'roin Oilier Cities.
NEW YOKK , July 15. Tne following table ,
compiled by Bradstreot's , gives the bank
clearings for tbe week ending July 14 ,
with percentage of increase or decrease , as
compared with the corresponding week of
last year :
Jt CuriMl tla > Idiy.
My little boy was vor.v tmd off for two
mouths with Ulurrluua.fa uuua various
uiedlclucs. uiso fultud In two doctor * , but
nothing did him any goad until wo tifced
Uaumberluln'n Colic. Cholera and Diarrbtuu
ruiuudrvblcn pave prompt relief anil curnu
tiiiu pi'rinanoiitly. I consider It the best
infill cine umuti uuU cau oorjscicutlously
rvintiiumeiid it tuallvtio uojd u ruliuble
renutiv fordlarrtiuia , colic or cholera tnorbiu
) . U. Hure , Trentou , Tux ,
Prof Gentry's cquluu nnd canine pnrutlox
% f 111 upjiuar on Ibe corner ol KiKutvouth aud
Fitrnuui ilroots , under can vus , ( or six nichtu ,
U-cinuiUK MouJuy , July iti , with uiutiuuo ou
Wednesday nnd Saturday. A rnora pleasing
entertainment for children than tbo equtno
end caulno oaradox could hardly be devised ,
and even for thu grown people It Is n pleas
ant rilvornon. As one well knoxvrj socloty
lodr said , "It Is so refroshlnR. " The ad
mission will bo 10 and 20 cents.
When you polo Dourer stop at the Ameri
can bouse. Kates { 2.50 to E3.0. Romo.aolo4
Now Cn i > * Thnt Are Cumbrrlng the Docket
ll inl nl llocki-t to lie Cnllrd.
Atnost T. Stnllli has brought suit in the
district court on a Judemonl for fSWS ob
tained against the St , Paul German Insur
ance company on July T in tbo court of com
mon pleas in the state of Now York. The
plaintiff alleges that the Omaha Flro Insur
ance company has property in its possession
xvhlch belongs to the defendant.
Michael Shea has brouent suit to recover
a Judgment of FJ.OOO acainst Swift i Co. of
South Omaha. The plaintiff alleges tbnt on
May 21 bo was lu defendants1 employ.
On tuut date be was working in the Ice gang ,
helping to load cars. On account of defective
machinery , the leu box liuouUod him oft tbo
top of n car nnd a dislocated spine was the
Nancy C. Dudley feels that she bos a
grievance ncalnst the Street Hallway com
pany , and for that reason she has broucht
suit to recover $5,0 < K ) . She alleges that on
June H she was a passenger ou the Sherman
avenue motor lino. She boarded a train out
on Amos avenue with the Intention of riding
to Grace street. Upon reaching tent point
she die nulled the train to stop , nut no atten
tion was paid to her signal At Paul street
she pulled the boll cord. The molormnn shut
olT the electric current una she lell off tbo
cur , sustaining severe Injuries. The plaintiff
allures that on account of the carelessness of
its servants tbo company is responsible for
the accidcut.
Kale Viiirns is another woman who has a
grievance , and she places her injuries at
f.uu ( ) . In her petition she alleges that on
July 12 Mary Krijock , in choice Bohemian
language , stated upon a public street that
she ( tCnto Vldras ) was a thief ; that she stole
n cream pitcher , spoons nnd sundry other ar
ticles , and pave them to her sister.
Judge Kuysor returned from Tokamah last ,
night , and this morninc will preside iu court
room No. 1 , when ho will call the dismissal
MriiibiTH Deny Tlmt Politics liver lu
ll umire Tlu-ir OllirliU Action * .
The Board of Education coramitteo on
buildings and properly met yesterday .to
consider some important matters portaiutng
to tbe now building * . Boloru beginning the
\vorK for which the meetinc was called , the
committee held a sort of love fea'jt over the
result of the election last Wednesday night.
