THE OMAHA DAILY BEEtU MONDAY , JULY 11 , 1892. 5 PULSE OF WESTERN PROGRESS i t tVint the Government is Doing in the Maf ter of Forest Preservation. \ GENERAL ACTIVITY IN THE SADDLE fV .irnnlclp.ll Saloon .Mnvrmcnt In Sioux J'n I U lta\ao > of Iliild KajjIrH Ks- cheated Miirnicin Property Sum. innrr of Nurt hurst News. ThoHUbJcct of forest preservation In the tcst forma an Important chapter of the annual report of Prol. B. U. Fcrnow , chief 6t the division of forestry of the Agricultural department. The stopi taken by the gover- went under the act of March , 1S01 , Betting aside forest lands OR reserves for public uses , ro horlously Impaired by a proviso grant ing almost tinrostrloted use of limber lands not so reserved. The main purpose of the net was to protorvo timber lands from \vholesalo denudation , but this com- tnciuliibln icaturo is lamely annulled by on arnnndmsnt tacked on ot the eleventh hour , making It lawful for any person to cut timber on public land for "agricultural , mining , manufacturing or do nii'stiii purposes. " In view of this condi tion , Prof. Fornow urges that the broadest possloio construction bo placed upon the low ly the Department of Agriculture. "Thoro can ImriJIy bo any doubt , " ho says , "ns to What objects and considerations should bo kept In view In reserving such lands and withdrawing them from uriv.Ue occupancy. Those are lirst nnd foremost of economic im portance , not only for the present but moro jpi'cl.ul.v for the future prosperity of the jiooplo residing near mich reservations , namely , llrst , to assure u continuous torcst cover of the soil on mountain Mono * nnd crests for the nurposo of preserving or equal- I/Ing watortlow In thu streams which nro to ecrvo for purpose of Irrigation , rind to pre vent formation of torrents and soil washing ; tecond , to assure n continuous supply ot \vood material from the limbered areas by cutting Judiciously and with n view to repro duction. Secondary oojecu , such as can und will bo subserved' the sntno time with these llrst cited , are those of nn iiMlholIu iiulti 10 , namely , to preserve natural scenery , rrrnarltablo objects of interest , and to secure places of retreat for those in quest of health , recreation und pleasure. Belli objects are legitimate , hut tno llrst class is Infinitely wore Important nnd the second is easily pro- vldou for lu securing the llrst. " The reserves already made by the govern ment nro : The WliUo river plateau In Colorado rado , embracing the head waters of the White , Grand and Yumpa rivers ; another nt the houd of Pccos river lu Now Mexico and the enlargement of Yellowstone park. In response to a petition from the Ameri ca n Forestry association the department Is examining the following tracts of public Jnnd with the Intention of reserving them : The Klathead and Marias river rcclon , oc cupying the rugged and mountnmaus conti nental dlvldo In northwestern Montana. 'rho rugged slopes of I'iko's Peak iu Cole rado. The mountain region northeast of bnnta Fo , N. M. , it the head of the Pccos and Iho Canadian rivers. The Tutara region , comprising much of the western slope of Iho Sierra Nevada range In eastern nnd southern California. The Crater lake region in soulhoaslern Oregon. The Turtle mountain region in Bottinpau end Itoletto counltos. North Daltota. Iho Lost parlt region in Colorado. The unoccupied lands about the head waters of the Mississippi river lu northern Minnesota. Surveys are also being made of several pieces In Wyoming , some of whlcn will doubtless bo reserved tbo present year. , 'J he zeal of the government In this import ant matter deserves the active support of all true friends of western Interests. The sup pression of timber thieves , the commercial pirates of western forests , cannot bo accom plished too soon. The future welfare of the great region demands reasonable protection for natural forests. Prstrilctlvo Wnrk of It.ilil The clfrnntlo Imld cnglo-i of Duncan's Mills nnd Cuudoro , Cnl. , liavo bcon mnlcltiR it very llvoly , accorilliig to nil accounts , for certain kinds of llvo stock and fowls In that vicinity. 1'lRs , full-Brown Shanghai chlcic- cns and even calves have bocn carried away in tuo talons of those great birds. All tbo sportsmen of the vicinity are kcjplng tholr rlllos louilud for the bic caglos. William Montgomery of the American Ex- obnngo , who has bcon u ( , ( Jiizadoro and Dun can's Mills on n vacation , returned bora with what probably was the klnc of the o guys tbo San Franclsc'j ICxamlnor. It was the result of Ills prowess In tbo Rroat redwoods woods near Duncan's Mllln. Tbo wings trutchod thlrtoen foot from tip to lip and Its tnlons were a sight to behold. Aa well sunpoao a lot of hay could pot. away from an Improved liorso pitchfork as thnt any prey of those monstrous birds could I'lll from their grasp. They were almost ns strong as the grappling hooks sum. down iu a river tor n heavy object. Mr. Moiitnomnry told how the latent loss was that of an Italian iminod Cnslno , from whom the eagles had taken a couple of pig * . "Hut what surprised mo moro than any thing else , " ho added , "win the immense ( tire of their nests In the redwoods and lha inutcriul they I saw a nest in u gigantic redwood there that , bid sticks in It as big iis n Icncu rail. How the ongloi over lilted them anil inruingcil lliom was a grontsur- jiriso to mo , especially till 1 cnula In close view of the u.igliH. This ni'st 1 spu.ik of was in a trro that towered at least 'MO feet high. " 'I'M re o stlcl's of the size 1 have mentioned tvcru laid in tlio forks of a true In the form ot a triangle. They were arranged at the comers , one on the ether , just llko a rail /once , and were perfectly solid und secure. On this was piled very cbarsu sticks and heavy brush , making a complete nest. The ingenuity displayed was roniurkible. Kaqlas nro Hying about tbo points 1 have mentioned inoU all tbo lime. The towns are only snvcu miles apart. 