8 THE OMAHA DAILY IttSE : TUESDAY , JULY 12. 1892. POLITICS IN THE CflONTM Mooting of tbo Douglas County Harrisor Olub at McArdloville. DR , MERCER ENDORSED FOR GOVERNOF Xlvolj" Hporn'ics by thn Moldcra of Itiirul Opinion * Allen Hoot Curries III * War Inti ) tlio IJiuMiiy'H The Douglas County Harrison Ueptibllcan club mot Sunday nt ttio sclioolhouto Ic MeArdlo precinct. Prominent farmers cumc from all suctions ot iho county unii when the liour teller llio meeting hail arrived there -was ii lotiff line of bngijtoi and cnrrlugoi un der the ftlmuo of thu trees surrounding the er.hooluouso. The building la hidden In n .little tfrove ° ' rn.iploi und owinp to the heat 'of ttio day the motnbors preferred to talk 'thcjr ' politic * lying nbout In groups under the tree * . Tlioro wcro about a hundred men present , nil solid , substantial , taxpaylnij "farmers , who bad como to tallt and listen to politics und did not propose to bo switched oil upon the crops or the l'unns.vlvmila riots. Among the crowd worn half it dozen candi dates for county commissioner in the Fourth district Hiram Avcry , n pushing , enorijctlc clllzon of MeArdlo precnit , who will not lose the ofllt-o on account of any failure to tvork tmrd ; John L < \ MeArdlo , u well-to- do'young fartnor of Millard , who has polltl- , cnl'n in billons reaching further than thoconi- iflisslpncr.sblp ; James Wulati , ivho suyi. ho Is not n candidate for anything , but whoso fond ness for county politics Is well known ; < Henry Kclsoyof Ellttioni , who Is a candidate. " and uocft not hcsilnto to say so , mid several others who think they could satisfactorily servo the county In the courthouse. rimt of UK Kind. Tbo Douglas County Harrison club , which , bv thu way , claims to bo the llrst itarrieon club organized in the United States , has a membership drawn from till the thirteen prc- clms of the county. It came into existence March 11 ot this year , as the fullUlmcnt of a long choriaaod nUn of a number of promi nent county politicians , among thorn Herman Tlimnc , James Walsh , Henry Eiclie and others. Its object Is to unlto the rnpubltc.ins of the country precincts , not In opposition to llio city , but for cfieotivn and luirraonlous work with tin city for the good of nil. Her man Timmo Is president , James \Valsu vlco president mid John 1 ° . McArdlu secre tary. Uho meetings adjourn from ono pro- clnctlo another HO that republicans of all sections of luo county are brought together und bccomo uajuninml. Thus far meetings have been hold at Dcnnlncton , Klkhorn station , Valley , Waterloo , Millard , Douglas and MeArdlo , and the growing at- tcndanco and Interest at each mcellnir are an indication of the worlc being done by the club. Sjmu of the most energetic politicians of the county nro connected with the organl- Eatlon AIKI thcro is no lack of interest in their prococdings. Tlinro was a good deal of caucusing under the trees Sunday , and it was not until 4 o'clock that the meeting was called to order with the president In the chair. It was an nounced that the club bad reached a point where money was needed to purchase stationery , equipments for taking part In tbo 1 > trades , etc. Chhrlos Stevenson of Douglas precinct was accordingly elected treasurer find contributions wuro called for. James Walsh opened thu list witb a $ . > bill. Dr. .Mercer Kndoi-M'd. Henry Eieho handed un to the secretary a resolutionwhich , road as follows : "itcsolvod , Thatj wo the member of the Douglas County Harrison club heartily endorse - dorso ihocundidiic ) of Dr. S. U. Mercer for governor and demand his nomination. " In support , of the resolution Juntos Walsh said that tuu time had now urrivod for the voice ot Douglas county to bo heard in the nominating conventions of tbo state , Ii had been tlio custom for a long tlmo for certain sections of the state , and particularly Lan caster county , to pit themselves against Douglas , opposing what t-hu supported simp ly because she did support it. in tlio coming btalu election it was necessary to the success of the parly that the nominee should come from this county and wo should say to J.an- ' custer county especially "hands o'ff.Vo want and must have a man from Douglas county as our candidate for governor. Ho believed in Dr. Murcor as the banner bearer and whr.t Influence ho had would co.for his nomination. Iionr.Elelto . endorsed the sentiments of the last sneaker. The city of Umnna bad no Dioro energetic or public spirited citizen than Dr. Morcor. No ono had more Tillth In