THE OMAHA DAILY B ! ftr MONDAY , JULY 11 , 1302. SPECIAL NOTICES , err A OVKHTISF.MKXT3.I . I T1IKSK COLUMNS ' ' wl'libo t'nkVn tin 11112:30 : D m. for the pvenlnit tnd nnlll 6 < W p. in lor llio inornlnu or Sunday cdl- AH nilvertltonents In lti < "o columns m cents until for lirsl Insertion and 1 cent ft word for eneh mibwntii'tii Insnitlon or II W per linn per monlh. J\'o nrttrrtlwmenl taken for less thnn 55 cents fnr the first Insertion. Terms cash In advance. Initials , flfc'iirrs. symbols , r-te each einint us n word. All nilvcrtlscinenls mini run ronsecnllvely. Adver tisers , by reqnosllnzn numbered check , cati hnva llio cllor nildtcsjo.I to n numbered letter In care nl 'i UK ! > > : > : Answers so addressed will bo delivered on pres-titattnn of tha checX. SITUATIONS WANTED. _ " _ -\VAXTKIl. SITUATION HY A YOL'NO MAN n hookknPtHir or inlostnnn In n ! iii lm > hoii o , Bltlipr ilonlilo or ! lnzlo Diitrjr. Cnn ulvo itnod rotor- onc-cs niiilspjikliermnnnnu Knjfllsli. Aililro. II. K. . lioit IM , Hcrllmor. Neb. SIJiW I.V -I.AIIY TO TUAVhl , WlTlNVAMI ) Ij n nur o or companion , ttoou references , / Vn I I9 , lloo. M.VJ7I1 WANTED-MALE HELP. AHKNT * WANTKD IN KVKUV TOWX AXD city 111 HIP west on extra liberal terms. In sell ri-nr for preform ! risks : sive money by limirlut , ninin money by repre entln Him" wldeawako companies' lira agent. * can ilouble their Income. Write -circulars nnd terms to II. 11. llobl-on , General Mitnuuor , Onmlin , Xub. 218 1WK PAY 8ALAHV WKKKLV TO GOOD 'intents , furnier experience unnecessary. Sinner Dltico. : & ! ( ! I nuglas. SSIJyIS -SOLItrroiTH "WITH rnni > HKFI-MIKNTK AT American WrlnitcM.'o. . 1OW Howard. MSTJSJy'ir -KSfW'IO U5OU ) CAN 111 ! MAIIF. MONTHLY working for 11. F. .Inhnson .V Co. , 2HH-S-H1-S Mnln street , Itlchmond , V . M IDUUJy-JJ" t > _ w.VNTKD , MAN W ITH sMAMi CAPITAL TO i > tnke Interest In n Rood business , fai X. Y. Llfo. -WAXTKI ) , CAXVASSKlt-i. C03 X. Y. Ltff.M2i M2i JJ-WANTI'.t ) . PAI.KSMFN ON SAI.AIIY Oil COM- J Jnil sion lo handle the new patent chemlrnt Ink traflnc pencil. 'I hi-crrniest M'llInK novelty over vrflitnrrit ; ernpes Ink thoronchly In Iwo secon < ls ; nn nbrnston of | < nper : Cl to UU per rent prollt ; oni ) Trent's sales nntounted tn ff U In six Mays , another 132 In tno hours' we want one eneriretlc general U-cnt In enrh state and territory. Tor terms and articular * address Monroe Krasor Mfu' . Co. . Ln { 'rosso ' , WIs. M21-I B-SALF.SMAN WANTKD ; AIITICLH STAND- aril : no samples required- side Una. Address I' . II. C. Co. . Drawer. 8.17 , Kalamaioo , Mich.M.170 M.170 II' B-WANTKn , TKAMSTKIIS. SIIOVKI.KHS AND rockmon for WyomltiB and South Dakota : Konil trnires and slencly work : frea faro. Albrluht Labor Acency. 1120 Knrnnm strcel. 37J aS T-WANTID. : A noon LIVK AOBXT FOH CITY J'trndn. will ulvn permanent umployment : ad- . ' ' . IVft 13' Iross Win. J. 1'eonlos. I'mahn. B-\\\\NTF.D , FlHSTl7.S T1NN15II WHO CAN do oiilrldn and Insldo work and clerk In store xhen necili.Ml , ona who Is not afraid to do nnylhhiK round slore : liermnn preferred ; rcfcrt'liro re quired. X..I. Xnlsnn. K.\lra. In. KI211' i > -WnXTBI > . ALKSMKX TO SBI.L 1.1X13 OF J tluars. ? KD per inontli and expon-es pal.l. Atl- fliess "llh slump. Sumatra Cl nr Company. Ch | . CKKO. III. 5.1S-1I * BWANTKD. . LAR'illr'lI. WAiS ! : Jl.7.1 IT.ll 'day. ' Apply nti'Ui Paxtnii blk. KS-ll * MEN FOH SPoKANB FALLS. WASIL - Ste-tdv work : wncns ? 2.0) to ti.f > per day. Kramer A O'Hciirn , laborauency , 303 S. llth stieet. MUM 11 * 1 > WANTKD , LAllOltnU-t FOIl ItAll.ltoAD 'work In Nc'braskn , Wyomlns or i-outh Dakota ; 'cs ; trcer.u'e. LinploymcntolUce.KHis. IO U OlSa'J' p-50 MKX FOIl UNION PACIFr ItV. CO. , IIB- 1'tween Cheyenne and Pocatetto. Free fare. Kramer A O'Hi-iirn , Labor nKcncy , : A1IS. llth st. MiiSS II' ID--SAI.IS\IBN , TO SKLL HAKI.VC po-vDi-uT : J'Mnk'js nn i-xe llenl side llns. 57.VO ) per month nd expenses to tierUht nartlos. Kiiclosn si.itnp { or pnrttenlnrs. Kenwood lluklni ; Ponder Co. . ! K15- larrlson at. , Chicago , III MtU& hi' r > -AiiixT3. WONDKHFIL ; AHYKKTISINC DK- J'vlre Patented , riverv ini'rchant buys. HU pay. Knclo-u rtnmp. ArcJ JlfK. Co. , lluclne. WIs. 5-1IOY WAXTKI ) : .MIOfT 17. TO WOIIK IN > Btnre and shop , at lll I Douiilns street. II" WAHTErji..FEM ALE HELP. C-WA Tll > . FIHST CLASS COOK AT TUB v , Jlaiupton21th nnd Douglas. 612 f1WANTKD , WKTNUDSK OF s MONTHS. I.M- Umedlntely. Apply mil North : rjth. 115 7T-WANTiD A FKW LADIKS CAN SKCUIIK v Imndsemu salary for homo work permitting other duties. W. bprlncsteen. llox su , Cbcl.r/o , 111. MS53-Jy li ft WANTKD , CoMPKTKXT OlltL FOIl (51-3X- ( wcral housework al once , 014 Southinii slreet. slreet.MIJI MIJI D-ilKlt FOIl I.KJIIT HOUSKWOItK , APPLY to .Vrs. K. M. Youngs , IWl Curby streol. 470-13- -KOOI ) t'OOK , l.V.'J S. SID. IIKhT OF WAiF8 ( to right pnrty. 11. U Krelder. M514 jfl-W A NT lTli AN K.VPKllinNCKD IIOUSK- V-keeper hy widower with family of two chil dren , nuu 7 nnd III. uood nomu for the rhiht parly ; Inuslhe a lady with the best of reference * . Ad dress lock box 35 , Mlver Creek , Nub. 63C 11" WANTKD. ( J1IIL FOIl liKNKllAL HOU.SK- itork. 5IS So. iiith street. M5ii : II" * - I 111. FOIlliKNKlAL IIOU.SKWOUK. Hid llnduo street. MI D" \ 6 WAXTKI ) , ( J1IIL FOIl UKXKIIAL work. Hl'i llcorKl.invo. 4'Jj 9 WANTl ) . WOMAN TO DO SKCOND WOIIK and nurslni ; , itiltf iliirno St. , llrj. Dr. Jones. .MUIO 12- fl-WANTI'D. A NUIISK ( JI11U Al'l'LY ATONC v ' ? 7'J1 Jackson street. .MCI'J 13" J7OII KENT HOUSES. r > -KIIWT CLASS DKSIDKNCK FLT _ , 3 Oil 4 L/roems ; now block , lloom H. SP ! S.Jjil. . SJ ) TT ) FOIl ItKNT , TWO COOD II-IIOO.M HOUHKS , X'lt)0i ) ; within 15 nilnuts walk of court houst ) . riio O. F. Davis t'o. , 15.15 Farium ntrojt. KM FOII iiKNrTTWo HiTFmw. in AND m s. ISlh street , Very hr.ndr to business. Modern conveniences. I ) . T. .Mount. 213 S. llthst. PM D-FOll IlKST. 7 IIOOM "COTI'AIIK. 35TH AND I'licliiL-o nts II. T. Clnrku , ' 'Hh and Cans. oril'J llouud o r 'I'riule. 7ia T\ FOIl HUNT. 7 UOOM HOl'SK COM. SUTII AND J 'Woolworth. fuel n f llaiiscom park. All modern Imp J.I Xli-hol , iilli and Lea von worth. .M3'i5 II' D-FOH HUNT , -MOOM | COTTA15K , 1710 WKU- slerstreiit. Price. M-.50. MI51 ' FOH IlKNT. TIlllll ) FLOOD OF GLoilK biillilhiK. hlth and Dodiio , steuui huat , bath. " rooms , ( ilobu Loan .V Trun Co. DFoll IlKNT , TWO Min IIOUSKS IN HAN.-i- cnm Plucn. nil modern Improvement * , splendid Hicks )5 N. YLlfo lilUir. o-l'J ' It "KUOXT i UOOM FLATS IN XKW CLOWIIY block on Clilc.iu-o st. also ii ruoin Hats on li'th It. , opponltt ) Jerf rsun miunru na-k. All steam IciiUd. nlth every convuulunce. llotiurtii , 11118 Chi- liiKQst. ( II A7 D-FOH ItKNT , XI3AT 5-llOO.M COTTAtiK. 