THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : URDAY , JULY 9 , 1892. . .i i In Every Department -OP MEN'S PANTALOONS. Over 2000 pairs of odd pants and extra suit pants to be closed out at about fifty cents on the dollar. 1 PRrVrn-CfeQ cpl.OvJJE2.cpc5. One dollar and fifty cents for all-wool chev iot cassi- ' pantaloons , - mere and cheviot at $2 , $2.50 , $2.75 and $3. Extra pantaloons from high cos t suite o counters at $3.50 and $3.75. We mean busi ness on pantaloons , and Saturday will be our last day , No customer will be disappointed. Plenty of them. Men's Suit Dept July Prices on Fine Suits. . July is the month when we clean up our stock regardless , of values. Fine suits can be bought in some O cases for less than cost. Quantity makes the price. When there are only a few suits , a price is fixed so they are bound to go. On Saturday. Special line of Men's cheviot suits at $5. Men's cassimere suits in sacks and frocks , at $7.- Men's high grade cheviots and worsteds at $9 , $10 and $12. , We mean just what we say. Try us on Saturday. BOYS' ' DEPARTMENT. You can save money on Satur day on Boys' Clothing. We have too many suits for this late season. SPECIAL LINES. 'Long ' Pant Cheviot ON SATURDAY AT $5 , $6.50 and $7 sold all season for $9.00 and $10.00. Your choice on Saturday of any Boys' Long Pant Suit on table No. 2 , for $7.75. You cannot afford to miss this counter. Come early on Saturday. Short Pant Suits. BARGAIN COUNTER. Suitsl$1.50$1.75 FOR SATURDAY. 95 Cents , For Saturday Only. Your choice of any pair of boys' short pants in our stock on Satur day at 9Sc , Nothing reserved. Of fer is only for Saturday. Boys' Straw Hats 25 and 50 Cents. Our entire stock consolidated into two lots. All of one lot go at 25 cents and the balance at 50 cents. BALBRIGGAN Shirts and Drawers 50c on Saturday. i/N. E. Corner Douglas and ISth Streets. I ' DUN'S ' KEV1EW OF THE WEEK Good Demand for and Active Trade in Staples of Every Kind. REPORTS FROM THE BUSINESS CENTERS Dmiilm n Uttiinl ltoiiirtn | u Good Bimlnogs Inortianlnc < Jf < iH th aCtlm AV st rn Irudo The CliuirliiK lloiuo Statements Utlivr I'lnunulul Now it. Niw YOKK , July 8. K. Q. Dun & Co.'s rrookly rovlsw of trade says ; There is a itrougor damned for finished products of Iron and stool , while pie iron Is overloaded and ivoalior , and tbo Thomas company Ims ro- aucod Its prlco for No. 1 nnthr.icito $1.UO to 11.50 par ton , which Is believed to bo the lowest price over recorded. Sales of 10,000 tons of stool rails have boon made by eastern ivories and the aggregate for tbo b'ulf year has boon SU'J.U.H ' ) with & 0'J,000 tons actually delivered , which corresponds with the de crease In railroad building and the prospect that the now mlloago for the year will bo only about il.OJJ. liar iron is in heavy do- mainland structural nlso , with nu advance- nuoulfl per ton. Textile mills are all wnll employed. for tbo season , and batter orders tor woolen goods luvo glvon an impulse to purchases of wool by manufacturers. Hoot nnd shoo shops are Lm-y and urossod for early deliveries , and ens torn shipments are now tbo largest over known for the year thus fur'.OOJ oases , against lTt,300 ; ! : last year , nnd l.