THE OMAHA DAILY BEJ $ MONDAY , JULY > t , 1802. NOTICES. V J3PEG1HL . FOH TI1KS1 ! COLUMNS AtlVKHTISBMKNTS IS- : * ) . m . for the evening und until 8 M p. m. for the niornlim or Sunday cdl- A" ) ndvcttlnoraents In thosn columns m cents n word for lift Insertion nnd 1 cent n word for each nuhrcqurnt Insertion or JI.50 per line per month. No ndvrrtl rment taken for less thnn 2 , ' rents for tin1 Hist Insertion Terms cash In advance , Initials , flBiirrs , symbols , etc. . count ns iword. . All N ndvertlsnn onts must run rnnscrutlvely. Aclvcr- tlsers , by rcqncstlnjr ft mimbcrad check , cnn have tlio letters nddtcs ed to a numbered letter In care of 'I ' UK UKK. jVnswers so nddresscd will bo delivered on presentation of Hindu-ox. SITUATIONS WANTED. A--WA"NTKI . SITUATION 11V A YIUN ( > MAN an bookkeeper or snlOMnan In a business honso , . either itoubl' ! or Mnulo entry. Can nlvo wood refer- . oners nitd speak German and liiKlNli. ! Address II. I ! . , tint ISS. t-crlhner , Neb. 12tS ; 13 * WANTKI ) . POSITION AH HOOKKr.Kl'I'.ll , CAN L net as etpnonraplier. Hunk references. 1'GO , lice. M313 4 * WANTED-M AIjE HELP. _ _ ' fj Ml KNTS'WA NT MM N h V K H TOV N AND 4)clty 111 the went on extra liberal tormi , to neil the popular Inn year policy of the Mutual He- icrve Fund I.lfomsorlntlon : also the nnw 110.000 combination policy of tlio Preferred Mutual Acci dent association of New York : enst only fill per j oir for preferred risks ; snvu money by Insuring , make- money by representing those wldcswako conitmnlcf tlrn ngenu cnn double ) tlmlr Incomo. Write for circulars and terun to II. II. llobl-ou , Clem-rat .Mnnaxor , Omaha , Neb. _ 218 TJ-MAN WITH PUSH WANTKI ) IS KACII CITY. JJtorn and Immlct to Introducn tlio fasloit foiling household nrtichi on record. Overn million sold In Philadelphia. Will | my comr-etent person } per dnr.AiMrrst with Mamp W. II. Williamson , 41 N. 4lh street. I'lillndclphln. P.i. _ > I12IJ > 30' TT WH PAY RALAnY WHKKLY TO noon J 'fluents , former Djperlcnco nmii'pr-ssary , salary paid weekly. Mn er otllre. IMH 1 oiiKlas , SilJyIB fy sfll.ic ITOHH WITH noolHii-KUK.NH ) : ; AT J morlonn Wrlnner Co. . 1WJ Howard. MS'Jijy22 \ tjroo TO jjio.oo CAN UK MAI > K MONTHLY .1 .1vnrklnK for II. F. Johnson A Co. , swn-'J l-ii-8 Main utrcet , HlcbinOnd , Va. M -WASTH < > . AN KXl'KHIKXtKO HALKSMAN .I'lo Iravel In Nebraska hy Inrue nhoo mamifac- ttirlni ! and jobbluK hoimn In the \vest. None but palc mcn of experience In thli llnu with a built up trade will to considered. Address C 4' ' . ' , this otllco , ntntliiK particulars ! , MSOlt ) WANTKD. MAN WITH SMALL CAPITAL TO take Interest In n iood business , m'i N. Y. Life. B -WANTED , OANVAdsuits , c,03 N. Y. i.ife.M2CS -AUKNT8. WONDHUKUIj ADVKUTiSINO - vice , rmenteil. rfvery mcrchnnt huy < . Ills pur. Hncluno stamp. Arcj life. Co. , Ituelne.Vl.i. . 2T8 a * I WANTKI ) . HALKSMK.V ON HAI.AUV OU COM- 4 > nilmlun to hnmlle the new pnleiit cheinlcnl Ink crnblnit | iendl. 'Ilu < srenlcst i-clllni ! novelty ever rioilunil : ernsen Ink IlinroiiKlily In l o pcronils ; mi nlirnMnn of rnperi l ( ) to HW | ier cent prollt ; ona nrent'H t-nlen iiinnnnti'i ) to t ( > ! .t ) In t l.x dn > n , another lii'JIntno huiirHo ; wnnt onn eneruetlc tienornl nuent In ench ptnle unit territory. Tor terms nnil imrllenlnrs iulilri'81 .Munroe Krnsur Mfg. Co. . l..i Crosse. WIs. MS5I 11AliKSTS WANTKD. riNHST TII1NO IN TIIK J'llelil ; territory In liiiiulm or elH"\vhere. Ciill nt t''OJ llotrnrd street , 1 to 2 p. in. or 7 to U p. m. m.MS'S I * fWAVI'BD. . SALESMAN TllAVKI.INH THIS ' -Imitate to earry h staple Hperl-'lty on co-uni Union , now linvlni ; n lanru deniii'id oast. AddivS C. D. henscuiiiu , UK ) Walnut ntreet , Philadelphia. .Mail 7 * _ - flO A .MONTH AND THAVKLINc : KXI'KNHKS to competent ladles nnd pentleinen. no cnn- vaxnlnu. I all 1'J.i First iivenuu , Counell llluir . Da. in. lo 4 p. ni. M3XI 4 13 WANTlii ) AT O.VCK , A PANTS AND VKST I'tailor : Hteudy work , .lohn Woliskell. Dnvld city , Nob. .MKI : 4- " 1J--WANTFD. A ( iOI ( ) ) snilKU HAIIHKll CAN J Jobtnln Btcaily cniplnymcnt , on cither percentage or salary of JI1 00 per week , by nddresulin ; 11. K. Hyde , LexliiKton , Neb. M3G8 4' IWANTFI ) . A ( iOOI"wiHTi : IlAIIIlKUi IJOOli J'waires and no Sunday work. Address Carl Tlt/e. West 1'olnt , Neb. JIM ) " 7' " 1JSALHSMAN WANTKD : AUTICLK STAND- JJard : no s'uuplc.s required : sldo Hue. Address T. 11. I * . Co. , Drawer. 8,17 , Kuhimazoo , Mich.M370 M370 14 * 1 > WANTKD : P.MIM HAND : SINCLK JIAN ; waues $ .V.)1) ( ) ) per month nnd board. Apply 'I'ues- day iiioinliiu'iUI N. 17th Htieet Martin. MliT-M ] > WANTKI ) , TKAMSTKIIS. S1IOVKLIOHS AND 'rockinen for Vyomln > and South Dakota : Mood V.IIKCM and r'.tcaily woi k : tree fine. Albrlxht Labor Agency , 1120 l-'arnntn street. ; i7'J-u'J 1 > WANTl-iD , A MKAT rUTTKIl OH .JKWULKH Jto accept steady positions and play tuba or olalrniict In the Sterling Hii8 ar bund. Address Trunk Hotlii'llf Iliulnouj .MaiuiKer , Slcrllni ; , Neb. SI402S WAN TED-FEMALE HELP. C WANTKI ) , A LAtTNDIlKhS. W. II. .Mlllanl , Omaha Nat. hank. Ul'j .A CIIIL FOH IIOUSKWOHIC. v Must bo KOod cook und laundress. HIO ! ho. 2''th ' ' treet. M74a jrt-WANTKD , F1HST ! CLAWS COOK AT TIIK v | lanipton,3ltli nud Dt 842 e - WANTKD , WKT NmtSK OF 8 MONTHS , IM- .ncdlituly. Apply 3411 North 3lh. ! ) 145 ( \ iWANTKD. A VOIJNi ; ( HHL FOH LIRICT v iHjiisowoik n. w.eor. ISth and llarnoy , 3rd lloor , * i on ilurney. M'7J S WANTKI ) . A ( illtlj KOlKiKNKIIAIj IIOUSK- VAvork , Must Ite a wooil eook. Family of two. Apply 2721.InekHon street. M274 4 CW VNT.KH AT ONCK , K1IIST CluVSK I.ADV rul'iiieher. Hurl's htuillo , lllalr , Nob. M2Vi ( C * V ( illllj KIIOM III ' 10 18 YKAllrt OF ARK TO help tnko euro of liubyj refereia-o reiidreil | , 2110 Chlenio street. MSOJ : ' 7WANTKIiillllj ( FOIl OKNKUAIj IIOIJRlT- V work : uooit WHitei. Must have KOOI ! references. 112 South ISth street. M'.W -WANTKI ) A KKW I.ADIKS CAN SHCUIIK liiuiilMiuio salary for homo work penultlliiK other duties. W. tiprlni tcci ! , llo.t 2M , Chelaio , 111. M M2-Jy | I p-COMI'KTKNT ( illth AH I.AlTNDHICSfl AND v 'ehniuherumlil. Mrs. W. . ) . Connell , S. 1C. corner Illh nnil St. .Mary's avenue. ' M'I21 -WANTKI ) . 2 IjADlKd TO HKI'HKSKNT TIIK Anierlcaii lluiisnvvlfe In Omaha unit Council lllulls ; flu | ier week Kmirniiteeil. Adilress C. A. 'Lewis ' , il8 ClLimbur of Comineree , Chlnmu. MIIG9 5 fWANTKD , A KOOI ) NIJIISK Cillllj CAl'AIIIjK * . nftnkliiK euro of a baby. Kniiilro lit ruslilenco Df Fieilerlek Kriiir , SI8 SiXII h i.t : im 4 FOK RENT-HOUSES. D-FIIIST Cl4-\SS IIKSIDIINCK FrATd , 3 nil 4 room * ; new block. Hiiuiu il , Slli ? . V.M. aj ll t . ( icorKeJ. 1'nuj , iiilj Furim'tii htre'et ! ' ! )05Jyl ) DFoll HUNT , TWO ( iOOD O.HOOM HOUSKS , $ -U.lU ( ; within I5inlnnlcs walk of court homo. The I ) . F. Davis Co. . 