8lil H. ' ' .nil t. M H n--TlVOCOTT.UF.3KOIl ! HUNT. IN(7iillK ( ; OF Holit. I. llnlley.eorner ! CW and Franklin streets , lour and live rooms , prlco IMV anil J.UJ. Hard and 1 loll water M5 : > l 12 * FOIl IlicXTTl COTI'AliKsV H DOOMS. US IHirmonth , Kd am ! linn ! F. K. li.ulliu. darker Moclc , jp-.U ij _ _ _ ' D. i'oii IIKXT-AX s'ltonMliiTiTiuusK AT xo. II.M S'ouih Llth st This properly Is In llnu re- fair , nunly pnpero.l nnd n vi < r > duilruhlu plnca ; will wnt in nbnrtfiiln , full til my iitlli-e. room -'hi , X , V. Life hulldlnir. It. W. lilbnin , real o uu and loans. DFOIt ItKNT. 10-llOOlt llor I8TII anil Dodue. .Modern Improvements. Inqulro Farnam. Samuel lliirns. fiJi ) 1'j jpou UK H r-K CJAKIS" if no 5 yia. 1 FtllNl.-ltKD DOOMd TO IlKNT WITH ALL 1 Jmivlcrn convenience. * . Vl'J Douulus xtroot. Altai l -FOIl ItKNT , .1 FimNISIIKD ltXMH > ro MAN unnvl wife , no children : rent lakvn tn board. 3D Sy.rlh Kill t , MICI DKSIIIAIILK DOOM FOIl IlKNT , or two. I'JID Dodk-u st. ( A ) FUDXISIIID : Fitox-ooM WITH ALCOVK. V.MI7 IhlilKP. If ISIUVADXAll STIlKin'.NICKLYFUItXKIIKD I'front ruiniis , suitable for party of tno or three , tth or without bonidi t--rmi rm.o.'lublu. 11517 U" 10 NICKLY rUUXlVirKlT" A urn vonvpnlttiici-s. 8IS MI. c Foif JUruoins : tirl | vr M. Hi'J o. - Tllll > Ci : FUIIXIHHKD IIOOMri"lrXU LitHT ! ' " - IKM Ciiplloi av * WJU" " * P | VUUNiiTllKn"lUMlMS AT TI1F. L flr lcl M bourdi ruferouadt r < xulr | il. Ml 8. : ith. 761 I ? .M'lI : V FL'ltMSIIKI ) IlOOMd. " wfril OU L without board , terms r a onablo. 007 X VJlb > t W7 II" < _ _ r -fUllKlsTlKTiHOOM WITH UOADII.lf * ! < API L lol xvonue. MIW W ttHKISHED ROCM3 AND DOAKD. . - - LK DOOM AND 11OAH1) IX IMHVATK 1family. . 70S X. li'lh. MlSi U" _ If-FOIl ItKNT , AX KLKII.VNTLY FDIlNl.ill KI ) JL frunlronmt nlso a desirable sliiKlo room. Kt- cellent table board. : ( I9 S. Wth slreet. M174 KLKOANT Ill > OMS , 1IOAUI ) , I'DIYATK -L fnmlly ; J7I1I Woolwo rth nvc. M 11 * TLA 11(11 ( ! SOUTIlT-DOXT UOOM wTT'H 1IOAIH ) , i. ! 57BIInrnoy. 6HH 12" li'-S'fIT ' OF DOOM. * . SU1TAHLH FOH 4 OlTTi 1 Eenltumen , with or without board , at 51) X. 75th tlrcel. JttKl U l4-1-FfllXI HKD UOOM3 WITH F1DST CLASS 1 board. 2013 Doujlas itreet. Mffl'J-2.1" _ l7-Sol-TH 'HOXT SL'ITK OF ItoOMS AXD J llfft-clu.M board for 4 younii men 1812 Cldcaiio. FOR KENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. SUIT K OF Til 11K K O D ( IX fNFfllXlillKD G rooms for housekeeping ? JI7 California streel. UOA11DING. - IIOfSK , 1.1IJ t > o : > K. FOIl ( JOOU H-PULLMAN beard nICJ roonu , convonla-ioi , rntj and loca tion It cannot bo uiovlloJ. Mrs. Horn , prop. 471-lv 0 T FOIltl'/NT , Til F I-STOIIV IIIIICIC llt'lLDI.Nf } -L''lii Knrnnm st. The liulldlnK has n tire proof ce- inanl basement , complutu Kteanilii > nlln < llxtnre.s ; watr on all tlio Hours , R.IS , uto. Apply at the olllco orrhujlee. UI3 'I KOlt HUNT , STOIIIIJXflJ : , 1113 JACKSON. J. 311 FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. ' " " " " " " ' V THK "KTTnTK'"TrKM SAl "i5S""AT"'Y7is tl Cai s struct Is novr open nnd nollrlts tht board nnd care of ituntlcnim's roadsters nnd family horses. Customers patronUItu tills stable nmy rely upon prompt utt'Mitlon nn.l soi-nrlni ; for their horses and rirrlaxcj tlio vofy hlhijt class of earo und trentmcnl. M I3.i I- FOIl HUNT 10 Arill'.S WITH SMALL COT ' la e Jnsl i > nntliwesl r rlty. Also 2 litre ft-rnom flats corner Cuinlnir nnd Vista ntreots , 2SOJ < ' .irh Small rottUKP. corner Vlntun and ' 'Jtlij7.l1) ) . 1 licks , iiKont. .11. ) N. V. Life bullillni. . T 'J IS WANTED--TO BUY. -KCH.MTliUK IlOUlillT. SHI.U , STOHKI ) . 1 > Wells , 1111 Fntnam .st. Kit " \r DON'T Sr.LL KUIINITUIIK UNTIL YOt : rtKK A' OninlinScronil Hand Kurnlturj Co. Illk-heit pr eta puld. lUI N. lllth. M7II Jyl7 * TCASll PAID FOIl FlUST-CI.ASS nilnCKHY -i > sleeks , lariio or small. All cunimnnlnitto is C O. I ) . Uroivn , Omaha , south Omalia and Council Illlills. bid V" WAXTHl ) . SKCOND-IIANI ) CL'T OFF SAW , rip saw. mini savr iintl borlnu nmchlnu : must bo In Reed rondltlnn and cheap fur cash. K. M , llnlso Co. , I.W7 Nicholas st. MM -\1"-SAI1ILK ) PONV-WANTUD. A .MK 1)1 ) I'M 1 > sized ueullc pony for younf ; Klrl at 121 rf 2Uh st. 5-'J l ) SALE-FRNITUH.E. 0-FOIl SAI.B. A LOT OF XF.W HOAUIMNO house furniture , used only a few months , very cliciip. Inquire lloom .III. llo.ird Trnila. SS7 0-FOIl SALK CIII'.APFrilNlTL'lli ! : OF A COM pleto ID-room furnished house must he sold til once. Omaha Mortuuito Loan Co. . lloom II , Crelch- ton block. 15th street , south of postoiilco. M7.1 " FOR 1 > KOK SALK. A SIXTY DOLI.Alt TuP Ilt'liia , 1 forf.i'i.00. II. K. Colo. Continental block. S.W p-Ml'K L1TTI.1SAIIDI.K : PONY : UKNTI.i : AND 1 safe for boy lo rldo , cheap ; cor. N. SMh and MU I2 FOR SALE-ailSCELLAJIEOUS. _ - SAI.K. ONK HILLlAlTl ) AND ONK"pOO L Q-KOU table , Mrun wk'X-lilk" ! : muk > > . nlmust now. In- quite.if tir.ind hotul. Council Illtun. yn -COOISitAllH ( PIANO FC'll SALU. 375 CASH Q ; i.1hSt. ! Mary's ave. 4M II" Q-FOIl SALK , FIFTY THOUSAND VAIIDSOF cedar pavliu blucks. CnlllKia Cedar Co. , West Superior , Wis. 511 > ai > * C L A1RVO YANT3. o -Jilts. \xxtij v. w AI'll : iVKxTnTv 111 v 6 v A NT , i-'rellablu business medium , lllth year at tl'J N li'.th. 3M C MADXMK FltlTSIJ ! I'lIMINll STIIBKI' . i-'cl.ilrvuyinl and trun.M mcJluui ; Indepondunt voices : tells past ami future. M.SUJ JU' C AllltlVAL KXTIIAOHDINAIIY ; WONDKItFUL > rtivtlutluns. Cti-illjnit.M tliu world. Mrt. Dr. M. Leurave , ilen.l trnneo clairvoyant , palmist nnd life reader ; tells your Hie from thu crndlelu irr.ivc : nnlles tlm nepnr.itod : causes mar- rhtKu with the one.ou love : tolls whuro you will succeed , nnd In what business best adapted for ; has the celebrated Kuyptlnn breastplate for luck , and to destr.y bad Inlluenejs : euros tits , Intemperance iii-d nil private complaints with massaice. bath nnd nlcoh-jl treatment. Send tS.O ) , lock of hair , name und dntu of birth nnd receive accurate llfo chart ; Scents In stamps for circular : Klvo Initials of one you will mar * y : nlso photos of same. Olllco 417 south llth street , upstairs : hours. Un. m. lo"J p.m. feme . ( inn , come all , and bo convinced of this wonderful urnclu M ; i.7 13 * O-CONSULT MDS. 1)11. ) VAX Tllfi : FOIl AD- Ovlcn on buslnu.os. money m.itters. chalices , Irnvels. love , inarrlakre. domesilc troubles , specu lation , lost or stolen property , estates , absent friends : tells what > on should do to bo Mieeo sful. whereto go to avoid misfortune. Positively the last trcck ; don't full lo suu her. 401 N. 15th street. MUli 12 * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. J-mal b.iths. ncalp and hair treatment , manicure nnJ chiropodist. Mrs. Post , Jl'Jvj S 15th , Wlthnull blk. 2-J.I rr TlMtKlsll AND HL'SSIAN IJATHs : LADIKS JL days Tiu's'luys and Fridays , 4 to 1 ; under Hir- nam street Iliuutar. II WJ Jylll" 'P-.MADAM STOWK , MASSKUSK KLKCTllllUA X LX)2U ) Prallstreel. M55J 15" . 'I'-MAIIAMK LA III : K , MASSAliK , 116 SOUTH 115th street , tint 4 , 3d tteor. M(7 ( ! 13' SMITH "mi DOUIJLAS STIIKKT. room 7. 