&JJ.OOO in Ib'JJ ' , hitherto ttio maximum. Parallno rubber Is lower nt OS oonts with norUs busy. Tlioro nro moderate sales of uopper ut llf ) cents ; tin is Inactive , but lead lightly advanced. Tno last advance in coal bus Hloppod business , but the half year's out put wus ltljlSOUU ) : tons , ugalubt liUl,0001asi four. Jtitjiortu fruin tint ClUe * . Trade at Boston is fairly active. Wool Is n.ulut wiln lurgororuers for goods nnd heavy rontracu Imvo been made lor fruquont do- livery. llurdwuro wns u little leas firm at Hart- fold. fold.At Philadelphia dry goods nro qulot. Trade In wool Is nclivu ut satisfactory prices. Coul is dull , groceries and glass quiet , sales of faints leh.s thiin lust month , nnd trade in jew olrv llplit , wbllo chemicals nro btuudy , tbo liquor t ratio good and tobaccoln fair demand. il'illlmoro reports some improvement in iboos and dr\ goods and much in millinery. Ncurly till tbo Iron mills ut Pittsburi ; nro jloscd nnd pig lion Is wutikor , while the glass ilorUs have stopped for the bummer. At Cleveland trade In most lines is good , exiopt in Iron. At Cincinnati the carriage trade Is bettor. HU-.IIICSS at Dot run is good for the season nnd ciop prospects fuvorablo. Tim giowth nfusturn tradn may bo in ferred from Chicago receipts , which exceed hist } o\r' .Ti per cent tn cattle and bogs , ! ( ' ( per co nt In corn , ! > 0 per cent lu droisod beef , about clou Die in Hour , cured meats , laril , theesu , blJc.'A nuil wool , and four tluioi last r cur's in wbeul , oats and rye , General trade s larger tlun u jear ago und the demand tor mot uy silglitly better. Fiuo weultier helps crop pro pecU in WU- cotihln and trade Is bolter than last year at Bu 1'nulunu Minneapolis , wltti u good lum ber business , and ibu Hour output lt > 7UJU barro'.s , UKUIIIKI 104,1)00 ) last yuar. Mutiny ( Joi > > llrguliig ut Onnilui , Trade in groceries und dry goods is very active at Oimttm and collodions exception- nllv poou. while inonoy goes bugging , At Kansas citj traiio Is good for tuo oa ou. At St. Louis business U strong in ail llnui. The ouiliarn tnido it seasonably dull. bpeculatlo i has boon Inactive , though 4M > , . OOJ bales ol cotton have buon sold , n declinu of a HUtccntb. lierrlpts htlll exceeding list yenr'x , while exports tin1 fully mainialncd , \Vhuut ules have only boon UXOIOJ ( bush ols with n decline of over n cent , nnd corn has dropped 2 cents , bat hog proaucts are all stronger ; pork 75 cents per barrel. Colteo is e ; stroiiiror and oil % o weauor. Foreign trade Is fully maintained. The business failures occurring through out tbo country during the last seven days number 170 , ns" compared witn totals of 197 last weolr. For ttio corresponding week of last year the figures were 247. STATKMINTS. Oiimlm Agiilu l.nulK All the Cltlos In liar rorcontue of Int rniin . NEW Yonic , Julv S. Tno following table , compiled by Bradstroot's , gives tbo clearing bouso returns for the w uk ending July 5 , lb'J2 , and the percentage of increase or de crease , us compared with the corresponding week of last year : It Cnrcit din lloy. My little bey was vorjkUad off for two months with diurrluint.Vo UBOU vurioub inoilicluoii , also rallod lu two Uoctora , but nothing did him any ROOJ until wo used Uhuiuburluln'd Cello , Cholera und Ulnrrhaia roinudy , which ave prompt rollof und curca him pcrumnontly. I couslaor it iho boat mudlcine inittlo and can conscientiously roronmicnd it toull who need a rellitblo rcinodv fordlurrhuta , colic or cholera raorbua. J. K. lluro , Trenton , Tex. \ViiKiiii nt uln , DurliiRtho montn of Juno the fines paid Into the pollen court amounted to $ iltl7.50 , ofulch t'J7.f.O woio ( or miscellaneous offenses - fonsos und the buluncu cutno from tbo burnt district. Cooli'u ICxtra Dry ( 'huuiaRno | U one of llio moat delicious uovoruco * in the in"- ' . * * ice tried It will ulwuyit bo ou your t bio. LINCOLN PEOPLE OBJECT Rock Island Officials Have Trouble in Grossing 0 Street. BOTH SIDES OF THE QLESTION l"e..r.l Kuturliilncil by Propel ty ( Miners Unit T.ioir Interests Will Not Itu .1'ro- tuctcil II the ThoroiiKlifuro Ii Croytcd lit tiriitlo. LINCOLN , Nob. , July S. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Never tn the commorulul history of Lincoln tmvo the people of this city taken so deep an Interest in any movement as they have in the present contest over the proposal to permit tbo Koatt Islnnd to lay its tracks across O street ut crade. Nearly every man In Lincoln has taken OLD alao or the other of tbo controversy and scarcely a day or nn evening passed that u public meeting is not held to discuss the matter. The Rock Island olllcials have called out the statement ol Superintendent Calvurt of the U. & MM who at a public discussion , atntud that It was impracticable for a rail road to operate its trains uudor a viaduct loss than twenty-two feet high. On the other hand the viaduct is opposed by some of the property owners nlonp the proposed route on ttiu ground that a viaduct will pre vent the USD of their property for wholuaiilo nuil warehouse purposes. The opponents of tno viaduct urge tbo construction of n sub way. They are mot wuh the assertion of City Engineer Uobson that owing to the level condition of the ground in that part of the city it would be impossible to drain the water from a subway , especially in view of tbo fact that a sub'wav would bo at least eight foot below tbo.bod of Autolopc crook , which runs parallel to tbo urouosod routo. Aniitliur CoiiiprnmlHo HiiKKvHtnl. Another compromise of the matter under discussion has boon suggested. It is , in effect , that the HocU Inland bo perrnlttod to cross O street ut trade and locate its depot at tbo corner of Twentieth and O , as has been coutnmplatod. Then tlw city and tbo railroad is to unlto In constructing a long viaduct on N street from Mnolconlh to Twuuty-llfth Htrools. The viaduct on N street \\lll glvo the people of Must Lincoln sufo and easy uccubs to Lincoln without llio necessity of crosslnc the Hock Island tracks. The Lincoln Street Uuilway company could also move its tracks from O to N street. Tha whole matter Is bolng thoroughly uanvussod. bomo fears Imvo butin expressed that tbo Uoels Island would take simp judgment and lu.i Us tracks over the disputed streets in the night time , bin the otllciais in this city als- clulin any tuch inicutlou. .Mulling mi Jiulillou * fompiiiltcm. Attorney I ) , Van ICtton of Omaha today filed n brief with the clerk of tbo supreme court that Is a curiosity In legal literature. Ho rep oients the plaintiff in the casu of the stntt ) ex rol Theodore Uulllghcr against ( Jeorgo Holmes , Jr. , a Justice of the peace in and for Douglas county , The Onmhu attor ney tnuoi exception to a ruling niaiio by Jus tice llohr.oi and cites tha following cnso to show tbo unustncHSof ] the mutter. He refers tbo supreme oourl to a decision mudo by a "justice of the peace in Sodom bsforo the destruction ol that 'city of the plains. A traveler win pis > lng through that city to his homo In Cunaiin , riding mfiisi. After leav ing Sodom u fctrungor , who proved to be u Sodomite , rode up by the side of the trav eler and wltb hU sword cut off the ear of the traveler's ass , Thereupon tbo traveler ro monstrutod ut the outrage and threatened to bilug the stranger befuro one of the justice * of