Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Nebraska Christian Endeavor Eooictloa
Start for Their National Meeting.
Something of the MoirmiMit nnd tin Alms
rrogriiin t.iild Out for tlio WI-CK'H
Work in > i-w \orl ( J o-
hriulm I'liuu.
A train of flvo handsomely dojoratoJ cars
pulled out of the union depot Monday bound
for New York city uairltitf the Nubraski
delegation to the convention of the Young
Peoples Soclotv of Christian llndoivor ,
which moots In Madisoi Square IMIMOU on
July 7 and continue : ) throu daj's , The NebrasKa -
brasKa dulogatlon numuoroil nearly ! li)0 ) and
was composo.1 of aclasi of yomn' paonio of
which the statotus reason to foal proud.
Omaha &cius3venty-clght delegates to the
convention and Ilia Young Mon'i Journal ,
published In this city , nri lo a great hit by
Chartering two car * for thu accommoJatlon
of lla otiorgotlc agents who succojdud in yet
ting 100 subscribers oiie'i for the Journal
which entitled them to frco transportation to
New Yotk mid icturn on the cars chartered
by tin ) managers of the Jouuml.
'The No ruslm delegation will take quar
ters at thu Orund hotel , corner Thlrty-llrst
mid Hnwdwny , during the convention. After
thu convention the js'ubrnslw and Iowa dele-
gsllons will tnko a short trip out to sun on u
small Rtcamor already engMged for u half
day's sail on the briyy blue expanse. This
will prolmblv bo the grcatost g'atherini ; In
point of numbers tbut thu Endeavorurs have
ever held.
History of thu Movumcmt.
The first Sociotv of Chiistian Endeavor
was formed bv Uev. R U. Clark in thuVll -
Jlston chuicb , " Poitland , Maine. February'J ,
IbSI , Aftoc about eight months another so
ciety \\iia formed In Nowbnryport.iMabsachu-
Bolts. Gradually the number of sociotius In
creased , and after lour yonM of compara
tively slow growth , a very rapid development
began. ' 1 ho principles of the soe'.ulv became
known moro widely , andvhuio they
Mcru understood they were almost uni
versally approved by earnest religious work
ers of nil denominations. The society spread
from dunomlnatlon to denomination , from
stiite to state , from province to territory , and
fiom nation to nation , until mm' there is
hi'iuccly a land on thofacoof thouaith with-
oui its societies of Christian Endeavor. The
last jenr has boon the year of greatest
growth In the history of the movement. In
single weeks during tlio past mould moro so
cieties liuvo been reported than were formed
during the Iltst four yuir < of thu movement.
The indications for the continued growth of
the bociety in all denominations were never
BO favorable as thuy aru today. Almost
every evangelical denomination in America
lias oltocr adopted thu society as its own , or
nllows Its existence without any opposition.
Thoio are now at least U'J.OOO soclutlns with
l.'J.IO.UOU members in all parts of the world.
The recent convention which was hold In
Knglaml shows tnat the woik is gaining
ground in the mother country , whllo in Aus-
tralin the giowth ii scarcely less phenomenal
than in the United States. The principles of
the society are the same as they were at
the beginning and Us object U no different.
Tbo model constitution is substantially tlio
same ns the one at llrsi adopted with u few
changes to lit it to the growing needs of the
enlarged work. Thu pledge is considered
more and moro essential ns the years go by ,
nnd the consecration meeting and the com
mittee worlc are never forgotten in a genuine
Society of Christian Endeavor. Us purpose
is distinctly relinious as it was at the begin
ning , nnd it has boon truly cilloJ "an organ-
i/eil and constant revival among the voung
pconln. " The United society , which Is blm-
plv u burc.u of information , and not a board
of control , has for Its prosk'ont tlio founder
of the society , Itov. ! ' . E. Clark ; for its secretary -
rotary , Mr. John Willis I3aer , with a board
of t.-iistoes representing many evangelical
Sonii ) Nulloiml Convention.
