THE OMAHA DAILY UEU : SV.EDXE8DAY , Jt'LY C , 1 92 8PEGIRL NOTICES , _ A l.VKttTI FMVST "Il THK K Cl'Lt MSS V tIi | t - tkp ! ) until IS Wo tn for the rrfnlne naontllf'l ' > " > for the tn irntiip or snn ! y Hji * " A"U mlrcrllxn-rnt' tn t ic p colomni m cfnts < r ril for r t iniertlon and I rrnt worit for cuch at iOTi in-crtlon e r lu'fl | r I'ne tr inonth No l irti c n i-nt takrn fur IMS thnn 2 * cent * for tlcrrnitrti n Tern i m-l > in tnlranro mltlnls Ocirf p , tyr ' ' * * ir fmr-h i ti t tn n word All 1v ( > Ftl rn-ent must n n in is rutlti > lr Aettrr- llspr ? br rp int tlntr ft numb * ' el chH-lt can IIHTP the Jotter * n ' * * ? ' to a niimt red lott r In rare of > IIL I'ff Answers si > td-lrefMHl II1 tie dfl'Ttrprt n pf MilMlnn of th rli"rX _ SITU ATIOMS W AKTBD " WAvfVTi * ! rTAT U N H \ A Yet SO MAS an boo keiiipr nr > alemnn In n business house rlthcr ilonM" < < r sinule ntitrf ran eivo ROOI ! reler rr ami upt-Tl ! < -rmttn ana BnRlUh Address II E l > ox I ? --crlt ner Neb Ma 18 * - UHA1N Bt YElt , AMKIUCIN M.VOLK. A-oLli of coal lumber BErlcnltural Implements , w 2 < ins bunrtes carts harness and hardware can build or repair elevators en link-on fcales wants rnploymi nt anywhere erui/luyers references Address I > 5 care Omaha llee 4115 * ' 11 Y A YOt-MJ MAS oT HtTUVTIOVIN DHY J BOrds liuun' 3 years experience , good reler . AilJrefs , IM , Ilee fl hJ " " " A W ANT EI > A""vTifscTM AN WITH 4 TEIt ? J experience In a National bank as bookkeeper nd nuistant ca bler de lre a position. llp tof _ refironcis Address I ) 7 llee MIT. ' , ' WA.NTKI ) . I'lHlTio.V AHOOKKKKI'rM. . oil A accountant AN" I wltli experience and elly ruferctiie Address Do llee M4 * * _ _ "I I.ADY mso < iiAl'fivli AI > < > rottitrrr JVand rapid ncrounnnt now occupylni posit on wlilch lias t old feiur years desires cbaiire Ilest uf reoommenlatloasVouU lea.u city Addri ss I ) 9 Uee -M-'J IJ I WANTED-MALE HELP. T > - AI.I'VT-WANTED IN KVKI'.Y TOWS' AND J > d ! in tin west nn cxfn Iltiernl terms to tell nf the Mutoil HP- the > i < > i u ar ten onr policy fern-I- rt t li'0nclntlon also the nnw flOOl'J comhlnatl n pollor of the 1'referrel Mutual Atx'l- deni a si , | j i ni of S < - wori cost only lift per yo-r t r piTfi'rrinl risks sire tuoner by In urluj n > ke monny h > repicscntln tie ! < i wldetwaVo ciMnjini iis tire VK > nls can djuhle their licnmc \\HIP fo'clrcu'nrs and U'rm to U II Uoblson. fn neral Man umaba Neb 5H . . . i W ITU I't ' H W INTKII IV EAfM ( ITY. Utoi-n and hamlet to Inlroduce the fastest sellln ; tiOn hi'ld article on record over a million sold In I'hiladelphlit Will pay ctunnetent person ! l per day AdJiffs with utampV II Williamson UN lib street I'lilladflphla 1'a Ml.'t i ) . ' t > - WF i-AY I"ALAKV WKEKI.Y TO noon J'agenU. lortnereiperlenca unnecessary.alnicr jfJicc 1110 1 ouzlas. MUylS TOK > WITH OOOU UKfKllEVI n AT . American \ \ ringer Co . 1 < VJ Howard Msjs.lyiS * 10 RWOO CANK MADE MONTHLY worklne for II. K Johnson , V Co , SWVJ 4' . 3 slain ktreet HlchinonJ , \ a M 4uajT8j ) * Ifj WASTI I ) . AS KM'KUIKNCF.n < ALFS.MAV J'to trarel tn .Sebriskn b > lar.'C hoe iimnofae- tnnncand Jotblne hoa o In th wu t None but lale-inen of experience In tills line with a built up traile will to considered Address CO tuls office listing particulars J12WJ ( * 1 > WASTKD MAN WITH --MALL TAI'ITALTO Jltake Intciest In n trooel builness. WJ N Y Mfe I * ' . CANVA--KH4 COIN Y Life u.rsTS woNiiruKfi , AiivriiTiiNo HE B v * Patented Kvery merthant tiuys IHc hncto'e stamp. ArcJ MfR to. Haclnels 11 \ \ ANT1.I ) . AI.I SMI N OS .AJAIIV Oil COM J ni f lon to handle the new patent ch"mlcil Ink cr > 'nK ' pencil T t-e Erctte ? -cMInc novelty ever ftr tfuied irnfcslnk tlxirouclily In two seconds nn n mpli n of paper .W to Fou per cent profit ona rccnt K tBlcc rn ountfd to T50 In ix days another ! 32 In two hours , wo want one enercetlc cpnera * ii.ent in rnthftnte nnrt territory lor tern's and WiriiculaM address Monroe fcra er Jlfc.O 1 WANTED -AI.K M.V TUAVEI.tNG Till- B Mate to carry a fttple specialty on commission. sow havlnc a larpe demand eat Address C. II ! en < .i man , i.Ualnat street , Philadelphia M3II ; 1) XVANTKI ) . A GO < M ) WHITE UAUHPIl. GOOD J'waces and noundty work Addre Carl Title \\cstPolnt Neb Mjn 7 * B - . - I. - IAS WANTI'P : ARTICLE Tn.i rd nn namples required side line Address II I to Drawer beT , Iialarnazoa. Mich 31370 If \NTED. TKMTEIIIIOVELKHS AND nwn for Wvomlne nndouth Dakota coed es ami ntcady work free lore. AlbrUht I nbor Ace ncr \\0 \ 1 arnnm trert ST aS 3 1 WANTED KOK1Y I.ADOHBn * AND TPAM J iers on no crade for C N W It It Meidy jrk wucei K per ilay free fare Kramer A O Itearn I aborApcncy . < J3 S llth street MllO-ti * TANTfcll , A MKAT CC.TTKU OK JKWEI.KIt J't. acceji' ftndy ( position' nnd play tnba or clmr. net In the -tcrlln - Iluvsar band. Address Jrcnkliotheli. Iluslness Manaer , Sltrllnp. Neb M4J2 ? 7J WANTl'l ) AT ONCF , A OUNG MAN TO J 'make ready on l.ordon pre esand dlstrlbut tyi ' . ( rfjod nn's will be paid Apply to room C , > , > l.Ulbldg 4JJ j' _ B WXNT1I ) . TWO HHVT CI.A-s E\C1C-IVP. tent 3 furnlshlne coeds salesmen : rau t be thor ) experleuctKl and A 1 men In every respect other need ap.ily Tut lioston store , Omalm \ \ ' ) T\\0 l.OOD J1E.N IiKlVK B\V\'sTri .earns leu X. Kth t .31 5 * 1 > \ . . .NTED. MEN 10TIIAVFI. FOR Ol'ft . -IJadn ncrmrrlffi tone & Wellington MadUon \\ls- _ TAGK * . WE HAVE A M'E.NDIO AHTICI.i : JMoryo lls protlts lut this thtni : fur ffuruiuer bU5fnej > * The I wl.f < Oo r'loreiice in- ! Mill f J A M-MT , HAI'lt > Wllin II To IKJ O ( . . 'on tiooks Address laoHiiliacd. I > 10 llee' WASTED-FEMALE HELP. ( * \ \ A.NTKD , A LAUNDUfclS. Al'l'LYV II , Mlllnrd e mnha Nut , bank Ma " A GIKL rOIt IloUSr.WOItK t-ifuftt tw coud cook and lauudrevs llxJ o ± ith tre < 't MTU HKS-T CI.A5S COOK AT TIIK Hampton ? llh nnd Donrla * 42 - VTEIKT Ml Il'-KOf 8 MONTHS , IM Apply bill North SJth 1.5 \ \ \NTKl ) AT ONCE , FIKVT rli LADY retoucher llnrt xtudlo , lllalr.NebI2uC * C.IUI tlidM 10 10 IS TKUlo Of ARK TO htlp takecureof babr. referento required :1IU Chlcaso gtreet. il O , ' CW NTKD-OIHL Hin work rood waces Mutt have ee'ud referencei FJS outtl IMh tieet M.VJ /--WANTKIIA ft.W \I)1E- ) - CAN SFCLUE v hanittKimtt ralargr for hume iror * permit tine otherdutlei \ \ sprln.-He'cn. Uox : U , l lidncn lit f V-OOMIM TKS'T t.lltL AM > Vflutntiormald Mrs W J Connc.ll , K corner lltlinnd Mnr ; r aivniio. MJi p-r-xi. ton ( , BMKAL : IUIIT IUOKK - I ] / ITQ I7JU lion urd Hreet. , ! ! \V A S I ED A fOUPKTE.NT OIHI. tOlt ( iEN eral houre'tvork frrullr of t uMrs .Nonton K llnrkulow fill North IAJHB nvenne. M4IC 6 CANTKII C.OOP OIIIL IN FAMILY OK TWO i nil i , IB1 mulli fttll St. 4197 * WANTED A LAUY C .lIIIEK wttli City totlmonlili D.Ile-e tn-c \\ANTKI ) ( , llll , t'OIl ( JENEUAL IU'l ' > E weirk. Iirull ) of three. Jim Lurttr. 