"It Is all u mistake ana it is wrong for
Tic BEE to accuse us of stooping to
political methods in conducting the business
of the board , " said Mr. ( J. E. Babcoclc , stop
ping now arid then to null the smoke out of u
fraerant cigar. "Since I have been a mem
ber of the board 1 kuon- that tbe democratic
members have not been actuated by partisan
feelincs. I have never questioned a man's
politics when I have come to make up my
mind as to how I should vote In the election
of the otllcers , Janitors und such
other emploves as wo have had
lo elect. The question of fitness
and efficiency hns boon my only cuide. "
"I am not afraid to have my record inves
tigated , " said Mr. Euclid Martin. "I am
porfectlv willing that what 1 have done in
connection with tbo election the other night
should be made public , and so fur as that is
concerned everything ulso I have done since
I became a member of tbe board will stand
investigation without any fear on mr
part. "
Mr. Coryoll only knocked the ashes off
his cigar and looked well pleased , and then
tbe committee took up tbe business in band.
In replv to the question as to what position
he occupied since the election of a foreman
of repairs Superintendent Hamilton said be
looked upon the matter just as Mr. Smyth
had put ii iu tbe interview published yester
day in Tun Ben.Vohavo5iad a foreman
of icpairs all along , " said Mr. Hamiitou. "I
hired the foreman last year and this year the
board has eluded him , that is all there is in
it. "
As to what salary would be paid the fore
man of repairs or when he xvould begin work
Mr. Hamilton had nothing lo say for bo
didn't know.
ilu Will r.csli11 U I'uslor.ito of the First
JMctlimlUt Church.
Dr. P. S. Merrill , pastor of the First
Methodist church of this sity during the past
tnreo years , has decided to leave Omaha at
the close of the present conference year or
about the 1st of September.
While Dr. Merrill hasenjoyed his pastorate
in Omaha aud has mot with success at tbe
First MetboJist church , ho feels that ho can
not afford to continue iu a pastorate where
ho is obliged to devote a very largo share of
his time lo the finances aud business manage
ment of tbe organization. Dr. Mer
rill came to Omaha about the time tbe
congregation of the First Methodist church
begun the most difficult financial struggle
tbe church bus ever known ana bo has
helped to boar the burden manfully. Those
matters huvo absorbed a great deal of his
lime that be ought to have spout in study
aud bo feels now that iu justice to himself
be should take a work where business matters -
tors will not press upon him.
Tbo official board has several able men in
view. Dr. Elliott of Washington. Dr. Em
ory J. Huynes of Boston and Rev. J. M.
Driver of Indianapolis uro being considered.
Dr. Elliott has already preached
several sermons in the church , and
Rev. J. M. Driver will Jill tbo
pulpit tomorrow , both morning aud evening.
lie is said to be a very able. and brilliant
pulpit orator. Dr. Emory Haynes of Boston
will probably be in Omaba to preach a few
sample sermons in a few weeks.
In the absence of llov. A. J. Turkic of
the Kountzo Memorial Lutheran church. Dr.
Merrill bus consented to preach for Rev.
Mr. Turklo's congregation tomorrow.
State Auditor Benton is in the city.
W. F. Swoezy went to Spirit Lake last
D. C. Patterson and family left Tor
Spirit Lalio last night.
W. 1C. Smeod and family have gone to
Crcsson Springs , Pa.
Harry Brown , New York buyer for the
Boston Store , is ia the city.
Judge A. M. Post of the supreme court
called upon TUB BCE yesterday.
Mrs. Peter Smith aud daughter of Jack
son , Mich. , who have been visiting at the
residence of J. F. Coots , returned homo last
The Misses Anna and Grace Oarr arrived
in this city enrouto to Salt Lake und Col-
orada , and are at present thu guests of Mrs.
W. H. Hoborsou.
Mrs. J. S. Bennett aud daughter , Jennie ,
departed for Hot Springs , Ogiion , U. T. The
trip was undertaken for tbo beuotit of Miss
Bennett's health.
