6 THE OMAHA DAILY WEE : MONDAY JULY < | , 1892 , RESULT OF RECEST RAINS High Water Sorionsly Damaging Nebraska Oily Proprty , BURLINGTON BRIDGE IN DANGLR rinoil < > t tlm Missouri Kiplilly Itlsliifr l'roicrty | t ilia Itillrin.U BOIIIR Pro tected liy n l.nritn I'nrco < iT \VorUnicn. CITV , Not ) . , July a. [ Special Telegram to TUB Hr.u. ] Tim Missouri has rlson llvo incnos during the last twenty-four hours , reaching the highest point of the season. Much nnxlcty for the II. it M. oridgo Is orprossed. but u lnr.c force ot men nro working to protect it with rock mid brush. r u cii.urAi'ot.v ; ) VISITOIM. Intcrr-fttlng ixorls : s In bo Intniiliiri'il nt tin ) Stiilu AsiomlilU'S Tii-iluy. Bnvniin : , Neb. , July 3.-Special [ to Tun JIEK.J-Tomorrow will uo a great day nt the HcaricoChnutuucun. ! | Ttio iintionnlholldny will bo observed with npproprlatu patriotism commingled ivllli n decorus Uhnutiiu < nm pro gram. Hobcrt Nourao will ctollvornn address nt tno tabcrnaclo In the morning lit 11 o'cloclf. Thogront fcatuio of the duv , however - ever , will bo 'ho nddrossot Ch.inlnm McC.ibo nt tbo tabernacle In the nUcrnoon. beginning nt 'J : ! ! ( ) o'clock. His s'lbjcot ' < vll | bo , "J lie JJright Khto of Ufo In Llobv I'rlson. " Ancnt Chuplnln Mi'Cnbo's Urn win IT iiunli- tieb ns n pintrurin locuiivr , Uev. P. ( J. Johii- 1.011 bus furnished Tin : Hr.i : tlio following roininendiitlon : "It tins been my privilege to Unow Chnnlain McCnuu for years. 1 Imvo lirurd him preach , nlng and lectnro niul do not hesitnto to say that for nil Hint consti tutes n popular platform spoaUrr , Ctinnlaln ftlct'ntio is scoonil to no one in the United Mntrs. Ills lectnro entitl.'d "Tho IJriuht Hide of I-loby Prison , " is the most-thrilling nnd effective bit of pint form sponKliitf over licnnl. No passion of the human soul In lifo untouched. It abounds In all tbo clotniiiils of oratory. Wit , luiinor. patnos , sarcasm , follow encb other until the hearer becomes a HOI t of n comblnntion of nil himself. As ho recites tno uxpcrinco of our soldiers in prison , tolls of tneir suffering and of the Indignities - dignities thrust upon them , the p-itnotio soul feels the llvllest aympaitiy with the nation's eauso and the imtlon' dofonders. Tours , laughter , shout" , follow the speaker nnd one nuvor forgets the stirring ho Rets. . " I..ONO Pixr , Nob. , July ! ' | Hpecial to Tim UBI : | As the tlmo npproarhcs for the opcnii g ol the si.sth annual session of tbo L.WM ; Pine Uhautauqtm , tlio ollieers arc nctivclv engaged in arranging for the most successful iw-omblv ever bold hero. The superintendent of grounds is lit wor ! ; with a force of men reconstructing bridges , which \vcro washed out during tbo high water Una Bpring , and prepnilnp the grounds for camp ing purposes. The grounds denominated the "Yosemtto of Neura.sK.i" were never more beautiful. Tbo follago is heavier and more luxuriant thnn bcrctoforo , and , owing to the latospriiiL' , will lotain its fivshncss throughout the present season. The assem bly opens July til , and continues to August 1. A\rst I'olnt Nuns ? , 'i > tr . WEST POINT , Nob. , July 3. [ Special to Tins Bui.I : The articles of incorporation of the now cigar factory are ready for accept ance. At u mooting of citizens Monday , the following committee was appointed to solicit stock : Joe Kiinu , William btilrenV. . A. Black and Ij. Kosenthnl. The committee is nowntwoiK soliciting subscriptions to the Block and in a few duys tbo people ot West Point will bo nulo to announce the complete oreanl/iitlon of another concern that will bo n credit to the city. Clmrlcs Jnnkelo was nrrestca Friday morning for violation of the ordinance rela'- Ing to Sunday closing. At the preliminary hcnrlng the case wns tiostponod until the 13lh Ir.st. 'Ibis U the lirst violation of tbo Sun day law under the new council and will bo m.ulo a test case. The members and friends of Jordan lodge No. 2T , Ancient Free and Accepted Musons , were entertained Friday evening at their ball by installation ceremonies and later at Kruusc's ' ball , where supper was provided. IV. E. Krause , rotirinir master , was install ing ofilcer nnd tbo following ofllcera were Installed for the ensuing your : 1) . O. Gifftjr , master ; A. Barnett , senior warden ; Joe UnJIcek , junior warden ; C. L. Sharp , treasurer : R C. ICrauso , secnitary ; T. M. Krause , senior deacon ; Charles T. Alnclc , junior deacon ; A. Bank , bcnior sentinel ; Charles Nltz , junior sentinel ; J. O. Uornig , tiler. After the supper was discussed tbo happy throng returned to the lodge room whiTO gamtH were piayod until tbo electric lights warned them to go homo. N ' \VH Inini Illlc Cu'dt. EI.K CuiiBic , Neb. , July H. [ Special to Tun U'BB.J There were two line rains in this Joeallty Friday , and now prospects for crops uro excellent. F.irmera aro"premrlug | to harvest their wheat this week. Some talk