The international convention In New York
which will bo hold July Tto 10 is the eleventh
of the series. At first the meetings were
small , hut from the beginning they have
been onthiBianle and full ot poivor. Sara
toga , Clilcuu'o , Philadelphia , St. Louis and
Minneapolis have witnessed conventions of
remarkabli ) Kizu and spiritual influence , and
thu numuerrt in nUciuUncu upon tbu conven
tions of tlio Usi three yuars have buan larger
than at any other religious meetings of thu
yenr. It Is asserted that tlio'J. > ,000 who will
attend the convention at Now York "will
compose thu largest icllglous convention
over bold in tbo history of the world. "
Some of the peculiar fett'.urcs of this conven
tion are thu simultaneous meetings with
ptoRinnis equally attrui'tivo as tlio. meetings
held in Madison Square gurdun , which are
provided to accommodate tlio throngs who
will attend ; the denominational rallies ,
which pravo thu society to bJ as loyal a
denominational sociuty as any possibly can
be , as .veil 113 u great Interdenominational
organization ; thu Irco parliaments and com-
mlttno meetings whero'theiolll bo an
opportunity lor the young people to be
heard. Tbo progrum furnishes u list of
eloquent nnd distinguished speakers from all
denominations who are not often brought
together lu one convention.
I'iiiiu for thu Work.
The following is a brief outline of the pro
gram for this great convention :
Thursday afternoon , July 7 , nddrcssos of
wclcoino by Kuv. Chillies F. IJecms , D.I ) ,
nnd Ucv A. C. Dixon , D D , of Hiooklyn ,
with a response by President M. E. Gntci ,
1A. D. , of Amherst ; also , the toport of the
gcneiul secretary , Mr , John Willis liner. In
thu evening President Ua.hford of Ohio
\Vesleyun university moachos the convention
sermon , and Uov. F. E Clurk , D.I ) . , presi
dent of the United society , gives thu presi
dent's annual uudress.
Ftidny morning the "pastors' hour" will
bo participated in bv loading ropiocntu-
livrs of twenty dllTcrent donomlmitlonn , who
will tell how Christian endeavor ls suited to
their denomination. The morning will close
with an address b > Joioph Cuok of lloiton.
At the Friday afternoon sojston thoru will
bo a free parliament conducted by Hoy. W.
C. HUldliiR of New York , papuri'on Junior
woi'l' and addressee by nutlvu ropiuscnta-
lives of Christian Endeavor societies in
India , China and Africa. Uov. Wayland
Ilo.U , D.D. , will present thu banner * to
thosu states that liaxu niudo the greatest
gain In the number of societies during the
past year. In the evening Hon. John Wanu-
maker will preside , and ihuru will bo nil-
drniseu by Kuv Uussul II. Conwull of Phila
delphia and Hon. W. C. P. Drocidnrldgo of
Kentucky. Simultaneous moullngt In the
Mm bio Colloglutu church and tbo Madison
bquaro Presbyterian church will bo ad-
dromed bv Rev. Waviand Hovt , D.D. . R-iv.
D ivid J. Hurrlll , D D , Uov. E. U. YOUHR ,
lltv , John Ilcnrv H.irroux , D.D. , Mrs , Isa
bella M. Alden ( Punsy ) nnd others.
Saturday morning will bo devoted to mis
sions , homo nnd foreign. Uuv. Jo&lah Strong ,
D.D. , of Now York will glvo n stirring ad-
dioss ; "Prnportionatu nnd Systematic Otv-
Ing" will bo discussed ; and secnuarioi of the
I'losbvlorlan and D.iutljt boiird > ulll also
nrinisu thu younn people to urcnter intcrrst
in missions , On thu Hftonioon of Sntutilny
ibcru wilt be n Junior rally In the II road way
Tabcrmiclo church , presided over by Mrs ,
Atlco May Suuddur , nnd there will iflso b
Uoiiomliiatlunal rallies of all tlio luitdmg du-
nomlnuttons , conducted and nddrosseil by
eminent worker * In tbuso various denomina
tions. The lulurostef tbo young people in the
iloctnno" , polity , mlsilons , and publications
of their own churches will thus bo stimu
L'limliiK thu Uon\untloii ,
After u morning prayer mooting on Sun-
rtav thu convention wilt adjourn to attend
the vailaus church services. In the after
noon Mr. John t ! . Wooltuy will glvo an ml-
Uu'aH on "Ciospol Tcmpcranco ; " Uuv. John
II liurrowD , D.D. , of Chluagu. onThe
Kullijluua Posslbilitlei of the World's Fair , "
Uov. E. U. Young of Toronto \ \ 111 tell i.
thrilling story of "Minttlonuiy Lift ) Amom ;
the Hudson Hay Indians , " and Mr , Ira 1)
Hankuy on "Christian Endeavor in England "
In llio availing there will uu un address t\
Dr. U. P. UOMO of Montreal , and the i-ouvcn-
lion will close with the consecration meotlnp ,
w blch will doubtless bo of great Interest mid
spiritual power , Mr. John U. Woollov , Uov ,
J. A , Roudtualor , U.I ) . , of ImUunnnolls ; Uo\
V. A. Nolilo , D.I ) . , of rhlcato ; Uuv. U. A
.Oiculuiou of Jioitoii , Roy , S. L. llaldwln ,
P.O. , of the Methodist IJourd of Missions ;
Itov. / , W. Leo , D.D. , ot AtUuta , Un. ; Ucv.