the future of his city and state or xvas in or o intimately connected with its progress und prosperity. Ho had known Ur. Mercer for many years- und at all times ho had demonstrated that ho was n business man mid that was what was wanted for governor. No man could charga him with being dis- lionoU or dlshonoraolo. Ho had favored liim two years ago and ho luvored him now. Tlio North I'lalto district In this convention would have a suyso and ho believed that with Dr. Mercer as the banner bearer they could succeed. Herman Timmo also endorsed the motion. Thcro wns no straighter , moro capable busi ness man in the city and certainlv ho thought the county could lind uoro available candi date. About Iimno Nuycrt. Hiram Avcry wanted thoclubto go slowly. Ho had heon Inlormcd thut tbero v > as a pos sibility that luurb would ho a candidate elected Jrom among the iarmors and bis imir.o was Mr. Isaac Noyos. Ho thought the resolution was tircuialuro. There was a feeling that it would require a farmer to sue- ce nfull/ oppose General Van Wvelr , who would probably bo selected by the Inde pendents. Mr. O. Whitney of Elk City explained that lie did uol think Mr. Noyes was aware that Ills name was being used , and did uotbohovo ho wai asking for the olllco. John I1' . MoArdlo win of the opinion that the use of Mr. Noyes1 name was a trick on the part of some of the opponents of Dr. Mercer. Ho had great respect for Mr. Noyes but his nnino came up too late in iho duv'for Borlous consideration. Ho was emphatically In favor-of Dr. Morcor. Douglas counly and the city of Omaha owed him llio nomination A good man wns nccessurv. Thcro was a tlmo when tlio republicans of the state hod to merely nmnu their man and ho was olcctud. That time wns gene bv. Tno resolution was carrlod'enthusiasti cally. Henry Kelsey of MUlard , a candidate for county commissioner in the Fourth district , was called on and took the lloorto explain Iho reason why ho was a republican. Allrn limit' * Inning , Then omo ono wanted to hear from the old alliance wiirborjc. Alien Hoot , who was lu the nudlonco. It was decided that the mooting of the club should adjourn llrst , when Mr. Koot could have u mooting of his own and all would stoo to listen. Uonsoii addition , West Om.ihn product , was decided upon as the next place of mreting , on Sunday , July ! JI Mr. Hoot wanted lo talk about projont conditions and what ho bolloved to bo the remedy mid ho did so in n speech of nearly on hour's longtti. Ho turned both thu old parties Inslilu out and ro.istod thorn to u beautiful brown. Those who huvo not heard Farmer Hoot make a politlc.il speech do not know how nrtlntic.illy ho can do thin. Ho is boiling over with dates uud statistics und KOOH plowing around through undent huiory In n way which ruUo > the hair of an oppo nent who Is not prepared to fuco the bom bardment of an animated onoycloiiodlu. Ho Is n typical farmer lu nppoarnnivj and u very hard nut to cr.iclr , as thojo who have faix'U lilm in argument can lustily. JamoH Walsh took up thu cudgels In reply , dcfi'iuilng the republican party with icadv IrMivvltand u formidable array of cold fuels. Jjvary ono was goodimturod and cer- tulnl.v iho ultcimlon helped along the polltl- nil education of tlu < houror * , though neither disputant may have mudo any converts , DoWltt'a Karsupurllla clennsoi thn blood , IncioiucN Iho appetite und tones up the sy- tcuii. It has bonulltlod many pooplu wuo huvo ludcrud from blood dUordor * . It will ticii > .vou , Morn < ! lly Hull I'uriilturi' . The OKonl of the Kutcliam Funutui'0 coin- tuny i > ut on tome flnlihlng touches In the interior of the council ycnterduy , In do- li-K ( hit ho put lu thu lobby chairs , thu rail tlml omriUc [ the common herd from the luw inukcri , iho couucllujou't chair * and the pro * * tublo4. U'ttV Cb Ui In wtiioh the councilmcn will rest are mammoth things with stuffed goals , bucks nnd arms. The lobby chairs are built upon the ordinary opera homo plan , whllo the reporters' tables nro great square boxes , facing the loboy. The ( Iriuillio Mrrlt Of Hood's Sars&parilla wins friends whore- over it is fairly and hunosliy triod. Us pro prietors are highly gratified nt the loiters which come entirely unsolicited from men and \\oman lu the learned professions warml.r commending Hooa's Sarsaparllla for what it has done for thorn. Hcon's pills euro liver Ills , Jnundlco biliousness , sick headache , constipation. Spectacles mljustea for defective- vision. Dr. Cullltnoro , It 22J , Ueo bldg. Change of Tlnir. The