\ TWENTY-SECOND YEA ! ? . OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORXJNG , JULY 6 , 1892. NUMHER 18 CA3IPBELL WILL SOT SERVE Ho Will Resign ths Ohairmtnsbip of the Bopublican National Committee. REASONS ASSIGNED FOR HIS ACTION Ituslncm KngngoinctitK Will Not Allow Him to Act Ci'litlrmrllVlio llii\o Hcun HH HU Pruli.iblo hiic- ccsiior Washington Not en. D. C. , July 5. Hon. W. J. Campbell , chairman of the republican na tional committee , arrived here this afternoon nud went to the wblto house at 2:30 : , where ho wns In consultation until nearly 0 o'clock f with the president , Secretary Elklns , Com missioner Carter , Secretary Husk nud ex- Srnator Spooncr of Wisconsin. At the con clusion of the conference Chairman Campbell gave out the following statement for publica tion , saying that ho had nothing further to' tav with regard to the question at Isiuo. This is tlio statement referred to : "When I was clcctod chairman of the na tional comtnltteo It wns with the distinct understanding that ray business eugaBO- mcnts , then pending , might render It Im possible for me to act in that capacity. This contingency was fully understood by the committee nnd others directly interested. Since the adjournment of the committee , I linvo been unable to adjust my affairs so ns to render it practicable lor me to act as chairman ; aud 1 , therefore , ns I reserved the right to do , announce that 1 will not so act. Under the authority vested In mo by the national committee , I will proba bly announce the executive committee within the next few ( lays , and that commlttco wil lucet at an early date. At that meeting 1 will formally tender my resignation and my suc cessor will bo then elected. My successor will bo chosen by the executive committee as uuthorized by a resolution adopted by the national committee.1' The resolution alluded to was adopted to meet Just such a contingency as has arisen. The names most prominently mentioned to night in connection with the chairmanship are Commissioner T. H. Carter , J. H. Manloy ol Maine , Samuel Fesscndon of Now Hamp shire und Mr. Hooart of New Jersey. Chairman Campbell wilt probably appoint tbo executive committee tomorrow and those whoso names follow , with perhaps ono or two exceptions , will It is bellnved , ba found uoon the list : J. H. Manley , Maine ; Gnrrott Jlobart , New 'Jersey ; Samuel Fossrnden , Connecticut ; J. S. ClurKsou. lown ; W. O. Bradley , Kentucky ; II. C. Pujro , Wiscon- fcln : S. C. Kerens , Missouri ; E. Itosewater , Nebraska , and J. N. Huston , Indiana. STII.I , ox TIII : SI > IAKLI : ' > TAIIM : . J'uturr Action on thu hll or Hill NCU-J ni l ( iosslii. \V\suixoTov , D. C. , July 5. So far as the cctlon of the house is concerned , the silver bill is in ornclly the same position this after noon ns it was when the speaker laid It bo- tore the bouso this morning. ' It is still upon the speaker1 * table , subject to any variety of motions for ita reference. But It Is in the power of tbe friends of tbo measure ut any time when there is u quorum present to defeat Mr. Tracuy's motion to refer it to the committee on banking and currency aud to move Its reference to the comtnittoa on coin age , weights und measures. It was said after a IJouramont today that the llcht over the reference would not bo renewed tomorrow , and thai the enemies of the measure will allow It to be referred as Us fi lends desire , without further obstruction. It la now admitted by thn anil-silver men that the bill must ultimately go to the coin age committee , anil it Is iho purpose to make a strong light there. For tbe reason that the bill was hot today ri'fencii to the committee thcro wi.l be no meeting before iho house , and Ihero will bo nothing beloro the com- n itlco lor Us action. 1'ho bilver men tbiuk that thcio will bo no loss of L-round bv this delay us il U extremelv doubiful in view of thu number of the absentees whether they could secure the presence of u voting quorum in the committee. There has been some talk of postponing from Thursday until Friday Ihe order for a suspension dav. It Is argued that the change witl insure the attendance of n largo number f republicans. Tbotci-geant-Bt-nrmatoaay sentou'.nliiuty- f.oven telegrams to absent monibers , urging tneir wpeedy return to Washington , und u number of others are believed to be on the v > uv. With this question tbu committee on rules , or al least ibi ) democratic contingent , \vill probablv deal. deal.N N < ' Nolrs. Senator Mandcrson today introduced a bill to create u national highway commission to consist ol two senators , two representatives , the secretaries of war , agriculture nnd inter ior , tbe postmaster general und the attorney cencnil und nn associnio member Irani onch Bluto nnd territory. Meetings are to bo held in Wuxbinctuii during thu sessions of con gress , in Chicago during the World's lair , nnd ut such other places uud tin.u < as the major ity may olect. Tlio commission is to invcs- tignlo the needs of the country in tcgurd lo hmhwava nnd leport to congress. General Sebolicld this morning received a telegram from General Whcuioncommanding the I ii'partmenlof Tcns , saying that ho has no Information of any resurrection nf the Garza mo\oment or any political uprising whatever. He says tbo recent troubles in that reiuhboi hooj were the itcls of individ- uui > und bud no political significance. AfcMatil Secretary Spaulding today re ceived u telegram from Special Troasurv Agent \VlHiniin , at Port Townsend conlirm- li.g the report thut the BritUh steamer Ccquillunltli nUUU , scul skli.s on board had been seized ut Port Etcticss , Al.isku , by tbo revenue uteniner Corwin for violation of tbo United Status cubtoms regulations , General Kpauldlng says the scul sums were seized be cause they formed n portion of tbe vessel's cargo not shown in her manifest. HuroUt M. Sewullof Maine , consul gcnoial nt Samoa , has tci'dcred his resignation , and It bin been accepted by tbo president In a letter cxprosslnc the highest appreciation of bis excellent services. Continuations -William Kuhus of Orojcm to bo United .Status consul ut Sidney , N. S. W. hll.VlMl Illl.I. STIUKKil.i : O.V. Tliu llouHtt lt < Ti'Urn the .Mi : lire mill the 'Iroiililit Hi-ulna lit Onco. WhiiiM.io\ . C. , July 5. Th9 speaker laid before tbo house the sonata free silver bill and said ho referred it to iho commlttco on coinage , ucighu