3d floor. Alcohol , sulphur and.t baths M557 15" PERSONAL. U-IXFOHMATJOX WAXTF.D OF C.KOIKiU Urudevold. Ill years old ; loft Herman .IiinoSO , bnrefool. hatless ; heavy built. ir 0 pounds , nvo feet ululit Inches ; dark brown hnlr. llehl mustache , bhufc eyes , blue overalls , blue shirt : supposed to bo dernniied. Adilres * Herman ( iazettu. MSM-II MUSIC , ART AMD LANOaAOE. " _ TKACIIKIl ' with Ilospo. orX. W corner 15th"V Hartley U ' -IIKFODK lll/YLVr A PIANO KXAMINK TIIK new caluKlmb.illphiuo. A.llospj , 151J Douul.-is. 'i'a MONEY TO LOAy-KEAL ESTATE. \ \ -lll xL KSTATK T/AN7 , ilfo ; 1'Klt CKNT " aonddltlon.'ilcliiruus for com nlsslon or attor ney s foes. W. II. Mulkle. Firit liblu. \\r--.MOXISV TO LOAN OX ISIPIIOVKD CIT Y i > property.low ratu. A. C. KroH. Djiuhn blk. \\r-C. V. HAItllLSOX , Ul'i N. Y. LIFK. J _ > Ml \V-ANTHONY LOAN ANDTIIIIST co..si3 N. Y. * l Llfu. lends nl low raliM forehulco s curlly on Nebraska or low.i farms or Ouiahaulty property.SU SU \ T WANS. ti. II. WALLACK , 311 IlllOWX IILK. } \ \y-WltlTH TIIK SKCtJUITY * > Invontuioiit ' 'o of llrnkun Mow. Neb. . Inii their novulplanof farm Invuitaiunts. mgjrji" _ \\r-U. W. l' . COATKS , CITV A FAIIMS , 1011 FAIL M _ _ _ | _ \\r -7 I'KD OKNT MONKV-XKT TO HOIIUOW- ' ursonOmuhtclty propartr. Xo extra cliar oj of any kind. Why uuy hUli r.ituj ? .Money Ijcliunii. You can uei full bflneilt uf loir rates from Ulobu Loan anil Trust Co. , lillh nnd Dndxo. -'j.j \ \ -LOANS OX tUl'IIOVKD AXI ) UXIMI'IIOVKD ' ' city prnpiirty. and upwnrdi.i ! in s pur coin. Xodulays. W Funmji dmllh ACo.lltliunit Hiirney. JU \ \ r-l-lHVATK MONI'.V. I.HTAXI)2D.MODT(1AK ( ! II loans , low rates , Alex. .Moore , 401 Hue bulldlnic. tl'i \ -Ch.NTDAL LOAN X THUsT CO. , 1IBK 111.11(17 ' till \\r-iMisTmir THAT WK AIU \iaxTi' 'I low rali'i" on Improve ) and unlmprovod loans on Omnlin piupMrly. No it-jhiy and nil ttuilnusi trnniiu-tinl at this oilluo. Fidelity Trust Couipuny , 1011 Fnruain stnidl. ' 'J5 \\r-MOXKYTO L'JAN O.V IMlviTi ) OU UX- l ImproriH ) Opii Hi i propjrty ut I. ) rest r.itiu on kliort nollcj , C'as'iun haul. FMullty Truitcum- pfiny. lull Funnm mroeU : u\ \\r oM77iVs.v TrNTs ( iuxic r.vio-d : MIAN'S II on real uttiti nt loweit mir'xet rulus. Lo ns made In small or lurnu sums ami for short orloiu lima. Xuo miulolon Is chirj d , itaJ Ih i loins uru not "Old In the out. but om alw.iys bo foun I nl the bank on thucurnur of Uth unj Doiulut strnun. gll _ AUAXS ilADK OX CITY AND FADM I'ltOl'- 1 1 erty Linu loam on business prontrty n specialty II will pay you lo consult ( ioo. J. I'aul , IUW Fnrnaiu. MMJ'i' \ MON.EY TO LOAN-OHATTBL3. X WILL rAX UNKV IN AS V Kl.Vli'oV swurllyi itrlctly cunildentui. A. K. llAltltltf. room I. Comlueulol block. ill -I'ltlTCllAIID.SI DOUCLAS IILK. 16 i DODlir ! si _ ; _ V-CIIATTKI. LOAXri ilADB ON KUltXITUllB , -vpi no , lire utock , via. without publicity or ro- UIUT | property at tholonc t rates am ! tbu oaileii paymeuu. UuV llrooo. rooniiUanilV Uarkir block. JU MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. V-1F YOU WANT MIINKV jV ox FUiiNiTuim , ri.vxo ? . IIOUSKWAUONS. . CADIIIAOK3. 1ITC , CALL AT TIIK OTFICK OF OMAHA MOIITXIVIIK LOAX CO. AM ) OKT TKHMS HKFOUK DKAI.INO KLSIIWltKIin. Loans made In amounts from III ) lo IIU.IXJ ) nt the lowest rates on very short nolleo without publici ty , nnd with thn prlvlluita of kaoplniz your Roods In your own possesslen. You can pay Hie money h.ack In nny nmmmls you wl h and nt any tlmff. nnd each paym nl o maJo will rediien thu oust of tlio loan In proportion. There will bo no OTpenso or cliargo kept oul of the nmount wanted , but you will receive the full amount of the lonn. OMAHA MOIlTOAflK LOAN fO. . lloom 11 Crelehton Block , 15th SU , South of I'ostolllco. The only Incorporated loan company In Omahn. ' . ' 41 _ _ _ t'-WIIBX \VAXTAniATTii. : . LOAX 8KB W. It. Davis , room SO. Continental block. 343 A * -Illl , J.rT. $ . > ! , IIW. ( AN V SL'M TO U > AN ON Ktllt- -'Vnltiiro. hot'01. or nnr coed st'Ciirlty ; lowest rules. Nebr.isk.-i l.onn Co. . 1,110 llouitl.ia st. Z.V ) X MONKY TO LOAN. FIDELITY LOAN UUAIIAXTEC CO. On hnnsoholil Ko < ids , pianos , organs , horses , mules , waunns , etcnl the hutj't postlblo rates ulthout publlclly , ruinoral of properly or change of po "osslon. Pnyinciils of any nmount can bo mailo nt nny lime , rediielnu both principal unit Interest , thus Klvlnc patrons all the bunetus of Ibo pnrllal pay- went plan. Money nlw.syson hand ; no delays : no publlclly : loncsl rates : business contlilentlal. FIDKI.ITV LOAN ( IUAHANTKK CO. . It I Wltlmoll blk. . 15th nnd llarnoy. 315 IM.tXM TO LOAN ON CHATTKL SKCUISITV business contlJonllaL lluotu WJ Knrbach block. 4M At" Y-H.I4MOOON FIHsT MTU. ItKAL KSTATK HK- Vciirlty : l or 5 years. luiiilru | F. K Urveory. 1704 I'm n mil strocl. M 511 BUSINESS CHANGES. Y-Hl'STAfllANT ANDCIIOI'IIOUSK , 10 ! ) I.env- oiivrorth sVrcet. 161-\1' \ V T'oTt"sAlTlT. f.VX ) CASH ntlorKUV : OWNHIl Juotnu lo Muropu ; nplcndld cbnnco ; Forty third nnd Hamilton slreels , Wnlnnl Hill. Miill-K * y" ' iioi'KiT'i.r.ASK TND r-uuxrrtWK FOH - ale nl Jil-t half vnliio. ilV.00 ) ) : easy terms : W roome. need lucatlon , pnylnir business. Owner must leave oily In len days. Address 1)27 , lcc. ! MB2IJ 11 - . HTOIU : ix A OOOD LOCATION IN Y-Diitic. , with well established business. Ad dress C til , lleo oltleo. MRlS-lfi V-IMPHOVKD KAII.M IN CUSTKII COUNTY J clear of Incumbrnnce lo Irado fur n boardllnt houHoln Kooil luintlou. Co-opcrntlvo Lund nnd Lot Co. . 20J N. thill at. .110 U FOR EXCHANGE. Z CLKAN STOCK OFOKNKUAIj .M'D'S'K : WILL take real estnlcA money.IJox'.U , Frankforl. Ind. 251 r/-A YALUAI1LK COHNKH LOT OX S. It Til ST. /Jfor subiirhnn property. A valuable equity In lot for irood horse , balance very easy terms. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1611 rarnnm y-FOIl SAI.K OU EA'CHAXdK-PLANlNIl mlll.lSlli and Ma on str.-uts. Ouiahn. .lohn M. Shvoluy , ISih and Mason strusti. M5SI Jy 11 * r/ FOIl KXCHANtM- : MODKIt.V 1IUS1NKSS AJblook In thu heart uf tlio city , pays over 10 per cunt nut. vtantsJi.UU ) cnsli. th o Imhuu-o any kind of I'uoi ! property , or will eiclianne the entire for miTcliandUc : must be donu quick. Price , $ IO.uOU. Ail.lre-3 I ) l.i Hoe. i-UJ.L ! _ NOIt.MANSTALI.IO.VANIICASU TOTHADII A'foruond bind at fair price. lloxDji ! , Shennndnab , o a. , 50' ! II * r/-roll K.VCIIANIiK. TKX ACill'.S WITH SMALL ' 'cotlaanjust soullitrasl of ulty , price S < i,503. will tiike rnrniit lot or trend larm In part payment. Illcks. ak-unt. 3U5 X. V. Life. 5XJ 13 y WAXTKI ) , TO TKADK ONK OF THK FINKST /Jornnu-u Knives In Florida fur Omalia n-shti-nco property. Dnndeo place preferred. Address Fred lluinout Smith , Kinsley , Kdirurds county , Knnn n. - y-FOlt SALK OH KXCHANIJK FOIl NKllHASKA /Jfarm or city uroporty.tivo coitil l > iisln . > s hotisus. occupied , anil some vacant lots In Hlllott. lu. For particulars address Fredliarbcrtf.Kltloll , la. r/- I MA VK SO.MK CIIOII'K LAND AND CASH TO /Jexchance for a stock of clean merchandise It. A. llnrtim. Curtis , Neb. M'J-15 y-OXK-TIIIIll ) CASH. HALANCK IIOOH OI.UAIl /JSebniKkn land , for stolc of funuril mor h > n- dl e. Send full duscrlpllon. Alex. Moore. 