Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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"Several Flaws in the Testimony of tlio
State's Witnesses.
Vflm- tin ) I'ltllure of the City National Itiuik
All .Money Win lluposltoil In
tlio Namenf Adnini
Nob. , July 2. [ Special Tele
gram lo Titc Um : . ] Uxport J. A. Halcliffe
was on the stand again this mornltiL' when
the Paul embezzlement case was called In the
district court. Ho cnumoraiod a number of
errors ho hud found In the cash books nud
lodgers. These errors were made by enter
ing doblls nscrodils and Items Iwico. The
dofonio , on cruss-examinallon , endeavored lo
llnd ( laws in iho evidence nnd succeeded in
Rolling Mr. ftntcllffo to ncknowlodco thill ho
was wrong in ono of those items , and that
there was a posslbillly of , If not a probabil
ity , that ho was mistaken In others.
Prof. W. A. Jones , \\ho was Katcliff's
assistant , gave in detail the method of com
paring thu books. II. H. Lymer , receiver of
the aefuncl City Nutlonnl bank , was called
end n stipulation made between counsel thai
Ino Pnul accounls prior to the fniluro were
kept und'ir the mime "Chnrlos II. Paul ,
treasurer , " and alter the failure under the
nnino of "Adams county "
( foncrnl A. H Bowen , one of Iho counsel
for the state , hcio stated lhat he thought ,
that this would complete the state's case , oul
AS Iho llmo until adjournment was short , ho
would prulor to leave the mailer open , ns Iho
prosecution might wish to introduce other
evidence. The court than took n recess until
'J ucsilny , und after being cautioned Iho Jury-
uion woio allowed to separate.
Tlin ovldonru as iMvon up to Ibis poinl has
contained nn Immense umounl of docu
mentary evidence. Nearly seventy exhibits
have been tiled nnd n largo portion of those
consist principally of liguics.
cttor.s i > AMA < ; ii : > uv .STOIC.M.
tiHgii County 1'iiriiior Heavy Loners Ite-
porls Irom Other Portion * ol NVIirmtci.
Hiivrniri : , Neb. , July 2. | Special Tele
gram to Tin : HKI : . ] Ono of Iho most do-
ilruclivo hail slonns ever known in Gage
Jj counly fell nt hulwoon 1 and 2 o'clock yeslor-
day aflcrnoon in Ilia vlolnltv of 1'iclirell ,
ibout Iwolvo miles norm of llns city. Th o
bnll belt was uboul four miles wide und
caused extensive damage. Tno crops on the
farm of Mrs. Frank Holt v ore almost com
pletely destroyed , Including wheat , oats ,
corn nnd hnv. On n farm adjacent ono
womnn loit 2i)0 ) chickens , Killed by the hail.
The hullstonos vat lea in .sl/.o from thai of
marbles to lions'cgg . In some places the
hall fell to n depth of eighteen inches.Vin -
dews were generally demolished throughout
the entire district. Thedestructton to grow
ing crops Is Immense.
STASTI x , Nob. , July 2. [ Special to Tun Copious rains visited this counly
lust night and it 1ms practically assured Ihn
Binnll L'ruln crop. Farmers are In the height
of good -spirits , as thu outlook for crops
of nil kinds Is excellent.
NCHMIN Oitovi : . Nob. , July 2. [ Special
to TIIK Bni- ] Last night n heavy rnln fell
hc o , laying the dust , und this mornlne is
brliThl nnd cool nnd much enthusiasm Is
enticed by the people.
FMIIIII nv , Nob. , July 2. [ Special 10 Tin :
Biu.J : A heavy rainfall lust night satttraled
thu ground nud loft the crops In good shape
gonornlly. Oals hnvo been damaged some
( by Iho dry weather , bill Iho whonl is nil
right and lad night's rain places the corn in
good condition.
During the ntorm the residence of J. A.
.Jlurpor . on Fifth street wns struck by
lightning nnd considerably damaged , but
tVtnio of Iho Inmntrs were inlured.
SnwAini , Nob. , July 2. [ Special to Tin :
Hun. I-This locality was visited vo tordny
nnd last night by a line ruin , which was
much needed. Oals nro going to be short ,
nt the least , bill ibis rnln will improve llioir
condition greatly. Corn Is clean , looks well
nud growing nicely. Kyo und winter wheat
wil ! bo n good crop. The farmers nro feeling
good over the timely rains.
Last nlghl about 10:10 : ! a diminutive cvclono
struck the farm of A. I ) . Smith , two'miles
west of Sowurd , completely demolishing his
Unrn nnd windmill , nnd blowing down n
number of trees. Two horses in the barn nt
.ho llmo weio not injured. No other dum-
ago was dene in the neighborhood.
Co/i > , Neb. , July 2. [ Special to Tun
JJr.u.J A bout , 7 o'clock lasl evening this lo
cality was visited by a nlco shower which
was quite badly needed. During tbo storm
the wind blew quite hard , blowing over out
houses and p'g ' nens. In tlin nortbwosl pan
of town a whirlwind struck a small barn
containing' throe head of horses. The build
ing wns carried up into thu air and entirely
demolished , Iho horses wore lifted from their
feet and thrown prostrate to the crounu un
injured. A building occupied as a harness
> hop was moved several feel out Into the
ro" The storm was heavier on the south
Jq it tno rivor. A barn Belonging to James
ivlnnai ) , live miles soulh of lown , was
wrecked by the wind.
HIIIIION : , Nob. , July 2. [ Special to THE
BF.I.J : A very heavy rain storm slruck this
section last nlL-lit. H was accompanied bv
ono of the worst llghlnlug storms ovnr wit
nessed hero. The Mothodlsl Episcopal
church was struck by lightning. The cupola
wus slightly wrecked.
lviM.I : , Nob. . July 2. [ Special Telegram
to Tint BIK. : | The rulnmakur who was to
have como to Webster county utter be was
through nt Nelson is not needed now , ns this
counly had n splendid rnln Insl nlghl for nn
hour , during which nn Inch of wilier fell.
The llghlning Hashed quito vividly during
* ho storm , nnd nl ono Inrin near by. slruck
nil Itislnnlly killed IIvu nond. of cnltlo. The
tin wns much needed and insures n good
/ . op of nil sniDll grain , hay and potatoes.
linn CI.OID , Neb. , July 2. ( Special Tele-
. .Tiini to Tin : Bit.J : Ono of the best rains
'tint over Msited this part of iho country
fell here last night. For two hours il wns n
Hlcndy downpour. For n week or so past
the farmers wcro board to grumble n lltllo
on account o/ the scarcity of rnln , but from
now on crops are assured.