aud measures under tbe rules. Mr. Bland of Missouri us Iced that the committee huvo leave to alt d-irlng tbo ses sions of the houtc. Mr. Tracy of Kentucky objected nnd moved that tbo bill bo referred to tbo com- iiilttco nn banking and currency. The vote rcbultod In no quorum and a call of tiu < house wur ordered. One hundred and tovt'iity incmtien roipondea. Mr. I'atcblnck of Missouri offered a 10 oluilou tliat all loavoi of absence , except lor su-knoss , boro\i/Ued , which was currieJ. Another \oto on Mr. Traov1 * motion to > ' fcr the bin to tbo uoiniulttoe on banks ana bunking shawod no quorum voting. A motion to iidjnurn wa dufputed and a tall o < the homo was ordered. Another Iliul Mltfr Itlll Illuiiilcr. W.ttS'Tis' | | , D. C. , July 5 Represents- tivo I'ulberton of Texan uxpro < > ov the oplu- inn tbcl HIP fcenuto mudu a fatul inUtnku In Ibo piunu-o ol the freecciuago bill Iu that u lulled lu i'ic ervo Iu the ropcul ol tbo uct of ISM the legal tender quality of the coin notes ssuod unocr authority ol the secretary of the treasury to redeem. The effect of the senate bill , be savs , will bo to demonetize moro than ? = < 0roj,000 of com notes and post- none redemption until congress authorizes It. The house will bo compelled to amend the bill and thus thn session may bo prolonged. Uepre-sentRtlvo Culbcrson's belief is shared by Mr , Bland of Missouri and n num ber of otiier silver men , however , are In clined to tbo opinion that tbo act of IS'.IJ w.is n contract and cannot be Invalidated. Never theless. Culbcrson's statement has thrown tbo silver men Into confusion for the H'uo being and little cite U being done except to discuss the new phase of the situation. Whntcoursothesllvermcn will tauo as a result ls yet entirely problematical. pitocii ; iN s ix Tiiriir Tulkl In the ' cniito Silver In the House. WASIMXOTOX , D. C. , July 5. Mr. Berry in n spaech today on Mr. Hole's resolution re ferring to the ta.-ift policies of the two par ties expros cd his conviction that the lorco bill would bo tbo principal Issue in the presi dential campaign and warned the people of thu country Hgnlnst being deluded Into the hope that It was not the parposo ot the re publican party , U succaisful , to press that legislation. The only other subject of contest thit oo- cupled the attention of the senate today was the disputation In conference ever the item inserted in the district appropriation bill oy the senate , appropriating $ UUJJ ) for the en tertainment of tbo Grand Army of tbo Ke- public encampment next September. There wns about an hour's discussion on that question and finally thcro was a vole on it which showed n majority of ninu in favor of Insisting on the item. Thcro was not , how ever , a quorum voting , but Mr. Allison , tbo chairman of the senate conlcrces , accepted the vote ns a sufllclcnt Indication of tbo sense oJ the senate on the subject. A fur ther conference was agieed to. Adjourned. In the llottip , WASHINOTOV , D. C. , Jul/5 , The ono ques tion in the homoitodny WHS , "What shall oo done with the senate frea silver billf" Tbe silver men thought that it r.hnuld , under tbo rules1 , be referred to the committee on coinage , weights nnd measure- , bat the anti-silver democrats , believing that this was uu unfortunate conference , desired to tend It to the coinmlttce on banking nd currrncv. Thu fight being on , the republicans girded ou tboir swords but took no nctlvn part In the contest , 'ihey saw tnat there was no quo rum present , that they could therefore re frain from acting upon cither sldo nnd nt the same tlmo escape the charge of dodging. In the absence of a quorum tbc house adjourned. roit TIII : AH.MY. Complete I.Ut of Changcx In the Kegulnr Sen Ice. Wuisr.TON' , D. C. , July 5 [ Spsclal Teletrram to Tin : BEE.J The following army orders were issued yesterday : Tbe followine chnuecs In the stations o' ofllcers of the medical department nro ordered : First Lieutenant Isaac P. Ware , assistant surgeon , is relieved from duty nt Ft. Douglas , U. P. , und will report in person to the com manding olllcer for dutv nt that forl , reliev ing Captain William L. K. Nceller , assistant Burgeon , and reporting by letter to the com manding general. Department of the Platte ; Captain Needier on being relieved will report to th'j commanding ofllcer at Ft. Mason , Lai. , for duty at that fort , relieving Captain Harrv U. Pcrly , assistant surg.-on , and re porting bv loiter to the commanding general ol California ; Captain Porlv on being re lieved will repair "to this citv and report in port-on to thn surgeon gonerul for duty in his ofllco. Tlie leave of absence pninted First Lieu tenant William N. Hughes , Tnlrtcentb in- luntrv. Juno " 2 , Department of .tho Mis souri. Is extended one month. Tbo leave of absence granted Captain Thomas Sharp , Seventeenth infantry , December 1.1 , 15)91 , is extended twelve days. Leave of nbsenco for seventeen days , to take effect from July 31. Is grained Colonel E. F. i'ownsend , Twelfth it'funtry. ' Cuptain Abinl Smith. , commis sary of subsistence , recently appointed , will report in person to tbe commissary general of subsistence for duty in his oillco. Cuptaln Abiol L. Smith , comrnt-sirv of subsistence , will proceed to Wulia Walln , Wash. , on of ficial business nnd upon the completion of the same will return to his station lu this city. - KII.I.JH .1 ror/.v ; .i/ir. IlUtrfeslni ; Acciilrnt nn the Itork Island -N < ' ir Iii\cnpjrt , la. D vcsiMiiT , la. , July 5. [ Special Tele gram to THE Bui.J Tno Hock Islnnil pas senger train from tbo southwest struck a joung woman about twcnt" miles west of bore ut noon. She was walking on the track with her back to tbc engine. At the whistle of Iho engine she stepped on H bridge outside the tracu. Tbo engine knocked her Into the creek. Backing up she wus seen In the water. Sne was nllvc but sunk baforo uno could be reached. When icscued she waj dead. Her body was almost completely denuded bv iho engine. H was taken to Muscattno for Idcn'.iucation. Klllril Illiiii.cll mill Wife. DfiifQi-n , In. , July 5. Anthony 1C. Craig brought his wife homo from tbo Insane asvlum Saturday night. Nothii'g was seen of cither until tonight , when the police en tered tbe house and found both lying on the bed. Craig hud killed his wife und suicided. Tb'j cause is unknown. Thrrti Urowiifil nt llltcniin. OTTTMW , la. , July 5. At Hiteman , while Ucbert InnU , wife and child wcra crossing Cedar creek , Iho horses and bugcy were swept down tbo stream and tbe entire party perished. Droppril Drad While Itiiflnc. DfnrcjfE , la. , July 5. At Farley lust night , a man named Glow fell dead wbilo running n foot race. Tonight Frank Keu- ney dropped dead ufler tluubiug u raie. u.