Mrs. Henry Hnbblor. who for the past
few mouths has boon making u lour of the
eastern slttes , arrived in the city Monday ,
und u tbo uuust of bar daughter' Norln
Twenty-second stroel ,
G. Jamieson and family leave this evening
for thu cast. Airs. Juinlosou aud children
will sueud tbo summer in Chicai-o , while
Mr. Jumieson gees on to Now York iu tno
interest of Hoyden Bros ,
Major A. U. Oslermau , formerly in the
quartermaster's department. United Suites
urmy , and more recently of Tiiu Bcis count
ing room , loaves next Monday for Spokuuo , , lo take up uis permanent a < ode.
M. U Roodor left last evening for Colorado
rado with a party of eastern capitalists , who
uro interested in tbo mining u'eal of which
tbo Roedur Bros , are the loading spirits , Iu
showing them about thu city iuoy were
v rv much pleased with. Omaha and some of
them , on tbulr return , iuteud to invest In
Omaha real estate. They expressed their
opinion that Omaba is the most substantial
and i-oinorvatlvi ; appearing city tn the west.
NKW VOKK , July 15. ( Special Telegram
to THE BKE.J OinaUa people hero : T. II.
Frico , Metropolitan ; B. KUDU , Plaza ; R. N.
Wttunell and wife , Albomarlu. Grand
Island ] soplo bore ; R. J. Barr , Albemarlu ;
T. Huade ana wife , S. H. C. Miller uud .vifu.
Windsor ,
_ _
DeWtU1 * SartapariUa oiouu e * the blood.
Hew Tariff of the Transmisronri Assosia-
tion Affects Syrups in Chicago's Favor.
Onmlia Cannot Compote for Colorado
Huslncn * lu This I.lrio Sumo Nnmrs
That Unvc llrrnmo I'limnus Ar
ranging for Kxcurslon llntei.
Thonow Joint freight tariff , which pees Into
effect July 22 , superseding Joint freight
tariff No. 1H ! and issues of Individual lines
nnd associations in conflict , i the combined
reduction of the Hock Island and Burlington
who , believing that the Santa Fo was cut
ting ralos to Colorado paints , cave notice
that they would Insist upon this tariff , which
If not adopted by the Transtnlssourl Freight
association , would furnish grounds for a
long freight war. The lines in the as
sociation , vlis Atchlson , Topeka & Snuta
t'o , Burlington & Missouri River , Chicago
Hock Islund & Pacific , Chicago , St. Paul ,
Minneapolis & Omaha , Dcnvcr&Hlo Urande ,
Fremont , Elknorn ft Missouri Valley , Kan
sas City , Fort Scott & Memphis , Kansas
City , St. Joseph & Council Bluffs , Missouri
Pacific , Rio Grande Western , Sioux City it
Pacific , St. Joseph & Urand Island. St. Louis
& San Francisco and the Union Pacific sys
tem , after a full and free discussion , decided
to accept the now rates , nnd G. McFaddon ,
secretary of the association , has issued the
new Joint tarifl.
While the tariff largely benefits Omaha
shippers In one particular It works
a hardship upon uiauufacturors of
glunoso , glucose syrup , grape sugar
aud sorrhurn molasses located at Missouri
river points , Farrell & Co. of this city being
compelled to withdraw their salesmen from
Colorado territory in favor of Chicago houses
wno , with the differential reduced 5 cents ,
nro able to undersell the Omaha house. By
the old tariff shoots car lots from Chicago
wore rated at US cents , from Missouri river
points 75 cents , a differential of 20 cents in
laver of Omaha , but by the now tariff to go
Itto effect July 2 : ! , Chicago gets a rate of ( i , " >
cents on car lots of the same class , a scale of
JIO cents , while Omaha secures a rate of 5u
cents , a differential of 15 cents only on a run
of TiUO miles.