nuctlon sale for the benefit of the creditors of John Uitumor , the jeweler , of No. 1311 Piinminst , will bo continued dally this week. Morning session , from 10:30 : lo 12. Afternoon session , from 20 : : ! to 5. Monday , Wednesday und Saturday ovcnlngs , from 7:30 : until 0:30. : No sulo Tuosduy , Thursdiiy and Friday nights. J. II. FiiKNCU. Auctioneer. WON'T HirEAK D. A. I'nrrrll & Co. I'ay n I'lno Tor nil Intcrstuto Ooiiiiuurfo I.uw Vtiiliitlon. Mr. B. 11. Sharp , clerk In the ofllco of Dan Furroll & Co. , was called before the United States court ycsterdity to recnlvo his line for mailing false entries as to weights of goods shipped from the establishment where ho works lo points in Colorado and other states west. His attorney explained to Judge Dundy that the young man had mndo the false entries of weights unintentionally. Ho said that in shipping goods it had become the rustom nt Far- rcll & Co.'s lo consider certain casks ns weighing a certain number of pounds and Ihoy wore put down at thai without weigh ing. It happened the young man mada n mistake In this sort of mental weighing of the goods rather than commuting any inten tional crime against the Intcritalo commerce law. law."Do "Do you mean to say that these false en tries wore made through purecarolessness in nt-gloctlng to Weigh the goods I" Inquired the Judgo. "That is the situation , " replied the attor ney. ney."I don't know but that I should make the flno all the heavier on that account , " remarKed - marKed the Judge orusquely. . "I can't help that , " said the attornov , "I nm telling you Iho fools wllh regard to it. " "I will make your line f . ' 5 and costs , " said the judgo. "That's a pretty small fraction of what It might be. The law places the maximum line for such an ofTnnso ai ? 5OuO , or two years in iho penitentiary. " Mr. Shirp walked out of the court room highly plousod wllh Ihc lightness of the lino. 1 Know Its Merit. That is Why I Recommend It. I have no hesitancy in recommending Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhcua remedy to the public as I do lo my friends and patrons. I used it myself after other well Known remedies had failed nrd it cured mo in a few minutes. I recommend it can didly nnd cheerfully upon us merits , not from a financial standpoint , because I have ethers in stock on which I make n larger protlt , but because Chamberlain's is iho best remedy for bowel complaints I know.of. . . There is no doubt nbout'it , it doeu the worn. Jumcs Forgy , druggist. MeVeytown , 1'a. Eye and ear surgeon , Grant Culli- inoru , room 2114 , Boo building. TWO i\UtIMIO.VS liAST. Via tlioVal ih Mm- . 3d Saratoga nnd return 330.55. For the National E-lucutional associa tion the Wabash will soli round trip tickets at above rate July 4 to 10 , with choice of routes via 'St. Louis or 4th Detroit and return $20.50. lTor the Baptist Younjj People's uiiioi the Wabash will soli round trip tickets ut above rate /uly 12 and 13 For tickets , Snooping car accommoda tion and a ( older giving lists of routes , side trip * , cost of same , with other " ( ilunble informa'.Ion , call at Wabash ollleo , 1502 Farnaiu street , or write GUOKOI- . OLAYTOX , N. W. P. and Ticket Agent , Omaha , Nob. RECOVERED HER CASH. r.uck ofa Poor Woman \VIio Unit I.oHt AH Her Money. "Lost $ . ' 00 In Austrian money , ono $5 bill and ono ? . " > void piece , on south Mdo of Farnam street between Thirteenth and Slx- leonlb slrcets. Howard for rolurn lo Adolph Zczulak , janilor Merchanls National bank. " It all happened this way : The owner of the monov , who is n poor Bohemian woman , sotiylit n friend as soon us she discovered loss und told him the story. Ho at once hastened to THE DEE oftico and requested thai Iho loss bo advertised. He said that the lost money was ovor.v cent the womun owned , and lli.it the notice could not bo paid for but would have to bo charged to the chanty account. The notice was written and sent upstairs , but it was hardly out ot the way before word was received that Ihc money was found. It seems that a gonlloman who was standing in iho counling-room of THC'HEBoverheard iho story as told there , and soon afterwards re peated it in John Tuthill's saloon near Six teenth and Faraam. Nothing strange or unusual in thnt , but It so happened that only a few minutes before Mr. Tuthill-had noticed a little green bag on ihosldownllc in frnnl of his placa and had kicked II toward the gutter. The Jingle of coin attracted his attention , and the money was found. On hearing the story