'Iho region is favorable for tbo great birds and they are mailing the most of it. \Viir will bo on in earnest , liowovrr , If they do not ceusu capturing ttio sheep , pigs and chickens. As there Is not much bopo of this , however. It may bo concluded that the ranchers will begin tbo work of extermina tion in a concerted way. " IjUilit'.itctl Mormon I'ropnrty. \Vhat U probably the lust step In the con troversy between the fo.lcral government And the Mormon church was tnksn In the courts of Utah lust week. On behalf of the United States attorney general a motion was Illod In thu federal court ot the territory that all property escheated to the government under the ICumumU not and now iu the hands ol thu receiver , bo mirrcndcd to the govern ment. The motion stated that the judgments received were linnl , ns no appeal had beau taken , Tnu attorney for the church usked tbat no order bo made , u-s un appeal would bo tnK'jn to the United States supreme court. Tint property Involved Is vuluoii at iroro than J1XJUH ( ( ! ( > . It consists ot a church , farm , gaverat hundred iierei of valuable coal lands and mines , tithing houses and church ofhcos. Under Iho luw thu property or thu proceeds thereof will bu devoted tu the maintenance of the public Bchools , U'ullo U has always boon the policy of tlio Mormon church to carry tbolr litigation to the supreme court , repeated adverse decisions tuivo destroyed the uopoi of the loaders of scour- liifrn iiivursal In the proient case , and they ui-o dl.ilncllned to Incur further expense lu what Is looked upon as a fruitless legal con- p-overey. l > iitutopiiii < nt In Wyoming. Uenorid activity is In the saJdlo la ovary tnlulni ; uump In Wyoming. The ruttloof the .pick and thi < hum of the tiout n hoard ovory- vvlioro and widniprcad conlldonco tills the croaker with dismay. Honoris from the Luplata district represent n cheerful condition of tiilnu'i in that region. Al u depth of llfly feet the experimental diamond mend drill worked by u I.arumiu company truck u pocket and dlsaupuaroJ. A larger drill U lo bu put In. Tbo Dahl cUlui shows UP boit iu thu district. Thu output U bluck eulpherot.s and wlro silver und promises rich jruturui , 'i'uo old Ceutuuuiul lead Is lolug worked again , A few panning * run as high as tGOU In gold to the ton. Seven samples of ere from Centennial val ley were assayed In Lnramlo recently. The returns ranged from $703 to $23 In gold pnr ion , with n sllcbt sprinkling of silver. The location from which this ore was taken was originally made by Messrs. McCuno and Johnson , but the latter recently sold his In terest In the claim to William D. Thomas of Laramlo. Those who nro nt work upon it nro certain It Is the old Uontonnlal load , nnd ns the ere taken thorofrom Is very rich nnd of nhout the oatno character of that formerly found in the old mine , there ls hnrdlv any doubts ns to the truth of the claim mndo by the gentlemen. Work Is home rapidly pushed on the mine , nnd now developments are awaited dally. E. C. Durtlott , formerly of Omaha , now a hustling prcspcctor In the South Pass region , tells marvelous stories' of rich mineral In that section. Wrltluc to n friend In Laratnio , ho says ! "I have boon making the round of the now strikes today , and they nro ahead of any- I ever saw. I ohcloso some pieces of quart i as samples , which arc too valuable to alvo away , although they do not compare with the bulk of the ere plcxcd out of our claim , f saw pieces of gold as largo as n f20 gold piece. 1 saw men taking quartz from another shaft yestnrday , with pieces of gold as largo as buckshot scattered through It. The work of tboso mnn for ono day must hnvo cleaned up some thousands of dollars. Our neighbor made a stnko this morning about 100 yards from whore wo are drilling only six foot down with n showing of great gold quartz. Wo assayed sumo of It from him and It wont ? 5IXU ) to the ton Saving thoio claims where gold has already boon found , I would Just as soon go to work on a claim where n pick has never struck n blow , for the quartz un derlies fin my opinion ) this whole Held. " The Kiuvllns Journal reports great devel opments In the district known as the Four Mile placers , south of Snaka river and close lo the border of Colorado , The prospectors wnro veteran minors from Aspeti , Col. Two of them have discovered a quart/ lend from llftoon to eighteen feet wide which they have already traced from 1'imborlnko gulch , six teen mllc-i south of Dixun , to Elk llo'id crock , n stream tributary to Hear river , which they atllrm contains valuable mineral. They show some very good npoclmons. The Journal calmly assorts thnt the six square miles com- prlMOd In the district contains exactly $1- b3UU7t.iilu : gold. A I'rohlliltloii Saloon Scheme. A movement is on in Sioux Falls , onginoorcn by a minister and a federal olllclal , designed to solve the prohibition problem and put money In tbo purse of the city. On the Oth lust. Kov. A. It. Grant of All Sousl church and W. ll. Lyon , Unltod States commis sioner , npnoarod before ttio IJuard of County Commissioners and submitted the following resolution : Whereas , The rlty council of Sioux Fulls has under serious consideration n proposed plan for the establishment of a municipal saloon to bo under the complete control of the city , and Whereas , It is believed by n largo number of our people thnt this plan odors a complete solution of the liquor problem by Improving the quality and preventing the excessive use of intoxicant * and eradicating the American saloon and bole In the wall us they now exist. with all other attendant evils , now , there fore , bo It Ko3olved , That In case the city shall de cide to try the proposed plan , the state's at torney for this coutty is hereby directed not to interfere with it In any manner whatever , but to aid and abet it by all means in his power. Mr. Lyon explained his plan as follows : "It is reported to mo , of course the innvor dooiu't know anything of ttio facts , that there are thirty or forty saloons in Sioux Falls , Now what I propose is that this city go into the saloon business. I will furnish funds to try the experiment. It won't ' cost the city a cout. Allot the thirty or forty saloons must bo closed , and in their place wo will run n city saloon which could bo regu lated by the most stringent laws. That they would bo obeyed goes without question. Minors would not bo allowed in the saloon. It would bo closed at a certain hour. liy this moans the city could clear &J5.000 a year. Purn liquor would bo sold at reasonable rates. " Kov. A. H. Grant said : "I can see no objection to the cltv's violating lating the stata law ns long as It takes olnek- mall from violators. " Tno county board discussed the proposi tion nil the afternoon , and finally agreed to give their consent , gh thu Sound. President ( Jlarlt of the Union Pacllio made a tour of the company's lines in Oregon and Washington last week. While nt Portland ho was questioned as to whether the com pany intended to complete Its line from Port land to the sound. Ho said : "Certainly , wo shall complete it. Wo have spout too much money on the line to lot it stop. I think the Great Northern will continue according to contract and help complete tbo road. I can not determine whoa wonc will bo resumed. ' Mr. Clark status that ho found the entire system in good condition. Nobrntilcii. A now ? ' ) , OUO school bulltiing Is being erected at Huca. The worn ot rebuilding the B. & M. depot at Table Hock haj boon begun. Tbo Pawnee county republican convention will bo hold nt Pawnee City , July 23. Ilickman is soon to have a now elevator to take the place of the ono recently burned. An infant child of M. B. Carman of Moor- Held , fell into a barrel ot water and was drowned. Burglars entered Collott's drug store at Mead und .secured iio worth of jowolry. They tried to blow the sufo , but they didn't succeed. Wnkollold has voted ? ( J,030 in bonds for the purpose of constructing a system of waterworks. Perry Palmer Is In Jail nt Seivard under $1,1)011 ) bonds to nnswor to the caargo of as saulting1 a young girl. A little whirlwind picked up tlio barn and windmill of A. D. Smith near So ward aud completely demolished them. The Co/ad Nows-Koporter has become the Messenger. M. E. Scott has retired from the editorship and has been succeeded by F. P. Curricle. A barb wire fence term In a ted the career of n promlslug f 1,500 colt belonging to M. B. Cox of Norfolk. The animal's jugular was savored by ono of the barbs. Bernard Done ) , a IS year-old boy of Valley township , Madison county , foil while run ning and Iiroko oil a small fragment of the ncromlou process. Ho will recovor. All Iho alleged "temperance" saloons in Auburn were raided by the olllcors on ttio Fourth and beer was found in every placo. The Iceooers were hold for trial in the dis trict court. The Sownrd Blade says it is hard for farmers in that section to got help in their corn nnd hay llclds. They are In town every day looking lor help , nt good pay. These who really want to work can generally llnd plenty of It to do , at good wages. John Meyers , living near JOIk Creek , had Ills right hand caught In the gearing of a corn shqllur , aud his arm was drawn in to the shoulder before the shelter could bo stopped. The nrm was terribly mangled , although It Is thought no boned were broken. Ucnrpo U. Cotton , cushlor of the Central Nebraska National bank ; L. Spelts , stool : dealer , and J. A. Ayres , Jr. , of the Hotel Perkins of Duvld City , Imvo returned from n six weeks' visit in Ungluud and France. Mr. Spelts took a cargo of 1,101) cattle to fjlvor- pool , which is thu largest shipment of Ddef oattlo evertslilppud from America. The sail ing tlmo from Boston to Liverpool was clovou days. Wyoming. Nine hours ( s now u day's work In the Choyonuo shops. The democratic state convention moots at Hock Springs on the -i7Ui. Democratic campaign thunder In the state consists of attacks on the cattle uarous. Rainmaker Melbourne Is recuperating In Cboyenno , having