Tnis rate. It Is understood , was protested
by the Rock Island people at Ibis point , ana
was arbitrarily Inserted in the tariff sheet
for settlement at the August , meeting , but
there were other interests at work lu favor
of eastern relinerios on tue line of the Hock
Island , and these interests succeaded in
lowering the differential 5 cents , to the mani
fest discrimination against Missouri river
points. It Is thought , however , thut the od !
rate will bo restored at tao August meeting ,
xvhon Furrell & Co. will be given an oppor
tunity to nguln enter the Colorado field
againsfeastern competition.
.Some Note * on a Photograph Taken Twenty-
Throe Years Ago.
There is on exhibition at the Burlington
ticket ofllco a small picture that bring back a
host of memories to tbo old railroad men in
Omaha. It is a photograph taken at the B.
& M. shops at Burlington , lu. , in IbO'J on the
day the B. & M. in Iowa was consolidated
\vlth the Chicaco. Burlington & Qulncy.
The picture is the property of Mr. Charles
L. Harris of this city , son of tbo president of
the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy. and
brother of George H. Harris , vice president
and general manager of the Burlington sys
tem. The photograph shows the faces of
nineteen men , many of whom have left their
impress upon tbe rail way systems of America
and all more or less lamous In their several
departments. In tbe back ground is the ma-
chmo shop at Burlington and seated and
standing iu front are Fairwotber , D. Dor-
nirtii , W. B. Strong , William Irving , R. S.
Skinner , C. E. Poruins , George Chuleuder ,
JudpoHorer , Ames.G. H. Manchester , A. E.
Touzalm , Brown , G. H. Harris , Thomas J.
Potter , C. H. Smith , W. Bockwith , C. E.
Yules and S. H. Mallory.
What bos become of these men , names fa-
imliur to every railroad man in the country ?
Of tbo central six in the picture "dead"
may be written after their names , Potter ,
Touzalm , Hums , Horer , Dorman und Amos.
What of the living ! W. B. Strong
recently retired from the presidency of
the Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fo , and now
resides in Boston , a millionaire. Irvinewho
will be romonibsrod as the superintendent of
the B. & M. , is now a resident of Colorado ,
aud looks after tbe company's business in
that section of the country , still Identified
with the road that he connected himself
with a generation ago. Skinner holds now
as he did then the position of freight agent
at Burlington , a man who has grown gray in
the service of the company. Perkins ,
who was then , when tbe picture
was taken , general superintendent of
the Jo\vu division , now rules over
the entire system as its president , one of tbo
strongest railroad men m America , whose
career has been meteoric but thoroughly
well deserved. Chalendor , then master mo-
chanlc of the Chicago , Burlington & Quiucy ,
now holds a similar position with the Allan-
tie & Pacific. Manchester became ufter-
wurds passenger and ticket agent of the
B. & M. , but now is out of the harness.
Br.iivn Is lost toMshtJ" Ueckwltn Is enjoy-
1ii ! imddle life at Mount Pleasant , la. ,
, rrro ho bin enough oilahls world's goods to
kee HIP wolf Irum'th'o door on winter
debt * . Votes Is still Vntn the company and
19 superintendent of liikjgraph at Lincoln.
Mallory lionoot tho-uutpest railroad con
tractors In the country"lhe Junior partner of
the firm of Cusblng & M&llory , and lire ? at
Chnrltou , la. . . . , _
Handling Kicuttitmi llnilnriift.
At the moating of tbq.lransinUsouri Pas
senger aisoclatlon hold * , , lu Kansas City this
wock a ruto of ono and pqc-thlrd ou tbo cer
tificate pint was midofpr _ the Arabic Order
of the Nobles of the Slystlo Shrine , whoso
imperial council meets Hn Omaha August 13
to 10 , upon tbo supposition that the great
majority of the Shriners would como from
Denver on Knight * Templar tlcKOts. The
Omaha terminal roads made a strenuous
effort to secure a one faro rale , but n Kansas
line killed tbe effort , to tbo manifest dis
gust of the representatives of the Omaha
roads present M , the meeting.
At this same meeting tickets for the
Knights Templar coucl v at Denver were
ordered to be placed on sale July 25 Instead
of Augusts , to points In Colorado , Montana
and Utah , to contlnuo until August 10 , the
final limit remaining the same , October 10.