of a bolter crop than last year. Knoll iS : Tracy , the now grain buyers of this place , have l > oen very busy of Into tak ing in wheat and corn from tbo fnrmor.s. The people are talking up n nuw sntiool bouse , which is much needed , the old ono baing a disgrace to the town nnd district. The district is wealthy ana the people Intelli gent , and no doubt will vote bonds and build. J. L. MuBrlno , county superintendent of Tecumseh , was in town yesterday looking after tbo school inton'sts. J. B , Ogden was elected treasurer at tbo cebool mooting. A 'JO-mlll tax was lovloil. The Farmers and Merchants bank paid out to local fanners for grain and stock Curing Juno the sum of $1 lb'39.03. The Kpworth icaguo of the Methodist Episcopal church has grown in scvon months to a membership of litty-two. Normiil Oollngo Iti'piilillr.iu Chili , FntMoxr , NOD. , July ! ! . [ Special to TUB Ilin.JTbo : pupils of tbo Fremo-nt Normal enllopo held n mealing yesterday morning ut 0:30 : o'clock and organized a republican cam paign club nnd elected the following ofllcors : S. E. Notson , president ; Carrie Haggard , vice president ; J. D. Avery , jr. , socrotarv ; W. H. UolT , treasurer ; Joslo ( itmls , Eva ( icorgu and Hugli Walker , executive com- inltt'je. The club stalls \\lth llfty charter inombcrs. Itvlll organl/.o at once a voung ladies marching club to take part in parades und camuiilgn mcntlngs. This' is the Jlfth republican club so far organized in Uodgo county , iliillitlii ) ; Itooin , UBUINCI , Nob. , July a. [ Special to Tun BUB. ] More builoing will bo douo in this city this season than over boforo. A 810,000 , lt > 0-barrel roller mill will be put In , n-lth Wtttor power from a tall race , of the central Irrigating cai.nl. Tuo no\v churches , u Methodist and a Baptist , onoof thorn already commenced , will bo orectod. Several busi ness bouses , residences and minor improve ments have already been begun , with others In Bight , The extremely favorable outlook for a good haivcst , both under the Irrigating canals and otherwise , has inspired a general feeling of prosperity and progress. I'lvnlrkril ut Ni'ltrimku ' t'lty. Niimvmc\CiTVNou.Julyy. : ( Special Tolo- ( crum to TUB HUE. ] Fifteen bupdrod Danes arrived in tbo city by special trains over the Kansas City rcnvl this morning for a plculo under tbo auspices of lodge * Nos. 1 and 10 of Omaha and No. 10 of Council BlufTx. Thu uuv was passed pleasantly. Tbo picnickers left ut 10 o'clock for name. A largo number remained to upend the Fourth of July in this ehy. _ Oiiltil IIII'H llriiiilnn. Ouuui.i : , Nob. , July U. [ Special Tele- prum to Tin : UBK , ] Exercises nit be reunion tadtyero mostly of a religious character , Hov. Charles W , Savldge of Omaha de livered DUO of his Bill-ring sermons to one of the largest audiences ever assoiublod In this city , it was a mormon kiilteil to the occasion. C'haolaln Uozler entortainud the nudlenco in tbo afternoon by one of his uniquesermons. . I'ulrliiiry liii | > ri i'iiirnl > . FAIIIIU-UV , Nob. , July a. iSpoclal to TUB Bui : . ] Tbo city council contracted with tbo Falruury eloctrio lliht ( and power company for llflcpii nro lights at $110 per annum , Tbo will bo put lu at ouoo or as soou as the company can put In another dynamo , the ono now In use being taxed to it full capacity with commercial lights und tbo four city lights uow In uso. I'rmiiTuir * Xiicliil Mfo. FIUNKUNNob. . , July 3.-Spsclal [ to TUB But : . ! Social llfu In Franklin has been en joying qulto a boom. The entertainments started by n reception tendered to Mr. and nnd Mrs. J. T. McKlnnon by the citizens of tbo community. Mr. McKlnnon loft W'odnos ' day for his new Hold of work nt Exeter , where ho will bo principal of the public schools. Ho served In that capacity lour vcnn nl this place and has gained u good reputation as ono of the best of educators. Monday evening was tbo occasion ot n sur prise party for Colonel J. D. CSaso , it being Ills fitlth birthday. A largo number of per sons from this vicinity participated. James Black presented him with a gold bonded cane as a testimonial of tbo esteem bo was bold In by his friends. Tuesday evening was tbo occasion of the wooden wedding of 1'rof. nnd Mrs. A. C. Hart , nnd their residence was llllod with the best citizens of the community. An enjoy able evening was spent. Miss Cora Smith , one of Omahn'stcacbcra , is visiting friondb here during her vacation. Hev. E. S. Dutcber , who has been pastor of the Muthodlst congregation hero for tbo past nlno months , recently received tbo ap pointment as Instructor In the Indian school nt Fort Lewis , Colo. , nnd with his family * has departed for that place. The county seat light is now on and cr.ouqh names mtvo been obtained to call a special election. There does not promise to be as much bitterness manifested this time over the contest au there was clx yeara ago wtrtm