8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ? MONDAY , JULY 1.1892 , FOR THE GLORIOUS FOURTH Plans Complete for Lolling Off llio Eagle's ' Patriolio Pressure Today. EVERY FEATURE IS PROVIDED FOR tlonil < > lil- Not n Slnclo Conroiiilt-uit of HIP Fashioned Inilrpcnili'iU'O llnv ' dif \Vjll llo OiTloolccil Some of tlte I'luiid. Every detail looking ton grand rind BUO- cosiful Fourth or .July nai boon completed nmi nl 5 o'clock this morning the booming of c union will announce Unit once QRum the birthday of American liberty is ut hand. I'lio ( . olobrnlton will not bo a catch-penny n'T.ilr , but instctul will bo n monster demon- btratlon ; ono which will bo worth coming many miles to witness. All of thu rallrouJs centering In Omnlm liavo mailo special r.itos wlilcti insures thousands of vtilto from the suburban and outlying towns. Ttio cninmittcos whlcn have hnd charge of the affairs have spared no pains in their ef forts to iDnko the celebration n most nolablo ono. ono.Tho convention will adjourn at 10:30 : that vho delegates limy witness tno street parade , nnd also thnt they may hear the orations , Which will bo delivered from the two plat forms erected in Jefferson squuro. The arrunRomonl of the parade has boon looked nftor by Major Clarttson , wno prom- ISBS tno pcoplo n surprfso , as ho has Intro duced several now features unknown In former efforts of thin lilnd. All of the avnllable troops nt Fort Omaha will Join tno parade and will Do headed by the Second Infantry band. In addition the members of the Grand Antvoftho Kopubllu posts , the Sons of Veterans und the Omaha Uuurds will occupy conspicuous positions. Tbo formation of the parade with the line of march Is as follows : Onlrr l Column. Platoon of Mounted Pnllco , Uhli'f of I'oliieV. \ . ISutivuy. . 'Ihicc I'liiloons of I'ollcc. Chief Mttislml T. K. Oiarkson and Staff. FIIIST DIVISION. Forms on Sixteenth struct , north of Douglas. right restlii-f on DmiL'liH. Assistant Marshal ( ' . U llimnolstor : 1 ! . S. Wllcox anil It. M. Stone , uldes Second I'nltod States Infiuitiy Unnil. Eecouil United btates Infiiiitry , Commanded by MII tor Worth. fJr.iml Army Posts. Sons of Vctorans Twenty-fifth Avunitu Juvenlla Guards , Cap tain Ilnhblo , Commanding. ' " ' " "I'ecullurltles Captain Stephens' 8RCONI ) 1I1V1HION. I'Virmson ' Slxtrntli street , south of Douglas , right resting on Douglas Assistant Marsliil , T. .T. l.nwry. Aides , I' . O. l.obi'cl. , . .1.V. . husk , M. U. Klbbey. Mils cil Union bnml. Omaha Guards , Captain ll.imfonl , Command ing. Otmiha Guards , ( latllngPoetltm. ( ovornor.I. I' , lloyil and Stair. aumir.it J. K. llroolvo and t-tiilV. MuyoiH of Oiiiiilin and A < l lucent Cities. City and County Ollleluls. Omuhn and South Oniiiha I.ulter Carriers. Traveling ' .Men's Association. TIIIIll ) DIVISION. Torins on Klftennlh street , north of Douglas , right testing on Hondas. AHslstant .Marshal , Charles V. Wollor. I ) . O , Hhoiuls. T. J.ICi stmr , P. S-oronson. Itolen , (3. ] ) . HlriiUMiiiinn.IIIIam Keeker , P. 1Ploil - timn Albert Sjoberg , James Wiilsh. P. M. Mullen , Aides. llnhcrnl.in Hand. Wagon Itepre cntlng Liberty Protecting Sons and D.iu.'htorsof lloliumla. Knights of St George. Gymnastic Sokol. Ilcnovolent fcokol , "I'yrs No. 1. r.ilusky l.iHlco No. HI. C. H. P. S. St. John's Catholic Society. fit. Wenesclaus'Outhollo Society. Bt. Cyrlll and Mnthndctis Catholic feoclcty. Klovnn Am'Tleky .TI50. Knk-htsof Inbnr. Jodgi > John tins. No. fl. KnlghtH of Pythias. Court r\ouruska , No. : Jlfi. Indupundunt Order of Odd