told ho roullzodjtliatho was an interested partyandat once asltcd u few ( jucstions that resulted in restoring the lucre to its wellnigh distracted owner within a very few minutes. Mrs. WInslow's Soolhing Syrup for chil dren icothing is tliii family benefactor. US cants a bottle. JUSTICE IN JULY. fudge Dull * ( iiits ii Ninv Hold on May Turin IlllKlllt'ftH , Judge Dnvls opened another three weeks session of the criminal division of tbo dis trict court yesterday morning. Ha hail a now Jury , and of the thirty-six man who had drawn twenty-eight responded , John L. und Cornelius Sullivan , charged with having broken Into and stolen sundry nrllclcM nf wearing apparel and Jewelry from a lodging Iiouso were arraigned. Conu'llus udmiltod mat ho was guilty , but John fj. de nied having had any connection wllh iho crimo. William Murphy , charged with having burglarized the btoro of Koch & Nelson , lulled to Hliow up when his nnmu was called. For this reason his f IOW ) bond wab declared forfeited. Kil Uotlicry. Indicted by" the crand Jurv , on Iho charge of having sold liquor without llrst having obtaluud a license , was not on hand when his numu wns callnd. The bond was forfeited uud a capias Ubuud for Holii- cry's urrost. The oastoni crodliors of 0 , M. Schneider & Co. have appllod for an Injunction ru .siralnlng the sale of the firm' * L-oods by the Commercial National bank. They huvo alto applied for the appointment of u receiver , 'liiu arguments will bobolorp Judijo Scott oil July IT. LOST HUSBAND AND MONEY Prcttj Emma Giut'er Was Won and Rohbet by a Soldier Boy. CROSBY'S ' RECORD AT HEART-BREAKING AVItli Tlin-n WIvr * nnd Two Sivcethpnrln QSIill Ho Wai not tliippy Ho Will llmo I.oIB of iiitcrtiiliitiicnt : If Ho U i\cr Cuiiglit Up With. Emma Gurtler is a pretty plrl whoso homo was in sight of the Alps , but who has lived In Omiilm for soma months. She was um ployod ns u domostlu nt Sovontocnlh ntu Chicago streets nnd ono day mot Corpora Fred Crosby , company B , Second Infantry. It may have been Fred's handsome uniform or h.s line llguro or his oliy tonguo. or It may have been all three , that Induced Emma to fall in love wllh him , but fall In love she did nnd life was only worth living when ho was with her. Un one of his numerous vults she Informed her soldier lever that she had a legacy of $5,000 coming lo her from Ihu old counlry some day nnd FreiJ laid away Iho Informa tion for future reference. Finally ho proposed and Emma accepted ; she was only lee glad to accept , but she refused - fused lo bo married until she had written to her mother in Switzerland. In time a reply came from the mother wishing her child all happiness and Joy und Inclosing JTiOU with which Ihoy were to set up housekeeping. On July 1 they went down to Judge Urad- Icyaiul iho knot was lied and Emilia boiran n llfo which was lo ho nil love aud ilowors and sunVhiuc. Fred was all dovollon nnd Iho llrsl few days of her married lifo passed as a summer's dream. On Iho morning of July 5 , Crosby got up1 first nnd loaned over and kissed her "good- by , " saying that ho had to go out again to the fort , The poor gltl had never thought of the fort aud suppoiod lhat Ihoy wuro ul- ways together. But llko a' bravo girl she had her cry out and lot him go. Shortly afterwards she wont to her trunk where she hud put the $500 nnd It wns gone. It was hard to suspect her husband , but no ono clso h\d bcon In the room. Inquiry was mudo at the fort , but the corporal bad not been there. His trunk was searched and in it were found letters and nupors indicating that ho had a wife living In Michigan nnd another In Wisconsin. There were tender oplsltes also from girls In Coin mid Crcstun , In , , to both of whom ho was apparently oncngcd. Of C'robby hlmsolf no trace has boon found. The military authorities want him badly for desertion , the civil uuthoriilcs want , him for bigamy nnd poor Emma Ourller wauls htm to return her $500 und Ihe contentment of the days before sb'o mot him. BUKMXOTON. la. , ApriU,133t. Dr. J. B. Moore Dear Sir : Huvo boon troubled wllh catarrh in my head und face for three years at tlmosas unable to hoar , had n constant ringing In my oir and for two years wts almost deaf. Have tried ev- cral so-called remedies nnd been trealed Dy regular physicians and noled specialistsbut , failed to got any relief. I tried ono bottle of Mooro's Tree of Lifo Catarrh Cure. It gave immediate relief and effected a permanent cure. I heartily recommend it to nil suffer ers of this disease and will cheerfully