1405 Furnnni struot. tea | "l : i UOiJIS ( ON VIST HT..llALF HLo"cic NOHTH i-'ol ( Jrace , { 7.0D , city water. Also other rooms tnd houses at lowest prleua. ( J. K Units , room 4 , lleo fiiilldlni , ' . 3i7-jy4 "COATIW. HKNTAL AiKNCV , 1UU FAHNAM. 3 ( * -j ) 4 iTV-iFOH Hl'NT. DKSIHAIILK HOUSKS AND ' -'lolilriiru lints , chuap. llousei for nlo on /uofithly puyuients. J. W. Sniilro. UI Nut. bank. D-FOIl IlKNT. A 7-llOOM DKTACI1KI ) IIOUSK , with la n , Hluulu treen , bath , liiuinlrr. i'le. . 3 bloi-ki Irom court lioimo ; rufuienuu reuulred. Unvld JliniK.un , Sisy , ltth ) § t. ui'j -FOIl HUNT I'Olt TIIK BUMMHH KtlHMSllKI ) roonihoimv , All conveniences , Knniilro ( Ili l' ( k avenue. .Mliujyf. D rOll HUNT. TWO IIOU.iUS , 113 AND 115 H. 16th itreet. Very handy to binilneai , Moilvrn MMVenk'ncc'j. ' I ) . T , .Mount. SIUB. llth t. 1U ) D-iFOH IIK N'T. 7-llOO.M COTI'AtJK , SSTU AND L'licluuo > t . H. T. Clurku , ailli and Cais , or'.MU llooml u I 'Irnde. 7tSI TV-KOU HK.NT , 7-HOOM HOUSK foil. SOTJI AND J Woulworth , IniliikHniikcom park , All modern Imp , . I , Nlehol , Sslh nud Leavuuworlh. M3SJ 11 * I-J-FOH HKNT. A NICI ; u UOOM con-AtiK. ssis J C'uss bL I' . O'.Uallvy. MM4 1-y-TO IlKNT FOH KUMMKII MONTHS , ( HT- .l lanu at Cottmaii , r ; miles from city , on the C. , M , I' . , M , A O , H. W. , moriiluir , noon and evunlnit Iralns both way * ; houmi In iioud condition , 3 jicre * of uroiind , Irult tri-i's and first rln toutliiL- and bathliiK fncllltlc. : rent (2mi for term , Apply to S. II. HuhlMV N. Y , Llfo building. , \l IU2 , 7-IlpOM FLAT. .MODKHN CO.NYKNlKNCr.S. UrlKlitA I.aslmry , coinur 10th und llunarilnl * , 1FOH HUNT -TWO N1CM HIUCK HOUSKS -l.'hiMr HUIKCOIII park. No . 1I4J and 1144 South I'M street , juit > outh of I'opplvluii iivoiuie. T Ill's o hiiii.i's have elL'lil roniuo mcli. with bntb , fnriincu , Pli'iidld brick culliua , vle.i uiu on the Ilantvoiu _ , _ . . 1 ark aud I'aeltlc Slrrst molor line , ( jood neluh- Wi I'urhoodi pleniant and hi-ultliy location. Will renl f/j for 44 luich. Key * m my otllcu. liuar o N. Illvki , / / . todiu.OiN V l.tfu bulldliitf. M4UJ 6 10-IIOOM. 'lorco slrt.ct. 10IIOOM.MS107 eon vooa. V -KyilNlSIIKH Iloolld TO HUNT WITH ALL J. < d Kla. , tre _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mini ' ] < ] " . , -lU'iT ! ; "OOM8 TO MAN -J - ' ' > ' - nllS15'n' ! tout tatoii In l)0 rd. ail ) north I7lb * l. Midi "mwiUAULK IIOOM ' mil t. FOR KENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. 810 4 * E-NirKLYFUHNISIIISIIHOOMSAT 3I01 ! IIOUO ln < . 0' FHONT IIOOM WITH ALCOVK. ! Dodge. , 8.19 1-S SOUTH KHONT KUHNtSHKI ) IIOO.MS , 5m 1 ' " - - ' - * ---n street 3H-4 lt'OH KKNT , NICKIiV KLMINI9HKI ) IlOOMSi l-Jmodcrn IniprovompntiKrensonftblo price * ; jilom- nut loentlnn. No. 3133 llnrney ttrcct. Mitel ) 6 * | n-KUINiaiIKD ( ItOOMS , AMT.M01)HHN CO.N- Jvenluncos , nl o 3 rooms furnHlied complrtn for if. 5U S. ICth ftrcel. lltit O. > iBl : ) S * -i > ] Ts m A n iiT njiTNisuK i K A ST m o ST room tultnbln for two Rontk'incni SIS N. 5.1rd * - -DKSIHAIU.K SIIITK TOOL SOUTH 1IOOMS E will ! hoanl , 18i3 riilcnKO ulrcel. M3 ( > j-V - : , nniNisiiKD coot. HOOMS , ISM Howard street , northeast corner Kith. Lawn nrotind bull < 1lnit. J1MU-5 * -KLV rUHNISUHl ) IIOO.MS SU HOUT1I KKLV . M ! X ) & ? -KUUNISHKI ) ItoMHt PAY IIOAHD.MIPS MIPS t' nP nOOaiS AND BOAKD. ANin men ; onn hnlf block fro si motor ; Koud , nice liomc. 318 0 , ' 'GUi ct. til 17--IIACK I'AUI.Olt Oil I.A110K KltONT IIOOM. 1 with bay wln.low and board for two ; $4.VU ) per inontli. Smaller roum for two wllli hoiird , ( IU.OU per month ; moilcrn convenience ! ; eleunntly fur- nulled : prlvnta fn-nlly , 515 North 21d at. 82 ? AND fUCONP KLOOH "Tho Krenzor , " 1115 N. J.ltli street. .M.IMB' _ _ I ? KIJKNIHIIKD 1100MS AT TIII5 HAMPTON ; JL llritcli'8.4 board ; roferoncOiT requlrod. SOI S. Vltli. 701 1 ? HiST : HAST FHO.NT IIOOM IN CITY , 810 1. south -'Stli street , JII3I TT FOIl UK NTFUHNISHKI ) HOO.MS WITH L first class board , at the Utopia , 1721 Davenport street. 183 4' 17-KIlllNISIIKI ) HOO.M WITH IIOAHD. 2.VH St. I1 Mary's nvo. 'JO'i 6 $ _ - F17HNIS1IK1) HOO.MS. WITH Oil without board ; terms reasonable. 1107 N. itOlh el 3J7 16' _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ -KOH IlKNT , 4 UN'lIliMSHKUi GKOH able for housekeeping , ITU'- Webster street. 232 G-KOIl HUNT , UNKUKN13IIKI ) Al'AHTMHNTS for Unlit liuusekeeplnK , na mul bnth. 2'ils Dnue- InsBtreet. SUSli ( - ' ! UNFUIINISI1KI ) IIOO.MS TO HUNT G-TllllKI' llll.'l DoilKOiit. 5IO- & ' I3OAKDINQ. -T'Lu7MAN"IVoifdKriaio'mjVMilir' * bimnl nlca rooms , eonvunloiimi , rnt' > incl locu tion It cunnot booTcullod. .Mrs. Horn , prop- : . ) - , ! y 0- rOIt RENT--STOREai AND OFFICES. IrOH HLNT , TIIK 4-STOIIV III11CK Ilini.llI.NO Ultl KM null ] i t. The hullillni , ' has n fireproof ee- inent ln enient. coinpletu nteuiiiheatlng tlxturoH ; ntiteron till the floors. Kits , etc. Apply lit thu ollleu orThoJIeo. . _ U18 1-Volt HUNT , ST011K yiXW , 1118 JACKSON. 1 Z21 FOR RENT-BIISCELI. ANEOU3. 1 TK'rirrTIjK KMrAlKS"AT7IS ' ' Cnsi utreet In now open nnil solicits the board * iinl cuic of Kcutlciiiun'n roadiitern nnil family IUHHCM. CuHtomers putronlzliiK thla stuhln niAjr rely upon prompt attention nnil aeenrlnu for their horxcs n nil rarrliiKes the very highest class of cure nnd treiitiiicnt. M 135 WANTED TO KENT. KP-Z llilt | hounekeeplni ; , would prefer bedroom furnlahoil. ( lentleinitn and \\lfo. Address Clil. lleo. STORAGE. M OI.DKST , fllKAI'KST AND 1IK9T STOKACK house In the city. Wlllluuis. Crots , I'JI I ilarncy. WANTED--TO BUY. T -Kim.NlTlJllK IIOUU1IT , SOM ) , STOIIKI ) . > Welli. 1111 Kurimnmt. 220 1 wnL-es nu'alnstelty. county , corporation , I nil ! vliliinl.i houRht or advanced oo. W. It. Duvlt ) . 11.20 , Contlncntnl Illock. M740 TVT DON'T Sr.I.lj njUNlTUUK UNTIlj VOU S15K J-'OiiinliB Soeoml liana l-'urnlturo Co. lllehejt prccs pnlil. iJOl N. llith. .M7JI JylT * -\r-CA II I'All ) KOH KIUST'CIjASrf ( SHOCKHV iHtoeks , luri.'o or Hniull. All roniniunlcntlons ntrictly ( onliilentlnl. C. 0. 1) . llrown. Oiu.ihn , honth Omnlm anil Council llluiri. tisS -\r--T 1 1 K OMAHA LOAN & TlltlST COMPANV 1 > SnvliiKS Hunk pny the hluhest prlco for both county mid city warrants , llrown block , Itith nml Douvlns. MIU'J \r-HOUSi ; . IIAIINKHS AND CAHltlAOK ; MUST .i bo llrHt-claHH , cheap nud safe for lutly. Adilrea : ) C II ) , Hoc. 170 TVT FIVB OU TUN ACIU2S WITH IIOIIHK AND i. ' Improvements , within live tulles of the post- otllce. Address D I , lleo. .M3'.H S * _ fiJ-WANTKI ) , TO 1'imcilASK A SI5CONI ) HAND -l-'eylliider presi nt once. I'.J. 1'clluy , room 48 Arcailo hotel. M40J li * FOR SALE-FURNITURE. house furniture , uaed only n few nionthti , very cheiip. Inqulro lloom XII , Hoard Trade. 