W. H. Black , D D. , nf Marshall , Ma , and
others will Uka part in the simultaneous
moatlngs on tbo snme ovonlng.
The sluglng will bo of the grnndost
features of the convention and will bo led by
Mr. Ocorgo C. Stcbblns , with Mr. Ira D.
Sunkoy as soloist.
When weak , weary and worn out , Hood's
Sarjati.arllhi Is just tlio mcdicino to rcstoro
your strength and gtvo you a good appetite.
Kvo nnil our surgeon , Grant Culll-
mure , loom litI ! , Hco build up.
Whntnn Allbuiro Mini Think * of the Un-
liinrrie.iii Hrsollltlon.
OMMIA , July fi. To the Editor of
Tun Huns The ncoplo's parly at largo
should not bo held rosponiiblo lor U.o final
icsolutlon made by its honored chosen delegates -
gates at tbo national convention In Omaha ,
who otherwise , wo think , discharged the
duties Imposed upon them with precious
diligence. 'J ho ic oHHIon expresses their
sympathy with the Knights of Labor In boy-
cottum a certain manufacturing film and
consorts , and merchants who soil their goods ,
otc. It may , In our opinion , Minor bo ex
pressed as n personal token of sympathy
toward u fraction of this great nat'on , con
taining n branch of the Kuigbts of
Labor orgniii/ation. Why not ! Docs the
p&rlv lacic the ability to fonder assistance to
any" class of citizens of this country who
may suiter from tyranny and onpresslon put
upon them by a stronger class that they
necessarily cotno In contact with , involving
their VOIT Important and yet contrasting
Interests , "their callings nnd right to llvo.
The people's party of America claim n wide
scope. Thov make claim to bo the growth
from the very heart of a living people , part
of the great American nation , some of whom
may have sutt'eied on account ot the past
order of things , or having their fooling of
sympathy uud duty slmpencd by witnessing
Ihos'uffcrines of their less favored fellow-
ini'ii. In short , they claim to bo caoablo of
settling the Stirling demands of our present
time , to gain the majority of the nation , nnd
hold the banner for nn indollnlto futuro.
This will nnsuer the above question.
In considering this and the party's de
clared Intention to endeavor to level the
awful slopotbat has hitherto divided up the
American people the grays mid blues
from tbo days of the civil war , and that the
brother love had grown too strong not to ex
tend Its hands of forgiveness toward tbo
\\oakerpartwho had , during long years ,
sufleied tbo consequences of a great mistake
mailo In n tempting moment , one should feel
Inclined to think that boycotting is not our
business us a party.
Let us to to n.ako H clear to ourselves
that boycotting will not bu tolerated Vtithin
n party or nail in tint shiill bo blessed to
ca'rry to the front the civilization of the fu
ture ! for the very pilnclplo of it is not based
upon the frco will of the party concerned ,
which should govarn bis action , but forces
him to do somolhlng that In his
opinion may bo wioni' . Boycotting ,
lliough , may bo tolerated In moro local
matters , us a medium of self defense.
Thuiik God for thu republican principles ,
but freedom must bo exercised.
Now , hero wo have the people's pirty of
America. It calls Us gatherings from the
ouo end of tbo laud to tbo other. Pressing
necessities scorn to bo creating it. It re
minds one of a now vessel leaving the harbor
toward a vorv stormy season. Its main
principles bo its destination. Within its
bound must bo loom nnd plenty of loom for
every clais that forms society and mokes a
nation , whoso object is to solve tno repub
lican problem. But boycotting bo not nmoiiu-
its principles , i'ours truly ,
( loixl UciiHon U li } U should.
Mr. W. M. Terry , who has been In the
( true business at Elkton , Ky. , for the pnst
twelve "Cunmharluln'H Cough
years , s lys :
Hemody gives better satisfaction than nnv
other cough mcdicino I have over Bold. "
I'hcro is good reason for this. No other will
euro a cold so quickly ; no other is so certain
u preventive ami euro for croun ; no o'.hnr
affords so much relief in cases of whooping
Spcctnclos adjusted for defective
vibion. lie. Cullimoro , H 2'J.l , Uco bldg.