4NO liurditte P.W * , KCOM ) ( illlU - Mr J L. Itoyd , IU > liavenpott u 411 ; CWA.NTKI ) A C.IIIL leilU.F.SKIIAHIOI - wvrl. IVmlly ol two. .id Cliluneo > t 4007 * c- NLIt > EUlllU ili JO.NKsST. iiir" C-filXD ) SAURY ( irAKANTKKIl TO I.AOIE- . willtnElodo wrltlui ; lor mo t tLuIr home * . Ad Iron mr In own handurltln : nlth stamped en rrlo | Mlis I'drm 1. "rauhe Sunth Heed , Ind > roH-etorof | the Iniaous dlorla water tor the loiiiplvilon WANTUD-dOOIi IUOK , AT O.NCE HIO t AH 'tmi t pWANTKH.1111. . JXJU liK.VKKAL HOL'-K JL L/wurk tn lunill ) eif thrto at IlVa tu uTtnue lull a" p WA.VJKII. ( UKID filllL tl > ll L.ho 'worl. ! < oi > i rarnam utrpct. Jills SWAM -WAM KI > , aiMPETENT ( .lltL I'Oll ( IE.S cm I housework nt uncv , Oil Niuihfjtb street * WASTED , A COMPETFNT GIUL KOIl GET \Jprni liouspwcrk teed oie fiJj ; 1 Kid ID st FOR RENT-H00SES. \-HliM n- * > - > IIK.-IDKM K J1.AT8. 1 OU 4 'roomt. nfw block , lloora A , SIB > Sa ni FpltTllbST , TW4J .OJU C-ltOJM UOUsKJ , 'u vttbtn limliiut * si-alk of court bou.a. t Dnvt.lo ISii r'arnun trojt- tai _ D- Mill WR.ST lKiitlAllLiir "ubtJsKS AND iMlAreru mt . CUMII tlvimvi rot te ou ' iu > utUly j > jtue-nt > Jf , tnjuini _ _ _ ' " DuS1 ! "f 'T- i' OUiK.S.'ju"AM > IIS S IHh .tri-ct. h J r > nar 10 UU.IUMI. Muaem | irs uleDc < - . U T. Mount > ut Uth.t. rwl D-TOK KKKT. THOOM fOTTAOK.SJTH AND Chrlkcu utt. U. T CUrk . x > tU aud Ca . or SW l'i. J y 1 1 ryety _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 713 | * > -ts > K UI T TttWlM UutbK ( OIL UTH AMI . J'tap u | < 'Urth , ( > rtiie tluitooiu park All uiuilcra tap J I MeLol , Jstli an J LvareawurtU FOR RENT-nOUSES , _ r n nure ! D-rOtt UKNT \ MCE S IIOOM fOTTAUK , J5I3 fas' * ' ! . I * n Valley JI1S4 s 157 IIOOM H. VT MOIlKlt.N CONVKNIKS' K * Last > i.ry corner ICth and Howard M MKI-K D - KMUHIM not-- . * : . woo -r.ooM nsoa A pply JOSH fierce street. i > - HUSIslIEI ) UOLffK , 1WOfTH Mtli'treet. \U3AI9- D -roil IC-.ST. 1UOOM COTTAQK , 1TW Wf.IJ ter street. 1'r'cIUV ) .MtM ROOKS. I- I t IIN1MIED IUHJM5 TO IlKNT WITH ALb 1-Jroodern conveniences S > i : Douglas street Mtai ir-DKMHAIILEHH.Nl'sIlFDFT ? ? HIOST I-i room > ultablc for two cetillemen , 31s N Mrcl .ireel M 7 9 * t-iH > ! tltlST S H'ltNlSHril ) HOOU ? TO MV IJandwife no children , rent tnken In board 419 North Ktti t- M163 \ : Toft KENT , TWO IT-HM HEU no JMS AT MS lj * ! j 111 ate. 4 f. ' r ITiuJr"DKsiUAiiLKIIOOM ton IIEXT , suitable fortno. I9I.I DoJ e st ( W ES 1CK1Hj'K.VIslIUl ) UOOMS AT 5IOJ IIOL'O Ins street MWJ C < 1,1-l-tHMSllKl ) HIO.ST IIOUM WITll ALCO\ I ' 711(7 IKulec M9 FtJRI-asHED ROOM3 AND BOARD. tnen , one hslf block frox motor : peed nice borae. 3li o Wtb tit 1 } ? - HACK \UlOil OU LVHHB FRONT HOOM i with biy win low and boarl tor two f (5 0.1 per month mailer ro m for two with board , $10 W per month * modern conveniences elegantly fur nlsb d private tatillr 513 North 2 > J st. S3" l/-lV-lltAlILK KIH-T AND -FCONM ) H/Mll A south rooms at "The Freaier , ' 118 N Mth street. M > - > . -rfltM-linn HIX3MS AT THE HAMPTON , A flrstcl ss boarj references required WI S Ilth KV-T UtO.NT KOUM IN CITY , J10 1 south 2jtU street , MI24 -l H S-l'lTE COOI , SOUTH UOOMS i with board. UJJ tlilc-uo tr . -lO * K-H HNI- IIOOMnii 110 VUD J Mary t are Y H-llMfeUHl IlOOMr ? WITH OH without board terms reasonable ffl" N lath st 3J7 li' 1-KUHNI nbtlUOOMWITU UOAllI ) I7K t Al'I tel avenue- M4IO 12' FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS i-tOll Ill'Sr. 4 t NKLIlNliIISU HOUMSLli' 'ablo for h jusek epln2 1707 Webster street ! K2 r < -fOll HKST I ShLHMallhll Al'AUTMKS'TS VJfor llcht hou ekeepln : t ; < vs and bath "SIS Dnut ; TIlltKB IM'LUMallUt ) I.OOMs TO ItHNT G IbU Dodcest 2IU , BOAttDING. - ' I.I MAS HOL i : UIO'vj nf. i-Jlt ( SJOO H-l'l toard nlca rooms , conveal ocjs rit * and loca tlon It canuot bo exc llei Mrs lljrn prop < : Jy 9 FOR RENT-STORES AND OtTICES. I -tX'll UKNT TIIK 4 TOIV IlKIflv lit II IUN . X * | i , i-arnam st 'I he butMtn bus a nrepro jf co nient tiast-mnnt eompl ti. stsaniUcatlr. . tuture wnt rnn nil the Moors KUS ute Appl ) ut the otllce of I lie lice H -lUitlil NTUUh l'ti II1H JALIvsO > 221 FOR RENT-MIfeCKLLANEOUS. treet l now op-n and solicits the board and c-vre of jrenilciuai roadsters and family horses Cu-t.nuers patrnniiinE IBIs "table may re ! ) upon prompt attention and * e"urtnc for their Lories nnd carriage * the very hlchcst class of cire und treatment M U < STORAGE. M OKD1 ST. riiTAPr" AND IlhSI TfHtOE : hou-i In thecltj Ullllamsi Lru 121IlJarney WANTED-TO BUY. uuLoiir SOLD , &TOIIKD I Wells llli Farnaui t . " > A' CLAIMS VOU > > AI.KIKEllVl ( > AND 1 mces ajalnst clt > county i ( rporatlon Indl vlduals boufhi or advanced UD M 1C. L > avl U 70 Iimtlnentnl Hlock Milt ) A * DON 1 * r.I.L H'UMTUIIK L .Sfll. i Ol EE 'Omaha' erond Hand l urnlturu Co Illktiost ur-es paid ojl N Itiili MTSI Jyl7- X'-fA-n I'Ain roit misr-ci--- < .itocun stocks lhrte or uinll Ml communications strUtli con deuilil t O I ) Urown Omaha , routb Omaha aud t ountll IIluQs &f3 ! X'-THi : OM\I1A LOAN A. TULsT CO\IPVN\ i avlnfs Hank pavs the hlzhest price for both countv and city warrants Urown block totb and Dourlis 51113 9 \ * W ANTTI ) . TOPLIll HAsK A * > Ei I'M ) HANI ) 1'cylinder priss nt once 1' J. Pefley. room 43 Anade hotel > I IS d- FOR SALE-FURNITURE. ToTl * M.V V LOT OK NK\\ HOKLMSG house furniture u-ed only a lew mouths very cht'ii | > . Inquire Itoom 11 Hoard Trade & 37 > OI ! .AI.l. < HhAP. 1 UllMTL KE OK A COM plrt IJ-ioom furnbhrd IIOUM' tuu-t be sold nt one Omaha Mortcajre Ixtau Co Hoom 11 Creliih * tuu block 15t.i street , south of iK > stotlcu. ! M tTT O IXIU SALE , ICE IJO.V , r.'l N MTH STS45 S45 B' - . - VKE PIANO K'ltSALb. 7j Hbll Q-l.OOII-yl Mbst Marjr nvo 1'All' - ? AI B rCKNTITllE ASWLKASh Ot nix room tullii.c Appl > IJjI south > Ut. FOR SALE"HORSES , fTtUTAI.K A MM " . "IMILLA'K " "T ' > P J forfu.OO. II E Cole ' omtnentnl bli > ct IJ-M-.m UNE STILIS. ! ! i it M , IIIIIMM , horse must be eiild at once wel bl abcut 1 1KJ ! bs Iboir Hell UK \xtoa bloek. ! TJ FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Q-KOItaALF. ONK IIILI.IAUI ) AND ONE 1-OOL table , llrunnwiik Haiku in.Airluiost new in quiie of Grand lu > t l. Council lllnas r.'T --htXIND HANI ) UK M LK roll SALE CHEAT Ileqnlek Address C 41 llee SB 5- -CIIKAI1 UYl-AIi Df.lJ AND 1 YKUU.IVI , -Jersey Addrvisdrct 1 Kit \ lotun M. . : * ! U * - - ALK DOl I'LV \ KL' IIFADKD Q-rOK Mexlcnn parrot Klne talker l.fJ7 Unuulas MISCELLAJJEOUS. p-NOTKE-lOVritAiTOIf AMI HI ll.HI'It J * The pnnii und bpcclhiatMins for i two story tore nu 1 three c > ttajes are nun ready nt meet market of P * > t any.oiilli Omuliu All buidur ! > wishinK to ruake biit may cull aud obtuiu further tnforiuntlon P - nnd John Ca ey Mill C' CLAIRVOYANTS. 