THK OMAHA DAILY WE : W13DKKSDAY , JULY 6 , 1892. TO BREAK UP THE WESTERN Milwaukeu Hns a Scherao on Foot to Dis rupt the League. SHE THREATENS NOW TO DROP OUT Alter Il I > : iillIlli | ; n Nrw I.Oilcuo AVII1 llo Itilllt to Suit the lilcn < ) l Siillt ; ) .town Aliigimti'ft PIsiMvnt-il by Other Authorities. MILWUKDI : , WK , July 5 , [ Spoctnl Tclo- grain to Tin ; JJii.J : : It is loarncd trom rell- nblosources tonight thnt ttio MlhvaUKoo club will disband wltliln a few dnys. This announcement , followed by n report from Cleveland tliat Frank Deb Houinson , tlio bnso ball magnate , liud decided to abandon the Tort.Vnyno club aud turn Us franchise over to the league , tins cnusod n sensation ntnong buso ball men in this city , and llio breakup of the Wustorn lenguo Is looltod for within it week at loast. Vice President Unrtiott of the Mtlwriukeo club Raid tut * ovunlng thnt ho had bean o. < - pooling the disbnndonmoiit of the league for the past week , and the news of the with- druwal of the Fort Way no club from tbo louguo was not , a surprise to him. Mr. Uurllott said thnt the Miiwnukco club was well llxcd Jlnnnciully and would bo in a now lenguo within a short timo. Tno vice prcsl- Ocnt louks upon the proposed break-up of the Western IC RUO with favor und thinks It will bo the means of a stronger organiza tion springing into existence In its place. \Vlmt Tlielr I.Itlli ) tiiuiui In. Mr. Bartlutt says thut upon onicml nntlco of Fort Wuyno's dlsbanuonmcnt a meeting of the longuo will bo l-nllod unit stops tnltun to form u six-club circuit , to titko in the cities of Minneapolis , Milwaukee , Omaha , Kansas City , Toledo und Indlunapolls , or possibly Columbus In place of Toledo. H.v the forma tion of a six-club 10,11:110 tbo teams can ba greatly strengthened by the surplus of play ers from the two clubs that drop out. Manager Shursigof tbo Indianapolis club Bays tbat his loam It in good shnpo and thnt the llnanuial standing of thu club is all right. Hosnys the Indianapolis club wilt Join the now Icugni in case of the present association going to uiocos. Never Mount of it Hero. 1'rosident Stout Binilod all ovur when bo was shown the foregoing last night und then laughed. 'Why , " ho snlil"it's funny thatthelcaguo is going to pieces alt at once and no ono out- sldo of Milwaukee know It. Mr. liarllott may know what lie's talking about , but I don't. In fact this Is the lirst in timation I have had of the dissolu tion of the Icaguo other than what cumos from 1'ltuburg and Loinsvillo. In these big leuguo titles there is unquestion ably a desire to break up the Western Icaguo in order tuat players muy bo secured , but I do not IhlnU tbat any Western club will bo a parly to thntsehomo. Omaha is in good con dition financially and very well satisfied to go on as she is. " "Fake1 , " said Gus Schmel ! ! , and his lam brequin bobbed nervously , "puro fake and Milwaukee fuke at that. First 1'vo hoard of it. Columbus is doing right well , and I liopo to keep nor where she is at the head of the Western league. " Might Tiihii Ilernt HIT Word. It Is quito a reasonable presumption in the case of Milwaukee , as with I'ittsburg and Louisville , that the wish is father to the thought. That ttm team has ahvays been a ' disturbing element In tliu Western 'icaguo is patent to all who havu watcbud the course of affairs during the past few years. It has been the ambition of the magnates of that town to bccomo members of the National leacuo. This.samo bco buzzes In tno head of ' 'Huron" Ily Haeh of Minneapolis. Of course this ib laudable r aud should bo oucourngeu , but nulortuniitoly for the aspirations of these cities they are both so far olT "main traveled roads" that there isn't tnti remotest - motost possibility of their over getting Into the big league. Ai nn outcome of ttio guerilla warlaro waged against tbo Na tional and Western last year bv the American , Mlhvauuco was given a place In the latter association to the end tbat the Western might bo wrecked. And howoaeorly the magnates of Schliutown accepted the proffer ! It was nothing to thorn that the interests of savon other cities should bo jeopardized ardized so long as there was tu. opportunity to udvanco their own pros- pi'ctB. Well , according to tholr own confession , thnt niovo cost them all of $ I0UUU ! , their bust players ( Schrivor , Victory , School : , Alborts , C3rim , Campion ) and when the season was ended und tbo great mojiuls of the game began to.mukoup circuits for the new your Milwaukee was not considered at all. Have the Milwaukee- bosses forgotten the hours they spent outside the door at the Indianapolis mooting waiting to bear from the liiHlilo concerning their fate ? Have they forgotten the answer given whou thov kicked on the Indemnity awarded thorn in the reorganization Kottlumont.and werotold to take It or nothing I May bo thov ' have. But Iho pooplu haven't forgotten tho'tronchorv of thosn ulcKurH in times gone by , an it it Is easy to ace the animus of their dusiro to create anew now six-cluu leugc , without Columbus und Fort Wnyne. Columbus has the championship - ship ; Milwaukee wants it sue ) If Fort Wnyiio drops out and Milwaukee disbands , the six test towns of the circuit to- main Intai-l , ami the elements of weakness mid discontent aiv removed. Why not take Milwaukee at her word I Let her uisband , and then lot the six clubs remaining in linish the schedule. If the other show H little lirmnoss in this matter Milwaukee will bo glad enough to gel Dark , and without dictating terms. The Western Icaguo is the strongest bnso ball organization In the country today , Its tl nan cos are In good hlmpo , every city'savo Milwaukee is contor.t , and there is no danger of ttio loapuo'n disruption. C ( > l.ll.Mlli ; > T01IAV. KUWO'H Itnstlors nnd thn Champions Will ( . ' ( Him Tom'ther. The Columbus team , champions of the Ilrst series in the Western league , nrrivea from Kansas City last night aud this after- noou will do baltlo with your Undo David's Indians out nt Sportsman's park. The champions played four romarliablo games In their aorius in Kansas City , the scores being 6-4 , 1-0 , a.'j and 5-4 , Columbus winning throe of the games. It has sot n lorritlo pacu thus onrly in the second cham pionship season , but Undo thinks bo will bu able to BUI them back a notch or two in tbo Korlo.s which commence * today. Tbo three unities which Omaha played ut Col umbus and of which they won two , were hotly contested and u renewal of those battles tuny bo looked for hero. Vickory , who was vury affotivo against the lluckoyus , will do the twirling for Omaha aud has expressed a doslro to pitch nil four games If hols tuccossful toJuv. Play will ho culled nlI o'clock and us usual on wcuic duys Iho ladies will b'u admitted froo. The players will bo In tbo following positions : O''iahu. ' . ' 1'osltlon. Columbus- Vlekory I'ltuhor. O'Dny lluyus