401 lloo llnlldlni ; . M > . ' 5 IS y HAVB bOMU (5OOI ) STOCKS OF MKllCHAN- /-Jdlso for land and cash. Heal Uslalo Uxchance , 13th anil O st.s. . Lincoln , .Veil. UJ3 12 * y WHAT HAVB YOU ( JOT TO THADK FOIl A / 'lino stock of merchandise , llox fil , Piipllllon.Neb. Wi FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. f AFAVKTTi : PLACK. VOU .MUST SBK THIS JLjprnpcrty to npprocluto It ; two homes fer sale nt bargain Call fur terms , etc. . Fidelity Trui I Com puny , lull Fnrnam street. 255 I7AI1M IN THUIISTON COUNTY OF 27-AfllKS , 1 well Impiovcdj will sell vrlth crop on If sold * oun. 1.11. Cnry. Pendnr. Xob. Mli.l Li * . ' SALK-NKW MODKIIN nUlLTlIOL'SK. .ltST ; b.'Oil completed. In llansrom Place , No STJsPopplotnn ave. . nil conveniences , splendid neighborhood , Iduli nnd healthy location ; a ! > ! - biiiKuhi If taken iidck | Illcks,30J N. V. Life biuhllni : . 51-.I IS KAUTIKL'L liLKNWOOD IlKlliHTS Ib TI1K slk'htlest property In Omalm. On motor line surrounded by clotrant homes , unod bcbeols and chnrcbes. Lots ' | teot from JI01UO to { 'OO.UU. Wright A Lasbury , lull and Howard streets. MS93 IT'Olt ' SALK AT A HAIKJAIN , LOT 15 , IILOCK 3 , - tW. . U Sflby's First addition to South Omaha ; small payment down , balance monthly If desired. Inquire ti. II. TJschuclc. Omalm Deo. Ml 17011 SALK. NOS. 4IOJ AXD 4101 LAFAYKTTK JL nvo. In Uiluyt'lte Place , now 8-rooiu dwellln us. with bath , ( 'as , etc . electric Knsllghllni ; and every other modern Improvement- lawn , trees nnd surrniindlnKs one block from electric c.irs. ' 1'heso two IIOIISUH will bo sold at a bin barKilnl will take lot ns part payinunt : Ictus show you the property. Md ellty Trust company , 1014 Farnam sU 35) 17OII SALK IIOMK8 , ANY PIIICKi75'J , ? IVW ) UP ; 1. easy terms ; take clear property as tlrsl payment. U. U. Wallace , llronn block , liith and DoiiKlas. 54(1 Oil .SALi : 1ft ) ACIIKS. rtKC. ; t. . TOWNSHIP lli. riinitulL unimproved , wllh llvliu wuiur. mile east of A. J. Poppletun's farm ; 2 miles from Klkbnrn stntlna. U. K. 11. Kennedy , X. Y. Llfo llulldllitf. Omaha. . .Mill A ILUl'tAlX. ' HA VK A ( iOOD SI2KD LOT AIIOI7T yv-JK ) feet from Sherman avo. , .i' ) minutes' walk from pustollh-u : splendid neighborhood. Will build Insult ctiKtomor on eaxy teniM. It will-pay you to lnvu tliato this ollor. A. C. 1'rost , room SI , iouihis block , lUth.and DoiUe st.s. 757 17011 MALK-O : AcTTris WITH SM ALL COTTAC.I : Jjusl simthwast of city ; tilir bargain tf lakeniiidck Hicks. U)5 X. V. Lite Inillilliii ; . KW It XMOK LAYINIi ( ) IICH All ! ) HILL LOTS VOll 1100 ' LN each. Thus. F. Hall , OJ7 I'axtou Uloci. Wl-M 17011 SALK-DIii DAIKiAlX IN OHCHADI ) HILL 1 lot. will tnku „ ' < > ,1 horse as llrst p.iyiui-nt. bal ance monthly payments. Wo will sell yon n lol dlrt'chnap and furnish money in build you a homo on inonlhly paynienls ; several locations. Wo lll build yon a cottaira to suit Oa'monthly payments ! sm.ill p.-tymtml dnivn Tno nowi-room cotttiKei In Klrkwood. one block f nun car llnu. cheap on monthly p lymenU. Hurcalnlnclcnrlotln Wuhtnt Hill , only II , 10005. HariMln In clear let In Orchard IHU. only iou ; ) . llaruuln In clear lot In Cn'lsMon Helk'bts. f.M.U ) ( ) . DarKnln In n beautiful homo In l.ufayutlu I'lnce , Die tlnest residence terrace In Oniiilui , uvuryonu ud- mils It. Let us show It yon. Fiir terms , prices , etc. , cull on Fidelity Trust Co. , UMI Farnam street. iij 17011 SALK , C.DOO.M , MOOnilNCOrTAfJK , FULL 1 east front lot , J1.5M : ps.rl c _ h , balance tlmu. F. K. Darlliu. lliirkor bluck. M ll I. vTrTxTKlV-FADM LANDS LI8TKI ) . 'I Wantud paylnit biiilniin property ch'Jap. \VanliHt hutuo and lot for rloar lots. Wunted r-i.mrj huutu and lot nuuthwiist. Wanted vucuut lot on lliith south uf J.cavon > vorth Wanted farm and inonuv for brick hounn. Wanted 10 aurus of land near Omaha cheap. Wanted farm In Snrpy county for ch. . Wanted ila.OUD ruilili-nco Ht a bargain , Wnntod farm fur oholojcity properly. Wanled purchaser for M 4 pur conl in Wnnled purcliu er for ( I.501U pur cent C. F. Harrlion. 'JU X. Y. Llfu. VJS U \\rAXTKD IIOUSK FOIl H..WJ. ' Wantail 10 or N ) arros for canli. Wnnli-d Lot on ; 'lth. near A. C F. Hiirrlson. tli ) X. Y. Llfo. BO a FOB HE NT..PA3TUKE3. _ HOIWKS ANDCATfLK I'ASTl.'UHD AT fTOflt farm llcllovu' . II. T. Clarke , 'M llonrd of Trade , Omuha. 25 ; PA 3TU DKFOIl CA-lTLIiAHOllSKd. T. MUDIUV _ \ \ rANTun-iiuitsBd TO i > v. iniii4 , CVLLKD il for an J dullverjd. U. A. LluJ'uu4t | 3ltl ; * , lilli. _ llASTUDAliK KJli IKimH-t. CHLTi , CATTLKT I. SU ) ncroi pattura ; turn raoai uuo , of slorai My farm ranoli liona mils fro.n'Jlfi tr. Jt muter car. uutlion lillmoru ru4l. I cill und deliver. ' Address m } , J. H. llruih , I' , a bax ML Souti Ouiaha. * ' " ' * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " * Jyll ASTUllr : FOIl CA'ITLK A 11OIISKS. T" MUKUAV" LOST. STllAYHIl Oil tiTOLKX , KNIiLIHIl bitch pup seven months old , hlte with lemon oar * . 4U.UJ ri raril by rvtnrnliu to U7 South Will tre t or 1411 Cnpltol nvo II. K. Cbilbbuck. MIJ7 LOST-.S1NI1LK IILACK CAr'IIMKItK SHAWL ON JU'3ih and liojk'u > or lllh sttri'l car. llulurn tu 'tiU lutku itreut auil yet rowutd. MU ) IP LOST. HI.ACK HOlWK. WEIIMIT I..VW , LUMP OX rluhl nostril. I white ff elstar , In forehead : reward - ward for return lo Cash linu.TOth between J and I , south Omaha. ' ' _ SO2 y" r OST , FDOM IVm AXUVADXAM , PO1NTKD Lj | > np , nbuut 10 necks' old : ' Itiiturn to Snon , I.nnd A Lo-'s ; reward. " j , _ ; Afl3 il LOST-A K. T. "MAI/MSF. citoss WATCH charm , with ItnymouiLLeran einsrntod on It If found nlcu-u relurn lo Mlllard hotel and receive suitable reward. i N C TOW For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I IDS. P. Megenth , Dealer , . . . . . RRILWRYTIMECRRD IllUllLINiiTON , V MO. IIIVKII.I Arrlvo4 Omalm. | Depot 10th and Mason SU. I Omahs. llolnz I CUICAtiO. II. 1. A PACIFIC , I'TUIU Knst , I Union Depot 10th A Marcy Ms. | 1U iti a m . . . . . . . Atlantic Ktprdst . * J p m 4.35 p ni Vestibule Ktpims 1.IJ p in ( US p m Nlnht Kxprosi 8.5) a in 305 aju FuslKxpresi l.i ) ) n m Colnx f'llllUIIU. 11. 1. A PACIKIC. From West. Union Depot Kith niul Muror His. West I il ) pin Denver I.lrullo I li.-'l p m 0 Mnm Fast Kxpron I'.O ) n in 1-Wn in . .Knnsis Cllv ( Kxnitit Sunday * . . | ii.TO p in Loaves I UNION PACIFIC. I Arrlvoi Omaha. [ Union Depot 10th nnd .Marcy 8ts. | Oniiliv 7."i in . . .Uoatrlco Kipresa O.U p m O.K ) n m . . . .Denver Kxproji 4.0J p m 5.15 p m . .Overland r Iyer. 7.0) ) p m 4.11 Ti p m . 'csASlrmsbj Hxor ( Sun ) J3) ) p m 8.10 p m | Pncltlc Kturois 10 I1) ) a m O.i0 : p ra | Denver Fust Mall ( . ' -M p m leaves ICH1CAIIO , MIL. A aT. 1-AULIArrive t Oniahal 0 U. P. depot nnil.M _ rsr SU. | Omahi 705 p nil Chtcuao Kvpruis | 'J.