Camp Vlfitnaln iiill : eiiiiil liyu Mmm lliittln
Al .Nimnmn ( iroie ,
Fin.i.mirov , Nob. , Jiny 2. [ Special Telegram
gram to Tin ; Bin. : | The second day of the
district Grand Army of the Republic en-
campmenl al Camp Vifqunlu has boon n
complolu success. Thousands of people were
In attondaiR-i ) . The sham battle between
Iho old volh mid Iho slate militia was nu in
teresting feature of the duy'n sport , result
ing In n complete victory for thu veterans
ilthough the booming of the cannon nnd the
ruttlo of the musketry mudo frlghilul music
The rucos , both running ami trotting ,
while not fast , were well contested. U U
txistod that Monday's program , ombrurlui *
Iho 20 : trot , Si'M pace , frou for ull , running ,
froon nice , pony nice , fool und blcvulu and n
rupollllon of thu shnui battle , will draw 8,000
people to the grounds ,
NIWM : X UIIOVK , Nob. , July 2. [ Special to
I'IIK HKKJ The soldiers' and sailors' counly
reunion convened hero ibis morning , poopl'u
coming In from all directions. Tuo touts for
Iho onntmpmeut are being rapidly Illlod
1'ho oily Is ono mass of bunting nnd Hags
OVKIHI.K , Neb. . July 2. [ Special Telegram
In'IiiK HICK. I The day opened auspiciously
for the reunion , the suiuto from the old urmv
run nwnkonlng otorybody ut sunrise , All
publlo bulliiIiiBA and manv residences were
docoraliid with rod nnj blue bunting , Flags
of the union nro llutterlng from every build-
Ing. 1 ho teiileu ilcld situated on elovuljd
ground oin bo seen miles away. The blue
coots cover veterans from manv dUtani
posts. Al 10a. . m. Judge W. Viillon ad-
Jreused u lurgo nudlonco on Iho "Duties of
j Amoriean Soldiers. " It wan u forcible , onT -
T tortnlnlng spooch. ThU uftornoon Judge W.
Kr onU duilveroj nn address that stirred
tliolcaiu ol lie old addles.
- Helinikkii .MortKiimi liidvliteiiiieaii.
Cir.XKVA , Nub. , July 2. [ Special to Tain
llni' . | Mortgaga Inuebteilnoss for Flluioro
county for Juno. Keal nutate mortgages filed ,
thirty-two , MO.M3 M ; city , twelve , f5OT3j
chattel , 151 , ftiiVkI.bO : ; real estate mortgages
relcu-sod , ilxty , f3U,55l,8J ; city , eleven , ( I , .
lilll.TS ; chuttul , 1-17 , tas.WW.ll. Decrease of
morlgngo indebtedness for Juno Is tli,783 30.
Of above rnal estate mortgage $ I3SG3.S3 xvas
Ken \ for part purchase price of land. This
U n most oxccllent showing , ns only ? ' 3GT1.T5
was for actual borrowed money , while the
real nnd city mortgages released amount to
Iti'iitrlro nnd rrninont As oinlilles firing
Well riitioulriMt N'otcs of thu riimii ,
nRMiucr , Nob. , July 2. [ Special to TUB
DBF. . ] Tbo third day of the Inter-stnto
chnutauqun ws greeted with nn In
creased nttcndnucs aud renewed Interest. A
fine rain fell last night thnt freshened up the
gtounds amazingly. No inconvenience , aside
from n llttlo temporary dlscomfott , rosullod
lo the campers , mm them only to ihoso who
had not properly secured their tonts. Today
excursion parlies cumo pouring In from nil
sections of this and adjacent states and the
hnndsomo grounds nro nrowdtd with visi
tors , the special attraction being thnt this Is
Educational day.
James L. Hughes of Toronto delivered n
splendid nddress nt the tnbornnclo this alter-
noon on the subject of "Schools nnU School
masters , " Tonight Professors D. W. Hob-
orison nnd Fred Emerson Brooks repeated
their unique nnd Interesting ontortnlnmetns
ut Ihc tnbosuuclo before n great audience.
Tomorrow Dr. U. A. Torroy of Chicago will
occupy the tnbornaclo pulpit nt' ) n. m. . und
nt II n. m. Chancellor Crnlghton of Unlvor-
sity Place. Lincoln , will preach nn educa
tional sermon , The assembly Sunday school
will assemble nl 2iO : ! p. in. , nnd in the ovtm-
Ing Dr. Dungan of Cottier university , Lin-
cold , will produh at the labernaclo.
FKKMOST , July 2. The Chautauqua tins
opened and nil Is encouraging thus far. The
attendance already is largo. In the Teach
ers'Instiiule alouo between ninety mid 100
teachers hnvo enrolled und others am com-
lup. A largo chorus class is being formed
under the leadership of U A. Forcna of
Omaha. Doan U right Is proving himself nn
excellent conductor The classes nro being
formed and nro well altendcu.
Dean Wrigh * , gave a lecture this forenoon
and Dr. D. C. Hulgowny In the afternoon.
This ovonlng Conrad Honey of Chicago lec
tured. The gates will bo clojod tomorrow
nml the dny bo spoilt In religious services
only. Donn Wrlirhl will preach nl 11 n. m.
and Kcv. Conrad Ilanoy nl S p. in. The ns-
Romblv Sunday school will bo conducted by
Demi W.-ightnlJi p. in.
Monday Is to bo national nnd Grand Army
of the liu'publiu day , nnd a great time Is ex
pected. Conrad Hnnoy will deliver Iho
nfternoon address and Hev. J. P. Mills , D.D. ,
the evening address. In the uftornoon the
liromou are to glvo an exhibition and drill on
the grounds. Everything gives promise of n
great eolubration.
Melbourne ( lot III * .Money.
Nr.i.sos , Nob. , July 2. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BIR : J-Tno following Is the report of
the findings of Iho rain commlllee of
NucUoels county regarding the lute rains
hero : "Wo , the undersigned ram com
mittee , llnd , under a verbal contract entered
Into between Frank Melbourne , the rnln
maker , nnd n'number of clti/ons of NucHools
county , Nebraska , to the effect Hint said
Frank Melbourne was to furnish a general
rain fall of one-half Inch in depth over
Muckools counly by II o'clock p. m.