Catcher Morrltt Kowo. . . . . . I'lrst habo..llreoUenrldco Hunitlu hueunil Imso MeClolInn J'ollopy , Tb rd uimu U'Kunrkii Short stop Wiilah Kelly 1,11ft Hold ( Jutntinu < Hk Center Uold Abhuy VUnor Itlk-hl lluld lnlly Manager Gun Schmolz of Iho Columbus team tins a good word for Normal , linker of Omubu , who begun his curuorns a Western louguo umpire ut Kansas Cltv Saturday. "I never euw a bettor umpire1 ' Una said last night , "and ho is just us good n man now as McQuald over was. He has complete con trol of the players on the Held , unit 1 feel aura that ho will niuko u star tiiiipiru. " First Uasemnn Campion of tbo Tolouos loft Om ba yusterduy morning with un injury which will keep him off thu diamond several inonthi. Ho was out for u lark ou the night of tbo Fourth , nud ui'urTwelfth nnu Funuun placed a slant llrocrucker uudorachalr occu. plod by a stranger. Tbo llrecrnokoroxploded and the uiau m thu chair jumped ubout three foot Into the air. Cntnplnn laughed long and loud , but hU glee otidcd when ho saw tbo stranger rushlntf at him with n bl ? knlfo. Campion crabbed the kntfo , but the ulntlo cut Iho flesh on throe fingers of the richt hand to tlm bono. A doctor drossud tbo wound and Campion started for bis homo. No Wonder Look ill tlin I mplro * . Mii.WAfKun , WIs. , July 5. Miiwnukco nnd Indianapolis plnvcd n monstrous exhibition of baio ball today , Woatnor line ; attcnd- nnco , 100. Score ! SrilMAIlY. Knrneil runs : Milwaukee , 1 ; lnillnnn | > i > lln , 2 Tno-bnxdlills : liny1'1 , llamharK , Hurl. Tlirco-bnso lilts : Cnrpenter. llouin runsi O'Hrlpn. Double iilnjM : Mcllnrr , Knrl , llcreer , O'llrlen. lJi rcncu , llorirer , u'llrlpn. llnno on Imlls : lltiimhne. O'llrluii , ( Jnlnii , l.nwri'ii'-o. btolonlmnus : WiirilS'I'nllcliull , l.ntchor , Suory. Unliin. lilt liy pitcher : Murphy. Struck nut : Ily ( inyle , 3 : liy Wolilnor. I : by Ker.ion , 1. Wild iiltrhes : l.y linylu. 4. Tlmo of untno : Two hulHM ninl tun minutes. IJlapliea. I'CIBOU , Sulll- vim nnd Wulilnur NATIONAL LUAIIUH. CliU-iiKO nud Hrooklyii 1'iit I'p Two Woador- lul ( liiinrs. CIIIOAOO , 111. , July 5. Urooklyn won both gamas today after two hard fought battl cs. Not u run wns scored in the first until the eleventh inning , a streak of hard htttliut winning the contest in tlio fourteenth. The features were the Holding of Cnnavan , D.ihlon nnd Corcoran. The second game was won In the sixth after two outs , on two liinglos , n double nnd u base on balls. Coo tiny was taken sick lu the lirst , Uyan lliilshitia ut short and Htitcblnson going to center. Wunthor clear and warm. Attendance , -JCUO. Chk-.igo o oooonoouoiooo i Urooklyn OOOOUOOOOOlOOl 3 lilts : Uhlcago , fi : llrooulyn. in. Errors : Chlciik'o , I ) ; Itrooltlyn , 4. ICaincd runs : Chicago cage , 1 ; Urooklyn , i Ilatlorlcs : Uumbortuiid llutchlnson ; 1'oiitz and Dally. Second game : nnluii'-'o 100201000-4 Hrooklyii 0 1 2 0 0 U 0 0 * o Hits : Clili'iiKo , 10 ; Hronklyn , 10. Errors : CnleiiKo. _ > ; Urooklyn. 1. Ivirned runs : Chi- ea o , II ; Brooklyn , 4. Itattorles : I.nby , Guin- bortand Kuhrlvcr ; lladdoci ; . Hart and Dally. .loinihs XV'lli Onci ) Moro. PiTTaiiuitn , Pn. , July 5. The Plttsburgs hit ut proper tlmos and ran bases with vim and ihcrcuy won the game from thu moro sluggish Senators. Attendance , 1.5UO. Score : rittsbiirR. 000210 100 4 Washington 2 Hits : I'ittsbunr. 8 : Washington. 8. Krrors : I'lttshtir' , ' . I ; Wiishlngton , J. ICnrnod runs : IMIslinrir , 2 : Washington- ' , liatternss : Ehrut und Millur ; Abbuy and Mllllgaii. llcanenti'i-s Still Clinililni : . ST. Louis Mo. , July 5. The Uostons won n long dravvii out contest from the St. Louis Urowns this afternoon by timely hitting and good bnso running. Attendance * . ! , " 00. Score : St. Louis 0 0 II o 2 0 1 11 8 Huston 0 ( i 0 1 2 6 0 0 * 11 Hits : St. l.ouKO : Huston , l. " > . Errors ; Pt. Lou IItoston ; , , r > . Kanied runs : HI. Lonls.2 ; lloslon. : ' . Ilattcrius : Iliultunslulnuud .Moruu ; Staluy , Nichols and Kully. Dudert U TII In Lurk , CisxiNXATi , O. , July 5. The Phillies won the iratno in the Ilrst innhifr , Allen's homo run and Latham's errors buing responsible for the live unearned runs nrnuo In the in ning. Wcatbor warm ; nttondanco , 2,200. Score : Cincinnati 0 S 1'hll.idelphln 5 0 0 0 n ( I 0 I 1 7 Hits , : Cincinnati , ft : Philadelphia , 7. Kr- rors : Cincinnati , 3 ; I'liiliiilululiln , 2. Karnud runs : NOIIIItatturles : Mulliinu and Vaughn ; \ieylilim and Uioss. Ciiiinids .lump on t ho .lolntM. Louisvii.i.K , Ry. , July fi. Now York's errors in the uarly part of the game lost thorn the gnrno to Louisville today. Weather line ; atiendunco 1,200. Score : Louisville 7 Now Vork I 5 Illle : r.oiiisvillo , 8 : Now Vork , fl ; Errors ; Louisville. 1 : New York. 7. Earned runs : l.oiisvlll : < > . I ! : New Vor : . , t. llatturios : Hom- mliiK an.I DOVT.SU ; King and lioyle. Tom- ( Mil Orioles ! Ci.ivii.vNi : > , O. , July " . . Cleveland batted out the pamo in the second inning and from that timo'on ' Baltlmoro was playing against heavy odds. Attendance , l. UO. Weather clear and warm. Cleveland 0 0 II 1 0 0 0 0 * 11 Italtlnmro 0 11 I , r > Ilils : Cleveland. 13 ; Italtlinorn , 10. Errors : Oluvclnnii. 0 : Hiillimoro. ,1. Earned rons : ( Morulanil , 2 : llaltlnioru. 1. llattorlus : Youns and X.lininur ; C'fibb and ( Jnnsun. ,101m Hus n * loli. CuviiiNi : > , O. , .Tulv fi. The Cleveland club loduv lod.iy signed John Clarkson , the pitcher. 1'rosldent Robinson behoves that Clarltson can pitch winning ball , if played among new surroundings. STATIC IIA : < ; II ; : . Itrittricii Decides ti > < Jult and Ulhlmiuls Uur > ireat dull. BBATHU-K , Nub. , July n. [ Special Telegram to Tun HKI : . ] At a meeting of the lio.itrico Base Halt association held at the Nebraska National name this uiternoon it wns con cluded to let the club ctisbana nnd that Hoatnco would go out of the boio ball busi ness , at least for this season. The cause for the dlshandmant of thu club lies in the fact that the State league ro- ( inirod of Hcatrico that she should put up n guarantee of S-U ) for each gamu played hero and would net only S-jfi when the LJontrlco team wont away from home. The unfairness of the scheme "was so pulpablo that IJualrico , rather than submit , will ( jult the business altogether. The mum- bers of the club wore paid off tonlirhl ana released. Thochibinct and decided to dis band this ovuning. ' 1'bo is the strongest in thu stnto unu is ono of the strongest teams in the country outside of thu National association and league. Any city thut IB ambitious to secure a good teiim of ball plnyors can learn some thing to their advantage by nddrossliic Harry tlntowood , this clcy. ( irand iHliiuil Will Mold On. CJin\i > l.