the peace of So Jo in , which the stranger InsUtod should bo uoi.u. The justlco gave hit decision that inasmuch as the Sodomlto bad wantonly , cruelly and wrongfully cut off Ibo ear of tbo traveler's uss bo should Keep the ass until bis car grow or. n HUlorv does not relate whol'uer or not the o wus collusion bnwccn the Sodomlto justice and his fellow-townsman , " Oil Inspection for June. Honoris of the operations oi iho ell iusj- - tier department for tno mouth ot Juno have boon received. In thoFrst district 70i ( bar rels of oil were Inspected ; in the Second , 5.107 ; in the Tblru , 1,540 ; in the Fourth , 414 ; In the Fifth , 030. Three barrels of oil were rejected at Ledge Polo and one nt Potter. The Ledge Polo dealer was lined $ 100 , being the lirst conviction for the violation of the law in the state. Deputy Inspector Kittlo has Hied a complaint against C. 13. Shaffer of Arugo , nicbnrdson countv , for selling oil that had not boon inspected. Ho will illo n similar complaint against Howolls & Vigors of Pawnee Ully. I'lm District Convention. The call for the republican convention of the First congressional district was formally Issued today by Chairman W. H. Woodward a&a Secretary Frank McCartney. The con vention wilt meet at Nebraska City on Thurn- day , July 23 , at U o'clock p. rn. The several counties are entitled to representation on a basis of and delegate ono dologate-at-largo ono gate for each 100 votes or major fraction thereof cast for W. J. Connell in 1890. This gives Lancaster 45 votes , Cass 19 , Richard son 10 , Pawnee 13 , Otoo K ! , Nonnba li ! , John son 10 , making a total of 123. Tno call recommends that no proxies bo admitted to the convention , but that the delegates pres ent from cacn county cast tbo full vote of the delegation. Lincoln' * * rioiitliif ; Dalit. A special election has boon called for Au gust 12 , nt which tlmo a proposition will bo submitted to the voters of the city of Lin- coin to issue $1 ISOOU in bonds , tUo proceeds of which shall bo devoted to the payment of existing floating indebtedness. Claims have nlreadv been allowed on the .several funds to the amount of 5103,770Ifi and the council es timates that it will require f 11.-50 to meet emergencies ill ) to September 1. Another proposition to issue $40,000 In bonds for the cxtonsion of water mains and the construc tion of u stand pipe will bo submitted on the same day. I'rcim th I'lillcit Court. C. W. Armstrong , who was arrested last evening for driving a huolc into and de molishing a carriage driven by Mrs. O. P. Dlnges , was discharged this morning for lack of prosocutlon. Mrs. Dingosas quite severely injured , but it was evident that the accident was not caused by carelessness on the part of Mr. Armstrong. Mrs. Frank Craw , living near J and Twentieth street , was arrested this morning on tbo charge of having assaulted a neighbor named Lena Greenstone A. B. Carroll was arrested today for using profane and abusive language to Mrs. Minnie Cristoun , living at ! Wy South rtlnotooutb street. Will Auk Aid or till ) Stud- . A committee of three , Pro' . Sallco , John Anborry nnd J. T. Wood. nll of tbo town of Mason , Neb. , which vras recently destroyed ty a cyclone , called upon Governor libvd today to consult , with him In regard to t'hn unfortunate condition of' that town. Forty houses were destroyed 'And ' iho school house demolished. As ttio school district is already bonded to the limit proscriood by law the gentlemen dc'slrod to see If tlioro wu-t not some way by