\iu.\ I'.iviriv iS.V&HJ.Y. . Tlio Portlunil-I > iii > t Siinnil I.lnn U'lll bu Completed ( Kiuhl'k llcnlth. PouTLiMi , Ore. , July fi.-President Clark of the Union Pacific railroad is bore on his llrsl tour of Inspontlon since his election lethe the presidency. Ho suld in an interview today llint his company would completeihe purify constructed line from Portland to Pugct sound , nod iho Great Northern would probably join In thu construction of the lino. Spi'akiui ; about the houltti of Jay Gould , who Is iu Idutio at present , Mr. Clark sum : "Mr. Gould Is Improilug sub.nuiitUlly , though slowlv , u-id ho will soon be u per- foctlv sound man. Many exasperated stories have bean set ull lat consenting bis health , but be has never boon so uedly olT iu re ported. " Trlfil lo Kill IIU Wlfr. HiiiON , S. D. , July D N. H. Thompson wus brought hero today Irom Arlington , Kingsbury county , and placed In Jail , charged with attempting to kill his wife and Mrs. Bllghtun , with whom she boarded. His \\ilo bud loft him several months ago bccuuiu of cruel treat men t and se cured a divorce. Yesterday ho went to the house und endeavored to induce her lo return to him. Meeting \\lth a refusal bu drew u butcher knife and struck her u > Ibo abdoinin , inllicting serloui wounds. Ho then turned on MrBllfhleu und cut her to tevcruly thut her intestines protruded. Ha tttun attempted lu tuko hUounlllo but was overpowered. Ho now soys the deed wus committed whllQ ho was under tbo Inliuenco of opium , tukcu with sulcldil aiu-ni. O'ltiinn'ft Condition. Com ; , Ju'y ' 5. Mr William O'Brien , wbo wus Htrurk un thu hend with a Mono jester- day as ho wa returning from a political mcutini : , punsod an unrusy night. Tbo pby- tli.'luut wno uro in aitundunco approufud thai tils ( . audition will bn some wone. Hi * lUkUilunl , a laborer uamud JoLu Sbehuu , ha * bccu arrested , GLADSTONE ON TOP SO FAR Liberal Gains Recorded in the English Parliamentary Elections Yesterday , BUT THE BIG BATTLE IS YET TO COME. The Grand Old .Mini Chilius Ills 1'iirty ill Hmc n .Miijnrlty of Scxcnty In tlui Iliiu c Cuiiinicnts of London I'lini-nt. LOXDOX , July 5. The Dally News ( liberal ) , commenting on the elections , says : "Tbo question now is not whether wo bhall win , but how many seats. " Tbo Chronicle says : " \Vo nolo a beacon llgbt in tbo election. The eight-hour ques tion has claimed its lirst victim In Henry Broadburst , who owes bis defeat , nut to home rule , but to the minors' vote , llllng- wortb almost succumbed to tbo same fate , Mr. Tolletto bavin ; reduced his majority to the vanishing point. One of tbo striking features is a marked sign of a decisive swing of tbo pendulum in Scotland and Gladstonlan borough gums , formerly Mr. Gladstone's weokeitspot. In conversation recently Mr. Uladsttnio said ho was of the opinion that tbo liberals would got a majority of seventy , inclusive of these votes. " The Standard says : "The liberal gains do not Justify any complacency on tbo part of the candid homo rulers. "If they do not do much bettor during the week they will bo in the minority. Noxvhero has there been as humiliating reversals. The survival of the decent liberals in unulminisbcd strength must , bs mortifying to the people who trcatcj them as doomed to extinction. " The Times savs : "Yesterday's palls were tolerably heavy and the light is gem ? to bo un unuxuallv hard ono. A cause"of the disparity of the gains of the two parties yes terday is found in the fact that u largo pro portion of the contests were In small boroughs , where local personal popularity tends to overbear the larcer motives of pub lic policy. The swooping of tbo country bv Mn Gladstone has not manifested Itself. The main Issues hang upon me exertions of tbe unionists in the next few days. Evorv lingering Jealousy between the two wings of the unionist party must bo quonehod. " The Star s i.vs : "Ir the average of yester day's gains is maintained it will give the liberals a majority of 15'J In Iho next Parlia ment , while there Is a practical certainty that the average will bo greater. The defoa't yesterday of Sir Thomas Sutherland , liberal unionist , nt Grecr.ock , by John Bruce , liberal , Is tbe deathblow to the unionist cause in Scotland , and Indicate } that tbo number of English unionists will bn reduced. The radi cal triumph at Wostham is a prelude to the roll of London victories for the radicals. " u or TIII : 11 l-utcst Iteturim frniii the Knyllsh Ocncnil LONDON- , July 5. Tbo returns In the elec tions up to 1:39 : a. m. shows that so far the conservatives have ninety seats , the liberals sixty.tho liberal unionists eight , and the Mc- Curtbyitcs one. The returns show tbo fol- fowmg results : Dodord S. xVhilbread , liberal , majority IIS. Wnrrington B. Hiorpont , conservative , mujority fo i. Metropolis Westminster division , W. Burdette-Coutts , conservative , majority 'White Haven Mr. Little'liboralpmajor- ity 213. Liverpool. Kirkdalo Division Sir George Burden Powell , conservative , majority ' .ITT. Stako-on-Trenl-G. Lovson Gower , liberal , majority 1.7&3. Barrow-ln-Furnoss C. W. Creeper , con- servalive , majority U'J. Liverpool , Scoilaud Divi ! on-T. P.O'Con- ncr. nation ilist. inujorilv 1,103. Grantham H. Y. Lop -z. cocservative , majority y't. Liverpool , East Toxteth DlvUion Huron " Henry "DoWorms , conservative , majority Shrewsbury H. D. Green , conservative , mujorityluY > . Scarborouib Sir G. Sitwellconservative , majority 171. Liverpool , Walton Division J. H. Stock , conservative , majoiityi 1'JH. Hanloy W. Wooualo , libural , mnjority 1S' . Liverpool. West Derby Division Hon. W. H. Cross , con ervutive"inujontv l.KIJ Halifax ( Two members ) T. Shaw and J. Staus , liberals , majority 1,7'JS. ' Metropolis , Haddiugton North Division J. BtriJ , conservative , majority - . Liverpool , Kverton Division J. A. Wllcox , conservative , mnjority l,7s'J. ' St. Helens H. S. Kurr , conservative majoritv 5U. Liverpool. West Tototb Division U. P. Houston , conservative , nujurily 1.U15. Liverpool , Bxcbanco Division B. Neville , liberal , majority GO. Wolverhum , Wosl Division Sir A. Hick- man , conservative , majority 1,11s. Liverpool , Abercrombo Division W. F. Lawrence , consorvilivo , mHJonty bil. Stockton T. Wrightsun , conservative , majorilv ail. Metropolis , Brixton Division Lord Car- malbun , conservative , majority S'J7. Yarmouth J. M. Mooroson , liberal , ma- lorily .tis. Metropolis , Mary Lobone , West Division F. S. Hunt , conservative , majority 4J7. Perth W. W. Hlteiaw , conservative , plurality -Ji7. Motroplis. Lambeth , North Division- Alderman F. M. Caidwell , liberal , majority KW. Metropolis , Hammersmith Division Gen eral Uoldsworthy , conservaiive , majority Metropolis , Kenniogton Divisioc Mark Beaufon , libornl. majoritv l.ll/.l. U. Allen liberal Newcastle-undor-Lymo , , inujorilv l.Ub. Metropolis , Mary Lebono , Hast Division K B. Duiuls , conservative , majority WJ. Darlington Theodore Fry , liberal , major- ily M. ' 'MetrnpolU , Islington , North Division G. C. ilartlev , conservative , mujorlu 010. Meiropo Ih , Islington , West DivUiou T. Lough , liberal , mnjority 73'J. ' Mc-tropulis , Iklinxton , South Division Sir A. Ifollitl. cuisorvative. maj irity Ml. Metropolis , Iblmgton. East Division B. L. Coliun , conservative , mujority 4,4S3. Metropolis , Huggurstown Division W. H. Cromor , liberal , mujorily 1 > JI. Metropolis , Hlxon Division J. Stuart , liberal , plurality 1.U. ' Oxford General Sir G. Chesney , conser- vullve , majority I'-'O. Mutropoli. . Norwood Division C. K. Trit- lon. couservallvo , mujority 1..VM. Brls'ol , North Division C. Townsoud , lib eral , majority S .l. Metropolis , Woolwich Division Colonel E. Hughe * , conservative , majority 1,6'Ji. Dudley B. Robinson , conservative , major ity I.OW. Metropolis. Grconwleh Division T. W. Boord , coiibcrvntiv , mnjonly 'JiJ. Mulro.oiit ; , Chelsea Division C. A. White- more , conservative , majority i > 0'J. Metropolis , St. Pdncras , North Division-- T. H. Bolton , liberal , majority OJ. Bristol , We l DlvUlon-Colouel Hill , con servative , mijorlty .US. Metropolis , St. Puncras , East Division H. \\eoster. . coiuervatlve. nujority 441. Punryn and Fulmouth W. Ci. C. 'Cavon- di > b-Buiitiiick , coiikervativo , mujority ajo. Motropo.i ! . , St. Piturrus , South Divuion Sir Goldsmith , unionist , minority , ' . ' - . MotropolU , St. Puncras West Division H H. Graham , c ( > nsoivauvu , mujorit ) li. Uundce ( two mmnbcr j J. T. Leng , lib eral , und E. UoserUon. liberal , majjritiui ' . ' ,4ai ) . Chrlut Church A. H. Smith , conservative , , majority ; < . I MelropoiU , Wnndsworth Division H. Kunbur , contervutlvo , miijority 2 , i. t'llUUllllTllllll CrltU'Ul'J ( illlllktOIIK. Lo.Ni > o.s , July I. Mr. Joseph CbamUerlata , In n speech ntValsall , snld Mr. Gladstone never proposed measures for the benefit of the working people until ho required their votis . Ho bad sugiroUcd homo rule for Iro- laud on tbo colonial model , but colonies are empowered to mike "Drifts snd uulos * Ire land Is allowed to do the samn , this solution of the problem will ntiV bo accepted as final , and Mr. Gladstone will bo In a dlloramn. nsnusti nuiOTiosMITHODS. . Ciinilliliitrs llnro n llnnl Time ltli the Illecturn A Wniimu'itVurk , LOXPOV , July 6. Daniel O'C'oanell , eon of tbo great Irish liberal , is strongly support ing tbo candidature of lit. Hon. ,1 nines Lowther , conservative , In the Isle of Thanet , division of Kant. Upon being mkod why be , nn Irishman and n Catholic , did not follow in the footsteps of his father , Mr , O'Cunncll re plied : "It is ns nil Irliu Cathollo that 1 vote for n conservative. Mr. Gladstone's homo rule scheme would bo most disastrous to Ire land. " Mrs. Cornwell West , wife of Colonel Corn- wallis West , the liberal unionist candidate In the Vnlo of Clyde , division ol Donbitr- shlrc , Wales , IE canvassing tbo district in behalf of her burband. Today sno tried to quell a row among the doctors wbo refused to bear the colonel speak. Amid cries of "don't shout her down , " she obtained a momenturv hear ing , taut the disorder revived and she became very nncry. She said : "I am an Irish woman , but it was not until I came to Wales that , 1 found men capable of refusing to hear a woman wbo was pleading a cause. " She was stopped by n storm of yells and hlsso * . Then plucklly leaving tbo platform sbo forcid her way through the mob to tbo plat form from which tha opposition orator wus addressing a crowd and tried to argue him into silence. He shojk his (1st ( in her face and repelled all her attempts to argue with him. him.Thcro Thcro was the greatest sort of excitement In the crowd nnd finally a inulen occurred around Mrs. West tbilt forced bar to return to the unionist platform. Tbo mcellng brouo up in a general scrim mage , HAP.II > srauAD or CIIOI.UIEA. Tearful lt.ivnycs ; nfthi ! DUonic In 1'rontlor Ituftsl'iii Ton us. ST. PcTCHsnuito , July 0. The cholera is advancing toward Moscow. It is privately reported that the disease has appeared on the other side of the Volga In Suraurina. Tbo mortality Is increasing at Bnitu and the suburbs. Only four doctors bavo volunteered to attend tbo psticnls in the cholera hospitals , but others have been compelled to do so. The hospitals are totally Inadequate for the care of num bers of tbo sick. Medicine and disinfect ants are only obtainable nt exorbitant prices. Tbo streets are being sprinkled with petroleum as a disinfectant. Affairs are badly mismunased. The ctioleru hospital is located in the most , populous district of the the to.vn. Steamers have been with drawn from the Batoum route on account of tno epidemic Temporary hospitals are being erected along the Transcaucasslan ruiiwuv between Baku nnd Tiflls. Tbe Ruxs-lan frontier has been closed against goods and passengers by way of Ouzamaada , excapt after months o'f quarantine. Twenty now cases are reported at Saratoslc. Tbe disease Is spread ing at Astrakhan. It is rumored the disease has appeared at Romanoff and thcro is disquieting jieivs from Hyblnsk. I'MHS July fl. Fresh dooms from cholera have occurred In the suburbs. Tbo barracks of the city are reported in a scandalously iiltby condition. TWO TALKS IIY1 OLAUSTONi : . Ho Kijiresiu's the L'lmotU Cnulliltuca In the. Triumph ol HU Party. GMSGON , Jjly j. Mr. Gladstone delivered M- election address at a meeting held in Stowe , Kdmburghshiro , yesterday. Ho de clared thai when , In 1S71I. ho