yellows. Ilohoiiiliin Ainerlean CltUons' Club. Diinlsh Association. Danish Hrotht'rhood Two Lodge" " ! . Uilcl KolloHS' Hand. Coneordla blnzlnu Society. UinahaTtirnur Vereln. Arliin Sing n ; Society. Lin lerKran/ Singing Souluty. I'lattdoutschur Vcrela. fruNonlu Veroln. Krlo'L'r Veioin. Tionlmnd. llalorn Voroln. K'hwubi'ii Veroln. Bnrdlbh Norden Society. Wllblllll.'tOII I.OlljH. Other hwedlfch S-ocletlos. Ancient Order of Illhurnlans Hand. Hibernian Ullles. AnclaiitOnlcrof llllit'rnmns Seven Divisions. Kmtnott Monnmi'nt Association. VouiiL' .Men's Institute ) . Catholic Knights of Aincrlcn. Oalhollo Mutual llruellt Association Three Ilranchus. Cuthollo Legion of Honor. rolIUTII IIIVlHIOX. Fotms on Kifteenlh street , soutliof , Douglas. right lusting on Douglas. Assistant marshal , T. It. Mcl'hcrson ; aides , 0. P. Mll.er , Prank llovd. _ Walnut II ill llnnd. Vlsltlnc Societies n ml Ultl/ens of South Omaha und Adjacent Town i. UKHI IJIVKION. Forms on Konrleinith street , north of Douglas - las , rlk'ht resting on Douglas. Asslbtuntmirsh.il , Dr. S. K. Stulding ; aide , lottlsUHlcII.Hd. . Suvi-nth Ward Hand. J , J. Galilean , ( Jlilef and Assistants. Oin.ih i I'Mru Dep iMinent. Durum Kiiinim Company. Klorunou Klro t'omp.iny. J. M. Thiirston Drum Corps. Miirehlnu- Clubs of Wiirds und City. Taborotni t'adutH. .1. I' , llrueo Coniiniindlng. Harry I/Inn Miireliln. Olub. SIXTH DIVISION , Forms on Thirteenth street north of Ding- las , rliJit testing on Douu'las. Assistant nnir- th.il.r. U. Ovitrall. AlJes , WIHl.uu S. bebrlng , 1. M. Kunnuily. Union I'nclilu Itiind and Two Drum Corps. All Organised lialior Societies und Unions , and Uiior iinlvoit Lu1 or. SIVINTII DIVISION. . Forum on Twelfth htrctit north of Douglas. Assistant marsh tl , Dudley Smith , Aides , Hi. hard Smith , John It. H.iwhlll , W. U. Hirlvor , Hand. Omaha , TimrlstH and Young Men's Christian AsssouUitlnn Wheel Clubs , 1'loats , l.liiu nl .Mill cli , The routa of march will bo ns follows : From Sixteenth jitrcot o.ist on Duuirlas to Ninth , Bouth to Howard , west tu Twelfth. 'nbrth to FurnAin , west to Slxteonth , north to ( 'uinlng , countermurch on Sixteenth to liar- ney , whoru the pnradu will bo dismissed. All assistant marshals and aides will re port to thu chluf niauhal , mounted , In front of tno postofllco building at UiiiO n. in. sharp , for instructions. ' 1 ho parade will start from Slxteonth and pouglas streets nt 1U10 ; ! a. in. sharp , 1 All divisions must ou formed and In posi tion by ltr ( ) : > n. m. All bands and drum corps will report at 10 D. m. In from of the poslofllco Imllding , to John U , Willis , nldo in charge of bunds. Those composing the Sixth and Seventh divisions will take thulr positions from the right in the order of arriving on the ground. Only one wagon or llo.it to ono tlrm , und no political banners or emblem * allowed In the parade. At ili < nVr uii hijinirc , The exorcises of the dny will bo held nt noon on Jefferson miunru. Two platforms \vlll be erected at diagonal cornqrs , so that thn ontlru nudlonco will bo ntilu to hoar the nddrcsscs. Thu Declaration of Indopendonca will bo road by I ) . II. Morcoruml John C. U'narton. The orators of the day are : T. J , Mahoney , O. J. Smythe nnd ProR A. Klupalrlck. / . T. Llndsoy and Klnhard omlth will prc'side. The celebration will oloso with n grand display of tlroworks ut the High school grounds In the evening , ' All those who liavo volunteered to loin the run Its of Shnrman's bumniora , and ull desir ing to join , will plutuo report toV. . K. Hen- nett' ilvory