-V > a m 11.30 a ml Cldcago Btpross | 4.M r m leaves | SIOUX CITY A PACIFIC. lArrlves Onuhnl Dopot. IQtli and Marcy SU. I Omitri NOTICK OF ASSESSMENT OP DAM AGES FOR GRADING FRANCIS STREET FROM 31TII STREET TO WEST LINE OF WINDSOR PLACE EXTENSION. To the owners of all lots , p rts uf lots nnd real estate nlonx I'rancU street from .llth street to the west line of Windsor t'lac-o Ex- tunslon. You tire hereby notified that the nnda- sl ned , three dlslntsre ted freeholders of the t-lty of Oinahn , havoheen duly atwointed hy thu mayor , with the approval of the City Council of said elty , to nssuss the damage to thoowncrsresnootlvoly of thi property af- feclurt hy Kradln I'r.ineis street from JIUli stri'ot to the wustllneof Windsor I'laeo l-.t- tcnslon , deelarud nojessary liy ordlnaneo No. -'lat , loJ. ' , nprovecl Juno lii. . You are further notKled , thp.t havlns ao- cupicil said appointment , and duly iuallllod | iisreiiiilrad hy law. wu will , on the LSth day of July. A. I ) liiiU , t the hour of IDo'oloaU In the forenoon , nt the olllco of T , O. llrnnner. room 1 , Ware block , within the eorporito limits of s ild city , inuet for the ijurpoti ) of considering anil inaKln-4 the assessment of dania-'o to thu owners rnspeotlvoly of said property , affected hy said Krudln ? , taking lulu consldoration sjioulal henollts. If any. You art ; notlllo.l to bo present at tlio time and | )1 ) lieu aforesaid , anil inn lie objections to or statements concerning xald n.sseniont of ( lanittsos us you nmv consider jirnpar. CI I A K I , i : . ' L. T 1 1 0 M AS , , Oinulnu J liy 5. 1SJJ. J.-uUOU NOTICH OF ASSESSMBNT OF DA M AGES FOR GRADING HOWARD STREET. To tlio owners of all lots , parts of 'rts and real oslutoutnnz Howard street from Twon- tluth street ton point "S ) foot west of Tvvon- tleth strnet and nouossiiry aptiroaehes. You are liereliy notlllud that the under- slcned , threiiillslnterL'Sted freulioldors of the city of Omaha , have been duly npuulntod by thu mayor , with thu approval of the city councilor siIU oily , tumess the dam.izu to the owners , rospeotlvplv. of tha pron- < ; rtv nlfuotvil ny Kradlir-iJlownrd street from Twentieth Htroot to a 'point "Si feet west of Twontloth stroot. iluelwfai ! necDssury by onll- IIHI.CO No.ilus ; , puKsoil Jnfky II , In'J. ' ' , npprovoa Juno 15 , Ihiii You are further notlQit'l that hiiTln ? ae- I'optud xalil nppiilntinofrtjund duly iiuallfloil an reiitlred | by law. wo Will , on the llth day of July , A. IX lea ! , at the lio'urof lu o'clock in tlio forenoon , at the ollk-o of Khrlvor & O'Dona- lioe. IIJI I'arnani streefl. ? * llliln thouorporalo limits of said oliy , meuy for thu pnrposo of conslderlnanil inaktnx ihu nsscssmunt of to iho owners' rospoctlvoly of said property , alToeted byiKnld ur.ulln' ' , taldn ; lntoconslderiitlonspecrultunullts. ) If any. You are noilllud to lip Jjresunt nt the time niul place aforesaid aniiin'il ' < o any olijectlon-j toor htatements concecolot mild assessment of damages us you > iiBl'lor ' uropor. ' CoumiU.tee of Aupralsuis. Oinnha Juno SO. IMC 'T " .lauiiut _ TO IJUOIJKllDV ! OWNERS on alloy lialween Iupont' ' nil Oaitollar street from west line Dupotit ulaco lo Twenty- ninth htrujt , Uniuhi. : Nyb. : You me hereby notified that the under- sUneil. three dislnterc.'ituil freeholders of Iho elty of Unialii. : have boou duly appointed by thu mayor , with tlmupurovalof thuclty coun- i'll nf rtiild c-ity , to assess thu dainace to the owners respeutlvoly of the property alfecto'.l by Kiadln.'dn said ulluy , dot-lured noecssary by onilnanco No. 11101. ' pasiod Juno llth , ItiUj , nmirovod .In no nth , Itfi. . > on arc further notlllcd , tlmt liavlnz ao- cuptoil biilil iippolnttiiout , nnd Only ( iiiallllud na reii nlred hy law , wu will , on tliutd day of July. A , P. led' . ' , nt the hour of U o'clock In Iho forenoon , ut ihu olllco of Ueor'o J. I'aul , HI 'i I'lirnam strout , within thu corporuto IlintlKof kuldclty. moot fortho uurtiosoof eini- sldorliu ; and niakliiLHsstssmunl of dtimiiKi ) to Ihu owners .respect I voly tit suKproportv , iifTcr-toil by mid nr dln'r' . taUInz Into conald- cratlon spuulal beneflu , U any. You uro notlllod to Uo present ut tlio time niul place aforesaid , niul niiiku any olijuotloni tiior.tateinont * concurnlnz Hilil assuiiinunt of duniasej un you nmy consider proper. OKUKOK J. I'AUL. J. D.ZITTLE. HAJlUKMlOKTKN ON. Oinatia , July 9tu , 16'Ji Jylldiut THE RAILWAYS OF TIIEWORID Record of Sixty-Seven Years' Progress 5n Steam Travdl , FACTS GATHERED FROM ALL LANDS The I'lrn Itoads anil I.oroiiiotlvs In TliU niul Other Countries Traveling I'nlnrp * fur Presidents mill Princes. The United States is known to bo somowlmt of .1 railway country , but it is not generally undoratooil that it pos sesses nearly one-half of the total rail way iniloiigo of the whole world. Con sidering that more- than four-ilfths of this present gigantic system of railways has been constructed since the close of the civil war , this fact is the more signifi cant. The United States has out stripped other countries in many things , but more than all in the matter of rail ways. The operation of steam railways begun in England by the opening of the Stock ton A : Darlington line , September 27 , lS- > . The world then saw the com mencement of a most gigantic enter prise , one that has extended to every civiil/.cd and to almost every uncivilized country on the globe , and which lias be come the greatest of all enterprises or industries , and whoso magnitude is greater than any other single interest in the world. This Stockton & Darlington road was a single-track affair , thirty-eight miles in length , and the greatest speed at tained upon it was twenty miles an hour. Four years after the opening of this road the first line was opened for gen eral tralllc in the United Stales August 9 , 1S20 , on the Mohawk & Hudson rail road. The first locomotive on this line , and consequently the first that over turned a. wheel in the western hemis phere , was the "Stourbridco Lion , " im ported from Stourbridgo , England , by the Delaware & Hudson Canal com pany in May , 1829. Tlio second railroad In America upon which a locomotive was over run was the Charleston & Hamburg of South Carolina , which also hud the honor of being the first regularly oneratod pas senger road in this country , and the first to adopt the locomotive as a defi nite motive power. The engine used on this road wns. the "Best friend , " the first machine of the kind constructed in tin's country , and was built iti West Point foundry. It made its trial trip in November , 1830. At the beginning of the present year 100,817 miles of railway wore in opera tion in the United States. It is astonishing how slow many coun tries have been in adopting the means of locomotion. China , for instance , up to the year 1876 had never possessed u single railway track. The first line in that country wns laid along a strip of land between Shanghai and Woosung , a distance of nine miles. Although the line