-i.Mi , Nob. , July 5. [ Special to TIIK HII : : . i The directors of the Grand Island Huso Hall club huvo decided to hold the club over forthu remainder of thosoason. Several cillzous have responded and will as sist in keeping the SuparCltys on tbo track. AMONC THU A.MATIUIUS. Deiiilwouil anil l.viid C'lty VVre llo for u 1'ot of Sturt-ls .Money. UKAIIWOOP , S. D. , July fi. | Special Tolo- grani to Tin : Hti : . | The most inturostliiB feature of the Fourth of July celebration at Sturgls yesterday wns tbo ball game between the Doauwood und Lead City nines the crack clubs of the Hills , for a purse offJ5U , Tuo gumo vvn won by Dcadwood , and was vo- nmrltablo for the tluo playing of Thinl Hnso- nmn Cottrull , who had thirteen chancos. uccuptlng twelve , most of them dlfllcutt , and for the line battery work of Hcymor and Trallloy. bcoro : Dundwoml 0-10 laiudClty 0 0 1 0 0 ; i 0 0 U I lilts : Duudwoocl , 13 : Load City , 3. Krrors : Duudwood , 1 ; I.oud Clt.v. H. llattorles : DoaU- wood. lluyinor and Trulllpy ; Iunit Oily , llarnes. Strh-klor , 1'iircull and Drovur , Um- plio : WondiirlaUo. Attendance , , OOU. K tiled Iho Umpire. WAM.U-K , Nob. , July D.-Urluh Wolbaob , living thirteen miles southeast of bore , while umpiring a gamu of basa ball Sunday afternoon was bit oa tbo breast by the ball , killing him Instantly. Ho loaves u wife and ouu child. HAS GOOD WEATHER AT LAST Washington Park Track Finally Oomos Up Through tha Mud. OVERTHROW OF THE HERO A SURPRISE Uo Wn n Toplmny I'aviirlte Hut \Viis liunlly Out lee ledl.uc and Oriler Li-ague. Alter Moiimoittli I'nrk Other liucc Meetings. CHICAGO , 111. , July 5. Typical racing wcnthcr inaugurated the ninth day of the Washington I'nrk mooting. The track was somewhat Improved over yoaturday'a condi tion. The program presented was hardly up to Its usual cxccllanco , and to this and the ftict that the public generally hud hardly re covered from its Fourth Jof .July tudulgonco was undoubtedly duo the light attendance , only ! ifiOO being present. The greatest surprise of the day and ot the entire incotlut ; was tbo overthrow of Tbo Hero , phenomenal record bud led tbo majority of the Letting public to bollovo thnt ho was itivinclblo In bis particular class. As usual ho was n topheavy favorite nnu butters backed their confidence with big wads ot money , but tholr Idol never once proved n dangerous olmnont in tbo race. The event that brought about his defeat nlao turned up the only racing fnature of tbo day. Top ( Jallant , with the most comfortable odds of tbo daywont to the front , rounding the club house turn and retained ills advan tage clear arouti'J ' to the last furlong post. At this point Urifllu by masterly riding sue- ce.euod in reaching the leader with Hart Wallace , which hud not showed prominently up to this lime uud the beau to head llnlsh to tbo wire and unuor the whip was very excit ing. Top ( iallant Dually won In the last jump by Uio shortest of nocks. Summaries : 1'lrst race , purse $000 , for mnlilon Il-year- olds. six fin-lotus : Harry Askuw OJ to 1) ) won , Klllsou (1 ( to D second , Claret ( U'/J ' to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:2 : : ) . Second race , selling , purse JGJO , for 2-year- old , llvo fnrlonits : Kdlth llulmont ( . " > to I ) won , Huutllleo C-'O to 1) ) second , Moose ( li to 1) ) third. Tine : 1:10. Third race , ptirso $ TOO , nil nsros , ono mlle : Top liallaiitd.'i to 1) ) won , Hart Wallace (8 ( to 1) ) .second , Imputation (1 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmu : 1'ourth race , selling , ptirso $700 , for J-voar- old und upwinds , ono mlle und threu- ijimrtors : HUKO Hardy ( S to 1) ) won , Itosemont Ute _ I ) souonJ , Content ( Uo I ) third. Time , Fifth race , free handicap , with JSOO add oil , sill iiaos , ono mlle : ( . 'overtoil ( evouMvon. Sil verado ( I to 1) ) second , Good HyoiSto I ) third. Time. l:53J : . 1'oiu'ii'n Hr ut Meet inn. PONTA , Nob. , July 5. [ Special Telegram to TIIK Bin. | The second day of the Pouca race mooting was oven moro of a success than the Ilrst , thu weather continuing fair anil the track being unusually fust , ulthoUL'b n brisk wind placou the horses nt some disadvantage. Thu spectators , though not so numerous : is yesterday , made a largo assembly. The program opened with the unfinished race of yusterdiiy , the S'2 ; $ trot. Since the closing heat last nieht the race was conceded to John \V. and Idavan , soil- inc even inonoy botwoou the two. At 1)0 : ! ) the race was called , and the excitement ran high as the horses appeared , increasing tnioughout the slr.clo heat that closed the race , giving John W. ilrst inonoy , Idavan second und Moody third. The tlmo sur passed any ono heat , of yesterday , being At'tho beginning of t.ho 2IW : trot pools were holling IU to 7 on Little Alike , the odds increasing till they stood S tot. Evorvhnat showed the same "result , LiUlo Mike in the lead well chased by IJlack Prince. Lady Dophine third , and King HolMday fourth. The foals of 18'Jl ' trot , ono milo dash , afforded much amusement nud not a little admiration for the olforts of the yearlings. It resulted in Lady Kusaoll taking Ilrst money , Hilly MeKlnloy second , and Saint John bringing up the rear. In the 2MO trot Hurnoy sold 5 to 2 ngnmst tbo Hold , though Dusty IIcoU gave him a closonu-o , easily taking second monov , leav ing Dark Night for third. The y-yeur-old trot was the last event of the day and was expected to be of unusual interest. Mary was everybody's favorite and pools were soiling 10 to 5. In the opening heat Mary soon had a good lead , which she hold nobly till reaching the last quarter post. She became friirhtoned at its shadow extending across tuo track und ran into the funco , throwing the driver to the ground. Ho stnycd with the reins , and had almost regained his seat when the ani mal broke loose , nnd dashed down the track. After running some distance past the wlro bho oocutno tangled in the harness und fell , thereby receiving several light cuts. She again appeared In the second boat , but was unable to hold her bur place , scoring in fourth position. This closed the race , irivinir Onotn lirst inonoy , Supposition second , MeCormae third , nnd ISdilh Guard dividing fourth money with Mary. Today's winners ivcro ns follows ; 2trottine ; , Little MIke , time ! 