Franklin lost It. _ Ciiilnri.l | u Tlililii Trump. Sni'Tii hior.v CITV , Nob. , July II. [ Special to Tin : Bi.i.j-A tramp went Into 'Uilllam ( .Irammonz's barbershop Saturday nftornorm during Ibo temporary absence of the proprie tor nnd purloined thu contents of the cash box , amounting to ji : orl. The city marshal captured thu thlet and compelled him to disgorge. Ho was then allowed to go In peace. An effort U being mndo to hnvo the street car company oxtnnd its track from Its pres ent terminus to the Chicago , St. Paul , Min neapolis & Omaha dopot. Tno steamer Libblo Conper is bolnc used by the Pontoon Bridge company to get their pontoon boats Into position preparatory to placing the bridge In Jhapo for tralllc at soon as the present high water recedes. At pres ent the now ferry boat is doing excellent service , nuking regular trips and runnlntr until midnight \\edncsday , Satutdny and bundny nights. H. T. Oxuiird , the beet sugar manufac turer , ana others have secured a charter con ditionally for n wagon bridge over the Mis- Eouri liver at tills point , the conditions being such that if the Pucitio Short Line Bridge company violates any of the provisions of the charter granted them for a combined railroad and wagon bridge their charter shall oo can celled und the Oxnnrd company allowed 10 constiuct the wagon bridgo. Tbo prospect for u bridge is very bright. O'Nt'lll'HViitur \Vfirks IlomN. O'NBiu. . Nob. , July 3. [ Special to Tun BBE.J The city council nt Its meeting Thurs day night received bids tot tbo purchasing of the $15,000 water worics bonds. J. W. Thomas , president of the State bink of O'Neill , was the successful bidder. The bonds brought a premium of ? 000. The contract for putting in the water works svstem was lotto Meals t\s Godfrey , a local llrm , tbo price being a trillo over $14 , 000. MA James H , Itiggs. postmaster at O'Neill , und formerly editor of tno Frontier , has re signed his federal position and Mr. John A. llnzolct , doputv county ciork , has been ap pointed. Mr. Kiggi , in company with his brother , George 1) . Kigjs , will teen remove to Ilot Springs , Ark. , uhero they will on- trace In newspaper work. O'Neill will bo quiet on the Fourth. Her people will divine tbcir attention between Atkinson , Page , Dorsoy and Scottville , in Holt county and Spencer nnd Butte in Bovd county. Five hundred Indians will partici pate in the celebration at Butto. At Sponsor tbo O'Neill ball club , recently organized , will undunvor to beat tbo champion team of Boyd county. NtitrH uf NGWH from \Vuync. W.ivxn , Nob. , July 3. [ Sooclil to THE BBB.J Dr. Wiglitman. and Hnbort Mellor are erecting two handsome brick structures on the west side of M.iin street , making a total of live brick business buildings so far this year. The Nebraska normal college building is nearly completed and work on tbo dormitory is progressing rapidly. About 100 htudents nro in attendance at the summer term. The normal is n grand BUCCCSS. Way no will celebrate the Fourth In a rousing manner. Colonel Simpson of Nor folk will deliver the oration of the day. A gran torchlight parade and a display of lire- works have been arranged lor the evening , The contract for the building ot 818,000 system of water works lias been let to tno A. F. Paige Co. of Sioux City and Is to bo completed by October 1. It will bo the most complete sys tem of any city of 2,000 inhabitants in tbo west. ItcMliii'i'il Ills Claims. NKIUUSKA Onv , Ntb. , July 3. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BIE.J The c'iso of Jumc.s Meredith against Nebraska City Starch fac tory occupied the attention of tbo district court more than twenty-four hours. The plaintiff claimed to hnvo been injured und mndo a permanent cripple through tbo negligence of tbo company , boiig Irjjrod bv falling timbers. Ho sued for f 10,000 dam- usoi. The jury tolurned u scaled verdict , but it lias leaked out Unit the plaintiff was awarded between $ Mi ) nud ? , tJO. If it ls | BO the cuso will go to the supreme courl. GoTiiBxnrmi , Nob. , July 3. [ Special to Tin : HBB.I The lake is again nearly full of water , and the work o ! preparing It for power is being rapidly pushed. The work now done in that direction Is of the most substantial kind and has already cost u largo amount of money. Growing crops promise well nt present. Kuril. is Count } ' * llnrvcst. CAMIWIIWI : , Nob. , July 3. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BBC. I Harvesting has com menced hero. M. S. Pollard started u noxv reaper In one of tbo ilncst Holds of rye In tbo state. Many others , vlll bo cutting small grain next week. Hulns yesterday Have made farmers jubilant over the prospects of all grains. _ Aillo-.Mlttlicll. NBIIIUSKA Cirv , July 3. [ Special to TUB BIH. : ] Charles P. Adio and MUs Mary Mitchell were married todnv a * . 