THE OMAHA DAILY R VTUllDAY , JULY 9 , 1892 THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Government Drop Report Rumors Caused Much Weakness Yesterday. WHEAT TRADING WAS QUITE LIMITED After Opening Illelirr Prior * Declined , Knl- lylnc ut the Ultup I'.irthlilB' * W" About tlio Only l n > cr of I'rom- Inciicu on 'Change. CHIC ton , III. , July B A mountain of uncer tainty In xlm form of tlio government crop to- port loomed tip before tlio speculators uml caused weakness ncuHy nil dny. In the end wheat uml corn went off ut about lust nliiht's prices , out pork uiul ribs closed 7'so lower and lard fie Thu recovery In craln nt the close- was duo to the reports of heavy rains throuih- out tlio winter \ \ haul bolt. Who it trading was limited. After opening Me hlKher prices decline 1 to from se to ic. rallying a c at the close , which wtis steady. The llntfh and sllv cr bills , rumors of a panic nl Paris , the l-ioor troubles nnd eholor.i , all liolpcd In producing the feeling of depression that proval ed ilurlng most of the sc slon. The nntturlim Iv ins is crop repot t ulso hud an in fluence. I'ardridso was obout the onlv buyer of prominence , though shorts ienunlly Bccincd disposed to cover and tiilio In ptollta whileImiRs&linncd Increasing dL .coitr.isenii'nt mid lltuild.ittd frtcly.caverns t nd Mitchell wore nmonp the most liberal ItiUh Iduul sellers. C'orn opened a shade belter than It closed last nUlit , wltli 11 few niivlng orders on the market , but the reco ( it1piovlns larger than estimated , the ouess boliu about sKiy cars , the grading unusually good and the we.ither Miicmlltt. With 103 curs e\preted tomorrow , tlio celling soon became urgent und thuio vwis iidocllnunf finni'iolo'iv. ' A good dual of long ( .0111 iMinooiil on thu axliimslluii of mnr- Klns ; tliodlsroiiiiieeniGiil of holders and crop . A mix-lets vvoic ulni regarded us Ootlur. uro vvus the sollliu of .Inly and buying of iri-p- tembur , the proinliiii of tlio former nelii. ? e- cluced to 'to , it one time , Tlio demanil Im proved tit tlio dccllno .mil bcptombor c.osed with a slight gain Uats fnlloued corn. The market opened steady , broke 3e and Mistiilned 11 10- rovcry. closing from i\o to 3ie lower comp iroil with Tnut'-dny'scloir , lltir\ov told Julv and bought September Most of the trade was of u scalping n uuro. Tliero was a good all round tr.ido In pro- v'slons ' It vviia the hist muruct on the lloor. There wus u urivo ut prices e.nlv. emi'-lng a hlinrp decline , which was but p.utlv reooveied on the Inter trading I ho fe.itiuo wus the mile of 2niu.K ( > 0 pounds of short ribby Iteusly nnd othuts fur the Cuduhy Interests Tncy were taken by Lester , ! > , Co. and llolmhol/ MttL' . There was some r ildlng of Inid nnd pork nnd stuir c.inio out on stop loss outers through commission' hooves , l.atur It was claimed that C'udahyArmour.Uy in and Swift nil bun > ht more or icss pioJucl The receipts of 5,0110 n.oie hogs limn expected helped to Blurt the decline. TlioullorliiKs of vc cl room vvero Unlit mm domnnd fair ut2e for wheat and PiO for coin to llniralo. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Whoat. SO cur * : com , ,11)0 ) curs ; oatn , 20 cars ; hogs , 2U.OOO head. The loading futures ranged as follovvs : AKTII I IS mini. 1 ( IU NO i July $ 77K vcpt ( mlicr 7i H COIIN .So 2 July . . . MMCiSOM CrO keptc-mlicr AtiKUi-t l'1 ' OATH No i July 31U > , L S 1'OIIK- .luly 11 40 11 T ' cptemLcr 11 i'XJ 11 51 11 fi'J J.41III July 1 00 7 DO oiitruiticr 7 10 7 10 bllimi llllis Jill ) 7 20 7 W heptciiilic'r 7 V5 7 2-'V Cash ( imitations were as follows : I'i ( itin I'.UHV ; iirlces iiuotubly nnclianpcd ; wntor patents. ) l.20&44i ; u Inter straits , i.L'U ( ftl.lK ) ; sprliiKputcntsil.li4 ( fO ; spring btralts , 14 .K04.40 : biikois' , JJ.OOa.l.7i. \\IIICAT No. 2 hiirlnii , 77'Bi477J ( ci No Usprlns , 7Jc : No 2 red. 7S'io COIIN Lower ; > 0.2 , 49'sc ; No. JtOii Ko Ilcash. I7'o : No. 4 , lie. OATS-I > O. 2. .I2c : No. U white , UTtOJIc ; No. Bwliltu. . . | , ® . . live No 2.7Jc. lUni.n No. 2 , COc : No. 3 , no sales ; No. 4 , no tales. KI.AX Si KI No. 1 , $1 00. TiMorm tifun 1'rln.e , SI.CW.1114. I'OIIK Metis , pei bbl.ll .IVfoll.4 l'4 : lard , per 1 0 Ibs. . f7.utKi17.ii214 ! : Hliort ribs Hides loosoi. $7.10 Cl7..l2'i ; diy Halted Hhonldeis ( bo\od ) , tC5. ® 7.00 ; short clour shks ( hoved ) . $7 40 7.i5 ( \VinsK\-Distillers' liu shed coeds , per ( 'ul. , (1.15. builAiis UncUiinKi'd ; cut loaf , 535'jo : cran- lilated. 4 iC , I "A , " 4" e Itoiolpts and slilpmonts today were as fol lows : On the I'loduco exchiin o today the butter mnrkelwaa woukm , finiev cni.imoiy , I'klt-'Oc ; line westein , KITi , he ; ordlniry ' 4Scllic ; line dairies , R < iil7e. I L-S , llrn.or at. llffiUUc. NEW VOIIK , . -I'Miiiii-licceipts , 11.404 Dks ; exiiiirls , 7.SII ub's ' , , ! ' . > , > > 0) ) s icl < i , lio.ivv : rti'0llerliiio , moilcratolv actlvo ; talcs , L' " > , : i50 bills. LOIINMI.AIj Tllll ) , Wniui-lteceluts , 60rObn. : exports , lud.VO lii , stiles ) ,5W"uo DU of futures , 11. ' , ' 00 bu. of spot. * pol murketiiuiet , lower : No. 'J red. fci'ic In Moro and ulovator ; h'Kctsfliic alloat ; BT'tWSH'ii' f. o b.i No 'J red. 81140 ; miitrudcd , "Mil'.i.o ; o 1 northern. SVjIQMi1No. ; . 1 hurd , bU'ia'lici ' ; No. 'J nortliern.jUoi No 'J I'lileiiiro , M'i'uHic : .No. 'J Mllwuui.ce.8lc : No .Ispiln. , rCc. Options oiienod IBC oir und closed ' 4 ® 'ic ' ilown und wo.ik. Ihi'iujjli lower foielKii iiiin- KOIH. Kuod ciop no.ithor , larjju recu uts rtlth rorulpnorH and Ions hollliu' . Iho Illinois and KIUISUH hi ito boards report irood conditions fin thu crop No V ! icu .Iniv. tiVaii(8Vic , cloalna ul hi1 , c. Aiuust , K'l I."i-l/b47-ll.c. eloaliiK at M'ic , Septi'iiibor , Mat ( > 434e , i-losliu at bl c : December , bi 4@s7 ic , closing ut 73dc ; Jlay (18U ( ! ) , Ol' , < a'l.V. ' ' . 1UK Dull und wo.ik ; western , 60Slc. lUni.m MAI.T Dull. OOIINllccelpls , .CiuV ) bu : export" , 5.1100 iiu hpnl market dull und lower : No y , f > 7 ® MiC ! In eloxutor , I'iWliiillout : iiiurudod mixed , naawo. Options , " .ffliie lower , with trudliu moiloratoon line we ither and better prudiiiK west : .Inly , fki'tWc , eloslnu at 'ilHci Angina , .W&tn u , ijlohin , ! at .Vi'Bc , Siiutombi'i. ni4Vi'Bi' ' , closlm ; at fiiSo ; October , St l-luid [ > ) ; , , . oxrw liecolpts , --"l.luoim. : exports , S.875 un : BiilcH , O.VWO liu of futuies and 70. 