Friday , July 1 ; that up lo thai
llmo there was n rainfall over the
greater part of said county , differing
in depth from one-sixteenth of an Inch to
one inch. > Vo find nlso by request of parties
lo said contract , thai said Frank Melbourne
continued hU operations until 10 o'clock
Friday ovonine , and thai Ihero followed a
general rainfall over Iho counly lo iho doplh
of not less than ono Inch.
Wo. Iho committee , thcrefogo award to
said Frank Melbourne the 81,000 under his
contract. W. T. BOI.I.INFIIM : : ,
1. C. KonmiTS ,
J. F. Ui 1:111. : ,
jAMK.sMtN.M.I.Y ,
Committo. "
Publio tentimont hero strongly favors
Melbourne. The country needed rnln ; ho
said ho would bring It within three days , nud
it camo. The people hnro are willing lo bo
llovo ho brought the rain with which this
counly nnd counties in this portion of Iho
state have blessed with in the past ( aw days.
Arrested lor Ill umv.
FKUMONT , Nob. , July 2. [ Special to Tin :
BII : . ] A raiddlo-ngod ladv , giving her name
us Augusta Fuchs , arrived in Fromoul
Thursday evening from Denver nud swore
out a warrant for Iho nrrosl of Aoigusl
Fuchs. who she claims Is her husband , the
churgo against him being that of blcamy.
Fuchs is running a brickyard across the
Platte , soulh of Iho city , nnd the oflleors ar
rested him on the complnml tiled. Ho had
his hearing yesterday and was bound over In
the sum of JCOO to iho October term of court.
Ho gave bail. Fuchs came hero aboul six
years ago from Omnha. Ho married wife
number iwo shorlly before leaving thoro. Ho
admits havimr been Married to wlfo number
ono In ( Jormauy and says ho lived with her
nfler coming to this counlry , but she became
such a terror to him that ho abandoned her
nnd mnrrled iho Omaha woman.
Jinlnil on MTlous ( 'lmrgo.
Sr.wAiiD , NOD. , July 2. fbpeclal lo THE
BEE.J Perry Palmer , n lough young citizen
of Sownrd is ngaln in trouble. Ho hnd n
preliminary hearing before Counly Judge
Minor yoslordny on Iho charge of allompling
n criminal nssnull on n young girl named
Welch , nnd was bound over lo Iho district
rourl in bonds of $1,000. Ho failed lo find n
bonus man nud is in jail.
Oiuirrelitillth " Her Neighbors.
IIIST"INOS , Nob. , July 2. [ SpecialTolegran
to Tin : BhC. I Christine Andersen , n Swed
ish servant clrl living on the south side , took
n drug containing opium yesterday with .sui
cidal intent. She got into trouble with ihn
neighbors , nnd , growing despondent , al-
tempted to make uwav with herself. Autt-
dotes brought her out of danger. Cun ( ilve. Hull ,
LINCOLN , Nob. , July 2. fSpccial Telegram
to Tin : Bm.J : Tbo supreme court this fore
noon made an order allowing Ed Keen , now
serving a ihrou years' sentence In the slate
penitentiary for criminal llbol , to give bal
until bis case can bo reached ut the noxi
term , which begins Soplomber'JO. His bond
was lixod nl $ JT > 0.
Droppml Uii.til In tlin Htrnut.
MINDKK , Nnb. , July 2. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Bii.j M. W. Oleason , deputy counly
treasurer , dropped dead in Iho slroets of this
city tonight nt :3U : o'clock , caused by heart
The treasurer Is nt Omnha attending the
tilllancu convention.
ICUluU by u .M ) tnr.
The motor lines added another victim to
their lists at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
Charley Uoso , n boy 12 years old , was
crossing Twenty-fourth street at the Inter
section of Bliinoy ,
Ho was caught boiwoon Iwo passing motor
trains aud wns run over and out to piccns by
the south bound trnlu. Tbo mangled remains
mains wore catborod up and taken to t'uo
coroner's ofllco.
Mr. Uoso , the oo.v's father , Is n mail carrier
aud wa away nl iho llmo. Mrs. Hoio wns
also uway from homo ami know nothing
about the accluimt for some tiino aflcrwurds
Coroner Maul Impanelled u Jury on the
spot , and uftur viewing the remains the body
wus tukuu to the morgue. The inquest wil
bo held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock.
Murrl tgu Ilunn e.4.
The following marriage licenses wcro
issued by Judgu Kllor yesterday !
Namu and Address. Ago.
l I'etur II. Keen , Omuha . . ' . '
I Anna M. Utilised. Omaha . . . 11
l Willliiin Duvo. Oinnlm - ?
I Anna Movers , Doiulas county . ' . '
I Jiimes Ut'iiobin , rUmlli Omaha. . . 4 :
I Alicu UuinmliiKsSuuthOmulm
Dr , Plorson , who has so acceptably Illloi
Simrgoon's ' pulpit for several months , ro
cuutly proacuud a sormou asking for.inonoy
Ho iuqulrnd why some of hii auditors woult
not glvo up smoking nnd devote thu roiulta
of Uils economy to charity , and suggubtoi
that ladioi might likewise make tuorlllcos uy
selling , or sending him tu soil , some of thulr
Jewelry. Thu next evening while ho wus
sluing with Uli deacons in council n box was
banded into the room , and 'jpou examination
was found to bo full of costly Jewels.
Chief Marshal Olnrksou and His Staff Arrange -
range the Order of Column.
\ll Arrangements Complete for nil Appro-
prime Olxoiiitlcm of tlio liny All
Trim I'lilrlnts llrnrly < ' l"
Cclehrnta Tlio IlntntK
TIio glorious Fourth wfll bo colcbrntod in
n lining manner in Omaha tomorrow. Tlio
commlttcos who are In charge of the ar
rangements for the pnraclo and other fon-
uros of the dny wore hard at work yeslor-
day. Lvory dotall of the affnlr has boon
> orfootod and OmMia will have occasion to
10 proud of the result. The interest tnltou
by the public Is general and enthusiastic nnd
ho upponls of the committee fur llnnncinl
inoiurngoinont were quickly responded to.