2 o'clock , at the residence of Mrs. J. L. Mitchell , Hov. T K. Hunter olllciallna. The contracting parties are well-known voung people uf this city and great society favorites. Ndlir.mlm's Doiith Koll. FAIHFIKI.D , Nob. , July 3. [ Special Telegram - gram to TinfBBE.J Lander Brover , ono of tbo pioneers of Clay comity , died suddenly yesterday. Mr. Brever was for many years postmaster nl this placeami was prominent In the Grand Army of the Uopubllo nud church circles. ' - Iliiiltllni ; . Poxoi , Nob. , July 3. [ Special to TUB Bui : . ] Tbo excavation for the now Socurlly bunk bulldlnir , coiner of Ea t ana Third streeu , has been completed und work will bo begun on thu building immediately. It U to be u tv > o-story brick. Pcopiowhogtvo Hood1 * Sarsaparilla a fair trial rcallzo lu great merit and are glad to say u gooJ word lor lu Have you tried it. lli'.ny ItiihiK In M HKI.BXI , Mont. , July 3. Tlio heavy rnlus Imvo done considerable dumago to crops in the states east of hero , but lu Montana they have been the chief sufferer * , nnd to them the storms of this uuprecodoutud year have boon most disastrous. Thu worst effects have been between Great Falls and Helena , where aleut twontv-tive miles , of tbo Mon tana Coatial , which U u part of tlio Great Northern , has buen about wiped out , and n now track mum bo built. It will probably bo tbo Ut of August before the track can bo used. "Luto t bed and early to rue will sbo'tot thu road tc your homo lu the skies. " Bun early to bed and "Llttlo Early Utse * , " tuo pill that wuuos llfu louijor und better and wUor. | TWO CONVICTS PARDONED Released After Ten Yean of Prissn Life in Nebraska. THEY DREW FOURTH OF JULY PRIZES Nclli ( Iddfroilurn of Valley County mid Henry II , Ccijnn ol Chi'ycnno Aiilii at Liberty History f Their Crliucu Lincoln Nulls. LINCOLN , Neb. , July n. | Special to Tun BctJ : tn accordance with tbo statutory provisions ot the laws of Nobrasxa , which permits the pardon of t\yp convicts on every Fourth of Julv , Ooveraor Boyd yesterday afternoon afllxoj his oftlclal slguaturo to the pardons of Nolls Godfrodsen of Valley county and Henry B. Covno of Cheyenne county , and on Monday both men will leave the penitentiary , where they hnvo lived for moro than ton years past. A careful con sideration of the fuels ID tbo case of both men convinced Governor Boyd that they were worthy of tbo clemency ho extended to them. Godfrodscn was committed to Iho peni tentiary on Mav 20 , ISbJ. The man Killed by him wiis a fellow I'ltizcn of Valley county , lie had called upon Godfredson to Induce bun to SIRII a potlllon for some purpose or other. ( Jodfredson refused nud hot words followed which soon resulted in n light in which Godfrodscn wns whipped so badly tlmt ho was confined to His bed. The next day the man appeared nt the house with the same petition and upon the refusal of God- fmlson'a wife to slcn it , ho commenced to heather. Angered at" the assault upon bin wife , Godfredsen sprang from his bed , sol/cd an old imiskot standing near and riddled tbo assailant with bullott. Coyno was n herder in Cheyenne county and w.13 never ml verso to u friendly g.tmo of poker. One ovcnltiR ho won a considerable > um of money from a wealthy stockman. The next day the stockman duinandcu the return of hi * inonov. Coyno declined to hand It over nnd u lltfht ensued. During the llcht the stockman drew a revolver und tired tlneo shots nt Coyoo. Before ho could lire tlio fourth Coyno bud drawn a weapon and tno stockman foil mortally injured nt the flr.it shot. shot.Tho conduct of both men has boon excellent .slnco their incarceration , neither having jccn reported for an Infraction of the rulo.i. Petitions for the pardon of both men were duly presented to the governor ana all tlio usual formalities were observed. Will 1'urnUli Supplies. The board of purchase and supplies com pleted its work yesterday forenoon. The following contracts were awarded : Lincoln insaneftsvlum : Dry jroods , Miller & Paine ; croccrios and butter , C. 11. Uobman ; meats , Gottier Bros. " : drucs , Schilling Bros. ; paints nnd oils , J. 11. Hurley ; coal , Whitebioast Coal company ; Hour , Ashland Mill company. Hastings insane nsylum : Moats , I'ulmer Bros. ; drugs , Hurst A ; Co. ; groceries , F. J. Benedict it Co. ; broad , J. Fisher : Hour , Humphrey & ISdperton ; dry goods , \Volbacb & Bruch ; coal , Hastings Fuel company. Kearney IndU'trinl school : Groceries , , ! . N. Wright ; coal , G. H. Dunning ; Hour , Loftwicti As Fredericic. Soldiers und sailors homo , Grand Island : Meat , Myor & Uoruollus ; coal , G. H. Cnld- well ; m'ocoric1 ! . , 11. B. Koer ; Hour , Grand Island Milling comu-iny ; drugs , H. D. Boyden ; coal oil , A. C. Lcdorman. Ueiit nnd dumb inslilulo , Omaha : Drugs , J. A. Fuller & Co. ; paints and oils , ,1. A. Fuller Ac Co. ; dry goods , Morse Dry Goods company ; meat , F. E. Cutter ; groceries , Courtney & Co. ; coal , Coutaut At Squires ; bread , Utto Wagner. Norfolk insane asylum : Goal , C. Hudat ; meat , 11. E. Glis > sinati ; dry goods , Bebeo , I'lerco & Co. ; groceries , Havmond Bros. ; drugs. A. K. Leonard ; Hour , M. C. Walker. leoblo. minded Institute , Bcalrico : Grocer ies , Emil Lang ; broad , B ranker Bros. ; meat , C. F. Wooer ; coal , It. J. Coneland. Girls industrial school , Geneva : Groceries , Mohinan & Aronds ; dry goods , Sorrick & Son ; coal , Koohlcr A : Co. ; Hour , Genera roller mill. Blind asylum , Nebraska City : Groceries , Dunn &Coloman ; meat , G. W. Saunders. Industrial homo , Mllford : Boots and shoos. W. T. Orcutt ; groceries , W. T. Orcutt ; moots , D. A. Howard ; Hour. F. S. Johuson. 