887 KOH MALE CI1KAI' . KUHNITUHK OK A COMplete pleto ID-room fiirnUheil house must be sohl at once. Omaha .Mort aRO Loan Co. , lloom 11 , Crelch- ton block , 15th street , noutli of postolllcu. M7J o -FOIl SAI.K , ICIJ IIOX , 40.4 N. 30TH bT. 345 8 FOK SALE-HOUSES , WAGONS , ETC. p-Fofi "i4Aij K"A" " rxTY"-iror7fJA u "ToiMVfitTRvi .1 II. K. Cole , Coutlnciital block. 23'J IJ-VKllV FINK. STVL1PH YOUNfi DIHV1NR horse , must bu suliHit once : wclxht about 1,100 bs , Tbon. F. Hall. U)7 1'axtun block. 'J73 FOB SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. FOIl SALK. ONK II1LL1AUD ANDONKl-OOIj table , llrunswlek-llnlko make , almugt new. In- qulro of dram ! hotel , Council lllulls. ' "i ; - HKrOND-II AND IIICVri.K FOIl HALK CI1KAI1. QHKrONDII llo ijulek. Adilress C II lleo. 203-5 * - FOH SALK , A FIIKSII COW AND CALF. 1N- cUlroat20ll | Churle * st , 340 ! _ _ _ _ . FOIl HALK , FIIKSH JK11SKV COW ; 2521 HAH- oy street. M 371-5- Q-riIKAr , H-VKAIt OLD AND 1 VKAHLIN Jersey. Address orcall 1411 Vlnton , M362 ! ) CLA1KVOYANTS. S-.MUH. NANN1K V. WAIlltKN , ( JLAIHVOVANT , reliable business nicdlum , fifth year lit 11 ! ) N IMh. S MA I ) AM 15 FIHT2320 < HJ.MI.NR . clntrvoyniit ami trance tiiedluiii ; Independent voices ; tells past ami future , M300 JI2 * S AlllUVAIi KXTHAOItDINAllV ; WONDKHFUL revelations , L'lmllinik-es thu world. Mrs. Dr. .M , Leurave , dead trance clairvoyant , ntitroloulst , I'nliulnt uml 1 1 tn remlor ; tells your life rtom thu vrAdlo to Krave : unites thu separated : causes mar- rliik-o nlth thuiiuu you love ; tells where you will succeed , and In what business best adapted for ; has the celebrated Kuypilan breastplate for luck , and to destroy bad Influences eures fits , Intemperance nril all private complaints with inuitsnKU. bath uml alcohol treatment. Send tl. 0) , lock of hair , name and date of birth and receive ncuurato Hfu L-harti 2 en inn In stamps for circular ! clvo Initials of ono you will nmr'y ; also photos of inrne. unlco 417 fouth Illh street , upstairs ; hours , ' .in. in. lo'J p. in. Come one , cotuo all , and bo convinced of this woiiitcrfnl oraclu M 3374. MASSAQE , BATHS , ETC. MjMAsAli : THKATMKNT , KLKCTUO-TlIKir- J-miil h.itha. uculp and Imlr treatment , mnnlcuru nnd chiropodist. Mrs. Tout , UI'JV-j ti Ifuh , Wlthnell blk , 2211 MI-MADAMK SMITH 1121 DOUHLAS STHKKT , J. room 7 , 3d floor. Alcohol , sulphur and sea baths .MiUl 8 fl'-TUHKISH AND HUSSIAN 11AT11S : LADIK8 J days Tuesdayn nud Friday * , 8 lo 1 ; under Fnr- nuiii Street theator. ' MlM.'JySI * 'I i-MADAMK LA UUH , MAHSACK , 4IH HOIIT1I 15Ih mreot , Hat 4 , 3d floor , MUI ; 6 * P-SIADAM HTOW1C , MABSKUBK KLKCTIUCIAN , J.gO'-'Jl'raUiitreet. - . .M33-j b * ' MTU8IO , AHT AND LANQUAOE. Y-O. F , (1KILKN1IKCIC , 1IANJO TJJACHKH , > with llonpo. orSHI N 18th l. \ > fi V-IIKI-'dilK IIIIVINII Al'IANO KXAMINK TUB ' new scale Klinball piano , A. Hoipp , 15IJ Dotitrlus , 230 MONEY TO LOAN-KEAl. ESTATE. " \\r-HKAL KSTATK LOANS , II TO I I'HIl OKNT 'i po additional cliarnei foreoiiiiuliilon or at tor * ney' * fee * . W. U. ilolklu , First National Uauk bIJK. " " i ! _ -MONKY TO LOAN ON lUlUiOjrKlT O1T V properlylow rate , A. 0. Kro.t. l)3U la * blk. . . , _ _ _ * _ \\r-CUNTHAL LOAN & TllUST CO. , 1H5B 1ILDG , ' ws r C. V. IlAlllllJiON , 911 N , Y. L1K11 TO LOAN ON DIl'UOVBD IJli'ljH. T liuproTud O.unhu propurty ut luwe t rale * on thort nolleo. Cushon Imnil. Fldfllty Truitcotu < > p.ay , 1011 Farnaia * u l. Ui MONET TO LUAU-KEAIi E3TATE. Coillfnncit MAICKS on rcM estalo al lowest innrkot rntp . Loann niado In amall or Itirno SIIIUA nnd for short or IOIIK time , No commlii lon 11 chanted , an I the loan nro not sold In the eint.tmt nn nlw ys bo found nt the bank on thocornerof ISth nnd Donglni slrnets. \\r-7rKltCKNT MONKV XKT TO IlOllllOW- ' t er on Omnlm city proiiarty. No extra chargon of nny kind. Why bay Malt ratc < ? .Money Ischenp. Vou can a t full bcncllt of low rates from ( ilobu Loan nnd TniKtCo. , ItJtli nnd Undue. Z33 \ \ ANTHONV UJAN ANDTIll)3T ) CO..313 N. Y. Llfolends at low rate * for cholco security on Nchraskaor Iowa f arms or Omaha city property. (1.0. ( WALLACh',313 I1UOWN 1ILK. 211 \\r LOANS ON I.MI'HOVni ) AND IJNI.MIMIOVIU ) ' city prtuiorty , Kl.UUnmt upwnrdi.C toS iierccnt. < No delays. W. Kurimui Smith A Co.,15th nuil iUrnuy. 21 r-l'lllVATK MONKY , 1ST ANDSD MOHTOAOK loans , low rales. Alex. .Moore. 401 lieu bulhllni ; . \\r-ION'T KOIIOKT THAT \VK AltH MAKING low rati-K on Improvoil nnd unimproved lonns on Omnlm property. No delny end all business trnimacted nt tliH olllce. 1'ldullty Trust Compnny , IBM Kurnnni struot' 215 \\T-WANTKI ) AT ONCH , Al'l'MUATlO.NS FOIl it lonnn ot Jl.0)niul upward on btnlnim. rail doncoor fiirm proprrtlaj. ( J. J. I'nul , 1UJJ t' \\r-\VUITETIIR SKCUIUTY AllSTIlACr AND ' Investment Co. of llrokuu How , Nob. , Ins their novel plan of farm Investments. " \ \ r il. W. I * . COATKd , C1TVA. KAUMS , 1HI4 KAU. > MONEY V IF VOU WANT MONI'IY V ON FUIIMTUIIK , I'lANO ! " . HOUSICWAHONS. ! . CAIIItlAIHlS , 15TC , CALL AT Till ! OKT1CK OF OMAHA MOUTAti3 ( ! ; 1OAN CO. AM ) ( } KT Tiui.MS nr.roui : DIIALINO ULSKWIIKIIK. Lnnus made In amounts from flu to f lU.OoU nt thu lowest rales on vnry short notlco without publici ty. nud with th privilege of keupliiK your coeds In youro n po iteHMlon. You can pay the money hack In any amount * yon wish an. I nt 11117 limn , nnd cnch vuymDiit KII niado will reduce the coat of the loan In proportion. Theru will be no uxpciiMi oreharKO kept out of thu amount wauled , but you will rccelvu the full amount of Iho loan. OMAHA Moinr.AdK LOAN co. , lloom II Crelithlon Illock , 15th St. , South of ro tolllco. The only Inc'jrporntcil loan company In Omaha. * II V MONI5Y TO LOAN. FIDELITY LOAN UUARANTHK CO. On homr-hold coed , pianos , orKaui. hordes , mules , wiitfoni. etc. . nt the lowest noisllilo rates without publicity , removal of property or chnnco of possession. Payments of nny amount can bo made at any time , icducltii ; both principal nnd , thus Elvliiii patrons nil tlio bcnellts of the partial pay ment plan. Money always on hnnd ; no detain ; no publicity ; lowcat rates : business contlduntlal. FIDELITY LOAN OUAUANTKtt CO. . H 4 Wlthnell blk. . 15th nnd Hartley. 245 V WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND or V siTiirlty ; strictly conllilcntlal. A. 12. IIAUIIIS. room 1. Continental block. 24U \r 1 > U1TC1IAII1)M DOUr.LASllLK. 18 A POPC.K. V 217 V-\V1IKN YOU WANT A CHATTIIL LOAN SKK -iVw. II. Davis , room a ) , Continental block. 243 X CHATTKIj LOANS MADI5 ON FUHNlTUIti : , pianos , live Block , etc. , without publicity or re moval pioperty at the lowest rates and the easiest payments. Dull lirccn , rooms a and .I Darker block. 