"T 111 City Oh iiit.iuiin i. "
Rock Islnnd trains will leave
Oinnliii foi'Cliiitiiuqini Kvoundsut 8 n. in. ,
10 n. in. , 112iO : ; noon , 60 : p in. , 05 : ! p. in.
Additional trains lonvo Council lilulls
0:10 : a. m. , ! ) : , ! ( ) n. in. , 1:50 : p. in. , 7:30 :
p. in. Returning lunvo Cluuituiqui : ! for
Uinnlin vin Council lilulla 0:1) : iu in. ,
Slo : ; i. in , 11 u. in , 4:80 : p. m , 5:33 : p. in. ,
10:13 : p. in. Round trip from Oiniilm ,
COe. Tickets on Pivlo at 1G02 Ftirmun
street or Union depot.
Third ISatrh of I'livlng IlldM Oponuil
rstcrduy Altcrnoon.
For the third time this year the Board of
Public Works opened bids for the season's
pavi K whoa it met yesterday afternoon.
Each bid provided fora five and n ten year
guarantee. All of tbo brick , the slono and
the asphalt men competed for the work.
With a flvo year cuarantoo the bids ranged
from ? 1.40 to $1 b'J on brick , class "A ; " ten
year yuirautco Irom SI CO to ? 2 15.
On asphalt the prices with n llvo yenr
guarantee rluss "A" were from $ . ' .40 up to
$ , urd with a ton year guarantee from
$ . ' . ? .1 to $ . ) . : )3. ) Class "U" the bidders agree
to put down at prices ranging from $ ) ,41 lo
SJ.Sl with a flvo jcar , and $3 to JJ.U1 witn
the ton year guarantee.
On graulto the prices were from $2 20 to
( > 'JO , and in Colorado sandstone liom fl.'JJ
to $ J bO par squnru yard.
On account of the many bidders nnd the
largo number of districts , the city engineer
was unable last night to tabulate the bids
nnd asccitaln who were the lowest bidders.
D3Witt's Swxpirlll i n irosuji ' p o
sons as scrofula , 8 > < in di-oii ] , 043011 , rluu
inatum. lu tiiiulv uui ivui miiiylivoi
j >
Tr.ulii Toplerf.
Bcnn & Brooks , lumber merchants of
Eustis , have sold out to Hnyden Bros.
liar top & Hanson , produce commission
merchants of Sioux City , have sold out.
A , W. Tboned , In the jewelry business at
South Omaha , has advoulsed to sell out.
A. Anderson , In the boot and shoo business
nt Huron , S. D. , is ruportud closed by cred
Cockrcll Bros , of Lincoln , trraln dealers ,
have Incorporated wltu u capital stock of
$10,001 * .
U .Saves tliu Children.
Mr. C. H. Shawon , Wolisvillo. Kan. , says :
"H is with pleasure tbut I speak of the good
Chambuilain's Colic , ChoK-ra nnd Diarrhoea
Uumody hu done my family diirmt' the last
fturtcuu years. In tbo most obstmntu cases
of summer complulnt nnd dmrrluux among
my children , It uciod as n charm , making it
novcr necessary to call In a physician , i can
truthfully say that In my judgment , based
on years of experience , thoru Is notu mod
Idno lu the muiUat that Is Its equal.
Tim on ;
S H. Moss , n delegate from Sounders
county , is mourning thu loss of a fjj cano
which ho allowed to lean against u steam
radiator in the Mllluid Monday while ho
steppsd out to BOO iimau. Tuo cunu was
uresinitej to him by Ills admirers in Cedar
Bluffs and Pohocca precincts uud Is iuscrlbcd
with these mimes.
Mrs. L. it. Pulton , UocKfard , III. , wrlton
"From personal uxporl < iicu : I uan rocoinuiund
DoWlti's Sarsaparilla , u uuro lor Impura
blood und b'ouural duoilltv. "
Oity Attorney Oonnell Files an Answer in
the Union Pacific Oase.
At No TliiH ) 7)1(1 tliu City Klltlrrly Hrllllliulull
( Juiirrslilp or the Kullrimil Company
Talco Pull r < m < o liin MM.
Ciirtor'8 Cine.
Thofttwvor in the two of the Union Pacific
Kiiilwny company against the city of Omatin ,
Involving the tight to ownership of u irnctol
loud nt tbo loot of Davenport street , wns tiled
yesterday In the United States district court.