give any further Information on being uddrossod nl my homo , No. 2-3 ! Swomioy avo. , Burllng- on , lu. For solo by all druggists. Kospectfulllr , U. L. Hum. "Twin ' . " City C'liiiiitiUiqu : ! Rock Island trains will leave Omaha for Chatauqua grounds at 8 a. in. , 10 a. m. , 120 : ; ! noon , 6:20 : p. m. , 0W : ! p. m. Additional trains leave Council Blull'a 0:10 : ii. m. , 9:30 : t. m. , 1:50 p. m. , 7IiO : D. in. Returning' leave Chautauqua for Omaha via Council BlulTs 0:45 : a , m. , 8:13 : a. m. , 11 a. in. , 4:30 : p. m.,6:3i : : p. m. , 10:15 : p. in. Round trip from Omaha , fiOc. Tickets on sale at 1G02 Farnam street or Union depot. DELAYED PUBLIC WORKS. Contracts Let n Yuur AKO That uru Still HuiiKhiK I'li-i' . Most people know thut of the contracts for public work let last year only n few were completed. Why Ibis was so was never ox- plaliiod. But with the coming of the pres ent season it was eipecied thnt the work that wns carried over would at once bo rushed to coiDDlotlon. This , however , has not ueon done , and as far as tbo public work of last season is conccrnoJ the city slonus Jusl where it did last October. Mcholas street from Twenty-ninth to the west line of Isaac's addition was ordered paved moro lhan u year ago. Lust Soplom- tjor the contract was awarded to Hugh Murphy , tirick was Iho material selected und the price was 41.90 per square yard. On this Job not a brick has been laid , though Chairman Ulrkbauser furnishes the informa tion Ihut Murphy has been ordered out and that ho will probably oocin worlt tomorrow. About the sumo time last year J. B. Smith & Co. were awarded the contract for paving Charles , from Thlrty-elgthlh lo Fortieth street wllh brick at 1.85 oor square yard. Mr. Birlihnusor says Smith has boon ordered to begin work , but , us yet not a snailoful of dirt has been turned by the contraclor or any person in his Dohalf. Last Scptombor Hugh Murphy secured the contract to pave Thirteenth street from Uraco to the north line of Paddock place with Colorado stone ut $2 per square yard. Up to this dale Mr. Murphy ha-t not laid a slono upon Iho straot , nor has ho mudo any preparations for so doing. Mr. Murphy also secured Iho contract for paving Sherman avcnuo from Ames avenue lo u point U.'tO fcot north of iho ccnior line ol section a , township 15 , range ll ! with Col orudo stone nt 2 percubioyard. Mr. Murphy has done nothing on this contract , though the chairman of the board ventures iho opinion that work will soon bogln , us the contraclor has been ordered lo begin. Lasl September Mr. Murphy wa nwardod the contract to pave I'opnloton nvanuo from Tulriy-dccona to Thirty-third stieot. Jlrlok was the material und Iho contract price was $1 . ' ,10 per bqtiaro yard. Nothing was done last your , but now it Is stated that Murphy will complete iho ron ere to work Ibis week and then paving will at once begin. Lowe uvenuo from Cumlng to Hamilton street and North Twentieth street from Nlcuolru to Lake arc In lust year's contracts , but they i > ro still tied up oy injunctions. Chairman Blrkhuusor htates that ho ex pects the old paving contract will soon bo completed. Ho states lhat the reason the work hat not bcon In progress long era this Is bcausa Ihoy were all small Jobs. Contract ors , ho says , hate to get a force of men out on small Jobs , and that in his opinion Is why the worlt btlli remain * In un uulinishod con dition. "Lato to bed and oariy 10 rise will shorten Iho road to your homo In the eklcs. But early to bed und "Littlo Early HUur | " thu pill that makes llfo longer aud bettor and wlsor. The auction sulo fpr'tho benefit of the creditors of Jolit Dautnor , the jeweler , of No. lltl-1 Fartiuin St. , will bo continued daily tills \roolc. Morning Hosnion , from 1010 : to 12. Afturnoon bossion , from 2:30 : to fi. Monday. Wednesday and Saturday ovoniiir" ( > from 7:30 : until 0:30. : Nosulu Tuesday , Thursday and Friday nights. J. II. FUUNCII , Auctioneer. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE 'ImpossihlB to GUre. ' The Dictum cot Severn ! Doctors In the Casoi of Mr. August An- doros--ThoSfi3//ero Wrong Ca tarrh and Bronchitis Rapidlj Developing Into Consumption " 1 huvo bcon snfldrlng lor two years with "Oalarrli , "llaukliitt cough , , " .NlRht sweats , "SnlttliiK blood , "Chest pains nnd I "IHMIcult breathing. "This Mad boetl my condition for two yonrs At Oral I hail caturrli , anil wia always Iinwk Ine ami spitting mucus from my tliro.it nut noso. "I tlion boinn to huvo a ImcklnR couch nlKlitan I day , anil later on tioKnn to raise blood. At times ttio mucus from my lime' mill tliro.it would bo sllphtly tliiKoil will blood , butoftLMi I hat ) fioo liomorrlin ca.whloli Itri'titly wonkcnoil mo. " 'riiusnoiilior was Mr , AilRint Andorca , lll'J North ISUi sircm , slilpiilni : clt'rk In Iho Union 1'aulllc yiiiily | | Deii.irtiiiuiiU t'out.iiiiln i he said : " .My breath was short nnd I foil bound up nnd oppressed tliiouuh my uhust. AtnlK'itl ' would sweat iirofiisoly null I bocaino we all and nilsurablo Indued , Several physicians were consulted In turn , nut they BIIVU mo no relief or onvdurnKomunt. 1 took iniiiili modluliic InuliiiKiiB cod livur oil. cniiilslons and tonics siirli as are always nro- scrlbod In sucli casas. Those did mo no good. At this time my attention was culled to the special treatment of Dr.s. Copeland and Shupard. I am very Kind I found it for It has curedmo.I : im stronger aud bottortlmn I have been tor sovcnil years. My nlclit sweats. licmorrhaKus and other serious svtnptoms have entirely ROIIO and I foci that I am safe from tlio dniiKi > r that nearly overtook mu and on the nlKh road to pcrfi-ot health. " 1 he special ticiituii < ntof Drs. Copolnnd and Shcpard Is not atall lIUo the old.rontlno prac- tlcoof most physlolans. I believe It will en tirely euro serious cases of Inn ; ; dlseaso which end fatally under the usual way of pro scribing. My own CIIBO Is a clear proof of this. " ' AUGUST ANUnUES. " So A MONTH. QUIH13I ) . CopcU Medical . Institute ROOMS Sill AND New York Life BuiUing. OMAHA , KKB. W. II. COPKTAND , M. TX cr. a. si-mi'AUD , M. D. Sl'KClAl.TlKN : Cutnrrli. Astlinm. Ilronclil- Itls , Nervous DNesisos , Blood Dlboiiscs , Klii'ii- iimtlsnir Consumption. iJM | un t.lrOiilo | utToc- tlons of .ttio Tluxm , LUIIKS , Htotniu-li , Llvor anil Kidneys. I Ollico hours : 9 to II a.m. . 3 to S p.m. , 7 to s p.m. Sunday.,11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Catarrh and all -chronic diseases treated successfully by mall. Send lu In stamps for question circulars. Address all letters taCoimlnml Modloiil lustluite , Now Vork Life llnlldlnir , Oinnlm. Nob. AMMUNITION o o oo oo ooo ooo oooo oooo For the prnnd fnsllnda nf sliot nnd shell upon the fortress of disease , is possessed in unlimited iitiantities , nnd of the most effect ive kind , by those muimrclis ol the medical piofussion , Drs. Betts & Betts , Upon whoso banner victory hns perched for li7 yenra. DISEASES Vanish before the mnulc iiower of'tholr skillful touch. HYl'IUUrl. CONHTII'ATlby. ( iONOUUIIOlU ; HTTno-nnnj ; VAiriOOUKI.K. KKMISAh IIVDItUUKlJ ; . WKAKNKrtM , i'll.KB. Ji > IWi\jLA7 \ MOHT KMlftaUlNri , KKUTAU UI.UHIIS. "Tosr MAMIOOO. Kl'l'hCl'r ) 01' ' J'AIIIA' VlOia BICXUAI , ANI ) r.X IND'Ul.tiHNClW. UI.UUI ) AXDHIUN ITIsifASirg. KAhKH , Nt ) .MAT- iiiNAHVAND THIt OK 1IOW _ III.ADDKK I.ONO BTAN'lJNT > 7 ' Pit IIO'W OlMKX I.IVHH AND KID : I'llOXOUNOKD IN. NKV UIBlJAbEST These , ono anil nil. readily yield to their skillful end sclent.llu treatwrnt , ns thou sands of tbfitlimmlnU from grateful ucoiile abuiulnntly jirove. Send 4 pcnlu tor Iheir now , hnndsonicly Illustrated anil valuable hook of 1 0 iiauca , full of riire iiifonnntlon for nil. Consultutidii free. Call upon or address , with Mump , r ' DRS. BETTS & BBTTb. fc'culh Hth St. N.M Corner 14th nnd Douglii ) Sti AJNIUSi mNI isN , _ r . WONDERLKND. Week of July fltli. Sensational Drama : ' Risen From The Ashes. " OO\V1JOY I3ANM ) . Prices Cut In Two. Hourly Shows. Tooth-Food- This medicine for b.ibics prevents and cures pains of teething and resulting diseases , not by putting'childrcn to sleep with an opiate , for it contains no hainiful drugs , but by supplying the tceth-foiining ingredients which aic lacking in most mothers' milk and all aitificial foods. It is sweet and babies like it. $1.00 a bottle , at all druggists. Send for pam phlet , "Teething Made Easy. " THE REYNOLDS MFG. CO. . CINCINNATI. O. QUAIL BRAND HEALTH FOODS Parched Rolled Oats , Unequalled in Flavor. Corn Gritz , Sold only in 2 } pound packages. Velvet Meal , For mulling and gems. ? Sold by nil I'irst-Cliiss ( Jrjcoiv. MAYER. STROUSE & C . HFRS.4IZ BWAY. N.Y. Elastic Stockings von Weak Limbs > , Varicose Veins Swellings , all sizes. Abdo minal Supporters ters , Defonnit Braces , Medi cinal Supplies. THE ALOE&PENFOLD COMPANY. 