anticipated a vitory in the then coming election , bis anticipation was more toau realized. Ho be lieved that the same thing was about to Imp- pen now. Parliament would never bo able to atlond to tbo bu mess of the counlrv unlil the Irish question was settled. The liberals would have to repair all the present govern ment's work. Mr. Gladstone also at'ended D mooting in Gorebrldge ami again delivered ono of bis forcible nnd characteristic addresses , em phasizing the necessity for thorough reform of the land laws. Ho said the demand for an eight-hour day was premature , but tko demand of the miners for an ei ht-hour duy wa mure hopeful , because thu men worn practically unanimous on the quiistiou. U'bcrondintrktwas unanimously in tuvor of Ibo establishment of , a working day of eight nours , ho believed local option should prevail , allhnuch ho was not confident of Ibo success of the movemont. Mlil > " ) M.YU iEAISHI , ! ! . Sutt-rnl Itrclnifiim ill SnlilliTH Xceilril to Oiii'llrriiiiu ONturluincfM. Muimii , July 5. A mob tried to release the convicts in prison at Calaborrn and it re quired several regiments of soldiers to pre vent it. Martial law has been declared. Tbe tr.ob , when it reached the prison , do- minded the roioise of the men who had been imprisoned. When their demand was 11- fusoa some of the rioters besot tbo barrnck > to prevent the gunra commc oul , while oth ers Monoa and threatened tn burn the houses of tbo municipal councillors. Tne troops that were sent for came from Laprono , thu cnpUnl of the province , nnd soon quelled tbo rioting. Heforfl they arrived however , the houses of three of tbo municipal council were burned , and also u building devoted to tbo use of ofllciaU chtirged with the collection of tuxes. 1 be windows of several house.- . were smashed. The population of Cr.luborru are grcally excited and ioars nro entertained that there wi.l ba further trouble. Some of the wealth v laniilles bf the plxco ure leaving until affairs resume their normal aspect. on * UOIMO ins IIIAIJ. Miinli-ror Iliulilclt ( itilllnttiu-il far bluylii ) ; FlItlllT lldlMlMICt' . PAIIIS July C. Muthius Haddclt wns guil lotined today nt Valence for the murder of Father Ildofocco , ( procurator of tba Trnppist monastery ' at Aquubolle , Huddelt , uflcr tba murder , robbed tbo monus'ory. Tbo next mas to be executed Is Anarchist Utvucnoi. Haddelt wus not the true iiamo of the man executed today. Ho hud bad H varied earner of crime and had been sentenced undo11 van- ous names In Switzerland , Italy , Germany and Bobumla , nil for attumpu at robbing monasteries. Ilo.dhl no by entering them ns a laborer. HuUnm l'rot - r nKist \ Hio JANEIRO , Julv D. A mooting of Ital ians was hold In Sao Pablo * yesterday even ing to protest azalnaj. tbs recent action of the police of Santos in irml I routing botno Italian sailors ut that plnce.1 At the conclusion ol tbc proeeedluss thn ItalUiiB paraded through the slrc'uts , uttering wlla khouts and cries , and loudly dot ) ing Ibo authorities. Tnoy toro dawn a Brazilian Hug und otherivuo acted in u riotous manner. Tea police , oven nith lha aid or ciilzjns , could not ovcrcoma tbo rioters , wbo fought savagely. lilt ( I'ltrlrnrltliu .Stii.u1 , Com ; , July 5. AVlllUin O'Brien was returning from a political meeting vtMerday bo was ( .truck on the hnad by a mono aud knocked oil tbe Jaunting car in which bo wui riding. HU uouud bled freely. Pi < Uitlolll llolu IIU .Iol > LO.VPO.V , July S. An olllciul telegram from Hlo Junelro stutos that congrois bus mot and thut General Pufxotto will continue tn hvld tbu uRlcu ol president of Brazil till tbo uud of JVJt. A'r 'Oil to Unldn LONDON , July 6. A Purls dupitch says a secret convention bus boou fcik-n-id b.'twjen , Spiln and Italy tor tb ) paiutunof Muiocco. KILLED HIS FATHER While Insane Tom Haokstt of Riverton Commits n Elooly Orimo. HE IT ED A LIGHT WINCHESTER RIFLE When the Snootinj Occurred the Victim Was Eitiug Dinner. HIS BRAIN WAS PIERCED BY THE BALL Several Members of the Family Witnessed the Trjgedy. VERDICT OF THE CORONER'S ' JURY Attribute * the Uccil tn n Dlspasril Mltul 1'luccil In .lull to Ho Tried for In sanity Testimony of the Wltncfcsi'S. KirciiTos' , Nob. , July 5. fSporlal Telo- grain to Tin : Bi'.u.J At 1 o'clocK today Tom Hnckclt , m a ill of insanity , .shot and killed bis father. As soon as the noxvs was ascertained In town City Marshal fuller drove out to the Hackolt farm mid arrested Young Hacuntt aud tolcgraohed to tbo coroner. At JiilO p. tn. Coroney Bvorly , accompanied tiv Sheriff Smith end County Attorney Whltauisre , ar rived and at once proceeded to this Hackotl residence , ono milo north of town. After viewing the body the coroner cm- paneled a Juiy. The llr-,1 witness was Andruw Hacltett. He tcatilloa sutntantlally a * follows : "I was present at the tirao of the shooting. My father \va-s oatin ? his dinner. Tom catno in from the Held , washed himself , \vcnt in the from room and cnino out with the rlllo ana oxclainud 'I urn crazy' nnd shot father through Iho head. Father fell dead. Tom then sat down in tbo front room crying and snld ho wa ? orazr. "Thomas is about 27 years old , had never quarrelled seriously with father , had uevor made any threats , but lately ho worried a good deal about a horse of his that got hurt on a wire fence. Thomas had a few words with father about a year ago about mother borso that died , but nothing of importance. ' Mary Il.ickett , daughters of the de ceased and n sister of Tnomas. was tbo next witness. She contradicted Andrew. She uleo ht-ited that the shooting occurred about 12:30p. : in. in.I. I. I' . I'liKxIt'y'K Testimony. J. F. Pugsloy testified : "I arrived on the premises n short ilmo after the shooting nnd found William HacKett lying dead on the kitchen Jlcor. I found ono empty and one loaded IW-cutibcr catridne In the magazine of R \Vlnchester rille. " Ho Identified tbo rillo and shells. Dr. Damon testified that ho arrived at Hnekott' & residence about 1:30 p. in. and found the bo.ly of William Hackett lying in a pool of blood on tbo _ kltchcn floor. Ho ascertained that death was caused by n rifle ball cutting the carotid artery. Tno bullet also broke the Jaw bonu. There was no in dications of a death struggle. Ho probed for the call but could not locate it. Mrs. Haekott , wlfo of the deceased , cor roborated Andrew's and Mary's statements , and beside .said that