barn on Cupltol nvonuo , oppo- lto tbo Exposition buihllnif , ut I ) o'clock sharp. All young men who , vUh to Join the column ere luvltod to coinu mounted , The I'mtiililco ciom-4. Tbo Omaha iiostolllco will bo open today Until 10 o'clock , when It will bo closoJ for ttio day , Thu curriers will uiako tbo moruun ; ( Ullvury ouly. POLICE NOTES , Trrd Slj- Comes Homo from Cliorennc Duo Cclpliriitlun niipc'iulpil. The police lound Fred Sly , a well known Omaha crook , in a box car alone with two other thieves of lesser note , yesterday nftor- noon , nnd locked the trio up on suspicion. Sly had n flno , solid pold , Indies' watch chain on his person , which ho is supposed to have stolen. The young mail has quite n record as a thlof , and was only released from the Cho.venno nrlson the other day after serving nhundrod-dav sentence for house breaking. John MeQiilllon loaded on a cargo of Fourth of July enthusiasm yesterday and hecamo exceeding disorderly. When Ofllcors Haves nnd Hudson attcimutcd to arrest him ho resisted , find the ofllccrs had n hard flcht to land their man In the dark cell at the Jail. An InMino patient named James C. Smitu escaped from the county poor farm yester day ami was captured by the pollco and turned over to tno county ofllclaU , hlttlo lu-year-old Oeorgo Sounders was arrested ves'tordny for Jumping on und off moving motor can. Ho was released by Judge JJerku last evening. DoWltt's Sarjnp\rllla donroyi sucti j al sons an scrofula , sitin disana , czoma , rhju inatiiiu , lu limolv mos.ivoj mauy lives. Tlio Cliuuliuupiii roiirtlu Gcnoral Al or , Clmplnln Cole nntl othora at the Twin City Chnutuuqtia to day. Grand barbecue , froo. Camp 11 res , otc. Through trains from Omaha. Old Thno T A mooting of prominent telegraphers was held lu Tim Biu : ofllco yesterday afternoon , the object of which was to make preliminary arrangements for the reunion of Old Tlmo telegraphers and members of the Society of ttio United States Military Telegraph Corps , which will occur In this city the llrst week ol September. Among those nresont were : Superintend ent J , J. Dickey ntid Assistant Superintend ent Charles Horton of the Western Union , Mr. E. Kosowntor of Tun BEK , Mr. Jen nings , superintendent of construction of the Western Union company ; M. L. M. Hheem , managcrof the American District Telegraph ; \ V.V. . Umsted , manueor of the Western Union olllco ; Manager Dlmmock of the 1'os- tal telegraph , Messrs. E. L. Armstrong , TTrault i ; lOltoy , Frank Lthmer , Superin tendent HrooUs of Denver , the Messrs. Lloyd of Chicago , Messrs. Vlgus und Whit- ford of Chicago nnd others. Mr. Hosowntor was called to tne chair and Mr. Ithcem was Hindu scciolury. Three committees were appointed on transportation , ways and means und ou ar rangements for entertain men t. It Is pro posed to bring the New Vork delegation of telegrapher * to the reunion by special car , the western telegraphers from Chicago and the southerners from St. Louis in special cars. There will probably bo nbom. 