which funds could bo secured to rebuild the school house. Governor Uoyd could see no wuy of assisting them In i ihia manner and suggested that tbo pnoplo of Mason nppoiil to the pooule of Xobrasliti , , Thls will bo done nnd a latter will bo addressed to tbo people of Nebraska within n few linyc. Mr. John T. Hall of Mason has boon Qtislgnutod us treas urer of tbo relief cominitwo and bo it > author ised to accept and receipt for nil contribu tions. Tbo gentlemen who called on Gov ernor iloyd guvu a v ry graphic description of the cycloue and douut on tbo mind of the executive of iho doplorabln'sliuutioi that now exists Mason xvos n small village and a larco proportion ol lupooploaro homo- losa by reason of tbo storm. ( iiMHli > ul tlni Mute 11 nil Hi- . The case of tbo Village of Itellovue against the Uallovuo Improvement company and II. T Clarke was filed in the supreme court Uday. Kocclvor Gibbons of Ibo Konrnoy Commer cial and Savings bank r-"ort that up to July I ho had collected tI,1V.4U , ami hud com menced suit on past duo notes to Hm amount of f.'I.OIT.UJ. Ho had nothing special tore- port for the month of Juno. Uooelvor Kagpoomb of the Farmort ir < il Dravois bank of llaltlo Crrok. , Neb. , reports th it during the month of Juno ho bun o j- ou > od the sum of t-0 and disuursoj uottiiu . Kocclvcr Gaodell of Ibo uanluu ; bouso of Kloman & Arnold reports no collections or disbursements for the month of Juno. The Stnto bank of Seward tiled amended articles of incorporation todav , reducing its capital from 5100,000 to $00,000. Labor Commissioner Andres has returned from a four week's trip in tbo cast on busi ness connected with the bureau of Industrial statistics. Nariimly I.scupi'd Death. Hon. John P. button , secretary of tbo Irish National league , and n companion named Thomas Meagher narrowly escaped drowning ut .Burlington beach , the now nlcnsuro resort tbrco miles from this city , lostnvcning. They bad crossed tbo lairo in a roivboitt and in attempting to change places the boit was capsized. Both gcntlomcn were indifferent swimmers. Mr. Button succeeded in clinging to the overturned boat nnd his loud cries for assistance attracted iho atten tion of Georuo Boslator and U. K. Finch , who were on tho-opposlto side of the lake in n sail boat. They nt once went to the assist ance of the drowning men. Mr. Button was taken In in an exhausted condition , while Mr. Monghor had goLO down for the third time and was unconscious when taken into the boat. Ho was soon restored and both men nro today all right. Messrs. liostator and Finch were Iho only man on the lake at tbo tlmo and out for tliolr presence Meaghor ut least would have been drowned. Quito a vigorous crusade lias boon Inaugur ated in Lincoln over the low assessments of the property of wealthy corporations of this city. A. D. Kitchen yestoraav appeared be fore the board of equalization to protest ngulnsitholownssossment of the property of the Lincoln Stioot Hallway company. Mart Howe appeared before the board and Hied u formal protest ngalnst the low assessment of the property or the Masonio temple , tbo Odd Fellows association , the Gorman Na tional nnd tbo Lincoln National banks. Ho alleges in his ullldavlt tbat the banks have not listed all tbolr capital stok and that they have noi complied with the liv in the manor of llsllug tholrsjrplus. The protests hnvo bcoa referred to a special committee consisting of Councilman Wiltmau , Mosoly nnd Smith. The total aasosod valuation of the city Is as tollows : Heal property , f 1,883- : rO ; personal property , J9-I5.409. Sorry Tor IIU Crlnin , At noon todav Deputy Sheriff Dillon and Commissioner Weseott returned from Sid ney , la. , with John \Vyall , iho old man who stole a horse from Woscott on the Fourth of July. Wynttis tearfully ronontaut imd as sorts that ho bad no Intention of stealing tbo animal , but that bo got , drunk nnd did not know what bo was doing. Ho stated that when bo teen the boreo from McFnddon's stable In iho evening ho didn't know where no wus going until ho roiched the Missouri Pacific track. Wtion asked why ho then continued his journey eastward no declined to answer , stinplv saying that ho would have returned homo If ho had had any inonoy. The oulcors have discovered that bo triad to soU-tho horse for ? 0. Lincoln In Uriel. A. A. .Tones , a colored orator from Wilming ton , S. C. , addressed a republican meeting In this citv this evening. Chief Engineer Day of tbo Rock Island loft this availing to join tbo surveying party that IB locating the now line between this city and Janson. The surveyors are now in Saline county. Attachment Kulta were begun in Judge Foxwortby's court todav against Oliver Maggard , the Omaha and Lincoln transfer man. The parties bringing tbo suits alleged that Maggard has loft tbo city nnd they bavo takou all his property in sight. A XKini i.s/c.i oiiti , iff uitiicE. "Tho grandeur that was Groeoo" has stil some tattered remnants visible to the sight seer of today , nnd readers of Sunday's Biu : will have un opportunity to take thorn In. Enter tbo carnngo waiting at the door of the American consulate in Athens the Juno sky Is as brilliantly blue and deep as the waters that ripple around uio Grecian Isles and bo driven through colorful Arcadia nil the way to tbo base of Tiiygetus nnd into the Sparta of today , where the youth nro still raisoa on the black broad that fed the youth and men who died nt ' ] hermopyhu Miss XVlnlfred Mnnatt Is clcorono , and none bet tor could bo secured than the winsome , ob serving , Intellectual daughter of our consul nt the Greek capital nnd whilom chancellor of tbo Nebraska university. Miss Manntt's letter pictures iho country , its people and their loading characteristics In a lifelike manner , nnd with n eoupcon of appreciative humor that is irresistibly taking ami in structive. These pilgrims of the Poloponno- sus had especial opportunities , and misted none of them , and readers of Tin : SUMIAV HEK are accorded the privilege of accom panying them in tnolr private carriage on as' pleasant n trip us any over undertaken. Mrs. L , Ii. Patton , Uockford , In. , writes : "From personal experience I can recommend DoWitt's Sarsnpurilla. a euro for Impure btood and general acbillty. " White Spotless Arms Soft White Hands Shapely nails , an unblemished skin , anil luxuriant hair arc produced by " ' the celebrated CirriCunA .SOAP , beyond all comparison the most effective skin purifying ; and beautifying soap in the worldas well as the purest and sweetest of toilet and nursery soaps. It is the only preventive and cure of pimples , blotches , blackheads , red , rough , and oily skin , and most compIcMonal disfigurations and baby blemishes , because the only pre ventive of inflammation and clogging of the pores. CUTICURA SOAP produces the whitest , clearest skin , the softest hands and shapely naih , as well as luxuriant hair and healthy scalp. Hence its sale is greater than the combined hales of all other skin and complexion soaps. cruP"oni impuiny , and diwatc of the blood , nnd economically cured by lite CuTici'KA KuntoiKs , when I lie ben phyucunl fail , Price ; CLTICUKA , the E at Skin Cure , joe. CUTICUIIA her , jjc. Curt. CUKA KI-SOUVKNT , Hie new lllood Pmificr , f > , I'OTTKR DKDONU CIIEMICAI I * COETOHATION , Ko ion "ALL ABUUT Tint SKIN , SCALC , AI.O lUu , " mailed fiee. I'.very MAN can ha H'/KONO utul VIO. - . - - - > r uniii : iii NliHVINIi , tlicreut Hininlah Ucmccly. VOUNO JIHN } lTif'J 8u" < 'f""i ' " " " N VOUH J ) I1II < ITV. IOST or AII < INO MANHOOD , iiiKhilyii.iit < iouiconvul > ion > , neivoui irottration , CHUIII ! liy tbeute of opium , Kiliacco or alcohol , wake- , _ _ - - - , . - , _ „ lulneki , iiiciual ilcprettion , loin ol power in either . * . meriualor- WErnoKK Nii rii'Muk r in a earned l.vielt tju and ovtr iiiduluenCBor nvi.rrioiial weak nesi can be rr.lored to j.etfect health .rd tiiv NOI1LU VITALITV OI' STUONO MJ5N. \Vocu3 a Mrillvntiuuranteu with C boxes to cure any catu or refund the money. | > J l > oi,6 buxui | j For Sula in Omaha , by Snow Lund & Co. ARE YOU SUFFERING ? KJtOM Female Weakness , & _ Catarrh or 5 Rlicuinatism , ; Chronic , Nervous or Private Diseases. IP SO , CALL ON Dr. Searles & Searles Consultation Free. . . I tn bo the most successful fli | clitllsls In all I'IIIVATH , Hi.oou , Ni.itvous , Siurt AMI Ulll.NAIlV DtsmSKS , tinnorrliiim in from . ) to 0 ( lays Syphllli curi'O without Merutiry. All HI.IKCS for life. bTUICTrill ! piiriniinnntir uururi removal com plete , without cutting , uaiMtlc nr < llliit tliin Cur < iiftectud nt lioniu by putlunt without u inoinonl'fl pain or unmiynnco I'lLUS. Plbl'l I.A AND IlKCTAIj t'l.rHHS ciiroa w.thoiil imlii or ilutontlon lium liiMlncsi 11YIMUCHI.K AND VAIlKCll.i : : > criiiiinontl und BiiCLCnsfiilly uurctl Mi'thnd no v anil mifnlllu WEAK MEN fVlTAI.ITV WKAK ) , .Mncliino hy lee CIIHB | niplU | rntlnn to liimliii > s umtudy xuvoru inontul ntrnln ( ir ( .Tlnf SKXUAI , 1C.\ ( I'.rfil'.s in mhhllo llio , ol Iniin tliu I'lli'atnof y until I ul lnllkK \\I'AK MKN AUK VICTIMS I'D NK1IVOUH 1)15- Illl.lTV or li.YIIAUSTKIN , WASTINf. WKAKNKSS INVOU'.VJ'AUV I.IHSKH wllll lIAIIIjl IIKl'AY III \OIJ.MJniHl .MIIIDI.i : A.ii : > luck ( if vim , vlKnr nnd HtruiiKtli , nllli mifiml OTKUIIH liiinilrod | ami wvakiini'iiiMl iiri-niiitnriily In iipprducliluuuld no All rlalit ruudllr tn our inw trvntiiient furloisof vltnl power Cull on ( ir ndilr.m nllh ntuinp for clrculurn , free liuok and rucvlpti lrfiarlp5 ) Aoidcu ! iiBSoiuh i.'ithStroot Ul. OliUlli a oitlUla , OMAHA , Nun. Nuxt to 1'ott Olllco , YOU NEED NOT FEAJtt Unit ] i ( > npln-u111 know jour Inilrlw il > < - < l If jcdi u Mint ixtiTect linltiitloii ul naliirn , TiriTs Hair Dye \tlnimrlHli | k-losnvrolorillic ! Ircsli lITn tutliu Vilr. 1'iJiT , 1. Olllcc , III ) I'm U 1'liii'f , K. V. Unlike the Dutch Process No Alkalies on Oilier Chemicals are unfil In the preparation of w. HAKEII & co.'s ic/ir/i ( if jiuro uxil tillable. Hhwmorcthantltrretlmei tliottrcnyth nf Cocoa inlxvil with Ht.'ircli , Arrowroot or , BiiK'tr ' , nnd IH far 111010 nmlcal , cnttlmj Ices than one cent a cuj > , II U tlrllcloun , uour'ahlng , and KAHIL.V Hold lijrlrunir ( rierfnher * . W. B A3 ER & CO. , Dorchester , Masa. NEBRASKA National Bank. ' U S DEPOSITORY - OMAH NEB Cnjiltul .i ? 100 , OUO Siirihis | ifd- ) , ( ) ( ) ( ) Ollicur * nnd Illri'ttorlluiiry \S Viitoi , nronlda It C I'liihliiK , vlcu pru ldunl , I' H Mturlu' W .Momu. John H CollliiK , J , N II I'ulrli.K , UH | , Cunlilvr THIS. . IliOK BA.NK.