mot with favor nmong the natives during the short time it was in opera tion , yet in consequence of otlicial jeal ousy and disagreement regarding it the rails wore thrown into the sea in October , 1877. In 18SO permission was given to construct a railway twenty- nine miles long for the purpose of oper ating the coal mines at Tongsan. The locomotive was built of odds and ends in the shops of the coal company and on November 8 , 1831 , a party of otllctals wore taken over the line at a speed of twenty miles an hour. No very great progress has been made in railroading in China since then , and it will likely bo many years before all the obstacles to the steam railway en tirely disappear. Japan has boon much more enter prising than herColostial neighbor. In 1H7- the first railroad was opened there the Tokio-Yokohama line eighteen miles in length , and now railways are to bo found in nearly every part of thee o in nire. The first small line of railway in Rus sia was ononod in April , 1838. That country now ranks fifth in order of rail way importance. Thocomplotion of the great line across Siberia ( which will bo the longest single line of rail in the world ) , extending from to Vlndl- vostoclc , a distance of 4,7S5 miles , and other railway extensions will nrobably place Russia next to the United States in the length of its railways. The Egyptians saw their first rail way opened in January , 18oi ( , since which time much progress has been inside there with steam travel. The line from Cairo to Alexandria is 131 miles in length , with an almost perfectly level track for nearly the entire distance. Owing to the peculiar condition of the country this level railway proves a mis fortune rather than otherwise , as it is made the high mad for camels and droves of cattle and foot passengers , and those oftentimes interfere with Llio proper running and speed of the trains. The best expresses , however , are calcu lated to muko thirty-seven miles an ' hour. Four million 'six hundred and ninety-six thousand two hundred and eighty-six passengers were carried on the Egyptian railways last year , when UtiU miles of line were open. It would bjj dilllcult , no doubt , to irn- atrino a jwrfeetly -aight line of rail for the entire distance from Now York to Boston , but sach a railway with such a straight stretch does , however , actually exist in the Now Argentine Pacific rail way from Buenos Ayres to the foot of tliu Andes. For a distance of 211 miles the line is laid without a curvo. The level nature of the country will bo evident - dent from the fact that there is neither a cultiiiir nor an embankment deeper or higher than three foot. This is the longest straight Btroteh of railway in the world. Another wonderful piece of mil way in South America Is on the Ciilno , Limn ft Uroya line , running from Aroquipa , Peru , to La Pax , Bolivia. This iu a railway in the clouds , for it roaches a point 1-1,000 feat , or nearly thrci ) miles , above the iovol of the sea. The whistle of a locomotive is heard at no higher point on the globe. Near the highest elevation of this railway a tunnel - nol 3,817 feet long Is being borert through the pail : of the mountain , 000 feel above the perpetual snow lino. The railwayu of the Andes exhibit some of the most remarkablerosultsof onglnoer- liur skill which the world contains. The now railway the Hrlonzor Roth- hornbahn which was begun October 1 , 1890 , and has just- boon completed and opened , is the highest railwav in the Alps , and also in all Europe. It IB 7,8SU feet high at the summit level , where it commands magnificent views. The Canadian Pacific company has spent over $1,000,000 In protecting its line against tmowslldefl. In the Selkirk mountains , through which the railway runs for scores of miles , the mountains on either side tower thousands of feel above the track. Sometimes the snow slips down the mountain sides in enor mous quantities , and shoots right over the tops of the massive sheds that cover the track In some places for miles. At , iolnts on the road where the view is particularly fine , a track has boon built outside the sheds for summer use , so that , tourists during that season need not lose tno trrandour of the scenery while passing through these long cedar tunnels. The Canadian Pacific was com menced In May , 1881 , and traverses the southern portion of Canada , connecting Montreal on the St. Iviwronco with Van couver on the Pacific , the distance be tween the two points named being -.000 miles. The highest point of railway in the United States is on the Denver and Rio Grande railway. At Marshall Pass this road attains an elevation of 10T)0 fort. The longest railway system in the world operated by one single company is that of the Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fo railway , which covers 7,110 miles. The longest journey taken by any European train is from'Paris to Constan tinople , I,8o7 miles. This train Is run on American principles , and is organized by the International Sleeping Car company. The extra faro charged on | this train is nearly lii per cent above the regular first-class rate. The service , however , Is splendid. The train traverses six countries , France , Germany , Austria , Hungary , Sorvia , Bulgaria and Turkey. The food .served in the dining cars is produced in the various countries through which the train passes , and travelers who have used this route gen erally have a lively recollection of the Roumanian chickens served to them at Bucharest. Should the Bosphorus at ny time bo bridged ( a scheme is now under way to do it ) the completion of the railway in Asia Minor will give a con tinuous line of rail from Paris to B igdad , on the Persian gulf. The two countries having the smallest number of miles of railway are Persia and Porto Rico each have but eighteen miles. In the former country there are only two locomotives and four ears. The smallest railway in the world Is that from Ravonglass to Boot , in Cum berland. The giiugo is three foot , and the engines and carriages are minia tures. The stations resemble dou ble bathing houses more than any thing else. The entire stall of employes is composed of an engineer and stoker combined , guard , ticket coliectotickot : distributor and two porters. The shortest steam railway in the world is at Buffalo , IS. Y. , and is known as the Island railroad , nnd is but one- eighth of a mile in length. Of all the railway train * in the world none present for the convenience and accommodation of passengers so many features as do those of the United States. The "limiteds" offer unique features in railway history. A.11 the conveniences of a first class hotel Jraw ing room and dining room , sleeuincr ear and smoker , reading apartment and bar ber's saloon are part of the combina tion of the vestibule train. Owners of private cars seem to vie with each other in the nugniliconco of their coaches. The imperial train which has just boon completed for the ( larmin emperor con sists of eleven carriages , and has occu pied three years in construction and coat nearly 3933,030. There is nothing like it in the world. Many of the dot'iils were planned by the cinnaror himself. The carriages include a study hung with real Gobelin tapestry from Charlotton berg , a saloon upholstered in white satin , a nursery , a reception room adorned with marble statuary , an oak dining room and largosop.iralo sleeping rooms. Queen Victoria's traveling carriage is one of the handsomest Pullman cars that has ever been built. 