00 im of kpot. Mint market dull and lowor. Options dull und weaker. July. IlO'i © C' , : , chmliu nt BO'iOi August , WifeJi.J.c , clohluK utisc : : 1-eo. tunibni. .liUil-ti'iO. closlnj ; nt : r > i4c : No ' - ' white. Julv , Jdit ® h'je : Na'Jspot. whlto Use : mixed ucsiern. : iilt < Uilc ) ; nlilto western , 3Hu ; No 'J sprliiK. , l"'iiaic. : HAI htoidy butiinlut. lloi'h Quiet but bteudy ; stiito. common to choice. INiUie : I'aolllo Vie. biMiAH-Uiiw , dull , steady ; icflncd , ( inlet , ti'iidy MtuAsi.Ks-Qulotstoaily ; foreign , iieKlected ; Now OrleiuiN. bloiidy. KICK hUaly : isood demand , UUTIONHI ut Oil , Htumlyi crude , 20o ; yel- TAi.'i.iw-\Veak ( : city itJ furpkuH. ) 4 5-lCc. ' : Moderately actho ut i"j > i ® , l.dim-Qulot , fancy loin stouih : western , poor to prime , ll't < ii loc ; receipts , fi.'JOO ' pkirs. IIIIII.Kcjnlot. . \\ooi , Mfiiuy : domestic Ilueco , l5' ! ; < ( W5o : jiullei1. y.'c , 'loxiiB , i7if.Mc. I'oiui ( inlot. Hie idi I'UT MfcATS I'lrni. ijuleti inlddleB. dull ; pli-iiled bcllios , $ uo IiAiui Opcno l wcuk. ulterwurcls ad\iiiiced ; \\esltirn btuiim closo.i ut t'.M , biilox , WO tierces nt tl'.ti ; option Hiilim , SOOU licrcus ; .Inly.tT.H li.d ; Anpist. ? 7iJ : h d , beptombcr. l7..Vii".ll. eluslni : nt f7..t- bid ; Ociuuur , t" ,1J , closlm ; ut tr.31 bid ; No\ umber , * ; . .IO. IIIITTHH Quiot. iMisy ; wcDturn dairy. 14 ® Kct western creamery , l/t ( 'lc ; uentcru r.iutory. I ffplOo. t'lll.i'sK 1 : , Hy , nulot ; part skims. WiUi' + o. I'm IKONQuiet : , fu.uo@i50o. Coi'l'Hi Weak : luki ) . Jll.' 1,1AHhle.uly : < loire > tlu. il. . ' 'life * UO , TIN steady ; stnilahts , i.'u.MyaAUJ. Oiniili t I'roiluco .MurKi't. ItuiTKlltiond nickln stock , K'c ; biniilllots tolcctdulty , Httnu. I'otllTiiv Good old hens. 7(2Ho ( ; roosters. fict i-hlckeim wcitkt-r , Uin.itiiiUrtCalifornia , t..U < 2.-iJ ; homa Ktuwn , hcarcii uttJ per drawer , l'KAC'iii > l'illfornlii ; , JI.7.X TIIMATOI.S soutliern , il 3X21 75 per cuso of 4 liuNkuts. Ai'iiicors Oiillfornlii. ll.'A 'Oa I.KUONS I'holce , if. . WfUft i dincy , J7.00. OiiANiiis CullfornU. ( t . ' 0 l.7\ .f i . . lUnriiuiiitii H-Hlnck , $1SO ; red , ijuurts , (4 'M Oi. ; rod , plnu. * . ' . . ' > i. 1'l.u.MH Callfornlii , ii'.T.iiW 50 , I'KAUH-llulf llOXCB , $1 li. llAhANAK Scurco. , Kiu No. 1 Krue'i hides , 3o | No. 1 bulled lildci , U ci .N'o. - ' iiruen suited No 1 urcou suited lildui , ' > tu iO , ; No 3 Broon s'lltod hides , 2"i to 10 Ibs , " 'to. No Ivonlcalf 8 to 15 Iba.oci No. 2\cai calf. 8 to IMb .4c ; Noldrylllnl hldeo. 7c ; No 2 dry flint hide" . Re : No. I dry Baited liHc , Mine" . Sneep units Oreen inltcd , each. Me ® fl.23 : grpcn salted she irl nss ( short wooled nirlv skins ) , cue li , i.Q'j'e : dry R ) curiums ( short woolo l early nkinsi. No I , each , MMoc : dry slipnrllnas ( short wooled curh BKlnsNo ) 2 , onph , Oc ! dry Hint Kaims and Noor.iskit butcher wool noil-1 , per Ibi tilul weUlit , 10 ® 14'ic ; diy Hint Knnsns and Nebraska murrain wool pelts nor Ib. aetu'il weight , MJ'Uc'i dry Hint Ciilonulo bnlPhor wool polls , per Hi , nctiinl weight. IKftlSSc ; dry Hint Colorado mill-mill wool pelts , per Ib , netim ! weight , wn 10c ; dry pieces and bucks actual wulzht. 756 Po. Tallow nnd llronso- Tallow , No. t. H GMi'i tillow , N'o a ® 'IUf crease , whlto A , , iyo ( ircnso while II , ,1'ie : Kronpc , yellow , , lc ; preasr , dark , ' . " 4o : old butter , S'fe ; beeswax prime. IfiiU''ic : roush tullow. I'ifi.'c. POTATO ! s New. scnrco : southern stock , 2 © SMr peril ) . I'tniUTn Homo jjrown , O'c nor do * . MH.ON"Valcrmolons , nor IW , $ J500i cnn- toloupes t..oopordoa -t. I. mils Market * . ST. Louis , Mo , July 8. 1'i.oun Hull nnd" unchanged , WIIK\I Cnsh nnd July were higher , but fu tures after scllln. up early , bcc line nnsct- llcd. declined und closed 'iW'jc below yester day ; ciiih , "id'tc ; July. 70'tic ' : Anirust , 74'ic ' ; fceptcmbei , 74Sc : December. 7Siic. non > Uusli , llrm and higher at , 400 : no tions hl.'her early , but lost the advnnco and Julv closed So below and September the sumo as yesterday ; July closed at 45c ; boutombcr , 4,1' < i' OATS Opcnod hotter , but declined and closed i fraction olT ; cash , JOc : July , ! ! 9Sc : f-optember , I'lUc. ' HBLower : offered at7lc. lllUK Dull nt B c on cast track. llAt Duirnnd nnclmiMcd : prulrlc , $ " .S1 ® O.Oi ; tlmo'liy , ' "i c. IittAn-Meuiy ut fl 0"i HUTU n Unchanged ; creamery. lOaiOc ; dtiir > . U7fin ( 1'otis I nclmngoJ at 12'l''i5. ' CII > MIAI I'lrm ut $ TiJ. ' . 0. \Vnisic\- stonily ntJt.n It \ < iHNi ( Quiet ut fi'sG 'ic I'ltox i lo > s Dull ut nrovloui quotation ! job lots of pork sold titJI'.OO. ItK'Ul'TS-rioni. .I.OOD Ibs : wheat , : il,003 bu. : corn , 19.000 bit. : oats , 10,000 bu : rye and biirley. noui' . Mlll'Ml sis rionr , 4000 Ibs : wheat , ' , " .000 bu. : corn. .QOO bu.i oats , J.OOO bu.i rye and barley none. _ _ _ _ _ _ KIIIH is City Miulcpts. KANSAS CiTy. Mo , July S WHEAT Lower : No a haul. ( . . COII.N btroni and hUhcr : No , 2 whlte.M'jc ' ; mixed , 4."sc. OVT Weak ; No. 2 mixed , 2Sc ; No 2 white. 20 lie. Intm ; Very llrrn at lie uti I'lini ; creanicrv , 133IOc : dairy , TsVlieat. . 140.000 bu. ; corn , 12,000 bu ; oils. 4.00011U. Silli-ME.srs Who it , 81.001) bu. ; corn , 23,005 bu. ; oils. none. Oil .Market. Iitvruroou July 8. Turpentine spirits , S2a Pd pel cwt LOMION , July 8 Calcutta lln cetl. ; i s .Id per quarter ; relined petroleuin , 4nBd. Tur- pcntlnesplrltp. ii.'s.ld jiorcwt. Nr.w YOIIK , July 8. 'I ho petroleum market opened steady , declined la c and closed bteudy. I'ennsyhnnlu oil. spot H lies , none ; August option sales , li.ooj. ooenlu-t ut W.e : lilKliest..Y'n ! > ; lowest , 5JUc ? : ciosliu- 52'ie. Llmu oil , no bales Tofil 8-ticH. O.OjO bbls. I.Uorpuol .Alnrkets. I.tvEiiroou Julv 8 WIIRAT No. 1 Oill- fornln. fis HdfilOs I-'d | icr cental ; receipts of wheat for tlirco davrt. ' . ' 40,000 centals , Includ- In101.0 0 America n. Conv btcady ; demand poor : mixed west ern. 4s 7'id iioi ccntiil ; locelpts of American foi the p ist three dux s , 2IS40J centals I'oiuc 1'rlmo n.ess , western line. Ii7s 9d per tleice. LAUD Prime western. Ms fid per cwt. liluM' ( iraln Marl < i' ( . Mti.wAUKi.u , WlB. July R. WHEAT IJasy ; Sciitemter. 