2'ji'f : : ' : 2 : a trotting. John W , tiuio SUn : | : loals'ot IS'Jl ' trotting , Lady Htissoll , timo.1:01 : ; 2-IO : trot ting , Harnoy Alien , time 2:2l/ : ! ; foals of 1SUI ) trotting. Onota , time 2 : : ! ( ) , ' . Clashed with tin ) lu\r. MONMOCTH P.MJK HACK TiiAcir , N. J. , July H. The grand stund and bolting ring were comfortably filled this afternoon , yesterday's vnst throng having been succeeded by a crowd well within the -1,000 mane. Each of the six events were won by the favorite in commanding stylo. The bookmukors had u bad day. All of the winners were heavily backed. About 3 o'clock sovoi-ul law aud orUor ofllccrs notified President A. F. Wolcott , Secretary Criulm.oro mm Stiirter Janios Kowu that they were under arrest , charged with unlu'wfullv maintaining n gambling house. The three prisoners were tuke.ii buforu u Justice of the peace sitting at Ocean Port , and released nn ball of 100 each , Hookmuicur Lucius Appluby becoming their surety. The arrests were Hindu so quietly that the fact did not leak out until Into lu the -afternoon. Mono of the bookmakers were invested. I'lrsl lace , ono nnlu : Htrathmeath ( oven ) won , Monnri'li i" lo. sucond , St. Aiilhony (3 ( to I ) third. Tlmu. l:4ilj. : : Second rnee , six furlongs : I'aglo Hood | 5 to SHvon , Dolury ( U to 5) ) secmiU , Juannutlii ( to II third. Time , Itlli. Third race , tin liuckonHiicIc handicap , one mlle ; J.oeohatehoo Kilo I ) won , .Mars ill to 1) ) second , Hamilton ,21 to 1) ) third. Time. 1li ) " , . Kourtli riii'o , thu Long llr.ineli Imuilli'ini. onu mlle nnd aijiiartor : Doiutilh ( I to li won , Itaco- land ( II to to soeoiid , Jiul u .Morrow (7 ( loj ) thlnl. Time. 2sU7. I'lflh nice , six furlonsa : IVnli'ntt (5 ( to 2) ) won. Vemun (7 ( to - ' ) Heeond. Milt Voting (9 ( to 1) ) third. Time , 1:11. sixth race , llvo furlniiss : Thistle ( i to J ) won. Muscovite * . ' ) to 1) second , Llndbay UOtoli third. Time , lsH. ( Tii | lor Today. Krom now out for thirty days there will bo racing on Mondays , Wednesdays and Frl- daj-H at Hrlghton Hcach , and oil Tuosdays. Thursdays and Saturday * at M uuiouth Pant. The choice horaus for toaay uro : IIIUUIITON IIKACII. I. Mabollu I.lttlo Frud. ' . ' , 1'aUu It 1'rlnue I'eyton. II. I'rlnco ( Juor o Harvust. 4 , I'otomae lladire. 5. Kliully India Kuhhur. 0. Krontonac My I'ullow. WAHIII.VdTO.N I'AIIK. 1. KrnoitUacu I'ninan. . Pionst-U 11. uilliiuk. a. .Miss l\lu ) | ICn.'urlta. 4. VoTii.nblen Valu'Ul. f % Kellpso llelter SUulter. U. Advorslty 'J'om Muckln. KIIIIHIIS ( JIIV'H 1 * KISSAS Crrv , Mo. , July fi. Weather pleas- nut ; track fast ; attendance GUO : 1'lwt race , . | x furlongs : j.uko lluckdon won , boUhur-tarneuond , I'astlma third. Time : 'fc-oenntl raco. live and onu-half furlop s : Mumle II. won , I.oocolii. second , Stanley third. Tlmu : IMS. 'I'lilnl ruco. llvo furloiias : lliippy Hay won. Junnlo V sucond. Harry U third. Tlmu : IOIH. : Kourtli race , six furUni ; : UalUtorm won , Sufu Homo buconJ , Hello lloyd third , Tlnur. 'l-'lfth ruco , three furlonu1 * : llluu Illrd won , Queen becotid , l rlnturTuin third , , ' 1'liuuM. : . Clu < u ut Jluiuurl Vitllny. Missouiu VAI.I.KT , In. , July 5. ( Special Telegram to Tim CUE. ] The mooting hero closed todnv. KaiuiU ; 2:23 : trot or pace , pnrao $ , ' ; 0 ; QulduuVlni ; won. Victor WtUies second. Fascination third. Time : 2:2 : i , I)7.pii : ; : , „ mlle nnd repeat , purse $10' ' : llendnood lllrl won , Ilithnuso second , Upntlo Mnry tlflriM Time ! Al.ft.Vf. The meotlng\VSs ; stiecoisful. Or. B. Nobln of Hlalr oniciatd-d'-'hs atartlag Jutl'so and gave oatlro sntlsMcttoiV/ -.1. in f sroitr. \ . ( front Spurt nt tlm SI. V. A , tt. A. ' < Srcond i.linjTUit Dny. ST. Jn urn , Alo/ / | JulyTlio conilltioim for the second und last day of the repntta of the Mississippi Valley Rowing nssociatlon were perfect , i < r The senior sltigla was won by James lion- dnrsou of the CuUins ot Chicago. Time : 10:134' . Tno senior pair , n row-over , was won bv tlioCatllns In llilB-if. The fonlor four was won by tbo Modocs of St. Louli over the DeKiwara * of Chicago. Time : UOI'4. : The senior double was oontostod for by two Call In crows and wai won by the senior double of thnt club. Timn : 0:4S , ' . The barge ruco was botwcou tbo Modocs nnd U'ostorns of St. Louis. The Modocs won. Time : 4OSJi : , which breaks the barge record. Ofllcors were olcctoJ ns follows : PresIdent - Ident , Charles Cotlln , Chicago ; vice pres ident , Fred D. Standl.'h , Detroit ; commo dore , j. J. Schaab. Si. Louis ; ensign , Cinorgo S. Dlxon , Chlcnao ; sccretnrv and treasurer , D. H. Martin , Pullman , III. ; ex- Hum Wc'iiiard "o Chicago , mid"E. . Wheeler of Minneapolis. \Vlii > i > llili ; A roiin < l till ) AVcirld. CiticAuo , 111. , July fi. Frank Lenz , who loft Now York Juno 14 on a bicycle tour around the world , has arrived hero. It has taken him twenty days to ivhcol 1IJO : mlles , which distance Uo has covered botuci-n Now York and Chicago. Ho expects to reach Now York unln Jitnu I , 1SOI. Ills route follows the Northern Pacillo railroad to San Fran cisco , nnd ho will wheel from Shanghai , China , to Calcutta , ' India , n trip that has never yet boon made by n wheelman. Sciircliors Altir.tin , 111. , July 5. In the soconi day's races of the Illinois division , League of American Wheelmen , today , A. K. Lumsdon of the Chicago Cycling club , won the hal ; mlle hnud leap race in 1:03 : iJ-5 , lowering the previous highest record in tbo world of 1 :0r : > L. D. Muncor of the snmo club won the mlle handicap in 2:22 : , boating the American coru petition record of 2'l'it ; 1-5. 1--KT.1. J-J10.11 THE Itupurt OoliNinllli Tolls of Ills Fright I" Full In : i Hnrstud Jlnlloon. BOSTON , Mass. , July G. Deles Goldsmith the only survivor of the three men who descended in tlio balloon yesterday , told tbo story of the trip as ho lay on a cot In the hospital today. Ho said : "When the balloon arose In the air wo an ticipated nn euloynblo trip. At first it seemed ns If tuo balloon would talto n wes terly course , but u strong wind from the west suddenly h'rbso uud swept it toward South JUoston. ft'was ' soon oviOont tbat wo were heuJing for'tho ' harbor. It was then hat Piof. U6'fer ' ; s'aid that ho would laud on Thoiripson's Island. To fail of this , wo all know , 'mount to bo carried out to sea. The professor seemed to reali/o this , ns ho became u : trifle nervous. Ho pulled the escape vnlvo cord , but the cord remised to work. It was. then a question of life or death. Again and Wain ho pulled. Fora moment the buiro rtass shook and quivered. Soon our position became uncoinlortiiblo because of the ' odor of the gas. To mlt- Igato this the hold ou the cord was relaxed. To our nmnzomont the vnlvo refused to close. > Prof. Kogers kept his hnnd ou the rope. , , Suddenly a noise over head unused us. to look tip. There was a sir.nll rent In the b'allon , which , as the gas escaped , increased < 6n yard. At lirst slowly and then like an1 arrow ; the balloon decended" . In this awful moment It occurred' to rae that two carrier pigeons wura in the bot'.om of the caiv With 0110 wrouch 1 opened the cage and tnoy were free , A moment later wo struck the water. It seemed as if 1 wont ton feet below the surface. I know wo would have to swim , and so before wo struck the water I bail thrown my coat away. I haa not time to remove my shoes , but while in the water I lay on my back and removed them. Thun I became tanclod up In the not- tin ? . When I came up I wriggled free nnd jumped from the basnet. ' The land soemcd far away , though I am told It was only 000 yards. AU