This is the Innd that was fenced in last
Murcli by Street Commissioner \Vindsponr
for the city and the Union L'ftclllc got out mi
Injunction to proven tlio city from tukini ;
possession , *
The answer tiled-by Oity Attorney Council
nilmlts the city pnvo to the Union
Pacific llvo bloclis of land for tcrmluid fuel- !
itlcs in lb < ! 3 , but denies that this Innd in
question has been used for terminal fnclll-
tiet by the Union Paclllc , nnd alleges that
ttio Union I'.icillc company violated its contract -
tract by establishing Us toiinitial facilities nt
Council IllulTs , where they uro still main
Xuie-r Took Possession.
It Is also denied by this answer that the
Union Pacific ever tools possession of Ibis
luml In dispute , out on the contrary It Is
alleged that the land has not been In the ex
clusive possession of the Union Pacillc. It
Is also iilloRCd that the tltlo to thu land
claimed oy tlio Union Puclflo docs not carry
with it the tltlo to adjacent streets and alloys
but on the contrary It Is alleged that the city
never icllnqulslicd Its ownership of the
streets and ulloys nnd oil claim of ownership
by the Union Pacific to the accretions along
the river bank is denied.
The nnswer Mates that the cltr does not
Intend to Interfere with tno tvaftlc or busi
ness of the railway company In any way.
mm uusisANU'n I > IATII. :
.Mrs. Cii | > tiiln Carter Sum n Hotel Uompuny
lor Hnny iKtM.
The cao of Delia Carter , administratrix of
thu estate ) of M. J. Carter , deceased , against
J. B. Kitchen , Is on trial In Judco Doano's
On April 12 , 1SII1 , fire broke out In the
unnexoftho Paxton hotel , 'ibo lire depart
ment responded. Durine the tlmo that the
lire was in progress tlio walls of a portion of
the annex full , crushing nnd killing Carter ,
who was captain of hose cornu-iny No. 'J.
The pliiintllT now demands"OJO , nnd al
leges that the walls were unsafe , nnt having
noon constructed in accordance with the pro
visions of tbu building ordinances of the
( lot Oil' Hiislly.
Dan Hlce , who broke Into the house of
Mis. J. C. Weimar on May IS and stele a
gold watch and other property of the value
of $10 , wns before Judge Davis Monday.
Kico withdrew bis pica of not puilty , and
liieadod pullty to the charpo of petit larceny.
Ho was sentenced to pay a line of $10 nnd
placed under Bonds of $ , ' 00 to remain on his
good behavior for the period of two years.
It Cnri-il the Hoy.
My little boy was very bad off for two
months with diarrluui. Wo used various ,
medicines , also called In two doctors , but
nothing did him any peed until wo us ° d
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Dlarrluca
remedy , which gave prompt relief nnd cured
him permanently. I consider it the best
mcdicino made and can consciontioubly
recommend it to all who need a reliable
remedy fordlarrhasa , colic or cholera morbus.
J. 12. Hare , Trenton , Tex.
Another Olfer from Mr. Chirk The South
west Itniilov.iril.
The park commissioners mot yesterday
afternoon to hear u now proposition from
Mr. A. C. Clark witb rcga-d to the sato of
his tract in the southeast part of tbo city
which the board has boon figuring on for
several months. When Mr. Clark had sub
mitted his piopositlon it was found to bo
prnctically the same as that submitted sonio
time ago , when Thomas Murray offered to
donate llvo acres of land adjoining the Clark
tract nnd donate a boulevard from Tenth to
Thirteenth streets. Hut Mr. Murray withdrew
drew his proposition some time ngo 'and the
board has had no Indication since that ho in
tended to renew it. It wns therefore thought
inadvisable to consider the Clark proposi
tion , for without the Murray tiact , there
would bo no outlet to Thirteenth street.
Mr. Cleveland , the landscapogardcnor.waj
present and was instructed by the board to
accompany the civil engineer In a tour of in
spection along tno proposed southwest boule
vard , and prepare the plans for improving
the baron between Husor'n parx and Elm-
wood. On account of the fact that the title
to n portion of the boulevard between Hans-
coin park nnd Huscr's c.tnuot uo made over
to the ciiy for aovoral months , thu commis
sioners thought It best not to spend any
money on that part of tbo boulevard at
present. Mr. Cleveland wai Ql o hibtructoii
to draw plans for the Improvements on the
newly acquired poitlon of Elmwood parit.