The committees have spared no pains to
mure the success of the undertaking , ana
hey have been enthusiastically seconded In
heir efforts by the business men of the city.
t was boltovod that the occasion furnished
an excellent , opportunity to show the roprc-
ontativoa of every state In the union who
nro gathered hero what Omaha can do in
ho way of a monster demonstration.
Tlio Independent convention will
adjourn nt 10UO : tomorrow forenoon
n order that the delegates may
iiivo an opnortunity to witness the parade
nnd listen to the speaking at Jefferson square.
1'no contrast Unit they will draw between
hut nnd the celebrations In other cities can
not but bo favorable to Omaha.
IViUiiiPS of thu rurinln.
The parade will bo ono of the most
ilubornto ovot soon In Nebraska ana n num-
) or of unlqno features will make It ono of
.ho moil picturesque. TUo nrmngomo.Hs
'or this fuaturo of the celebration have boon
cniiroly in charao of Major Clnrhson , who
aas uoon uiiroiiiltting lit his undeavors
to mnko It cclipso nil former efforts
of the kind. The military will bo n
feature of tun p.imilo. All the available
troops at Fort Omaha will Join in the pro
cession headed by the Second Infantry band.
Tneso will oo supplemented by ovorv Uriinu
Army of the Uopubllc nnd Sons of Voieinns
post j in Douglas county , the Omaha Guards
nnd I'Uicrs. '
'J'ho formation of the parade with the line
of march is ns follows :
Orilor ( it Column.
Platoon of Mounted I'olli'o.
Uliluf of I'ollco W. I. soavey.
'I lirco Platoons of I'ollci ; .
Chief T. H Olarkson mid Staff.
forms mi Sixteenth ill cut. north of Douglas ,
rlslu rostliiion Dniuliis
Assistant Marshal I' . H. nurmolsler : It. 9.
Wllcox unit K. M. t-toni' , nidus.
Hand -econd ITnlti'il States Infantry.
Second United t-tutus Infantry , Commanded
by Mnlor Worth.
Grand Army Post' ? .
Hens of Veterans
Twenty-fifth Avennu Juvuullu Ouards , Cap
tain Hobble , CommnmlliiK.
Captain btephuns1 'IVbullarltlos.
Forms on Slvtonlh stioot , south of Douglas ,
right losllm ; on llouelns.
Assistant Marshal , T. .T. I.owry.
Aides. C. O. l.obeel , . J. W. I.uslc , M. U. Klbboy.
Musical Unloe. band.
Omaha Guards , Catitaln Hamford , Command
Omuha GnanU. U.itllm ; Section.
( uvornor J. K. llovd and rftulf.
( iuner il .1. It. llrooko and buff.
Mayors of Omaha anil A < 1 lucent Cities.
City and County Olllrlals.
Omnha and South Onmlri Letter Curriers.
TrJvullnn'.Mon's Assool.itIon.
Forms on Flfteunth street , north of Douglas *
UMit tasting on Doutliu. . ,
Assistant Marshal , Charles P.oiler : Aides ,
1) ) . IS. Hhoiids , K. J.Kiispar.
I * . Sorensen , Union , O. I' Strntemann , William
Hockur , 1' . K. Hodman. Albart SJobcrg ,
James Walsh , 1' . M. Mullen.
HnMoinlrtli Hand.
Wagon UoprosoiitliiR Liberty Protecting frons
and D.uulilors of lioliomia.
Knights of St tioorge.
Gymnast lu boUol.
IlcnovohMil SoUol , 'Tyrs No. 1.
1'iilasUy l.odiro No. 111. C. fc. I1. S.
St. John's C.ithollo Mjclety.
HU Wmiesulaiis Catholic boelety.
St. Cyrlll and Matliodeus Catholic Society.
Hlovun AmericUy AJ.V ) . Knluhts of Labor.
LodgoJohn Una , No. 5. Knights of I'ythlas
Court Nebraska , No.'Hi. . Iiidopuiidunt OrJor
of Odd V'ollons.
lloliomlnn Amork'an L'ltl/uns1 Club.
Dnnlsh Association.
Danish llrothurhood Two Lodges.
Odd 1'ullutts1 Hand.
Concordla blnslinr Society.
Onriha Turner Voroln.
Arlon SliiL'ln.SocIoty.
Lie lerkraiu Singing Souloty.
I'lattdontschor Voroln.
&ii\oiihi Vitreln.
ICilo cr Voiom.
Halorn Yuroln.
fceliwaben Veroln.
Swedish N'orden Society.
Wnsi'iii.'toii I.oil 1:0.
Other Swedish youlntlos.
Ancient Order of Hibernians Hand ,
Hibernian itllles.
AnoIentOrdorof Hibernians Seven Divisions.
Kmniett Monument Association.
Vonni : .Mou's InstltnU ) .
Catholic Knights of America.
Cathollo Mutual Kencllt Association Three
Cathnllo Lotion of Honor.
Forms on Fifteenth htrout , smith of Douglas.
riKlil iirttmson Duiialiis.
Assistant inarsliul. T. II. Mol'hcrson ; aides ,
C. 1' . Miller , Hovel.
Walnut Hill Hand.
VlsltliieSoeletlesnml Cltl/umotSouth Omaha
and Adjacent Towns.
Forms on Fiinrluenth suuot , north of Douglas -
las , rlsht resting on DouBlim.
AsiMimi in ir-hal. Dr. d. K. Si.udlii ) ! ; : aide ,
Lewis Iiltllollelil.
suventh Ward HJIII ] ,
J , J. nalllu'an , Chluf and Assistants.
Omnha Flro Dup.irtmunt. KNLMIIO ( . 'oinpany.
I'liiri-iico I'lii ) ( oinpany.
J. .M. Thnritim Drum Corpd.
Marclilm : Clubs of Wards and City.
Tuborean Cadets. J. I' , llrnco Commanding.
Harry Miin Maruhlm ; Club.
Forms on Tlilrtuunth street north of
las , rluht lustliijton Douslas. Assistant mar- K. Oveuill. Aides , William S. Sobrlii
J. M. Kennedy.
Union I'aclllo Hand and Two Drum Corps.
All Or anl/i'd Labor Societies and Unions ,
and ( Inorxanl/od La'or.
I'ornib on Twelfth strout north of Douglas
A ilstitnt , Dudley bmltli. Aides
Uirlmnl Smltli , .lohn H. Sawhlll , W. U.
Hand. <
Omaha , Tourists and VOIIIIK Men's ChrUtlan
Asisoclatlon Wheel Clubs ,
IInn or .March.