this time I heard Prof. Rogers behind mo nnd I sup posed that ho too was swimming for the shore , t felt faint while swimming from the effects of the gas , ami if 1 hail not boon picked up quickly I would have givou out. "Whether Prof. Rogers died from the effects of tbo gas or trom the fall I do not know. lie was near mo nil the time until bonk ' -nk in the water. " Goldsmith is lili years old. Ho is fond of athletics and is nn expert bwimmor. Ho Is sullcring terribly from the Jnervous shock , but was ublo to leave the hospital toaay. OITICB ot' Wiiirncii BUREAU , i OMAHA , July 5. ( The prevailing fair weather condition or high barometer still covers the entire coun try cast of the Uocky mountains. It is cen tral in the lovvorlnku region nud cool prevails on tbo Atlantic slopo. Temperature has risen decidedly west of the Roukios and u warm wave is moving eastward. Very high temperatures uro ro- poi'tod Irom Montana , where the mercury this evening ranges well up In tbo nineties. A low barometer or storm ; is advancing north of Montana. No rain was reported from any point. I.uriil I'ltriM'tiHt For KitMi > rn NithniKlcii , Omaha mill Vicinity : Incrriisliivuriiiiiiiu < 'iiiilliinril fullucallicr , Hoiitlii-rly u'lmU iliirlniVrilno4iliiy ulth a pnmpiTt ill local hliotvorr , l > y Tliurnilny ovt'iung. WASHINGTON. D. C. , July li. Forecast for Wednesday : Iowa and Nebraska Fair generally warmer , south wlnus. For South Dakota Fair Wednesday , warmer in east portions , south , shifting to west winds , cooler Thursday. North Dakota Fair , probably followed by light local showers by Tmirsduy morning , wnrtnur In southeast , cooler in" northwest portion , south , shifting 10 west winds. .tliivniiii'iitH nl Ocean .Slcaiiinr.s. At Movillo Arrived , Ciroassln from Now York. At Cnpo Henry Passed lu , G'arthugonin from Liverpool. , . , At IIrow HuailrrSlgiinlled , City of Paris from Now York foriLivc.'rpool. At Lizard Passed , Ijolyonlutid from Now York for Hamburg ; At Aiitwerp-UVrrlved , Noordland from New York. "PJ At Mow Vork-vArrivod , State of Nebraska from Glasgow , i- i' ( ihliKtoyii In Si'iilliiiul. LONDON , July O.-jAlr. CJludstono nddrossud ' a large and outiiu'slastlo mooting at Dcl- keils today. In thu course of his speech ho said that If ScotjAnd , on mature delibera tion , wanted hurtm rule for herself , she would gat It , aw iior right. Hut , ho added , the lrli.ii question , p ds Scottish nutionnllsm. The Scottish na 9iial griovunce was that whenever llioroviiL u uniHiburul majorltv in parliament tiiiyVotooi Scotland wns du' . regnruod , , ' " 1)1.ul on IIU , | > iuiilil < > r'ii ( irnvu. VI.M-BSXKS , Ind. , July fl. William Tyler , prosldnnt of the Vlricennnos National bunk , this morning drove to the cnmotorv , seated jlmsuif on tno grnvoof his daughter and bhot himself throuKli the heart , I'KltbOXAl , I'.Ht.Hllt.ll'llS. Ora D. Hall of Genoa , Nob. , aim MIsi Joiinio IJaUloy of Wavhln toti were iniir- rloil in Omaha on Monday. Judgu Forsuson lenvus for Now York today , where ho will upend the vacation prior to HID opmiiugof ino September term of court. Nr.w YCWK. Julyfi.-fSpocIal Telegram to IHK HEB.I Mr. and Mrs. George Hwobodu of Omaha luft the Wcstmliibtor to sail for Buroiw via Uoulogtio on thu Mausdum of the lioynl Holland llnu. Congroisiuuii W. J , Urynn of Nubrasku is at tlin lioffmun , Ji. iioanudy. jr. . nt thu Westminster and C. L. Mills ut ihu Hoffman , uro Oaiiihalte * . MAY BE LOCATED IN OMAHA Strong IfFort Being Put Forth to Secure the People's ' Paity Headquarters. SEVERAL CITIES BIDDING FOR IT Sharp Coiiipctltlmi for tlin Honor IX- trcniply Sriioiitlon t Itiiiiuir C'linpcrliliiff Dr. Mori-or ( luli-kty Dcnlnd liy Tlr t fiit Asklni ; for Cutli. The national commlttoo of the people's party mot nt the Mlluird yostorduy to complete - ploto Its list of nnino * and po.Unlllco ad dresses uud discuss matters of concern to the party. V. O. Strlckler and Paul Vandorvoort In formed the commlttoo thnt Omaha would like to have Its hondiiuartew located lu this city nnd thnt the oltlzons would make a liberal contribution to the expenses of tbo committee , The nnmo of Dr. S.D. . Murcorvns montioncd as ono of the oxpactod contributors , nud It was iutimnted thnt ho would uonnto board nuu lodging at bis hotel for the chairman and the bocrctnry nnd perhaps two some money besides. The doctor's recent experience with the republican state commlttoo was dwelt upon nnd the Improssnn win given out that ho was about to desert the republican party mid Join the Independents. It was stated thnt other Omaha citizens would probably contribute suniolent 'to provide rooms for headquarters and employ n stenographer. A motion wns made to appoint n commlttoo to confer with the citizens Interested mid ascertain what they would do. Several members bors , solicitous for llioir dignity , objected to taking nn uetion would h.ivo the uppoar- nuco of bogging , pnrticulnrly from the chair man of the republican state commlttoo , nnd Messrs. Vuniturvoort and Strlciclur were giV-'u to understand that they must get a dPllnito proposition and In writing in order to have it seriously considered. AVImt < ] IMMV Out f Tins. The circumstance gave rise to the rumor that Ur. Murcfr br.d determined to resign his chairmanship und join ttio third party , nud the recent proceedings of thu republican committee lent color to the report. . It was argued that the doctor's ohniicus for the gubernatorial nomination had been spoiled by the action of the committee in making Us apportionment for the coming state conven tion and that ho hail ir. coiiseciuonco bueomo so disgruntled bo ttilrstud for revongo. The know-it-alls went on to explain that the doctor saw in the third party movement nn excellent moans ot defeating the republican ticket in the coming oloution und thereby as serting his power. The doctor Is ambitious , they explained , and sues in the now move ment nn opportunity to gratify his desires , believing that his wealth and apparent power as demonstrated in the coming campaign will make him n peculiarly available man for the people's party. That was thu gossip last night. A friend of the doctor , however , offorqd another viovv rtf I lin * > 'i t.n I'nroly u ISiislness Jlntter. "Dr. Mercer , " ho said , "is the owner of a new hotel nnd lias a pride as wull ns a pecuniary interest In building upn patronage tor it as speedily us possible. Ho evidently looks at this matter from a business poiut of view without reference to his political position. Ho probably reasons that il ho had the national headquarters nt his hotel the politicians of that party when in Omaha would naturally stop n't the same house. During the next four months the heau- quurters will probably bo visited bv hundreds if not thousands and if any ono hotel cau corral all their patromigo It will bo worth thousand ! ) of dollars , if the price is not ton hi , ? ) ! it looks like u very shrewd business stroijo. " Mr. S'.ricklor , when interviewed last night , said : "Several citizens hu"o oxproisud a willingness to contribute toward tlio expense of securing the headquarters of the people's party , but I do not euro to mention mimes because there is nothing dellnltu yot. 1 have not scon Dr. Mercer , out understood Mr. Vundorvoort had some talk with him about this matter. Wo could not afford to accept a contribution from him Individually and di rectly , but of course if thociti/.ons of Omaha as a body make up the suggested contribution it is none of uur concern who the individual contributors aro. Wo do not want to know or recognize thorn * as such. It would bo a great advertisement for Omahu to huvo the headquarters and I am in hopes wo may so- cura them. " The selection of headquarters was referred to the executive committee. The following gcutlc-muu were chosen to no such commit- tuo : H. K. Tuuboncck of Illinois , chairman ; .1. II. Turner of Georgia and Lawrence i\lc- Farlmul of Now Vork , becrotiiries ; M. f . Kanidn of Indiana , treasurer ; Ignatius Don nelly of Minnesota , ( jeonroF.Vasliburn nt' Massachusetts , V. O. Striokler of Nobr. ska , J. II. Davis of Texas , U. F. Uaithor of Ala bama. Appeal for C'usli. The natioual committee spent considerable time di.icussiuir ways and means und agreed upon the loliowiiig appeal to the rank und ( lie : Hosolvod. That the national c"iiwitioo of Ihu people's party request thu reform press to ur u with all Its force and Inllnunue that upon thu tilth d : > y of. July , or 111 innuh earlier an possible , every paopln's party club and labor orjani/.athm In thu United Mates meet and i-ollojt campaign funds for tliu national cam piilgn ; and thai they thun adjourn to meol iitt.ilii on tliu .lUh day of Au.tisi , tliu annlvu - Hary of ihu battle of llenniiulon , thullist baltluof thu American revolution , ami that on that day muciingi bu held In evury town ship to collua funds for thu national cam paign. SIIIL-U without funds wu cannot , make thu Hunt for loform with any hupu of siiceus- . . The pouplo miiiU niistaln ihls campaign with llieli inu.ins as wu.l as ihini- vote * , or il. iniiy full , and with II thu hopes of the people for Jusllcu and prospcilly , in this and ail fntnio The meullimu In country districts shall liu hold at IU o'clock a. m. , ana ihu meotiiiKH In thu villages mid cities at h o'clock p.m. . and all money collected shall he .it open Ir insmllt'id to M , C. Uankiii of I'urro Haute , Iml. , ireas- ilierof Ihu national commit tee of tin ; penpln'.s p'irty. And we ug osl that on said Itilh dav of August the penplu duvotu thu day t'o this great uurkvllh spueuhos and fustlrities. Ami wefuilher reijuust that at oaoh of Hiieh meutliip'B a llnancu eonimltteu shall bu ap pointed , whiisu niity It shall ho to maliu a thoiotiiili uaiivaKs of thu lonnshlp or preulnet for eoiitrlPutlons. And In addition to thu aliovo method of to bu known us tlio 'Tun Dollar OiunpaU'n l''iind"lho"Klvo Dollar C'linpnlcn l-'inul.1 the "Ono Dollar ( > iiiiiiiiin | : I'lind'1 and thu "l-'Ifiy Cunl Canipiltn : Fund. " ando leqnmt thai all frlunds of thu i-aiisp , who are alilu to do HO , will send tholr names und uoniilbiillons di rectly to 0111 liuasnirr , to be published in thu tuforni PI-CM of tlu'irro.-'puullvo siatuui pro vided Ihut contributors to ihusu funds nhull bu allowed , If they duslru to do ao , in pay In monthly Installments. Wu n11,0 ni-gii that I'vury Hpualior for thu people's parly shall lali ) iii | collections for our national uainp.ilun lund wliuruvur they may address thu pmjp.u. \\u \ would aiMj ur e that thu ladles who iiru in sympathv wljh Ihu puonlu's parly In the roiiieetlvo H ! ileH nhall bu nwd ami i' < < - niiuntod , by Ihu ruform IJIDSS , to forinulubs for the eolleutions of funds and the forward- IIIK of our wor . Tlio national eniniiilltuu of the pooplu's party nay to IU friends that there in u reasona- blu probability that Iho party will HUVUU thu country and oleet thulr ciindUlatt" . for inesl- lent anil vice president , If Ihuy are lven niiians uiioiu'h to put npu.iliurs In the lluid and Hiipply ihu people with uaiiipal n llturatnru , rianninc lor tint I'ray. The cxocutlvo commltteo mot yesterday afturnoon nnd last uvuiiing with ( ionorul Weaver , to c-onsldcir plans for thu eampalgn. St. Louis nnd Indianapolis weru candi dates for Iho headquarters and offered Boinu nducumunlH , hut nothing nearly us generous us is proposed on behalf of Omithii. A uijorlty of Iho committed seemed to favor it. Louis bocuuso of its central location , jut they decided to hold Iho matter open and huvo unoihor session today. Mr. strlckler felt that the committee could mrdly tilTord to refuse the Omahu proposi ng , and Ob soon ns It shall ducidu that It vlll favorably consider such an offer , ho will ; o out and got the necessary guaraiituu. Dr. .tlnri-nr'a .Sturdy Denial , Lnto last night tt win reported that Dr. > lorcor hau cone to Lincoln to nmUo ar- raiigomonts for the removal of a third party mpor to Omaha , and IlilJ sonmod to lend ad- illioiml color to the stntomttnt that ho wiu ibout to UU.HC.TI the ropublicun puny. It was urlher unorlod that ho was about to cull I | another mooting ot the stnto commlttoo for next week nnd nl that tlmo would resign the chairmanship. A still later report inntlo the explanation thnt the doctor had endorsed ttio paper of the Lincoln miulUhor and wns merely taking steps to protect himself. Tin : UBI ; telecrapnod its Lincoln corroponilont to see the doctor , nnd in return received the following : LINCOLN , Nob. , July 0. fSpoclnl Telegram to Tnl : Urn. 1 Dr. Mercer , chairman of the republican stnto central committed , l-i In Iho city , slopping ut the Hotel Lincoln. Ho was shown n telegram to the effect n rumor had been put In circulation by Independent lenders In Omnhn thnt liu had loft the repub lican party and Joined the people's party. ' ' 1 can find no words strong ououi'h to nx- ITM the falsity of the report , " smd Doctor Mercer. "Thoro Is not n word of truth HI It. 1 hnvi * never even contomplatoii such u poisl- billty , 1 hnvo held no conferences or conver sations with nnyouo in regard to the tmiltnr. 