0lll .NANNIK \ WAIIUKN. CLAlllOST Orellablo bu > lne medium tlftli > ear at ll'J N 1Mb Sis C-MADAME FKITX HM CL'MI.NG > \inirvoynnt nrrl tranca medium , todepjndeul voices tells punt aud future JIAil Jli1 CAKHIVAI.vuAOIIIINAltVONDUKFL'L 'revelations I h llaDi-e the world Mr * I r M Ix-crutr. dead trance clairvoyant n > trolo l > | | ulml > t nnd life renlur. tells ) ourlifo from tl * . cradle to rave. unites the spparatei e'auses uiar rlaca with the onjyon lovr telli hero yon v 111 uecved uud In what business Dest adapted for has Ihereli'bnitexl r cyptlan bivastplale for luck.aud to Oci'.r y tad Imlnencds curv * nt > tntemperanro ard all private coiqplaluu with mu a. bath and nlcoiol trvatramu anj f J Uj lock of bulr name nud tlntntif birth anel rrfoelvt * accuratu llfo chart. * cent * In tnnip for clrci.iar. tlvo Inltlnl. of one ) on Mill ninr y al o photos of same onico 417 > octh llth street upvtatr * hours i a m to ? p tn Corutt one. corae all , und bo convince ! nf this wonderful oracle M l5- ; M AS AOE BATHST ETC. -M AhAC. . E TIlKATVt KM ELErritOT HEH * tual I.uths calp end hair treatment , manlcurn audchlropeKllsL lts Post , 31K.4 B litUIthuell blk ' ! ' - MAUAM SMiril ll.'l DOL'iLVTMBET ; l room * UJtiuor Alcohol , sulphur and > ea baths _ JU .1 b -Tl'RKIMI AXD Ht > slAN DAT lib. l.A Dills I < J y Tnpsiaji , xnii trlduy * . btol under tar nam street theater VlWJylls 'I'-MADAM fTO\V.E , MASKLL'aL ELECTilUlAN. 1 Sf Pratt ttrcet. MS b > MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. \T- < i. K l.EJLl-.NHKK. KA.NJO IKALIIbll , ' wtlb Ilo | > e. or its .N l3lll it. 'ji-i \--Vr.FOUKIU-Vl\ir\7l\XO KVM1S'K THE > new Male kiuiball pluno A lloipo liUllouylai MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. " \V-KEAL K > TAT LOAN" . < ; TO ; PEIICC.\T ' l no additional charges ferxomnUsloa or attor ney K'o VV a Melkte. First Xatienil Bank bltlg SM _ NA r-MO.NEV TO IXIA.N OX IllPKOVED CUT Y proparty.low raU. A. C. Frost. Daudai Ulk NAlT lT- < JbNTU\LIXA.N- TUUeTUO BBU ULJM3. ir-C. V HAUKliON , ill N. V MONET TO LOAK-REA1. ESTATE. CbiifJwwd | "Oi ANV""oV6"WALL"AcY" iwViHUWN n"Lk" \V-rI'lin CKNTMOVKT NKT TJ ' ' er on Omahn city property No extra chances of any kind W hr t y blfli rites' VonejIsohesp - \ooranctfullbcnentoflow ruin from Olobe Load ard Trn tro . lath aad Hoelee233 \\--ANTIIoNV U.HN AS-lTllf | T CO JI9 V Y ' Life lend * at low rates for iholea security on Nebraska or Iowa farmsor Omaba city property 39 \V- LOAN * . OS IMl'lUlVKt ) A.VM rvlM1'llOVK i' cltv property , B 0 ami upward * < i to 1 percent. No delays W t-arna a MultliACo .litb and ilarue-r zu \\--rilU ATE MOSI.\ . ! > > TAMI1UMI > HTOAK 11 loans , low rates Alex .Moore , 431 Dee building \\--MO\KV T > I/iAN ON IMPilUVKll OU VV ' < Improve * ! Omaha propertj * rtt lowest rates on * liort nitlot CA boa hanl tldcllty Trust com p.inr 1611 ( arnam mreet rii " \ \ * - < 'MAllA . \ INf. IIAXK MAKK3 I.L'XNi- ' ' on reil e tite at lowest mifket r te Loan * mirto In mill or larite sums anil for short or lone tlnip .Noi Ltninil loii Is i-haivtM aa I the loan nro nut orj | in Uii'put.btit e\n nlwijrs be ronnd at the bank on the corner of Uth unJ Donklas ftrccu AV WONT KOHOKT THAT VK Alia MAKl.Nrt ' low rnte < on tmproreJ anil unimproved lo-inn on dm&Un propertrSu 0 ] 7 and nil business trinsaclpil nt thl otllce HJelltr Trust Company , 1GI4 tnrnnm troet 2i5 \\-WltTK T1IK SKCL'KITV AU THACT AND ' ' InTejtment Co of Ilruken How. Neb , rccnrJ Ion their novel plan of farm InrustuiunU pi < t , , ; > . " -U W 1' COVTE-s1. C1TV JtlAUM * . 11I4 I VIL I'- , MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. V 1 * W\.NT J.V O.N IfllMTfllK l'I\NO < I'AIIKI U.UKTC , CALL AT TUB O ! KICK IIP OMAHA MultTiiAl.B 1/JAN CO AND GKT H-llMb UhtOlth DKAMNO Ei.'r.wnnnr : Ioan made In amounts from HO to SIOCM ) at the lowest rates on verr hort notice without puhllcl ty anil with the privilege of keoplns jour eoods In your own | io < M > ii > n Vou cin pay iho moner bnek In nnv amount' yon wlh an ' nt nny llmo and i"u4i i > ayinnt fo made will reduce tbooo'tof the loan In proportion There will bo no expense or charzo kept out of the nniount wanted , but you will receive the full tmouut of the loan OMAHA MOUTOCK LOVV CO. Itootn U Crcl hton lllock , 11th toutu of I'ontottlce The only Incorporated loan company In Omaha 'U . ' -.MONEV TO LOAN. X F1DEL1TV LOAN GUA1HNTEE CO. On hou ehold coodj. plano < orcin her cs , mule wHirons , etc. at the lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or change of po * eMlon I'nyment * of any amount can be made at any time reilncluz both principal nnd Interest thus Klvlntr pitrons nil the Uenents of the partial pay mcnl ptnn Muiiev ulwayo on hand no delays , no publicity : lowest rates , business contljeuttal Lm UJAN ( .L'AIEANTKB co. t \\lthucll blk 15th and Ilarney : iS J/1V.S MONKV ON ANY KIND OK -V - . curltv strictly confidential A E. UAURls room 1 Continental bloc : ! lf > x-1 HITClIAItD.5I UOCb LAS 11I.K. 1C A DODt.E - \ \or\VANrAcii\TTKL LONEB - \ \ 1 : I > ivl room a ) Continental block 515 V-l \T1EL LOVNl MADE ON IIKMTLIIB _ Vp „ , , . livestock etc without punllclty or re- nu'vn p-o ertv at the lowest rate aud the cas et pavait its Dut7i reen rooms S aud 9 llarxer block 34J \ - 0 J.5.I 510) ) ASVsl'M TOI-OAN ON VCH - nture hor-.e or anv Rfort seeurltv , lowest rails NebraekaMn lo i ill. Douclas st M V I30UUO TO IXAN ON CHATTEL sECflllTV < coutlduntlal. Room 4Ji Karbach block. 4.2 A4" BUSINESS CHATCES. V-I-OH S\LE OH THADE OS t ot THP HKsT -I and cleanest general -tockH of mds In Nebraska - braska M 111 take one half In ulear Nebraska lands bt'ancera her llt cdo notes U Chamberlln. Kerrney Net * 1W ( 7 \ rDltlrOKE IN A IHOD UK AT1ON IN 1 the cltv with well e-tabll hed bu lne s Ad diei-s C U , lee office SAS A'-KJI' * ALE. A WELL ES.Tni.I-IIED 1 uakery with a Hr t class trade In Moux City , la win ell cheap bc t of reasons lor el In Address Matthews \ Munson , U4 1-ourth st | nu : City la , So 10- \ ' WANTED MAN TO TAKE THE MANAGE ment of permanent branch for established Chicago house will pay nil expenses and $ ! . ? . > per month salary also percentage ou all business done , must Invest $1 j-jy In Mock of ) .oi d * to be carried nn1 must give entire attention to business Hurnce Emmlus , ( jOe Home Insurance Building Chlcau < > 111 3I4IS6 * FOR EXCNAKOE. / ci.nAN srocK ot UENBKAL M o-3 K WILL - * take real isthtei tnocey Hux-Mj. ( rankfort Ind y-A VALUABLE COUSUi ; LOT ON 5 III II ? T /Jfor suhnrttan properti A lulualile equity In lot for food her e balance very easy terms Hdellty Trust Co , loll 1 nrnam j3 ytxiuAI.K on E\CH VNGE-PI ANING /Jmlll l-th and Mn on street * Omaha John M , sheelev ltb und Mason street * M53I Jy II * y-\.V KLhdANT HOME IN HASTINGS iJOT AUjiT.Yl'i ! , on Hnstlniri avenue for Omaha prop erty a snap fur a Hastings man Fidelity i ru t to 1 I4 tarnani M'JJ4 Jy7 /-Volt -.ALB OR KHA.Nf.E I-Oll A1OCK * -J of pi neral merchandise lown lots in Pendcr Neb the boomtnc county seat of Ibur&UtDCo Addre s 1 P. llla k Overton , Neb S37 i V WANTED. SOU 7 HOOM HOL K IN-IDE OK /Jtwo mile line In exchange for 1f 1 \ acre lot near Institute with &no Improvementv Will double la value Insldu of a years Hdellty Irast Co lull J arnain MrJJ JT y-rXlt | J XCHANC.E AIINK3JU ACKBFArtM IV ' --mlth county Kan.nn clear well Improved and occupied by * rood tenant nt ncasbriinal Will take Omaha South Ooiaha or Council Itlntls prop ertrubiult ontr , fidelity 1 rust Co , Act II > I4 " y teno > TO.K OK GE.NrilAL MEIICHA.NDI'E /-Jlo ezchan o for cash and tand Hex 5 illue tprlncs Neb MoOi ' ' yton v.