'May iilect n Compromise. Tbo residents of East Lincoln who are so vigorously opposing the Hock Island grade crossing at O street have suggested the fol lowing compromise : They propose Unit the Hock lalunu tracks bo depressed six feet below low the urobOut grade , and that the present O street grade bo raised six feet tor a short distance on each side of the crossing. The street would then bo Hllod in Irom lot line to lot line and the slope up to tbo cut would bo so gradual that struct Irafllc would in no wlso bo inconvenienced. In audition the Hock Islnnd is to erect a short viaduct not more than eight foot blah over its tracks on O btreet. A competent onplnoer tins estimated the cost of this viaduct , together witti all necessary expenses of changing tlio grado. lining , curbing and repaying , at $17,000. The Hock Island olllcluls are suid to look upon the proposal with some degree of favor. Vi-ry l.llio a Cyclone. East Lincoln was visited by n high wind slorm about midnight Friday night. A big barn belonging to Brown Bros , was de molished ut the corner of Twenty-seventh and Orchard strscts. Although It was a sub stantial structure , the force of the wind re duced it to kliidllnc ; wood. A section of the coal sheds of Trester's coal yards , twenty feet wide and thlrty-llvo feet long , was picked up and carried some distance nnd dc- poilled right aide up in a vacant lot. The sides and roof of the big shed wera compara tively uninjured. The weight of coal held tbo Hoar in place. Numerous sheds , barns and small buildings were demolished , but fortunately not n single dwelling bouso was Injured nnd nobody was hurt. Telegraph , telephone and electric light wires were broken and linemen were iccnt busy the rest of tbo nlgbt repairing tbo damages. I.lneiiln III Urief. A fanner driving along Eleventh street ran Into and wrecked a carriage near N street yesterday forenoon. A lltllo child , the only occupant of tba carriage , was unin jured. Health Officer Bartram yesterday after noon burled the remains of the man dug up b.v school boys at Seventh and G streets. The old Lancaster cemetery was located ut that point twenty-live years ago and bones are frequently disturbed Tiy workmen lu making excavations for new buildings. The now steamer Queen of the Lake wns launched ut Saltou lane yesterday uftoriioon. It will carry 100 passengers. Chairman Woodward of tbo republican congressional committee for ( he First dis trict yesterday issued the call for the repub lican convention to nominate u candidate for congress. The convention will bo hold ut Nebraska City on July " 8. rum : t > ii.risn in TJIH Opponent * nml Advocate * of tlio YVIilto .Meliil C'onciictliit ; I'liiiiH. WASHINGTON , D. C. , July 3. According to tbo rules of the bouso the frco silver bill which came over from tbo sonata will llo op the speaker's table for ono legislative day aud will then bo referred to the coamlttoo on coinage , weights und moaiuroa. A3 the bouso has adjourned until Tuesday tbo bill will not got before tbo committee until that day. Wednesday U the regular mooting day ot the committee on coinagu nnd It Is probable that if nothing unforeseen oc curs a mooting will bo called for that day. Mr. Bland , chairman of the committee , hoi been absent from the city about two weeks. Hearing of the passage of the bill ho promptly telegraphed that bo would btart Immediately on tiU return to Washington and bo will arrive bore In tlmo to authorize the calling of a meeting for Wednesday. Pending action on the bill by tbo commit- > WANTED : Tout l..ut uf CITIES , i COUHTIEU , SCHOOL J DISTRICTS , IWATER COMPANIES , UT.R.R.COMPANIES.ttc. Correspondence solicited. NsW.IIARRISftCOMPANY.Bankers , tas.lOB Doorborn Gtreet , CHICAGO. . tl Wall Street , NEW YORKs 706Ut 8t.s BOQTOM , tea nothlnp romAtjw to bo done orcopt to create sentiment for or against the bill among the moirflicYs of the house , and this the tnmiagors oft 40 rcspcctlvo sides nro doltiR with moro or loss vigor nnd suc cess. As there ' "will uo but small prospect of reaching n vote on tbo bill , if unlimited deb Uc uera allowed , and the necessity for n eloturo rule to close de bate Is adopted , tlio talk nil day baa boon confined to