Ho stated to thu board that ho was ready to
begin tbo plans for the Improvement of
Uomis park as 30011 as ho could gain an audi-
CUCQ with the city engineer. Ho was In
structed to proceed with those * plans us rap
idly as possible.
Clmmlicrliiln'i * ( Julie , iliolur.i unit
Can always bo depended upon , it Is
pleasant to take and will euro cramp , cholera
morbus. dysentery and diarrhau in their
worbt forms. Every family should bo provided -
vided with it. 15 ! and 5'J ' com bottles forsulo
by druggists.
OIlt'lllllMl ' IIUTllBtO.
Henry Egnn Is In trouble for malicious de
struction of property. Ho Is n li & M.
switchman , and the banners and bunting
with which thu Young People's Society of
Christian Endouvnr had decorated n car
otTumlod his Idea of decorations , and ho pro
ceeded to slash them In pieces with n pocket
Uuifo. _ _
DoWitt's SaiMiiparoM cioansoa the btoDJ ,
increases tlio appjtlt and toioi up the syj
loin. It liiu ujiiulittoi mi-iy pjapluwai
havosuilorcd froai blooJ UUorJori. U will
help you. _
iiK roriiiltx.
The following building permits were is
sued by the superintendent of buildings
yesterday :
S , JnnaHon , tnn-Rtory brick drolling ,
bl.vtconih and bhornum avcnuu . i T.COO
Two minor permits . "M
Total . I 7 , > 0
When you go to Doavor atop at the Ameri
can house. Itatoi ? , ' .50 to SJ.50. liomodoloU
Nolmily to Illiimo.
A verdict exonerating tno train crow and
thu street railway company from all blnuio
in tbo matter was rendered by the coroner's
jury in the casu of little Charlia Hose , killed
uy a Suumlora street motor last Saturday ,
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. GoV't Report
Will euro You , is a true statement of tlio
action o AVER'S Sarsnparilla , when
taken for dlacnsos originating in linptiro
Mood ; lint , while tills assertion is true ol
AVER'S Sannpwllln , as thousands can
attest , it cannot He truthfully applied to
other preparations , vthlcli unprincipled
denlcisill recoiuincml , nnil try to Im
pose upon you , ns "just ns good ns
Aycr'.s. " Tnko Ayer's Siit.s.ip.uilla nntl
Aycr's only , If you need n blood-purifier
nmt would be benefited permanently ,
This medicine , for nearly fifty ycais ,
has enjoyed n reputation , and made a
record for cures , that lias never lieon
equaled liy other pi epnrations. AYER'S
Saisnpaiillu ctadicatcs the taint of he
reditary scinfuln nnd other blood tils-
oases from the system , nnd it 1ms , deser
vedly , the confidence of the people.
"I cannot forbear to express my joy nt
the relief I have obtained from the nso
of AYKIl'SSarsapaiilla. I was nflllctetl
with kidney troubles for nbont six
months , sulTciing gieatly with pains in
the .small of my back. In addition to
this , my body wns coveted with pimply
eruptions. The remedies pi escribed
fniled to help mo. I then began to tnko
AVER'S Sarsaparilln , nnd , In a short
time , the palus ceased nnd the pimples
disappeared. I mlvlbo every young man
or woman , In case of sickness result
ing from linpuio blood , no matter how
long standing the case may be , to tnko
AYER'SSiirsnpavillu. ' " It. L.Jui matin ,
33 William at. , New York City.
Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ajcr&Co. , I.oucll , Mnas.
Elastic Stockings
Weak Limbs
, Varicose Veins
Swellings , ail
sizes. Abdo
minal Supporters
ters , Deformity
Braces , Medi
cinal Supplies.
1I4S. Idtli St. , Next to Post
o o
oo oo
ooo ooo
oooo oooo
For tlio1 grand fusilatle of shot nnd shell
upon the lot tress of diseas.0. is possessed in
unlimited quantities , and of the imisl cffect-
ivu kind , by those monnichs oi the medical
profession ,
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
Upon wlioso banner victory has
perched lor 27 years.
Vanish hcforo tlie maslc power
of their skillful touch.
tiU.SOltltllUHA. sruafuuiT.
tUi.T ! : ,
jvni JnTr.Tr :
MC2IITi.MlaMON.S : "ircrfAir ui.cKit.s !
1.U.S t .MAMKIUH ,
fiAifiTYT'iUr :
ANI ) IX ) ISOHIliltH.
uiaiAsia. : : 'HAM-S. : NO MAT.