1 have never ovun bocm approached on the suhjoct bv ntiy member of the ludopandoiit party. If there is such n rumor in circula tion lu Omnhu II has boon started by man who have no grounds for limiting so ridicu lous n report. " AIIUUT TIIK TtUICKT. Slinrt Story of ( lenenil AVonvor'n llusy I.I to nnd I'ulllloiil Career. "Who can bo found to boat Woavorl" This was the long standing conundrum for Iho republicans of the Sixth Iowa district , and at the they did not soivo II for thoinselvas. The damocrnts did tt for them by nominating another man. A fter this , however - ever , Cionural Weaver came nguln , nnd ouly the Hood of 1SSS enabled the republicans to elect Hon. John P. Lncoy of OMtniootn , ( Jonurul Weaver's iticcuss is duo to his un- ttvo abilities , tils brilliant urniy record , thu popular i-onlldunco in his integrity , to his winning manners and to a great extent , it must bo admitted , to the weakness of his opponents. Ho was born in U.iytou , O. , Juiio 1IfelU ) , was graduated nt Iho law school of the Ohio university ntCinulti- nnlt in 1V > I , utillstud us n private nt the beginning of the wur , aud advanced in rank with u rap idity equaled in vorv few cases. Ho was elected Ilrst lioutcu- nut of company ( J of the Second lown In fantry , attained the rank of major Octo ber ; t , 1S02 , and na both his colonel and lieutenant were killed nt tlm battle of Corinth ho was mauo colonel. Finally ho was brovettod brigadier general "for gallantry on the Held to date from March lit , ISIW. " In isiifi ho wns oleotcd district attorney of the Second judicial district of Iowa , and In 181 ! " wns appointed assessor of internal rovontio for the Fifth dlstrletof thu state , un ofllco ho bold for six years , llo then edited thu lown Tribune of Dos Moines , nnd was olectPd on n fusion greenback dom- ocrntlc ticket to the Fortv-sixth con gress. Mon of his way ' of think ing , however , were ovou then organiz ing a new party , und in IhSO ho became Iho preen backers' candidate lor president. Ex- cludint ; doubtful and fusion liclctts , ho re ceived ; ! U7T-IO votes. Ho then resumed private lifo and professional duties lor a tlmo.but in 1SS1-0 was ro-olccted to congress. No man in the fiftieth congress was bet tor informnd on parliamentary rufes , as bo conclusively proved by holding tlio house In a itcadlocK for several davs on a question re garding the Oklahoma ro-orvation. liven then he was recardud as u sort of stormy patrol in politics , not a straightout democrat , and certainly not a republican. In his lirst campaicn ho scarcely had the backing ot any party , and his nomination was , in the poli tician's phrase , 'docldoillv irregular , " yet ho made n crossroads canvass among the farmers and defeated 0:10 : of the br.iiiilest re publicans lu the stato. In 1SS4 the republican candldatu , Captain Frank T. Campbell , was a national hnnknr : so Iho old group backers rallied lo General Weaver , and in l.v-0 something else handi capped the republicans. Seeing him ; hus victorious in u coufoj.tudly ivpublican dis trict , the country benaii to luok ou General Weaver as n mascot , but li ISy * the republi cans succcodod In uniting on a stronir man , ami remanded the general to private Ufa and people's party politico. Cenenil UVuvcr'i * Cnniiliir ; .tlntc. General Jauios field , the vice providential nominee of the people's party , was born in Culpeppor county , Virginia , in ISM , nnd spent his onyhood thero. Ho was educated a lawyer , and Dji-atno a dem ocrat of "thu old-fasblouud kind" as ho puts it. In isr > ! > ho was appointed com monwealth attorney for ( Julpcpppr countv. At the oponinz of the war , in April of 1SU1 , ho resigned his position and volunteered with the Cuipopper minute men. That company became noted for Having u raUlusiinuo for its uinblomand "Don'ttreadon " mo" fonts motto. The company marched to Ilnrpnr'.s Ferry and assisted in the capture of the federal arsenal. Geiioral Fields was promoted from the ranks to major in the Virginia forces , and hiibsoqiiontly was assigned to a position on the stall of ( , 'otnn-al A. P. Hill. Hu wns iu the service from April 17 , IbUl. to the surrumlur at Appomattox , and won dislinution for his gal lantry. He wns wounded nt the lirst battle of Cold Harbor In 1SW ( at.d again at Slaught er's mountain ( in engagement known m the north ns the battle of Cedar Croak ) on August. 9 , 1SW. ( As a result of the latter he lost his right log below the knee , and now uses an urtillclal limb nud a crutch. Ho was outof active service until ivlav , ISIlil.wheu ho rojolnud the army at Fruclorioksburg. Ho was with the army la tno Gettysburg cam paign , returned with it to Virginia and was continuously in service till tbo close of the war. war.After After Loo's surrender General Field resumed the practice of law. In 1S77 ho was appointed by the governor of Virginia to ( ill an unuxpirod term as at torney general of ttio state , and in November of that year ho was clouted to congress for a full term of four years boirinnmi : January 1 , lh7S. Slnco lbi ! ho has been a practicing lawyer and a farmer , residing on a considor- uhlo u.stnto in Alocnmrlo county. Though never u member of nn alliance , n grange or any other Industrial oriraniition. . General Field has since 1.SS.1 proelaimeu from tuo stump throughout Virginia that redress for the grievance's of the people ? c-ould only bu hail through a i-oform organ ization. Ho helil lliatthoinlltioncnol the party caucus had grown superior to the wll of thoeonstitiionts ol tliu parly , and , therefore , unwlso legislation could neither bu repealed nor prevented ; therefore , u now party was a necessity. General Field Is a Baptist nud has for some tlmo bueu ut the head of the state organization of that church In Virginia. ul l.iibor All'.ilrx. The Knights of Labor of Nobr.iskn took udvuiitagu of the presence in Omaha of the chief olllcera of the order. Mossrs. Powdorly , IIayes-Wright and Cavanugh , and hold a delegate meeting yesterday afternoon at Gale City hall. There nro nearly 10(1 ( asuumblius In iho state , und naturally them nro many questions upon which thn mombursdoslrutho advice of their chlofn. Among thu matters brought up wus n sot ol chargosagnini.1 Anton H. llipelow. On Inquiry it was learned that the ncciHini : party was not a muinbiir of thu fraternity , nnd the. assemblage declined to consider the complaint , Last night thn ruprnsontutlvos of the Omaha nssomjilius hud n confL-runco with the national ofllcori ) , and tonight a now assembly will bu Instituted. Mr. Powdurlv nnd his associates will remain In Omaha for two days yot. CiillliiK On ili Women. A striking evidence of the revolution now going on Is found In the fact thut a Kentucky delegate offered the following resolution in the mcullng of the national committee of thu people's party yesterday , und It was unani mously adopted : itosolvud , That tlm people's party of thn 1'nlltjil States earnt'Stly | the woiicn | of Ihu country to ork'anl o at once and help un In this conlcst , licoutuo wu uru llzhllni ; to Bavo nut only thoia und oursulvos hut the conilng ioiioralliins ; from plutourallo ttluvury. Hail it Ililitrlout Tlnip. MAUTIND rKiutv , O , , July 0. The Hun- garlnns , Italians and Slavs employed lu thu mliios at Luurelton celebrated Ilia Fourth ot July by a big druuk und riot. Forty men participated nnd twenty wore injured. Ono man had bis arm badly cut. uuothor bis shoulder dislocated , another tils tooth nil knocked out anil another wut hurl Inter- nnlly , Several arrests have ouun made , Moro trouhlu 11 anticipated and thu peoutu nro turrorUod. WEATHER CROP BULLETIN' Harvesting Has Oonnnoncoil in Many of the States. OUTLOOK FOR GOOD HARVESTS FAVORABLE Uut IVw Itnriirorntitn ItrporH Itrrrlvpil , und They Are 1'uri-l.v l.ociil Nolirmlui Ni'iU Jlitro SniKliliu No | . 