showered western No brasttu counties fur { 1,000 , Wyoming delegates to the pooplu's party convention are enthusiastic In their pralso of the treatment ronoivodln Om.iha. Hock Springs stands in with tbo festive sport , license * his iramo and pulls his ox- trmultios for from $ SOO to fl.UOU a yoir. Senators Warren and Carey were hunp In oflliry in Oft'don by indignant citizens , be cause they did not vote for thu silver bill. The trial of the eatllomeu promum to bo n very costly alTalr. Leaving out the largo but unknown sums to DO paid counxol , there are the cojU of transportation and feeding the srisoncrs , court coits , the cost of securing n ury , for which It is expected 1,000 porjons ivlll Do summoned , It Is iiifc tooitl .late the cost will run in the llvo llgurcs , and will eventually fall on the taxpayers of Johnson county. South Diikotn. The assessment roll ot Yaukton county foot * up (1,395,000. The republican slate convention will moot at Madison on the 20th. Whltowood was selected ns the place for holding th o next annual reunion ot the sol diers and sailors of the Blnck Hills. Governor A. C. Mollotto U the only stnto ofllcor of South Dakota who Is not a candi date for ro-olootlon or promotion this year. The Income of the Yankton postofllco for the current year has reached the amount necessary to entitle the city to free delivery. According to the Dcadwood Times the snlo of a croup of Bald mountain mlnos to nn English syndicate for $250,000 Is an ns- surod thlug. Tbo distinguished foreign directors of the Hartley Peak Tin company vouchsafed no Information regarding tbcir Intentions dur ing tholr visit to the Hills. Senator Pottlgrow reported to the sonnto nnd secured the passnzo of a bill regulating tbo terms ot holding Unltod Stoics courts in South Dakota. Tno bill provides thnt courts shall bo hold In Stoux Falls on the llrst Tuesday In April and the third Tuesday In October , nt Plorro the llrst Tuesday In March and October , at Dondwood the first Tuesday In February and September. IJtIllMllllI IllltllO. Ogdnn is making the preliminary move fern n smelter. A flro started by trumps In Shoshone de stroyed $18,000 worth of proporty. Surveyors are looking at the lay of the land for a railroad from Salt Lake to Deep Creek. A colony of grasshoppers four miles In length have appeared on the western end of Cnmas prarlo. The owners of nn iron foundry In Now York threaten to move toOgdon if sufllclont Inducements nro offered. It Is estimated that If the population of Idaho were evenly distributed over tbo state , each purson would hnvo a railo of room. Tno DoLaraar mlno in Idaho has 120,000 tons of ere in sight valued nt SM.fiO per ton. That Is not n bad showing for ouo mlno in Owyheo county nearly ? l,000.000. The Nampa Loader says the Idaho delega tion to the Chicago convention , six in num ber , consumed ? I. > U worth of liquid onthus- lusm. This explains the scml-rlotous scones In the wigwam during tbo woo sma' hours of Th'ir.sdny inornlnir. Surveyor General Pottlt of Idaho has just completed his annual report for the fiscal year ending Jnno ! ) J and forwarded it to the proper authorities at Washington. D. C. The i-oport , shows that $49,0b'l ' has boon appor tioned to Idaho for surveys during the com ing yoar. Contracts have bcon lot for sur veys until the entlro sum has bocn consumed. Work on many ot tbo contracts has already been commenced. .Montana. The mining congress mcoU in Helena tomorrow. The Holet.n. Independent snya that there Is not now and probably never has been a mineral section of Montana , or of nnv other western stato. giving such promise of con tinued prosperity as the Flint Crook district offers at the present lime. The Helena Street Hallway companies have arbitrarily advanced the fares on their roads from 5 to 10 cents. The city council is wrestling with the question ot how to com- ncl them to carry passengers at the old rates , but so far llnds itsolt povtorloss. The product of the precious metals In the stats of Montana for the calendar year 1S'.IL was approximately : Gold , $2,891,330 ; silver , ( lG,3l'JOi ' > 0 ; line ounces coining vuluo of $21- l.S.l$0 ) ; total vnluo , $24,02'J,5T2. These figures show a slight docrcaso in gold product as compared with 189 ! ) , and an increase of about 01)0,000 ) ounces of silver. The Dunsan mine , located on the ElKhorn mountain , above tbo Elldiorn mine , carries gold , silver und lead , the value of which is about $100 a ton. A contract for the erection of a steam hoist and a pump upon the prop erty has boon lot. Ono hundred and twenty tons of ere from this mlno netted nearly $9,000 when load was about its lowest prices. For tea minutes on the evening of the Fourth a cyclone raged in Helena. The amount of ram and hail that foil und the fre quency of the lightning were unprecedented in that region. Nearly an inch of ruin fell iu thnt short time. The hail came down like bullets , and the loaves of tbo trees all over town show clean , round holes. People who were c.iuilit out In the storm had to seoic shelter until its cessation. The wind mat preceded the rain and nail blow llfty miles an hour , leveling trees and fences. Aloiii ; thu Count. Spokane proposes to erect a $00,000 city building. The school census of Tacoma shows 4,078 children of school ago. Half a million dollars worth