71'jc : N'o 2 sprint , 74c. O'diis Quiet ; N'o. II. 4l > o OArs-l'tisloi ; No a white , : U(2ll'5c ( ' ; No. 3 white , : ifu : > c HAIII l-i Slon ; No 2 , 44@4C'Jc Kii : Quiet : No I , 77e Cotton M uuct. NF. Oiir.rAvs La. July 8. Steady : mid dling , To. low mlddlitrj , li ' ; ( ; ordlnarv , ( > e : nut receipts. U' hales ; gross receipts. B8 bales , exports to Ore it llritiln. 4,8.lU biles : sales. 1,250 b ilebj stock , 1)7 ) , 107 bales Weekly , net receipts , I , . . ' . ! biles ; gios , LSsi bales ; Britain , 1U,4.'I bales : biles , D6u bales. lor IliM-r In KiiRlunil. Livi'iii'ooi , July 8. American refrigerator beef : roreiiunrlcrs , ,3'/id : hlndiiuarlcrs , 534u pet Ib. LONDON , Tuly P. IltEK Amerioan refriger ator : I'orcquartcrs , 2s2d : blndijuurturs , 2s fail per 8 Ibs. by the cureuss IMilliidvliilint Or.iln Mnrkrt. I'HH.AUrUMUA , I'.l. , .Tilly 8. WllEVT S toady : No. 2 led July , 8Jsl'ic. t'oil.N Outlons qufot ; No. 2 mixed Julv , > 2ii © "i ! c. OATS ririn but quiet : No. 2 whlto July , UO.V4 ' . ffi4l'c. _ _ Cliiiliiiiutt .MnrUftH. Cij.ri.Ns.wi. O. July a WHEAT rirmor ; No. 2 rod. .77fc. CORN Kusli r ; N'o. 2 mixed , 40i4c. O\is ' ti'udy ; No 2 mixed , .14 ' ' , < 3Jjc. WIIISK.V Jl.1.1 Tolrilo ( ir.ilu Mlirlu't. Toi.nno. O.July 8 WIIBT Actl\e ; No. 2 Ciish. hl',0 , Uoil > Hull , steady ; No 3cnsb , Die. OATti Quiet ; No. 2 cash. 3lc. liiiltiniiiru drain .Mitrkot. lUi.TiMoiir. Mil. , July . Wiii/Ar-Easy ; N'o. 2 led. July , M'fi4s. ' , e. COIIN Dull ; July , .Vic bid OATh I'lrni ; No. V , whlto western , 42 < < JI2lc. 'I liidcrs' TulK. CIIICAOO , H' . , .Inly B L'aunso'inan & Day to Coekroll Ilios. Commission company : K.uly market news WUH of a gunor- ully Leiiritli > enoi und traders were disposed to sell o\orvthliu foriitnin Tlio \\eathet ! > fa\onblc for the w bout h Cables mo lowci but thu ihances for prolU lu hollliiK fccplomber wheat bo ow 7li'io weio considered too Mil ill to the ilsk ctnoHcd. The market olosn 1 un- elmiiKed fiom ycsti ul.iy utter u dull -csslon with 'so the uxtrimo i insro in pi Ices. Corn was denicbscd by the lull crown , wlio Used loiu' July corn to bicuk Hie marl.el , after which they Lought September coin fieolv at 4'lc ' average , thus carry , 11,4 out the policy outlined In our letter of yestuidny. Tlio Illlno's ' state ropoit , showing an uver.igu condition of only b ! ) p Tcent , caused u Ilrmor feolliu ut the eloso. Provisions were ugaln lower , with a bto idy Htieam of long product pouring out , except ut thu extreme close , when tlio market wus rushed up In older to niiike tin nppaient lirm closnu with us llttlo leiluctlon us posslblo from lust night's pi jccb , Nevertheless wo do not consider U u healthy market yet foi purchases. CliK'AUO. III. , Julys-- O. Loian .t Co , to Duncan , llolllngui .x , Co Another lifeless day In the who it pit. Nuitcmbci u | > cncd at 7fa' c. Iliii'tunted fiom this piico to "DJie and closed at 7iilj7l'1oC' ( ' . Wo cannot make any other common t than wo hiivo i-lioidy donu us to further vuliios.Vo \ liavo a big crop of winter and of line quality , good reserves of the old crop , Iho promise of a free movement from tlio thresher mm ro entirely without any Riieculatlvo demand either ( omehlle or fornl-'n. The lluti'li bill bus In bomu degree restricted the specula live demand , lint thu Dodge govern ment report duo on the lOtli bus hud mom to do with It than anything u'so. Unless an actlvo denu nd for export cot ics Immediately , or dlNiNtortu the grow In t spring crop , wo will havohtlll loni > r prices. Corn has been actlvo. boptember opened at J'JV ' bold us low us 4b3t and closed at 4UU. Should Iho government report show some Improvement It will bull a llttlu lower , but with a small It Iscrt iln wo will hare , It Is a iiuichusoou all wuik spots. Oats uro ( inlet uml rather vvoik t-opteniDor closed at tiom , l | > 40 to.liae. I'rov Islom were very llrm , olliirln.h ll.'ht 'I ho local traders aiu bullish. Ch liters wore : Who it , 201,010 bu , corn. 100- OJO bu ; o its 47,000 bu CIIICAOO. III. July 8.-Kunnett. Hopkins .V Co to b , A. MoWhortur. homo rain and pros pects of muni eaiucd a llrm opening , but prlcoiimn eased oil on free olloiings , largely it is s ild on oriluis fiom southern Indiana and Illinois , bhniiHhavo been mod buyers anil thi-rii IH manifest u disposition to even up trndu urep.irulory for the Km eminent roporl. 1 his N expected to bu liu irisli , but wo would not bo surprised In see considerable reduction In llin condition of apring nhoul IhoMimio- I.OIH n i u n port \m \ icd this week hcuuib | o m- dlcuUi thut vvinlei wheat may show NOIUU Im- Iirovuiiitmt Cublosht to Unit Inrvcstliu is pjogrfhslngfiiviirubly n Kranco with u good 1 loiu Thu Kiigilsh crop Isolllclully Cbtlmutod at iibDtit 7J.O 0,0,0 biihhuN 'I he low BriuluH of corn uru dllllcult of halo und olTeilius of July nuvu prckscd on thu mirkot ull duy , reduelng thu premium over fccptumboi to iiDout Jo us against 2u u fowduvii a.o , I'lobubly thu wholu muikot would have given awiiy , but for the jiiiuport of thu bull cllnnu in Septnmlier Thu llliiioU stutii report ofO'j for coin is commlured rutlier boiirlsh IMobably no other stale has snllorc'd moiufiom wet woatlier uml u condition of Ul pur cent would Inulcutu buttur Comlltloiis uUuvvliyio tliun untlcluitcd. On thu other hand Ivunsuk lias Imen consldoroU tlici most lortuuulu of Iho corn ntutei. M'OCU.S AM ) ItUNDS. KH Vcnlurduy -ro < 'i > iillnud to V iry ' ' NEW VOIIK , July 8.T-Thu ilcullnns In u few stock * saved thu trud liu from utturutug- nation und unvo what tone thuro wus aeon during the iUjr. Talks wth | many proinlnont mull on thu struct failed tu ruruil any clcou- toulod oouUdouoo that tuuru would Ua uuy mntcrlul elinngu tn thcso conditions until the summer Is well spent , but thnro Is no lick of hope that before fall n lurgor and wider , ns well nn u hlghur market , will bo developed. The lotdliu feiituro today was Louisville * Nashville , of which tboro was upp.irpnt sell- liu forsomo time on the purl of foreigners In fear of a reduction or p issngo of a dividend. 