Tnoroutoof maroh will bo as follows :
From Sixteenth street east on DuUL'las to
Ninth , south to Howard , west to Twelfth ,
north to Furnani , west to Slxtennth , north to
( mining , countermarch on Sixteenth to Hur-
noy , where the parade will bo dismissed.
" All assistant marshals uud uldes will report
port to the chief marshal , mounted , In front
of the posloftlca building at 0IQ ; ! a. in , sharp
for instructions.
The parade will start from Sixteenth ana
Douglas itroots at 1U0 ; ! a. in , sharp.
All divisions must bo formed nnd In posi
tion by 1U:15 : a. m.
All bands and drum corps will report al
10 a. m. In front of the postofllco building ,
to John U. Willis , mdo in charge of bands.
Those composing the Sixth and Hoventt
divisions will talco their position * from the
right In the order of iirrivinn on the grouu d
Onlv one wagon or float to ono linn , am
no political banners or emblems allowed n :
the pnrado ,
At JollVirmui Nqn.ird ,
The oxcrcUos of the day will bo hold at
noon on .Jultursoii gquaro. 'J'uo platforms
will bo erected at diagonal corners , so that
the entire audlonco will bo able to hear thu
The Declaration of Iiidupcndonca will bo
road by 1) , II. Morcornud John C. Whnrton ,
The orators of the day are : T. J. Muhonoy ,
U. J. Smylbound Prof. F. A. Flupalrlck.
/ . T. Lludsoy and Ulnhard rimllh wil
Tno celebration will closoulth a granc
display of fireworks al tbo High scboo
ground ! lu the nvcnlng ,
All those who have volunteered to loin the
ran lu of Sherman's bumuiora , and all desir
ing to Join will please report to W , K. Beu
Sight is priceless and its proper preservation is a matter for the most earnest consideration of every person of ordinary
Common sense. The abuse of the eyes by the people of the United States and all other modern or'pioneer countries has led
: o the growth and discovery of defects entirely unknown to science twenty years ago. This is the result , not only of being fit
ted by persons entirely incompetent , but with lenses inaccurately ground and badly centered. Do you know the lense decen-
tered one centimeter [ the one-hundredth part of an inch ] will produce as many prism dioptrics as it possesses lenticular di
optrics of refraction ? Why wear poorly made spectacles when you can get the best for the same price ? Tudor's Adamantine
enses are scientifically ground from the cleanest crystal obtainable and arc of a density to resist with ordinary care scratching
and marring [ the greatest defect of common spectacles ] and thus throwing for the greatest length of time a distinct and ac
curate retinal reflection. Building up the nerve power , easing and rendering natural the accomodation , they are without doubt
jest adapted for optical purposes and are recommended by all the most prominent of the medical faculty , not only in the United
States , but in Mexico , West Indies and the Dominion of Canada.
EchVard Jennings , Halifax , Nova Scotia , Vice-President Medical Association of Canada1
Dr. Brainyea , Ex-Governor of Zacatecas.
Dr. Mann , Ex-Governor of Aguas Caliertes.
The governor of Guadalajara , and others to numerous to mention.
noil's ilvorv barn on Capitol avenue , oppo
site the Exposition building , ut 0 o'cloclt
hhnrp on Monday morning. All young men
who wish lo join Iho column are Invited to
como mounted.
.Mil } or lie nils' Onlerx.
Mayor Bcmis has Issued the following
order relative to the parade , which will bo
strictly enforced :
O.MMIA. July 2. W. S. Si\vnr : , Chief of
Police : Dear Sir. You are directed to en
force tlin ordinances of Iho cily concerning
( hocraekor : ) and fireworks on Iho public
streets on Mondnv , July , along thu several
streets designated ns the line of the pnrado
for thai day. during Iho llmo of such parade.
You are further directed to prevent any car
riage or other vehicles except such ns belong
to the parade from onlerjng upon the streets
forming the line of parade between the hours
of 10 o'clock and noon. '
U 1:01101 ; P , BhMis , Mayor.
They AVI1I Add to tlio IMqtiirvMiiiienos * of the
I'mirtli il July I'imiilo.
There was an onthuslastld mooting of trav-
cling men in the reading rooms of the Mercer
hotel last night , at which action was taken
on a communication from Marshal Clarkson ,
asking the fraternity to take part in tbo
Fourth of July parado.
The boys wont into the proposition with
iholr usual vim nnd in a very .short time com
pleted arrangements to turn out in force and
add ono of the roost picturcsauo features to
the pageant. H. Harberg was In the chair
and Y. H. Harris was appointed secretary.
A uniform was adopted consisting of a
negligee shirt , high hat and n Japanese
parasol it they can bo obtained , und all
traveling men "who may bo in the city on
Monday , or who can como to the city on that
dav , wcro urgently requested to talto part in
the parade , and for thnt purpose they nro
invited to meet at the Mercer atU o'clock
of the morning of the Fourth.
A committee , consisting of James \ \ .
Lusk , M. W. Halov. C. W. Close , M. O.
Kibbon and W. U. Park , was appointed to
see that all the articles of the uniform uro at
hand and rcailv for those who wish to pur-
ohaso thorn on Monday nt Tbo Mercor. ;
Mike Dee , C. M. Mend and W. L. Paul
were appointed as a committee to visit all
the hotels as a sort of "press gang" and sea
that ovorybudy had an invitation to par
The thanks of the meeting were extended
to TUB BKB and the proprietor of the hotel
for courtesies extended.
To Traveling Men.
All traveling men who may road this
notice are cordially invited to moot at the
Mercer , conmr Twelfth nnd Howard
btroots , Omaha , on Monday at T a. m. to tuko
part In the great Fourth of .Tuly parade.
Uniforms will bo furnished nt the hotel.
Y. II. HviiiiH , secretary.
Decorations ut tliu lieu Iliillillng.