discussion of whether there would bo n cloturu rule , and secondarily , If there 13 ono , hnw tho' ropubllcnns will vote U such n rule Is repdrtod. Tlio nnti > 8llvor dehocrnts ) hnvc ns yet hnil no formal confcronco ; but they nro uolns a good deal of trisslomtrv worlt. They beilovo that they have sufllctent strenpth to defeal eloturo If they can obtain the assistance of the republican * ! , but the republican * will not commit themselves.Vlen \ ttio bill Rots on the calendar the mica committee will bo nsked to report it special order for Its con sideration. Tbo colnaco advocates will not brook any delay that Indicates a disposition to shelve the question. Colonel William * Proinotrd. \V'ASIIIN < ITO.V , D. 0. , July 3. The president has decided to appoint Colonel Uobort Wil liams , senior assistant adjutant gotioral , to bo adjutant general of tuonrmv , vice General .1. U Kclton retired , HrliMilier ( ieneral J. C. ICclton , rotlred , will bo appointed gover nor of Iho soldiers homo at WashliiKtou. J.YO Tii mt iti ; roiv rio.v. U XO\T In the .Alltlit of H Ct\l | \\nr , New Oni.r.AN.s La. , July 3. The steam ship Professor Moiso arrived yesterday from Colbi , Honduras , brliiRltig roiorl3 to the effect that n revolution , under the leadership of Colonel El Nouila , vtook Vlac'O in Cclba on Juno ( l A number - bor ot Kovtirnmoiit troops were killed nnd suvcriil wounded. The revolutionists seized the American steamship Joseph Otori , Jr. , owned bv Joseph Otcrt of Now Orleans. und were going with her to Truxillo to seize that plaeo nnd other points on the coast of Honduras. There is every Indication of the revolution proving n success , ns a majority of the people seem to favor It and tire aiding In tbo rovolt. Colonel Nculln , the head of tbo revolution , has issued u proclamation against the existing government. DoU'itt's Sarsaparilla U reliable. ItlKlt IX J'JiO.V. . Arrcstoil for rorjjpry a Stvluillcr Dies ns Ho In rincnl Ili'lilnd tliu lliir * . SAV I--IIAXCISCO - , C.U. , July 3. William Hil- chor , an Oakland ronl estate dealer , wns nr- rested hero yesterday on n cbnrgo of forgery. \ \ hen placed under arrest ho wns seized with n lit of apoplexy nnd died shortly nftor. The forgery In which IJIlchor wns Implicated wns during nnd iinlquo. Two years ngo n woman calling herself Emma Dick wont be fore u notary accompanied by two men , and nail n mortgage for $ S,000 on Miss Dick's property drawn up. She secured the money , wh'jti it wus discovered sno was not Miss Dick. Gracie Gilbert , who acknowledged the mortgage , was arrested in the state of Washington and confessed she had per sonated Miss Dick and that Bllcbor and Jeuells assisted ncr. Jon ells was also ar rested. When you go to Denver stop nt the Ameri can houso. Hates S-J.o'J to SJ..VJ. liomodolod thioughout. Sti'iiiiK3 Insiiiilty. Albany Evening Journal : A strnngo citso of' insanity has recently coino to liptht at LBiillston. The unfortuniilo nor- son is Clmrlcs II. .Morris , 32 yours ol'ngo nnd an expert acpounlunt. llo has fnr n long tiino buon liiiown as a intin of mtiny eccentricities ami hits frequently been mudo the object of practical jokes by sporting mon. Ills thought that con stant joking and tenting have been a potent factor in impairing his mental faculties. Ho 1ms several times lately left town for a few days , sometimes on business , gometimos on pleaati'ro , nnd before fore leaving caused to bo published in the local papers paragraphs to the olTcct that ho ' 'had gone to New York to at tend n convention of the ragpickers nt the Fifth Avenue hotel. " About two months auo invitations were sent out an nouncing that ho was about to marry a well known young woman Irom another town. The invitations were bona fide , but on the day of the wedding Morris remained in town , denying that ho had any thought of marrying. Ho is con- sidorcd a Hrst-cliiss accountant , and np- ) icars to bo as sane as nny ono , except for those actions. \Vna Washington 31 At a woman's club , recently , n letter written by Geot go Washington to his mother was road , and occasioned con- bidorablo comment , saya the Chicago Journal of Commerce. In reply tea proposition of Mrs. Wash ington to coino to g pond the winter with her distinguished son in the city , bo- ciuibu she had rheumatism , and the roof of her house leaked , the general replied that , IIH for her roof , ho would have it shingled at once nnd would send her n doctor , but tlrit it would bo impossible to receive her at his homo , for three reasons : First , she could not cat at the taolo with his guobts without causing remarks from them ; second , if her meals were Bent to her room it would inconvenience his wife , and , third , if she were to oat with the servants , it would causa scan dalous talk. If the document is genuine and its voracity has not yet been ques tioned it it a decided rollection on the table manners