\i \NGE , nwioju WOHTII ot / ( tmaha Improved and unimproved properly rnnirioi : frum fl.'XJU ' to t-T'JiOJ for land t. I lilnirer , lal't ttimam MV.O S' y-KlllT CLA PINl ) I'PitlGlir KKAIILt /-iijfw furKt Mustbe uod Addres * 1) n lee y-K-UJ VIOCK Ot HAHDWAHB ALL NEW / . cgfwu for two thirds real estate one third cash A J Pur > ns NeUairVa , Ca to , NebM4I7 V FOR SALE-REAL , ESTATE. r At"i ETI t : pi.ACE Yi7r MI vr * 6K aiii- ijpruperty lo appreciate It two homes for sile ut bark'iln Call lor terms etc. tldcllt ) Truit Com puny loll tarnam utreit- J 5 t IIAK . UN 11AVI. A GOODM/EDLOTAHOIT . V ? , ) nn from Sherman are33 minutes' walk from poMoniee splendid iirichborlioud Will liulld to suit cuslttuigr on ea& } terms It will pay you to lurestUnlo this o er A ( trot , room 21 Doui-lak block , ll'tli and Dodce ets 7iT I'OIt tALK , NO4IOJ AND 1104 LAt AEHB 1 nvo In L fiirite Place new frrooin dnelliacs with tuth cus etc electric Kasll htini : and uvery other modern Improvement tlno lawn. ) ree end iirrouudtnis one b > ock from electric car * The * * to houses will t > e told at u bit ; bargain , will take lot as part payniont let us show you the property lid cllty 1 rest company IC14 turnam t , U 1/011 SALK AT A HAItOAIN. Lor li. I1LOCK I 1 W U frelby t rV t addition lo I-outh Omatm small payment elown balance monthly If deilrcd Inquire li H Tzscliuofc Omaha IJe-0 3 1 1)1G It VHtiAlN. KL'LL fxT UN M AVESfK i lt > lu < , en lioiUroatwt Davt-uport vtreH'tn In tbo IruniMlato vicinity of tbe Hn8 t rr ldonc > of tlie rlt ) fur euily * JOJ. worth ttJfl Ddelity Triul C o | t > ll I arnam i-treet. 341 3 M'i > HEAL K-TATK OWSEll * . IK YOt' HAVE 1 te lelem-e. bu > lrjc or i ere property to offer at bar aln > lut with 1 V itlnuvr. Jiltf rarnaui rarnauiMZ' ' S' iouiALi : , nioich ACUB I'IIOPEHTY CHAS 1 11. ruw r. roumijU , Chamber of Commerce .MJJlV ( iLKNWOOD UEIGHTa l i IHi : ' > > lcntle > t iiroin-rty In Oranlin Un motor line kurroundiHi tiy edrirant honie-i. coed schools uixl churrbet. lx > t < ioim net f rum f 4 > JJJU to f 'UJ ou Wrifht & L&sbury , Hth and llowanl > trt > eta. ! 1/OH SALE IN KA.NAJ ) A ( lll-S Ut t HIST 1 clafs ( arm land on ery oany leriuv 4'JU ' acres under culllroUon with vood tiutldlngi Clt mills from railroad station , t'ltsirortb luuuty A D , Murse. Inli nnj I araaui bee > torc. to ? l > I/O n a A LB11011 E ANPHICE.nW. . llWL'lr. II'asy terrus take clair pruporly us Crst i ycuent O i. Ual. uc . Urown Mock , Uth and Douglas 14MH f .LK UIU HAKI.A1.N IN OKCHAUD HIM , t lot , will takevoixl hursei as Urst payment , bal- anct * tuiiathl ) payux > m > . We will mil you lot dlrtchvap aud furnish tponrr to build you a homi > ou nioothly payments , * vcraucaons We lll build yen a rottnce lo suit on monthly pnrmwiu- . ] | payuieut elonn Two ueiKfrrtMUU e-uttr c. In Klrkxood. one block from car line cheap ui , monthly payments lUri'aln In clear lut la Waluut Hill only llluue llar.'atn In rlrar lut In Orrbanl Hill unly fTOavJ llarj. ln In e ) ar lot In I. r l.-Mou llrlchts MrjM. Uar.-atn In a liraullful liume In l-afayrue I'larc tl > Biit-st resleleiire trrraco tn Owahk , ert-rjexie ad- mill It. Ijm u bo U yeia For terms , priie-s etc call on tldollty Trust Co , IEII rarcarastrvct tii FOR SALE-RKAl. ESTATE. t HNK ACHE I > OT rN HENKlN A D.I. CUHK /Vto motor , only 1400 ! J ? y payment * . Fidelity Trust Co , I6U F.irnam , ' Matt Jyf I7I.VKLY 1MPHOVED FA I VMS > lTLKS FHOM P O i Win ell T ) or Id ) rxtm very low Wrlzht A l.asbury 11th and HowaM. < -MS63 l/OH ALtl 10JJ N'KfjrUsKA. KAN3\ AM > Jonth Dakota farms tn > sali-orcichance- t-W to fo < . K. F tarnam MSB S I TorK MI > < K-"U'l . . . ! town , lialf cash * bal good land or tm prorint prop rty e f < f J stock hardware 'ot Improved farm and cash llrlck bnsineis blk In coed town Kl HO tuorte. IT-SOU rents 5il > , for raojetn residence w or * w P .rt of CUT I acre * In Klortda.M arre planted to oranre and lemon tree farm Implement" etc. price , tt 910 near , will trale foritranhnir any cxwdtown property This Is worth lnveiili llnc 4i > acres In Joe llavls Co 111 hlchly Improved , clear , prle-e MO l per acre , for Omaha business or residence projterty 4J acre stock tann near rranklln Neb well Ini proved. Idu cattle 41 horses farm implement * for slock mdso B r lllnper. 1519 Firnam > l MJ s O.NTIILV l'AY.MES'T-5. n Hut-ES IN TOUT land IMace fX > 3 nndcr price sop them also M lols fa. * ) to fM > cheaper tbMi adjoining lots j ; f lllmgcr 1M9 tarnam * iw S * I OU-ALE 100 ACHES. SEC S3 TOWN'SHll1 IG. I rnuccMI unimproved , with tlvlns water. S mlle east of A J I'oppletcn s farm Z miles from Klkborn nation U K U Kennedy , N Y l.lfo HulldlDC umaba Mil : V IHUK OH VNCE AN s IIOOM UESIDFNCE fVocantirully nnl tieit on West Mde. Lot 2UO feet frout one-half bloclt freim car line , at a verv low price , as tlie owner Is called from tbe clly nnd must oil Apply to ( .has. 11oavy room 431 , Cee btillrl ln - MiXSa- FOR RENT-PASTURES. Jll > * VM > "CATTLK PA 1LHET ) AT MOCK arm llellevuo U. T Clarke , 219 Hoard of Trade Omaha 237 IJAsTfKEFOH CATTLBillOIWEi T UL'KHAV I gtH \\TANTBD-HOHsis TO PA-TL'HE. CALLED 'I lor and delivered U V Llndiuest 310 ? IJtli AU72 -It V TL'H\GE 1YIU IUIIBCOLTs. . CATTLE J WJO acres pasture , barn room case of storm My farm ranch Is one mile froa suh street motor car south on Gllmore road I call and deliver Address tus , J U ilrusu , P O box 13B.outu Omaha. MCO ] y4' ASTUtbtOHCATTLEillOIlsEs T MCIUIAY C70 ' LOST. OsT 0 > PAIIK AVENUE OH OKOHGIA AVE nue near Ma on street , a Indies'gold watch and lob chain with cold dollar on end.tinder will please return same to H .McClelland 4 Co a office Uee building and receive reward 4UM OTKAYEI ) OH fcTOLEN tHOM 4S21 S EL-OX street sorrel mare white face welsht about 1000 , reasonable reward for return J1411 7 QTHAEDOHTOLEN DAHK BA'i MAKE hlX ' 'rear , old welUit l jo Ibs hair off hind fetloek Hewaid t M Mauley , lnii Paiton bloct li ) G' OTUATKD OH STOLEN KNC.L1SH ETTEH > bitch pup seven months old white with lemon ears. feW reward by returning to 127 south i th stre'et or Itl2Capitol ave H t Chubbuck M4J7 " FOUND. T7brNi > r'LAmts PtH > r AND CONTKST = 1 owner plei-se call at VW 'mahn National bank , nud prove ownership t t ( .ook 4205 * EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. v upstalrs uiale and fe m le help lei rf4 > i UK UIALI\ TNSTRCMENTS plated on record July 5. Ws.IlHANT DEEDS. C W Lyinan and wife to L J Hunting , lot 3. block \ Lynrm pl.ico . . . . J 1 I \V Joneto LV Lain jorn , lot 1 , block 1" , Water oo . . . . . . . 