'I he declaration of 2 tier cent , though a re duction of 'i ' from that of thu half jo ir * . was In m iny quarters an ngroanblo surprise , us Indlciit uns that nothing bud been put. Tlio pressure wus mot by adequate support ( ind on the unmmncer-ont of thn dividend thu grangers wore still the lenders In activity. Apart from the decllno In Loulsv Illu .V. Nush- x-lllo there vvns no feature In the trading. There was n continuance In the rise of Na tional llnveod and thu renewed activity ami strength In the Duhltli roiith Mioro .V Atfutitle stocks The market llnnliv eloso'l strong at the host prices , despllo a'drop of about Iper cent in Chlcugo Ous. All the leading shares show largo frucllonul g ilus over list nights prices nml Louisville A. N'ishvlllo Is up Pi pur cent , fho truiisucllonsotthn day were only 14 i.SJO listed und ,4.M unlisted Unv eminent bonds luvu been dull and steady. State bonds neglected. The Post siiys. I he one exception to Lon don s support of American stock tills week bus been Louisville > x. Nashville , conccrnliu which the Impicsslon became very great in that qu irter. Hint the August dividend would be reduced fully 1 per cent. There Is no lua- ' on to doubt that such a bollof was enter tained up to jostoiday morning. I'ho "In- sulo" Interests , however , must have had as- surancu last nlcht th it > ho directors would content themsolvcs with culling ulT ' 4 nor cent from thu scml-uiinilul dividend und when the stock wont up In London this morning hc- foio the Now YorK exchange opened n full point above yusteiday's Now Voikclosltu , there was llttlo fiuther question an to would ho done ut Iho meetliu. The following are the cosing quotations for the leading stocks on thu Now York Stock exchange today ; bid The tot il sales of stocks today were IW.'Jin Khiircs , incluillni : : Atchlson. fi,6fl'J : ChlcnRO Ons , u. ? % : l.oulsvlllo .x. Nashville , ' . ' 1.325 ; Mis- > -ourl I'aelllc , S.'JSS , Northern 1'uelllc. prc- fprreil. 2,40i : Hc.idlnR. 17biO ; iMclunond A \Vest I'olnt , 0,310 ; fct. 1'aul , 1H.T40 : Union I'u- clllc , S.-'oO \\lint ItiiiiUtrcot'H .ijg. New YOIIK. July a Hridstrcet's , rovlewInR the New Vork etock market for the week , nays : liibjilto of the evaporated ilnllnoss which luiBpioMillPd thiouKh Juno , the rola- the llrninessof prices had encouraued u belief the Inlluencu of the July illstiiirjoinents , added to oilier existing fnetoi . inliht tend to the < le\rloiment | of an linnroveiuent , both In activity and values Under the circumstances disappointment , occasioned bv the absence of public Intoiest. by tliu ruup- piMrunco In a dan oious form of the silver agitation , \\nlch op to the Miiy elosoof lust \\eok had beeneonslilered ussheUcd until the election uus ovei. Hesitation : iml disinclination to ilo anything at once aiserled thcmseUesIn speculum u circles and the .ictlxo bo irs \\cro not blow to sea tha pressure to the ni.ukot. The v oiikubt spots were the Kranscrssli'ircs It hail heun coiilUlently anticipated that Lon don Mould continue to bo absorbed In the par liamentary clect'ons. ' biich ttnb at first the c.ise. It seems , however , that as the results bee line cle.ircrspeculutu o Interests showed revived Inclination to luke hold of the stock market. A 1.irfio short inturost In Americans In London furnished liuylnK power , whllo the hllxci 1)111 und the t'lttbbnrriot \\cia less In- lluentlhl there than In this market. As u result \Vodnesd ly and Thursduy witnessed a reasonably larRO and uell maintained Ijiijlns by the forolun element which ivus lollccted by the liu're.180(1 rate of e\chanKeanddIiiilnshed | piosicct | of lar o Kold exports. T ho elTeet of thib upon the boar party as ut once aupiu- I'nt , uml though the miirkot lucked outsldo buying the covering of shorts was Millloiently large lit volume to cause an Instant clmn o In the tendency of urlces. tlio recovery of values boltiK. of course , most pronounced In the shares and other members of the list which had boon subjected to the mo tdurldod bearish pressure. ( Jonsldeiablo Interest still attaches to the forthcoming crop report , the urinmont of operators who Incline to the short sldoof the market tioiiu tint thu nnfuvor- blu woatlier of the p ist week w 111 result In u lonorliiK of uurcent iges and ullect u coriu- h JIG ml In- falling oil In the prospo. ts of these lallroad systems which aio depenuenl foi trulllc durliiK thu autumn und winter on the corn crop Itlehmond Terminal BlTuIrs uttr.ict a lan- Kiiid Interest. The rom.irk attrllnitid to ono of the Insiders that us m tiers stand the concern - corn Is Ilkoly to drilt ulixiK for so no tlmo under tlio piotcct on of the courts seums to lia\o consider.ibio piobablllty. iiii riniMcltl ICexlcvv. IS.11 buJiin'i Orl i lll < i . 1 LONDON , Inly t > . [ Vow York Ilcr.ild Calilo bpcclnl tu Tin : Ithii ] i'horo lias been a llt tlo moro business do iu In tlio Stock oxchaiuo today , but it h is been chlolly conllned to u few siieclul sccmitles I'nnifs uro a sh.ido harder. Indian rupee p iper iniilnt ilns a rise of 'i per cent. I'orclKn * o > eminent securities close Homowhat Irtcuular , though continen tal bourbus ere reuorted llrm. Homo r ill- May H clos-o llrm , it fen mote buyerii hulii4 coma foruiud Tlio irincliil | feiitiiro Is a fiuther advaiicoof I'g percent In ein. A i Ko of J to * , per com Is established In HrlKhton doforio1 , Oroitcst - ern , Mielllold deferred. Midland , Lon don tx. Northwcslorn , American rails show decidedly morn BtioiiKth toj.iv , thoush diirlnc the lust hour tlio market has oocaslon.illy lluctuatod rather shurplv us the time npuroiichcs for knonlnK the l/on'svlllo ' tX , Niislnlllo dividend , wlileli is expected to bo -percent Shares opened at ? . ' 4 advanrcd to 74 , fiom which they diouiied sharply to 7.1 and closed nt TJH. OhloiiKo murks a recovery of 7 percent , and nu.irly all othon ' 4 to 1'J nor cent. Canadian lines hu\o boon ( pilot but llrm. In nyiiip ithy lth American , ( I'aclllound ( iiand Trunk Issues showing i rise of ' pur cent. .Money has boon very llt tlo wanted Short loans continued to bo ob tained at 'i per oont In the diucoiint murkot bills continue hcurco ; those at tuo or three months are ( j noted ut ' uer cunt. > nw Vorlc Money Mnrkt't. Nr.w YOIIK. July S. ON CAM , r.nsy at I'ift-'i ' nor cent ; lust loan , li ! per cent ; closed oiri'red ut Hi per cent. 1'IIIMK MhWAN-UI.K l'AI'1511 'kij.'i pOTCOIIt. riTiui.iN : ( > r.xciiANiiK-Qulot hut stoidy nt Jlb7 for sUty-day bills and Jl.sS4 ! for de mand. The closing ( ) uotatlons on bonds : lloiloti htoelc Murkt't. N , Mabs. . July K The followln : wore thuclosln ; prices ou utooka on the Iloston Htock market todny : AlcliUon X ' 1 opi'ka IHiBtoil X Mont lluttou X Albany W > Culuiui'l X lleclu fit llotton X Miilnu ( runklln . . . . li c ii xy IOOH Kcnroiifo ' . " 1 III litilirK H U . . Hlnt.V 1'uru M. pfd ( inn Ko topper 10 l.lttlo U X H. rl 7 . w Tuuiuruck " Mn s Cuntrnl . . . lioiton I.nml Co 5 Men I'nii com Han IllUKu 1 and Co. is N V & N I ! \\c' t If mi l.iiudOo 18 Old Colony Hull 'I deplume .til Itiitlftmt com pfd . l.iinixm sinro H JUH \V Is ( ou loui , , . . , vvutor I'owur Win Cm com pfd Alluut'i M f ( now ) . N K. Atluiitlo . . T. II C4 Ninvtirlc Mining Onotiitlom. Nr.w VOIIK , July 8. The following are llio clo.liiij minlni ; tttuok iuotiitlons | : hitn I'riinolico Minlni ; yiiotiitliiini. X I'lUKCisco , Oul. , July 8. TUo olllclul closliiR q loiations for m nlnj stocks today were s follows > m riiinni lul Notes , OMit \ . July 8.