Poir. had n sere hand for ten years , nnd that she liud heard him ay often wtiou ho was suffering , "I wish 1 was dead. " "After tbo shootine , " said she , "I asked him what he did that for , and ho answered that ho was crazy , and ho was polng to shoot barnev , tbe sick horso. I am satisfied the boy did no ! know what ho was doing. " At 7 p. m. the jury rendered n verdict to the effect that William Hiickott was killed accidentally by bis son Thomas m a lit of insaUty. A complaint was immediately sworn out to Imve him brought before tbo Hoard of Insan ity. At 7:110 : THE BEE correspondent bad nn interview with the prisoner and found bun in the town jail , crying. Ho stntcd that he aid not care for anything and did not remember anything. Tbo Hacketts aru good , resnectabto people. HASTINGS * All Kviilrnro oil llolh bldrn Submitted Vrntcril.iy Paul un tinstiml. . H\smn , Neb , , July 5. [ Special Tele gram to THE BII : : . I Uoday witnessed the close of the testimony in the Paul oinbe/zlc- mcul trial. Tbo situation at tunes has verged upon the dramatic , especially so when ex Deputy Fiat was upon the stand , and alto- got tier tbo testimony has boon tbo most in- terestlngyot taken. The jury wai somuwhat tardy in arriving after the separation over Sunday nnd the Fourth and it was 10 o'clock bofnro the case was taken up. County Clerk C. B. Hu-clow brought , up Mr , Paul's sonil-annual stile- incuts to tbo Hoard of Supervisors , which were read to tbo Jury at lens'h. Hero tbo state rested and iho court took u recess for a " couple of houra until 10 o'clocrf. In the afternoon tbo dnfeiuo called its first witness , A. F. Powers , wbo was chuln&un of the Hoard of Supervibors in ISiS , 'S'J und " , J. Fist , ho said , was hii deputy. BeuJ-iuiin Urqubart , aepuly cuunty clerk , produced Fist'b bond and tnc approval by the super visors of the report of tbo commit- tbo which examined Paul's sernannual uutoraeuth uuu fuuua them to be appatcntiy correct. D. C. Kurr. anoiher of tbu t.upor- vibnra , and at one Umo and another a mem ber ol bOttlemorit comm'.Ueos. testified that when information was duslrou by the axam- inots Flbt was the ono to give it. W. H. Wuldrod bad been three times on iho settle ment committee. , . Ho know thut Paul kept the county money in various banks. I ) . H. Halluni substantiated Mr. Wnldrou's testi mony. On cross-oxuinlnatio" bo aid in checking up the books the cornmitluo used tlio receipts bbcmn thorn , no : rcterrlng to tbu duplicate * on 11 tu in the county clerk's otllce. 1'iuil ou tlio Miiml. „ The Cherry receipts of $ . ' 51,000 wen not shown them. L. H. Purtrldtro , ex county cluik , identiiled the sonil-annual statements as beiiiK In Mr. Flit's handwriting except the signature und tuo voritteation ? . Chailcb ji. Paul , tbo defendant , was called on his betialf. His direct examination was vcrv bbort. Ho Btatfd that ho llrst karticd that tlio Cherry 'toais were not 01. the booke In December , Ibyl. Ho further stilted Hat lie tnid never received any money for amounls represented by exhibits M to til. Tlifbo exhibits wtTo of receipts of tuxoa from Fidi and wife , higued by ( ' . H. Paul , truaiurer. by K Flat , deputy. Ho was crois-oxuinined by Mr. Hatty , whoso ijuiulions uoro , with few ex- ujpliun > , oljuutuu touv tbo dofenso. Tbo n It- ness gnvu thu dotuiU of the conversation with Flit in which ho clulins to have lr ! l luaruod nf tbo irregularity in thu Cberry ituniH. 'J'lio crois-ijuanloner then took Mr. Paul over tlio receipts wniuu it was clulinwl bu Had not ruuelvdd. The ( juuttlou wuv nii'd on ml of tbeio cxhluiu , ' 'will you tats iviie'in > r IDIS went to yourcrodu as treasurer or i.oti" Tao auswer for cacb was , li dou't itnow , " with tbo assertion that ho personally hail T/ receipted It C. M. Weiss had a conve Z. lion with Mr. Fist In August , last y ( _ about an enterprise tipan which ho wisbec c-jbnrk. Fist stated that ho had n Hi - . money , about flU.OJO , which he could inva * ' In the fall of 1 57 , WOIRS said that Fist fail in builnois. Here tbc defense rested. lie Iti'fnu'il to Answer. i The next sccno was n little tbcntriea Uinanuel Fist , Paul's deputy , was called 1 rebuttal by the Mate. As ho win sworn MCMM. M. A. Hartisnn and 15. W. Tibbots , his attorneys , loinud intently upon tbo Judre's desk , prepared to wntrb the best interests of their client. The question was rulto.l by the counsel for tbe state If the money represented in the ohiblt.i from .VJ to 01 had been paid to lH.Paul. . Mr. Hartigan , counsel for the witness , ob jected nnd advised tbo witness that as ho wuBiindurltidlctmont forau nltnosl similar of fense not to niuwor , as be tnUhi bo thero'iv incriiinnatod. The stuto retorted that if the \vltucs * wished tn have it understood that tbo nnswor would liH-ri'ninato him ho need not answer. Mr. Hnrtlca'i re joined thut it was equivalent to asking Mr. Fist wholhor ho w.is cull y or not. The prosecution Interpose 1 thut Hnrti- inn was not an attorney of record and this view tbo court wm inclined to accept. Mr. Fiit snid tint under thoai'vlcoof his counsel ho refused to answer. The same wai done with rofurenco to the question a Ued as to whether bo had heard Paul's testimony as to tha leaving oft of the Cherry Horns. This closed the testimony on both sides. The defense SOCK to thow that FUt had entire charge of tbo books and that lie never accounted to bis superior for thn moneys ho had receipted which Mr. Paul Is lu-euscd of having ombezzled. Countv Attorney Chris Hocppnor oponodlho argumor.t for the state , spcnking nn hour and n hair. Ho will be followed tomorrow bv Judge Smith for the defense , Hatty for the state , McCroary for dolonso und Uowcn for the Mate. SlllshlMl TKMl TltllPS. On\TRICC , Nob. , July 5. [ Spscinl Tele gram to Tin : BEE. | A rather serious cut- tiuc affray occurcJ about mlrlniclit last night at Cortlnnd , tlftoen miles north of here. The victim was a young man named Alfred Furns nnd the chap that wielded the knife was nn attache of a small show now exhibiting at Corlland and coos br the nstno of "Scar Facs.t" Bill. Some boys were trying to sneak into tbo show nnd Bill was on the watch. Farm was passing the tent on his way homo when Bill sprang out on him and procecdol to slash him with his knife in n wicked manner , indicting seven severe wounds bsforo tbe bov could get away Irom him. Fariis was taken to a arus store nnd his