OK llV ( oTfn'i.Nr
I.IVKH AND Kill- T'lK.NOUNii _ ) : ) IN-
KEY UIHlJAbES ; oitHAUi.i ; ;
Tlieso , ono and mil , readily yield to their
skillful nnd scientific- treatment , as thou
sands of testimonials from grateful people
abundantly prove.
benil 4 cents for their now , handsomely
illustrated nnd vnluahlo book of 120 nauus ,
full of iara Information for nil.
Consultation frets. Call upon or nddtcss ,
With stamp ,
' DRS. BEITS & BliTTb.
110 South Mth Bt. N. li Corner IHh
and Douglas Sti
Omaha , Neb.
ive Your Eyesight
Kycs tojtocl frco tiynn RXPK'IT ' OPTICIAN
I'orfrclnilii8tineiit. | Superior liwsei , Norv-
oushoaJaelio cur > ) il by usln ; our Spool icle *
und Kyo lnbioj 1'rlcui lou Cur Ural cl.m
111 . 10th St. , Croiu'hton Ulouk.
inr ulr > . tipui'iul .f.ulum.
0Vtst JUIIi bliift , M'lir ViilK.
A T "F
LA. I i J
Of the Stock of
Will commence Thursday , .June 30 , at 10:30 : a , m. , and continua
dally until the debts are paid.
Hots of Sale , 10:30 : a , in , 2:30 : anil 1:30 : p. m.
This Stock consists of Diamonds ; Fine Watches , Jewelry , Solid
Silver and Silver Plated Ware , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Opera Glasses,1
etc. , to be sold in single lots to suit buyers. Sale absolute to highest )
J. H. RR.KLNGI-I Will Ooiicluct , the Sale.
MacMntosIi ClotMug---Wliolesala
- - - , ,
RutaClotliingYliolssale / ,
GermanSox-IliOl esale
Eisli and Shield Slickers-WholesalB ,
Grand Rapids Felt Boot Go. ,
Meyer Rubber Shoe Co. , °
New Jersey Rubber Shoe Co.
Owing to greatly increased business I huvo bson forced to rent
the ground floor , 44x160 loot , on corner of Howard anl Twelfth streets , In
addition to tli3 building I now occupy at 1111 Hinsst'eot , tDholJ. tha
stock I ani gjttlng for fall and winter. Send for 1 ate , discount , otc.
III ! Harncy Street , Omaha , Neb.
Youn Parrots from Cuba.
ComnionciiiK to tallc. ONLY So-OO EACHKach
bird sold with a wrltton yiiiirnulco. Hirdfa shipped
siifolv by uxprcss.
4O8 STortli 16th Street.
Horvo Sooclo , "
, - . the wonderful roinudr
"Is sold with a wrll-
tc-n cunrnnli'O to euro All nprroui Ulica OB. iici an Wi-ok Mpimirr.
Ixusol llntln 1'owtr. Hfiuluclio. WakufiilnpM. Ix > st .Manhood. Nlchllr Unils.
Hens , Nurvomneis , 1/unsliuilo.ulliIrulnii and IIIBH of i i ir of Ilio i.cnorath n
Urk-nniln oltliorneicauiioit byovorriprtlon , yotitlifnl < > rro'i.or i ici > mlvr
usoof tobncco.opium or ( llmiilanta which noon lead lo Infirmity. Cnn unii
llniinniilimaiiUr. I'ut uiconvi > iilan < tn curry In Mirt imckvt. PI pcrpnck'
BBUh/rnmlsOforfi. With oviiryporildr wn , ; lic < MiTfii yuiranlit tacun
or rtjundtltenumtv. Circular Uco. AiiarcB AcrvoJ > 'jcill1ii.C'ljleuiii > III.
For sale in Omaha by Sherman & MtConnoll , IfilU Dadgu htroot.
Fnrtho higher und l.ll'iral I.Jilrnllon of pllll
nnd > OUHK xiPliii'ii hi'i-riiiltln. iliinr , Art , > ! "
cutiun , I'lD.iiul Training. Miaul , Cold
Hnd hut wuti'r tntli . . rooniii. . fir , on rni li lluur.