of property in Sun Jose , Cal. , was destroyed by a llro- orackor. Pctaluma , Cal. , boasts an artesian well that Hews 30,000 gallons of pure frcsb water ovcry hour. In California bands of coolies have ranted largo tracts of land for the purpose of raising vegetables for Iho ban Francisco market. Servant girls In California receive on nn nvcrago $ .25 per month. Nurse girls are paid from $13 to $ JO and good cooks from 30 up ward. Hattlosnnkos are said to bo so Humorous in eastern Oregon us to have invaded the town of Peodtetou , where they nro fouud in the gardens. Abordeou , Wash. , has developed into a ship-building place , bus turned out a llrst-ciass steamer to ply on Pugct Sound. ICvory piece of word on the stcamor was done lu Aberdeen , including thu castings for the machinery. Thu statistics of ttio custom bouse at San Francisco show that the sum of $750.000 was collected last year us the duty on importa tions of smoking opium at that port alone , with the tariff at f 1a pound. This means an Importation of 02,000 pounds. A company lias been formed at The Dalles , Ore. , for the manufacture of glass , with a capital of $250,000. Sand is so plen tlful at The Dallns as sometimes to completely block the Union Pucilic track , so that ono ot tlio main IngroJlehts for thu manufacture will always bo ready. Urover Cleveland was playing around a horse at Contrnlia , Wash. , and struct : him with u switch. The Uorjo Itloued back and cut a g&sti seven inches long on Urovor'a face , besides breaking several bones. Grove was a Cantralia 11-year-old and not the resi dent of Now York. One of the largest orchards lu California will coma into full bearing this season. It is the 1-tOO aero fruit farm of Palgo it Mortoji , near Tuluro , In the lower San Joaquln valley. Thu soil U rich nnd thn growth of the troui Is phenomenal. From ono trco 'J,7UO poaches were taken at the llrst thinning , and many ut the second , and yet the tree Is lull now. A conservative estimate places the crop this year at $300 not to tlio aero. A smart young man in Walla Walla , Wash. , started out to have some fun by so'iriiiR two young women who woru to re turn homeward through a wooded stretch of rend after visiting friends in the evening. Ho out on a buffalo rob a and started out to play boar. The jlrls attacked the supposed bear with heavy stones and then tbumpjd it with clubs before the young man squealed , Ho was so badly bruised thut bo could Durdly crawl homo. California endowment societies collapsed last week. Nearly (1,000 ( paoplo joined the association under the idea that it was bettor than the regular llfo insurance companies. The jchomo was to charge $50 initiation fee and to clvo In return eight coupons good for $2'25 ouch , to bo mid at roL'uUr Intervals until the uoldor was 75 year * old. TUu as sessments levied were small , but were sufll- clent.wlth tha Initiation feu to keep tbo order running for several yeara.Vbon now mem bers coasud to coma in the order began to languish and the moment coupons failed to bo cnbuad , the collapse came. > TOI.KIH ) , Iowa , April 0 , 1391 , Dr. J. B. Moons , Dear Sir : My wlfo has used about six bottle * of your Tree of Life , nnd thinks that Mio has received greater bcu- cllt from It than uuy modlclno she has over taken. Yours truly , L. H. BUPKIN , Ocu'l Ak'ont and Treas. Wen College. Slnco receiving the above testimonial , 1 am ItU'CcoInt of a tetter nnd chock from tbo Hoy. U H Bufkln of Toledo , Jown , April 25 , to send Hey , J. W. Ken worthy , Crostllno , Kau sai. six bottles of Moore' * Tree of Llfo. I' or snlo by ull druggists. WHAT ARE YOU IMBIBING ? ku Bevanges That Supply , the Olnraor for "Something Nice and Cool. " DRINKS THAT OUR FATHERS RELISHED Hut Styloi Unvn Clmnpcd nntl Only Knnoy .MiKturoi Oo to tlio Itlglit Spur Now Seine of the IMpulur Drink. Ing Thcro are few industries which hnvo de veloped moro rapidly during the past few years thau thu manufacture and sale of sum mer drinks. Everyone remembers when Icmonado ana homo-browed root boor formed the ntaplo beverages of the summer season. And on important occasions , such as circus days and fair time , n novelty in the shape of rod leraonado was introduced ana Imbibed with prodigal relish by the thirsty rabble. The facilities for furnishing such refresh ments were limited to n plno board sup ported by a couple of X-shapod braces , n small tub with n dozen glasses , and a girl with a calico dross nud sloovcs rolled up above the elbows , who alternately dispensed the ruby beverage ana smtlod sweetly upon some especially favored swam. But the rod lemonade disappeared like bustles and hoopskirts nnd ether fashions , and society demanded a moro stylish caterer to its thirst. Every season brings with it a long list of additions to the symposium of fashionable drinks , for there are styles lu drinks as well ns lu spring bonnets nnd car nages and everything else upon which the world depends for enjoyment , The soda water fountain furnishes thu nucleus for the majority of summer beverages , but at the moro fashionable resorts a list of fancy drinks is furnished , the rola'.lvo merits of which can onlv bo ascertained by long experience. Every fountain has its quota of "specials , " the composition of which Itioy guard ns Jeal ously as n physician preserves Iho secrecy of n favorite