24U Y -SIU , f.5 , ! . > ' ) , $ IOO. ANY SUM TO LOAN ON VUlt- -jAnlturo. horcoi , or any Kond security ; lowest tales. Nebraskn Loan Co. , MIU PoiiKlas t > t. 250 BUSINESS CHANCES. y Full SALIS , COMl'LKTK 3-CHAIll HAIinUll sliop , will neil the whole or In sets , 20J Stli' btri'ut , ut clk'nr store. lirr-i" V FOIl SALi : OH TIIADK. ONH OF TIIK 1I153T X nud cleanest Keneral stocks of mdse. In Ne braska. YUII take one-half In clear Nebraska lands , biilaneecnsh or Kilt oilKO notes , II. Chainberlln , Kearney , Neb. , 1011-7 V-1"IUI bTOItl' ! IN A COOI ) LOCATION IN L the city , with well established business. Ad dress C lii : , lieu olllce. 333 8 Y' ' KOHSALU , 111LLAU1) HALL , TWO lilLLAltDi two pool tables , all HMuies. Hent low , Price , $500. Write A. Clements , Ked Oak , Iowa. M35U ! Y--MKAT MAUKCT ] INCLUDINO HAUSAGH tools , horpo nnd waKOn. clolnirKOOd business ; lor sale at a bargain : It will pay you to Investi gate. Address C 67 , lleo iM387 4 * FOlfEX CNAHG-E. Z CLKANSTOCICOKCH.SHUAL M'D'S'K : WILL taku rcul estate A. mouey.ltox2'J5. ' Frankfort , Ind. 251 y-A VALUA1ILH COIlNKli LOT ON S. 11TH HT. JltoT Biiburbun property. A valuable equity In lot for good horse , bnlanco very cany terms. Fidelity Truot Co. , 1014 Farniiiu , 253 rfQl \ \ SAL15 OU KXCHANC.i : PLANINO AJmlll , 13th and Mason streets , Omaha. John M. bbceloy , Iblli itnd Mason street * . M53I Jy 11 * y AN KLKCANT HOMB IN HASTINI.S , LOT 132x132 , on Ilnhtlimi avenue , for Omaha prop erty ; a snap for n Hastings man. Fidelity Trust Co. . Hill Farnnm. M'M Jy7 y I'Oll KXCHANIiK. IIKAUT1FUL 3IOIIKIIN AJresldeure , two lots , nlco barn , on motor line , lor huhlncbs residence property. What have yon ? 1 * . O. Ilox79li , Oinalm. ' 1724 y FOIl HAI.K OH HXCHANt.K FOIl A STOCIC /J of iccnoral , town lot < In Ponder , Neb. , thu hoomlnt ; county neat of Thurston Co. Address T. P , lllack , Overtoil , Neb. 2U7-5 y WANTKI ) , 0 OH 7 IIOOM HOUSH INSIDK OF AJlwo mile line , In exchange for 1 1-ii acre lot near Institute , with tlnu Improvements. Will double In value Insldo of 5 years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1014 Fariiam. Mr.M J" Z FOIl KXCHANOK , A FINK 320 AOHH FAllM IN Hmllh county. Kansas , clear , well Improved , and occopled by 11 good tenant at H cnsh rental. Will taku Omaha , South Omaha or Council Hint's prop erty. S > ubmltofern ! , Fidelity Trust Co. , Aitl * . Hil4 Farnam. .M304 7 y-lll'SINKSH PIUIPKHTY HKNTINIJ FOIl $10.00 /.Jprr month for desirable Omaha rcslcleiico prop erty , Amus , 1507 Farnain street. AIXIO & y-$2 , )0 ) hTOCK OF ( ilJNUUAL M12IICIIANDIHK /Jtn cxchaniio tor cash and land , llox Ki. Illuo SprJiiK-i. Neb. AI.ICII 7 * y FOIl K.YC1IANKK. A "rTT'LHNDID I'LOUUINO inlll well located In eastern Nebraska for vuod land In Nohrntka or California uroperty. Ames Heal Kilatu Ak'cncy , 1507 Fiirnum. M3KI-5 y-OWNI'JH WILL KXCHANC.H COUNHIl lllllNfi- ' InKKood rental nnd within four blookx of I'm- mini and 2Hth. and caul ) , for clean Htock ot clothing orldry ueocls of JI5.Uduio : M5JOO. ( Owners only , no iiKonts need corretpond. CVd , caio lleo olllce. MM-5' fnTii KXCHANOK. fZotKMwb"wtJiiriF" OF /JOmiilm Improvtid and unimproved property ranuliiK from fl.OIXI to fWJ.lXJJ , for land. 1C. F. UlliKor , 151'J ' Furnam , M3W 6 * FOK 3 ALE -BE AI < ESTATE. 50x100 near Hanscam park . { 3.000.00 lUtlxlOO vornur3lst and Pacltle . 7M)00 NUI45 corner 30th and Pncllle . 10,00000 11.1x155 , Lowe avenue and Jacknorl. . . . . . . fi.UJO.OO MxlOO , I'aclllo near 31st . 4.UUOOO 8 room house near Hansconi park. . . O.WW.tO tl-room lioiiHO , elegantly tlnUhed , 3210 Pop- ploton nvenui < . , . .t . 7,200.09 B-room modern hou cs i'M Popplcton nvu- line . 7,0(10.00 ( H-rooni brick cottaiio , near HlKh vclionl. . . . 3,500.00 8 room cottngo , ( inorKlnavenuo near park 4,500.00 Ancres olOHO to bolt railway . 2i > 00.00 10 acres with cottuue , near city . 6.50000 10 acres , will plat Into 4f lots . . . 11,000.00 20 acres < hi miles from court hnnsa . 7,000.00 4U acres , finest tract around city . 18,000.01) ) W ) acres A miles from postolllcu . 20,000.01) ) TrncknKB property. 1.200 feet by80 . 12,00000 Trackage lot , WxllO , 13th street. . , . 35.oaj.OU Illcki , ! XUN. Y. Lfo. 8 n 4 _ T > AUUAIN8 IN HKAUT1FUI , HOMES- NO , 3208 I'OI'l'LKTON AVK. Now nnd modern hullt house. Just compli'tcJ , nil rondy for occupancy. Hplendldly furnished throuuhout , All latest conveniences ; clectrla balls , speaking tutes , Klrgaut bath , stationary marble wash stands. Furnace , brink cellar , etc. Call mid obtain price- . NO. 3JIC 1'OPl'ljb.TuN AYE. Now modern liilit-rooiii liouno. Bubstuntlnlly built by day labor throuKhoiit , All conveniences , splendid neighborhood , Closato motor llnu with pavi'il jtruoti , etc. Call and obtain price. NO. .12111 fOl'l'liK'lUN AVK. , . Klt-Knnt culUk'o with south front lot. All moUurn ImproTi'iuunti , Including bulh , hot and cold water , stationary iiiurblu wash. ' stands , Kuruaca , brick cellar , etc. Cull uiid obtain price. NICK MTTLK CU1TAUU AND LOT. Only ( our hlocks west of liluh school. Within runvt'iilent walking distance of lluilueiis ponton of city , U.5UU. lleo. N. Hicks. 305 N. Y. Life. M 403-i _ f AFAYKTrM I'/jACK. YOU MU8T SKK THIS -jUproperly to appreciate It ] two homos for saleut bargain. Call for terms , etc. , Fidelity Truit Com uauy , IDU Fmuum stroet. zii AllAUOAIN. 1IAVK A OOODBIZBDI.OT AI10UT 20U feet from Shurmmi avo. . J minutes' walk front poitollloo ; spluudia iielghborbood. Will build to suit customer on vasy terms. It will pay TOU to lUTesllgaU this oOer. A , C. fc'roM. room 2J , l > ugla block , Wo and Oudta ita. i I FOH SALE-n'H'AIj ESTATK. CnntuijiciJ. 1 easy lorniss taXeolenrltruTiprty as llrstinymeiit. | I ) . U. Wallace , Ilronn blockjiuth and Douglas. _ ifi.1 _ I OH SAliK111(1 ( IIAIUtAIN 1NO11CIIAHPHILL I lot , will tnkaKOOd hotlvms llrst nayment , bnl- mice monthly | iaymcnt . j . , , We will sell you lot.dlrt chenp and furnish money to bullil you n hnnift on monthly payments ; several locutions. ti Wo nlll build you nrrU/tfe to suit on monthly pnrniputs ; unnll pnvmeiit.ngirn. ; Two now 5-rooin rottnRC * In Klrkwood , one block from car line , cheap on inllrtthly payments. llnritaln In clear lot In Walnut Hill , only f 1. 100.00. llnrtraln In clrnr lot In tlrcjinrd Hill , only fiM.u-J. Ilnrgnln In clear lot In CiulKiiton Heights , f-HIJ.IK ) Itargnln In a beautiful pome In l.nfayettu Place , the llnest re'ldenco termed In Omnlui , everyone nd- mils It. Let us ohow It > ou. For terms , price * , etc. , call on Fidelity Trust Co. , 1(114 ( Fnruam street. 