'i' r of Shnrl Crop * Tills Your. WASIIIXOTOX , D. O. , July 5. The week lilt ; , boon cooler than usual throughout the dis- trlct * cast of thu Hooky mountains. Tha scnsonnblo conditions of molsturo romnlii Mlbslnnllnllv the same as reported last week , except In Iho lotvur Inlto rogiou nud on the Atluutlu const , where there lias been u mnrked lucronio In tbo soAsouablo rainfall. Texas Moro rain is nceilod for cotton in the ivostorn portions of the tnto ; worms urn appearing in some territories und it Is feared that it damp wcnthor coiillnuus they will dnmago cotton. Missouri Whont nnd clever harvests tire Hearing completion lu southern , progressltii : in contra ] , uud bagiuuliii ; in the northern portion. Oats ripening ; coru generally clean , with much improved color ; disastrous hailstorms lu wost-uuntrnl portion ; slight I v cool for'model ; harvest ivcullior ; out look steadily Improving. Illinois Harvesting eoinplotud lu southern portion , progressing rapidly lu central ; some wheat damaged by high wind nnd r.iln on ttio 2nd. ninl some complaint of chinch bugs lu corn. Ohio Corn nnu potatoes growing well ; outs In gooil condition ; wheat In SHOOK in south ami tmrvoslud In iniiUllo nnd rondv to harvest In northern Rootlou : some datnago 'ram rust , insects ana smut. Minnesota Crops generally look well , rain beginning to do good ; some complaints of rust mid.rotting. Iowa Haying and winter gr.ilu harvest begun , corn two weeks Into , but KOnor.xlly cloau nud needs warmer wjathcr to mature. North Daitotn-Heavy ralus uamai-cd wheat In northeast uouiitlos ; riuo and early sown wheat holding out. South Dakota Week moro favornblu than last nnd crop advanced sntisluctorily. .NolmiHkii'ti lioport. Nebraska Urain growing well , but i weather too cool for It to gain much In con- * " * ' ditton and it is .still very backward ; rye and winter wheat harvest commenced in southern counties ; oats much injured and thu crop for the stnto as a whole sure to bo light. Knusns All ( -011111110115 luroriibio to corn and harvest. Spring whent Is good ; oats need ruin ; u splendid wheat harvest in gen eral prom ess ; corn growing rapidly. Oklahoma Wheat threshing nnd oats harvests continue. Corn and all other crops in moat excellent condition. Montana Hay crop about nvoraeo ; weather of thopust week has just boon what was needed for crops. Wyoming Good week for crowine crop * . ColoriUto-Conditiors generally favorable , although rain Is much ncedott in sections. Now Mexico--Past week favor.ibto to all growing crops. Arizona Sorghum , Kgyplinn corn utul other crops doing well iu the southwest ; all crops uiu'oi- irrigation growing well in cen tral nnd northern portions. Utah Crops growing well ; wheat and barlov nro bonding in the northern counties ; hay is buing cut everywhere , and in thu southern portion a good crop U being so cured. Washington. Western portion hud pno.l growing woiHhor ; h-avv buy crops ; hup- , doing fairly well. In eastern" portion gram scarcely injured by dry hot winds thu lust four iiiys , in Juno , notwithatniidini ; the rah.s following. Oregon. Wheat In fair condition , ( .pnnir \ wheat needs rain ; liny in full progress ana good crops ; only fuir prospects tor crops this year. California.-cWnrm weather , rapidly rlpon- iiiL' fruit * ad grain which are being harves ted ; hops nro improving very much under the present temperature and abundant sunshine - shine ; fruit drIn - . ' and canning 'cVmmoncea In earnest in nil parts of thu i-tate , where such establishments are situated. TOO oooi , ron c- Thu Conillllons In Icnvik I'aviirulihi for Only n T o-thinls ; rop. DKS MOINKS , la. , July 5. The weather during the past week has been too cool tor the rapid growth of corn , but the conditions were favorable iron orally for small grain. The daily avorngo temperature was ii = bi ) low normal. The rainfall was In OXOCM of the seasonable amount , uspociallv in the central tral nnd oust central districts. Corn is twi weeks late and ncods warmer wonlhcr M nuiiuro. It Is doing fairly well nnd is pnipr nlly clean where it has not boon too wet u cultivate. With the most favorable comi. lions in the future It will ho posibip to inak'i a iwo-ilurds uvorago crop in tlio state. Hav ing and tuo harvest of winter grain are in progoss. The hay crop will bo verv heavy , but the quality is not up to I no standard. Oats will not mnko over (10 ( per cent of un avcriigo yield. Hotter In NiiliniHldi. CIIP.TI : , Nob. , July f > . to Tin : Uir. : . ] Weather-crop bulletin No. lit , of thu Nebraska weather service. Issued Irom thu central ofllco at IIoswcll observatory , Doano college , Crete , for the weak ouding 'J'uosday , July ft. 1S'J2 , says : "Tho weather the past week has benn cool , the temperature averaging from four to su degrees below the normal , with about an av- crago umotint of sunshlno. "Thu raiuliill during uio past wool ; has been mpru than an inch and exceeded MIU normal in Ctister , Hamilton , Hutlcr , Otou , Knlino , JelTprson and Pawneu cotniUot ; OKO- ! where In thnastern part of thu state ttio rainfall bus generally oxceoilnd a half an Inch. In Iho wuslorn part of the stnto litMu or no rain fell. "Corn has grown well tbo past week ron- siilorlng the cool weather , but Is still back ward and In need of warm wo.uhor. lt\o and winter ivhcnt hut-vest has begun In the southern part of the state. " Mlehlk-an'rt Crop OnlliiiiK , DHTIIOIT , Mich. , July fi. The weekly re port Issued by the Michigan weather service ! bhows that In the northern counties the past woo It has bunu a jronornliy Invoniblc onti for all kinds of cropu , except In low places , where excessive rains and low loinpornturn have provontud the oiiltivntlon of con1. Wet weather has caused cnnslderablo loss In thu central and southern counties where grains nro reported lodged and farm work much re tarded. Fruit , it Is expected , will bo u light , crop In nil but the northern part of the itato. Moro warm and wet weather is expected. } y. > ' J'- u $ & . 'rf ® ; . - * / / ( $ % ? ' ' * , Mra. Mnru Anton of In\vsburg | , 1'n. , siilfcrcd nntoM ngnnyfrom broln-n mriroKii win * , with Intcnso Itrll- Inu and burning. Un the recommendation of a physician shu took food's Sarsaparilla nnd used Hood's Ollvo Ointment. Boon the ulcers hean ( ; to heal , the liillanmmilonreMril , Hhuwns completely cured , and nays , "I enjoy iicalth as I havu not for many ycnis , " " Wo nro pcrnonally nciiuaiiitud with Mri. Altai unit kno\v the nhovu to bu truo. " J , H. , I'n. HOOO'O PlLUflcuro H bltual Oanitlpallan l > r ctturlxi tcrlit jltlc kclk'u of ll : uUmtuUtjr rickU