Tba Knights Templar themselves objected
to the July 25 date for the reason that Deu-
vcr and Colorado points would bo filled
with tourists to the embarrassment
of the knights who were to como
later. But railroad men consider
this a rather senseless objection , as many of
Ibe tourists will have left by the tlmo the
knights arrive. Of course , the rate of ono
fare will give tuonsands of eastern people on
opoortuulty lo see the great west , and the
railroads will have all they can possibly dote
to handle the crowds. Already 00,001) ) knighls
have expressed their intention to make the
pilgrimage to Denver , and quite as many
more tourists will tnuo advantage of tbo
cheapness of the rate lo travel toward the
setllnc sun. As nearly all the knlguts
have chartered Pullman cars it is
easily to bo soon that the operating
departnonls of the roads running into Den
ver will be taxed to their uttermost. To
arrange for the proper handling of Iho im
mense business promised Ihom , A. C. Dawes ,
general passenger agent of the Kansas City
division of the Burlington ; S. E. Cranco ,
general superintendent C. B. Rodger * ,
superintendent of the B. & M. at Wymoro ,
and G. M. Hohl , superintendent of the Kan
sas City , St. Joe ft Council Bluffs , were in
session today with the oflicials at Burlington
headquarters arraugiig final details for
running special trains , whcro side
tracking them at Denver nnd completing
the Itineraries for the twontv or thirty com-
monderies thai will use the liurllnirton.
The Union Pacific , too , will hove a large
proportion ot the business , uauimg the ma
jority of the commandories byvay of Kan
sas City , taking the business of tbo Wnbash ,
which has boon unusually active in securing
Knights Templar excursions.
1'urely I'urHutml.
C. B. Rodgars , who is the superintendent
of the southern division of the Bur
lington with headquarters at Wymore ,
is iu the city in attendance upon
a meeting of Burlington oEtlolals to arrange
for handline the Knights Templar business.
Mr. Rodgers , although n young man , started
with the Burlington at Ctariton , la. , in 1S72
as messenger boy In the telegraph ofllco.
His rise has been gradual and be has con
tinued In the service of the road over since ,
filling all the positions between a messenger
boy anci superintendontaf a division. Ho is
a tVulnea railroad man aud much esteemed
by his employers. Mr. Uodgers says that
Nebraska will have' the largest wheat
crop In her history this year , the oat crap
will be about 75 per cent and with friendly
woalher Iho corn crop will reach 75 per cout ,
although the weather has been decidedly
against corn in the southern portion of tbe
state , there being too much dry weather , but
n telegram ho received' this morning stated
that a good rain fell In Ibe soulhern bolt last
night , which gave honO that tbo corn would
bo saved.
W. F. Vaill , city ticket agent of the Bur-
hngtmi , nnd family go to Petositoy , Mich. ,
for a ten days' outing this afternoon.
General Passenger AgOAt Francis of the
Burlington is in Chicago.
C. R. Davidson , chief clerk In Ihe passenger -
gor department of the B. & M. , is spending a
week at Madison , Wls.
Mr . Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for ohll
Aren teething is thn family benefactor. 25
cents a bottle.
"The most unique capilal in the world" is
pen-pictured by Mr. Frank Ca-pouter , THE
HUE'S special commissioner to tbo famino-
sirickeu provinces of Russia , in next Sun
day's issue. The marvels of St. Petersburg
today , its growth and magnificence are dwelt
on , and readers are driven , in imagination ,
along the finest city roadway in the world ,
the Novskoi Prospekt , behind a team of pure
Orloffs at a speoa well ulgh breath-stopping
in its breakneck , thoughmiraculously safe ,
onward course of throe miles on the straight ,
Mr. Carpenter finds that Russia , so far as he
has gone , is a very line country , showing lit
tle of tbe misery supposed lo be inevitably
consequent on government autocracy , and
the czar , he thinks , is not half a bad sort of a
fellow , all things considered. This is the
first ot "Carp's" Russian loiters to THE 3tc ,
aud a brlpht introduction it is to what must
perforce be llgatened with little color , when
Ihe homes and hunger of the "Little
Father's" starving children come to bo do-
scrlbod. Read of how all men are prisoners
in the land of the czar.