100 Laurit To or and husband to A 1) Towpr. mid 1J lots j , ind X , block 2 , 1'ierk placb . 2,000 Jl'Hterer toJF Kins , lot 4. block 3 , Albrl-ht's Choice 000 faiQ to Albert Chapnuiii , trustee , lot 11. blo"U3. wiuth Onmha oarU . . . . K > 3 r 11 lirnnn .ind Ife to A T frhoenmlccr ct , il. c V , block li Butd's ndd . . 4,700 E l > ( j on UI und wife to1' rwei : Hros. , lot 3. uloc-k U , Or hird HilL . . 733 H Klwell to A II Taylor , lot s. b oclc 1 , smith \VulULii s aub 530 ? me to M i. Uilrel , lotsO ma 10. ame. l.OJO U K Kens on and lfo to W llliain Hart. lot i bluet 5 , L E Majie a 1st add to C K Lauton'toCP'oolwortli , lot 2 , hlocU 3 , Ojkliur-t add , , C31 G 1 ( Arin tion2 und wile to L 3 Ileud , lot 0. block 4 , Arru'tronq's 2nd add. . . . 1,2 0 J 11 Ml * Is and wife to J 1' Cu.selman. s " . lot 2. block 1. KlrUwooJ ndd , and hit - ' . block 70. Credit fonder ndd 12.000 Al'Tuke * ct al. to 1 A I'ribble , lot 2. ' blocu ll.'Ciifton Hill . . . . . . 2.703 Walter llreen to Thomas Hreen , undlv > . , loti I nod 2. block'JO. Omaha . . . 1 As Carter to At lilmcbaugh , lots 5 , 6 unJ7 , block 1. Walnut 21111 22,000 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. Hannon A. Flniiertr to I" C Grable. lots 5 .inJ C. Benson's biibiliv 1 J W tquiro ( trustee ) to Bennlncton County-a\luzs bank , part tax lot 12 lnlO-15-Ji 1 DEEDS. ' J K Urown to Mrs.I B rinlay. all real and per-oual propertv located Inarl - Ous Ntaie s . . . . . . 530 G A Bennett ( sherlll ) to W T Iranian , w JTi feet e > f e Ij4 feet of n li block H , " shlun'a add 1 gC7 Total amouct of transfers i 51 55J Xtittcexif tire \int * or i i under tint IteoJ , fitly emit ; r > ict ciilditiiiiial line ten cent f. VON FCia l-rredcrlc'k rr aiedTyoarZ 'i ninniha and 1 duy , sou of Dr. 1' . and Mrs. < Von Lackntn , on July 4. 1 nneral Wednesday. July u at J p m , from 2110 Lake street. Interment at Prospect Hill. WOODEN SIDEWALK RESOLUTION CONSTRUCTION. Counell Chnmber , Omitlin.Nuli. . Juno 14. Is91 lie it resoHed by thoc ty coanvll of the city of Uinahi , tbu niavor concurring : Tlmt wooden slttcuaJks bo constructed In tbocit } uf Uiuaha asde < Unatcd below within Hiedajs after the publication of this resolu- t on , or the person 11 service thereof , us by ordinance is uuthortred and required , such bidtnalksto be 1 ilil to fie pre- > ° ntratio on the streets i > 0'fled ! heri'in. and to e-onstructed of ulno DUuk of biioh H lath nd thickness and be 1 lid upon Joists of such dimensions and In such manner oh s prerlbed by the sDeciti- c illuucm ( lie In the otTire of the Iluaid of Public Works und under Us supervision , to- wit- witEast East si Jo of 27th Si reel , N 20 f t ot lot 6 block 10 shinn'o addition. U feet wide. North side nf se ard street. E 40 ft of Jot Dloek 2. shlnn'x addition C feet wide. Kibt side of 2Jth streou Iot7 block-1 , Pat- rltk's .itlauion , b feet nlde. south slue of Martha street , lot 1 and W 44 ft lot 2 bkick li 1'ruyn's addition , fi feet wide. south Mie ! of M.irtlia street. loU l and 2 block : : . lmpro\ement Assoclntion addition , b fe. > t wide \ \ > stido of IPth street lots 1 , 5. C , 7 , s. 1. 10 , M. U block 1J. Iniprotcnient Association ad dition. 4 feet ulUu North hide Mi on street , lots 27 and ? i blouk a. KountzeX Ilutli'd adelition t feet Hide. North side of Nelson street , lot 10 , 17. Is. 19 , 'JO. block -JJ. WtiJnut Hilt C feet uide. i : t side of 22n street , lol 5 block ls4'J , city bcln : from Mchoias street 17u feet north , fe-et , de. And boil further resolvid- That the HoirJ ofHnOHc Works bo und hereby Is authorized anil directed to cause n , e-opy of thin re'.olut.oirfo-tK ) publ ) hed In the olnclal paper of the cltf for one eek or bis served tni thoowner-j of said lot * und uule&a suchoMrnero within the days after the publication or service of"iuch copy construct -tild sldeitalks us hi-rcHi ruqulrod. that the Board of Public \ \ orkj ajiso llio atme to DO ( 'one. tiie coit of conoirtictln ; sild sidewalks rinpectlui y to be nsu il usnlnst thn real e tnlc. lot or purl of IdDlf ) front of and abut- tiu f.ueh ldew.ilks. lljt Passed Juno H , leK. M K.I' DAVIS. 1'r.ywlrntof thcCouncIL Attest : JelMN Utl OKOVK city Clerk. Approved : GHU P. HEM IS , Mayor. NOTICE TO CONSTftUOT SIDEWALKS To the owner * of the')1 < * , parts of Ion aud rodl ostatu described In lliu ulxivu rosoiu- tlun : - < . Vou and otoli of youMrti hereby notified to construct wooxli ti idownlk us icejulrexl by u resolution of tliu city council uuuiuaor of the city of Omuhu , of uhiuh the ubovo Is a copy. P W. llIUKI.AU-i : . . . Clialriuan Board of Public \\orks Onmba. Nub. . Julyii. ! > / . Jy..S-C--s H-ll Hag ruunUlircper' * .Notlrei. Thofollonlngelojs liavobeen lnioundod | : 1 nmstlil ftuulodo ; , 2 shepherQj U Neufoundlaudt. 'J bird elei t J betters. t wat < rspauoli. ! 1 puz do ; . { Gordon totters. < Scotcn ttrrier * . 3 binck aud tnn ratterrlert , M cur * . If not tiulec'iiiexl within four day * the dori will bo do.troyi-d. JOHN -I'OEHL. loj I'ouncikeeper. l'utiiiiliiiii tvrB .Nnilre. IrapoundiMi 27th ilay of June. 1 bay pony , weight about 7i ) i ound * If not redeemed will bo sold t publlu auvtlou at 10 a m . Julr Othafi , ut Uootu'i barn on 15ti ) ktid JaeVioa JUI1 > sTOhUL , Poundm&iler I N C TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I 'os. ' P. Megeath , Dealer , RHILWHYTIMB OHRD Loai-ei < UtrvJO ni'KUS I r < , J \rr , r. dm nhiv _ _ ! L't > " ' * * ' ' x' * ' ' ' * ' 1 n n 14 } p m < lieim Vestlbuu s j ) n m H.Vi a a Chici/j KTprois . . Q1i i m It M p m , Chlcaza F.i.ireii . 11 > p ra rffl p ra . t lows. l r l r O p n > leaves UL'HI INiinjN A MO lllMtrrlTei Umaiia i IVpol I0lhanit _ Ma oi _ Ml " niv'iv in 14 a ml. iHrnvcr TVsilbuto IjfniltM 4 li p ra 10.II am ! . . . . lL-Mlwoo4 Kxpreo. 4Ui p nt 4 0p m1 . . .Denver S a ra 4 IJ p m , Denver II 49p ra R.VI p ml .Hastings Local . . I f. ' 7 P re j U a in Lincoln 1-ociliKiceptian i 11 M n tn I/earei I K < dl J AC il i V-nr Umalm. i lKi. < ot Ut'i ai I Ma in - < t On\1 am . lCan as Cltj ItAj l xprc s 6.JO p tn p rolK r xif'il Kxt > Tin U I' Tram I 043 a m Oolni t CI11OMIO. It 1 A I'ACtne [ tram Ka t. ! Union Depot ICth A. Marcr l I Ba L 10 ( JO ami . . Atlantic Kxprrfis . . . I fiJJ p ni 43Spm . . . Vf tluuleKipio . . . . LI9 p m ( \3ipml . . . .Meht Kiprei S.V3 a m tlUam , . . . l-ast Ktpre j . . . . 1 I > J n m Ooln ; { LIIlLAliU. K \r\UHC. . I Krom \\vsl. It'nlun Depot 10th-nrfMarcrSts L laipm . Oanr r l.lmUoJ ( Up m IJtin m . . . . Ka t Krpre % . . . . 2.0J A m OOtira Kinsn tltr ( Girpt-uni1a > u3J p. n 1-enve ? i UMOV 1'Al.tHi. | Arrir umiai I Union Oopot 10th and Marer Sts Ooiih T.5i K rn1 . . * .Ileatrlce Ktpress * ( I U p V-A ft m . . . .Denrar Kxpro s . . . . . . 