15111 St. , Next to Post Ihc Larffent , Fantr t nnd FlneM In the World * rauKungcruccurnodavIuns unexccllOd. NEW YORK. IDIIDOHDERRY AHO GLASGOW. " Hverv Bnturdny , NEW YORK , < ; iI KAl/TKH nnd NAPLES , At recnlnr Intcrvnln. SALOON , SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAQE rntcaoTi lowest terms In and from llio principle CDICH. Eiuinn , man & AIL c ; iwiiiTii , ronixo. Eicursfon tlckptn nvillnlilo toipturn by cltlicr Iho plo- turiinquoClvdo ANnrtli nf IrelauilorNnplca&OlbrAlUr brtfti ail L' e ; Orleii f Ay i = : ct it Le-ct Eitis. Apply to any nf our local Afcnlnorto UEMUKKSON UUOTIIKIIS. Chlciic" , H- ALLAN LINE KUVAL .MAIL PTnAMSIMl'S. MONTIMCALanl yiT.llKC To nnilllY and LIVKUl'OOI. . CA11IN , 8 r to WHO. According to steamui and location of titaluroom. Intormndliitu mid Stooniuo at low rates. NU UATTU : CAHKIKI ) . ) SEIIVIOK OP t > I A I t ( ALLAN LINE LINE ) Sl'KAMSIiri'S. NKW VOUKand OLAS-liOW. VlnLondonilorrr , ovcry KurtnlRlit. .IlllyUth TATHIK.N'iilHASKA ) : . . . .1 P. M , July Will . .bTATI ! OP UAI.n'OH.MA. 1 W I' . .M AUK. lltli . . . bl'ATK OKNKVADA . . .noon Cabin , UU , r-ccmtd Citbln CM , Stocrnitc , { ID. Apply to AI.I.A.N \ CO , fhlcaito. II. li. .MUUHU , 1JIU llunard bt , \Vo pcnil tlm rrmrTolnnB French ft Rumeily CALTHO8 free , auil ill loKid RunraiitouttialCALTUor ulltt f.TO ! " Ill.olmrir. X Kralvlon * . I CUKt * Nn < rmutorrllC'n.VarlcuccIu I and KKHTOHi : l.oa Vlcor. Vie it ami far if satisfied. IMw.voN MOHL CO. . Hoi. Jmrrlrta ifrnU , ( l.tl.mU , Ohio. Healthful Out Doors if men anil wotnon of nil tiffos know how uusy It IB to bicyolo liow sitfo lioallhful joyful ci'onomiciil nil tlio world would cycle As cycling IciidH oxoroiso.s of all out-doors , HO the Columbia loads Iho cycled of the world Hook about Columbia * free nt Col umbia auonulux , or sent for two two- centntamH | I'oio-Mf | . Co.'I Col umbus A\i ) . , llojton. Dr , Bailey , The Loadln , Deiitis Thlr4 K103IMxton Bloat 'Jclcpliono ' lOS'j. Kith nnd Parnnm Sis. A full not of ti'ctu on rubber fur 13 , Purred not Tvi'uh without plutiK or ruinovoalilu lirliluu urk Jubt Iliu think.'lor bln.'uri u ( jiuLlIu ipcukur , iiuvur tiron ilui\n TEtlH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAiS , All illlhu ut roiisonnblo rates. All worlt wurr.tntod. UutthlB out Tor a guldu "CUHE YOURSELF ! „ Atk your Urugglit for boitloolliimi. 'i lie only . I ( ion riodotioui remedy lor all 1 the uunututal dUcliargus und I lo nomrn. U curi't iu a l w ldi without tbo aid or tiubllctty ol n doctor. 'ftu I'niuriol Amtrlcan Curt. Manufuclurcd by " EvwtCbeaic&l CINCINNATI , O. u. . , It's ' Different If your neighbor's chickens dig your gar den up , it's a shame ; If you r chickens dighia garden up ; "that's different. " If your neigh- bor's dog chew your dog up.it's a wFul ; if your dog chews his dog up "that's different. If your neighbor's baby howls all night long , you'd like to murder it ; if it's your own baby exer cising its lungs "that's different. " If two boya get fighting and your boy gets licked , you boil over ; if your boy happens to mop up the earth with the other boy why "that's different. " ll you saw some plaid , cheviot knee pant suits , a few days ago , marked three dollars , you'll find them marked two dollars now ' ' 'that's differ ent. " The goods are the same , the styles the same , the linings the same but the price ' "that's different. " If you saw some elegant all wool casslmere knee pant suits , in hand some brown shades marked five dollars last week you'll find them marked three fifty now "that's different. If your boy needs new- waists , you wont have to pay fifty cents or a dollar a piece for 'em now ; we're closing out a big lot of'em at twenty , thirty and forty cents apiece. The May and June pri.ces were much higher but the July prices -'they're different/ During July and August we close at 6:3O : p. m. Saturdays , 1O p. m. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Th eminent ipcclsllit la nervous , chronic , private blooj , ifcln and nnnnry ( llseaio. A rocnHr resi torcd uraduMo In ineilclno , ns rtlplomns Hint ct > rlincntes nhnvr. Ji still trc&tlnir with Ihn gr0nlv t miccttti cntarrli.ipormnlorrhocs. lost mnnliooil , samluM WoAkiium. nuht loisei. linpotuncT tjrphllli. strlctnrfl. KOD- orrlioua , Klo l * fnrlcocc'le.ctc No mercury use.l. CIT trt'Alinunt for loss of vital power , Purlieu uunblu to visit mo niny be tr atoi at homt * by aorrenpumli'ncc. MO'lUIn * or InsiruniADts pcnl bjr mall or orpre'i ! curoly psckcd , no iiiark § tolnillcutu roiitentn or senilir. On o personal Inlcrrlo * prrteirod. Coniullattoa tico. Corre pondcnc8 itrlctlj private. Hook liljriterUa ot Llt ) lent tn * . Office bounVft. tm. lott t. m. Sunday * UK. in.to UiuHuiid lUuupfor rcpir. ary MAN who would know the Oil AND TRUTHS , tlio Plain FactB. the Old Secret * mill tlia Now Discoveries of Medical Bclcnco nil applleti to Mnrrletl I.lfe. should write for our \voiiilrrful llltlo book , culled "A THBATISB KOH MKN ONLV. " To nny earnest mini vro will nmll ono copy .Entirely I'ITC , Inploln PCnlPd covur. "ArofimofromlhoquackB. ' ' THE ERIE MEDICAL CO. , BUFFALO , N. V. DR. J. E. McKREW THE SPECIALIST. Isnniiirjmssed In the treitmnniof nil fnrmtnf PRIVATE DISEASES , and nil dlsorlors and dohllltlos of youth and inanhnol. ITyoura' oMierleneo. Ills n.'simmH mid f lollltlos uro pr.tvUcitlly uiillmltud. 