'Tho walls are of satinwood. highly polished. The cushions are of white silk embroidered In gold thread. The apartment con tains four easy chairs , besides a satinwood - wood table about six feet long and three feet wide. The carpet is of velvet pile , covered hero and there with luxurious India rugs. The curtains at the windows dews and the magnificent portieres tire hung on silver poles. Tno door handles are solid silver. The whole saloon with its fittings , etc. , cost about $30,000. The fastest time over made on an \mericiin railway was recently done on the Reading road , when a locomotive drawing four passenger coaches covered a mile in 39t seconds , which speed , if maintained , would come very near to 100 miles an hour. Previous to this per formance the Pittsburg , Fort Wayne & Chicago road held the record in the running of a special. According to the official report this train ran 53 miles in 13 minutes , 11 miles of which were cov ered in 7 minutes , or at an average speed of 71 miles an hour. The fastest long distance run that was over made in England was the famous performance on the London & North western between London and Edin burgh , 400 inllos , August 13 , 18SS. Three stops were made , the average speed nt- tlfincd while ia motion being . > 5 4-10 miles an hour. Four successive inilon were done in 47 } , 47J , 47 and 47 seconds. The Empire State express , which runs daily ever the Now York road is the fastest regular train in the world. The distance run isI , ' ! ! ) } miles , the stops being Albany , Utioa , Syracuse , Roches ter and Buffalo. The actual running time , deducting stops , is .Vi miles an hour. On September 14 , 1S01 , the Now York Central company ran a train from Now York to East Buffalo , 4:10 : } miles , in l-r minutes , or within a fraction of 01 miles an hour. The two cities having the largest , number of trains in and out of their sta tions daily are London and Manchester. No fewer than _ , _ IU trains ordinarily arrive at and depart from the former city every twenty-four hoursmid nearly us many at the latter. Ono of the longest railway platforms in the world h at the Liverpool street station , London , of the Great Eastern railway. It is _ ,00 ! ) foot in length. The railways in the United States got almost $ _ _ ,0u.000 ( ) n year for carrying the mills , while the amount paid by the British government for the uamu serv ice in Enirland is 83,750,000. In the United States during 1801 no fewer than 0120,439,032 pjssongors were carried on the railways , and 701(11,137 ( tons of freight were also moved on the same linos. To do this vast amount of business required 32'Jll locomotives , _ _ , ! ) " ) S passenger cars , 7U-)3 baggage and mail cars and 1,001,970 freight earn. If these locomotives were coupled together they would make a train 300 miles long , and the passenger cars would make 300 mlles more , * md could carry 1,5011,000 people at one time. Witli the adultlon of all the freight cars the train would bo more than 7,000 miles long. The nuinbor of man em ployed in the railway industry In this country is 71l,7oO , by which It would appear' that ever 3,000,000 persons , or nearly one- twentieth of the entire population , are dependent upon railway operation for a livelihood. The Now York Elevated carries every year a larger number of passengers than any other railway In the world ; the London Underground comes next the form'or , In 1891 , carrying an uvorago of ol,000 , and the latter 400,500 per day. The largest railway station In the world is St. Pancrasof the Midland rail way in London. The most uilllcultsoctlon of railway In the world to operate IH on the South eastern road between London bridge nnd Cannon street and Charinc C'rois. Hero there ia a constant crossing and rocrossing of track , causing at times much delay. Nevertheless 850 loaded trains go tn and out of Cannon street nt.d Chnrini : Cross dally. Very few persons hnvo any idea of the weight of locomotives and passomror' cars. The engines that haul the famous Pennsylvania "llmltiul" weigh 1)2,000 ) pounds , while the tender , loadedweighs oO.OOfl pounds more , making the outfit at the head of the train wctgh m ire than 112.0d0 pounds. Oilier hoavlor engines - ginos of the Pennsylvania weigh lil,000 pounds , ami the chillis 170,0 ill. An or dinary passenger coch weighs a'umt ' oO.OiHi pounds , wlillo the Pullman sleepers ers are of nearly 7"iOV ) poumU weight. The parlor cars weigh from Oo.OOO to 79,000 pounds each. An ordinary passenger songor train of , swv , six cars and the en gine weigh In the nggrog.ito nearly 600,000 pnuiuK The "limllods" weigh nearly 760,000 noiiniH The total railway mileage of the entire tire world is 31 > ' . ) ,377 miles , divided up as follows : Europe , 13(1.502 ( miles ; Asia , 10.2i5 : miles ; America , 107.114 miles ; Africa , 5,351 mlles , and Australasia , 11,112 miles. rimiio | nl' Tlinr. The auction fxlo for the bcnollt of the creditors of .John B.uimor , the jeweler , of No. 1314 Farimm st , will bo continued dally this week. Morning session , from 10:30 : to 12. Afternoon session , from 2:30 : to " > . Monday. Wednesday and Saturday evenings , from 7:31) : ) until 9:30. : No sale Tuesday , Thursday and Friday nights. .1. 11 Fitr.xrii , Auctioneer. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR GRADING. To tlio owners of all lots unit Hurts nf lull nnd real i stito ; nloni : Kl.ltth strout from I'm * strout to I'riuu'ls sltvot. Von an hnroby mitlUcd Unit tln > iin > li > rsl2iioil. hroi < illsliitiToMoil frooholiU-rs nf tlu < cily ol Um ilia , linvo boon ilinv iilMioiutoil by tin ) iiKiyor , with tlio iipprovai of tliu oily ro mull of satil city , to : issM-i tliu ilivin ice to tliu owners respectively of tliu proiwty nlTi'iMo.l by cr.ullii 1 : chili htruot from I'ltm slroot to I'raiu'M strnet , ilurinrcil necessary by nrillimnco Mil. 'I , passm ! .liuiol'l , iK'Ji. ' iiiiprovoil .Iiinu 'Jl , H'JYou nro fnrtbui notllluil , that luivln ; niM'cptcd silil nppolnt- incMit , anil duly iiuallltuil us rrqiilriMl liy liuv. wo will , on tlio I , Mh iluy of .Iiily. A. I ) . I- ) : , nt tint linurof lOo'olouU in tlio forenoon , ut the oIlloootT. 