Beocham's Pills are faithful friends.
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to recom.
mend some brand of Smoking Tobacco , we unhesitatingly pronounce
Bull Durham Smoking
to be the best in the world.
Many times imitated , but never equalled.
Get the genuine. Made only by
Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co. ,
Darhum , N. C
TJverr MAN can be
MAN QttQUSin ; allreipenu
- - _ _ - _ br " ' 'IK BPANISn
NU11VINB , the great Spanish Retnnly. YOUNG MKN
OU OLD sutfrnne from NKUVOUS DBBII.ITV. tOST or
FAILING MANHOOD , nightly eiiiittiotit , convuliioni , ncrvoui
prostration , cautrd bf tbe use of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wakefulness -
fulness , mental iepre iion , lott ol power iq either > cz , tperuiRtor-
HII xrrrK Ukr. , rht acau > edlT ellabu e and over indulcenee or any personal weak-
nc can be restored to perfect health and thu NOI1LU VITALITY OP STIIONO MEN.
We give a written sunrantee with 6 boxes to cure uy cake or refund the money. * i boL-6 boiet fi
| For Sale In Omaha by Snow Lund & Co.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Ti eminent i H-Ullit In nerroni , ehroMc , private , lilool. kln and nnnarr dlieatai. A rerolar ana
rcElUcred graduate lo tutidcme. ui diplomat aud uvnmrulri thnw. u inn treillni : witti tbu vr al > t > ucrcii
catarrh. | > urrui > lurrliuv . lo t mantiuol , tvrnlnal wvaknuu. iiU'bl lo m. liuimleucj i-ptillu , nrlcturu. cou-
crrbova , Klvvl. rtroi * > luctc Ko luurrury u * d. N n trtuttmuut tor Ion of vital pcwi-r l'urtlo unablii to
vl lt iui > inuj L > t > ! runte4 at IIUIDU l > j eorrvipundtmcu. iluJltlnt or lu.iruruenti Hint bj niailoreiprxu
curulj pack a , uu ruarkt lo Indlrate rouumli or teudfr. ln\o pvrnunul mturrlvw prelurruil. Cuiiiullaiiuo
I run , r rre punilfnc-B tlrlctlr primla. llool iMj.nriM uj LM J u Ji. . tmijo buunVb. u. K > V . Ui.
fcuiidujjWh.iu.mJui. beuaiUuupluT tevu.
Less Than 3 Weeks.
Yet remain in which the administrator is
allowed to close out the
Hellman Stock ,
Everything is going fast now , for the people begin to
realize that but a few days are left of this greatest of all great
sales. The inducements are greater now than ever before ,
as goods have been marked down ( "marked off" would
be a better word , for you get anything in the store now at
your own pricej
SWITSCONDE'-T Best Underwear
SHIRTS , - / on Earth ,
GEE Shirts , Look in the
If you can find your size , we will almost
If we quoted prices on them you would think the suits
certainly no good , but when ) ou see them and then we
quote the price , we take your breath away , and you take
away the suit.
Administrator's Closing Sale.
Corner 13th and Farnam Streets.
& igi r ©
"SANATIVO. " the
Wonderful Hpvnlih
Ilomrdy , IB sold vrllli a
Written Guarantee
to cuni nil KOIVOUB Dis
poses. euclt as Weak
Memory , Ix > B6 i.f Drain
1'owcr , Headache.