'MO members of the two societies present. After the reunion in this city itis proposed to take .in excursion from Omaha to Denver , u-hero Mr. Brooks promised a handsome entertainment. Hon.Y , It , Slir.vnck'8 rtmrrat. The remains of the late Hon.V. . B. Shry- OCK , who was found dead in his bed at the Murray hotel Saturday nlgtit , wore taken to his homo at Louisville , Nab. , last evening. The Knights Tnmplar accompanied ttio re mains to the union depot , and a number of the friends of the deceased from Louisville cameup to carry back the body of their fel low citizen. The funeral will bo held at Louisville at 11 a. in. Tuesday. THE JlKK'lt JtUASI.lX liE Tun Bnn will begin the publication In July of a scrips oftravol loiters from Uusslu riy Mr. Frank O. Carpenter. The e letters will give the bast view of Hussia and itb institu tions that have yet boon presented to th people of the United States. Mr. Carpenter has carried with him the best of letters of Introduction from tbo cabinet ministers at Washington to the noted ofllcials of Hussia nnd from the heads of the secret service o the Treasury department to the chiefs of police , nnd the probability is ttiti everything in the country will bo thrown onon to him. Armed with n camera ho will travel for thousands of miles through some of the most interesting regions of the czar , will visit the famlno districts , sail down the Volo-a and will probably spa nil some time nt Nilni Novgorod where thu famous Kus- slan fair is held , and where $100,000,000 change hands every year. St. Petersburg and Moscow will bo visited and the life of tlio.pooplo will bo described. After Eome months in Uussia Mr. C-irpsntor will visl other parts of tan continent , devoting hlmsalf to tnu writing up of such subjects and man as nro especially interacting to Amoncan readers and sparing nollher time , money , labor nor inlluouco to got the best of foreign information tor us. It is safe to predict that thU series of loiters will bo Interesting In the extreme und they will surpass If any thing the writer's travel matter in ttio past. It will be remembered that he has traveled moro widely per Imps and more successfully than any other correspondent In tno United States. Four years ago ho made a year's tour around the world , during which ho had long interviews with the Icing of Korea , Li Hung Chang , the viceroy of China , the king of Greece , the khcdlvo of Egypt , the sultan of Jahorc , and other fumed oriental potentates , and last year ho spent the sprlnc in Mexico and had n long interview with President Diaz in the National palace and gave nu entirely IIPW view of the country and its people. Mr. Carpenter's letters are nraovical , com mon souse letters. Ho believes in describing things as they are and bo knows just what the pooplH want to read nnd Is able to toll It In an interesting way. Ho believes that the letters ho will send ui from Russia will bo the best ho has over written und ho suys that ho has no doubt but that bo will bo able to got throuch seine of the least known parts of this most Inter esting land. Ho is at this writing In Hussia and Is probably mukliiir bis wnv today among the starving peasants of the Volga. J. L. Knott of Lincoln is at the Dollono. II. A. Hooso of Lincoln is nt the Puxton. W. P. Gordon of Hebron Is at the Murray. W. H. Jones of Beatrice n at the Dollono. C. H. Pearson of Grand IsUuJ U at the Arcade. T. G. Glvon of Creston , la. , Is at the Murray. A , S. Gustln of Kearney Is a guest at the Murray. 1C. P. Campbell of Broken Bow is a guest at the Dollono. Ooorgo A. Cassldy of Stielbv. la , Is n guoit at thu Paxton. G. W. Wilson of Sioux City was a Sunday guest at the Arcado. \V. N. Coopar-omi J. F. Mayno of Shelby , la. , uro at the Arcade. O. E. Green and H , E. Adams of Genoa nro registered at the Puxton. J , Henderson and V , H. Judd of Atlantic , lu. , nro among the guests at the Dollono. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. H. Stodman of Shelton , la. , are among the guests at the Murray. Albert HOJS , the Boston novelist , Is In the city , attending the convention as a member of the New England delegation. Peter Forrester , president of the Carson Hlvor Plume Mining company , am ! William y. Tltub , attorney , both of Now York city , nru in Omaha , on route homo from tbo Puulllu elope , and lust uvouing called on Tuu BUB. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA How the Mngio City Pcoplo Will Celebrate the Holiday. NEARLY ALL ARE COMING TO OMAHA Stoclt Yurds Ctnvlmv llrlciulo In Coming In 1'ull I'urcr ( ! ro tli of the School I'opnliitlnii Pliiiia Torn root- bridge Heine I > ni\Mi. South Omnhn people \ \ \ generally cclo- brato the Fourth. As no celebration has been arranged for In the Magic City each in dividual will suit personal Inclinations In the innttT. Nearly nil of the people In the city will at tend the Omnhn celebration. The famous cowboy brigade of the Union stock yards will turn out 200 strong , nnd will ho a promi nent feature of the hie parado. A largo number of citizens will po to Co lumbus on the excursion given by the Ne braska IndcDendent Hlllcs. The Union stock yards will bo closed dur ing the day , nnd only incoming stock will bo cared for ; The city offices and banks will bo closed , as will all business houses during n greater portion of the dayl Tor n 1'ootbrldKCt City Engineer King Is ongngcJl In drawing plans and makine mi estimate of the cost of constructing a footbrldgo , ten foot in width , across the railroad tracks on N street. The bridge will bo constructed In the main of Iron and will extend from the corner of the Dolmonico hotel across the tracks to near the Exchange building. The engineer will sub mit his plans nnd estimate to the council at Tuesday evening's sesuion. ( illn lu School Clillilrrn , The enumerators of the school census have mode their roturna for the First and Second wards. In the First word the ilcuros show SST children ot school age , und the Second ward 1,0'jr. The returns from the Third nnd Fourth waids will Increase those llguros and swell the total number of children of school ago m the city to at least 'J.OuO , a largo In crease over lust year. NotuH unit 1'erHuimlH. Mrs. John McMillan has returned from Persia , la. Eugene Roy n olds of Detroit , Mich. , was the guest yesterday of E. P. Moruu. Mr. nnd Mri. C. W. Kern of Wcston nro visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pnelps. Frank Lee loft yesterday for Afton. In. , where ho will join Mrs. Leo and remain until after the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hartsook of Green wood and Miss Mortlo Foster of AH'o are tno guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Mayfiold. Miss Addle Winston , who nas boon visitIng - Ing with her sister , Mrs. Georco B. Jonto , returned to her homo at SturgU , Ky. , yes terday. J. P. Maloney , ox-chief of police of South Omnhn , is reported as bolng confined in n Chicago hospital. Ho is suffering from a broken log. Miss Lydia Karronbock , aged 19 years , died Saturday , nt 1010 Twenty-eighth street , of consumption. The remains were sent to Wontzvillo , Mo. , for interment. The regular monthly meetings of the city council and Boarc1 of Education will not beheld hold this ovcnlng , owing to today being a holiday , but will occur Tuosduv evening. Saturday Persons & Berry completed a largo real estate deal by which L. D. Fowler of the German Savmus bank of Omaha becomes - comes the owner of lot 'J , block 7J. and the north forty feet of lot 4 , in the sumo block. The property is located on Twenty-fourth street , near L , and Is purchased