-01e rinss. Jl,2f..4r. KANSAS CITV. Mi ' .Juty 8-01earlni9 , } ! . - sH/OtlCll Nr.w YOIIK. , Iii'\J Rt-Clcarlius JI7s.OOI.lCO : bilances. $ i.2tl..ivj. lUiiTivioiti" . Mil , 'July R.-OloarIms , IJ.O"- I2 ; balances , ? IO'i,077 ' , U ito , (1 ( percent. I'llll.ADKl.lMtlA , I'u. Jnlv a Oleiirlnss f2 ! > - 4DUUi < li il.incus , { l.l'U.'TJJ. ' ' Money , ' . ' per cent. CINCINNATI. O , .Inly S Money , 'ISs'per com. Now York exchange , pur. Clearings , , , , * . MKMl'llia. Tonn , . Tilly S.-Clntirlii2s , $ lllir ! balances. $141 , lOJ New Yor i evcliaiuu soil- Ins at fl.lO New Oiit.iiANJ , In. . July 8.-CletirlnRs , Sli01li.i ! ! New 1 ork o\chtine , coiiMnercliil , fiOc ; bink , promlnm. IlDSTiis. Muss . JulvCloarlnjts. . il7OT.,4n' ; ba'ances. fl.7ltl.RK Money , MIH nor cent. i\- chaiuoon Now York , 17o discount. ST. I.ouii , Mo. July S.-Cleirlni's , ViH2- 4I ; bill ini'es. J4niOOI. Mnntw , ( | tilel at 4itilpor ( cent. I xchuiicoon Now York. liJopit'tnlum. . .no. Ill , htlyl c'lourliigs , j./ , t.o- - - . . . Nuw York cxclmtiiie , Mo premium Money In urontrr supiiiy. i'orolirii exchanilD dull ; M\ty-daj bills , ifs7i ) , ! demand , $1 bb1 . I.1VK bTOCK MAUKKTS. Cutllo anil Hues lloth Drop n l.Htlo lu ScllhiIMIee. . OVIAIM , Julv 8 IIoco pis so fir this week foot lip P,7.i ( cattle , 2s,8IS lings and I.'JH sheep , iijrnlnst V s c ittlo , Win \\OIH \ and 2.0J7 slicup the llrst livodujHot lust week. I or nearly two weeks the cuttle market bus maintained a slu.idy and rapid advance. All things must Inn u an end Thursday the ud- Mince wus chocked , sellers bociimu nervous and Iniiors ng rosilvo. but pr ecs ro- malnod practically stationary Thu e\- trcmo.v liberal mn to lay gave buyers decidedly the best of the situation and prices euslly izavo way niidPi their rigorous and continued ponndltus rveos-dvo inns ut uiibturn mm kcts uml decidedly bo rlsb ad vices from tli it quu-ter r ither servo I to fur ther depress values , und Rood to common beef ami shipping steers sola unywhoro from Ho to 4Uo lover. Shlppeis took several of the best loads but for the most put local killers mot with llttlo or no opnoiltlon from outsiders They wanted the u ittlu. however , and It was utiay eninuh tosoll It tliu price w is enough lower than Tliuisd-iy. Tlio movement was slow , even on the moro desirable e ittlo. On common und inferior stutl , cspeel.illv tlio ordinary run of Inlf fut und green sleets , the trade wus extremely dull and the decllno the heaviest. Good to cholco 1'jjo to l.MO-lb slecrssold it from $4.7 : > to J2r > : fair to good OJO to 1'JuO-lli. stceia at fiom$4.r > 0 loiflOO. A Kood many very decant cattlu rotn.ilnoJ un sold ut thu close. Ollorlius of butchers' and dinners' 8tok were qultu liberal and nearly all ntttves There were no southern c itt o hero , unU with a very Kood demand prices weru fuirly well maintained on tlm KOO.I to choice strrck , but medium and common grades were flc to lOo lower. I'oortocholcocows nnd holfors sold nt froml.rutoJ.o ) ; bulls , oxen und st ics at frmnbl.W to2i , and ealves at from $ . ' 50 to f hero was nothing dolns In the stocker and feeder line. Prices sli ided lower all around on account of the poor demand from country buyers I coder * are cho ip now and f J.7" > to S.I23 buvs Rood to cho ce stock. Hepresenta- tlvo sales : No. Av. I'r. 2 8 15 J.I 73 1 I.IIM 4 00 21 715 1 10 1 l.'TO 4 40 25 02 , > 4 fiO 81 lll'l 4 0) 10 111K1 4 CO HI 121(1 ( 4 77'J ' 2s 1017 fi 00 20 118(1 ( 4 ( > 5 4J lldl 4 bD 2J 11S7 000 71 10JO 4 Ur. IMMJ ANII EXPORT. ' . i4"i ! : i 7 : > 2 lISi 5 00 45 1143 r.o-1 4 ino 4 ' .o 21 12)1 ) fl OD 41 I..OO ni.M 4111 3.,11-fi .5 03 C7. 13U4 ; - > ios 4 o 47 12S2 5 03 nyi.i.fl. 4 1047 10) 1. 1J7J SCO 1..1120 225 2. 110J 2 00 1. IJjO 2 . ' 3 STAGS. 3 1'UJ 2 CO bTOCKKKS AND FEEUEIIS. 20 P10 210 4 OB 270 22 1)10 ) Jl.T. 3K ) 225 40. . 005 2 hO ( , . I05J Ji5 ; 1. . 453 It 00 2J 1UI ) " t-iO 250 2 IC.'O II 15 21 10j5 iJ4"6 700 2 53 13 ! M7 J 20 MII.KUIIS AM ) briUNdEHS. I sprinper $500 1 cow nnd calf o oo llmis ' 1 hero was u liberal simply of ho-s on Hiile todiiy. In fact tlio supply him been ratlici liberal nil week Ollorlucs for the pist four days this week h ivo been but d.OJ ) short of iho lirst lUo duysof lust , week. In general the iiuullty was only fall , but there was u Miiy liber il sprinkling of good to cholco boss of all weights. Conditions fu\orod ndecllno. Knstern mar kets were lower , provisions weie weak , re ceipts woru xeiy liberal and prospc'cts were fiuoiablo for unotlier he.n y run biiturduv MilppliU ordois were ijood and jrood to elioleo buulier and heavy ho/s sold early to that trade at Hi5 ( to * i75 Packers werj oxtiomolv indllTorent und very bo.ulsli from the stint Apimiently they did not euro w hethcr they tot the lio'is or not , and bid and piikl i" > .40 to 5.10 for pool to cholco \ \ sand \ \ \ inhod | IOB A jjood inanv of iliuho sfcpllini ; utM.WJ or better weio moro 01 less sorted. It was a % ory nno\on miirket. Some of tlio best hoa\y hoys sold early ut \ery close to stonily prices , wlillo com mon lies sold on the elojo n Hat 15c lowor. r-ollois lield oni blubborn.y and pacK- urs refused to raise their Jmnds , so Unit the eloso found neaily llfty loads or in era third THE la HID l > cgt llliwxl JU'illcino , brcatieo ItnxHlittii nature to throw elf the ini- purltluDof thulilnoil.unil uttliofcamu tlmo times nil the entire oraiilt ( > iii 'lids In jiibt contrary to the ulfcctol thu varloim potut > h , HUT- riiry , tarnaparilla mlxtiircii , vthlch liottlo up tlio linnuritlfa In the t ) U'in , lima producing ; much bkknuMandbutrurlii ) ; . 