JI IM , . ' rnrCatitlKKUii
211D rHimiitii i' 'Kiii -i-'i < * nif * ' i "i
MISSOURI. ililrtlMAItClllllAI.U A. JOM.N ,
Biifrlor | ' ! aiil KM for filnr Ming
_ . yolj1r | | ! „ , „ , , , tuiii.cofdudf Ihor-
ouiili , Muilcal ninl Art Ur | > arliiienli hltilifii unlrr trailirrnuf HIDl < nt Ainrrii n
uml IJuroiH'an culture , lorice nnil hcaiilldil eruumli , MI Iniil.linns , rouiuiwill
veiillUti-j. liuliU-J by ea On | < iii hi'K"iU | ' > r 7lli For c tnlopuf sililii-m
Uuv T.V. . llAltltl/lT , ln- . 1'Ul.UMIIIA , UD ,
CU li l , Mictiiy. "klcnlldc in' ! Iluilnct' , COOIIM rl Smly Ti'rsin for Tel.
let > < lluilniil , We irolMorAiimwM | UMnl JUdllurr hclinnl In Mu.-ill
Ilic Inl HilMiryori'i'il/illuii liifiulry in I An il < l > DdlUu I At liiuM uvulr )
i : Uu ! rHlil rin nimUnpw | . . nj ; vlilt'l ivu\l > Ui > g all [ mt-lrf t niTllir
en r n heillnu. liflillni ; clr Kpfii r i wtr"iiuu iltuvc uf any fciliool virtnnj
ntf\nff % tVI\f Ihp fclnio * tl aittjkrc * Illu "
BB.J. E.
tn the traatmnntof .ill formic :
PIUVATK DISJJA.SES , uiul ; ill dUunlon
nnrl ( lulillltlcHoryoiitli mil innnhooil. ITyoars'
oxDorlcin u. Ills rosourrcs nnil f icIlltlcH uro
prac'tie.illy iiiilliultoil. The Doctor Is rncoin-
inaiuleil by the ] ire < s , niicl oinliirHoil In ihn
stroiu'ijst toniis by the people for f.ilr trott-
iiiuut uiul lionost iirofi'Hsinn it ml v lee Tliu
most powerful roiiioillos known to inndorn
Fclnncu for the successful treatment of tlio
follow I irjillRDasos :
OONOKUIIOEA IniiiicUli'to relief. A cnm-
nlutociirc wlihoul the loss of un nour'a tlmo
' Onoof the most comnleto and nno.
restful troutriioiita for k'loot unit nil annov n ;
il sch tr.'es vet Unown lo Ilio mu profoi-
blmi. The rusiiltH uro ti illy wonilerfnl.
NTIHOTUllE Uron lost known ruineily fur
thu tioitmcntof blrlcloru , xvlthout p.iln , cut-
lln- . enl liitlur. A inoilrKliuirU ililo ro noilv.
SYPHIIjIS No trcatinont for this torrliila
1) ) oo I iIKu iso has over 1/onn moro siii'uusifiil.
nor Inul stronger onilorioiiiitiits In iho Huht
of inuiliTii Hitlcnco tint ) ( I HO iso Is pos'tivoly
unr ih o anil ovi-ry tiuco of tliu poison entirely
u-movu I from Urn bloo I.
LOST MANHOOD , nnil ambition , norvoni *
ncsi , tlmldllv. ilnspniiiloncy anil nil wo.ikuosi
anil UliorJoia of youth or m.uihuuil , Itoliul
o1 lii.ncd at once.
SKIN DISEASES , nnd all dlsoasni of tint *
Hiiina n , blooil , | | vi r , l < l Inoys anil bl.ililof
nro iroiitnd HII cucnifiiiiy with tbu uru.itu'
Itiiown roiiii'illos fur thi ) il u 14 14
Wrlto foroiroul irs ami nioHlou list , fr > ) ) .
nnil t'lirnii in itn. iiiniilntf'j ,
Slop nnolntlnu ,
niui npjily to the
spot that aches
toiillnijouily , ll'j
rpcclal power to
, fnlc | | the pores ,
I'tuctratc < lft | > ly nnd E'.OJI pain , millers
U Tar tujictlor to urdiiury porous
N. Y. Depot , \Vllliam St.
Is ft ciioito prtxluction from selected grain ,
diMilled by tliu cM h.uul innda procesa
and duubl ) ufjcd 11 IK moro wholetonio
and palaiablo than mido : from
curn ( known as Hcnuij.jr.t. ) and , by reason
of ifoago , containaiu. fusil oil. it is the
jnin-st , richest , bmoutlaht , most I'eliciouu
nnd liualilnest whibkc ) produced in Amer
ica. You may know it by its flavor and
tliu proprietary bottle in which it Hsorvod.
1'or B.ilu at all fiint cl.iss drinking places
niii dniK stores C.ill for Cr &m J'urt Ky *
on 1 take no other
: o - DALLliMAND & CO. ,