from C. F. Fohs for $10,000. DoWitt'a. Sarsaporllla cleanses the blood. itotiml Trip Tickets. The only line running through trains direct to Denver , Colorado Springs , Munltou and Pueblo. Low rates , o Till points in Colorado , Utah or Pacilii least points. Fast time on elegant vestibulod trains , free roc-lining chair cars und the celebrated "Rock Island dining cars. " Comfort , safety and speo'l ' secured when ticketed via the 'Great Rock Island Routo. " Ticlcot olllco 1002 Farnam street CHARLES KKNXEDY , J. L. DKBCVOISB , G. N. W. P. A. City Ticket and Pass. Agt. Eye and oar surgeon , Grant Culli- moro , room 21M , Bee building. Visitors 10 Convention. At the request of the entertainment committee people's parly Exposition hall , corner 14th and Capitol avenue , has been fitted up with cots for the ac commodation of visitors. Cots can bo secured at 75o per night. Clionp KxriirHlou Kates Rust. The great Rock Island route will sell tickets July 4th , 5th and Oth to Now York and return at loss than half faro for the round trip with return limit , good until September 15th , with other privileges east of Chicago. For full particulars call at ticket ofllco , 1002 Farnatn stroot. CIIAS. KINNIDV , Gen'l N. W. Passenger Agent. rOUK KXCUKSIONS UAST. Via the \V l > , nh l.lne. July 2d , 3d , and -1th The Wab.ish will sell tickets at half faro to all stations on the line good returning - turning July 5. Loss than half faro. For the Younjr People's Society of ' Christian Endeavor convention the Wiibtish will sell round trip tickets at above rates on Juno 4 , o and 0 with choice of routes via St. Louis or Chicago. 3d Saratoga and return $ . ' 50.55. For the N itioual K lucational associa tion thoWubish will soil round trip tickets at above rate July I to 10 , with choice of routes via 'St. LouU or Chicago. 4th Detroit and return $20.50. For the iJaptlst Young People's usiioi the Wabasli will soil round trip tickets ut above rate , 'uly 12 and 13 For tickets , scoping car accommoda tion and a ( older giving Hats of routes , side trip" , cost , of satna , with other < 'iiluablo information , call at Wabash olllco , 1502 Farnam street , or write GHOUUK N. CLAYTON , N. W. P. and Ticket Agent , Omaha , Neb , "Twin City Cliiiiitiuuicm. " Rock Island trains will leave Omaha for Chatauqua grounds at 8a.m. , 10 tu m. , 12:30 : noon , 5:20 : p m. , 0:35 : p. m. Additional trains leave Council BlulTn 0:10 : a. m. , 0:30 : a. m. , 1:50 : p. in. , 7:30 : p , m. Kolurning luavo Chautauqua for Omaha via Council HI tills 0:45 : a. in. , 8:13 : a. in. , 11 a. m.,4:30 : p. m.,5:33-p. : m. , 10:15 : p. in. Hound trip from Omaha , GOc. TickotH on ealo at 1002 Farnam street or Union depot. Highest of'all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTEJSf PI/RE -IS Thousands who have suffered , and have been cured , gratefully testify to the remark able success attained by Dr.J.E , McGREW The Specialist who , for more than 17 years , has devoted his time to the treatment of Private Diseases. And surely no physician in this broad land is entitled to so much praise for the wonder ful good he has accom plished. He substan tiates every statement ; he fulfills every prom ise. Reliable , Skillful , Reasonable and Fair , are the universal en dorsements given Dr. J. E. 