of Mrs. Mary Washing ton. _ Dlscaso novcr successfully attacks a sys tem with pure blooJ. PuWiu's ijarsuparilla niaues pure , iu.volo3i.iiJjiricaui : : ttii j'.l. A cordial invitation is extended to all delegates and vifiitorn by 1'axton < fc Gal lagher to call and eeo their tea plant. This is quite n curiosity , as it is the first opportunity afforded the people of the United States to BOO tea growing in tholr own country. " 7ooJci like a ghost I" Tunt'8 what they say of the palo , thin , weak woman who's "run down" and over worked. Prob ably she knows il herself. But there's ono thing she can't know , or she wouldn't ) feel so mul look icand / that is , that Or. Tierce's Favorite Prescription is pimrantttti to help her. It's n legitimate medicine , made especially for woman's neiMls ] an invigorating , restora tive touiu and u nooThlng and strengthening nervine , Imparting Hone and vigor to thu whole system. , , , But It Isn't a ru > r stimulant. It's a reme dy , biifo and t-'ir" / ' " all thu functional do- rangcmonU , painful disorders , and chronlo wonkiic&bcs that unp ! ' ° women buffer. In " female complajq P" of every kind , pe riodical pains , Inttranl Inflammation , ulceration - tion , and kindred ailments , it's ( funruntercl to benefit or cure , or the money la returned. No other medicine for women U sold HO. Proof that nothing eke Is " Just ns good. " SaveYourEyesigh Kyos tostctl f roe bynn n\I ElT ( OPTIOIAN I'orfi'Ctuiljustmont. Hupurlor lansoi. Nurv- ouslivaduuliu uurud by Uhlui ; our bnoutucltj anil Kybiliihsos 1'rluoi low for lint ului ? goods. THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO , , 1H a 15th SU , Crolghtoa Both the method nnd results when Syrupof Fips is taken ; U is pleasant nnd refreshing to the taste , and nets Emtly yet promptly on the Kidneys , iver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches nnd fevers nnd cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind over pro-i duced , pleasing to the taste nnd nc- ccptnblo to the stomach , prompt jn its action nnd truly bcnchcinl in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its ijianvexcellcntqualilicscommend it to nil nnd have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Fit's is for sale in 75c bottles "by nlf lending druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for nny ono who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. , SAN FHAWOISOO , OA.Ii. LOUISVILLE. KY. MEW YORK , N. Y. A Written Gnarimteo to Curs Every Cftso or Monay Hofundad. Our cure lj pcimnnrnt anil r.ota pMchlaq p. Csnol treated levon yenri ago hnvG neror icen A ijmptom ilnoe. llr describing ciuo fnlljwo CAB tra.tl you bf mall , nd we clyo tht game strong Runrnntot 10 curs or refund all money. Those irlio prefer to oome tiers for treatment can do sonnl we will par railroad fan both WBJB od hotel bills wtillo hero , IfTo lall to cure W challenge tlio wort J fora cms tuat our Mania Kerned ? will not cure , \vrlto foi particulars an1 got th Tldene . In our icvon years pmctlce with the Ucclo Remodj U tia bean inoit illRlcult to orereoma the prejudices ivii\ln l socnllod ipuclilc * . Hut under ouratrong guarauteo thousnnds ar0 trying It and ba IrjRcareil. WcEtmrnntca to euro or refund erery dollar , and us we hare a rcputitlon to protect , alia financial backing of KTO.OXm Is pcrfectlr late to all who wlli try the IrcHtmcnt , Heretofore you have putting up and pnylnK out your money for different treatments , nnd although you are not yet cure I na ono hu paid back your money. Wo will positively cure yon , Old , chronlo , deep cntiU cams cared In 3J loUJdays. luve tt te our financial standing , our reputation as business mm.Vrito us for names anJ addroscsof those no h'ive cured who have glvan permission to refer to them. It cost * yon only pont age to do this. If your symptoms faro sore ttirotit , mucous patches In mouth , rhtjinatlsm In bones and Joints , hnlr fulling out , eruptions on any part of tba loily , felling of general depression , pnlns la healer bones. TOU bnve no time to waste. Tuose who are constantly taking mercury nnd polish , should dl < - continue It. Constant use of these drugs will suruly tiring sores and catlnz ulcers tn the unl. Doa't fall to write. All correspondence sent sealed In pinto en velope.Vo Inv.lo tliomon rlk'IJ InvestlKutlou anJ will do all Incur powcrto all you In It. Address , COOK REMEDY CO. . - Oirmhrv. Neb FORMEN ONLY . 