4 * tt p m 3 15 p ra' . . , OterlanrtHjT.O ) p ra 4 H p in niuo p ci istrmsbi liner Suni \ 3) p m f 40 p m . . . .I'cclllc Usareit 10 43 a ra f 10 p m . Ivnror Kmt M < ll 4' ' ) p m Lcnru jllHCAOO MIL. \ dl 1'AUL , Arnve I Omatial U I * depot nnd Marcr St < . I Oma.h\ TOJ p nil . Clilcnico Cipruas . . | "ti a m II 30 a m1 . . Oilnso K pre . 4 SO p ra leaves I jlOL'.XCll'H tl'AUHi' .Arrlrej . CMnnhnl Depot , 10th Bnrt Marcf ' Om\li > 7U anil . sloui I Itf I'assonjre' . . . . MOVJ p m 63i p m . > t. 1'aul Evpreat luCHin Leare < ] SIOI X L1TA 1'AlUiL. Arrtrss Omahn Depot. Uth and \\ob T u I Omih 6 4 > p m | Leaves I K , B. A MO % M.UCV A-rHos Omnhal Dgpot IStfania Pointer St < Onuai PIW a m , . , Deadwood Kipres * * > W p ra P03 a rnUEz. at < WTO Kip ( fit Mon ) 5Wp ra Mi ) [ i in Norfolk < Kc Sunday ) HUi ra 145 p ml . . . St. 1'aul Kipro " 3 ja Leaves CT I' . M \ ( J Arrive * Omaha1 Depot. 1Mb and \N ebtter SH Omaai c-iu n lu ii.u % \ nj j uiuuiui ju .tuu ' > P a ; 11 p m sloai Cltr Express ( Hx sun ] f P II p m -4i p m , . . . -t 1'nul Umlt > d > 9)iu .u 5 | j p ra Bancroft t'anonier i Kt nnlv * L11 a m Ecavcs ICHltAOO A > Oia HVislKHN : Arr voi ' Omaha l > I * deiot | lOtli and Marcy su iaa ' 3) a m ( .hx. sun T ) uirrol ! l'as eu er 3j p m ] l)40a ) m' ' . . . . CUIeasro Exprosi. . i.-0 > p m 4UOpm . . . .Ve : ibulo I.lailltjd . . V i ) i m ? W p n ] . .Eastern Klvor 21 p m CC 10 p ra 'Kx sun i Chic. I'i s iGi Moo I iU > - > ra leaves ClltCAOO V MUTHWr-rKll\ i Tr nsfff | Union Dopot. t onncll Plugs llrifufa- 11 iO n m . . . < Ut"a ro Kxprw . .KI p in 450 v in , . . . Vc tlbule I.lmltfi . r in a ni " O r ra . .I-.Ttern > lrur 1 * ) p 01 ( U3 p ra iKx iinl Atlantic Hall ,1'x Mon " i n 740 u tn ( KxM * srroll t.ip .enger < Vx * v 4 p ni leaves i ovfillA A. T IAL"ls \rr f" Omaha I * I * depot IQtb and Marey * t ooii a 4 p mi M. Jjoul Cannon Ha'l 1 , Laves I MliSOLlll 1 ACIUC. Arrival Omaha j D * t ot I tn mJ Webster bti > Cfaahi 10 JO a n. , st lAials hxproii a a i. p ni I . _ it. louU Kipre _ , > ID p n i lilCAGO K 1. AfrAUrncr" T M Transfer' ' Union l > epot founcJI IJlurii Transfo' GJo p in . . Miht Express . . . . * il a m 2D.2Q a m . . . . . Atlautlc bcpress. . . i w p ra 4.55 p m , . . Ventlbula limited . I ! jJ o m 1-oavos i K.C.SV JOB 4 l * H. vrrivci Transfer Union Depot. Council UltiTT" i ranfttf 1000am . . .Kansas Cltr lur txpri-si - Jj t > in 10 15 p m Kansas ntv sight Kxpr i ' ? J m Leaves IcHH'AtrO HLUL , .S Jt ytlNL 1 \rrvj Transfer1 Lnton Depot. Council Illugt Tn-n' ! > ! i > jfim CblcafO Express . 5 40 p m 10W pro . . . Chlcnzo Kxpresi . t f'2j ' a ra 7ft > p Tn . . . tYeston l < 7 15 n ra leaves i OMAHA AST L 3tTS T Arrives Tr/insffrrl Lnlon Depot. Coanrtl Blngs Iransfe- 4 4U i mi ' tLouU Canoe Ball U ip in leaves i & 1UL.X CIT i 1'ALIHU. Arrives Transfer Union Depot. Council Illuds Tran < fer T lj a in sloux ( Itv Accoramoantloa U , W p m & 50 p ra . . . st. 1'aul Kiprsss V 4Ji ra NOTICE OF ASsEsSMENT Or DAM AGES FOR GRADING FRANCIS STREET FROM 34TH STREET TO AVEsT LINE OF WINDSOR PLACE EXTENSION. To the owners of nil lots ports of lots an3 real estate ulunsr 1'raDCistreet from 31th street to tbe west line of Windsor I'lato Extension - tension Vou are hereDr notified that tlio under- slcncd. three dlsictsrustoa freUiolJcrs of the city of Omaha , ha\e been Oulv avDolnted by the tnavor. Avith the approval of the t'ltv Council of s ld city , to 1NOitho damage to the owners respectively of th * property af fected by praUlnj Trancl * street from , .4tli Btroet to the westlinoof Windsor I'l ice I \ - ten& un , declared oeee ar > b > ordUiauuc so 3111 , j.x sed lune 21st , IsJJ , aproved .Tuna ii. U'C. U'C.You arc further notified , tliat liavlnc ac cepted said anpointment. and duiy rjuallfieJ as required by ia r. no wilL on the 1-th duy uf July. A U l-'J' , at tut ) hour nf ) u < clock In the forenoon , at the ofllce of r C Ilrunner. room 1 , Ware block , within the corpnr ite limits of Bid cliy , mott for the puri > cK of considcrin : nnd nia lns the ( isse-stnent of dnmice to th owners re peetltoly of ild property , affe ted by said pradititakinc Into consideration ] benefits. If any Vou are notltleJ to be present at tup time nnd place afores ild , and make objections to r statements concerning said assessment of damaces as you mm consider proper T. O HUU.V.NKK. CHAKLEa U THOMAS , .IAME ? b'iOt'KIJALK Oinaha. July 5. J ! ) i JjillOt. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR GRADING. To the owners of all lots and jiurts of loti and real estatu alone nthtji struct fruin 1'irie street to Train-la street Vou are lioreby notified tint th undorsined hrt'i > dl-lnturcstcd freeholders of the olty of Oinuha , hate bt-en duly H | > 1 > > ! ntcil ) > y the mayor , ultb the uppro > al of thu city cornet of sild city , to itssess the d tm IRO to the owneM re-pectncly of the propo-ty .lilt toJ by eradln i : thth ; street from I'me btreet to 1'rancls strotit. devlnred necessary by ordinance 3ll.i nasscrl .luiu''l as'Ji ' UDlirovud JuneX 1'Ji ouurc further notified , that ha\ Ins ncci-pted sild nppolnt- jn nt , and duly nualllled as roijulrfnl l/y law. we will , on the 11th clay of July. A II lOi t ttui hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon , at tne olllce off II. McCiilloeh. rtx > tn - > li N V I. fe buildinz. with n the corporate limits of said city , meet for the purpose of consldcrln ? and making the asse Miit-nt nf annmzu to the nwncr rc , poctl > ily ) of uld property , nlToctud by said grading , taklnc InUi c > n deration hpoclal benefits If any Vou nro notldcrt to Uo present at the time and place ufnresild nn1 make any objections to or Btntomvnts con cerning said assessment of damages > you may consider proper properT B. Mc ( I'l.I.Oi H \ \ . -niMVKll. . jAiirMOCKOVI.K ; Oronha , July 3. 1&M. JSdlot _ Slu-rlfr'n s-iip Ily tlrtueof nn uxccutlon Issued by rr.uik E Moore * , clerk of the IJl.lrict court of Iluui- lus county. Nebraska , ujion a judgment rend ered In said court In fmor of the Commercial rsutlonat It ink of Omahn , Nebraska , and arainst C. M bu'bnuldtr A. Coniuany , an 1 C M bchncldcr I ha\e lo\led upon the follow- Inc : : oods Kinl chnttoli H.I the property of llio said U M r-cnntlder A. Company , to-wlt The entirn nholenale stouk of notloiii nnd Rents' furnlBiiln zond * , ho lerr und lurfj. and other uier nandlso to uther wttb olhro and sloru furniture and fixture * , and all t-un- tuincd In the bailment and Ore utory atoru bulldlnc , Nox HDD's and 1UI lluivard street in the city of Unialin. Oouzlas County , So- lirasktt , aU I Rill on the llth day of July , A. ] > . , | 5'J. . i-omiufQclns at 10 o'clock a. m. or said day. at Nos HuUl , and 1111 Howard street. In the city of Omaha , said county nnd state. ell bald coodn and chattels at public auction to the iil.