255 1 fOlTsAIjK , N OS. 4101 AND 4101 LAFAYKI'TM -I ave. In Lnfayettu Place , new 8 room dwelllnK.i. with bath , pas , etc . electric pn-Ol htlna nnd every other modern Improvement , tine lawn , trei" nnd Kurroiiudlncs one block from electric cars. The o two houses will bu solil nt a bla bargain ; will take lot ns tmrt payment : let us how yon the property. Fidelity Trust company , llill Fariinm st , 2Vi _ l0ll SALl-I AT A 11A1IOAIN. LOT 1.1 , 1II.OCK 3 , l W. Ii , Solby's First addition to South Omaha ; small payment down , halancn monthly If desired. Inquire (1. U , T/soliucK. Omaha Hoc , ' l' : LOTS NKA line , f203 each ; ! J culi , bal. „ ' , 4. ( I. , 7 per cent , llosldenco lots within 2) { mllei of poototllcj M.V ) each ; 1-10 cash , bal. loru tltui ) nt 7 par cent. Fine lot with six-room cotu u ill : i.Uh and Hurt streets. Price. IJ.SOJ : J.VU cull. bal. easy. Potter , % ( ieorgo Co. , H , W. cor. Kith an.l Fnrintu. M3I7 Jyl A FINK A0tl ! ! LOT IN 1IKNSON Allj ) . CLOS ! ' ! jvto motor , only fHK ) ; easy payments. Fidelity Trust Co. , Hill Farnam. Miijj Jy7 _ I jM N K 1 1 Y I M 1 'lunrK I ) FA It18 MTlVKH FltOM P. O. J Will sell S'J or li acres very low. Wright & Lasbnry , Itltli nnd Howard. M20t : nili IIAUCAIN , FULL LOT UN 3SNP AVKM1 ! between Poilito and Pnvi'iiport streets , In the Immediate vicinity of the llne t real lencot of the city for only * : i ! ! OJ. worth 54fflU. Fidelity Trust Co. Kill Farnani street. 311-9 BAIU.A1N9 IN ACHK I'llOl'KIlTY. 5 ncr cs clo e to belt line , $ .IOOJ. . 10 acres. loiitliHest of city. $5.500. 10 acres close to Holt railway. West Omaha ; will plat Into 5U nice lot.i , owner will take email rottagu or vacant residence or Inrm ns part payment , price J7.WIIJ. 20 acres close to elty , $11,000. 40 acres close to Hell line , will pint Into 20J colco lots , $111,100. 10 acres oloso to Holt railway , $5,500. (14 ( neiei West Omaha , only te,750 4'J acres near new fair grounds and only 4f $ miles from pu tolllci > , KIOUO. 40 acres WcstOmiliit only SIO.OjO. A choice tract of BO acres nt Omaha. ! S" oh. , less than Uvo miles from the postolllco nnd business portion of the city , prlco flS.uoo.OO. one-fourth cash , balance to Mult , or will Ink" one-third or potslbly onu-hnlf In Improved property. Thin Is one of the llnest tracts ot acre property around Omaha , situated on a beautiful elevntlon , commanding ntimgnlllccnt view of the city , and locnted directly In the way of the future growth of Omnlm , It Is absolutely cer * tnln to enlmnro very rapidly In value within the next lew years. Has been In the hands of thu pres ent cnners for over twenty years. They lire not iiblo to carry It In Us present unproductive shnpo any longer , nnd will sell or consider nn exchniign for Improved , Income bcnrlm ; property. Address CeorgoN. lllcks , 305 N. Y. Llfu llulldlug , Omaha , Neb. M40I5 fiVJIl SAIjR. 13I.KHANT NKVV HOUSU .IITST -L being completed In Hnnscom Place ; all modern Iraprovenieuts. Cull and get prlco and terms lllcka. : i05 N. Y. l.lfo building M40J 5 lOIl SALR 1OM NKIIUASKA , KANSAS AND i South Dakota farms forsaleor exchanga from fi > OU to { 5,00,1. ! : . F. jtluRer , 151U Farnam. M ' .U b * A N ITKM OP INTKUICdT. 'V'riio trend of Interp.Ht rates Is downward. The average rate of Inlen'st rcnlliod on United Stntes government bonds In the month of .Innunry , IS70 , wn ( .SH percent. In Jauimry , 1S 0 , It wns 3.75 HIT cent , and In January. IH > , It wns 2.07 per cent. The demands of the f rroWver advocates and of the sub-treasury people will rusiilt In a further de cline In the bearing power of money , and thica ycnn * heiico monuy- west of the .Missouri river can be had at 5 perceijt , and live years ircnco 4 per cent. Here are Investments that'nlll ' pay yon 5 per cent net for ninety nine yeursjjiccurlty good us govern ment bonds. . , Wo will sell you n lot on Farnain ( , trect , 44x132 feet to nn alley , on whlchlls erected n tlnu lnlck ' ' ind for the whole pcrioil o the lease. Again. 22x1:12 : lout In tlin heart of business prlco $17. iW. Impiovomcnts iilbatnntlally same as nbovu and will take leaw on terms. Another Hue I'arnnni Mrhet property , well Im proved nnd paying" per cilll net , on price , SIO.UOO. 'I'hls Is n grc-nj mul groli > ) { property * \VIII taku a good Omaha resldeiicans paTt payment , some cash , balance long Hint * . - ' rtl.K.V.V.VDiJIivMoiMli : , 401 lleo llldi. Ifcal ICalMtc , LauiB .luil.lnveftmonls. y40.0IW STOCK MDS13 , SPLHND1D . , 'Jgnoil towm naif cash , bal. good Innil or Im proved properly. $11.500 stock hnrdwnro for Improved farm and cash. Hrlck business blk In good town , $21,000 inortfr. , $7,500 ; rents J..O'JO , for modern , residence w. ors , w. part ol city. 120 ncres In Florida , 50 acres planted to orange and lemon trees : farm Implements , etc. , price. $7.500. clear ; will trade forOmnha ornny good town property. This Is worth1 Investigating. 470 ncres Ip-.Ioo Diivls Co. . 111. , highly Improved , clear ; price , fi 0(1 ( per acre , for Oinaha business or residence property. 4SO acre Block farm near Franklin , Neb. , well Im proved , 100 cattle. 411 IIOI-HCS. farm Implements , for stock milso. K. F. Hlnger , 1510 Farnain .MIW.i 8 * UY ACUK I'llOl'KUTY-WKST OF TIIK CITY. Now Is the time to Invest ! The building of the Nebraska Central railroad , the new parks and boulevards will iiinko outsUlo acres very valuable. I can olTer a forty acre tract nt $ l00 ! per acre that , with the rapid growth of Omaha , cnn be plnttcd Into ax ) nice lots and sold at from JI'JO ' to } JO per lot within the next few years. Figure out the prollt on nn Investment of this kind , thu salcbt and surest on the market today. Hero are n few bargains In South Oinnlm : 80x150 , corner 24th and O , $3.100. I xl50 , near 24th and I ) , f.UMJ. (10x150 , corner 25th and II , $2,400. HOUSKS AND LOTS FOIl BALK In all parts of the city. Klegant new modern- bnllt residences near llanscom pnrk. Also otter big bargains In West Kiid and West Omaha addi tions. FOIl HENT. tievernl nlco houses In Huiibcom Place. (1150. N. HICKS , 305 New York l.lfo Dnlldlng. J140.1 5 _ ONTI1LY PAY.MKNTS , ( i HOUSKS IN POIIT- land Place. $500 under price ; sou them ; also M lotHiOO to $500 cheaper than adjoining lots. K. F. lllnger , 1510 Fnrnaui. My.i'j 8 * rPO IlKAL KSTATK OWNKHS , IF YOU HAVK 1 residence , business or aero property to oiler at bargains list with K. F. Illuger , 15IU Furnam. A\TK STILL 1IAVK CUSTOM KUS FOIl HOUSIIS , ' ' 11,500 to f 10,000 ; nil parts city , K. V. Gnrvln X Co. , 2J3Mheely block. M377 4 | 7Oll SALK , CHOICK ACItB PHOPKIITY. CIIAS. 1 M. 1'ower , room.W.i , Chamber of Commerce. BHAUT1FUL liLKNWOOP HHKiHTri IS THH mightiest property In Oiiiahn , On motor line surrounded * by elegant homes , good ecliooN and churches. Lots f > uxl32 leet from 1 400.00 to 1700.00. Wright & Lasbury , 10th and Howard btiectu. J1302 _ _ _ _ _ _ \\7K OFFKIt HliVKIlAL IIAIKiAINH IN WliLL < ' located houses on easy payments , K. C. Car- vln A CQ..JOJ Sheely block , M377 4 $10.000 UUrilNKSS HIUCK IILOCK INhlDH ; WIliT sell so rental nuts 10 per cent If done nt once. Clour. Tnku part trade. A , 1C , Hllcy , room 40 , llnrjior block. M ; i' > i5 * FOB BENT-PASTURES. HOHSKS AND CATTLKa'ASTUIlKD AT STOCK ( arm , llollovuu. U..TU.xClarko , 213 Hoard of Trade , Omaha.