11. MolMlloi-h. room Si ; . N. Y. Ufa biillilln ? , wltblii the corporitu limits of.siilil oily , nicot for the purposu of conxliliirlnv ami imi'ilnt ' ; tliu iissi'ssninnt- cli\mi-'o : to tlio owners rospoctlvi'ly of s itil property , utrootuil by H.ilil Kr.iilln' ' . tiiklni : Into consideration sppclul bi-ni'lli ! . , If any Yon are notlllod to l i pro-unit it the tint anil plnoo iiforos.ilil nnd intiko any objections tn -Untoniotits eon- corntiix said assussinunl of ilatna us us you m.y . consid W. O. SIIIMVKIt. JAMICrf SrOt'KIIAt.K. Onmliii. July a. ISVi. _ J5illOt NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAM- AG ES FOR GRADING FOURT STREET. To the owners of nil lot * , p-irt of lots anil real ost.atu aloni Fourth strool from Wool- wurlh avunnu to I'oinnrton avutino. Yon are hcruliy notlllud that the nnlor- l. thrcull liitnro-.toil f'euliuldo of the city of Uriiiilt i. nave IMJIMI iluly appointed t > y tlio mayor , with the approval of the city council of s-il.1 city , to insim tin1 ilam.iuu to thnoiviion riMiiuetlvuly nt the propurty af- fuoti'd by gnidlni : I'onrth street from Woolworth - worth iivonno to I'oppli'tcm aveiino. declared necessary by ordlnam-o number III HI , p.issuJ Jnm-.sth. ISJ. ' , npprovoil July 1st. HI. ' . You are further notlllcd. that having ac cepted said appointment , and duly niMllllod us required bv law. wo will , on the ilsl d.iy of .Inly , A. 1) ) . I-.t' . at the hour of lui'elo k In thu forenoon , at tboolllee of Slirlver .t O'Donahoe , 140. ! I'arirun street , within the corpor.itu lim its of said oltv. moot for the pnrpoio of ron- sulerlnu' the making anil usiassment of d.un- ases to I ho owners rosui'i'ilvolir " ' 1'll'l ' ! " ° oi > - crty , uiroutud by s-ild cr nltiii ; . takhu Into consideration sue 'ial honellts. If any. Yon are notllloil to bo present at the Html and pl.ieo l. and make any oDje tloiu to or statements oonfornlnu viul assi-nmunl of damages as you may consider proper \ \ . ( i. MI Ul v r. It , ( il'.C ) . .1. I'Afl , . \V. II. UATES. fomiiiluoo of Appraiser * . OMAHA , July Stli , Is'l.1. ' _ JyiUlit Shot-lift Nile. Ily virtue of an uxot'ullon Istuoil by I-'rank K. Mooiodo - : ; of the District court of Doug las county. Nebraska , upon a ju lament ronil- * erod In said c mrt , In favor of th > > . ' .muiiorvlal National II. ink of Omaha , Nebraska , mid against ( ! . M S Imuliliir & I'omumy. mil 0. M. : * chncldtr. I b ivo lovlcil upon tlio follow ing * oods and eh-ittulfi MM the property of tliu s-il'l O M. Si'iini'tdjr.t (1 impanv , to-wlt : The entire whomsalo sloulc of notions anil Kont.s * fiirnlslilni oiij. ' , hoslerv an 1 KHIVUS. and other mer n-iiiilNo. together with olllco and store furniture mil llxtunn. and all con tained In the ha-sumcnt and llvo story itoro bulldlns. Nollii'J'j ' and till Howard Hi rent in DIP eity of Om ilia. Donilas County , Sii- I'r.iska ; an.t I will on the lltb day of .I'liV ' , A. I ) . . 1V.K' . < : imniin < 'ln' { at 10 o'rloi-k a. m. of said day. at Nos lUWJ anil 1111 Howard street. In the of O-iiah i. s.ild county and st.ito. suit said iroods an. I ehattols at pnbilit auction to the hi host bldilor , or bidders , t < > r I'sun. or o iniii'h lliereot as may bo noooss try toi.itlHf.v said nxeunlfon. the amount duo thereon holn twenty thousand mid llfty dollars i J i i.ii.V.fM ) ) jnui.'ment nnd nine and .l-IOJ dollars. ( fJ.oii : costs , with Interest on a il 1 amounts at the r.ito of It ) per cent per annum from thu IDtli d ly of Juno. A. I ) , isc'.an I the aceruln costs. Omalia , .Nob , .luneaith , l 'li. ( KDItdK A. HKNNETT. SherlfTof Doir.-las Count Nob. Jndl2tm.V. : To thu owners of lots mm parts of lots mil ro'il t'statu aloiu'JHli Hlreut from Itcus hlruel or I'aclllu street and I'aelllo .street from -llh stivet to U'.HIi .ivi'iiuu In the city of Om.uia. You nro boroby notillod that the under signed. thrco d.suitorostod freeholders of ihu city of Onmln , Imvu boon duly appointed by tliu mayor , with the approval of the city couii'-ll of said city. In assess tliu damage to the owners rcspoftlvylv of the property lit- fueled by the elintuo of cndo ofilh street from Itnns street to I'adlle street and I'aelllo street from u'llh street to . .1th avenue , do omed nu'iessarv by ordlnaneo Irfl , passed May : Vi , A. I ) . IJ. . approved May S < , A. I ) . IH9. . Yon are further notlllu I , that having ni" copied said upn ilntinunt. and doiv quiillllud as reiiilreil | by law. wo will , on the lllh ( lay uf July. A. II. IM)1. ) nt ibo hour of ID o'clo-k la the forenoon , at the olllee of John l < \ l-'iiiek , room .Vil , Uhamber of t/ommur.te iv.lnln the corporate limits of s ltd city , meet for the purpose of considering and making thu assuss- munt of ( lanriKu to the owners rotpucllvoly of said pronurlv , iilToitol by mild oh uuo o ( vr.-ido. taking Into consliloration spuolal buno- Ills. if any. Yon are notified to bo present at ilio tliua nnd uliico afiirosald nnd inaku any objufllons tn or statements concerning s.ihl assc'ssn of ( lumaRcs as you may cons dur pronir. | ' ' * ' iiKO..l. i'AlVl , . ( /'IIAILK ( > THOMAS. Commluou of Appr.ilsnrM. Omalm , JunoSH , IS'.i. ' ' . j Odidt NOTICE TO 1'ROi'ERTY OWNERS , AGENTS AND LESSEES. In piiiHiianco of ordinance No. a.OJi. ruiiilr- | Inx suwur connei-tlons to be miulo tn and with in tlio curl ) lines on curtain srui-ts anil alloy In Stn-i-I IniprovumiMit DlttrlcU Nos. I it I. 4lil , 4TI and 47.1. In t lie city of Omalia. you are luru- by notlllud to make all no-essary coniieulloni with sewer mains or latter. Us , nnd tneoinpliile Hiioli work on or boforn July --'nil. IS' ' ) . ' , us It litho the purpose to pavu the streets niul alloy In tliu said dlstr. cts , ami niuru partloularly do- surlbcil na follows , to-wit : No. I'VI ' : ird HI reel , from south line of 1'loreo street to Willl im street. No. ( til I'lercu street from oas. ' , llnu oMIh street to west 1 nu of : ird street No. 17)17th street from l-'ariium street to Hartley streot. No. IW-Alloy fni'ii Wtli to lllh strouts , bo- twoim Jackson nnd Jones strcou. Yon nro hereby ordered to make the neces sary sownr coniiuclliiiis within Ihu tlmusnucl- lloil In this notice , or tliu .lamii will bo made | jy the city anthorltlfs , mid ihu cost thereof an- sesnod ak'alnst the piopurly oppoillu thu same uml spocialiy ocnullKid thorohy. Oatud at Omaha ihU.SM , day.o L'hiilrm.-in lluiinl of 1'ubllu WorK-v JyB-u-IU ORDINANCE NO. : tl'Jl. An ord I nance orlerl IU t lie jr rail Inu' of 2M street from I , ociut. street to Hnoneursiri'ut. anddl- rectlnu' thu board of pnlillu works lo t.iku thu necessary Hl'jps to u.iuso hiild work to bo done. lie It ordained by thu oily council uf thu city nfOmalm : Heullon I. Tliutthls N neoirssary , and It la huruby declan-d necessary that --1 ' Htreiil , from Loouitstre-it toSiienferstroet , lie graded to tlio pri'sont establlsfiod Krutlu , niul thu sanio Is hereby oidoruil ( lone. Section ! ' . That , Ihu hoard of public wnrki Is hereby directed tn take thu necuisury Btens to CIIIIAU nalil work t'i bo dull e. Hoolion U. ThU onllniinuu sliall tak and bu In force from unU after Its la - . I'mslUent City Council. l > | | BM8i | Mayor ,