Wakcf ulnfBA , Lout M an-
liood , Nervousness , Lai *
Bltudc , nil drains and
Before & After Use. loss of power of tbo
fkotocrapbed Irorn life. Generative Organs In
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i _ _ rl ! her eex. caused tiy
orei-eiertlon , joiitMul Indiscretions , or the ciccsilvt
are of tobacco , opium , or Ftlmulnnts wlilch iiluinnlfly
lend Hi Infirmity , CuiiKumptKin mill Intumtj rut up
In courralent form to carrv in the \nt imcfcet. Trice
| 1 n packnEf 01 C for fit. With ery f o ordi-i e elit n
written guarantee to cure or refund the
monej. bent by mall to nny lulilrcu. C iicnlar free
In I'lnlu envelope Mention thin | | * r. Address ,
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. Iimucli onice for U. S. A.
559 Deal born Strwl , CHICAGO. IIL.
Ruhr * Co. , Co.r 13tn it Doucln" Bts.
< J .A Fuller & Co. . Cor4tb & DaucbtSta.
An ordinance iToutlne sewer district No. 100 ,
( leilnliic Its limits , size of sowern uno uiuvn-
lloiib , and directing thu board of nubile
works to taku the nocussury stops to CUIIHO
Hie construcuou of tlie tower In said dlt.-
tr ct.
Ilu ll ordaluod by the city council of the city
of Onialm :
Section 1. Bower district No. 100 Is hereby
rruutod In the city of Otnulia.
tiuotlon' ' . Sewer district No. 100 shall com
prise the following ; lots and tracts of rm\ \
ustato : Lnts 1- . lit , U , I. ) . Hi , 17. IK. IU. L'J. HI and
! block B. and lots 13. 14. 15. IU. 17 , 1H. IU. 2J. 21 ,
_ ' : ! Mid 1 , block U , subdivision ot John I.
Kudlck's addition : lots 1 , - , : ! 4. 8. 0. 7. S , fl , 10.
11 und 12. east Imlf of bloali 10. and lots 1. - , : i
und 4 of oust Imlf of liloDK II. John I. Kodlok's
subdivision ; all In thu city of Omaha.
Hoctlonit. Hewer district No. 1HO snail bo
constructed us follows : IluKlnnlnc at thu
manhole ut Half Howard and Illst street , at an
elevation of 152 feut above the city datum ,
thence with a lf > Inch pipe newer along thu
tlio center of Hist street to a man hole in the
center of Juukson street at an elevation of 170
foot , thuncti with a 10 inch pipe hewer alone
center of Ulst street to a llush tanl ; 75 feet
north of north line of Leavenwortb street at
an elevation ofMU feut : nil of thu aforesaid
elevations to be at the flow lines of Hit id uuwers
at the point1 , named. The alignment and
crndeKof said M > wers to bu MraiKht lines be
tween man boles and other points spoclllud ,
as fur us prurtluab.o. und according to plans
aud hpcclliuatluns lilod Ith the board of nub-
lic works. Blx Inch junction pieces shall bo
placed In said scwiir every - ' " > feet , or as di
rected In writing by the city tttiRlnuer.
Bowi'r Inlets shall be constructed in smd
MiwiT district at Mich points as llic city en
gineer may direct.
Section 4. Thu board of public works K here
by Instructed to tul > e the nueussary stens to
cause the construction of the benurs In said
Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect
and bu In force from and after Its passage.
City Cleric.
Ji 1' . DAVIS.
1'roslduul City OounolL
Approved July llth. 1
Au ordinance ordering Iho cradlncof Mason
street from 18th str i > l to 2Jth street , and dl-
riictlnc the board of public norku to taku
tbe necessary steps to cause said work to bu
lie It ordained by the city council of thu city
of Omaha.
Section 1. Thnt It In necossarv nnd It is
Imruby doclitred neci-ssiiry thut Masou street
from Irtth street to'JUthslruel ho graded to tbe
present established grade , aud the sumo Is
hereby ordered done ,
bC'-tloirJ. That the board of public works
U hereby directed to take thu necessary steps
to ouus < < said work to be do no.
het'tiona Thin ordinance ) hull tuke ofleut
and bu In force from and after its pusnage.
. u * * July Oth.
I'lty Clerk.
F1' . DAVIS.
1'residuut Uity Council.