wounds bowed up. His injuries are not .serious. Bill wns arrested later , and wus given a hearing before the justice of tbo peace nt Cortland , nnd was promptly san- tcucud to ninety days In the county Jull nnd to nay a tine of J100. Hill was brought down from Corlland and lodged in the county jail iu this city at noon today. rirrrr.iclUTCEIIIM * 11 I'utnllty. STEI.H , Xub. , July 5. At the close of the celebration here yesterday a messenger ar rived from neat Votdon Ktatinp that a bov named Johnson h.iu burned to death in u barn on the Cooper I arm. Tbo boy sot the barn ou Jiro with firecrackers. ] .ripril to His Dentil. MOMNE , 111. , July r . ( Special Telcprnm to Tin ; BKE.J John L. Krnns , \oung nun of Monmouth. III. , was found dead on the Rook Island track ne.ir hero this morning. Ho had leaped from u train bo look by mistake Mon day night. wiru THK H-AUI : I'r < < 4cnt Outlook Ainiiiix the rciinxyltiinlii Iron \VurkerH. PiTTsnuito , Pa. , July 5. The big labor war goes merrily on. Tbo trena of events today shows no inclination of a cessation of hostil ities. Outside of tlio Homestead feature of the Immense coullict that is now being vragcd between capital and labor , the logical inter eat is centered in tbo adjourned conference between the imimilnuturera of the I'utsburg district and the Amalgunalcd association. Considerable apprehension is felt , among tli 030 dlrireclly interested that n will end iu the same fruitless manner as the previous mcoliuf' . This fear is based on the tenacity of the two sides , nulwilliBtandiiu' the in tense general anxiety for a settlement. The committee uppointea to represent tbo Amiil- camated associiition possess only limited powers. They have received their Until in structions anil will therefore insist upon the adoption of the scale a ? originally presented ov that organ'zition. Vet , If the manufac turers show a dis | osition to treat with tbuir workmen , their proposlt'on will receive con sideration before there is a linul refusal or acceptance. From tbe stand tnKen by the ira'iufuctt rers since the lest conlorencc it Is Lelievcd fai'.v will muko lilllc if any couces- Eions. Tbo position they teen at "previous meetings will be allirmcd. In nn interview with a number of manu facturers during the lust few duyr > ull seemed united In n right ngilnst tbo now fcute of the Ainileuuiiurii ast-ocintlon. They state it Is impossible to sicn the present wage list be cause they cannot afford it. Tbev would toourr allow their mills to remain Idle nnd pay the taxo . The signatures to the Amal gamated scale are coming In , but very slowly , from all over tuo com try. Two were re ceived today. Tnoy come from the west und included the Uetroll Spring company and Wo-t Duluth Manufacturing company. It is ustltnatpdj that the shutdown in this city ulono will CRU < O a loss in tbo earnings o'f $ .V.)0OUO ) , a week. All'ilrs t IIcinMtri I , PiTTiifiio , Pa , July 5. Affairs nt Home stead have assumed an uglv phase und .serious trotiulo is apprehended. Vestenhn il. C. Frlclc , uhnirtiiHU of the Carnegie Steel cornpuny , iippealoj to Shoriil McUloary tor protection and In compliance with the ru quest tt.p denuties were present on tue SO3IIO ihia iiftornooti. They were mot at the station by . ' .dOJ men und Q iluulv escorted to the river , whiiro they wore placed upon the s ; o.iin tug Kdaa.und ordered to returu to the city. city.Previous Previous to sending tbo deputies to Home stead bhunlT ' nnd ex-Hlicrnls McL'leary - Clu- ley nnd ( Jray , its chief deputies , paid n visit to the worKs. Afier a thorcugti inspection the sheriff called on the advisory committee of the Amalgamated association ami stated that wbllo ho did not son any reu&oti to plnco deputies about tbo works , bo would bo compound to < lo so. The committee protested ugalimt the appointment of htran- gcra nnd oflnred to furnish sutllclenl men to guurd tbo company's properly , agreeing to plvo bonds to thr num ol f.rH)0 ( ) or $10,000 each for the faithful performance of their duties. Tuo ehcriff sutrt he could not acncpt tbo offer and would dispatch his own iiii-n to Homestead immediately upon bib arrival In tuo city. Turx DIIHII tli ProrliiiniitloM , After the dcpurturo of the Bbcriil tbo ad- vitory couunittoo disbanded in un urgunized board of contiol , us the members said they would not bo rcbpontiiblo fur what imgnt fellow tbo itpp'-'UnuiLO of armed dejiutles upon the scene. What followed the arrival of the daputloi Is told above. U'uen the men bad disposed of them they toro down Iho bherill'd piocla- uiatlon. Thu cxcltonipnt In tbo town is intense. The men uro very bitter , und are In n threatening mood. U wus reported thut another po > so had been orUrnU from the city , but up to midnight I he-/ had notiir- rived. Tomorrow the men will go Into court and ukK that Chairman Friik bu res train oil fin.n tnkiiit ; m"ft3ui-o.i ttnu uul re-ult duastroui > lv to thojuiel and peace of Homusteail. This U an entirely now f.'aturo in the lubjr troub les. uijd the action of iho court will ba nwult- cd witn anxiety. Tolcgramn wurn ulso sent to U. o shonll lonlitht begging him nut to bund any deputies , ut tbuy were not noodud. Tlir < i MnitluTH D HfitfN , Cul , July 5.-Jo > oh.iclmrmh | ana Hu'irv Martin , tbrco l-roihois , were drouned wuiiu buibiuj ; iu King * rirpr ju - lerday. r\D\r\c1 \ \ tAKAlAo Orcspo's Troops Entroacbe ; ! Uiulor tha Qntcs of Venezuela's Oapital , PALACIO'S SUCCESSOR TRYING TO ESCAPE Gin mum-til furrps linnlilp to thn Dfti-riiitniMl AssuuIN oftlm Itrbrls C.i n nn t Di'luy l > ocUIItmulti 1 , linger. . n > irt < in Itfnitll. ' ] CMUCIS , Venezuela ( via ll.ilvoitou , Tex 1 , July f > . | Hy Mexican Cable to the New York Herald Special to Tin : BUB , - A general oiigagJinont teen place in thli city on July 1 between the revolutionists nud government troop * . Both sides fought gal lantly and the IOHMIJ sustained were heavy , but thcro were no decisive result * . As 1 nm sending this dispatch , word reaches mo that the lighting has boon rotiowo.1. Everything dsponds on how tbo government forces bobavo. If they should full to hold their ground against the ilorco onslaughts of Crcspo's determined men , the new administration will ba forced to follow ex-Dictator Palucio in oxlle. Crsspo's soldiers are entrenched nil around Caracas. If the government troops retreat tbo revolutionists , will , In a very short time , triumphantly enter the capital. Acting President Villegus und his advisors seem prepared for tbo worst , J'rrptirctl tn ! > rnpp. They have been claiming that the revolu tion was ut an end , but the precaution they have tnuen to escape from Venezuela nt tha first word of warning shows they have been talking for effect and did not believe firmly In their manifestos. A strong force of Crospo's soldiers are en trenched nt lOlguaga , wheio thov were at tacked by the government nrmv I'nder lieavj lire , the latter , uftcr a desperate strug gle , .succ'-H'ded in capturing the entrench ments. The retreat of tbo revolutionists , however , wns only feiinod. They laid H trap into winch the government troops runuod blindly. As soon ns the enemy had , on tbo night following the first cngignmont , sufllclontly fallen into the snare set , Crcspo's men closed in upon them from all sides. There was a terrible slaughter of government soldier * . The \ictory of the revolutionists nt St. Guayoba has given renewed encouragement to till followers of C'rospo. It loons vcrv dark at this u riling lorVillogas and the pro visional government. Crespo seems certain of carrying nil beloro him. I'uiU' llnlti-rxiil i\pnMtloli. : iropi/rt'j'itn ! 'W.'j ; J nix rirl > \ It'll i' < > \ PAIII , July 5. ( New York Herald C'ablo Special to THE BEE. ] The proposition to hi'ld a universal exposition in this city in HMO was taken Into consideration today by the committee on piolliiiiiunos. The subject for discussion was the nomination of a com- mtttto comprising twenty-two members v , hose duty it snail ba to examine tbo plan for tlio " position winch the government intends to bring forxv.ird. The cu.stoin house committed adopted today the proposition to maintain the present duty on petroleum until March 31 , lb'J3. ' Tbo prop osition to lower tbe tux on petroleum to 15 and lh francs will bo considered by tbo com mittee next meeting. JU-QI-ES ST. Cmiis. Scenes Hiicl Incidents ut tliu Hlg Sleeting nt Clu-yriiiH ! Ac | nry. CiicvBXNi : Aacxc-v , S. U. , July n. Very impre.-bivo were many of tbo scenes of the big Catholic Indian pou-wow Just closed. The high iiinKs tcrv'co ' was a sight never to bo forgotten. A thousand men and n thou sand women , arrayed in their most beautiful regalia , tbo men with long scarlet cockades in their sombreros , waving with the precisiou of boldicrs iii inarch nnd countermarch , Iho solemn chant of the prieslh and the attend ants of VJI ( candidates for confirmation was gorgeously impressive. Then un interesting tight wns it when over iOOJ , warriors , wbo but eighteen months ago were covered with war paint and thirsting for blood , sat around the big wigwam nud listened to talks by their head men about the benefits ol religion. Battle-scarred chiefs wbo had fought against tbo while : on many a liuld , nud some of whom counted their sculp ? almost , by tbo doieu , arose to testify to the peace and comfort tp bo fouud in lead ing Christian lives. Well might Bishop Marty count hU life's work worthy of com mendation when he cull hero tee fi.OlA ) con verts uho have been added to his church during his ministry of sixteen yours uniong them. In the celebration proper Chief L'hnrgor was president of the day , And presided with dignllv. Kev. Mr. Ashley interpreted for the whiles , several bundled of whom were present. John Grass was chief orator , uud lie delivered un excellent oration. He WB& followed by Swift Bird , the S.oux humorist , uud Four Hoar. Kach tallied of the benefits of religion and ravilUation. Charger then called lor Spjciul Agent Thomp son , who responded in n rather tedious spitcch , at the conclusion of which ho referred to tbo high death rate among the Sioux and attributed u 10 Ibo prucllco of eating Ibo "tilth quarter , " ihe entrails of beeves. Old Charter replied with spirit and denied that this was the caurc , but asserted that tho'o wno died were students of the govern ment schools. Indians u ere u guod deal du- pluascd ut the special ugoni's ' speech , but Little No-Heart not things rlithfeby mukinjj nn | , | ) for religion an'I education. Yesterday ut both camps \\a.3 a continua tion ot "Heap big talit , " which was nniy in terrupted iruiu sunrise until nearly midnight by the necessity for feasting. It was a grand commingling of religious uud patriotic bentl- iiicnib , ull tbo bcud men nnd young men of cducillon vied with ouch c.thor in profession of tovorunco to Ibo Great Father ubovn and honor nud obedience to tbo great lather at Washington. Bishop Marty discreetly ar ranged early mas uud thoincldont dovotloua so as to prevent the sculp duncu , and ull day ul both camps , Just when the young buck ] were * preparing forsoino boisterous sport , lha head moi ) catno forward with a now schema lor a lulK which defeated the lun. Tno Calboliu educational conference was addressed by Judge Swan und a larira uum- bur of educated young men nnd warriors , ' who'tuslllled to theelllclency and Importance of lb schools nnd urged ull to attend This resulted in hundreds ot applications being made to Superintendent McCormicU for ad. mission to iho governniont neliool. A feuturo of the celebration was a number of patriotic songs in Ungltbh by the Indian hCtlOCl ) gilU. The time bad now como for the sham bat- lie in war paint and blanunts , but tbe agent positively prohibited It , and the young warrior * were compelled to content thorn- sehes with pony races. be\cral hundred ponlo * entered und thu fun was furious , Un account of prolonged speeches ui d tbo rellzious exercises tbe beef Utuouud dancing weie left over lor today. There has been no drnnkoniiesD , and the voice of ull the bead men bud bean for butter morals and civiliza tion. tion.The The Cboycniio court sits today to try oil the offender who liuvo beou arrested fclnoa tbe paw-wow begun. It U Amiiriol NIMT. V XKTOS D. , July 6. [ .Special Talo- gram to Tun Hm : . ) The Yunkton & Nor * lo.k rutlioau Is an absolute cerialnly o far as its construction It concerned , The cou- trautc fnr grading thu thirty miles south iroin Yuuklon have been mgnei. ' , touled aud delivered , tb lam twelve miles Kolng to S. 13. O'.Noill of Sioux City todny. Mr , O'.N'uill will have hU untlro fnrou on tbe n rk by Frlduy und Johu Naugbton of S nix I'ullu , who bus eighteen mlini of the vi rii , wili uiMin ttio line tlio name day. The , pi * 'iri uul uu coiupictca oy buptoiubur 1 ,