'McGrew/of this city. He is oneof the most successful spe cialists throughout the west , in the treatment of Private Diseases and all diseases of Youth and Manhood. Those who place themselves in his care can safely rely upon him , as every case is regarded in the strictest confidence and treated in the most skillful manner. Among the most successful inodlcnl exports und specialists lu the west Is Dr. J. E. MeUrow ofthlnully. Ho li thorouclily road anu con scientious. " [ Tlio Omuha IJeo , Jan. 1st. , Ib92. "Dr. J. K. McGrow has devote J his Ufa to the B duly und treatment of private diseases. The Doctor Is painstaking und conscientious. " [ The World-Herald , Omuha , Sept. 4th , 18UI. "Dr. McGrow IB n doctor on whom you can depend , nnd thut la the reason why ho Is so well known nnd prul cd ttinonx the Swedes of Omaha and all over the country. " [ The Swed ish Tribune , Omiilm , Fept. 4th. 1691. "There Is no specialist \shostumls higher In the estimation' f the people of Oinnha und throughout the < isl than Lr. McGiaw , as his eminent ability add success In the prnctluo of his profession will testify. Ho Is known throughout the entire west us u nmstor of his profession. Ills untiring on'orts In bcliulf of young men. uro too well known to require mention. " [ The Omaha Commercial , Octo ber , 181H "Wo do not heslt-ito to slngloout Dr. J. H. McGrow , of Om.ilm , nu a hpoi-lallst worthy of the highest pralsu. Ho Is a thoroughly trained physician , a scientist of no uncertain Btundlng , a deep thlnlier , u keen rout-oner , a persistent roudur of the llteruturo of his pro fession und hence a .vide awake and Intelli gent specialist. During our Jo years us nowu- paper correspondent we have never had occa sion to comment on a business conducted moro In keening with the principles of fair dealing and honor. " [ Thy C'nlou.'o Trade Hu- vlow , November , IbQti 'Ihu ( Jotter's snctiai slnco I utlnz in Omaha hut * been u most nattgrln ? one both professionally und'lllutinclally , and ho fully uppioclutes the jiutrouago which hns been given hlniiln Omuha , nnd throughout thii mirroundlng states , as well as the uest mid northwuat. Ono of Ills chief desires N , thut he may over continue to deserve this recognition of his professional sUIll us a specialist. Dr. McGREW Ifiunsiirpustod fn the trnntmnntof all forms of PIUVATiS DISEASES , unil ull dlsoploN and iIulillltloBuf yoattiniiil nmnliool. 17yours' uxpurlumo. Ills ruMiuriiiM unit f.iullltlui tire imiutloully iinlliulUJ. . The Doctor U raroii- inomluil Ijy thu prcws , mill endorsed In the BtronnoHt torim by tlio pcoplo for fair trout- liiunt mid Inmost profession il udvlco. Tlio most powerful remedies known to modern scluiifu 'of Hi" Mieuosbfu ! tre.Umont of tlio following ilihouxoa : aONOUHHOKA Iii.morlli'.to rollof. A com * iiletoenre without thu Ion of uu liour'H tluiu from tmnliipsd , aiiKET Una of Iliu moat complete an 1 suc cessful truiitmunu for gluot uml nil uiinov i\i cllfcolmiuea yet known to tlio muJluul profm- sloi , . The remitsuru truly wondoiful , STKICTiniE-Uioilu.t knunii romoJy for thu iru.ttmwito ( Btrlcturu , without p iln , out- tliror diluting A inoitrmnurk'iulu ro uuilv. SYPHILIS-NO tro'itmunt for this turrlhlu blood ( license ha > > ever Liuun more suoJesifnl , nor liiid btronKur undoriiuniuntj In ihu llu'lit of modern DUIOIICO tliu diou.uu U positively ctir.ib.e unil ovury truce of thu poison entirely luiuovo I from tlui tiloo I. LOUT MANHOOD , unil aiuultldii. norvuus- iitss , timidity , clanpuuilunay mid ull wutl < no < ii unil dUorJera of youth or munhooj Kulluf ohtalnt'd ut ouco. SKIN DISlSAaKS , and all diseases of the Moimu'h , Ulooil , liver , lil.lneys unil bl.idder uro treated mi cci > crnliy with tliu Itniiwii roinutllo * for thodmu n. Wrltu for uirtuil irs uuilutiixtlou 1UU Mtlt tun ! tttrimin at * . tlimilntA ett , And Christmas , up to ten OP a dozen years ago , were recognized among' business men , as sort of dividing lines between the dull and busy sea sons. "After the Fourth" seemed to be the time for the merchant of that period to get "two kinds of bait" and go "fishin. " Times have changed. Progressive merchants ( that's us ) , have discovered the fact that men will buy goo'ds-m July as well as in any other month , if the inducements held out are strong enough. Our recent great special sales sales that have crowded our store from basement to roof sales that have not only been "town talk" in every corner of our city but which have been heard of in every city and town and hamlet in the whole west have left our stock of suits in a some what demoralized con dition. Here we have left half a dozen suits at eighteen dollars--forty at fourteen dollars twenty at twelve-fifty maybe a dozen lots of from ten to twenty-five each at fifteen dollars several lots at thirteen-fifty a few lots at seventeen dollars and so on making in all an aggregate of several hundred KINK These suits are in sacks and frocks , they are in all wool and silk and wool cassimeres and worsteds ; some are bound some are not bound ; some are dark some are medium some are light ; there are plain colors , plaids , stripes checks ; in fact , there is a better Jina of suits to select from than most houses can show you at from twelve -fifty to twenty dollars. We have sorted all these odd suits into two grand and distinct lots , placed them on separate tables and from now until after the fourth , you can choose as you like from the two lots at The inducements arc stronGf nicht ? Public Of the Stock of J THE ! At His Store , 1314 Farnam Street Will commence Thursday , June 30 , at 10:30 : a , m. , and continue daily until the debts are paid. Hots , of Sale , 10:30 : a , JL 2:30 : and 1:30 : p. E This Stock consists of Diamonds , Fine Watches , Jewelry , Solid Silver and Silver Plated Ware , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Opera Glasses , etc. , to be sold "in single lots to suit buyers. Sale absolute to highest bidder. J. H. KR.EXNOH "Will Conduct tHe Sale. WELL BRED.SOON WED" GIRLS WHO USE Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next Houser-Cleaning. "NorvoSooda , the wonderful ri'mi"lf In ( old with a Writ * ten Bimniniro to euro All IHTYOIH < llt u ui. iucb fti Wruk Mwiici I.o ( > ( llriiln i'owur. Il-iadacho. Wukofuliiem , l o t Muuliooei. Mv'aiir ' J-.iii NervouiiieM.l.aMlludnullc1raln and lo o ( power of ' Uritani In Nthcr mx cuu ml brorertiiertlon , youthful error. .or riiciiltri \iteut tol'ftcuj.opUnn or.tlmulaMU wlilcti oori trail lu liirtriulir. Con.unip. llonaiKilii'Bnur. I'uniiiciiiiiniiloii. to curry In vent iiocm , HI tierimil. ticalir I'juiliOfurK. VVIlli ov ryiuri1cr vrn oivt imntttn yuarantit to run ornjundttornmtvClrculut Ifou. AddrumAcrtoHoeil tu cuicuiiu , 111. For aalo in Onmlm by Suorumn it McConnell , 1513 Uodgo stroot. Dr , Bailey , ' $ l ' The Loading Dentist ' Third Floor. Pixton Illoi't. , 'li'Ioplioiio 1085 , Itilli nml Fufyinm Rt < t. \ A full int of teeth on rubher for 13. I'orfoctn. Tft'Oli without I'laUx or runiotoublo brlilvu wurtc jutt tliu tiling fur iliiiivr * ol public tjiuukur , nurur tlruinJuwii , TtETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. All filling at reasonable ratoi. All worU rruilol Out tlnn out for u xuldu. U Freque" want now IDEA IN ADVERTISING. Address Huddunly , without notice , Oinuliii Atlrti'tlllHfj Itiiritiu , y. Y. lAft