- < > 257 1 > ASTUU15FO CAVrUB jOHana. T..MUUIIAY 1 an _ i \V rANTKD-HOIlSKd 'Wf PAMTUHK , OALLKD ' for nud delivered , ( f A. Unrtijuost illtl S. 15th. 7 Aia ? . ' 1 > A8TUHA(1K FOIl HOIHK3 , COLTi , OATTLK. -L 200 acres pasture ; bom room cs o of storm. My farm ranch Is ono mlle t/om 24th "struut motor car , south on ( illuioro roiui. I call and deliver. Address mo , J. H. llruiiu 1 * . O. box 131. South Omaha. * > jiwj Jyl PASTUHE FOHCATTLE. $ UOHSICS. T. MUUKAV u male and fonOi'W help. Tel. nil. 251 . . . j j REltf I ft C TON For Sale Rent , J3.r Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , ' 007 Farnam Ctreot. ( OMAHA DRUNKENNESS Or the Liquor Ilnlill I'uslllvrly Cured Of nUoilulalerlui ; Dr. llnlutV Uulilrii Nimrlflr. It . given la a cup of aonee or tea , or In feed , wltbout tht knowlrdea of Iho pitleut. It ls abioluloly barmleas , and will elfccl poraaoent and speedy cure , wbether tha patient t > a moderate drinker or an aloonollo wreak. It his beta given la thousands of oaser. and In every Instance a perfect cure has fol. 'owed. It * * r Fall . TuesTStemoneelmproKnaUd rlttj the Bpeoino. U becomes ao utter loiposslblllty for the liquor appetite to Hilt. UOIJIEN HI-KCfFlO C4 . . Prop-ra. CI l. aU. O. Hi-fiito book of parUoulara free. To t bad of Kuhn&Co. . ISthaua Lou lu Bu. , 16th anil CumliiifbH , Wlioles.'ilu. IllitUo , llruco & Co. and KioUurasou Drug Co. , Omaha , Nob. WOODEN SIDKWALK RESOLUTION CONSTRUCTION. Council Chamber. OmihnNoli. : . .Ittno H. 1S01 Ito It resolved by thu c'ty council of the olty of Ohiiihn , the tiirtyarcnneurrlnit : Tlint vrooilon slilnwulkj bo roiHtriiPtcil In thoclty of Onnlin nsilcxlmmicd bolow. within flvo dnys nflcr the iiubllcnttoti of llil * ro oln- t'on , or the personal snrvtcu thereof , ns by orulniincn Is niitliorl/cd nnil riMiitlrojl ! such sulewnlks to bo I'i Id to tlio prevMit srndo on tlio streets snoolllcd hetolti , nnd to bo rointrtictcd of ulne uliuik of such width ; ind thlcktieoi nnil bolaltl upon joists of siiclulnieti ! ! otn urn ! In such iitatiner us Is iirosi-rlticd by tbn snoclll- iilloin : nil lllo In tlio ollleo of Iho Hoard of I'ttbllourks nnd iindor Its suporvUlon , to- wit : r.itst sldo of ' 'Tth sircot , N 2.1 ft of lot S blnclc 10. Sliliili's uddltioil. U feet wide , North sldo of Seward slrnot. K II ft of lot 2 block B , Slilnn's aildltlon.U feet wide. I'nst side of ffiith street , Iot7 bmoU t , I'.tt- rlck's nddlllon , H fcot wldu. . Smith sldo of Mart ha street , lot I and \V4J ft lot - block 11 I'ruyn's addition , tl foul wlilo. South sldo of Martha street. liN ) I nnd 2 bloou ; i , tiiiprovciiient Association addition. C feet wldo. West sldo of mill stroot. lots I , fl. 0 , 7. 8.1) , 10 , 11 , I' . ' , block Ki. Improvement As tu'iatlon nd- ( III Ion. 4 feet wide. North sldo Mnson stroot. lots -T and IS block S , Kuiiiil/o , t Ituth's addition. ( I foot u'lilo. North sldo of Nelson street , lots 10 , 17 , IS , 10. 20. block St. Walnut Hill. 0 feet wide. Kast sldoof ! Sn struot. lots block lsi5 ! , city beltitf frorn Nicholas street 170 foot north , feet wide. Anil bo It fui-llier rmolvo.l ; That the Hoar I of t'ltnlli ! Works bo and hereby Is unthorlrod and dlrcetud lo cause a copy of this resolution to bo publNliod In tlio olllclal paperof the city for ono week , or bo served on tlie ownuru of suld lots and unless such owners sb.i I within llvo d iyg after the publication or service of such coj' | ) i-onttruet sitd sidewalks as herein retiulrotl , that the Hoard of Public Works oamo tbu same to DO done , the cost of constructing s'tld sidewalks respective y to bo nsesso I nsalnit tlio toul estate , lot or part of tot In front of and abut- tlnc such sldowalks. Passed Juno II , 18'J. ' . K.l > . DAVIS. 1'resldentof the Council. Attest : .1011N UUOVKS. Ulty Clork. Acptovod : 0F.O. P. III2MIS , Mayor. NOT10K TO CONSTltUCT PIDKW.VMvB. To the owners of the lots , parts of lots nnd real estate described In the above resolu tion : You and oicli of you are horaby notlllcd to construct wooden sldowalks as leciulred by it resolution of the elty council and mayor of Iho city of Oinahu , of whlub the above Is a copy. I1. W. lilUICIlArsKK. Chairman Hoard of Public Works. _ ojualui , Nob.J _ uiy2. _ _ isa- ' . jyB-j-q-7-8 onTo To the owners of lots ami parts of lots and real estate aloiiu 2'ilh street from Kees street to I'aclllo street and I'aclllo struot from 2Ith htreot tuSTilli .ivenuo In the ulty of Omaha. Von are hereby notillod that the undor- slKiioil , three disinterested freeholders of the city of Ontiih i. have uocn duly appoluted bv Iho mayor , with the approval of the city council of s.ild city , to assess the damage to the owners respectively of the property affected ' fected by the ohatmo of crude of 2Jth s'trcot from Hoi's street to 1'acltlo street and I'acllio street from 24th street to k.'ith avcnuo , de clared necessarv by ordinance 181. passed Jlay SB. A. I ) . lh ! ) . ' . approved May 2 * . A. I ) . ISO.1. on are further notllled , that having uc- coptcd said appointment , and dtilv niialllled as rciulred ( by law , wo will , on the Utli nay of July. A. 1) . 1 0. ' , nt Urn hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon , at the olllce of John ! ' . Klaek. room .Vil , Chamber of Commerce within the corporate limits of said city , moot for the purpose of considering and maklnirtho assoss- iiiunt of damae ; to the owners respectively of said properly , att'ecto.l bv said chanico of IT ratio , taking Into consideration special bone- fits. if any. You are notllled to ho present at the time and ulaee afoicsald and make any objections to or .statements concornlnjr said assessment of damages as you may consider proper. JOHN R KI-AUIv , ( ilX ) . J. I'AUI. . Committee of Appraisers. Omaha , Juno 23 , l-illi l\Y virtue of an execution Issued by 1'rank R. Mooro-i , clerk of the District court of Done- las county , Nebraska , upon a Judgment rend ered In said court In favor of the Oommorclal National Hank of Omaha , Nebraska , and asainst C. M. Sehiioldor .t Company , and C. M. Schneider. I have levied upon the follow ing seeds and chattel ; ! as the property of the said O. M. Srhnulder & Company , to-wlt : The entire wholesale slock of notions and gents' fiirniahlnxKood * . hosiery and gloves. and other merenandlse. together with olllco ' nnd store furniture and llxtures. and all con tained In the basement and llvo story store building , Xoi , 111))1 ) ! ) , nml till Howard street In the city of Omaha , Douslas