The decorations in the handsome court of
Tun UCB building , now that they uro completed -
plotod , excel in point of artistic beauty any
former occasion , nnd will undoubtedly bo
been and admired by thousands oo the na
tion's natal dujv From the pediments in the
sixth story to too bottom the walls have boon
hung with shblc's ' , half circles , circles aud
other geometrical forms , with the national
colors deftly interwoven. At tlio entrance to
the roar portion the decorator has boon par
ticularly happy in his work , a handsome Hag
falling from the center of the arch over
which an American eagle U poised as If
ready to mount skyward. On o'.thorsldo
smaller Hags uro drupcdgiving a particularly
inspiring air to the court , which Is lavish in
rod , whitound blue. Hcautlfulsbiolds , stars ,
and Hags project from the facades about
the court , adding to the effectiveness of the
The oxtorlor , too , is a model of the decora
tor's art , n number of people having boon
nntlvoly ut wont for u week n-ist in making
the decorations for the occasion , and which
are now in position. Hut the olfcct will bo
jiindo additionally improsslvo when the largo
.star with colored olootrio lights Is placed di
rectly over the main entrance , nnd which on
Monday evening will bo Illuminated , as well
us the court , from 8 until 11 o'clocit. A cor
dial invitation is extended , to the general
public Monday ovonlng , and uy moans of
invrlad electric lights see 'tho ' decorations
which far surpass the jdlaplay made when
President Harrison received the thousands
lu the court , . - - _
Bnililun ICuiirennUiitloii I'CjJj'o Snldlorn Ilo-
lluf < ; < niiiiini ( ( .
The Soldiers Uoliof commission has shot
Its sonrotary , M. D. Kjreho.-Into the cold
world without oven glvlnk'hl\\l \ the first show
for his whtto alloy. , I'bU all hap
pened yesterday inornlag. ' though Mr.
Uocho IJIIOWB nothing ; ' , aliout it , as
Just now ho is out of the city !
The two members of the ppmmlsslon , Ur.
Stone and John P , Henderson , dropped Into
Mr. Uocho'soRIcu In U u basement of the
court house und not JHilIqff. him there nt
once dcclurod tbo ofllco vacant and clpctcd
Mr. Henderson to flit thu position. The pro
perty belonging to the commission was nt
once packed up nnd moved to Henderson's
hotel at 1011) ) Mason street.
Will Content Ci-nrcu TlininuV Will ,
It will not bo many dnyi before suit will
bo Instituted to contest the will of the late
( Joorgo K , Timmo. Prior to Mr. Timmo's
death ho made a will In which four of his
chldien , Klcbard , Victor , KnuiK and Clara ,
were disinherited , the proparty being loft to
the wife and the other children. The disin
herited children were born to Mr. Tunuio by
a wife who died many years ago.
Herruau , the brother of-tho deceased , will
assist tbo holrs in the coutest prococdltigj.
How the People's ' Party Stands iu tbo
Fnr West.
Ono Iitfttniico lu U'nlch tliii i\-Piotliloiit :
Seriously niiiiiiigf'il tlio luttMoftH of
tliu 1'unplu Otlmr Wiihlilngtoii
1'olltlcill ( i014ll. |
Wvsinsorov DUIIKVU op THE DUE , )
WASIIINOIOX , D. C. , July 2. )
Whoa Senator Fred Dubols of . Idaho
learned today thnt Senator iCylo of South
Dukolu Had said in &n interview that the
people's party could carry Idaho on a free
coinage platform ho said. "It is untrue.
The people's party could not carry Idaho on
any platform. The state is republican. It
Is true that there was a strong tendency
toward n third paity before the Chicago con
vention uominatod Cleveland , but U vanished
when that ballot was taken. Our people
know perfectly well thut if the third party
carries any of the republican states it would
throw the election of ttio president into the
house of representatives. They know per
fectly well that the present house of repre
sentatives , and not the one to bo elected this
lull , will decide who shall bo president.
"If it , is loft to the decision of congress ,
they know that the democrats control two-
thirds of the states In congress and that
Cleveland would bo elected. People who
live in the section I indicate do not tuko any
chance on the election of Cleveland.
Cloveliiiul liijurud thu Went.
"No ono over Injured the west moro than
ho did. During bis administration our mail
facilities were curtailed in every direction
and every citizen out there knows it through
bitter experience. The country was growing
with wonderful raplulty , and Its needs In-
croused daily , but the mall service was kept
in a crippled condition until Mr. Harrison
carao into power. Today the service is being
pushed to a pace which is as nearly as possi
ble equal to our national growth.
"Thero are many other reasons why wo
should remember Cleveland. Ills commis
sioner of the general land ofllce Sparks-
rendered himself odious. Ho assorted that
all tbo settlers on the public lands were
thiovos. Ho also undertook to make them
prove the contrary. Ho had his special
agents scattered throughout that region spy
ing upon settlers and arresting them for
every technical violation of the law which
8 m nil minds could uoujuro up. lie refused
to issue patents to lands nnd in hundreds of
ways harassed the poor nnd bonn ildo set
tlers , making oven their lives burdensome.
Ho was evidently carrying out the policy of
his chief , nnd I am sure thnt our ponplo will
Imvono moro of such an administration.
Ignored I'rmlons Hiiiltt" < .
"Tho democratic partv under Cleveland at
tempted to uut lend on the frco list. The
present house has continued that policy and
has endeavored to carry it out by spcclllo
legislation. Notwithstanding the fact that
Cleveland was elected on a platform which
pledged him to appoint onicors for the vari
ous territories from among the residents of
the respective territories , ho utterly ignored
the pledges of his party and sent foreign
oflloonoldors politicians who had boon dis
appointed ut homo to govern the territories.
"Harrison on the contrary has lived un to
the spirit and letter or this plank In his party
platform. Ho gave all the territories unadulterated -
adulterated 'homo rule. ' Harrison's whole
policy has boon such us to command the ro-
spool and support of our people. They bo-
licvo thut their best interests have boon moro
carefully looked after under his administra
tion tmn | under thut of any provident Tor
many years. "
.11 r. IInrrUdii'H SlUor Vlim-n.
Representative Burrows of Michigan was
among President Harrison's early callers
this morning. Mr. liurrows , besides being
ono of the foremost loaders of the house at
ull times , Is the parliamentarian who was
chosen to sido-trask the free coinage bill
wlion It was before congress somo'xvooks
ago. Mr. Burrows talked with the presi
dent about the outlook of the free coinage
bill , now that it has gene to the house after
adoption by the sonata. Ho would not say
what the president said to him , but in his
observation to Tin : Biii ! correspondent there
Is little doubt that bo voiced the president's
Mr. Burrows said the bill must go to the
committee on coinage , weights und measures.