'Jlu-rcfoii.'era BLOOD MEDICINE > on cannot do better than take H. H. H. "Ail a I'lijidchn ' , I h.i\o prvbcrllivd and utcd H. K. H , In my pr.u tlcu us a tonic , and for blood troubles , and liavo IK.CII very mcccb ful. 1 nuvvr iifcdnrcmc'dy which Kav.o uch general batiBfao tlon lonobclf and patients. " K. 11 , KITCIH , .M. D. , Jluckey , Ind , " 'XtCAtlto on blood amUkln ilUeaetrt mailed frco , BWUT ei'LCiriU CO , AtUuiU , Ua , 2 1 t3 B7- 07 217 I2J r. r. i r'i ' 2rs si 74 llll 120 T. V , r'iM .2.M - fi75 71 . 811 120 fir. % 60 UUS fi7. > GO 5 5" , throa double dock sot vrest- crn gra'sersold rotttllly. but ut prices nt from lee to l" > o lovvcr thin a week 11)50. ) I'ulrtopool nntlvi'9 , 54 roaoOO : filrtiiBood westnins , J.17.ViI4 W ; common and stock Mieep. Jl.ri0ai.iwj food to cholco 43 to 90-1 u. lambs Jl 00gu' > 0. ItecrlptH nml Disposition of stock. onielnl iccolpts and disposition of stock us Bhown by the books of the Union Slock Yards ciiiuii my for Iho twenty-four hours , ending at fio'clo.-k p jii. , July i , i X's nous Cnrs lien I Cnr llcnil Curs 111) 3 Ml pr Dlsrofll'ION. Ohio igo l.l o Sim-It Murk * t. ( ' 111000 III , July M , [ Special Telozam to Tliu llhi.l lliiyers of cattloworo not \\Mlni { to pay within from ; 0c to 'uo \\odnekdiy'H pi ees. mid they came pretty tcttlim all tlio e ittle they needed on tn it basis Of the slippy iiiiout Id.UOi were n tl\u < ) , most of which weroKood enoiiili for the u i'S of ship- pets mil dii-ssed beef men I'ho day's work was done -it a reduction of from 'J e to 'ill1 In isnotl to extra dry fed steers , und .it a ri dnc- tlon of fiom .TIO to r > 0c In the poorer stjits. 1 here were orders hit o fet n larzo numberof cuttle , and ut the lower ptlces thotowns i very irood cicuiun' i1 b lies weio ( in u basis of from * 17" ) to J" . " "I for common toi'Mi.i sieuri. 81 M ) to for cows lu-lfois and bulls , unit from * l M to Jt OJ for Texas c lit c In stni-U- ers an I feeders there wa , not onuiuh tr.ullnj to est ibllsh tiiot | itlons. Today's ho , ; miirkat vriis nctho nt nomlnullv unclruiKod prlecIIeay und medium welirhts weio rather o I'ler , but ll ht t-old roiidlly at yesterday's quot itlons I'onslder- Inc the larKo tu rlvu sfor veslcrduy and today prices were smprlslnuly wol supported blilppeis und p.ickoia boiuht liberally ut from Jidi to Jt OJ for coiuiiKin to choice medium nnd hea\y. und at from $ . " > to to $ " > 8t forll-'ht. Oulls sold at from Jlfio to } fjt. und In ono In- Htanco ft1 ! ) ! was p Id fora fnncylo.ul The bulk of the hofih , howoxer , were woUhcd within a r.ituo of fiom $ "ib5 to { t 80 ( iOod to Choice muttons were In scanty sup- til v und wtro w.intod ut quot'itlons. The "on cr.ides" weio plentiful nntl ii.Miln showed a luck of nrmnoss. Quotations iniiuo from Hun to $ .1 10 for culls to M.0'1 for cliolco ur.idcs Tlio liiiub miirkctwas llrm ( it from 84 r > 0 to $ ,7.'i , thooutsldo prlcucallltiit foroMru iinalltv. Hccclpts were : Catt'c , 22000 : ho s , a.lOJO ; iliecp. S.OJO. The H\ oiling Jnuriiiil reports : CAiii.K-Hocelpts. 21,100 bond ; shlnmcnts. 10.00U lit'iulInuirket ; weak , 25oOo lower ; choice to e\tn stoots , $ . * > 4i'i UJ ; others 8I.QO52u ; c < iws , JJ."il ( 7\ lines liecolpts. ; il,000 ho id ; shipments. 12.0)0 ) bond ; miirkot steady to lower : lou.'h und common. Jt-.WS'idT : mixed , ft 7nffJ5.7"i : prime hoa\y und butchers' weights , { " > tio&t u > : Il4ht. Jt7Wi ( ( > .8t'-Kecelnts. S.010 bond ; slilpmonts , i'.TiOO bond : niiirKet steady to a sh idi- firmer ; " native ewes , H.tltiu 11 ; mixed. $ I2V3. > .A wethers and yeurllims. J"iVi ® ' > 7jj Joxans , JtajQ.l.uO ; grass westeins , Jl.bO. Nou York l.Uo ' tork Miirket. NBW VOUK , Inly S. HUEVKS liecolpts , II- 221 heud. liu hiding 21 curs for sale ; market nctho , lr2rio per 110 Ibs nlf-'hor , sitois. iJ 4t © COO : bulls nnd COHS , 8l.7tCi4 Vdiessid beef hlKher at Wl'le ' per Ib : shipments today , 17i beoxes und tomorrow 27.tbcu\es and 2,7Kiuiir- ) ters of beef. t'Ai.fs Itcce'ptK. l.l.'W head ; market 1c per 100 Ib. hlchcreals. ; . if UKH7.70pcriUO Ibs ; but termilk caUes. $1 OUii4 7\ bllKi i' llocolnts , ,1,700 head ; sheoo llrm : lambs'ic per 11) ) . hl-'lior : sheep , $ "i rilSft 00 nor 100 Ibs. : Iambs , $7.0D100 : drcs-ed mutton llrm at 10 ® I'ic per Ib ; dressed lambs steady at 115.l4c lions Hccelpt < ! 3.174 held. Includinz 2 for&ulu ; market hlilier at ? r > SOaO.-.r ( > per 100 Ibs. St. I.ouU I.Un Stock .Market. HT. Louis. Mo.Tilly 8. CATTI n Hecolnts , 2.r > .M 1'is.ul : shipments. 4S'Jt ' head ; maikct uonu to pieces , ' . 'ic and 7tc lowci on 'lexans und lr > o to Me lower on nntles tha- high jiolnts o irly part of this week , medium to irood nuthes Jl''IKrH.W ) : Toxins , ordlniry- good , $ . ' .40 < 3 17i ; canners. W loa'-.W. lions Utscolpts. 2'JIO head : shipments. 2,121 head ; nnirket flc lowei ; tulr to eholco hea % y. W dlfflT ! K ) ; mixed medium to jood : , $ j 30 ( & . " > 40 : Il lit , fair to t est , Jt f > l.7t. . Sunup Kecolpts , Cfi head ; shipments 2M9 head ; market strong ; top on nathes , J" > . 13. KIIIIHIIS City l.l\ < ) stock Market. KANSAS UITV.-Mo , Inly 8 C'vrri.n Re- colpts , 11,1100 ; shipments. 2.200 ; diossol beef and shlpiilnp steois r > .Vu ) lowoi ut Hll.t 20 ; cows IDc louor at tl ln' , < < cl It ; Texas steois 2t ( irtio lower nt f Joaai.'Jil ; stockers and feeders loftrio lower ut $ ' ( Aliens lions Hecolpts , h.4HO : fihlnmonts. l/iOO : miirkot gi'iicially .te lower , with miiny com- nirn hojs lop lower.clo-lnu strons ; all grades , * > 17''f.t7-5 ; bulk , JtROS'idJ'5 ' III I I' Itecelpts , 1.000 ; shipments , none ; market ecnurn ly steady ; muttons , J4.t5 ; lumbs , f'Uj. Somtthinri 1/011 can't do Is to get U . 