proscription. The egg drinks consiltuto the greater part of the so-called "fancy" drinks. Among these which have appeared with the present season uro a choice variety of egg-noggs. Sherry egg-nogs , Harrison's ' cgg-nogg , Cleveland's cpg-nogg , and Catnwba nud claret egg-noggs. Egg phosphates , ogp cof fee , egg sherbort , egg orangeade ana egg strawberry are some of the oge drinks most popular lu Omaha. The Tokav flip is an especially palatable drink which is ono of tlio specialties of a well known resort. H Is com posed of Tokay wlno , sirup , cronm and an egg well shaken with shaved lee and served with nutmeg. Thu Boston flip Is n mixture of brandy , shaved Ice , sirup and cream , well shaken and served with nulincg. Ice cream soda Is the favorite bovorngo of Omaha women. Ono of the downtown llrms uses four gallons of Ice cream a day for this purpose and on especially warm cl.iya twice that quantity. The proved fruit flavors are generally called for , although many customers prefer lemon , vanilla or chocolate. According to thn Judgment of ono of the oldest soda foun tain attendants in the city the only way to servo an ice cream soda i ? to thoroughly mix the sirup and carbonated water and then add the ice cronm , as it is impossible toforco a line stream of soda water through the ice cream first. Ladlos' favorite , ocean foam , flowing streams and Siberian ilip are also popular beverages with the fair sex The last named is composed of n half tumbler full of shaved Ice , nn 'ounce each of pine- npplo and orange sirups , a dram of acid phosphate and n couple qf. drops of Angos tura Hitters. Afior being well shaken the fflass Is filled with sodu water and a thin sllco oanh of orange and pineapple added to omnhaslzo tlio flavor. The phosphates are tlio most popular with Iho multitude of any single drink. Nearly all the- larger resorts claim to soil nearly as many phosphates as all the other drinks com bined. The pUosnhato Is of the class known ns " .still" drinks , and Is composed of calcium magnesia and phosphoric acid. It issaid to bo the most healthful of all drinks , nnd is especially 'palatable in tbo morning. Tbo usual flavor Is blood orange , although lemon , wild-grapojxnd celery are often called for. Zaina punch , orgest a la egg , nmycoso and cocoa frappa are a few of the latest drinks , but people who have any regard for the laws of gastromomy prefer to adhere to their old favorites rather man lo tamper with bcvoragos whoso very numois sufllciont to superinduce nn attack of dyspepsia. To bo able to properly compound all these mixtures requires both practice and experi ence , aud the skillful utienuants at the soda- fountains in the moro fashionable resorts command good salaries. In this city their salaries range from 310 to535 per week. Ex Ofllcor McMahon of the police tnrco was one of the most export soda mixers in town and hence his sobriquet of ttio "soda water pollcoman. " The soda water experts are almost without exception of tlio maiculino gender. The experiment of employing fe male attendants has boon tried but without success. Somehow or ether the task of shaking together the mysterious ingrcdiontb of an egg-nogg oa Siberian flln , and tossing the frothing liquid Sack and forth from ono glass lo another proved to bo too abstruse for the fcmlnma mind to graso. And then the girls did not like the worlc , for It was Impos sible for them to appear graceful and altrao live wbilo Iho shaking process was in pro gress. In cilles where the saloons nro closed on Sundays the soda water resorts are apt to Introduce a few Ingicdicnts with their "specials" which nro particularly welcome to the thirsty people Mho miss ihcir ! morning cocktail. As n cencrnl thing tlio liquor Is not used In its pure form , but cer tain sirups are impregnated with brandy , rum and various wines HO that none of the ong'nal flavor is lost. Roman punch , club punch , egg sour , royal cabinet and egg bhoruy are u few of the beverages which may bo flavored to suit the taste of the pur chaser. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for chil dren leotbiiig Is thn family benefactor , : J3 cents a bottle. Two JIIIIII-H Krnilrrri. SOUTH OMAHA , Nob. , July 9. To the Editor - tor of TUB UEB : An Horn appeared iu tbo evening- issue of Tin : Bui : on tbo Sth inst. under the head of "Wants Cash or Cuttlo" which places our Mr. Frnzior In a false light. Wo trust you will make this correction. "Jamos Fru/.ior , the commission man , of Suuth Omaha , " u engaged In a strictly commission Dusinoss and never buys cattla tor himself on contract or otherwise , and consequently did not and could not bring suit against any ono on a cnttlo contract. There Is another Jamtis Frazlor engaged In the cattle business 'at , Columbus , Neb , , and your reporter has evidently got the parties confused. Your * very trulv , GKOUOI : , Bfjiiici : & Fui Disease never Miccosfifully attacks the sys torn with pure blood. OoWitt's Sursuparlila makes pure , new blood mid nnriuhey blood. What Will Vrtn Cull II ? "You Name Mo , " Is' the title of a bright , splay , little Journal that juado Its uppaaranco on thu llrst of this month'H Is issued by the S. A. Klder Jawolry company of St. Louis , and according to itself -published In the Interests of our customers genor.tllv , and the S. A. Hitler Jewelry compunv In particular. " Ono of most unique features of this unique paper It the olMr of u fiOO prio for thu most unique , atiruutlvo and origin * ! inline to take tbo place a ( the beseeching Una that now appears at tnaitoo of its lirit pagu. The olfer Is open to all , whether sub criuora or not. Nature should bo uHHlHlod to throw olTliiiniirl' CURES tlcHoftliolifooil. MALARIAL Nothing docH It so Avell , HO bufcly POISON or KO promptly as 'H Siiucllle. LIFE HAD NO CHARMS. ) Tor thrta years 1 wai trnutle * ! with mallrUl ( Killon. whUli ciincil inlpp ltt to fail , an i 1 wa crtatly re * uucc < llnlltfUi&nd lifolostftll Iticliarmi. 