Mr. Blund is out of tbo cltv , but ho could not
prevent-Its reference to the committee if ho
were hero. "Do you think the coinage com
mittee will report the bllll"
Mr. Burrows hesitated , tboi : replied : "It
has refused to do so , but I am iLclluud to
think It will now report. "
Upon Its own motion or by direction and
forcoof thu house I"
"Probably upon IU own motion. It will
now llkoly appear thut the bouse can muiter
a majority for thu bill , and If it does not
agree to report the measure back a resolu
tion ulll bo adopted compelling a report. "
Klli'ct of tlio Mmulc'it Action ,
"Do you bollovo the action of thu sonata
yesterday In passing the bill will have u
moral effect upon the house in its favor I"
"Cnrtalnly. " suid Mr. Burrows , "nny
action by tlio senate would hcvo t > omo In-
iluonco upon tba house and in a case of this
character It would uocossurllv have a potent
InlHionco , This In not altogether a political
measure , in fuel it has but little politics in It ,
unless it Is a stop by the democrats with u
viuw to embarrassing the prosldonl and thu
adoption of the bill by the senate will. In m
opinion , llkoly iiillnonco enough members of
the house to glvo tno bill n majority. "
"Will the president voiothu bllll"
"Tho president , " si.ld Mr. Burrows guard
edly , "is n lo\cl headed man as you must
know nnd no business proposi Ion will seri
ously ambarriws him. it is my improisioii
that' the president will IIIU'KO u.uiclc woru of
the bill If it goes to him. "
"Then he will veto HI"
"Ho will not sign it , " was the ready re
"When will the tuir of war como over tbo
monsuio In tlio house ! "
"I should think In ten days , or as soon ns
the house committee has hud icnsonublo
time for consideration. "
Think ItVlll CHUM' Trouble.
Although it ii generally conceded Hint
since the adoption of the measure by the
senate , which adds unmistakable prostico
and moral influence , the free coinage bill has
a majority in the house , the impression prevails -
vails among the democrats that Mr. Cleveland
land will "lay down" upon the loaders of his
party In that body and piovont llnal action ,
as the democratic' candidate is a very dog-
matiooncmv of silver. Then there nro many
long-hondod democrats In the house who snv
that if thu bill is Dually adopted nnd Presi
dent Harrison should veto it , the ropub
Means will have n solid phalanx from Maine
to the Mississippi river this year
Senator Mnnderson has declined the Invi
tation to deliver an address M the Grand
Army of the Republic reunion nt Superior ,
Nob. , in August , on account of other engage
ments and because it Is not n sun : thing that
congress will not 1)3 ) In session nl thnt time.
For the same rcusou ho has sent n declination
in rcsponsn to the Invitation to attend n re
union at Grand Island.
The patrons of the postofllcns nt Fontnucllo
nnd Tolbastor have potitioucd for n daily in
stead of atrl-wookly mail.
Senator Mnnderson is making an effort to
get n change of the time of arrival nnd de
parture of mails on IhoStnry and Urammercy
route In Sioux county.
A postofllco has been established in Dawson -
son county named Laurel.
Kqprosontativo Henderson of Iowa today
introduced a bill to pension Edwin W. Bunco
nnd Uoprosentutlvo Bowman introduced n
bill to correct the military record of Jonas O.
Johnson of company A , Fint Nebraska cav
The senate has passed Paddook's bill
granting a pension to Uroouvlllc It. Turner
of Wyrnoru , Web.
J. K. Latham was today appointed post
master at ICIrkwood , Brulu county , S. IJ. ,
vice 11. A. Edwards , resigned.
The leave of absence on surgeon's certifi
cate of disability granted additional Second
Lieutenant Charles S. Bromwoll , corps of
engineers , April 'J , Is extended three months
on surgeon's cortlllcato of disability.
Huprosontatlvo Bowman of Iowa 1ms had
his olll reported favorably to pension at ? 3 u
month Mra. PhuiboSiclor , widow of Isaac M.
Assistant Secretary Chandler today : if-
llrmed the commissionuas decision in the
timber culture contostof William K. Wutor-
bury against Persons Bump nnd L. U. Hlnclc-
loy , from Mltcholl , S. U. , dismissing the
contest. p. s. II.
lloivil lliiinocriitlii Cdlillilltti'O Attoniilcil |
to Mitkn Political Cnpltiil.
W.ismvoTox , D. C. , July 'J. HoDresonto-
lives Kulnos , Hopkins of Illinois and Bros-
ius , of the house couimlttoo on civil service
reform , today suomlttud a minority report
in regard to the uliogod violat on * of the
civil service law by federal oinnloyas at Bal
timore. it criticises the action of the ma
jority of tbo committed In disregarding the
plain Instructions of the resolution under
which the inquiry was instituted. That
portion of thu majority report , soys the
minority , which presumed to inquire into
the comparative trustworthiness und fidelity
of omiuont olllcers of thu govern
ment was altogether gratuitous , Imperti
nent and scandalous. It was not permissible
to say that the majority was inspired by n
doMro to manufacture capital for campaign
purposes , by wanton con 3 nro of a public of-
II cor of tlio opposite political party , uud yet
the minority was unnblo to discover uuy
other inotivo for so Hugrnnt u disregard of
the early oxprojsod hope of thu Inquiry.
Hint No CirotiiuU lor Complaint.
The majority report 1 entirely devoted to
n criticism of thu postmaster general bo-
causa ho had not curried out the recommen
dation of thu commissioner by making re
movals designated. It Is argued thai
for tills ruason that oftlulal Is in
hostility to tbo civil service law.
This position taken by the majority
Is not only absurd , but Is highly unjust to the
postmaster general. Hiid ho acted upon the
recommendation of thu civil service commis
sion , ho would have removed the two men
who are not under his Jurisdiction at ull. It
dooa not appear to the minority tliut the
charges against the men rocoinmondud for
removal hiivo boon sustained by that degree
of proof which would warrant their being
brought to thu attention of iho courts. Thu
minority believes that the action of the Pott-
ollliio department was taken with duo regard
to thu requirements of the civil norvlco law
und Iho rights of the parties accused ,
\VAUIIINOTOX % , D. C. , JulyJ. [ Special Tolo-
gnim to TIIH HUB. ] The following list of
pensions grunted Is reported by TJIK BIK :
uud oxumlner Bureau of Claims ;
Nebraska : Original John McCabe , Au
gustus Scbroadar , William Chapman. IHUUU
U' . Taylor , Jacob O. Martin , Alvni T. Wo-
IUUCKS , William O. Boliuo , Abruhum Klein-
motJuntos FUhcr , John McKlnnoy , John
Keller , Jonathan P. Vanscuy , Morgan An
trim , Joseph Brown , Allen J , ChlUon , Alex
ander ICIrkpatrluk , Uobarl Smith. Adcll-
j tionnl James S. Deulherago. Incionso -
Francis A linnet' , ' /ni-harmh Col don , An
drew Jones. Original widow Mary Wnhl.