1'ierco's genu ine medicines nt wlmt pre tend to be "cut prices. " They don't coiuo to you in that way. ' To iiro'vent fiaud nnd imposition , tlio genuiiio guaranteed medicines are fcold only through dnig- gi'ts duly nutlioiiyed ua UKcnts , nnd alum/i at tbcMJ long-ofitnlilibhod prires : Dr. Picrce's Oold- cn ilcdicnl Distoyery ( for the Liver , Blood , nnd Luncs ) , $1 00 per bottle ; Ir I'lerco's Fnvonto Pio- Kcription ( for woman's weaknesses nnd ailincnti , ) , $1.00 ] > er liottlo ; and Dr. I'lerco's ricasant I'cllcta ( for the Liver ) , a" , cents per Mill. The gcmimo ineilicines cnn \ > o had only at these jiritcs , but nothing else , no matter uliut the iinco , can bo as cheap , for Dr. Pieico's medfc'lncs 010 guaianlenl. In o\cry case nheio they fall to benclit or cure , you have jour iiionoy buck. You tiny only lor vuluo iccehed. liowaro of dilutions , mutations , und bubbtitutti , offeiod ut lower prices. SOUTH OMAHA. _ Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA , est cuttle , hot ; nnd uhoop mat-hut In the west COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE & /-'HAZIER lVK STOCK COMMISSION. Tin : UAI : > IK : Wrllo to thin hons3 for cor- root Mirkut , Ruparts. Wood Brothers , touth Omaha Tulophono 11 > 7. ( 'lilouRO J I ) . DADISMAN I W II WOOD fMnanuoM Markiit reports by mull an 1 wlro cheerfully fumUhud upon uppllc itlon Campbell Commission Co. Chlcaco , r.ust.St Louis , Kansas Olty , South umaluloux Olty , Tort Worth. A. D. Boycr Company , f > 8undfi9 i\elnuiL'o llnlldliu-.t-ontli Oinulri. CorrixpoiKloiioo HolliltJil ami nrjMiptly w bpuclul iiUuiitlou tuurilorJ turntuLkurJ \ cil , ISS1 . . . Incorporate ! , IdJI Lupltul full ? imld , J.M.UJ ) Waggoner Hirney Company , \Vrllo orvlro un fur | iruiuit | mil rullitblu mirkot ri'purU Perry Brothers Company , Iilvubtojk Commlbslon. Itoom 61 I.xchuiiKo llulldiiu , &outh Omaha Tuluphonu 1707. M. H. Hogarty & Co. , Hoom llulldlni ; . fcuuth Oinaliu , - NeO OMAHA lanufacteoi's' ' AROHI TEC1SAND LU1LE1 J. H , bTF < < N , Control-ton unit unlionutrnptori for nil klmM n tiiillcllni pliMtorliit pnintlmtpln will totelri ropy of ( llcnn im-Mlccls nn t tin lcr illrrcln i free liy mnillna their mini , | MHUKS < nml l < ( lion to Ihiinti1l | < hnr I II lilpii i , II I | M i s AWNINGS AND TENTS. OMAHA TENT A AWN- WOLF BROS. AGO. INO COMPANY , Trntu , nvnlniii , tnrpiui Plagn , Inmmock * . oil nnd llni , eov rt of nil kind ? rnl't'T ' cloUilnit bcnj ( tn 9 , tmnnpre , etc. bom forci-t'guo. 11U Fnnini.i foroatilo ueTO S BAGS AND TWINES BISHOP A CO. BEMIS OMAHA DAD CO filial , innnllla , cvtttoc Importers nndmrft Hour rope , lionip , Jutp. cot neks , burlipt , twlno. ton tnlucoittrrnl conv ngo olo. 811 S. Ulli rt. BICYCLD3. J BOXia 11.0. TQDD , fliiocc'sor to J J Wllk- K1.0. DAXON , . ! cnsoii. M t KClhur pipe * eold on innnthlj p ic lnKboic . Allnovol payment * . 1M .S. Utli st l.esln box line llll ) Dounlai St. BOOTS AND SHOES. MonsE-naEsiioiaj , 1103 Fnetory ooru r llt'in < \ lnul % < otr t * We are uiaklDii clo'a prices tu cMh b iron , itnl r lolling a olnii of cooli wnioti li rury ial * BtiUnlvli uiorohiiati. STEVEN CREEDQN. Mnnufnctiircr' ' * nceut 11 MI Mii'I'U ' you with pvcry Ihlnis In ilio n men s n mn MI < uml clillil H nt low. ( t fin tor ) price" nml I'KIomits | l.-itoft * tle 1404 1 nrnnuitriet Huoni 16. KiRKENDALl , JONES It. AMERICAN HAM3S > V- GO. , EDSrlQ-Ca. Wliolcpiilp Mfrn Ancnts llontd lme' riiblion llo.-loii'r . SliH > ( n , fe't uoodi loC8 , U 111IIUI llUJIInrnc ) it llnrnoy t BREWERS. JOS. 8CHLITZ INQ CO. Offloo. 8.9th and I.eAY worth 8ls. Omtha. John Uarbovcr. A | CAHHIAGKS. W.R.DRUMMOND&GO , liullilcrn Ho'c nml patrol niiguns n tpcclnlt ) . 16th , tipp Court Ilono CLOTHING. BLUIUM QILMORE&RUHL , Clothhif notion fnrnlnli IniiB ( .Uo us n trlnj Mnnufra and wboletnta Sample's prcpnlil li ) e\ clothlora. HW Uarouj press lllJUnrnuy etrjut. COAL , COKE , | CORNICE. OMAHA COAL , UQKEll EAOLEGORN CE WORKS LIME CO. , Mfrs. RalYnnlrcd Iron cornice , window cnps. Hard and loft real R B. . tntlallo BkylluhtH , etc. . 16th and Douglnj- ocr. . U. 111U , K12 Uodne-nt. CONTRACTORS. 1. H. OLENN. Contrnctors niict ubronlrnctiiM for nil klmt of ImlMliiL" | iln terln , pilntliu do will recelvo n copy nf lik > im'snrclili > ttH anil lnillilers illroiMorj Ir < c. li ) Konillimtlulr inline. bllallilHS and locn lion , to tlio publisher M LI Oluim. 1U b 15th btrect DRY GOODS. KILPATRICX-KOQH - H.E. 8K1ITH DRYQQOOSOO. , Dry goods , notions " , fur Dry eoodi notlona , gent'i - mining Boda Corner lurnlshlng Koodd Cor. Hth aud oward ti. Hth and lioward at. FURNITURE QMAHA UPHOLSTER- DEEBE&RUNYAH FUR- 1HD GO. HITUREGO. Upliolptcreil furniture , au 1MH > Mcholni > t Graeo and TkUteantk \Vliolesnlo onl/ . itiueti. THERE ABE Id Soldiers in PooH A.N1J Pension Aronls in Palaces That is the sort of tiling Till Bes Bureau of Claims .was or- jjani/ed to correct The Bureau believes in { riving the veterans the benefit of the laws that were passed to help them. It waives war on the sharks consequently quently the sharks don't like it. But as Ions : s the sol diers aie grateful it is satis fied. If you are a veteran , or the widow , child or de pendant parent ol a veteran , write to Ti".B B33 Bureau of Claims and find out how 11 uh il ( government is willing to do for you. THE - - Bee Bureau of Claims Omaha.Neb. OTICi : TO PUOt'KllTY OWNICKS , AOKNTS AND LKSSKUS. In ptlisuaiicoof nrdln inco No . ' 101. rciUlr- | i\f now or connections to bo made to uml wltli- nthocuib lines on certain hretts and alley n Siiec'l Impimomenl Dlitilcta Nos 10.1 , 401 , 74 and 471 In tlio illy of Omaha , you uro I.ero- ) y notllled to miiko nil nuu'ss.iry connections > lth HIV , er mulns or liitlm.iK , nnd toeomiiliito > uch work on or befoio July . ' ' 'nd , IH'rJ. us It Is lie ptirposDto imvo thu bt reels uml ullny In hoiald dlslt ctH , uml moro particularly rtu- , crlbcd us foilous. to wit No 4is .lid hi i eel from houtli line of I'leico itrcot \Villlum striiot. , , , | 0 | pierce xtreet from ens' line of 4111 moot U > west I no of , lrd ntri'iit Nn. lit -Kill Hticul from luinam street to larney Rlii-i't No. tAlloy t from nth to llth directs , bon - n i DII .liicl.son i ml loin's nlieetH Von uro hoioby ordered to make thu necim- ary sewer connfctloiih within the tlimtMieii- leif In this notice 01 thu siumi will bo iniiilo liy lie city authorities , and the cost theieof IIH- osscd u ulnst the inopui ty oppimlto the s.imu indKpcc ally Dcnolliml thereby C'li ilniKin Hoard of Public Wn PltOl'OSALS I'OHj Hi'iiloil iiropoH I.K will bo ri'cnhed by Iho 1111- Icrklifncd until L.tlo'ilo kp in. Jnlj ' . ' 'ml. b'rj , for Krailliu'ud strt'iit ' fiom liOi-uHtblieul o hnuncer htreot , ami the iilley bolwitm il ircy and Muxon etioots fi > m .tut Htrcol to .Ird htn ut , In the city t ( Jinaliii , In accor I- inco with plaiiB and Hpuc'lllu.illnuM on Illu in Imollliool thu lloiril of I'll hi luor \ < h i'ioli : nroiHHiil in bo mudoiin iiiintod blnnl'H nrnlHliod by llio iioiinl und to bo uccn ninn- oil bv ucurtllled chunk In Iho num of tMll ( inyulilu to thoalty of umuba. us nn uvldunoo f unod faith The board reneivci. tlm rlj rht to rejcut tii'y ' Chulrmun lloirdof 1'ublla WorkH Ouiaha , ub , July bill , Ib'JJ. jyH-U-ll-ltJ GROCER1E9. DRUGS , Eto. D. M. 8TEUE A CO. , IMMXtt Janet ICth und HUM ? itrtt % Um h . Cviuoh . UAtlDWAHB. REDTOR & WILIIEIMY lOBtCKAUNH , CO. , I' lor9' hardware itnl Corner Ittth end Jitliion mcelunles' tool * btreou. 