County. No- linlska ; and I will on thn llth day of Julv , A , I ) . , IK ! ) . ' , roiiimencln at 10 o'clock u. m. or said day. at Nos. IKW'i and 1111 Howard street , In the city of Omaha , s.ild county and state , sell said iroods and chattul.s at pitlillo auction to the hliihost bidder , or bidders , for cash , or so nnteli thereof as may bo necessary to satisfy said execution , the amount dno tneroon being twenty thousand and llfty dollars ( J.o : > 0.00) ) Judgment nnil nine and ; > - ! ( ) ) dollars. ( tJ.O.'l ) costs , with Interest on said amounls at the rate of 111 per eont per annum from the 10th day of June. A. D , lb. > t the accrulni ; costs. Omaha , Neb , Juno IMtli , ISH. ( GKOKQK A. HRNNETT. Sheriff of Dou.ulas Count Nob. Ji0dl2lm& : . _ NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR GRADING. To the owners of all lots and parts of lots and oal estate aloii'4 the alloy running east and west adjoining lots : IO. 31 , .T. . : ) . ! . : U , K. , ' , ' C . : i7 , IIS. C ! ) and 4U , In bloek4 , Campbell's addition , from -'Dili street to 21st stroot. Vou are hereby notlllod that the under signed , three disinterested freeholders of the city of Omaha , have been duly appointed hy the mayor , with the approval of tlio city council of said olty. lo assess the to the owners respectively of the property directed by grading alley In block 4 , Camp- 1ml I'M addition , from -Jth street to 21st street , declared necessary by ordinance , ' 1.104 , passed June 14 , IS ! ) , ' , approved Juno 15 , 1S92. You are further notllled , that having neceptoJ said appointment , and duly qual ified as required by law. wo will , on the 7th day of July , A. D. 181W. at the hour of 10 o'clock In tlio forenoon , at the ofllco of T. H. JicCiilloch , room 842. N. V. Mfo building. within tlio corporate llinlls of said elty , muut for the purpose of considering and making the assosstr entof damage to the owners respect ively of said property , affected by said grad ing , taking Into conslUonitlon special bcnofltti , if any. Vou are notified to bo present at the tlmo and place aforesaid , nnd make tiny objections to or gtatomonlH eoncernlnz said assessment of Uamugcs as you may consider proper. T. 11 , McCUM.oCll , CiiMir.KR lj. THOMAS , U. S. IlKNBWA. Omaha. Jii".o2.1. 1803. , T24dlOt NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGES - AGES FOR GRADING ALLEY FROM 8TII STRK13T TO 10TII STREET BETWEEN' PINE AND HICKORY STREETS. To the owners of all lots , p-nt of lots nnd lOitl estalo along tbu alloy from Htb street lo tlio street between I'lno and Hickory streets : Vou are hereby notlllod that the undor- slicncd , Ihreu dl'lnlorosted freeholders of the city of Omaha , nave been duly appointed ny the mayor , with tbu approval of the city council of said city , to assess the damage to the owners respectively of the property af fected by grading tlio alloy from bin to 10th streets between I'lno and Hickory utroots. de clared necessary by ordlnanco ; II07 , passed Juno 14 , I At ! , approved Jimo 15 , IS' ) ; ' . Vou tire further notllled , thnthavlng no- coptod said appointment , and duly iiuallflod as required bv law , wo will , on Iho 8th day of July. A. I ) . 18 ! ) . ' , at the hour of I0o'olo-lc In the forenoon , at the ofllco of T. C. llrnnner , Itoom I rt'nru block , within the corporate lim its of said olty , moot for the purpose of con sidering the makltiR and usiossment of ilain- ngov to the ownunt rosnuetlvoly of said prop erty , affected by mild grading , taking Into consideration snenlal bonollts , If liny. Von are notllled to bo prosunt at the tlmo nndijlneo afofesald , and innko any objoctlona to or staleiuents concerning said assessment of damages ni. you may consider proper. T. C. IlltUNNKlt , T. II MCUUI.I.OCH , W. II. OATKS , Cnmmlttooof Appralsors. OMAHA , Juno 25 , 1602. _ J&idiut NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGES - AGES FOR GRADING IIOWAFCD STREET. To tlio owners of nil lota , parts of lots and rottl estate alone Howard utroot from Twun- tloth strotit tou nolnt28) foot west of Twentieth - tioth street and necessary approaches. Vuu are hereby notified that the undor- algnod. thren disinterested f rooholdorii of the olty of Oniiiha. have boon duly appolntod by the mayor , with the approval of the olty council of said olty , to assess thu dainugo to the owners , respectively , of the prop erty affected ny grading Howard street from Twentieth strout to n point 2HJ feet west of Twentieth street , declared necessary by ordi nal. to No. illOS , passed Juno II , ISO. ' , approved June 15 , IB/ ! . ' , Vou are further notified that having ac cepted said appointment and duly finullllod ( is roijulrod by law , wo will , on the lltli day of July , A. U. Ibu ; ' , at the hourof 10 o'clock In the forenoon , at the olllco of Hhrlvor & O'Donn- hoe. KOi 1'arnum utrcet , within the corporate limits of said olty , meet for tlio purpose of ronsldorlnit and mailing the nasossmont of damage to the owners rusnuotlvely of said property , affected by mid uradlug , taklns Into cortsldonitlon special bunutlta , If any. Vou are notified to bo present at the time and place aforesaid anil make any objoctlona to nr statements concerning said assessment of damages us you miiy consider proper , w. a. sHiaVKit , QKO. J. 1'AUU JAMlCri STOUICDALK , _ . , Oommlttoe of Appraiser * . Omaha Juno 29 , IbW. J dlOt j AMMUNITION o oo ooo oooo For the grand fusllndo of shot and shell upon the fortress of disease. Is possessed In uniiinitcd cpmntities , mid ot the most effective - ive kind , by those inonnrchs of the medical profession , Drs. Betts & Betts , Upon \vlioso banner victory has perched for 'J7 yonrs. > AO &Xz _ x & DISEASES Vanish the inaKic iiowor of thulr skillful touch. Tlioso , ono nnd all. rcntlily yield to their skillful nnd sciontitie trontniont , ns thou sands of testimonials from gnitul'ul people abundantly prove. Send 4 cents for their nnw , handsomely illustrated and valunlilo book of 1'JO naircs. full of rare information for nil. Consultation free. Call upon or address , with stamp , DRS. BETTS & BlTiTb. 119 South Mill St. N.HJ. Corner 1-lth and Douglas Sta. Om alia. Mob. It' you want the whiskey which will not scald the throat , burn the stomach nor cause headache and nausea , but is smooth nnd pleasant to the taste , of exquisite bouquet and guaranteed to bo positively pure , rich and wholesome , call for and take no other. You may know it by thu above qualities and the proprietary bottle tle in which it is served. For sale at all first-class drinking places and drug stoics. 