1 trioU iner * curUlauilK | > tailirrnipllci , l.utttnariret.t. 1 cuul'leet ' nuiellcf. I then IrleJ tri'rfytfr i A few botilciol llilt wonjerful .t . . . rneditili9lCfH . . . . | i ) fl i inm " " ile ' I a com | > tel4 j l n i now enj / better bcilih than trtT J.A IUCC , Ultiwt , Kin. Our took on IH < XK | tn J Skla Dluasct unlit j free BwlfT SPDCIPIO CO. . ATIANTO * * R Laclij RduisBS Ladies A Few Secrets from Her Own Experience Which Cnn Bo Profitably Adopted by Others. Iknow nchnrmlnffhilrwlioknoT * mnra tirnutlfii nmtruiMoilvo woim > n tliMi any other laily In this cltjr In conrorsntlon , rccenllf , ho onlil : "I often font rerr sorer wlion 1 son so umnr beautiful women ? d Hellenicnml jnrforliiK IHI much , mi.1 I Imvo oflpii fUXdl myself hntlliorcn enl ? I think Indies rtonot ciorfl othoproi'ercnro. Tlior ilu not ei\t nonrl'h- Inu fooil.tlioy rocnrelo sortiielr fret , their nerkt , their clio t . In ihlsivny Ihev uuon the tluor fur ill" ( i' , ami thote thoiKanilsortrniitilos wlilelisoollen nllllct Tomnnklml , lull , wor a limn all , they alli > w llit-lr llfo nnil tn > imtlito run ilimn In a luw ebli. lluw nmny wniiu'ii wo foocoii'Untlr I" this romll. tlon. 1 hey neeil help , they need foniotlilnu to ile | > eml uponsoinotlilnittlint will n l t them , some frlenil In ni'O.l. Iknowthlslnwly fnim my own eiporlence. for 1 was on en In the nme conilHIon my ell. I tlniuiiht tliu mutter over c.srulully , anil Orcl.UM what 1 wonlil do. 1 know I neeileil n uentlc , eunnlant Kllmulanl , unmethlnit thnt wuiilil n < M < t my TH | ! fnroix , ki'i-i-my liloixl throtitiUmnml art as n tonle , 1 decliloil tu try Uuirv'a Piirii MultVhlnkjr. . nnil ll ef- fi'i't has lit-on lniiiy | wonderful. 1 do not know whut pnln < , i > lckiie'isurnonkiie9s are , anil I nm JiUHIIeJ Inillns KimcrAlly eoiihl be In the iiniiin happy condition by a proper usnof the same nieiinv" This lmly > remarks ate onlltled to the greatest ron- dleraton , for they nro an Indication of wlmt hun dreds of lanes Imvo found It to t-o aneies lty. U fliouM bo borne In mind , lion ever thatltls only nnro wlilskr willed Mmiild ever tiottsiid , and thnt Duffy's 1'uro .Malt is tlio only one whloli reeelvps the cndor e- mentsof "ClunlMts and Iho recommendations of phy- Mcimn. Do not allow nuy driiticlst or Krocor to In- dncu you to tnko any othor. HBALTHPUL , AQREnAnLG , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics. A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures dialing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. RUSSSAH Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water SCHENCK'S KE PILLS Purely Vegetable and Strictly Reliable. They act DIRECTLY and PROMPTLY on the Liver and Stomach , rostorinir the constipated organs to hcixlthy activity , und nro a POSITIVE and PKUPECTLY SAFE CURE for CONSTIPATION , LIVER COMPLAINT , SICK HEAD ACHE , BILIOUSNESS , and all other diseases arising from a disordered con dition of the Liver and Stomach. Tlioy nro tlio Only liullblo Vcqnt.ililo Liver 1 Sold ; They nro Perfo-tly H.iniMO-u ; The I'rol'umly Vogotnblo ; Try Tlioin. IK. PoliniicK'Mlloo'c ' on Consumption , Liver Coinpliifnt nnil DvsDoiisIa Sent Troo. J. H. SCIIENOK & SON. 1'hlladolphla AMMUNITION o OO ooo oooo For the grand fusilndo of shot and shell upon the fortress of disease , is possessed in unlimited quantities , and of the most effect ive kind , by those monarchs of the medical profession , Drs. Belts & Betts , Upon whoso banner victory has perched for 27 years. DISEASES A'antsli before the manic power of their skillful touch. BYI'IIIMH. _ CONSTirATIIX , OONOltUIIOIJA. HTIC1CTL'UK. iii.KK'f yAltlliOiJKI.Ii. HKMI.NAK iiYDHUi'igi ; . WAlfipssr I'll.HH. 1'ISTUlAT MOIiTKMladlPNa , KKOTAI , 'UlXlH8. ! { 1.0311 .MANHOOD. 1UT1CU1\S OK Wr.AKMiiH. KAltIA' Vlt'K " "HRSOAlT AN I ) INlfUI.lfKNL'KS. 1II.UOI ) AM ) .SKIN TqwsKSA ijmt ' UIHK'ASKa. .VMI S. ffT"MAT. ? _ UH1NAUV AND THU Ol'1 ' IIP W " UUVDDKlt JAJNd HfAXUINO. "TTnypirniw OH HOW OKTK.N I.IVKIt AND KID I'llOXOUNOUD IN- NKV Tlieso , ono nnd nil. readily yield to tholr skillful and selenitic trcafiiirnt , us tliou- Bands of tMtimonials from grateful people abundantly prove. bend \ centH for their now , handsomely Illustrated and valuable book of 120 panes , full of rare Information for all. Conmiltatltm free. Call upon or address , with slump , DRS. BUTTS & BliTTb. Eoutli 1-Hli bt. N. K. Corner M tli and Uou lu ) Hti. Oinaha.Nebr 0 YOU WANT ASYIIPC. 'f ' D Have You a House to Rent ? Have foil Rooms to Rent ? Have You AoyUiiDf to Sell ? Have You Anytliini to Exchange ? For 25 Cents , You can bring your wants before the majority of English rending : people of Omaha , and the leading merchants of Nebraska and Western Iowa. A 17 word advertisement in the Daily Bee will cost you only 25 cents for the first in sertion. One cent a word for each day after the first. THE BEE , Omaha , Neb. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Tht mln nt 'podallit In nervous , clironlo , private , hlonil , > kln and tmniur ilien ! ci , A rocwltr and rcBlvored ttraduatoln nuvlrlnn , n diplomat und cunllk'rtU's r.tiow. uxill treatlni ; > rllh UioaroMcn nucceit catarrh , spermutorrhocs , Ion manhooil , utmlnalTimkno < ' . nuhl lei > n , liupotuncy , ยง ypldlK strlcluro. uon * orrhdoa , itleot , Tarlooeclo.ctc. No meriiiry used. Nuw trenlment forloitofltal power , t'arllo nnnbln to vlitt mo may bo troaloil l honia by aorru pouilunco. .Meillilna or ln lrumi'nti runt by mull or oilirets curel ) packed , no marks lolmllcato eonluati or snndDr. Ono personal Interview pruroirod. Coniuliatloa freo. Lorro'pomlenco Btilctly prlviitu. llnoX l-MjaterUi of Ufa ) lout Iran. Uffloo tiuunUa. m. toy p. in. fiundan Ua. m , to iJm. Sunil alumplor rcolr- Have you tasted America's finest Whisky ? Richest Quality , Absolutely Pure , Doubly Aged , Sold at all High-class Delicate Bouquet , Drinking Places and Best I Very Best ! 1 Drug Stores. DALUEMAND A CO. . CHICAGO. ie LIZABETH Seminary for Higher and Liberal Education of Girls and Young Women. Specialty , Music , Art , Elocution. ITnlvorslty Plnn. 33rd year opens Sept nth Apply \rlr. Applicants rejected Intit Beeelon for want of room. Addrena , Rev. T. Pcjlon Walton , A.B. , Pres't , Lexington , Missouri , For tlio liltfhrr nnil Iliteral Kilurutlon of glrln youiiK wonim Hpi'dullim. MiiHlc , Art , Klo- ciitlon , I'liyslcal Trultmm. btniui , Cold mill hot wnter , lutli room * , etc , nn rnch llonr. 31th SonnioM Ijecln * .Tr > l Kill. IMi. 1'or l'ntnliiiu ( MISSOURI. JrruB , iU : illlI..I > A. , 1'rrit. . yolin oof r.ludr tlior- ouuhj Muiirnl ami Art Jep rtm nt lilslic lunlcr tcaolioriof tliolicut American and European cultnio ; largn and beautiful grouti'ln ; now bulldlngR. roniuswcll ventilated , lighted ly eai. Opium .SoptriiiluT Till For c&tntoKue aildremi - llor. T. W. UAHIIRTT , I'm. I'OLUMIIIA , MO. _ , Literary , Scientific and PutlnM * , CoursM nf Study Prepare * for Col. legc , nuunesi , We&tl'uint or Annapolis. Ol.le.t MiMlory Hrhool In Mo. , "lib WENTWQRTH ( he be&t Military orjanl/atlon ( , Infantry and Artillery Dull and Actual C'tivitlrj * Kstrnittvi'linprovrmrntiinow tirinj ; added , prnvidlnc all modern tonvcnien * ct * for tic at inc. litlitlntr etc Kiprnae * lower than tlioe of any tchool offering the same advantages Illuttratrd Catfllinjuc , Address MILITARY M.A. , LEXIHCTOti MO. " w.MO.i. .m .nrUnl . Lull , ! ! , , , . . : . inn i i ii"n Kuntlr futnllhvl lilKinil T'lilllalM , hull4 wl If tn 1 Cftliufi LUti ll'atnl tliroiuliftiil wlili klvttiii. Hut tii'l c * M ktlfr ami tiath rtmnn onivrj floor I.Uhte.1 tj Itirmi'lrveiil rlrcirlo lUhl" Lars" well equlj.ii'l g ) nmailiim lll'i ' n l lirallhful lofallon lour r cf tnd/ ln ll I. r2fl r * til'r ' M i ld amirl itM'arlru-nl f lilzh-il r le l. rii > .l rVmnlc C IU'BP lu III * N'iil Nfil r.loli c-pcm tkl.ieii.bcr . 1 , 183 ; . Mend for futnloclie. Addrru f. ili.Ml'ii : : : : . 1'n-i.liU'nt. 1.1 ItC.II I'V. .MIHSIII III. 1512 Douglas Street , Omaha. Western Aserts WriKht & TENNIS GOODS. UKACJI JJASK IJAM-i GOODS. A full line of KcncralAlhletle Goods. GYMNASIUM GOODS Hammock , " . Ilathlim Hull * . Foot Halls. Indian Clubs. Dumb Hell ; ' , llonts , Nets , Sollies , Tine KJbhliiR TaeUle , etc. , oto. FLAGSand FIREWORKS Sono for catalogue and prices. Bpoclal at tention given to mall orders. J'UIC'KB CJfAUANTKKD. Frank Cross Gun Co. , 1512 Douglas Stroot. TUESUORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Mihvaukea &St. Paul R'y > as represented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7105 p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9145 a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASII , Gen'l Agent. WQNDERLHND. Wcokof July lltli. Sunaallonul llramui ' Risen From The Ashes. " CJOW JJOY LJANO. I'rlccsCut hi Two. Hourly Klriit-clnss training In KiiKll li , Clnmdcnl , lln < lnpn * . rropurntory , riiynlcnl nint .Military Jloriirliiic'iin , & ) nillun from ( 'hli'futn. ( irmluutuB voiiiuiltialoiiud bf tlio Ktnta. Hint for cntnliiKiiu Cul. II. r. DAVIIifUN. Hujit , IlluhlHiid I'lirk.lll. . . T7i. tr'lXfi ' /'f 7-.IK I. 'I i'f TK , 1611 ( jitorKu Avo. , I'liliMKO. Clrln' Ilnlir.llnu'N'liiKil Colli'Kl.itc. , Bulrjnlllfu and ( 'Innnlail CmirM'H , IMoimunt llouins , l.nrt-'U lluumi. Kviul for CtiluluKiHi. QUAIL BRAND HEALTH FOODS Parched Rolled Oats , Unequalled in llavor. : Corn Gritz , .Sold only in 2J pound iwoUufjos. Velvet Meal , For niulllns nnd ( , 'otnn. Till ? IW N flnfilWP IIJIDlwl ! / lu UllmllWl Solil by nil Flrrtl-ClaHH ( Jn-cnn ) . t , ionilliiatiun. djrfl > | i lj. fuull atli , lutulki tu < , linartl'Uriiluii bf * I > IM till ) , IllunUillU'l irw-lon , ( ililfl'ul t UfvMmi , pln'rilm , willow < .uij'kt t on , und cif LTT UM uw rtvultlDif from 4 iiro Woo1 n-xfalliiiuliirlliui'tuuiuli.lhirti lu. J jtllut'4 tufHrfoiiu Ilirlrpiop'rfunctions , rtrvci : ? * tuun a.tiiuui UmJlli'dbrUVIuyuii . Klr ii ulU.rx f i < li inuikl. I'niil y niull.l LTIIM , I'ti uiruplj < . J f llll'At A fl I KM 1C A I. ( VClOMiruooBt. Ku Vurk J * ' > < 1 - > ' < - . > . ' t * Vt.'i