Iowa : Original John Keller , 1) ) Oscar
Clupo , Christopher Kllllnn , Samuel . blm-
mons. Phllfp Lowe , Peter S. Gabrio , Alvii
A. S\\oot , Henry .Maycucu. Joseph L. Tuy-
Ipr , ( icorgo S. Tripi ) . Jamas Fowler , John
Sohoi.lng , Joseph A. FiU'hnatrlek , ( Joorgo
H. t'omstock , Kri Dodgu , Thomui M. Wll-
kin. Increase William II. Jones , C'hniles
Pliirci' , Thomas .1. Lancaster. William II.
Hamilton , .lucob A. Mnrtm , David Hunter ,
Charles Huulor , John Lucas , Samuel L.
Whpulor. liulssuo John Berry. Original
widows Mnggio A. Richmond , Lurandu
Ducati , Martini Amos.
North Daltuta : Original Homer A. Net-
thro p.
South Dakota : Original liufus II. Kich
nrdson , Lovl Vim YoorbU , William U'lilto ,
Ucnrgo H. Summers. Additional -Jacob
Swart/ , John L.
Colorado : Original Mary Jowett Tolforo
( nurse ) , special net ; Frank Slkos , Aaron I ) .
Webster , .fames I. Council , Wesley Boyd ,
IJoWitt C. Liwroncu , James A. Payne ,
Henry P. Clark , Albert Sariini.
IN TIII : iiot-i ; : .
How the AiiiioiiniTiiiiMit of the I'ussiiL-e of
MID SennitSilicr ISill U'm Itcrrlvril.
\ \V\binviiro\ . C. , July 12. The Journal
having ueun read in thu house this morning ,
n message from the senate announcing Iho
passage of the free silver bill was received
with upplauso.
A disagreeing roufcrcnco report on the
District of Columbia appropriation bill was
presented. A further confotunco was ordered
und the conferees were instructed to urco nn
amendment providing $ " > ,000 out of district
lovcmius tor expenses attending the Crnnd
Army encampment nt Washington.
Mr. Blanchard of Louisiana submitted the
conference report on the river und harbor
The previous question on the ndontlon of
the report waordcrod yois , l.'iimvs ; , ill.
After eulogies dellvereu bv Puigo of Mary
land und others to the lute Senator Wilson bt
Maryland , the house udjourucd until Tues
Thut IScrlli Still hui/nro.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , July S. No ofllciol
information has bean received in Washing
ton today up to the close of ofllco hours re
garding the reported seizure of British ves
sels in Alaskan waters by the rovouua
steamer Corwln. Secretary Foster of the
Stnto department was this afternoon shown
a copv of the Associated I'nus dispatch
from Victoria , B. C. , giving details of the
caso. Ho said thai while Iho department
had no information on the subject as yet , ho
saw no icnson to doubt the nuuuracy of tbo
press dispatches and especially n < they Indi
cated very conclusively that Iho sel/uros
worn made in coiisoquunco of n violation of
the United States mvcnuo nnd custom laws.
und not because of n violation of the modus
vivondi ugroomout bntwcon the United
States and Urail Britain In regard to thu
seal llihorlcs.
' -HMiliillii ) Cmlii III.
, D. ( . ' . , July 3. Iloprasontn-
tivo Crain of Texas wu.s attacked with a case
of sickness , somowhnt ro-iouibllng cramps
nnd nttnndcd by n writhing of the muscles ,
wlillo in Ins scat In the house this mnrning.
Ho was promptly removed to the hospital.
Mr. Criiln Is apparently suffering from
nervous prostration und needs absolute rest
nnd quiet to restore him to his normal con
It Uiirml the Itoy.
My llttlo hey was very bud off for two
months with dmrrtma : , Wo used various
medicines , also called in two doctors , but
nothing did him any good until wo used
Chamberlain's Cello , Cholera and Dlnrrlnu'i
romudy , which gave prompt relief und cured
him permanently , I consider it thu best
mediclno mudo nnd can conscientiously
rocommcnd u to all who need u reliable
remedy fordlarrhun , colic or cholera morhus.
J. 12. Hiiro , TVenton , Tex.
( 'oliiiiilHxIoiiitrH Mlllm- und l.lnlngiir unit
( illl'ilc'iuT ( 'leVDliinil ( 'oimirii ) ,
The park uommisslouor.s Intended to hold
n meeting yosiorday uftornnon , uut only Dr.
Mlllor and Mr. Llnlngor of thu board wuro
Mr. Cleveland , iho park gardonar , was
also proionl , and half an hour was sponl in
conversation about parks and boulovurds lu
Mr , Cleveland mud ho would advlso the
board to till up the bottom of the deep ra
vine that runs through BomU park HO that
u level area could bo secured for u winding
wulu in the bottom of Um ravine.
Dr. Miller advuticod the idea of ( 'ottlng the
property owners on west Faniam street to
uonatu ton feet on oauh uldo of the present
street , mnkliiL' it 10u fcoi wldo from
about Tlurlloth ntrool to thu
city HiniU on the west uud
change it into u line boulovurd loading to
Klmwood park. Out of this central houlu-
vnrd ho said other boulovurds could branuh
to thu north und south , nut this Hhtmld ho
mojo the urcat central pleasure drlvu lead-
lutr Into thu city from the WIMI.
Mr. Cleveland was uskod whut ho thought
of thu schema and ho approved of it ,
It SUMI * tlin Children ,
Mr. C , 11. Shawon , Wollsville , ICnu. , suy.s :
"It Is with pleasure thut 1 speak of thu good
Chamberlain's Colic , Choluru nnd Dinrrhina
liemedy has done my fumily durliif thu last
fourteen years. In the most obstmulu cusui
of summer complulntand diurrhma among
my children , It atuod as u charm , making It
imvor necessary to null In u phybluiuu. i uun
truthfully nay thut In my Judgment , tiuied
on your * of experience , there is notu mud-
Iclno lu the timrkut that is lu equal.