104 Douulns 6lr oV A.C. RAYMER , I'ulMpm' Itnr.lnArn nnij t ontrtt-lori Suiinllui Htli LUM1312R CHAS. R. LEE , JOHN A. WAXEFI t3 Ilnntwoort lumbar , wooJ c.trpult IID 1 pnmu l linportotmotloml'ork tloorlnx , Inn I cis unit , Ullwvujj liT'lrnullo cement an4 Blh and DousU * . gulncr whltj line , LIQUORS. HER A CO. , FRIQK& IIER3E < { r. Manor mnro'tMiU , 111 ] . Mfri Kon- Iliitnoyst. - Wholosnlp llqiuir doalorl - ' uc-ily'l liut India Ult ters. 1UJI bnrunin it. MILLINERY J.OBERFELDER nml Jobtioriof inllllnt.-r ) noiiaim Mall orders prompt AW US * mint MUSICAL. A. H03PE , JR. , THE MEINDERO CO. , Piano * orgftni. 10" N ICtb bt I'lnnot , nintorlMri , uto. 1518 mimic and mnilinl In * Uoufflaa at. truuiuutt of nil kind ! I'AI'KK , OILS. OARPEIITER PAPER GO STANDAU3 V.L CD. Carry n full ( took of printing ntnpplnu nnct ItcHncd nnd 'nbrlcitlnx paper , card pa per eta. oils , nxlotrca o , cto. OVERALLS , SIJIRT3. ETC. KIND-V.SMEAD , ROBINEn.NiSTOKESCO MfrS of " 1C ft S" pants , Mfrn eelebrntod "DncSf shirts nml uvcralla.ctc. eklu" oTornlls. pant * , cnibs num. tli'rts , oooti , etc. kut Uuintm. PRODUCE COMMISSION. d , 1871 BRANCH & CO. , WHITHEY&CO. . Produce , fruits or til kinds , oyiteri , 317 tL Uthit. J. B. HUSE& CO. JAS. A. CLARK L CD , , Our npocHltloti Iluttsr. lluttor , chpoio. m . cum uml puullrr , loll poultry and j mK Lioward mraat. 817 South 13U btruot W. E. RIODELL RIDDELLi. CO. , ( Kstnbllshca 18D5. ) Wbolialo butter ft can Duttor , chooia , vi'KCtnbles frulti pouli Dura nnd ictli ( or , ' try i coib 413 S. II tli it. STOVE RF.PAIHS. OMAHA STOVE REPAIB WORKS , StororcpuUB nnd wal nttiialimontB for nnf kind of utoTO inadk. SASH. TOYS. M.A. DISBRQWiOQ. H. HARDY Vojt , dolli , albumi , Manufacturers of inh fRncy Koods houiofiiM d o o r t. blind ! and BlJhlug itoodi. oblli mouldlnni. llranoh of- dreu'i cnrrlBMJ UU n , lltb and Uaid 3u. Varnara Btreou NOTICE OK ASSESSMENT OP DAM. AGES FOR GRADING FOt'liril STREET. To the owners of all lots purt of lotn nni ] reul estnto nlon , ! I'ourth street fiomool' worth uMjiinu to t'opti.c'iun incline. Yon uru hereby notlllcil that the nn lor- 4liiicd. three dlplnturcstod freeholders of thu slty of Onmhu. lituo been duly npiinlntod ny the urnor. with the upprm il of th < city [ 'oiincll of sal.1 clt > . to assess thud IIIIUKO to llmonnors loipcrtlMily of the iiripeity uf- tecteil by KrulliiK lonlh street from \\nol. ftoi th u\onilo to I'opploton u\cnnc dccluicil iiceoHsiry by ordinance numb , r lll'l ' , pissed Ju no . ' 8th , 183. ' , uppro\o I .Inly 1st IM' Von are fnrlhei notlllid. tli aliiulnc ao : cplod h ild uppo nlmcnl. und duly nnulllleil is required by Ian , no u III. on tin1 Jlslduyol Inly , A I ) . IS' ! . ' , ut the hoili of li oelo k In tlm 'orimoon , at tliu oilier of Mil iM'r.V O'Donalinn , 140,1 rurniiin street , ulthlii the coipoi itu Hin ts of s ilu olty. moot foi the purposu of con- iulerliiK the mukhiK and tisiessnii-nt of iluni- iccs to llio ownerrt rosDoctixoly of s ild iiron- jrty , ulloctud by hukl Hi nl IILtuUln. . ? In Id : oiiMlder illon Niieolal bonellts , If any Vim ara notlliod to bo present ut tlio tlnia ind ul.ico ufores ild. und nniKo any olijectioni n orstutoinonts concernliu x llll ussossincnl > l dniu.'i C'S us you niuv consider proper \V ( i , ( il.O .1 I'AT I , , W II. OA I I > . Coinnilttoo of Appralsorn. OMAHA , July Bth , Is'L' jyli ilut S'OTICE TO I'ROPERTV OWNERS , AGENTS AND LESSEES. In pnrmi'incoof ordlnuneo No 10) . ' . r'qnlr- \\f \ w itoranil KUS cm nucllons to bo union to mil \Mthln the cnrli lines on eertiln htnets , mil alloy nltliln Btroot liuproveinont Ills- rlcts Nos. 4UI , 4iil , 171 und 47.1 , In the ItV of Uniuliu , you uro hereby notified o niiiko all nucossary connections with watci ind fun iiiulns , or ( utter UK und to eoinliletn neh work on or before thu20i | | day of July , b'li. us It la tlio pnrnoso lo niive llio Mrceli , mil alley In tlio H ild d 1st i lets , und moro par * Iciilurly ( lohcrlboil us followH , to-wlt. No 4'i.l ' in ) Hlnet fiom south line of l'lcrc tn ol to Williams Mreut No llll I'lereo Htreot fiom oiRt line of 4tb licet lo west line of Ird slice ! No 47117th Htreut fiom Kurnuni Ktreet la lurney Htreut. No 4.l Alley from 13th to llth bticuts , bo- ween .liicltson and Join H HIICUIH Dated aLOiuuhu , July hib. IH'rj. 1' . W. HIUMIAI'HHH , Chairman HourJ of rnblleVorl < . jyS-U-IO 'ROPOSALS FOR FILMNG C'ER TAIN LOTS OF REAL ESTATE. Soiled proposuln nill lo received bv the nn. ernl'-'iied until 1.W : o'elock p in , July 22nd , VI.1. foi Illiln.'certain lots of roil estate ) 10 * atiid us followH : huts r > . li. 7. 8. d. 10 , II , U' , II nil II In b oul < 10 , ICouiit/u'H I'mirth hiipnio- IK nt uy addition to the city of Omiiliu , unit yin. lielween Ccntor stnet uii'l lliikory in et and nth Htrcot und llth Mnet In thu lt > of Omnhu , Hiii'l lotNlnuliiK lieon doclnreil , nulu 'lice ' by onlln inco No. . | , M ) . sneli Illllnn to lie done In iieeord inco with lie InstriU'tlonsof the City en lncui and bouid f public \ > orkn. IlIdH lll bo niBilo on printed blunkH fur- Ihlnil by tlio board , uml to bo ueciiiiipunloil y a certllled ohouk in the Hum of 45X ) payubln iithu city of Oinahii , UN an Idoiicuof ( jooil nlth The board ruHorvns I ho rlirlil to reject uny rail blilx , und to wal\o ilefni IH I' . IIIUICHAI hIJt , C'linlrniiin Hoard of I'ntillcnrki. . Omuliu , Neb , July bth , I-'X' . JyK-U-I'-ll ( 'KOl'OSALS KOH SLOPING HANK3 OKKAIfJ'II. healed proposals will he r. ( olvjd by tlm mi' eisL-ned until It.MJ o'chio't ' p m , July 2.'nl. ( hi fur Kridlnit and bluii 114 d iwn bunkol irlh uB liuvii linen di rluiud a iiiilbiinci ) IIH pot irillnunco No. : ) J7. und duscrlbud as followm I.OIK m. .r > und : i > l In J I. Hi dl ( lc' addillon , II In the oily of Omuli i. Hneli Hionhu to bu done In accordunro with Im hiHtiuutlona of tliu oily un.'lnour and ( aid of publlu wet UK. lllilM will bu mudu on printed blunkH fur- Ishcd by llio board , and to lu ncioinimniud y iicerllllul chuok In tliu Hum of JVw , p iy- blutoiliu city of Omuliu , u an uvnlunco nl oml faith , ' 1 hu board ritiorvoa tlm riKlit to reject anf rail b.dnund tu wulvodofo tn. 1' . W UllUvllAUhnil. Cnulrmun Hoard oi 1'ubllo Workn. Omuha , Nub. , July bth , IHJJ. jyit-V-lD-lft