12 DALLEMAND & CO. , Chicago. ' RRILWHYTIMEGHRD t.45 p ni | St. I'niil l.liiiltud OmalmU. | I * . UepotV 10th"an'tj Mnroy'Ht'i' [ ' "Uiimhii ITALY ANI3 IIKU KESOUKOKS , KT-1'ronilor CrUpl In nn Vniorl- can Mnenrlnc Article. Italy Is eontlninilly progressing , both morally nml economically , say * ox-Mln. istor Oispl in the North American Ho- view. Ha wealth is on the increase ; they deceive or wish to deceive them selves who say that that wealth is ex hausted. U sulllees to consult our sta tistics of today and compare them with those of IKtll and 1801 to understand the progress tnado since then. I stated Hint we nail 2i)01 kilometers of railways in 18(11 ( ; today wo have 15,000 kilometers. Our slenmers on the oa numbered hnnlly eighty , with a capacity of 1SOOU tons , when the new kingdom began its existence ; there are now 200 ot them , with u capacity of 187,000 tons. The siimo progress is seen in our International commerce , which In 1S01 hud a value of 1-100,000,110(1 ( ( in im ports and exports ) und has increased today ton value of two milliards. The production of cereals rose from 71HO- ! 000 hectolitres in 1802 to I ) 1,215,000 in 1SUO ; Hint of wine ono of Italy's special exports amounted in 1802 to 21,00:1,000 : hectolitres and roaehed 8li,70lM)00 ) hoe- tolltres in 1800. As to mechanical in dustries Italy was tributary to foreign countries. She piogresscd slowly , and while ton yours ngo she produced nn- ntially to the value of SO,000,000 ot francs , today ftho produces 100,000,000. Tlio textile industries were not less for tunate.Vo produced so little that our fabrics did not sulllco for domestic con sumption. Wo now begin to export lo foreign markets and the export of 181- , 000 kilograms in 1SS7 has increased to 270,000 Kilograms in 1SD1. Wages have advanced in proportion to increased production. Mrs. lj. ! „ Piitton , Hooicford , 111. , wrllou "From personal uxporiunoo I can rocomiiiuntl Do Wilt's ijnronpnrilln , a euro for liupura blood utiil Konornl dobilitv. " The Mercer hotel , 12th anil Howard. 150 elegant rooms $2 to $3 per any. Shu Pnllcil IIIH l.i jf. General Stone , oao of Kentucky's pop- ulnr representatives in congress'is short n leg. For seine reason , best known to himself , ho will not wear n cork article , nor oven it wooden ono ; so ho walks around with the aid of crutches , says thu New York 1'ross. This fact , in addition to his big stature , makes him si very conspicuous individual. Among those who were attracted to him a few days ago was a protly young miss from St. Louis. Her curiosity at , once be/ / to work , but no ono could toll where the general had lost his log. In dosp.Ur she waited for the general to leave the hall , and like a Hash she sped alter him. "General , " nho exclaimed when she Clinch t him , "may I speak to von a mo- mont'i" ' The general , obliging as usual , nodded and withdrew into si window recess. "I hope you won't bo olVondod , general - oral , " she began , "but I want to know how you lost your leg. " Tlio general was somewhat surprised. "Aro you from Indianai" ' ho inquired. "No , general , " she replied , "I am only from St. Louis , " whereupon ho for gave her. "It was lontj ago. little one1 ho told her. "I was n boy and in love. Mj sweetheart was very fond of ice cream , and though I was trying to sitvo up cnouirh money lo got married , she used to null my log , to use a phrase , foi ice cream. And she did i4 , so olTecuiallj nnd so often , nnd the summer boinir vorj long and hot , she finally pulled it olT. " DoWitt's Snrsnparoin cleanses tlio blood , Ineroasos the tititl tonoi tip tlio ay * torn. It ha * bjiiollttoil many pjopla who Imvo suffered from blooJ dUorJorj. U will hclpyou. Died t Nlnnty-l-'lvn. - Norristown ( ljn. ) Herald : On Sun day night Esther Lukens died at tin residence of Edward Itlch , Ilorsham. in her Ootli year. She loft explicit diroo' lions about her burial. She wanted a eoilln similar to Hint used for her busband , George Lukens , who died over twenty years ago , one of the plainest kind. Tier burial garments were found ready jnsl ns she had prepared them. They bora her maiden name , Esther Cooper , and had _ evidently boon made ready and laid aside , awaiting their destined use moru than 70 years ago. Mrs. Lukons1 wishes were respected and they were used. Tim remains wore interred on Thursday al Horslmin Friends' burying ground. 'Tha funeral was largely attended. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is an tin excelled modlcino for children while tuotu ing. 25 cents a botllo. A I'lnn Ntnv Sli-umor to AliisUn. Tlio Canadian Pacific railway claims the credit of opening up to tlio commer cial world throe now places. Tlioy are Sitkn , Junoall and Wrangoll , Alaska. Tlio now steamer Islolandor has just boon added to the fleet of the Canadian Pacilic , and will include those places ninong those at which she touches. Tlio Islolandor is n twin-screw ship , built of etool and hasolcctrie light and all otlior modern improvements. One con enjoy u fourteen days' trip from Vancouver in coursing about the waters of this won derful and practically now country , anil many are taking advantage of this op portunity. Side lioadnclioi Ilcooliam's Pills will re lieve. Elastic Stockings KOI : Weak Limbs , , Varicose Veins Swellings , all sizes. Abdo minal Supporters ters , Deformity Braces , Medi cinal Supplies. TIIK ALOKftPENPOLD CJOMfANY. 114S. 16b ( St. , Next lo Post Office NOTICIi OF ASSKSSMKNTOI'MJAM. ' AGES FOH GRADING "D" ( FOHM- KtlLY DOMINION ) STHHUT FltOM OTII STIIKIOT TO 13TII STHKI5T. To tlio owners ofill lots , Marts of lota mid lonl aslHlu nloni ; "II" | formerly Diiinliilon ) Hlrnet from Utli > treot to Klllt Htreot. You urn lioreliy notlllod tlmt thu under- HlRiiud , thruu dlulnturotited freelmlduri of tha olty of Uniulia , liuvu hoen duly nupoliitud by the ntiiyor , wltli tlioupimivulof Ihoulty coiiu- ell of diild city , to iihsii.-ts tlin dniuiiKu to tlis OWIIUJH rusucutlvely of tlio property itll'doted by urudluK "U" Lfortnerly IJoinliuoiil ulruel from Utli strool to iitli : atrrut , declured nuoeK- miry by ordlimiiuu No. iiori , paasud April aitli , IBUi approved AliiyUrd , 1WI. . Vou lire further notlilnd , lint huvliiu ao. copiedHulil uppolntiiieut , nnd duly iiniilllloi ] ng rcijiilred by law , wo will , on tlio fill dnyol July , A , I ) , IS ! ) . ' , ut the hour of 'J o'olouk la thu afternoon , ut tlio olllco o ( W. II. ( Jutes , No , UUM , N. Y. Llfo bulltlliiK , within the , corporut HinllH uf uuld olty. nmet for thu iiuriioiii of eon. slilurliiir utid inubltiir nHst-asinuii t or dunmuu M the ownuru reapoutlvuly of mild pruportv , directed Uy iuld urndlnv , takliiK Into conlla < eriitlnn apenlal Innuillts , if any , You are notlUud to bo pranont ut the tlma und plnco uforutiald , and ntuko any ( itJuinloiii toorutuKuiiunti conoiiniliin mild iisiiiai of danmKoa as you muy connlder tirotior W.J. MOfJNT. W. II. ( IATHS. JOHN W. HUU11IN8. Oumba , Juue 24,1892. JJ1U1VI