'I'lio Dnclor It racorn- inendcd l > y the pro-s. and cndiirMod In tlio strongest terms by tinjifiiplo fur fair tririt- liienl uud hnniist | irofi'ssinn il advleo. The must imwcifm remudles Uuiitvn to modern sclniicu for the successful tre.ttmcut of thu following illHiiasos : GONORRHOEA Imint'dli'to relief. A oom- iiioto cure without the lo-.s of uu nour'H Umu from luiHliii'ss. OIiKET Onuof Iho moit , complete nil 1 suc cessful trmilinonts for KH-'ul ami all iiiiiiovm dlBohiirjus viit luiown lo thu mo.llu.it profuj hlon. The riHiilts are truly wondurftil. STRICTURE Oronlest linnnn remedy for the Iroatmi'iit of strluture. without pnln , cul- \\ivt. \ \ ord I n thi'A iiio lr < Miiirleul ! > lu runii'dv. SYPHIIjTS No tri < atniont for this torrltilo binoil ( Hsunsu Ima ovur beuu morn sin'cimfiil , ' nor had stroiiKUf ondorKomcnts In tlin hiiht of modern sclnncn this disoiiso Is positively cur.ib'oand ov ry trace of the puUon eutlruly leiiiovod from thn liloo I. LOST MANHOOD , and ambition , norvoun- liPSi ) . timidity , dospoudoucy and all wuuknusi aud dUordoi.H of youth or inunhoud. Kelluf olitulncd at onco. SKIN DISEASES , nnd nil dlKOnsos of tha sicmm-li , blood , Ilvar , IdlniiyH and bl.tilder are treated oil I'ucsifully with * tlio gro.itu > known rtimodlos for Iho diSJHH. Wiltu for ulr < 3iil.irt anduimUion Hit. frJ ) . 1th unit /iifimin ntH. < nntil\n , \ KDUCATIONAU SCHOOL Unlvernlly-liroiinnitory ilNiulillhlipil 1S7U. ) II.IIMI < Younv l < : ullos [ 'hllilron. Kor further purllculnri lulilruMsind ! ralnu Avu.riilcu8Q e o ACADEMY 8"V/'WAU"r n jo riVil : > iifcwjJ.l'"A.l ! . ' , ' io. UPPER ALTON , ILL. Illllllll WESTERN HLITAI1Y ACADEMY. ' f-ir Collrce or A thorough nrliool. 1'rrparrn - Du luc . Within JOnillri of SI I.oiiU , Atlilte" COU WILLI8 OHOWM , OuperlntenUenl. DR. C GEE WO. Thonrdy loftily Clilnaio piyilcli3 ! IClHlit ynnrV aluily. Toi yuirs practical Bipur4 cncu with ul | knon illion'j ) Truitn BIICCJSHII Ir nil chronic u.uaiKlruti up by ntlier duclon I'nlJ nnd eo him or wrlta fo. quc'itlua bUnk I > 0 nut think your a no hO | lin h u 11193 your doctor lull * you so , hntUylhuUlilnuiH ila.-lur > rltli III * nuw mil wonderful roinodlos. nmlrJiJlvo now bomillt * uml pariuauimtauruwlnt ot'iar doc'.on ciiiinot Klfi llerln , liooti n n ( I 1'luiiti njtiira'i rumuillioi hi * liii'clk'liHH Thi ) world III * nltnoK , Onu thoiii nl ti'ttttiiionlnli lu tliran yoirs * pfictloJ. No Injurious rtecoollinis , no nnroutlai , uu iiolsoiL llutlunal treatment nail psrm.inaiit cnrJ. I''ollown2cino | > iucosiifully irjatcl nml curoX Klven up liy otljor doctor * ! Tlio : Conulilln. 41IJ Ilnrnny ntront , rhronlo rhon- in lli < iiiiiyiiiir.i. kldnnymiil llvor troublel. TlioH. Culvert , ljlli and rurnim ntruoti , j'nni'rril ili'blllly. linllKOHtlou , loi' nf ntrun < tli uud vitality. Took inuilluliiu for ya im lint unt no roller , .M. Ii. Anilcirinn , I 111 drain ; Btrdot. ottirrli. iiHtlimnuinI lironoliltti of llftosn yaiM atuudliu llm for mli ! tlin foliowlci7 prep irp I romodlin nt II i l u Ijotilit li liottlm lur IHU , for th' ) curu ot AHllnun , 1'iiturrli , Hick ll'jmliulia , lndlguitlon. lllncMl I'tiliimiliiif. IthHiim itlun , Kuniilo Wuikuuvf Kidney und I.Ivor CmnpluliiU No aeuiitu , Holii only by Clilnoiu .Mudlolnu Co , Capital , IIUJ.WX Ofliee , IGlh and Californii SU , Oinalu , Neb THERE ARE- AN O- Pension Apis in Palaces That is the sort of thing Tll3 Bea Bureau of Claims was or ganized to correct. The Bureau believes in giving the veterans the benefit of the laws that were passed to help them. It wages war on the sharks - consequently - quently the sharks don't like it. But as long as the sol diers aie grateful it is satis fied. If you are a veteran , or the widow , child or de pendant parent ol a veteran , write to Tr.a Bs ) Bureau of Claims anxl find out how n.uch the government is willing to do for you.