8COO fora cnso of Lo T or FAIMKQ Mv- lioon , Guiiprut or Nmvous D u I.ITV , woak- ncsBnf body urmlml. the olloclsof orrorior ov- cosscsln oldoryouiirf tliiitwoc.innotcuro. Wo pu.ir.mtooovury t-ftso orr.ifiitul every doll ir. Five diiys trial trontmcnt Wl , full cou e W.1. I'ercoptlblo botioflts roillzo.l In three dnys. Ily inill , sociiroly picket from obaii'vatloa OMAHA. Ncu SCHENGK'S E PILL : Purely Veget Jle and Strictly Reliable. They not DIRECTLY nnil PROMPTLY on the Jjivor nnd Stonmoli , roatorlnir the constipated o'pans to hujilthy activity , nnd nro a POSlTIVEund PKRfECTLY SAFE CURE for CONSTIPATION , LIVER COMPLAINT , SICK HEAD ACHE , BILIOUSNESS , und ul ! othoi- diBotisos urisiiifj from a disordered con dition of the Liver und Stomach. They nro the Only Iti-llbio Vpgntalilo Mvor tri ) I ; I'nw nrj I'orfu-tly Ilirnlou ; Tlu I'riil'uriily Vo otalilo ; Try Thorn. DH. SchcncU'sltoalc on Consiiiiiiitlon , Complaint mid DVSDODSIII Sunt 1'iou. J. II. &OIIE.NOIC A.SO.N. l'hlt : loilila ! Anoir and CompltUi Treatment , comlsllng 0 ] Bupiiosltortas , Oln'mant In I'apsuluj , ulso lu llox anill'lIU ; n l'o > llvo : Cure for Kiternnl , Internal blind or Uleedlng Honing , ( 'l-.ronlo , lluoent or Heredi tary 1'llos Tnls Ituinol/has never bL-on known to fall , ft per box d forfi ; riTitby mill Why sutlcrfroin this tcrrlblo rtUonno vrhun a written guarantee Is positively given with 0 bojoi or refund the moneylf not cured send stamp for free tir.uiplo. ( iuarafltea Issued by Kuhn A Co. , Dru tsts , Hol Agaats , corner U and Do B glas streets , Omaha , Ne ! > . SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. eat cnttlo , hoi ; uud nhoop 111,11 kot In tlio west COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE & FRAZIZR L1VK BTOO1C COMM1 S1ON. THE uAI : > EU3. flMUHI Writs to this hongs for cor- UJ1AI1A | rcot Marltdt Wood Brothers , b'outli Oiuiilm Telephone Ili7. - Chloago J. 1) . DADISMAN , I . . W. I ! . WOUI ) . f J'au ' or . Marliot reports by mull aiU wlru chourfully upon aiiillCitlon. ] ! Campbell Commission Co. Clilcuen , r.istBt. Louts , Kansas City , Bouth uiuuhu , elou\0lly , Kort Worth. A. D. Boyer &Company , Hiilldliu-.HoutliOiiiuhi. Corresi > undonru ullclteil nnd uroinplly l ullumluii to orders lor tocttor & feeders. EstaUlUlied , 16iJ. ! Incorporate , 18JJ Capital full/ paid , I2UUJJ. Waggoner liirncy Company , \Vrlloor wlro u Jur prompt unJ rullablu uiurkut rt'purts. Perry Brothers & Company , Llvo Htnolc Coniiulhbloii. Itoom M UxcliuiiKO llulldln , ' , boulli Omaha Tulupliouu ITilf. M. II. Hegarty & Oo. , U ccm 31 Kxcuuno llulldliif. Bouth Omuku , Not ) OMAHA IlaifactoFs' ' niDQELL St. CO. J. II. GLENN. ( Kstnbllsbed 13J ) , Contractors nml Mib conlructoM for nil kinds of Wholsnlo butter & ones nnttor , chpoic , vests , biilMIni : p.a'torln-1 | iilntln < ot . will rei-vlva a UUTB mid sells tor vcx-etnlilOB , fruitspoul > copy of ( tlenn'ri iirrhltuctn nnil 1)11)1111 ) 1 itlroi'tory . . I try uud gama. cash. < US. llth sU fnc , tiy ( tontlliiK tht'lr niinio , tnisliicHH nnil loan -THERE AHE IffiillPd'-IIOffi ' -AN D- Pciisiou tents in Palaces That is the sort of thing Th3 Bee Bureau of Claims was or ganized to correct. The liureau believes in giving the veterans the benefit of the laws that were passed to help them. It wages war on the sharks cense quently the sharks don't like it. But as long : as the sol diers aie grateful it is satis fied. If yon are a veteran , or the widow , child or de pendant parent oi a veteran , write to Tl",8 Be3 Bureau of Claims and find out how much the government is willing to do for you. THE Bee Bureau of Claims Omaha.Neb. Frank Cross (512 ( Douglas Street , Omaha. Western Audits Wright & DltMin's TENNIS GOODS. nK.AClI JJASIC HA1.U CJOODS. A full line of general Atlilotlu ( JonclH. GYMNASIUM GOODS Vine Klslilng Tackle , etc. , oto FLAGS and FIRE WORK fc'oiio for catalogue ) and prices. Hucclal lit- . tcntion given to null onlurd. 1'JHOKB fJUAUANTKUJ ) . Frank Cross Gun Co. , 1(312 ( Douglas Street. All the latest styles hi Soft and Stiff Plats. STETSON'S SOFT and STIFF hATS. AOLABADGHFDRCO. HATTERS ANO FURRIERS 218 South 15th Street. lurs : Stored an I Rcpairel. . < > oi * o oc > oo * RIPANo TABULES lx/TJlat < > ; inu > toniMhmir nnu t < wel3 , purl * fy tlio lilood. ere H > IU HJI ! clfM'lual | , the butt mi illiliiu L non u fur Mllouo- uiv > , cointlnuilon. UyriicpilJ , foul > ) l < uU , IwodriLo , li < arlluriifount ' < pix-lUtMuontcliU | rrKrlun , ( lUDfu ) dUcFtlon , ( lipilm , milluw i > , im > li i Ion , ami vtrri ul' < aw rfiultiiii ; f i um . , > \oci \ . IT inllui o liy t1ic-'i.tuiiin < ) i. lli r or In . illiics tojMrloim tliel proper funLllimo J trwoiti. ! ' : ! ? . ! > / ' < > I , 1 ifr&itf.HnJimpH'.llP. Hll'ANS CllKMfOAI. ( ! ( ) . . lOtpruce .Km York HHYEYO'J MianDif'olation CLAIM YET ? You'd better not waste any more time if yon expect to get anything from the gov ernment. Unless you put your claim on record before March 3 , 180-1 you will never have another chance. It takes lime to .put an ap plication in shape , and there is not a bit of spere tima left. Whatever you have lost by the Indians , under the conditions described in the law , can be recovered if you go about it in the right way. The 833 Bureau of Claims knows just how to go to work. Write and fin I out. THE - - Bee Bureau of Claims Omaha , Neb ,