Approved J" * '
tVjof P.liunK
Week of July 1Kb.
Sensational Drama :
' Risen From The Ashes. "
s Trices Cut In Two , Hourly Shows.
18th and Farnam Sts ,
A Great Tent Show.
For One Week , Commencing
Monday , July iSth.
Wodni day MATINEES Saturday.
and Canine Paradox
Go-Wonderfully Educated Ponies and logs-GO )
GrandBSl Entertainm't '
Two hours solid enjoyment never to be for
The funnlost show In the world , strictly
moral , rulined and Instructive Indorsud by
I'ulplt , i'rusi und 1'ooplu
Price 10 and 20 cents.
Omaha Turn Vererin ,
to Turner's J'ark ritoarner "C'lty of Klorence'
leaves Douglas street pier U a. m. Ketiirnlni ;
leaves park 7 p m. Tickets may bu had of .I.
J. rruuimuf. II Kundu and Ku. .Mnurcr ; 7.o
each , children " . * > c.
Dr. Bailey , Sj
The Loading
Third Floor , I'axton HlocU.
Teli'i liin ( ( ! 1085. Kllli und I'uriiiini StK.
A full K't of tiictli on rulilxir tor ti. I'nrfdct nut
Tooth without platen nr raumviililu hrldgii wurk
JUKI the tlilnu fur lii | . ' rii er public > uakiri > , never
drup down.
All flllliiK ut ruasonublu rates. All work
warruntou. Cut this out fur a ( 'uHlu.
National Bank.
Capital $100,000
Surplus $ < E5,000
Onirorp and niri'ctornHenry \V Vatci , iinmldtnt
U. C. C unlit UK , vice iiroildviil , C. H. Aluurlcu , W V
Mur e , Jotin t > Coltlin , J. N 11. 1'utrk'k. IXJWIB A.
Uuua , CunUlvr.
/0 ; ' rnatmentot all forms ol
- DISEASES , and all dlsorlon
and debilities of youth iiuu manhood. ITyoars1
experience. Ills rosouri'es mid futilities ur
practically unlimited. The Doctor Ii rorom-
niended by the prens. and endorsed In the
strongest _ terms by the puoplo for fair treat
ment und honest profussion-u ndvloo The
most powerful roinerili" ) known to modern
GONORRHOEA liinnodli'.to relief. A oom-
plotu cure without thu loss of au hour's tlmo
from business.
GLEET One of the most complete and BUO-
cussful treatments for cleut and all UIIIHIXMI ?
discharges ; yet known to the meJIcnl profu-
olon. The rusuitsare trulv wonderful.
STRICTURE Oroitost Knoun roinotly for
the treatment of stricture , without puln , out-
tlnir. ord latln'r. ' A inostrtunarlciblu remedy
SYPHILIS So treatment for this terrible
blood disease has ever boon mori > su-eusif uU
nor had stronger endorsements In the light
of modern suleiiL-u this disease Is pusitlvuly
cur.ib.e and every truea of tlm poison entirely
removed from the bloo I.
LOST MANHOOD , aud ambition , .nervous
ness , timidity , despondency and all woaloiusi
and disorders of youth or uiunhood. llollot
obtained at oucc.
SKIN DISEASES , nnd all diseases ot tua
stomach , blood , liver , kidneys und bladder
are treated su oceBsfnlly with the gru.ilt ) <
known remedies for tlm ( I n'j 1114.
Write for circulars undauostloii list , frjs
1-tth told J-itrninn nt * . f/mri/iii An )
Save Your Eyesight
liyes tested free by an BM'E IT OITICIAN
1'erfoct adjustment , HI parlor "I'lisoi. N rv-
ousheiidachu cured ny uslm : our Suuctacici
und Kyo liihsua 1'rlcui low For tlrdt clam
114 S. 10th St. , CrelsrUton U.ojK
is via the Chicago , Mihvauked
& St. Paul R'y , as representee
on this map.
"C12I 3
_ L- . J
Electric Lighted , Steam Heated -
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:45 : a. m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent.