Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Chairman Bitkhausor Tolls the Committed
About Delayed Public Works ,
{ jticntlon "I ComplPtliiK Yenr's 1'nvliiB
C'oiitriirtH lllscinvdVliy llui Work
Urdu-roil Duo * Nut tin Altf.ul
ns II Mimilil ,
Thrco members or the special council com
mittee , Messrs. Spjcht , Ilowull and Muiiro ,
appointed to Invontnato the alfalM of tuo
Hoard of Puollc Worn ? , bo.irdod tbo chairman -
man , 1' . W. Hinthuusor , 1:1 : his don yesterday
Ttiu mooting w.-w opened by Mr. SpechV ,
cnalruun of thn committee , staling tlio ob-
Joet of Ibe early call. Major Ulrklmuscrsnid
thbl bo bnd nollcod something ubout tbo
visit nnd that tie win prcpjred to extend n
hcnrty welcome , lie could provo to tbosatls-
1 ncllon of liny reasonable bouy of men that bo
bad performed his duties and had takoii
cure of nil of tbo worn ordered by the coun
"How about tbo unfinlsuod work of IbOll"
asked Mr. Spocht.
"I'm Kind you mentioned that , " ntmvorod
Mr. Hirlthnuber , as bo readied into nls
pocket nnu drew out n tnUuluted btnteinutit
showing tbo old work uiidur contract and
What Cnusvi the Di'l.l.v.
"This , " conlitincd the chairman , "Is what
tins cnusci ) all of the trouble , and vlght hero
1 want to tnako u few explanations. On
Charles street there was no water connec
tions. Tlicro uas no plat Hied showing the
location of tbo proposed water connections.
In fact , tbu council had made no provisions
for anything to show their location. On
North Twentieth street the paving has boon
tied up by an injunction in the United
Stutos court , I understand thouaso has been
settled , that the water pipes will bo
laid and that paving wilt soon bopin.
Lowe uvonuo is tlod up with un injunction.
The alleys In the throa blocks niuntinuod in
the statement bavo been completed.
"Tbo Twenty-fourtu strool contract has
boon cancclea , at the council hits declared
ngalnst cedar blocks. On Sherman avcnuo
the council got a little too fast and ordered
the street , paved before tbo curbing oral-
nanco was passed. In this I tvant to say
that the chairman of the commit
tee on paving , curbing , nnd cutteiing
did not k-cl Ills curbing ordinance
through the council until Juno ! ii ! of the
proscnt yaar. On Uruco streei the grade
was riot established until this spring , though
the chairman on pavmir got an ordli.unco
thronch the council last your ordering the
* paving and curbing.
"Tho delay on Thirteenth street has boon
caused by the same condition of affair. } . On
1'opplcton avcnuo and Nicholas street
tbo contrnctots have boon at work sotnodiys
nnd have tbo two strcou nearly completed.
Klghtcentb street Is tied up by nn Injunc
tion. That settles tbo old paving contracts. "
Then they all mined about nuisance lots.
The chairman explained that tbo red tape
catibcd the delay , and thai the delay was
right in the charter provisions. Early in
the spring the board bad taken steps
to have the lot.s filled. To do
this it was lirst noco ary to declare the
lots nuisances , then notices to property
owners were published. After that tbo
board advertised for bids , the bids wore
sent to the council nnd then to the mayor.
That , bo Mild , required at least sixty to
ninety days to get things In shape to begin
Mr. Spcchl said that Cir.uit , between
Twenty-fouith and Twenty-fifth streets ,
n disgrace. There was a death-dealing pool
in that locality and It ought to bo filled
upon tbo order of the board.
Mr Howell said the board could not order
it filled , us it , would $ I,1UO ! , nnd that
the board was not authorised to Itiour an ex
Iicndituro exceeding * 100.
Mr. Kpeclit Insisted that the boird had
nskod for bids on the work.
"Yus , that's true , " answered tbo chair
man. "Wo opened bids on May 7 and the
approved contract got back from the council
on July S. Just two months after wo innilo
the uward. Now , wo propose to wait a low-
days and fill the stroi't with tbu dirt from
North i'wontkth sticot. This will save the
proportv ov/nnrs Just Jl/JOU and vill notdelav
the work ton days. "
'I Ills'H ravine.
Then the conversation drifted to the paving
of Ib'.tt. ' Mr. Kirkhausur maintained that the
counclriiad passed but , three final paving or
dinances and that in all of the districts cre
ated by those ordinances the work was under
way. "In this connection , " bo continued.
" 1 want to show you that ttio council is
not always right , " nd as ho said it ho
druw out n roiiploof paving ordinances. Uoth
were for district -IKi , but ono ordinance de
scribed tbo district as the allev in block 18
aril the other as n portion of Michigan street.
Mr. Ilowull thought that the committee on
paving had SHOWN considerable negligence In
drafting ordinances. Mr. Munro thought
that such errors were fatal. If the contract
was lot under either ordinance , the tax to
pay the cost of tbo paving could not bo col
Then they all talked about the delay In
laying permanent sidewalks. Upon this
question the chairmen sprain ? u surprise.
After explaining that nil walks condemned
had been ordeiod rolaid. ho broughlout some
ordlmmcoi ordering walks In the outlying
districts of the liio limits. There the ordi
nance provides that the walks may bo of
stone , artificial btono , tllo or brick.
These ordinances provided for nothing but
Btono flagging , the chairman of the committee -
too having erased the names of all other
Mr. Spccht said that the citv engineer bad
drawn the ordinances. Mr. llowoll insisted
that as tlioy had passed tlirouirti Mr. Spi'cht's
bands , as chairman of the conunlUco , ho
ulono was responsible for the erasure. Il
stone walks were laid under the provisions of
such ordinances tbo tax coulu never bo col
lected nnd the city would bavo to foot the
The committee will report next Tuesday
A Point lor Yon.
In view of what Hood's Sarsaparllla has
done for others , Is U not reasonable to sun
pou that It will bo of benefit loyotif Kor
scrofula , Halt rlieu.n and all other diseases of
the blood , for dyspepsia , Indigestion , sick
hoada-bo , loss ofappotltn , that tired fooling ,
catarrh , malaria , rheumatism , Hood's Sur-
suparllla U an uncqualcd remedy.
IIoou's Pills euro sick , hoadacho.
AVImt tint . " .liiKimtiM anil l.i'sxiir Light * Am
. DoliiK mid > , tying.
Oioncrul Passenger Agent Lomax , In the
month ho has been absent , lias traveled over
10,001) mllns of road and Inspected the entire
system of tbo Union P.icillj with the execu
tion of the TOXUJ and Kansas Pucillc. Mtiny
of tbo branches bud to bo doubled , which
made the tour long anil tedious.
Messrs. Korty , HucKlngiiatn , MuConnctl ana
Mr. DU'klii&on were with Mr. Lomax onhls ;
tour , nnd these centlemcn uro expected to
return curly next weok.
The Northwestern will luatigurato Its
summt'r blcopcr to Hot Springs on Saturday ,
tbo cur for July 10 , 17,18 and HI already being
booked full , which goes to show how
the South Dakota resort is grow
ing In popular favor. The car leaves
at 0 o'clock every morning , ami arrives
lit the Spilnga the following morning at
0MO. :
Captain W. P. Tibbltn , tbo oldest traveling
passenger agent in point of continuous sor-
vlco in the country , the cloud pusher for the
"Scoulo Koulo of America , " was In tbo i-lty
ycbtorday with gigantic schomou for Handling
the crowds of people who will inspect the
Kocaloa this summer via the Denver & Hlo
( Jrnndo. Uuptutu Tibblts say a that ho has
already made arrangements for 10,000 Knights
Templar to bo taken care of around the cir
cle , iblrtylx couimandorles having signllk'd
n doilro to uiako the unrivaled trip umotig
Ibo Know-capped mountains of Colorado. It
will bo n great strain on tbo operating de
partment of the Ida Grande , but tbo cuptuln
H an onlhuMabi and a firm believer In the
ability of the men who have made tbo road
fuiuou * the world over , and ho has no
luMiltunry In baying I hut everybody wilt
bavo liio boil euro possible. The captain
Uatu * hU couuoctlou with railroaJnluce IbKi
then connected with the Michigan Central.
Ho H n picturesque looking man of slxtv ,
filled fun of tbo enthusiasm of tbo west nnd
n hustler from the ground up.
There Is uneasiness amontf railroad associ
ations that promises to provo disastrous to
many of them. In the Western Trafllo
association tbo Burlington throws down
the pttuntlet end says that unices the
four-Dfths rule Is adopted it moans to quit
the association , The TrnnRtntssouri associa
tion trembles on the ragged edge , fearful
that the Santa Vo will Inaugurate n lower
tariff than that offered by the Rock Island ,
which goes Into effect Julv i'J. ! 'f hero nro
signs of unrest in tbo air and
everywhere railroad ofllclnls prow more
nervous as they rend the signs of
tbo times. General Passenger Agent Huch-
nnan said to n reporter for TUB Men this
morning , In speaking of this subject :
"Never has the railroads como nearer the
mHlfiUIUm as when tbo cooling arrangement
was in force. Then the fullest measure of
confidence obtained , and tbo strong
lines and weak lines thoroughly un
derstood ono another. Conlldenco , after
nil , Is tbo basis of business ; without
it you have stagnation In financial circles ,
demoralization nnd the ilovll Is to pav gener
ally. Whllo associations nro necessary
under the Interstate commerce law , the rest
less feeling abroad among railroads Is not n
good sign , anil one can almost hear the rum-
bio of the nvnlancho which must
eventually sweep awav the commission nnd
establish its Illegality. Ily the pool
arrangements rates were made thoroughly
stable , business was strengthened , and every
body seemed prosperous , but the moment
these rights were taken nwav came demoral
isation In their train , nnd over since values
have been unsettled and depreciated stock has
followed the era of stability. "
"Lato to bed and cany to rise will shorten
tbo road to your homo In the skies. Uut
early to bed 'and "Littlo Early Klscr. " the
pill that makes Ufa longer and bettor and
Kyo nnd oxr : surgeon , Grant Culli-
more , room U'Jl , Boo building.
Ill-edit Literature Upon These Questions
to l > a Iliul In lliu I'tilillo ( .Ilirnry.
In these days when newspapers and mag
azines are crowded with financial articles ,
when tbo ncoplo are nrousoa as never before
upon tbo grave questions surrounding the
circulating medium and what it shall be ,
wbolhfr bimetallic or monometallic , ono is
apt to look through the public library for
\ \ oiks bearing upon this vital subject. Miss
Jesslo Allan , librarian , for the benefit of
those who desire to bo informed upon the
questions of money and Jlnsnco has made a
list of articles appearing in the leading mag
azines for Ib'.ll-UJ ' , upon financial problems :
Atkinson "Koal Mouning of tbo Free
Coinogo Agitation , " Forum , October , 1S01.
Uaxtcr "Contracts and Currency1 North
American Uovlow , May , 180) ) .
IJlund "Frco Coinage nnd EUstlc Cur-
rencv , " Forum , March , ISIU.
Uoutwell "Silver as a Circulating Me
dium , " Forum , Marcti , 1591.
Bunn Speech on "Free Colnogo of Sil
ver , " Congressional Hccord , April 1 , lsU. !
Cannon "Hank Note Circulation , " Forum ,
December. Ib'Jl.
Carneglo "Tho A. B , C of Money , " North
American Review , June , l&'Jl.
"Cheap Money"-Century , February , 1S02.
Clews "Money nnd Usury , " Forum , Jan
uary , lb'J2.
Coo-\Vhv the Silver Law of 1S90 Should
LJo Repealed , " Forum , January. Ib'JJ.
Coke Speech on "Free Coinage of Silver , "
Congressional Record , April 27 , JS'.IJ.
COOK "A Glance ut Our Finances , "
Forum , June , Ib'Jl.
Courtney "Shutiy Truths , " Contempor
ary Review , May , Ib92.
Coperthwulto "Tho Evolution of Money , "
Llppmcott's , November , ISOl.t
Fairchild "The United States nnd Sil
ver , " Forum , July , Ib'Jl. '
"Freo Silver" Nation , i'-obruary 11. 1SW. !
Urler "Tho Restoration of Silver , " Lip-
plncott's , November. is'Jl.
Harter "Freo Coinage the Blight of Our
Co i morce , " Forum , May , IS'JJ.
llemvell "Freo Comaeo and Soutoorn
Statesmanship , " Forum , May. IS'Ji. '
HigKins "Tbo Basis of Money , " Arena ,
July , IbtfJ.
" OurNatlonnl BoMudo
Lucey--"Can Uanks
Saferf' North American Review , February ,
lbBJ. !
Leech "The Fall of Silver , and Its
CiiUECi. " Forum , Juno , IS'JJ ; "Would Frco
Coinage Bring European Silver iloro ? "
Fornin. March. IS'J. ' .
MacVane "Capital and Interest , " Quar-
terlv Journal of I' > onomlcs = . January , Ib'.lJ.
"Pooplo's ( The ) Money" Century , May ,
Post " 1'ho Subtreasury Plan , " Arena ,
Fuhruarv , 1SH4.
Powdurly--"Tho WorUingmnn and Silver , "
North American li-jvio.v , December , IS'Jl. '
Reou nnil Holman "Sticnding Public
M'-ney , " North Amoricau Review , March ,
SehliT "Should the Silver Law of 1S90 Bo
Repealed ! " Forum , December , Ib'Jl.
Sherman Speech on free coinage of gold
and silver bullion , Congressional Recoru ,
Juno li , IbttJ ,
Springer - "An International Mcnoy Con
ference , " North American Review , March ,
lbl .
Smith Speech on free colnngo of silver.
Congressional Record , April S , Ib'JJ.
Stewart "ThP Rule of the Gold Kings , "
North American Review. May , IVJJ ; "Silver
and tbo Need of More Money , " Forum , June.
Vllns "The Throat of the Present Coinage -
ago Lnw , " Fot"um , Mav , 18' ) ' . ' .
Voorhcos "A Plea for Free Silver , " North
American Review , December. Ib'Jl.
Webster "History of the Silver Law of
IS'.KJ ' , " Nation. October , Ib'Jl.
White "Senator Sherman on Silver , " Na
tion. January , 18'Jl ; "Demonetisation of Sil
ver. " Nation , August , Ib'Jl.
Wi'idom "Legacy on Silver , " Nation ,
February , 18U1.
Wolcott Speech on free coinage of silver ,
April 7 , IS'JJ. _
DoWitt's Ssrsaparllla cleanses the blood ,
increases tbo npnotlto and tones up the sys
tem. It has bdnolittcd many people w'ho
have sullorod from blood diiorders. It will
help you.
Prti | rly Oivnitrt In Anns Over mi Attempt
to t'lnniKii the .MiiKTlul.
The proportv owners on Loavonworth
strcot. from .Sixteenth to Twonty-nlulb ,
nro up In arms ever the attampt , upon tbo
part of Hugh Murphy to pave that street
with fitono Instead of brick.
At tbo letting Murphy secured the con
tract for ropavms. tie bid per squura
yard on vltrlllod brick , and $1.05 on ted Col
orado sandstone.
Petitions for material were circulated
among tbo property owners and the brick
petition won uy becurlng a majoilty of the
frontugo nnd .r > UO fool to spare.
Now Mr. Murphy is laboring with the
property owners , urging thorn to withdraw
their named from his brick petition and sign
for stono.
Most of tbo property owner * decline to do
anvthtng nf the kind. They claim that not
only will it delay tbo work , but that
It Is n dangerous precedent to establish.
If properly owners can ask for n different
matorlal after oncodgnlng they can da son
doiun tlm-s , and if matorlal men felt so dls-
posuj they could delay the paving of u street
for any length of time.
Mrs. L. R. Patton , Rockford , III , , writes :
1 From personal experience 1 can recommend
DoWltt's Sursuparilla , n euro for impure
blood and general aebillty , "
SIS.00 , St. I.onU to Olncliiiiiitl unit Itutiirn
Via the Ohio & Mississippi railway ;
tlckotH cooci going on all trains of July
1(1 ( , 17 anil 18 , ami rotunilng live days
nftor Unto of siilo. For tickets and
further information cull at Ohio ft Mis-
ulssllil olllcos , 105 North Uroiidwuy and
Union donot , St. Louis ,
A. J. LVTI.K ,
Oonornl Western Pafe cnjor Agent.
ICiKiun to thu World.
Tin : Urn Bureau of Claims U becoming
known on two continents ; Mlcbaol Scott ,
IS Summer Hill , Dublin , bat placed a pen
sion claim witb the bureau nud will soon
succeed. Ho was a private In company G ,
Fifth Now Ilumpuhlro volunteer infantry ,
Mid from IMi-'l to the cud of the war , and
then oulibtod In the regular army , where ho
served until 1870.
Saraui > nrilla 1 rollnola ,
IPPI1DP IT O/\11TII All { II t
Mysterious Explosion in a Trench Does
Considerable Damage.
One of Thrin Will I'rntmbly Die from the
Jtoiilt oT Ills Injiirlow The ( Iriiiuul
Win SoiiUrd with Oil Souio
Yesterday afternoon nn explosion occurred
nt the terminus of the Union Stock Yards
company's tracks , Just across tbo strcot from
tbo oflico of the Cud nh v Packing company ,
Martin Andorsou and John P. Johnson , two
laborers , being badly burned about the
body , the forner probably fatally.
'Iho explosion catno noparcntly without
cause , nnd no ono Is able to exululn bow it
occurred , Anderson nnd Johnson were on *
gucod In digging a small trench at the end
of tbo tracks for the puruoso of putting In n
"bumper. " They had excavated to n depth
of nearly three foot when , without a
moment's warning , n mass of flames shot
Into tbo air and enveloped both mon before
they could get out of the lire's way. The
clothes worn by thorn were Instantly in
flames , and were extinguished by workmen
near at hand.
Anderson was burned nbout tbo logs nnd
body nnd arms , ills Injuries will probably
provo fatal. Ills companion , Johnson , fared
better , and bis Injuries nro not so serious ,
nltuougli ho was badly burned nbout the logs
nnd arms. Both mon are unmarried nnd reside -
side ntTwonty-fiflh nnd L strcoi/j. Ander
son was removed to St. Joseph's ' hospital for
The place where the accident occurrea Is
very near to whcro the Cudahy company
loads its oil onto tbo cars and the ground
was saturated with that material. A spark
from u workman's pipe sectris to bo the gen-
cm ! explanation ns to what cnusou the ex
plosion , or n shovel striking flinty substance
ttUht bnvo done so. Those near where the
accident occurred state , however , that no
ono was smoking at the time. A two-loch
gas pipe runs throueh the trench which the
workmen dug nnd it was filled with pas.
The explosion buwtod the nine , nnd n leak
from this might hnvo furnished matorlal for
the explosion. A 11 ro alarm was turned in. to
which both companies responded. The
Cudaby fire company extinguished the flames
before much damagb was dono.
n the AHHcsimcnt.
The city council tnot last ovenl-sc : nt 5
o'clock ns a board of equalization. No busi
ness wns transacted and un adjournment was
taken until this evening at 7:30 : o'clock.
Complaints from property oxvnersnine
pouring In jestorday , nnd when the council
comes to equalizing tbo tax assess-
merits the members will find it no
easy Job. The committee from the 13oard
of Trade recently appointed for
that purpose sent m a complaint showing n
number of lots and tracts of land which bavo
not been assessed. McGavock and O'Kccfo
complain of high asso-ismcnts on tboir audi
tion and ask the council to reduce thorn.
The county commissioners bavo reduced the
assessment on tboir property ? 1 , , > 00 and
raheil that much on tbo property of the syn- .
dicate. The other complaints are of a minor
nature , but enough bavo been filed to take
tbo council some time to muko the proper
I'roHi'lythiK Auiiini ; Murlcmen.
Manager . N. Babcock of the Union
stock yards loft yesterday for the north
west. Mr. Baocock gees in the interest of
bis company and will bo nb ent ubout ono
week. Ho will visit tbo largo nud numerous
ranges in tbo northwestern territories and
do some effective , missionary work for the
South Omaha market.
W. b. Skinnur , traveling representative of
the Union stock yards , is at the present time
in Colorado interesting shippers in this mar
ket , and U mooting with muritod success.
Intensely Hut.
Tbo heat was intense in South Omnba
yesterday. Tbo thermometer registered 101 °
in the shade at several place * in the city.
Tnreo workmen at the Hammond packing
house were overcorao with tha heat , ns were
two of the employes at the Cudahv Packing
company. The men wore cngaired in outside
labor and were subject to the .sun's intense
beat. During too afternoon work upon the
now buildings ut Ibo Hammond packing
house was mopped.
Will Talk Admit Money.
A , H. Murdoch and Joe Eagerton "will
meet in Joint debate Tuesday evening at
Pivonka's ball. Thy , ( jucstion for discussion
Is that gold , silver and paper money should
bo a full legal tender nnd Issued by tbo gen
eral government only , nnd that gnlu and sil
ver should bo coined free nt the ratio of 1 to
Hi. Mr. Edgerton will take the ufllrmatlvo
and Mr. Murdock the negative bide of tbo
Kiitc-B nnil I'tirHoimN.
Mrs. U. S. Pianey is quite 111.
Born A son to Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Conk-
J. E. Mlien of Ogtlalla Is visiting with
A. L. Hunter.
Dr. M. W. Walsh U In Baltimore , Md. , on
a buslncbs trip.
SV. R. McCormick of Rcddirip , Colo. , was
the guest yesterday of 1J. H. Pinney.
The Young Men's Republican club meets
this evening at H'20 SouthTwonty-lifthstreut.
W. H. Fuller , cashtor of the Gorman Na
tional bank of Hustings , was in town yester
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lowry are the parents
of n boy baby who arrived at their homo
W. L.VhIto , manager of the Utah
Slaughtering company of Salt Lake City ,
was n visitor at the Exchange yesterday.
. The Presbyterian ladles gave a Inwn social
hut evening nt Rov. R. L. Wheeler's resi
dence. The attendance was lurco ana all
found oleasuro at the gathering.
The receipts of cattle at the yards slnco
January 1 Is larger by 101OUS head than dur
ing the satno period last year. The recnipts
of heirs also exceed these of last year lUl.Lir'j
head ,
The remains of Emma Jotter , the little
girl who was burned to death Tucudav evening -
ing , occurred yesterday afternoon nt U
o'clock from the residence of U. .letter , her
father. The funeral was the largest ever
hold in Iho city.
John Kuuffman was relieved of nbout three
square inches of scalp from the back ot his
head ut Hammond's ( lacking IIOUEO yojtcr-
any. A largo piece of sheet Iron fulling f ronr
two storlei above did the work. A surgeon
sowed up the wound and KaufTman will re
ItnlldliiK I'lirmlti.
Tbo following building permits were is
sued by tbo superintendent of building *
yesterday :
Fred It. Amos , rebuilding five-story
warehouse , Jone-i , iiearTunth Niroui. . $ 13,030
Molorlii L'lurkion , ri'tiatM on dwelling ,
iWlUiH. Mary's nvciuio jfoo
Three minor penults. . . . . wj
Total JU.OM
Helmut tliu lliirKlum Auuy.
At 4 o'lock yesterday morning OClcor Foley
heard suspiciou ounds In tbo rear of "OJ'J
Cumlng street , ncHr-on * making nn Invcstlgn
tlon discovered Uirca mon io tbo net of try
ing to force an entrance. They ran down
the allov on his Approach nnd ho filed on
them , but failed toonako n capture.
Mrs. Andraw IMttlion , residing nt 212.3
Harnoy strcot , surprised n burglar nt work
in her bed roomi about 8 o'clock yesterday
nftcrnoon. As aim opened tbo door bo
grabbed n sinnlUallvor watch and rushed
from tbo bouse. Ho had entered by a rear
Reason ! Dcocbam pills net like magic.
.VcwSchcmo tnSrcuron I'rciililrnt llrimclicit
In the .Mining Coiigron-i ,
Hni.r.NA , Mont. , July H. The second day's
session of tbo national mining congress ef
fected permanent organization by the elec
tion of Francis R. Nowlatids of Nevada ns
president. On tnkins bis seat Mr. Nowlatids
mndo a strong silver speech , urging tlio tutn-
It.g states to put the Interests of silver be
fore party Interests. Ho advocated nn ngroo-
mont between political parties providing that
the electoral votes of mining stales should bo
cast for no powon ns president who would
not ngreo to pormitauy silver act passed by
congress to become n law. Ills vluw wns
that nil three of the national parties In tbo
mining states should inUruct their electors
to act independently In tbo doctoral college
in the Interest , of the silver cutiso ratbor
than in tbo interest ot any candidate. In
this way their entire vote could bo aggre
gated lu the electoral college nnd would
probably bold the balunco of power. It
would menu that , while tbo silver question
should bo settled by International agreement ,
the electors could cast their votes according
to their party predilections , but If not , could
exact as u condition of their vote the support
of any candHato requiring their vote , the
understanding being that the action of con
gress on tbo silver question should slnnd
without executive interference. The people
demanded , ho said , that the popular will , as
expressed by.congross , should uot bo opposed
nnd defeated by the will of one man , oven
though he bo president.
Ho nlso claimed that oven though the elec
tion was thrown Into the house the of
silver would not necessarily bo lost it tbo
friends of silver were nctivo ana vigilant.
Whllo It was true that the nresont bouse was
democratic nnd would bo likely to cast Its
vote for Cleveland If no precautions wore
tukon , stops should bo taken to prevent tils
election unless ho ngrcod not to use his ex
ecutive powers ns heretofore to defeat free
silver ngnln. Most of the democratic members
bors of thu present house represented south
ern and western constituencies , which were
ovorwhultmngly for free coinage. Tboy
would bo candidates for rcnominatlon and
election ut the coming election , nnd pledges
should bo exacted from them that they would
not , In the event of the election being thrown
into the bouse , vote for any man for tbo
presldoncy unless bo would give assurance
that executive power would uot bo usoa
against the uopulnr will.
llrntnllty of White Men nnil Whisky Cause
a ratal Ituttlo.
POUT TowNsr.N'D , Wash. , July 1 1. News
has Just reached hero per tbo City of Topeka
of a fight between white mon nnd Indians
which occurred nt Cnilcat , Alaska , July 5 ,
resulting In three deaths. Bitter feeling was
engendered recently when several Indians
were discharged from a cannery. On Juno
. ' 10 , twenty Indians II red from amuubh on the
fishing smacks , but without , fatal effect.
July 4 , nt an Intfiun duuco , n drunkou wuito
fisherman kicked and assaulted n squaw.
Many Indians were intoxicated and war was
declared. Joseph Mvers of Astoria , Oro. ,
was shot and killed. The whiles sought shel
ter In tbo cannery. They opened lire , kill
ing two Indians and wounding several oth
ers. Two white mon , natnos unknown , were
nlso wounded , ono probably fatally. The
Indians sought protection In tbo woods and
kept up an incessant lira for several hours.
In the nftcrnoon they revived from the
effects of tbo < ! whisky and a-'truco was de
Marriage I. I
The following marriage llconsos were
issued by Judge Ellor yesterday :
Name nnd Address. Age.
j I ) . H. Mc.Mimuy , Omiba . 27
I Henrietta llattlett , Omulia . M
j Cliirli" : O. Vaiidoicoy , Umulin . r d'2
I Mary llrown , Omaha . ill
I John I'etei-on. Omaha . lil
I Chtlbtlna hwnnson , Omaha . -M
I Clinton if. Oiniiha . .0
1 Illanuh 11. llrlnd. Omaha . L'l
j William Kdwatds. Omaha . 'J4
1 Maggie Bpoerl , Omaha . IT
Dlxappuarrd III II U Itiillnoii.
SAN Uinuo , Cul. , Julv M. R. J. Wood-
ivnril. thn farrnnr whn hrn fur snvnril wnnlrs
been preparing to make a balloon journey to
New York , made an nscont ycstoulay in the
presence of several hundred people. The
balloon ascended to a great height and struck
n current of air which bore him rapidly In
land. The observer hero says the current of
air had about twenty-live miles velocity and
ho thinks Woodward will cover bo hoard of
Ovarroinu liy tlio lli'iil.
William Anderson , living at 1013
street , was overcome by the heat nt , : i o'clock
rostorday afternoon and taken to his homo
lu a precarious condition.
Miss Emma Cuming was overcome by the
beat on u Farnutn street car while returning
from an excursion on the rivor. At the Now
York Lifo building she wns removed from Iho
car and revived by n physician.
.V.ll , I'.UtiUiJt.ll'lIS.
John Urnnt Is ill.
F. E. MoMullon wont to St. Paul last night
Mrs. John A. Eylor nnd son went to Chicago
cage lust evening.
CJoorgo W. 13. Dorsey nnd party went to
Chicago last ovcnlng.
\V. T. Smeod and Mrs. J. U. Nicholns loft
for Crcsson Springs , Pu. , last evening.
Mrs. W. S. Seavoy has gone to Grand
Lake , Cole , , on a month's camping expedi
Cbot Ilnlett of the Mlllard nnd I ) . W.
I lay nea have gone toOimva lake on a llstiing
F. C. Condon nnd family , Mrs. M. E.
Smith nuci Uoorgo Cook wont to Spirit Luke
last night.
L. M. Rhcctn and family loft last night for
at visit to Salt Lake , Uuavur and thu moun
tain resorts.
F. P. Klrkondall loft last night for Hot
Springs , S. D. , for a much needed rest , the
first vacation bedim taken since bo began
business lu Omaha.
F. IX Unaerwood of Now Vork , who was
Iho original purchaser of Dundee Pluco
In ISbS. when tbis tract of ( il."j nerei was sola
for 51,000 an acre , Is In tbo city with a num
ber of oustern cajiltaliuts , Brown loft Wednesday over the Bur
lington for Cnlcago , INOW York , Boston and
Washington. Ho will Inspect tlio itaulcs of
Robert Banner , J. Mulcom Forbes and
other notable admirers of good bor.solliish
unit will take in some ot the eastern races
before hli return. Ho , vlll bo ubioat
ubout two week * .
NI.W Yoitu , July H.Spscinl [ Telegram to
TIIK Bui ; . ] J. Hloulo of Omaha Is ut the
Hoffman. C. It , Day of Omaha is ut the
Plum. L. Everett of Council lilulls is ut
tbo Savoy.
( Jiifurtlii'tl Tlilux' * ' I'liiiit.
A nucleus for u Jewelry establishment was
discovered by n small toy under tlio Bide-
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
w .IK on Hurt sli-oot uetwcon Twenty-fourth
iind TwontvllHU streets vcstcnlanlior " -
noon. The find Included novon
tvutrh clitvlns , twelve bnicolcts , thrco
scnrf plus and n pnlr of opcrn clnisos
Inclosed In n totncco pouch. Too
nrtlclcs nro pold-plntid nnd thctrvnluo would
DBKregato about fiH. Tauyro \ tnkcn to
the potlco stntlon to awnlt idontltlcntlon.
Tbo jewelry is bjllovod to have tjsu stolen
by tonio nmntcur tblovca , who bccntnu
frightened And liicl tbclr booty.
Tin : tritium' Tit VST.
A St. l.oim DUtlllcry i : itiicr § tlio 1'rico of
High \Vlnofl.
ST. IJOIM , Mo. , luly 14. Vor n long tlino
pnst the whisky trust hns hnd n monopoly in
tno nmttor of maUiiii ; quotations on hlRti
\vlno apirlts nt St. Louis , Ciilcmnnti , Chicago
nnd I'eorln , Yesterdny , however , the Uon-
tral Dhttillng ootnpim.v ot tills olty , the only
establishment ot the kind In St. Louis not
controlled by the trust , notlllcd tlio trndo
that it would In luturo m\ko ; n nmrkct 0:1 :
high wliicH , nnd followed ttila nnnouncoincnt
by quotlnit blub wlnos nt § 1.10 , or ? i cents
lesi tlmn the tlt-urca ( ) uoto.l by the trust.
The Contra ! Distilling company Ims n $ WO-
000 Dlnnt With n capacity ot 400 bushels of
corn n day. It Is not unlikely thnt thii cut
of the Central will put nu end to the long
truce which has existed between It and the
nll-powerJul trust , ami tuat a war lu rates
will be InnugL rated.
Itolilictl HIMM
MnegloVhitmoro , n domestic , wns arrested
Insl. night on n oharifo of grand Inrcony.
Mrs. .T , Vonah , who rosldca nt 1812 Uodgo
street , 1s the complainant. Sha cnartrcs thnt
Macela abstrnotcd $51 from her pockelbook
and after iipcndliitr nn hour in the sweat box
she confessed the crime. She hud SJ1 lott ,
r spent the rest.
Both the rncl'nod and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers and cures habitual'
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro- ,
duccd , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agrecabfcsubstances , its
manvexcellentqutilities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c
bottles by r.ll leading druggists.
Any reliable druggist who may not
have it on hand will procure it
promptly for any one who wishes
to try it. Manufactured only by the
A now and Complete Treulrnont , conMstlnff oj
Enppuilturlei. Olntniunl In < ipsuloi , alia In Ilex
nJ I'llls : n Poilllvo Cure fnr i\tirnil. Intarnal
Ullndnr UleodliiK Itulilnu , rhrunic , Iti-ojnt or lluroill-
lary 1'llej T ils Koine iy has no\or tifun knovrn to
fall tlpurbox C for5 ; Huntby m ill Why nutler from
tliHtvirlblu dl ciiia ttliun a written KU'irnntoo Id
liUHltlvulycUan with li botoi or rofiiml thu money If
not curi > il * en < l ntamp for free ! -ample. ( iuiranteo
lenucd byKuhn ACo. , DrutfRht * . Soltt Auonts oornn'
For the fjrand fnsllnilc < if shot anil shell
iiinn | the fortress of diiunsc , is jiossi'sscd in
uiiliiultod quantities , and of the most clrect-
ivo Icliul , by thosii monarch ; , ot the incdicul
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
Upon whoso banner victory has
perched lor 7 ycais.
Vnnish before tlio ma ic power
of ( heir skillful touch.
( iUMltUIIOICA ) ,
' V'AUICOtllll.K.
HKM1NA1. HYiitoVKu:7 :
fiJAlfi rni-.B.'jfThTfO ; ;
1.0.S1' .MAMIUU1) . I'l'MM.K
AND iXc-IWrliV
I.Nl ) l.iliNClh ( OUOASlO WI5AKT
11I.UOI ) A T ) KKl N
! AM'.S. Xt ) MATT
TTfiT 'OK now
Those , ono and all , icndily yield to their
skillful and clcnt > nc trt'.ilinrnt , ns Hum-
Biuulh of U'illMiinliilb ( from grateful puoplo
idiundHiitly prove.
end 4 cents for their now ,
llhiEtrntcd and viilmiblu book of 1'iJ i
full of ritio iiifonnalion for nil ,
Consultation Iruo. Cull ujion or i
rlth blani | > ,
South mil St. N. 14. Corner Mth
und Dousrl.-u Sts
Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next
'Norvo Sooda , "
ten crimritntco to rum ill ! nnrvons ( llscmes , > uch ns Weak Mcinorr ,
IK > uf Drum 1'owcr , Hxiulnohc. WakefulnoM , I.ot Munliond , Nlpluir Knils *
flonJ. Ncrvo\i io : i. I-.ip'HniU'.nllilrnlns and loisof power of thoUchcrntlvo
Orimnn In oltherfoxraiifpil liyovcroxortlon , youtlidil rrrorn , or pxcctr\it \
* , \ tup of tolmcco , opium or stlmulnnt which noon lead to Innrmltr. Coti um | > -
tlnnanrt linnnlty. I'm upcnnvl'iilcn.tocftrry In Test pocket. l l per ruck-
nsoliy mini : C for u. With ovcryRHirrtcrwo glvtaipntttn atitiranttt ( unir
or rejund ( he money. Circular freo. Address Mcrvo bcoil Co. , Chlcnirii , 111.
For stxlo In Oinnha by Shorintin Si MeConnoll , 1513 Dodpo street.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Th emtnont pcclullit In nervous , chronic , prlvnlo. bloo.l , ikln and nnnr\ry dtipasct. A rcc l\r Una
rcBl'ltTcil Rrnduato In mcdclno , as illplomns nnil cpriltlrnti' * Dhow , u itlil trentlnn with the urailuit tucctn
t.itnrrliip rtn torrhooa , Inn rnitnhoo.l , lemlual vronknuis. uluht losiat.lmpntoncy , trpullii. itrlvtare , aoh *
orrlU'OR , Rleut , Tnrlcocclc.ctc. No mercury uneil. Norf triutiiivnt for loss of Mini pww IT , I'nrtlts urnblo to
Milt me miij tie tr.Mltol t homu tiy eorrciponilunep. MeilUlna or Initrumnnts ont by mall or oipreis s -
curulj packcil , no marki tolnillcatu ronlonts or lomtor. Ono personal Intertluw pruiutroJ. Coniullatloa
Iroo. Lorru'ponrtfiire strictly prtvntn. llouk ( .Ujilorlai u ( LJfu ) l at tr * . Offloo hour 8 . m. toll * . Oh
fiuudtiys 1U a. lu. to 12 m bunil iliuut ) tor roplj.
Do you use Whisky
Leads all others in Sold only at High-class
Drinking Places and
Purhy , Quality , Bouquet ,
Age and Smoothness. Drug Stores.
For the hlchcr anil l.llirnil Kducntlon of elrli
nml you 111 ; women. r > pi < rialtks : Ilimlc. Art , Kin.
riitlnn , I'hjilcul Trulnlinr. fclr ui lirnt. CoM
anil liot water , bath rooum. etc. on tftrh flour.
2Uli tvnnloti tifehu > ept "lh. 1 92. FnrCataluKUt
MISSOURI. adJrrts AUCHIU.VI.U A. JOfd'.H , 1'rc.t.
-RDIFS. I Superior ftihantaffet for eilncallne
r rt I UI V-J U7 lL-MCCP.youDclv.iM couueofriudytlior.
oucli. Musics ! A mlrt .irtiurntn \ \ highest order tencht'raof the hcut American
ami ! ; uro'iui [ rultiuo , Imgo nml ln-niitlful itroumla ; ni-u bulldlnRB. romntiwcll
\etitilrit'tl , hi,1 hud b > i-.i- Oponn ht-pteitihcr 7tli Fur catnlopue addiras
. ev T. W. UAIIKKTT , lvrcM. C'OLUJIUIA , MO ,
li al. I.ltciarv. Si Icntlfic anil niidnfts. Cour'pn of Stujy rrepare * for Crl.
Wr-tl'omturAnnapolU Ulilut .llillhirj Hrhnol In Slu. , wilh
l Vtllitroriii'tUAtiun ' Infantry anil Artillery Dull and Aitlinl Cuvnlry.
tifclif Imprt , , riiirntA now tinadded ( , proildini * all tnodrrit tonvrnirn-
'IP * ftir lir At mi ; lighting clc Kiprnar4 lowrr lluii llio c of any kdtoul dirctifiir
EMV the > .iin < aiUitntai ; ' * Illustrated Catalogue. Ail-Ires
ERS a i Major ES C 3ax.lja3ll.s , JVI.YV. , LCXINCTOti. MO.
Liberty * Mo. I ire * aofl
lutirrtilrtit I'UlMiui , tl -
c QtlfurnUheil Ilonrot
nUUH J , dalli 1 let nu 4 cell ing * blfU. { lit Hirj ilin.iutumi with HIPAUI. Lint * inl cu't nntcr ind bfttli ri Jttu on firry
f I I / tui NU-lt'urstit - f Icoirio llghi § l.itrxf , w > u i < iuttf | > < > < l nTmu lutu Illfh &o J bratttifut Idcuton C'ourifi of iludy
, fiaultj Mu < l < ] aii't Art drpnriru'til * f > f lilflicft c u Io l.nrz t I/ -Hil CoIlM ? lu th * U > l , KPI ! * ) > i lob 0 { b
brpitu.Ur 2 , IttVJ , hcnd fur C'utaloauc. AJtlrcAi .MKMirKi ; . I'rrHldrnt , Mltr.UTV.
All the latest styles in
Soft and Stijf Plats.
218 South 15th Street
Purs Stored an I Rcp.iiro.l.
Parched Rolled Oats ,
Unequalled in Flavor.
Corn Gritz ,
Sold only In iJi pound puulwf.'O'J.
Velvet Meal ,
For niullliiB nnd
Sohl by all I'lrsl-CIass ( Jracoiv.
Elastic Stockings
Weak Limbs
Varicose Veins
Swellings , all
sizes. Abdo
minal Supporters
ters , Def ormit
Braces , Medi
cinal Supplies.
14S. 15tli St. , Next to Post Office
ti.'tl t/eiir. I'repnrutorv , Collegia ! * . MurlC und fine Art
Cuiifi'it FltKfnrWulcnlf ) Kclnlfm lllu trHtiUuitulotrut
i : . 1' . IJUU.AK1) . A. M. , 1'llU. JukwuvUlc , III.
N ( . ' . J , Wrlnlit , It. y. . A. M. , Cornwall , N. V.
15I2 Douglas Street , Omaha
Western A onls Wrmht & Dltson'i
A full line of Rcnurnl AthlotliOooiln. .
lliiiiiinoulm. IliithliiK Hulls. Koot Hulls. Indlau
C'liibK , Dumb llulln. llonts , NuU , Holnun ,
I'lno Klslilni ; Tuvlcli * , utc. , cto-
Fonn for oiitnloKun nnd prices. Hpuulnl at *
Icnlion Klvcn to null ordurn.
Frank Cross Gun Co ,
1B12 Douylns Strool.
To Out-oMlnor I'tillcs
Recreati ve
'TIs ' not tlio tlio Unit uiiilioH the bl-
yolo , nor the biiihllo , nor Iho Htool ,
nor the upoliox , nor tlio buuriiiL'B ,
nor nny othorono refjuiblte 'iintlio
wliolo Colutnhliiu are balanced to
the equlpolso of suuuossftil nicuty.
All nhoul Coliitnblin , Illuitrned , In Imok
nliout Culuinbtat , free on | illcullon | to
fitly Columbia ntfimt , or tatit br mall for
l l > IWIIMlVUt > Ulllll. | I'UU * Ut'H C'O | 1H
C'oluiubui Aro. , llQilun.