-lio- bidder , or bidders , for casli. or bo much thereof .1 * may be necoi ary to sati > ty ha d execution , the amount due thereon Lelni tnenty thoiikandand tlfty dullars lliJ.&V ) ( ) Judiriufnt n ud nlnu andIJj dollurn. ( fJ.Ol ; castk. uliji Iniereit on said uuiouuli at llio rate of 1C ptrcent per unnuni from the 10th day of June , A. U , Imrlun 1 1 ho accruing costs Oinulii , Nub , June 'ttb. 14T. OEOIiHK A. HHNNETT. Sheriff of Dou : | a * Count Neb PROPOSALS FOR GRADING. proposa.s will be rocnhcd by the und - d until I. JO o'clook p m , July 15th for cradtn ; ITtli street frutn VI nun btrt'et to 1) ) lreot , la the city of Omaha , In ne- cordunce with plain nnd rwelnoatton < on tile in this ofllco of tlio Hoard of I'ubllo Wor s llld < whl bo uiada on printed blariH fur nished by tbo board and to be hoeomjitn- led by nt-ertltleil uliock in the sum of iVi.O ] piyublo to tlioslty of Um Via. us an evidence of eood fiiltb. The board reiet cs thn rlsht to reject M'T or all bidi und wuh e defects I' W. IIIUKHAUHKII. Cbalrman Hoard of i'uMIcSurkt. . Omaha , June SSin , U9X J Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the tnstc , nnd acts Emily yel protnplly on the Kidneys , iver and Bowels , cleanses Ihe sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Svrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever proi duced , pleasing to the taste ana ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared oiilv from the most healthy and agreeabfe substances , its rnanvexcellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Pyrup of Figs i& for sale in 75c bottles by ill leading druggists. Any reluMedrupcist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by tha CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP GO , , SAN FKANOISOO. OAL. IX > UISV1LLS , KV. NEW YOKK. N. Y HEALTHFUL , AGREEABLE CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics , A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water Dr. Humphrejhpe'ilflrxarescltntlficall } and ircfullr preparvd Itenietllee , ttsed for 3 ears t irtvale jiractic und for o\er thirty vuir by the ryopl vlth entire tuccess Ettri ( lccl > . Si cWo u RiechU cure for the disease named. They cure without drc gli.g. tmrrfng or reducing the e } stem and are In fau acd deul U-c Mix-reUu ISeiiiLille- the \\orld. l.ur or runcirL ! > ( ? . cr&ri FMICL& . 1 Feversi Congretlon. % InfiamnaUoce. . .U3 a Wormn. Worm Teier , VVonn Colic .ti5 3-Teelhlniii CtollcCrying , VTakefulotaji .25 4-IMcrrben , of Children or Adults . 5 7-ConKUis Cold , Bronchltte .23 S > eurnlcia ToothacheFoopache , .25 I > Headaches. Met Headache , Vertigo . .25 IO-Iy i > cpi.ltt. Blllousntss Constipation .25 11 smpprfised or Painful Periods .25 IVS-V/tolic * . Too Profuse IVrlods . .25 ! , * > -Lroupi Lnryncitls , noarsencu . .25 14 salt Itlienra , ErytIjielaeEruptlooj ,25 15 niiruinntihrn , IlLcuinatU-Palas .25 10 Jlalnria , Chlllf. Fever and Ague .25 17-Pllc-s. Blind or Bleeding .25 Jlt-Cntarrh , Inflnenin , Cold In the Head .25 20-XVhoopinu Coach . " 5 27-Kldnfjr Jlf.ea e .25 -Nrrvouii Dehllity J.IIO 30-L'rlnnrr AVenkncf > f."VVcnlnij Pxxl .25 SoU ty li-nfgbu or itnl po ti > * ij on rvcrl I of f ric * . CK. IICMrRKCTl MAKCAI. IMpifM M II.CI > rite , in xpiinttssrn. . co. ill ins niin.mpi. . \ , . i t. P EC 1 F I C S. A TTmtan Onnrantce to Cure Every Caie or Money Refunded. Our cur * U permanent and not a palchlaf a p. Cuei tre&ted aeven yean ace have novar fteeo a ( yciptom ilnce. DrdesLriblnzcaie Jullr we cam tr at you br natl , and wa clra tbi lameitropz vniraaU * to cur * or refund all moot'r Those < rho prefer to com * her * fortmtment can do onnJ wo will par railroad far * bott wiji and hotel bills while bera If vr fall to con Wo challenge the wor)4 ) fora CM ; that oar Mn-la Kemedy will not cure , write fet oartlculan > nl net tbterldenoe In onrseven rears piactice with tbf iJt lcBtm Jr It ba > teen most dlSicult to overcomf the prejudice ! acalni : ocall d sprUQcs. Hut uoder ouratrcar thousands are trying It and bt tnccured. UetruarantLM ) to euro or r fUQ3 every Collar. fcn3 as w hare a reputtton to pro 4ot , also CuaoclaJ bucklns of iiC.UUIt u perfcctlr > af * to all who wlli try the treatment , llerctofora roa bav pcutnjup and payinirout jrjur money for different treatment * nad a'thouKti you are not rat earal n3 one hu paid back your monev We will potlttvelf curyou. Oldchronicdeepteatel cai < > s cnr5lnG ) toad r lavmtuata our tinaucial nandlnz , our reputation at buiin as men. Write us for names ani aridrersesof these ebavs enrol who have rtvea permlisltvu to refer to then It cosu JOB only posv ff todo this. If TOUT irmplti' t fere lorn throat , tuucoas patches In mouth , rbi juatlsoi In bom > s aad Joluti , hair /alllna out. eruptions on any pan of tfis tody , feellnzof KeuerrJ depresslia , pains In bet ] or tones. You have no time to wasU ) Tues * who art ( onsuntlf Uilnc mercury and potaih , sbouU dls- rontmnelt. Constant use of these drugs will turelr trlns tores aud eatlnz Llcurila tbeenl. Dou't fall U wme. AH correspondence snnt scaled In plain oo- velope. We tnr ta themoit rVU laTtstl atlou nJ r 111 do & ! 1 tu our powertu al 1 joa It It COOK REMEDY CO. . - Omnhn Neb SGHENCK'S MANDRAKE PiLLS Purely Vegetable and Strictly Reliable. They act DIRECTLY and PROMPTLY on the JJvor and Stomach , rostorint' the constipated orpnno to hoalthv iicllvitv. und are a POSITIVE and PERFECTLY SAFE CURE for CONSTIPATION , LIVER COMPLAINT , SICK HEADACHE - ACHE , BILIOUSNESS , and all other disoiisoi arising Iroin a dlbordoroJ con dition ol the Liver and Stomach. They are the Only Uolllile VoKHt.ible Liter a > I Caur irj J'urf ) tlr U irajioti , I'.i3 ProPurBly V etable ! Try Them. D1L Schenck'dljj' on Consumption , Llvor pUlut anel Dynpi yt'a tout I'me. J. H. HOUENOKisON. I'blludelpbU RAILROAD MATTERS Hu r Mrrtin ; of nnit A lively session of the U cUorn PAMO .por fl oe-inUon U promUoJ at Park hotel , Labj Mmnolonkn , uhirh Mr J. U. Buuhnt.nti. t ; uml jias ot.per apent of the f. Uhiru loit toufrn i Mondnj nifrht. Among thosub ; c > s x\u \ - ni COIHB beforu the association a' r thoe'ciion of an auditor , nro the Ktiitrhli loinomroxcursion to Hc-loni. u e uct tAsii ratc < on ttillltnrv ousincsH to points vc of the Mtsic.jri river , reducai. i-.ites lor tate lair * , onj oxK > 4ition , cxcuKlon Uositicti K'oinc in u bi > d > anil roturnlnc tu dotatU mcnts reduced rates nnd iirnutiren ns for cledieuion. &ur\lcos at the VSortet' fuir I hi oac'x in Oouibar , jntorountie < ji.b't 5in > . ' - < i'ia ticKe's ana mo qisostlon ot tour i't ui ; Iho nutr.bur of o\cur ion for \\hich reduced fares ihnll be crantoa. rberw is a crcat dlvcnltr of opinion Rtnonirtbc general p Hei > Kcr uponl * rccarJ ire lLtci-ch\iiii'ftblo ; , mlleaso .ickoU So.iio ot the roadi hsvini ; been partioulanv un fortunate in their u o\UU OIIIKDSO tbonaoptioa ot.1 rule ivriniUinc their use , nnd tt l , ttioucbv a cood'ti.tturod ficht ulll \tt Uiu result , nlthouph ills understood tbo majority of roads la tbu association nro in ttivcr of their lisa Tbe Union Pucilie announces t o "home- seeker ,1 excursions" Auiruit'.M ntitl September ber 2 to points in Kansas , Nebraska , Color t do , Texas , \Vjomiup , Utah , Idaho Xow M'xtco anel Motitanu tor one faro for the round trip , tickets coed for tucntv days from elate of ialovltb slop-over privileges on the coin ? portion. ' 1 ho KiUhorn did a tremendous business on tbe I'ourth , bavins : earned J.OJO n en- pers from Deadwood to Sl'inns end \ \ bllo- vood , A\here vatrlotism screamed , in i.d dition to b ; lupine lo Omaha a Inriro numtior of conches crowded uitn pranecrs who u actril to see how a real city tt'lpbratccl the natal day. A number of the clerks in tbo passencer and freight dopartiuonts of the L kboru spent Moiuinv at Lnlteashinpton uttrart lag pike , piciccrel nnd Kerch to tbolr Unas , with tbo result that jestcranv they brouirht boaie a barrel aad box tiacupd w 'tt lishTno Tno rnor is fallinR at Sloux City and at Urintin. b\ cry city ticket office in thocitv WAS over run with outgolne tra\elcrs 'ycjterdDy , a majority of \ \ honicfa delegates to the people's narty con\ontlon. It was as much as a ticKet ascut's llfo was north to aner tt" multijillciU of Questions tired at spllew ot pastoboards. Passenger * desired Htop-ovcr privileircs , they wanted to ctmngo their routes , they wanted to po to Chicago and sea tue World's fuir buildings , they wanted or- tetiMon of limo limit , tbov H anted the earth , m fict , and raided lurid objections whoa tboso requests were not pram oil At Union Pacific headquarters the air wat blue and Assistant Pas cnjer Asront lironn lonped for n lodco in sorao \as > t wilderness us > ho acccpteel with i I con cealed i-rnco the opinions of tbo dulcgatei flora the northwpsland west when the } were tnforraad that tbev would liavo 'o pav full lares to eel home , the passenger assm-la ion having lulled to grant reduced ra'es to the a | optics nf new political novelties They lilt-nod the Union Pacific to a buco octopus that encircled with its hugo arms the Unieri of the west nnd compelled them to pay ti 'mto ' to its \trncious appoti'o la f&ct , I'a ron of California , In his 'pport ncainst ltn- southern Pacilic , was mild in e "cpanson to the foelmjs of the men who wanU-a * o po ui".t aed bnd to piy full faro for tua tMiviiftre And it was only through Mr lirown's diplomacr that ho film .v uns tier- mitred tn po back to his desk and Durv htm > self in the mass of correspondpuco v\hich had smco Satunlnv I KlIUU Its ' .I. Tit. That IsVby I Hecommend It. I bave no hcsitancv in recommending Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrheua remedy to the public as I do to mj friends and pntrous 1 used it tn > self after other well unoun remedies bad failed ard iv eured mo in a few minutes. 1 recoinmoud it can- elidlj and cheerfully upon us merits not from a financial standpoint , because I bsvo others in stock onwbtcb I tnako a larcor protit , but because Chambt'ilnin'b ts iho bast rcmeJ > for bowel comulaints I know of. There is no doubt about it , it doai the worx. James Korgy , arugglst , McVeytowu , 1'a , rot i : L.\fi > u > ioST. . Vlu the \Vitliish Mnp , July 2 < 1 , 3d , and 4th The Wabasli will sell tickets nt half faro to nil ht.itions on the line good returning - turning July o. Lo's than half faro. For the Younir People's Society of C hristian Eudoavor convention the Wubaah will froll round trip ti'-koU at nVjoye rates on Juno -1 , o and 0 with choice of routes via SL Louis orChtc'a < , 'o. 3d Snratocra and return $30.53 For the National Elucationil .isiotua- tion the xVabash will soil round trip tickets at above rate July 4 to 10. with choice of routes via St. Louis or Chicago 4th Detroit and return 520 50. for the LJtptidt Youn < j Pee pie's u'lloi the Wtibash will sell round trip tickets at above rate . " 'ily 12 and 13 For tickets , 5.coping car accommoda tion and tt ( older giving lists of routes , ido trip0 , cost of same , with other ' uluablo information , call atVabash oUice , 1502 Fivrnain Htroet. or write GUOI.OK N. CLAYTON , N. W. P. and Ticket Agent , Omaha , Nob. GOrNG HOilE. funxontlnii Drlc atcs unit "Fourth" Visit or * Suiirni on Outolii Tralim. A visit to the depot ycstcrdar would have ptvcn sotno idea of tbo size of the crowii v.'hich was In tbo cltv on the Touatti. 1 he waiting rooms piatforms and upproacnes to the depot were rjuuK with psoplo from O..W ou , and tuey were ail trying to work off some of the en thusiasm accumulated at tbo convention jca- terdav. 'J-bere were orators from nearlv every sato in the uiioa aud each orator had his cmn Knot of udmlnng listeners The air was tilled vvitu eioqusnooand "freo hi.ver , duties , taies , imports" and Iho llko hurtled about in rvery direction All outgoing trains were literally mobbed and thorn was not oven standing room for the nassuupers No 5 on tbo Union Pacilic was Eunplitfd with two extra cars and tbc a were tilled iustuntlv. The Kansas City train palled out with people swarming on tbo platforms banslug to ttao railings and stand' ing on tbo bumpers , whlio nearly -IK ) people on tbo platform swore softly to themselves ani went back up town Ino I ) . & M. could not rustle up the cars to transport its passengers uud a largo pro portion of tbo would-bfl travelers over that litiu were compelled to lie over another day. . Jnwa , April0. 1591. Dr. J. Q. Moora , Dear Sir. My wife Urn nrcd about tix bottlas ofoar Trua of 1,1 to , and thinks that bo has rucoiied greater Iwn- elit ( rum it tbau anv mediclno slid has over taken. Yours traly. L. II. Jiifjciv. Oen'l Aeont aud Trcas West Collets. Since rcceivlns the above toitlmoniat , 1 nra Iniocelpfof a letter and chock from the Ilav. UH Uufkin of ToieJo , Iowa , April J'i t7 send Kev. J \ \ . Ifonworthy. Orastfiu1 } , K-ta sas , su bottles of Mooro's Tree of Life ) . Tor sale by all drugpUts. Drill li ol n H. M. Drldgei , an old veteran uno was omploycd in tbo file room of the passonpor agent's dojurtment cf tbe Uaioa Paclflc , died Monday nftornoun at Si Joscpb'i hospital. Mr. liridgoi hat bbon t sufferer from Height's disease for a long tiuiB and left tbu olllca ttiriic weeks agu to LTO to Colorado " lib ttio bopet that the moun tain air mliht prove bonoJIcIal la him Unt the dUtsatu wai tea far aavanoixl and tie returned liome to el la Ho was an old toldicr a ud miner-tally estoamod by bU I el- low associates in tbe headquarters. A N > - Kind of I lu urn n re. lor 25 cents you can tuturu .yourself and family u aiost anv bad rt ult from aunt , tacit of bowel complaint during the Buuitner , Uno or two doses of Cuatuucrlain'k Coilo , Cholera end IJiarrhuii Homudv will onrc tiny ordinary t\3 o It never fuili , and it pleasant and * afe to tsi < e. No family afford I fftn without It , For sale ut ( < iS i W ceuU per bottle